Re: How to add double barlines to a gregorian chant?

2008-08-12 Thread Dominic Neumann
Okay, I´ll try to play around with different versions. In the current
case that´s not such a problem for me, because there are some chants I
have to produce NOW and they have to look good. After that I probably
won´t use gregorian chant that soon.


2008/8/12 Kurt Kroon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 2008/08/11 11:13 AM, "Dominic Neumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks Kurt! I already solved some problems, for example by using
>> \finalis, \divisioMinima and so on.
>> The main remaining problem is the bad positioning of notes and lyrics
>> when two or more noteheads are nearly in one place. After these places
>> is too much space until the next notehead is printed.
>> Now I updated from 2.11.44 to 2.11.55 hoping that it helps. But the output of
>> ml
>> looks other than online. Online there are not those ugly spaces, but
>> on my system there are. [It´s Windows XP Pro, LilyPond version
>> 2.11.55]
>> (see attachment for this).
>> Any ideas?
> It appears to have happened sometime between versions 2.11.51 (when the
> online output was generated) and 2.11.55 (the most current development
> version).  I'm getting similar results on Mac OS X (10.4), using the same
> dev version.
> This cycle of progress-regress is tiresome but to be expected since we're
> working with a development version of the program.  Ancient notation -- and
> Gregorian-type chant in particular -- has been neglected for quite some
> time, so even the modest advances that I've seen since version 2.8 (or so)
> are refreshing.
> You may also consider downgrading to the current stable version, 2.10.33.  I
> have attached an example of that version's output.  (Assuming that you *can*
> downgrade: it works fine on my Macintosh, but I can't test on WinXP.  The
> only computer available to me that runs Windows XP is my work computer, and
> my employer (the State of California) penalizes inappropriate personal use
> of State property.)
> I'm sorry that I can't offer better help -- but I'm kind of stuck in the
> same situation as you, hoping that LilyPond's output doesn't regress too
> much.  Maybe some of the gurus on this list (who have more experience with
> spacing issues) can help us out ...?
> Kurtis
> PS: There's always Grégoire ( -- but it's even
> older than LilyPond (even though it was purpose-built for producing
> Gregorian chant).  It doesn't have a layout engine; you integrate the
> results into your favorite word processor / DTP program.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: spacing problem

2008-08-12 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> > It's not specific to dotted notes but to notes which have longer
> > durations, and which get squeezed far too much -- the same problem
> > occurs for, say, half notes and whole notes.  I simply want to
> > control these squeezing values globally.
> The spacing is controlled by 2 values in the end: the ideal length
> of the spring, and the width of the fixed part (the remaining is the
> stretchable part).  I guess you want to increase the fixed width for
> these notes (which also decreases the stretching in case of loose
> lines - the springs are symmetric in stretch and shrink).  You could
> experiment with
>   Spacing_spanner::musical_column_spacing
> to tweak the fixed length.

You mean a factor for base_note_space (at least this is what I
understand at looking at this code)?  What about making it


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP -- Revised second draft of Fretted strings

2008-08-12 Thread Trevor Daniels

Hi again Carl

Another major addition! The new fretboard additions are
very impressive!  All very clearly and concisely
written except for one paragraph, which just confused
me: Custom tablatures

I found the first paragraph less than clear, maybe
because I'm not familiar with tablature.  In particular,
I was left with the following questions:

a) what is the order in which the strings should be
  specified - seems like lowest to highest?
b) if so, why subtract more to give the pitch of
  higher strings?
c) the sentence starting "The numbers specified ..." seems
  to go wrong in the second half, so what is it saying?

After reading this I felt the only way to understand
it was to go away and experiment :(


- Original Message - 
From: "Carl D. Sorensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "lily-devel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:49 AM
Subject: GDP -- Revised second draft of Fretted strings

Dear Lilypond Users and Developers,

We're pleased to announce a revised second draft of NR 2.4 Fretted strings.

This draft includes the new predefined-fretboards functionality that enables
transposable guitar fret diagrams.

Please proofread this section carefully, and try an example or two to see if
the documentation is clear (especially through

As always, the GDP documentation can be found at

Thanks in advance for your reviews.  Your careful reviews will help the
quality of the documentation match the quality of LilyPond output.

Carl Sorensen

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: spacing problem

2008-08-12 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 6:33 AM, Werner LEMBERG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > It's not specific to dotted notes but to notes which have longer
>> > durations, and which get squeezed far too much -- the same problem
>> > occurs for, say, half notes and whole notes.  I simply want to
>> > control these squeezing values globally.
>> The spacing is controlled by 2 values in the end: the ideal length
>> of the spring, and the width of the fixed part (the remaining is the
>> stretchable part).  I guess you want to increase the fixed width for
>> these notes (which also decreases the stretching in case of loose
>> lines - the springs are symmetric in stretch and shrink).  You could
>> experiment with
>>   Spacing_spanner::musical_column_spacing
>> to tweak the fixed length.
> You mean a factor for base_note_space (at least this is what I
> understand at looking at this code)?  What about making it
> configurable?

It already is to some extent; look at lily/

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP -- Revised second draft of Fretted strings

2008-08-12 Thread Carl D. Sorensen
Thanks, Trevor.

Custom Tablatures was a section that I didn't edit; my contributions
were limited to the Fret Diagrams section.

Jonathan, as I worked on the FretBoards material, I came to understand
the fret assignment algorithm a bit.  Would you like me to take on
this section, or would you prefer to respond to Trevor's concerns?



On 8/12/08 8:12 AM, "Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi again Carl
> Another major addition! The new fretboard additions are
> very impressive!  All very clearly and concisely
> written except for one paragraph, which just confused
> me:
> Custom tablatures
> I found the first paragraph less than clear, maybe
> because I'm not familiar with tablature.  In particular,
> I was left with the following questions:
> a) what is the order in which the strings should be
>specified - seems like lowest to highest?
> b) if so, why subtract more to give the pitch of
>higher strings?
> c) the sentence starting "The numbers specified ..." seems
>to go wrong in the second half, so what is it saying?
> After reading this I felt the only way to understand
> it was to go away and experiment :(
> Trevor
> - Original Message -
> From: "Carl D. Sorensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "lily-devel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:49 AM
> Subject: GDP -- Revised second draft of Fretted strings
> Dear Lilypond Users and Developers,
> We're pleased to announce a revised second draft of NR 2.4 Fretted strings.
> This draft includes the new predefined-fretboards functionality that enables
> transposable guitar fret diagrams.
> Please proofread this section carefully, and try an example or two to see if
> the documentation is clear (especially through
> As always, the GDP documentation can be found at
> Thanks in advance for your reviews.  Your careful reviews will help the
> quality of the documentation match the quality of LilyPond output.
> Carl Sorensen
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: spacing problem

2008-08-12 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> > You mean a factor for base_note_space (at least this is what I
> > understand at looking at this code)?  What about making it
> > configurable?
> It already is to some extent; look at lily/

I can't see anything in this file which influences the minimum value
of a note's fixed-length part.  get_duration_space() is obviously not
what I'm looking for; it rather produces a default value which can
still be squeezed by a spring, right?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: spacing problem

2008-08-12 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
You're looking for whatever goes into the 2nd argument of the Spring

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Werner LEMBERG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > You mean a factor for base_note_space (at least this is what I
>> > understand at looking at this code)?  What about making it
>> > configurable?
>> It already is to some extent; look at lily/
> I can't see anything in this file which influences the minimum value
> of a note's fixed-length part.  get_duration_space() is obviously not
> what I'm looking for; it rather produces a default value which can
> still be squeezed by a spring, right?

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments on Learning Manual 3 -- Fundamental concepts

2008-08-12 Thread John Mandereau
2008/8/10 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Absolutely.  When the LM was written the appropriate sections in the
> NR did not exist, or at least the headings were expected to change.
> Now the headings have stabilised (more or less) the refs can be added.
> Could you please make a new patch, taking into account the
> comments made yesterday by others and push it to origin/master,
> as you now have git access?  I'm pretty happy with all your changes,
> and the odd nit I can pick up afterwards.  This will be easier than
> trying to discuss little points in a long patch.

Done, except that I forgot to add xrefs to NR in today's commits.  I
also pushed changes to the rest of LM 3, and will proofread LM 4
Tweaking output real soon.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments on Learning Manual 3 -- Fundamental concepts

2008-08-12 Thread John Mandereau
2008/8/11 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sat, 9 Aug 2008 23:54:44 +0200
> "Valentin Villenave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Actually, this is a Johnism (I don't know why he keeps asking us to
>> remove parentheses).
> Parentheses are discouraged in highly formal writing, but they add
> clarity and the docs aren't extremely formal, so let's use them.

It's true that I excessively want to remove parentheses everywhere,
and I agree parentheses are useful and add clarity for short phrases.
However, using parentheses to enclose long phrases or even full
sentences is poor in formal writing, in this case long dashes or
footnotes are preferable.  Our docs should follow formal writing,
especially in NR, even if we can be more tolerant in LM.  BTW good
references for French typography discourage use of parentheses too, so
I'm not very tolerant in this respect in French translations.

>> What I have in mind when commenting an .itely file is that comments
>> may be useful for the next documentation team (when the guys will
>> start their own Grand Documentation Project in 10 years).
>> In this specific case, theoretically doc writers are aware that the
>> engraver is not used anymore...

I'm afraid that some innocent docs writer is tempted to change back to
Dynamic_engraver will check the Internals Reference first and see that
this engraver is longer used in any context, although it still exists;
that's why I left this comment in my commit, which doesn't cost much.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments on Learning Manual 3 -- Fundamental concepts

2008-08-12 Thread Trevor Daniels

John Mandereau wrote Tuesday, August 12, 2008 5:42 PM

2008/8/10 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Absolutely.  When the LM was written the appropriate sections in the
NR did not exist, or at least the headings were expected to change.
Now the headings have stabilised (more or less) the refs can be added.

Could you please make a new patch, taking into account the
comments made yesterday by others and push it to origin/master,
as you now have git access?  I'm pretty happy with all your changes,
and the odd nit I can pick up afterwards.  This will be easier than
trying to discuss little points in a long patch.

Done, except that I forgot to add xrefs to NR in today's commits.  I
also pushed changes to the rest of LM 3, and will proofread LM 4
Tweaking output real soon.

Thanks John.  They all look fine.

I learned you can have digits in context names! --- as long as the
names are in quotation marks.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Nicholas Wastell
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 14:00:51 -0700
Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Having spent well over a hundred hours on such [stupid, newbie rtfm]
> idiodicies in the past four years, I have no patience left for them.

Well, you don't say.  I've no doubt you've done the Lilypond project a great 
deal of good, but there's no way you should be (stupid newbie) customer facing. 
 IMO, this is just not the kind of thing that should be aired on any -user 
list, prime searching ground for those very newbies, and your attitude grates.

If you don't like the rtfm questions, don't answer them.  There are, 
fortunately, some folks on the list with an ounce of patience and good manners.

For the record, I agree with Bertalan's original observation.

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Tomas Valusek


BTW, AU is what? An Astronomical Unit??? IR is commonly recognized is 
InfraRed :-))) IMHO there should be some sort of FAQ :-))) And in the 
end - PCMCIA (People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms) ... :-)))

Tomas Valusek

Valentin Villenave napsal(a):

2008/8/11 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

My point is that lilypond-user reading users won't get used to it. Many of
them are newcomers and beginners. They don't usually follow the
conversations on the list.

Referring to NRx.x is still okay when you're talking to devs and doc
writers, I think. But I agree with you, you can't say to a beginner
"RTF NRx.x.x.x, and STFU" :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread James E. Bailey
no, AU is audio unit. It's a type of plugin for core audio on  
macintosh computers.

And am I the only one who thinks of cars seeing MG?

Am 12.08.2008 um 19:43 schrieb Tomas Valusek:


BTW, AU is what? An Astronomical Unit??? IR is commonly recognized  
is InfraRed :-))) IMHO there should be some sort of FAQ :-))) And in  
the end - PCMCIA (People Can't Memorize Computer Industry  
Acronyms) ... :-)))

Tomas Valusek

Valentin Villenave napsal(a):

2008/8/11 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
My point is that lilypond-user reading users won't get used to it.  
Many of

them are newcomers and beginners. They don't usually follow the
conversations on the list.

Referring to NRx.x is still okay when you're talking to devs and doc
writers, I think. But I agree with you, you can't say to a beginner
"RTF NRx.x.x.x, and STFU" :-)
lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

\textLengthOn - choosing which note to lengthen

2008-08-12 Thread Chris Snyder
I'm running into a situation where \textLengthOn isn't behaving like I 
would expect it to. I have an organ piece where I'd like to put some 
text between the staves for the manuals. The text is a bit too long, 
however, so it hits the barline. Adding \textLengthOn seems to be the 
right solution. Unfortunately, I can't get it to do anything other than 
lengthen the space after the shortest note that occurs at the same time 
as the text, even the shorter note is in a different voice than the text.

The expected/desired behavior for me would be to have that command 
lengthen the time interval for the note that the text is attached to - 
if it was attached to a whole-note in a 4/4 bar, for instance, I'd 
expect it to expand the whole bar to match the length of the text. 
Instead, it lengthens the length of the shortest note in the bar.

I've whipped up an example of what's going on:

Thanks in advance.

-Chris Snyder

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/8/12 Nicholas Wastell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If you don't like the rtfm questions, don't answer them.  There are, 
> fortunately, some folks on the list with an ounce of patience and good 
> manners.

Graham will probably not answer that, but... if you had been following
discussions on -user and -devel for more than a few months, I think
you would feel sorry for having written that. There's a reason why
Graham can afford being... whatever he is (though, granted, you can
hardly guess this reason from such mails as this last one).

Hint: please have a look at
(I learned a lot from this page in my days).

Valentin Villenave.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments on Learning Manual 3 -- Fundamental concepts

2008-08-12 Thread Robin Bannister
Trevor Daniels wrote 

I learned you can have digits in context names! --- as long as the
names are in quotation marks.

which I regard as slightly more confirmation of my fragile suspicion that 

in (the current GDP) Learning Manual 3.1.1 - In summary  
there shouldn't be a backslash in front of "StaffGroup" where it says

Every \context block will affect the named context (e.g., \StaffGroup)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Actually, MG is a state of brazil, to me.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:08 PM, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> no, AU is audio unit. It's a type of plugin for core audio on macintosh
> computers.
> And am I the only one who thinks of cars seeing MG?

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Ralph Palmer
Anyone else remember Booker T. and the . . . ?

In any case, it might make sense to use at least some of the acronyms
judiciously. There is a wide variety of users on this list, and many of the
discussions are, while not exclusive, at least aimed at a particular
audience. I don't see why it wouldn't be a good idea to change the
vocabulary based on the discussion and/or audience; actually, we already do.
If Graham or Valentin uses NR or LSR in a response to a question or
statement of mine, I'll understand. If I'm responding to an apparent newbie,
using LM could possibly either confuse them more or turn them off to the
LilyPond community in general. I don't understand a lot of the code
discussions on the list (especially ones with long strings of Scheme
coding), but that doesn't keep me from using the list.



On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually, MG is a state of brazil, to me.
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:08 PM, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > no, AU is audio unit. It's a type of plugin for core audio on macintosh
> > computers.
> >
> > And am I the only one who thinks of cars seeing MG?
> >
> >
> --
> Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

Ralph Palmer
Greenfield, MA
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments on Learning Manual 3 -- Fundamental concepts

2008-08-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Robin Bannister wrote:

Trevor Daniels wrote

I learned you can have digits in context names! --- as long as the
names are in quotation marks.

which I regard as slightly more confirmation of my fragile suspicion that
in (the current GDP) Learning Manual 3.1.1 - In summary  there 
shouldn't be a backslash in front of "StaffGroup" where it says

Every \context block will affect the named context (e.g., \StaffGroup)

I think the current text is correct, but it's completely out of context.
I guess that it refers to the technique described in NR 5.1.4 "Changing 
context default settings", but since this isn't described at all in the 
LM, the sentence you refer to should probably be removed.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Dominic Neumann
2008/8/12 Ralph Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Anyone else remember Booker T. and the . . . ?
> In any case, it might make sense to use at least some of the acronyms
> judiciously. There is a wide variety of users on this list, and many of the
> discussions are, while not exclusive, at least aimed at a particular
> audience. I don't see why it wouldn't be a good idea to change the
> vocabulary based on the discussion and/or audience; actually, we already do.

> If Graham or Valentin uses NR or LSR in a response to a question or
> statement of mine, I'll understand. If I'm responding to an apparent newbie,
> using LM could possibly either confuse them more or turn them off to the
> LilyPond community in general.

But isn´t that a bit insular? I think the answers on the list are not
only provided for the one who asked but for everybody, even the people
searching the mailing list archive later. So differentiating is okay,
but you should also have others in your mind.


> I don't understand a lot of the code
> discussions on the list (especially ones with long strings of Scheme
> coding), but that doesn't keep me from using the list.
> Peace,
> Ralph
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Actually, MG is a state of brazil, to me.
>> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:08 PM, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > no, AU is audio unit. It's a type of plugin for core audio on macintosh
>> > computers.
>> >
>> > And am I the only one who thinks of cars seeing MG?
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
> --
> Ralph Palmer
> Greenfield, MA
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: spacing problem

2008-08-12 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> > I can't see anything in this file which influences the minimum
> > value of a note's fixed-length part.  get_duration_space() is
> > obviously not what I'm looking for; it rather produces a default
> > value which can still be squeezed by a spring, right?
> You're looking for whatever goes into the 2nd argument of the Spring
> constructor.

Hmm.  In file, function Note_Spacing::get_spacing,
which is used in Spacing_Spanner::musical_column_spacing, I see this

  Real distance = skys[LEFT].distance (skys[RIGHT]);
  Real min_dist = max (0.0, distance);
  Spring ret (max (0.0, ideal), min_dist);
  return ret;

It seems to me that `distance' can even become zero.  I can't say
whether this can cause problems due to lack of knowledge of the source
code.  On the other hand, musical_column_spacing contains this code in
case the above one isn't called:

  spring = Spring (max (base_note_space, options->increment_),

This looks better, however it means that *all* notes, regardless of
its duration, have a minimum width of `spacing-increment' (which is
the Scheme parameter assotiated with `increment_'); the default value
is the width of a note head.  Can this be correct?  Isn't this too
small in tight situations?  Note heads might (almost) touch...

IMHO, this should be configurable.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Ralph Palmer
I agree, Dominic. It wasn't intended to be insular. On the other hand, when
someone is responding to a question about Scheme or about "deep" (I don't
even know the correct term) code, I don't see how one can, or if one should
try to, make the discussion intelligible to a newbie.


On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> 2008/8/12 Ralph Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Anyone else remember Booker T. and the . . . ?
> >
> > In any case, it might make sense to use at least some of the acronyms
> > judiciously. There is a wide variety of users on this list, and many of
> the
> > discussions are, while not exclusive, at least aimed at a particular
> > audience. I don't see why it wouldn't be a good idea to change the
> > vocabulary based on the discussion and/or audience; actually, we already
> do.
> > If Graham or Valentin uses NR or LSR in a response to a question or
> > statement of mine, I'll understand. If I'm responding to an apparent
> newbie,
> > using LM could possibly either confuse them more or turn them off to the
> > LilyPond community in general.
> But isn´t that a bit insular? I think the answers on the list are not
> only provided for the one who asked but for everybody, even the people
> searching the mailing list archive later. So differentiating is okay,
> but you should also have others in your mind.
> Dominic
> > I don't understand a lot of the code
> > discussions on the list (especially ones with long strings of Scheme
> > coding), but that doesn't keep me from using the list.
> >
> > Peace,
> >
> > Ralph
> >
> > On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Actually, MG is a state of brazil, to me.
> >>
> >> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:08 PM, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> wrote:
> >> > no, AU is audio unit. It's a type of plugin for core audio on
> macintosh
> >> > computers.
> >> >
> >> > And am I the only one who thinks of cars seeing MG?
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> lilypond-user mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ralph Palmer
> > Greenfield, MA
> > USA
> >
> > ___
> > lilypond-user mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >

Ralph Palmer
Greenfield, MA
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments on Learning Manual 3 -- Fundamental concepts

2008-08-12 Thread Trevor Daniels

Mats Bengtsson wrote

Robin Bannister wrote:

Trevor Daniels wrote

I learned you can have digits in context names! --- as long as the
names are in quotation marks.

which I regard as slightly more confirmation of my fragile suspicion that
in (the current GDP) Learning Manual 3.1.1 - In summary  there shouldn't 
be a backslash in front of "StaffGroup" where it says

Every \context block will affect the named context (e.g., \StaffGroup)

I think the current text is correct, but it's completely out of context.
I guess that it refers to the technique described in NR 5.1.4 "Changing 
context default settings", but since this isn't described at all in the 
LM, the sentence you refer to should probably be removed.

I agree.  However, one of my TODOs is to add \context to the Learning
Manual, although this will probably not happen before 2.13.   It will not
precede section 3.1.1, so, yes, it should be removed from that section
to avoid violating the design principle that nothing is used unless it has
been explained earlier.

I'll do it now.

Thanks, Robin


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Dominic Neumann
Sure, that´s right!

2008/8/12 Ralph Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I agree, Dominic. It wasn't intended to be insular. On the other hand, when
> someone is responding to a question about Scheme or about "deep" (I don't
> even know the correct term) code, I don't see how one can, or if one should
> try to, make the discussion intelligible to a newbie.
> Ralph
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> 2008/8/12 Ralph Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > Anyone else remember Booker T. and the . . . ?
>> >
>> > In any case, it might make sense to use at least some of the acronyms
>> > judiciously. There is a wide variety of users on this list, and many of
>> > the
>> > discussions are, while not exclusive, at least aimed at a particular
>> > audience. I don't see why it wouldn't be a good idea to change the
>> > vocabulary based on the discussion and/or audience; actually, we already
>> > do.
>> > If Graham or Valentin uses NR or LSR in a response to a question or
>> > statement of mine, I'll understand. If I'm responding to an apparent
>> > newbie,
>> > using LM could possibly either confuse them more or turn them off to the
>> > LilyPond community in general.
>> But isn´t that a bit insular? I think the answers on the list are not
>> only provided for the one who asked but for everybody, even the people
>> searching the mailing list archive later. So differentiating is okay,
>> but you should also have others in your mind.
>> Dominic
>> > I don't understand a lot of the code
>> > discussions on the list (especially ones with long strings of Scheme
>> > coding), but that doesn't keep me from using the list.
>> >
>> > Peace,
>> >
>> > Ralph
>> >
>> > On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Actually, MG is a state of brazil, to me.
>> >>
>> >> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:08 PM, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > no, AU is audio unit. It's a type of plugin for core audio on
>> >> > macintosh
>> >> > computers.
>> >> >
>> >> > And am I the only one who thinks of cars seeing MG?
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> lilypond-user mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Ralph Palmer
>> > Greenfield, MA
>> > USA
>> >
>> > ___
>> > lilypond-user mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
> --
> Ralph Palmer
> Greenfield, MA

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments on Learning Manual 3 -- Fundamental concepts

2008-08-12 Thread Robin Bannister

Trevor Daniels wrote

Thanks, Robin

Well, you're welcome. Glad to be of some use. 
But also disappointed, 
because I thought I had understood something (from reading the manual!), 
and now it seems I hadn't. 

Statistics for NR (pdf dated 2008-08-09, only slightly stale):
A:   21 hits for "\context Staff"
B:   14 hits for "\context { \Staff"

Or is it that I'm talking about A, and you are talking about B?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Re: Duration dots and Bar lines on custom Staves.

2008-08-12 Thread Neil Puttock
2008/8/12 Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I would say that the second case should just be false. Unless 'me' is a
> staff symbol, you should not call Staff_symbol::on_line(me). And if 'me'
> is a staff symbol, it is not a staff symbol referencer, so no one should
> be calling Staff_symbol_referencer::on_line(me).

Ah yes, I really do get it now. :)

Just a quick question before I commit this:
Staff_symbol_referencer::on_line () is overloaded, but only on_line
(Grob *, int) is used; the same applies to
Staff_symbol_referencer::on_staff_line (). Can I junk the redundant


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Augmentation dot problem in 2.11.55

2008-08-12 Thread Patrick Horgan

Jay Anderson wrote:

  Strange I'm seeing the same problem with this example. I've tested on Ubuntu
8.04 which should have the same install as fedora and on osx 10.4 PPC. I'm not
sure what would be causing this if the same install produces normal output for
some people and not for others. Are others seeing this also? I don't see a bug
filed yet.


Using yesterday's git-pull I see the same problem on Ubuntu 8.04.

Today's git-pull is the same, I still see the same problem rendering.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments on Learning Manual 3 -- Fundamental concepts

2008-08-12 Thread Robin Bannister

Robin Bannister wrote

A:   21 hits for "\context Staff"
B:   14 hits for "\context { \Staff"

I think I get it now. 
It must be that "\context" is overloaded, 
does two quite different things. 
Upon meeting a "\context" you must categorise it as A or B. 

The uninitiated attach no particular significance to 
the decisive "{" or, in my case, the word "block". 
Especially when they're still chewing over \context vs.\new.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Augmentation dot problem in 2.11.55

2008-08-12 Thread Patrick McCarty
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Patrick Horgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using yesterday's git-pull I see the same problem on Ubuntu 8.04.
> Today's git-pull is the same, I still see the same problem rendering.

Neil is almost ready to push this fix, so it is not yet in git.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Patrick Horgan

Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
I must note however that I strongly disagree with the approach "you 
must read the manual first". Honestly, when you buy an house-hold 
appliance you first read the manual? I doubt. For making the first cup 
of coffee you won't read the manual. Later, when you want to make 
different kinds of exotic coffees you will. Though this is a bit 
I agree only because it gives the appearance of a hostile atmosphere on 
the lilypond user's list which I know is not the truth.  A one line RTFM 
answer is not good communication.  If instead you said, "well you could 
blah blah blah, and if you want more information, 's where you 
would look in the documentation, people would be more happily motivated.

I also agree about the acronyms.  I still, because of the way my memory 
works, have to go to the documenation page and compare the names to the 
acronyms to figure out where to look.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Expert question on named contexts

2008-08-12 Thread Neil Puttock
2008/8/10 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> There may be better ways, but this works, and is adequate
> for experimentation:

Thanks for this, Trevor; it's easier to see what's going on than using

I noticed something strange going on when using \addlyrics; perhaps it
should be documented as a `known issue'. Consider the following

verseOne = \lyricmode { Joy to the world the Lord is come }
\score {
\new Voice = "one" \relative c'' {
  \time 2/4
  c4 b8. a16 g4. f8 e4 d c2
\addlyrics { \verseOne }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \verseOne

You'd guess that this would produce a stave with two sets of lyrics,
but what actually happens is that \addlyrics renames the voice context
to `uniqueContext0', which means the \new Lyrics block can't find
anything to attach itself to. I presume this is a known bug, since the
helper function used by \addlyrics to retrieve the context id has a
TODO saying `It seems that this function rarely returns anything
useful.' :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/8/12 Patrick Horgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I agree only because it gives the appearance of a hostile atmosphere on the
> lilypond user's list which I know is not the truth.  A one line RTFM answer
> is not good communication.

Except for very rare cases (some questions about MacOS10.5, I think),
I haven't seen /any/ one-line RTFM answer on any of these lists for
months years. Even in very short answers, we use to provide at least
one HTML link to the relevant LSR snippet or doc section. Us being
concise doesn't necessarily imply that we're rude :-)

(Graham's answer, which Nicholas referred to earlier, was also to be
read with that in mind.)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Patrick Horgan

Ralph Palmer wrote:

Anyone else remember Booker T. and the . . . ?

In any case, it might make sense to use at least some of the acronyms 
judiciously. There is a wide variety of users on this list, and many 
of the discussions are, while not exclusive, at least aimed at a 
particular audience. I don't see why it wouldn't be a good idea to 
change the vocabulary based on the discussion and/or audience; 
actually, we already do. If Graham or Valentin uses NR or LSR in a 
response to a question or statement of mine, I'll understand. If I'm 
responding to an apparent newbie, using LM could possibly either 
confuse them more or turn them off to the LilyPond community in 
general. I don't understand a lot of the code discussions on the list 
(especially ones with long strings of Scheme coding), but that doesn't 
keep me from using the list.
If you mean a private reply to your question I agree with you, but on 
the list, it will still be read by all.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Graham Percival
On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 00:07:51 +0200
"Valentin Villenave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Except for very rare cases (some questions about MacOS10.5, I think),
> I haven't seen /any/ one-line RTFM answer on any of these lists for
> months years.

Then you need to RTFML.  Especially things from me.  :)  - Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments on Learning Manual 3 -- Fundamental concepts

2008-08-12 Thread Trevor Daniels

Robin Bannister wrote  Tuesday, August 12, 2008 10:36 PM

Robin Bannister wrote

A:   21 hits for "\context Staff"
B:   14 hits for "\context { \Staff"

I think I get it now. 

Yup - you got it.

It must be that "\context" is overloaded, 
does two quite different things. 
Upon meeting a "\context" you must categorise it as A or B. 

The uninitiated attach no particular significance to 
the decisive "{" or, in my case, the word "block". 
Especially when they're still chewing over \context vs.\new.

It is to try to explain this that is on my TODO list.

For now, I'm just adding an extra paragraph or two to
the Learning Manual, but more will need to be done



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Re: Duration dots and Bar lines on custom Staves.

2008-08-12 Thread Joe Neeman
On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 22:15 +0100, Neil Puttock wrote:
> 2008/8/12 Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I would say that the second case should just be false. Unless 'me' is a
> > staff symbol, you should not call Staff_symbol::on_line(me). And if 'me'
> > is a staff symbol, it is not a staff symbol referencer, so no one should
> > be calling Staff_symbol_referencer::on_line(me).
> Ah yes, I really do get it now. :)
> Just a quick question before I commit this:
> Staff_symbol_referencer::on_line () is overloaded, but only on_line
> (Grob *, int) is used; the same applies to
> Staff_symbol_referencer::on_staff_line (). Can I junk the redundant
> functions?

It's ok with me.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments on Learning Manual 3 -- Fundamental concepts

2008-08-12 Thread Trevor Daniels

Robin Bannister wrote Tuesday, August 12, 2008 9:56 PM

Statistics for NR (pdf dated 2008-08-09, only slightly stale):
A:   21 hits for "\context Staff"
B:   14 hits for "\context { \Staff"

Or is it that I'm talking about A, and you are talking about B?

Yes, or more to the point, the Learning Manual was talking
about B.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \textLengthOn - choosing which note to lengthen

2008-08-12 Thread Trevor Daniels

Chris Snyder wrote Tuesday, August 12, 2008 7:12 PM

I'm running into a situation where \textLengthOn isn't behaving like I 
would expect it to. I have an organ piece where I'd like to put some 
text between the staves for the manuals. The text is a bit too long, 
however, so it hits the barline. Adding \textLengthOn seems to be the 
right solution. Unfortunately, I can't get it to do anything other than 
lengthen the space after the shortest note that occurs at the same time 
as the text, even the shorter note is in a different voice than the text.

The expected/desired behavior for me would be to have that command 
lengthen the time interval for the note that the text is attached to - 
if it was attached to a whole-note in a 4/4 bar, for instance, I'd 
expect it to expand the whole bar to match the length of the text. 
Instead, it lengthens the length of the shortest note in the bar.

The action of \textLengthOn can be better understood as extending
the length of the moment in time at which it occurs.  All notes
which occur at a later musical moment will be displaced to the end
of the text, whichever staff or voice they are in, in order to 
remain synchronous.

This doesn't help you with your problem though.  You can attach
two or more texts to a single note - they appear one above the
other.  Might this help?

-Chris Snyder

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/8/13 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Then you need to RTFML.  Especially things from me.  :)  - Graham

Nah, I decided to skip all these months ago -- actually from the day
you referred to me as a Callifornia Valley Girl :-)

As a matter of fact, I've even configured a mail filter which prevents
me from receiving your mails, and therefore I'm totally not answering
you right here ;)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Still confused about context vs. new

2008-08-12 Thread Carl Sorensen> writes:

> I personally have *never* needed to use \new.  
> \context implicitly instantiates a new context if the
> one named doesn't yet exist, so \new is redundant, *except* where you
> want multiple distinct contexts with the same name, or you're using
> unnamed contexts (which, internally, is the same thing)

I have found a place where \new is needed.

If you would like to make a StaffGroup consisting of a TabStaff (on the top) 
and a Staff on the bottom, you would normally do:

\context StaffGroup <<
  \context TabStaff {
   \context Staff {

However, if you do this, LilyPond returns errors, and the TabStaff and Staff 
are somehow combined (the clef shows on the TabStaff, for example).

However, if you do

\context StaffGroup <<
  \context TabStaff {
   \new Staff {

everything works as it should.  Apparently, in the first usage, the unnamed 
Staff context had been implicitly created and was unsuccessfully reused.

Given this result, it appears to me that \new is safer than  \context for
unnamed context, so I believe it should be the preferred behavior.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: spacing problem

2008-08-12 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 5:26 PM, Werner LEMBERG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> You're looking for whatever goes into the 2nd argument of the Spring
>> constructor.
> Hmm.  In file, function Note_Spacing::get_spacing,
> which is used in Spacing_Spanner::musical_column_spacing, I see this
> code:
>  Real distance = skys[LEFT].distance (skys[RIGHT]);
>  Real min_dist = max (0.0, distance);
>  ...
>  Spring ret (max (0.0, ideal), min_dist);
>  ...
>  return ret;
> It seems to me that `distance' can even become zero.  I can't say
> whether this can cause problems due to lack of knowledge of the source
> code.  On the other hand, musical_column_spacing contains this code in
> case the above one isn't called:
>  spring = Spring (max (base_note_space, options->increment_),
>   options->increment_);
> This looks better, however it means that *all* notes, regardless of
> its duration, have a minimum width of `spacing-increment' (which is
> the Scheme parameter assotiated with `increment_'); the default value
> is the width of a note head.  Can this be correct?  Isn't this too


> small in tight situations?  Note heads might (almost) touch...

In tight situations, the rods take over the spacing.  I think there is
a small threshold that makes sure they don't touch.

> IMHO, this should be configurable.

You could look into the Note_spacing class, which could decide to add
some more fixed width if the left side is a dotted note, or perhaps
scale up the fixed width for notes longer than 1/8th. (If you do
anything, please make sure it does the right thing for polyphonic
situations too.)

I am not sure if you should use durations rather than dottedness.
Should a dotted 64th need a lot of space to accomodate for the dot, or
should it be treated like a very short note?

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Re: Duration dots and Bar lines on custom Staves.

2008-08-12 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Neil Puttock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Staff_symbol_referencer::on_staff_line (). Can I junk the redundant
> functions?


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Second review of NR 2.7 Chords

2008-08-12 Thread Patrick McCarty
On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 7:51 PM, Carl D. Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are pleased to announce the second review of NR 2.7 Chords.
> Thank you to those who reviewed this section in its previous draft.  All of
> the recommended changes have been made, and we believe that this section is
> nearly final.
> Please take a few minutes to review this section of the documentation at
> Thanks in advance for your careful review, which helps to ensure the high
> quality of the LilyPond documentation.

Hi Carl,

This section looks very good!

The only suggestion I have is to include a glossary entry for "figured
bass" in section -- figured bass is already in MG, so this
would be an easy update.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP -- Revised second draft of Fretted strings

2008-08-12 Thread Patrick McCarty
On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Carl D. Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Lilypond Users and Developers,
> We're pleased to announce a revised second draft of NR 2.4 Fretted strings.
> This draft includes the new predefined-fretboards functionality that enables
> transposable guitar fret diagrams.
> Please proofread this section carefully, and try an example or two to see if
> the documentation is clear (especially through

Hi Carl,

Wow!  This section is very clearly written and very *comprehensive*.
It is a wonderful addition to the docs.

I only have suggestions for GDP policy:

**  the subsubsection-->unnumberedsubsubsec conversion  Duplicate the link to "Collision resolution" in @seealso  The entries in @predefined should be inside @code{...}  Use Installed Files: for the scm/output-lib.scm reference in @seealso


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Second review of NR 2.7 Chords

2008-08-12 Thread Carl D. Sorensen

On 8/12/08 10:08 PM, "Patrick McCarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 7:51 PM, Carl D. Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We are pleased to announce the second review of NR 2.7 Chords.
>> Thank you to those who reviewed this section in its previous draft.  All of
>> the recommended changes have been made, and we believe that this section is
>> nearly final.
>> Please take a few minutes to review this section of the documentation at
>> Thanks in advance for your careful review, which helps to ensure the high
>> quality of the LilyPond documentation.
> Hi Carl,
> This section looks very good!
> The only suggestion I have is to include a glossary entry for "figured
> bass" in section -- figured bass is already in MG, so this
> would be an easy update.

Thanks for your feedback.  I've added the glossary reference.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: spacing problem

2008-08-12 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> > Isn't this too small in tight situations?  Note heads might
> > (almost) touch...
> In tight situations, the rods take over the spacing.  I think there
> is a small threshold that makes sure they don't touch.

Where shall I look?  BTW, is there a documentation how rods and
springs interact?

> > IMHO, this should be configurable.
> You could look into the Note_spacing class, which could decide to
> add some more fixed width if the left side is a dotted note, or
> perhaps scale up the fixed width for notes longer than 1/8th.

OK.  Will have a look and try something.

> (If you do anything, please make sure it does the right thing for
> polyphonic situations too.)

Please elaborate.  I'm quite lost here and currently can't see the big

> I am not sure if you should use durations rather than dottedness.
> Should a dotted 64th need a lot of space to accomodate for the dot,
> or should it be treated like a very short note?

A dotted, beamed note gets automatically more horizontal space due to
the dot(s); I think nothing should change in this case.  This holds
for beamed notes in general.  Regarding flagged notes, I'm not sure,
but many flagged notes in succession are rather rare.  The additional
space I envision should be applied to notes only which don't have a
beam or a flag.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: spacing problem

2008-08-12 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 13.08.2008 um 08:17 schrieb Werner LEMBERG:

I am not sure if you should use durations rather than dottedness.
Should a dotted 64th need a lot of space to accomodate for the dot,
or should it be treated like a very short note?

A dotted, beamed note gets automatically more horizontal space due to
the dot(s); I think nothing should change in this case.  This holds
for beamed notes in general.  Regarding flagged notes, I'm not sure,
but many flagged notes in succession are rather rare.

Not in vocal music, where \autoBeamOff is the norm.

The additional
space I envision should be applied to notes only which don't have a
beam or a flag.


lilypond-user mailing list

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