Thanks, Trevor.

Custom Tablatures was a section that I didn't edit; my contributions
were limited to the Fret Diagrams section.

Jonathan, as I worked on the FretBoards material, I came to understand
the fret assignment algorithm a bit.  Would you like me to take on
this section, or would you prefer to respond to Trevor's concerns?



On 8/12/08 8:12 AM, "Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi again Carl
> Another major addition! The new fretboard additions are
> very impressive!  All very clearly and concisely
> written except for one paragraph, which just confused
> me:
> Custom tablatures
> I found the first paragraph less than clear, maybe
> because I'm not familiar with tablature.  In particular,
> I was left with the following questions:
> a) what is the order in which the strings should be
>    specified - seems like lowest to highest?
> b) if so, why subtract more to give the pitch of
>    higher strings?
> c) the sentence starting "The numbers specified ..." seems
>    to go wrong in the second half, so what is it saying?
> After reading this I felt the only way to understand
> it was to go away and experiment :(
> Trevor
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Carl D. Sorensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "lily-devel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:49 AM
> Subject: GDP -- Revised second draft of Fretted strings
> Dear Lilypond Users and Developers,
> We're pleased to announce a revised second draft of NR 2.4 Fretted strings.
> This draft includes the new predefined-fretboards functionality that enables
> transposable guitar fret diagrams.
> Please proofread this section carefully, and try an example or two to see if
> the documentation is clear (especially through
> As always, the GDP documentation can be found at
> Thanks in advance for your reviews.  Your careful reviews will help the
> quality of the documentation match the quality of LilyPond output.
> Carl Sorensen
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