Re: Safari HTML Reference: Supported Accessibility Roles

2009-06-12 Thread Alex Jurgensen


Does Webkit support any other ones.


On 11-Jun-09, at 7:47 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> The following document from the Apple developer's site lists the 17
> ARIA roles that are supported in Safari 4.  Note, that there are 59
> ARIA roles in the draft ARIA recommendation.
> HTH,
> Everett
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
> >

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Re: Another Leopard Bug

2009-06-12 Thread Alex Jurgensen


This is not a bug, because the focus is placed on the text field. This  
is because that is where the focus is when you type the word. It is  
only logical that it should jump back to the toolbar. My feeling is  
that this is how it was intended, so that you could enter another word  
it you wished.


On 8-Jun-09, at 1:47 PM, Gary W. Kelly wrote:

> Hi,
> Have any of you had the experience of being with another person who
> attracts bugs whenever outdoors?  My wife will be bitten by mosquitos
> when I swear there are none around.  In physical reality, I seldom
> attract any biting bugs, but in the virtual world, I have a talent  
> that
> sometimes is a nuisance!  An amazing number of them come my way.
> This is another bug I found in using VoiceOver a while ago.  I was not
> quite up to speed at getting out in email, so here it is now, for  
> those
> who may wish to know. This occurs in the main Dictionary for Leopard.
> -Gary
> From: Accessibility 
> Subject: Re: Help with VoiceOver
> Hi Gary:
> I tried the Dictionary and there seems to be a bug that prevents it
> from reading the definitions. Here's what I did:
> After typing "Apple", you'll get the list of results. You have to stop
> interacting with the search field or the VO cursor will be stuck
> inside the toolbar at the top of the window.  Press Control-Option-
> Shift-UpArrow to stop interacting, then move the VO cursor right a few
> times until you hear "scroll area" or "HTML content area". It changes
> depending on what's being displayed.  When you hear this, press
> Control-Option-A to read the contents.  You can press Control to stop
> on an item and use the VO arrow keys to move around the list. Pressing
> return selects it and changes the window to display the definition.
> Unfortunately, it also moves the VO cursor back to the search field (a
> bug).  So, you have to stop interacting and move back down the the
> HTML content area to hear the definition. Pressing Control-Option-A
> starts to read the definition, but when I looked up Apple, it
> stuttered and had a problem reading.
> I'll make sure the engineers are notified. Sorry this happened to be
> one of the apps that doesn't seem to be working right.
> >

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Re: adium

2009-06-12 Thread Wendy Mitchell

well, what is it then if ts nbot the time, it sounds like the time to  
me it says my name then the time of the message etc.
On 12 Jun 2009, at 01:59, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> That isn't the time. I'm not sure what it is.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 11-Jun-09, at 10:41 AM, Wendy wrote:
>> Hi, the other day i installed the update to safari and since then
>> the time
>> has been showing up on every message i type on adium.  Does anyone
>> know how
>> i can change it so that the time  don't show up on the messages
>> please?
>> Thank you.
>> From Wendy.
>> Member of
> >

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Re: ITunes 8.2 and accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Scott Rutkowski


Why are you asking on this mac list about iTunes access with jfw?
This is a macintosh list not a jfw or other windows screen reader list.
Take your questions non mac related to another list.

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Gilland" 
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:31 PM
Subject: ITunes 8.2 and accessibility

> I am curious to know if anyone has any clue what the scoop is on ITunes 
> 8.2.
> I know it is somewhat inaccessible for some weird reason with jaws 10 on 
> the
> windows side of things.  I was curious if this issue ever as of yet has 
> been
> addressed.  I spoke to a product specialist at Apple, and he said he'd get
> back with me within 72 business hours.  It's been way way way way!
> w'w'w'w'way!more than that now.
> Looks like I'm gonna have to call them, and chew another one onnem.
> Chris.
> > 

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Re: adium

2009-06-12 Thread Alex Jurgensen


As I said I don't know. Some of the mare deffinetely time, but some  
are not.


On 12-Jun-09, at 1:26 AM, Wendy Mitchell wrote:

> well, what is it then if ts nbot the time, it sounds like the time to
> me it says my name then the time of the message etc.
> On 12 Jun 2009, at 01:59, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> That isn't the time. I'm not sure what it is.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 11-Jun-09, at 10:41 AM, Wendy wrote:
>>> Hi, the other day i installed the update to safari and since then
>>> the time
>>> has been showing up on every message i type on adium.  Does anyone
>>> know how
>>> i can change it so that the time  don't show up on the messages
>>> please?
>>> Thank you.
>>> From Wendy.
>>> Member of

> >

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RE: The iphone and gps

2009-06-12 Thread Simon Fogarty

The I phone does have gps but it's a  system that works with google maps
over the data connection to work. As for accessibility hel whos knows.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of erik burggraaf
Sent: Wednesday, 10 June 2009 11:58 p.m.
Subject: Re: The iphone and gps

Hi, some one mentioned google maps.  That may provide limitted  
functionality to get you started, though I'm not sure how it will do  
with pedestrian routs and poi's.  Never know til you try it I guess.

Other than that it is just a waiting game.  I mean, the thing isn't  
even on the shelf yet, so it's going to be a while before the perfect  
GPS solution or the marvelous bar code reader or the nifty colour  
identifier emerge.  I hope they do, along with braille support and  
some tother things.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 10-Jun-09, at 3:13 AM, Jed Barton wrote:

> Hey guys,
> What do you guys see as a solution for those who want a gps on the  
> iphone,
> do you think we're out of luck?
> I couldn't find something that might work as a solution.  Any  
> thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Jed
> >

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Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hmm, let's see if i can formulate this so that it makes sence... I  
think that you have some valid points in what you're saying, however  
that info in the beginning about how to get help should, imho be  
optional, that is if it was there, you should be able to turn it on  
and off. I for one would be half crazy if i was to hear that info  
every time, even if i knew how to silence it  with the ctrl key.  
However, for newbies, this info would be helpful.

12 jun 2009 kl. 04.40 skrev Mike Reiser:

> I was confused about the editing thing as well at first but am doing
> much better now I think.  I still goof up sometimes but oh well.  This
> guy obviously did not read the vo manual as I looked at it today and
> it's very detailed in going over the desktop orientation and all
> that.  They don't describe how to quit apps and itunes isn't mentioned
> accept a little bit but otherwise it is very well written.  I'm a bit
> concerned about Apple's documentation that comes with mac, and I think
> the tutorial should be more interactive in the sense that someone
> should demonstrate basic tasks while the person follows along.  I feel
> they should cover basic tasks like using finder, serfing the web,
> sending email, word processing, and itunes, maybe one or two more
> things.  They should also enclude the vo manual with mac and maybe
> give a short prompt when vo starts to press a key to read help and
> maybe brief instructions on how to read it.  I'm really not sure if
> this would be too much info or not, however.  They will have a welcome
> dialog in snowlepard, so this is a good step.
> Mike
> On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, kaare dehard wrote:
>> Interesting, so I'll explore my own journey with you.
>> My first talking computer ironicly was an apple ii e. My second was a
>> dos machine. Neither of these gave me much trouble. Windows was my
>> next stop, and with no prejudgement I worked for a week before I got
>> myself grounded. Windows 95 98 and xp as well. I then moved on to
>> voiceover for both financial and technical reasons. It took only 2 or
>> 3 days to get my feet, but I couldn't tell you if it was easier to
>> learn, or if my difficulties with jaws and window-eyes were merely
>> experience not understanding differences between cli and gui. Editing
>> with the mac gave me more problems than with windows but that was
>> before someone explained the differences in how the cursors were
>> handled. This is not a reporting error, as sugestive in the article
>> but a different method of cursor tracking and usage. If this fellow
>> writing  Was truly interested in understanding the differences and
>> giving the program a fair crack, it would have been just as easy for
>> him to take advantage of the good help available on this list:).
>> On 11-Jun-09, at 9:20 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>>> When you first started to use Windows were you new to computers?  I
>>> mean you didn't use Lunux or an older flavour of Mac before
>>> hand?  I'm asking as I wonder if you found the Mac quicker to learn
>>> because you had a better grasp of computers in general when you
>>> started with the Mac, something you may not have had when you  
>>> started
>>> to use Windows.  I'm not suggesting the Mac isn't easier to learn  
>>> but
>>> I may have a valid point also.
>>> At 01:04 11/06/2009, you wrote:
 You know what was so funny to me is I have been using the Mac since
 2005 and quite honestly there was a learning curve, but it took me
 considerably less time to get up to speed on the Mac than it did  
 me to master Windows and Window-Eyes. I think a lot of it has to do
 with the fact that the experience of the Mac and VoiceOver are so
 closely related, where the experience of the windows environement
 the screen reader are not going to be the same. I guess the best  
 to say it is the screen reader does present things a little
 than what a sighted user may experience and VO more closely
 the experience a sighted user gets. Hmmm, hope that made sense. :)


 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.50/2150 - Release Date:
 06/02/09 06:47:00

> >

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Re: Strange Itunes problem.

2009-06-12 Thread Scott Howell

Did you turn VO off/on? I noticed this when I upgraded, but once I  
turned VO off/on, the problem resolved itself.
On Jun 11, 2009, at 9:

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Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-12 Thread Scott Howell

I think what is important is you learn how to navigate with VO and  
then learn the applications as would any other user regardless of  
their ability or disability. I may be recalling incorrectly since it  
has been years since I bothered reading the manual for Window-EYes,  
but I think generally it instructed me on how to use WE and not on how  
to use all the applications. Now it is possible because the keys  
required for WE possibly change some behavior of an app, they might  
have touched on the differences, but gee you know I couldn't tell you  
what impact the windows-based screen reader has on the windows  
experience. :) I understand some of what you are saying, but yet once  
you learn VO, you'll learn the apps very quickly. I started off when  
VO was really new, so I really had to read what info I could find and  
learn from there. You know it wasn't to bad and really hey when you  
think about it, a number of people have produced tutorials on how to  
use this or that screen reader and this or that application, sold  
them, and made money. You can do the same thing as well. Wait, maybe I  
should be doing that. :)

On Jun 11, 2009, at 10:40 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:

> I was confused about the editing thing as well at first but am doing
> much better now I think.  I still goof up sometimes but oh well.  This
> guy obviously did not read the vo manual as I looked at it today and
> it's very detailed in going over the desktop orientation and all
> that.  They don't describe how to quit apps and itunes isn't mentioned
> accept a little bit but otherwise it is very well written.  I'm a bit
> concerned about Apple's documentation that comes with mac, and I think
> the tutorial should be more interactive in the sense that someone
> should demonstrate basic tasks while the person follows along.  I feel
> they should cover basic tasks like using finder, serfing the web,
> sending email, word processing, and itunes, maybe one or two more
> things.  They should also enclude the vo manual with mac and maybe
> give a short prompt when vo starts to press a key to read help and
> maybe brief instructions on how to read it.  I'm really not sure if
> this would be too much info or not, however.  They will have a welcome
> dialog in snowlepard, so this is a good step.
> Mike
> On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, kaare dehard wrote:
>> Interesting, so I'll explore my own journey with you.
>> My first talking computer ironicly was an apple ii e. My second was a
>> dos machine. Neither of these gave me much trouble. Windows was my
>> next stop, and with no prejudgement I worked for a week before I got
>> myself grounded. Windows 95 98 and xp as well. I then moved on to
>> voiceover for both financial and technical reasons. It took only 2 or
>> 3 days to get my feet, but I couldn't tell you if it was easier to
>> learn, or if my difficulties with jaws and window-eyes were merely
>> experience not understanding differences between cli and gui. Editing
>> with the mac gave me more problems than with windows but that was
>> before someone explained the differences in how the cursors were
>> handled. This is not a reporting error, as sugestive in the article
>> but a different method of cursor tracking and usage. If this fellow
>> writing  Was truly interested in understanding the differences and
>> giving the program a fair crack, it would have been just as easy for
>> him to take advantage of the good help available on this list:).
>> On 11-Jun-09, at 9:20 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>>> When you first started to use Windows were you new to computers?  I
>>> mean you didn't use Lunux or an older flavour of Mac before
>>> hand?  I'm asking as I wonder if you found the Mac quicker to learn
>>> because you had a better grasp of computers in general when you
>>> started with the Mac, something you may not have had when you  
>>> started
>>> to use Windows.  I'm not suggesting the Mac isn't easier to learn  
>>> but
>>> I may have a valid point also.
>>> At 01:04 11/06/2009, you wrote:
 You know what was so funny to me is I have been using the Mac since
 2005 and quite honestly there was a learning curve, but it took me
 considerably less time to get up to speed on the Mac than it did  
 me to master Windows and Window-Eyes. I think a lot of it has to do
 with the fact that the experience of the Mac and VoiceOver are so
 closely related, where the experience of the windows environement
 the screen reader are not going to be the same. I guess the best  
 to say it is the screen reader does present things a little
 than what a sighted user may experience and VO more closely
 the experience a sighted user gets. Hmmm, hope that made sense. :)


 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.50/2150 - Release Date:

Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-12 Thread Mike Reiser

I agree, the welcome dialog will have an option to show at startup or  
not, there could also be an option to show help message at startup or  
something.  My hope is that these help instructions will be put into  
the welcome screen.

On Jun 12, 2009, at 5:08 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hmm, let's see if i can formulate this so that it makes sence... I
> think that you have some valid points in what you're saying, however
> that info in the beginning about how to get help should, imho be
> optional, that is if it was there, you should be able to turn it on
> and off. I for one would be half crazy if i was to hear that info
> every time, even if i knew how to silence it  with the ctrl key.
> However, for newbies, this info would be helpful.
> /Krister
> 12 jun 2009 kl. 04.40 skrev Mike Reiser:
>> I was confused about the editing thing as well at first but am doing
>> much better now I think.  I still goof up sometimes but oh well.   
>> This
>> guy obviously did not read the vo manual as I looked at it today and
>> it's very detailed in going over the desktop orientation and all
>> that.  They don't describe how to quit apps and itunes isn't  
>> mentioned
>> accept a little bit but otherwise it is very well written.  I'm a bit
>> concerned about Apple's documentation that comes with mac, and I  
>> think
>> the tutorial should be more interactive in the sense that someone
>> should demonstrate basic tasks while the person follows along.  I  
>> feel
>> they should cover basic tasks like using finder, serfing the web,
>> sending email, word processing, and itunes, maybe one or two more
>> things.  They should also enclude the vo manual with mac and maybe
>> give a short prompt when vo starts to press a key to read help and
>> maybe brief instructions on how to read it.  I'm really not sure if
>> this would be too much info or not, however.  They will have a  
>> welcome
>> dialog in snowlepard, so this is a good step.
>> Mike
>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, kaare dehard wrote:
>>> Interesting, so I'll explore my own journey with you.
>>> My first talking computer ironicly was an apple ii e. My second  
>>> was a
>>> dos machine. Neither of these gave me much trouble. Windows was my
>>> next stop, and with no prejudgement I worked for a week before I got
>>> myself grounded. Windows 95 98 and xp as well. I then moved on to
>>> voiceover for both financial and technical reasons. It took only 2  
>>> or
>>> 3 days to get my feet, but I couldn't tell you if it was easier to
>>> learn, or if my difficulties with jaws and window-eyes were merely
>>> experience not understanding differences between cli and gui.  
>>> Editing
>>> with the mac gave me more problems than with windows but that was
>>> before someone explained the differences in how the cursors were
>>> handled. This is not a reporting error, as sugestive in the article
>>> but a different method of cursor tracking and usage. If this fellow
>>> writing  Was truly interested in understanding the differences and
>>> giving the program a fair crack, it would have been just as easy for
>>> him to take advantage of the good help available on this list:).
>>> On 11-Jun-09, at 9:20 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:

 When you first started to use Windows were you new to computers?  I
 mean you didn't use Lunux or an older flavour of Mac before
 hand?  I'm asking as I wonder if you found the Mac quicker to learn
 because you had a better grasp of computers in general when you
 started with the Mac, something you may not have had when you
 to use Windows.  I'm not suggesting the Mac isn't easier to learn
 I may have a valid point also.

 At 01:04 11/06/2009, you wrote:

> You know what was so funny to me is I have been using the Mac  
> since
> 2005 and quite honestly there was a learning curve, but it took me
> considerably less time to get up to speed on the Mac than it did
> for
> me to master Windows and Window-Eyes. I think a lot of it has to  
> do
> with the fact that the experience of the Mac and VoiceOver are so
> closely related, where the experience of the windows environement
> and
> the screen reader are not going to be the same. I guess the best
> way
> to say it is the screen reader does present things a little
> different
> than what a sighted user may experience and VO more closely
> represents
> the experience a sighted user gets. Hmmm, hope that made sense. :)
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.50/2150 - Release Date:
> 06/02/09 06:47:00


> >

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trying read iris

2009-06-12 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi friends.  I'm interested in trying Read Iris.  I know it's been  
discussed before, so if you want to leave me any comments or  
suggestions off list, that's fine.

Fraid I've gotten off to a bad start.  I found the company's web site  
alright.  I clicked downloads.  Then I clicked demos, then I clicked  
the download link beside trial version for mac OSX.  So far so good.

Then I filled in my country of origin and my email, and I got a nice  
little email offering me a link to a flash movie demo showing how to  
use read iris, which is, quite frankly, not what was advertized, and  
sertainly not what I asked for.  Then reading the fine print at the  
bottom I discover I've been cavoleerly subscribed to a company mailing  
list and I'll have to take action to get myself unsubscribed which is  
most disconserting.

So, I am tourn.  The email is offering me read iris for half price,  
and it's not all that expensive to begin with.  Money is always tight  
here though, and I'm not sure I want to invest in a company that  
impresses me as being just a tidge high handed.  This especially since  
I can't try the product for free before I buy it.

I'm still semi-interested.  To be honest, it would be nice not to have  
to go to windows every time I want to read something, which again to  
be honest isn't really often enough to justify having a copy of  
kurzweil around all the time.  Plus, I'd like to demonstrate that  
there is a good scanning and reading solution for the mac.  One of the  
companies I work for sells a fare amount of apple, and it would be  
nice to show this as part of the mac experience.

I'd be greatful for simple reassurance if nothing else, preferably  
from actual users of the program.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

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Re: Safari HTML Reference: Supported Accessibility Roles

2009-06-12 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good morning,

To the best of my knowledge webkit supports the same number of roles  
as safari.  Believe I read a tweet to this regard from the author of  
the article.


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View my LinkedIn Profile

On 12-Jun-09, at 3:33 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> HI,
> Does Webkit support any other ones.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 11-Jun-09, at 7:47 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> The following document from the Apple developer's site lists the 17
>> ARIA roles that are supported in Safari 4.  Note, that there are 59
>> ARIA roles in the draft ARIA recommendation.
>> HTH,
>> Everett
>> Follow me on Twitter
>> View my LinkedIn Profile

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Re: The iphone and gps

2009-06-12 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

The iPhone has GPS. GPS is separate from the Google Maps application  
that ships on the iPhone, which simply uses GPS to pin-point your  
location. GPS can be used for any number of things, and is not  
restricted to Google Maps.

Apple states that the Maps app that ships with the iPhone is  
accessible with VoiceOver. Other applications from third-party  
developers is unknown at this time.

Just wanted to clarify.

Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…


On Jun 12, 2009, at 3:05 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> The I phone does have gps but it's a  system that works with google  
> maps
> over the data connection to work. As for accessibility hel whos knows.

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Re: Strange Itunes problem.

2009-06-12 Thread Jesse Bollinger

Scott Howell wrote:
> Did you turn VO off/on? I noticed this when I upgraded, but once I  
> turned VO off/on, the problem resolved itself.
> On Jun 11, 2009, at 9:
> >
> I'll try that. Thanks for the help.

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Re: IWorks

2009-06-12 Thread Ben King
Dear Kerry,

My name is Ben King and I have heard wonderful things about Iwork.  It  
is quite accessible with Voiceover.  There is a podcast explaining  
about Iwork.  It is the Screenlesswitchers podcast 28.  I hope this  
helps.  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King
On Jun 11, 2009, at 6:35 AM, Kerry Painter wrote:

> Hi Folks.  I don't own a Mac yet but have been watching this list  
> with great interest.  Can somebody tell me a bit about IWorks and  
> what it does and whether it is accessible using VO?
> Thanks.
> Kerry
> Probably the best kept financial secret in the UK
> What's it all about
> >

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tool to store and search several data

2009-06-12 Thread william windels

Hello all,
I am looking for a program to store different types of data and a  
quick way to search specific parts of thi data.

For example:
I would like to store all properties of different contacts like name,  
address, mail, phone, mobile... but also some extra notes like e.g.  
accountnr, website, bank-account, contactperson...

So, if they are stored somewhere, I will have a quick why to see on  
the screen e.g. the bankaccount of person george by typing the name  

On linux , I was using the abook addressbook in combination with the  
mutt email-client.
When I typed then the name of the person in the console, I received  
all the related information of this person on my screen.

is there a solution on the mac?
best regards,
William Windels

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question about garrage band

2009-06-12 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi friends,  Is there a trick to the pan slider in Garrage band?  A  
friend of mine is complaining that he can get the volume to work but  
not the pan.  I'm sure it ust be something he's doing rong, and I'll  
try it my self when I get the chance, but if any one has any thoughts  
I'd be interested.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

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Re: tool to store and search several data

2009-06-12 Thread Maurice Mines

hi I am looking for a stats pakage that will work with vo? also I am  
intrested what can help this person as well.
On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:29 PM, william windels wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am looking for a program to store different types of data and a
> quick way to search specific parts of thi data.
> For example:
> I would like to store all properties of different contacts like name,
> address, mail, phone, mobile... but also some extra notes like e.g.
> accountnr, website, bank-account, contactperson...
> So, if they are stored somewhere, I will have a quick why to see on
> the screen e.g. the bankaccount of person george by typing the name
> george.
> On linux , I was using the abook addressbook in combination with the
> mutt email-client.
> When I typed then the name of the person in the console, I received
> all the related information of this person on my screen.
> is there a solution on the mac?
> best regards,
> William Windels
> >

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New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Cara Quinn

   Hello All;

   I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -  
IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.

   the url is:

   Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you  
feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for  
those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may  
have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.

   As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list  
will reflect the character of its members.   -You want flame  
wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed  
list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you create!

   If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be  
assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…

   Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…


Cara  :)
Follow me on Twitter!

View my Online Portfolio at:

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Re: trying read iris

2009-06-12 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Eric,

Readiris does a great job on OCR but is rubbish for scanning. I use a  
combination of VueScan with Readiris and the results are excellent.

You can find a set up guide and user guide for VueScan with Readiris on:

or on:

VueScan and Readiris work seamlessly together. After scanning, VueScan  
launches Readiris which then launches TextEdit.

The whole process is explained in the user guide.


On Jun 12, 2009, at 3:47 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi friends.  I'm interested in trying Read Iris.  I know it's been
> discussed before, so if you want to leave me any comments or
> suggestions off list, that's fine.
> Fraid I've gotten off to a bad start.  I found the company's web site
> alright.  I clicked downloads.  Then I clicked demos, then I clicked
> the download link beside trial version for mac OSX.  So far so good.
> Then I filled in my country of origin and my email, and I got a nice
> little email offering me a link to a flash movie demo showing how to
> use read iris, which is, quite frankly, not what was advertized, and
> sertainly not what I asked for.  Then reading the fine print at the
> bottom I discover I've been cavoleerly subscribed to a company mailing
> list and I'll have to take action to get myself unsubscribed which is
> most disconserting.
> So, I am tourn.  The email is offering me read iris for half price,
> and it's not all that expensive to begin with.  Money is always tight
> here though, and I'm not sure I want to invest in a company that
> impresses me as being just a tidge high handed.  This especially since
> I can't try the product for free before I buy it.
> I'm still semi-interested.  To be honest, it would be nice not to have
> to go to windows every time I want to read something, which again to
> be honest isn't really often enough to justify having a copy of
> kurzweil around all the time.  Plus, I'd like to demonstrate that
> there is a good scanning and reading solution for the mac.  One of the
> companies I work for sells a fare amount of apple, and it would be
> nice to show this as part of the mac experience.
> I'd be greatful for simple reassurance if nothing else, preferably
> from actual users of the program.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> >

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Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Simon Cavendish

Why do we have to have a separate list for every single thing that  
happens regarding voiceover and such like? Are we going to have a  
separate list for Ipod too? It just fragments things and makes it  
impossible to follow things. But if that's what people want, that's  
fine with me. Has there been a request for a separate list for IPhone?

Best wishes

On 12 Jun 2009, at 21:47, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   Hello All;
>   I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -
> IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.
>   the url is:
>   Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you
> feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for
> those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may
> have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.
>   As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list
> will reflect the character of its members.   -You want flame
> wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed
> list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you  
> create!
>   If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be
> assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…
>   Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> Follow me on Twitter!
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> >

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Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Justin Harford

HiI would like to see a separate list for iphone discussions.

Justin Harford
On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   Hello All;
>   I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -
> IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.
>   the url is:
>   Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you
> feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for
> those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may
> have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.
>   As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list
> will reflect the character of its members.   -You want flame
> wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed
> list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you  
> create!
>   If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be
> assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…
>   Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> Follow me on Twitter!
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> >

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Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Justin Harford

Hi there

Simon Cavendish wrote

> Has there been a request for a separate list for IPhone?

There has now.

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Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Larry Wanger


I think the iPod is different than the iPhone. The iPhone is a much  
more dynamic platform and I think that there could be many messages  
about the iPhone both at the release and then over time. There is  
certainly a group of people on the current list that are only Mac  
users and may not want the bother of all the iPhone related traffic.
On Jun 12, 2009, at 3:26 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Why do we have to have a separate list for every single thing that
> happens regarding voiceover and such like? Are we going to have a
> separate list for Ipod too? It just fragments things and makes it
> impossible to follow things. But if that's what people want, that's
> fine with me. Has there been a request for a separate list for IPhone?
> Best wishes
> Simon
> On 12 Jun 2009, at 21:47, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>  Hello All;
>>  I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -
>> IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.
>>  the url is:
>>  Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you
>> feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for
>> those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may
>> have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.
>>  As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list
>> will reflect the character of its members.   -You want flame
>> wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed
>> list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you
>> create!
>>  If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be
>> assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…
>>  Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…
>> Smiles,
>> Cara  :)
>> ---
>> Follow me on Twitter!
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
> >

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Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Scott Rutkowski

because simon there's people who may not b interested in the iPhone at all 
and seen's it's a new interface and many people may have questions, you 
don't want to clutter upthe the list with all iPhone stuff do you?

does this anser your question now?

- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Cavendish" 
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

Why do we have to have a separate list for every single thing that
happens regarding voiceover and such like? Are we going to have a
separate list for Ipod too? It just fragments things and makes it
impossible to follow things. But if that's what people want, that's
fine with me. Has there been a request for a separate list for IPhone?

Best wishes

On 12 Jun 2009, at 21:47, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   Hello All;
>   I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -
> IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.
>   the url is:
>   Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you
> feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for
> those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may
> have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.
>   As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list
> will reflect the character of its members.   -You want flame
> wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed
> list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you
> create!
>   If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be
> assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…
>   Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> Follow me on Twitter!
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> >

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Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Scott Rutkowski

well you now have a separate list so enjoy it and go buy an iPhone on june 
19 if you want one.

i'm jealous you guys are getting the iPhone a week before australia.

- Original Message - 
From: "Justin Harford" 
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

HiI would like to see a separate list for iphone discussions.

Justin Harford
On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   Hello All;
>   I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -
> IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.
>   the url is:
>   Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you
> feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for
> those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may
> have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.
>   As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list
> will reflect the character of its members.   -You want flame
> wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed
> list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you
> create!
>   If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be
> assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…
>   Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> Follow me on Twitter!
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> >

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Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Cara Quinn

   Simon, I'll respond to you below.

On Jun 12, 2009, at 3:26 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

Why do we have to have a separate list for every single thing that
happens regarding voiceover and such like?

   Perhaps I'm not getting your tone right here, but Do  we really  
need to be this touchy about every little thing? If you must know, I  
created that list not to shunt off discussions from here, but just  
because I wanted to! :)

   Neither you, nor anyone else here need join if you don't wish.  
Someone did ask me about the possibility of excess traffic over the  
IPhone, and if I thought another list was necessary, and I said no. - 
And I still don't…

   If you'd like to join the new list, then by all means, go right  

   However, I will say that if there are a number of people who write  
me, frustrated with the traffic level concerning the IPhone if the  
list does get out of hand, then I most certainly will suggest that  
topics be moved there…

Are we going to have a
separate list for Ipod too?

   Your sarcasm aside, no, I wasn't planning on doing that; however,  
with all due respect, I'll set up whatever lists I choose to, and  
you're welcome to do the same, yes?…

It just fragments things and makes it
impossible to follow things. But if that's what people want, that's
fine with me.

   I'd agree that too many lists on similar topics can fragment things  
but it's also good to have choices.

   If this is in fact, fine with you, then why, might I ask are you so  
upset?…  :)

Has there been a request for a separate list for IPhone?

   (See above)

   Simon, and All, please know that as list mod, I will do whatever is  
the best fit for this list as a whole. This, however, might rub some  
the wrong way. -But I'll do what's necessary to help the list run  
smoothly for all of us, or as many as possible, not just a few of us.

   Thanks for your note and have a nice weekend!…


Cara  :)

Best wishes

On 12 Jun 2009, at 21:47, Cara Quinn wrote:

>  Hello All;
>  I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -
> IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.
>  the url is:
>  Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you
> feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for
> those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may
> have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.
>  As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list
> will reflect the character of its members.   -You want flame
> wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed
> list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you
> create!
>  If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be
> assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…
>  Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> Follow me on Twitter!
> View my Online Portfolio at:

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strange issue with adium

2009-06-12 Thread Mike Arrigo

Hi all. Has anyone else had problems with adium recently? I have the  
newest version, and am using the default server, I think it's hot  
mail. Anyway, it some times takes a really long time to connect, and  
some times doesn't connect at all. It was working fine before this  
started, and I haven't changed anything. I did try deleting and adding  
the account again but that didn't help.

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Re: The iphone and gps

2009-06-12 Thread Mike Arrigo

I wonder if the folks at way finder will develop a program for the  
Iphone, they already have Way Finder on several other platforms.
On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:58 AM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> The iPhone has GPS. GPS is separate from the Google Maps application  
> that ships on the iPhone, which simply uses GPS to pin-point your  
> location. GPS can be used for any number of things, and is not  
> restricted to Google Maps.
> Apple states that the Maps app that ships with the iPhone is  
> accessible with VoiceOver. Other applications from third-party  
> developers is unknown at this time.
> Just wanted to clarify.
> Josh de Lioncourt
>   …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 3:05 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> The I phone does have gps but it's a  system that works with google  
>> maps
>> over the data connection to work. As for accessibility hel whos  
>> knows.
> >

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Re: Multi finger jestures and desktop Macs

2009-06-12 Thread Ignasi Cambra

It's a hardware issue. I don't know if you already got the answer but  
oh well... I'm behind reading emails!
On Jun 11, 2009, at 7:38 AM, ben mustill-rose wrote:

> But is it a issue of there drivers not supporting multi touch or an
> actual hardware one?
> On 11/06/2009, Ignasi Cambra  wrote:
>> No, it probably won't work on older macbooks because their trackpads
>> don't support multi tuch.
>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 7:16 AM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>>> Surely its just a software thing for all the mb's and mbp's though.
>>> On 11/06/2009, Justin Harford  wrote:

 Or for that matter, will older macbook and macbook pro models be  
 out.  I'm pretty sure that the newer notebooks use different touch

 Justin Harford
 On Jun 10, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Dean Wilcox wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been on this list for what feels like a long time, I want a  
> Mac
> but my Windows PC just keeps going so I haven't justified it yet.
> I was reading the accessibility page relating to the up and coming
> Snow Leopard and was interested to read about the different finger
> jestures and ways that Voice Over will make use of the trackpad.
> I'm
> refering to the two sections "now the trackpad is the screen" and
> "the rotor", both of which are headings.  Are desktop Macs getting
> left behind in this respect?  Here is the link:


>>> --
>>> Kind regards, BEN.
>>> email:
>>> msn:
>>> web: (under construction)

> -- 
> Kind regards, BEN.
> email:
> msn:
> web: (under construction)
> >

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Re: Multi finger jestures and desktop Macs

2009-06-12 Thread Brent Harding

Will the ones from October of 2008 support it? That's what I bought in March 
or so.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ignasi Cambra" 
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: Multi finger jestures and desktop Macs

> It's a hardware issue. I don't know if you already got the answer but
> oh well... I'm behind reading emails!
> On Jun 11, 2009, at 7:38 AM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>> But is it a issue of there drivers not supporting multi touch or an
>> actual hardware one?
>> On 11/06/2009, Ignasi Cambra  wrote:
>>> No, it probably won't work on older macbooks because their trackpads
>>> don't support multi tuch.
>>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 7:16 AM, ben mustill-rose wrote:

 Surely its just a software thing for all the mb's and mbp's though.

 On 11/06/2009, Justin Harford  wrote:
> Or for that matter, will older macbook and macbook pro models be
> left
> out.  I'm pretty sure that the newer notebooks use different touch
> pad
> technology.
> Regards
> Justin Harford
> On Jun 10, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been on this list for what feels like a long time, I want a
>> Mac
>> but my Windows PC just keeps going so I haven't justified it yet.
>> I was reading the accessibility page relating to the up and coming
>> Snow Leopard and was interested to read about the different finger
>> jestures and ways that Voice Over will make use of the trackpad.
>> I'm
>> refering to the two sections "now the trackpad is the screen" and
>> "the rotor", both of which are headings.  Are desktop Macs getting
>> left behind in this respect?  Here is the link:

 Kind regards, BEN.

 web: (under construction)


>> -- 
>> Kind regards, BEN.
>> email:
>> msn:
>> web: (under construction)
>> >
> >

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Re: Safari VS Webkit explanation

2009-06-12 Thread Ignasi Cambra

For what I know, Chrome doesn't work with VO. Don't ask me why...  
Because theoretically it should.
On Jun 12, 2009, at 12:13 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> HI,
> If it is exposed so. The Mac Alpha's are out now.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 11-Jun-09, at 7:42 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> In theory I'm going to guess that chrome will be accessible too sense
>> it's written with webkit?
>> Mike
>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:
>>> This explanation helps.  Thank you.
>>> Brett
>>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 8:34 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:


 Safari 3/4 are just the GUI which Apple places on top of Webkit.
 of Safari as the container you put food in when you go to a fancy
 container. YOu may add a Microwave feature to the container, etc.
 if you leave food in it for a long time it won't taste quite as  
 as the latest trend in gormé cooking. Webkit is the powering engine
 Safari and Google Chrome. It is like the food inside the container.
 Updating nightly Webkits and using Webkit VS Safari allows you to
 the latest features in something that looks just like Safari.

 Now I am hungry and I must go eat.



> >

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Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-12 Thread Ignasi Cambra

I totally agree. I think the VO quick start that exists in Leopard is  
enough, because it shows you how to navigate all kinds of controls,  
which in the end are the ones you find all over OS X and most  
applications. So what's wrong with it? Personally I found it very  
useful, along with the keyboard help feature. When I first started  
using a Mac, I could do pretty much everything after a couple of hours  
working on it. I mean I don't think more documentation would hurt, but  
I would rather let those people work on actual features than putting  
them to write documentation...
On Jun 12, 2009, at 6:59 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I think what is important is you learn how to navigate with VO and
> then learn the applications as would any other user regardless of
> their ability or disability. I may be recalling incorrectly since it
> has been years since I bothered reading the manual for Window-EYes,
> but I think generally it instructed me on how to use WE and not on how
> to use all the applications. Now it is possible because the keys
> required for WE possibly change some behavior of an app, they might
> have touched on the differences, but gee you know I couldn't tell you
> what impact the windows-based screen reader has on the windows
> experience. :) I understand some of what you are saying, but yet once
> you learn VO, you'll learn the apps very quickly. I started off when
> VO was really new, so I really had to read what info I could find and
> learn from there. You know it wasn't to bad and really hey when you
> think about it, a number of people have produced tutorials on how to
> use this or that screen reader and this or that application, sold
> them, and made money. You can do the same thing as well. Wait, maybe I
> should be doing that. :)
> On Jun 11, 2009, at 10:40 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> I was confused about the editing thing as well at first but am doing
>> much better now I think.  I still goof up sometimes but oh well.   
>> This
>> guy obviously did not read the vo manual as I looked at it today and
>> it's very detailed in going over the desktop orientation and all
>> that.  They don't describe how to quit apps and itunes isn't  
>> mentioned
>> accept a little bit but otherwise it is very well written.  I'm a bit
>> concerned about Apple's documentation that comes with mac, and I  
>> think
>> the tutorial should be more interactive in the sense that someone
>> should demonstrate basic tasks while the person follows along.  I  
>> feel
>> they should cover basic tasks like using finder, serfing the web,
>> sending email, word processing, and itunes, maybe one or two more
>> things.  They should also enclude the vo manual with mac and maybe
>> give a short prompt when vo starts to press a key to read help and
>> maybe brief instructions on how to read it.  I'm really not sure if
>> this would be too much info or not, however.  They will have a  
>> welcome
>> dialog in snowlepard, so this is a good step.
>> Mike
>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, kaare dehard wrote:
>>> Interesting, so I'll explore my own journey with you.
>>> My first talking computer ironicly was an apple ii e. My second  
>>> was a
>>> dos machine. Neither of these gave me much trouble. Windows was my
>>> next stop, and with no prejudgement I worked for a week before I got
>>> myself grounded. Windows 95 98 and xp as well. I then moved on to
>>> voiceover for both financial and technical reasons. It took only 2  
>>> or
>>> 3 days to get my feet, but I couldn't tell you if it was easier to
>>> learn, or if my difficulties with jaws and window-eyes were merely
>>> experience not understanding differences between cli and gui.  
>>> Editing
>>> with the mac gave me more problems than with windows but that was
>>> before someone explained the differences in how the cursors were
>>> handled. This is not a reporting error, as sugestive in the article
>>> but a different method of cursor tracking and usage. If this fellow
>>> writing  Was truly interested in understanding the differences and
>>> giving the program a fair crack, it would have been just as easy for
>>> him to take advantage of the good help available on this list:).
>>> On 11-Jun-09, at 9:20 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:

 When you first started to use Windows were you new to computers?  I
 mean you didn't use Lunux or an older flavour of Mac before
 hand?  I'm asking as I wonder if you found the Mac quicker to learn
 because you had a better grasp of computers in general when you
 started with the Mac, something you may not have had when you
 to use Windows.  I'm not suggesting the Mac isn't easier to learn
 I may have a valid point also.

 At 01:04 11/06/2009, you wrote:

> You know what was so funny to me is I have been using the Mac  
> since
> 2005 and quite honestly there was a learning curve, but it took me
> considerably less time to get up to

Re: tool to store and search several data

2009-06-12 Thread Ignasi Cambra

You can try using a database... I think the one that comes with Open  
Office is supposed to be accessible.
On Jun 12, 2009, at 3:29 PM, william windels wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am looking for a program to store different types of data and a
> quick way to search specific parts of thi data.
> For example:
> I would like to store all properties of different contacts like name,
> address, mail, phone, mobile... but also some extra notes like e.g.
> accountnr, website, bank-account, contactperson...
> So, if they are stored somewhere, I will have a quick why to see on
> the screen e.g. the bankaccount of person george by typing the name
> george.
> On linux , I was using the abook addressbook in combination with the
> mutt email-client.
> When I typed then the name of the person in the console, I received
> all the related information of this person on my screen.
> is there a solution on the mac?
> best regards,
> William Windels
> >

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Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Ignasi Cambra

I think it's a good idea. Not everyone that owns a Mac necessarily  
wants to know about the iPhone, and vice versa. In my case I just send  
everything from vo-bs, macvoiceover and macvisionaries to the same  
mailbox using a rule, so many times I don't even pay attention to the  
list I'm reading. So the iPhone list will probably go to that mailbox  
too. This works great for me.
On Jun 12, 2009, at 6:28 PM, Justin Harford wrote:

> HiI would like to see a separate list for iphone discussions.
> Regards
> Justin Harford
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>  Hello All;
>>  I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -
>> IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.
>>  the url is:
>>  Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you
>> feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for
>> those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may
>> have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.
>>  As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list
>> will reflect the character of its members.   -You want flame
>> wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed
>> list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you
>> create!
>>  If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be
>> assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…
>>  Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…
>> Smiles,
>> Cara  :)
>> ---
>> Follow me on Twitter!
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
> >

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Re: strange issue with adium

2009-06-12 Thread Ignasi Cambra

The same thing happened to me, after I installed 10.5.7. Mail was also  
doing weird things, but somehow everything out of normal stopped  
happening at some point. Everything is perfect for me now. Isn't it  
On Jun 12, 2009, at 7:32 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Hi all. Has anyone else had problems with adium recently? I have the
> newest version, and am using the default server, I think it's hot
> mail. Anyway, it some times takes a really long time to connect, and
> some times doesn't connect at all. It was working fine before this
> started, and I haven't changed anything. I did try deleting and adding
> the account again but that didn't help.
> >

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Re: Multi finger jestures and desktop Macs

2009-06-12 Thread Ignasi Cambra

Here's what I think, but this information might be wrong... All  
macbook aluminum models do have multi touch. The plastic ones don't.  
Am I wrong?
On Jun 12, 2009, at 8:31 PM, Brent Harding wrote:

> Will the ones from October of 2008 support it? That's what I bought  
> in March
> or so.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ignasi Cambra" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 7:29 PM
> Subject: Re: Multi finger jestures and desktop Macs
>> It's a hardware issue. I don't know if you already got the answer but
>> oh well... I'm behind reading emails!
>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 7:38 AM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>>> But is it a issue of there drivers not supporting multi touch or an
>>> actual hardware one?
>>> On 11/06/2009, Ignasi Cambra  wrote:

 No, it probably won't work on older macbooks because their  
 don't support multi tuch.
 On Jun 11, 2009, at 7:16 AM, ben mustill-rose wrote:

> Surely its just a software thing for all the mb's and mbp's  
> though.
> On 11/06/2009, Justin Harford  wrote:
>> Or for that matter, will older macbook and macbook pro models be
>> left
>> out.  I'm pretty sure that the newer notebooks use different  
>> touch
>> pad
>> technology.
>> Regards
>> Justin Harford
>> On Jun 10, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been on this list for what feels like a long time, I want a
>>> Mac
>>> but my Windows PC just keeps going so I haven't justified it  
>>> yet.
>>> I was reading the accessibility page relating to the up and  
>>> coming
>>> Snow Leopard and was interested to read about the different  
>>> finger
>>> jestures and ways that Voice Over will make use of the trackpad.
>>> I'm
>>> refering to the two sections "now the trackpad is the screen"  
>>> and
>>> "the rotor", both of which are headings.  Are desktop Macs  
>>> getting
>>> left behind in this respect?  Here is the link:

> --
> Kind regards, BEN.
> email:
> msn:
> web: (under construction)


>>> -- 
>>> Kind regards, BEN.
>>> email:
>>> msn:
>>> web: (under construction)

> >

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Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Darcy Burnard
Hi everyone.  Apparently the twitter client Syrinx is being effected  
by the Twitpocalypse.  If you don't know what that is, a description  
is here.
Until this gets fixed, you'll have to switch back to either  
twitterific or twitterpod.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Steven M. Sawczyn
Wow, I can't sign in with Twitterrific either... What am I going to do  
without Twitter?  Oh, the horror.


On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:

Hi everyone.  Apparently the twitter client Syrinx is being effected  
by the Twitpocalypse.  If you don't know what that is, a description  
is here.
Until this gets fixed, you'll have to switch back to either  
twitterific or twitterpod.

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

Twitterific seems to be working OK. You might want to check if you've  
got the very latest version. :)

On Jun 12, 2009, at 7:03 PM, Steven M. Sawczyn wrote:

> Wow, I can't sign in with Twitterrific either... What am I going to  
> do without Twitter?  Oh, the horror.
> Steve
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
> Hi everyone.  Apparently the twitter client Syrinx is being effected  
> by the Twitpocalypse.  If you don't know what that is, a description  
> is here.
> Until this gets fixed, you'll have to switch back to either  
> twitterific or twitterpod.
> Darcy
> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Darcy Burnard
Twitterrific should be working.  It's working here.

On 2009-06-12, at 10:03 PM, Steven M. Sawczyn wrote:

> Wow, I can't sign in with Twitterrific either... What am I going to  
> do without Twitter?  Oh, the horror.
> Steve
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
> Hi everyone.  Apparently the twitter client Syrinx is being effected  
> by the Twitpocalypse.  If you don't know what that is, a description  
> is here.
> Until this gets fixed, you'll have to switch back to either  
> twitterific or twitterpod.
> Darcy
> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Matthew Elliff

hi. i can't get any tweets currently using twitterpod either. wonder
what's going on?

On 6/12/09, Steven M. Sawczyn  wrote:
> Wow, I can't sign in with Twitterrific either... What am I going to do
> without Twitter?  Oh, the horror.
> Steve
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
> Hi everyone.  Apparently the twitter client Syrinx is being effected
> by the Twitpocalypse.  If you don't know what that is, a description
> is here.
> Until this gets fixed, you'll have to switch back to either
> twitterific or twitterpod.
> Darcy
> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hmmm, not sure what that is, when I tried to open that page, got a  
page that Safari couldn't find the server?
On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:

> Hi everyone.  Apparently the twitter client Syrinx is being effected  
> by the Twitpocalypse.  If you don't know what that is, a description  
> is here.
> Until this gets fixed, you'll have to switch back to either  
> twitterific or twitterpod.
> Darcy
> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Matthew Elliff

i got it to open, but the explaination makes no sense to me at all. i
have no idea what they're talking about.

On 6/12/09, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:
> Hmmm, not sure what that is, when I tried to open that page, got a
> page that Safari couldn't find the server?
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi everyone.  Apparently the twitter client Syrinx is being effected
>> by the Twitpocalypse.  If you don't know what that is, a description
>> is here.
>> Until this gets fixed, you'll have to switch back to either
>> twitterific or twitterpod.
>> Darcy
>> >
> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Or rather, that it couldn't connect to it?
On Jun 12, 2009, at 11:25 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Hmmm, not sure what that is, when I tried to open that page, got a  
> page that Safari couldn't find the server?
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi everyone.  Apparently the twitter client Syrinx is being  
>> effected by the Twitpocalypse.  If you don't know what that is, a  
>> description is here.
>> Until this gets fixed, you'll have to switch back to either  
>> twitterific or twitterpod.
>> Darcy
> >

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Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-12 Thread kaare dehard

Also, if more documentation is required, Really what would stop one or  
two of us from building a document ourselves and making it available?  
If we want to leave feature implimentation to apple, between most of  
us on the list proactive written documentation available and offered  
to apple to distribute might provide the much needed touch that some  
of the blind community may prefer from their own members.

Just a thought.
On 12-Jun-09, at 8:42 PM, Ignasi Cambra wrote:

> I totally agree. I think the VO quick start that exists in Leopard is
> enough, because it shows you how to navigate all kinds of controls,
> which in the end are the ones you find all over OS X and most
> applications. So what's wrong with it? Personally I found it very
> useful, along with the keyboard help feature. When I first started
> using a Mac, I could do pretty much everything after a couple of hours
> working on it. I mean I don't think more documentation would hurt, but
> I would rather let those people work on actual features than putting
> them to write documentation...
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 6:59 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I think what is important is you learn how to navigate with VO and
>> then learn the applications as would any other user regardless of
>> their ability or disability. I may be recalling incorrectly since it
>> has been years since I bothered reading the manual for Window-EYes,
>> but I think generally it instructed me on how to use WE and not on  
>> how
>> to use all the applications. Now it is possible because the keys
>> required for WE possibly change some behavior of an app, they might
>> have touched on the differences, but gee you know I couldn't tell you
>> what impact the windows-based screen reader has on the windows
>> experience. :) I understand some of what you are saying, but yet once
>> you learn VO, you'll learn the apps very quickly. I started off when
>> VO was really new, so I really had to read what info I could find and
>> learn from there. You know it wasn't to bad and really hey when you
>> think about it, a number of people have produced tutorials on how to
>> use this or that screen reader and this or that application, sold
>> them, and made money. You can do the same thing as well. Wait,  
>> maybe I
>> should be doing that. :)
>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 10:40 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>>> I was confused about the editing thing as well at first but am doing
>>> much better now I think.  I still goof up sometimes but oh well.
>>> This
>>> guy obviously did not read the vo manual as I looked at it today and
>>> it's very detailed in going over the desktop orientation and all
>>> that.  They don't describe how to quit apps and itunes isn't
>>> mentioned
>>> accept a little bit but otherwise it is very well written.  I'm a  
>>> bit
>>> concerned about Apple's documentation that comes with mac, and I
>>> think
>>> the tutorial should be more interactive in the sense that someone
>>> should demonstrate basic tasks while the person follows along.  I
>>> feel
>>> they should cover basic tasks like using finder, serfing the web,
>>> sending email, word processing, and itunes, maybe one or two more
>>> things.  They should also enclude the vo manual with mac and maybe
>>> give a short prompt when vo starts to press a key to read help and
>>> maybe brief instructions on how to read it.  I'm really not sure if
>>> this would be too much info or not, however.  They will have a
>>> welcome
>>> dialog in snowlepard, so this is a good step.
>>> Mike
>>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, kaare dehard wrote:

 Interesting, so I'll explore my own journey with you.

 My first talking computer ironicly was an apple ii e. My second
 was a
 dos machine. Neither of these gave me much trouble. Windows was my
 next stop, and with no prejudgement I worked for a week before I  
 myself grounded. Windows 95 98 and xp as well. I then moved on to
 voiceover for both financial and technical reasons. It took only 2
 3 days to get my feet, but I couldn't tell you if it was easier to
 learn, or if my difficulties with jaws and window-eyes were merely
 experience not understanding differences between cli and gui.
 with the mac gave me more problems than with windows but that was
 before someone explained the differences in how the cursors were
 handled. This is not a reporting error, as sugestive in the article
 but a different method of cursor tracking and usage. If this fellow
 writing  Was truly interested in understanding the differences and
 giving the program a fair crack, it would have been just as easy  
 him to take advantage of the good help available on this list:).
 On 11-Jun-09, at 9:20 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:

> When you first started to use Windows were you new to  
> computers?  I
> mean you didn't use Lunux or an older flavour of Mac before

Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Matthew Elliff

oh it seems like it is cause it's telling me when the lext tweets will
be but none ever come.

On 6/12/09, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:
> Or rather, that it couldn't connect to it?
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 11:25 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> Hmmm, not sure what that is, when I tried to open that page, got a
>> page that Safari couldn't find the server?
>> On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:38 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>>> Hi everyone.  Apparently the twitter client Syrinx is being
>>> effected by the Twitpocalypse.  If you don't know what that is, a
>>> description is here.
>>> Until this gets fixed, you'll have to switch back to either
>>> twitterific or twitterpod.
>>> Darcy
>> >
> >

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Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-12 Thread Justin Harford

Good idea.  We could write a blog like what they have for orca.  That  
way members could read and edit each other's work and make  
improvements or suggest alternatives.
On Jun 12, 2009, at 8:32 PM, kaare dehard wrote:

> Also, if more documentation is required, Really what would stop one or
> two of us from building a document ourselves and making it available?
> If we want to leave feature implimentation to apple, between most of
> us on the list proactive written documentation available and offered
> to apple to distribute might provide the much needed touch that some
> of the blind community may prefer from their own members.
> Just a thought.
> On 12-Jun-09, at 8:42 PM, Ignasi Cambra wrote:
>> I totally agree. I think the VO quick start that exists in Leopard is
>> enough, because it shows you how to navigate all kinds of controls,
>> which in the end are the ones you find all over OS X and most
>> applications. So what's wrong with it? Personally I found it very
>> useful, along with the keyboard help feature. When I first started
>> using a Mac, I could do pretty much everything after a couple of  
>> hours
>> working on it. I mean I don't think more documentation would hurt,  
>> but
>> I would rather let those people work on actual features than putting
>> them to write documentation...
>> On Jun 12, 2009, at 6:59 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> I think what is important is you learn how to navigate with VO and
>>> then learn the applications as would any other user regardless of
>>> their ability or disability. I may be recalling incorrectly since it
>>> has been years since I bothered reading the manual for Window-EYes,
>>> but I think generally it instructed me on how to use WE and not on
>>> how
>>> to use all the applications. Now it is possible because the keys
>>> required for WE possibly change some behavior of an app, they might
>>> have touched on the differences, but gee you know I couldn't tell  
>>> you
>>> what impact the windows-based screen reader has on the windows
>>> experience. :) I understand some of what you are saying, but yet  
>>> once
>>> you learn VO, you'll learn the apps very quickly. I started off when
>>> VO was really new, so I really had to read what info I could find  
>>> and
>>> learn from there. You know it wasn't to bad and really hey when you
>>> think about it, a number of people have produced tutorials on how to
>>> use this or that screen reader and this or that application, sold
>>> them, and made money. You can do the same thing as well. Wait,
>>> maybe I
>>> should be doing that. :)
>>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 10:40 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:

 I was confused about the editing thing as well at first but am  
 much better now I think.  I still goof up sometimes but oh well.
 guy obviously did not read the vo manual as I looked at it today  
 it's very detailed in going over the desktop orientation and all
 that.  They don't describe how to quit apps and itunes isn't
 accept a little bit but otherwise it is very well written.  I'm a
 concerned about Apple's documentation that comes with mac, and I
 the tutorial should be more interactive in the sense that someone
 should demonstrate basic tasks while the person follows along.  I
 they should cover basic tasks like using finder, serfing the web,
 sending email, word processing, and itunes, maybe one or two more
 things.  They should also enclude the vo manual with mac and maybe
 give a short prompt when vo starts to press a key to read help and
 maybe brief instructions on how to read it.  I'm really not sure if
 this would be too much info or not, however.  They will have a
 dialog in snowlepard, so this is a good step.

 On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, kaare dehard wrote:

> Interesting, so I'll explore my own journey with you.
> My first talking computer ironicly was an apple ii e. My second
> was a
> dos machine. Neither of these gave me much trouble. Windows was my
> next stop, and with no prejudgement I worked for a week before I
> got
> myself grounded. Windows 95 98 and xp as well. I then moved on to
> voiceover for both financial and technical reasons. It took only 2
> or
> 3 days to get my feet, but I couldn't tell you if it was easier to
> learn, or if my difficulties with jaws and window-eyes were merely
> experience not understanding differences between cli and gui.
> Editing
> with the mac gave me more problems than with windows but that was
> before someone explained the differences in how the cursors were
> handled. This is not a reporting error, as sugestive in the  
> article
> but a different method of cursor tracking and usage. If this  
> fellow
> writing  Was truly interested in understanding the differences 

Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-12 Thread Mike Reiser

Like I said I'm not sure what the right solution is.  I think there  
should at least be a basic tutorial that covers the use of vo with the  
finder maybe and other things.  Again I really don't know how this  
will be balanced or solved.

On Jun 12, 2009, at 7:42 PM, Ignasi Cambra wrote:

> I totally agree. I think the VO quick start that exists in Leopard is
> enough, because it shows you how to navigate all kinds of controls,
> which in the end are the ones you find all over OS X and most
> applications. So what's wrong with it? Personally I found it very
> useful, along with the keyboard help feature. When I first started
> using a Mac, I could do pretty much everything after a couple of hours
> working on it. I mean I don't think more documentation would hurt, but
> I would rather let those people work on actual features than putting
> them to write documentation...
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 6:59 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I think what is important is you learn how to navigate with VO and
>> then learn the applications as would any other user regardless of
>> their ability or disability. I may be recalling incorrectly since it
>> has been years since I bothered reading the manual for Window-EYes,
>> but I think generally it instructed me on how to use WE and not on  
>> how
>> to use all the applications. Now it is possible because the keys
>> required for WE possibly change some behavior of an app, they might
>> have touched on the differences, but gee you know I couldn't tell you
>> what impact the windows-based screen reader has on the windows
>> experience. :) I understand some of what you are saying, but yet once
>> you learn VO, you'll learn the apps very quickly. I started off when
>> VO was really new, so I really had to read what info I could find and
>> learn from there. You know it wasn't to bad and really hey when you
>> think about it, a number of people have produced tutorials on how to
>> use this or that screen reader and this or that application, sold
>> them, and made money. You can do the same thing as well. Wait,  
>> maybe I
>> should be doing that. :)
>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 10:40 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>>> I was confused about the editing thing as well at first but am doing
>>> much better now I think.  I still goof up sometimes but oh well.
>>> This
>>> guy obviously did not read the vo manual as I looked at it today and
>>> it's very detailed in going over the desktop orientation and all
>>> that.  They don't describe how to quit apps and itunes isn't
>>> mentioned
>>> accept a little bit but otherwise it is very well written.  I'm a  
>>> bit
>>> concerned about Apple's documentation that comes with mac, and I
>>> think
>>> the tutorial should be more interactive in the sense that someone
>>> should demonstrate basic tasks while the person follows along.  I
>>> feel
>>> they should cover basic tasks like using finder, serfing the web,
>>> sending email, word processing, and itunes, maybe one or two more
>>> things.  They should also enclude the vo manual with mac and maybe
>>> give a short prompt when vo starts to press a key to read help and
>>> maybe brief instructions on how to read it.  I'm really not sure if
>>> this would be too much info or not, however.  They will have a
>>> welcome
>>> dialog in snowlepard, so this is a good step.
>>> Mike
>>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, kaare dehard wrote:

 Interesting, so I'll explore my own journey with you.

 My first talking computer ironicly was an apple ii e. My second
 was a
 dos machine. Neither of these gave me much trouble. Windows was my
 next stop, and with no prejudgement I worked for a week before I  
 myself grounded. Windows 95 98 and xp as well. I then moved on to
 voiceover for both financial and technical reasons. It took only 2
 3 days to get my feet, but I couldn't tell you if it was easier to
 learn, or if my difficulties with jaws and window-eyes were merely
 experience not understanding differences between cli and gui.
 with the mac gave me more problems than with windows but that was
 before someone explained the differences in how the cursors were
 handled. This is not a reporting error, as sugestive in the article
 but a different method of cursor tracking and usage. If this fellow
 writing  Was truly interested in understanding the differences and
 giving the program a fair crack, it would have been just as easy  
 him to take advantage of the good help available on this list:).
 On 11-Jun-09, at 9:20 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:

> When you first started to use Windows were you new to  
> computers?  I
> mean you didn't use Lunux or an older flavour of Mac before
> hand?  I'm asking as I wonder if you found the Mac quicker to  
> learn
> because you had a better grasp of computers in general when you
> started with the Mac, som

Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Mike Reiser

I don't have a problem with a seperate iphone list.  I can see where  
both sides are comeing from, but I don't have a problem either way.

On Jun 12, 2009, at 7:50 PM, Ignasi Cambra wrote:

> I think it's a good idea. Not everyone that owns a Mac necessarily
> wants to know about the iPhone, and vice versa. In my case I just send
> everything from vo-bs, macvoiceover and macvisionaries to the same
> mailbox using a rule, so many times I don't even pay attention to the
> list I'm reading. So the iPhone list will probably go to that mailbox
> too. This works great for me.
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 6:28 PM, Justin Harford wrote:
>> HiI would like to see a separate list for iphone discussions.
>> Regards
>> Justin Harford
>> On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>> Hello All;
>>> I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -
>>> IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.
>>> the url is:
>>> Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you
>>> feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for
>>> those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may
>>> have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.
>>> As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list
>>> will reflect the character of its members.   -You want flame
>>> wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed
>>> list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you
>>> create!
>>> If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be
>>> assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…
>>> Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…
>>> Smiles,
>>> Cara  :)
>>> ---
>>> Follow me on Twitter!
>>> View my Online Portfolio at:

> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Mark Baxter

Twitterific still works, Syrinx doesn't seem to any more.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-12 Thread Mark Baxter

The number of tweets is so large that the computer can't handle the  
number + 1.  It's in the way integers are defined for the computer;  
that's how I understand it, at least.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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