2013.01.25. 17:15 keltezéssel, Chris Leonard írta:
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Nagy Ákos <nagy.a...@libreoffice.ro> wrote:
exists a tool or whatever witch help in how can I identify the texts from UI
in pootle?
By this I imagine you mean the specific menu contexts so that you can
avoid assigning the same accelerator to more than one menu item in the
same menu? I don't know of any such tool, but some projects try to
achieve this by giving hints in the location comment.
if you are trying to find strings tah need accelerators (or have
extraneous accelerators), the Review tab does offer the accelerators
pofilter flag as an item.
I want to correct the duplicated accelerator, but I don't know an easy
way to found this in pootle.
I know the review tab, but in this case, isn't help.
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