Re: [DIY BUG] bash wants en_US locale

2006-02-09 Thread Joel Miller

Jeremy Huntwork wrote:

And to further clarify, an LFS machine as it currently is does *not*
automatically use UTF-8. The changes to the LFS book are so that the
LFS system *can* use UTF-8 properly if a user requires it. IMO, this is

I'd like some clarification on one point then. IIRC, I read in a post by 
Alexander that the changes to the book made it so that ssh would no 
longer connect properly to non UTF-8 systems. In order to do that you 
had to run ssh through screen. This would be a *massive* inconvenience 
issue for me. Is this the case just by following the new book 
instructions, or is this only the case if you set your locale to a UTF-8 

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Re: error texinfo-4.8/info/terminal.c:236: undefined reference to `tgoto'

2006-03-20 Thread Joel Miller
Andrejs Spunitis wrote:
>  /**/For automation LFS, I've writtten the script
> accordnig to instruction from chapter 5 that:
> For building I use LiveCD:
> I've mounted /dev/sda4, then setup network and sshd,
> copied needed src to /mnt/src and then run command
> # nohup ./ &
> My hohup.out file can bee seen at the address:
> /mnt/src/texinfo-4.8/info/terminal.c:236: undefined reference to
> `tgoto'
> /mnt/src/texinfo-4.8/info/terminal.c:236: undefined reference to
> `tputs'
> and at the end of make textinfo:
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[3]: *** [ginfo] Error 1
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/mnt/src/texinfo-4.8/info'
> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/src/texinfo-4.8/info'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/src/texinfo-4.8'
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> What is the problem?

Please send support requests to lfs-support.

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Re: error texinfo-4.8/info/terminal.c:236: undefined reference to `tgoto'

2006-03-20 Thread Joel Miller
Matthew Burgess wrote:

> And please trim your quotes!  Nearly ~40 lines of quoted email to add a
> 6-word sentence is ridiculous.

My apologies to the list. I had just sent off a bunch of emails rapid
fire and the previous one in this thread being the last one, I guess I
wasn't paying too close attention.

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Re: Question about X-Org GCC.4 in regards to upgrading from LFS 6.1

2006-03-28 Thread Joel Miller
Dan Winkler wrote:
> Hello All I have a quick question.
> I have completed LFS 6.1 and would like to get Xorg installed

This question is best asked to blfs-dev or blfs-support. The lfs-dev
list is for development of the base LFS book only.

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Re: Proposal for new (sub)branches: (BSFS - HPFS - LLHFS)

2006-04-12 Thread Joel Miller
Feldmeier Bernd wrote:
> Hi All,
> As I followed this list a couple of month now,
> I would like to make a proposal for the LFS branch.

> 1) BSFS - Bootstrapping From Scratch sub-branch
> 2) HPFS - Hotplugging From Scratch sub-branch
> 3) LLHFS -  Linux Libc Header From Scratch sub-branch

I'll assume for the moment that you mean merely new testing branches and
not whole new subprojects, as your naming scheme suggests. If in fact
you mean whole new subprojects then, no offense, your plan is ridiculous
for one and two.

> ->1) All the toolchain problems could be solved there

As for the toolchain, if everything goes as it usually does, I'm sure
unstable will start testing gcc 4.1 and glibc 2.4 after the 6.2 (or
6.1.2 or whatever it will be called ) LFS book is released. An argument
can be made for cutting a new branch in svn now for the testing of the
new gcc and glibc, but personally I'd rather see the devs concentrate on
the next release.

> ->2) All HAL/Udev - hotplug problems could be solved there

The Udev_update branch has been cooking for a while now and is already
slated to be merged into the trunk.

> ->3) All the great work in the llh project so far could be solved there

Personally, I think creating a subproject for the libc headers only
makes sense if the people working on them intend to release them,
similar to how the llh people did. That poses whole new problems though,
as then the lfs servers might end up experiencing llh-style traffic and
would have to serve up lots of bandwidth for downloads of the headers
(although I suppose the headers could be torrented to reduce the load).

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OT Re: Livecd Versioning

2005-02-19 Thread Joel Miller
Thomas Trepl wrote:

I personally build my boot-cd with something like -march=i686 -mtune=i686

just FYI, -march implies -mtune. using both is redundant.
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Re: Binutils failure in Chapter 5

2005-03-10 Thread Joel Miller
Randy McMurchy wrote:

It's my opinion that the current SVN (20050303) is rock solid and
worthy of a release. I have a couple systems running it, without
problems or issues that I've seen. Additionally, Anduin is running
on a very similar platform (just a few packages are not up to the
current revs, but the toolchain is the same).
I won't go so far as to suggest a release, as I feel that kind of thing 
is better left to the devs, but I will back Randy's claim that current 
SVN makes a solid build. I just built SVN 20050302 last week and I've 
been unable to hose the system. Everything appears good. However, let me 
be thorough and list my deviations from the book even though some are 
fairly trivial:
1) Instead of Libol and Syslog-ng I build pcre and metalog
2) I compile grep with --enable-perl-regexp
3) I do not build gettext and I pass --disable-nls to whatever will take it
4) I use MSB's pkg-user system for package management
5) I use bash startup files from BLFS with a few modifications

So perhaps my systems aren't the best test cases for the book, but I do 
follow the book fairly closely, and I agree with Randy that current SVN 
is looking good.

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Re: udev testers required

2005-03-12 Thread Joel Miller
Jim Gifford wrote:
There was also to be a hold on udev util that was worked out also.
Frankly, that's silly. There's no need to put a hold on upgrading udev 
until the new /etc/group is pushed out. Package upgrades should keep 
pressing forward. When the time comes that the new groups file is added, 
then a simple config change is needed to udev, a config file which you 
have already made and is ready to go. Package upgrades should continue 
as normal in SVN and when the new groups file gets implemented then the 
new udev config can be thrown in at the same time. It seems that simple 
to me, unless of course I'm missing something.

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Re: Bootscripts SheBang

2005-03-30 Thread Joel Miller
Matthias Berndt wrote:
Wouldn't it make sense to change the SheBang in the bootscripts from
'#!/bin/sh' to '#!/bin/bash' because the scripts are not bourne shell
I'm asking because I changed /bin/sh from /bin/bash to /bin/zsh and made
a disaster.
Please tell us the kind of errors you are getting. The bootscripts, I 
believe, are tested as working with bash and ash.

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Re: Wording for configuring perl in ch6

2005-04-01 Thread Joel Miller
Andrew Benton wrote:

I agree, but people tell me it's wrong to start sentences with "however" 
and "but" because they're linking words
It's a perfectly legal sentence. In school, we used to call sentences 
that started like this "spoilers." I don't remember school a lot, but I 
do remember working on these sentences in English. We wouldn't have done 
exercises with them if it wasn't acceptable to use them.

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Re: Wording for configuring perl in ch6

2005-04-01 Thread Joel Miller
Matthew Burgess wrote:
Joel Miller wrote:
We wouldn't have done exercises with them if it wasn't acceptable to 
use them.

So are you telling me that all those Visual Basic exercises I did means 
it's actually acceptable to use in the real world? :)
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Re: Ready for gcc-4 & cleaning up binutils source delete or not.

2005-04-16 Thread Joel Miller
TheOldFellow wrote:

A bit of a disclaimer before I try to pick apart this script a little. 
All internal politics discussions aside, I greatly respect Greg's 
technical prowess, and my trying to make changes to a script by some one 
who knows a lot more than me will probably break things. That said, here 
is what I would change to stay in line with LFS.

The last time we explicity had the linker do stripping was LFS 4.x IIRC. 
Unless there is good reason to have this flag, we should probably drop it.

TZ='Europe/London'  # the right timezone
This, I think, needs an explanation before we use it in the build. The 
only time thus far that we've needed to set TZ is to test one of the 
packages (I forget which).

CONFIG_SITE=${HOME}/  #  this obviates the need for many
 # --prefix=/usr - where the gnu-autotools
 # have been properly used.
cat > ~/ << "EOF"
test "$prefix" = NONE && prefix=/tools
test -z "$CFLAGS" && CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
This is interesting and I didn't know you could do this. I'll play with 
this in my next build. The thing is though, as much as my personal 
builds use CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS, and --disable-nls, none of that is 
done in the book. Taking those out leaves this as just setting the 
prefix. Boils down to a judgement call by the editors I guess.

# Greg builds copies of bash, make and sed to be certain that all
  the scripts work even if the host-distro is quite odd/old.
# Binutils pass1

See LDFLAGS issue at the top.
# Gcc-4.x  pass1

make \
BOOT_CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe" \
STAGE1_CFLAGS="-pipe" \
Again, the flags thing. Unless there is a technical reason to leave them 
in, the book's policy thus far has been to not set CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, and 
LDFLAGS for the user.

# Adjust Toolchain

I=`gcc -print-file-name=include`
rm -rfv ${I}/*
J=`gcc -print-file-name=install-tools`
cp -pv ${J}/include/* ${I}
cp -pv ${J}/gsyslimits.h ${I}/syslimits.h
# Comments:  ${I} is the absolute name of the library dir 'include' that gcc
#would use when linking.  ${J} is the same for 'install-tools'.
#So the script deletes the current contents of the 'include' dir,
#and copies the 'install-tools' version there instead.
As much as the comment here explains what it does in a physical sense, I 
can already see that. What I don't see is the bigger picture of why this 
is done. The README file tells me, I think,  that the 
install-tools/include/ directory is where the headers that were "fixed" 
by the fixincludes process get put. Is the above scriplet similar or the 
same to our fixincludes patch?

# GCC-4.x Pass 2

sed -i.bak \
-e 's,\./fixinc\.sh,-c true,' \
-e '/^LIBGCC2_DEBUG/d' gcc/
Then again, the above sed looks more like the fixincludes patch as I 
think it prevents the fixincludes process from running.

mkdir ../gcc-build
cd ../gcc-build
../gcc-4*/configure \
--with-local-prefix=/tools \
--enable-shared \
--enable-languages=c,c++ \
--enable-clocale=gnu \
--enable-threads=posix \
--enable-__cxa_atexit \
make install
# Binutils Pass 2

LDFLAGS again.


# Man-Pages
rm -fv man1/{chgrp,chmod,chown,cp,dd,df,diff,dir,dircolors,du}.1
rm -fv man1/{install,ln,ls,mkdir,mkfifo,mknod,mv,rm,rmdir,touch,vdir}.1
rm -fv man3/getspnam.3 man5/passwd.5
Interesting approach. Rather than install the man-pages and have them 
subsequently overwritten, simply prevent the man-pages versions from 
ever being installed. I personally disagree, and use the man-pages 
versions of the documents rather than the man pages provided by the 
specific packages, but seeing as the book does the opposite this is 
something the editors may want to consider even though it doesn't do 
much to change the end result.

# Glibc-2.3.X

CFLAGS="-O3 -march=i686 -pipe" ../glibc-2.3.*/configure \
There is likely a reason that Greg decides to use different CFLAGS for 
glibc then for all the other packages. We need an explanation for this 
if we do it in the book. Of course, the book has been advocating the 
build of glibc without CFLAGS for a while now, which further begs an 
explanation. I personally think it's still a throwback from when 
linuxthreads would bomb if you set CFLAGS. I personally have built glibc 
many times with "-O2 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse -msse2 -mfpmath=sse 
-fomit-frame-pointer -pipe" without issues. The -mfpmath=sse creates 

Re: news for newbies?

2005-05-03 Thread Joel Miller
Tony Morgan wrote:
As y'all know, I'm new here... well, mostly new.
Well then allow me to welcome you to the community.
Was wondering if someone could fill me in on this...
What's the deal with cross-lfs? Ok, I know it's a book (or, really, a 
set of books) for people compiling LFS on a system other than the one it 
will be used on.
At the moment cross-lfs is a set of scripts by the wonderful and 
talented Ryan Oliver that allow a user to build LFS by cross-compiling 
it. This, as you mentioned is necessary if you are building from one 
architecture but want to run the binaries on another architecture. There 
is also a book based on Ryan's scripts under development by Jim Gifford 
and others on the dev team. This book under development is expected to 
become version 7 of the LFS book.

My understanding, from what I've read here, is that the reader will 
initially be presented with an option similar to this:

  Q: How will you be compiling LFS?
  A: I will be compiling LFS on [[choice #1]] to be used on [[choice #2]]
Where [[choice #1]] will be, for example, a drop-down menu with choices 
"an x86 (aka IA32, Pentiums)", "an Alpha", "an x86-64 (aka IA64)", etc. 
  And [[choice #2]] will be either the same, or perhaps the same with 
the extra option "the same machine".
That's the current idea as I understand it. Through the magic of XML, an 
attempt will be made to present a book to the user based on their 
requirements. I don't do web development so maybe some one else can 
speak better to this part.

Will cross-lfs eventually replace the standard LFS? So, and equivalent 
of the standard LFS (as it is today) would be choice1="x86", 
choice2="the same machine".
There's been some recent discussion about this. The new cross-lfs book 
*might* totally replace the current LFS book if the aforementioned XML 
magic can be pulled off. Another idea brought up was simply to maintain 
two books, one for people cross building and one for people where the 
host and target system are the same.

If cross-lfs is everything I've mentioned here, then it sounds like an 
exciting challenge to the dev team.

If cross-lfs isn't going to cover "Compiling on the same machine it will 
be used on", then might i suggest such a thing here and now? I can see, 
however, that it may slow down progress, since to upgrade 
mypackage-2.3.8 to mypackage-2.4.0 would require thorough testing on a 
great many more machine combinations than previously needed.

Anyway, sorry to ask questions that I'm sure everyone's sick of 
answering :/
Don't worry about asking questions. Believe me, there are lots of 
questions that come up on the -support list that I (and others?) grow 
tired of answering, but that's a whole other story. :)

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Re: UTF8 nitpicks

2006-01-09 Thread Joel Miller

Randy McMurchy wrote:

Tushar Teredesai wrote these words on 01/09/06 12:19 CST:

* Mention that folks can choose gdbm instead of berkeley db with a
pointer to BLFS's gdbm page.

The arpd daemon is already back in LFS. Dumping BDB means that the
IPRoute package installation would break.

Additionally, IIRC, BLFS is no longer going to list BDB as a dependence 
(i.e. they assume it will be installed). Thusly, it is not a good idea 
to give the user the choice not to install it.

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RE: devel book, gcc 4.0.2 2nd pass fail

2005-12-21 Thread Joel Miller (RIT Student)
Wade Nelson wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /mnt/lfs/tools $ readelf -l a.out | grep ': /tools'
>   [Requesting program interpreter: /tools/lib/]

> have been following devel book verbatim, except using --disable-multilib
> for 1st & 2nd pass gcc compiles
> host system is:
>  emerge --info
> Portage (default-linux/amd64/2005.1, gcc-3.4.3,
> glibc-2.3.5-r0, 2.6.12-gentoo-r6 x86_64)

Firstly, I'd like to tell you that we appreciate the detailed information. Not 
everyone who asks for help on theses lists gives all the information we may 
need in the first message. Secondly, given the host system and the fact that 
you are passing --disable-multilib as a configure argument, it would appear 
that you are trying to build a 64-bit only version of lfs. Jim Gifford and 
others have been playing with doing things like that over at cross lfs.  You 
are probably going to want to go to and look at the 
Pure64 book for x86_64.

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RE: 2.6.15 Hotplugging/Coldplugging via udev

2006-01-05 Thread Joel Miller (RIT Student)
Jim Gifford wrote:

> Tushar Teredesai wrote:
>> On 1/5/06, Randy McMurchy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> why would LFS consider doing a bunch of patching and such when it is
>>> just a guess if this is what is going to be coming down the pipe in
>>> just a couple of weeks with these new versions you mention?
>> I don't think Jim is proposing adding the changes to LFS. The way I
>> understood his post is that it is more for the bleeding edge guys so
>> that they can play around with the new stuff till it hits the released
>> versions of the packages. Similar to LFSers who play around with the
>> toolchain cvs versions. Jim, correct me if I misunderstood the intent.
> That is correct, I'm not going to even put this into cross-lfs until 
> those issues are resolved. There are so many of them. The net-fs 
> stuff, drivers not having uevent. Which as of today is in the works 
> for 2.6.16, which reminds me to update the todo list of cross-lfs.
I get tired of people saying I'm keeping everything secret of what I'm 
doing. I brought what I found to the masses now that it works properly, 
and now I'm getting harassed for it. Do I really deserve this treatment, 
I don't think so. I'm tired of this crap, especially from you Randy 
since your the only one who seems to have the problem with what I'm 
doing and what I have accomplished with Cross-LFS.

I think it may be time to reinstate the lfs-hackers list, this thread is 
a really good example why.


LFS User # 2577
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Re: 2.6.15 Hotplugging/Coldplugging via udev

2006-01-05 Thread Joel Miller (RIT Student)
Jim Gifford wrote:

> I get tired of people saying I'm keeping everything secret of what I'm 
> doing. I brought what I found to the masses now that it works properly, 
> and now I'm getting harassed for it. Do I really deserve this treatment, 
> I don't think so. I'm tired of this crap, especially from you Randy 
> since your the only one who seems to have the problem with what I'm 
> doing and what I have accomplished with Cross-LFS.
> I think it may be time to reinstate the lfs-hackers list, this thread is 
> a really good example why.

Apologies for the previous email with no text. My hand slipped.

I rarely post on these lists, but I have lurked them since the 3.x days. Back 
then device creation was considerably easier. I won't try to read tone into 
anyone's email, but I can say that few people posting seem to appreciate the 
strides Jim has made towards getting the new udev setup working. One should 
always ask questions so that the process can be refined, but this is still very 
much in a testing stage. AFAICT, no one is looking to commit this to the book 
right now. Jim appears to be calling for testers and in my experience, a 
testing setup is rarely pretty or pure. I personally would like to thank Jim 
for making the headway he has, and would like to apologise that I don't have a 
box I can experiment with right now so that I could help test this new setup.

Having read this list for a long time, I too would like to see lfs-hackers 
reinstated where stuff can be thrown about and tested so that it can be refined 
before it is brought to this list where the tough questions of getting it in 
the right form for the book can be addressed.

My $0.02.

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