I really don't see why they would use a tts engine for the menues but
make samples for the song names. At the end of the day, the only time
the menue structure is going to change is after a firmware update at
which time your nano would be connected to your pc / mac so samples
could be generated whilst the firmware was being installed.
If this is the method they are going to use, then its quite possible
that some people are going to have a different voice for track names
to the one they have for menues; this seems a bit pointless imo.

I'm not saying your wrong scot, I just don't see what the advantage is
for using a tts for part of the ipod and not all of it.

On 10/09/2009, Scott Howell <s.how...@verizon.net> wrote:
> So I am assuming this means the new Nano will then speak all the
> menus? THink I'll have to go to the local Apple store or Best Buy and
> play a bit.
> On Sep 9, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>> Sorry for the prelific posts!
>> Just wanted to give a quick update for anybody who'd read the previous
>> messages and been disheartened.  According to accessibil...@apple.com
>> we're actually looking at the VoiceOver Kit generating and syncing
>> song artist and titles as on the previous Nano and the current
>> Shuffles, but TTS for spoken menues.
>> That's good news peeps, thought I'd pass it along!
>> Scott
>> On 9/10/09, Scott Chesworth <scottcheswo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It does indeed Blake. I also found a line on the tech specs page that
>>> said something along the lines of "spoken thingies read almost all
>>> menu items" blah blah blah.  Between the two of those I'm 99% sure
>>> we're not dealing with a TTS Nano just yet.
>>> Scott
>>> On 9/10/09, Blake Sinnett <frequency...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sounds like it works in the same way as the Shuffle.
>>>>> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 01:01:02 +0100
>>>>> Subject: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?
>>>>> From: scottcheswo...@gmail.com
>>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Just went to take a peak at the new iPod line on the UK Apple site,
>>>>> and found this on the Nano page that got me curious:
>>>>> "It all begins with iTunes and its seamless integration with iPod
>>>>> nano. First, iTunes reads your song information, then uses the
>>>>> VoiceOver Kit to generate the announcements for the songs,
>>>>> artists and
>>>>> playlists. Just sync your iPod nano to your computer and it really
>>>>> speaks to you."
>>>>> It got me wondering, are we looking at actual TTs on the Nano
>>>>> here or
>>>>> not? There's nothing in the promotional blurb to suggest to me that
>>>>> VO is doing much new in this revision, but I'd love to be
>>>>> corrected.
>>>>> Not meant in a negative way at all, I appreciate the awesomeness
>>>>> of VO
>>>>> coming to the touch, just trying to make an educated decision on a
>>>>> budget.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Scott
>> >
> >

Kind regards, BEN.

email: bmustillr...@gmail.com
msn: benmustillr...@hotmail.com
web: http://www.bmr.me.uk (under construction)

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