There's a 10 percent iPod Recycling Program discount that Apple runs,
if you purchase a new iPod in one of their Apple retail stores (U.S.,
Canada, and U.K. only, I think, at the present time), and bring in an
old iPod at the same time. You have to be recycling an old iPod
(Nanos and any of the disk model iPods qualify; the Shuffles do not),
and you have to bring it to the store with you at the time of
purchase. In return, you get a 10 percent discount off the price of
your new iPod. This can be applied to the purchase of a new iPod
Touch, but iPhone purchases are not eligible, according to my local
Apple Store. I've posted about this before, but since there have
posts from a number of prospective iPod Touch buyers, I thought I'd
mention this and supply a link to their Recycling Program for iPods
and iPhones page:
Note that the page also contains information about general recycling
of old Apple devices by mail -- apart from the new iPod discount
purchase program, which only applies when you bring the iPod you are
recycling into an Apple retail store at the time of purchase. Also,
the information about Apple stores in other countries only shows up
when you follow the recycling information links to those sites. As,
far as I know, outside of the U.S. and Canada, this program only
applies to retail stores in the U.K. (and I was surprised to learn
that it was possible to do this in the U.K.) My guess is that the
decision is made on the basis of number of retail Apple stores that
are open in each country; when the program started in 2005 it was only
for the U.S.
You can also get a discount on the purchase of an iPod Touch as part
of joining Audible.com as a new listener with a Gold Listener plan (12
months at $14.95/month) with a promotional code for up to $100 off the
purchase of select Audible-ready listening devices from Amazon.com,
while supplies last. The iPod Touch (various sizes) is on that device
list, and since the price of an iPod Touch is more than $100, the code
is good for $100 off the purchase price. For details, see this Amazon
page on "How to save $100 on an AudibleReady Device":
I haven't used these programs myself, but this information may be
useful to new prospective buyers.
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