
the official site, maintained by The Document Foundation is the et.libreoffice.org (in this case the community decide to redirect the official page, not to translate it). The libreoffice.ee is the community private site, all content from that site is independent from The Document Foundation.

2013.10.03. 2:27 keltezéssel, Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild írta:
Dear all,

I am a member of the Free Software Foundation Europe, and I am writing
this e-mail because I wanted to ask an Estonian governmental institution
to recommend LibreOffice to their visitors instead of an outdated
version of OpenOffice. I would happily point them to the Estonian
version of the LibreOffice site, which appears to be
<et.libreoffice.org>, which redirects to <libreoffice.ee>.

However, the content on that site has raised some concerns in me: The
site advertises LibreOffice mainly as "gratis" (tasuta) instead of
"free" (vaba) as in free speech; the site claims that either the site's
or the software's copyright belongs to the Free Software Foundation
("Autoriõigus © 2007, Free Software Foundation, Inc." in the footer),
which I seriously doubt; and the site also includes Facebook social
plug-in, which raises non-free JavaScript and privacy issues.

I am fairly sure that The Document Foundation does not wish to advertise
LibreOffice as "gratis" instead of "free", and it seems to me that many
of the er… more unique aspects of <libreoffice.ee> are likely not
condoned by The Document Foundation.

I am afraid that in its current state I cannot recommend the Estonian
site in good conscience, and unfortunately there seems to be no
Estonian download page listing more than one platform and version of
the software on <libreoffice.org>, and thus a speedy resolution of the
aforementioned issues would be very welcome.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. If I can be of assistance,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

P.S. Please be advised that, as The Document Foundation proudly claims
Richard Stallman and the FSF as their supporters and this issue affects
the image of the FSF, I will be forwarding a copy of this e-mail to them.

Best regards,


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