[libreoffice-l10n] New Pootle rights

2015-07-20 Thread Nagy Ákos


I'm a leader of Romanian translation project.
In old pootle I can edit permissions, but now I can't do it.
Can you assign to me the necessary permissions?


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New Pootle rights

2015-07-27 Thread Nagy Ákos


I check the list, but I didn't find anything about romanian pootle rights.

2015.07.20. 17:37 keltezéssel, Sérgio Marques írta:

Check list archives. This was already asked before.


2015-07-20 14:46 GMT+01:00 Nagy Ákos <mailto:nagy.a...@libreoffice.ro>>:


I'm a leader of Romanian translation project.
In old pootle I can edit permissions, but now I can't do it.
Can you assign to me the necessary permissions?


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Sérgio Marques


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Guarani LO 5.0

2015-10-13 Thread Nagy Ákos


you have two projects:
LibreOffice 5.0 – UI
LibreOffice master – UI

If you work on LibreOffice 5.0 – UI, and finish your work before aprox. 
14th September, the translation in normal case is in LO 5.0.2.
If you work on LibreOffice master – UI, only on LO 5.1 will be appear in 

2015.10.13. 5:18 keltezéssel, Giovanni Caligaris írta:

Hello everyone

I have noticed that the Guarani localization that I've been working on 
for the 5.0 branch is still been use from Master and not from 
libo50_ui. I don't see the work that I've been doing for the version 
5.0.2. I could be wrong but if someone could double check for me please.




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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] 4.3 and 4.4 projects removal from Pootle

2016-04-19 Thread Nagy Ákos

ro (Romanian) can be removed.

2016. 04. 18. 18:56 keltezéssel, Sophie írta:

Hi all,

To help Christian doing this once instead of a per language basis, who
is willing to have 4.4 and 4.3 projects removed from Pootle? Please, add
your language in this thread:

Thanks in advance!


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Guarani 5.2.2

2016-10-11 Thread Nagy Ákos
Following the release plan:
you need to make your changes before 19 September.

I check, and you make the translation in 12 September.
In this case I don't know...
maybe for the RC2 the build system don't update the translations.

2016. 10. 08. 13:05 keltezéssel, Giovanni Caligaris írta:
> Hello everyone,
> Before v5.2.2 was released I did some translation in Pootle (master). I
> recently just noticed that some of the strings that I translated did not
> make it in the new version.
> Example of the strings I translated
> VGTT5 - Drop a document here or pick an app from the left side to create
> one.
> qriCn - Remote Files
> How can I update this so they will be released in the next version?
> -Gio


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New Pootle pilot server

2012-11-09 Thread Nagy Ákos


I found the same functional problem for Romanian language, that Paul 
Iranzo (A(z) 
elérése közben hiba történt, a fájlrendszer a következő hibát adta: No 
such file or directory).

And I completely agree with khagaroth that the colors are not optimal. 
It's very vivid colors and low contrast for day to day usage, I propose 
to use the default theme (if it's same with old theme), and only make a 
personalized header for TDF.

2012.11.08. 22:22 keltezéssel, Andras Timar írta:


The installation of the pilot Pootle server for TDF is now complete. It's
using a dump from the 7th of November.

You can access this pilot server at https://libreoffice.locamotion.org

Yes, I know the certificate error pops up but since it's a temporary thing
we can live with that, can't we?

Please test this new server during the next few days and report problems
here. We wouldn't like to make the real switch if any big issues arise.

The server is **for testing purposes only** and that *any data entered will
be lost*.

If all goes well, we would make the final switch on Monday.

This final switch will require a downtime of few hours in the current
official server (translations.documentfoundation.org) in order to upgrade
the DB and avoid any data losses.

Additional downtime is expected next week, related to the uploading of
LibreOffice 4.0 templates. I'll write more about that later.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: [ANN] LibreOffice 4.0.0 ALPHA1 test builds available

2012-11-22 Thread Nagy Ákos


I try it with windows 8 x64, without java and works fine (Romanian 
regional settings).
In windows 7 x64 enterprise with java (Hungarian regional settings) 
works fine too.

Which language packs you installed?

2012.11.22. 17:18 keltezéssel, Korrawit Pruegsanusak írta:

Hello all,

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Fridrich Strba

If you've a bit of time, please give them a try & report bugs not yet in

I've found that Options > Language Settings > Languages lead to CRASH
on Win7 x64.
Could someone, especially from l10n team, confirm this? :)

I've reported this at https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57413

P.S. I didn't check whether older master builds have this problem.

Best Regards,
Korrawit Pruegsanusak

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Please test this in RC1

2013-01-15 Thread Nagy Ákos


a verified in Romanian and Hungarian LO 4.0 RC1 on windows, and I found 
the same problem.

I report this in bugzilla too.

2013.01.15. 16:40 keltezéssel, Leif Lodahl írta:

Hi all,
I have reported a missing localization:


Could someone please try to confirm/unconfirm if this is also in other
local version?

I'm running Linux_x86.

Leif Lodahl

Danish Team

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[libreoffice-l10n] accelerators

2013-01-25 Thread Nagy Ákos


exists a tool or whatever witch help in how can I identify the texts 
from UI in pootle?


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] accelerators

2013-01-25 Thread Nagy Ákos

2013.01.25. 17:15 keltezéssel, Chris Leonard írta:

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Nagy Ákos  wrote:


exists a tool or whatever witch help in how can I identify the texts from UI
in pootle?


By this I imagine you mean the specific menu contexts so that you can
avoid assigning the same accelerator to more than one menu item in the
same menu?  I don't know of any such tool, but some projects try to
achieve this by giving hints in the location comment.

if you are trying to find strings tah need accelerators (or have
extraneous accelerators), the Review tab does offer the accelerators
pofilter flag as an item.


I want to correct the duplicated accelerator, but I don't know an easy 
way to found this in pootle.

I know the review tab, but in this case, isn't help.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Localisation gone wild

2013-03-12 Thread Nagy Ákos

2013.03.11. 0:23 keltezéssel, Christian Lohmaier írta:

Hi Jelle, *,

On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Jelle Mulder  wrote:

and probably the odd 10% of all world population that can consider
themselves immigrants.

I disagree here. Why do they use a OS they cannot understand in the
first place? Either they already own a computer, then they should just
keep using that, or they have to buy one, but then they could just buy
a version in the language they understand.

And if you're there to work - how are you supposed to actually do
work, when you cannot understand the OS - and why let people install
you software there? So to me it still is a rare corner-case.
In Romania, the 1st localized windows was windows XP (and not natively 
localized, peoples need to install additonal language pack), and the 
windows xp localization is not very good (40%+ of romanina people use 
windows xp), the peoples don't understand, but learned the english 
expressions, and usually don't like the localized version, because don't 
understand the localized expressions (he understand the words, but can't 
connect the word with what is meaning). For this reason 50%+ of windows 
instalation is in english, and usually this peoples don't change your 
regional settings to romanian (this enough to switch the LO installer to 

And another reason why people are using English Windows, even though it 
does not speak English, is that in romania 50%+ (in private area 70%+) 
of windows installations is illegal (illegal windows = english windows), 
and in this case peoples disable windows update, the download source of 
the localizations.

Oh,.. sure,.. I could plug some Linux distro on it and all my trouble would
be over. However, that would exclude me from communicatng with my collegues
that run all those nifty malware tools like QQ (some IM) and the like. Nor
do Linux distro's support Chinese all that well for those that cannot read
Chinese. It exists, but alas,.. the info is all in Chinese and not all of it
is in HTML format that I might run through Google Chrome to translate it.

I can't follow you on the Linux point here. If you don't understand
any chinese, why install chinese linux? If you cannot read chinese,
how would you write chinese? (I can only assume you mean how to
install a IME to write chinese is not documented in "non-chinese"
properly - but then again - chicken and egg problem - just install
ibus with a chinese IME and you're done - the times where installing
an IME was painfull are long over, thanks to all Linux-distros using
UTF-8 by default now.

Come on people,.. if this is the UI/UX department, this issue is right at
it's place as this is UI/UX at it's purest.

Sorry, but you wrote to the l10n list - at least that is what I have
been replying to..

File a bug an indeed UX would be the correct place to lay out what it
should offer.



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[libreoffice-l10n] Romanian hyphenation dictionary

2013-10-02 Thread Nagy Ákos


in LibreOffice don't work the hyphenation for romanian language. I 
verify the dictionary, and it seem that is installed correctly, and 
probably the rules is correct too.

This is the dictionary file
Can you help me in how I start the debugging, and how can I find the 


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Problems with libreoffice.ee

2013-10-03 Thread Nagy Ákos


the official site, maintained by The Document Foundation is the 
et.libreoffice.org (in this case the community decide to redirect the 
official page, not to translate it). The libreoffice.ee is the community 
private site, all content from that site is independent from The 
Document Foundation.

2013.10.03. 2:27 keltezéssel, Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild írta:

Dear all,

I am a member of the Free Software Foundation Europe, and I am writing
this e-mail because I wanted to ask an Estonian governmental institution
to recommend LibreOffice to their visitors instead of an outdated
version of OpenOffice. I would happily point them to the Estonian
version of the LibreOffice site, which appears to be
, which redirects to .

However, the content on that site has raised some concerns in me: The
site advertises LibreOffice mainly as "gratis" (tasuta) instead of
"free" (vaba) as in free speech; the site claims that either the site's
or the software's copyright belongs to the Free Software Foundation
("Autoriõigus © 2007, Free Software Foundation, Inc." in the footer),
which I seriously doubt; and the site also includes Facebook social
plug-in, which raises non-free JavaScript and privacy issues.

I am fairly sure that The Document Foundation does not wish to advertise
LibreOffice as "gratis" instead of "free", and it seems to me that many
of the er… more unique aspects of  are likely not
condoned by The Document Foundation.

I am afraid that in its current state I cannot recommend the Estonian
site in good conscience, and unfortunately there seems to be no
Estonian download page listing more than one platform and version of
the software on , and thus a speedy resolution of the
aforementioned issues would be very welcome.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. If I can be of assistance,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

P.S. Please be advised that, as The Document Foundation proudly claims
Richard Stallman and the FSF as their supporters and this issue affects
the image of the FSF, I will be forwarding a copy of this e-mail to them.

Best regards,


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[libreoffice-l10n] migrate to the new website design - Romanian

2014-07-07 Thread Nagy Ákos


please migrate the romanian (ro.libreoffice.org) language page to new 


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