Re: Is there a folder synchronization utility or software for the mac?

2010-06-22 Thread David Hole

I haven't tried that sync toy-thing, but if I understand ye right, 
you'll make it with Dropbox ( or Live Mesh 

Den 22.06.2010 06:25, skrev Alfredo:

Over on my windows PC I used the free program Sync toy to synchronize
my downloaded podcast into the book sense.  It would only transfer
files that had not been transferred before.  This was convenient since
after listening to a podcast on the book sense, I then deleted the
file, and only new downloaded podcast would appear on the book sense
folders, which let me know that they were new podcast.  Plus this
strategy allowed me to avoid the clutter of having many files to
scroll to when listening to a podcast.  Is there a program for the Mac
that will synchronize folders like sin toy does on windows?  Any
synchronization software suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Is there a folder synchronization utility or software for the mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
sorry. the only suggestion i can come up with is itunes. That syncs stuff very 
nicely in my opinion.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 9:25 PM, Alfredo wrote:

> Over on my windows PC I used the free program Sync toy to synchronize
> my downloaded podcast into the book sense.  It would only transfer
> files that had not been transferred before.  This was convenient since
> after listening to a podcast on the book sense, I then deleted the
> file, and only new downloaded podcast would appear on the book sense
> folders, which let me know that they were new podcast.  Plus this
> strategy allowed me to avoid the clutter of having many files to
> scroll to when listening to a podcast.  Is there a program for the Mac
> that will synchronize folders like sin toy does on windows?  Any
> synchronization software suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Alfredo
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Re: Is there a way to map keys to other keys on Mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Not that I'm ware of but try googlein for such a thign and keep us posted.

Take care.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:55 PM, Alfredo wrote:

> I have a 13" mac book pro, and hence the keys it contains are limited
> and would like to know if there is a utility or way to map soem keys
> to other keys such as when you use spark on windows.  I want to map my
> right command key to an option key, and my right option key to a
> control key so that I can use VO keys on both sides.  Currently the
> mac book pro, only has the command and option keys on the right side
> of the key board whcih prevents me from executing some voice over keys
> easily.  Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated.
> Alfredo
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amadeus question

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi fellow Amadeus users,
I have just bought the program, and I managed to record a song with it. It was 
a bit tricky since I had to hand sync the vocal track with the instrumental 
track. The two questions I have are:
1. Is there a way to move between tracks with voiceover in a multi-track 
2. If you select the pass through box in the record dialog, why is there a 
delay on the output?
My first thought was that it had something to do with the sound card in my 
macbook, but I was wondering if anyone else had experienced that.
Over all, I have to say I'm very pleased at how well voiceover handles Amadeus, 
and I'm becoming more and more comfortable using it in stead of Gold Wave.


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Re: iBooks issue on iPod touch and possibly iPhone

2010-06-22 Thread Scott Howell
Hi Esther, I tried this last night and encountered the same issue. I 
double-tapped the "Free" button and when nothing happen, I found a button that 
was labeled something similar to "language English" or something along those 
lines. I double-tapped that button and then was prompted for my iTUnes 
password. So, this appears to be some sort of accessibility issue.
It took me two tries to figure it out, but I must say, very interesting.
On Jun 21, 2010, at 10:22 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Blake and Joel,
> Try doing a double tap and hold on the button.  What's happening is that the 
> app is waiting for you to double tap the button again.  On the iPad, where 
> this all works, the button for the price or "free" changes into a "Get Book" 
> button that you double tap again to confirm your selection/purchase.  Then 
> you are prompted to enter your iTunes password.  What I had to do on my iPod 
> Touch was locate the button where "Get Book" should have shown up by moving 
> my finger up slightly from "Get Sample" button.  Then I toggled VoiceOver off 
> and tapped once in that location, and toggled VoiceOver back on.  I was at 
> the window where VoiceOver prompts you for you iTunes password, so I typed 
> that in and the book downloaded.  The second time, I tried a double tap and 
> hold on the button.  This might only have worked because my iTunes password 
> was still active, though.  I would report this as an accessibility issue.  
> The books did show up in my library after I typed in the iTunes password, but 
> I was experimenting with free books for this trial run.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Blake Sinnett wrote:
>> I do a search and click on the book I want. From there, there's a button 
>> that says free or the price of the book. That's the button I'm talking about.
>> Thanks,
>> Blake
>> From:
>> Subject: Re: iBooks issue on iPod touch and possibly iPhone
>> Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 18:58:07 -0400
>> To:
>> hang on,
>> when you say the button to buy a book, which one do you mean?
>> do you mean the button labelled "buy"  when you are reading a sample, or do 
>> you mean the one that says "get book" or whatever in the store?
>> I have not tried the former.
>> Joel
>> On Jun 21, 2010, at 6:50 PM, Blake Sinnett wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I've noticed an undesirable happening with iBooks on my touch. Upon double 
>> tapping the button to buy a book, it doesn't seem to work and that button 
>> disappears. When I tap and hold until the pass-through noise is heard, I can 
>> get it to go past the book info screen.
>> So far, I've had one other person confirm it on her iPhone and wonder if 
>> anyone else with iPod touches and/or iPhones wouldn't mind trying this out. 
>> If you find the same, I reckon we should report it to Apple
>> Thanks,
>> Blake
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money tracking software

2010-06-22 Thread Cody Hurst
Hi, does anyone have/or know of some software that is simple for tracking the 
spending of cash and to keep a running track of my checking account? I'd prefer 
not to use a spreadsheet


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Re: a quick note from my iphone, pretty cool

2010-06-22 Thread Doug Lawlor
I have a new apple wireless keyboard that I have now paired with my macbook but 
want to pair with my iPhone. How do I get the keyboard back into discovery mode 
so I can do this? It always wants to pair with the macbook now. 



On 2010-06-20, at 3:40 AM, Cody wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just wanted to write a quick email from my iPhone. I've discovered how to 
> pair my new bluetooth keyboard that came with my iMac to my iPhone. At least 
> now I can type faster on the go, and it is small enough to carry in a laptop 
> bag too.
> Take care all,
> Cody
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: reading a long pdf: vo vs spoken word in itunes

2010-06-22 Thread Peggy Fleischer
How do you get the book  loaded into Ibooks?
Peggy Fleischer

 Psalm 90 12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto 

On Jun 21, 2010, at 11:41 PM, Greg Weller wrote:

> If you have the new version of ibooks that just came today you can read pdfs 
> in that...I just loaded a 1500 page file and voiceober is reading it 
> ...this is on an i
> Sent from my iPad
> On 21/06/2010, at 9:10 PM, Joel Zimba  wrote:
>> I did notice that I have a few pdfs in my books section of itunes.  I'm not 
>> sure how I got them there...  nor what to do with them exactly,  it would be 
>> great if ibooks learned to read them, as I'm more and more impressed with it 
>> as I play.
>> J
>> On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:25 PM, Catherine Kudlick wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Someone just sent me a long book manuscript as a pdf.  If I wanted to read 
>>> it on the go on my ipod touch, what's the best way to do it?  Should I use 
>>> voiceover?  Or is it true that it's possible to convert the pdf to a spoken 
>>> word text that I could access through itunes?  If so, how do I do this?  
>>> And is it easier to use in itunes than in VO? For example, can you set the 
>>> pace of speech in these itunes files or mark your place? 
>>> Also, can what I read be sync-ed between devices? For example if I start 
>>> reading it on my Macbook Pro but then want to pick up on my ipod, would it 
>>> sync to where I left off?  
>>> Thanks so much, cathy
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>> pad...buttit should work on an iphone w IS 4
> greg
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Re: amadeus question

2010-06-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Chris,

I'm so excited another Amadeus convert :)  there is a slight delay when 
recording with Amadeus, I have no idea why. It's tricky to get used to. 
Sometimes, I make sure the mic is working correctly and just uncheck the play 
through box before I record a vocal. Yes, there is a way to move between tracks 
and mix etc. You have given me more incentive to do a podcast on it. I will 
provide the link to the list when it's done, as a reference. I'm learning right 
along with everyone else, so it's not going to be a definitive podcast.,  Aside 
from Erik Caron's podcast on Blind Cool Tech, all the things I've learned about 
Amadeus have been trial and error. To move between tracks, press VO shift down 
arrow and interact with the scroll area. It will take you to the track name 
where you can type in a name, and then if you VO right arrow the volume slider, 
etc. I hope that helps. Have a great day!


On Jun 22, 2010, at 4:36 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi fellow Amadeus users,
> I have just bought the program, and I managed to record a song with it. It 
> was a bit tricky since I had to hand sync the vocal track with the 
> instrumental track. The two questions I have are:
> 1. Is there a way to move between tracks with voiceover in a multi-track 
> project?
> 2. If you select the pass through box in the record dialog, why is there a 
> delay on the output?
> My first thought was that it had something to do with the sound card in my 
> macbook, but I was wondering if anyone else had experienced that.
> Over all, I have to say I'm very pleased at how well voiceover handles 
> Amadeus, and I'm becoming more and more comfortable using it in stead of Gold 
> Wave.
> Friendly,
> Chris
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editing in Iwork

2010-06-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I just tried to copy and paste something in Iwork, and I'm perplexed. WHat in 
the world happened to Iwork? I see a layout area and page numbers and I'm not 
sure quite what to do with that. I use Iwork to write my books, and hopefully 
send this one off to the publisher soon. Can someone tell me how to work with 
this little issue? I guess I work was updated, because I don't remember ever 
having this problem before. Any help would be grately appreciated. Thank you in 
advance. Have a great day!


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Re: a quick note from my iphone, pretty cool

2010-06-22 Thread Cody Hurst
Well, what I did was shut off the iMac and the iphone just picked it up. I'm 
not sure what the button does on the back right of the kb but I was pressing 
it, I wasn't really doing anything specific, just kind of pressing buttons on 
the kb and the iphone detected it
On Jun 22, 2010, at 7:52 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> Hello, 
> I have a new apple wireless keyboard that I have now paired with my macbook 
> but want to pair with my iPhone. How do I get the keyboard back into 
> discovery mode so I can do this? It always wants to pair with the macbook 
> now. 
> Thanks, 
> Doug
> On 2010-06-20, at 3:40 AM, Cody wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just wanted to write a quick email from my iPhone. I've discovered how to 
>> pair my new bluetooth keyboard that came with my iMac to my iPhone. At least 
>> now I can type faster on the go, and it is small enough to carry in a laptop 
>> bag too.
>> Take care all,
>> Cody
>> Sent from my iPhone
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track pad sensitivity

2010-06-22 Thread Michael Thurman
Hi there
is there a way to make the track pad less sensitive  I keep activating itwhen i 
don't intend to while typing a way to turn it completely off would even be nice 
for those times I don't want to use it. i wish voiceover would disable the pad 
entirely when the track pad commander is off

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Re: Command-L still works to go to current song [was Re: itunes go to current song?]

2010-06-22 Thread trahern culver
thanks for your help ester!!

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Re: editing in Iwork

2010-06-22 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Allison,

I don't think anything has changed in Pages recently as I use it all the time 
for my translations.

You have to interact with the Layout Area, and then with the Page, and finally 
with the Header, Body or Footer.

Spell checking has to be done with Command-; (semicolon) as the VO spell check 
command doesn't work with Pages.



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Re: editing in Iwork

2010-06-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Anne,

Thank you so much for the tip. I forgot to interact with the header before. I 
have never seen Pages do this. I'm beginning to think I'm losing my mind, 
Amadeus is acting odd too. Hmm, well, thank you for that and about your post 
with the Braille displays earlier a few weeks ago.


On Jun 22, 2010, at 10:07 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Allison,
> I don't think anything has changed in Pages recently as I use it all the time 
> for my translations.
> You have to interact with the Layout Area, and then with the Page, and 
> finally with the Header, Body or Footer.
> Spell checking has to be done with Command-; (semicolon) as the VO spell 
> check command doesn't work with Pages.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Update in Amadeus

2010-06-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I just installed the new update to Amadeus and oh brother is all I have to say. 
It changes the rewind/fastforward functions. I thought that it was just right 
and left arrow to fastforward and rewind, but now the keystroke has changed. In 
doing my Amadeus podcast which should be up in a few moments, I discovered the 
key combination to rewind is option left arrow, to fastforward is option right 
arrow. For those of you that know how to mark start and end points, this 
command may be familiar to you as the go to previous and next markers. It still 
works for this purpose as long as you stop the audio before using it for the 
marker function. Have a great day, everyone. THank you to everyone for the help.


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Re: amadeus question

2010-06-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
I believe you ahve to hit esc after you get to the track you want. Kind of 
clunky but it works.

On Jun 22, 2010, at 5:29 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> I'm so excited another Amadeus convert :)  there is a slight delay when 
> recording with Amadeus, I have no idea why. It's tricky to get used to. 
> Sometimes, I make sure the mic is working correctly and just uncheck the play 
> through box before I record a vocal. Yes, there is a way to move between 
> tracks and mix etc. You have given me more incentive to do a podcast on it. I 
> will provide the link to the list when it's done, as a reference. I'm 
> learning right along with everyone else, so it's not going to be a definitive 
> podcast.,  Aside from Erik Caron's podcast on Blind Cool Tech, all the things 
> I've learned about Amadeus have been trial and error. To move between tracks, 
> press VO shift down arrow and interact with the scroll area. It will take you 
> to the track name where you can type in a name, and then if you VO right 
> arrow the volume slider, etc. I hope that helps. Have a great day!
> Allison
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 4:36 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Hi fellow Amadeus users,
>> I have just bought the program, and I managed to record a song with it. It 
>> was a bit tricky since I had to hand sync the vocal track with the 
>> instrumental track. The two questions I have are:
>> 1. Is there a way to move between tracks with voiceover in a multi-track 
>> project?
>> 2. If you select the pass through box in the record dialog, why is there a 
>> delay on the output?
>> My first thought was that it had something to do with the sound card in my 
>> macbook, but I was wondering if anyone else had experienced that.
>> Over all, I have to say I'm very pleased at how well voiceover handles 
>> Amadeus, and I'm becoming more and more comfortable using it in stead of 
>> Gold Wave.
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
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sig not working

2010-06-22 Thread clarence griffin
I created a signature in Mail, and when I try to select it, It doesn't show up.
I see it when I go in to the area where you create and delete them, and I even 
deleted it and started over, still nothing.
Any ideas?


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Re: last fm on the mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Pete Nalda
It seems accessible, I did have some trouble logging in at first, causing 
safari to crash, but then I got back up and running, logged in, and played my 
library.  I don't know what all the iTunes/iPod functions do, so I've ignored 
all those for now.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:18 PM, trahern culver wrote:

> hey all i'm running mac os10.4.6 with safire five.
> my question to you all is a simple one is last fm accsessable with mac
> and saffire five?
> your help with this question would be most welcom kind regards trahern.
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: Is there a way to map keys to other keys on Mac?

2010-06-22 Thread louie

There is spark for the Mac.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:55 PM, Alfredo wrote:

I have a 13" mac book pro, and hence the keys it contains are limited
and would like to know if there is a utility or way to map soem keys
to other keys such as when you use spark on windows.  I want to map my
right command key to an option key, and my right option key to a
control key so that I can use VO keys on both sides.  Currently the
mac book pro, only has the command and option keys on the right side
of the key board whcih prevents me from executing some voice over keys
easily.  Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Is there a way to map keys to other keys on Mac?

2010-06-22 Thread clarence griffin
is it free?


On Jun 22, 2010, at 11:52 AM, louie wrote:

> There is spark for the Mac.
> On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:55 PM, Alfredo wrote:
>> I have a 13" mac book pro, and hence the keys it contains are limited
>> and would like to know if there is a utility or way to map soem keys
>> to other keys such as when you use spark on windows.  I want to map my
>> right command key to an option key, and my right option key to a
>> control key so that I can use VO keys on both sides.  Currently the
>> mac book pro, only has the command and option keys on the right side
>> of the key board whcih prevents me from executing some voice over keys
>> easily.  Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated.
>> Alfredo
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> louie
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Re: Is there a way to map keys to other keys on Mac?

2010-06-22 Thread louie

It is free.
SparkKit: 3.0

On Jun 22, 2010, at 8:54 AM, clarence griffin wrote:

is it free?


On Jun 22, 2010, at 11:52 AM, louie wrote:

There is spark for the Mac.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:55 PM, Alfredo wrote:

I have a 13" mac book pro, and hence the keys it contains are  

and would like to know if there is a utility or way to map soem keys
to other keys such as when you use spark on windows.  I want to  
map my

right command key to an option key, and my right option key to a
control key so that I can use VO keys on both sides.  Currently the
mac book pro, only has the command and option keys on the right side
of the key board whcih prevents me from executing some voice over  

easily.  Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: a quick note from my iphone, pretty cool

2010-06-22 Thread Doug Lawlor
I've managed to get the keyboard paired with the iPhone. I just held in the 
button until I saw the keyboard not paired button, double tapped the button, 
and entered the pass code on the keyboard and pressed the enter key when asked. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-06-22, at 10:33 AM, Cody Hurst  wrote:

> Well, what I did was shut off the iMac and the iphone just picked it up. I'm 
> not sure what the button does on the back right of the kb but I was pressing 
> it, I wasn't really doing anything specific, just kind of pressing buttons on 
> the kb and the iphone detected it
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 7:52 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hello, 
>> I have a new apple wireless keyboard that I have now paired with my macbook 
>> but want to pair with my iPhone. How do I get the keyboard back into 
>> discovery mode so I can do this? It always wants to pair with the macbook 
>> now. 
>> Thanks, 
>> Doug
>> On 2010-06-20, at 3:40 AM, Cody wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Just wanted to write a quick email from my iPhone. I've discovered how to 
>>> pair my new bluetooth keyboard that came with my iMac to my iPhone. At 
>>> least now I can type faster on the go, and it is small enough to carry in a 
>>> laptop bag too.
>>> Take care all,
>>> Cody
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
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Amadeus Podcast

2010-06-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I have recorded a podcast on how to get specific amounts of effects with 
Amadeus. To listen to it just go to:

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The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Doug Lawlor
Hey, this is cool!
I now have my Apple Wireless keyboard paired with the iPhone and the nice thing 
about it is that you can use things like up and down arrow keys to navigate 
through a document. It is really nice to be able to touch type from a real 
keyboard. Now, does anyone know of a foldable keyboard that can fold up to 
pocket size? I know that a company called Think Outside made something at one 
time but they have appeared to have moved on to other things now. 

Anyway, it is really nice that we can now use a bluetooth keyboard with the 
iPhone and iPod Touch. I must say this really expands the note taking abilities 
of these devices. I can now put together a blind person's note taking solution 
for something around ?$400.00 cdn. This is truly a real breakthrough. 


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
I hope some 3rd party develops a fold out keyboard / iphone case just like the 
old classic Nokia Communicator, the case could also have a juice pack built in 
too now that would be very cool,  I already have a juice pack that my iPhone 
slides into, it makes the iPhone 3GS a bit heavier and thicker but feels much 
better in my big hands.
On 22 Jun 2010, at 16:57, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> Hey, this is cool!
> I now have my Apple Wireless keyboard paired with the iPhone and the nice 
> thing about it is that you can use things like up and down arrow keys to 
> navigate through a document. It is really nice to be able to touch type from 
> a real keyboard. Now, does anyone know of a foldable keyboard that can fold 
> up to pocket size? I know that a company called Think Outside made something 
> at one time but they have appeared to have moved on to other things now. 
> Anyway, it is really nice that we can now use a bluetooth keyboard with the 
> iPhone and iPod Touch. I must say this really expands the note taking 
> abilities of these devices. I can now put together a blind person's note 
> taking solution for something around ?$400.00 cdn. This is truly a real 
> breakthrough. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Have a question on selecting multiple item and navigating by form field and text

2010-06-22 Thread Alfredo
I am going through the online tutorial with voice over and am hitting
some bumps in the way.
1.  Can you navigate the web by form field like in jaws?  In jaws you
just clicked the “f” key and you would land on a form field, such as
an edit box, radio button, or button.
2.  Is there a way to navigate text element by text element, sometimes
it would be useful just to get to the text section of a webpage,
especially ones that contain many links.  Is there a hot key to
navigate text element by text element on the web?
3.  I was reading the select multiple items section and tried it on
the Voice over utilities, VO + F8, and went into his web section, and
went to the web rotor popup menu.  I wanted to select multiple items
or deselect multiple items but I could not.  Plus VO does not tell you
if the checkbox on the popup menu is on or off, even when I pressed VO
+ f8.  Can anyone shine a light on this?  I can live with having to
close the menu for every selected Item I want but it would be more
convenient to just select all items I want then close the popup
4.  Is there a way to set up multiple tabs upon starting safari?  I
had multiple tabs for my internet explorer on windows since this way I
have quick access to my bank account webpage, phone bill web page,
Google search, Gmail, NFL website, book share, and others.  Does
anyone know how to do this?
6.  Is there a way to activate a link from within the web item rotor?
Like for example, instead of just going to the link selected from the
web item rotor can I activate that link so that the web page will load
up auto magically?  This would save me on more steps in selecting the
link.  If there is no way to do this, then I will send an email to
apple suggesting that they add this feature.  The can do like, if you
press the control key while selecting a link on the web item rotor you
will activate the like not only go to it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated; the Mac experience is going
good so far

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Re: Is there a way to map keys to other keys on Mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Alfredo
Thanks for the useful information, this will make my navigating way
easier.  No to decide if I will do it since, I do not know if I will
be using the right command and options keys in conjunction witht keys
on the left side of the keyboard.  Anyways thanks.  On a side note, do
the 17" mac book pro comes witha numberic key pad?  I know they are
heavy, but if they do I might consider them when upgrading to the

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Re: Is there a folder synchronization utility or software for the mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Alfredo
Can you make Itunes files sync with an SD card or can you only syn
with ipod and such devices.  If it can syn with an SD card then I am
in business I will not even need to get additional software for my
synchornization requirements.  Any ehlp would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Is there a way to map keys to other keys on Mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Alfredo

Alfredo wrote:
> Thanks for the useful information, this will make my navigating way
> easier.  No to decide if I will do it since, I do not know if I will
> be using the right command and options keys in conjunction witht keys
> on the left side of the keyboard.  Anyways thanks.  On a side note, do
> the 17" mac book pro comes witha numberic key pad?  I know they are
> heavy, but if they do I might consider them when upgrading to the
> mac.
> alfredo

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Re: a quick note from my iphone, pretty cool

2010-06-22 Thread Cody Hurst
Ah ok, got you
On Jun 22, 2010, at 12:32 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> I've managed to get the keyboard paired with the iPhone. I just held in the 
> button until I saw the keyboard not paired button, double tapped the button, 
> and entered the pass code on the keyboard and pressed the enter key when 
> asked. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-06-22, at 10:33 AM, Cody Hurst  wrote:
>> Well, what I did was shut off the iMac and the iphone just picked it up. I'm 
>> not sure what the button does on the back right of the kb but I was pressing 
>> it, I wasn't really doing anything specific, just kind of pressing buttons 
>> on the kb and the iphone detected it
>> On Jun 22, 2010, at 7:52 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> Hello, 
>>> I have a new apple wireless keyboard that I have now paired with my macbook 
>>> but want to pair with my iPhone. How do I get the keyboard back into 
>>> discovery mode so I can do this? It always wants to pair with the macbook 
>>> now. 
>>> Thanks, 
>>> Doug
>>> On 2010-06-20, at 3:40 AM, Cody wrote:
 Hi all,
 Just wanted to write a quick email from my iPhone. I've discovered how to 
 pair my new bluetooth keyboard that came with my iMac to my iPhone. At 
 least now I can type faster on the go, and it is small enough to carry in 
 a laptop bag too.
 Take care all,
 Sent from my iPhone
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Amadeus Podcast

2010-06-22 Thread Cody Hurst
We can't hear the amadeus audio song that you said you had opened we only hear 
you and voiceover
On Jun 22, 2010, at 12:35 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have recorded a podcast on how to get specific amounts of effects with 
> Amadeus. To listen to it just go to:
> -- 
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Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Doug Lawlor
A case with some kind of a fold out keyboard would be interesting. I think the 
ideal solution for me would be some kind of a pocket sized fold out keyboard. 
That is the buty of a note taking solution that the apple i-devices would 
provide. You now have the ability to connect what ever input device you desire. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-06-22, at 2:24 PM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> I hope some 3rd party develops a fold out keyboard / iphone case just like 
> the old classic Nokia Communicator, the case could also have a juice pack 
> built in too now that would be very cool,  I already have a juice pack that 
> my iPhone slides into, it makes the iPhone 3GS a bit heavier and thicker but 
> feels much better in my big hands.
> On 22 Jun 2010, at 16:57, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hey, this is cool!
>> I now have my Apple Wireless keyboard paired with the iPhone and the nice 
>> thing about it is that you can use things like up and down arrow keys to 
>> navigate through a document. It is really nice to be able to touch type from 
>> a real keyboard. Now, does anyone know of a foldable keyboard that can fold 
>> up to pocket size? I know that a company called Think Outside made something 
>> at one time but they have appeared to have moved on to other things now. 
>> Anyway, it is really nice that we can now use a bluetooth keyboard with the 
>> iPhone and iPod Touch. I must say this really expands the note taking 
>> abilities of these devices. I can now put together a blind person's note 
>> taking solution for something around ?$400.00 cdn. This is truly a real 
>> breakthrough. 
>> Doug
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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handy tech braille star 40 bluetooth pairing with iphone

2010-06-22 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi folks,

Has anyone success pairing the Handy techs Braillestar 40 with his iphone/ipod?
My Iphone seems searching , but  don't see the device.
When I scan with my macbook, it was found.

Any suggestions should be appreciated.



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Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Mary Otten
I think I remember seeing that Iwork was going to become available for the Ipod 
and IPhone this summer. In the mean time, if you wanted to use the Ipod as a 
serious notetaking device, is there something that you can take notes in and 
then later get those notes onto a pc or a mac? In my case, preferably a pc, 
since I'm still using MS Word and a braille embosser when needed. 

I recall something about velocity something or other being mentioned a while 
back, but was that for Mac only?


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2010-06-22 Thread louie

Hi all,
When using Audacity how do I export a mp3 file with out bringing up  
the tag editor?

Thanks for any help.


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A question about iphone and supported braille displays.

2010-06-22 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

Where can I find a list of supported braille displays in IPhone and
IPod os 4.

Is the focus 40 blue supported?

Best regards Annie.

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Re: Have a question on selecting multiple item and navigating by form field and text

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
Is the form item in the rota not efficient enough for you? (you can create a 
short cut to toggle between DOM and group mode)
as for text elements , have you tried surfing in grouping mode?when you mention 
tabs, do you mean they are automatically open with the web pages loaded of your 
choice?  Not that I am aware of maybe as Safari 5 has been opened up someone 
might develop an add on.  for now you will have to press command + T for a new 
tab. and then use control + tab to cycle through them.
On 22 Jun 2010, at 18:08, Alfredo wrote:

> I am going through the online tutorial with voice over and am hitting
> some bumps in the way.
> 1.  Can you navigate the web by form field like in jaws?  In jaws you
> just clicked the “f” key and you would land on a form field, such as
> an edit box, radio button, or button.
> 2.  Is there a way to navigate text element by text element, sometimes
> it would be useful just to get to the text section of a webpage,
> especially ones that contain many links.  Is there a hot key to
> navigate text element by text element on the web?
> 3.  I was reading the select multiple items section and tried it on
> the Voice over utilities, VO + F8, and went into his web section, and
> went to the web rotor popup menu.  I wanted to select multiple items
> or deselect multiple items but I could not.  Plus VO does not tell you
> if the checkbox on the popup menu is on or off, even when I pressed VO
> + f8.  Can anyone shine a light on this?  I can live with having to
> close the menu for every selected Item I want but it would be more
> convenient to just select all items I want then close the popup
> menu.
> 4.  Is there a way to set up multiple tabs upon starting safari?  I
> had multiple tabs for my internet explorer on windows since this way I
> have quick access to my bank account webpage, phone bill web page,
> Google search, Gmail, NFL website, book share, and others.  Does
> anyone know how to do this?
> 6.  Is there a way to activate a link from within the web item rotor?
> Like for example, instead of just going to the link selected from the
> web item rotor can I activate that link so that the web page will load
> up auto magically?  This would save me on more steps in selecting the
> link.  If there is no way to do this, then I will send an email to
> apple suggesting that they add this feature.  The can do like, if you
> press the control key while selecting a link on the web item rotor you
> will activate the like not only go to it.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated; the Mac experience is going
> good so far
> -- 
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Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Doug Lawlor
I have looked at an app called Documents2 that allows one to create Tex 
documents and I believe some others. I assume you can use this app to transfer 
files to the pc in some way. I will investigate this further and let you know 
what I find out. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-06-22, at 4:37 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> I think I remember seeing that Iwork was going to become available for the 
> Ipod and IPhone this summer. In the mean time, if you wanted to use the Ipod 
> as a serious notetaking device, is there something that you can take notes in 
> and then later get those notes onto a pc or a mac? In my case, preferably a 
> pc, since I'm still using MS Word and a braille embosser when needed. 
> I recall something about velocity something or other being mentioned a while 
> back, but was that for Mac only?
> Mary
> -- 
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Re: Audacity

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
Last time I used audacity you had to have a plug in to export to mp3 
On 22 Jun 2010, at 20:48, louie wrote:

> Hi all,
> When using Audacity how do I export a mp3 file with out bringing up the tag 
> editor?
> Thanks for any help.
> louie
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Re: handy tech braille star 40 bluetooth pairing with iphone

2010-06-22 Thread Doug Lawlor
Hi Peter, make sure to go into Braille settings in the VoiceOver settings to 
pair you're display. This is not done under the Bluetooth settings.Doug 
Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-06-22, at 4:14 PM, Peter Durieux  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Has anyone success pairing the Handy techs Braillestar 40 with his 
> iphone/ipod?
> My Iphone seems searching , but  don't see the device.
> When I scan with my macbook, it was found.
> Any suggestions should be appreciated.
> tia
> -Peter
> -- 
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Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
can you not get drop box for the iphone? surely that would be a way to export 
data back to your PC or Mac, or you could simply create email attachments (a 
pain I know).  As I have MobileMe I take advantage of iDisk which comes part of 
the package.  It is a shame is not bundled with the mobileme suite, 
it would make it even more value for money.  Pages for the iphone would be very 
useful indeed, even for reading word files.  Keynote would be very useful too 
so  enabling the smallest presentation device to plug directly into an OHP.

H I think I want to try iWork on the iPad now.  I still don't have it for 
my mac yet but I really must invest as I can no longer use Office and I don't 
think OpenOffice has been updated for a while.
On 22 Jun 2010, at 21:14, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> I have looked at an app called Documents2 that allows one to create Tex 
> documents and I believe some others. I assume you can use this app to 
> transfer files to the pc in some way. I will investigate this further and let 
> you know what I find out. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-06-22, at 4:37 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I think I remember seeing that Iwork was going to become available for the 
>> Ipod and IPhone this summer. In the mean time, if you wanted to use the Ipod 
>> as a serious notetaking device, is there something that you can take notes 
>> in and then later get those notes onto a pc or a mac? In my case, preferably 
>> a pc, since I'm still using MS Word and a braille embosser when needed. 
>> I recall something about velocity something or other being mentioned a while 
>> back, but was that for Mac only?
>> Mary
>> -- 
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Re: money tracking software

2010-06-22 Thread Kaare Dehard
Hi Give See-finance a try. You'll have to google it and get a link,
but it it works well with vo.

On 6/22/10, Cody Hurst  wrote:
> Hi, does anyone have/or know of some software that is simple for tracking
> the spending of cash and to keep a running track of my checking account? I'd
> prefer not to use a spreadsheet
> Thanks
> --
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tip: how I delete podcasts from the ipod app

2010-06-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ok all. Here is my method of deleting podcasts on the iphone. Not sure where 
else this works in the ipod app but yeah.

1. from within the ipod app navigate to the podcast  button and double tap.

2. Now browse to the podcast such as  market place, or car talk for example.

3. find the episode you want to delete, double tap and hold then swipe very 
slowly to the right. it should take you no more then 2 seconds to do this. Now 
check and it should say confirm deletion of xxx where xxx is your 
episode name.

4. double tap that episode and it is gone.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Is there a folder synchronization utility or software for the mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Blouch
If you don't mind the command line, rsync might do what you want. It 
will synchronize files between two folders. In terminal you can do a 
'man rsync' without the quotes to get details or just google rsync. It's 
a unix utility and not specific to the Mac.


Alfredo wrote:

Can you make Itunes files sync with an SD card or can you only syn
with ipod and such devices.  If it can syn with an SD card then I am
in business I will not even need to get additional software for my
synchornization requirements.  Any ehlp would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Command-L still works to go to current song [was Re: itunes go to current song?]

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup, it's still there but is only active if you have a song track 
selected in the playlist. For other things like Apps in your iPhone's 
app list the command-L option in the View menu is disabled.


Esther wrote:

Hello Trahern,

Command-L still works for me to go to the currently playing song.  I 
haven't checked the File menu, but this shortcut is still listed under 
the shortcuts for the list of iTunes shortcuts that you can find under 
the Help menu of iTunes.

HTH. Cheers,


trahern culver wrote:

hey all in previous vertions of itunes there has bean a feature called
"got to current song"

this was loacated in the view menu and there was also a keybord
shutcut to use this feature.

after updating to the new itunes i found that go to current song was
not in the view menu and the key bord short cut didn't work when i
tride it

does any one know what has happend to the "go to current song

your help with this problem would be most welcome

kind regards trahern.

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Re: Is there a folder synchronization utility or software for the mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Nope only iphones and ipods but that's all you really need. I use the copy 
method and if it finds something I just say yes I want to replace it ir no skip 
it and i can apply that to everything.

On Jun 22, 2010, at 10:19 AM, Alfredo wrote:

> Can you make Itunes files sync with an SD card or can you only syn
> with ipod and such devices.  If it can syn with an SD card then I am
> in business I will not even need to get additional software for my
> synchornization requirements.  Any ehlp would be greatly appreciated.
> alfredo
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Re: Is there a folder synchronization utility or software for the mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ah forgot about rsync. lol.

Hope that helps you.

On Jun 22, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> If you don't mind the command line, rsync might do what you want. It will 
> synchronize files between two folders. In terminal you can do a 'man rsync' 
> without the quotes to get details or just google rsync. It's a unix utility 
> and not specific to the Mac.
> CB
> Alfredo wrote:
>> Can you make Itunes files sync with an SD card or can you only syn
>> with ipod and such devices.  If it can syn with an SD card then I am
>> in business I will not even need to get additional software for my
>> synchornization requirements.  Any ehlp would be greatly appreciated.
>> alfredo
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Re: Is there a folder synchronization utility or software for the mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Blouch
I forgot to mention, while it's not a Mac-specific utility, it's 
included in OSX. Nothing to install or download. Just go forth and sync.


Sarah Alawami wrote:

Ah forgot about rsync. lol.

Hope that helps you.

On Jun 22, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:


If you don't mind the command line, rsync might do what you want. It will 
synchronize files between two folders. In terminal you can do a 'man rsync' 
without the quotes to get details or just google rsync. It's a unix utility and 
not specific to the Mac.


Alfredo wrote:

Can you make Itunes files sync with an SD card or can you only syn
with ipod and such devices.  If it can syn with an SD card then I am
in business I will not even need to get additional software for my
synchornization requirements.  Any ehlp would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Ricardo Walker

I believe you can do this with notes.
On Jun 22, 2010, at 3:07 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> I think I remember seeing that Iwork was going to become available for the 
> Ipod and IPhone this summer. In the mean time, if you wanted to use the Ipod 
> as a serious notetaking device, is there something that you can take notes in 
> and then later get those notes onto a pc or a mac? In my case, preferably a 
> pc, since I'm still using MS Word and a braille embosser when needed. 
> I recall something about velocity something or other being mentioned a while 
> back, but was that for Mac only?
> Mary
> -- 
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Re: Economics and the Mac

2010-06-22 Thread Jude DaShiell
The largest contract available to the blindness industry is the Veterans 
Administration; then on second tier come state agencies.  On third 
tier are all of the educational establishments that end up having to 
comply with Section 508 and other Sections like 504 and finally After that 
are the self-funded pioneers who sometimes end up adding value to the 
products that didn't originally exist when the products left the 
factories.On Mon, 30 Nov 2009, Richie Gardenhire wrote:

I have changed the subject line to more reflect on the discussion at
hand.  If Apple can set aside resources to make their Mac computers
universally marketed across the board, there is no reason why
Microsoftshouldn't, (and they definitely have the resources and the
technical expertise throughout the company) to do so.  And if it
brings the prices down, and Microsoft does, for example, develop a
mechanism by which Windows can be installed out of the box without
sighted assistance, companies such as Freedom Scientific would then be
forced to either go with the trend; otherwise, they would lose their
economic dolars; after all, isn't that what competition for tax
dollars and marketshare is all about?  In my humble opinion, for what
it's worth, the only reason Freedom Scientific survives in the market
is because they have contracted with some state agencies and
government entities, and we bare the brunt of the expense ineirectly.
I paid less for my car than I have for braille displays costing $8000
to $12,000 dollars at a time.  In Alaska, for example, the biggest
majority of vision loss occurs in the elderly population and baby
boomers who are about to reach retirement age.  We have no school for
the blind in Alaska; therefore, if parents want to send their blind
kids off to a residential school, they would have to send them
Stateside, which costs the state thousands of dollars which they could
probably find other revenues to use elsewhere.There are a handful of
us who are blind and visually-impaired Macusers, but that numberis
increasing, as the word about VoiceOver gets out.  Richie Gardenhire,
Anchorage, Alaska.

On Nov 30, 2009, at 1:21 PM, carlene knight wrote:

I know that the companies take huge advantage of the fact that they
have a guaranteed nitch and can charge whatever they want.  That's why
I will not upgrade my JAWS SMA.  For one thing I don't need it and
secondly, I don't want to pay that kind of price for an upgrade, but
FS knows that they can get away with it because of a guaranteed
market.  I'm not saying things could not change, but simply stating
that you can't get JAWS or a Braille display from a  home electronics
ore software store, and I wouldn't expect to happen any time soon if
ever. In their eyes, why should They bother as they won't sell enough
of them to make it worth their while.  There  is a cell phone put out
by Capital Accessibility in Europe.  I've seen one and it's no big
deal.  The speech is great, but there is no camera, digital screen, or
anything that might ad a bit of a price to the phone.  It's built like
a brick, but it is over $500 and though the speech is clear, it's very
robotic.  Tell me that's not ridiculous?  I don't know that agencies
are responsible for this one, but the phone is so tailored to our
needs that somebody will buy it.  Not me.  Granted, if more people
were learning braille and speech software as they were dealing with
macular degeneration, and there was a big enough demand for it, things
might come down a bit.  That's great about the scanner.  I'd better
stop typing now as I am misspelling more things than I am typing
correctly and am about to throw this keyboard, though it's not at fault.

On Nov 30, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Richie Gardenhire wrote:

With all due respect, that argument has been used time and time
again.  To that, I say this: the best example of a product that has
gone down in price because of the acceptance of it by the sighted
community, is the optical scanner, which was originally intended for
use by the blind for scanning newspapers, magazines, and othr
documents in their computers or reading machines.  Back then, you had
to pay thousands of dolars for the machine, and ys, state agencies
bought it for us, if we were lucky.  Now, one can buy a scanner and to
a certain extent, software for scanning pictures, text, and other
document forms into one's PC, at a fraction of the cost it was in the
1970's.  The point here is that it found a marketable niche among the
sighted community, and once they were mass-produced, prices started
coming down and people could afford said scanners.  While braille
displays are another issue, there are companies who are working to
make even displays more affordable and accepting to the universal
design market.  In the 1980's, Apple tried an experiment, using an
ordinary, dot matrix printer, to produce braille.  It wasn't the best
quality braille, but it was an experiment that, had it been popular,
might have flown.  Richie Gardenhi

Safari Update

2010-06-22 Thread rayna424
Hey all,

Haven't had any problems, so haven't needed to post. I searched to see
how ya'll were feeling about the latest Safari update, and it seems
I'm not alone. Safari keeps freaking out when I navigate by headers on
certain sites, and it's really freaking out with Blogger now. When I
interact with text, I can't use command up arrow and down arrow to get
from top to bottom, and when I'm interacting, it won't let me go line
by line in a text edit field. So the only way to edit is to go word by
word. Also, when I click the "select all" link for labels, Safari dies
and I have to restart it. Every time. So I don't do that anymore and
I've started composing blogs in text edit.

This takes me back to being afraid to install Windows updates. I'm
still using Leopard. Is anyone having problems with the latest Safari
in Snow?

Just had to complain. I send the error reports to Apple every time
since at least with Apple, I have faith that they are listening.


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Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
YOu can use the notes app but I don't think you can save them to a text file 
and all of my notes end up in my email account, or shall I say the wrong email 
account which I deactivated so I never see them. lol!!

On Jun 22, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I believe you can do this with notes.
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 3:07 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>> I think I remember seeing that Iwork was going to become available for the 
>> Ipod and IPhone this summer. In the mean time, if you wanted to use the Ipod 
>> as a serious notetaking device, is there something that you can take notes 
>> in and then later get those notes onto a pc or a mac? In my case, preferably 
>> a pc, since I'm still using MS Word and a braille embosser when needed. 
>> I recall something about velocity something or other being mentioned a while 
>> back, but was that for Mac only?
>> Mary
>> -- 
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magic jack or alternative

2010-06-22 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello list.
Has anyone successfully used the magic jack device with the mac?
If so was the setup accessible?
If not is there an alternative to magic jack I could use? I would get a Skype 
in number if it was available in Canada.
Thanks for any answers.
Matthew Campbell

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Re: magic jack or alternative

2010-06-22 Thread louie

Check out:

On Jun 22, 2010, at 3:42 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

Hello list.
Has anyone successfully used the magic jack device with the mac?
If so was the setup accessible?
If not is there an alternative to magic jack I could use? I would  
get a Skype in number if it was available in Canada.

Thanks for any answers.
Matthew Campbell

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Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Ricardo Walker

But wouldn't it be possible to Copy and paste the text from notes into text 
edit?  Then you can save it in whatever format you wish?  I've not tried it 
myself but I think I will.  My curiosity is getting the better of me. lol  
On Jun 22, 2010, at 6:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> YOu can use the notes app but I don't think you can save them to a text file 
> and all of my notes end up in my email account, or shall I say the wrong 
> email account which I deactivated so I never see them. lol!!
> S
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I believe you can do this with notes.
>> On Jun 22, 2010, at 3:07 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>>> I think I remember seeing that Iwork was going to become available for the 
>>> Ipod and IPhone this summer. In the mean time, if you wanted to use the 
>>> Ipod as a serious notetaking device, is there something that you can take 
>>> notes in and then later get those notes onto a pc or a mac? In my case, 
>>> preferably a pc, since I'm still using MS Word and a braille embosser when 
>>> needed. 
>>> I recall something about velocity something or other being mentioned a 
>>> while back, but was that for Mac only?
>>> Mary
>>> -- 
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fastforwarding in new Itunes

2010-06-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi everyone,
Has anyone figured out to fastforward in the new version of Itunes? I can't 
figure it out. Option right arrow doens't seem to work. Thanks for any 
assistance. Have a great evening.


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Re: fastforwarding in new Itunes

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
you press option + command + right arrow 
On 23 Jun 2010, at 00:30, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Has anyone figured out to fastforward in the new version of Itunes? I can't 
> figure it out. Option right arrow doens't seem to work. Thanks for any 
> assistance. Have a great evening.
> Allison
> -- 
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Re: fastforwarding in new Itunes

2010-06-22 Thread Ricardo Walker

Its  command option right arrow.  And command option left arrow to rewind .  
It's working just fine for me.


On Jun 22, 2010, at 7:30 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Has anyone figured out to fastforward in the new version of Itunes? I can't 
> figure it out. Option right arrow doens't seem to work. Thanks for any 
> assistance. Have a great evening.
> Allison
> -- 
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Re: fastforwarding in new Itunes

2010-06-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Try option cmd right arrow. Have not tried it but that's what i always use.

Take care.

On Jun 22, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Has anyone figured out to fastforward in the new version of Itunes? I can't 
> figure it out. Option right arrow doens't seem to work. Thanks for any 
> assistance. Have a great evening.
> Allison
> -- 
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Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
yeah you can but for some reason my notes are beeing buggy so I don't use it. 

On Jun 22, 2010, at 4:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Ah,
> But wouldn't it be possible to Copy and paste the text from notes into text 
> edit?  Then you can save it in whatever format you wish?  I've not tried it 
> myself but I think I will.  My curiosity is getting the better of me. lol  
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 6:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> YOu can use the notes app but I don't think you can save them to a text file 
>> and all of my notes end up in my email account, or shall I say the wrong 
>> email account which I deactivated so I never see them. lol!!
>> S
>> On Jun 22, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I believe you can do this with notes.
>>> On Jun 22, 2010, at 3:07 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
 I think I remember seeing that Iwork was going to become available for the 
 Ipod and IPhone this summer. In the mean time, if you wanted to use the 
 Ipod as a serious notetaking device, is there something that you can take 
 notes in and then later get those notes onto a pc or a mac? In my case, 
 preferably a pc, since I'm still using MS Word and a braille embosser when 
 I recall something about velocity something or other being mentioned a 
 while back, but was that for Mac only?
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Is there a folder synchronization utility or software for the mac?

2010-06-22 Thread Alfredo
Thanks for the RSync utility suggestion.  I do not mind the command
line, I just hope that it does something similar to what sync toy did,
which just copied new files from the left folder to the right folder.
This allowed me to keep all podcast on my computer in case I need them
on a later date and just be able to sync those podcast which I have
not listen to.  About the ITunes, i cannot use this since I will be
suing the booksense not an ipod, or itouch and i think you stated that
itunes only synchronizes with apple products.  Tahnks anyway, and
thanks to all. I will search for the rest of the information online,
unless someone has a suggestion that does not require the command

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video recording and editing software?

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi all,
Does anyone know of software which is mostly accessible with Voiceover which 
can record audio and video from the eyesight camera, or perhaps record a video 
chat in skype? Also, is there anything that can edit the recording once made? I 
figure we can edit videos as well from the audio cues. It may not look like 
Pixar, but if we simply had a way to cut and paste, it would be helpful.


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Re: Have a question on selecting multiple item and navigating by form field and text

2010-06-22 Thread Alfredo
Tje rotor utility is not efficient enough for me, I hate to make a
comparison but with jaws I get to a text edit field, like the google
webpage one, automatically or by pressing the f key.  With voice over
in safari, when I go to the google webpage I have to use the VO keys
along with the right arrow key several times, about 4 or 5, to get to
the text edit field.  The safari way requires more key strokes, if I
could remove key strokes then better.  I could use the web item rotor
and the fo to forms, and then the text edit field but I think this
requires the same number of keystrokes.  Maybe as I get used to the
mac I will get better and be able to find a wayt o do this.  I will
try grouping mode to see if this helps.  Should the voice over cursor
be focus on the google search field when i load the google web page?
It does on other pages, like the gmail web page.  Maybe if I turn off
automatic speaking of webpages when they load.  Thank for clarifying
the thing about the multiple tabs, I search online, on google, and
only found one solution for this, and i think it was becuase of safari
5 extensions, whcih I currently do not have.  With everyone saying
that it caused them trouble I will stay away from it for another month
or so.  Thanks again for the response.

Chris Moore wrote:
> Is the form item in the rota not efficient enough for you? (you can create a 
> short cut to toggle between DOM and group mode)
> as for text elements , have you tried surfing in grouping mode?when you 
> mention tabs, do you mean they are automatically open with the web pages 
> loaded of your choice?  Not that I am aware of maybe as Safari 5 has been 
> opened up someone might develop an add on.  for now you will have to press 
> command + T for a new tab. and then use control + tab to cycle through them.
> On 22 Jun 2010, at 18:08, Alfredo wrote:
> > I am going through the online tutorial with voice over and am hitting
> > some bumps in the way.
> > 1.  Can you navigate the web by form field like in jaws?  In jaws you
> > just clicked the “f” key and you would land on a form field, such as
> > an edit box, radio button, or button.
> > 2.  Is there a way to navigate text element by text element, sometimes
> > it would be useful just to get to the text section of a webpage,
> > especially ones that contain many links.  Is there a hot key to
> > navigate text element by text element on the web?
> > 3.  I was reading the select multiple items section and tried it on
> > the Voice over utilities, VO + F8, and went into his web section, and
> > went to the web rotor popup menu.  I wanted to select multiple items
> > or deselect multiple items but I could not.  Plus VO does not tell you
> > if the checkbox on the popup menu is on or off, even when I pressed VO
> > + f8.  Can anyone shine a light on this?  I can live with having to
> > close the menu for every selected Item I want but it would be more
> > convenient to just select all items I want then close the popup
> > menu.
> > 4.  Is there a way to set up multiple tabs upon starting safari?  I
> > had multiple tabs for my internet explorer on windows since this way I
> > have quick access to my bank account webpage, phone bill web page,
> > Google search, Gmail, NFL website, book share, and others.  Does
> > anyone know how to do this?
> > 6.  Is there a way to activate a link from within the web item rotor?
> > Like for example, instead of just going to the link selected from the
> > web item rotor can I activate that link so that the web page will load
> > up auto magically?  This would save me on more steps in selecting the
> > link.  If there is no way to do this, then I will send an email to
> > apple suggesting that they add this feature.  The can do like, if you
> > press the control key while selecting a link on the web item rotor you
> > will activate the like not only go to it.
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated; the Mac experience is going
> > good so far
> >
> > --
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> >

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RE: editing in Iwork

2010-06-22 Thread Dyer Matthew
Try interacting with the layout area and see what happens.  HTH.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Allison Manzino
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 8:42 AM
To: Mac Visionaries
Subject: editing in Iwork

Hi all,

I just tried to copy and paste something in Iwork, and I'm perplexed. WHat
in the world happened to Iwork? I see a layout area and page numbers and I'm
not sure quite what to do with that. I use Iwork to write my books, and
hopefully send this one off to the publisher soon. Can someone tell me how
to work with this little issue? I guess I work was updated, because I don't
remember ever having this problem before. Any help would be grately
appreciated. Thank you in advance. Have a great day!


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Re: fastforwarding in new Itunes

2010-06-22 Thread Esther

Hi Allison,

Try Command-Option Right and Left arrow instead to fast forward or  
rewind within a track. At least, that works for me now after some  
experimentation, and seems to move in about 5 second chunks for each  
tap of the right or left arrow with the Command and Option keys held  
down.  Weird change.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jun 22, 2010, at 13:30, Allison Manzino wrote:

Hi everyone,
Has anyone figured out to fastforward in the new version of Itunes?  
I can't figure it out. Option right arrow doens't seem to work.  
Thanks for any assistance. Have a great evening.


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Re: Have a question on selecting multiple item and navigating by form field and text

2010-06-22 Thread Mary Otten
When I go to the google search page, which is my home page, I always land right 
in the edit field into which one types search terms. So I think you might be 
onto something with your theory that having Safari set to read pages 
automatically could be causing the VO cursor not to land directly in that edit 
field. As for the other things, not being able to hit a specific key and go 
directly to various types of elements, having come from Windows, I still have 
to say I prefer that more direct way over the rotor. But you can set up numpad 
commander to have single key access to things, so that helps. Web pages also 
load a lot faster on my Mac than they do on my Windows pc, some times, a lot 
faster, which is a time saver.


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Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Doug,
I looked at the description and reviews for documents 2. It looks like an 
incredible app for the price of a mere $2. Some reviewers weren't too happy 
with it. but if its accessible with VO, what's not to like? 


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braille display key assignments

2010-06-22 Thread Mary Otten
Hi all,
For those of you using braille displays, I'm curious whether it has been 
standard operating procedure for Apple to provide key assignments for the 
various keys on supported displays. I got the idea this info was available if 
one has a display hooked up, which I don't yet have. I ask because the upgrade 
to ios4 has added braille support, with a number of displays apparently 
supported. I know its early days yet for this, so its possible that the key 
assignments for supported displays will be available in the updated support 
documentation. thus far, people are having to go to voice over gestures and try 
different combinations to figure out what the keys on their display will do. 
Beats a blank, as they say. but I would hope that the practice will be to have 
key assignments listed in the relevant support docs once they become available.


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Re: video recording and editing software?

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
Is iMovie 09 not accessible?  I thought support had been added.  If not then 
drop AVID a email and ask them as they have just made Pro Tools accessible.d
On 23 Jun 2010, at 00:50, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone know of software which is mostly accessible with Voiceover which 
> can record audio and video from the eyesight camera, or perhaps record a 
> video chat in skype? Also, is there anything that can edit the recording once 
> made? I figure we can edit videos as well from the audio cues. It may not 
> look like Pixar, but if we simply had a way to cut and paste, it would be 
> helpful.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> -- 
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Re: Have a question on selecting multiple item and navigating by form field and text

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
Yes turn auto reading off and your voice over cursor should then appear where 
keyboard is.  I used to have this problem too and after turning auto web page 
reading upon a page loading my cursor is ready and waiting in the google text 
field (google is my home page too).

I have not come across text elements yet, but start training on JAWS soon so it 
will be interesting to see how it compares.  Do you think they might add this 
feature to VoiceOver or is it not needed?
On 23 Jun 2010, at 01:07, Mary Otten wrote:

> When I go to the google search page, which is my home page, I always land 
> right in the edit field into which one types search terms. So I think you 
> might be onto something with your theory that having Safari set to read pages 
> automatically could be causing the VO cursor not to land directly in that 
> edit field. As for the other things, not being able to hit a specific key and 
> go directly to various types of elements, having come from Windows, I still 
> have to say I prefer that more direct way over the rotor. But you can set up 
> numpad commander to have single key access to things, so that helps. Web 
> pages also load a lot faster on my Mac than they do on my Windows pc, some 
> times, a lot faster, which is a time saver.
> mary
> -- 
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Re: editing in Iwork

2010-06-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Matthew,

Thank you so much. That's what Anne had said earlier. I will try that.


On Jun 22, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Dyer Matthew wrote:

> Try interacting with the layout area and see what happens.  HTH.
> Matthew
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Manzino
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 8:42 AM
> To: Mac Visionaries
> Subject: editing in Iwork
> Hi all,
> I just tried to copy and paste something in Iwork, and I'm perplexed. WHat
> in the world happened to Iwork? I see a layout area and page numbers and I'm
> not sure quite what to do with that. I use Iwork to write my books, and
> hopefully send this one off to the publisher soon. Can someone tell me how
> to work with this little issue? I guess I work was updated, because I don't
> remember ever having this problem before. Any help would be grately
> appreciated. Thank you in advance. Have a great day!
> Allison
> -- 
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Re: braille display key assignments

2010-06-22 Thread Deb Lewis
Well they're not listed for the displays supported on the mac either so i 
doubt they'll bother to list them for the Iphone. It's very easy when 
they're intuitive as they were on the konny. But where there's a conflict as 
on the Apex or on the Focus 40 Blue where i've pressed everything but can't 
account for some gestures, it's a bit of a pain. You can always figure out 
how to move by item and select things.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mary Otten" 

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 6:05 PM
Subject: braille display key assignments

Hi all,
For those of you using braille displays, I'm curious whether it has been 
standard operating procedure for Apple to provide key assignments for the 
various keys on supported displays. I got the idea this info was available 
if one has a display hooked up, which I don't yet have. I ask because the 
upgrade to ios4 has added braille support, with a number of displays 
apparently supported. I know its early days yet for this, so its possible 
that the key assignments for supported displays will be available in the 
updated support documentation. thus far, people are having to go to voice 
over gestures and try different combinations to figure out what the keys on 
their display will do. Beats a blank, as they say. but I would hope that the 
practice will be to have key assignments listed in the relevant support docs 
once they become available.


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Re: fastforwarding in new Itunes

2010-06-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Chris,

THank you so much command option right arrow, I'll have to remember that. :).


On Jun 22, 2010, at 7:36 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> you press option + command + right arrow 
> On 23 Jun 2010, at 00:30, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Has anyone figured out to fastforward in the new version of Itunes? I can't 
>> figure it out. Option right arrow doens't seem to work. Thanks for any 
>> assistance. Have a great evening.
>> Allison
>> -- 
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VoiceOver and Apple Script

2010-06-22 Thread Fonzie
Hey all, I hope everyone is well.

Been  a while since I have posted to the list.

Anywho, a friend of mine recently got a mac, and he go the new mac, with the 
wireless keyboard and mouse.

Everything was set up fine, but when I told him he could get the time by using 
Option + T while voiceover was running, the command did not work.

I made sure to have him check the "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled by 
AppleScript" in the VoiceOver Utility, but still no dice.

Any idea as to why this is not working as it should?

I know it iis an apple script, but as I remember it, when I loaded Snow 
Leopard, my scripts worked out of the box.

Help is appreciated if you have experienced this issue before, or have some 
general direction of what I could have him do.


Take care.


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Re: amadeus question

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi Allison and Sarah,
Thanks very much for your help. Your tips really helped me take off, and now I 
feel fairly confident with multi-track navigation. I guess the question I must 
figure out now is how to reliably play both tracks at the same time, and how to 
play separately. From what I've been able to determine, it's kind of a gamble 
as to which will occur. Still, this is a remarkable breakthrough. A multi-track 
editor which doesn't cost hundreds or thousands of dollars that's accessible. 
Oh, and the free VST effects that the guy has on his site are accessible as 
well and very cool. The reverb is rather impressive. I've worked with waves 
reverb in both PT and Goldwave, and I think these reverbs are very good indeed.


On Jun 22, 2010, at 8:04 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I believe you ahve to hit esc after you get to the track you want. Kind of 
> clunky but it works.
> S
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 5:29 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> I'm so excited another Amadeus convert :)  there is a slight delay when 
>> recording with Amadeus, I have no idea why. It's tricky to get used to. 
>> Sometimes, I make sure the mic is working correctly and just uncheck the 
>> play through box before I record a vocal. Yes, there is a way to move 
>> between tracks and mix etc. You have given me more incentive to do a podcast 
>> on it. I will provide the link to the list when it's done, as a reference. 
>> I'm learning right along with everyone else, so it's not going to be a 
>> definitive podcast.,  Aside from Erik Caron's podcast on Blind Cool Tech, 
>> all the things I've learned about Amadeus have been trial and error. To move 
>> between tracks, press VO shift down arrow and interact with the scroll area. 
>> It will take you to the track name where you can type in a name, and then if 
>> you VO right arrow the volume slider, etc. I hope that helps. Have a great 
>> day!
>> Allison
>> On Jun 22, 2010, at 4:36 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>>> Hi fellow Amadeus users,
>>> I have just bought the program, and I managed to record a song with it. It 
>>> was a bit tricky since I had to hand sync the vocal track with the 
>>> instrumental track. The two questions I have are:
>>> 1. Is there a way to move between tracks with voiceover in a multi-track 
>>> project?
>>> 2. If you select the pass through box in the record dialog, why is there a 
>>> delay on the output?
>>> My first thought was that it had something to do with the sound card in my 
>>> macbook, but I was wondering if anyone else had experienced that.
>>> Over all, I have to say I'm very pleased at how well voiceover handles 
>>> Amadeus, and I'm becoming more and more comfortable using it in stead of 
>>> Gold Wave.
>>> Friendly,
>>> Chris
>>> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver and Apple Script

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
Go into the Voice Over utility and select Commanders select the keyboard tab 
then tick the box Enable keyboard commands.
On 23 Jun 2010, at 02:24, Fonzie wrote:

> Hey all, I hope everyone is well.
> Been  a while since I have posted to the list.
> Anywho, a friend of mine recently got a mac, and he go the new mac, with the 
> wireless keyboard and mouse.
> Everything was set up fine, but when I told him he could get the time by 
> using Option + T while voiceover was running, the command did not work.
> I made sure to have him check the "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled by 
> AppleScript" in the VoiceOver Utility, but still no dice.
> Any idea as to why this is not working as it should?
> I know it iis an apple script, but as I remember it, when I loaded Snow 
> Leopard, my scripts worked out of the box.
> Help is appreciated if you have experienced this issue before, or have some 
> general direction of what I could have him do.
> Thanks.
> Take care.
> Fonzie
> -- 
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Re: Have a question on selecting multiple item and navigating by form field and text

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Snyder
I only need a couple of key strokes to get to the search box in google.
First, you should know that my quick nav is on. So when safari loads the page, 
I first use my up and right arrows to select forms in the web rotor. Then I hit 
the down arrow. The first place I land is the search box. I Then can type what 
I want and hit enter or go down arrow again to the search or I'm feeling lucky 
Having been a jaws user for a number of years, I do understand the convenience 
of simply hitting the f key and landing on your form field, but thing about 
this. With quick nav, you may navigate the web one-handed as any sighted person 
can do with a mouse. I find that highly liberating as I feel it requires less 
effort on my part.


On Jun 22, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Alfredo wrote:

> The rotor utility is not efficient enough for me, I hate to make a
> comparison but with jaws I get to a text edit field, like the google
> webpage one, automatically or by pressing the f key.  With voice over
> in safari, when I go to the google webpage I have to use the VO keys
> along with the right arrow key several times, about 4 or 5, to get to
> the text edit field.  The safari way requires more key strokes, if I
> could remove key strokes then better.  I could use the web item rotor
> and the of to forms, and then the text edit field but I think this
> requires the same number of keystrokes.  Maybe as I get used to the
> mac I will get better and be able to find a way o do this.  I will
> try grouping mode to see if this helps.  Should the voice over cursor
> be focus on the google search field when i load the google web page?
> It does on other pages, like the gmail web page.  Maybe if I turn off
> automatic speaking of webpages when they load.  Thank for clarifying
> the thing about the multiple tabs, I search online, on google, and
> only found one solution for this, and i think it was because of safari
> 5 extensions, which I currently do not have.  With everyone saying
> that it caused them trouble I will stay away from it for another month
> or so.  Thanks again for the response.
> alfredo
> Chris Moore wrote:
>> Is the form item in the rota not efficient enough for you? (you can create a 
>> short cut to toggle between DOM and group mode)
>> as for text elements , have you tried surfing in grouping mode?when you 
>> mention tabs, do you mean they are automatically open with the web pages 
>> loaded of your choice?  Not that I am aware of maybe as Safari 5 has been 
>> opened up someone might develop an add on.  for now you will have to press 
>> command + T for a new tab. and then use control + tab to cycle through them.
>> On 22 Jun 2010, at 18:08, Alfredo wrote:
>>> I am going through the online tutorial with voice over and am hitting
>>> some bumps in the way.
>>> 1.  Can you navigate the web by form field like in jaws?  In jaws you
>>> just clicked the “f” key and you would land on a form field, such as
>>> an edit box, radio button, or button.
>>> 2.  Is there a way to navigate text element by text element, sometimes
>>> it would be useful just to get to the text section of a webpage,
>>> especially ones that contain many links.  Is there a hot key to
>>> navigate text element by text element on the web?
>>> 3.  I was reading the select multiple items section and tried it on
>>> the Voice over utilities, VO + F8, and went into his web section, and
>>> went to the web rotor popup menu.  I wanted to select multiple items
>>> or deselect multiple items but I could not.  Plus VO does not tell you
>>> if the checkbox on the popup menu is on or off, even when I pressed VO
>>> + f8.  Can anyone shine a light on this?  I can live with having to
>>> close the menu for every selected Item I want but it would be more
>>> convenient to just select all items I want then close the popup
>>> menu.
>>> 4.  Is there a way to set up multiple tabs upon starting safari?  I
>>> had multiple tabs for my internet explorer on windows since this way I
>>> have quick access to my bank account webpage, phone bill web page,
>>> Google search, Gmail, NFL website, book share, and others.  Does
>>> anyone know how to do this?
>>> 6.  Is there a way to activate a link from within the web item rotor?
>>> Like for example, instead of just going to the link selected from the
>>> web item rotor can I activate that link so that the web page will load
>>> up auto magically?  This would save me on more steps in selecting the
>>> link.  If there is no way to do this, then I will send an email to
>>> apple suggesting that they add this feature.  The can do like, if you
>>> press the control key while selecting a link on the web item rotor you
>>> will activate the like not only go to it.
>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated; the Mac experience is going
>>> good so far
>>> --
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RE: VoiceOver and Apple Script

2010-06-22 Thread Linda Adams

In addition to checking scripts, my "cheat sheet" also says the keyboard
commander in VO utilities has to be "enabled." 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Fonzie
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 9:24 PM
Subject: VoiceOver and Apple Script

Hey all, I hope everyone is well.

Been  a while since I have posted to the list.

Anywho, a friend of mine recently got a mac, and he go the new mac, with
the wireless keyboard and mouse.

Everything was set up fine, but when I told him he could get the time by
using Option + T while voiceover was running, the command did not work.

I made sure to have him check the "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled by
AppleScript" in the VoiceOver Utility, but still no dice.

Any idea as to why this is not working as it should?

I know it iis an apple script, but as I remember it, when I loaded Snow
Leopard, my scripts worked out of the box.

Help is appreciated if you have experienced this issue before, or have
some general direction of what I could have him do.


Take care.


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Re: VoiceOver and Apple Script

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Snyder
Alternatively, shift-VO-k will toggle the keyboard commander. It needs to be on 
for that script to work.


On Jun 22, 2010, at 6:46 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Go into the Voice Over utility and select Commanders select the keyboard tab 
> then tick the box Enable keyboard commands.
> On 23 Jun 2010, at 02:24, Fonzie wrote:
>> Hey all, I hope everyone is well.
>> Been  a while since I have posted to the list.
>> Anywho, a friend of mine recently got a mac, and he go the new mac, with the 
>> wireless keyboard and mouse.
>> Everything was set up fine, but when I told him he could get the time by 
>> using Option + T while voiceover was running, the command did not work.
>> I made sure to have him check the "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled by 
>> AppleScript" in the VoiceOver Utility, but still no dice.
>> Any idea as to why this is not working as it should?
>> I know it iis an apple script, but as I remember it, when I loaded Snow 
>> Leopard, my scripts worked out of the box.
>> Help is appreciated if you have experienced this issue before, or have some 
>> general direction of what I could have him do.
>> Thanks.
>> Take care.
>> Fonzie
>> -- 
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Chinese Input with VoiceOver on the iPhone [was Re: Chinese VO]

2010-06-22 Thread Esther

Hi Alvin,

This is a long post, and I'll cc to the macvisionaries list. I have a  
few suggestions for some admittedly awkward ways to input Chinese text  
on the iPhone now that the language rotor is working in iOS 4.  You  
can either use a translation app or a Chinese dictionary app, and then  
copy the resulting Chinese characters and paste them into a document,  
mail message, or note. I'll describe two different apps you can use  
that are both free, although I'll link the paid "pro" version of  
iTranslate which, for $0.99, will support history, favorites, etc.  
over the free version:

• iTranslate Plus -- the Universal Translate ($0.99) by Sonico GmbH

• KTdict C-E (Chinese-English Dictionary) (free) by Klaus Thul

Both these apps will translate text to either simplified or  
traditional Chinese.  You'll have to use the language rotor to change  
to a Chinese voice so that the English text will be spoken in English  
and the Chinese text will be spoken in Mandarin. Then, what you'll be  
able to do is use the rotor in Edit mode to cut or copy and paste the  
translated text into a notes app or message. I would recommend that  
you use the free Simplenote app from Codality, since you can  
automatically sync these contents to other iPhones, iPod Touches,  
iPads through your account, and also to your computer through a web  
browser with your assigned Simplenote account.  There are even more  
options that I know of for autosyncing to a Mac computer, but I'm  
guessing you're on a PC.  All these apps should work internationally  
-- I even checked that the two linked apps are available in the  
Singapore iTunes App Store.

With iTranslate (or iTranslate Plus) you can type text into the first  
text field in English, then set the translate button to Chinese.  
Here's what I hear if I do a two finger flick up to read all when the  
app launches: "Translate from","English, dimmed","Text Field", "img  
speaker touch, dimmed button", "button underscore switch underscore  
lang", "to", "Chinese Simplified, dimmed", "Text Field", "img action  
touch, dimmed button", "button underscore favorites underscore big",  
"button underscore info underscore big", "Powered by Google".  So this  
is a simple screen with the "translate from" language set in the top  
half of the screen, with its text field, and the "translate to"  
language in the bottom half of the screen, with its text field.  The  
"button underscore switch underscore lang" button at the left edge of  
center allows you to swap the "translate from" and "translate to"  
settings, so that you work with the same language pair, but reverse  
the translating direction by switching the button settings for the top  
and bottom half of the screen. I think the app originally loads with  
the "translate from" language now set to "Detect Language".   Double  
tapping either the "translate from" language of "English" or the  
"translate to" language of "Simplified Chinese" (both announced as  
"dimmed", incidentally) brings up a picker item wheel in the bottom  
half of the screen that lets you change the language by flicking up or  
down.  Once you've chosen your language, you double tap a "Set  
Language" button in the center of the screen, just above the picker  
wheel, to register the selection.  You similarly choose the "translate  
to" language by double tapping its button and using the picker wheel.

Then, I double tap in the text field to input English text, This  
brings up the virtual keyboard with buttons for "Cancel", "Clear", and  
"Translate" running across the center of the screen, just below the  
input text field and above the virtual keyboard. Type in your English  
text with the virtual keyboard, or through a Bluetooth or iPad  
keyboard dock keypad, then double tap the "Translate" button at the  
right edge of center.  Your screen will go back to the original two  
text box layout, and you'll hear "Chinese Simplified" for the dimmed  
"translate to" language button.  Flick right to the text box, and  
you'll hear the translated text announced in Chinese (if you have set  
the language rotor to Chinese before checking this field).  To select  
the text, use the rotor to set to edit mode. Flick up to hear "select  
all" and double tap, then flick up to hear "copy" and double tap.   
You'll be able to paste the text that you heard spoken in Chinese into  
another document or note, and it will contain the Chinese written  

The two buttons at the bottom of the app are for "favorites" at the  
bottom left corner, and "info" at the bottom right corner.  If you  
double tap "Favorites" you can access a list of "History" or  
"Favorites" and replay old selections.  The "Info" button lets you  
control settings, configure font size for the text used, and adjust  
voice rate or p

Re: fastforwarding in new Itunes

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
No problem Alison, I had the same issue and decided to look in the Help menu at 
the keyboard shortcuts.  Am sure there are many I don't know but like you i  do 
like to skim through my tracks to get to the good bits before I grab my hair 
brush to sing in :o) 

All the best

On 23 Jun 2010, at 02:19, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> THank you so much command option right arrow, I'll have to remember that. :).
> Allison
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 7:36 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> you press option + command + right arrow 
>> On 23 Jun 2010, at 00:30, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Has anyone figured out to fastforward in the new version of Itunes? I can't 
>>> figure it out. Option right arrow doens't seem to work. Thanks for any 
>>> assistance. Have a great evening.
>>> Allison
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Re: VoiceOver and Apple Script

2010-06-22 Thread Fonzie
Hi Chris and Linda.

Thanks for the help.

Will definitely have this enabled.

Take care.


On Jun 22, 2010, at 8:52 PM, Linda Adams wrote:

> Fonzie,
> In addition to checking scripts, my "cheat sheet" also says the keyboard
> commander in VO utilities has to be "enabled." 
> Linda
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Fonzie
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 9:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: VoiceOver and Apple Script
> Hey all, I hope everyone is well.
> Been  a while since I have posted to the list.
> Anywho, a friend of mine recently got a mac, and he go the new mac, with
> the wireless keyboard and mouse.
> Everything was set up fine, but when I told him he could get the time by
> using Option + T while voiceover was running, the command did not work.
> I made sure to have him check the "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled by
> AppleScript" in the VoiceOver Utility, but still no dice.
> Any idea as to why this is not working as it should?
> I know it iis an apple script, but as I remember it, when I loaded Snow
> Leopard, my scripts worked out of the box.
> Help is appreciated if you have experienced this issue before, or have
> some general direction of what I could have him do.
> Thanks.
> Take care.
> Fonzie
> -- 
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> Checked by AVG - 
> Version: 8.5.439 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2956 - Release Date: 06/22/10
> 18:36:00
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Re: Have a question on selecting multiple item and navigating by form field and text

2010-06-22 Thread Ricardo Walker

Just to add,  I have google as my homepage as well.  if your at the top of the 
page you can just press tab once to bring you to the search edit field.  You 
can also press VO command J once and get the same result.  No rotor needed. :) 
On Jun 22, 2010, at 9:51 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Alfredo,
> I only need a couple of key strokes to get to the search box in google.
> First, you should know that my quick nav is on. So when safari loads the 
> page, I first use my up and right arrows to select forms in the web rotor. 
> Then I hit the down arrow. The first place I land is the search box. I Then 
> can type what I want and hit enter or go down arrow again to the search or 
> I'm feeling lucky buttons.
> Having been a jaws user for a number of years, I do understand the 
> convenience of simply hitting the f key and landing on your form field, but 
> thing about this. With quick nav, you may navigate the web one-handed as any 
> sighted person can do with a mouse. I find that highly liberating as I feel 
> it requires less effort on my part.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Alfredo wrote:
>> The rotor utility is not efficient enough for me, I hate to make a
>> comparison but with jaws I get to a text edit field, like the google
>> webpage one, automatically or by pressing the f key.  With voice over
>> in safari, when I go to the google webpage I have to use the VO keys
>> along with the right arrow key several times, about 4 or 5, to get to
>> the text edit field.  The safari way requires more key strokes, if I
>> could remove key strokes then better.  I could use the web item rotor
>> and the of to forms, and then the text edit field but I think this
>> requires the same number of keystrokes.  Maybe as I get used to the
>> mac I will get better and be able to find a way o do this.  I will
>> try grouping mode to see if this helps.  Should the voice over cursor
>> be focus on the google search field when i load the google web page?
>> It does on other pages, like the gmail web page.  Maybe if I turn off
>> automatic speaking of webpages when they load.  Thank for clarifying
>> the thing about the multiple tabs, I search online, on google, and
>> only found one solution for this, and i think it was because of safari
>> 5 extensions, which I currently do not have.  With everyone saying
>> that it caused them trouble I will stay away from it for another month
>> or so.  Thanks again for the response.
>> alfredo
>> Chris Moore wrote:
>>> Is the form item in the rota not efficient enough for you? (you can create 
>>> a short cut to toggle between DOM and group mode)
>>> as for text elements , have you tried surfing in grouping mode?when you 
>>> mention tabs, do you mean they are automatically open with the web pages 
>>> loaded of your choice?  Not that I am aware of maybe as Safari 5 has been 
>>> opened up someone might develop an add on.  for now you will have to press 
>>> command + T for a new tab. and then use control + tab to cycle through them.
>>> On 22 Jun 2010, at 18:08, Alfredo wrote:
 I am going through the online tutorial with voice over and am hitting
 some bumps in the way.
 1.  Can you navigate the web by form field like in jaws?  In jaws you
 just clicked the “f” key and you would land on a form field, such as
 an edit box, radio button, or button.
 2.  Is there a way to navigate text element by text element, sometimes
 it would be useful just to get to the text section of a webpage,
 especially ones that contain many links.  Is there a hot key to
 navigate text element by text element on the web?
 3.  I was reading the select multiple items section and tried it on
 the Voice over utilities, VO + F8, and went into his web section, and
 went to the web rotor popup menu.  I wanted to select multiple items
 or deselect multiple items but I could not.  Plus VO does not tell you
 if the checkbox on the popup menu is on or off, even when I pressed VO
 + f8.  Can anyone shine a light on this?  I can live with having to
 close the menu for every selected Item I want but it would be more
 convenient to just select all items I want then close the popup
 4.  Is there a way to set up multiple tabs upon starting safari?  I
 had multiple tabs for my internet explorer on windows since this way I
 have quick access to my bank account webpage, phone bill web page,
 Google search, Gmail, NFL website, book share, and others.  Does
 anyone know how to do this?
 6.  Is there a way to activate a link from within the web item rotor?
 Like for example, instead of just going to the link selected from the
 web item rotor can I activate that link so that the web page will load
 up auto magically?  This would save me on more steps in selecting the
 link.  If there is no way to do this, then I will send an email to
 apple suggesting that they add this featur

Re: reading a long pdf: vo vs spoken word in itunes

2010-06-22 Thread Christina
I cannot get ibooks to read line by line and I also cannot figure out how to 
activate or access links to websites on the PDF.  Have you figured this out.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:41 PM, Greg Weller wrote:

> If you have the new version of ibooks that just came today you can read pdfs 
> in that...I just loaded a 1500 page file and voiceober is reading it 
> ...this is on an i
> Sent from my iPad
> On 21/06/2010, at 9:10 PM, Joel Zimba  wrote:
>> I did notice that I have a few pdfs in my books section of itunes.  I'm not 
>> sure how I got them there...  nor what to do with them exactly,  it would be 
>> great if ibooks learned to read them, as I'm more and more impressed with it 
>> as I play.
>> J
>> On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:25 PM, Catherine Kudlick wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Someone just sent me a long book manuscript as a pdf.  If I wanted to read 
>>> it on the go on my ipod touch, what's the best way to do it?  Should I use 
>>> voiceover?  Or is it true that it's possible to convert the pdf to a spoken 
>>> word text that I could access through itunes?  If so, how do I do this?  
>>> And is it easier to use in itunes than in VO? For example, can you set the 
>>> pace of speech in these itunes files or mark your place? 
>>> Also, can what I read be sync-ed between devices? For example if I start 
>>> reading it on my Macbook Pro but then want to pick up on my ipod, would it 
>>> sync to where I left off?  
>>> Thanks so much, cathy
>>> -- 
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>> pad...buttit should work on an iphone w IS 4
> greg
> -- 
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Re: reading a long pdf: vo vs spoken word in itunes

2010-06-22 Thread Christina
you do this the same way you add a song to your itunes library.  Go to the File 
menu and select add to library and then navigate to the PDF or ePub file you 
want to add to your library and then select add or something like that.  :)
On Jun 22, 2010, at 5:20 AM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:

> How do you get the book  loaded into Ibooks?
> Peggy Fleischer
>  Psalm 90 12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts 
> unto wisdom.
> On Jun 21, 2010, at 11:41 PM, Greg Weller wrote:
>> If you have the new version of ibooks that just came today you can read pdfs 
>> in that...I just loaded a 1500 page file and voiceober is reading it 
>> ...this is on an i
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On 21/06/2010, at 9:10 PM, Joel Zimba  wrote:
>>> I did notice that I have a few pdfs in my books section of itunes.  I'm not 
>>> sure how I got them there...  nor what to do with them exactly,  it would 
>>> be great if ibooks learned to read them, as I'm more and more impressed 
>>> with it as I play.
>>> J
>>> On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:25 PM, Catherine Kudlick wrote:
 Hi All,
 Someone just sent me a long book manuscript as a pdf.  If I wanted to read 
 it on the go on my ipod touch, what's the best way to do it?  Should I use 
 voiceover?  Or is it true that it's possible to convert the pdf to a 
 spoken word text that I could access through itunes?  If so, how do I do 
 this?  And is it easier to use in itunes than in VO? For example, can you 
 set the pace of speech in these itunes files or mark your place? 
 Also, can what I read be sync-ed between devices? For example if I start 
 reading it on my Macbook Pro but then want to pick up on my ipod, would it 
 sync to where I left off?  
 Thanks so much, cathy
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> pad...buttit should work on an iphone w IS 4
>> greg
>> -- 
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Re: Have a question on selecting multiple item and navigating by form field and text

2010-06-22 Thread Kimberly thurman
>From any page in Safari, all you have to do to search in Google is command L, 
>then VO right arrow twice and type your  terms into the search box and press 
>enter.  Very simple.
On Jun 22, 2010, at 9:51 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Alfredo,
> I only need a couple of key strokes to get to the search box in google.
> First, you should know that my quick nav is on. So when safari loads the 
> page, I first use my up and right arrows to select forms in the web rotor. 
> Then I hit the down arrow. The first place I land is the search box. I Then 
> can type what I want and hit enter or go down arrow again to the search or 
> I'm feeling lucky buttons.
> Having been a jaws user for a number of years, I do understand the 
> convenience of simply hitting the f key and landing on your form field, but 
> thing about this. With quick nav, you may navigate the web one-handed as any 
> sighted person can do with a mouse. I find that highly liberating as I feel 
> it requires less effort on my part.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Alfredo wrote:
>> The rotor utility is not efficient enough for me, I hate to make a
>> comparison but with jaws I get to a text edit field, like the google
>> webpage one, automatically or by pressing the f key.  With voice over
>> in safari, when I go to the google webpage I have to use the VO keys
>> along with the right arrow key several times, about 4 or 5, to get to
>> the text edit field.  The safari way requires more key strokes, if I
>> could remove key strokes then better.  I could use the web item rotor
>> and the of to forms, and then the text edit field but I think this
>> requires the same number of keystrokes.  Maybe as I get used to the
>> mac I will get better and be able to find a way o do this.  I will
>> try grouping mode to see if this helps.  Should the voice over cursor
>> be focus on the google search field when i load the google web page?
>> It does on other pages, like the gmail web page.  Maybe if I turn off
>> automatic speaking of webpages when they load.  Thank for clarifying
>> the thing about the multiple tabs, I search online, on google, and
>> only found one solution for this, and i think it was because of safari
>> 5 extensions, which I currently do not have.  With everyone saying
>> that it caused them trouble I will stay away from it for another month
>> or so.  Thanks again for the response.
>> alfredo
>> Chris Moore wrote:
>>> Is the form item in the rota not efficient enough for you? (you can create 
>>> a short cut to toggle between DOM and group mode)
>>> as for text elements , have you tried surfing in grouping mode?when you 
>>> mention tabs, do you mean they are automatically open with the web pages 
>>> loaded of your choice?  Not that I am aware of maybe as Safari 5 has been 
>>> opened up someone might develop an add on.  for now you will have to press 
>>> command + T for a new tab. and then use control + tab to cycle through them.
>>> On 22 Jun 2010, at 18:08, Alfredo wrote:
 I am going through the online tutorial with voice over and am hitting
 some bumps in the way.
 1.  Can you navigate the web by form field like in jaws?  In jaws you
 just clicked the “f” key and you would land on a form field, such as
 an edit box, radio button, or button.
 2.  Is there a way to navigate text element by text element, sometimes
 it would be useful just to get to the text section of a webpage,
 especially ones that contain many links.  Is there a hot key to
 navigate text element by text element on the web?
 3.  I was reading the select multiple items section and tried it on
 the Voice over utilities, VO + F8, and went into his web section, and
 went to the web rotor popup menu.  I wanted to select multiple items
 or deselect multiple items but I could not.  Plus VO does not tell you
 if the checkbox on the popup menu is on or off, even when I pressed VO
 + f8.  Can anyone shine a light on this?  I can live with having to
 close the menu for every selected Item I want but it would be more
 convenient to just select all items I want then close the popup
 4.  Is there a way to set up multiple tabs upon starting safari?  I
 had multiple tabs for my internet explorer on windows since this way I
 have quick access to my bank account webpage, phone bill web page,
 Google search, Gmail, NFL website, book share, and others.  Does
 anyone know how to do this?
 6.  Is there a way to activate a link from within the web item rotor?
 Like for example, instead of just going to the link selected from the
 web item rotor can I activate that link so that the web page will load
 up auto magically?  This would save me on more steps in selecting the
 link.  If there is no way to do this, then I will send an email to
 apple suggesting that they add this feature.  The can do like, if you
 press the control key while s

Re: The iPhone and iPod Touch are now real note taking devices!

2010-06-22 Thread Doug Lawlor
Hi Mary, 
I installed this app sometime ago but only took a basic look at it. I am 
planning to have a more detail look tomorrow. It looks accessible from what 
I've seen of it. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-06-22, at 10:29 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> Hi Doug,
> I looked at the description and reviews for documents 2. It looks like an 
> incredible app for the price of a mere $2. Some reviewers weren't too happy 
> with it. but if its accessible with VO, what's not to like? 
> Mary
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Re: VoiceOver and Apple Script

2010-06-22 Thread Carolyn
Yes: to time being spoken with option-T.  He needs to go to VO utilities, find 
averbosity, commanders, and activate keyboard commander, and work through the 
choices therein.
On Jun 22, 2010, at 7:24 PM, Fonzie wrote:

> Hey all, I hope everyone is well.
> Been  a while since I have posted to the list.
> Anywho, a friend of mine recently got a mac, and he go the new mac, with the 
> wireless keyboard and mouse.
> Everything was set up fine, but when I told him he could get the time by 
> using Option + T while voiceover was running, the command did not work.
> I made sure to have him check the "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled by 
> AppleScript" in the VoiceOver Utility, but still no dice.
> Any idea as to why this is not working as it should?
> I know it iis an apple script, but as I remember it, when I loaded Snow 
> Leopard, my scripts worked out of the box.
> Help is appreciated if you have experienced this issue before, or have some 
> general direction of what I could have him do.
> Thanks.
> Take care.
> Fonzie
> -- 
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2010-06-22 Thread Carolyn
Hi there:
Is there any way to have the Mac  make a sound to indicate when it sees a disk 
or flash-drive?  
Thank you.


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Re: sounds

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
Actually now that would be useful as Windows does it, just looked in the Finder 
preferences to see if anything was there, but sadly not.  I will keep looking 
though and if no joy I will send apple some feedback on OS X.
On 23 Jun 2010, at 03:41, Carolyn wrote:

> Hi there:
> Is there any way to have the Mac  make a sound to indicate when it sees a 
> disk or flash-drive?  
> Thank you.
> Carolyn
> CH:)
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Re: Amadeus Podcast

2010-06-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Cody and all,

I apologize, I had no idea, oops. I found out how to record all the apps in 
Audio Hijack. I will rerecord the podcast tomorrow.


On Jun 22, 2010, at 2:17 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> We can't hear the amadeus audio song that you said you had opened we only 
> hear you and voiceover
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 12:35 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have recorded a podcast on how to get specific amounts of effects with 
>> Amadeus. To listen to it just go to:
>> -- 
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Re: amadeus question

2010-06-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Chris,

I'm so glad I was able to help you. I'm rerecording my podcast tomorrow as you 
can't hear the track I'm working on in Amadeus. I didn't realize that Audio 
Hijack didn't pick up what Amadeus was playing. I have to check out the VST 
reverb plug in, I didn't know about that. To play each track separately, I'd 
suggest naming them first. For example if you were to record guitar on one 
track, and vocals on another track. Interact with the scroll area and name the 
first track, then name the second track. After you do that you can check or 
uncheck the play boxes. Let's say you want to put reverb on the vocals, and not 
hear the guitar part. You just uncheck the play box and then only the vocal 
track will receive the reverb. I have also discovered a nifty feature called 
duplicate track. This is done by hitting command D as in Delta. It works really 
well for putting guitar on left and right sides and making a fuller sound. I 
hope I've helped. I love Amadeus and I agree with you, an accessible multitrack 
editor that doesn't cost thousands yay! Have a great evening.


On Jun 22, 2010, at 9:45 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi Allison and Sarah,
> Thanks very much for your help. Your tips really helped me take off, and now 
> I feel fairly confident with multi-track navigation. I guess the question I 
> must figure out now is how to reliably play both tracks at the same time, and 
> how to play separately. From what I've been able to determine, it's kind of a 
> gamble as to which will occur. Still, this is a remarkable breakthrough. A 
> multi-track editor which doesn't cost hundreds or thousands of dollars that's 
> accessible. Oh, and the free VST effects that the guy has on his site are 
> accessible as well and very cool. The reverb is rather impressive. I've 
> worked with waves reverb in both PT and Goldwave, and I think these reverbs 
> are very good indeed.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 8:04 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I believe you ahve to hit esc after you get to the track you want. Kind of 
>> clunky but it works.
>> S
>> On Jun 22, 2010, at 5:29 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> I'm so excited another Amadeus convert :)  there is a slight delay when 
>>> recording with Amadeus, I have no idea why. It's tricky to get used to. 
>>> Sometimes, I make sure the mic is working correctly and just uncheck the 
>>> play through box before I record a vocal. Yes, there is a way to move 
>>> between tracks and mix etc. You have given me more incentive to do a 
>>> podcast on it. I will provide the link to the list when it's done, as a 
>>> reference. I'm learning right along with everyone else, so it's not going 
>>> to be a definitive podcast.,  Aside from Erik Caron's podcast on Blind Cool 
>>> Tech, all the things I've learned about Amadeus have been trial and error. 
>>> To move between tracks, press VO shift down arrow and interact with the 
>>> scroll area. It will take you to the track name where you can type in a 
>>> name, and then if you VO right arrow the volume slider, etc. I hope that 
>>> helps. Have a great day!
>>> Allison
>>> On Jun 22, 2010, at 4:36 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:
 Hi fellow Amadeus users,
 I have just bought the program, and I managed to record a song with it. It 
 was a bit tricky since I had to hand sync the vocal track with the 
 instrumental track. The two questions I have are:
 1. Is there a way to move between tracks with voiceover in a multi-track 
 2. If you select the pass through box in the record dialog, why is there a 
 delay on the output?
 My first thought was that it had something to do with the sound card in my 
 macbook, but I was wondering if anyone else had experienced that.
 Over all, I have to say I'm very pleased at how well voiceover handles 
 Amadeus, and I'm becoming more and more comfortable using it in stead of 
 Gold Wave.
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Re: VoiceOver and Apple Script

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Westbrook
Is there a script for the macbook pro that will read battery status like the 
time script?  Wonder if one could be created?
On Jun 22, 2010, at 10:27 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Yes: to time being spoken with option-T.  He needs to go to VO utilities, 
> find averbosity, commanders, and activate keyboard commander, and work 
> through the choices therein.
> Carolyn
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 7:24 PM, Fonzie wrote:
>> Hey all, I hope everyone is well.
>> Been  a while since I have posted to the list.
>> Anywho, a friend of mine recently got a mac, and he go the new mac, with the 
>> wireless keyboard and mouse.
>> Everything was set up fine, but when I told him he could get the time by 
>> using Option + T while voiceover was running, the command did not work.
>> I made sure to have him check the "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled by 
>> AppleScript" in the VoiceOver Utility, but still no dice.
>> Any idea as to why this is not working as it should?
>> I know it iis an apple script, but as I remember it, when I loaded Snow 
>> Leopard, my scripts worked out of the box.
>> Help is appreciated if you have experienced this issue before, or have some 
>> general direction of what I could have him do.
>> Thanks.
>> Take care.
>> Fonzie
>> -- 
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My BrailleConnect 24 shows up as an unknown Braille display

2010-06-22 Thread Jessie Kirchner
Hi List,

Has anyone else experienced this?  It's supposed to be a supported 
display, so I thought the correct name would appear in the VoiceOver Utility 
and that it would display preconfigured key assignments as it used to do with 
my BrailleNote.  But since the display is showing up as unknown, the key 
assignments table is empty and I can't seem to do much of anything in terms of 
interacting with Voiceover.  Should I change the BrailleConnect protocol to 
emulate another display?


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Re: Safari Update

2010-06-22 Thread Cody Hurst
Voiceover doesn't seem to meshw ell with facebook either. sometimes if I'm 
kicked out of the html content even if I just try to arrow over it and not even 
interact with it, voiceover crashes and relaunches
On Jun 22, 2010, at 6:00 PM, rayna424 wrote:

> Hey all,
> Haven't had any problems, so haven't needed to post. I searched to see
> how ya'll were feeling about the latest Safari update, and it seems
> I'm not alone. Safari keeps freaking out when I navigate by headers on
> certain sites, and it's really freaking out with Blogger now. When I
> interact with text, I can't use command up arrow and down arrow to get
> from top to bottom, and when I'm interacting, it won't let me go line
> by line in a text edit field. So the only way to edit is to go word by
> word. Also, when I click the "select all" link for labels, Safari dies
> and I have to restart it. Every time. So I don't do that anymore and
> I've started composing blogs in text edit.
> This takes me back to being afraid to install Windows updates. I'm
> still using Leopard. Is anyone having problems with the latest Safari
> in Snow?
> Just had to complain. I send the error reports to Apple every time
> since at least with Apple, I have faith that they are listening.
> Thanks!
> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver and Apple Script

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
You can create keyboard shortcuts to hotspots, so you could try creating a hot 
spot to the battery status in the menu bar 

On 23 Jun 2010, at 04:18, Chris Westbrook wrote:

> Is there a script for the macbook pro that will read battery status like the 
> time script?  Wonder if one could be created?
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 10:27 PM, Carolyn wrote:
>> Yes: to time being spoken with option-T.  He needs to go to VO utilities, 
>> find averbosity, commanders, and activate keyboard commander, and work 
>> through the choices therein.
>> HTH
>> Carolyn
>> On Jun 22, 2010, at 7:24 PM, Fonzie wrote:
>>> Hey all, I hope everyone is well.
>>> Been  a while since I have posted to the list.
>>> Anywho, a friend of mine recently got a mac, and he go the new mac, with 
>>> the wireless keyboard and mouse.
>>> Everything was set up fine, but when I told him he could get the time by 
>>> using Option + T while voiceover was running, the command did not work.
>>> I made sure to have him check the "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled by 
>>> AppleScript" in the VoiceOver Utility, but still no dice.
>>> Any idea as to why this is not working as it should?
>>> I know it iis an apple script, but as I remember it, when I loaded Snow 
>>> Leopard, my scripts worked out of the box.
>>> Help is appreciated if you have experienced this issue before, or have some 
>>> general direction of what I could have him do.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Take care.
>>> Fonzie
>>> -- 
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Re: Safari Update

2010-06-22 Thread Chris Moore
Are you using the full facebook site or the cut down mobile one at  ?
On 23 Jun 2010, at 04:32, Cody Hurst wrote:

> Voiceover doesn't seem to meshw ell with facebook either. sometimes if I'm 
> kicked out of the html content even if I just try to arrow over it and not 
> even interact with it, voiceover crashes and relaunches
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 6:00 PM, rayna424 wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Haven't had any problems, so haven't needed to post. I searched to see
>> how ya'll were feeling about the latest Safari update, and it seems
>> I'm not alone. Safari keeps freaking out when I navigate by headers on
>> certain sites, and it's really freaking out with Blogger now. When I
>> interact with text, I can't use command up arrow and down arrow to get
>> from top to bottom, and when I'm interacting, it won't let me go line
>> by line in a text edit field. So the only way to edit is to go word by
>> word. Also, when I click the "select all" link for labels, Safari dies
>> and I have to restart it. Every time. So I don't do that anymore and
>> I've started composing blogs in text edit.
>> This takes me back to being afraid to install Windows updates. I'm
>> still using Leopard. Is anyone having problems with the latest Safari
>> in Snow?
>> Just had to complain. I send the error reports to Apple every time
>> since at least with Apple, I have faith that they are listening.
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
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Re: Have a question on selecting multiple item and navigating by form field and text

2010-06-22 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Chris,
You can move to the next text element that isn't a link with control option p. 
I like the single finger key strokes as found in the Windows screen readers, 
because they're easier, especially if you're on a limited keyboard that lacks a 
full compliment of control etc  keys on either side of the spacebar. Of course, 
the price you pay is that you have forms mode with Jaws, for instance. 


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Re: handy tech braille star 40 bluetooth pairing with iphone

2010-06-22 Thread Georges Zaynoun
Hi, I paired and used my iPod Touch with braille connect12 and it is 
awsome, but I didn't figure out yet how do I type numbers from this 
BC12 I can type letters, I still need to know where can I change 
braille table if that is possible. On another side how do I enable 
touch typing on the iPod? But I am having a problem with this braille 
connect it is sometimes being shutdown by itself without me pressing on 
the power button, this is happening when in use with this iPod touch 
and it never happened when in use with Nokia N82, how can I solve this problem?

Original message:
Hi Peter, make sure to go into Braille settings in the VoiceOver 
settings to pair you're display. This is not done under the Bluetooth 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-06-22, at 4:14 PM, Peter Durieux  wrote:

Hi folks,

Has anyone success pairing the Handy techs Braillestar 40 with his iphone/ipod?
My Iphone seems searching , but  don't see the device.
When I scan with my macbook, it was found.

Any suggestions should be appreciated.



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