Re: made the decision

2009-07-16 Thread May And Wynter
Lol, sorry I don't squeal.

Sent from my iPhone

On 2009-07-15, at 11:16 PM, Jessi and Goldina  

> bad I am at it? now we can squeee over our macs lol
> On 15-Jul-09, at 10:13 PM, May and Wynter wrote:
>> Heheheheh, I'll just have to find other reasons to tease you.  Hmm,  
>> goalball could be a start.
>> May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
>> Am I ready to see some people there?
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Jessi and Goldina
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 6:12 PM
>> Subject: Re: made the decision
>> yay this is music to my ears! :D :D now you have no reason  
>> to tease me about being obsessed haha.
>> On 15-Jul-09, at 12:41 PM, May and Wynter wrote:
>>> Ok everyone.  I have made my decision.   got to play the mac  
>>> computers today and I absolutely fel in love with them.  Of course  
>>> when I actually get one it will take more than the 24 hours I  
>>> needed to learn my IPhone but I'm looking forward to the new  
>>> adventure.  I saw the macbook white, the macbook pro, macbook aire  
>>> and the IMac. I can definitely say the aire though small was not  
>>> the one for me.  Now to convince ATBC to get me the Pro.  I'll  
>>> have to buy the IMac unfortunately on my own which will take a  
>>> while to save for, cry cry.
>>> Thanks to the IPhone, I will be a Mac user soon.
>>> May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
>>> Am I ready to see some people there?
> >

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Re: Leopard Disc

2009-07-16 Thread william lomas

if you get an MBP now though SL is only about 20 pounds to upgrade to

On 15 Jul 2009, at 23:18, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> I probably will wait for SL, although I am going to geta new MBP  
> because my
> old Mac is now completely dead. When I spoke to the people at the  
> store
> about fixing my optical drive, they said it would be better to just  
> buy a
> new machine
> Thanks
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Howell" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 11:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Leopard Disc
>> James you might as well wait for SL. Do you have a MacBook that did
>> not come with the disk? In other words did you purchase a machine  
>> used?
>> On Jul 14, 2009, at 5:28 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> I see, thanks Alex. Can you still buy the retail copy or should I
>>> just wait
>>> until SL which I've heard is a complete OS as opposed to an upgrade?
>>> Thanks
>>> James
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Alex" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:26 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Leopard Disc



 The MBP ships with its own disk. The retail copy of Leopard does  
 work on Unibodies. Remember that the disk probably only has one
 lisence on it.


 On Jul 14, 2009, at 2:14 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> This might sound like a stupid question, but I have a copy of
> Leopard from
> when it first came out taht I bought from the store. Will this  
> work
> on an
> MBP or does the MBP have a specific  configuration that is not
> covered by
> the disc?
> Thanks
> James


> >

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2009-07-16 Thread Simon Fogarty

 Morning folks,

 Am I orrect in thinking there is a 32 and a 16 gig IPhone 3gs?

And if so, does the 16 gig version have the VO / accessibility onboard!?

And what price are they going for In u s dollars if possible!



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Buying Macs with Apple payment plan

2009-07-16 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

Just a little warning.

I have re-thought my choice, and I think I'm going to go for the basic 
MacBook because I always had good battery life. The only problems I had 
with my first one was that the MB did not come with enough RAM to make the 
hard drive  work as it should. I also found that it ran very hot so that it 
was uncomfortable and that the optical drive was somehow damaged and was too 
expensive to repair. I have been told that they no longer run so hot.


The MB is  quite a bit cheaper than the MBP and I'm not really sure that it 
is affordable and I'm not prepared to use the Apple Consumer Finance option. 
When I rang them this morning, I was informed that whilst the payments for 
the basic  MBP were £32 a month the repayment would be for 36 months. This 
turned out to be because Apple would also charge you interest on your 
payments which came to over £1000 at the end of the payment period and 
there is absolutely no way I'm going to go down this road.

Take care


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Re: IPhones

2009-07-16 Thread Fonzie

Hello Simon, how are you doing?

Yes, you are correct in your assumption.

Both models, iPhone 3GS 16 GB, and iPhone 3GS 32 GB, contain VoiceOver  

The prices are as follows.  Keep in mind, I am listing the prices for  
the AT&T versions of these phones.

If you are wanting to upgrade to a new two year agreement the prices  
are as follows.
iPhone3GS 16GB $199.99
iPhone3GS 32GB $299.99

If AT&T allows you to do an early upgrade, in which that renews your  
contract for two years within your current contract, the prices are as  
follows.  Keep in mind, not everyone is eligible for a contract  
renewal.  All it simply means is, that your currently under contract,  
and if you are eligible, you can upgrade with the understanding that  
you are extending your contract for another two years.  Remember, you  
must be under contract already, for this to happen.  You usually have  
to be under contract for about a year, and they will allow you to  
upgrade early to a newer device.

iPhone 3GS 16GB $399.99
iPhone 3GS 32GB $499.99

If you feel like buying an iPHone straight, with no contract, and  
under AT&T's retail price, the list is as follows.
iPhone 3GS 16GB $499.99
iPhone 3GS 32GB $599.99

I hope this helps.

Take care.


On Jul 16, 2009, at 5:39 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Morning folks,
> Am I orrect in thinking there is a 32 and a 16 gig IPhone 3gs?
> And if so, does the 16 gig version have the VO / accessibility  
> onboard!?
> And what price are they going for In u s dollars if possible!
> Thanks
> simon
> >

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Query about plain text in Apple Mail

2009-07-16 Thread James & Nash

Hi everyone,

As you know I don't have my new Mac yet. However, I have a query.

I remember in Tiger, there was a command to turn HTML messages into plain 
text. When I last used Leopard, this was no longer doable. Has this changed 
or is this likely to come back in with Snow Leopard?

Any clarification anyone can provide  would be much appreciated.

Thank you


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Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail

2009-07-16 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello James,

On Jul 16, 2009, at 2:55 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> I have a query.
> I remember in Tiger, there was a command to turn HTML messages into  
> plain
> text. When I last used Leopard, this was no longer doable. Has this  
> changed
> or is this likely to come back in with Snow Leopard?
Whether this command went away or not I can't remember, but it's  
certainly available now. The shortcut is Command-Option-P and I just  
tried it out on a message.



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selling trekker

2009-07-16 Thread May and Wynter
Ok, I am quite happy with my IPhone and the information it gives me as far as 
traveling some place so, I'm looking to sell my trekker and maps for the US and 
Canada.  I prefer to try and sell it first in Canada since the transaction can 
go faster.

If you want more information please email me off list, thanks.

May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
Am I ready to see some people there?
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Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail

2009-07-16 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

There is a option to view a message as plain text. To do this in the  
menus is "View->Message->Plain Text Alternative". The default key  
binding is command-option-p.
  This of course can be changed in the keyboard section of system  
preferences.  There is no way in the default configuration to specify  
preferences for alternative formats. I have not looked at any of the  
plugins for mail.  I have heard about one that will reduce keystrokes  
for common actions, something like when viewing a message from  
macvisionaries the "S" key would save to the MV-Archive folder. I plan  
to look at this plugin in the next couple of weeks and I will report  
back on my experience.

On Jul 16, 2009, at 8:55 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> As you know I don't have my new Mac yet. However, I have a query.
> I remember in Tiger, there was a command to turn HTML messages into  
> plain
> text. When I last used Leopard, this was no longer doable. Has this  
> changed
> or is this likely to come back in with Snow Leopard?
> Any clarification anyone can provide  would be much appreciated.
> Thank you
> James
> >

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Re: made the decision

2009-07-16 Thread Jessi and Goldina
ahahahaha. I can't physically squeal but squing is fun! lol you'll  
love it!!! btw what is that drink you always get at starbucks again? I  
still have yet to try it and I keep forgetting what it is! you can  
email me off list if you want since we don't want OT posts lol
On 16-Jul-09, at 12:04 AM, May And Wynter wrote:

> Lol, sorry I don't squeal.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2009-07-15, at 11:16 PM, Jessi and Goldina  > wrote:
>> bad I am at it? now we can squeee over our macs lol
>> On 15-Jul-09, at 10:13 PM, May and Wynter wrote:
>>> Heheheheh, I'll just have to find other reasons to tease you.   
>>> Hmm, goalball could be a start.
>>> May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
>>> Am I ready to see some people there?
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Jessi and Goldina
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 6:12 PM
>>> Subject: Re: made the decision
>>> yay this is music to my ears! :D :D now you have no reason  
>>> to tease me about being obsessed haha.
>>> On 15-Jul-09, at 12:41 PM, May and Wynter wrote:
 Ok everyone.  I have made my decision.   got to play the mac  
 computers today and I absolutely fel in love with them.  Of  
 course when I actually get one it will take more than the 24  
 hours I needed to learn my IPhone but I'm looking forward to the  
 new adventure.  I saw the macbook white, the macbook pro, macbook  
 aire and the IMac. I can definitely say the aire though small was  
 not the one for me.  Now to convince ATBC to get me the Pro.   
 I'll have to buy the IMac unfortunately on my own which will take  
 a while to save for, cry cry.

 Thanks to the IPhone, I will be a Mac user soon.

 May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
 Am I ready to see some people there?

> >

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Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail

2009-07-16 Thread James & Nash

Thank you Anne and John.

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "Jonathan C. Cohn" 
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail

> There is a option to view a message as plain text. To do this in the
> menus is "View->Message->Plain Text Alternative". The default key
> binding is command-option-p.
>  This of course can be changed in the keyboard section of system
> preferences.  There is no way in the default configuration to specify
> preferences for alternative formats. I have not looked at any of the
> plugins for mail.  I have heard about one that will reduce keystrokes
> for common actions, something like when viewing a message from
> macvisionaries the "S" key would save to the MV-Archive folder. I plan
> to look at this plugin in the next couple of weeks and I will report
> back on my experience.
> Jon
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 8:55 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> As you know I don't have my new Mac yet. However, I have a query.
>> I remember in Tiger, there was a command to turn HTML messages into
>> plain
>> text. When I last used Leopard, this was no longer doable. Has this
>> changed
>> or is this likely to come back in with Snow Leopard?
>> Any clarification anyone can provide  would be much appreciated.
>> Thank you
>> James
>> >
> > 

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Re: Itunes won't play FLAC files?

2009-07-16 Thread Mark Baxter

I can open them in Quicktime, but apparently QT thinks they are empty  
files of length 00:00:00 ...  Useless.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: booksense

2009-07-16 Thread Chris G


On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 07:32:57 +0100
william lomas  wrote:

>   Hi,
> If one plugs the booksense xt, the model with the 4 gig of internal  
> flash into a mac via USB does it show up as a volume in the finder?
> Regards, WIll

Chris G 

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Re: booksense

2009-07-16 Thread william lomas

why is this?

On 16 Jul 2009, at 15:56, Chris G wrote:

> No
> Chris
> On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 07:32:57 +0100
> william lomas  wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> If one plugs the booksense xt, the model with the 4 gig of internal
>> flash into a mac via USB does it show up as a volume in the finder?
>> Regards, WIll
> --  
> Chris G 
> >

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Re: Buying Macs with Apple payment plan

2009-07-16 Thread Mike Reiser

I was going to go for the payment plan but found it wouldn't be worth it 
due to the interest, wish they did something similar to boes with that.


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Re: Mail automations for Victor Reader?

2009-07-16 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

I was unclear on some of your message.  You mentioned a web based  
newsline download? I am not familiar with the ability to do that.  I  
have started work on a AppleScript that will save all messages from  
the automatic e-mail to a folder. The next step would be to create an  
action on the mount of my v-Stream  disk image to move all files  into  
the appropraite folder. I know how to do this in the shell, but I am  
not yet sure how to link it to the mount process. Also there is a  
"iStream" application with some minimal functionality.


On Jul 12, 2009, at 1:32 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:

> hi I have a stopgap idea why don't you tray webnews on dmand it works
> with safary and you can save the emailed content to your streem card.
> there is't a mac newsline in your pokit client for the mac yet. i hope
> that this help's. Maurice nfbco newsline state local phonenumbers
> admistrater.
> On Jul 8, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I want to be able to save the attachments I get from NFB NewsLine e-
>> mail messages into a folder that I can then easily move to my Victor
>> Reader. Obviously I could do this manually using the save attachment
>> functionality, but I am interested in having this done via an
>> applescript that runs from a rules file.
>> Has anybody attempted this?
>> thanks,
>> Jonathan Cohn
> >

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Re: Itunes won't play FLAC files?

2009-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
Weird. I hadn't checked iTunes. I just assumed that if QTPlayer would 
play it then iTunes would as well.

So after some more googling around it turns out iTunes in pretty 
particular as to what OS file type the flac file is. Apparently with the 
aforementioned plugins the QT infrastructure can now handle flac just 
fine, as shown by the QTPlayer being able to open and play the files. 
iTunes though seems to filter out files that aren't of the right type. 
So you can command-O all you want and it won't import the flac file. So 
of course somebody made a dropplet app that will fix this called Set 
OggS. You can download that from here:

So you go to your flac file, pull up the contextual menu with 
VO-shift-m, choose open with and then other, then navigate to wherever 
you've stashed Set OggS at. That should pop up and say it made the 
change with a Quit button. Quit out of Set OggS and then you should be 
able to open your flac file in iTune. I didn't try it but I would guess 
it should work in batches. Just select all your flacs, then do the 
contextual menu steps. Worked for me with a single file at least.


Darcy Burnard wrote:
> Hi.  Adding the import component did allow me to open flac files in  
> quicktime player.  However, it did not allow me to open them in  
> itunes?  Is there another way to accomplish that?
> Darcy
> On 15-Jul-09, at 3:24 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> The XiphQT only gives flac playback capability. I added the  
>> flac_import
>> component and was able to open and play a flac file. The importer
>> without XiphQT enabled QuickTime player to open a flac but I got  
>> silence
>> when it played. So you need both pieces. I got the flac import  
>> component
>> from here:
>> I wonder why this capability isn't bundled into the main XiphQT  
>> plugin.
>> I tested with the BlueEyesExcerpt.flac from this site:
>> CB
>> Mark Baxter wrote:
>>> I second that; a restart did not make any difference in its behavior,
>>> nor did another flac file.
>>> Mark BurningHawk
>>> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> MSN:
>>> My home page:
> >

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Re: Apollo11 rebroadcast plugin question

2009-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch

They are broadcasting it using the Windows Media Player which I can't 
seem to access via VoiceOver in Safari. Poking through their HTML, the 
actual URL of the content is

which I was able to open in QuickTimePlayer. Of course I have the usual 
flip4mac and other WindowsMedia plugins installed so that probably made 
it go.


Dan wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I really hate to ask this question on this list, but I suppose in a  
> way, it's related to VoiceOver users.
> Tomorrow the audio of Apollo 11 will be rebroadcast in its entirety. I  
> am sure that other Mac users would love to listen to this as well.  
> Especially those who remember the actual event from 40 years ago on  
> the 16th.
> However, I have this problem.
> When I go to the website,
> I am told that I don't have the necessary plugin.
> Would someone else please check this out. If there is a plugin for OS  
> X, I sure would love to know the direct link to the plugin.
> I couldn't find it and the message doesn't give any more detail.
> Thanks and I apolojize for posting this message, even though it isn't  
> strictly VO related.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> >

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Re: Itunes won't play FLAC files?

2009-07-16 Thread Mark Baxter

That worked like a charm!  I'm not sure why it worked on a FLAC file  
when it's supposed to work on OGG files, but I'm glad to be able to  
play these media now! Sweet! Thanks a lot :)

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: Itunes won't play FLAC files?

2009-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch

 From what I read the ogg file type is one of the 'approved' IDs that 
pass the iTunes filter. So yes, flac is not ogg, but for a file type ID 
it works. Pure hackery.


Mark Baxter wrote:
> That worked like a charm!  I'm not sure why it worked on a FLAC file  
> when it's supposed to work on OGG files, but I'm glad to be able to  
> play these media now! Sweet! Thanks a lot :)
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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Re: selling trekker

2009-07-16 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi May,

Which model of trekker is it and what would you like for it?  I don't  
have a use for it personally being extremely happy with mobile geo,  
but I may know some one who wants one through my contacts as a trainer.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 16-Jul-09, at 9:25 AM, May and Wynter wrote:

> Ok, I am quite happy with my IPhone and the information it gives me  
> as far as traveling some place so, I'm looking to sell my trekker  
> and maps for the US and Canada.  I prefer to try and sell it first  
> in Canada since the transaction can go faster.
> If you want more information please email me off list, thanks.
> May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
> Am I ready to see some people there?
> >

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Re: booksense

2009-07-16 Thread erik burggraaf

Because it's broken.  Presumably it will be fixed soon.  It works  
under every other thing going, including linux, and apple users have  
been squalking loudly.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 16-Jul-09, at 10:57 AM, william lomas wrote:

> why is this?
> On 16 Jul 2009, at 15:56, Chris G wrote:
>> No
>> Chris
>> On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 07:32:57 +0100
>> william lomas  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If one plugs the booksense xt, the model with the 4 gig of internal
>>> flash into a mac via USB does it show up as a volume in the finder?
>>> Regards, WIll
>> --  
>> Chris G 
> >

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Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
Umm, I think they made the option to pay a bit more and get a DRM-free 
version. What they call the 'Plus' version. So for USD$.99 you get DRM 
and for $1.29 you get DRM free. Of course media owners had the option of 
also going USD$.69 per track for 'back catalog' stuff but of course tose 
are hard to find, if they exist at all. At least I haven't found any .69 


Alex Jurgensen wrote:
> Hi,
> iTunes itself got rid of DRM on all music with the iTunes Music store  
> recently. As someone said, if people want it bad enough they will take  
> it to the exstremes to get it.
> Regards,
> alex,
> On 15-Jul-09, at 8:52 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:
>> hi this so the chafee amenent can be folled please don't misunderstand
>> me we must keep it just for the print disabled or we will luse the
>> exzpation ie if it isnot broken we shud not give the others gild
>> enaymor amo to put up roodblokes to a good and a good degree. drm is
>> the only that publishers can be assered that we won't piret the books.
>> ie no ipods and sertly no itunes in less we the blind can due it so we
>> can be protected here in the us.
>> On Jul 15, 2009, at 6:55 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> Greg:
>>> I want to make clear that All of my comments were solely in regards
>>> to NLS
>>> and RFBD.  I know nothing about what you do.
>>> I have never heard of the daisy format being playable on anything
>>> but a
>>> specialized player.  If it can actually be played on an IPod, then
>>> that is a
>>> good thing but it's news to me.  I personally have not had good
>>> experiences
>>> with so we'll just have to have a friendly disagreement for the
>>> moment on
>>> whether or not it's any good or not.  I've found it to be bloated
>>> and overly
>>> complex.  I have encountered many that weren't marked up for
>>> navigation
>>> properly which makes them harder to navigate than cassette tapes in  
>>> my
>>> opinion.  Granted, all of my experiences are with the rfbd versions
>>> but I'm
>>> not totally sure that it makes that much difference.  My point was
>>> not to
>>> step on someone's favorite file format, but to address the fact that
>>> there
>>> are main streme formats that  would have worked quite well as a
>>> delivery
>>> system for NLS and RFBD that would have worked for both the pc and
>>> mac.
>>> That being said, If the Daisy can be made to work on non daisy
>>> devices, than
>>> it's fine as for as I'm concerned.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Greg Kearney" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:14 PM
>>> Subject: Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod,
>>> iPhone?
 The Daisy standard is hardly a "bizarre format" and when made
 correctly the books are playable on existing iPods and other such
 devices. The issue here is not Daisy the issue is that NLS and to a
 lesser degree RFB&D have chosen to add digital rights management aka
 encryption to their books.

 We make books without any DRM and include playlist so that they are
 playable on other non-Daisy devices. Daisy offers advantages such as
 multiple bookmarks, page and section navigation and the option to
 notes or not as needed.

 Daisy is a public standard and is published for all to use at

 Gregory Kearney
 Manager - Accessible Media
 Association for the Blind of Western Australia
 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
 Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

 Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
 Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
 Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
 Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

 On Jul 16, 2009, at 12:53 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> That's definitely my vision of how things should be.  However, all
> such blind services (i.e. NLS, RFBD) seem to be hell bent on
> producing
> material in some bizarre format completely incompatible with
> anything
> that the main stream world is using.  I wonder just how much money
> actually goes in to the research development of that crap anyway.
> Also, I think it will be a long time before the prevailing myth  
> that
> "blind folks are supposed to use windblows based pcs" is broken.
> The
> more everyone requests compatiblity with other platforms the more
> chance there will be for change.
> On Jul 14, 2009, at 10:39 PM, Chris Polk wrote:
>> that would be really cool to have only one device for all of the
>> books/
>> music/phone/email, well you get the point.
>> On Jul 14, 2009, at 8:26 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> Well it looks as if the NLS here in the U.S. is going to be
>>> rolling
>>> out their long awaited digital talkingbooks and players in a few
>>> months 

Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Buddy Brannan

On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Umm, I think they made the option to pay a bit more and get a DRM- 
> free version.

Yes, and then after that (beginning of this year), they went all DRM- 
free, so that the whole iTunes catalog is DRM-free. If you still own  
stuff that has DRM, you can pay some small amount per track to have  
the DRM-free version. But as of this year--it's no more DRM'ed music.  
Audiobooks, movies, TV, and the like are another story.

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Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Chris Blouch
Ahh, I misunderstood the announcement. I thought it was premium pricing 
just to get DRM free. So the Plus version is higher bitrate in adition 
to the DRM free. Good to know and, well, what took them so long 


Buddy Brannan wrote:
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Umm, I think they made the option to pay a bit more and get a DRM- 
>> free version.
> Yes, and then after that (beginning of this year), they went all DRM- 
> free, so that the whole iTunes catalog is DRM-free. If you still own  
> stuff that has DRM, you can pay some small amount per track to have  
> the DRM-free version. But as of this year--it's no more DRM'ed music.  
> Audiobooks, movies, TV, and the like are another story.
> >

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Re: selling trekker

2009-07-16 Thread Alex

I too may have a use for it.

On Jul 16, 2009, at 10:43 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi May,
> Which model of trekker is it and what would you like for it?  I  
> don't have a use for it personally being extremely happy with mobile  
> geo, but I may know some one who wants one through my contacts as a  
> trainer.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 16-Jul-09, at 9:25 AM, May and Wynter wrote:
>> Ok, I am quite happy with my IPhone and the information it gives me  
>> as far as traveling some place so, I'm looking to sell my trekker  
>> and maps for the US and Canada.  I prefer to try and sell it first  
>> in Canada since the transaction can go faster.
>> If you want more information please email me off list, thanks.
>> May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
>> Am I ready to see some people there?
> >

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Re: Apollo11 rebroadcast plugin question

2009-07-16 Thread Dan

Hello Chris,
Thanks. It's working.
On Jul 16, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> They are broadcasting it using the Windows Media Player which I can't
> seem to access via VoiceOver in Safari. Poking through their HTML, the
> actual URL of the content is
> which I was able to open in QuickTimePlayer. Of course I have the  
> usual
> flip4mac and other WindowsMedia plugins installed so that probably  
> made
> it go.
> CB
> Dan wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I really hate to ask this question on this list, but I suppose in a
>> way, it's related to VoiceOver users.
>> Tomorrow the audio of Apollo 11 will be rebroadcast in its  
>> entirety. I
>> am sure that other Mac users would love to listen to this as well.
>> Especially those who remember the actual event from 40 years ago on
>> the 16th.
>> However, I have this problem.
>> When I go to the website,
>> I am told that I don't have the necessary plugin.
>> Would someone else please check this out. If there is a plugin for OS
>> X, I sure would love to know the direct link to the plugin.
>> I couldn't find it and the message doesn't give any more detail.
>> Thanks and I apolojize for posting this message, even though it isn't
>> strictly VO related.
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
> >

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Apple hosted List of confimed accessibility in apps

2009-07-16 Thread Alex


Here is a link  to an apple  list similar to the one by Greg Kerney.


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Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Buddy Brannan

Well, maybe *I* misunderstood. Essentially, my understanding is that  
it's *all* "plus" now.
On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:59 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Ahh, I misunderstood the announcement. I thought it was premium  
> pricing just to get DRM free. So the Plus version is higher bitrate  
> in adition to the DRM free. Good to know and, well, what took them  
> so long 
> CB
> Buddy Brannan wrote:
>> On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Umm, I think they made the option to pay a bit more and get a DRM-
>>> free version.
>> Yes, and then after that (beginning of this year), they went all DRM-
>> free, so that the whole iTunes catalog is DRM-free. If you still own
>> stuff that has DRM, you can pay some small amount per track to have
>> the DRM-free version. But as of this year--it's no more DRM'ed music.
>> Audiobooks, movies, TV, and the like are another story.
> >

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Contacting NLS was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Hi there,
I don't know a direct E-mail address but the NLS website should be  
able to point you in the right direction...  The web address is:


Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile -
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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Greg, your program. Some questions?

2009-07-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Hi Greg,

I went and checked out your public offerings on your site.  I love  
it!  I downloaded a dictionary of Australian words and some other  
stories and have enjoyed them very much.

I've a  question though.  I found some things that weren't yet in  
audio format and wanted to make a request, but it looks like it asks  
for credit card information? I live in Kansas and so am not interested  
in having anything shipped all the way over here *smile*
  but would be interested in having requests downloadable.  Is the  
request service world wide or for people in your geographic area?  If  
so that's fine, I just was wondering.

I think what you're doing is very commendable and for someone who  
can't get enough books and think there can never be such a thing as  
too many books, this is wonderful!

It would be awesome if your library could open up for world wide use.  
I wonder with everything so global if someday there could be an  
international talking book program where countries could join as one  
and make all their offerings open to registered members?  That would  
be very cool.
Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile -
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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Re: selling trekker

2009-07-16 Thread May and Wynter
It is trekker with Meistro and I have had it for three years, still in good 
condition.  I am asking 800. The card is big enough to hold all of Canada.  I 
am including both Canada and US maps.

I need to sell right away.

May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
Am I ready to see some people there?
  - Original Message - 
  From: erik burggraaf 
  Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 10:43 AM
  Subject: Re: selling trekker

  Hi May,

  Which model of trekker is it and what would you like for it?  I don't have a 
use for it personally being extremely happy with mobile geo, but I may know 
some one who wants one through my contacts as a trainer.


  erik burggraaf
  A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
  Phone: 888-255-5194

  On 16-Jul-09, at 9:25 AM, May and Wynter wrote:

Ok, I am quite happy with my IPhone and the information it gives me as far 
as traveling some place so, I'm looking to sell my trekker and maps for the US 
and Canada.  I prefer to try and sell it first in Canada since the transaction 
can go faster.

If you want more information please email me off list, thanks.

May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
Am I ready to see some people there?


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Re: Itunes won't play FLAC files?

2009-07-16 Thread Mark Baxter

Also works on actual OGG files, so I'm a happy camper! :)

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: selling trekker

2009-07-16 Thread May and Wynter
Hey there.  I am selling it for 800 dollars. I have had it for three years and 
it is sill in good condition.  It has the globalsat 338. I am also giving all 
of Canada and US maps.  The card is big enough to hold all of Canada.
It also has Meistro.

I need to do the sell ASAP.

May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
Am I ready to see some people there?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Alex 
  Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:03 AM
  Subject: Re: selling trekker


  I too may have a use for it.

  On Jul 16, 2009, at 10:43 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

Hi May,

Which model of trekker is it and what would you like for it?  I don't have 
a use for it personally being extremely happy with mobile geo, but I may know 
some one who wants one through my contacts as a trainer.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 16-Jul-09, at 9:25 AM, May and Wynter wrote:

  Ok, I am quite happy with my IPhone and the information it gives me as 
far as traveling some place so, I'm looking to sell my trekker and maps for the 
US and Canada.  I prefer to try and sell it first in Canada since the 
transaction can go faster.

  If you want more information please email me off list, thanks.

  May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
  Am I ready to see some people there?


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Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

I understand why NLS and RFB and D feel they must incript their  
books.  I get that.

But why they couldn't of picked a form like Audible is beyond me.

I think a few groups out there, Bookshare and Greg's Beyond Books  
program shows clearly that you can put your offerings out there in a  
"mainstream" format playable on "mainstream" devices and still  
maintain the rules/laws covering copyright laws.

The NLS for example has said they are suffering under the tight  
budgets everyone else is.  I think if they'd offer their stuff in an  
audible-ish format it would wind up saving them money in the longrun.

Each NLS patron could tell his or her reagonal/subreagonal library  
that rather than be issued a player they'd like to receive service  
digitally and here are the computers/players they have.  It would be  
much like how a device has to be audible ready?
Then the library could send them a file to put on their computer to  
authorise their iTunes/iPod for example, or if windows users their  
version of iTunes and you know list of compatible mp3 type players.   
Then it would just work like Audible books.

On the Mac for example, the library would send a file that would  
install in iTunes thus authorising your computer and iPod/iPhone or  
whatever MP3 player you have to work with your NLS account.  Just like  
the webopac online book ordering system used by many NLS service  
centres, you'd put in username and password to access the books...
This way they wouldn't have to send out as many specialised players,  
service them, pay for mailing containers, cartridges and fixing this  
stuff or replacing it when it breaks.  These options would of corse be  
open to those who wanted a player or who didn't have access to  
computers/internet/mp3 players but that number would be smaller than  
having to provide all this to every member nation wide.
See what I'm trying to say?
It could be done, I just wonder if people thought about it at the  
time.  Perhaps when they were picking how things would be passed out  
all the mainstream built in access being offered by Apple wasn't as  
wide spread as it is now.  Maybe if Apple becomes explosively popular  
within the blind community NLS and RFB and D will change their mind?   
I'm not meaning to leave windows people out of the picture, I'm sure  
something very much like how audible on the mac say can be done for  
them. Well I know is being done for them but I'm coming at this from a  
mac users point of view. I hope I'm making my thoughts understood. no  
hard feelings right?

Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile -
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread louie

One thing if you can play a NLS book on a computer you can very easly  
capture the output and record it in the background. Thus rip the book  
to mp3.

On Jul 16, 2009, at 12:41 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

> I understand why NLS and RFB and D feel they must incript their
> books.  I get that.
> But why they couldn't of picked a form like Audible is beyond me.
> I think a few groups out there, Bookshare and Greg's Beyond Books
> program shows clearly that you can put your offerings out there in a
> "mainstream" format playable on "mainstream" devices and still
> maintain the rules/laws covering copyright laws.
> The NLS for example has said they are suffering under the tight
> budgets everyone else is.  I think if they'd offer their stuff in an
> audible-ish format it would wind up saving them money in the longrun.
> Each NLS patron could tell his or her reagonal/subreagonal library
> that rather than be issued a player they'd like to receive service
> digitally and here are the computers/players they have.  It would be
> much like how a device has to be audible ready?
> Then the library could send them a file to put on their computer to
> authorise their iTunes/iPod for example, or if windows users their
> version of iTunes and you know list of compatible mp3 type players.
> Then it would just work like Audible books.
> On the Mac for example, the library would send a file that would
> install in iTunes thus authorising your computer and iPod/iPhone or
> whatever MP3 player you have to work with your NLS account.  Just like
> the webopac online book ordering system used by many NLS service
> centres, you'd put in username and password to access the books...
> This way they wouldn't have to send out as many specialised players,
> service them, pay for mailing containers, cartridges and fixing this
> stuff or replacing it when it breaks.  These options would of corse be
> open to those who wanted a player or who didn't have access to
> computers/internet/mp3 players but that number would be smaller than
> having to provide all this to every member nation wide.
> See what I'm trying to say?
> It could be done, I just wonder if people thought about it at the
> time.  Perhaps when they were picking how things would be passed out
> all the mainstream built in access being offered by Apple wasn't as
> wide spread as it is now.  Maybe if Apple becomes explosively popular
> within the blind community NLS and RFB and D will change their mind?
> I'm not meaning to leave windows people out of the picture, I'm sure
> something very much like how audible on the mac say can be done for
> them. Well I know is being done for them but I'm coming at this from a
> mac users point of view. I hope I'm making my thoughts understood. no
> hard feelings right?
> Best Wishes
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Join me on FaceBook:
> Personal Profile -
> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
> for it in groups or contact me for details.
> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
> >


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List Guidelines

2009-07-16 Thread Cara Quinn

   Hey all, thought it was an appropriate time to post these again for  
your reading pleasure.

Have an awesome day!…


Cara :)

What is Off-topic for MacVisionaries?

• Non-Mac-related postings

• For Sale postings.  You may email me privately if you have items for  

• One line responses such as 'thank you' 'I agree' or 'Me too.' This  
also includes simply chiming in to second someone else. Unless you  
have some info which is something you really feel others would need  
to, or would very much like to read, a contribution of silence is a  
good one.

• Ranting / 'yelling through your keyboard' If you have an issue you'd  
like to make known that bothers you, please do take the time before  
posting to arrange your thoughts into a coherent, useful message for  
others to read, which (when possible) contains links / valid info for  
others to locate if they wish

• Notes asking for people to follow you on Twitter or be your friend  
on FaceBook or other social Networking sites.  Including your  
Twitter / Facebook etc info in your signatures is fine and even  

• Notes asking people to contact you on Skype or asking if you can  
contact someone on Skype.  If someone needs assistance, please write  
them off list or have them write you.  We're working on a Skype  
directory of users willing to help people, so for now, please keep  
this off the list.  As in the above, do feel free, however, to include  
your Skype / chat info in your signature files if you so choose.

• Notes with no answers in them.  I.E.  If you're really not sure how  
you can help someone with a question they've asked, then simply don't  
post.  Let someone who does know, or has a good idea help that  
person.  there's no harm in letting a question rest for a while if  
there's no immediate answer.

• Posts asking about list policy, posts asking if your post got  
through, or test messages.  Do not post these sorts of things to the  
list.  Write me off-list instead.

What is On-Topic for MacVisionaries?

• Anything Mac-related!  :)

• Any questions from new / experienced users regarding anything at all  
on their Macs or Apple products.

• Any actual answers to such above questions.  If you have a guess,  
try it yourself first.  If it works, then by all means, post it as an  
answer to the list!  :)

• Any warnings, or things to avoid doing which cause VO to not speak  
or crash.  (or cause problems with a user's access tech)  Preferably,  
it would also be nice to post a work-around for a problem if you know  

• Any news articles, Web Sites, or blog entries which are Mac / Apple  
related, or that have some 'real' involvement with such.  I.E.  is  
there a real honest connection between the two?  Is the item you're  
posting really going to interest or impact a Mac / VO user?

• Your own Mac / VO / Apple experiences!  Feel free to post anything  
that you've experienced or are experiencing (good or bad) having to do  
with your Mac use, (with or without VO) your use of Apple products, or  
your experiences with Apple or at an Apple store.

• Questions or concerns about a future Mac or Apple purchase.  Feel  
free to ask anything you like about Apple / Mac before you buy!  :)

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Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail

2009-07-16 Thread Simon Cavendish

This option to view a message as plain text doesn't seem to work with  
me. Under the "view" menu, it is dimmed as it were not available.

Best wishes

On 16 Jul 2009, at 14:48, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> There is a option to view a message as plain text. To do this in the
> menus is "View->Message->Plain Text Alternative". The default key
> binding is command-option-p.
>  This of course can be changed in the keyboard section of system
> preferences.  There is no way in the default configuration to specify
> preferences for alternative formats. I have not looked at any of the
> plugins for mail.  I have heard about one that will reduce keystrokes
> for common actions, something like when viewing a message from
> macvisionaries the "S" key would save to the MV-Archive folder. I plan
> to look at this plugin in the next couple of weeks and I will report
> back on my experience.
> Jon
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 8:55 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> As you know I don't have my new Mac yet. However, I have a query.
>> I remember in Tiger, there was a command to turn HTML messages into
>> plain
>> text. When I last used Leopard, this was no longer doable. Has this
>> changed
>> or is this likely to come back in with Snow Leopard?
>> Any clarification anyone can provide  would be much appreciated.
>> Thank you
>> James
> >

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Accessibility fix in iTunes 8.2.1

2009-07-16 Thread Pierre Heim

Hi all,

does someone remember my problem with the German localization with the  
settings area for the iPod Nano 4G? The tabs for music, videos and so  
on coulnd be read by VO. This issue is solved with the new version  
8.2.1 of iTunes now...

Have a good evening!

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YOu know what I'm going to say…

2009-07-16 Thread Cara Quinn

   Hey All, we need to terminate the Trecker thread here now. K?…

   I've posted again, the latest version of the list guidelines, which  
many of you have seen before, even some whom are responding to this  
topic, whom should totally know better! lol! nudge nudge…

   So let's move on to something else more Mac-like, K?…

Laters, and have an awesome day!…


Cara :)
Follow me on Twitter!

View my Online Portfolio at:

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Re: booksense

2009-07-16 Thread Barry Hadder

I'm just curious.  Have you tried mounting it from within disk utility?

You might also open terminal and type mount just to see what all disks are
Also, you might try mounting it with the mount command.  For example, you
could create a folder in finder to use as a mount point, make a short cut to
it on your desk top, and type:
mount -v /dev/disk1s1 /"path to mount point".  Then try accessing it from
the icon on the desktop.
running mount with the -d option will run mount without actually doing
running it with the -t you can tel it what file system you are trying to
mount.  You can see all of the options by typing man mount.

I doubt that would work but if I was really determined, I might try it.  It
would only work if for some reason, leopard's auto mount feature wasn't
working .  I think it's really odd that you can access it in Linux but not
in Leopard.

I should also note that I'm not sure about allot of the device file names as
they are different from Linux.  I only reference /dev/disk1s1 because that
is what is mounted on my macbook when I plug in a usb storage.

- Original Message - 
From: "erik burggraaf" 
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: booksense

> Because it's broken.  Presumably it will be fixed soon.  It works
> under every other thing going, including linux, and apple users have
> been squalking loudly.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 16-Jul-09, at 10:57 AM, william lomas wrote:
>> why is this?
>> On 16 Jul 2009, at 15:56, Chris G wrote:
>>> No
>>> Chris
>>> On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 07:32:57 +0100
>>> william lomas  wrote:


 If one plugs the booksense xt, the model with the 4 gig of internal
 flash into a mac via USB does it show up as a volume in the finder?
 Regards, WIll

>>> --
>>> Chris G 

>> >
> >

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Re: YOu know what I'm going to say…

2009-07-16 Thread May and Wynter

I am unsubscribing from this list.  Se you all on the other list.

May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
Am I ready to see some people there?
- Original Message - 
From: "Cara Quinn" 
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 1:23 PM
Subject: YOu know what I'm going to say…

   Hey All, we need to terminate the Trecker thread here now. K?…

   I've posted again, the latest version of the list guidelines, which
many of you have seen before, even some whom are responding to this
topic, whom should totally know better! lol! nudge nudge…

   So let's move on to something else more Mac-like, K?…

Laters, and have an awesome day!…


Cara :)
Follow me on Twitter!

View my Online Portfolio at:

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oops wrong group

2009-07-16 Thread May and Wynter
Hehehe, sorry that went to the wrong list.  Sheash I am on too many list.

May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
Am I ready to see some people there?
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Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Barry Hadder

I could also very easily plug my nls cassette player into my sound card and 
record it to MP3 in the back ground while I'm listening.

I could also buy the printed copy and make a photo copy of it.

So, what's your point?

- Original Message - 
From: "louie" 
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

> One thing if you can play a NLS book on a computer you can very easly
> capture the output and record it in the background. Thus rip the book
> to mp3.
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 12:41 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
>> I understand why NLS and RFB and D feel they must incript their
>> books.  I get that.
>> But why they couldn't of picked a form like Audible is beyond me.
>> I think a few groups out there, Bookshare and Greg's Beyond Books
>> program shows clearly that you can put your offerings out there in a
>> "mainstream" format playable on "mainstream" devices and still
>> maintain the rules/laws covering copyright laws.
>> The NLS for example has said they are suffering under the tight
>> budgets everyone else is.  I think if they'd offer their stuff in an
>> audible-ish format it would wind up saving them money in the longrun.
>> Each NLS patron could tell his or her reagonal/subreagonal library
>> that rather than be issued a player they'd like to receive service
>> digitally and here are the computers/players they have.  It would be
>> much like how a device has to be audible ready?
>> Then the library could send them a file to put on their computer to
>> authorise their iTunes/iPod for example, or if windows users their
>> version of iTunes and you know list of compatible mp3 type players.
>> Then it would just work like Audible books.
>> On the Mac for example, the library would send a file that would
>> install in iTunes thus authorising your computer and iPod/iPhone or
>> whatever MP3 player you have to work with your NLS account.  Just like
>> the webopac online book ordering system used by many NLS service
>> centres, you'd put in username and password to access the books...
>> This way they wouldn't have to send out as many specialised players,
>> service them, pay for mailing containers, cartridges and fixing this
>> stuff or replacing it when it breaks.  These options would of corse be
>> open to those who wanted a player or who didn't have access to
>> computers/internet/mp3 players but that number would be smaller than
>> having to provide all this to every member nation wide.
>> See what I'm trying to say?
>> It could be done, I just wonder if people thought about it at the
>> time.  Perhaps when they were picking how things would be passed out
>> all the mainstream built in access being offered by Apple wasn't as
>> wide spread as it is now.  Maybe if Apple becomes explosively popular
>> within the blind community NLS and RFB and D will change their mind?
>> I'm not meaning to leave windows people out of the picture, I'm sure
>> something very much like how audible on the mac say can be done for
>> them. Well I know is being done for them but I'm coming at this from a
>> mac users point of view. I hope I'm making my thoughts understood. no
>> hard feelings right?
>> Best Wishes
>> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
>> Olathe, Kansas USA
>> Join me on FaceBook:
>> Personal Profile -
>> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
>> for it in groups or contact me for details.
>> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
>> >
> louie
> >

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Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail

2009-07-16 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Simon,

The option to view a message as plain text is only available when the  
message is not already in plain text.



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Re: Leopard Disc

2009-07-16 Thread Scott Howell

James dont' recall how old your Mac is, but there is a point where it  
is more cost effective to replace the machine instead of repairing it.  
So, hope you get something you'll enjoy and can grow into over the  
next few years.

On Jul 15, 2009, at 6:18 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> I probably will wait for SL, although I am going to geta new MBP  
> because my
> old Mac is now completely dead. When I spoke to the people at the  
> store
> about fixing my optical drive, they said it would be better to just  
> buy a
> new machine
> Thanks
> James

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Re: Buying Macs with Apple payment plan

2009-07-16 Thread Scott Howell

I gather your not in the U.S. However, Apple did have a deal at least  
for U.S. customers where you could get 0 percent financing for 12  
months. The financing is from a credit card company and not from  
Apple. Apple doesn't really get to pick the terms, it is whatever that  
company is offering. Of course this just means Apple takes a little  
less on the cost of the machine and that is how those credit card  
companies make money. In other words, if the item cost $,1000 and the  
credit card company gets three percent of the total price, that means  
Apple gets $970 for the product and the credit card company gets $30.  
I gather such deals are available overseas as well?
On Jul 16, 2009, at 11:07 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:

> I was going to go for the payment plan but found it wouldn't be  
> worth it
> due to the interest, wish they did something similar to boes with  
> that.
> Mike
> >

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Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Scott Howell
Actually DRM-free tracks are $99 and I have found a number of tracks  
for $69. Got several albums made up of $69 tracks. I gather it is now  
more based on popularity because I have an entire library I purchased  
from Apple that is iTunes Plus or DRM-free. Spent way to much money  
with Apple. :)
On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Umm, I think they made the option to pay a bit more and get a DRM- 
> free version. What they call the 'Plus' version. So for USD$.99 you  
> get DRM and for $1.29 you get DRM free. Of course media owners had  
> the option of also going USD$.69 per track for 'back catalog' stuff  
> but of course tose are hard to find, if they exist at all. At least  
> I haven't found any .69 tracks.
> CB
> Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> iTunes itself got rid of DRM on all music with the iTunes Music store
>> recently. As someone said, if people want it bad enough they will  
>> take
>> it to the exstremes to get it.
>> Regards,
>> alex,
>> On 15-Jul-09, at 8:52 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:
>>> hi this so the chafee amenent can be folled please don't  
>>> misunderstand
>>> me we must keep it just for the print disabled or we will luse the
>>> exzpation ie if it isnot broken we shud not give the others gild
>>> enaymor amo to put up roodblokes to a good and a good degree. drm is
>>> the only that publishers can be assered that we won't piret the  
>>> books.
>>> ie no ipods and sertly no itunes in less we the blind can due it  
>>> so we
>>> can be protected here in the us.
>>> On Jul 15, 2009, at 6:55 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

 I want to make clear that All of my comments were solely in regards
 to NLS
 and RFBD.  I know nothing about what you do.

 I have never heard of the daisy format being playable on anything
 but a
 specialized player.  If it can actually be played on an IPod, then
 that is a
 good thing but it's news to me.  I personally have not had good
 with so we'll just have to have a friendly disagreement for the
 moment on
 whether or not it's any good or not.  I've found it to be bloated
 and overly
 complex.  I have encountered many that weren't marked up for
 properly which makes them harder to navigate than cassette tapes in
 opinion.  Granted, all of my experiences are with the rfbd versions
 but I'm
 not totally sure that it makes that much difference.  My point was
 not to
 step on someone's favorite file format, but to address the fact  
 are main streme formats that  would have worked quite well as a
 system for NLS and RFBD that would have worked for both the pc and
 That being said, If the Daisy can be made to work on non daisy
 devices, than
 it's fine as for as I'm concerned.

 - Original Message -
 From: "Greg Kearney" 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:14 PM
 Subject: Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod,

> The Daisy standard is hardly a "bizarre format" and when made
> correctly the books are playable on existing iPods and other such
> devices. The issue here is not Daisy the issue is that NLS and  
> to a
> lesser degree RFB&D have chosen to add digital rights management  
> aka
> encryption to their books.
> We make books without any DRM and include playlist so that they  
> are
> playable on other non-Daisy devices. Daisy offers advantages  
> such as
> multiple bookmarks, page and section navigation and the option to
> hear
> notes or not as needed.
> Daisy is a public standard and is published for all to use at
> Gregory Kearney
> Manager - Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
> Email:
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 12:53 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> That's definitely my vision of how things should be.  However,  
>> all
>> such blind services (i.e. NLS, RFBD) seem to be hell bent on
>> producing
>> material in some bizarre format completely incompatible with
>> anything
>> that the main stream world is using.  I wonder just how much  
>> money
>> actually goes in to the research development of that crap anyway.
>> Also, I think it will be a long time before the prevailing myth
>> that
>> "blind folks are supposed to use windblows based pcs" is broken.
>> The
>> more everyone requests compatiblity with other platforms the more
>> chance there will b

A couple of word processor queries

2009-07-16 Thread Daniel K. Gartmann
Has anyone had success using spell check in OpenOffice? I haven't figured
out how to navigate around this function.
I am wanting to do some more advanced word processing like headings, so I
have been looking at OpenOffice as a first alternative. If iWork is better,
however, I am inclined to purchasing this package.
Thanks and best regards

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Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Brent Harding

That's already possible anyways I imagine as all the players have headphone 
outputs if you really wanted to do it in real time. Using Itunes, Audible, 
etc, there still wouldn't be any direct conversion because the built in 
features can be disabled. Audible can prevent burning to CD, and I think 
Itunes could on their DRM stuff.

- Original Message - 
From: "louie" 
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

> One thing if you can play a NLS book on a computer you can very easly
> capture the output and record it in the background. Thus rip the book
> to mp3.
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 12:41 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
>> I understand why NLS and RFB and D feel they must incript their
>> books.  I get that.
>> But why they couldn't of picked a form like Audible is beyond me.
>> I think a few groups out there, Bookshare and Greg's Beyond Books
>> program shows clearly that you can put your offerings out there in a
>> "mainstream" format playable on "mainstream" devices and still
>> maintain the rules/laws covering copyright laws.
>> The NLS for example has said they are suffering under the tight
>> budgets everyone else is.  I think if they'd offer their stuff in an
>> audible-ish format it would wind up saving them money in the longrun.
>> Each NLS patron could tell his or her reagonal/subreagonal library
>> that rather than be issued a player they'd like to receive service
>> digitally and here are the computers/players they have.  It would be
>> much like how a device has to be audible ready?
>> Then the library could send them a file to put on their computer to
>> authorise their iTunes/iPod for example, or if windows users their
>> version of iTunes and you know list of compatible mp3 type players.
>> Then it would just work like Audible books.
>> On the Mac for example, the library would send a file that would
>> install in iTunes thus authorising your computer and iPod/iPhone or
>> whatever MP3 player you have to work with your NLS account.  Just like
>> the webopac online book ordering system used by many NLS service
>> centres, you'd put in username and password to access the books...
>> This way they wouldn't have to send out as many specialised players,
>> service them, pay for mailing containers, cartridges and fixing this
>> stuff or replacing it when it breaks.  These options would of corse be
>> open to those who wanted a player or who didn't have access to
>> computers/internet/mp3 players but that number would be smaller than
>> having to provide all this to every member nation wide.
>> See what I'm trying to say?
>> It could be done, I just wonder if people thought about it at the
>> time.  Perhaps when they were picking how things would be passed out
>> all the mainstream built in access being offered by Apple wasn't as
>> wide spread as it is now.  Maybe if Apple becomes explosively popular
>> within the blind community NLS and RFB and D will change their mind?
>> I'm not meaning to leave windows people out of the picture, I'm sure
>> something very much like how audible on the mac say can be done for
>> them. Well I know is being done for them but I'm coming at this from a
>> mac users point of view. I hope I'm making my thoughts understood. no
>> hard feelings right?
>> Best Wishes
>> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
>> Olathe, Kansas USA
>> Join me on FaceBook:
>> Personal Profile -
>> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
>> for it in groups or contact me for details.
>> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
>> >
> louie
> >

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Re: Accessibility fix in iTunes 8.2.1

2009-07-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Speaking of iTunes v 8.x.
When I upgraded to the iTunes 8 or whatever the most recent big leap  
was, I started having a problem with the sources table.

If I was below the list section under iTunes store, like say my iPod  
or the playlists and arrowed up, once I hit anything in the iTunes  
section of the list like purchase, shopping cart, itunes store, ect.  
it would jump me up to the player controls and it was, still is very  
hard to get to the settings under library like music, audio books  
podcasts ect.

Also is there a way to get LBC out of London to play on iTunes? I find  
their little flash player thing to be inaccessible. And I like to  
switch back and forth between the 97.3 talk station and 1152 all news  

Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile -
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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Re: Buying Macs with Apple payment plan

2009-07-16 Thread James & Nash

You may be correct Scott, but as you say Apple are working with specific 
organizations. At the moment in the UK, Apple are partnered with Barclay's 

I think I will simply save some money and then put taht on the MacBook.

Thank you for the clarification

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: Buying Macs with Apple payment plan

> I gather your not in the U.S. However, Apple did have a deal at least
> for U.S. customers where you could get 0 percent financing for 12
> months. The financing is from a credit card company and not from
> Apple. Apple doesn't really get to pick the terms, it is whatever that
> company is offering. Of course this just means Apple takes a little
> less on the cost of the machine and that is how those credit card
> companies make money. In other words, if the item cost $,1000 and the
> credit card company gets three percent of the total price, that means
> Apple gets $970 for the product and the credit card company gets $30.
> I gather such deals are available overseas as well?
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 11:07 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> I was going to go for the payment plan but found it wouldn't be
>> worth it
>> due to the interest, wish they did something similar to boes with
>> that.
>> Mike
>> >
> > 

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Re: Leopard Disc

2009-07-16 Thread James & Nash

Hi Scott,

I think unfortunately , my old Mac reached that point. I am going to get 
another MacBook as i do not really need the new battery of the Pro. Also the 
Pro is considerably more expensive. I am currently using my Toshiba Techra 
which I really like but I miss my mac so I'll use both.

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: Leopard Disc

> James dont' recall how old your Mac is, but there is a point where it
> is more cost effective to replace the machine instead of repairing it.
> So, hope you get something you'll enjoy and can grow into over the
> next few years.
> On Jul 15, 2009, at 6:18 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> I probably will wait for SL, although I am going to geta new MBP
>> because my
>> old Mac is now completely dead. When I spoke to the people at the
>> store
>> about fixing my optical drive, they said it would be better to just
>> buy a
>> new machine
>> Thanks
>> James
> > 

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Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail

2009-07-16 Thread James & Nash

Hi Anne and Simon,

I seem to remember that for a time in Leopard, the command to change a 
message into plain text did not work on all messages. Is that still the 

Thank you

- Original Message - 
From: "Anne Robertson" 
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail

> Hello Simon,
> The option to view a message as plain text is only available when the
> message is not already in plain text.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> > 

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iTunes songs for .69 was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

You've found stuff for 69 cents? Where? What was it? All the stuff  
I've come upon is 99 or 1.29 the more expensive stuff seems to be  
whatever was/is popular.  Bought a song by Garbage that is way over 10  
years old and it was 1.29 and several new but not as popular stuff  
that was just 99 but have never ever come acrross any 69 cents. Even  
the songs that are crap seem to be 99.
Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile -
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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Re: iTunes songs for .69 was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Scott Howell

Jenny, most the stuff is older Jazz material. I'd have to dig through  
my receipts to remember what they are, but if I find something, I'll  
let you know, just so you can check it out and see I didn't make it  
up. :) Seriously there is stuff out there, but yeah, it's stuff that  
isn't necessarily popular, but hey that's good for my bank account. :)
On Jul 16, 2009, at 6:08 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

> wow,
> You've found stuff for 69 cents? Where? What was it? All the stuff
> I've come upon is 99 or 1.29 the more expensive stuff seems to be
> whatever was/is popular.  Bought a song by Garbage that is way over 10
> years old and it was 1.29 and several new but not as popular stuff
> that was just 99 but have never ever come acrross any 69 cents. Even
> the songs that are crap seem to be 99.
> *smile*
> Best Wishes
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Join me on FaceBook:
> Personal Profile -
> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
> for it in groups or contact me for details.
> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
> >

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Re: A couple of word processor queries

2009-07-16 Thread James & Nash
You might also want to look at Mariner Write. it is apparently now compatible 
with Voice Over and Nisus Writer too. Although i know that Nisus Writer has 
some issues although the folks are very good at taking on board suggestions and 
have often helped me figure out work arounds for problems as well as 
implementing better support for VO. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel K. Gartmann 
  Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:51 PM
  Subject: A couple of word processor queries


  Has anyone had success using spell check in OpenOffice? I haven't figured out 
how to navigate around this function.

  I am wanting to do some more advanced word processing like headings, so I 
have been looking at OpenOffice as a first alternative. If iWork is better, 
however, I am inclined to purchasing this package.

  Thanks and best regards



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Drunk with power. or buying from iTunes store all on my own was Re: iTunes songs for .69 was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Hi Scott,
LOL That would be cool. *smile*
I spend way way way way way too much money at iTunes . Well Not to the  
point my family has to go without...  But a majority of all my fun  
money goes to iTunes.
I don't know I guess I'm drunk with power.
I've never been able to browse music or movies or TV shows on my own  
before so never did it.
It was frustrating to have to know exactly what I wanted when often  
times I hade no idea and people didn't want to stand around reading  
off every album by the likes of Simon and Garfunkel and Ben Folds and  
whoever I was in the mood for or go through every movie/TV show in a  
given catagory.
Now that I can do this I sometimes go a little nuts. *smile*  
eventually the "WOW" factor will go away and I'll give it no more  
thought than I give ordering an audible book or NLS book or whatever  
but damn it's great and besides that there are some musical likes I  
will not admit to another soul. Okay I admitted Simon and Garfunkel  
but that is all you are getting from the likes of me! LOL
Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile -
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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Re: Contacting NLS was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Tom Frank

In defense of NLS, they must follow strict copyright laws.  I have no  
complaints since they also distribute a free player to every user. And  
if someone wants a more portable uit, there's also the Stream.  I also  
believe other third party manufacturers will be jumping in the fray  
once the new books are released.
Tom Frank

On Jul 16, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

> Hi there,
> I don't know a direct E-mail address but the NLS website should be
> able to point you in the right direction...  The web address is:
> Best Wishes
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Join me on FaceBook:
> Personal Profile -
> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
> for it in groups or contact me for details.
> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
> >

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RE: Contacting NLS was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Jane Jordan (Gmail)

The strean is so darned expensive!  But I'd like a portable way to do it.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tom Frank
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: Contacting NLS was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of
iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

In defense of NLS, they must follow strict copyright laws.  I have no  
complaints since they also distribute a free player to every user. And  
if someone wants a more portable uit, there's also the Stream.  I also  
believe other third party manufacturers will be jumping in the fray  
once the new books are released.
Tom Frank

On Jul 16, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

> Hi there,
> I don't know a direct E-mail address but the NLS website should be
> able to point you in the right direction...  The web address is:
> Best Wishes
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Join me on FaceBook:
> Personal Profile -
> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
> for it in groups or contact me for details.
> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
> >

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introduction/noob questions(longish)

2009-07-16 Thread a radix
Hello, I am very new to apple in general (although I did use an ipod shuffle 
and a rockboxed 5.5g imod i nthe past). I am a 24-year old blind law student 
from the Netherlands and have been using computers from a very young age mostly 
with dos, windows and sometimes ubuntu. Recently I became interested in macbook 
pro because I am an audiophile and the macbooks are one of the few powerful 
laptops I know that have optical audio output. But of course I was also 
interested in trying os x since I had read the voicover page (although not the 
I went to a local apple store yesterda and was rather disppointed that I could 
not seem to use things intuitively as I had thought so I mailed apple 
accessibility who pointed me to the manual and this page. Aside from the fact 
that I thought apple voicover would not be usable (and so neither os x) by a 
blind person right out of the box (I am rather independand and besides no one 
in my vicinity knows anything about apple) I was concerned that the 
screenreader was not made by a professional screenreader manufacturer and was 
built-in into os x (after all narrator is not that great although it is 
functional) I was also concerned by the lack of scriptability or map files to 
make unaccessible applications accessible. In short I thought it would be a 
second Narrator. Also despite my googling I could not finda user community for 
vo, no one in nl seems to use it.
So I will be reading the manual asap but a few quick questions:
1. does omnipage pro work on the mac/is it accessible?
2. I guess it would be able to use my linksys route ron the mac?
3. hp scanners/printers, are they supported?
4. Is it possible to install mac os x (or reinstall it sinc eI guess it always 
comes preinstalled but you might want to install a bigger hd for example) as a 
blind person? (this is possible with both ubuntu and windows xp).
5. How is braille support with voiceover? I dont mean the displays themselves i 
know mine will work but the amount of details shown versus spech. I am a 
die-hard braille user. 
6. Since os x is unix based, I wonder if ORCA (the screenreader for linux, 
although it work sunder gnome) will ever be ported?
Well, I guess that is it for now, although I am sure I will think about more 
Thanks in advance,
Greetings, Anouk,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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(new) iphone accessibility?

2009-07-16 Thread a radix
Hello again, I just joined and am now browsing the group archives so to speak 
and I came across a lot of mention too the iphone which surprised me. I know 
the new model has built-in voicover but it still uses a touchscreen (not even 
just a scrollwheel with some buttons, I know that that can work from my 5.5g 
imod and rockbox experience but a full touch screen) so I was rather sceptical. 
I know there is some kind of voice recognition software inside but how far will 
that get you and how good isit? I once heard it on an old nokia and was NOT 

I am very interested in this iphone sinc eI can get a new phone in october, 
havebeen using the nokia 5`19 classic with talks. Talks does not support too 
many applications though.

My brother will probbably get this phone in a few months too (he is sighted 
though) and sinc eI am an audiophile it is good to know that according to a few 
of my head-fi acquaintances the sound quality is very good too.

Thanks in advance for any information,

Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: Contacting NLS was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Yes, you've got it.
I'm not so much complaining about NLS or their service.  It is just.  
Well the streem is nice and all but it is so so darn expensive.  I'd  
get one if it were  not so much. I don't really care about any of the  
other features it has other than you can download DTBs on it and get  
them straight away. You can't I don't think, do this with the new NLS  
players.  Maybe you can? I don't know. I do know I most likely won't  
get one any time soon just because of the cost...
If NLS would make their files work like they do on the streem, on  
other less expensive devices that would be wonderful.
If they made their stuff iTunes, iPod, iPhone useable then I could  
streamline all the potential devices I would need/want into the  
iPhone. And you know they do say less is more.
Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile -
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: (new) iphone accessibility?

2009-07-16 Thread Alex Jurgensen

VoiceOver uses the Touchscreen with an impresive new blindness  
technolgoy. You can read about it more at the Google group VIPhone,  
which is for this phone and is for the blind and run by the same  
people as this group.

The phone uses touch screen gestures as well as the touch screen's  
ability to use a finger to float over buttons and have them read. I  
really enjoy the phone. Every time I use one I am amazed at the ease  
of use.


On 16-Jul-09, at 4:36 PM, a radix wrote:

> Hello again, I just joined and am now browsing the group archives so  
> to speak and I came across a lot of mention too the iphone which  
> surprised me. I know the new model has built-in voicover but it  
> still uses a touchscreen (not even just a scrollwheel with some  
> buttons, I know that that can work from my 5.5g imod and rockbox  
> experience but a full touch screen) so I was rather sceptical. I  
> know there is some kind of voice recognition software inside but how  
> far will that get you and how good isit? I once heard it on an old  
> nokia and was NOT impressed.
> I am very interested in this iphone sinc eI can get a new phone in  
> october, havebeen using the nokia 5`19 classic with talks. Talks  
> does not support too many applications though.
> My brother will probbably get this phone in a few months too (he is  
> sighted though) and sinc eI am an audiophile it is good to know that  
> according to a few of my head-fi acquaintances the sound quality is  
> very good too.
> Thanks in advance for any information,
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: (new) iphone accessibility?

2009-07-16 Thread a radix
Hello, very interesting thanks! I will join the viphone group sinc eI dont want 
to clutter this with stuff that is covered somewhere else. But, even if the vo 
says something when you are on a cetain spot of the touchscreen (menu bar for 
example) isnt it difficult to GET there? I mean I do not think there are any 
tactile orientation facilities so you still have to find the actual right spot 
on the touchscreen to access the buttons or whatever.
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Alex Jurgensen 
  Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 1:48 AM
  Subject: Re: (new) iphone accessibility?


  VoiceOver uses the Touchscreen with an impresive new blindness technolgoy. 
You can read about it more at the Google group VIPhone, which is for this phone 
and is for the blind and run by the same people as this group.

  The phone uses touch screen gestures as well as the touch screen's ability to 
use a finger to float over buttons and have them read. I really enjoy the 
phone. Every time I use one I am amazed at the ease of use.


  On 16-Jul-09, at 4:36 PM, a radix wrote:

Hello again, I just joined and am now browsing the group archives so to 
speak and I came across a lot of mention too the iphone which surprised me. I 
know the new model has built-in voicover but it still uses a touchscreen (not 
even just a scrollwheel with some buttons, I know that that can work from my 
5.5g imod and rockbox experience but a full touch screen) so I was rather 
sceptical. I know there is some kind of voice recognition software inside but 
how far will that get you and how good isit? I once heard it on an old nokia 
and was NOT impressed.

I am very interested in this iphone sinc eI can get a new phone in october, 
havebeen using the nokia 5`19 classic with talks. Talks does not support too 
many applications though.

My brother will probbably get this phone in a few months too (he is sighted 
though) and sinc eI am an audiophile it is good to know that according to a few 
of my head-fi acquaintances the sound quality is very good too.

Thanks in advance for any information,

Greetings, Anouk,



  Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
  Gecontroleerd door AVG - 
  Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.16/2241 - datum van uitgifte: 
07/16/09 05:58:00

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Re: introduction/noob questions(longish)

2009-07-16 Thread Alex Jurgensen

I am answering your questions inline just below where they apear:

On 16-Jul-09, at 4:32 PM, a radix wrote:

> Hello, I am very new to apple in general (although I did use an ipod  
> shuffle and a rockboxed 5.5g imod i nthe past). I am a 24-year old  
> blind law student from the Netherlands and have been using computers  
> from a very young age mostly with dos, windows and sometimes ubuntu.  
> Recently I became interested in macbook pro because I am an  
> audiophile and the macbooks are one of the few powerful laptops I  
> know that have optical audio output. But of course I was also  
> interested in trying os x since I had read the voicover page  
> (although not the manual).
> I went to a local apple store yesterda and was rather disppointed  
> that I could not seem to use things intuitively as I had thought, ...

Answer: This is because VO is not a traditional screen reader but  
revolutionizes the was AT works, ...

> so I mailed apple accessibility who pointed me to the manual and  
> this page. Aside from the fact that I thought apple voicover would  
> not be usable (and so neither os x) by a blind person right out of  
> the box (I am rather independand and besides no one in my vicinity  
> knows anything about apple) I was concerned that the screenreader  
> was not made by a professional screenreader manufacturer, ...

Answer: Apple is a proffessional screen reader manufacturer and can be  
concidered such since Leopard's release. What is a screen reader  
manufacturer, but someone or some people who know how to make a screen  
reader that can be used in every day life. FS and GW Micro started  
life small too. Just because Apple's main focus is not accessibility,  
does not make them any less professional, ...

> and was built-in into os x (after all narrator is not that great  
> although it is functional) I was also concerned by the lack of  
> scriptability or map files to make unaccessible applications  
> accessible., ...

Answer: Again this is a cultural ifference between Apple and FS/GW  
Micro/Orca. Developers on the Mac generally jusmp at the chance to  
make their applications accessible. These update come fairly  
quickly., ...

> In short I thought it would be a second Narrator. Also despite my  
> googling I could not finda user community for vo, no one in nl seems  
> to use it.
> So I will be reading the manual asap but a few quick questions:, ...

Answer: I believe some members on this list are from the NL. Also,  
there are a lot of resources such as:

Many more exist, ...

> 1. does omnipage pro work on the mac/is it accessible?
Answer: Perhaps, and I can't speak to this one personally, but most  
people use Voscan and REad Iris for OCR.

> 2. I guess it would be able to use my linksys route ron the mac?
> Yes. You can for sure. I had one for a few years and just replaced  
> it. It worked great, despite a small bug in Safari that rendered the  
> web interface useless. However, this has been resolved.

> 3. hp scanners/printers, are they supported?
Answer: Generally yes. However, do a search on your model for  
specifics. Hint: Twain Sain for Mac supports scanners the OS does not  
by default.

> 4. Is it possible to install mac os x (or reinstall it sinc eI guess  
> it always comes preinstalled but you might want to install a bigger  
> hd for example) as a blind person? (this is possible with both  
> ubuntu and windows xp).
Answer: It is possible, though challenging if you have a unibody  
machine because of the design of the shell/casing, but this is not a  
software problem, but a hardware issue with a select few models. In  
contrast the Mac Pro is super easy to change drives with the Macbook  
White and Mac Mini in between.

> 5. How is braille support with voiceover? I dont mean the displays  
> themselves i know mine will work but the amount of details shown  
> versus spech. I am a die-hard braille user.

Answer: It is very good. Norigion I don't belive is supported right  
now for Braille Tables, but it may be in September.

> 6. Since os x is unix based, I wonder if ORCA (the screenreader for  
> linux, although it work sunder gnome) will ever be ported?
Answer: If it is, it would only work in the the Gnome environment on  
OS X under X11.


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Re: (new) iphone accessibility?

2009-07-16 Thread Alex Jurgensen

Nope. There are mechanisms for that. Most people are very eficient.

Hope to see you at VIPhone. You are welcome to stay on this list for  
Mac stuff if you wish.


On 16-Jul-09, at 4:59 PM, a radix wrote:

> Hello, very interesting thanks! I will join the viphone group sinc  
> eI dont want to clutter this with stuff that is covered somewhere  
> else. But, even if the vo says something when you are on a cetain  
> spot of the touchscreen (menu bar for example) isnt it difficult to  
> GET there? I mean I do not think there are any tactile orientation  
> facilities so you still have to find the actual right spot on the  
> touchscreen to access the buttons or whatever.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: Alex Jurgensen
> To:
> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 1:48 AM
> Subject: Re: (new) iphone accessibility?
> Hi,
> VoiceOver uses the Touchscreen with an impresive new blindness  
> technolgoy. You can read about it more at the Google group VIPhone,  
> which is for this phone and is for the blind and run by the same  
> people as this group.
> The phone uses touch screen gestures as well as the touch screen's  
> ability to use a finger to float over buttons and have them read. I  
> really enjoy the phone. Every time I use one I am amazed at the ease  
> of use.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 16-Jul-09, at 4:36 PM, a radix wrote:
>> Hello again, I just joined and am now browsing the group archives  
>> so to speak and I came across a lot of mention too the iphone which  
>> surprised me. I know the new model has built-in voicover but it  
>> still uses a touchscreen (not even just a scrollwheel with some  
>> buttons, I know that that can work from my 5.5g imod and rockbox  
>> experience but a full touch screen) so I was rather sceptical. I  
>> know there is some kind of voice recognition software inside but  
>> how far will that get you and how good isit? I once heard it on an  
>> old nokia and was NOT impressed.
>> I am very interested in this iphone sinc eI can get a new phone in  
>> october, havebeen using the nokia 5`19 classic with talks. Talks  
>> does not support too many applications though.
>> My brother will probbably get this phone in a few months too (he is  
>> sighted though) and sinc eI am an audiophile it is good to know  
>> that according to a few of my head-fi acquaintances the sound  
>> quality is very good too.
>> Thanks in advance for any information,
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.16/2241 - datum van  
> uitgifte: 07/16/09 05:58:00
> >

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Alex, mail, safari, osx tutorials?

2009-07-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Hi Alex,
Forgive me if it weren't you who I'm thinking of but a few days ago I  
was asking about audio tutorials for mail, safari, osx ect.
I've got screenless switchers
ACB main menu

but Was wondering if there were more?

Something along the lines of the vo user guide but for the other things?

I thought you said there were but I don't think you said where.

Even if it isn't as detailed as a user guide. anything would be very  

Best Wishes
Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Join me on FaceBook:
Personal Profile -
And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search  
for it in groups or contact me for details.

Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

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Re: introduction/noob questions(longish)

2009-07-16 Thread a radix
Hi Alex, Thanks for all the info, sorry for the poor formatting on m first 
message but I accidentally sentit via my other email address and just 
copied/pasted it into a new message. No, i was not referring to replacing the 
hard drive as such but the reinstallation of mac os x (I would never put a 
different hd in a computer myself, I and that kind of stuff dont go together 
Scan software is not such a big deal because I think I will always have a 
windows machine on the side that would be able to run omnipage pro. Thanks for 
the links,I will hceck them out once I get acquainted to the manual which seem 
sto be very well laid out. Is there such an accessibility manual for the new 
iphone too? That would be great.
I must say, even though I normally only use braille with hal, alex does sound 
good although I guess there would be another ovice for nl.
Thanks again!
Greetings, Anouk,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: booksense

2009-07-16 Thread Greg Kearney

I notified the maker of the issue and there is a fix coming before the  
end of August.

Gregory Kearney
Manager - Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

On Jul 17, 2009, at 4:25 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> I'm just curious.  Have you tried mounting it from within disk  
> utility?
> You might also open terminal and type mount just to see what all  
> disks are
> mounted.
> Also, you might try mounting it with the mount command.  For  
> example, you
> could create a folder in finder to use as a mount point, make a  
> short cut to
> it on your desk top, and type:
> mount -v /dev/disk1s1 /"path to mount point".  Then try accessing it  
> from
> the icon on the desktop.
> running mount with the -d option will run mount without actually doing
> anything.
> running it with the -t you can tel it what file system you are  
> trying to
> mount.  You can see all of the options by typing man mount.
> I doubt that would work but if I was really determined, I might try  
> it.  It
> would only work if for some reason, leopard's auto mount feature  
> wasn't
> working .  I think it's really odd that you can access it in Linux  
> but not
> in Leopard.
> I should also note that I'm not sure about allot of the device file  
> names as
> they are different from Linux.  I only reference /dev/disk1s1  
> because that
> is what is mounted on my macbook when I plug in a usb storage.
> - Original Message -
> From: "erik burggraaf" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 12:44 PM
> Subject: Re: booksense
>> Because it's broken.  Presumably it will be fixed soon.  It works
>> under every other thing going, including linux, and apple users have
>> been squalking loudly.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
>> On 16-Jul-09, at 10:57 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> why is this?
>>> On 16 Jul 2009, at 15:56, Chris G wrote:


 On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 07:32:57 +0100
 william lomas  wrote:

> Hi,
> If one plugs the booksense xt, the model with the 4 gig of  
> internal
> flash into a mac via USB does it show up as a volume in the  
> finder?
> Regards, WIll

 Chris G 


> >

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Re: (new) iphone accessibility?

2009-07-16 Thread kaare dehard
I don't own an iphone, but I am a beginning drummer. A similar
  sort of situation exists. What you end up doing is training your  
fingers to respond by being in certain places when needed there. This  
is different and will take time and patients to learn and to get a  
grip on, however many have found great success accessing this  
different and new form of interface. On 16-Jul-09, at 7:59 PM, a radix  

> Hello, very interesting thanks! I will join the viphone group sinc  
> eI dont want to clutter this with stuff that is covered somewhere  
> else. But, even if the vo says something when you are on a cetain  
> spot of the touchscreen (menu bar for example) isnt it difficult to  
> GET there? I mean I do not think there are any tactile orientation  
> facilities so you still have to find the actual right spot on the  
> touchscreen to access the buttons or whatever.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: Alex Jurgensen
> To:
> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 1:48 AM
> Subject: Re: (new) iphone accessibility?
> Hi,
> VoiceOver uses the Touchscreen with an impresive new blindness  
> technolgoy. You can read about it more at the Google group VIPhone,  
> which is for this phone and is for the blind and run by the same  
> people as this group.
> The phone uses touch screen gestures as well as the touch screen's  
> ability to use a finger to float over buttons and have them read. I  
> really enjoy the phone. Every time I use one I am amazed at the ease  
> of use.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 16-Jul-09, at 4:36 PM, a radix wrote:
>> Hello again, I just joined and am now browsing the group archives  
>> so to speak and I came across a lot of mention too the iphone which  
>> surprised me. I know the new model has built-in voicover but it  
>> still uses a touchscreen (not even just a scrollwheel with some  
>> buttons, I know that that can work from my 5.5g imod and rockbox  
>> experience but a full touch screen) so I was rather sceptical. I  
>> know there is some kind of voice recognition software inside but  
>> how far will that get you and how good isit? I once heard it on an  
>> old nokia and was NOT impressed.
>> I am very interested in this iphone sinc eI can get a new phone in  
>> october, havebeen using the nokia 5`19 classic with talks. Talks  
>> does not support too many applications though.
>> My brother will probbably get this phone in a few months too (he is  
>> sighted though) and sinc eI am an audiophile it is good to know  
>> that according to a few of my head-fi acquaintances the sound  
>> quality is very good too.
>> Thanks in advance for any information,
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.16/2241 - datum van  
> uitgifte: 07/16/09 05:58:00
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: introduction/noob questions(longish)

2009-07-16 Thread kaare dehard
Hi there, I have made some well, nasty beginner user errors with  
permissions and such, and I can speak to reinstallation of os from  
personal if embarrassing first hand experience. As soon as I heard the  
dvd drive stop, I pressed cmd-f5 and had a working vo running with no  
need what soever to have any sited assistance, answer files or strange  
series of commands that needed to be memorized to get things installed  
both efficiently and independantly.
On 16-Jul-09, at 8:18 PM, a radix wrote:

> Hi Alex, Thanks for all the info, sorry for the poor formatting on m  
> first message but I accidentally sentit via my other email address  
> and just copied/pasted it into a new message. No, i was not  
> referring to replacing the hard drive as such but the reinstallation  
> of mac os x (I would never put a different hd in a computer myself,  
> I and that kind of stuff dont go together well!)
> Scan software is not such a big deal because I think I will always  
> have a windows machine on the side that would be able to run  
> omnipage pro. Thanks for the links,I will hceck them out once I get  
> acquainted to the manual which seem sto be very well laid out. Is  
> there such an accessibility manual for the new iphone too? That  
> would be great.
> I must say, even though I normally only use braille with hal, alex  
> does sound good although I guess there would be another ovice for nl.
> Thanks again!
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: introduction/noob questions(longish)

2009-07-16 Thread Scott Howell
Alex, changing the drive is not any more difficult, other than you  
have to remove the bottom of the case and it just requires a small  
philips screwdriver.
On Jul 16, 2009, at 8:05 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> HI,
> I am answering your questions inline just below where they apear:
> On 16-Jul-09, at 4:32 PM, a radix wrote:
>> Hello, I am very new to apple in general (although I did use an  
>> ipod shuffle and a rockboxed 5.5g imod i nthe past). I am a 24-year  
>> old blind law student from the Netherlands and have been using  
>> computers from a very young age mostly with dos, windows and  
>> sometimes ubuntu. Recently I became interested in macbook pro  
>> because I am an audiophile and the macbooks are one of the few  
>> powerful laptops I know that have optical audio output. But of  
>> course I was also interested in trying os x since I had read the  
>> voicover page (although not the manual).
>> I went to a local apple store yesterda and was rather disppointed  
>> that I could not seem to use things intuitively as I had thought, ...
> Answer: This is because VO is not a traditional screen reader but  
> revolutionizes the was AT works, ...
>> so I mailed apple accessibility who pointed me to the manual and  
>> this page. Aside from the fact that I thought apple voicover would  
>> not be usable (and so neither os x) by a blind person right out of  
>> the box (I am rather independand and besides no one in my vicinity  
>> knows anything about apple) I was concerned that the screenreader  
>> was not made by a professional screenreader manufacturer, ...
> Answer: Apple is a proffessional screen reader manufacturer and can  
> be concidered such since Leopard's release. What is a screen reader  
> manufacturer, but someone or some people who know how to make a  
> screen reader that can be used in every day life. FS and GW Micro  
> started life small too. Just because Apple's main focus is not  
> accessibility, does not make them any less professional, ...
>> and was built-in into os x (after all narrator is not that great  
>> although it is functional) I was also concerned by the lack of  
>> scriptability or map files to make unaccessible applications  
>> accessible., ...
> Answer: Again this is a cultural ifference between Apple and FS/GW  
> Micro/Orca. Developers on the Mac generally jusmp at the chance to  
> make their applications accessible. These update come fairly  
> quickly., ...
>> In short I thought it would be a second Narrator. Also despite my  
>> googling I could not finda user community for vo, no one in nl  
>> seems to use it.
>> So I will be reading the manual asap but a few quick questions:, ...
> Answer: I believe some members on this list are from the NL. Also,  
> there are a lot of resources such as:
> Many more exist, ...
>> 1. does omnipage pro work on the mac/is it accessible?
> Answer: Perhaps, and I can't speak to this one personally, but most  
> people use Voscan and REad Iris for OCR.
>> 2. I guess it would be able to use my linksys route ron the mac?
> Answer:
>> Yes. You can for sure. I had one for a few years and just replaced  
>> it. It worked great, despite a small bug in Safari that rendered  
>> the web interface useless. However, this has been resolved.
>> 3. hp scanners/printers, are they supported?
> Answer: Generally yes. However, do a search on your model for  
> specifics. Hint: Twain Sain for Mac supports scanners the OS does  
> not by default.
>> 4. Is it possible to install mac os x (or reinstall it sinc eI  
>> guess it always comes preinstalled but you might want to install a  
>> bigger hd for example) as a blind person? (this is possible with  
>> both ubuntu and windows xp).
> Answer: It is possible, though challenging if you have a unibody  
> machine because of the design of the shell/casing, but this is not a  
> software problem, but a hardware issue with a select few models. In  
> contrast the Mac Pro is super easy to change drives with the Macbook  
> White and Mac Mini in between.
>> 5. How is braille support with voiceover? I dont mean the displays  
>> themselves i know mine will work but the amount of details shown  
>> versus spech. I am a die-hard braille user.
> Answer: It is very good. Norigion I don't belive is supported right  
> now for Braille Tables, but it may be in September.
>> 6. Since os x is unix based, I wonder if ORCA (the screenreader for  
>> linux, although it work sunder gnome) will ever be ported?
> Answer: If it is, it would only work in the the Gnome environment on  
> OS X under X11.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> >

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Re: Accessibility fix in iTunes 8.2.1

2009-07-16 Thread Esther

Hi Jenny,
You wrote:
>When I upgraded to the iTunes 8 or whatever the most recent big leap  
>was, I started having a problem with the sources table.
>If I was below the list section under iTunes store, like say my iPod  
>or the playlists and arrowed up, once I hit anything in the iTunes  
>section of the list like purchase, shopping cart, itunes store, ect.  
>it would jump me up to the player controls and it was, still is very  
>hard to get to the settings under library like music, audio books  
>podcasts ect.

You can try jumping to the top of the source list with the VO-Shift-Home 
command or, since I think you're on a MacBook, VO-Shift-Fn-Left Arrow.  I press 
this sequence on my MacBook by putting my ring finger on the Fn key in addition 
to pressing the VO-keys (Control and Option) with the middle and index fingers 
of my left hand. I sort of flatten the position of my fingers so that I'm 
contacting the keys with the pads rather than the tips of my fingers, and I 
slide all three fingers of my left hand up along the keys so the middle finger 
and part of the ring finger presses the Shift key as well as the Control, 
Option, and Fn keys, and then I press the Left Arrow (for Home with Fn) or 
Right Arrow (for End with Fn) key with my right hand to move to the top or 
bottom of the sources table (or messages table in mail, or other lists that 
require scrolling).

I find that if there are a lot of playlists in the sources table I won't always 
easily get directly to the source I want if I don't type quickly enough, and I 
may need to use a combination of VO-arrow keys and typing the playlist I want.  
Also, while you can use item chooser menu (VO-I) to search for "Library" as an 
alternative way to move to the top of the sources table, that only works 
currently if that item is in the visible part of the sources table -- if you 
have lots of playlists and are positioned at one at the end of the alphabet you 
won't be able to use item chooser menu to move to the top library playlists 
(Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, Audiobooks, etc.) by searching for 
"Library" or "Music", etc.  However, using VO-Shift-Home (VO-Shift-Fn-Left 
Arrow on a laptop) after interacting with the sources table should always take 
you to the top library listings, and you can arrow down from there to select 
items music, etc.

>Also is there a way to get LBC out of London to play on iTunes? I find  
>their little flash player thing to be inaccessible. And I like to  
>switch back and forth between the 97.3 talk station and 1152 all news  

I don't think there's an obvious LBC solution with iTunes, but a Google search 
showed that there is an app for playing LBC radio on the iPhone.  This could be 
one of those situations where the iPhone app is accessible to the Mac although 
the web pages are not.  Maybe one of the iPhone 3GS users can check this out?  
The app is called LBC 97.3 from Global Radio:




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Re: introduction/noob questions(longish)

2009-07-16 Thread Scott Howell

You can find more information from the sources Alex recommended and  
especially podcasts discussing the iPhone. You can easily reinstall  
Leopard and soon to be released Snow Leopard. In fact it is easier  
than Linux or windows for that matter. I have reinstalled on many  
occasions Mac OS X starting with Tiger. What you know about windows  
will have to be set aside to some degree when learning the Mac and  
VoiceOver. Once you get used to VoiceOver, I think you will find it  
more than enough to meet your needs. In fact you will have no need for  

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Re: Contacting NLS was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Scott Howell

TOm, I have no issues with the restrictions NLS must work with and  
true you can get a free player, but it makes sense on many levels to  
leverage existing technologies and mainstream products possible. If  
NLS could partner with Apple and allow NLS content to be played on an  
iPod or iPhone, it could be a cost savings for NLS as well and also  
would allow us greater choices in products. THis also would be a cost  
savings to us as users. I don't know if Apple would want to consider  
this or not, but it could be a gain for them in some ways as well. It  
is a wish, but having choices is what it's all about. :)

On Jul 16, 2009, at 7:19 PM, Tom Frank wrote:

> In defense of NLS, they must follow strict copyright laws.  I have no
> complaints since they also distribute a free player to every user. And
> if someone wants a more portable uit, there's also the Stream.  I also
> believe other third party manufacturers will be jumping in the fray
> once the new books are released.
> Tom Frank
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I don't know a direct E-mail address but the NLS website should be
>> able to point you in the right direction...  The web address is:
>> HTH
>> Best Wishes
>> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
>> Olathe, Kansas USA
>> Join me on FaceBook:
>> Personal Profile -
>> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
>> for it in groups or contact me for details.
>> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
> >

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Re: Accessibility fix in iTunes 8.2.1

2009-07-16 Thread Scott Howell

I haven't noticed this behavior, but if it is happening consistently,  
how are your cursor tracking settings configured? Just wondering if  
there could be an issue there.

On Jul 16, 2009, at 8:47 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Jenny,
> You wrote:
>> When I upgraded to the iTunes 8 or whatever the most recent big leap
>> was, I started having a problem with the sources table.
>> If I was below the list section under iTunes store, like say my iPod
>> or the playlists and arrowed up, once I hit anything in the iTunes
>> section of the list like purchase, shopping cart, itunes store, ect.
>> it would jump me up to the player controls and it was, still is very
>> hard to get to the settings under library like music, audio books
>> podcasts ect.
> You can try jumping to the top of the source list with the VO-Shift- 
> Home command or, since I think you're on a MacBook, VO-Shift-Fn-Left  
> Arrow.  I press this sequence on my MacBook by putting my ring  
> finger on the Fn key in addition to pressing the VO-keys (Control  
> and Option) with the middle and index fingers of my left hand. I  
> sort of flatten the position of my fingers so that I'm contacting  
> the keys with the pads rather than the tips of my fingers, and I  
> slide all three fingers of my left hand up along the keys so the  
> middle finger and part of the ring finger presses the Shift key as  
> well as the Control, Option, and Fn keys, and then I press the Left  
> Arrow (for Home with Fn) or Right Arrow (for End with Fn) key with  
> my right hand to move to the top or bottom of the sources table (or  
> messages table in mail, or other lists that require scrolling).
> I find that if there are a lot of playlists in the sources table I  
> won't always easily get directly to the source I want if I don't  
> type quickly enough, and I may need to use a combination of VO-arrow  
> keys and typing the playlist I want.  Also, while you can use item  
> chooser menu (VO-I) to search for "Library" as an alternative way to  
> move to the top of the sources table, that only works currently if  
> that item is in the visible part of the sources table -- if you have  
> lots of playlists and are positioned at one at the end of the  
> alphabet you won't be able to use item chooser menu to move to the  
> top library playlists (Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts,  
> Audiobooks, etc.) by searching for "Library" or "Music", etc.   
> However, using VO-Shift-Home (VO-Shift-Fn-Left Arrow on a laptop)  
> after interacting with the sources table should always take you to  
> the top library listings, and you can arrow down from there to  
> select items music, etc.
>> Also is there a way to get LBC out of London to play on iTunes? I  
>> find
>> their little flash player thing to be inaccessible. And I like to
>> switch back and forth between the 97.3 talk station and 1152 all news
>> station.
> I don't think there's an obvious LBC solution with iTunes, but a  
> Google search showed that there is an app for playing LBC radio on  
> the iPhone.  This could be one of those situations where the iPhone  
> app is accessible to the Mac although the web pages are not.  Maybe  
> one of the iPhone 3GS users can check this out?  The app is called  
> LBC 97.3 from Global Radio:
> Cheers,
> Esther
> >

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Re: (new) iphone accessibility?

2009-07-16 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

The iPhone is an extremely efficient, productive, and pleasant phone  
to use. There is nothing inherently inaccessible about touch screens,  
per se. That's just a common misconception, as Apple has now proven.  
The blind, despite what some may say, are perfectly capable of using  
touch screen technology if given the right tools. Twenty years ago,  
many said the blind couldn't use GUI efficiently either. But, of  
course, we do quite nicely today. Touch screens were out of reach  
before the iPhone, by and large. Apple has created a whole new  
paradigm that is just remarkable.

Definitely join the VIPhone list, and check out the iPhone related  
resources at including a review of the iPhone  
3GS with VoiceOver. :)

Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…


On Jul 16, 2009, at 4:59 PM, a radix wrote:

> Hello, very interesting thanks! I will join the viphone group sinc  
> eI dont want to clutter this with stuff that is covered somewhere  
> else. But, even if the vo says something when you are on a cetain  
> spot of the touchscreen (menu bar for example) isnt it difficult to  
> GET there? I mean I do not think there are any tactile orientation  
> facilities so you still have to find the actual right spot on the  
> touchscreen to access the buttons or whatever.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> - Original Message -
> From: Alex Jurgensen
> To:
> Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 1:48 AM
> Subject: Re: (new) iphone accessibility?
> Hi,
> VoiceOver uses the Touchscreen with an impresive new blindness  
> technolgoy. You can read about it more at the Google group VIPhone,  
> which is for this phone and is for the blind and run by the same  
> people as this group.
> The phone uses touch screen gestures as well as the touch screen's  
> ability to use a finger to float over buttons and have them read. I  
> really enjoy the phone. Every time I use one I am amazed at the ease  
> of use.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 16-Jul-09, at 4:36 PM, a radix wrote:
>> Hello again, I just joined and am now browsing the group archives  
>> so to speak and I came across a lot of mention too the iphone which  
>> surprised me. I know the new model has built-in voicover but it  
>> still uses a touchscreen (not even just a scrollwheel with some  
>> buttons, I know that that can work from my 5.5g imod and rockbox  
>> experience but a full touch screen) so I was rather sceptical. I  
>> know there is some kind of voice recognition software inside but  
>> how far will that get you and how good isit? I once heard it on an  
>> old nokia and was NOT impressed.
>> I am very interested in this iphone sinc eI can get a new phone in  
>> october, havebeen using the nokia 5`19 classic with talks. Talks  
>> does not support too many applications though.
>> My brother will probbably get this phone in a few months too (he is  
>> sighted though) and sinc eI am an audiophile it is good to know  
>> that according to a few of my head-fi acquaintances the sound  
>> quality is very good too.
>> Thanks in advance for any information,
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> Geen virus gevonden in het binnenkomende-bericht.
> Gecontroleerd door AVG -
> Versie: 8.5.387 / Virusdatabase: 270.13.16/2241 - datum van  
> uitgifte: 07/16/09 05:58:00
> >

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Some iPhone information sources and podcasts [was Re: introduction/noob questions(longish)]

2009-07-16 Thread Esther

In addition to Scott's suggestions, for the specific question of an accessible 
iPhone guide, try going to:

For a review of the iPhone 3GS with VoiceOver, check out

They also keep a link to the accessible apps for the iPhone at that site. 

Lots of podcasts about the iPhone.  Try, for example, Shane Jackson's 
Blindworld Blog:

Or go to the SeroTalk page for the podcasts:

The Mac-cessibility podcasts and Screenless Switchers podcasts 
discussed the iPhone 3GS with VoiceOver:


There was also a program on the maccast at the beginning of July:

This was also the subject of a discussion of the Assistive Technology Show last 
night, but I haven't seen a podcast appear for this yet. You can check back at 
the main web page to find out when one appears, but they've had some recording 
problems recently:



On Thursday, July 16, 2009, at 02:49PM, "Scott Howell"  
>You can find more information from the sources Alex recommended and  
>especially podcasts discussing the iPhone. You can easily reinstall  
>Leopard and soon to be released Snow Leopard. In fact it is easier  
>than Linux or windows for that matter. I have reinstalled on many  
>occasions Mac OS X starting with Tiger. What you know about windows  
>will have to be set aside to some degree when learning the Mac and  
>VoiceOver. Once you get used to VoiceOver, I think you will find it  
>more than enough to meet your needs. In fact you will have no need for  

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Re: Contacting NLS was Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Karen Lewellen

Again in defense of NLs.
It is a library, Library content is free.  Not downloadable at a cost as 
in that of getting to the items.  Not offered for a subscription, but 
The players are to serve the majority of their readership  who are 
older, or children, or whatever, and again be 
The copyright reasons alone forestall the i-phone idea, but most of all is 
the fundamental purpose of this library.
To provide content to those who qualify, no matter their background or 
financial status, no matter their access to  other computer technologies, 
no matter even if they own a computer or a cell phone.
There are and can be other places for what you desire, but the nls 
should not be one of them.  It undermines the entire purpose of a library, 
where one can walk in and walk out with a book and enjoy that book.  So 
Ben Franklyn conceived it, so the congress legislated it ages back,  and 
so it is.
I am curious though, who designed the new players?  I am profoundly 
pleased, head and frankly entire bodies above the stream, for my use at 
least, and I am only expert on my use, so  have been 
wondering about the cost value for my 
insurance...its worth it.

On Thu, 16 Jul 2009, Scott Howell wrote:

> TOm, I have no issues with the restrictions NLS must work with and
> true you can get a free player, but it makes sense on many levels to
> leverage existing technologies and mainstream products possible. If
> NLS could partner with Apple and allow NLS content to be played on an
> iPod or iPhone, it could be a cost savings for NLS as well and also
> would allow us greater choices in products. THis also would be a cost
> savings to us as users. I don't know if Apple would want to consider
> this or not, but it could be a gain for them in some ways as well. It
> is a wish, but having choices is what it's all about. :)
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 7:19 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>> In defense of NLS, they must follow strict copyright laws.  I have no
>> complaints since they also distribute a free player to every user. And
>> if someone wants a more portable uit, there's also the Stream.  I also
>> believe other third party manufacturers will be jumping in the fray
>> once the new books are released.
>> Tom Frank
>> On Jul 16, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I don't know a direct E-mail address but the NLS website should be
>>> able to point you in the right direction...  The web address is:
>>> HTH
>>> Best Wishes
>>> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
>>> Olathe, Kansas USA
>>> Join me on FaceBook:
>>> Personal Profile -
>>> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
>>> for it in groups or contact me for details.
>>> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan

> >

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Re: NLS digital books and future versions of iTunes,iPod, iPhone?

2009-07-16 Thread Greg Kearney

Of course you can do this with any NLS authorized player and a bit of  
wire too.

Gregory Kearney
Manager - Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

On Jul 17, 2009, at 3:55 AM, louie wrote:

> One thing if you can play a NLS book on a computer you can very easly
> capture the output and record it in the background. Thus rip the book
> to mp3.
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 12:41 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
>> I understand why NLS and RFB and D feel they must incript their
>> books.  I get that.
>> But why they couldn't of picked a form like Audible is beyond me.
>> I think a few groups out there, Bookshare and Greg's Beyond Books
>> program shows clearly that you can put your offerings out there in a
>> "mainstream" format playable on "mainstream" devices and still
>> maintain the rules/laws covering copyright laws.
>> The NLS for example has said they are suffering under the tight
>> budgets everyone else is.  I think if they'd offer their stuff in an
>> audible-ish format it would wind up saving them money in the longrun.
>> Each NLS patron could tell his or her reagonal/subreagonal library
>> that rather than be issued a player they'd like to receive service
>> digitally and here are the computers/players they have.  It would be
>> much like how a device has to be audible ready?
>> Then the library could send them a file to put on their computer to
>> authorise their iTunes/iPod for example, or if windows users their
>> version of iTunes and you know list of compatible mp3 type players.
>> Then it would just work like Audible books.
>> On the Mac for example, the library would send a file that would
>> install in iTunes thus authorising your computer and iPod/iPhone or
>> whatever MP3 player you have to work with your NLS account.  Just  
>> like
>> the webopac online book ordering system used by many NLS service
>> centres, you'd put in username and password to access the books...
>> This way they wouldn't have to send out as many specialised players,
>> service them, pay for mailing containers, cartridges and fixing this
>> stuff or replacing it when it breaks.  These options would of corse  
>> be
>> open to those who wanted a player or who didn't have access to
>> computers/internet/mp3 players but that number would be smaller than
>> having to provide all this to every member nation wide.
>> See what I'm trying to say?
>> It could be done, I just wonder if people thought about it at the
>> time.  Perhaps when they were picking how things would be passed out
>> all the mainstream built in access being offered by Apple wasn't as
>> wide spread as it is now.  Maybe if Apple becomes explosively popular
>> within the blind community NLS and RFB and D will change their mind?
>> I'm not meaning to leave windows people out of the picture, I'm sure
>> something very much like how audible on the mac say can be done for
>> them. Well I know is being done for them but I'm coming at this  
>> from a
>> mac users point of view. I hope I'm making my thoughts understood. no
>> hard feelings right?
>> Best Wishes
>> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
>> Olathe, Kansas USA
>> Join me on FaceBook:
>> Personal Profile -
>> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
>> for it in groups or contact me for details.
>> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
> louie
> >

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Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail

2009-07-16 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

That is probably still the case. What I believe it is doing is looking  
at "multiple-part/alternative" choices in the "MIME" mail body, and  
presenting the plain text alternative provided there if it exists.   
Why are you so concerned about reading in plaintext. Generally HTML  
styled e-mails work well in voiceover.


On Jul 16, 2009, at 6:03 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Anne and Simon,
> I seem to remember that for a time in Leopard, the command to change a
> message into plain text did not work on all messages. Is that still  
> the
> case?
> Thank you
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Anne Robertson" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 10:10 PM
> Subject: Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail
>> Hello Simon,
>> The option to view a message as plain text is only available when the
>> message is not already in plain text.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
> >

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Re: Greg, your program. Some questions?

2009-07-16 Thread Greg Kearney

No we do not ask for any credit card other than for those people who  
wha physical delivery of a book on CD. If you are just a reader you  
can simply request a book off the system and you will be notified when  
it is ready for download.

The library it self is open to world wide users for the non-copyright  
collection, which is about 31,000 titles the copy right collection  
about 8,000 titles is restricted to our clients. We are looking into  
how persons outside of Western Australia and the Northern Territories  
can join to gain access to these.

Gregory Kearney
Manager - Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

On Jul 17, 2009, at 3:15 AM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> I went and checked out your public offerings on your site.  I love
> it!  I downloaded a dictionary of Australian words and some other
> stories and have enjoyed them very much.
> I've a  question though.  I found some things that weren't yet in
> audio format and wanted to make a request, but it looks like it asks
> for credit card information? I live in Kansas and so am not interested
> in having anything shipped all the way over here *smile*
>  but would be interested in having requests downloadable.  Is the
> request service world wide or for people in your geographic area?  If
> so that's fine, I just was wondering.
> I think what you're doing is very commendable and for someone who
> can't get enough books and think there can never be such a thing as
> too many books, this is wonderful!
> It would be awesome if your library could open up for world wide use.
> I wonder with everything so global if someday there could be an
> international talking book program where countries could join as one
> and make all their offerings open to registered members?  That would
> be very cool.
> Best Wishes
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Join me on FaceBook:
> Personal Profile -
> And feel free to join "The Blind Parents of FaceBook" group.  Search
> for it in groups or contact me for details.
> Follow me via twitter using the username: ben_folds_fan
> >

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Probably a simple question.

2009-07-16 Thread Jesse Bollinger

Hi all,

This is probably really simple but after reading the help I still  
can't seem to get it to work. I am reading a text file or webpage and  
lose my place. The VO help says you can search for text using the VO f  
command. I do that and hit enter and VO says the word and that it is  
highlighted. So I assumed it found the first instance of that word. I  
navigate to the HTML content area but it has placed me at the  
beginning of the page. I tried the go to next VO g command with no  
luck. Am I doing something wrong? Or does the find command not take  
you directly to the word or phrase you searched for on the page. Sorry  
this was a bit long-winded.

Thank you,


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Re: Fusion accessibility?

2009-07-16 Thread Garry Turkington

Hi to all who responded to my query about Fusion accessibility.

Thanks for the inputs, really good to hear the Fusion experience should be 
a good one.  I just bought my MacBook Pro  2 days ago so now it's off to 
the VMware store.


Garry Turkington

On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Yes, fusion works great, I use it here to run windows xp, it's very
> accessible.
> On Jul 12, 2009, at 8:19 PM, Garry Turkington wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> After some playing around with a Mac Pro at work last year I'm about
>> to
>> buy a MacBook Pro for personal use -- if the model I want is ever in
>> stock!
>> I plan to use VMware Fusion as I have an ongoing need to play with
>> both
>> Windows and Linux in VMs.  I've used VMware Workstation on Windows for
>> years so am very familiar with the product in general.
>> I've seen some references to people using Fusion here -- is it
>> generally
>> accessible with VO, meaning good enough to be using it daily for key
>> tasks?  I do have a long-term aspiration to move some of my
>> activities out
>> of the VMs and onto OS X but in the meantime I need the VM product
>> to be
>> solid.
>> Any input gratefully received,
>> Garry
>> --
>> Garry Turkington
> >

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Re: Probably a simple question.

2009-07-16 Thread kaare dehard

I've had mixed results with this myself, and find that if I interact  
with the page using the vo-shift down arrow my results may be more  
accurate. Let me know if that helps. Also sometime I will also lose my  
place if the page isn't entirely finished loading and I don't believe  
there is a cure as it starts you at the top again when the load is  
I could also use some help with this if anyone else has more vo  
experience and has worked around this issue.
On 16-Jul-09, at 10:39 PM, Jesse Bollinger wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is probably really simple but after reading the help I still
> can't seem to get it to work. I am reading a text file or webpage and
> lose my place. The VO help says you can search for text using the VO f
> command. I do that and hit enter and VO says the word and that it is
> highlighted. So I assumed it found the first instance of that word. I
> navigate to the HTML content area but it has placed me at the
> beginning of the page. I tried the go to next VO g command with no
> luck. Am I doing something wrong? Or does the find command not take
> you directly to the word or phrase you searched for on the page. Sorry
> this was a bit long-winded.
> Thank you,
> Jesse
> >

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Re: Probably a simple question.

2009-07-16 Thread Mark Baxter

As a corollary:  I've tried to use the items chooser menu when not in  
Safari, say for finding my place in an E-mail.  It doesn't seem to  
work; does items chooser only work in Safari on a web page?

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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audio totorrials

2009-07-16 Thread May and Wynter
Hi everyone.  I was just wondering is there audio totorrials I can get now to 
learn the mac and voice over before I get my macbook?

This way when i do get it I already know some things and won't stumple around 
too much for the first 5 hours, lol.

May off to Edmonton Alberta on the 25th.
Am I ready to see some people there?
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Re: Query about plain text in Apple Mail

2009-07-16 Thread Simon Cavendish

Thanks, Anne, how stupid of me.

Best wishes

On 16 Jul 2009, at 22:10, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Simon,
> The option to view a message as plain text is only available when the
> message is not already in plain text.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Alex: resources

2009-07-16 Thread a radix
Hey Alex and others, sorry I remember you mentioning but what were 
the other resources you mentioned? I accidentally deleted your message before 
saving it.
Greetings, Anouk,
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ipod touch

2009-07-16 Thread a radix
Hello, I dont want to buy one of these but I was still curious, does the ipod 
touch use an actual screenreader (voiceover) or does it use voiceclips like the 
classic (if the classic does it yet|) and the shuffle? In the first case then I 
guess using voicover on the iphone was an evolutionary step.
I just listened to a podcast about iphone/voiceover and it seems all rpetty 
exiting. It was a general tal kbroadcast though, i would still love to hear a 
handson demo but with som eof the features being described it sure seems 
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: ipod touch

2009-07-16 Thread william lomas
well the new ipod touch coming out, i believe, will ahve the voiceover  
capabilities built in but i think rockbox at the moment can work on it

On 17 Jul 2009, at 07:49, a radix wrote:

> Hello, I dont want to buy one of these but I was still curious, does  
> the ipod touch use an actual screenreader (voiceover) or does it use  
> voiceclips like the classic (if the classic does it yet|) and the  
> shuffle? In the first case then I guess using voicover on the iphone  
> was an evolutionary step.
> I just listened to a podcast about iphone/voiceover and it seems all  
> rpetty exiting. It was a general tal kbroadcast though, i would  
> still love to hear a handson demo but with som eof the features  
> being described it sure seems workable.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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