Are you using the full facebook site or the cut down mobile one at  ?
On 23 Jun 2010, at 04:32, Cody Hurst wrote:

> Voiceover doesn't seem to meshw ell with facebook either. sometimes if I'm 
> kicked out of the html content even if I just try to arrow over it and not 
> even interact with it, voiceover crashes and relaunches
> On Jun 22, 2010, at 6:00 PM, rayna424 wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Haven't had any problems, so haven't needed to post. I searched to see
>> how ya'll were feeling about the latest Safari update, and it seems
>> I'm not alone. Safari keeps freaking out when I navigate by headers on
>> certain sites, and it's really freaking out with Blogger now. When I
>> interact with text, I can't use command up arrow and down arrow to get
>> from top to bottom, and when I'm interacting, it won't let me go line
>> by line in a text edit field. So the only way to edit is to go word by
>> word. Also, when I click the "select all" link for labels, Safari dies
>> and I have to restart it. Every time. So I don't do that anymore and
>> I've started composing blogs in text edit.
>> This takes me back to being afraid to install Windows updates. I'm
>> still using Leopard. Is anyone having problems with the latest Safari
>> in Snow?
>> Just had to complain. I send the error reports to Apple every time
>> since at least with Apple, I have faith that they are listening.
>> Thanks!
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