Simon, I'll respond to you below.

On Jun 12, 2009, at 3:26 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

Why do we have to have a separate list for every single thing that
happens regarding voiceover and such like?

   Perhaps I'm not getting your tone right here, but Do  we really  
need to be this touchy about every little thing? If you must know, I  
created that list not to shunt off discussions from here, but just  
because I wanted to! :)

   Neither you, nor anyone else here need join if you don't wish.  
Someone did ask me about the possibility of excess traffic over the  
IPhone, and if I thought another list was necessary, and I said no. - 
And I still don't…

   If you'd like to join the new list, then by all means, go right  

   However, I will say that if there are a number of people who write  
me, frustrated with the traffic level concerning the IPhone if the  
list does get out of hand, then I most certainly will suggest that  
topics be moved there…

Are we going to have a
separate list for Ipod too?

   Your sarcasm aside, no, I wasn't planning on doing that; however,  
with all due respect, I'll set up whatever lists I choose to, and  
you're welcome to do the same, yes?…

It just fragments things and makes it
impossible to follow things. But if that's what people want, that's
fine with me.

   I'd agree that too many lists on similar topics can fragment things  
but it's also good to have choices.

   If this is in fact, fine with you, then why, might I ask are you so  
upset?…  :)

Has there been a request for a separate list for IPhone?

   (See above)

   Simon, and All, please know that as list mod, I will do whatever is  
the best fit for this list as a whole. This, however, might rub some  
the wrong way. -But I'll do what's necessary to help the list run  
smoothly for all of us, or as many as possible, not just a few of us.

   Thanks for your note and have a nice weekend!…


Cara  :)

Best wishes

On 12 Jun 2009, at 21:47, Cara Quinn wrote:

>  Hello All;
>  I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -
> IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.
>  the url is:
>  Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you
> feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for
> those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may
> have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.
>  As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list
> will reflect the character of its members. <smile>  -You want flame
> wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed
> list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you
> create!
>  If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be
> assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…
>  Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> Follow me on Twitter!
> View my Online Portfolio at:

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