Re: Blog post: First Glance at Firefox Accessibility on OS X Snow Leopard

2010-02-13 Thread erik burggraaf
It's a good theory.  Unfortunately I've never been able to get the trackpad to 
co-operate personally.  I can mute speech and turn on the screen curtan, but 
thats about the extent of it.

I'll go back and take another crack at it eventually, and another and another 
if needed, but it hasn't come naturally to me at all.


erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 2010-02-12, at 5:39 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>  I'd first like to encourage a calmer tone in this thread if I might.  
>  -If people are upset or worried about having switched, then that's fine. 
> They're entitled to their feelings as we all are. 
>  Okay, *off my moderatrix soap box now* lol!
>  Let me also suggest that one can use track pad commander to navigate 
> headings and form elements?
>  This way one need only do a gesture to move between said elements on a page. 
> -No forms mode; no keystrokes and probably faster than Jaws or WindowEyes…
>  It's simple, quick and only takes one hand. 
> -Just a thought… -And thanks to those contributing helpful info for new 
> users! -Y'all rock!…Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 12:13 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> I use VoiceOver the most, and I'm way more efficient using VoiceOver now. I 
> found that, if you were loading absolutely massive webpages, JAWS/Window Eyes 
> first had to load all the contents into their virtual buffer before you could 
> do as much as navigate. I personally see that as a huge drawback to 
> efficiency. The only reason JAWS or Window-Eyes, not to mention NVDA among 
> others take advantage of one-letter navigation keys in HTML environments is 
> probably because they have that drawback. VoiceOVer might be able to, but the 
> issue would be that, if you're in a form field, you'd need Forms mode which 
> I'm so glad to get rid of. With a Windows-based screenreader, you have to 
> exit forms mode, then use H to go to the next heading, whereas with VoiceOver 
> you can simply do it within the field itself due to separate commands. 
> That'll still slow you down, no matter how fast you are. It's still an extra 
> keystroke, regardless of Auto-forms mode. You still have to exit it one way 
> or the other.
> Just as a note, I can actually hit VO-H with one  hand without much effort. I 
> can't hit VO-Shift-H, but if I have to use that keystroke I'll  just use the 
> right shift key.
> You knew what you were getting into, though. You knew the functionality 
> existed, but it's bound to be different as it's an entirely different 
> operating system. I can't stress that enough. 
> Suggestion: Dump your Windows computer in the trash and spend all time on the 
> Mac. You always have virtual machines if you need to do something you know 
> you can only do on Windows, but the way you'll really get efficient in 
> navigation with VoiceOver is to get rid of  all Window-sbased solutions and 
> just suck it up when something is a bit different. I say that because that 
> worked for me, and it's the best thing I ever did. It's not an insult to any 
> new switchers, just something to consider. I yet have to understand why 
> people buy Macbook Pros if they might not even like the operating system or 
> the screenreader. Just something I've been wondering, since it's mostly 
> people who have never used Macs who seem to buy them. Or, at least, people 
> who hardly have used Macs or even people who aren't open to the idea of using 
> a Mac.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:38 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Mary,
>> What I was pointing out is that jumping from heading to heading may not be 
>> as simple as just pressing h, but the functionality still exists, even if 
>> you have to hold some additional keys down. In the end you use what works 
>> best for you. YOu say browsing using IE on windows is more efficient for you 
>> and that is great, but for me I have found ways of becoming very efficient 
>> using VO and Safari. In fact I prefer in nearly all cases now, using VO and 
>> Safari. There was a time I may have agreed with you, but as I really became 
>> comfortable with VO and the entire Mac experience, I really have no use for 
>> windows or windows-based screen readers. Well the only reason I use windows 
>> personally is for some courses I am taking that use news groups and so far 
>> outlook express is the only choice I have found thus far and since most the 
>> materials have to be produced using Word, I have to drag that out. 
>> Otherwise, I honestly do find the Mac works well for me. Again, you use what 
>> works for you because being efficient and productive is

think I've partially worked out how to reset my time zone

2010-02-13 Thread Ray Foret jr

I've finally worked out how to set my time zone.  At least, I've got the time 
zone correct.  Now, I just have to work out what part of the closest city's 
name to click on to get back to Houma Louisiana.  When I first went in to the 
time zone closest city combo box, I know as a fact I saw Houma LA. there; but, 
I've clicked on all the cities near Houma and it's still not showing up.  Well, 
at least I was able to narrow it down to the time zone itself.  I just VO+right 
and left arrowed until I got to New York then kept narrowing it down from there 
till I got to Baton Rouge LA. then New Orleans LA.  That's fifty miles south 
east of me.  Still, I can't get Houma to show up.


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net

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Re: Twitter clients

2010-02-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I tried Canary and it works pretty well, exept for a couple quirks. The menus 
in the client are very slow in working with, that is you can effectively use 
the menus once you get to them, but the menu bar is very very slow to navigate 
with lots of "busy", "ready" messages. Maybe there's a workaround for this 
though that i'm not aware of.
To me, Canary doesn't seem as feature rich as Syrinx, but this could be because 
i can't reach the features i want, for example finding out who's following me 
and add or block them.

13 feb 2010 kl. 06.41 skrev E.J. Zufelt:

> Good evening,
> I have been using Syrinx for quite some time as my sole Twitter client.  I 
> love everything except for one thing about it, using version 2.3.1.
> When you interact with an individual tweet in the timeline you cannot 
> properly navigate by word.  VO reads parts of words, or multiple parts of 
> words at a time, not a single word.
> 1. Does anyone know how to correct this behavior in Syrinx?
> 2. Can anyone recommend another accessible Twitter client, providing some 
> reasons for the recommendation?
> Thanks in advance,  
> Everett
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
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RE: Fix for Sound Related Slowness on MBP

2010-02-13 Thread Simon Fogarty
 I haven't noticed problems with MBP audio speeds but I have noticed
problems related to speed of vm fusion on my MBP and on a couple of I macs I

 I find vm fusion is really slow even with 2 gig of ram and a  dual core
processor running.

 Anyone got a fix for this?

 Or has anyone got any idea of whether or not parapllels 5 will work with
jaws on a vm, or even virtual box as a vm host / client.

 I need to sort this out for work as need vm's of xp and windows 7 running


Simon f

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Hofstader
Sent: Saturday, 13 February 2010 4:12 a.m.
Subject: Fix for Sound Related Slowness on MBP


A number of us have been complaining about various slowness problems.  This
may be the fix:


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Re: web/sweet spots (wasBlog post: First Glance at Firefox Accessibility on OS X Snow Leopard)

2010-02-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hey, I've forgotten now wheather you can set only one sweet spot per page or 
per site? It would be nice to be able to set one sweet spot per page, but 
that's not a big deal really.

13 feb 2010 kl. 05.51 skrev Ricardo Walker:

> Hi Donna,
> A sweet spot is a position on a web page you have designated voiceover to be 
> on as soon as you go to the site.  web spots are just key positions on a page 
> that you have set or Voiceover has set automatically.  Btw.  VO command right 
> bracket takes you forward through your manually set web spots, and VO command 
> left bracket will navigate backwards.  VO command N will cycle you through 
> the auto webspots set by Voiceover.
> hth 
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 9:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This may be a dumb question, but is there a difference between web spots and 
>> sweet spots?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 6:00 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> I would also point out that if you use the Web Spot feature, it is quite 
>>> accurate indeed. I have a sweet spot set for a number of locations on the 
>>> banking website I use and it surely is the greatest thing for making 
>>> navigation of a site efficient. I have it setup so as soon as the page 
>>> loads, I'm on the location to enter my login info. Once I'm logged in, I am 
>>> immediately on the list of accounts and on the balance information. If 
>>> folks have not really explored the possibilities of Web/sweet spots, do 
>>> yourself a favor and give them a try, they are very useful.
>>> On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:32 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
 If I may, I would like to point out that all navigation through elements 
 on a web page can be done with one hand and you don't need to remember a 
 lot of keys.  When in dom. mode, press the left and right arrows at the 
 same time to enter quick nav mode.  Now, press the left-up or right-up to 
 cycle through the navigation items in the roter.  Then, navigate through 
 the chosen element with the up or down keys.
 As far as returning to the prior place in a web page, I have not found it 
 to be non existent.  There are many times that it works, although, I would 
 like to see it work more consistently.  I haven't found any screen reader 
 do it very well.
 I would also like to say that I never found any of the vo key strokes to 
 be difficult and I never understood why some people seemed to have such a 
 hang-up with them.  There are some circumstances where one might need to 
 perform a task with only one hand, and I think that it was some what of a 
 legitimate concern earlier on.  As I pointed out however, that issue has 
 been addressed with quick nav.
 On Feb 11, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I'm not Linda, but I had to respond to your note to her re the 
> differences between moving around on a page among elements with Window 
> Eyes or Jaws and Voice Over. You said that you didn't see much difference 
> between pressing h by itself or pressing 3 additional keys in addition to 
> h to move among headers. And you say this is easily done with one hand? 
> You must have amazing hands. I can no way do that. I've been touch typing 
> for decades. It gets even more interesting when you add the shift into 
> the mix to go up the page in reverse order. Doable? yes? As easy as 
> pressing one key? Not by a long shot. Are there other benefits, such as 
> not having to go in and out of forms mode? for sure. The added 
> functionality for VO on the web in Snow Leopard is one of the main 
> reasons I decided to try a Mac. I really appreciate the numpad commander, 
> although learning it was not as intuitive as learning mnemonics on the 
> regular keyboard. In no way is the rotor as efficient for me as having 
> that array of single letter keystrokes that let me move among various web 
> elements at will. Another thing I hope can be implemented in the future 
> is a means of letting focus return to where it was when you return back 
> to a previously visited page. That's a big time saver with the Windows 
> screen readers, although it  doesn't always work. Its nonexistent with 
> vo. I like the fact that pages seem to load faster with Safari than they 
> do with IE and a screen reader. Over all, for me, the Windows experience 
> is still more efficient. But there are pluses with the Mac, and I'm 
> hoping it will keep improving. Group mode is something I have tried and 
> dropped. I just never found a page where it seemed to offer any 
> advantage, since I don't really care how the page is laid out. I want 
> info and where it is on the page just doesn't seem very important to me, 
> so long as I can get to it efficiently. Maybe I don't go to the right 
> sites where group mode's benefits 

RE: deleting an app from an iPhone using vo

2010-02-13 Thread Joe Plummer
Thank, for the vote. I new it was right because that is the way I remove
apps from my phone all the time. Now yes you do have the choice to delete
the file but why would you want to delete the file or app that you might
have paid good money for. My choice is to remove the app from the phone and
leave it on the pC or Mac or what ever computer so you will have it later if
you want to put it back on the phone. This is just my way and my thoughts.

JP ( Joe Plummer)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: deleting an app from an iPhone using vo


He is not wrong at all.  He said you can uncheck the app from iTunes then
sync and it will remove the app from the phone and not delete it from your
computer.  This is 100% accurate.  Some people will want to remove it from
there phone but still have it stored away on there computer.  
On Feb 12, 2010, at 8:47 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:

> On Feb 12, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Joe Plummer wrote:
>> Hi, you can delete the app by doing this. Find the app you want to 
>> delete and then double tap and hold this will put it in a edit mode. 
>> Then just chose delete on that app. Now this will only work on app that
you installed.
>> Also the next time you go to sync make sure you uncheck this app 
>> under the app tab or it will be put back on the phone. The other way 
>> is do it in iTunes. You can do this by hooking your phone to your PC 
>> or Mac and in iTunes go to your iPhone and look under the app tab and 
>> uncheck the app that you don't want on your phone any more. Then sync 
>> your iPhone. This should remove this app from the phone. Now this 
>> will not un install it from the computer.
> This is not correct.  When you delete an application from iTunes, you
press the "Delete" key.  You are asked if you want to remove the application
from your computer.
> To delete the application from the phone, double-tap the application, and
hold.  VoiceOver will say, "Moving delete." Double-tap the application
again.  Double-tap "Delete."
> Matt Roberts
> --
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Re: Blog post: First Glance at Firefox Accessibility on OS X Snow Leopard

2010-02-13 Thread Chris Hofstader

> Hi,
> True enough, though that'd be the same as auto-forms mode. You'd still have 
> to get System Access out of the form to navigate.
But in SA this is just an arrow key or tab.

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Re: web/sweet spots (wasBlog post: First Glance at Firefox Accessibility on OS X Snow Leopard)

2010-02-13 Thread Donna Goodin
Ah! OK, got it.  So how do you set a sweet spot?
On Feb 12, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> A sweet spot is a position on a web page you have designated voiceover to be 
> on as soon as you go to the site.  web spots are just key positions on a page 
> that you have set or Voiceover has set automatically.  Btw.  VO command right 
> bracket takes you forward through your manually set web spots, and VO command 
> left bracket will navigate backwards.  VO command N will cycle you through 
> the auto webspots set by Voiceover.
> hth 
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 9:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This may be a dumb question, but is there a difference between web spots and 
>> sweet spots?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 6:00 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> I would also point out that if you use the Web Spot feature, it is quite 
>>> accurate indeed. I have a sweet spot set for a number of locations on the 
>>> banking website I use and it surely is the greatest thing for making 
>>> navigation of a site efficient. I have it setup so as soon as the page 
>>> loads, I'm on the location to enter my login info. Once I'm logged in, I am 
>>> immediately on the list of accounts and on the balance information. If 
>>> folks have not really explored the possibilities of Web/sweet spots, do 
>>> yourself a favor and give them a try, they are very useful.
>>> On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:32 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
 If I may, I would like to point out that all navigation through elements 
 on a web page can be done with one hand and you don't need to remember a 
 lot of keys.  When in dom. mode, press the left and right arrows at the 
 same time to enter quick nav mode.  Now, press the left-up or right-up to 
 cycle through the navigation items in the roter.  Then, navigate through 
 the chosen element with the up or down keys.
 As far as returning to the prior place in a web page, I have not found it 
 to be non existent.  There are many times that it works, although, I would 
 like to see it work more consistently.  I haven't found any screen reader 
 do it very well.
 I would also like to say that I never found any of the vo key strokes to 
 be difficult and I never understood why some people seemed to have such a 
 hang-up with them.  There are some circumstances where one might need to 
 perform a task with only one hand, and I think that it was some what of a 
 legitimate concern earlier on.  As I pointed out however, that issue has 
 been addressed with quick nav.
 On Feb 11, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I'm not Linda, but I had to respond to your note to her re the 
> differences between moving around on a page among elements with Window 
> Eyes or Jaws and Voice Over. You said that you didn't see much difference 
> between pressing h by itself or pressing 3 additional keys in addition to 
> h to move among headers. And you say this is easily done with one hand? 
> You must have amazing hands. I can no way do that. I've been touch typing 
> for decades. It gets even more interesting when you add the shift into 
> the mix to go up the page in reverse order. Doable? yes? As easy as 
> pressing one key? Not by a long shot. Are there other benefits, such as 
> not having to go in and out of forms mode? for sure. The added 
> functionality for VO on the web in Snow Leopard is one of the main 
> reasons I decided to try a Mac. I really appreciate the numpad commander, 
> although learning it was not as intuitive as learning mnemonics on the 
> regular keyboard. In no way is the rotor as efficient for me as having 
> that array of single letter keystrokes that let me move among various web 
> elements at will. Another thing I hope can be implemented in the future 
> is a means of letting focus return to where it was when you return back 
> to a previously visited page. That's a big time saver with the Windows 
> screen readers, although it  doesn't always work. Its nonexistent with 
> vo. I like the fact that pages seem to load faster with Safari than they 
> do with IE and a screen reader. Over all, for me, the Windows experience 
> is still more efficient. But there are pluses with the Mac, and I'm 
> hoping it will keep improving. Group mode is something I have tried and 
> dropped. I just never found a page where it seemed to offer any 
> advantage, since I don't really care how the page is laid out. I want 
> info and where it is on the page just doesn't seem very important to me, 
> so long as I can get to it efficiently. Maybe I don't go to the right 
> sites where group mode's benefits are displayed to best advantage.
> Mary
> -- 
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question about growl with skype

2010-02-13 Thread Lyn & Twinny
Hi list,

I have a question about growl with skype.  I have managed to set up growl to 
work perfectly well with adium but with skype, I notice that growl does not 
announce who is coming online but instead, it just says "came online, or went 
away etc" without announcing the name of whoever came online or went 
away...hope you can understand what I mean here.  I'd be very grateful for any 
help you guys can provide with solving this issue.  Thanks in advance for your 

Lyn & Twinny

email and msn:

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Re: New Notational Velocity desktop release has sync support for SimpleNote on iPhone [was Re: Appending text to clipboard]

2010-02-13 Thread VaShaun Jones
This was helpful and I got NV and I'm loving it. You are always helpful.
On Feb 2, 2010, at 5:48 PM, Yvonne Thomson wrote:

> Hi.
> The other interesting thing about Notational Velocity is that you can, as 
> long as you're not using its single database file but configure it to use 
> html or rtf or txt, manipulate its files behind its back and have it notice.
> What's so great about that? Well, I'm trying to switch from Journler to NV. 
> The only disadvantage here is that NV has no applescript support, and the 
> service for bringing stuff into it, at least as far as emails and web pages 
> is concerned, isn't a patch on Journlers.
> The trick is, though, you can add files to it outside it. So I simply rewrote 
> my applescript that used Journler to instead write text files into NV's data 
> directory with the title of the webpage/email as the file name and the 
> contents as the file. Instant article importing.
> If you're a scripting nut like me, you'll realise that there are a lot more 
> things you can do using this principal to get around NV's relative lack of 
> features. 
> BTW, no, this isn't relevant, really, and I promise I'll stop. I probably 
> will, however, post a blog post about this in the next few days or so, which 
> I'll post a link to if anyone's interested in the script and a few more ideas 
> on these lines.
> -- 
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Boot Camp Assistant?

2010-02-13 Thread Chris Hofstader

I need to install yet another GNU/Linux distro for use at the Project GNU Libre 
Planet conference next month. I saw something called "Boot Camp Assistant" in 
the Utilities folder and fired it up. It only talks about installing Windows, 
can it be used for other OS distros?

I have VMWare but would prefer a clean boot for a conference specifically on 
GNU issues.


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Re: irc client

2010-02-13 Thread Brian Moore
well, sort of got it to work with adium.  it reads log on messages as well 
as private messages automatically.  However, for some reason, I can't get it 
to read actual channel traffic automatically.  If I interact with the 
control labeled unknown which is an html area, I can see it but no automatic 
reading of any channel traffic.

very strange.  I tried ircle and a couple of others with no success.


- Original Message - 
From: "Kaare Dehard" 

Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: irc client

I was using macirc, tried text-cht aqua but didn't like it.
On 2010-02-12, at 9:21 AM, Brian Moore wrote:

HI all. Another question I could use some help with.  Anyone found an irc 
client that works well with vo.  It may be possible to use ichat to 
connect to an irc server but I haven't tried and my mac isn't available 
at the moment.

thoughts would be appreciated.

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Re: Is there enough VO support in I Work to justify the cost

2010-02-13 Thread VaShaun Jones
I feel this is a great idea. It is time for us to speak out as a whole on the I 
Work accessibility issues especially with the I Pad having I Work support.
On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> And I would point out that any concerns should be directed to Apple. THe more 
> folks have to say about these issues, the more likely they get addressed 
> sooner than later. I have been sending feedback to 
> and via support as well. 
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Both comments and styles work fine with vo and pages.  There are a few 
>> hang-ups however.
>> 1.  Vo can't see bullets or numbers in auto bulleted or numbered lists.
>> 2.  You can't use vo to read or do any operations on in-line objects: 
>> objects embedded in the document.  That being said however, you can read and 
>> use objects to a large degree if the are floating.  In the later case, they 
>> are in the lay-out area.  There ways to make an in-line object floating and 
>> there are indications that an object is present in a document because vo 
>> will say "hi-lited" hen you move the insertion point of it.
>> 3.  Templates seem totally unusable to me.  Someone else might have a better 
>> handle on that but there seems to be things like text boxes with in-line 
>> text boxes.  So it's not a nice situation for vo.
>> As it stands, I think that document creation using vo is very doable.  Due 
>> to the problems I mentioned however, I think that collaborative writing 
>> projects, or any situation where you will have to read a document that 
>> someone else did using Word, will be problematic.
>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:21 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>>> Listers,
>>> I am thinking of purchasing the latest version of I Work, but before doing 
>>> so is there enough VO support to justify the purchase? 
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- 
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Re: irc client

2010-02-13 Thread Cody Hurst
I do not understand why I don't see IRC as a protocol to connect to in adium. 
I'm running version 1.3.10 and I don't know if other people installed a plugin 
or what, but from what I'm told it should show up automatically.
On Feb 13, 2010, at 11:09 AM, Brian Moore wrote:

> well, sort of got it to work with adium.  it reads log on messages as well as 
> private messages automatically.  However, for some reason, I can't get it to 
> read actual channel traffic automatically.  If I interact with the control 
> labeled unknown which is an html area, I can see it but no automatic reading 
> of any channel traffic.
> very strange.  I tried ircle and a couple of others with no success.
> Brian.
> - Original Message - From: "Kaare Dehard" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 4:35 PM
> Subject: Re: irc client
>> I was using macirc, tried text-cht aqua but didn't like it.
>> On 2010-02-12, at 9:21 AM, Brian Moore wrote:
>>> HI all. Another question I could use some help with.  Anyone found an irc 
>>> client that works well with vo.  It may be possible to use ichat to connect 
>>> to an irc server but I haven't tried and my mac isn't available at the 
>>> moment.
>>> thoughts would be appreciated.
>>> thanks.
>>> Brian.
>>> follow me on twitter:
>>> -- 
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Re: Is there enough VO support in I Work to justify the cost

2010-02-13 Thread Pete Nalda
This isn't really VO related, but, is accessibility related, but not too long 
ago, I was in the Apple store and was trying out Pages on a machine there, 
using Zoom, and much to my disappointment, didn't allow for cursor tracking 
with Zoom.  I thought, well, so much for advanced word processing or desktop 
publishing, If I wanted that I'd have to migrate back to Windows, Word, and 
ZoomText, or just do simple word processing with Textedit.

On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:17 AM, VaShaun Jones wrote:

> I feel this is a great idea. It is time for us to speak out as a whole on the 
> I Work accessibility issues especially with the I Pad having I Work support.
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> And I would point out that any concerns should be directed to Apple. THe 
>> more folks have to say about these issues, the more likely they get 
>> addressed sooner than later. I have been sending feedback to 
>> and via support as well. 
>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Both comments and styles work fine with vo and pages.  There are a few 
>>> hang-ups however.
>>> 1.  Vo can't see bullets or numbers in auto bulleted or numbered lists.
>>> 2.  You can't use vo to read or do any operations on in-line objects: 
>>> objects embedded in the document.  That being said however, you can read 
>>> and use objects to a large degree if the are floating.  In the later case, 
>>> they are in the lay-out area.  There ways to make an in-line object 
>>> floating and there are indications that an object is present in a document 
>>> because vo will say "hi-lited" hen you move the insertion point of it.
>>> 3.  Templates seem totally unusable to me.  Someone else might have a 
>>> better handle on that but there seems to be things like text boxes with 
>>> in-line text boxes.  So it's not a nice situation for vo.
>>> As it stands, I think that document creation using vo is very doable.  Due 
>>> to the problems I mentioned however, I think that collaborative writing 
>>> projects, or any situation where you will have to read a document that 
>>> someone else did using Word, will be problematic.
>>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:21 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
 I am thinking of purchasing the latest version of I Work, but before doing 
 so is there enough VO support to justify the purchase? 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>> -- 
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: Is there enough VO support in I Work to justify the cost

2010-02-13 Thread James & Nash
Hi  Pete, 

Whilst I am not a Zoom user, i remember that this came up in the Mac Forums 
some time ago. I thought they had fixed this issue, but it might be worth 
dropping a line to

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 13 Feb 2010, at 19:33, Pete Nalda wrote:

> This isn't really VO related, but, is accessibility related, but not too long 
> ago, I was in the Apple store and was trying out Pages on a machine there, 
> using Zoom, and much to my disappointment, didn't allow for cursor tracking 
> with Zoom.  I thought, well, so much for advanced word processing or desktop 
> publishing, If I wanted that I'd have to migrate back to Windows, Word, and 
> ZoomText, or just do simple word processing with Textedit.
> On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:17 AM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>> I feel this is a great idea. It is time for us to speak out as a whole on 
>> the I Work accessibility issues especially with the I Pad having I Work 
>> support.
>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> And I would point out that any concerns should be directed to Apple. THe 
>>> more folks have to say about these issues, the more likely they get 
>>> addressed sooner than later. I have been sending feedback to 
>>> and via support as well. 
>>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
 Both comments and styles work fine with vo and pages.  There are a few 
 hang-ups however.
 1.  Vo can't see bullets or numbers in auto bulleted or numbered lists.
 2.  You can't use vo to read or do any operations on in-line objects: 
 objects embedded in the document.  That being said however, you can read 
 and use objects to a large degree if the are floating.  In the later case, 
 they are in the lay-out area.  There ways to make an in-line object 
 floating and there are indications that an object is present in a document 
 because vo will say "hi-lited" hen you move the insertion point of it.
 3.  Templates seem totally unusable to me.  Someone else might have a 
 better handle on that but there seems to be things like text boxes with 
 in-line text boxes.  So it's not a nice situation for vo.
 As it stands, I think that document creation using vo is very doable.  Due 
 to the problems I mentioned however, I think that collaborative writing 
 projects, or any situation where you will have to read a document that 
 someone else did using Word, will be problematic.
 On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:21 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
> Listers,
> I am thinking of purchasing the latest version of I Work, but before 
> doing so is there enough VO support to justify the purchase? 
> Thanks,
> -- 
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> -- 
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Re: Is there enough VO support in I Work to justify the cost

2010-02-13 Thread VaShaun Jones
You can also check out a free word processor called Bean. Its allot more than 
On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> This isn't really VO related, but, is accessibility related, but not too long 
> ago, I was in the Apple store and was trying out Pages on a machine there, 
> using Zoom, and much to my disappointment, didn't allow for cursor tracking 
> with Zoom.  I thought, well, so much for advanced word processing or desktop 
> publishing, If I wanted that I'd have to migrate back to Windows, Word, and 
> ZoomText, or just do simple word processing with Textedit.
> On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:17 AM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>> I feel this is a great idea. It is time for us to speak out as a whole on 
>> the I Work accessibility issues especially with the I Pad having I Work 
>> support.
>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> And I would point out that any concerns should be directed to Apple. THe 
>>> more folks have to say about these issues, the more likely they get 
>>> addressed sooner than later. I have been sending feedback to 
>>> and via support as well. 
>>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
 Both comments and styles work fine with vo and pages.  There are a few 
 hang-ups however.
 1.  Vo can't see bullets or numbers in auto bulleted or numbered lists.
 2.  You can't use vo to read or do any operations on in-line objects: 
 objects embedded in the document.  That being said however, you can read 
 and use objects to a large degree if the are floating.  In the later case, 
 they are in the lay-out area.  There ways to make an in-line object 
 floating and there are indications that an object is present in a document 
 because vo will say "hi-lited" hen you move the insertion point of it.
 3.  Templates seem totally unusable to me.  Someone else might have a 
 better handle on that but there seems to be things like text boxes with 
 in-line text boxes.  So it's not a nice situation for vo.
 As it stands, I think that document creation using vo is very doable.  Due 
 to the problems I mentioned however, I think that collaborative writing 
 projects, or any situation where you will have to read a document that 
 someone else did using Word, will be problematic.
 On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:21 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
> Listers,
> I am thinking of purchasing the latest version of I Work, but before 
> doing so is there enough VO support to justify the purchase? 
> Thanks,
> -- 
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> -- 
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Re: Is there enough VO support in I Work to justify the cost

2010-02-13 Thread James & Nash
Bean is very good, it is a much more adanced Text Edit, although there are 
things that it does not contain suh as Tables of Contents and footnotes. But 
still, it is very good. You can also try Page Hand from:

It is only at v.1.08 I believe, but it is quite accessible and the developer is 
very receptitive to accessibility enhancements¬. The future for this little app 
looks very bright and its default file format is PDF. You can if I remember 
correctly though save in other formats and it also imports Word and RTF files. 

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 13 Feb 2010, at 20:13, VaShaun Jones wrote:

> You can also check out a free word processor called Bean. Its allot more than 
> simple.
> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> This isn't really VO related, but, is accessibility related, but not too 
>> long ago, I was in the Apple store and was trying out Pages on a machine 
>> there, using Zoom, and much to my disappointment, didn't allow for cursor 
>> tracking with Zoom.  I thought, well, so much for advanced word processing 
>> or desktop publishing, If I wanted that I'd have to migrate back to Windows, 
>> Word, and ZoomText, or just do simple word processing with Textedit.
>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:17 AM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>>> I feel this is a great idea. It is time for us to speak out as a whole on 
>>> the I Work accessibility issues especially with the I Pad having I Work 
>>> support.
>>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 And I would point out that any concerns should be directed to Apple. THe 
 more folks have to say about these issues, the more likely they get 
 addressed sooner than later. I have been sending feedback to and via support as well. 
 On Feb 12, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> Hi,
> Both comments and styles work fine with vo and pages.  There are a few 
> hang-ups however.
> 1.  Vo can't see bullets or numbers in auto bulleted or numbered lists.
> 2.  You can't use vo to read or do any operations on in-line objects: 
> objects embedded in the document.  That being said however, you can read 
> and use objects to a large degree if the are floating.  In the later 
> case, they are in the lay-out area.  There ways to make an in-line object 
> floating and there are indications that an object is present in a 
> document because vo will say "hi-lited" hen you move the insertion point 
> of it.
> 3.  Templates seem totally unusable to me.  Someone else might have a 
> better handle on that but there seems to be things like text boxes with 
> in-line text boxes.  So it's not a nice situation for vo.
> As it stands, I think that document creation using vo is very doable.  
> Due to the problems I mentioned however, I think that collaborative 
> writing projects, or any situation where you will have to read a document 
> that someone else did using Word, will be problematic.
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:21 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>> Listers,
>> I am thinking of purchasing the latest version of I Work, but before 
>> doing so is there enough VO support to justify the purchase? 
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
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> -- 
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>>> -- 
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Re: Is there enough VO support in I Work to justify the cost

2010-02-13 Thread Pete Nalda
Will do!  I'll be curious to see how that works with VO as well, as I use a 
combination of both at a lot of times.  Thanks for the tip!

On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:13 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:

> You can also check out a free word processor called Bean. Its allot more than 
> simple.
> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> This isn't really VO related, but, is accessibility related, but not too 
>> long ago, I was in the Apple store and was trying out Pages on a machine 
>> there, using Zoom, and much to my disappointment, didn't allow for cursor 
>> tracking with Zoom.  I thought, well, so much for advanced word processing 
>> or desktop publishing, If I wanted that I'd have to migrate back to Windows, 
>> Word, and ZoomText, or just do simple word processing with Textedit.
>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:17 AM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>>> I feel this is a great idea. It is time for us to speak out as a whole on 
>>> the I Work accessibility issues especially with the I Pad having I Work 
>>> support.
>>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 And I would point out that any concerns should be directed to Apple. THe 
 more folks have to say about these issues, the more likely they get 
 addressed sooner than later. I have been sending feedback to and via support as well. 
 On Feb 12, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> Hi,
> Both comments and styles work fine with vo and pages.  There are a few 
> hang-ups however.
> 1.  Vo can't see bullets or numbers in auto bulleted or numbered lists.
> 2.  You can't use vo to read or do any operations on in-line objects: 
> objects embedded in the document.  That being said however, you can read 
> and use objects to a large degree if the are floating.  In the later 
> case, they are in the lay-out area.  There ways to make an in-line object 
> floating and there are indications that an object is present in a 
> document because vo will say "hi-lited" hen you move the insertion point 
> of it.
> 3.  Templates seem totally unusable to me.  Someone else might have a 
> better handle on that but there seems to be things like text boxes with 
> in-line text boxes.  So it's not a nice situation for vo.
> As it stands, I think that document creation using vo is very doable.  
> Due to the problems I mentioned however, I think that collaborative 
> writing projects, or any situation where you will have to read a document 
> that someone else did using Word, will be problematic.
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:21 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>> Listers,
>> I am thinking of purchasing the latest version of I Work, but before 
>> doing so is there enough VO support to justify the purchase? 
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
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>>> -- 
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>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
>> -- 
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iPod Recyling Program and other discounts for the iPod Touch

2010-02-13 Thread Esther

There's a 10 percent iPod Recycling Program discount that Apple runs,  
if you purchase a new iPod in one of their Apple retail stores (U.S.,  
Canada, and U.K. only, I think, at the present time), and bring in an  
old iPod at the same time.  You have to be recycling an old iPod  
(Nanos and any of the disk model iPods qualify; the Shuffles do not),  
and you have to bring it to the store with you at the time of  
purchase.  In return, you get a 10 percent discount off the price of  
your new iPod.  This can be applied to the purchase of a new iPod  
Touch, but iPhone purchases are not eligible, according to my local  
Apple Store.  I've posted about this before, but since there have  
posts from a number of prospective iPod Touch buyers, I thought I'd  
mention this and supply a link to their Recycling Program for iPods  
and iPhones page:

Note that the page also contains information about general recycling  
of old Apple devices by mail -- apart from the new iPod discount  
purchase program, which only applies when you bring the iPod you are  
recycling into an Apple retail store at the time of purchase.  Also,  
the information about Apple stores in other countries only shows up  
when you follow the recycling information links to those sites.  As,  
far as I know, outside of the U.S. and Canada, this program only  
applies to retail stores in the U.K. (and I was surprised to learn  
that it was possible to do this in the U.K.)  My guess is that the  
decision is made on the basis of number of retail Apple stores that  
are open in each country; when the program started in 2005 it was only  
for the U.S.

You can also get a discount on the purchase of an iPod Touch as part  
of joining as a new listener with a Gold Listener plan (12  
months at $14.95/month) with a promotional code for up to $100 off the  
purchase of select Audible-ready listening devices from,  
while supplies last.  The iPod Touch (various sizes) is on that device  
list, and since the price of an iPod Touch is more than $100, the code  
is good for $100 off the purchase price.  For details, see this Amazon  
page on "How to save $100 on an AudibleReady Device":

I haven't used these programs myself, but this information may be  
useful to new prospective buyers.



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How to set up Microsoft Exchange email in IPhone?

2010-02-13 Thread Jess
Can someone guide me on how to set up an email account that uses Exchange on 
the IPhone? My college email uses this, and their website is just not 
efficient. I'd rather be able to send email straight from the IPhone's mail 
program, or better yet, the mail app from the Mac instead of having to go 
through the website.

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Re: New Notational Velocity desktop release has sync support for SimpleNote on iPhone [was Re: Appending text to clipboard]

2010-02-13 Thread Yvonne Thomson
Glad it was helpful. The link to the blog post I wrote about it is at

Not a lot else there, but a couple more ideas. I'm still working out uses for 
it myself.

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Re: Is there enough VO support in I Work to justify the cost

2010-02-13 Thread Mueller, Matt
I've experienced the same issue in Pages and in Bean as well, though I have 
used both with VO successfully. Sadly, many such issues exist in zoom, most of 
them very basic to its use.  Although I've reported these, I've seen no change 
in its performance since Tiger.  To my thinking, the Zoom/VoiceOver combination 
has great potential for the ZoomText and MAGic audiences, but the commitment 
isn't there.  I would urge you and any others who have an interest in seeing 
that potential realized to report issues and make sure Apple gets the message.  
I'll get off of this soapbox now and refrain from pulling this thread way OT.

On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Will do!  I'll be curious to see how that works with VO as well, as I use a 
> combination of both at a lot of times.  Thanks for the tip!
> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:13 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>> You can also check out a free word processor called Bean. Its allot more 
>> than simple.
>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>>> This isn't really VO related, but, is accessibility related, but not too 
>>> long ago, I was in the Apple store and was trying out Pages on a machine 
>>> there, using Zoom, and much to my disappointment, didn't allow for cursor 
>>> tracking with Zoom.  I thought, well, so much for advanced word processing 
>>> or desktop publishing, If I wanted that I'd have to migrate back to 
>>> Windows, Word, and ZoomText, or just do simple word processing with 
>>> Textedit.
>>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:17 AM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
 I feel this is a great idea. It is time for us to speak out as a whole on 
 the I Work accessibility issues especially with the I Pad having I Work 
 On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> And I would point out that any concerns should be directed to Apple. THe 
> more folks have to say about these issues, the more likely they get 
> addressed sooner than later. I have been sending feedback to 
> and via support as well. 
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Both comments and styles work fine with vo and pages.  There are a few 
>> hang-ups however.
>> 1.  Vo can't see bullets or numbers in auto bulleted or numbered lists.
>> 2.  You can't use vo to read or do any operations on in-line objects: 
>> objects embedded in the document.  That being said however, you can read 
>> and use objects to a large degree if the are floating.  In the later 
>> case, they are in the lay-out area.  There ways to make an in-line 
>> object floating and there are indications that an object is present in a 
>> document because vo will say "hi-lited" hen you move the insertion point 
>> of it.
>> 3.  Templates seem totally unusable to me.  Someone else might have a 
>> better handle on that but there seems to be things like text boxes with 
>> in-line text boxes.  So it's not a nice situation for vo.
>> As it stands, I think that document creation using vo is very doable.  
>> Due to the problems I mentioned however, I think that collaborative 
>> writing projects, or any situation where you will have to read a 
>> document that someone else did using Word, will be problematic.
>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:21 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>>> Listers,
>>> I am thinking of purchasing the latest version of I Work, but before 
>>> doing so is there enough VO support to justify the purchase? 
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Pandora on the Mac

2010-02-13 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi everyone.  I totally love the Pandora service on my iPod Touch.  I purchased 
a paid account, but cannot seem to get it to play on my Mac.  I can find the 
links to play the stations, but when I click on those links, I get no music at 
all.  Is it necessary to download the Pandora player for the Mac?  I don't get 
any error messages, but the music just does not play.

There are special features that paid members get, but I cannot seem to access 
the members features with VO and Safari, so I cannot download the player.

Any help with this would be much appreciated.

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Sweet spots

2010-02-13 Thread Linda Adams
Good evening,

If someone posted a follow up to Krister's post, I missed it.  Can a
sweet spot be set on more than one page of a single web site?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Krister Ekstrom
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: web/sweet spots (wasBlog post: First Glance at Firefox
Accessibility on OS X Snow Leopard)

Hey, I've forgotten now wheather you can set only one sweet spot per
page or per site? It would be nice to be able to set one sweet spot per
page, but that's not a big deal really. /Krister

13 feb 2010 kl. 05.51 skrev Ricardo Walker:

> Hi Donna,
> A sweet spot is a position on a web page you have designated voiceover

> to be on as soon as you go to the site.  web spots are just key 
> positions on a page that you have set or Voiceover has set 
> automatically.  Btw.  VO command right bracket takes you forward 
> through your manually set web spots, and VO command left bracket will 
> navigate backwards.  VO command N will cycle you through the auto 
> webspots set by Voiceover.
> hth
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 9:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This may be a dumb question, but is there a difference between web 
>> spots and sweet spots? TIA, Donna
>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 6:00 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> I would also point out that if you use the Web Spot feature, it is 
>>> quite accurate indeed. I have a sweet spot set for a number of 
>>> locations on the banking website I use and it surely is the greatest

>>> thing for making navigation of a site efficient. I have it setup so 
>>> as soon as the page loads, I'm on the location to enter my login 
>>> info. Once I'm logged in, I am immediately on the list of accounts 
>>> and on the balance information. If folks have not really explored 
>>> the possibilities of Web/sweet spots, do yourself a favor and give 
>>> them a try, they are very useful. On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:32 PM, Barry

>>> Hadder wrote:
 If I may, I would like to point out that all navigation through 
 elements on a web page can be done with one hand and you don't need

 to remember a lot of keys.  When in dom. mode, press the left and 
 right arrows at the same time to enter quick nav mode.  Now, press 
 the left-up or right-up to cycle through the navigation items in 
 the roter.  Then, navigate through the chosen element with the up 
 or down keys.
 As far as returning to the prior place in a web page, I have not 
 found it to be non existent.  There are many times that it works, 
 although, I would like to see it work more consistently.  I haven't

 found any screen reader do it very well.
 I would also like to say that I never found any of the vo key 
 strokes to be difficult and I never understood why some people 
 seemed to have such a hang-up with them.  There are some 
 circumstances where one might need to perform a task with only one 
 hand, and I think that it was some what of a legitimate concern 
 earlier on.  As I pointed out however, that issue has been 
 addressed with quick nav.
 On Feb 11, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I'm not Linda, but I had to respond to your note to her re the 
> differences between moving around on a page among elements with 
> Window Eyes or Jaws and Voice Over. You said that you didn't see 
> much difference between pressing h by itself or pressing 3 
> additional keys in addition to h to move among headers. And you 
> say this is easily done with one hand? You must have amazing 
> hands. I can no way do that. I've been touch typing for decades. 
> It gets even more interesting when you add the shift into the mix 
> to go up the page in reverse order. Doable? yes? As easy as 
> pressing one key? Not by a long shot. Are there other benefits, 
> such as not having to go in and out of forms mode? for sure. The 
> added functionality for VO on the web in Snow Leopard is one of 
> the main reasons I decided to try a Mac. I really appreciate the 
> numpad commander, although learning it was not as intuitive as 
> learning mnemonics on the regular keyboard. In no way is the rotor

> as efficient for me as having that array of single letter 
> keystrokes that let me move among various web elements at will. 
> Another thing I hope can be implemented in the future is a means 
> of letting focus return to where it was when you return back to a 
> previously visited page. That's a big time saver with the Windows 
> screen readers, although it  doesn't always work. Its nonexistent 
> with vo. I like the fact that pages seem to load faster with 
> Safari than they do with IE and a screen reader. Over all, for me,

> the Windows

Re: Is there enough VO support in I Work to justify the cost

2010-02-13 Thread Pete Nalda
I don't think it's going too far off topic, maybe a little since I'm speaking 
of Zoom, but we're still talking about word processors.  While I agree that 
Apple should take steps to make zoom work properly with pages, I think other 
with other programs, it's the developers duty to program within the Cocoa 
framework so that everything becomes accessible by VO *and* Zoom Users.  I also 
agree that having both Zoom and VO working together is *Very* competitive to a 
Zootext/screenreader package on windows. Apple has done a great deal to make 
Zoom one of the best full screen magnifiers available, and as I sit here typing 
this email effortlessly with zoom, I think about all the other productivity I 
get done on my machine and am grateful for that.  We get access, and the luxury 
of using probably the Best UI in the world (ok I know I sound like a fanboy 
here, but I just never had much *fun* with windows or linux).  That said, 
here's to hoping for further advances, and yes I'll surely do my part whenever 

On Feb 13, 2010, at 6:21 PM, Mueller, Matt wrote:

> I've experienced the same issue in Pages and in Bean as well, though I have 
> used both with VO successfully. Sadly, many such issues exist in zoom, most 
> of them very basic to its use.  Although I've reported these, I've seen no 
> change in its performance since Tiger.  To my thinking, the Zoom/VoiceOver 
> combination has great potential for the ZoomText and MAGic audiences, but the 
> commitment isn't there.  I would urge you and any others who have an interest 
> in seeing that potential realized to report issues and make sure Apple gets 
> the message.  I'll get off of this soapbox now and refrain from pulling this 
> thread way OT.
> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Will do!  I'll be curious to see how that works with VO as well, as I use a 
>> combination of both at a lot of times.  Thanks for the tip!
>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:13 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>>> You can also check out a free word processor called Bean. Its allot more 
>>> than simple.
>>> On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
 This isn't really VO related, but, is accessibility related, but not too 
 long ago, I was in the Apple store and was trying out Pages on a machine 
 there, using Zoom, and much to my disappointment, didn't allow for cursor 
 tracking with Zoom.  I thought, well, so much for advanced word processing 
 or desktop publishing, If I wanted that I'd have to migrate back to 
 Windows, Word, and ZoomText, or just do simple word processing with 
 On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:17 AM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
> I feel this is a great idea. It is time for us to speak out as a whole on 
> the I Work accessibility issues especially with the I Pad having I Work 
> support.
> On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> And I would point out that any concerns should be directed to Apple. THe 
>> more folks have to say about these issues, the more likely they get 
>> addressed sooner than later. I have been sending feedback to 
>> and via support as well. 
>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Both comments and styles work fine with vo and pages.  There are a few 
>>> hang-ups however.
>>> 1.  Vo can't see bullets or numbers in auto bulleted or numbered lists.
>>> 2.  You can't use vo to read or do any operations on in-line objects: 
>>> objects embedded in the document.  That being said however, you can 
>>> read and use objects to a large degree if the are floating.  In the 
>>> later case, they are in the lay-out area.  There ways to make an 
>>> in-line object floating and there are indications that an object is 
>>> present in a document because vo will say "hi-lited" hen you move the 
>>> insertion point of it.
>>> 3.  Templates seem totally unusable to me.  Someone else might have a 
>>> better handle on that but there seems to be things like text boxes with 
>>> in-line text boxes.  So it's not a nice situation for vo.
>>> As it stands, I think that document creation using vo is very doable.  
>>> Due to the problems I mentioned however, I think that collaborative 
>>> writing projects, or any situation where you will have to read a 
>>> document that someone else did using Word, will be problematic.
>>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:21 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
 I am thinking of purchasing the latest version of I Work, but before 
 doing so is there enough VO support to justify the purchase? 
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Structured headings in Pages

2010-02-13 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good evening,

So I was trying out Pages today.  I noticed that a lot of the icons  
below the toolbar were dimmed, not available.  I also couldn't seem to  
find any way to create structured headings in a document.

Is there a tutorial on how to create accessible documents with Pages,  
particularly one that explains how to do this with VoiceOver.

I'm trying to find an alternative to MS Word on Windows, but seriously  
looking like all word processor options for OS X either have no  
accessibility (Office and Symphony), have poor accessibility  
(OpenOffice), or aren't really good products (Pages).

Everett Zufelt

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