Hi Alex, Thanks for all the info, sorry for the poor formatting on m first
message but I accidentally sentit via my other email address and just
copied/pasted it into a new message. No, i was not referring to replacing the
hard drive as such but the reinstallation of mac os x (I would never put a
different hd in a computer myself, I and that kind of stuff dont go together
Scan software is not such a big deal because I think I will always have a
windows machine on the side that would be able to run omnipage pro. Thanks for
the links,I will hceck them out once I get acquainted to the manual which seem
sto be very well laid out. Is there such an accessibility manual for the new
iphone too? That would be great.
I must say, even though I normally only use braille with hal, alex does sound
good although I guess there would be another ovice for nl.
Thanks again!
Greetings, Anouk,
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