Several midifiles together

2006-04-29 Thread philippe hezaine

version 2.8.1-4 (Fedora 4)

After reading in the list, I have built a template for put several 
midifiles in one file .mid

(see below)
Is it possible, in a similar way, ie. with the identifiers upperun, 
upperdeux ...
and then score, to make a template for the layout ? (with indent for the 
first system

of each piece, for instance)
I know an another way for make it, but, to my limited knowledge, the 
typesetting for files is different
and I must treat the issues with separate files where copy and paste 
aren't so easy.

Otherwise, I don't find good solutions for layout with this template.
Is it possible ? Any help ?  (Please, tell me if it run for you)

\version "2.8.1"

\header {
  title = "Midis-out together"

   % musique no1
 upperun = \relative c'' {
  \clef treble
  \key c \major
  \time 3/4
   \repeat volta 2 {}  ...etc
 lowerun = \relative c {

  \clef bass  ...etc }

  % musique no2
 upperdeux =

\relative c'' { ...   \tempo 4 = 100   ...etc }
 lowerdeux = \relative c { ... }

 % musique no3

 uppertrois =
\relative c'' { ... }

 lowertrois = \relative c { ... }


\score {

{ %faire une seule séquence des différents morceaux
<< % musique no1
   \context Staff=upper  \upperun

   \context Staff=lower  \lowerun

  >> % fin de musique no1

<< % musique no2
\context Staff=upper \upperdeux

\context Staff=lower \lowerdeux

  >> % fin de musique no2

<< % musique no3
\context Staff=upper \uppertrois

\context Staff=lower \lowertrois

  >> % fin de musique no3
  } %fin de la sequence
  \midi { \tempo 4 = 140 % pour le début }

} % fin du score

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New User

2006-04-29 Thread Nicolas Sceaux
fiëé visuëlle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Am 2006-04-28 um 21:12 schrieb Stan Mulder:
>> Here's what I do, and I use Linux: I use a graphical program to
>> input the general notation. Then I export that info to a Lilypond
>> music file. Then I can tweak the music with a text editor until I
>> get it they way I want it. The point is that a graphical front end
>> program makes writing Lilypond code easier.
> I don't agree, even if I'm a Mac user that likes nice GUIs. (But I'm
> also a programmer...)
> Keying in notes like 'a4. bes8 g( e)' is *much* faster and easier
> than mousing them in some GUI app (I used HarmonyAssistant for some
> years).
> It may be better if you've got a MIDI keyboard and can handle it good
> enough to just play your music, but if you must place every note with
> your mouse, it's horrible...

Using a GUI does not mean having the hand on the mouse every time.  You
may not be aware that some programs like denemo allow you to enter notes
without using the mouse, but using you computer keyboard as a piano
keyboard, changing duration with some dedicated keys, etc. Entering
music that way is fast. That's also how I enter music inside emacs, with
the notes being played as I type them. Entering notes by typing each
single character is not faster nor easier and causes more mistakes,
imho of course.


lilypond-user mailing list

Block diagram of LilyPond

2006-04-29 Thread Tomas Valusek


has anyone created a block diagram of LilyPond, which would show data 
flow, relationship between various modules, etc? It would be great help 
for obtaining global idea what LilyPond's about.

Tomas Valusek

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: can not get --help info from out/

2006-04-29 Thread dax2
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 23:09:32 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> Hey -- I think I saw this on the list but my search through all
> mails does not give any hits.
> Why do I get this error -- I cannot figure out. Same happens with
> When I rerun the script, the empty convert-ly.1
> satisfies make, so the build continues.

Aha! For some not known reason config.make had a wrong python,
/usr/bin/python instead of /usr/local/bin/python.

This may explain.

BTW the reason there are two pythons is that rpm (on SL) needs 
python and I have not experimented as to wether it will accept
a new version.

Now the lilypond-book.1 is generated all right and the build process
stops only when there is an include-file error. I think I can handle
this one myself. There are also two CXX installed.


/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2/stepmake/bin/ ../VERSION > 
rm -f ./out/general-scheme.dep; DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="./out/general-scheme.dep 
./out/general-scheme.o" /usr/bin/g++4 -c -Woverloaded-virtual -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  
-DNDEBUG -I./include -I./out -I../flower/include -I../flower/./out 
-I../flower/include  -O2 -finline-functions -g -pipe -I/usr/local/include 
-I/usr/include/freetype2   -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/freetype2 
-I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include   -Wno-pmf-conversions -W 
-Wall -Wconversion -o out/general-scheme.o
../flower/include/libc-extension.hh:48: error: previous declaration of 'int 
isinf(double)' with 'C++' linkage
/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h:202: error: conflicts with new declaration with 
'C' linkage
/usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h:202: error: declaration of 'int isinf(double) 
throw ()' throws different exceptions
../flower/include/libc-extension.hh:48: error: than previous declaration 'int 
make[1]: *** [out/general-scheme.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2/lily'
make: *** [all] Error 2
neptun:/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2 # 

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Several midifiles together

2006-04-29 Thread Gilles Sadowski

> After reading in the list, I have built a template for put several 
> midifiles in one file .mid

I was once looking for a tool to concatenate the files that lilypond
generates from several \score blocks.
What you propose is *not* that.  You just put everything in a single
\score, and of course you get a single midi file, loosing in the way
the purpose of using several \score (e.g. different headers for
different movements).

> (see below)
> Is it possible, in a similar way, ie. with the identifiers upperun, 
> upperdeux ...
> and then score, to make a template for the layout ? (with indent for the 
> first system
> of each piece, for instance)
> I know an another way for make it, but, to my limited knowledge, the 
> typesetting for files is different
> and I must treat the issues with separate files where copy and paste 
> aren't so easy.

What I'm using is a template for the full score, and another for the
separate parts, each including the files containing the actual music.
This *avoids* copy/paste.

> Otherwise, I don't find good solutions for layout with this template.
> Is it possible ? Any help ?  

Well, I don't think I understand what you are asking :-{
But if you want to have a look at my files, you are welcome.

> (Please, tell me if it run for you)

When you provide a code snippet, you should make sure that it contains
valid syntax, so that one doesn't have to fiddle to make it compile.

Best regards,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: can not get --help info from out/

2006-04-29 Thread dax2
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 23:09:32 +0200
dax2 wrote:

> import lilylib as ly
> ImportError: No module named lilylib
> neptun:/usr/local/src/lilypond-2.9.2 #

I forgot to mention that I made local "make install" in the
directory containing lilylib, so that I now have


even if Lilypond-2.9.2 has not been built yet.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Voicing problems

2006-04-29 Thread Gilles Sadowski

> Any help would be most appreciated!

I've made some change to your file [see attachment], most
notably to make explicit use of the "Voice" context.

\version "2.6.3"

global = {
\clef "G_8"
\key d \minor

preludemelody = \relative c' {
%   \global
%   \stemUp
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(up up)

r8 a' g a e g f e |
f f e\trill f d d d e |
% Need an A here
cis2\trill r8 d cis8.\trill d16 |
e8 g f\trill e  g 8.\trill a'16 |

% This is the portion I can't seem to get right.
%   <<
a8 a e g fis2\trill |
r8 g d f e2\trill |
r8 f8 f e d
%   \\
%   { s2 g,8\rest d' a c
%   b2 g8\rest c g bes
%   a2 }
%   >>
% Here ends the portion.

bes'8 bes a |
g f e8.\trill e16 e4 r16 g f e |
d4~ d16 f e d cis4.\trill d8 |
d1 |
\bar "|."

preludeThirdVoice = \relative c'' {
  s1*4 |
  s2 g,8\rest d' a c |
  b2 g8\rest c g bes |
  a2 s |

preludebass = \relative c {
%   \global
%   \stemDown

s1 |
d'4 c b bes |
r8 a e  g f4 e8 d |
cis4 a d8 c' bes4 |

% Here is the portion in the bass voice.
4 cis' d,2 |
c4\rest g' c,2 |
% Here ends the portion.

r8  4  ~ |
g gis  a |
bes16 c bes a g4 2 |
1 |
\bar "|."

prelude = \new Staff {
  \new Voice { \voiceOne \preludemelody }
  \new Voice { \voiceThree \preludeThirdVoice }
  \new Voice { \voiceTwo \preludebass }

%\book {
\header {
title = "Suite IX"
composer = "Robert de Visée"
instrument = "Guitar"
\score {
\header { piece = "Prelude" }
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Block diagram of LilyPond

2006-04-29 Thread andrea valle

I was thinking the same. It would be extremely useful.



On 29 Apr 2006, at 12:30, Tomas Valusek wrote:


has anyone created a block diagram of LilyPond, which would show data 
flow, relationship between various modules, etc? It would be great 
help for obtaining global idea what LilyPond's about.

Tomas Valusek

lilypond-user mailing list

Andrea Valle
DAMS - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

lilypond-user mailing list

Which frontend?

2006-04-29 Thread Eyolf Ostrem
Which frontends do yo all use for lilypond? Here's the ones I've tried out so 
far, with my experiences - some bad, some good:

1. NoteEdit. 
I like the way one can just input bare, basic notation, and the 
configurability. I've also come to like the way the keyboard input works, at 
least after I redefined all the keys to something that suits me (note names 
in sequence and not their alphabetical values; durations likewise: 1/4 note 
should be between 1/8 and 1/2, not set to 4, 8 and 2; all the modifiers 
should be accessible to the "duration" hand without having to move around, 
however: I haven't found a keyboard shortcut for \breve and \longa - essential 
if one writes a lot of renaissance music. Also, It would have been nice if 
one could generate a lilypond output on the fly, of whatever one has written 
in, without having to go through the process  of exporting, opening the file, 
copy-pasting into the "real" document, etc.
Also, I miss things like a default score setup, a snippet/templates library, a 
menu for inserting more specific lilypond commands (but I realize it's not 
only a lilypond frontend, so that's probably too much to ask).
But all in all, it's so far my favorite frontend - not for generating whole 
scores, but for entering the music which I can then paste into another text 

2. Rosegarden.
I had hopes for this program, but most of them have been thrashed. The 
keyboard input mode is hopeless, with the fixed positions, relative to the 
key, which means (as far as I have found out), that if you write a piece in b 
major, there is no way one can insert notes with the keyboard below the 
middle line in a staff with a treble clef. 
There are other gripes too, but this is enough to make it useless for me. 

3. Jedit + LilyPond plugin
Looks very promising, but apparently there's something wrong with my java 
setup, because if I try to do anything more than the most basic text input, I 
get errors and nothing happens. 

4. Denemo
From the looks of it, it seems to have what I want from NoteEdit, but I've 
never been able to test it out properly, because it crashes all the time. 
Might have to do with my locale settings, which it doesn't like, but I'm not 

The emacs mode - I haven't tried it out, but from what I've read, it also 
looks very promising. Is that something I should invest some more time in? I 
want a plain tool which can quickly insert notes through the keyboard, 
preferably also with sounding output, but without straying too far from the 
text mode of the basic ly-file. 

Have I missed anything? 

Eyolf Østrem

There's no such thing as an original sin.
-- Elvis Costello

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which frontend?

2006-04-29 Thread Stan Mulder

I've tried them all except for Jedit and have settled on Noteedit. It gets me 
started, then I manually edit the .ly file.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Several midifiles together

2006-04-29 Thread philippe hezaine


After reading in the list, I have built a template for put several 
midifiles in one file .mid

I was once looking for a tool to concatenate the files that lilypond
generates from several \score blocks.
What you propose is *not* that.  You just put everything in a single
\score, and of course you get a single midi file, loosing in the way
the purpose of using several \score (e.g. different headers for
different movements).

(see below)
Is it possible, in a similar way, ie. with the identifiers upperun, 
upperdeux ...
and then score, to make a template for the layout ? (with indent for the 
first system

of each piece, for instance)
I know an another way for make it, but, to my limited knowledge, the 
typesetting for files is different
and I must treat the issues with separate files where copy and paste 
aren't so easy.

What I'm using is a template for the full score, and another for the
separate parts, each including the files containing the actual music.
This *avoids* copy/paste.

Otherwise, I don't find good solutions for layout with this template.
Is it possible ? Any help ?  

Well, I don't think I understand what you are asking :-{
But if you want to have a look at my files, you are welcome.

(Please, tell me if it run for you)

When you provide a code snippet, you should make sure that it contains
valid syntax, so that one doesn't have to fiddle to make it compile.

Of course, it run for me. It's a valid syntax. I've tested it with
several little pieces for piano. I'm in the following situation :
I has typeset, a few months ago, 17 Valses sentimentales de Schubert
(there are 34 for the whole), each in a separate file. There are little
piano pieces in chains (not orchestral parts) of about 16, 24 or 32
measures and i'm asking me if i can concatenate 2, 3 or 4 files (or
more) in only one with also only one midifile. With this template, i'm
succesfull in doing that. That's the reason why i'm asking somebody the
way. I'm afraid i'm loosing the purpose of using different headers, and
so, especially indent for N°1, N°2, N°3 ... etc .
Perhaps the workaround is to use markups instead.
Do you think is right ?

Best regards,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Several midifiles together

2006-04-29 Thread Gilles Sadowski

> >(Please, tell me if it run for you)
> When you provide a code snippet, you should make sure that it contains
> valid syntax, so that one doesn't have to fiddle to make it compile.
> Hmm...
> Of course, it run for me. It's a valid syntax.

As it is, it's not!
["...etc" (lines 15, 18, 22), "..." (lines 22, 23, 29, 32), and a
commented out bracket (line 63) are not valid constructs.]

> I've tested it with
> several little pieces for piano. I'm in the following situation :
> I has typeset, a few months ago, 17 Valses sentimentales de Schubert
> (there are 34 for the whole), each in a separate file. There are little
> piano pieces in chains (not orchestral parts) of about 16, 24 or 32
> measures and i'm asking me if i can concatenate 2, 3 or 4 files (or
> more) in only one with also only one midifile.

To get one midi file, the only way I know, it to have the music in a
single "\score" block, as you did.
But, nothing prevents you to define the variables "upperun" etc, in
separate files, and then "\include" those files in another one where
you use the variables to build the score.

> With this template, i'm
> succesfull in doing that. That's the reason why i'm asking somebody the
> way. I'm afraid i'm loosing the purpose of using different headers, and
> so, especially indent for N°1, N°2, N°3 ... etc .
> Perhaps the workaround is to use markups instead.
> Do you think is right ?

That's a workaround indeed, but I personally prefer to keep the "\header"
and lose the single midi file.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Block diagram of LilyPond

2006-04-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson
What target group do you have in mind? Unless you are a programmer, I 
don't really see how it would help an ordinary music typesetter.


Quoting Tomas Valusek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


has anyone created a block diagram of LilyPond, which would show data 
flow, relationship between various modules, etc? It would be great 
help for obtaining global idea what LilyPond's about.

Tomas Valusek

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Block diagram of LilyPond

2006-04-29 Thread Paul Scott

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
What target group do you have in mind? Unless you are a programmer, I 
don't really see how it would help an ordinary music typesetter.
I disagree.  Even though I am a programmer I know this would help with 
things like the set v.s. override question.

Paul Scott

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which frontend?

2006-04-29 Thread Christopher Giroir

Eyolf Ostrem wrote:

Which frontends do yo all use for lilypond? Here's the ones I've tried out so 
far, with my experiences - some bad, some good:

2. Rosegarden.
I had hopes for this program, but most of them have been thrashed. The 
keyboard input mode is hopeless, with the fixed positions, relative to the 
key, which means (as far as I have found out), that if you write a piece in b 
major, there is no way one can insert notes with the keyboard below the 
middle line in a staff with a treble clef. 
There are other gripes too, but this is enough to make it useless for me. 

I agree on the points you made, but also have to point out that 
Rosegarden was meant to be an audio recording / midi production 
software. In this case it could be just what someone is looking for. If 
you want to write music using midi keyboards, record, then quantize and 
convert to Lilypond while at the same time recording vocals and using 
effects etc you should look into Rosegarden. I was having fun using it 
and Creox to record my guitar the other night :) Some great stuff going 
on (finally) for linux and sound recording!

But unfortunately if you want to actually use the keyboard input 
method... yeah Rosegarden falls short :-(


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which frontend?

2006-04-29 Thread Bertalan Fodor

3. Jedit + LilyPond plugin
Looks very promising, but apparently there's something wrong with my java 
setup, because if I try to do anything more than the most basic text input, I 
get errors and nothing happens. 
You might try to look at the LilyPond+jEdit tutorial at

Note, that it is not a graphical frontend (yet), but a way to help input 
lilypond files manually.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which frontend?

2006-04-29 Thread Franz Fellner

> 3. Jedit + LilyPond plugin
> Looks very promising, but apparently there's something wrong with my java
> setup, because if I try to do anything more than the most basic text input,
> I get errors and nothing happens.

To get this work properly i had to use jre-1.5.0 instead of the (standard) 

There is also a Lilypond-Kate-Plugin (Just Syntax-Highlighting) but better 
then nothing :D

Greez Franz

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which frontend?

2006-04-29 Thread Eyolf Ostrem
On Sat 29 April 2006 19:03, Franz Fellner wrote:
> Hi
> > 3. Jedit + LilyPond plugin
> > Looks very promising, but apparently there's something wrong with my java
> > setup, because if I try to do anything more than the most basic text
> > input, I get errors and nothing happens.
> To get this work properly i had to use jre-1.5.0 instead of the (standard)
> jre-1.4.x!

Hm. I already have jre 1.5.0, so that can't be it. One of these days, I might 
post the error messages I get, in case anyone is interested (and able/willing 
to help me out - I like what I (think I) see in jedit...)

> There is also a Lilypond-Kate-Plugin (Just Syntax-Highlighting) but better
> then nothing :D

How could I forget Kate - which is what I use when all the frontends fail me - 
which they all do, in some way or another :-) 
There is something similar for vim, I think - haven't used it yet, but for the 
sake of completeness.


> Greez Franz
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

It's ten o'clock. Do you know where your source code is?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Several midifiles together

2006-04-29 Thread philippe hezaine


>(Please, tell me if it run for you)

When you provide a code snippet, you should make sure that it contains
valid syntax, so that one doesn't have to fiddle to make it compile.

Of course, it run for me. It's a valid syntax.

As it is, it's not!
["...etc" (lines 15, 18, 22), "..." (lines 22, 23, 29, 32), and a
commented out bracket (line 63) are not valid constructs.]

I've tested it with
several little pieces for piano. I'm in the following situation :
I has typeset, a few months ago, 17 Valses sentimentales de Schubert
(there are 34 for the whole), each in a separate file. There are little
piano pieces in chains (not orchestral parts) of about 16, 24 or 32
measures and i'm asking me if i can concatenate 2, 3 or 4 files (or
more) in only one with also only one midifile.

To get one midi file, the only way I know, it to have the music in a
single "\score" block, as you did.
But, nothing prevents you to define the variables "upperun" etc, in
separate files, and then "\include" those files in another one where
you use the variables to build the score.

With this template, i'm
succesfull in doing that. That's the reason why i'm asking somebody the
way. I'm afraid i'm loosing the purpose of using different headers, and
so, especially indent for N°1, N°2, N°3 ... etc .
Perhaps the workaround is to use markups instead.
Do you think is right ?

That's a workaround indeed, but I personally prefer to keep the "\header"
and lose the single midi file.

So I.
I apologize for the little template. It's a careless mistake. Below is
the corrected file. I'm going to build the score with "\include" (if i
can) for a good sheetmusic and, in other way, concatenate the different
midifiles in a single file. It's ok.
Many thanks for your answer.

 \version "2.8.1"

 \header {
   title = "Midis-out together"

% musique no1

  upperun = \relative c'' {
   \clef treble
   \key c \major
   \time 3/4
\repeat volta 2 { c4 d e |

  lowerun = \relative c {
\clef bass
\key c \major
\time 3/4
\repeat volta 2 { c4 d e |
% musique no2

  upperdeux =
 \relative c'' {
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 3/4
\tempo 4 = 70
r2 g4 |
g2 a4 |
b2. |

  lowerdeux = \relative c {
   \clef bass
   \key c \major
   \time 3/4
r2 g4 |
g2 a4  |

% musique no3

  uppertrois =
 \relative c'' {
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 160
c8 b d c c'2 |  

  lowertrois = \relative c {
\clef bass
\key c \major
\time 4/4
c8 b d c c,2 |


 \score {

 { %faire une seule séquence des différents morceaux

 << % musique no1

\context Staff=upper  \upperun
\context Staff=lower  \lowerun

   >> % fin de musique no1

 << % musique no2

 \context Staff=upper \upperdeux
 \context Staff=lower \lowerdeux

   >> % fin de musique no2

 << % musique no3

 \context Staff=upper \uppertrois
 \context Staff=lower \lowertrois

   >> % fin de musique no3

   } %fin de la sequence

   \midi { \tempo 4 = 140 } %pour le début
 } % fin du score

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to override default font size for markup?

2006-04-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Just do \override TextScript #'font-size = #-1
To learn more about this and other properties that can be set, goto the 
section on Text Scripts in the on-line manual. At the bottom of the 
page, click on TextScript and at the bottom of the next page click on 
font-interface. The general principles of property settings are 
described in the chapter on Changing Defaults.


Quoting Bodo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I know I can change the font size for individual pieces of markup, but how
do I change the global default?
Specifically, I'm writing some numbers below notes:

f'8_"6" (aes'8_"7") d''8_"10" (c''8_"9") bes'4_"8" d''4_"10" ees''2_"8"

These numbers are all way too big, and the double digit ones even touch
their neighbours. How can I reduce the font size for them without specifying
the font size for each singe piece of markup?

Many thanks,

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Markup text to the left of first chord on ChordNames staff

2006-04-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson

The manual includes a direct example of how to change the minimum
vertical spacing allocated to a Staff. To specify a fixed vertical
space for the Staff, just use the same syntax but with the property 
called Y-extent instead of minumum-Y-extent. Here is a full example, 
which shows both advantages and disadvantages of doing what you ask


\version "2.8.0"

<<\new ChordNames \chordmode { c4:7 c4:7 c4:7 c4:7 }
\new Staff  {
 \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(-4 . 4)
 c'^"Some text" c''^"Some more text" c''' c }


Quoting Jennifer Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
In contrast to the previous people who answered the questions, I 
would say that you cannot directly apply the same idea to move
a whole line of chords. See

for a hint on how to solve the problem.

Thanks for the reply Mats, I've checked the post and followups, and 
had a look at the manual page and reference, but to be honest I don't 
really understand how to approach this, even with that information. 
Is there a specific command I can use to enable this?


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Error message

2006-04-29 Thread Vivian Barty-Taylor
I'm using 2.6.1 

I'm getting an odd error message. The file appears to
parse and process correctly. Then after Lilypond has
computed the line and page breaks I get the messages

ERROR: In procedure ly_scm2double:
ERROR: Wrong type argument: (-8)

The file then appears not to have written to the PDF
(I get the previous version I saved without the new

Does anyone know what this is?

Many thanks,

My new website -

Win tickets to the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany with Yahoo! Messenger.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-04-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Quoting Geoff Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

\define-music-function {\foo \x \y} { c8 \x d8 \y }
{ \foo e16 {f g} }
{ c8 e16 d8 {f16 g16} }

The usefulness of this kind of function is disputed among developers, so it
might not become part of the official lilypond distribution.

I am not a developer (though I do read the dev list), but I would
certainly use such a thing if it existed, and it would do most of the
things (and maybe all of them) for which I wanted a pre-processor.

Using the techniques currently available in LilyPond, Erik's example
is easily implemented as:

foo = #(define-music-function (parser location x y) (ly:music? ly:music?)
   c8 $x d8 $y  #})

{ \foo  e16 { f g }}

As you see, you don't really need any Scheme competence to do it. Lines 
1, 2 and 4 of the macro definition will look almost the same for any 
such macro definition. The only thing you have to change in the first 
line is the name of the variables (here called

x and y) and what type they have. Here, both input variables are
music expressions, which is specified with the "ly:music?". The example 
at the end of "11.1.6 Using LilyPond syntax inside Scheme"
shows how to make a macro where the second argument instead is a 
numeric value.

I actually think that the current support is fairly easy to use. If the 
manual just included a few more examples with different number and type 
of arguments, then any person being able of doing

simple pattern matching would be able to use it without any major
troubles. I'll try to come up with a proposal for the manual.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Syllables not centered under notes after volta

2006-04-29 Thread Eduardo Vieira
Hello Eyolf! 
It looks like a bug. Why would it be left-aligned after all? But it appears 
that Lilypond didn't like this structure of creating 2 voices contexts, 
namely "stollen" and "abgesang", and then, in the score block, creating 
another voice context (called "one") comprising them. So, if you just 
eliminate the context "stollen" and assign lyrics to "one", instead, 
everything is fine. See instructions: 
\context Voice = stollen { 
\repeat volta 2 { 
\partial 2 
g'2 | fis4 g a2 a | g4 a b2 c | 
b4 a g2 fis4( g) | a2 g 
%repeated music 

\repeat volta 2 { 
\partial 2 
g'2 | fis4 g a2 a | g4 a b2 c | 
b4 a g2 fis4( g) | a2 g 
%repeated music 

=>And replace: 
\lyricsto "stollen" 

\lyricsto "one" 

I'm not in a position to judge it a bug. I'm a beginner. So, I'll let the 
experts have their judgement. 

Best regards, 

Eduardo Vieira 

- Original Message - 
From: "Eyolf Ostrem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 7:41 PM 
Subject: Syllables not centered under notes after volta 

I've encountered a strange problem: 
After a section with volta, the lyrics are not centered under their notes, 
are instead left-aligned. 

In the following example, the lyrics for textAbgesang are left-aligned. I 
can't see why that should be. Is it a bug, or is there something that I've 
(a pdf can be found on: 

Eyolf Østrem 

\version "2.6.4" 
\header { 
title = "Et trofast hjerte, Herre min" 
subtitle = "" 
composer = "Strassburg 1525" 
poet = "" 

#(set-global-staff-size 23) 
\paper { 
indent = 0\cm 
leftmargin = 2.5\cm 
linewidth = 16\cm 
betweensystempadding = 0.8\cm 

melody = \relative c' { 
\clef treble 
\key g \major 
\time 3/2 

\context Voice = stollen { 
\repeat volta 2 { 
\partial 2 
g'2 | fis4 g a2 a | g4 a b2 c | 
b4 a g2 fis4( g) | a2 g 
%repeated music 
\context Voice = abgesang { 
%musikk abgesang 
\partial 2 
g2 | a4 c b2 g | a4 fis e2 fis | 
d4 d a'2 b | c4 a g2 d' | 
b4 a g2 fis4( g) | 
a2 g1\fermata \bar "|." 

textStollenEn = \lyricmode { 
Et tro -- fast hjer -- te, Her -- re min, 
skal dig til re -- de væ -- re, 

textStollenTo = \lyricmode { 
du mig for -- lø -- ste, jeg er din, 
thi ske dig pris og æ -- re! 

textAbgesang = \lyricmode { 
Den sag er klar, du kær os har, 
på kor -- set selv vor synd du bar, 
at vi Guds børn må væ -- re. 

\score { << 
\context Voice = one { 
\lyricsto "stollen" \context Lyrics = mainlyrics \textStollenEn 
\lyricsto "stollen" \context Lyrics = repeatlyrics \textStollenTo 
\lyricsto "abgesang" \context Lyrics = mainlyrics \textAbgesang 

\layout { 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Error message

2006-04-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson

I would recommend to upgrade to the new stable version 2.8.
If you search the mailing list archives of bug-lilypond, you might be 
lucky to find something related but don't expect anyone to come up with 
a fix for such an old version of the program.


Quoting Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm using 2.6.1

I'm getting an odd error message. The file appears to
parse and process correctly. Then after Lilypond has
computed the line and page breaks I get the messages

ERROR: In procedure ly_scm2double:
ERROR: Wrong type argument: (-8)

The file then appears not to have written to the PDF
(I get the previous version I saved without the new

Does anyone know what this is?

Many thanks,

My new website -

Win tickets to the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany with Yahoo! Messenger.

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Boxes and bars

2006-04-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Quoting "c.m.bryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello all,

I sent a message to the list a couple of days ago and never heard
anything back, I'm just wondering if the message actually went
through, because it seems like people here are good at responding :)

That's easy check, just look in the mailing list archives.

So here it is again, my apologies if I'm double-posting...


If anyone can help with these 2 questions regarding a score I'm
working on, I would be very grateful.  I'm using 2.4.5.

1)  I need to draw boxes notes on the staff, in order to designate
improvisation.  Is this possible?  (I would be surprised if it wasn't,
but I seem unable to find anything in the docs.)

If you can point to some example that shows the desired layout, it's 
easier to answer your question. However, if you look at Appendix C.4 of 
the manual, you can see a list of all symbols

available in the LilyPond specific fonts. Among others, there
are some rectangular note heads which are used for the shape note 
heads. After some trial and error and deciphering the LilyPond source 
code, I found out that you can print all note heads using such a 
rectangle with \new Voice \relative c' {

 \override NoteHead #'glyph-name = #"1la"
 \override NoteHead #'style = #'special
 c d e }
(you can get a wider rectangle if you replace "1la" with "0la" and
a filled one if you use "2la").

2)  Is there a way to draw manual barlines in one staff that won't
affect anything in other staves?  For instance:

I think you already got an answer to this one.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which frontend?

2006-04-29 Thread Laura Conrad
> "EO" == Eyolf Ostrem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

EO> Which frontends do yo all use for lilypond? Here's the ones I've tried 
out so 
EO> far, with my experiences - some bad, some good:

I have most often used ABC for the initial note entry, and then edit
the abc2ly lilypond output if it needs it with the emacs lilypond mode.  

Recently I acquired a USB MIDI keyboard, so for that I'm using a
program called midi-input that takes the MIDI keyboard notes and
writes them as lilypond notes into an emacs buffer.  I'm not yet as
fast and error-free at that as I am at typing ABC, but the method does
show promise.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: can not get --help info from out/

2006-04-29 Thread Daniel Johnson

> I forgot to mention that I made local "make install" in the
> directory containing lilylib, so that I now have
> /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.9.2/python/
> /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.9.2/python/lilylib.pyc
> even if Lilypond-2.9.2 has not been built yet.
> Greetings/Donald
See the most recent Gentoo ebuild here (click on the "View" link):
and have a look at the src_unpack function to see how Gentoo gets around
this issue.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Muted (Stopped) notes in Tablature

2006-04-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson

The following hack seems to work:
 \override TabNoteHead #'stencil = #ly:note-head::print
 \override TabNoteHead #'glyph-name = #"2cross"
 \override TabNoteHead #'style = #'special
 \override TabNoteHead #'stem-attachment = 


Quoting Christopher Giroir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Howdy, I've recently started using Lilypond to transcribe my band's 
current music. I wanted to add tablature to guitar parts that have 
stopped (muted) notes. I have a macro that changes the note head to a 
cross that works fine when my guitar notes variable is fed into a 
normal staff, but in a TabStaff the notes are displayed normally with 

I found out how to replace the Tab function so that I can set the tab 
to always display an "x" instead of the number, but this seems like a 
hack and also doesn't look quite right since the real music with a 
nice looking cross note is right above it.

Is there anyway to highjack the Tab transcriber for a second and make 
it display a normal cross note?


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Block diagram of LilyPond

2006-04-29 Thread andrea valle
As I have never contributed to docs, I'm always a bit embarassed in 
giving advices. So, first many thanks to all.

In any case:

I found absolutely necessary to have in lily docs many diagrams as 
possibile. Lily is a complex program, where user can operate at 
different level.  A schema showing all the components of Lily and all 
the point where user can operate will be mostly helpful.

One of the most difficult point with Lily for a new user is that you 
can make things in many ways. This is richness, indeed. But only if you 
understand the underlying structure.

Some figures will help.




On 29 Apr 2006, at 18:16, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

What target group do you have in mind? Unless you are a programmer, I 
don't really see how it would help an ordinary music typesetter.


Quoting Tomas Valusek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


has anyone created a block diagram of LilyPond, which would show data 
flow, relationship between various modules, etc? It would be great 
help for obtaining global idea what LilyPond's about.

Tomas Valusek

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Andrea Valle
DAMS - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli Studi di Torino

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to tweak measure padding (global setting)

2006-04-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson
If you think LilyPond does something wrong, please send the message to 
the bug-lilypond mailing list.

Regarding your attempts to set the space-alist:
- Why not start from the default setting and just replace
 the entries in the list that you want to change?
 The default is
\override Score.BarLine #'space-alist = #'(
(time-signature . (extra-space . 0.75))
(custos . (minimum-space . 2.0))
(clef . (minimum-space . 1.0))
(key-signature . (extra-space . 1.0))
(key-cancellation . (extra-space . 1.0))
(first-note . (fixed-space . 1.3))
(next-note . (semi-fixed-space . 1.3))
(right-edge . (extra-space . 0.0)))
 and the entry yo u want to modify is mostly

Quoting Kieren Richard MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ]

Hello, all --

Just trying once again...  =)

I am dissatisfied (as, apparently, are some others) by the default  
padding at the beginning (particularly) and the end (somewhat) of  
measures in 2.8.1 -- see previous posts for examples/screenshots:

I can't seem to find a global setting to fix this -- can anyone  
suggest something?

I've tried messing around with, and although it  
technically "works", the workaround seems way too fussy (i.e.,  
requires per-measure, multi-attempt tweaking) for how elegant the  
Lilypond backend usually seems to be. In other words, I figure I must 
 have missed something simple(r)!  =)


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-04-29 Thread Geoff Horton

Using the techniques currently available in LilyPond, Erik's example
is easily implemented as:

foo = #(define-music-function (parser location x y) (ly:music? ly:music?)
c8 $x d8 $y  #})

{ \foo  e16 { f g }}

As you see, you don't really need any Scheme competence to do it.

I question that. I think it looks easy to you because you already know
how it all works and fits together. I do agree that adding some more
examples to the manual would help greatly.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Block diagram of LilyPond

2006-04-29 Thread Geoff Horton

What target group do you have in mind? Unless you are a programmer, I
don't really see how it would help an ordinary music typesetter.

Well, it could help those of us who'd like to help out more with
development but don't have a clear conception of how stuff fits


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to tweak measure padding (global setting)

2006-04-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Sorry, I pressed Send too quickly.

Quoting Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

If you think LilyPond does something wrong, please send the message to 
the bug-lilypond mailing list.

Regarding your attempts to set the space-alist:
- Why not start from the default setting and just replace
 the entries in the list that you want to change?
 The default is
\override Score.BarLine #'space-alist = #'(
(time-signature . (extra-space . 0.75))
(custos . (minimum-space . 2.0))
(clef . (minimum-space . 1.0))
(key-signature . (extra-space . 1.0))
(key-cancellation . (extra-space . 1.0))
(first-note . (fixed-space . 1.3))
(next-note . (semi-fixed-space . 1.3))
(right-edge . (extra-space . 0.0)))
 and the entry you want to modify is probably the one for next-note.
 You may want to try minimum-space instead of the default semi-fixed-space.

- What you specify above is the spacing after the bar line. However,  I 
don't know any method to specify the corresponding spacing

 after the last note of a bar, i.e. the spacing before the bar line.

- Maybe what you see is something related to



Quoting Kieren Richard MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ]

Hello, all --

Just trying once again...  =)

I am dissatisfied (as, apparently, are some others) by the default  
padding at the beginning (particularly) and the end (somewhat) of  
measures in 2.8.1 -- see previous posts for examples/screenshots:

I can't seem to find a global setting to fix this -- can anyone  
suggest something?

I've tried messing around with, and although it  
technically "works", the workaround seems way too fussy (i.e.,  
requires per-measure, multi-attempt tweaking) for how elegant the  
Lilypond backend usually seems to be. In other words, I figure I 
must  have missed something simple(r)!  =)


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: more "programming errors"

2006-04-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Actually, I think the programmer who did the error was you!
The error message probably refers to the fact that the space-alist 
entry doesn't have all the necessary information that it usually has. 
Of course the formulation reveals that

whoever wrote it didn't expect too many users to modify this
setting themselves.


Quoting Kieren Richard MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

[ Lilypond 2.8.1 ]

Hello, all --

I'm engraving my current score with "modern time signature  
placement", as demonstrated in

It's working great! (Many thanks to the T&T and docs authors!)

However, I'd like to get the first note of the bars with a time  
signature change to be closer to the beginning of the measure, and  
the code I'm using makes the score *look* great, but I'm getting

programming error: No spacing entry from TimeSignature to `right-edge'
continuing, cross fingers

Just wanted someone to know! Is this a bug I should copy to lilypond- bug?


\version "2.8.1"

  \context {
\type "Engraver_group"
\consists "Time_signature_engraver"
\consists "Axis_group_engraver"
\name "TimeSig"
\override TimeSignature #'font-size = #2
  \context {
\Score \accepts TimeSig
  \context { \Staff
\override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t

\new TimeSig { \skip 4 * 26 }
\new Staff
\time 2/4 c4 c \time 3/4 c2 c4 \time 4/4 c2 c4 c c c c c \break
		\override Score.TimeSignature #'space-alist = #'((first-note fixed- 
space . -2.0))

\time 2/4 c4 c \time 3/4 c2 c4 \time 4/4 c2 c4 c c c c c

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Macro pre-processing?

2006-04-29 Thread David Feuer

On 4/29/06, Geoff Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I question that. I think it looks easy to you because you already know
how it all works and fits together. I do agree that adding some more
examples to the manual would help greatly.

Agreed.  LilyPond is a domain-specific language.  It is rather odd
that it is necessary to break out into a different language to do a
great many things.  It is even odder that LilyPond doesn't use
Scheme's macro and other capabilities to make even a sub-DSL.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which frontend?

2006-04-29 Thread Stefan Hackl

I also tried several possibilities for input. I came to Noteedit and emacs. 
Noteedit helps me entering the notes and creates a basic output file for 
lilypond. Try the newest SVN Version of Noteedit, lilypond export was 
improved and very soon a "direct-printing" option will be available (see 
Noteedit developers list). 
I also head problems using jedit on linux. With Windows XP jedit works 
But since I got some experience on Emacs I don't want to miss Emacs anymore. I 
open my ly-file created by Noteedit and to add details like fingering, Text 
markups, page layout etc.

For me combining a gui with a powerful editor is the best way. And emacs needs 
some time because many options are not common (especially keyboard shortcuts) 
but in my opinion it is worth getting known to it.

Greetings from Germany


Am Samstag, 29. April 2006 16:23 schrieb Eyolf Ostrem:
> Which frontends do yo all use for lilypond? Here's the ones I've tried out
> so far, with my experiences - some bad, some good:
> 1. NoteEdit.
> I like the way one can just input bare, basic notation, and the
> configurability. I've also come to like the way the keyboard input works,
> at least after I redefined all the keys to something that suits me (note
> names in sequence and not their alphabetical values; durations likewise:
> 1/4 note should be between 1/8 and 1/2, not set to 4, 8 and 2; all the
> modifiers should be accessible to the "duration" hand without having to
> move around, etc).
> however: I haven't found a keyboard shortcut for \breve and \longa -
> essential if one writes a lot of renaissance music. Also, It would have
> been nice if one could generate a lilypond output on the fly, of whatever
> one has written in, without having to go through the process  of exporting,
> opening the file, copy-pasting into the "real" document, etc.
> Also, I miss things like a default score setup, a snippet/templates
> library, a menu for inserting more specific lilypond commands (but I
> realize it's not only a lilypond frontend, so that's probably too much to
> ask).
> But all in all, it's so far my favorite frontend - not for generating whole
> scores, but for entering the music which I can then paste into another text
> file.
> 2. Rosegarden.
> I had hopes for this program, but most of them have been thrashed. The
> keyboard input mode is hopeless, with the fixed positions, relative to the
> key, which means (as far as I have found out), that if you write a piece in
> b major, there is no way one can insert notes with the keyboard below the
> middle line in a staff with a treble clef.
> There are other gripes too, but this is enough to make it useless for me.
> 3. Jedit + LilyPond plugin
> Looks very promising, but apparently there's something wrong with my java
> setup, because if I try to do anything more than the most basic text input,
> I get errors and nothing happens.
> 4. Denemo
> From the looks of it, it seems to have what I want from NoteEdit, but I've
> never been able to test it out properly, because it crashes all the time.
> Might have to do with my locale settings, which it doesn't like, but I'm
> not sure.
> The emacs mode - I haven't tried it out, but from what I've read, it also
> looks very promising. Is that something I should invest some more time in?
> I want a plain tool which can quickly insert notes through the keyboard,
> preferably also with sounding output, but without straying too far from the
> text mode of the basic ly-file.
> Have I missed anything?
> Eyolf Østrem

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