Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

2009-09-10 Thread william lomas

I would wait till next year. If what you have currently works for you  
why rush to upgrade

On 10 Sep 2009, at 07:45, Dave Wright wrote:

> Regardless,
> There doesn't seem to be feature changes big enough to warrant me  
> upgrading
> from my current Nano. If anything, I'm looking forward to upgrading  
> to an
> iPod touch. Hard to say though as I could see a version of the touch  
> or
> iPhone coming out soon enough with a duo core processor. Should I  
> wait???
> Best Regards:
> Dave Wright
> Work Phone: 347-422-7085
> Email:
> WebPage:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Chesworth" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 7:34 PM
> Subject: Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?
>> Sorry for the prelific posts!
>> Just wanted to give a quick update for anybody who'd read the  
>> previous
>> messages and been disheartened.  According to
>> we're actually looking at the VoiceOver Kit generating and syncing
>> song artist and titles as on the previous Nano and the current
>> Shuffles, but TTS for spoken menues.
>> That's good news peeps, thought I'd pass it along!
>> Scott
>> On 9/10/09, Scott Chesworth  wrote:
>>> It does indeed Blake. I also found a line on the tech specs page  
>>> that
>>> said something along the lines of "spoken thingies read almost all
>>> menu items" blah blah blah.  Between the two of those I'm 99% sure
>>> we're not dealing with a TTS Nano just yet.
>>> Scott
>>> On 9/10/09, Blake Sinnett  wrote:

 Sounds like it works in the same way as the Shuffle.

> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 01:01:02 +0100
> Subject: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?
> From:
> To:
> Hi all,
> Just went to take a peak at the new iPod line on the UK Apple  
> site,
> and found this on the Nano page that got me curious:
> "It all begins with iTunes and its seamless integration with iPod
> nano. First, iTunes reads your song information, then uses the
> VoiceOver Kit to generate the announcements for the songs,  
> artists and
> playlists. Just sync your iPod nano to your computer and it really
> speaks to you."
> It got me wondering, are we looking at actual TTs on the Nano  
> here or
> not? There's nothing in the promotional blurb to suggest to me  
> that
> VO is doing much new in this revision, but I'd love to be  
> corrected.
> Not meant in a negative way at all, I appreciate the awesomeness  
> of VO
> coming to the touch, just trying to make an educated decision on a
> budget.
> Cheers
> Scott


> >

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Re: Voiceover won't auto-read mail messages

2009-09-10 Thread Simon Cavendish


Just installed Snow leopard!

I've discovered that if you tab to open the message or hit enter to do  
the same and then hit vo+down arrow, the message will start reading  

Hope this helps.
On 8 Sep 2009, at 20:52, Ryan Mann wrote:

> Hello.  Are you using vo+j to jump between the message table and the
> message?  Usually, when I'm in the message table, I hit vo+j to jump
> to a message I want to read.  After I hit vo+j, VoiceOver usually
> starts reading the message.
> On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:46 PM, Christina wrote:
>> Oh, I forgot to mention that since the upgrade to SL I am using vo
>> plus right arrow to get voice over to read the entire message.  I  
>> used
>> to not have to do that.  Is it this way for those who have upgraded  
>> or
>> am I the only one experiencing this change.  It's not the end of the
>> world to have the extra keystrokes but I guess I was spoiled the  
>> other
>> way, especially when reading a large stack of e-mails from a long
>> thread/conversation.
>> Have a great day,
>> Christina
>> On Sep 8, 2009, at 12:26 PM, John André Netland wrote:
>>> Hi Christina,
>>> Welcome to the group, I am sure you will enjoy Snow Leopard, even
>>> though there are a couple of issues right now. Currently, you have  
>>> to
>>> either do one of the following after opening a message with the
>>> return
>>> key;
>>> •press the right arrow once if you have VO keys locked or QuickNav  
>>> on
>>> •press the 6 key once if you use the NumPad Commander
>>> •press control-option-right arrow once if you use the VO keys
>>> You will then hear your message read.
>>> As you will see if you press control-option-command-F5 after opening
>>> the message, moving the mouse cursor to the VO cursor location also
>>> reads your message, but as you also might have read on this list,  
>>> you
>>> should currently set the mouse cursor to ignore the VO cursor in the
>>> navigation category of VO Utility, because you otherwise will
>>> experience strange happenings in menus and sub menus. I am sure this
>>> issue will be fixed soon.
>>> Take care,
>>> John André
>>> On Sep 8, 2009, at 8:26 PM, Christina wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I'm new to this group and this is my first post.  :)  I'm glad to
 found this group as I have lots to learn.

 I upgraded to snow leopard.  After the upgrade when I open a mail
 message voice over will no longer automatically read the e-mail.  I
 have tried to change any setting I can think of and I still cannot
 it to work.  I realize I can just hit VO plus J to jump to a  
 but I really prefer to hit return/enter to open the message or
 messages that are in a thread.  This used to work great for me as
 voice over would just automatically read the message.  This was
 especially helpful if there were ten or more messages in a thread
 an e-mail group.  Every time I would close one message the next one
 would also be automatically read until I had finished the stack.
 since the upgrade, voice over will just read a few words or the
 sentence then  says nothing or says mail has new window, or text,  
 message content scroll area.

 Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone know how to fix
 this.  I find it more cumbersome now to read messages.  I know this
 may seem small and I can get voiceover to read the entire message
 after a few keystrokes but I really found it much easier and much
 faster when voiceover just read the entire e-mail message
 automatically rather than a few words or the first sentence only.

 Thanks for any help.



> >

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Re: sharing itunes on twitter and facebook?

2009-09-10 Thread Scott Rutkowski

Hi there.

>From what I read in the help file near the buy album button there's meant to 
be an arrow or dropdown that lets you choose to send the album info to 
twitter or facebook.
I myself can't find the feature either so we should email
and let them know the feature can't be used.

If anyone has anymore info on this feature and gets it working, please let 
us all know.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jessi and Goldina" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:12 PM
Subject: sharing itunes on twitter and facebook?

> is this new feature in itunes nine accessible? I was talking to
> someone tonight who uses a pc with itunes, and they were playing with
> the store and jaws was speaking links to share findings on the store
> on twitter and facebook. I didn't see this option on the mac side, but
> I assume it's there somewhere? on the pc version it was on the main
> store page with the albums, but is it somewhere else on the mac
> version? or do we not have access to it?it just looks like a cool
> feature.
> > 

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access for windows

2009-09-10 Thread william lomas

hi I read that iTUnes nines access for windows has slipped. 
would make  their primarily work with voice over though since that is  
their screenreader so looks like windows users need yet more  
scriptiong done but more money for brian

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About nisus writer and spell checking

2009-09-10 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen


I have downloaded a trial of nisus writer. I really like that program.
But I can not find out how to spell check in danish. It works fine in
english. Do anybody know if it is possible to spell check in danish,
and how I can do it.

Best regards Annie.
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Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

2009-09-10 Thread Scott Howell

So I am assuming this means the new Nano will then speak all the  
menus? THink I'll have to go to the local Apple store or Best Buy and  
play a bit.
On Sep 9, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

> Sorry for the prelific posts!
> Just wanted to give a quick update for anybody who'd read the previous
> messages and been disheartened.  According to
> we're actually looking at the VoiceOver Kit generating and syncing
> song artist and titles as on the previous Nano and the current
> Shuffles, but TTS for spoken menues.
> That's good news peeps, thought I'd pass it along!
> Scott
> On 9/10/09, Scott Chesworth  wrote:
>> It does indeed Blake. I also found a line on the tech specs page that
>> said something along the lines of "spoken thingies read almost all
>> menu items" blah blah blah.  Between the two of those I'm 99% sure
>> we're not dealing with a TTS Nano just yet.
>> Scott
>> On 9/10/09, Blake Sinnett  wrote:
>>> Sounds like it works in the same way as the Shuffle.
 Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 01:01:02 +0100
 Subject: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

 Hi all,

 Just went to take a peak at the new iPod line on the UK Apple site,
 and found this on the Nano page that got me curious:

 "It all begins with iTunes and its seamless integration with iPod
 nano. First, iTunes reads your song information, then uses the
 VoiceOver Kit to generate the announcements for the songs,  
 artists and
 playlists. Just sync your iPod nano to your computer and it really
 speaks to you."

 It got me wondering, are we looking at actual TTs on the Nano  
 here or
 not? There's nothing in the promotional blurb to suggest to me that
 VO is doing much new in this revision, but I'd love to be  

 Not meant in a negative way at all, I appreciate the awesomeness  
 of VO
 coming to the touch, just trying to make an educated decision on a


> >

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Re: purchased book from itunes

2009-09-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi Anna,

I meant that i purchased an e-book from itunes. I do have the audio  
book list in the source table, but not the book or e-book list.

Is there  a path that i have to go to in my harddisk to retrieve that  

Thanks, and best


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Partitioning External hard Drives with Disc Utility

2009-09-10 Thread Justin Kauflin

Hello Everyone, first off, I'd like to say thanks to all those who are
so helpful in their replies.  Its been great actually being able to
get help with the issues I encounter.  I have a question regarding the
disc utility.
I am trying to partition an external hard drive, and I'm having
difficulty in selecting a particular partition when I select 2
partitions in the pop up menu.  Does anyone know how to effectively
create, name, and designate size for specific partitions?
 Just for your information, I can select 2 partitions, but then
all of the fields for naming and sizing the partition are dimmed.
Any help would be appreciated as usual.
Take Care
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Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

2009-09-10 Thread ben mustill-rose

I really don't see why they would use a tts engine for the menues but
make samples for the song names. At the end of the day, the only time
the menue structure is going to change is after a firmware update at
which time your nano would be connected to your pc / mac so samples
could be generated whilst the firmware was being installed.

If this is the method they are going to use, then its quite possible
that some people are going to have a different voice for track names
to the one they have for menues; this seems a bit pointless imo.

I'm not saying your wrong scot, I just don't see what the advantage is
for using a tts for part of the ipod and not all of it.

On 10/09/2009, Scott Howell  wrote:
> So I am assuming this means the new Nano will then speak all the
> menus? THink I'll have to go to the local Apple store or Best Buy and
> play a bit.
> On Sep 9, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>> Sorry for the prelific posts!
>> Just wanted to give a quick update for anybody who'd read the previous
>> messages and been disheartened.  According to
>> we're actually looking at the VoiceOver Kit generating and syncing
>> song artist and titles as on the previous Nano and the current
>> Shuffles, but TTS for spoken menues.
>> That's good news peeps, thought I'd pass it along!
>> Scott
>> On 9/10/09, Scott Chesworth  wrote:
>>> It does indeed Blake. I also found a line on the tech specs page that
>>> said something along the lines of "spoken thingies read almost all
>>> menu items" blah blah blah.  Between the two of those I'm 99% sure
>>> we're not dealing with a TTS Nano just yet.
>>> Scott
>>> On 9/10/09, Blake Sinnett  wrote:

 Sounds like it works in the same way as the Shuffle.

> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 01:01:02 +0100
> Subject: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?
> From:
> To:
> Hi all,
> Just went to take a peak at the new iPod line on the UK Apple site,
> and found this on the Nano page that got me curious:
> "It all begins with iTunes and its seamless integration with iPod
> nano. First, iTunes reads your song information, then uses the
> VoiceOver Kit to generate the announcements for the songs,
> artists and
> playlists. Just sync your iPod nano to your computer and it really
> speaks to you."
> It got me wondering, are we looking at actual TTs on the Nano
> here or
> not? There's nothing in the promotional blurb to suggest to me that
> VO is doing much new in this revision, but I'd love to be
> corrected.
> Not meant in a negative way at all, I appreciate the awesomeness
> of VO
> coming to the touch, just trying to make an educated decision on a
> budget.
> Cheers
> Scott


>> >
> >

Kind regards, BEN.

web: (under construction)

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Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

2009-09-10 Thread Scott Chesworth

Not sure I get it either Ben tbh, but that's what accessibility said,
so hopefully it's right.

Perhaps one advantage a little way down the road would be that with
TTS reading parts of the interface we could have access to dynamic
content of apps and menus... who knows.  Either way for now it's
probably not a big enough deal to talk me into buying a nano, gonna
have to stump up the extra for a touch or iPhone somehow I think.


On 9/10/09, ben mustill-rose  wrote:
> I really don't see why they would use a tts engine for the menues but
> make samples for the song names. At the end of the day, the only time
> the menue structure is going to change is after a firmware update at
> which time your nano would be connected to your pc / mac so samples
> could be generated whilst the firmware was being installed.
> If this is the method they are going to use, then its quite possible
> that some people are going to have a different voice for track names
> to the one they have for menues; this seems a bit pointless imo.
> I'm not saying your wrong scot, I just don't see what the advantage is
> for using a tts for part of the ipod and not all of it.
> On 10/09/2009, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> So I am assuming this means the new Nano will then speak all the
>> menus? THink I'll have to go to the local Apple store or Best Buy and
>> play a bit.
>> On Sep 9, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>>> Sorry for the prelific posts!
>>> Just wanted to give a quick update for anybody who'd read the previous
>>> messages and been disheartened.  According to
>>> we're actually looking at the VoiceOver Kit generating and syncing
>>> song artist and titles as on the previous Nano and the current
>>> Shuffles, but TTS for spoken menues.
>>> That's good news peeps, thought I'd pass it along!
>>> Scott
>>> On 9/10/09, Scott Chesworth  wrote:
 It does indeed Blake. I also found a line on the tech specs page that
 said something along the lines of "spoken thingies read almost all
 menu items" blah blah blah.  Between the two of those I'm 99% sure
 we're not dealing with a TTS Nano just yet.


 On 9/10/09, Blake Sinnett  wrote:
> Sounds like it works in the same way as the Shuffle.
>> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 01:01:02 +0100
>> Subject: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?
>> From:
>> To:
>> Hi all,
>> Just went to take a peak at the new iPod line on the UK Apple site,
>> and found this on the Nano page that got me curious:
>> "It all begins with iTunes and its seamless integration with iPod
>> nano. First, iTunes reads your song information, then uses the
>> VoiceOver Kit to generate the announcements for the songs,
>> artists and
>> playlists. Just sync your iPod nano to your computer and it really
>> speaks to you."
>> It got me wondering, are we looking at actual TTs on the Nano
>> here or
>> not? There's nothing in the promotional blurb to suggest to me that
>> VO is doing much new in this revision, but I'd love to be
>> corrected.
>> Not meant in a negative way at all, I appreciate the awesomeness
>> of VO
>> coming to the touch, just trying to make an educated decision on a
>> budget.
>> Cheers
>> Scott

>>> >
>> >
> --
> Kind regards, BEN.
> email:
> msn:
> web: (under construction)
> >

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Re: Partitioning External hard Drives with Disc Utility

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi Justin,

There's an old post in the list archives that describes how to  
partition with Disk Utility:
(How to set partition size with Disk Utility)

You have to interact with the scrolling area move horizontal  
separators to size your partitions.



On Sep 10, 2009, Justin Kauflin wrote:

> Hello Everyone, first off, I'd like to say thanks to all those who are
> so helpful in their replies.  Its been great actually being able to
> get help with the issues I encounter.  I have a question regarding the
> disc utility.
> I am trying to partition an external hard drive, and I'm having
> difficulty in selecting a particular partition when I select 2
> partitions in the pop up menu.  Does anyone know how to effectively
> create, name, and designate size for specific partitions?
> Just for your information, I can select 2 partitions, but then
> all of the fields for naming and sizing the partition are dimmed.
> Any help would be appreciated as usual.
> Take Care
> >

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Re: purchased book from itunes

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi Yuma,

Is this a regular e-book purchase through the iTunes app store?  Or is  
it a PDF booklet that accompanies an album purchase?  If it is a PDF  
booklet it should download automatically with your tracks into your  
iTunes Library and be tagged the same way.  You could try looking at  
the "Recently Added" playlist in your sources table.  I find this a  
bit puzzling, because I don't recall e-books with most audiobooks.  
There are sometimes PDF guides that accompany language audiobooks.   
And there are the digital booklets (PDFs) that accompany special album  
sets.  Some audiobook vendors, like Naxos Audiobooks, sell their  
audiobooks with PDFs of the inserts.  But I've never known iTunes to  
do that (even for the Naxos audiobooks they sell).  What kind of  
format are we looking for here?



Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi Anna,
> I meant that i purchased an e-book from itunes. I do have the audio
> book list in the source table, but not the book or e-book list.
> Is there  a path that i have to go to in my harddisk to retrieve that
> file?
> Thanks, and best
> Yuma
> >

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Re: unsubscribe

2009-09-10 Thread Mark Phillpot

On 9/9/09, James Dietz  wrote:
> unsubscribe
> >

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Re: purchased book from itunes

2009-09-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi ester,

Well it's a normal e-book which cost me around 4 euros. It's an  
o'reilly media book. It doesn't come with audio or anything else, and  
i heard the downloaded chime but can't find it anywhere.

Can you tell me where the folder for all itunes downloads is located  
on the startup disk? This might resolve the issue.

Thanks, and best


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Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

2009-09-10 Thread Scott Howell

Interesting, I don't think I was making a statement and so can't be  
right nor wrong. I was responding to what someone had posted and it  
was more a question. I understand what your saying it seems to me the  
Nano I thought did not have the ability to handle tts do to hardware  
limitations. However, the newer models with video abilities and the  
like may just have the ability to do so. Furthermore, I'm wondering  
about the recording facilities of the new Nano.
On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:20 AM, ben mustill-rose wrote:

> I really don't see why they would use a tts engine for the menues but
> make samples for the song names. At the end of the day, the only time
> the menue structure is going to change is after a firmware update at
> which time your nano would be connected to your pc / mac so samples
> could be generated whilst the firmware was being installed.
> If this is the method they are going to use, then its quite possible
> that some people are going to have a different voice for track names
> to the one they have for menues; this seems a bit pointless imo.
> I'm not saying your wrong scot, I just don't see what the advantage is
> for using a tts for part of the ipod and not all of it.
> On 10/09/2009, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> So I am assuming this means the new Nano will then speak all the
>> menus? THink I'll have to go to the local Apple store or Best Buy and
>> play a bit.
>> On Sep 9, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>>> Sorry for the prelific posts!
>>> Just wanted to give a quick update for anybody who'd read the  
>>> previous
>>> messages and been disheartened.  According to  
>>> we're actually looking at the VoiceOver Kit generating and syncing
>>> song artist and titles as on the previous Nano and the current
>>> Shuffles, but TTS for spoken menues.
>>> That's good news peeps, thought I'd pass it along!
>>> Scott
>>> On 9/10/09, Scott Chesworth  wrote:
 It does indeed Blake. I also found a line on the tech specs page  
 said something along the lines of "spoken thingies read almost all
 menu items" blah blah blah.  Between the two of those I'm 99% sure
 we're not dealing with a TTS Nano just yet.


 On 9/10/09, Blake Sinnett  wrote:
> Sounds like it works in the same way as the Shuffle.
>> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 01:01:02 +0100
>> Subject: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?
>> From:
>> To:
>> Hi all,
>> Just went to take a peak at the new iPod line on the UK Apple  
>> site,
>> and found this on the Nano page that got me curious:
>> "It all begins with iTunes and its seamless integration with iPod
>> nano. First, iTunes reads your song information, then uses the
>> VoiceOver Kit to generate the announcements for the songs,
>> artists and
>> playlists. Just sync your iPod nano to your computer and it  
>> really
>> speaks to you."
>> It got me wondering, are we looking at actual TTs on the Nano
>> here or
>> not? There's nothing in the promotional blurb to suggest to me  
>> that
>> VO is doing much new in this revision, but I'd love to be
>> corrected.
>> Not meant in a negative way at all, I appreciate the awesomeness
>> of VO
>> coming to the touch, just trying to make an educated decision  
>> on a
>> budget.
>> Cheers
>> Scott


> -- 
> Kind regards, BEN.
> email:
> msn:
> web: (under construction)
> >

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Re: purchased book from itunes

2009-09-10 Thread Simon Cavendish

Dear Yuma,

Have you checked your downloads folder? That's where downloads  
usuallly go unless they are from Audible or audiobooks from ITunes  
store in which case they go directly into the Audiobooks folder in  
your Source table. Since it is an e-book, it might have conceivably  
gone into your downloads folder.

Best wishes, SImon
On 10 Sep 2009, at 12:05, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi ester,
> Well it's a normal e-book which cost me around 4 euros. It's an
> o'reilly media book. It doesn't come with audio or anything else, and
> i heard the downloaded chime but can't find it anywhere.
> Can you tell me where the folder for all itunes downloads is located
> on the startup disk? This might resolve the issue.
> Thanks, and best
> Yuma
> >

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Re: purchased book from itunes

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi Yuma,

Well the folder for iTunes downloads is in your account under:

I'm still confused, because it sounds as though you either purchased  
this through the iTunes app store, in which case it would download as  
an application into the Mobile Applications folder under the ~/Music/ 
iTunes account, or else you managed to purchase this through Stanza,  
which is an iPhone or iPod Touch app.

Do you have an iPhone?  You can purchase O'Reilly store ebooks that  
can be read outside of iTunes, but it sounds as though you purchased  
one of the ebooks as an application.  If so, I don't think that you  
can read it without an iPhone or the new iPod Touch, and it will show  
up under your Mobile Applications folder with a name like iManual  
1.5,ipa. And Greg and Josh said that the Stanza app (on the iPhone)  
wasn't accessible, or was "almost accessible" (in Josh's words).

However, I have purchased the O'Reilly ebooks that are released for  
use with Stanza.  Stanza is supposed to be able to use standard ePub  
formats, and the downloaded Stanza Desktop application works -- it's a  
bit like a cross between Preview and reading HTML content.  But in  
order to get the ebooks, I created an O'Reilly login account at their  
site, and then I purchased a book through their web site (putting in a  
STANZALIB coupon code for a 40 per cent discount).  Those ebooks you  
can download through the account you create on the O'Reilly site.  If  
you have an iPhone, there's supposed to be a way to upload them to  
read on your iPhone through the Stanza app.

I think that may be different from what you did, though?  My guess is  
that your purchase went into the Mobile Applications folder, but I  
don't know how you would read that without an iPhone or iPod Touch.



Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi ester,
> Well it's a normal e-book which cost me around 4 euros. It's an
> o'reilly media book. It doesn't come with audio or anything else, and
> i heard the downloaded chime but can't find it anywhere.
> Can you tell me where the folder for all itunes downloads is located
> on the startup disk? This might resolve the issue.
> Thanks, and best
> Yuma
> >

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Empty table?

2009-09-10 Thread william lomas

Hi all, what is the "empty table" as reported in skype under  
snowleopard with the mac?

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Re: purchased book from itunes

2009-09-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi ester,

Thanks so much for taking your time to explain how things work, all  
devices included. Yes, i do have an iphone. I have checked in my  
applications list and i found it though i don't know how it works yet.

I did think that e-books were going to be standard pdfs to be read by  
any package but it seems this one is an application which, as you  
suggested, should be read by a third party app such as stanza. I'll  
check all that out i guess. One thing, i don't think its really a  
joyride to read stuff on the iphone. I'd much prefer using the  
controls of a desktp for browsing through important chapters and such.  
I will check your method and report back.

Again, thanks for your time.



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Re: purchased book from itunes

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi Yuma,

OK, correction, that coupon code for discount was STANZACAT  (not LIB  
at the end).  Here's a web page that describes the process of buying  
O'Reilly's ebooks.  The comments give information on how to purchase  
and where to download the books from your individual mobile library  
with O'Reilly -- they also mentioned the coupon code.:
(O'Reilly Ebooks now in Stanza Catalog)

I bought one of their ebook bundles with the 40 per cent discount  
coupon code (STANZACAT). Apparently, that's the same discount you  
would get if you managed to purchase through the Stanza application,  
which may not be totally accessible.  The bundle includes pdf, epub,  
and something else for the ebook formats.  I was curious, because I  
wanted to know whether Stanza was accessible, but I didn't want to get  
stuck with just one format that I couldn't read.  Also, I wanted to  
compare the experience of reading the PDF and the ePub.  (PDF is still  
easier.)  I could use Stanza Desktop (a separate app that you can use  
to convert formats), but it wasn't really great to use for long books  
-- I couldn't pause in the middle and resume.  Also, I was trying to  
read a few free PDF ebooks distributed from Publisher's sites like:

and I found the experience somewhat variable.  (Some books include  
some encoding string about the source that gets read out at the end of  
every page).

O'Reilly also has this online ebook reader site called Bookworm:

Someone reviewed it in Blind Cool Tech on the Windows side.  It's  
usable, and not a bad way to get public domain ebooks through the web  
interface, but in VoiceOver I kept hearing the header informations for  
the web page each page I read, which was kind of irritating.

This is probably more than you wanted to know! Try reading  the  
O'Reilly page I linked for an overview. You can browse and purchase  
one of the bundles.



Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi ester,
> Thanks so much for taking your time to explain how things work, all
> devices included. Yes, i do have an iphone. I have checked in my
> applications list and i found it though i don't know how it works yet.
> I did think that e-books were going to be standard pdfs to be read by
> any package but it seems this one is an application which, as you
> suggested, should be read by a third party app such as stanza. I'll
> check all that out i guess. One thing, i don't think its really a
> joyride to read stuff on the iphone. I'd much prefer using the
> controls of a desktp for browsing through important chapters and such.
> I will check your method and report back.
> Again, thanks for your time.
> best
> Yuma
> >

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resuming a read on preview

2009-09-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi ester,

You seem to be the ultimate doyen of preview manipulations so i will  
ask this to you :)

I might have asked this aready but i'm not sure, or i'm cramming too  
much in a little time, or even worse, my coffee is laced with some  
memory erasing properties.

I usually switch a lot from app to app. and when i read something on  
preview, i also have to switch a lot to the script editor when i study  
the applescript. When i am somewhere within a page in preview, ie not  
at the beginning, i don't know how to hold focus on that line or  
paragraph for ulterior reading. Is that done only with the hotspots?  
vo 1 to 0 right? but how to bring it back up when i switch back to  

Sorry, sorry, sorry, i'm asking a lot i know...please bear with me

Thanks and best


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2009-09-10 Thread anouk radix

Hello, I have used filezilla primarily on a windows system in the past  
and it worked very well, although this was version 2. I just tried the  
latest version 3.72 on the mac (snow leopard) and I must say that I  
was not too much impressed with it. I could not read text I entered  
and couls not sel;ect buttons.
I am still having problems with transmit though so still looking for  
an ftp solution. I tried the cyberduck website but could not find a  
precompiled binary.
Greetings, Anouk

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Re: filezilla

2009-09-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux


Filezilla is very unaccesible as you have to guess work through  
ramifications of interactions to get from one table to the other. I  
don't suggest this one to anyone.

Transmit is ok for now, but there are issues as regard to file  
management from local to remote and vice versa. And when resuming  
downloads, it doesn't do so automatically. Also, when you download  
something and tell it to resume by having to re move the remote file,  
and you do it more than once, the file becomes corrupted from overflow.



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Fixed connection problems

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

I've now fixed my connection problems. Really sorry to have bothered you all 
with this. I was being stupid and forgot to tell my router to disabled one 
of my settings until I connected my Mac.

Thank yu for all of your help

Take care


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Re: About nisus writer and spell checking

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Hi Annie,

Yes there is a Danish localization. It should be possible to spell in check 
in Danish but you ay need to set the dictionary to Danish.


Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "Annie Skov Nielsen" 
To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:01 AM
Subject: About nisus writer and spell checking

> Hi.
> I have downloaded a trial of nisus writer. I really like that program.
> But I can not find out how to spell check in danish. It works fine in
> english. Do anybody know if it is possible to spell check in danish,
> and how I can do it.
> Best regards Annie.
> > 

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Re: filezilla

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Hi Anouk

At present CyberDuck is not Snow Leopard compatible. Keep checking back 
though as it should be soon. FYI, Finder supports FTP
- Original Message - 
From: "anouk radix" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 2:13 PM
Subject: filezilla

> Hello, I have used filezilla primarily on a windows system in the past
> and it worked very well, although this was version 2. I just tried the
> latest version 3.72 on the mac (snow leopard) and I must say that I
> was not too much impressed with it. I could not read text I entered
> and couls not sel;ect buttons.
> I am still having problems with transmit though so still looking for
> an ftp solution. I tried the cyberduck website but could not find a
> precompiled binary.
> Greetings, Anouk
> > 

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Re: filezilla

2009-09-10 Thread anouk radix

Hi, do you know how you can go to an underlying directory with  
transmit? command o command right arrow or right arrow dont seem to  
work. Autoresume is a must have, a pity that it is not there now, io  
also  tried to contact their support but got no reply.
Greetings, Anouk
On Sep 10, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi,
> Filezilla is very unaccesible as you have to guess work through
> ramifications of interactions to get from one table to the other. I
> don't suggest this one to anyone.
> Transmit is ok for now, but there are issues as regard to file
> management from local to remote and vice versa. And when resuming
> downloads, it doesn't do so automatically. Also, when you download
> something and tell it to resume by having to re move the remote file,
> and you do it more than once, the file becomes corrupted from  
> overflow.
> best
> Yuma
> >

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Accessible Task Managers

2009-09-10 Thread claire amoroso

I'm looking for Task Managiing Applications that are compatible with VoiceOver. 
Does anyone  know of any such programs ? 

Achetez un nouveau PC et bénéficiez de Windows 7 dès sa sortie ! 
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Re: filezilla

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Hi Anouk,

Unfortunately, I do not use Transmit I'm sorry.

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "anouk radix" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: filezilla

> Hi, do you know how you can go to an underlying directory with
> transmit? command o command right arrow or right arrow dont seem to
> work. Autoresume is a must have, a pity that it is not there now, io
> also  tried to contact their support but got no reply.
> Greetings, Anouk
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Filezilla is very unaccesible as you have to guess work through
>> ramifications of interactions to get from one table to the other. I
>> don't suggest this one to anyone.
>> Transmit is ok for now, but there are issues as regard to file
>> management from local to remote and vice versa. And when resuming
>> downloads, it doesn't do so automatically. Also, when you download
>> something and tell it to resume by having to re move the remote file,
>> and you do it more than once, the file becomes corrupted from
>> overflow.
>> best
>> Yuma
>> >
> > 

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Re: filezilla

2009-09-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux


Have you tried the click solution by routing the mouse cursor to the  
vo cursor? I suspect it might actually dodownload/upload but it's  
worth trying. Strange that it's not somewhere. maybe there's also a  
move to directory somewhere in which case the path has to be typed  



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Re: Accessible Task Managers

2009-09-10 Thread Søren Jensen
What would you use it for? You can easily shut down running  
applications without any third party tasc managers.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On Sep 10, 2009, at 4:22 PM, claire amoroso wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking for Task Managiing Applications that are compatible with  
> VoiceOver. Does anyone  know of any such programs ?
> Thanks
> Claire
> Messenger débarque dans Hotmail ! Essayez-le !
> >

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Re: filezilla

2009-09-10 Thread anouk radix

Its a pity because i can navigate through the root allright and  
downloading works as well but if I cant move to underlying directories  
then its useless to me. I will try the mousrouting later. Do you know  
the command to bring the mousecursor to the current vo cursor  
location? the are not routed together right now because then i would  
get stuck in submenus.
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 10, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi,
> Have you tried the click solution by routing the mouse cursor to the
> vo cursor? I suspect it might actually dodownload/upload but it's
> worth trying. Strange that it's not somewhere. maybe there's also a
> move to directory somewhere in which case the path has to be typed
> manually.
> best
> Yuma
> >

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ftp client

2009-09-10 Thread anouk radix

Hello, I just tried cuteftp for the mac and it does not work at all,  
at least within snow leopard.
Greetings, Anouk

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Re: filezilla

2009-09-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi Anna,

I believe its vo command shift F3.

There is a way to navigate though, you go to your menu bar then to go,  
which is a transmit menu option then you look inside where the various  
folders of your root are. There is a delimitor between your stuff and  
their stuff so each should update to the available folders within that  
path. Don't try the command shift G option because it causes transmit  
to crash or something.

Hope that helps



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RE: Accessible Task Managers

2009-09-10 Thread claire amoroso

I mean Task Managers that are Applications for sorting out things you have to 
do, like assignments not Task managers for managing applications on the Mac. 
Sorry I wans't very clear, 

Subject: Re: Accessible Task Managers
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:44:01 +0200

What would you use it for? You can easily shut down running applications 
without any third party tasc managers.

Best regardsSøren JensenMail & 

On Sep 10, 2009, at 4:22 PM, claire amoroso wrote:Hi, 
I'm looking for Task Managiing Applications that are compatible with VoiceOver. 
Does anyone  know of any such programs ? 

Messenger débarque dans Hotmail ! Essayez-le !

Tchattez en direct en en vidéo avec vos amis !
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2009-09-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Forget the comment about the crash. It just froze for a bit. There is  
a combo box from which you can also choose, but on mine there's only  
the path to my root folder for now. Probably populates itself as you  
go into the subfolders through the aforementioned way.



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Re: ftp client

2009-09-10 Thread Barry Hadder

In sl, you can upload and download files to a remote server through  
finder using ftp or webdav.  Maybe with other protocols as well, but I  
haven't tried them.

On Sep 10, 2009, at 10:00 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> Hello, I just tried cuteftp for the mac and it does not work at all,
> at least within snow leopard.
> Greetings, Anouk
> >

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tips on using the trackpad

2009-09-10 Thread Mike Reiser

Hello all,

I need some tips on navigating with the trackpad.  I have the trackpad  
commander enabled and when I drag my finger arround the screen vo  
seems to be speaking all over the place and immits lots of different  
sound effects.  It seems to be very sensative and I'm not sure what  
the best way is to proceed.  I acidently muted vo a couple of times  
without even meaning to and would like some tips on this.  I can flick  
just fine, it's just moving my fingers arround is where I get into  
trouble.  Thanks,

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sending an email message

2009-09-10 Thread Keith Brown

Does anyone else have a problem with the command plus shift plus e  
command? i.e to send a message. it doesn't  work for me. I have to  
navigate to message and select the send option.



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Re: Accessible Task Managers

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash
How can you kill applications etc with in-built mac stuff?
  - Original Message - 
  From: claire amoroso 
  Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 4:13 PM
  Subject: RE: Accessible Task Managers

  I mean Task Managers that are Applications for sorting out things you have to 
do, like assignments not Task managers for managing applications on the Mac. 
Sorry I wans't very clear, 

  Subject: Re: Accessible Task Managers
  Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:44:01 +0200

  What would you use it for? You can easily shut down running applications 
without any third party tasc managers.

  Best regards
  Søren Jensen
  Mail & MSN:

  On Sep 10, 2009, at 4:22 PM, claire amoroso wrote:

I'm looking for Task Managiing Applications that are compatible with 
VoiceOver. Does anyone  know of any such programs ? 

Messenger débarque dans Hotmail ! Essayez-le !

  Achetez un nouveau PC et bénéficiez de Windows 7 dès sa sortie ! En savoir 

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Re: sending an email message

2009-09-10 Thread Bob Hill

Hi Keith,

The command to send is "command-shift-d" as in delta, not "e".

Bob Hill

On Sep 10, 2009, at 12:03 PM, Keith Brown wrote:

>   Does anyone else have a problem with the command plus shift plus e
> command? i.e to send a message. it doesn't  work for me. I have to
> navigate to message and select the send option.
> cheers
> Keith
> >

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Changing keyboard layout

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

I'm sorry, but I cannot remember how to change the keyboard layout on the 
Mac. I would like to be able to swtch btween French and English.
Thank you

Take care


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Re: sharing itunes on twitter and facebook?

2009-09-10 Thread Jessi and Goldina

thanks, glad it's not just me!! I'll email them and let them know  
about it.
On 2009-09-10, at 4:45 AM, Scott Rutkowski wrote:

> Hi there.
> From what I read in the help file near the buy album button there's  
> meant to
> be an arrow or dropdown that lets you choose to send the album info to
> twitter or facebook.
> I myself can't find the feature either so we should email
> and let them know the feature can't be used.
> If anyone has anymore info on this feature and gets it working,  
> please let
> us all know.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jessi and Goldina" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 1:12 PM
> Subject: sharing itunes on twitter and facebook?
>> is this new feature in itunes nine accessible? I was talking to
>> someone tonight who uses a pc with itunes, and they were playing with
>> the store and jaws was speaking links to share findings on the store
>> on twitter and facebook. I didn't see this option on the mac side,  
>> but
>> I assume it's there somewhere? on the pc version it was on the main
>> store page with the albums, but is it somewhere else on the mac
>> version? or do we not have access to it?it just looks like a cool
>> feature.
> >

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so slow

2009-09-10 Thread william lomas

hi why is voiceover so damn slow now when arrowing through mail 
I may go back to leopard it is so painstakingly clumsy at navigating  
with the usual arrow keys through characters in a message

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Re: ftp client

2009-09-10 Thread anouk radix

Hello but can you also do this with password/login name protected  
Greetings, Anouk
On Sep 10, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> Hi,
> In sl, you can upload and download files to a remote server through
> finder using ftp or webdav.  Maybe with other protocols as well, but I
> haven't tried them.
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 10:00 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>> Hello, I just tried cuteftp for the mac and it does not work at all,
>> at least within snow leopard.
>> Greetings, Anouk
> >

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Re: so slow

2009-09-10 Thread Jessi and Goldina

I find voiceover to be a tad bit more sluggish when arrowing through  
when quicknav is on, but maybe that's just cuz my mac only has a gig  
of ram. I'm not sure why quicknav would make a difference, and really  
it's only like a milisecond slower, but I notice it. other than that I  
don't find it slow.
On 2009-09-10, at 12:31 PM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi why is voiceover so damn slow now when arrowing through mail
> messages?
> I may go back to leopard it is so painstakingly clumsy at navigating
> with the usual arrow keys through characters in a message
> >

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Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

2009-09-10 Thread Jessi and Goldina

yeah, I heard that rumour about the duel core processors too. I'd  
wait! as much as I want an iPhone, I'm thinking I'll just wait til  
next year's WWDC and see what the next one has to offer. if it has a  
duel core processor, that means it might possibly be able to run Alex?  
maybe? and that would be sweet!! I don't plan to upgrade my nano to a  
new would be nice to play with the new one and the video  
camera and recording options and full voiceover would be nice, but my  
old one works well. I'd love to play with the new ones though!!
On 2009-09-10, at 2:45 AM, Dave Wright wrote:

> Regardless,
> There doesn't seem to be feature changes big enough to warrant me  
> upgrading
> from my current Nano. If anything, I'm looking forward to upgrading  
> to an
> iPod touch. Hard to say though as I could see a version of the touch  
> or
> iPhone coming out soon enough with a duo core processor. Should I  
> wait???
> Best Regards:
> Dave Wright
> Work Phone: 347-422-7085
> Email:
> WebPage:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Chesworth" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 7:34 PM
> Subject: Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?
>> Sorry for the prelific posts!
>> Just wanted to give a quick update for anybody who'd read the  
>> previous
>> messages and been disheartened.  According to
>> we're actually looking at the VoiceOver Kit generating and syncing
>> song artist and titles as on the previous Nano and the current
>> Shuffles, but TTS for spoken menues.
>> That's good news peeps, thought I'd pass it along!
>> Scott
>> On 9/10/09, Scott Chesworth  wrote:
>>> It does indeed Blake. I also found a line on the tech specs page  
>>> that
>>> said something along the lines of "spoken thingies read almost all
>>> menu items" blah blah blah.  Between the two of those I'm 99% sure
>>> we're not dealing with a TTS Nano just yet.
>>> Scott
>>> On 9/10/09, Blake Sinnett  wrote:

 Sounds like it works in the same way as the Shuffle.

> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 01:01:02 +0100
> Subject: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?
> From:
> To:
> Hi all,
> Just went to take a peak at the new iPod line on the UK Apple  
> site,
> and found this on the Nano page that got me curious:
> "It all begins with iTunes and its seamless integration with iPod
> nano. First, iTunes reads your song information, then uses the
> VoiceOver Kit to generate the announcements for the songs,  
> artists and
> playlists. Just sync your iPod nano to your computer and it really
> speaks to you."
> It got me wondering, are we looking at actual TTs on the Nano  
> here or
> not? There's nothing in the promotional blurb to suggest to me  
> that
> VO is doing much new in this revision, but I'd love to be  
> corrected.
> Not meant in a negative way at all, I appreciate the awesomeness  
> of VO
> coming to the touch, just trying to make an educated decision on a
> budget.
> Cheers
> Scott


> >

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Re: Accessible Task Managers

2009-09-10 Thread Søren Jensen
Open the Utilities folder from your applications folder, and then open  
the application called Activity monitor.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:05 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> How can you kill applications etc with in-built mac stuff?
> - Original Message -
> From: claire amoroso
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 4:13 PM
> Subject: RE: Accessible Task Managers
> I mean Task Managers that are Applications for sorting out things  
> you have to do, like assignments not Task managers for managing  
> applications on the Mac. Sorry I wans't very clear,
> Claire
> From:
> Subject: Re: Accessible Task Managers
> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:44:01 +0200
> To:
> What would you use it for? You can easily shut down running  
> applications without any third party tasc managers.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 4:22 PM, claire amoroso wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for Task Managiing Applications that are compatible with  
> VoiceOver. Does anyone  know of any such programs ?
> Thanks
> Claire
> Messenger débarque dans Hotmail ! Essayez-le !
> Achetez un nouveau PC et bénéficiez de Windows 7 dès sa sortie ! En  
> savoir plus
> >

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Re: filezilla

2009-09-10 Thread anouk radix

Hello, thanks a lot! after some exploring of transmit i discovered you  
can go to a deeper directory by using command-down arrow, it works  
fine now, thanks a lot.
Greetings, Anouk
On Sep 10, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi Anna,
> I believe its vo command shift F3.
> There is a way to navigate though, you go to your menu bar then to go,
> which is a transmit menu option then you look inside where the various
> folders of your root are. There is a delimitor between your stuff and
> their stuff so each should update to the available folders within that
> path. Don't try the command shift G option because it causes transmit
> to crash or something.
> Hope that helps
> best
> Yuma
> >

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Re: Accessible Task Managers

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Take care 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Søren Jensen 
  Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 5:54 PM
  Subject: Re: Accessible Task Managers

  Open the Utilities folder from your applications folder, and then open the 
application called Activity monitor.

  Best regards
  Søren Jensen
  Mail & MSN:

  On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:05 PM, James & Nash wrote:

How can you kill applications etc with in-built mac stuff?
  - Original Message -
  From: claire amoroso
  Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 4:13 PM
  Subject: RE: Accessible Task Managers

  I mean Task Managers that are Applications for sorting out things you 
have to do, like assignments not Task managers for managing applications on the 
Mac. Sorry I wans't very clear, 

  Subject: Re: Accessible Task Managers
  Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:44:01 +0200

  What would you use it for? You can easily shut down running applications 
without any third party tasc managers.

  Best regards
  Søren Jensen
  Mail & MSN:

  On Sep 10, 2009, at 4:22 PM, claire amoroso wrote:

I'm looking for Task Managiing Applications that are compatible with 
VoiceOver. Does anyone  know of any such programs ? 

Messenger débarque dans Hotmail ! Essayez-le !

  Achetez un nouveau PC et bénéficiez de Windows 7 dès sa sortie ! En 
savoir plus


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Re: ftp client

2009-09-10 Thread Barry Hadder


You can do it by pressing cmd-k.  It try to connect with afp by  
default, so in the server field type: or  
what ever the domain is.

You might want to chack the documentation of your service and see if  
they have any special instructions for connecting with a Mac if you  
have problems.

You could always do this in windows explorer with XP, but in Leopard,  
it was read-only.  It still says that ftp is read-only, but I've tried  
uploading a file with the service I use and it works with sl.

On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:38 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> Hello but can you also do this with password/login name protected
> servers?
> Greetings, Anouk
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In sl, you can upload and download files to a remote server through
>> finder using ftp or webdav.  Maybe with other protocols as well,  
>> but I
>> haven't tried them.
>> On Sep 10, 2009, at 10:00 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I just tried cuteftp for the mac and it does not work at all,
>>> at least within snow leopard.
>>> Greetings, Anouk

> >

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ejecting a cd?

2009-09-10 Thread anouk radix

Hello, i just inserted a cd and for whatever reason mac os x cant read  
it, it does not show up in the finder, how can I eject it?
Greetings, Anouk

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timezone weirdness

2009-09-10 Thread Jessi and Goldina

hey guys

when I first installed SL, I was able to change the time to PST and  
pick the city I lived in and it was all good. I changed the checkbox  
so it would change time time zone automaticly figuring if I were to  
travel somewhere that might be nice. recently I've moved back to  
vancouver island where I go to school. it's in the same time zone,  
still PST, but for some reason the mac thinks I'm on eastern time in  
sunrise, Florida! I live miles and miles away from Florida, lol. I  
manually set the time back to the correct time in pst, but all my  
emails and stuff still show up as if they're coming in on EST and if I  
go into the time preferences, it still shows my city as sunrise, fl  
and my timezone as EST and there doesn't seem to be a way to change it.

anyone else's timezones just take on a mind of their own and decide  
you live somewhere on a completely different coast than you actually  
do? lol. is there a way to change it? I unchecked the checkbox about  
automaticly changing time based on your location but it still doesn't  
show anywhere close to my area on the little time map!!

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Re: ejecting a cd?

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

In the op right hand corner of the keybard on your MBP should be the eject 
- Original Message - 
From: "anouk radix" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:17 PM
Subject: ejecting a cd?

> Hello, i just inserted a cd and for whatever reason mac os x cant read
> it, it does not show up in the finder, how can I eject it?
> Greetings, Anouk
> > 

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Re: ejecting a cd?

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Also, when you got yours did you have to take anything out of the optical 


- Original Message - 
From: "anouk radix" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:17 PM
Subject: ejecting a cd?

> Hello, i just inserted a cd and for whatever reason mac os x cant read
> it, it does not show up in the finder, how can I eject it?
> Greetings, Anouk
> > 

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Re: Changing keyboard layout

2009-09-10 Thread Simon Cavendish

James, in system preferences under keyboard and mouse tab, there are  
shortcut keys that would allow you to change keyboard layouts. I think  
the "previous keyboard layout" is command + spacebar and "next  
keyboard layout" is option+spacebar. I can never quite remember  
whether it is this way round so please check in the table of assigned  
shortcut keys wehre you can also change the shortcut keys to suit you.  
Also, I seem to think you have to add the keyboards you want to the  
menu on the menu bar where you can select your keyboard manually by  
pressing control+f8 and arrowing left to input menu.

With best, Simon
On 10 Sep 2009, at 17:07, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm sorry, but I cannot remember how to change the keyboard layout  
> on the
> Mac. I would like to be able to swtch btween French and English.
> Thank you
> Take care
> James
> >

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Re: sending an email message

2009-09-10 Thread Simon Cavendish

It should be command+shift+d.
On 10 Sep 2009, at 17:03, Keith Brown wrote:

>   Does anyone else have a problem with the command plus shift plus e
> command? i.e to send a message. it doesn't  work for me. I have to
> navigate to message and select the send option.
> cheers
> Keith
> >

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Problem navigating with my Braille display

2009-09-10 Thread Simon Cavendish

Dear Listers,

Something strange is happening with my Braille display, Alva Satellite  
455 40 cell display under Snow Leopard. When try to pan rightt or  
left, it seems to pan okay only the first time I press the right  
button. Then it insists on panning by word. I've tried to assign  
commands to the buttons again under Braille in Voiceover utility but  
it doesn't work or I am not doing it correctly. Has anyone encountered  
this strange Best wishes, Simon

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Re: Changing keyboard layout

2009-09-10 Thread william lomas

I think it was command space, but you would have to redefine the  
spotlight key or something

On 10 Sep 2009, at 17:07, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm sorry, but I cannot remember how to change the keyboard layout  
> on the
> Mac. I would like to be able to swtch btween French and English.
> Thank you
> Take care
> James
> >

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Re: ejecting a cd?

2009-09-10 Thread Simon Cavendish

Anouk, there should be an eject button on your laptop keyboard, at the  
very top row the rightmost butoon. Hold it down for a few moments. If  
it doesn't work, switch your computer off and then switch it on while  
holding down the physical mouse button.

Hope this will help.

Best wishes, Simon
On 10 Sep 2009, at 18:17, anouk radix wrote:

> Hello, i just inserted a cd and for whatever reason mac os x cant read
> it, it does not show up in the finder, how can I eject it?
> Greetings, Anouk
> >

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Re: resuming a read on preview

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi Yuma,

You're going to have to use a hotspot if you want to switch back to  
the place you left off reading in Preview.  Use Control-0 (or other  
number, between 0-9) to set the hotpot and then use VO-0 to switch  
back to the hotspot after you switch applications back to Preview  
(e.g., with Command-Tab).  Preview's behavior under Leopard is  
actually not as good (for VoiceOver users doing straight reading) as  
it was under Tiger, even though they made continuous reading possible  
without having to issue a command to go on to the next page.  You can  
read Jacob's comment about this in the list archives:

This behavior (having to set a hotspot to return to your position on  
the page you're reading) is also true if you use Skim, a very similar  
application that has been described as being like "Preview on  
steroids", to read your PDF documents place of Preview.  (Skim has a  
second sidebar that is used for generating and navigating through  
annotations  you make to your text, in addition to the one for  
navigating a table of contents. See:
if you're interested in this.) Since some of the current  
recommendations for Snow Leopard are to set Preview's display to  
single page view mode instead of single page continuous, I wonder  
whether you can read continuously (without Command-Right arrow at the  
end of each page) using Preview in Snow Leopard.

Incidentally, they've been building in hooks for more functionality  
into Preview and the PDF files that you create when you print and save  
as PDF.  For example, I was surprised to find after upgrading to  
Safari 3 (released a few months before Leopard), that PDF files  
printed from web pages had clickable links.  That is, if you use print  
(Command-P) and the "PDF menu button" on the printer dialog window to  
save a copy of web page content via the "Save as PDF" option, and you  
go back to read the PDF file in Preview, clicking with your mouse on  
the PDF document anywhere there was an actual link on the web page  
will activate that link, just as if you were in Safari.  Of course,  
the attributes that tell you this is a link are not announced, but if  
you can tell where they are by context and click there when your mouse  
cursor is on the link, you'll activate them.  This also works if you  
copy and paste web pages or send their selected contents to TextEdit  
through the Services menu option.  Safari will activate and play  
linked mp3 files, download your files, etc.  The iLounge web pages  
have some of the best product reviews for new iPods, etc. but tend to  
have busy animated graphics ads, etc. (although there is a mobile  
version you can access with your iPhone).  Anyway, when the Nano 4G  
was released, I sent the article contents to TextEdit so I could leave  
the pages, and clicked the links in the TextEdit file listen to the  
sound quality of the headphones, etc.




Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi ester,
> You seem to be the ultimate doyen of preview manipulations so i will
> ask this to you :)
> I might have asked this aready but i'm not sure, or i'm cramming too
> much in a little time, or even worse, my coffee is laced with some
> memory erasing properties.
> I usually switch a lot from app to app. and when i read something on
> preview, i also have to switch a lot to the script editor when i study
> the applescript. When i am somewhere within a page in preview, ie not
> at the beginning, i don't know how to hold focus on that line or
> paragraph for ulterior reading. Is that done only with the hotspots?
> vo 1 to 0 right? but how to bring it back up when i switch back to
> preview?
> Sorry, sorry, sorry, i'm asking a lot i know...please bear with me
> Thanks and best
> Yuma
> >

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Re: Changing keyboard layout

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Thanks Simon
- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Cavendish" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Changing keyboard layout

> James, in system preferences under keyboard and mouse tab, there are
> shortcut keys that would allow you to change keyboard layouts. I think
> the "previous keyboard layout" is command + spacebar and "next
> keyboard layout" is option+spacebar. I can never quite remember
> whether it is this way round so please check in the table of assigned
> shortcut keys wehre you can also change the shortcut keys to suit you.
> Also, I seem to think you have to add the keyboards you want to the
> menu on the menu bar where you can select your keyboard manually by
> pressing control+f8 and arrowing left to input menu.
> With best, Simon
> On 10 Sep 2009, at 17:07, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'm sorry, but I cannot remember how to change the keyboard layout
>> on the
>> Mac. I would like to be able to swtch btween French and English.
>> Thank you
>> Take care
>> James
>> >
> > 

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Re: Changing keyboard layout

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Thanks Will
- Original Message - 
From: "william lomas" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: Changing keyboard layout

> I think it was command space, but you would have to redefine the
> spotlight key or something
> On 10 Sep 2009, at 17:07, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I'm sorry, but I cannot remember how to change the keyboard layout
>> on the
>> Mac. I would like to be able to swtch btween French and English.
>> Thank you
>> Take care
>> James
>> >
> > 

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Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About nisus writer and spell checking]

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hello James and Annie,

I don't use Nisus Writer Pro, but I've read that there are a few bugs  
in the spell checking under Snow Leopard that will be sorted in the  
next beta release, in case Annie is using Snow Leopard.

I've also read that Snow Leopard itself supports multiple language  
spell checking, based on the languages you check to have it check  
under System Preferences in "Language & Text".  Danish is one of the  
languages. This doesn't work for all applications, but it works in  
TextEdit and Safari, for example.

Here's the link to the TUAW article on "Unsung Snow Leopard feature:  
multiple language spell-checker":

This seems like a great feature for people who work with multiple  
languages in the same document.



James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Annie,
> Yes there is a Danish localization. It should be possible to spell  
> in check
> in Danish but you ay need to set the dictionary to Danish.
> Take care
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Annie Skov Nielsen" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:01 AM
> Subject: About nisus writer and spell checking
>> Hi.
>> I have downloaded a trial of nisus writer. I really like that  
>> program.
>> But I can not find out how to spell check in danish. It works fine in
>> english. Do anybody know if it is possible to spell check in danish,
>> and how I can do it.
>> Best regards Annie.
> >

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RE: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About nisus writer and spell checking]

2009-09-10 Thread M. Taylor


What word processor do you use on your Mac?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:34 AM
Subject: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About nisus
writer and spell checking]

Hello James and Annie,

I don't use Nisus Writer Pro, but I've read that there are a few bugs  
in the spell checking under Snow Leopard that will be sorted in the  
next beta release, in case Annie is using Snow Leopard.

I've also read that Snow Leopard itself supports multiple language  
spell checking, based on the languages you check to have it check  
under System Preferences in "Language & Text".  Danish is one of the  
languages. This doesn't work for all applications, but it works in  
TextEdit and Safari, for example.

Here's the link to the TUAW article on "Unsung Snow Leopard feature:  
multiple language spell-checker":

This seems like a great feature for people who work with multiple  
languages in the same document.



James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Annie,
> Yes there is a Danish localization. It should be possible to spell  
> in check
> in Danish but you ay need to set the dictionary to Danish.
> Take care
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Annie Skov Nielsen" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:01 AM
> Subject: About nisus writer and spell checking
>> Hi.
>> I have downloaded a trial of nisus writer. I really like that  
>> program.
>> But I can not find out how to spell check in danish. It works fine in
>> english. Do anybody know if it is possible to spell check in danish,
>> and how I can do it.
>> Best regards Annie.
> >

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Re: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About nisus writer and spell checking]

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Thank you for this Esther. This sounds like a great eature.
- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:34 PM
Subject: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About nisus 
writer and spell checking]

> Hello James and Annie,
> I don't use Nisus Writer Pro, but I've read that there are a few bugs
> in the spell checking under Snow Leopard that will be sorted in the
> next beta release, in case Annie is using Snow Leopard.
> I've also read that Snow Leopard itself supports multiple language
> spell checking, based on the languages you check to have it check
> under System Preferences in "Language & Text".  Danish is one of the
> languages. This doesn't work for all applications, but it works in
> TextEdit and Safari, for example.
> Here's the link to the TUAW article on "Unsung Snow Leopard feature:
> multiple language spell-checker":
> This seems like a great feature for people who work with multiple
> languages in the same document.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Annie,
>> Yes there is a Danish localization. It should be possible to spell
>> in check
>> in Danish but you ay need to set the dictionary to Danish.
>> HTH
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Annie Skov Nielsen" 
>> To: "MacVisionaries" 
>> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:01 AM
>> Subject: About nisus writer and spell checking
>>> Hi.
>>> I have downloaded a trial of nisus writer. I really like that
>>> program.
>>> But I can not find out how to spell check in danish. It works fine in
>>> english. Do anybody know if it is possible to spell check in danish,
>>> and how I can do it.
>>> Best regards Annie.

>> >
> > 

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Re: resuming a read on preview

2009-09-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi Ester,

I tried CTRL and a number from zero to nine, but it doesn't do anything



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[Mac-cessibility News] iPhone/iPod Touch OS 3.1 Comes with Big Accessibility Enhancements

2009-09-10 Thread Maccessibility

iPhone/iPod Touch OS 3.1 Comes with Big Accessibility Enhancements

iPhone OS 3.1 has arrived with some tremendous accessibility features. One is,
of course, the accessibility of the third-generation 32GB and 64GB iPod Touch
devices, but there are plenty of new features for iPhone users to sink their
teeth into as well. Let's take a look.

Triple-click Home
Now you can quickly toggle Universal Access features by [...]

You can read the rest of this news item at:

The Mac-cessibility Network
"'s all within our reach..."

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reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread Chris Polk

I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I have  
one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only because  
a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example, answer  
a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu  
that doesn't have a hotkey allready.

Any help would be appreciated!


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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread william lomas

you can't answer a call in skype via a menu

On 10 Sep 2009, at 19:12, Chris Polk wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I have
> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only because
> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example, answer
> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Chris
> >

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Re: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About nisus writer and spell checking]

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi Mark,

I use TextEdit and TeXShop.  I've started using Pages, but that's  
mostly because other people have started asking questions about how to  
use features under Pages.  TeX is probably serious overkill for most  
users and has a steep initial learning curve. It was developed to  
offset the high cost of publishing mathematics texts, so you can  
design and control the layout of publication quality documents,  and  
is available free, and cross-platform, with multi-language support and  
spell-checking.  TeXShop is the GUI-based interface.  James has used  
this package, as has Greg Kearney.



M. Taylor wrote:

> Esther,
> What word processor do you use on your Mac?
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Esther
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:34 AM
> To:
> Subject: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re:  
> About nisus
> writer and spell checking]
> Hello James and Annie,
> I don't use Nisus Writer Pro, but I've read that there are a few bugs
> in the spell checking under Snow Leopard that will be sorted in the
> next beta release, in case Annie is using Snow Leopard.
> I've also read that Snow Leopard itself supports multiple language
> spell checking, based on the languages you check to have it check
> under System Preferences in "Language & Text".  Danish is one of the
> languages. This doesn't work for all applications, but it works in
> TextEdit and Safari, for example.
> Here's the link to the TUAW article on "Unsung Snow Leopard feature:
> multiple language spell-checker":
> -spell-checker/
> This seems like a great feature for people who work with multiple
> languages in the same document.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Annie,
>> Yes there is a Danish localization. It should be possible to spell
>> in check
>> in Danish but you ay need to set the dictionary to Danish.
>> HTH
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Annie Skov Nielsen" 
>> To: "MacVisionaries" 
>> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:01 AM
>> Subject: About nisus writer and spell checking
>>> Hi.
>>> I have downloaded a trial of nisus writer. I really like that
>>> program.
>>> But I can not find out how to spell check in danish. It works fine  
>>> in
>>> english. Do anybody know if it is possible to spell check in danish,
>>> and how I can do it.
>>> Best regards Annie.

> >

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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread Chris Polk

still doesn't answer my question
On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:14 AM,
was just giving an example
  william lomas wrote:

> you can't answer a call in skype via a menu
> On 10 Sep 2009, at 19:12, Chris Polk wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
>> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I  
>> have
>> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only because
>> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
>> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
>> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example, answer
>> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
>> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
>> Any help would be appreciated!
>> Chris
> >

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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread erik burggraaf

Chris, why can't you just arrow to the option in the menue and hit  
control shift c?  That will copy the last thing vo said to the clip  
bord.  Then you could paste it into your script.  Be carefull of white  
space if you do this.  Otherwise, it should work.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 10-Sep-09, at 2:12 PM, Chris Polk wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I have
> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only because
> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example, answer
> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Chris
> >

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Re: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About nisus writer and spell checking]

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Hi Esther,

Do you use it with Snow Leopard or Leopard please? I've not upgraded yetas 
I'm waiting for some third-party applications and some issues to be fixed 
hopefully in the latest update release.


Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About 
nisus writer and spell checking]

> Hi Mark,
> I use TextEdit and TeXShop.  I've started using Pages, but that's
> mostly because other people have started asking questions about how to
> use features under Pages.  TeX is probably serious overkill for most
> users and has a steep initial learning curve. It was developed to
> offset the high cost of publishing mathematics texts, so you can
> design and control the layout of publication quality documents,  and
> is available free, and cross-platform, with multi-language support and
> spell-checking.  TeXShop is the GUI-based interface.  James has used
> this package, as has Greg Kearney.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> M. Taylor wrote:
>> Esther,
>> What word processor do you use on your Mac?
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Esther
>> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:34 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re:
>> About nisus
>> writer and spell checking]
>> Hello James and Annie,
>> I don't use Nisus Writer Pro, but I've read that there are a few bugs
>> in the spell checking under Snow Leopard that will be sorted in the
>> next beta release, in case Annie is using Snow Leopard.
>> I've also read that Snow Leopard itself supports multiple language
>> spell checking, based on the languages you check to have it check
>> under System Preferences in "Language & Text".  Danish is one of the
>> languages. This doesn't work for all applications, but it works in
>> TextEdit and Safari, for example.
>> Here's the link to the TUAW article on "Unsung Snow Leopard feature:
>> multiple language spell-checker":
>> -spell-checker/
>> This seems like a great feature for people who work with multiple
>> languages in the same document.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi Annie,
>>> Yes there is a Danish localization. It should be possible to spell
>>> in check
>>> in Danish but you ay need to set the dictionary to Danish.
>>> HTH
>>> Take care
>>> James
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Annie Skov Nielsen" 
>>> To: "MacVisionaries" 
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:01 AM
>>> Subject: About nisus writer and spell checking


 I have downloaded a trial of nisus writer. I really like that
 But I can not find out how to spell check in danish. It works fine
 english. Do anybody know if it is possible to spell check in danish,
 and how I can do it.

 Best regards Annie.

>> >
> > 

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fat 32

2009-09-10 Thread william lomas

hi if I have a card reader for my macbook, can I format my SD 
as fat 32 to work on a milestone?
I have ordered one

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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread Chris Polk

ah thanks, I am still kind of a new mac user!! I appreciate it!

On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:18 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Chris, why can't you just arrow to the option in the menue and hit
> control shift c?  That will copy the last thing vo said to the clip
> bord.  Then you could paste it into your script.  Be carefull of white
> space if you do this.  Otherwise, it should work.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 10-Sep-09, at 2:12 PM, Chris Polk wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
>> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I  
>> have
>> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only because
>> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
>> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
>> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example, answer
>> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
>> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
>> Any help would be appreciated!
>> Chris
> >

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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread erik burggraaf

No problem.  I have been around for a year and a half now, but I only  
learned that keystroke last month, and it's been a true friend ever  


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 10-Sep-09, at 2:21 PM, Chris Polk wrote:

> ah thanks, I am still kind of a new mac user!! I appreciate it!
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:18 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Chris, why can't you just arrow to the option in the menue and hit
>> control shift c?  That will copy the last thing vo said to the clip
>> bord.  Then you could paste it into your script.  Be carefull of  
>> white
>> space if you do this.  Otherwise, it should work.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
>> On 10-Sep-09, at 2:12 PM, Chris Polk wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
>>> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I
>>> have
>>> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only  
>>> because
>>> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
>>> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
>>> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example,  
>>> answer
>>> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
>>> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
>>> Any help would be appreciated!
>>> Chris

> >

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Re: sending an email message

2009-09-10 Thread Thomas McMahan

Perhaps this is a tiger verses lepard difference but in tiger Command  
plus shift plus E is redirect,  command shift d is send or send again  
under the message sub menu.  .
On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:03 AM, Keith Brown wrote:

>   Does anyone else have a problem with the command plus shift plus e
> command? i.e to send a message. it doesn't  work for me. I have to
> navigate to message and select the send option.
> cheers
> Keith
> >

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Correction on how to set hotspots [was Re: resuming a read on preview]

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi Yuma,

I think I totally mistyped this section on hotspots and my brain must  
have been offline (smile), not to mention having a disconnect between  
the typed text and muscle memory.

I wrote (incorrectly):
You're going to have to use a hotspot if you want to switch back to
the place you left off reading in Preview.  Use Control-0 (or other
number, between 0-9) to set the hotpot and then use VO-0 to switch
back to the hotspot after you switch applications back to Preview
(e.g., with Command-Tab).

Ok, first, the correction for setting a hotspot is to use VO-Shift-1  
or other number from 0 through 9.  You should hear VoiceOver say "Save  
as hotspot 1" or whatever number you typed.  Then, to switch back, you  
press VO-1 again and resume from where you left off.

So the corrected instructions are:

Use VO-Shift-0 (or other number between 0-9) to set the hotspot and  
then use VO-0 to switch back to the hotspot after you switch  
applications back to Preview (e.g., with Command-Tab).

Another comment: I've found Skim to be more stable about using  
"Find" (Command-F) in a document and moving to the found string and  
resuming reading than Preview has been.

Hope this is now correct -- I tried this out before replying.



Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi Ester,
> I tried CTRL and a number from zero to nine, but it doesn't do  
> anything
> best
> Yuma
> >

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Re: Correction on how to set hotspots [was Re: resuming a read on preview]

2009-09-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux


Thanks ester for the correction :)

Gonna catch up with some serious reading



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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi Chris,

A great VoiceOver shortcut to learn is VO-Shift-C for "Last phrase  
copied to pasteboard".  You can move over a menu item and, just after  
VoiceOver has announced it, press VO-Shift-C.  If you open a TextEdit  
window or are in Mail, etc., pasting with Command-V will give you the  
exact phrase that was spoken.  You may need to delete extraneous words  
or blank spaces at the end from the pasted phrase, which is why using  
an intermediate TextEdit window to work with the phrase can be a good  
idea.  Then, when you want to assign a keyboard shortcut, you can  
select your phrase, copy it with Command-C, and paste it in with  
Command-V in the field for typing in the Menu command.

This is also a great shortcut to use when you're communicating with  
someone who is trying to troubleshoot your error messages -- you can  
get an exact copy of that obscure sounding message and paste it into a  
mail message.




Chris Polk wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I have
> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only because
> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example, answer
> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Chris
> >

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iPhone 3GS iPod Application Extended Playback Features Now Accessible With VoiceOver Screen Reader

2009-09-10 Thread M. Taylor

[As Posted on the Candleshore BLOG]

iPhone 3GS iPod Application Extended Playback Features Now Accessible With
VoiceOver Screen Reader

Hello Everyone, 

I am delighted to report that with the 3.1 iPhone 3GS firmware update, those
of us using Apple's VoiceOver screen reader now have access to the extended
playback features available in the onboard iPod application.

The extended playback features include the ability to adjust the playback
speed, set the number of times a track will repeat, and use the Scrubber Bar
to adjust playback start position.  

VoiceOver users, do the following to access the extended playback features:

While a track is playing/Paused, use a Split-Tap on any area of the Display
Screen labeled Album Art, by VoiceOver to toggle access to the extended
playback features.  Currently, when this command is used as stated above,
VoiceOver will say, "Album Art, image."

A Split-Tap is when one parks a single finger on the Display Screen, then
quickly taps another area of the Display Screen with a second finger.

When the extended playback features are displayed, use standard navigation
gestures to scroll through the options including Scrubber Bar (track
position), 30-Second Rewind Button, Repeat Button, and the Playback Speed

Note 2:
Use a Split-Tap to cycle between the various states of both the Repeat and
Playback Speed buttons.



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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread Chris Polk

yes yes!!! I appreciate it this is what i was looking for! you are  
On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> A great VoiceOver shortcut to learn is VO-Shift-C for "Last phrase
> copied to pasteboard".  You can move over a menu item and, just after
> VoiceOver has announced it, press VO-Shift-C.  If you open a TextEdit
> window or are in Mail, etc., pasting with Command-V will give you the
> exact phrase that was spoken.  You may need to delete extraneous words
> or blank spaces at the end from the pasted phrase, which is why using
> an intermediate TextEdit window to work with the phrase can be a good
> idea.  Then, when you want to assign a keyboard shortcut, you can
> select your phrase, copy it with Command-C, and paste it in with
> Command-V in the field for typing in the Menu command.
> This is also a great shortcut to use when you're communicating with
> someone who is trying to troubleshoot your error messages -- you can
> get an exact copy of that obscure sounding message and paste it into a
> mail message.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Chris Polk wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
>> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I  
>> have
>> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only because
>> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
>> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
>> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example, answer
>> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
>> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
>> Any help would be appreciated!
>> Chris
> >

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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread Chris Polk

one more question?
Do you know if the custom keyboard commands are kept anywhere so i can  
back them up?

On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> A great VoiceOver shortcut to learn is VO-Shift-C for "Last phrase
> copied to pasteboard".  You can move over a menu item and, just after
> VoiceOver has announced it, press VO-Shift-C.  If you open a TextEdit
> window or are in Mail, etc., pasting with Command-V will give you the
> exact phrase that was spoken.  You may need to delete extraneous words
> or blank spaces at the end from the pasted phrase, which is why using
> an intermediate TextEdit window to work with the phrase can be a good
> idea.  Then, when you want to assign a keyboard shortcut, you can
> select your phrase, copy it with Command-C, and paste it in with
> Command-V in the field for typing in the Menu command.
> This is also a great shortcut to use when you're communicating with
> someone who is trying to troubleshoot your error messages -- you can
> get an exact copy of that obscure sounding message and paste it into a
> mail message.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Chris Polk wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
>> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I  
>> have
>> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only because
>> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
>> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
>> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example, answer
>> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
>> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
>> Any help would be appreciated!
>> Chris
> >

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Re: tips on using the trackpad

2009-09-10 Thread Christina


I'm sorry but I do not have the multi-touch track pad so I really  
cannot offer help.  However, I understand that you can use the  
keyboard help to play with the track pad as well.  Press vo plus K.   
Then try different gestures.  When you're done practicing press escape  
to get out of keyboard help.

I bet someone here will have more information for you.

On Sep 10, 2009, at 8:59 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:

> Hello all,
> I need some tips on navigating with the trackpad.  I have the trackpad
> commander enabled and when I drag my finger arround the screen vo
> seems to be speaking all over the place and immits lots of different
> sound effects.  It seems to be very sensative and I'm not sure what
> the best way is to proceed.  I acidently muted vo a couple of times
> without even meaning to and would like some tips on this.  I can flick
> just fine, it's just moving my fingers arround is where I get into
> trouble.  Thanks,
> MikeÎ
> >

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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

There was an article just recently on describing how to  
assign AppleScripts to PageUp PageDown Home, and End using the  
"defaults" command in terminal. So I believe these are kept in  
application specific preference files.

I'll bet that Ester goes and finds the article and gives us more  
useful information. She is absolutely amazing!


On Sep 10, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Chris Polk wrote:

> one more question?
> Do you know if the custom keyboard commands are kept anywhere so i can
> back them up?
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> A great VoiceOver shortcut to learn is VO-Shift-C for "Last phrase
>> copied to pasteboard".  You can move over a menu item and, just after
>> VoiceOver has announced it, press VO-Shift-C.  If you open a TextEdit
>> window or are in Mail, etc., pasting with Command-V will give you the
>> exact phrase that was spoken.  You may need to delete extraneous  
>> words
>> or blank spaces at the end from the pasted phrase, which is why using
>> an intermediate TextEdit window to work with the phrase can be a good
>> idea.  Then, when you want to assign a keyboard shortcut, you can
>> select your phrase, copy it with Command-C, and paste it in with
>> Command-V in the field for typing in the Menu command.
>> This is also a great shortcut to use when you're communicating with
>> someone who is trying to troubleshoot your error messages -- you can
>> get an exact copy of that obscure sounding message and paste it  
>> into a
>> mail message.
>> HTH
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Chris Polk wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
>>> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I
>>> have
>>> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only  
>>> because
>>> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
>>> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
>>> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example,  
>>> answer
>>> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
>>> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
>>> Any help would be appreciated!
>>> Chris

> >

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Re: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About nisus writer and spell checking]

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi James,

No, I haven't made the jump to Snow Leopard yet, but TeXShop is just  
fine in Leopard.  I had to use a program that wasn't upgraded to Snow  
Leopard so I delayed upgrading my system.  I was trying out a recently  
released freeware program called "Language Switcher":

This is interesting, and it's a way to open specific applications in a  
language that you select, but I think I managed to alter some of my  
preferences files when I ran this, and I need to clear that up before  

There are some oddities when running  Language Switcher with  
VoiceOver, since I think you're supposed to select the application you  
want is to click on a visually selected item in a scrolling area.
With VoiceOver, you should just interact with the toolbar and type in  
the (first letters of the) application you want, then VO-Right arrow  
to hear the current application announced and the number of languages  
that are supported, then select your language on the pop-up button.  I  
would start by navigating to the Edit menu bar and selecting "Show  
Apps", which brings up a dialog window of all the apps in your  
Applications Directory.  Uncheck the ones you don't want to switch  
languages to (i.e. most of them).  The first of your checked apps to  
show up in alphabetical order appears as the startup selection.  I had  
a little difficulty unchecking items in multiple sessions.  It can  
also act oddly if you happen to have a file that is not an application  
in your apps directory (like a script).

If you're feeling adventurous you can give this a shot.  It opens up  
mail, TextEdit, etc. with a specific language localization, so that  
the window names, spell checker, etc. are set to that language.  For  
instance, if you open up TextEdit in French, your window will be named  
"Sans titre" instead of "Untitled".  And it will only show you  
languages that have localizations for these apps -- if you've stripped  
out the other language support at installation, or if an app does not  
come with localization in a particular language, you won't see that  
language as an option.



James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Esther,
> Do you use it with Snow Leopard or Leopard please? I've not upgraded  
> yetas
> I'm waiting for some third-party applications and some issues to be  
> fixed
> hopefully in the latest update release.
> Thanks
> Take care
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Esther" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re:  
> About
> nisus writer and spell checking]
>> Hi Mark,
>> I use TextEdit and TeXShop.  I've started using Pages, but that's
>> mostly because other people have started asking questions about how  
>> to
>> use features under Pages.  TeX is probably serious overkill for most
>> users and has a steep initial learning curve. It was developed to
>> offset the high cost of publishing mathematics texts, so you can
>> design and control the layout of publication quality documents,  and
>> is available free, and cross-platform, with multi-language support  
>> and
>> spell-checking.  TeXShop is the GUI-based interface.  James has used
>> this package, as has Greg Kearney.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Esther,
>>> What word processor do you use on your Mac?
>>> Mark
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Esther
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:34 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re:
>>> About nisus
>>> writer and spell checking]
>>> Hello James and Annie,
>>> I don't use Nisus Writer Pro, but I've read that there are a few  
>>> bugs
>>> in the spell checking under Snow Leopard that will be sorted in the
>>> next beta release, in case Annie is using Snow Leopard.
>>> I've also read that Snow Leopard itself supports multiple language
>>> spell checking, based on the languages you check to have it check
>>> under System Preferences in "Language & Text".  Danish is one of the
>>> languages. This doesn't work for all applications, but it works in
>>> TextEdit and Safari, for example.
>>> Here's the link to the TUAW article on "Unsung Snow Leopard feature:
>>> multiple language spell-checker":
>>> -spell-checker/
>>> This seems like a great feature for people who work with multiple
>>> languages in the same document.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> James & Nash wrote:

 Hi Annie,

 Yes there is a Danish localization. It should be possible to spell
 in check
 in Danish but you ay need to set the dictionary to Danish.


 Take ca

caps lock

2009-09-10 Thread william lomas

ah if I leave caps lock on that's why it beeps when I type

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Re: filezilla

2009-09-10 Thread Chris G


I like webdrive from

They have a client for the mac that is in beta.
You FTP from within finder just like ftp from within windows explorer.

On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:21:03 +0200
anouk radix  wrote:

> Hi, do you know how you can go to an underlying directory with  
> transmit? command o command right arrow or right arrow dont seem to  
> work. Autoresume is a must have, a pity that it is not there now, io  
> also  tried to contact their support but got no reply.
> Greetings, Anouk
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Filezilla is very unaccesible as you have to guess work through
> > ramifications of interactions to get from one table to the other. I
> > don't suggest this one to anyone.
> >
> > Transmit is ok for now, but there are issues as regard to file
> > management from local to remote and vice versa. And when resuming
> > downloads, it doesn't do so automatically. Also, when you download
> > something and tell it to resume by having to re move the remote file,
> > and you do it more than once, the file becomes corrupted from  
> > overflow.
> >
> > best
> >
> > Yuma
> >
> > >

Chris G 

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reccomendation for menu planning software

2009-09-10 Thread Christina

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone knew of voiceover accessible software where  
maybe I can enter our family recipes, plan menus, and have it create a  
grocery list.  I used to have one like six years ago back when my  
vision was better and back when I was using windows and zoom text.  It  
was a Betty Crocker program with tons of Betty Crocker recipes and I  
could enter my own recipes as well and do menu planning.  Also, I  
would be interested if it was a website that was voiceover  
accessible.  Either a website or a software I purchase would be  
helpful.  I really cannot see much at all so I would need it to be  
"read" by voiceover and cannot use anything where I would be required  
to use vision.

Thanks so much,

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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi Chris,

The custom keyboard commands are stored in the property list files for  
each application.  This is going to be in a folder named:
where the tilde at the beginning means that the folder is under your  
user account.  Plist files have names like  that  
identify both the source organization and the application.  The way I  
would back these up is by opening a Finder window pointed to the  
Library/Preferences folder in your user account in list view mode  
(Command 2 if you're not already set to this view).  This shows the  
file name with the second column being the date modified. If you  
navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the Date Modified column and use the sort  
command (VO-Shift-backslash where backslash is the key at the right  
end of your keyboard above return and below delete on an English input  
keyboard; or you can use the commands menu VO-H twice, which also  
works for non-English input keyboards and find the "Sort" command).   
Sort on the modified date so that the most recently modified files  
show up first. (Applying the sort command again inverts the sort order  
between ascending and descending).

Once you have assigned your keyboard shortcut, switch back to your  
Finder window with Command-tab.  You'll be able to see the most  
recently modified files, and just select and copy them. (Hold down the  
shift key while you arrow down from the top to select a bunch of  
these).  Copy with Command-C and paste them into some backup folder to  
hold your preferences, maybe one that you create on your Desktop (as  
long as you don't clutter up your Desktop).  This is the only way that  
I've been able to find out the names of some preference files.  For  
example, when I set up shortcuts to switch languages I think that  
shows up in something called ""  which turns  
out to stand for Human Interface toolbox -- something I wouldn't have  
guessed off the bat.

Of course, any Time Machine backups will copy these files, but it's  
convenient to keep a local copy around since they're small.




Chris Polk wrote:

> one more question?
> Do you know if the custom keyboard commands are kept anywhere so i can
> back them up?
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> A great VoiceOver shortcut to learn is VO-Shift-C for "Last phrase
>> copied to pasteboard".  You can move over a menu item and, just after
>> VoiceOver has announced it, press VO-Shift-C.  If you open a TextEdit
>> window or are in Mail, etc., pasting with Command-V will give you the
>> exact phrase that was spoken.  You may need to delete extraneous  
>> words
>> or blank spaces at the end from the pasted phrase, which is why using
>> an intermediate TextEdit window to work with the phrase can be a good
>> idea.  Then, when you want to assign a keyboard shortcut, you can
>> select your phrase, copy it with Command-C, and paste it in with
>> Command-V in the field for typing in the Menu command.
>> This is also a great shortcut to use when you're communicating with
>> someone who is trying to troubleshoot your error messages -- you can
>> get an exact copy of that obscure sounding message and paste it  
>> into a
>> mail message.
>> HTH
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Chris Polk wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
>>> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I
>>> have
>>> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only  
>>> because
>>> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
>>> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
>>> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example,  
>>> answer
>>> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
>>> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
>>> Any help would be appreciated!
>>> Chris

> >

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Re: sending an email message

2009-09-10 Thread Chris G


I use command shift D and that seems to work fine.

On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:03:26 +0100
Keith Brown  wrote:

>   Does anyone else have a problem with the command plus shift plus e  
> command? i.e to send a message. it doesn't  work for me. I have to  
> navigate to message and select the send option.
> cheers
> Keith

Chris G 

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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread Chris Polk

thank you!

On Sep 10, 2009, at 12:42 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> The custom keyboard commands are stored in the property list files for
> each application.  This is going to be in a folder named:
> ~/Library/Preferences
> where the tilde at the beginning means that the folder is under your
> user account.  Plist files have names like  that
> identify both the source organization and the application.  The way I
> would back these up is by opening a Finder window pointed to the
> Library/Preferences folder in your user account in list view mode
> (Command 2 if you're not already set to this view).  This shows the
> file name with the second column being the date modified. If you
> navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the Date Modified column and use the sort
> command (VO-Shift-backslash where backslash is the key at the right
> end of your keyboard above return and below delete on an English input
> keyboard; or you can use the commands menu VO-H twice, which also
> works for non-English input keyboards and find the "Sort" command).
> Sort on the modified date so that the most recently modified files
> show up first. (Applying the sort command again inverts the sort order
> between ascending and descending).
> Once you have assigned your keyboard shortcut, switch back to your
> Finder window with Command-tab.  You'll be able to see the most
> recently modified files, and just select and copy them. (Hold down the
> shift key while you arrow down from the top to select a bunch of
> these).  Copy with Command-C and paste them into some backup folder to
> hold your preferences, maybe one that you create on your Desktop (as
> long as you don't clutter up your Desktop).  This is the only way that
> I've been able to find out the names of some preference files.  For
> example, when I set up shortcuts to switch languages I think that
> shows up in something called ""  which turns
> out to stand for Human Interface toolbox -- something I wouldn't have
> guessed off the bat.
> Of course, any Time Machine backups will copy these files, but it's
> convenient to keep a local copy around since they're small.
> HTH.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Chris Polk wrote:
>> one more question?
>> Do you know if the custom keyboard commands are kept anywhere so i  
>> can
>> back them up?
>> On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> A great VoiceOver shortcut to learn is VO-Shift-C for "Last phrase
>>> copied to pasteboard".  You can move over a menu item and, just  
>>> after
>>> VoiceOver has announced it, press VO-Shift-C.  If you open a  
>>> TextEdit
>>> window or are in Mail, etc., pasting with Command-V will give you  
>>> the
>>> exact phrase that was spoken.  You may need to delete extraneous
>>> words
>>> or blank spaces at the end from the pasted phrase, which is why  
>>> using
>>> an intermediate TextEdit window to work with the phrase can be a  
>>> good
>>> idea.  Then, when you want to assign a keyboard shortcut, you can
>>> select your phrase, copy it with Command-C, and paste it in with
>>> Command-V in the field for typing in the Menu command.
>>> This is also a great shortcut to use when you're communicating with
>>> someone who is trying to troubleshoot your error messages -- you can
>>> get an exact copy of that obscure sounding message and paste it
>>> into a
>>> mail message.
>>> HTH
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> Chris Polk wrote:

 I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
 I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I
 one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only
 a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
 I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
 Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example,
 a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a menu
 that doesn't have a hotkey allready.

 Any help would be appreciated!



> >

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Re: filezilla

2009-09-10 Thread Esther


I meant to reply to your (much) earlier post about webdrive, but never  
got this out of my drafts:

You might be interested in trying out ExpanDrive which is similar to  
Web Drive, with support for FTP, SFTP, and Amazon S3. This was  
designed for the Mac and works through the Finder interface.  Like Web  
Drive, it is available in versions for both the Mac and Windows. The  
Mac version definitely works with VoiceOver. There has been a Windows  
version (not beta) for well over a year,  it was rewritten to  
incorporate the new addtions (like Amazon S3 support) and capabilities  
of the Mac version.

At the time I found some forum links by users, and the comments  
indicated that, at least back in March, some Windows users found this  
to run faster than Web Drive, and another user who tried this in July  
(no indication of which platform) found this much faster than web drive.

This has other nice features, like reattaching to the drive  
automatically if you change networks (e.g. on a laptop).

These types of solutions (ExpanDrive and WebDrive) are much faster  
than using Command-K and typing in a server name --- I would only do  
that and expect reasonable speed if I'm connecting to a local network.

There are also free solutions based on the MacFUSE project like  
MacFusion, but there are some stability issues.



Chris G wrote:

> Hi,
> I like webdrive from
> They have a client for the mac that is in beta.
> You FTP from within finder just like ftp from within windows explorer.
> On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:21:03 +0200
> anouk radix  wrote:
>> Hi, do you know how you can go to an underlying directory with
>> transmit? command o command right arrow or right arrow dont seem to
>> work. Autoresume is a must have, a pity that it is not there now, io
>> also  tried to contact their support but got no reply.
>> Greetings, Anouk
>> On Sep 10, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Filezilla is very unaccesible as you have to guess work through
>>> ramifications of interactions to get from one table to the other. I
>>> don't suggest this one to anyone.
>>> Transmit is ok for now, but there are issues as regard to file
>>> management from local to remote and vice versa. And when resuming
>>> downloads, it doesn't do so automatically. Also, when you download
>>> something and tell it to resume by having to re move the remote  
>>> file,
>>> and you do it more than once, the file becomes corrupted from
>>> overflow.
>>> best
>>> Yuma

> -- 
> Chris G 
> >

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Re: reading menu items

2009-09-10 Thread Esther

Hi Chris,

I forgot to tell you that the easy way to navigate to the ~/Library/ 
Preferences folder is to use the Command-Shift-G "Go to folder"  
shortcut.  This brings up a dialog window where you can type in any  
path you want -- including locations on external drives.

So if you bring up a Finder window, use Command-Shift-G, and then  
paste in:


and press return, you'll be in the folder where your preference lists  
for applications are stored.  That's the one you can examine in list  
view, and sort by Date Modified.



Chris Polk wrote:

> wow!
> thank you!
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 12:42 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> The custom keyboard commands are stored in the property list files  
>> for
>> each application.  This is going to be in a folder named:
>> ~/Library/Preferences
>> where the tilde at the beginning means that the folder is under your
>> user account.  Plist files have names like  that
>> identify both the source organization and the application.  The way I
>> would back these up is by opening a Finder window pointed to the
>> Library/Preferences folder in your user account in list view mode
>> (Command 2 if you're not already set to this view).  This shows the
>> file name with the second column being the date modified. If you
>> navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the Date Modified column and use the  
>> sort
>> command (VO-Shift-backslash where backslash is the key at the right
>> end of your keyboard above return and below delete on an English  
>> input
>> keyboard; or you can use the commands menu VO-H twice, which also
>> works for non-English input keyboards and find the "Sort" command).
>> Sort on the modified date so that the most recently modified files
>> show up first. (Applying the sort command again inverts the sort  
>> order
>> between ascending and descending).
>> Once you have assigned your keyboard shortcut, switch back to your
>> Finder window with Command-tab.  You'll be able to see the most
>> recently modified files, and just select and copy them. (Hold down  
>> the
>> shift key while you arrow down from the top to select a bunch of
>> these).  Copy with Command-C and paste them into some backup folder  
>> to
>> hold your preferences, maybe one that you create on your Desktop (as
>> long as you don't clutter up your Desktop).  This is the only way  
>> that
>> I've been able to find out the names of some preference files.  For
>> example, when I set up shortcuts to switch languages I think that
>> shows up in something called ""  which turns
>> out to stand for Human Interface toolbox -- something I wouldn't have
>> guessed off the bat.
>> Of course, any Time Machine backups will copy these files, but it's
>> convenient to keep a local copy around since they're small.
>> HTH.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Chris Polk wrote:
>>> one more question?
>>> Do you know if the custom keyboard commands are kept anywhere so i
>>> can
>>> back them up?
>>> On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Esther wrote:

 Hi Chris,

 A great VoiceOver shortcut to learn is VO-Shift-C for "Last phrase
 copied to pasteboard".  You can move over a menu item and, just
 VoiceOver has announced it, press VO-Shift-C.  If you open a
 window or are in Mail, etc., pasting with Command-V will give you
 exact phrase that was spoken.  You may need to delete extraneous
 or blank spaces at the end from the pasted phrase, which is why
 an intermediate TextEdit window to work with the phrase can be a
 idea.  Then, when you want to assign a keyboard shortcut, you can
 select your phrase, copy it with Command-C, and paste it in with
 Command-V in the field for typing in the Menu command.

 This is also a great shortcut to use when you're communicating with
 someone who is trying to troubleshoot your error messages -- you  
 get an exact copy of that obscure sounding message and paste it
 into a
 mail message.




 Chris Polk wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm hoping I am just missing something here.
> I am trying to creat shortcut keys in some programs like adium. I
> have
> one working that jumps right to set facebook status, but only
> because
> a friend told me how the menu item was written exactly.
> I am unable to read letter by letter in a menu so I can set these.
> Setting up things like this will make things quicker, example,
> answer
> a call in skype, or anything that requires you to go through a  
> menu
> that doesn't have a hotkey allready.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Chris


> >

You receive

Re: SL and remote servers

2009-09-10 Thread Chris Blouch

Hmm. I just tried it and while I was able to connect to an FTP server 
and copy files from it via the finder, I was not able to upload files.


Barry Hadder wrote:
> I just wanted to give everybody a heads up that it would appear mac  
> users can copy files to a remote server through Finder.  I just copied  
> successfully to a dav server.  Probably works on ftp and other  
> protocols as well.  I never was able to do this before using Leopard  
> except through IDisk.
> I would also add that I have just become aware of vo navigation on the  
> desktop seems a little flakey at the moment, but nothing major.  This  
> is the first time I've had several devices mounted at once.
> Later.
> >

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Re: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About nisus writer and spell checking]

2009-09-10 Thread James & Nash

Thanks Esther

- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re: About 
nisus writer and spell checking]

> Hi James,
> No, I haven't made the jump to Snow Leopard yet, but TeXShop is just
> fine in Leopard.  I had to use a program that wasn't upgraded to Snow
> Leopard so I delayed upgrading my system.  I was trying out a recently
> released freeware program called "Language Switcher":
> This is interesting, and it's a way to open specific applications in a
> language that you select, but I think I managed to alter some of my
> preferences files when I ran this, and I need to clear that up before
> upgrading.
> There are some oddities when running  Language Switcher with
> VoiceOver, since I think you're supposed to select the application you
> want is to click on a visually selected item in a scrolling area.
> With VoiceOver, you should just interact with the toolbar and type in
> the (first letters of the) application you want, then VO-Right arrow
> to hear the current application announced and the number of languages
> that are supported, then select your language on the pop-up button.  I
> would start by navigating to the Edit menu bar and selecting "Show
> Apps", which brings up a dialog window of all the apps in your
> Applications Directory.  Uncheck the ones you don't want to switch
> languages to (i.e. most of them).  The first of your checked apps to
> show up in alphabetical order appears as the startup selection.  I had
> a little difficulty unchecking items in multiple sessions.  It can
> also act oddly if you happen to have a file that is not an application
> in your apps directory (like a script).
> If you're feeling adventurous you can give this a shot.  It opens up
> mail, TextEdit, etc. with a specific language localization, so that
> the window names, spell checker, etc. are set to that language.  For
> instance, if you open up TextEdit in French, your window will be named
> "Sans titre" instead of "Untitled".  And it will only show you
> languages that have localizations for these apps -- if you've stripped
> out the other language support at installation, or if an app does not
> come with localization in a particular language, you won't see that
> language as an option.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Esther,
>> Do you use it with Snow Leopard or Leopard please? I've not upgraded
>> yetas
>> I'm waiting for some third-party applications and some issues to be
>> fixed
>> hopefully in the latest update release.
>> Thanks
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Esther" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:14 PM
>> Subject: Re: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re:
>> About
>> nisus writer and spell checking]
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> I use TextEdit and TeXShop.  I've started using Pages, but that's
>>> mostly because other people have started asking questions about how
>>> to
>>> use features under Pages.  TeX is probably serious overkill for most
>>> users and has a steep initial learning curve. It was developed to
>>> offset the high cost of publishing mathematics texts, so you can
>>> design and control the layout of publication quality documents,  and
>>> is available free, and cross-platform, with multi-language support
>>> and
>>> spell-checking.  TeXShop is the GUI-based interface.  James has used
>>> this package, as has Greg Kearney.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> M. Taylor wrote:


 What word processor do you use on your Mac?


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Esther
 Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:34 AM
 Subject: Multi-language spell checking in Snow Leopard [was Re:
 About nisus
 writer and spell checking]

 Hello James and Annie,

 I don't use Nisus Writer Pro, but I've read that there are a few
 in the spell checking under Snow Leopard that will be sorted in the
 next beta release, in case Annie is using Snow Leopard.

 I've also read that Snow Leopard itself supports multiple language
 spell checking, based on the languages you check to have it check
 under System Preferences in "Language & Text".  Danish is one of the
 languages. This doesn't work for all applications, but it works in
 TextEdit and Safari, for example.

 Here's the link to the TUAW article on "Unsung Snow Leopard feature:
 multiple language spell-checker":

 This seems like a great feature for people who work

Snow Leopard

2009-09-10 Thread Jane Jordan (GMail)

Just got Snow Leopard for our Imac.  I'm way behind on emails, so give me
some ideas of what to look for and try out. :)


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Re: so slow

2009-09-10 Thread Jess Smith

William, what are you talking about "voiceOver being so damn slow"? I  
haven't noticed any sluggishness when arrowing up and down through the  
message list, either with the VO keys or with the standard arrows.

On Sep 10, 2009, at 12:31 PM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi why is voiceover so damn slow now when arrowing through mail
> messages?
> I may go back to leopard it is so painstakingly clumsy at navigating
> with the usual arrow keys through characters in a message
> >

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Re: sending an email message

2009-09-10 Thread peter apgar

it is command shift d not E]e.

On Sep 10, 2009, at 12:03 PM, Keith Brown wrote:

>   Does anyone else have a problem with the command plus shift plus e
> command? i.e to send a message. it doesn't  work for me. I have to
> navigate to message and select the send option.
> cheers
> Keith
> >

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