garage band with snow leopard 10.6?

2010-03-14 Thread hank smith
on the vi-mac audio list
some one created voice over features to make garage band voice over friendly
the buttons read, they were labled etc
I needed the url to this info, as well as instructions on how to get these 
files to work with voice over.
if any one needs more explanation on what I am refering to please let me know.
please guys and gals.

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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Anne Robertson
You report a bug to Apple by contacting:

By the way, my 2007 MacBook has only 2 gb of memory and I hardly ever get 
Safari Busy. I usually run about 6 or 7 apps at once, however I don't have 
Windows on my machine at all.



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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

You're assuming that it is a VoiceOver bug in the first place. It doesn't have 
to be. And if you can't tell Apple how to reproduce the issue, there's not much 
point telling them about it as they have no leads to go on. Saying that Safari 
goes busy like crazy is all good, but if they don't know what causes it in your 
case, they can't fix it. That includes letting them know exactly what hardware 
you have like processors, RAM, etc. Of course, don't forget to let them know 
your operating system. You're not necessarily running the latest one, 
especially if you  haven't updated yet. Also, it'd be even more useful if you 
are able to isolate the elements which actually causes your Safari to become 
busy, and put it into a web archive.

It's also important to note that is only for VoiceOver 
bugs or anything to do with actual accessibility. These bugs aren't necessarily 
VoiceOver related at all. The above e-mail address is if you have either 
comments or suggestions to accessibility to Apple products.

Another good idea is to actually visit the Apple Discussions Forums at
for some neat feedback. There is even an Accessibility section so other users 
can comment before it's actually classified as a bug.

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On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:25 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> stupid question alert. How do you report a bug to apple if you have to?
> Take care.
> On Mar 13, 2010, at 4:02 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> It's always good to report suspected bugs... Also saffari was updated 
>> yesterday or today, and an update may be of help resolving this issue for 
>> you.
>> On 2010-03-13, at 3:30 PM, Carolyn wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others are 
>>> frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy," Is 
>>> there a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered a 
>>> bug to report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's new 
>>> to me as I use the Mac more.
>>> TIA
>>> Carolyn :)ch
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Re: safari busy

2010-03-14 Thread James & Nash
I wonder if all the busy situations are due to Flash being used? Apparently, 
Steve Jobbs - at least I think it was him, said that the majority of crashes 
etc are due to Flash. But then, he would say that smile.

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 14 Mar 2010, at 02:44, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> lol. I wonder if it is the way webmasters are coding pages? Just a thought.
> On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:10 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
>> Wow I almost responded to the safari busy message by saying that I wasn't 
>> having that problem.
>> So I was just bored and went onto site and started 
>> getting the safari busy message.  Probably a sign from god that I should not 
>> be on there anyway!  Odd site.  Chat with strangers and there are some 
>> strangers there--let me tell you*Grin*
>> Jim
>> -
>> Find me on facebook or:
>> Skype: jimintexas
>> Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys
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Re: hello list

2010-03-14 Thread James & Nash
Hi GF,

Welcome to the list. Hopefuly youll find it useful. The folks on here are realy 

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 14 Mar 2010, at 03:27, clarence griffin wrote:

> Hey there. I would just like to introduce my self. My name is Clarence. I go 
> by GF or Goldfingas on the web though. I am new to the mac world, and am 
> loving it so far. I have an iPhone 3gs and a MacBook Pro. I am a musician so 
> will be using protools on the mac. I pretty much use this mac for everything 
> now, mail, twitter, instant messages, and more. I am looking forward to 
> learning more about this thing and what I can get out of it. 
> Thanks for having me and I hope I can help as well.
> Peace out for now.
> GF
> Goldfinga Productions
> Phone: 757-412-5494
> Web:
> Follow me on twitter
> Find me on facebook
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Re: Current audio formats have a maximum number of samples [was Re: iTunes and lengthy audio files]

2010-03-14 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

So you're saying the bottom line is that it has to be within the 2GB
limit? It's only a 232MB MP3 file, so to me, that should still be
usable. Also, I've received files like this before with no issues of
CD-quality and 44.1KHZ sample rate. Or maybe I'm just being dense.


Slau Halatyn wrote:
> One thing to consider regarding file formats is the bit depth. In the case of 
> a CD-quality file, it's 16 bits. The sampling rate is fairly meaningless 
> especially when it comes to compressed formats like mp3. One must then 
> consider the compression ratio. for normal AIF and WAV formats, a 16-bit 
> 44.1/48 kHz file is roughly 10 MB per stereo minute whereas a compressed 
> format can be as little as one tenth the size. Higher quality 24-bit files 
> are 50 percent larger at 15 MB per stereo minute. Ultimately, the file size 
> itself needs to be within the 2 GB limit to be useable. I think that's 
> changed in 64-bit systems though. I'll have to double check.
> Slau
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Definitely a good post, thank you.
> >
> > I was pondering that possibility, though I had a look at two similar files, 
> > one longer than the first. I have a six hour long file, encoded with 
> > 44.100KHZ. That file worked perfectly. Just the way it was supposed to work.
> >
> > Then I had a look at the four hour long audio file. Exactly same format and 
> > sample rate.
> >
> > So I wrote to the list. I'm still a bit confused as to why it won't, as I 
> > have an even longer file at exactly the same quality that works just fine.
> >
> > If you take the audio file at six hours, encoded with a 44100KHZ sample 
> > rate. That's just about 95256 seconds, or just about. Then take the 
> > four hour long audio file, encoded again at 44100KHZ. That's about 
> > 63504 seconds. That unfortunately doesn't seem to be the problem. What 
> > else might be causing this? It doesn't even come close to the 20 
> > mark. Only halfway.
> >
> > Thank you for the in-depth suggestion, though. :)
> >
> > Let me know if I'm understanding this right.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Nic
> > Skype: Kvalme
> > MSN Messenger:
> > AIM: cincinster
> > yahoo Messenger: cin368
> > Facebook Profile
> > My Twitter
> >
> > On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:14 PM, Esther wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Nic,
> >>
> >> The problem of the maximum time for working with an audio file is not 
> >> specific to iTunes.  Basically none of the music programs, including 
> >> QuickTime, can correctly handle sound files where the number of samples 
> >> exceeds 2 billion (or, to be precise, the maximum number that can be 
> >> represented with a 32-bit unsigned integer, or 2 raised to the exponent of 
> >> 31, which is about 2.1478 billion samples).  One of the numbers in the 
> >> file header for the audio file is a counter that turns over when you 
> >> exceed this maximum.  This means that the actual maximum file length (in 
> >> time) that can be correctly read from these audio files depends on the 
> >> quality of the file encoding.  CD quality music files sample the music at 
> >> 44.1 kHz (44.1 thousand samples per second).  Voice memo files might 
> >> sample at 8 kHz (8 thousand samples per second) -- a rate that is more 
> >> than 5 times smaller. The total number of samples is the encoding sample 
> >> rate (e.g. 44.1 kHz for a CD) multiplied by the time of your audio file in 
> >> seconds.  This number hits the 2 billion maximum for a file length of 13.5 
> >> hours, assuming this is stereo music.  This is an absolute maximum that 
> >> the file structure can correctly represent -- you can still run into 
> >> problems before this.   When music programs like QuickTime or any 
> >> comparable programs on any platform (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.) read these 
> >> files, they all compute the time from the number of samples, and they all 
> >> get incorrect answers when the counter is exceeded.  That's why you're 
> >> able to play the files with QuickLook, which just starts streaming without 
> >> trying to read the time.  The exact wrong number depends on the rollover 
> >> value of the counter.
> >>
> >> Moreover, if you think back to recent posts by James looking for the intro 
> >> and other music files that the Mac plays on startup, you'll notice that 
> >> the file extensions are .caf  instead of .aiff (Audio Interchange File 
> >> Format).  The new format is "Core Audio File Format", and one of the 
> >> reasons for the new file format is that these files can correctly 
> >> represent samples that exceed the 2 billion counter maximum.
> >>
> >> All of this comes up in discussions of the maximum length you can make a 
> >> single audiobook file and play it correctly.
> >>
> >> HTH.  You can get longer files to play, and get correct times if you 
> >> reduce the audio quality.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >>
> >> Esther
> >>
> >>
> >> Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi guys,
> >>>

bible software

2010-03-14 Thread clarence griffin
Well, as the subject line says, does anyone have any recommendations for bible 
software for the mac? I am looking for something that has different versions 
and some study guides and stuff. Maybe even a dictionary.
Thanks for any help.


Goldfinga Productions
Phone: 757-412-5494

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Re: hello list

2010-03-14 Thread clarence griffin
well so far from all the nice welcomes, I am feeling very welcome. Thanks.


Goldfinga Productions
Phone: 757-412-5494

Follow me on twitter

On Mar 14, 2010, at 7:31 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi GF,
> Welcome to the list. Hopefuly youll find it useful. The folks on here are 
> realy nice. 
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 14 Mar 2010, at 03:27, clarence griffin wrote:
>> Hey there. I would just like to introduce my self. My name is Clarence. I go 
>> by GF or Goldfingas on the web though. I am new to the mac world, and am 
>> loving it so far. I have an iPhone 3gs and a MacBook Pro. I am a musician so 
>> will be using protools on the mac. I pretty much use this mac for everything 
>> now, mail, twitter, instant messages, and more. I am looking forward to 
>> learning more about this thing and what I can get out of it. 
>> Thanks for having me and I hope I can help as well.
>> Peace out for now.
>> GF
>> Goldfinga Productions
>> Phone: 757-412-5494
>> Web:
>> Follow me on twitter
>> Find me on facebook
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Re: garage band with snow leopard 10.6?

2010-03-14 Thread clarence griffin
wow, there are things that make it even better? I did a hole track, well it was 
a lil one, but yeah. I didn't even use anything special, just vo and gb out of 
the box. Hooked my midi controller up and went to town. lol.


Goldfinga Productions
Phone: 757-412-5494

Follow me on twitter

On Mar 14, 2010, at 4:36 AM, hank smith wrote:

> hello
> on the vi-mac audio list
> some one created voice over features to make garage band voice over friendly
> the buttons read, they were labled etc
> I needed the url to this info, as well as instructions on how to get these 
> files to work with voice over.
> if any one needs more explanation on what I am refering to please let me know.
> please guys and gals.
> Hank
> -- 
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Re: garage band with snow leopard 10.6?

2010-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker

Hank is referring to labelling buttons and sliders in Garageband.  To label 
press VO slash.

On Mar 14, 2010, at 9:53 AM, clarence griffin wrote:

> wow, there are things that make it even better? I did a hole track, well it 
> was a lil one, but yeah. I didn't even use anything special, just vo and gb 
> out of the box. Hooked my midi controller up and went to town. lol.
> GF
> Goldfinga Productions
> Phone: 757-412-5494
> Follow me on twitter
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 4:36 AM, hank smith wrote:
>> hello
>> on the vi-mac audio list
>> some one created voice over features to make garage band voice over friendly
>> the buttons read, they were labled etc
>> I needed the url to this info, as well as instructions on how to get these 
>> files to work with voice over.
>> if any one needs more explanation on what I am refering to please let me 
>> know.
>> please guys and gals.
>> Hank
>> -- 
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Re: garage band with snow leopard 10.6?

2010-03-14 Thread Cody
For multitrack recording and editing I would recommend more towards amadeus pro 
rather than gb, it's much simpler. However, for midi this is another story and 
if anyone wants to give me advice on what to use with midi that is accessible 
please let me know.
  - Original Message - 
  From: clarence griffin 
  Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 9:53 AM
  Subject: Re: garage band with snow leopard 10.6?

  wow, there are things that make it even better? I did a hole track, well it 
was a lil one, but yeah. I didn't even use anything special, just vo and gb out 
of the box. Hooked my midi controller up and went to town. lol.


  Goldfinga Productions
  Phone: 757-412-5494

  Follow me on twitter

  On Mar 14, 2010, at 4:36 AM, hank smith wrote:

on the vi-mac audio list
some one created voice over features to make garage band voice over friendly
the buttons read, they were labled etc
I needed the url to this info, as well as instructions on how to get these 
files to work with voice over.
if any one needs more explanation on what I am refering to please let me 
please guys and gals.

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  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
  To post to this group, send email to
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  For more options, visit this group at

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Re: bible software

2010-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker

Check out www.icanworkthis

Here I think you will find what you are looking for.  There are also some 
Garageband tutorials that you might find useful.

On Mar 14, 2010, at 9:26 AM, clarence griffin wrote:

> Well, as the subject line says, does anyone have any recommendations for 
> bible software for the mac? I am looking for something that has different 
> versions and some study guides and stuff. Maybe even a dictionary.
> Thanks for any help.
> GF
> Goldfinga Productions
> Phone: 757-412-5494
> Follow me on twitter
> -- 
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Re: garage band with snow leopard 10.6?

2010-03-14 Thread clarence griffin
oh yeah, I know that. I thought there was something bigger like some scripts or 
something. VO works quite well with Garage Band though. There are a few buttons 
that may need to be labeled, I will look in to that. But if someone did it 
already, why invent the wheel again?
Has the work been done already?


Goldfinga Productions
Phone: 757-412-5494

Follow me on twitter

On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:15 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Hank is referring to labelling buttons and sliders in Garageband.  To label 
> press VO slash.
> hth 
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 9:53 AM, clarence griffin wrote:
>> wow, there are things that make it even better? I did a hole track, well it 
>> was a lil one, but yeah. I didn't even use anything special, just vo and gb 
>> out of the box. Hooked my midi controller up and went to town. lol.
>> GF
>> Goldfinga Productions
>> Phone: 757-412-5494
>> Follow me on twitter
>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 4:36 AM, hank smith wrote:
>>> hello
>>> on the vi-mac audio list
>>> some one created voice over features to make garage band voice over friendly
>>> the buttons read, they were labled etc
>>> I needed the url to this info, as well as instructions on how to get these 
>>> files to work with voice over.
>>> if any one needs more explanation on what I am refering to please let me 
>>> know.
>>> please guys and gals.
>>> Hank
>>> -- 
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Re: bible software

2010-03-14 Thread clarence griffin
oh yeah. I have that sight bookmarked! Thanks for the reminder! Loving this 
list already! hahaha


Goldfinga Productions
Phone: 757-412-5494

Follow me on twitter

On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:17 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Check out www.icanworkthis
> Here I think you will find what you are looking for.  There are also some 
> Garageband tutorials that you might find useful.
> hth
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 9:26 AM, clarence griffin wrote:
>> Well, as the subject line says, does anyone have any recommendations for 
>> bible software for the mac? I am looking for something that has different 
>> versions and some study guides and stuff. Maybe even a dictionary.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> GF
>> Goldfinga Productions
>> Phone: 757-412-5494
>> Follow me on twitter
>> -- 
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Re: garage band with snow leopard 10.6?

2010-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker

What kind of music do you do?  You can get back to me off list at

On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:20 AM, clarence griffin wrote:

> oh yeah, I know that. I thought there was something bigger like some scripts 
> or something. VO works quite well with Garage Band though. There are a few 
> buttons that may need to be labeled, I will look in to that. But if someone 
> did it already, why invent the wheel again?
> Has the work been done already?
> Thanks
> GF
> Goldfinga Productions
> Phone: 757-412-5494
> Follow me on twitter
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:15 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hank is referring to labelling buttons and sliders in Garageband.  To label 
>> press VO slash.
>> hth 
>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 9:53 AM, clarence griffin wrote:
>>> wow, there are things that make it even better? I did a hole track, well it 
>>> was a lil one, but yeah. I didn't even use anything special, just vo and gb 
>>> out of the box. Hooked my midi controller up and went to town. lol.
>>> GF
>>> Goldfinga Productions
>>> Phone: 757-412-5494
>>> Follow me on twitter
>>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 4:36 AM, hank smith wrote:
 on the vi-mac audio list
 some one created voice over features to make garage band voice over 
 the buttons read, they were labled etc
 I needed the url to this info, as well as instructions on how to get these 
 files to work with voice over.
 if any one needs more explanation on what I am refering to please let me 
 please guys and gals.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: bible software

2010-03-14 Thread clarence griffin
I went to the link below and got a 404 error
Any suggestions?


Goldfinga Productions
Phone: 757-412-5494

Follow me on twitter

On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:17 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Check out www.icanworkthis
> Here I think you will find what you are looking for.  There are also some 
> Garageband tutorials that you might find useful.
> hth
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 9:26 AM, clarence griffin wrote:
>> Well, as the subject line says, does anyone have any recommendations for 
>> bible software for the mac? I am looking for something that has different 
>> versions and some study guides and stuff. Maybe even a dictionary.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> GF
>> Goldfinga Productions
>> Phone: 757-412-5494
>> Follow me on twitter
>> -- 
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mac sword

2010-03-14 Thread clarence griffin
I got it. thanks for the help.
yay google!


Goldfinga Productions
Phone: 757-412-5494

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Question about new apple bluetooth keyboard

2010-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker

I just wanted to know if the new apple bluetooth keyboard (the one that uses 2 
batteries) have a number pad.


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Re: assisted gps on the 3g ipad

2010-03-14 Thread Chris G

Actually assisted GPS is where you can download the GPS almanac every 7
to 10 days.  The almanac tells the GPS receiver where in the sky to look
for the satellites.  It gives you faster acquisition time.  If you do not
download the almanac with the computer and transmit it to the receiver
you will only lose the super fast time to first fix.

Most of the new receivers can get a fix in 35 seconds and this is
without using their agps data.

The i-blue 737A+ is an example of a receiver that uses agps.


On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 18:29:19 -0500
Bryan Smart  wrote:

> Assisted GPS is a GPS receiver with scaled down hardware capabilities. In 
> order to get a GPS fix, it needs to receive a signal from a cellular network. 
> It still locates you via signal from the GPS satellites, but it doesn't 
> include enough hardware to do it without the network.
> However, one good point is that assisted GPS locks on to your position faster 
> than dedicated GPS.
> If you're out of network coverage, though, I don't think that it can work at 
> all. 
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of tim
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 11:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: assisted gps on the 3g ipad
> With the new iPad. There is a dock able keyboard option.
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:29 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I was looking at the IPad page and saw that the tech specs say the 3g model 
> > has what they call assisted gps. It didn't say anything about a gps 
> > receiver being built in, and the blue tooth spec didn't say much either. 
> > What is this assisted gps? And does anybody know if the bluetooth 
> > capability on this device is going to be any more robust than the Ipod or 
> > Iphone? Also, its hard to know whether the support for vo is going to 
> > include the keyboard access, like you have, say on a macbook, if you buy an 
> > external bluetooth keyboard. Maybe that's just a given. But since the basic 
> > interface is touch, and since I assume sighted people would only want a 
> > keyboard for extended text entry, is it possible that keyboard 
> > functionality is going to be basically limited to just typing? Maybe we 
> > won't know until those brave souls who preorder get their and start playing 
> > with them.
> > 
> > mary
> > 
> > --
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> > 
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Chris G 

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Re: Question about new apple bluetooth keyboard

2010-03-14 Thread Scott Howell
No, they do not.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:50 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hello,
> I just wanted to know if the new apple bluetooth keyboard (the one that uses 
> 2 batteries) have a number pad.
> TIA 
> -- 
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Re: Current audio formats have a maximum number of samples [was Re: iTunes and lengthy audio files]

2010-03-14 Thread Slau Halatyn
The file size limit is a function of the operating system rather than any audio 
program. I'm not sure why your mp3 has an issue. One more little thing perhaps 
worth mention for some, CD quality refers to both bit depth and sample rate. 
Some people see the 44.1 kHz and think that it's CD quality even though it's 
mp3 and that's far from 16-bit/44.1 kHz.


On Mar 14, 2010, at 7:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> So you're saying the bottom line is that it has to be within the 2GB
> limit? It's only a 232MB MP3 file, so to me, that should still be
> usable. Also, I've received files like this before with no issues of
> CD-quality and 44.1KHZ sample rate. Or maybe I'm just being dense.
> *smiles*
> Regards,
> Nic
> Slau Halatyn wrote:
>> One thing to consider regarding file formats is the bit depth. In the case 
>> of a CD-quality file, it's 16 bits. The sampling rate is fairly meaningless 
>> especially when it comes to compressed formats like mp3. One must then 
>> consider the compression ratio. for normal AIF and WAV formats, a 16-bit 
>> 44.1/48 kHz file is roughly 10 MB per stereo minute whereas a compressed 
>> format can be as little as one tenth the size. Higher quality 24-bit files 
>> are 50 percent larger at 15 MB per stereo minute. Ultimately, the file size 
>> itself needs to be within the 2 GB limit to be useable. I think that's 
>> changed in 64-bit systems though. I'll have to double check.
>> Slau
>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Definitely a good post, thank you.
>>> I was pondering that possibility, though I had a look at two similar files, 
>>> one longer than the first. I have a six hour long file, encoded with 
>>> 44.100KHZ. That file worked perfectly. Just the way it was supposed to work.
>>> Then I had a look at the four hour long audio file. Exactly same format and 
>>> sample rate.
>>> So I wrote to the list. I'm still a bit confused as to why it won't, as I 
>>> have an even longer file at exactly the same quality that works just fine.
>>> If you take the audio file at six hours, encoded with a 44100KHZ sample 
>>> rate. That's just about 95256 seconds, or just about. Then take the 
>>> four hour long audio file, encoded again at 44100KHZ. That's about 
>>> 63504 seconds. That unfortunately doesn't seem to be the problem. What 
>>> else might be causing this? It doesn't even come close to the 20 
>>> mark. Only halfway.
>>> Thank you for the in-depth suggestion, though. :)
>>> Let me know if I'm understanding this right.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:14 PM, Esther wrote:
 Hi Nic,
 The problem of the maximum time for working with an audio file is not 
 specific to iTunes.  Basically none of the music programs, including 
 QuickTime, can correctly handle sound files where the number of samples 
 exceeds 2 billion (or, to be precise, the maximum number that can be 
 represented with a 32-bit unsigned integer, or 2 raised to the exponent of 
 31, which is about 2.1478 billion samples).  One of the numbers in the 
 file header for the audio file is a counter that turns over when you 
 exceed this maximum.  This means that the actual maximum file length (in 
 time) that can be correctly read from these audio files depends on the 
 quality of the file encoding.  CD quality music files sample the music at 
 44.1 kHz (44.1 thousand samples per second).  Voice memo files might 
 sample at 8 kHz (8 thousand samples per second) -- a rate that is more 
 than 5 times smaller. The total number of samples is the encoding sample 
 rate (e.g. 44.1 kHz for a CD) multiplied by the time of your audio file in 
 seconds.  This number hits the 2 billion maximum for a file length of 13.5 
 hours, assuming this is stereo music.  This is an absolute maximum that 
 the file structure can correctly represent -- you can still run into 
 problems before this.   When music programs like QuickTime or any 
 comparable programs on any platform (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.) read these 
 files, they all compute the time from the number of samples, and they all 
 get incorrect answers when the counter is exceeded.  That's why you're 
 able to play the files with QuickLook, which just starts streaming without 
 trying to read the time.  The exact wrong number depends on the rollover 
 value of the counter.
 Moreover, if you think back to recent posts by James looking for the intro 
 and other music files that the Mac plays on startup, you'll notice that 
 the file extensions are .caf  instead of .aiff (Audio Interchange File 
 Format).  The new format is "Core Audio File Format", and one of the 

apple trap: removing programs and all the related components

2010-03-14 Thread William Windels
Hello all,
I have a question about removing programs:
I have deleted programs with the program apple trap.
The program, this is a plugin for the system prefferences, was active and I 
simply putted the programs in the trash.

Perhaps I have done something wrong while removing microsoft office with 
I think, all files are selected by default to remove?

I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
office (for the mac), are still on the dock.

Is this normal?

best regards,

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Re: OT: I pod touch, Itunes and Windows xp. How to transfer music?

2010-03-14 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
I don't kno the exact answer to your question, but try using nvda or
widoweyes instead of jaws; they both work pretty well with itunes.

On 14/03/2010, Daniel McGee  wrote:
> Hi Cameron, I simpersize in your situation. I remember when I got my 1st
> ipod which was an ipod mini! Well its really weird that you have only one
> song on your ipod! And I thought I had a lot of songs lol. Sorry if I can't
> really help you get far. But one sergestion and it might sound stupid but
> have you registered your ipod with itunes? I don't think you have to though
> because I use windows and don't own a mac though the temtation to get one is
> getting stronger lol but I had some issues with the registration process and
> ended up just hitting the "register later" button. But another thing is in
> the source list does your ipod show up in there? if it does then all you
> need to do once you have imported your music is hit the application key and
> go down to the word "synth ipod" again jaws might say unavadable which I had
> some problem and to be honest I don't know what I did to solve it. One more
> thing that might be stupid as well but are your music files in different
> formats? Generally I use MP3. Sorry ifThis doesn't help you but I am trying
> my best to help you out.
> Tip If you have a huge music  library I highly recommend getting a external
> hard drive. Then you can tell itunes that when your importing your cd's or
> whatever and you have define where you want your fouldors to go you can set
> it so it will create fouldors in an external hard drive.
> This was a lesson that I learnd because on my old xp at 1st I never heard of
> MP3 format and was converting songs to wma wav or what ever windows media
> player calls them. But over time that computer got really slow!
> Now I know about MP3 and since then Ihave gotten a vista computer since 2007
> and later I had the idea of getting an external hard drive 500 GB of space!
> Cost about 80 pounds but it was well worth the buy!
> Hope to hear from you soon.
> Daniel
> --
> From: "Cameron" 
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 4:36 AM
> To: 
> Subject: OT: I pod touch, Itunes and Windows xp. How to transfer music?
>> Hi guys.  I know this is off topic but I am going nuts over here and I
>> need
>> to get this sorted out quickly and wasn't sure where else to turn.  This
>> may
>> not be mac related, but it is Ipod touch and Itunes related so perhaps
>> that
>> gets me off the hook at least partially?  I tried googleing it but got no
>> helpful results.
>> Anyways, this is my situation.  I had rockbox installed on my eighty gig I
>> pod video.  That worked great.  you could plug it into any computer and
>> just
>> drag and drop music like you would with an external hard drive.  Well, I
>> sold that finally and got the latest generation 64 gb Ipod touch.  I am
>> very
>> happy with it as far as the device itself, especially the fact that
>> voiceover is on board.
>> Now, I have never used Itunes.  And I don't have my mac book pro yet.  So
>> I
>> am stuck with the windows version for now.  I am making some headway with
>> jaws, although there are some awful focus issues etc.  Anyways, I imported
>> my music library, which is 388 gigs.  I want to select certain artists
>> collections of albums to put on my new I pod.  Now this is where I am
>> hitting a brick wall.  After letting it sit for 3 hours, importing
>> everything into the Itunes library, all I can seem to get after tabbing
>> past
>> the search box is a list box of various albums/artists, (which is a mess).
>> Supposedly, according to the help file, all you need to do is drag and
>> drop
>> to the Ipods music folder in the device list in the tree view.  Well, I
>> tried copying and pasting and no luck.  Also, when I choose add folder to
>> library from the file menu, out of my 780 plus artist folders in my music
>> folder, it shows one.  that's right...  One folder!
>> I manually have my music folder arranged because I am very picky about
>> that.
>> I have artist folders, which have album folders inside them, that sort of
>> thing.  This was so easy without I tunes.  I just copied and pasted
>> whatever
>> I wanted and I was done with it.  But, I've been fighting with this four
>> hours now and I can't even get one song on my Ipod.  Either this is an
>> accessibility issue on the windows side, or, I am missing something.  I
>> don't know.
>> I am going freaking insane over here.  Someone help me please!  I am
>> moving
>> this week and I need to pack up my desktop tomorrow evening.  so, I need
>> to
>> get music transferred before then or I shall be musicless for at least a
>> week and a half, which I could not bear.
>> And if this helps at all, I turned off auto sync, I have the latest
>> version
>> of Itunes installed, the latest OS on the Ipod touch installed, and I told
>> I
>> tunes not to reorganize my music folder.
>> Any tips would be

Re: Question about new apple bluetooth keyboard

2010-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker
On Mar 14, 2010, at 11:55 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> No, they do not.
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:50 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just wanted to know if the new apple bluetooth keyboard (the one that uses 
>> 2 batteries) have a number pad.
>> TIA 
>> -- 
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Re: apple trap: removing programs and all the related components

2010-03-14 Thread Jess
I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
office (for the mac), are still on the dock. Is this normal?
Yep, gotta love Microsoft. Even though you removed some big bloated program, 
they leave little traces of it around, even on your Mac. Try going to the dock 
and removing the appropriate items. Let us know if that fixes your problem.

On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:11 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have a question about removing programs:
> I have deleted programs with the program apple trap.
> The program, this is a plugin for the system prefferences, was active and I 
> simply putted the programs in the trash.
> Perhaps I have done something wrong while removing microsoft office with 
> apptrap?
> I think, all files are selected by default to remove?
> I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
> office (for the mac), are still on the dock.
> Is this normal?
> best regards,
> William 
> -- 
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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Carolyn
No Brian, actually it's a macbook pro 13, and the busy thing just seems to get 
stuck repeating itself in Safari, and sometimes even in itunes.  Just kind of 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Bryan Smart 
  Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:30 PM
  Subject: RE: safari busy, busy, busy

  I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.


  -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Carolyn
  Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
  Subject: safari busy, busy, busy

  I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others are 
frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy," Is there a 
way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered a bug to report 
to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's new to me as I use the 
Mac more.
  Carolyn :)ch

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Re: apple trap: removing programs and all the related components

2010-03-14 Thread William Windels
Hello Jes,
I have successfully removed the shortcuts/icons from the doc, so far so good.
I have not really a problem with this icons on the doc but, I only want to take 
care about my actual install of mac osx and for that , I want to be shore that: 
removing programs by moving them to the trash , is a good , save and efficient 
way of removing programs.
Also, I want to know if apple trap is sufficient and enough to keep my computer 
clean without parts of programs on my system after removing them.
On windows, after installing and uninstalling alot of programs , the system 
becomes slow and inefficiënt because of some parts of the programs in shared 
components, rules in the registry , inactive shortcuts...
Because of this , you need sometimes to re-install your windows to delete all 
that rubish.

So, I want to know if mac is doing better and if apple trap is enough to do 
this task.

best regards,
Op 14-mrt-2010, om 18:22 heeft Jess het volgende geschreven:

> I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
> office (for the mac), are still on the dock. Is this normal?
> Yep, gotta love Microsoft. Even though you removed some big bloated program, 
> they leave little traces of it around, even on your Mac. Try going to the 
> dock and removing the appropriate items. Let us know if that fixes your 
> problem.
> Jes
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:11 PM, William Windels wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a question about removing programs:
>> I have deleted programs with the program apple trap.
>> The program, this is a plugin for the system prefferences, was active and I 
>> simply putted the programs in the trash.
>> Perhaps I have done something wrong while removing microsoft office with 
>> apptrap?
>> I think, all files are selected by default to remove?
>> I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
>> office (for the mac), are still on the dock.
>> Is this normal?
>> best regards,
>> William 
>> -- 
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Copying links from the SendSpace Wizard

2010-03-14 Thread James & Nash
Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how to copy a link for a file's location using the SendSpace 
Wizard? On Windows, this is very easy, but I can't quite figure it out on the 
Mac version of the SS Wizard. Sometimes, I forget to put the links into my 
E-Mails and I would like to be able to use the Wizard to find the link instead 
of having to re-upload the file or use the SS site. 

Thanks for any help 

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny

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Re: apple trap: removing programs and all the related components

2010-03-14 Thread Jess
Do you really need Apple Trap in the first place, William? When you uninstall 
an application in the usual way, by moving it to the trash, you might have to 
remove the application's preferences files, but that's basically it. I might 
give Apple Trap a look.

On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:43 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hello Jes,
> I have successfully removed the shortcuts/icons from the doc, so far so good.
> I have not really a problem with this icons on the doc but, I only want to 
> take care about my actual install of mac osx and for that , I want to be 
> shore that: 
> removing programs by moving them to the trash , is a good , save and 
> efficient way of removing programs.
> Also, I want to know if apple trap is sufficient and enough to keep my 
> computer clean without parts of programs on my system after removing them.
> On windows, after installing and uninstalling alot of programs , the system 
> becomes slow and inefficiënt because of some parts of the programs in shared 
> components, rules in the registry , inactive shortcuts...
> Because of this , you need sometimes to re-install your windows to delete all 
> that rubish.
> So, I want to know if mac is doing better and if apple trap is enough to do 
> this task.
> best regards,
> William  
> Op 14-mrt-2010, om 18:22 heeft Jess het volgende geschreven:
>> I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
>> office (for the mac), are still on the dock. Is this normal?
>> Yep, gotta love Microsoft. Even though you removed some big bloated program, 
>> they leave little traces of it around, even on your Mac. Try going to the 
>> dock and removing the appropriate items. Let us know if that fixes your 
>> problem.
>> Jes
>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:11 PM, William Windels wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have a question about removing programs:
>>> I have deleted programs with the program apple trap.
>>> The program, this is a plugin for the system prefferences, was active and I 
>>> simply putted the programs in the trash.
>>> Perhaps I have done something wrong while removing microsoft office with 
>>> apptrap?
>>> I think, all files are selected by default to remove?
>>> I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
>>> office (for the mac), are still on the dock.
>>> Is this normal?
>>> best regards,
>>> William 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: apple trap: removing programs and all the related components

2010-03-14 Thread James & Nash
Hi William, 

99% of the time, sending applications to the Trash is exactly the right way to 
go about removing them. There are sometimes support files and application 
preferences floating around, and if you know where  to look to get rid of them 
then feel free. But leaving them on the system isn't going to do any harm. The 
other 1% of the time, you may need to run an uninstaller. But the vast majority 
of applications do not use one. In fact, I'm not sure why certain apps do. 
Perhaps they are just too big to be contained in a disk image.

You should also remember , that because Mac OS X is based upon UNIX, there is 
no Registry to worry about. You won't find pesky bits of redundant application 
related stuff all over your system. 

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 14 Mar 2010, at 17:43, William Windels wrote:

> Hello Jes,
> I have successfully removed the shortcuts/icons from the doc, so far so good.
> I have not really a problem with this icons on the doc but, I only want to 
> take care about my actual install of mac osx and for that , I want to be 
> shore that: 
> removing programs by moving them to the trash , is a good , save and 
> efficient way of removing programs.
> Also, I want to know if apple trap is sufficient and enough to keep my 
> computer clean without parts of programs on my system after removing them.
> On windows, after installing and uninstalling alot of programs , the system 
> becomes slow and inefficiënt because of some parts of the programs in shared 
> components, rules in the registry , inactive shortcuts...
> Because of this , you need sometimes to re-install your windows to delete all 
> that rubish.
> So, I want to know if mac is doing better and if apple trap is enough to do 
> this task.
> best regards,
> William  
> Op 14-mrt-2010, om 18:22 heeft Jess het volgende geschreven:
>> I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
>> office (for the mac), are still on the dock. Is this normal?
>> Yep, gotta love Microsoft. Even though you removed some big bloated program, 
>> they leave little traces of it around, even on your Mac. Try going to the 
>> dock and removing the appropriate items. Let us know if that fixes your 
>> problem.
>> Jes
>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:11 PM, William Windels wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have a question about removing programs:
>>> I have deleted programs with the program apple trap.
>>> The program, this is a plugin for the system prefferences, was active and I 
>>> simply putted the programs in the trash.
>>> Perhaps I have done something wrong while removing microsoft office with 
>>> apptrap?
>>> I think, all files are selected by default to remove?
>>> I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
>>> office (for the mac), are still on the dock.
>>> Is this normal?
>>> best regards,
>>> William 
>>> -- 
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Re: [macvoiceover] converting RAR files

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
but unarchiver is free and accessible with vo. not to say that stuffit is not 
but that's another option. I believe this is the link.
On Mar 13, 2010, at 9:54 PM, Gary wrote:

> Stuff-it Expander will work.  Here's the apple link for it:
> Gary
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:12 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a compressed 
>> folder like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the Mac come with the 
>> ability to open this? or do I need to download something?
>> TIA>
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RE: apple trap: removing programs and all the related components

2010-03-14 Thread Bryan Smart
Except a bunch of bits and pieces under /library. I'm never quite sure what old 
crud is safe to delete in their, but there are always lots of support files.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of James & Nash
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: apple trap: removing programs and all the related components

Hi William, 

99% of the time, sending applications to the Trash is exactly the right way to 
go about removing them. There are sometimes support files and application 
preferences floating around, and if you know where  to look to get rid of them 
then feel free. But leaving them on the system isn't going to do any harm. The 
other 1% of the time, you may need to run an uninstaller. But the vast majority 
of applications do not use one. In fact, I'm not sure why certain apps do. 
Perhaps they are just too big to be contained in a disk image.

You should also remember , that because Mac OS X is based upon UNIX, there is 
no Registry to worry about. You won't find pesky bits of redundant application 
related stuff all over your system. 

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 14 Mar 2010, at 17:43, William Windels wrote:

> Hello Jes,
> I have successfully removed the shortcuts/icons from the doc, so far so good.
> I have not really a problem with this icons on the doc but, I only want to 
> take care about my actual install of mac osx and for that , I want to be 
> shore that: 
> removing programs by moving them to the trash , is a good , save and 
> efficient way of removing programs.
> Also, I want to know if apple trap is sufficient and enough to keep my 
> computer clean without parts of programs on my system after removing them.
> On windows, after installing and uninstalling alot of programs , the system 
> becomes slow and inefficiënt because of some parts of the programs in shared 
> components, rules in the registry , inactive shortcuts...
> Because of this , you need sometimes to re-install your windows to delete all 
> that rubish.
> So, I want to know if mac is doing better and if apple trap is enough to do 
> this task.
> best regards,
> William
> Op 14-mrt-2010, om 18:22 heeft Jess het volgende geschreven:
>> I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
>> office (for the mac), are still on the dock. Is this normal?
>> Yep, gotta love Microsoft. Even though you removed some big bloated program, 
>> they leave little traces of it around, even on your Mac. Try going to the 
>> dock and removing the appropriate items. Let us know if that fixes your 
>> problem.
>> Jes
>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:11 PM, William Windels wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have a question about removing programs:
>>> I have deleted programs with the program apple trap.
>>> The program, this is a plugin for the system prefferences, was active and I 
>>> simply putted the programs in the trash.
>>> Perhaps I have done something wrong while removing microsoft office with 
>>> apptrap?
>>> I think, all files are selected by default to remove?
>>> I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
>>> office (for the mac), are still on the dock.
>>> Is this normal?
>>> best regards,
>>> William
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RE: assisted gps on the 3g ipad

2010-03-14 Thread Bryan Smart
Wow. That's great. I was repeatedly told by others that AGPS required the cell 

However, a quick look at Wikipedia looks like this isn't always the case:

Apparently, some AGPS units work as you say, but some seem to always require a 
connection to the assistance server, or they won't operate. Not sure how you 
can tell which type of AGPS you're using.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Chris G
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: assisted gps on the 3g ipad


Actually assisted GPS is where you can download the GPS almanac every 7 to 10 
days.  The almanac tells the GPS receiver where in the sky to look for the 
satellites.  It gives you faster acquisition time.  If you do not download the 
almanac with the computer and transmit it to the receiver you will only lose 
the super fast time to first fix.

Most of the new receivers can get a fix in 35 seconds and this is without using 
their agps data.

The i-blue 737A+ is an example of a receiver that uses agps.


On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 18:29:19 -0500
Bryan Smart  wrote:

> Assisted GPS is a GPS receiver with scaled down hardware capabilities. In 
> order to get a GPS fix, it needs to receive a signal from a cellular network. 
> It still locates you via signal from the GPS satellites, but it doesn't 
> include enough hardware to do it without the network.
> However, one good point is that assisted GPS locks on to your position faster 
> than dedicated GPS.
> If you're out of network coverage, though, I don't think that it can work at 
> all. 
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of tim
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 11:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: assisted gps on the 3g ipad
> With the new iPad. There is a dock able keyboard option.
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:29 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I was looking at the IPad page and saw that the tech specs say the 3g model 
> > has what they call assisted gps. It didn't say anything about a gps 
> > receiver being built in, and the blue tooth spec didn't say much either. 
> > What is this assisted gps? And does anybody know if the bluetooth 
> > capability on this device is going to be any more robust than the Ipod or 
> > Iphone? Also, its hard to know whether the support for vo is going to 
> > include the keyboard access, like you have, say on a macbook, if you buy an 
> > external bluetooth keyboard. Maybe that's just a given. But since the basic 
> > interface is touch, and since I assume sighted people would only want a 
> > keyboard for extended text entry, is it possible that keyboard 
> > functionality is going to be basically limited to just typing? Maybe we 
> > won't know until those brave souls who preorder get their and start playing 
> > with them.
> > 
> > mary
> > 
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Chris G 

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RE: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Bryan Smart
That's true as long as you're only running desktop apps.

If you're using virtual machines, for example, 8GB will be better. A Windows 7 
VM needs 3GB of memory to run with maximum performance, for example, and, with 
4GB, that wouldn't leave you much for OSX. You can always run your virtual 
machines with less memory, and start fewer apps in them, but you'll hurt 

8GB is only about $350 right now in the US. It isn't that serious of a purchase 
if you do serious computing.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy

Four gigs is more than sufficient and any additional benefits from installing 
more ram will not justify the expense of the ram.
I have four gigs and I run a lot of stuff at once with no noticeable hit on 
On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:45 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Happens to me a lot and I'm using a 13 inch Macbook Pro.  It only has2 
> gigs of ram and I'm thinking that is causing some of my problems.  I get the 
> busy stuff when I have multiple aps open.  
> This leads me to a question of my own.  I see  that it is possible to upgrade 
> ram.  My husband could do this for me, but how much ram is enough?  I read 
> that I could put up to 8 gigs of ram in this thing.  Is that over kill?  
> Would 4 gigs be enough?  
> Thanks in advance.
> Kim
> On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:30 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn
>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: safari busy, busy, busy
>> Hi:
>> I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others are 
>> frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy," Is 
>> there a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered a bug 
>> to report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's new to me 
>> as I use the Mac more.
>> TIA
>> Carolyn :)ch
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Re: Copying links from the SendSpace Wizard

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
There is no way to do this currently I've contacted the staff of the sendspace 
wizard and they have not implemented the vo shift m keystroke. try contacting 
them through the wizard as I think it sends the version info to them and  
stuff. contact the help desk or suggestions thing.

Good luci.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:47 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Does anyone know how to copy a link for a file's location using the SendSpace 
> Wizard? On Windows, this is very easy, but I can't quite figure it out on the 
> Mac version of the SS Wizard. Sometimes, I forget to put the links into my 
> E-Mails and I would like to be able to use the Wizard to find the link 
> instead of having to re-upload the file or use the SS site. 
> Thanks for any help 
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
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Re: safari busy

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
actually theer is a point to that. I have had flash crash on windows and ther 
is a youtube vid showing flash crashing as well. you can't see it but I think 
the thing turns in to a x or something. I can't remember.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 4:30 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> I wonder if all the busy situations are due to Flash being used? Apparently, 
> Steve Jobbs - at least I think it was him, said that the majority of crashes 
> etc are due to Flash. But then, he would say that smile.
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 14 Mar 2010, at 02:44, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> lol. I wonder if it is the way webmasters are coding pages? Just a thought.
>> On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:10 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
>>> Wow I almost responded to the safari busy message by saying that I wasn't 
>>> having that problem.
>>> So I was just bored and went onto site and started 
>>> getting the safari busy message.  Probably a sign from god that I should 
>>> not be on there anyway!  Odd site.  Chat with strangers and there are some 
>>> strangers there--let me tell you*Grin*
>>> Jim
>>> -
>>> Find me on facebook or:
>>> Skype: jimintexas
>>> Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys
>>> Msn:
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Re: [macvoiceover] converting RAR files

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
but unarchiver is free and accessible with vo. not to say that stuffit is not 
but that's another option. I believe this is the link.
On Mar 13, 2010, at 9:54 PM, Gary wrote:

> Stuff-it Expander will work.  Here's the apple link for it:
> Gary
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:12 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a compressed 
>> folder like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the Mac come with the 
>> ability to open this? or do I need to download something?
>> TIA>
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Prowl app for louder mail and other notification sounds [was Re: sounds very disappointing.]

2010-03-14 Thread Esther

Hello Bernard,

You wrote:

Well I am truly amazed and disappointed.  there is not much point of  
having a wide variety of ring and other tones on your iphone.

You can select from all your tones for incoming calls.  new text  
messages they allow you to choose from 5 or 6 built in sounds.
You won't believe this the new mail, sent mail and calender alert  
sounds  can only be turned off and on and the default and only  
sounds they use are just no good for someone hard of  hearing.
what's more I can't believe apple have not been swamped under  
complaints re this.
I think the clock can select between all your loaded tones as can  
the incoming call ring tone selector.
apart from that the new sms or text message sound can select from  
about 6

the new mail, sent mail and voicemail can only be turned on and off.
if the set sounds were loud it would be ok but most you would not  
hear if you were in the city with traffic noise all round and you  
were not waring headphones.  I think some of these designers never  
leave their high rise air conditioned office blocks.

has anyone else noticed how limited the sound settings were.

I'm cc'ing this to the macvisionaries list, since this may be of  
general interest. If you have Growl running for notifications on your  
PC, you might try the Prowl app ($2.99).  I've only played with this a  
little, because I don't need these functions myself (I have a MobileMe  
account that updates mail notifications with push, and the regular  
volume settings work fine for me on my iPod Touch).  Growl is a global  
notification system for the Mac OS X and Windows.  For the large  
number of applications that support Growl, you can get notifications  
when tasks are done.  For example, if you are downloading a series of  
files, you might want to have the download program send you a  
notification when it's done, which you could assign to a particular  
sound.  Similarly, you can install a GrowlMail plugin (on the Mac)  
that sends a Growl notification whenever a new mail message comes in.   
What might be of interest to you and other iPhone/iPod Touch users is  
that the Prowl app, which is a Growl client for the iPhone, can be set  
to play different and louder sounds than the default settings for mail  
on the iPhone, and also give you "push" notifications when new mail  
arrives on your computer.

Here's a quote from a user comment posted on the iPhone Apps Plus page  
that reviewed Prowl:

"I love this application, have configured it to send me notification  
from Apple Mail using Growl plugin so that i can get push notification  
and LOUDER mail sound (why Apple hasn't added sound customization for  
mail is beyond me)."

Google "Growl" or "Growl for Windows" (in your case) to read about the  
Growl and to get the most recent download.  Growl is free  
(donationware), but does require some setting up.  You may already  
have it on your system, since a number of apps will come with the  
ability to install Growl.

Prowl basically just displays the notifications that are sent from  
Growl.  You need to create a free account, which you can do from the  
"Register" link on the Prowl web page even before you purchase the  
app. When you launch the app the first time, you'll be in the text box  
for your login username and there is a second text box for your  
password.  There are also buttons for "Register" and "Log in", but I  
had to read through the setup on the Prowl web page, anyway, so it was  
easier to set up the account there.   There is a "Settings" button in  
the upper left of the main screen that lets choose the sounds you want  
to use.  By default, sounds will be turned on while Growl is open, and  
Quiet Hours (times when you don't want to allow any Growl  
notifications) are turned off.  Exit the "Settings" menu by double  
tapping the "History" button in the upper left, that will take you to  
the main Prowl screen with a list of your (historical) notifications  
which you can "Edit" (button in the upper right) to delete, etc.

If you are using the Prowl web page to follow the installation and  
setup instructions, and have logged in through the "Register" link,  
there will be an "Add Notification" link to a page where you can try  
typing and sending a notification. That notification should show up on  
your iPhone through the Prowl app when you press the "Add  
Notification" button to send off the text.  This should allow you to  
test out your settings.

I haven't done much with this app, but you might check this out.  You  
need to have either Growl or Snarl running on Windows, and I assume  
there will be a setup for mail notifications similar to the Mac plugin  
since this was an obvious early use for Growl.  Setup has a number of  
options, and there are probably a lot of people who know more about  
using/configuring Growl than I do to ask for help.

Links mentioned:

• Prowl: Growl Client ($2.99) by Zachary West

Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Kimberly thurman
I've considered upgrading ram on this 2009 Macbook Pro, but I'm not in any 
hurry.  So far, I'm fairly impressed with it's performance with only 2 gigs of 
ram.  Of course, I haven't tried running windows on it yet.  If I decide to go 
that route, I read more ram certainly is a huge benefit.  
On Mar 14, 2010, at 5:45 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> You report a bug to Apple by contacting:
> By the way, my 2007 MacBook has only 2 gb of memory and I hardly ever get 
> Safari Busy. I usually run about 6 or 7 apps at once, however I don't have 
> Windows on my machine at all.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Kimberly thurman
Yep, happens to me in Itunes also as well as Safari.  
On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> No Brian, actually it's a macbook pro 13, and the busy thing just seems to 
> get stuck repeating itself in Safari, and sometimes even in itunes.  Just 
> kind of quirky.
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Bryan Smart
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:30 PM
> Subject: RE: safari busy, busy, busy
> I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.
> Bryan 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
> To:
> Subject: safari busy, busy, busy
> Hi:
> I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others are 
> frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy," Is there 
> a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered a bug to 
> report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's new to me as 
> I use the Mac more.
> Carolyn :)ch
> --
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voice over reset itself yesterday. How?

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
sorry to the cross posting.

Hello to all. Voice over reset itself yesterday and i can't figure out how. I 
am still trying get it not to say now in window or leaving tool bar or table or 
what ever and application when I focus something. I'v checked the settings in 
the vo control panel but I can't find anything that would change this.

any help would be good as I'm getting frustrated, fast.

Take care.

Sarah Alawami

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Re: [macvoiceover] converting RAR files

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
but unarchiver is free and accessible with vo. not to say that stuffit is not 
but that's another option. I believe this is the link.
On Mar 13, 2010, at 9:54 PM, Gary wrote:

> Stuff-it Expander will work.  Here's the apple link for it:
> Gary
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:12 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a compressed 
>> folder like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the Mac come with the 
>> ability to open this? or do I need to download something?
>> TIA>
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Re: Copying links from the SendSpace Wizard

2010-03-14 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

You can do it like this.

1. Go to the item in the table with the VO-commands.
2. Hold down COntrol and double-click the mouse physically.
3. A menu will pop up.

When you find the Copy Link location command, it shows the shortcut as being 
Command-L. And it works.

Skype: Kvalme
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On Mar 14, 2010, at 6:47 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Does anyone know how to copy a link for a file's location using the SendSpace 
> Wizard? On Windows, this is very easy, but I can't quite figure it out on the 
> Mac version of the SS Wizard. Sometimes, I forget to put the links into my 
> E-Mails and I would like to be able to use the Wizard to find the link 
> instead of having to re-upload the file or use the SS site. 
> Thanks for any help 
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> -- 
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Re: Copying links from the SendSpace Wizard

2010-03-14 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I don't mean double click. Just click once. Oops.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> You can do it like this.
> 1. Go to the item in the table with the VO-commands.
> 2. Hold down COntrol and double-click the mouse physically.
> 3. A menu will pop up.
> When you find the Copy Link location command, it shows the shortcut as being 
> Command-L. And it works.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 6:47 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Does anyone know how to copy a link for a file's location using the 
>> SendSpace Wizard? On Windows, this is very easy, but I can't quite figure it 
>> out on the Mac version of the SS Wizard. Sometimes, I forget to put the 
>> links into my E-Mails and I would like to be able to use the Wizard to find 
>> the link instead of having to re-upload the file or use the SS site. 
>> Thanks for any help 
>> TC
>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>> -- 
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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Rich Ring
I don't seem to be experiencing this on my new Mac Book.  It's not a pro, 
couldn't quite afford one of those, but it only has two gigs of ram.  It is 
possible that because I am such a new Mac user, I am not really putting a 
lot of pressure on things as I don't usually have a lot of programs running 
at the same time.
- Original Message - 
From: "Kimberly thurman" 
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy

Yep, happens to me in Itunes also as well as Safari.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> No Brian, actually it's a macbook pro 13, and the busy thing just seems to 
> get stuck repeating itself in Safari, and sometimes even in itunes.  Just 
> kind of quirky.
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Bryan Smart
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:30 PM
> Subject: RE: safari busy, busy, busy
> I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
> To:
> Subject: safari busy, busy, busy
> Hi:
> I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others 
> are frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy," 
> Is there a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered 
> a bug to report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's 
> new to me as I use the Mac more.
> Carolyn :)ch
> --
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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Rich Ring
But I think ZI'd have to have a Mac Book Pro in order to have 8 gigs of ram.
Half the reason I wanted to get into the Mac world was that OSX is supposed 
to use memory  more efficiently.
- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Smart" 
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 2:17 PM
Subject: RE: safari busy, busy, busy

That's true as long as you're only running desktop apps.

If you're using virtual machines, for example, 8GB will be better. A Windows 
7 VM needs 3GB of memory to run with maximum performance, for example, and, 
with 4GB, that wouldn't leave you much for OSX. You can always run your 
virtual machines with less memory, and start fewer apps in them, but you'll 
hurt performance.

8GB is only about $350 right now in the US. It isn't that serious of a 
purchase if you do serious computing.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy

Four gigs is more than sufficient and any additional benefits from 
installing more ram will not justify the expense of the ram.
I have four gigs and I run a lot of stuff at once with no noticeable hit on 

On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:45 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Happens to me a lot and I'm using a 13 inch Macbook Pro.  It only has2 
> gigs of ram and I'm thinking that is causing some of my problems.  I get 
> the busy stuff when I have multiple aps open.
> This leads me to a question of my own.  I see  that it is possible to 
> upgrade ram.  My husband could do this for me, but how much ram is enough? 
> I read that I could put up to 8 gigs of ram in this thing.  Is that over 
> kill?  Would 4 gigs be enough?
> Thanks in advance.
> Kim
> On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:30 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn
>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: safari busy, busy, busy
>> Hi:
>> I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others 
>> are frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy," 
>> Is there a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered 
>> a bug to report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's 
>> new to me as I use the Mac more.
>> TIA
>> Carolyn :)ch
>> --
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Re: voice over reset itself yesterday. How?

2010-03-14 Thread Esther

Hi Sarah,

This sounds like the same problem that Daniel reported last month, and  
that Carlene may have seen a bit earlier.  Do you have a copy of you  
old VoiceOver preference files?  We're not sure why this is happening  
in these instances, but either as a source or result of the problem  
you .plist files are getting overwritten or the system thinks they are  
corrupted and is generating new ones.  (Corrupted preference files are  
the second most common general problem, but way down in frequency  
after having to repair permissions with Disk Utility).  I generally  
save copies of the most frequently used plist files somewhere easily  
accessed on my home directory.  The ones you are likely to want for  
VoiceOver are:
Here's the start of Daniel's thread on VoiceOver resetting itself:
Use Control-N to read down through the thread.  You can also check my  
post to Carlene about how to navigate to the Preferences folder.  That  
post lists even more VoiceOver and speech-related plist files:
If you have any of the old plist files around from a backup, just copy  
them into the Library/Preferences folder under your home directory and  
they should be used instead.


Sarah Alawami wrote:

sorry to the cross posting.

Hello to all. Voice over reset itself yesterday and i can't figure  
out how. I am still trying get it not to say now in window or  
leaving tool bar or table or what ever and application when I focus  
something. I'v checked the settings in the vo control panel but I  
can't find anything that would change this.

any help would be good as I'm getting frustrated, fast.

Take care.

Sarah Alawami

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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Kaare Dehard
Hi rich, I have found that the problem for me is intermittent, and often 
occurrs when I have a very busy page and pull an items chooser.
On 2010-03-14, at 5:58 PM, Rich Ring wrote:

> I don't seem to be experiencing this on my new Mac Book.  It's not a pro, 
> couldn't quite afford one of those, but it only has two gigs of ram.  It is 
> possible that because I am such a new Mac user, I am not really putting a 
> lot of pressure on things as I don't usually have a lot of programs running 
> at the same time.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Kimberly thurman" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 3:16 PM
> Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy
> Yep, happens to me in Itunes also as well as Safari.
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Carolyn wrote:
>> No Brian, actually it's a macbook pro 13, and the busy thing just seems to 
>> get stuck repeating itself in Safari, and sometimes even in itunes.  Just 
>> kind of quirky.
>> Carolyn
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Bryan Smart
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:30 PM
>> Subject: RE: safari busy, busy, busy
>> I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn
>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: safari busy, busy, busy
>> Hi:
>> I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others 
>> are frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy," 
>> Is there a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered 
>> a bug to report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's 
>> new to me as I use the Mac more.
>> TIA
>> Carolyn :)ch
>> --
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Re: apple trap: removing programs and all the related components

2010-03-14 Thread James & Nash
Hi Bian, 

Which Library are you referring to? I generally just go in and remove 
everything that is related to a deleted app, unless of course it is being used 
by something else.

But in most cases, I think it is safe to remove everything associated with a 
given application. Perhaps someone could confirm this, but I don't think Mac OS 
X treats applications and their associated files as UNIX or Linux does, with 
its bias towards "dependencies". I think this is quite a good way of using 
resources, as any application that needs a given file can use it, and their no 
need to keep downloading the same files for different applications. 

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 14 Mar 2010, at 19:06, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Except a bunch of bits and pieces under /library. I'm never quite sure what 
> old crud is safe to delete in their, but there are always lots of support 
> files.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of James & Nash
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 2:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: apple trap: removing programs and all the related components
> Hi William, 
> 99% of the time, sending applications to the Trash is exactly the right way 
> to go about removing them. There are sometimes support files and application 
> preferences floating around, and if you know where  to look to get rid of 
> them then feel free. But leaving them on the system isn't going to do any 
> harm. The other 1% of the time, you may need to run an uninstaller. But the 
> vast majority of applications do not use one. In fact, I'm not sure why 
> certain apps do. Perhaps they are just too big to be contained in a disk 
> image.
> You should also remember , that because Mac OS X is based upon UNIX, there is 
> no Registry to worry about. You won't find pesky bits of redundant 
> application related stuff all over your system. 
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 14 Mar 2010, at 17:43, William Windels wrote:
>> Hello Jes,
>> I have successfully removed the shortcuts/icons from the doc, so far so good.
>> I have not really a problem with this icons on the doc but, I only want to 
>> take care about my actual install of mac osx and for that , I want to be 
>> shore that: 
>> removing programs by moving them to the trash , is a good , save and 
>> efficient way of removing programs.
>> Also, I want to know if apple trap is sufficient and enough to keep my 
>> computer clean without parts of programs on my system after removing them.
>> On windows, after installing and uninstalling alot of programs , the system 
>> becomes slow and inefficiënt because of some parts of the programs in shared 
>> components, rules in the registry , inactive shortcuts...
>> Because of this , you need sometimes to re-install your windows to delete 
>> all that rubish.
>> So, I want to know if mac is doing better and if apple trap is enough to do 
>> this task.
>> best regards,
>> William
>> Op 14-mrt-2010, om 18:22 heeft Jess het volgende geschreven:
>>> I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of microsoft 
>>> office (for the mac), are still on the dock. Is this normal?
>>> Yep, gotta love Microsoft. Even though you removed some big bloated 
>>> program, they leave little traces of it around, even on your Mac. Try going 
>>> to the dock and removing the appropriate items. Let us know if that fixes 
>>> your problem.
>>> Jes
>>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:11 PM, William Windels wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have a question about removing programs:
 I have deleted programs with the program apple trap.
 The program, this is a plugin for the system prefferences, was active and 
 I simply putted the programs in the trash.
 Perhaps I have done something wrong while removing microsoft office with 
 I think, all files are selected by default to remove?
 I have now removed all the items in the trash and the elements of 
 microsoft office (for the mac), are still on the dock.
 Is this normal?
 best regards,
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Re: Prowl app for louder mail and other notification sounds [was Re: sounds very disappointing.]

2010-03-14 Thread Esther

Hello Bernard,

I don't know whether this setup will work for you. Since I have an  
iPod Touch, I'm not using text messages, and I don't need this myself  
for push notifications.  I'd say that this is in the category of a  
more speculative suggestion: I can check that the fundamental  
notification process works, and that the app is accessible, but  
someone who regularly uses Growl with chat clients or is interested in  
using push notifications from Twitter with Prowl could probably check  
this out and tell you more.  There are a bunch of list readers who  
regularly do use Growl on the Mac side, and one of them might be able  
to try this out.  Then you'd be able to tell whether it was worth the  
effort of using the Windows application.  Also, I know that this is  
all accessible on the Mac side, but I don't know about how things work  
through Windows, or even whether it's worth installing Growl for  

Usually I don't post about something that I can't give more detailed  
information, but this seemed like something that might work for you  
and some others.  Just to let you know this could be a possible  

I'll add that there are web sites about using Prowl for iPhone push  
notifications for Twitter:

There's also a Prowl forum on their web pages.  Again, my suggestion  
would be to have other iPhone list members try this out and report  
back before you invest much time into exploring this possibility.



Bernard Hemmings wrote:

will this work for text messages as these are often sent when a more  
urgent reply is expected.
I went to the trouble of converting about 260 ring tones as I  
assumed that like other phones all sound events could be defined by  
the user.  I guess I should have checked this was the case and I  
will be checking out growl.
I had not heard of this app.  I use eudora as my mail ap as it's  
much safer than the outlook platform.  Attachments are always kept  
separate from any messages.  There is just no way with eudora you  
could accidentally click on a attached file as they are saved in a  
folder of your choice, only problem is that no syncing program works  
with the eudora address book.
Do you know if growl works with eudora.  I had not used growl as  
eudora as it's new mail sound is totally definable by the user.
I will check growl out.  re the 5 or 6 choices for sounds for text  
messages there are 2 possible sounds that just reach the ok level  
which are horn and electronic, the rest you would have to be in a  
very quiet office type environment to hear them with out headphones  
of some kind.

At 06:35 AM 15/03/2010, you wrote:

Hello Bernard,

You wrote:

Well I am truly amazed and disappointed.  there is not much point of
having a wide variety of ring and other tones on your iphone.

You can select from all your tones for incoming calls.  new text
messages they allow you to choose from 5 or 6 built in sounds.
You won't believe this the new mail, sent mail and calender alert
sounds  can only be turned off and on and the default and only
sounds they use are just no good for someone hard of  hearing.
what's more I can't believe apple have not been swamped under
complaints re this.
I think the clock can select between all your loaded tones as can
the incoming call ring tone selector.
apart from that the new sms or text message sound can select from
about 6
the new mail, sent mail and voicemail can only be turned on and off.
if the set sounds were loud it would be ok but most you would not
hear if you were in the city with traffic noise all round and you
were not waring headphones.  I think some of these designers never
leave their high rise air conditioned office blocks.
has anyone else noticed how limited the sound settings were.

I'm cc'ing this to the macvisionaries list, since this may be of
general interest. If you have Growl running for notifications on your
PC, you might try the Prowl app ($2.99).  I've only played with  
this a
little, because I don't need these functions myself (I have a  

account that updates mail notifications with push, and the regular
volume settings work fine for me on my iPod Touch).  Growl is a  

notification system for the Mac OS X and Windows.  For the large
number of applications that support Growl, you can get notifications
when tasks are done.  For example, if you are downloading a series of
files, you might want to have the download program send you a
notification when it's done, which you could assign to a particular
sound.  Similarly, you can install a GrowlMail plugin (on the Mac)
that sends a Growl notification whenever a new mail message comes in.
What might be of interest to you and other iPhone/iPod Touch users is
that the Prowl app, which is a Growl client for the iPhone, can be  
to play diff

Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
You might be righ thtrere. the web page that gives me heck is the unlv web 
campus page as it  updates a lot.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 3:26 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> Hi rich, I have found that the problem for me is intermittent, and often 
> occurrs when I have a very busy page and pull an items chooser.
> On 2010-03-14, at 5:58 PM, Rich Ring wrote:
>> I don't seem to be experiencing this on my new Mac Book.  It's not a pro, 
>> couldn't quite afford one of those, but it only has two gigs of ram.  It is 
>> possible that because I am such a new Mac user, I am not really putting a 
>> lot of pressure on things as I don't usually have a lot of programs running 
>> at the same time.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Kimberly thurman" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 3:16 PM
>> Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy
>> Yep, happens to me in Itunes also as well as Safari.
>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Carolyn wrote:
>>> No Brian, actually it's a macbook pro 13, and the busy thing just seems to 
>>> get stuck repeating itself in Safari, and sometimes even in itunes.  Just 
>>> kind of quirky.
>>> Carolyn
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Bryan Smart
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:30 PM
>>> Subject: RE: safari busy, busy, busy
>>> I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn
>>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: safari busy, busy, busy
>>> Hi:
>>> I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others 
>>> are frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy," 
>>> Is there a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered 
>>> a bug to report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's 
>>> new to me as I use the Mac more.
>>> TIA
>>> Carolyn :)ch
>>> --
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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
it does except for
1. when safary decides to hickup and

2, you try and mark 4000 messages as read at once. don't do that. lol.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Rich Ring wrote:

> But I think ZI'd have to have a Mac Book Pro in order to have 8 gigs of ram.
> Half the reason I wanted to get into the Mac world was that OSX is supposed 
> to use memory  more efficiently.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Bryan Smart" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 2:17 PM
> Subject: RE: safari busy, busy, busy
> That's true as long as you're only running desktop apps.
> If you're using virtual machines, for example, 8GB will be better. A Windows 
> 7 VM needs 3GB of memory to run with maximum performance, for example, and, 
> with 4GB, that wouldn't leave you much for OSX. You can always run your 
> virtual machines with less memory, and start fewer apps in them, but you'll 
> hurt performance.
> 8GB is only about $350 right now in the US. It isn't that serious of a 
> purchase if you do serious computing.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 6:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy
> Four gigs is more than sufficient and any additional benefits from 
> installing more ram will not justify the expense of the ram.
> I have four gigs and I run a lot of stuff at once with no noticeable hit on 
> performance.
> On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:45 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> Happens to me a lot and I'm using a 13 inch Macbook Pro.  It only has2 
>> gigs of ram and I'm thinking that is causing some of my problems.  I get 
>> the busy stuff when I have multiple aps open.
>> This leads me to a question of my own.  I see  that it is possible to 
>> upgrade ram.  My husband could do this for me, but how much ram is enough? 
>> I read that I could put up to 8 gigs of ram in this thing.  Is that over 
>> kill?  Would 4 gigs be enough?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Kim
>> On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:30 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn
>>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: safari busy, busy, busy
>>> Hi:
>>> I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others 
>>> are frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy," 
>>> Is there a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered 
>>> a bug to report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's 
>>> new to me as I use the Mac more.
>>> TIA
>>> Carolyn :)ch
>>> --
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Re: voice over reset itself yesterday. How?

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
No I did not know you could save those. oops. so what am I going to do now? 
I'll try that thinks. and where do I put them?

On Mar 14, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> This sounds like the same problem that Daniel reported last month, and that 
> Carlene may have seen a bit earlier.  Do you have a copy of you old VoiceOver 
> preference files?  We're not sure why this is happening in these instances, 
> but either as a source or result of the problem you .plist files are getting 
> overwritten or the system thinks they are corrupted and is generating new 
> ones.  (Corrupted preference files are the second most common general 
> problem, but way down in frequency after having to repair permissions with 
> Disk Utility).  I generally save copies of the most frequently used plist 
> files somewhere easily accessed on my home directory.  The ones you are 
> likely to want for VoiceOver are:
> Here's the start of Daniel's thread on VoiceOver resetting itself:
> Use Control-N to read down through the thread.  You can also check my post to 
> Carlene about how to navigate to the Preferences folder.  That post lists 
> even more VoiceOver and speech-related plist files:
> If you have any of the old plist files around from a backup, just copy them 
> into the Library/Preferences folder under your home directory and they should 
> be used instead.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> sorry to the cross posting.
>> Hello to all. Voice over reset itself yesterday and i can't figure out how. 
>> I am still trying get it not to say now in window or leaving tool bar or 
>> table or what ever and application when I focus something. I'v checked the 
>> settings in the vo control panel but I can't find anything that would change 
>> this.
>> any help would be good as I'm getting frustrated, fast.
>> Take care.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> msn:
>> website:
>> twitter:
>> podcast:
> -- 
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Re: voice over reset itself yesterday. How?

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
I think control n is producing new windows as I opened it up in safary. Oops.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Esther wrote:


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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Rich Ring
I  am going to try that, just to see.  Have you updated to the latest 
version of Safari, and if so, has it made any difference?
- Original Message - 
From: "Kaare Dehard" 
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy

Hi rich, I have found that the problem for me is intermittent, and often 
occurrs when I have a very busy page and pull an items chooser.
On 2010-03-14, at 5:58 PM, Rich Ring wrote:

> I don't seem to be experiencing this on my new Mac Book.  It's not a pro,
> couldn't quite afford one of those, but it only has two gigs of ram.  It 
> is
> possible that because I am such a new Mac user, I am not really putting a
> lot of pressure on things as I don't usually have a lot of programs 
> running
> at the same time.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Kimberly thurman" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 3:16 PM
> Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy
> Yep, happens to me in Itunes also as well as Safari.
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Carolyn wrote:
>> No Brian, actually it's a macbook pro 13, and the busy thing just seems 
>> to
>> get stuck repeating itself in Safari, and sometimes even in itunes.  Just
>> kind of quirky.
>> Carolyn
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Bryan Smart
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:30 PM
>> Subject: RE: safari busy, busy, busy
>> I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn
>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: safari busy, busy, busy
>> Hi:
>> I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others
>> are frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy,"
>> Is there a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered
>> a bug to report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's
>> new to me as I use the Mac more.
>> TIA
>> Carolyn :)ch
>> --
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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Rich Ring
Does the page you're having trouble with have flash content?
- Original Message - 
From: "Sarah Alawami" 
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy

You might be righ thtrere. the web page that gives me heck is the unlv web 
campus page as it  updates a lot.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 3:26 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> Hi rich, I have found that the problem for me is intermittent, and often 
> occurrs when I have a very busy page and pull an items chooser.
> On 2010-03-14, at 5:58 PM, Rich Ring wrote:
>> I don't seem to be experiencing this on my new Mac Book.  It's not a pro,
>> couldn't quite afford one of those, but it only has two gigs of ram.  It 
>> is
>> possible that because I am such a new Mac user, I am not really putting a
>> lot of pressure on things as I don't usually have a lot of programs 
>> running
>> at the same time.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Kimberly thurman" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 3:16 PM
>> Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy
>> Yep, happens to me in Itunes also as well as Safari.
>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Carolyn wrote:
>>> No Brian, actually it's a macbook pro 13, and the busy thing just seems 
>>> to
>>> get stuck repeating itself in Safari, and sometimes even in itunes. 
>>> Just
>>> kind of quirky.
>>> Carolyn
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Bryan Smart
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:30 PM
>>> Subject: RE: safari busy, busy, busy
>>> I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn
>>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: safari busy, busy, busy
>>> Hi:
>>> I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others
>>> are frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy,"
>>> Is there a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be 
>>> considered
>>> a bug to report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's
>>> new to me as I use the Mac more.
>>> TIA
>>> Carolyn :)ch
>>> --
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i-tunes question?

2010-03-14 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi all,
its for a friend, my mac is not ready for i-tunes smiles.
she says the program goes through her machine  and apparently ipod and will 
remove things it does not think should be there?  stuff she may have copied 
over but not gotten from the store?

I can send her explanation if this does not make sense.
Seems rather predatory, surely there is a way to change this.  I am 
thinking about someone copying personal files to their ipod and i-tunes 
having a field day.


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address book help, please?

2010-03-14 Thread Christina
Hi listers,

I cannot figure out how to navigate the date fields for birthday and 
anniversary.  Can you please help me understand this.

Also, is there some trick to link spouses or to enter spouses info such as 
e-mail and b-day?  Having seperate v-cards always seems to create issues when 
trying to send things like Christmas cards and such.  Thanks, I'm trying to 
learn address book.


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Re: Copying links from the SendSpace Wizard

2010-03-14 Thread James & Nash
Thanks Nic, 

James Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 14 Mar 2010, at 21:49, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> You can do it like this.
> 1. Go to the item in the table with the VO-commands.
> 2. Hold down COntrol and double-click the mouse physically.
> 3. A menu will pop up.
> When you find the Copy Link location command, it shows the shortcut as being 
> Command-L. And it works.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 6:47 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Does anyone know how to copy a link for a file's location using the 
>> SendSpace Wizard? On Windows, this is very easy, but I can't quite figure it 
>> out on the Mac version of the SS Wizard. Sometimes, I forget to put the 
>> links into my E-Mails and I would like to be able to use the Wizard to find 
>> the link instead of having to re-upload the file or use the SS site. 
>> Thanks for any help 
>> TC
>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>> -- 
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USPS Mobile free App for U.S. Postal Service

2010-03-14 Thread Esther

Hi all,

There is a free USPS Mobile app from the U.S. Postal Service that  
gives information about nearby post office branches, collection boxes,  
and hours, along with zip code look up.  This app is generally  
accessible, but a few pointers will make using it easier. First. you  
must have an internet connection to look up entries.  Secondly, when  
you look up locations, the results can be shown either in maps view or  
list view, but defaults to maps view, and there is no settings menu to  
specify a different preference. The maps view is like using the  
default Maps app on the iPhone: it's accessible, and you can flick to  
the individual Post Office or box locations on the map and double tap  
for more detailed information, but it's more convenient to simply  
change the results from map view to list view by double tapping the  
"map" button at the top center of the screen.  This presents a list of  
location results ordered by distance.  When you double tap the  
individual locations in the list (or in map view), you're presented  
with a screen that gives details about the post office location and  
its services.  There is one unlabeled button on the screen that, when  
double-tapped, takes you to a zoomed in maps view of the location.  If  
you double tap this by mistake, you can simply find the "shows more  
info" button on the map and double tap it to get back to the details  
screen. Flicking right from the unlabeled button, you'll reach buttons  
for "Get Directions" and "Add to Contacts"  Note that if you double  
tap the "Get Directions" you'll get an alert message asking you if you  
want to leave the USPS Mobile app, and if you double tap "OK", you'll  
be taken to the Maps app for routing information from your current  
location.  There is also an "Hours" button on the detailed information  
screen.  Double tapping that button gives information on the retail  
hours and last collection time for each day of the week.

Other buttons on the bottom of the app screen are for Zip Code look-up  
and tracking information.  Your current location is used by default,  
and you are asked permission to use this when the app starts up.  If  
you want to check location information for a different location,  
double tap the location button at the top left corner of the location  
screen, then double tap in the text field just below where it says  
"Enter an address".  Type in an address on the virtual keyboard and  
double tap the search button at the bottom right.

The USPS Mobile app may be found at:




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Re: voice over reset itself yesterday. How?

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ok reading this thread is almost impossible I have to keep clicking on the 
right arrow to keep reading. is there an easier way to read this?

Thanks and how do I get it to stop saying where I am and what I'm entering and 
leaving. lol.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> This sounds like the same problem that Daniel reported last month, and that 
> Carlene may have seen a bit earlier.  Do you have a copy of you old VoiceOver 
> preference files?  We're not sure why this is happening in these instances, 
> but either as a source or result of the problem you .plist files are getting 
> overwritten or the system thinks they are corrupted and is generating new 
> ones.  (Corrupted preference files are the second most common general 
> problem, but way down in frequency after having to repair permissions with 
> Disk Utility).  I generally save copies of the most frequently used plist 
> files somewhere easily accessed on my home directory.  The ones you are 
> likely to want for VoiceOver are:
> Here's the start of Daniel's thread on VoiceOver resetting itself:
> Use Control-N to read down through the thread.  You can also check my post to 
> Carlene about how to navigate to the Preferences folder.  That post lists 
> even more VoiceOver and speech-related plist files:
> If you have any of the old plist files around from a backup, just copy them 
> into the Library/Preferences folder under your home directory and they should 
> be used instead.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> sorry to the cross posting.
>> Hello to all. Voice over reset itself yesterday and i can't figure out how. 
>> I am still trying get it not to say now in window or leaving tool bar or 
>> table or what ever and application when I focus something. I'v checked the 
>> settings in the vo control panel but I can't find anything that would change 
>> this.
>> any help would be good as I'm getting frustrated, fast.
>> Take care.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> msn:
>> website:
>> twitter:
>> podcast:
> -- 
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Re: Copying links from the SendSpace Wizard

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm I'll have to try that. I've never thought of sing the mouse to do this.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 2:49 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't mean double click. Just click once. Oops.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can do it like this.
>> 1. Go to the item in the table with the VO-commands.
>> 2. Hold down COntrol and double-click the mouse physically.
>> 3. A menu will pop up.
>> When you find the Copy Link location command, it shows the shortcut as being 
>> Command-L. And it works.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 6:47 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Does anyone know how to copy a link for a file's location using the 
>>> SendSpace Wizard? On Windows, this is very easy, but I can't quite figure 
>>> it out on the Mac version of the SS Wizard. Sometimes, I forget to put the 
>>> links into my E-Mails and I would like to be able to use the Wizard to find 
>>> the link instead of having to re-upload the file or use the SS site. 
>>> Thanks for any help 
>>> TC
>>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>>> -- 
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Re: voice over reset itself yesterday. How?

2010-03-14 Thread Esther

Hi Sarah,

First, which browser are you using to read this thread at the linked  
Mail Archive site?  There are different access key combinations for  
FireFox, Internet Explorer and Safari.  For IE I think you use Alt-N  
to read down the thread.  For Safari on a Mac with VoiceOver turned  
on, Control-N automatically takes you to the next post in a thread,  
and Command-N opens a new Window (unless there have been horrid  
changes that I don't know about).  For Safari on a Mac without  
VoiceOver turned on, Control-Option-N will take you to the next post  
in a thread at the Mail Archive site. Control-P (or Alt-P, etc.  
depending on the browser) takes you to the previous post in the  
thread. I totally agree that having to click on the right arrow would  
be a pain, and the reason I use the Mail Archive is because the access  
keys and the search function makes it simple for me to find and read  
through content.  It also supports access keys for other browsers and  

In answer to your other questions, you can save the plist files  
anywhere you want on your home directory and then just copy them over  
to the your Library/Preferences folder if something goes wrong.  There  
are usually only a few that would be a pain to set up again.  If I  
don't have a recent copy I'll simply go into a cloned backup of my  
drive (which I take periodically) and copy them from the  Library/ 
Preferences folder of my directory.

Here's the direct link to the post that I made to Daniel's thread  
describing how to navigate to the Library Preferences folder and  
decide which files to copy and save:

I'm not sure about the other messages, but it sounds as though your  
verbosity settings should be changed.




Sarah Alawami wrote:

Ok reading this thread is almost impossible I have to keep clicking  
on the right arrow to keep reading. is there an easier way to read  

Thanks and how do I get it to stop saying where I am and what I'm  
entering and leaving. lol.

On Mar 14, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Sarah,

This sounds like the same problem that Daniel reported last month,  
and that Carlene may have seen a bit earlier.  Do you have a copy  
of you old VoiceOver preference files?  We're not sure why this is  
happening in these instances, but either as a source or result of  
the problem you .plist files are getting overwritten or the system  
thinks they are corrupted and is generating new ones.  (Corrupted  
preference files are the second most common general problem, but  
way down in frequency after having to repair permissions with Disk  
Utility).  I generally save copies of the most frequently used  
plist files somewhere easily accessed on my home directory.  The  
ones you are likely to want for VoiceOver are:
Here's the start of Daniel's thread on VoiceOver resetting itself:
Use Control-N to read down through the thread.  You can also check  
my post to Carlene about how to navigate to the Preferences  
folder.  That post lists even more VoiceOver and speech-related  
plist files:
If you have any of the old plist files around from a backup, just  
copy them into the Library/Preferences folder under your home  
directory and they should be used instead.


Sarah Alawami wrote:

sorry to the cross posting.

Hello to all. Voice over reset itself yesterday and i can't figure  
out how. I am still trying get it not to say now in window or  
leaving tool bar or table or what ever and application when I  
focus something. I'v checked the settings in the vo control panel  
but I can't find anything that would change this.

any help would be good as I'm getting frustrated, fast.

Take care.

Sarah Alawami

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Re: Copying links from the SendSpace Wizard

2010-03-14 Thread mani
Hello James:
Once you go to the desired link, you could use VO-Shift-M to pop up
the short cut menu and then the VO-spacebar on the 'Copy Link' menu

On Mar 14, 7:56 pm, "James & Nash" 
> Thanks Nic,
> TC
> James Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 14 Mar 2010, at 21:49, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> > Hi,
> > You can do it like this.
> > 1. Go to the item in the table with the VO-commands.
> > 2. Hold down COntrol and double-click the mouse physically.
> > 3. A menu will pop up.
> > When you find the Copy Link location command, it shows the shortcut as 
> > being Command-L. And it works.
> > Regards,
> > Nic
> > Skype: Kvalme
> > MSN Messenger:
> > AIM: cincinster
> > yahoo Messenger: cin368
> > Facebook Profile
> > My Twitter
> > On Mar 14, 2010, at 6:47 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> >> Hi everyone,
> >> Does anyone know how to copy a link for a file's location using the 
> >> SendSpace Wizard? On Windows, this is very easy, but I can't quite figure 
> >> it out on the Mac version of the SS Wizard. Sometimes, I forget to put the 
> >> links into my E-Mails and I would like to be able to use the Wizard to 
> >> find the link instead of having to re-upload the file or use the SS site.
> >> Thanks for any help
> >> TC
> >> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> >> --
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Re: Copying links from the SendSpace Wizard

2010-03-14 Thread James & Nash
Thanks, I'll try this.

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 15 Mar 2010, at 01:12, mani wrote:

> Hello James:
> Once you go to the desired link, you could use VO-Shift-M to pop up
> the short cut menu and then the VO-spacebar on the 'Copy Link' menu
> item.
> Thanks,
> mani
> On Mar 14, 7:56 pm, "James & Nash" 
> wrote:
>> Thanks Nic,
>> TC
>> James Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>> On 14 Mar 2010, at 21:49, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You can do it like this.
>>> 1. Go to the item in the table with the VO-commands.
>>> 2. Hold down COntrol and double-click the mouse physically.
>>> 3. A menu will pop up.
>>> When you find the Copy Link location command, it shows the shortcut as 
>>> being Command-L. And it works.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 6:47 PM, James & Nash wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 Does anyone know how to copy a link for a file's location using the 
 SendSpace Wizard? On Windows, this is very easy, but I can't quite figure 
 it out on the Mac version of the SS Wizard. Sometimes, I forget to put the 
 links into my E-Mails and I would like to be able to use the Wizard to 
 find the link instead of having to re-upload the file or use the SS site.
 Thanks for any help
 James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
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using facebook with safari

2010-03-14 Thread Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni
Hello all,
I'm new to the list and new to using Mac. I just got my mac mini two weeks ago 
and so far I'm really enjoying it. One thing I'd like to know is if any of you 
use the regular facebook site with safari and voiceover successfully? I'm 
having trouble locating edit boxes on the site. For example, updating status 
messages, writing on people's walls, etc. Of course I can do this by accessing 
the mobile site but the mobile site is not as powerful as the full site and I'd 
like to use the full site if possible. If any of you have any tricks or tips, 
I'd love to hear them.

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Re: using facebook with safari

2010-03-14 Thread Jim Gatteys
there's also

That seems to work better for me and I can find edit boxes.  I have trouble on 
the main site looking for the place to write on a wall or leave a status 
message and this site seems to work better for me.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 9:07 PM, Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm new to the list and new to using Mac. I just got my mac mini two weeks 
> ago and so far I'm really enjoying it. One thing I'd like to know is if any 
> of you use the regular facebook site with safari and voiceover successfully? 
> I'm having trouble locating edit boxes on the site. For example, updating 
> status messages, writing on people's walls, etc. Of course I can do this by 
> accessing the mobile site but the mobile site is not as powerful as the full 
> site and I'd like to use the full site if possible. If any of you have any 
> tricks or tips, I'd love to hear them.
> Thanks.
> Ronit
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Find me on facebook or:
Skype: jimintexas
Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys

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Re: using facebook with safari

2010-03-14 Thread Portia Scott
Hi Ronit,

The only other idea I have is to try this site:


On Mar 14, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm new to the list and new to using Mac. I just got my mac mini two weeks 
> ago and so far I'm really enjoying it. One thing I'd like to know is if any 
> of you use the regular facebook site with safari and voiceover successfully? 
> I'm having trouble locating edit boxes on the site. For example, updating 
> status messages, writing on people's walls, etc. Of course I can do this by 
> accessing the mobile site but the mobile site is not as powerful as the full 
> site and I'd like to use the full site if possible. If any of you have any 
> tricks or tips, I'd love to hear them.
> Thanks.
> Ronit
> -- 
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Re: voice over reset itself yesterday. How?

2010-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker

In VO utilities table go to verbosity.  Select general and try setting your 
verbosity to medium.  I think it might be set to high by default.

On Mar 14, 2010, at 8:13 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Ok reading this thread is almost impossible I have to keep clicking on the 
> right arrow to keep reading. is there an easier way to read this?
> Thanks and how do I get it to stop saying where I am and what I'm entering 
> and leaving. lol.
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Sarah,
>> This sounds like the same problem that Daniel reported last month, and that 
>> Carlene may have seen a bit earlier.  Do you have a copy of you old 
>> VoiceOver preference files?  We're not sure why this is happening in these 
>> instances, but either as a source or result of the problem you .plist files 
>> are getting overwritten or the system thinks they are corrupted and is 
>> generating new ones.  (Corrupted preference files are the second most common 
>> general problem, but way down in frequency after having to repair 
>> permissions with Disk Utility).  I generally save copies of the most 
>> frequently used plist files somewhere easily accessed on my home directory.  
>> The ones you are likely to want for VoiceOver are:
>> Here's the start of Daniel's thread on VoiceOver resetting itself:
>> Use Control-N to read down through the thread.  You can also check my post 
>> to Carlene about how to navigate to the Preferences folder.  That post lists 
>> even more VoiceOver and speech-related plist files:
>> If you have any of the old plist files around from a backup, just copy them 
>> into the Library/Preferences folder under your home directory and they 
>> should be used instead.
>> HTH
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> sorry to the cross posting.
>>> Hello to all. Voice over reset itself yesterday and i can't figure out how. 
>>> I am still trying get it not to say now in window or leaving tool bar or 
>>> table or what ever and application when I focus something. I'v checked the 
>>> settings in the vo control panel but I can't find anything that would 
>>> change this.
>>> any help would be good as I'm getting frustrated, fast.
>>> Take care.
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> msn:
>>> website:
>>> twitter:
>>> podcast:
>> -- 
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Re: using facebook with safari

2010-03-14 Thread peter apgar
sorry the norm around here is the mobile.

On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:07 PM, Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm new to the list and new to using Mac. I just got my mac mini two weeks 
> ago and so far I'm really enjoying it. One thing I'd like to know is if any 
> of you use the regular facebook site with safari and voiceover successfully? 
> I'm having trouble locating edit boxes on the site. For example, updating 
> status messages, writing on people's walls, etc. Of course I can do this by 
> accessing the mobile site but the mobile site is not as powerful as the full 
> site and I'd like to use the full site if possible. If any of you have any 
> tricks or tips, I'd love to hear them.
> Thanks.
> Ronit
> -- 
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Re: safari busy, busy, busy

2010-03-14 Thread Kimberly thurman
I must say that I had trouble with the busy thing yesterday when I set up 
Genius in ITunes.  I suppose this must be a very memory-intensive process, as 
it bogged my computer down for several minutes and I got the busy message 
intermittently during this whole time.  
On Mar 14, 2010, at 6:36 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> it does except for
> 1. when safary decides to hickup and
> 2, you try and mark 4000 messages as read at once. don't do that. lol.
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Rich Ring wrote:
>> But I think ZI'd have to have a Mac Book Pro in order to have 8 gigs of ram.
>> Half the reason I wanted to get into the Mac world was that OSX is supposed 
>> to use memory  more efficiently.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Bryan Smart" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 2:17 PM
>> Subject: RE: safari busy, busy, busy
>> That's true as long as you're only running desktop apps.
>> If you're using virtual machines, for example, 8GB will be better. A Windows 
>> 7 VM needs 3GB of memory to run with maximum performance, for example, and, 
>> with 4GB, that wouldn't leave you much for OSX. You can always run your 
>> virtual machines with less memory, and start fewer apps in them, but you'll 
>> hurt performance.
>> 8GB is only about $350 right now in the US. It isn't that serious of a 
>> purchase if you do serious computing.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
>> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 6:57 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: safari busy, busy, busy
>> Four gigs is more than sufficient and any additional benefits from 
>> installing more ram will not justify the expense of the ram.
>> I have four gigs and I run a lot of stuff at once with no noticeable hit on 
>> performance.
>> On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:45 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> Happens to me a lot and I'm using a 13 inch Macbook Pro.  It only has2 
>>> gigs of ram and I'm thinking that is causing some of my problems.  I get 
>>> the busy stuff when I have multiple aps open.
>>> This leads me to a question of my own.  I see  that it is possible to 
>>> upgrade ram.  My husband could do this for me, but how much ram is enough? 
>>> I read that I could put up to 8 gigs of ram in this thing.  Is that over 
>>> kill?  Would 4 gigs be enough?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Kim
>>> On Mar 13, 2010, at 6:30 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
 I bet you have a Mac Mini without a monitor.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Carolyn
 Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:31 PM
 Subject: safari busy, busy, busy
 I suppose this has already come up on list, but I'm wondering if others 
 are frustrated by VO continuously getting stuck on and repeating "busy," 
 Is there a way to stop that from happening?  And Would this be considered 
 a bug to report to Apple.  Sorry if this is old to some of you, but it's 
 new to me as I use the Mac more.
 Carolyn :)ch
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Re: voice over reset itself yesterday. How?

2010-03-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
oH and to add to this problem. I  tried to uncheck all boxrd under window and 
it would not work. all of them became checked and my settings won't stick.
On Mar 14, 2010, at 5:31 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> First, which browser are you using to read this thread at the linked Mail 
> Archive site?  There are different access key combinations for FireFox, 
> Internet Explorer and Safari.  For IE I think you use Alt-N to read down the 
> thread.  For Safari on a Mac with VoiceOver turned on, Control-N 
> automatically takes you to the next post in a thread, and Command-N opens a 
> new Window (unless there have been horrid changes that I don't know about).  
> For Safari on a Mac without VoiceOver turned on, Control-Option-N will take 
> you to the next post in a thread at the Mail Archive site. Control-P (or 
> Alt-P, etc. depending on the browser) takes you to the previous post in the 
> thread. I totally agree that having to click on the right arrow would be a 
> pain, and the reason I use the Mail Archive is because the access keys and 
> the search function makes it simple for me to find and read through content.  
> It also supports access keys for other browsers and platforms.
> In answer to your other questions, you can save the plist files anywhere you 
> want on your home directory and then just copy them over to the your 
> Library/Preferences folder if something goes wrong.  There are usually only a 
> few that would be a pain to set up again.  If I don't have a recent copy I'll 
> simply go into a cloned backup of my drive (which I take periodically) and 
> copy them from the  Library/Preferences folder of my directory.
> Here's the direct link to the post that I made to Daniel's thread describing 
> how to navigate to the Library Preferences folder and decide which files to 
> copy and save:
> I'm not sure about the other messages, but it sounds as though your verbosity 
> settings should be changed.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Ok reading this thread is almost impossible I have to keep clicking on the 
>> right arrow to keep reading. is there an easier way to read this?
>> Thanks and how do I get it to stop saying where I am and what I'm entering 
>> and leaving. lol.
>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Sarah,
>>> This sounds like the same problem that Daniel reported last month, and that 
>>> Carlene may have seen a bit earlier.  Do you have a copy of you old 
>>> VoiceOver preference files?  We're not sure why this is happening in these 
>>> instances, but either as a source or result of the problem you .plist files 
>>> are getting overwritten or the system thinks they are corrupted and is 
>>> generating new ones.  (Corrupted preference files are the second most 
>>> common general problem, but way down in frequency after having to repair 
>>> permissions with Disk Utility).  I generally save copies of the most 
>>> frequently used plist files somewhere easily accessed on my home directory. 
>>>  The ones you are likely to want for VoiceOver are:
>>> Here's the start of Daniel's thread on VoiceOver resetting itself:
>>> Use Control-N to read down through the thread.  You can also check my post 
>>> to Carlene about how to navigate to the Preferences folder.  That post 
>>> lists even more VoiceOver and speech-related plist files:
>>> If you have any of the old plist files around from a backup, just copy them 
>>> into the Library/Preferences folder under your home directory and they 
>>> should be used instead.
>>> HTH
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> Sarah Alawami wrote:
 sorry to the cross posting.
 Hello to all. Voice over reset itself yesterday and i can't figure out 
 how. I am still trying get it not to say now in window or leaving tool bar 
 or table or what ever and application when I focus something. I'v checked 
 the settings in the vo control panel but I can't find anything that would 
 change this.
 any help would be good as I'm getting frustrated, fast.
 Take care.
 Sarah Alawami
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