Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

2009-06-16 Thread ben mustill-rose

Wow, part of me thought we'd be having another podcast situation there
but thankfully not.
Downloading, thanks.

On 16/06/2009, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
> Hi all. Well, my pod cast on this is not on blind cool tech yet,
> however, it is on another site for those who are interested. This is
> my 8th mac pod cast, and my goal is to talk about and demonstrate that
> many of the tasks this review says are difficult actually are quite
> simple and work very well. Would love to know what everyone thinks.
> Here is the direct link to the show.
> >

Kind regards, BEN.

web: (under construction)

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Re: Pricing on Snow Leopard

2009-06-16 Thread Scott Howell

You should contact Apple and register the machine with them. I may be  
wrong on this since I have not purchased a machine in this way, but  
when you install the OS, you register and that info is updated. You  
could call Apple Care at (1-800) 275-2273 and see if you can register  
it in your name. Either way, I don't think it will make any  
difference. Either way, I would not be concerned about this because of  
course once you get your copy of Snow Leopard, you would be  
registering it in your name and there is as far as I can recall no  
proof of purchase required when purchasing the upgrade.

On Jun 15, 2009, at 9:27 PM, Brent Harding wrote:

> Oh, I thought I heard that it gets to be a problem with ones sold on  
> Ebay
> because the machine itself might be registered in someone else's name.

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Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

2009-06-16 Thread Peggy Fleischer

This was an excellent podcast. You did a very good job  of correcting  
all the misinformation that was posted in that article.  Your podcasts  
are always informative. Thanks for this one.

On Jun 15, 2009, at 7:18 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Hi all. Well, my pod cast on this is not on blind cool tech yet,
> however, it is on another site for those who are interested. This is
> my 8th mac pod cast, and my goal is to talk about and demonstrate that
> many of the tasks this review says are difficult actually are quite
> simple and work very well. Would love to know what everyone thinks.
> Here is the direct link to the show.
> >

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Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

2009-06-16 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Agreed, yet again, well done, mIke.
On Jun 16, 2009, at 7:42 AM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:

> This was an excellent podcast. You did a very good job  of correcting
> all the misinformation that was posted in that article.  Your podcasts
> are always informative. Thanks for this one.
> On Jun 15, 2009, at 7:18 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hi all. Well, my pod cast on this is not on blind cool tech yet,
>> however, it is on another site for those who are interested. This is
>> my 8th mac pod cast, and my goal is to talk about and demonstrate  
>> that
>> many of the tasks this review says are difficult actually are quite
>> simple and work very well. Would love to know what everyone thinks.
>> Here is the direct link to the show.
> >

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Shoutcast streaming from a Mac

2009-06-16 Thread

Now this is something for the web radio geeks out there. What I'm
searching for might not even exist yet, but ...
I'm looking for an app, or plugin, or whatever, that lets me easily
stream audio content from my music library via a Shoutcast server
located on another machine.
I have the following requirements:
1. The ability to create a playlist from my music library for
sequential streaming. Preferrably with optional cross-fading
2. The ability to stream the audio recorded by speaking into a
microphone in real-time (announcements)
3. The ability to stream in MP3 Pro format with 64 kbps.
Any ideas, anyone?
Thanks in advance,
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Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

2009-06-16 Thread kaare dehard

yah Mike, this was a good podcast, a lot of ground covered.
On 16-Jun-09, at 7:42 AM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:

> This was an excellent podcast. You did a very good job  of correcting
> all the misinformation that was posted in that article.  Your podcasts
> are always informative. Thanks for this one.
> On Jun 15, 2009, at 7:18 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hi all. Well, my pod cast on this is not on blind cool tech yet,
>> however, it is on another site for those who are interested. This is
>> my 8th mac pod cast, and my goal is to talk about and demonstrate  
>> that
>> many of the tasks this review says are difficult actually are quite
>> simple and work very well. Would love to know what everyone thinks.
>> Here is the direct link to the show.
> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-16 Thread matthew dyer

Thanks.  I will trty to look at it as soon as I can get an internet
connection.  It is taking them 100 years to get it done.  LOL!

On 6/15/09, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:
> You can get Syrins from, and it's free.
> On Jun 15, 2009, at 2:15 PM, matthew dyer wrote:
>> Hi,  Is this program serinc or how ever you say it built into the mac
>> os or do you have to download it and I assoom it is free.
>> Matthew
>> On 6/13/09, Josh de Lioncourt  wrote:
>>> Twitterific is pretty good, but you ahve to read the documentation to
>>> learn the hot keys. You lose a lot of functionality, such as Mentions
>>> and searching, though.
>>> On Jun 13, 2009, at 9:24 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
 Oh yes Josh I've noticed that it won't do it.  Any other free or
 otherwise clients we can use until it gets updated?  Is twitterific
 pretty intuitive like syrinx?  Thanks,

 On Jun 13, 2009, at 9:23 AM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> On Jun 13, 2009, at 7:18 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> I've used syrinx just fine here, using 2.1 or whatever the version
>> is.
>> Mike
> Unfortunately, it's true. As of yesterday afternoon, Syrinx fell
> prey to what they are calling the Twitpocolypse, and will not
> download new tweets properly until it is updated.
> Josh de Lioncourt
>   …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:


>> --
>> You can lead a heart to love, but you can't make it fall.
>> MSN/e-mail:
>> AIM:  mattdy1
>> skype: graduater2004.
>> >
> >

You can lead a heart to love, but you can't make it fall.

AIM:  mattdy1
skype: graduater2004.

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Looking for iPhone List

2009-06-16 Thread Jane Jordan (Gmail)
I have lost the email or web page to subscribe to the iPhone list.  Can
someone please re-send it?

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Re: Looking for iPhone List

2009-06-16 Thread Dan Eickmeier
On Jun 16, 2009, at 10:20 AM, Jane Jordan (Gmail) wrote:

> Apologies.
> I have lost the email or web page to subscribe to the iPhone list.   
> Can someone please re-send it?
> Thanks.
> Jane
> >

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RE: Looking for iPhone List

2009-06-16 Thread Jane Jordan (Gmail)
Thanks. :)  Not that i can *get* one yet, but I want to stay on the cutting
edge and up-to-date.  


[] On Behalf Of Dan Eickmeier
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: Looking for iPhone List

On Jun 16, 2009, at 10:20 AM, Jane Jordan (Gmail) wrote:

I have lost the email or web page to subscribe to the iPhone list.  Can
someone please re-send it?

Internal Virus Database is out of date.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1882 - Release Date: 1/8/2009
8:13 AM

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mail issue

2009-06-16 Thread Brandon Misch

Hey all. just having issues with mail. for some reason, the messages  
are out of order. for example, chantel will recieve a message from 10  
something and the next one will be from 3 or 4 something in the  
morning. is there a way to fix this?

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Re: mail issue

2009-06-16 Thread Alex Jurgensen


It sounds like you have changed what it is organized by. To change  
this, Go to "Sort By" in the "View" menu.


On 16-Jun-09, at 8:24 AM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> Hey all. just having issues with mail. for some reason, the messages
> are out of order. for example, chantel will recieve a message from 10
> something and the next one will be from 3 or 4 something in the
> morning. is there a way to fix this?
> >

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Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

2009-06-16 Thread Alex Jurgensen


Slightly edited, I would send it in to the NFB if I were you. The only  
error I see is that the cursor works the same on Macs and PCs, it is  
merely how JFW and others relate it to the blind user that is  
different. JFW etc put the vitrual cursor on top of a cursor, but the  
physical cursor is between characters for a sighted user, just like on  
the Mac.


On 15-Jun-09, at 4:18 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Hi all. Well, my pod cast on this is not on blind cool tech yet,
> however, it is on another site for those who are interested. This is
> my 8th mac pod cast, and my goal is to talk about and demonstrate that
> many of the tasks this review says are difficult actually are quite
> simple and work very well. Would love to know what everyone thinks.
> Here is the direct link to the show.
> >

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Re: Pricing on Snow Leopard

2009-06-16 Thread Brent Harding

Wow, I like that they do the honor system with this. I hope people don't 
start abusing it and buying it for Tiger machines, but most of the stuff 
running Tiger probably won't support it anyways.

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: Pricing on Snow Leopard

> You should contact Apple and register the machine with them. I may be
> wrong on this since I have not purchased a machine in this way, but
> when you install the OS, you register and that info is updated. You
> could call Apple Care at (1-800) 275-2273 and see if you can register
> it in your name. Either way, I don't think it will make any
> difference. Either way, I would not be concerned about this because of
> course once you get your copy of Snow Leopard, you would be
> registering it in your name and there is as far as I can recall no
> proof of purchase required when purchasing the upgrade.
> On Jun 15, 2009, at 9:27 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
>> Oh, I thought I heard that it gets to be a problem with ones sold on
>> Ebay
>> because the machine itself might be registered in someone else's name.
> >

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Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

2009-06-16 Thread Brent Harding

I thought from what I understood of this is that the cursor goes to the 
right of a character when you right arrow and to the left when left arrow, 
so the repeated character always happens. I agree that the editing thing 
gets confusing on a Macbook because you have to deal with this issue plus 
deleting in the wrong direction from usual. I don't get how if you had a 
forward delete, say you put an extra T on the word Brent, if you arrow until 
you hear the second T and hit forward delete, it should delete the space 
after, arrow to the space to backspace out the T, I think. I'm not sure why 
Apple chose to read this way if indeed the cursor isn't different on the 

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Jurgensen" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

> Hi,
> Slightly edited, I would send it in to the NFB if I were you. The only
> error I see is that the cursor works the same on Macs and PCs, it is
> merely how JFW and others relate it to the blind user that is
> different. JFW etc put the vitrual cursor on top of a cursor, but the
> physical cursor is between characters for a sighted user, just like on
> the Mac.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 15-Jun-09, at 4:18 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hi all. Well, my pod cast on this is not on blind cool tech yet,
>> however, it is on another site for those who are interested. This is
>> my 8th mac pod cast, and my goal is to talk about and demonstrate that
>> many of the tasks this review says are difficult actually are quite
>> simple and work very well. Would love to know what everyone thinks.
>> Here is the direct link to the show.
>> >
> >

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Recording demos with VO and Audio Hijack Pro

2009-06-16 Thread Brent Harding

Hi there. I wanted to record some demos to maybe podcast using VO and Audio 
Hijack Pro. I've tried to hijack the system audio, then the mic, and then 
record the system audio. That will give me audio from VO, but not my voice 
mixed with it. If I hijack both and record both, I get 2 files that are 
separate that would be hard to sync in editing after where I'd probably 
bring it to the PC to do anyways as I haven't bought or learned how to use 
Fission or Sound Studio yet. Anyways, how can I make it mix both sources 
together into one file when recording? Am I just going to have to use time 
compression and expansion to make both files the same length after trimming 
out the beginnings while I'm still setting up AHP?


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RE: Looking for iPhone List

2009-06-16 Thread dryden.mikehuckabay

-Original Message-
From: Jane Jordan (Gmail) 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: Looking for iPhone List

Thanks. :)  Not that i can *get* one yet, but I want to stay on the cutting 
edge and up-to-date.  
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Dan Eickmeier
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: Looking for iPhone List
On Jun 16, 2009, at 10:20 AM, Jane Jordan (Gmail) wrote:
I have lost the email or web page to subscribe to the iPhone list.  Can someone 
please re-send it?

Internal Virus Database is out of date.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1882 - Release Date: 1/8/2009 8:13 

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my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

2009-06-16 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi all. Well, my pod cast on this is not on blind cool tech yet,
however, it is on another site for those who are interested. This is
my 8th mac pod cast, and my goal is to talk about and demonstrate that
many of the tasks this review says are difficult actually are quite
simple and work very well. Would love to know what everyone thinks.
Here is the direct link to the show.

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Re: Recording demos with VO and Audio Hijack Pro

2009-06-16 Thread Dan Eickmeier

hi Brent, that's how I've always done it, hijacking system audio,  
hijackingthe  mic, and then recording on the system audio session.   
that has always worked for me.  Maybe take a look at your settings in  
the session for the mic?  I've always been able to record both that  
way, and it's worked every time.
On Jun 16, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Brent Harding wrote:

> Hi there. I wanted to record some demos to maybe podcast using VO  
> and Audio
> Hijack Pro. I've tried to hijack the system audio, then the mic, and  
> then
> record the system audio. That will give me audio from VO, but not my  
> voice
> mixed with it. If I hijack both and record both, I get 2 files that  
> are
> separate that would be hard to sync in editing after where I'd  
> probably
> bring it to the PC to do anyways as I haven't bought or learned how  
> to use
> Fission or Sound Studio yet. Anyways, how can I make it mix both  
> sources
> together into one file when recording? Am I just going to have to  
> use time
> compression and expansion to make both files the same length after  
> trimming
> out the beginnings while I'm still setting up AHP?
> Thanks.
> >

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Re: Looking for iPhone List

2009-06-16 Thread Simon Cavendish
On 16 Jun 2009, at 15:20, Jane Jordan (Gmail) wrote:

> Apologies.
> I have lost the email or web page to subscribe to the iPhone list.   
> Can someone please re-send it?
> Thanks.
> Jane
> >

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Re: Recording demos with VO and Audio Hijack Pro

2009-06-16 Thread Darcy Burnard

Brent.  What do you have the output set to on your mic session?  I  
always set mine to sound flower, but I suspect you could also set it  
to default output.  Just make sure it's not set to silence output.
The drawback to recording this way is that you hear your voice come  
back with a slight delay, which takes a bit of getting used to.

On 16-Jun-09, at 11:58 AM, Brent Harding wrote:

> Hi there. I wanted to record some demos to maybe podcast using VO  
> and Audio
> Hijack Pro. I've tried to hijack the system audio, then the mic, and  
> then
> record the system audio. That will give me audio from VO, but not my  
> voice
> mixed with it. If I hijack both and record both, I get 2 files that  
> are
> separate that would be hard to sync in editing after where I'd  
> probably
> bring it to the PC to do anyways as I haven't bought or learned how  
> to use
> Fission or Sound Studio yet. Anyways, how can I make it mix both  
> sources
> together into one file when recording? Am I just going to have to  
> use time
> compression and expansion to make both files the same length after  
> trimming
> out the beginnings while I'm still setting up AHP?
> Thanks.
> >

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Re: Recording demos with VO and Audio Hijack Pro

2009-06-16 Thread Brent Harding

Hmmm, maybe I recorded the mic as well and didn't get it in any other file 
but the one with dry voice. I'll have to try it again.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Eickmeier" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: Recording demos with VO and Audio Hijack Pro

> hi Brent, that's how I've always done it, hijacking system audio,
> hijackingthe  mic, and then recording on the system audio session.
> that has always worked for me.  Maybe take a look at your settings in
> the session for the mic?  I've always been able to record both that
> way, and it's worked every time.
> On Jun 16, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Brent Harding wrote:
>> Hi there. I wanted to record some demos to maybe podcast using VO
>> and Audio
>> Hijack Pro. I've tried to hijack the system audio, then the mic, and
>> then
>> record the system audio. That will give me audio from VO, but not my
>> voice
>> mixed with it. If I hijack both and record both, I get 2 files that
>> are
>> separate that would be hard to sync in editing after where I'd
>> probably
>> bring it to the PC to do anyways as I haven't bought or learned how
>> to use
>> Fission or Sound Studio yet. Anyways, how can I make it mix both
>> sources
>> together into one file when recording? Am I just going to have to
>> use time
>> compression and expansion to make both files the same length after
>> trimming
>> out the beginnings while I'm still setting up AHP?
>> Thanks.
>> >
> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-16 Thread Mike Reiser

Syrinx is free and you need to download it.  Either google it or go to: Hope this helps,\


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Fwd: Apple details Mac OS X Snow Leopard Up-to-Date Program

2009-06-16 Thread Scott Howell
Folks, here is some information on purchasing Snow Leopard for those  
with a qualifying system. This deal applies to someone who has  
purchased a qualifying system between June 8, 2009 and September 26,  
2009. Please see the following for more information. If you have a  
system that does not qualify for the $9.95 price, you can still of  
course purchase Snow Leopard for $29.95 single user license or $49.95  
for a five user license pack. Still a good deal no matter which way.

Begin forwarded message:

> Date: June 16, 2009 9:00:00 AM EDT
> Subject: Apple details Mac OS X Snow Leopard Up-to-Date Program
> Source: AppleInsider
> As promised, Apple on Tuesday updated its website with information  
> on how customers purchasing a new Mac or Xserve before the release  
> of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard in September can request a copy of the  
> new operating system for just $10 in shipping and handling.
> Read more…

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Re: Shoutcast streaming from a Mac

2009-06-16 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Hi, youcould most certainly do this, with nicecast from rogueamoeba,  
along with a product that is recommended on their site, called DJ, to  
go along with nicecast.  Only thing is, I don't know about the mP3 Pro  
support, have no idea whether   you can get that out of nicecast.  On  
Jun 16, 2009, at 8:36 AM, wrote:

> Hi!
> Now this is something for the web radio geeks out there. What I'm
> searching for might not even exist yet, but ...
> I'm looking for an app, or plugin, or whatever, that lets me easily
> stream audio content from my music library via a Shoutcast server
> located on another machine.
> I have the following requirements:
> 1. The ability to create a playlist from my music library for
> sequential streaming. Preferrably with optional cross-fading
> 2. The ability to stream the audio recorded by speaking into a
> microphone in real-time (announcements)
> 3. The ability to stream in MP3 Pro format with 64 kbps.
> Any ideas, anyone?
> Thanks in advance,
> Felix
> >

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Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

2009-06-16 Thread Scott Howell

It is not really confusing, it is that Apple does it correctly. In  
other words, the way windows screen readers address the location of  
the cursor in relation to the characters is not the same as a sighted  
user would view it. I know someone gave a really good explanation and  
I won't try to explain it since I might confuse the issue. THe point I  
gather is for a sighted person, the cursor appears between two  
characters instead of sitting on top of the character. This is the  
most simple of explanations, but like I said, someone did explain this  
and did a really good job of it.

On Jun 16, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Brent Harding wrote:

> I thought from what I understood of this is that the cursor goes to  
> the
> right of a character when you right arrow and to the left when left  
> arrow,
> so the repeated character always happens. I agree that the editing  
> thing
> gets confusing on a Macbook because you have to deal with this issue  
> plus
> deleting in the wrong direction from usual. I don't get how if you  
> had a
> forward delete, say you put an extra T on the word Brent, if you  
> arrow until
> you hear the second T and hit forward delete, it should delete the  
> space
> after, arrow to the space to backspace out the T, I think. I'm not  
> sure why
> Apple chose to read this way if indeed the cursor isn't different on  
> the
> Mac.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Alex Jurgensen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:37 AM
> Subject: Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over
>> Hi,
>> Slightly edited, I would send it in to the NFB if I were you. The  
>> only
>> error I see is that the cursor works the same on Macs and PCs, it is
>> merely how JFW and others relate it to the blind user that is
>> different. JFW etc put the vitrual cursor on top of a cursor, but the
>> physical cursor is between characters for a sighted user, just like  
>> on
>> the Mac.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 15-Jun-09, at 4:18 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> Hi all. Well, my pod cast on this is not on blind cool tech yet,
>>> however, it is on another site for those who are interested. This is
>>> my 8th mac pod cast, and my goal is to talk about and demonstrate  
>>> that
>>> many of the tasks this review says are difficult actually are quite
>>> simple and work very well. Would love to know what everyone thinks.
>>> Here is the direct link to the show.

> >

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Re: Shoutcast streaming from a Mac

2009-06-16 Thread Mark Baxter

Is there a way to bring in the shoutcast audio/video streams?  With  
Winamp, I used to be able to browse them; is there an app for this?

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Problem sinking Ipod in new release of Itunes

2009-06-16 Thread Simon Cavendish

Hello Listers,

I've just noticed that I am not able to sink my Ipod with the selected  
playlists in the new Itunes. Every time I try to scroll down the list  
of the playlists, my Itunes crashes. I also no longer hear the  
characteristic wooshing sound when scrolling is executed with vo+shift 
+s command. I've just notified Apple of this bug. I just wonder  
whether anyone else has experienced this?

With best wishes


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Re: Recognizing a heading which is also a link

2009-06-16 Thread Cara Quinn

   Jessi, before we go calling people silly, why don't we try this for  

   For the record, Alex is right.

   When you tab, when Safari is set correctly, your focus will stop on  
links even if they are shown as headings. You can then press enter if  
you like, to activate them. VO space may work as well…

   Please in future, refrain from dis'ing someone on the list? - 
especially if you haven't checked out their suggestion?…

thanks and have a great day!…


Cara  :)
Follow me on Twitter!

View my Online Portfolio at:

On Jun 15, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Jessi and Goldina wrote:

huh? neither tabbing nor using the links list would show you the link
that was inside the heading...well it would, but I'd think it would
just be faster to interact with the heading!! lol. silly Alex. I
seriously hope this is fixed in snow leopard!
On 15-Jun-09, at 6:14 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> You can either tab or use the links list dialog.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 15-Jun-09, at 5:25 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hi. When you're on the heading, interact with it, and the link will
>> appear. It can then be selected as usual.
>> On Jun 15, 2009, at 2:54 AM, wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Now this may just be me not getting a concept right. Probably is.
>>> But
>>> here goes, anyway.
>>> Can somebody please tell me how to recognize a heading which is
>>> also a
>>> link? Perfect example: Google search results. Google renders them as
>>> headings which is beautiful because it lets us navigate between
>>> results at maximum speed. But VO just says "heading," not "link." To
>>> click on one, I have to interact with the heading. This produces the
>>> signal that VO usually plays when execution of a command is not
>>> possible, but from then on the item is recognized as a link. This
>>> leaves me wondering: Do I have to try to interact with every heading
>>> on a website just to make sure there's no link there?
>>> Thanks in advance for helpful answers,
>>> Felix


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Re: Problem sinking Ipod in new release of Itunes

2009-06-16 Thread Scott Howell

Simon, I have not encountered this problem. Does iTunes work normally  
otherwise? If not, I wonder if your library has become corrupted  

On Jun 16, 2009, at 3:50 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> I've just noticed that I am not able to sink my Ipod with the selected
> playlists in the new Itunes. Every time I try to scroll down the list
> of the playlists, my Itunes crashes. I also no longer hear the
> characteristic wooshing sound when scrolling is executed with vo+shift
> +s command. I've just notified Apple of this bug. I just wonder
> whether anyone else has experienced this?
> With best wishes
> Simon
> >

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Re: Problem sinking Ipod in new release of Itunes

2009-06-16 Thread Simon Cavendish

Hi scott,
yes, Itunes works normally otherwise. Are you able to scroll down  
yourp laylist table while sinking selected palylists? Can you hear the  
soun as you are scrolling?

Thanks, Scott, Simon
On 16 Jun 2009, at 22:22, Scott Howell wrote:

> Simon, I have not encountered this problem. Does iTunes work normally
> otherwise? If not, I wonder if your library has become corrupted
> perhaps.
> On Jun 16, 2009, at 3:50 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> Hello Listers,
>> I've just noticed that I am not able to sink my Ipod with the  
>> selected
>> playlists in the new Itunes. Every time I try to scroll down the list
>> of the playlists, my Itunes crashes. I also no longer hear the
>> characteristic wooshing sound when scrolling is executed with vo 
>> +shift
>> +s command. I've just notified Apple of this bug. I just wonder
>> whether anyone else has experienced this?
>> With best wishes
>> Simon
> >

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Re: Problem sinking Ipod in new release of Itunes

2009-06-16 Thread Scott Howell

Simon, another thought occurred to me. When moving through the  
playlists, I do not hear any sound. I am wondering if you have the  
iTunes Genius turned on. I recall getting a noise at one point and I  
think that was it or it might have been that the Genius sidebar was  
showing. I'm sure a little further explanation and we'll figure this  

On Jun 16, 2009, at 5:30 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Hi scott,
> yes, Itunes works normally otherwise. Are you able to scroll down
> yourp laylist table while sinking selected palylists? Can you hear the
> soun as you are scrolling?
> Thanks, Scott, Simon
> On 16 Jun 2009, at 22:22, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Simon, I have not encountered this problem. Does iTunes work normally
>> otherwise? If not, I wonder if your library has become corrupted
>> perhaps.
>> On Jun 16, 2009, at 3:50 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>>> Hello Listers,
>>> I've just noticed that I am not able to sink my Ipod with the
>>> selected
>>> playlists in the new Itunes. Every time I try to scroll down the  
>>> list
>>> of the playlists, my Itunes crashes. I also no longer hear the
>>> characteristic wooshing sound when scrolling is executed with vo
>>> +shift
>>> +s command. I've just notified Apple of this bug. I just wonder
>>> whether anyone else has experienced this?
>>> With best wishes
>>> Simon

> >

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Re: Problem sinking Ipod in new release of Itunes

2009-06-16 Thread Scott Howell

Simon, a couple more questions.

First are you in the source list where the various playlists are or  
are you referring to the table where the list of playlists are, which  
shows up when your iPod is connected. This table appears in the iPod  
settings under the Music tab. I do not use VO-shift-s to scroll. You  
should be able to tab to the sources table and simply arrow up/down or  
if you are in the iPod settings area and you can simply interact with  
the table of playlists you wish to sync with your iPod and use the  
regular arrow keys to move through the table or of course you can use  
the VO navigation as well.
I just want to better understand what your doing exactly. In all cases  
I have not had any problems with navigating using VO-keys or regular  
arrow keys. Can you explain a little more and also explain at which  
point iTUnes crashes? I'm assuming iTunes quits and you get the  
Problem Reporter popup? Also, do you recall when this problem started?
I know there are a number of questions here, but want to be sure I  
understand the situation as much as possible.

On Jun 16, 2009, at 5:30 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Hi scott,
> yes, Itunes works normally otherwise. Are you able to scroll down
> yourp laylist table while sinking selected palylists? Can you hear the
> soun as you are scrolling?
> Thanks, Scott, Simon
> On 16 Jun 2009, at 22:22, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Simon, I have not encountered this problem. Does iTunes work normally
>> otherwise? If not, I wonder if your library has become corrupted
>> perhaps.
>> On Jun 16, 2009, at 3:50 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>>> Hello Listers,
>>> I've just noticed that I am not able to sink my Ipod with the
>>> selected
>>> playlists in the new Itunes. Every time I try to scroll down the  
>>> list
>>> of the playlists, my Itunes crashes. I also no longer hear the
>>> characteristic wooshing sound when scrolling is executed with vo
>>> +shift
>>> +s command. I've just notified Apple of this bug. I just wonder
>>> whether anyone else has experienced this?
>>> With best wishes
>>> Simon

> >

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Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

2009-06-16 Thread Mike Reiser

Nice job Mike.  Definitely enjoyed it like always and can't wait until 
podcast 9 smiles.


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Re: Podcast about VO in Snow Leopard

2009-06-16 Thread Mike Reiser

Doesn't seem to be valid anymore, just saw this as my mac adapter was 
hit by lighning and wasn't able to check mail now using pc laptop so I 
can get it fixed.  Wondering if you could repost?


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Re: ipod nano question

2009-06-16 Thread Scott Howell

Stupid question perhaps, but are you holding the Nano so the wheel is  
at the bottom? Did you try resetting it from iTunes? I have not  
experienced this problem with my Nano, but I have on at least one  
occasion found it necessary to reset the Nano completely, which meant  
I had to basically start over, but it had gotten really hosed in some  

On Jun 15, 2009, at 7:45 PM, gene wrote:

> Hi Alex, I tried the main menu again and all it said is view pannel on
> running my finger around the vertual dial just clicked.

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Re: Pricing on Snow Leopard

2009-06-16 Thread Brandon Misch

well, i'm sure the intel machines that use tiger will use leopard.  
only power pc macs won't work.

On Jun 16, 2009, at 11:41 AM, Brent Harding wrote:

> Wow, I like that they do the honor system with this. I hope people  
> don't
> start abusing it and buying it for Tiger machines, but most of the  
> stuff
> running Tiger probably won't support it anyways.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Howell" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 5:08 AM
> Subject: Re: Pricing on Snow Leopard
>> You should contact Apple and register the machine with them. I may be
>> wrong on this since I have not purchased a machine in this way, but
>> when you install the OS, you register and that info is updated. You
>> could call Apple Care at (1-800) 275-2273 and see if you can register
>> it in your name. Either way, I don't think it will make any
>> difference. Either way, I would not be concerned about this because  
>> of
>> course once you get your copy of Snow Leopard, you would be
>> registering it in your name and there is as far as I can recall no
>> proof of purchase required when purchasing the upgrade.
>> On Jun 15, 2009, at 9:27 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
>>> Oh, I thought I heard that it gets to be a problem with ones sold on
>>> Ebay
>>> because the machine itself might be registered in someone else's  
>>> name.
> >

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website audio question

2009-06-16 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hi group;  Ok, so can someone tell me how I turn the audio off when a  
webpage loads?  I tell you nothing is more annoying than having to  
turn my vo volume all the way up just to try to get to the one link i  
need so their music will stop playing.  In jaws it was the escape key,  
but I've never found anything about how to do this on a mac.  Please  
help.  Thanks, Max 

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Re: Recognizing a heading which is also a link

2009-06-16 Thread Alex Jurgensen


Don't worry about me. Jessi and I know each other off list. It is  
fine. I'm not offended.


On 16-Jun-09, at 1:59 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>  Jessi, before we go calling people silly, why don't we try this for
> ourselves?…
>  For the record, Alex is right.
>  When you tab, when Safari is set correctly, your focus will stop on
> links even if they are shown as headings. You can then press enter if
> you like, to activate them. VO space may work as well…
>  Please in future, refrain from dis'ing someone on the list? -
> especially if you haven't checked out their suggestion?…
> thanks and have a great day!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> Follow me on Twitter!
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> On Jun 15, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
> huh? neither tabbing nor using the links list would show you the link
> that was inside the heading...well it would, but I'd think it would
> just be faster to interact with the heading!! lol. silly Alex. I
> seriously hope this is fixed in snow leopard!
> On 15-Jun-09, at 6:14 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can either tab or use the links list dialog.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 15-Jun-09, at 5:25 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> Hi. When you're on the heading, interact with it, and the link will
>>> appear. It can then be selected as usual.
>>> On Jun 15, 2009, at 2:54 AM, wrote:

 Now this may just be me not getting a concept right. Probably is.
 here goes, anyway.
 Can somebody please tell me how to recognize a heading which is
 also a
 link? Perfect example: Google search results. Google renders them  
 headings which is beautiful because it lets us navigate between
 results at maximum speed. But VO just says "heading," not "link."  
 click on one, I have to interact with the heading. This produces  
 signal that VO usually plays when execution of a command is not
 possible, but from then on the item is recognized as a link. This
 leaves me wondering: Do I have to try to interact with every  
 on a website just to make sure there's no link there?
 Thanks in advance for helpful answers,

> >

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Re: Recognizing a heading which is also a link

2009-06-16 Thread Jessi and Goldina, teasing? Alex knew I was teasing him. we're friends like  
that. wow.
On 16-Jun-09, at 1:59 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   Jessi, before we go calling people silly, why don't we try this for
> ourselves?…
>   For the record, Alex is right.
>   When you tab, when Safari is set correctly, your focus will stop on
> links even if they are shown as headings. You can then press enter if
> you like, to activate them. VO space may work as well…
>   Please in future, refrain from dis'ing someone on the list? -
> especially if you haven't checked out their suggestion?…
> thanks and have a great day!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> Follow me on Twitter!
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> On Jun 15, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
> huh? neither tabbing nor using the links list would show you the link
> that was inside the heading...well it would, but I'd think it would
> just be faster to interact with the heading!! lol. silly Alex. I
> seriously hope this is fixed in snow leopard!
> On 15-Jun-09, at 6:14 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can either tab or use the links list dialog.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 15-Jun-09, at 5:25 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> Hi. When you're on the heading, interact with it, and the link will
>>> appear. It can then be selected as usual.
>>> On Jun 15, 2009, at 2:54 AM, wrote:

 Now this may just be me not getting a concept right. Probably is.
 here goes, anyway.
 Can somebody please tell me how to recognize a heading which is
 also a
 link? Perfect example: Google search results. Google renders them  
 headings which is beautiful because it lets us navigate between
 results at maximum speed. But VO just says "heading," not "link."  
 click on one, I have to interact with the heading. This produces  
 signal that VO usually plays when execution of a command is not
 possible, but from then on the item is recognized as a link. This
 leaves me wondering: Do I have to try to interact with every  
 on a website just to make sure there's no link there?
 Thanks in advance for helpful answers,

> >

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Using Flickr with VO

2009-06-16 Thread David Hole

Hello folks.
I'd like to ask if anyone of you have been using the Flickr-page with 
Does anyone know how to drag photos to the badge for editing?
I've tried the drag-n-drop method that's found on This 
method doesn't work at all :(
Hope someone can help me out with this.
Kind regards David

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Re: Using Flickr with VO

2009-06-16 Thread Esther

Hi David, 

I'm not sure what you want to do with these Flickr images, but can't you route 
your mouse cursor to the image you want (VO-Command-F5 if you don't have your 
cursors tracking), and Control-Click? Press your control key and then click 
with your mouse or trackpad button, or else press the "5" key on the numeric 
keypad with NumPad Commander turned on.  When I try that I get menu options, 
including "Save image to Downloads", "Save image as", and "Add image to iPhoto 
Library", as well as "Copy image".

Why do you want to drag and drop here?  And where do you want to edit these 
photos?  I think Cara Quinn works with photos so she may have some thoughts.  



"David Hole" wrote:
>Hello folks.
>I'd like to ask if anyone of you have been using the Flickr-page with 
>Does anyone know how to drag photos to the badge for editing?
>I've tried the drag-n-drop method that's found on This 
>method doesn't work at all :(
>Hope someone can help me out with this.

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Re: Problem sinking Ipod in new release of Itunes

2009-06-16 Thread Simon Cavendish


The problem occurs when I'm actually sinking the Ipod in the Ipod  
setting area, not in the source list. I choose the music tab which  
then gives me a choice of either sinking everything in my music  
library or just the selected playlists. I then interact with the table  
of my playlists which in my case is rather long. I have never been  
able to use just VO commands or just arrow keys to go the whole way  
down the table of playlists. I had to use the scroll command vo+shift 
+s and then use arrow keys to scroll the list and finish scrolling by  
pressing escape key. (Esther's helpful instructions, if I remember  
correctly) If I don't scroll using the specific command, I can't check  
thee relevant boxes next to the names of the list of playlists.  
Although I may hear the names of the playlists while just using my  
arrow keys, when attempting to check the boxes, I seem to be checking  
the wrong lists unless I use the scroll command and actually move the  
relevant playlists into view.

Secondly, the crashing of Itunes happens after I execute the scroll  
command vo+shift+s and then when attempting to scroll. I get the usual  
problem reporter from the system.

Thank you for your patience in trying to help.

With best wishes

On 16 Jun 2009, at 23:04, Scott Howell wrote:

> Simon, a couple more questions.
> First are you in the source list where the various playlists are or
> are you referring to the table where the list of playlists are, which
> shows up when your iPod is connected. This table appears in the iPod
> settings under the Music tab. I do not use VO-shift-s to scroll. You
> should be able to tab to the sources table and simply arrow up/down or
> if you are in the iPod settings area and you can simply interact with
> the table of playlists you wish to sync with your iPod and use the
> regular arrow keys to move through the table or of course you can use
> the VO navigation as well.
> I just want to better understand what your doing exactly. In all cases
> I have not had any problems with navigating using VO-keys or regular
> arrow keys. Can you explain a little more and also explain at which
> point iTUnes crashes? I'm assuming iTunes quits and you get the
> Problem Reporter popup? Also, do you recall when this problem started?
> I know there are a number of questions here, but want to be sure I
> understand the situation as much as possible.
> On Jun 16, 2009, at 5:30 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> Hi scott,
>> yes, Itunes works normally otherwise. Are you able to scroll down
>> yourp laylist table while sinking selected palylists? Can you hear  
>> the
>> soun as you are scrolling?
>> Thanks, Scott, Simon
>> On 16 Jun 2009, at 22:22, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Simon, I have not encountered this problem. Does iTunes work  
>>> normally
>>> otherwise? If not, I wonder if your library has become corrupted
>>> perhaps.
>>> On Jun 16, 2009, at 3:50 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

 Hello Listers,

 I've just noticed that I am not able to sink my Ipod with the
 playlists in the new Itunes. Every time I try to scroll down the
 of the playlists, my Itunes crashes. I also no longer hear the
 characteristic wooshing sound when scrolling is executed with vo
 +s command. I've just notified Apple of this bug. I just wonder
 whether anyone else has experienced this?

 With best wishes



> >

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