Re: [GNC] Calculation of Unrealized Losses

2022-05-05 Thread John Ralls
No need, we all read this one too.

John Ralls

> On May 5, 2022, at 9:52 AM, Bill Dika  wrote:
> Thanks David.
> I'll try the gnucash developers list.
> Bill Dika
> On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 10:54 PM David Carlson 
> wrote:
>> Bill,
>> If I recall correctly, one or more of the methods GnuCash uses to
>> calculate exchange rates for reports is technically not correctly defined ,
>> so it obscures the  fact that it is not calculating the expected value.
>> That is leading to strange results when, for example, one attempts to do a
>> trial balance.   I know very little about accounting so I cannot tell you
>> details about that.
>> Some of the developers can help with some of those issues.  Hopefully they
>> can at least tell you which calculation methods to avoid when you want
>> accurate results .
>> On Mon, May 2, 2022, 9:27 PM Bill Dika  wrote:
>>> Can anyone help me with this?
>>> Do I have to supply more/different information?
>>> I have been using gnucash personally for a couple of years now and would
>>> like to develop more confidence in the program.
>>> Thank you in advance for your help.
>>> Bill Dika
>>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 1:42 PM Bill Dika  wrote:
>>>> My default currency is Canadian dollars. I have some US dollar
>>>> accounts in my balance sheet.
>>>> I have an unrealized loss in the equity section of my balance sheet at
>>>> July 31 2021 of $12.68 and cannot figure out how it was calculated. I
>>>> also have US dollar accounts expressed in Canadian dollars that I am
>>>> unable to determine how the translation from US dollars to Canadian
>>>> dollars occurs.
>>>> For example I have a US dollar account of $353.75 for Tesla (see
>>>> us-dollar-accts-in-us-dollars-july-31-2021.png) that shows as $456.22
>>>> in Canadian dollars at July 31 2021 (see
>>>> us-dollar-accts-july-31-2021.png). This is an exchange rate of
>>>> 1.28966. I am unable to figure out how Gnucash arrives at that rate
>>>> (see us-dollar-rates-price-database.png). It is not the rate at July
>>>> 31 2021. It is not the average rate for all rates I have up to July 31
>>>> 2021 and it is not the average rate for all rates I have in the price
>>>> database.
>>>> Also the $12.68 loss arises from only one change in the US dollar
>>>> accounts from June 30 2021 to July 31 2021. That is a $524.80 US
>>>> dollar addition to "Vanguard Intl Equity Total World Stock ETF" (see
>>>> change-in-us-dollar-acct-july-2021.png).
>>>> Attached are images of the following:
>>>> equity-jun-30-2021.png = showing the equity section almost balanced
>>>> (.01 unrealized gain) (in Canadian dollars)
>>>> equity-july-31-2021.png = showing the $12.68 unrealized loss (in
>>>> Canadian dollars)
>>>> us-dollar-accts-in-us-dollars-jun-30-2021.png = balance sheet accounts
>>>> (in US dollars)
>>>> us-dollar-accts-jun-30-2021.png = balance sheet accounts (in Canadian
>>>> dollars)
>>>> us-dollar-accts-in-us-dollars-july-31-2021.png = balance sheet
>>>> accounts (in US dollars)
>>>> us-dollar-accts-july-31-2021.png = balance sheet accounts (in Canadian
>>>> dollars)
>>>> change-in-us-dollar-acct-july-2021.png = shows the only change in the
>>>> US dollar accounts ($524.80 USD) from June 30 to July 31 2021 (in US
>>>> dollars)
>>>> us-dollar-rates-price-database.png = all the US to Canadian exchange
>>>> rates in my database
>>>> I am a Canadian CPA and feel quite confident about the accounting in
>>>> the gnucash file. I have reviewed the journal entries for the period
>>>> and they all balance. The only thing I can ascertain is that the
>>>> unrealized loss arises from the US dollar accounts but I cannot figure
>>>> out how gnucash is calculating it nor can I figure out how gnucash
>>>> translates US dollars to Canadian dollars for those accounts.
>>>> I have searched the list but cannot find anything that helps me in my
>>>> calculation.
>>>> I am on Arch linux using Gnucash 4.9.
>>>> Any help would be much appreciated.

Re: [GNC] Calculation of Unrealized Losses

2022-05-05 Thread John Ralls
David is referring to, which is 
probably the issue you're seeing: You have some three-commodity transactions 
involving USD, CAD, and a Vanguard fund and the average-cost algorithm used in 
the trial balance report doesn't work well in that case.

John Ralls

> On May 2, 2022, at 7:54 PM, David Carlson  wrote:
> Bill,
> If I recall correctly, one or more of the methods GnuCash uses to calculate
> exchange rates for reports is technically not correctly defined , so it
> obscures the  fact that it is not calculating the expected value.  That is
> leading to strange results when, for example, one attempts to do a trial
> balance.   I know very little about accounting so I cannot tell you details
> about that.
> Some of the developers can help with some of those issues.  Hopefully they
> can at least tell you which calculation methods to avoid when you want
> accurate results .
> On Mon, May 2, 2022, 9:27 PM Bill Dika  wrote:
>> Can anyone help me with this?
>> Do I have to supply more/different information?
>> I have been using gnucash personally for a couple of years now and would
>> like to develop more confidence in the program.
>> Thank you in advance for your help.
>> Bill Dika
>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 1:42 PM Bill Dika  wrote:
>>> My default currency is Canadian dollars. I have some US dollar
>>> accounts in my balance sheet.
>>> I have an unrealized loss in the equity section of my balance sheet at
>>> July 31 2021 of $12.68 and cannot figure out how it was calculated. I
>>> also have US dollar accounts expressed in Canadian dollars that I am
>>> unable to determine how the translation from US dollars to Canadian
>>> dollars occurs.
>>> For example I have a US dollar account of $353.75 for Tesla (see
>>> us-dollar-accts-in-us-dollars-july-31-2021.png) that shows as $456.22
>>> in Canadian dollars at July 31 2021 (see
>>> us-dollar-accts-july-31-2021.png). This is an exchange rate of
>>> 1.28966. I am unable to figure out how Gnucash arrives at that rate
>>> (see us-dollar-rates-price-database.png). It is not the rate at July
>>> 31 2021. It is not the average rate for all rates I have up to July 31
>>> 2021 and it is not the average rate for all rates I have in the price
>>> database.
>>> Also the $12.68 loss arises from only one change in the US dollar
>>> accounts from June 30 2021 to July 31 2021. That is a $524.80 US
>>> dollar addition to "Vanguard Intl Equity Total World Stock ETF" (see
>>> change-in-us-dollar-acct-july-2021.png).
>>> Attached are images of the following:
>>> equity-jun-30-2021.png = showing the equity section almost balanced
>>> (.01 unrealized gain) (in Canadian dollars)
>>> equity-july-31-2021.png = showing the $12.68 unrealized loss (in
>>> Canadian dollars)
>>> us-dollar-accts-in-us-dollars-jun-30-2021.png = balance sheet accounts
>>> (in US dollars)
>>> us-dollar-accts-jun-30-2021.png = balance sheet accounts (in Canadian
>>> dollars)
>>> us-dollar-accts-in-us-dollars-july-31-2021.png = balance sheet
>>> accounts (in US dollars)
>>> us-dollar-accts-july-31-2021.png = balance sheet accounts (in Canadian
>>> dollars)
>>> change-in-us-dollar-acct-july-2021.png = shows the only change in the
>>> US dollar accounts ($524.80 USD) from June 30 to July 31 2021 (in US
>>> dollars)
>>> us-dollar-rates-price-database.png = all the US to Canadian exchange
>>> rates in my database
>>> I am a Canadian CPA and feel quite confident about the accounting in
>>> the gnucash file. I have reviewed the journal entries for the period
>>> and they all balance. The only thing I can ascertain is that the
>>> unrealized loss arises from the US dollar accounts but I cannot figure
>>> out how gnucash is calculating it nor can I figure out how gnucash
>>> translates US dollars to Canadian dollars for those accounts.
>>> I have searched the list but cannot find anything that helps me in my
>>> calculation.
>>> I am on Arch linux using Gnucash 4.9.
>>> Any help would be much appreciated.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Bill Dika
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your

Re: [GNC] Double entry directly to Equity

2022-05-07 Thread John Ralls
Well, Trading has special meaning in GnuCash: It's used for a set of accounts 
that are outside of the accounting equation used for tracking unrealized gains 
and losses from transactions involving more than one commodity. Those accounts 
are enabled by the book property (accessed via File>Properties) Use Trading 
Accounts and GnuCash manages them itself. You shouldn't directly edit trading 
splits. Either you're using it with a different meaning, which you'll need to 
explain, or you did something wrong and a recent update to GnuCash is stopping 
you from repeating the error.

Equity represents the value of the enterprise, Assets - Liabilities. Income and 
Expense are special flavors of Equity so most transactions you do are between 
Assets and Equity. If you close your book then Retained Earnings is the 
destination of zeroing out the Income and Expense accounts. The other component 
of Equity is the money brought to the enterprise by the owners/shareholders. If 
any of that is less than perfectly clear to you then you should study the 
Tutorial and Concepts Guide and whatever other basic accounting texts you fancy 
until it is clear.

Now, what is it exactly that you're trying to do?

John Ralls

> On May 7, 2022, at 8:55 AM, Bogdan  wrote:
> Any suggestions there?
> -- Forwarded message -
> From: Bogdan 
> Date: Wed, May 4, 2022, 12:04
> Subject: Double entry directly to Equity
> To: 
> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out how to set up a  revaluation reserve account
> directly in Equity so that I could do e.g. Dr Asset a/c Cr Equity.
> About a year ago I was able to create an account in Trading and debit /
> credit it directly from Asset and Liability accounts. However, now when I
> enter a similar transaction the Trading account (second leg of the entry)
> simply disappears and is replaced by Imbalance.
> What is the appropriate way to make accounting entries directly to Equity
> accounts (not retained earnings through PL)? Any idea why the above
> approach no longer works?
> Thanks!
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
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Re: [GNC] Keyboard shortcuts problem with v4.10

2022-05-21 Thread John Ralls
This sounds like, which is in 
turn probably The latter is 
fixed, so I updated the build server and made a new nightly build

that should fix the problem.

John Ralls

> On Mar 29, 2022, at 11:10 PM, wrote:
> Hi All,
> I can also report that I get a similar problem with similar tracefile
> entries, 33 times, when I try to enter a new transaction by typing in the
> Description field. Even trying to copy and paste another description fails
> on the copy. It is possibly the same on any keyboard input and seems similar
> to problems I see some reporting on Mac.
> * 16:27:48 ERROR  gdk_keysym_to_key_entry_index: assertion
> 'info->reverse_lookup_table != NULL' failed
> I will wait a bit, but it looks like I may need to go back to v4.9.
> John Bonnett
> From:  
> Sent: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 9:00 AM
> To: '' 
> Subject: Keyboard shortcuts problem with v4.10
> Hi All,
> I have a problem with keyboard shortcuts with the latest v4.10 GnuCash and
> Finance:Quote 1.51. I have some keyboard shortcuts on the View menu mapped.
> I am running Windows 10 21H2 on an Intel Xeon 16Gb RAM
> The mappings are as follows:
> Basic Ledger Ctrl-1
> Auto-Split Ledger Ctrl-2
> Transaction Journal Ctrl-3
> Double Line Ctrl-4
> These shortcuts show on the righthand side of the menu.
> The functions on the menu work fine if you select them with the mouse, but
> if you use the keyboard shortcuts, at least for Ctrl-2 and Ctrl-4, there is
> a small pause, with the hourglass icon, then GnuCash shuts down, without
> saving. It starts again OK except you need to select "Open anyway" since the
> lock file has not been cleared, but any changes may not have been saved. It
> worked fine with v4.9.
> Here is a trace file just after such a shut down
> * 08:35:32  WARN  Unexpectedly, UWP app
> `microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_16005.14326.20544.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe'
> (AUMId
> `microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe!microsoft.windowslive.mai
> l') supports 1 extensions but has no verbs
> * 08:35:32  WARN  Unexpectedly, UWP app
> `XBMCFoundation.Kodi_19.4.500.0_x64__4n2hpmxwrvr6p' (AUMId
> `XBMCFoundation.Kodi_4n2hpmxwrvr6p!Kodi') supports 120 extensions but has no
> verbs
> * 08:36:37  WARN  Could not locate file AUTHORS
> * 08:36:37  WARN  Could not locate file DOCUMENTERS
> * 08:36:37  WARN  Could not locate file LICENSE
> * 08:48:41  WARN  Could not locate file AUTHORS
> * 08:48:41  WARN  Could not locate file DOCUMENTERS
> * 08:48:41  WARN  Could not locate file LICENSE
> * 08:54:00 ERROR  gdk_keysym_to_key_entry_index: assertion
> 'info->reverse_lookup_table != NULL' failed
> That last line repeats 33 times.
> Any advice appreciated.
> John Bonnett
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Foreign Currency Receivable

2022-05-25 Thread John Ralls

You have a couple of options. The simplest would be to just ignore that USD is 
involved at all and convert all of the USD amounts to CNY and post the CNY 
amounts to GnuCash. That obviously loses a bit of detail.

Next up in complexity would be to create some USD accounts for income, expense, 
and accounts receivable (make that account type bank, not type accounts 
receivable, for this approach). You'll post those from the monthly statements. 
When you receive the actual payment you'll credit accounts payable in USD and 
debit your CNY bank account using whatever exchange rate your bank gives you on 
the conversion. Depending on how you handle the withheld taxes you also may 
need a USD or CNY asset account for pre-paid taxes. If you keep the payments in 
a USD-denominated account then you'd create a bank account in GnuCash to model 
it and debit it on payments. If you want to track unit sales you could make the 
income account in CNY and use the CNY->USD exchange rate reflected in your 
statement. For example if you price the game at CNY 150, you sold 10 of them in 
April, and your steam statement says that your revenue was USD 100 then you'd 
credit income CNY1500 and debit Expenses:commision USD 30, As
 sets:Prepaid taxes or expenses:taxes (depending on how you have to handle the 
taxes), and Assets:AccountsPayable USD 60. Then when you get the payment and 
your bank converts the USD 60 into CNY 800 you'd credit accounts payable USD 
60, debit CNY 800 and debit Income:Trading Gains CNY 100.

If you want you could go a step further and use the business module to convert 
the steam statement into an invoice. In that case you'd make the accounts 
payable account type accounts payable.
IIRC the business model doesn't know how to handle the exchange rates and 
trading gains so you'd have to do that part manually, but it might provide some 
reports that you'd find useful enough to justify the extra work.

John Ralls

> On May 25, 2022, at 5:25 PM, Gao Bite  wrote:
> Mr. or Mrs. Novack:
> Hello! I am probably not making myself clear in the last e-mail, so I wish 
> that you could allow me to clarify myself in this e-mail.
> I put my game on the Steam platform and priced it in CNY. Let us assume that 
> purchases happen in March. When players in China buy the game, they pay in 
> CNY (without having notice of foreign exchange done by Steam's partner), and 
> Steam possibly receives their payments in USD. At the end of March, I 
> received an invoice telling me about data for the game's sales in March, a 30 
> percent deduction from the Steam platform, and a 10 percent of income tax. At 
> the end of April, I received my part in USD.
> I wonder if I clarified myself in this e-mail. If you still have some points 
> not sure about, I wish that you could let me know it.
>  Yours,
>Bite Gao
> May 26th, 2021
> On 2022-05-25 22:23, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
>> On 5/25/2022 12:01 AM, Gao Bite wrote:
>>> GnuCash Developers and Maintainers:
>>>   Hello! I am a Chinese developer who sells games on the Steam platform. 
>>> When I sell my game work on steam, I receive the sales report every month 
>>> containing data for last month's game selling. And I will receive last 
>>> month's money in USD at the end of this month. My base currency is CNY.
>>>  How can I perform my accounting to record the gain and losses from game 
>>> selling and foreign exchange separately? 
>> What data is on this statement beyond gross amount in USD? Is the site doing 
>> all transactions in USD (games sold for some price in USD as opposed to the 
>> currency of the buyer). If you are selling different games at various 
>> prices, unless you are told how many of each However it might be 
>> simpler for somebody like yourself who is the fabricator of an intangible << 
>> most sellers would be selling tangible goods with an associated  "cost of 
>> goods" but possibly/probably you do not* >>
>> ARE you selling goods at some price in USD, does  your statement make clear 
>> how many units sold (at what price) , does it show the fees the agent is 
>> deducting, etc? Possibly there is no currency exchange involved YET. Maybe 
>> the only gains/losses form currency exchange would between the time you 
>> receive this statement and payment in USD and you get that converted into 
>> CNY in your bank account.
>> In other words, if you receive a statement from the agent "sales in March 
>> were $XXX (as of 3/31) but you do not receive into your bank account YYY in 
>> CNY  until April 25t

Re: [GNC] error when I try to save in MySQL or sqlite3

2022-05-28 Thread John Ralls
You are mistaken. The Windows bundle includes everything necessary to connect 
to Postgres and MySQL.

John Ralls

> On May 28, 2022, at 5:17 AM, David T. via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Gustavo,
> The image didn't come through, and you didn't give the version of Gnucash 
> you're using, but the mail client tag line suggests that you are on Windows, 
> and I'll assume it's a recent version of Gnucash. 
> Most likely, you're using the standard download of Gnucash for Windows, which 
> I believe doesn't include the database drivers for postgresql by default. You 
> would need to download and compile Gnucash yourself to get that 
> functionality, something that requires a bit of research and work on your 
> part. 
> You might explain why you are trying to use the SQL back end in the first 
> place; most users don't benefit from using them. 
> David
> On May 26, 2022 12:26:29 PM EDT, Gustavo Adolfo Landaeta Mantilla 
>  wrote:
>> Hi
>> I tried to save a new book in postgres that I just installed but is giving 
>> me an error :
>> [cid:image001.png@01D87125.7088C5D0]
>> I followed the tutorial in google (  and I can 
>> see that it works for him, but I don’ t know why is not working for me.
>> Can yo help with this issue?
>> Kind Regards
>> Gustavo
>> Sent from Mail<> for Windows
> ___
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Re: [GNC] error when I try to save in MySQL or sqlite3

2022-05-28 Thread John Ralls
What wiki page is that?

John Ralls

> On May 28, 2022, at 11:49 AM, David T.  <>> wrote:
> I guess the wiki page that suggests that sql drivers might not be available 
> for Windows could be updated...
> On May 28, 2022 2:44:14 PM EDT, "David T. via gnucash-user" 
>>> wrote:
> Oh. Okay. Thanks for the correction. 
> On May 28, 2022 10:42:43 AM EDT, John Ralls  <>> wrote:
> You are mistaken. The Windows bundle includes everything necessary to connect 
> to Postgres and MySQL.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> On May 28, 2022, at 5:17 AM, David T. via gnucash-user 
>>> wrote:
> Gustavo,
> The image didn't come through, and you didn't give the version of Gnucash 
> you're using, but the mail client tag line suggests that you are on Windows, 
> and I'll assume it's a recent version of Gnucash. 
> Most likely, you're using the standard download of Gnucash for Windows, which 
> I believe doesn't include the database drivers for postgresql by default. You 
> would need to download and compile Gnucash yourself to get that 
> functionality, something that requires a bit of research and work on your 
> part. 
> You might explain why you are trying to use the SQL back end in the first 
> place; most users don't benefit from using them. 
> David
> On May 26, 2022 12:26:29 PM EDT, Gustavo Adolfo Landaeta Mantilla 
>>> wrote:
> Hi
> I tried to save a new book in postgres that I just installed but is giving me 
> an error :
> [cid:image001.png@01D87125.7088C5D0 ]
> I followed the tutorial in google ( 
> <>)  and I can see that it works for him, but I 
> don’ t know why is not working for me.
> Can yo help with this issue?
> Kind Regards
> Gustavo
> Sent from Mail< 
> <>> for Windows
> gnucash-user mailing list
> <>
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Re: [GNC] Quotes issue

2022-05-28 Thread John Ralls
You're missing that the environment in your shell isn't necessarily the one 
that GnuCash sees unless you launch GnuCash from that shell. Enter your API key 
in Preferences>Online Quotes to cover that case.

John Ralls

> On May 28, 2022, at 4:42 PM, Steve  wrote:
> When I do Tools->Price Database->Get Quotes I get:
> ERROR: ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY must be set for currency and quotes.
> See
> and yet:
> steve@stevesdesktop:~/Downloads$ env|grep ALPHAVANTAGE
> steve@stevesdesktop:~/Downloads$ gnc-fq-dump currency GBP USD
> 1 GBP = 1.2630887 USD
> steve@stevesdesktop:~/Downloads$ gnc-fq-dump yahoo_json GOOGL
> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>   symbol: GOOGL<=== required
> date: 05/27/2022   <=== recommended
> currency: USD  <=== required
> last: 2246.33  <=\   
>  nav:  <=== one of these
>price:  <=/
> timezone:  <=== optional
> steve@stevesdesktop:~/Downloads$ 
> I have all my quotes set up to use yahoo_json so what am I missing?
> Steve
> ___
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gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] error when I try to save in MySQL or sqlite3

2022-05-30 Thread John Ralls
I see how you might have gotten the impression that the bundles don't have 
everything you need. I've rewritten it to be clearer. Thanks.

John Ralls

> On May 28, 2022, at 2:58 PM, D  wrote:
> Oh. My mistake. It's in the Guide at:
> On May 28, 2022, at 17:47, John Ralls  wrote:
> What wiki page is that?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On May 28, 2022, at 11:49 AM, David T. <> wrote:
>> I guess the wiki page that suggests that sql drivers might not be available 
>> for Windows could be updated... 
>> On May 28, 2022 2:44:14 PM EDT, "David T. via gnucash-user" < 
>>> wrote:
>> Oh. Okay. Thanks for the correction. 
>> On May 28, 2022 10:42:43 AM EDT, John Ralls  wrote:
>>   You are mistaken. The Windows bundle includes everything necessary 
>> to connect to Postgres and MySQL.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>On May 28, 2022, at 5:17 AM, David T. via gnucash-user <
>> > wrote:
>> Gustavo,
>> The image didn't come through, and you didn't give the version of Gnucash 
>> you're using, but the mail client tag line suggests that you are on Windows, 
>> and I'll assume it's a recent version of Gnucash.
>> Most likely, you're using the standard download of Gnucash for Windows, 
>> which I believe doesn't include the database drivers for postgresql by 
>> default. You would need to download and compile Gnucash yourself to get that 
>> functionality, something that requires a bit of research and work on your 
>> part.
>> You might explain why you are trying to use the SQL back end in the first 
>> place; most users don't benefit from using them.
>> David
>> On May 26, 2022 12:26:29 PM EDT, Gustavo Adolfo Landaeta Mantilla <
>> > wrote:
>> Hi
>> I tried to save a new book in postgres that I just installed but is giving 
>> me an error :
>> [
>> cid:image001.png@01D87125.7088C5D0
>> ]
>> I followed the tutorial in google (
>> ) and I can see that it works for him, but I don’ t know why is not working 
>> for me.
>> Can yo help with this issue?
>> Kind Regards
>> Gustavo
>> Sent from Mail<
>> > for Windows
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>>  for more information.
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
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Re: [GNC] Question about gnucash

2022-05-30 Thread John Ralls

> On May 30, 2022, at 3:27 AM, wrote:
> Dear gnucash-user,
> I have a question is there any documentation about installing and creating
> report via Scheme. I assume that it is interpretive language so that once it
> is installed in in the correct directory it will be visibly to use.
> I have tried to connect it to PostgreSQL but I have not had any success, I
> know that my PostgreSQL is working correctly as I use for Django
> development, I tried the sqlite3 that seems to work but I don't know where
> the db file is created as I have a sqlite browser 

For custom reports, is a good 
starting point.

For pgsql if you're a Linux user you may need to install libdbd-pgsql; note 
that that's what Debian calls it, other distros may have slightly different 

The SQLite3 file is created wherever you told GnuCash to create it in the 
File>New or File>Save As dialogs.

John Ralls
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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-06-10 Thread John Ralls

> On Jun 10, 2022, at 9:59 AM, Fred Tydeman  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 9:42 AM john  wrote:
> The "no scheduled transactions" dialog is modal (see 
> so it blocks the rest of GnuCash 
> until it's dismissed. Unfortunately that includes dismissing the splash 
> screen so that you can see it. I think the splash screen is getting pushed to 
> the front by the loading status bar.
> Adrien has already suggested that you turn off the status bar and the 
> tip-of-the-day dialog in preferences; you could also disable  Show 
> notification window in the Scheduled Transactions tab in Preferences. That 
> will suppress the "no scheduled transactions" dialog from displaying.
> I went thru Edit->Preferences  each of the categories on the left in that 
> window and did not see anything about Status bar.  In General, I have now 
> turned off: Show Splash screen (to see what happens next time for this issue).
> Since I can close windows with Esc or closing windows in the correct order, 
> this startup issue is no longer an issue for me.  I was just trying to help 
> you guys by providing feedback.

Sorry, I meant to say splash screen, not status bar.

John Ralls

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[GNC] GnuCash 4.11 Release

2022-06-26 Thread John Ralls
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.11, the twelfth release in the 
stable 4.x series
Between 4.10 and 4.11, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

Bug 797163 - qof_book_get_option segfaults when retrieving a non-leaf frame
Bug 798053 - Accounts renumeration (renumbering)
Bug 798471 - Can't see or select Income or Expense accounts in Income Tax 
Information GUI
Bug 798483 - GnuCash Crashing With SIGSEGV During QFX Import Transaction 
Bug 798491 - MT940 of day 28.02.2022 ends in transactiondate 01.01.1970
Bug 798493 - Invoice Report Quantity & Unit Price fields have limited 
decimal precision on printed invoices
Bug 798496 - gncEntry Quantity and Discount are misusing commodity scu
Bug 798499 - Expense Chart data tables include extra columns of data
Bug 798500 - FTBFS (tests failure) on armhf
Bug 798501 - Balance wrong date end of period
Bug 798531 - Selecting "Print" from the file menu on a report crashes 
Bug 798533 - Crash when importing quicken @ currency
Bug 798535 - Crash when increasing the number of periods in a budget
Bug 798547 - Calculated Due Date is short 1 day when posting on day of fall 
change from Daylight Time to Standard Time.

The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

Partially fix Bug 771095 by inserting a help button in the Since-Last-Run 
Lock down GITHUB_TOKEN permissions on workflows.
[g_option_context_get_help() returns a char* which must be freed.
[assistant-stock-transaction] dividends must include stock account.
Fix arch linux CI build failures.
Add a help button to the financial calculator dialog.
[assistant-stock-transaction] avoid resetting txn_types unnecessarily.
[assistant-stock-transaction] reorder of Pages - date before type.
[import matcher] Only append description if there's something to append to, 
Otherwise just set the new string.
[balsheet-pnl] test "lvl <= depth-limit" outside add-indented-row as a 
first step trying to fix bug 798502. the bug likely resides in the (if) 
conditional in (add-account-row).
[gnc-main-window] page->window is not main_window, skip warning.
[gnc-plugin-page-register] if account==NULL, skip AccountIsPriced because 
gnc_plugin_page_register_ui_initial_state may be called for non-account 
registers (eg the sx editor) and account may be null.
[gnc-account-sel.c] prepend & reverse while building acct list

and don't use confusing double pointer
Fix use-after-free in unable to save database dialog.
[account.cpp] restore breadth-first search for 2 functions

gnc_account_lookup_by_name and gnc_account_lookup_by_code were searching 
breadth-first and accidentally changed to depth-first in 4.7.
[account.cpp] gnc_accounts_and_all_descendants converted from scm
[CI]Work around new git security measure.
[balsheet-pnl] faster definition of balance lists
[gnc-numeric.cpp] Reduce logging level of gnc_numeric exception message 
because exceptions are expected in some use cases.
Redo icon handling in cmake

Using globs for file copying prevents cmake from discovering newly added 
icons. Writing rules that explicitly use lists of icons will fix this as a new 
icon in the sources will have to be added to the list and will force reparsing 
by cmake. We have to maintain the lists anyway for our dist target so there's 
actually no extra work involved for the devs.
[assistant-stock-transaction] better Dr/Cr imbalance error message

New API:




New and Updated Translations: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Croatian, English 
(United Kingdom), French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, 
Nepali, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, 
Swedish, Ukrainian
Help translate GnuCash on Weblate
Known Problems

Complete list of all open bugs.

Concurrent with the release of GnuCash 4.11 we're pleased to also release a new 
version of the companion Help and Tutorial and Concepts Guide
Between 4.10.1 and XXX, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

Bug 798414 -No way to get whole of account column displayed

The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

Fix crosslinking between Help and the Guide so that nightlies link to 
nightly builds and releases link to release documents on
Add Description of installing Perl for Finance::Quote
Change gnc-local-$LANG into gnc-gui-$LANG in all files.
dtd-docbook: Separation of the declaration of entities of the GUI from 
their translatable part.
Add tests related to images and figures
Warn if document references images that don't exist
inform if images exist that are not referenced
Require same cm

Re: [GNC] GnuCash 4.11 Release: Menu changes

2022-06-27 Thread John Ralls
I've bisected it using the nightly builds to May 21, on which date I ran build 
manually. The scheduled build at 03:28 has the online banking menu items, the 
one I ran at 20:25 doesn't.

There's only one commit in between,,
 and it touches nothing at all associated with AQBanking, so I imagine that I 
ran an MSYS2 update on the server that day. `aqbanking-cli versions` works, so 
there's something going wrong in the code that checks for AQBanking being 
installed. It may take a little while to figure out exactly what that is.

John Ralls

> On Jun 27, 2022, at 1:51 PM, David H  wrote:
> Ah yes, it seems to be missing from the Windows version only as it displays
> ok on the MacOS and Linux Flatpak versions.
> Cheers David H.
> On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 at 05:44, Gyle McCollam  wrote:
>> "Note
>> This is shown only if WITH_AQBANKING was set while building GnuCash.
>> Important
>> The menu entries will be enabled by the successful completion of Tools →
>> Online Banking Setup... ."
>> I don't build Gnucash, I download the windows version and I don't see an
>> option WITH_AQBANKING and there is no Tools/Online Banking Setup now either.
>> Thank You,
>> Gyle McCollam
>> Gyle McCollam
>><>   email
>> From: gnucash-user  on
>> behalf of Frank H. Ellenberger 
>> Sent: Monday, June 27, 2022 3:32 PM
>> To: Gnucash Users 
>> Subject: [GNC] Fwd: GnuCash 4.11 Release: Menu changes
>> Forgot to cc the list …
>>  Weitergeleitete Nachricht 
>> Betreff: Re: [GNC] GnuCash 4.11 Release: Menu changes
>> Datum: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 21:31:16 +0200
>> Von: Frank H. Ellenberger 
>> An: Gyle McCollam 
>> I have it.
>> says:
>> Note
>> This is shown only if WITH_AQBANKING was set while building GnuCash.
>> Important
>> The menu entries will be enabled by the successful completion of Tools →
>> Online Banking Setup... .
>> Note
>> Not all options are for all institutions available.
>> HTH
>> Frank
>> Am 27.06.22 um 19:33 schrieb Gyle McCollam:
>>> As noted there are changes.  Can anyone tell me where the Online
>> selections that used to be under Actions went.  I've looked through the
>> menus and I can't find it.
>>> Thank You,

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[GNC] GnuCash Windows Bundle 4.11-1 Released

2022-07-02 Thread John Ralls
This fixes, Online Actions 
missing from menus.

It restores File>Import>MT940 and other SWIFT formats, Actions>Online Actions, 
and Tools>Online Banking Setup.



John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Uneven line spacing in Accounts list since 4.11

2022-07-03 Thread John Ralls
This discussion appears to be 
Bob Fewell is looking into that.

John Ralls

> On Jul 3, 2022, at 9:38 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> I always have notes displayed. I didn't try removing the column. But yes, 
> removing the extra line in the note solves the spacing issue. I'm going to 
> hazard a guess that the note field 'has wrap' set to true in the GUI code. I 
> don't have time at the moment, but if someone can fire up their GTK Inspector 
> and confirm, I'd bet that is the cause.
> What you reported here did not work for me: "It was not until I collapsed the 
> account display and then expanded it again did the extra spacing go away."
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 7/3/22 11:26 AM, Gyle McCollam wrote:
>> Adrien, you didn't say that you got rid of the multi-line note.  You can't 
>> just remove the note column from the display,  you have to delete the note 
>> or at least reduce to one line
> ___
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Re: [GNC] What is the intended effect of hiding an account ?

2022-07-21 Thread John Ralls

> On Jul 21, 2022, at 11:13 AM, Tom Browder  wrote:
> From my attempt at hiding several Asset subaccounts, the effect is to
> remove it from view. It does *not* seem to remove its value from the Asset
> total.
> But I wish it did!

The intent is to hide it from the Accounts page, nothing more.

You can tailor the accounts that are used to calculate reports, but the summary 
bar in the UI only shows everything.

If you have accounts that you only want to see sometimes or perhaps not at all 
you should consider tracking them in a separate book.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] csv import not displaying letters correctly from original file

2022-07-24 Thread John Ralls

> On Jul 24, 2022, at 3:31 PM, wrote:
> I am using Version: 4.10 Build ID: 4.10+(2022-03-26) on a Windows 10 
> computer. When I import a csv file that contains Hebrew letters in a field, 
> the letters display as question marks.  Is there an option to import the 
> characters and have them display just like they appear or is there a 
> translate option into English?

You have to set the import encoding to match the csv file's encoding on the 
third page of the import assistant, the one where you mapped your import 
columns to the corresponding GnuCash fields. See the attached screenshot.

You probably want the Windows-1255 one.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] gncJobNextID in gncJob.c not in gncJob.h

2022-08-08 Thread John Ralls

> On Aug 8, 2022, at 10:53 AM, Robert Simmons  wrote:
> Understood.
> After looking under the hood a good bit as well as thinking about the
> problems of accounting and databases in general I have a side question:
> If you're working on a rewrite of some kind, why not use a graph database
> as the back end rather than SQL?
> The reason is that a graph database seems to me to be a very natural choice
> for this type of data. A transaction has an amount, so that amount is a
> node. A transaction also has a source and destination, and edges in a graph
> database can only connect two nodes. They also can optionally have
> directionality.
> Also, graph databases solve the problem of welding on new stuff later on
> down the line.
> SQL seems archaic. Why not drop it completely if you're working on a from
> the bottom up change?
 "relational database management systems are typically faster at performing the 
same operation on large numbers of data elements".

Accounting systems primarily perform the same operation on large numbers of 
data elements. 

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] gncJobNextID in gncJob.c not in gncJob.h

2022-08-08 Thread John Ralls

> On Aug 8, 2022, at 11:04 AM, Robert Simmons  wrote:
> Another observation: the current GnuCash mixes data and display layers.
> For a new system, I would suggest separating everything completely. Have a
> database and lib layer that interacts with the database. Then expose the
> lib to C, Python, C++, Rust, Go, whatever. You can then have a REST layer
> built on one of those. Then a GTK display layer (what GnuCash is now) would
> be built against the API. And a web layer can be built against the REST API.

Yes, we know about GnuCash's spaghetti problem, we deal with it daily. Fixing 
it is on the list.

Keep in mind that we're not starting from scratch. GnuCash version N has to 
work with data from version N-1 and version N-1.last has to be able to load a 
version N file. We have to develop version N while still maintaining version 
N-1 with quarterly releases. The only way to make that happen is incremental 
change. Also keep in mind that GnuCash is an all-volunteer project maintained 
and developed by a very small group. Progress is guaranteed to be much slower 
than anyone would like.

As for a REST API, I don't think there's a viable use-case that's compatible 
with FOSS, but the fact that it might be possible suggests that we should 
consider changing the license to GPL-Affero to preclude someone using GnuCash 
in a non-Free software-as-a-service scheme.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] How to Return a GDate?

2022-08-08 Thread John Ralls
GDates are provided by GLib, and its python bindings are provided by 
PyGobjectIntrospection. The Debian package is The documentation is 

John Ralls

> On Aug 8, 2022, at 3:50 PM, Robert Simmons  wrote:
> Following the documentation:
> When creating an Entry (for a Bill or Invoice), the date is to be set using
> a GDate:
> "DEPRECATED - use gncEntrySetDateGDate() instead!"
> I see a number of functions that return an existing GDate, so something
> like this returns a GDate object:
> gdate = entry.GetDateGDate()
> However, again grepping for "GDate" in the whole Python bindings shows
> nothing that lets me create a GDate object denovo.
> I can use the deprecated SetDate() and it works, but how should I use the
> non-deprecated function?
> The following are all the results from the grep.
> gnucash/ xaccTransSetDatePostedGDate(trans:
> "Transaction *", date: "GDate") -> "void":
> gnucash/"""xaccTransSetDatePostedGDate(Transaction *
> trans, GDate date)"""
> gnucash/
> _gnucash_core_c.xaccTransSetDatePostedGDate(trans, date)
> gnucash/ xaccTransGetDatePostedGDate(trans:
> "Transaction const *") -> "GDate":
> gnucash/"""xaccTransGetDatePostedGDate(Transaction
> const * trans) -> GDate"""
> gnucash/
> _gnucash_core_c.xaccTransGetDatePostedGDate(trans)
> gnucash/ qof_book_get_autoreadonly_gdate(book:
> "QofBook const *") -> "GDate *":
> gnucash/"""qof_book_get_autoreadonly_gdate(QofBook
> const * book) -> GDate *"""
> gnucash/ gncInvoiceSetDateOpenedGDate(invoice:
> "GncInvoice *", date: "GDate const *") -> "void":
> gnucash/"""gncInvoiceSetDateOpenedGDate(GncInvoice *
> invoice, GDate const * date)"""
> gnucash/
> _gnucash_core_c.gncInvoiceSetDateOpenedGDate(invoice, date)
> gnucash/ gncEntrySetDateGDate(entry: "GncEntry *",
> date: "GDate const *") -> "void":
> gnucash/"""gncEntrySetDateGDate(GncEntry * entry,
> GDate const * date)"""
> gnucash/
> _gnucash_core_c.gncEntrySetDateGDate(entry, date)
> gnucash/ gncEntryGetDateGDate(entry: "GncEntry const
> *") -> "GDate":
> gnucash/"""gncEntryGetDateGDate(GncEntry const *
> entry) -> GDate"""
> gnucash/
> _gnucash_core_c.gncEntryGetDateGDate(entry)
> gnucash/ gnc_pricedb_remove_old_prices(db: "GNCPriceDB
> *", comm_list: "GList *", fiscal_end_date: "GDate *", cutoff: "time64",
> source: "PriceRemoveSourceFlags", keep: "PriceRemoveKeepOptions") ->
> "gboolean":
> gnucash/"""gnc_pricedb_remove_old_prices(GNCPriceDB
> * db, GList * comm_list, GDate * fiscal_end_date, time64 cutoff,
> PriceRemoveSourceFlags source, PriceRemoveKeepOptions keep) -> gboolean"""
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Build From Source Near Impossible

2022-08-09 Thread John Ralls
Caveat: Check the dependency requirements in README.dependencies for the 
GnuCash version you're trying to build against what a particular OS release 
provides. Pay particular attention to the C++ standard level supported by the 
compiler, Boost, Cmake, and GLib. You can't build GnuCash 4.x on Ubuntu 14.04 
or 16.04 because the compilers in those releases don't support C++17 and that's 
required for GnuCash 4.x and later.

John Ralls

> On Aug 9, 2022, at 11:37 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> Seems reasonable to me.
> I'd think the only versions with instructions that are useful are those still 
> supported by Canonical, namely, these LTS releases:
> 14.04 - EOL 4/24 (ESS 4/19)
> 16.04 - EOL 4/26 (ESS 4/21)
> 18.04 - EOL 4/28 (ESS 4/23)
> 20.04 - EOL 4/30 (ESS 4/25)
> 22.04 - EOL 4/32 (ESS 4/27)
> Plus:
> 22.10, 23.04 & 23.10 (and other future non-LTS versions) when they are 
> released and nuances are determined to need special instructions. (with those 
> to be deprecated as they reach EOL)
> Or maybe just only provide instructions for LTS and make a note that non-LTS 
> versions aren't supported for long enough by Canonical to warrant their own 
> documentation.
> Note, the above EOL dates are based on Canonical's ESM (Extended Security 
> Maintenance) available for both Enterprise and Personal Use. (free for the 
> latter) See:
> That is 5 years beyond 'standard support'. (indicated as ESS above)
> If the dev team wants to stick with the standard support window, then of 
> course 14.04 & 16.04 can also be dropped.
> Though, 16.04 was a breakpoint with respect to support for physical 32-bit 
> systems. At least some derivatives are still based on 16.04 for that reason. 
> (a recent thread from a user described some difficulty getting a 4.x version 
> to work on an older Linux Lite release.)
> If someone can report their various results & mileage, maybe those older LTS 
> releases can be sent to a sort of 'archive' page along with a note on the 
> last version of GnuCash that could successfully build on them.
> Of course, the recommendation can also be to advise the user to switch to a 
> current distribution still actively supporting 32-bit hardware. 
> (Debian/Devuan & Q4OS at least come to mind, I'm sure Distrowatch can inform 
> concerning others.)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 8/9/22 12:49 PM, david whiting wrote:
>> I think we should remove the instructions from
>> for 21.10. Anyone
>> have any objections to that?
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Banks with OFX or CSV account data downloads

2022-08-09 Thread John Ralls

> On Aug 9, 2022, at 10:10 AM, Tom Browder  wrote:
> On another thread I asked for any third-party resources for converting pdf
> bank statements to another format. One in particular works good enough for
> my current bank, Hancock-Whitney. The resource was suggested by Christopher
> Lam.
> To continue in a more direct way to fix my problem, I would appreciate
> users who can recommend specific US banks they know that provide OFX or CSV
> downloads for all personal accounts including checking, savings, and credit
> cards. There is a page on the GnuCash Wiki for OFX info:
> If your bank is NOT listed, please add it. If your bank IS listed, please
> make sure the informtion is correct. It would also help to add banks known
> NOT to have either capability.

Please don't. That page is *not* about downloading files outside of GnuCash and 
then importing them with File>Import>Import OFX/QFX. It's about the banks that 
support downloading directly into GnuCash using OFX-DirectConnect, sadly a 
dwindling population.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Scheduled transactions do not appear in the register until is pressed

2022-08-11 Thread John Ralls
I'd go with bug: It's supposed to refresh all of the registers, see

You may find in your trace file one or more error messages "suspend counter not 
zero" from gnc_gui_refresh_all on a session where the SLR ran. That would 
indicate that something else that's wrapping the SLR invocation has also 
blocked gui refreshes. If that message isn't there then there's something going 
wrong in gnc_gui_refresh_internal.

John Ralls

> On Aug 11, 2022, at 1:20 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> I thought one was already opened. (but I admit I didn't search for it)
> If I recall correctly, it has to do with refreshing the register view.
> This seems to happen with registers that are left open at the last close and 
> which re-open before the Since Last Run dialog fires.
> Though hitting [Enter] works to refresh, so does closing and opening the 
> affected registers, as does View > Refresh. (CMD/CTRL+R)
> Other not so great options would be to close registers you have SX for each 
> time you close GnuCash; (you'll end up opening them after the SX fires) or 
> don't close GnuCash at all and just get in the habit of refreshing; (of 
> course, then you also have to get in the habit of manually firing Since Last 
> Run) or, go back to the previous SX settings which didn't cause this.
> As the function to refresh a register/report exists, I'm betting this falls 
> more under 'enhancement' for an auto-refresh case.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 8/11/22 11:15 AM, Glenn Fowler wrote:
>> I still consider this a bug and not a feature request since not seeing an
>> up-to-date register could really throw things off.
>> To the community and GnuCash team - should I open an issue in Bugzilla?
>> On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 12:02 PM Tom Veik  wrote:
>>> Replying to an old thread I found with a search.
>>> Using GnuCash version 4.11 on Windows 11.  I've been using GnuCash for a
>>> few years and very happy with it.  I haven't seen this problem until
>>> recently when I switched my scheduled transactions from no automatic
>>> entry with reminders, to automatic advanced entry with no reminders.
>>> Like Glenn, I have "run when the data file is opened" checked, and now I
>>> see this same problem that the created transactions don't show up in the
>>> register.  I was restarting GnuCash to see the new entries in the
>>> register.  Appreciate the tip that pressinghelps.
>>> I haven't been able to find any other resolution in my search so I
>>> though I'd just mention what I'm seeing here.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Scheduled transactions do not appear in the register until is pressed

2022-08-12 Thread John Ralls
That was it: The registers weren't refreshed unless the SLR dialog runs and the 
user clicks OK. I've pushed a fix that will be in tomorrow's nightlies 
( and

John Ralls

> On Aug 12, 2022, at 8:48 AM, john  wrote:
> That's just the noise from GnuCash not finding perl when deciding whether it 
> should enable online quote retrieval.
> I have a new hypothesis that I wrote up on bug 794584: That line in the SLR 
> code only runs in the dialog's OK handler, and if you have only 
> automatic-creation SXes that don't require human intervention that particular 
> bit of code doesn't run. I haven't yet looked for the code that does run in 
> that case, but I asked there if changing any of the SXes to "notify" so that 
> that code does run causes the registers to refresh on their own.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Aug 11, 2022, at 8:02 PM, Tom Veik  wrote:
>> The last time this occurred would be the first run on the 10th. Here is the 
>> contents of the trace file with the earliest time on that date:
>> * 07:53:46  WARN  [gnc_spawn_process_async()] Could not spawn 
>> perl: Failed to execute child process (No such file or directory)
>> * 07:53:46 ERROR <> gnc_process_get_fd: assertion 'proc' failed
>> * 07:53:46 ERROR <> gnc_detach_process: assertion 'proc && proc->pid' failed
>> Tom
>> On 8/11/2022 8:05 PM, John Ralls wrote:
>>> I'd go with bug: It's supposed to refresh all of the registers, see 
>>> You may find in your trace file one or more error messages "suspend counter 
>>> not zero" from gnc_gui_refresh_all on a session where the SLR ran. That 
>>> would indicate that something else that's wrapping the SLR invocation has 
>>> also blocked gui refreshes. If that message isn't there then there's 
>>> something going wrong in gnc_gui_refresh_internal.
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
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Re: [GNC] Zero balances in report

2022-08-13 Thread John Ralls

> On Aug 13, 2022, at 10:55 AM, john  wrote:
>> On Aug 13, 2022, at 7:54 AM, Michael Hendry  wrote:
>> On 13 Aug 2022, at 14:08, Fred Tydeman  wrote:
>>> I am running Linux and GnuCash 4.11
>>> I do an Account Summary report.
>>> I have set the options to not show zero balances.
>>> Yet, the report shows many zero balances.
>>> The attached screen shot shows part of the report
>>> along with the options.
>>> >> 09-01-37.png>___
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>> I’ve just tried this, and when I untick “Include accounts with zero total 
>> balances” and tick “Omit zero balance figures” I get the desired output.
>> Did you remember to hit the “Apply” button after changing these tick-boxes?
> That's not it, you can see that the apply button is greyed out in the 
> screenshot.
> The report is summarizing all of the commodities held in some parent account 
> including the zero balance ones. I'm not sure if that's a bug or a feature, 
> but to get the display I think you want go to the Accounts tab of the report 
> options dialog and increase the account depth so that the individual 
> commodity accounts are displayed. 

Another thought: I was doing something else and noticed output like 
;;; WARNING (gnc:resolve-unknown-comm: can't calculate rate for  £10,407.64  =  
6,786.5711 GB000fund01  to  $0.00)

Check your trace file, maybe you have similar warnings or errors that will help 
find the bad transaction.

John Ralls

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[GNC] Online Currency Exchange Rates

2022-08-14 Thread John Ralls
We got a bug report,, this 
morning reporting that currency exchange rates aren't working.

After a bit of fiddling I got an intelligible error message:
  Thank you for using Alpha Vantage! This is a premium endpoint. You may 
subscribe to any of the premium plans at 
to instantly unlock all premium endpoints.

The cheapest one is $50/month. I don't think anyone here will find that 
attractive. Finance Quote offers three other sources for exchange rates but it 
will take a bit of work on our scripts to make that accessible to GnuCash. In 
the meantime anyone needing currency exchange rates will have to get them from 
the web and create prices manually.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Saving a New Book doesn't allow format selection

2022-08-16 Thread John Ralls

> On Aug 16, 2022, at 11:56 AM, David T. via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Hello,
> I was just testing something out with a new book, and when I went to save 
> this new book, I was unable to select the storage format for the new book. I 
> would have imagined that I would be able to tell GnuCash to use a specific 
> format (like SQLite3) when I save a new book, but this option only appears on 
> the Save As dialog. Should this be changed?

Yeah. PR welcome.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Confusing and inconsistent headers in transaction entry and report forms

2022-08-16 Thread John Ralls

Both reports are correct and the same. It's just that in the BigSur one you 
turned off both of the sorting options so that only the transfer to/from 
account is visible and then misread the report to mean that that was the 
account being credited or debited.

John Ralls

> On Aug 16, 2022, at 12:46 PM, Peter S. Shenkin  wrote:
> Hi, here is THE ANSWER. It is a Guncash bug.
> The previous report was obtained on MacOS 11.6.8 (Big Sur). This gave the
> credits and debits mislabeled in the transaction report.
> I have access to another mac running 10.16.2 (Catalina). Running the SAME
> version of Gnucash (4.11) on the SAME dataset that I used for my single
> text transaction, the transaction report, which is attached, is correct.
> Debits and credits are reported in the correct columns.
> Thus, Gnucash works properly in Big Sur but not in Catalina, at least for
> the sub-versions I have access to.
> For all I know, in subsequent versions of MacOS, things might again work,
> but the two macs I have access to are both at the most recent versions of
> MacOS that the respective hardware permits.
> -P.
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 1:55 PM Peter S. Shenkin  wrote:
>> As an experiment, I started a band new Gnucash file for test purposes. I
>> entered a single transaction. I am attaching a view of the register, a
>> Transaction report and a Balance sheet.
>> You can see that the same thing is happening that happened before:
>>   - Register view shows that the checking account was debited.
>>   - Balance sheet shows that the checking account, which started at 0,
>>   now has a positive balance.
>>   - Transaction report shows that the column labeled "Credit" shows
>>   debits and the column labeled "Debit" shows credits, which is backwards.
>> Thus, I think it is clear at the very least that the problem did not arise
>> from the switch from 4.6 to 4.11. I also think it shows that I am not doing
>> anything wrong, but please correct me if you disagree.
>> I would look forward to suggestions.
>> -P.
>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 1:46 PM Peter S. Shenkin 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, David,
>>> On the balance sheet, everything is correct; the sums reflecting the
>>> balances of the various real accounts are correct and in agreement with the
>>> bank statements; in other words, they reconcile. I also demonstrated this
>>> in the very first screen shot I sent when I started the case, the shot of
>>> the transaction viewed in the register. In this image, you can see that a
>>> debit to a cash account properly increased the cash balance. So I do not
>>> see how it is possible to conclude that the transactions were in any way
>>> entered incorrectly.
>>> It is only in the transaction report where the debits are mislabeled as
>>> credits and vice versa.  I do not see how this could be the fault of the
>>> way I entered the transactions, which modify the account balances concerned
>>> in the proper manner.
>>> I understand that there are other ways of entering transactions. But you
>>> did say, regarding the way I entered them, that "this works". In fact I
>>> think the information in the first paragraph above validates the stronger
>>> assertion that "this, in fact, has worked properly for my transactsions." .
>>> But if you see a way I could possibly be wrong about that, please do
>>> suggest what it might be.
>>> I agree that nobody we have heard from has had the same problem. But
>>> there it is. If you have a suggestion for anything I might try that could
>>> cast light upon this, please do let me know.
>>> One more thing. IIRC, I originally created the account using Gnucash 4.6
>>> and later switched to 4.11. But I do not know whether the same problem
>>> appeared when I was using 4.6. I'm skeptical whether this could be involved.
>>> Best,
>>> -P.
>>> On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 3:18 AM  wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 2022-08-03 at 20:28 -0400, Peter S. Shenkin wrote:
>>>>> Adrian,
>>>>> I do have full account names turned on. I forget where I did that. I
>>>> have
>>>>> no customized sort that affects the order of accounts within a
>>>> transaction
>>>>> in either register view nor in the transaction report. (I prefer to

Re: [GNC] issues with mysql connection

2022-08-18 Thread John Ralls

> On Aug 17, 2022, at 10:35 PM, Christian Schrautzer via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
>   Dear gnucash-user,
>   I am trying to save in my mysql database on my NAS, but it does not
>   work.
>   As there is nothig much as Settings I am not sure how to troubleshoot.
>   Server, database, user and Password should be correct.
>   The error message I get is very general. I do not know if gnucash was
>   even able to connect the Server or is struggeling with some Right
>   issues.
>   My database should be connected via port 3307. Is there a way to set
>   this up?

Yes, just include the port number after a colon in the Host box of the 
connection dialog, e.g. my-nas:3307 or if you're using an IP

John Ralls
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Re: [GNC] USAA OFX Direct connect stopped working

2022-08-22 Thread John Ralls

> On Aug 21, 2022, at 8:13 PM, john  wrote:
>> On Aug 21, 2022, at 7:54 PM, Daffy Duck  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> A while back, USAA changed their OFX stuff and there had to be a
>> workaround with a PIN, etc.
>> I did that, without a problem, but I just noticed today it has broken
>> again?
>> This is the output:
>> AqBanking v6.5.2.0stable
>> Sending jobs to the bank(s)
>> Sorting commands by account
>> Sorting account queues by provider
>> Send commands to providers
>> Send commands to provider "aqofxconnect"
>> Locking customer "1299"
>> Sending request...
>> Connecting to server...
>> Resolving hostname "" ...
>> IP address is ""
>> Connecting to ""
>> Connected to ""
>> Using GnuTLS default ciphers.
>> TLS: SSL-Ciphers negotiated: TLS1.3:ECDHE-RSA-AES-128-GCM:AEAD
>> Connected.
>> Sending message...
>> Message sent.
>> Waiting for response...
>> Receiving response...
>> HTTP-Status: 200 ()
>> Response received.
>> Disconnecting from server...
>> Disconnected.
>> Parsing response...
>> Status for signon request: Success (Code 0, severity "INFO")
>> The server successfully processed the request.
>> Status for transaction statement request: General error (Code 2000,
>> severity "ERROR")
>> Error other than those specified by the remaining error codes. (Note:
>> Servers should provide a more specific error whenever possible. Error
>> code 2000 should be reserved for cases in which a more specific code is
>> not available.)
>> Unlocking customer "1299"
>> --
>> any ideas?
> First, try again tomorrow on the off chance USAA had a server outage over the 
> weekend. If it still fails, turn on OFX logging (see 
> and capture the actual OFX 
> response. Edit it to remove your actual account number and credentials then 
> post it here.

BTW I was able to retrieve my USAA credit card transactions this morning with 
no problems.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Mutual Fund Dividend After Sale

2022-09-05 Thread John Ralls
> On Sep 5, 2022, at 10:32 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> On 9/5/22 12:13 PM, Jack Frillman via gnucash-user wrote:
>> No I didn't delete the account?
>> Why would I do silly thing like that and lose all that history?
>> The account is hidden because it's balance is 0.
>> Reappearing means exactly what it says.
>> I was no longer in the account tree, i.e. list, because after the sale it's 
>> balance became 0. No matter how I record that late dividend the balance 
>> becomes non 0 and the account reappears in the account tree or list.
> I didn't think you deleted it, but wasn't sure what was going on.
> I can set an account with a non-zero balance to 'hidden' and it stays that 
> way, even with subsequent activity. I can set it to hidden with a zero 
> balance, add another transaction to make it non-zero, and it stays hidden. 
> I'm not sure why your account is showing up.
> Did you by chance set a View filter on your Accounts tab that would affect 
> this?
>> I don't under stand the last part.
>>> A Dividend receipt would normally be between some asset account ('bank' or 
>>> a brokerage cash account if direct deposit, 'undeposited funds' if by paper 
>>> check) according to how you received the money, and an Income/Revenue 
>>> account, say 'Dividends Received'. The FundXYZ account shouldn't be touched 
>>> at all.
> As it states, 'normally' a dividend transaction doesn't involve the 
> fund/stock at all. It is a separate transaction between asset & income 
> accounts. Though David just informed me that there may be times you might 
> record it there, which I had not thought of.

In both cases you record an empty split to the stock account. That doesn't 
change the account's balance and therefore won't unhide it from the Accounts 

Note that hidden accounts still appear in the transfer account pick list; if 
you want to remove them from there make the account a placeholder. That also 
prevents you from adding splits, but you can easily turn placeholder off to 
record a late dividend and back on when done.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Problems upgrading to 4.8a

2022-09-06 Thread John Ralls

> On Sep 6, 2022, at 5:10 AM, Geert Janssens  wrote:
> I agreed with John's suggestion to make the choice conditional on the yelp 
> version as this entails the least amount of work. But backporting the whole 
> of my xdg branch to maint is certainly possible as well. I don't think there 
> are supported versions of yelp on any distro we care about that doesn't know 
> the "help:" schema.

On reflection I decided that that a small commit-loop aside back porting is the 
better option and I've done so. It's not the whole thing, just the 5 commits in and Tested on Debian Bullseye 
(yelp-3.38) and Sid (yelp-42). This will be in tomorrow's nightlies and GnuCash 
4.12 to be released on the 25th.

John Ralls

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[GNC] GnuCash 4.12 Released

2022-09-25 Thread John Ralls
GnuCash 4.12 Released

The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.12, the thirteenth release in 
the stable 4.x series
Between 4.11 and 4.12, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

Bug 794584 - Register not updated when scheduled transactions created
Bug 798262 - Scheduled transactions with blank amounts do not get created.
Bug 798385 - Description to often only "Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen 
Prepend the Ulitimate Creditor or Ultimate Debtor to the transaction 
Bug 798565 - Import map editor: deletion of a map does not mark gnucash 
document as dirty
Bug 798573 - Tab Width Behaviour
Formerly when the notebook tabs on the left or right, the space used 
fluctuated depending on tab label width. This change sets the label width to 
the preference setting when the tabs are on the left or right but when top or 
bottom the width is set to the number of characters when shorter than the 
preference setting so they take up less room.
Bug 798578 - MT940 imports broken - all transactions have date of first 
Bug 798585 - segfault running sample script
Bug 798588 - sx scrubbing was using incorrect free function
Bug 798590 - Transaction report: wrong type argument in position 1
Bug 798598 - Selecting a line in a Vendor Credit Note changes display of 
Subtotal cell to 0.00
Bug 798611 - Date changing when changing timezone by one hour
When getting a date from the date editor anywhere in the program set 
the time to neutral time instead of the beginning of the day unless 
get_date_internal is called with GNC_DATE_EDIT_SHOW_TIME in which case the 
user-provided time is used.
Bug 798616 - Can't register amount greater than 9,000,000,000
Because when loading the value the split in the xml backend doesn't yet 
have a parent so the code tried to convert to GNC_COMMODITY_MAX_FRACTION and if 
the numerator was larger than 10^10 that would overflow. To fix it this changes 
the "don't know" response in get_currency_denom and get_commodity_denom to 
GNC_DENOM_AUTO which will normally leave the denominator alone.

The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

* It is now possible to edit the description, notes, and memo fields of new 
transactions in the import matcher and to do so for multiple transactions. The 
option is accessed via a context menu on selected import lines.
* Show GnuCash's installation and configuration configuration paths in the 
About dialog. List the same from the command line with a --paths option.
* Add account hierarchy templates for locale es_AR
* Continued work on the Stock Transaction Assistant. If you want to try out 
this new way of recording your investment transactions start GnuCash with the 
--extra option. The stock assistant is available on the toolbar and from the 
Actions menu when a register for a STOCK or FUND account is focused.
* Replace the very obsolete ghelp: URI scheme with help: and install the 
documentation according to the XDG documentation spec on non-Mac Linux systems. 
This ensures that the Help menu documentation items work with Gnome 42 and 
* Conforming to the XDG documentation spec, rename the root page of the 
Help manual to index from help. This has the happy side effect of removing some 
special-case code from the macOS documentation links.
* Standardize the top-level Equity and Assets account names in the French 
templates to "Capitaux propres" and "Actif" respectively.
* [gnc-ab-utils] concise string accumulator
* [gnc-glib-utils] gnc_g_list_stringjoin skips NULL data
* [ifrs-cost-basis] identify sale/purchase according to truth table instead 
of via flawed heuristics
* [ifrs-cost-basis] add options used as a report footer
* [lot-viewer] Show Open & Close dates only when they have a value.
* Fix use-after-free crash in gnc_set_busy_cursor.
* Create Swiss SMB account chart acctchrt_pme-19.gnucash-xea.
* [date-utilities] avoid report crash if start > end date
* [html-chart] add percent formatter for numbers for older javascript.
* [trial-balance] set default price-source to average-cost to minimise 
complaints (see Bug 798550).
* Use macos-latest github runner for mac tests.
* [dialog-price] Price Database: Insert help buttons
* Disable transaction type (i.e. Bill or Invoice) in Invoice/Bill 
Registers, determining the type by inspecting the money flow.
* Fix python tests dependencies so that ninja check works from a clean 
build directory with Python enabled.
* Review of account templates C—missing placeholders, redundancies
* Fixed a variety of memory leak, poor list handling, and dangling 
reference errors.

New API:

gnc_tm_get_today_neutral to complement gnc_tm_get_today_begin and 

Deprecations: None.

Re: [GNC] Solved - Re: Price database

2022-10-16 Thread John Ralls
If you run sqlite3 from a terminal session and put Geoff's query into a file 
you can say

  sqlite3 -csv path/to/file.gnucash < query-file > prices.csv

and the results will be in prices.csv ready to open in your spreadsheet program.

John Ralls

> On Oct 16, 2022, at 7:36 AM, Elmar  wrote:
> Thank you!  It worked!  I got DB Browser for SQLite running on Linux Mint, 
> exported the GC file to sqlite3, opened in the program, and ran the code. I  
> couldn't figure out how to export the resulting table into csv, but simply 
> highlighted the thing, and copy/pasted it into LibreOffice Calc.  Just need 
> to copy over the column headings and it's what I needed done.  Again, thank 
> you for the expertise and the help!
> - Elmar
> On 10/16/22 03:57, Geoff wrote:
>> David - good idea!
>> Elmar - please see updated SQL here:
>> Thanks
>> Geoff
>> =
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[GNC] Updated GnuCash with Gnome Runtime v42 available on Flathub

2022-10-22 Thread John Ralls
This fixes the warning when installing GnuCash from Flathub saying that the 
GNOME 41 runtime is no longer supported.

The new flatpak is released as version 4.12-2.

Update the org.gnucash.GnuCash flatpak

* via your distribution's package manager or
* by runing 'flatpak --update org.gnucash.GnuCash' on the command line

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Double width lines in accounts listing?

2022-10-24 Thread John Ralls

> On Oct 24, 2022, at 4:31 PM, Ken Farley  wrote:
> I just updated to version 4.12, running on macOS 12.6.
> When I have an account with a fractional shares, amount greater than 1000 
> (i.e. 1234.567 shares), the lines in the account list are double the width of 
> the rest of the lines in the list, with the extra white space before and 
> after the actual line. I've tried changing the account name and description 
> to shorter strings, but it does not affect anything. I just happened to 
> notice that the shares are the common denominator between the erroneously 
> displayed lines.
> So, might there be some sort of setting I could adjust, or even a formatting 
> setting that will prevent this odd behavior? Should I report a bug (maybe I 
> should just give that a try, too)?

No need to file a bug, it's 
Bob Fewell poked at it a bit in July without a good resolution.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Found a bug, accounts gone haywire.

2022-11-05 Thread John Ralls

Perhaps you could attach a screenshot showing a register with both credit and 
debit amounts increasing the account balance. You could use Preview to black 
out any descriptions you think are sensitive. But first open View>Sort By... 
and make sure that Standard Order is selected and View>Filter By... and ensure 
that Show All is selected on the Date tab and all the boxes are ticked on the 
Status tab.

Have you looked at any backup files, either the time-stamped ones ending in 
.gnucash (e.g. if your file is my-book.gnucash a backup file might be 
my-file.gnucash.20221103152719.gnucash) or by restoring with Time Machine?

BTW, the relevant code is mostly in C with a bit of C++ and is available for 
public view at

John Ralls

> On Nov 5, 2022, at 5:02 PM, Michael Davis  wrote:
> Thanks for the responses!
> I’ve been running this version:
> Version: 4.11
> Build ID: 4.11+(2022-06-25)
> for a few months, on an iMac M1, Montery 12.5.1. 
> Yes, I see this in the register window. As well, the Accounts tab that has 
> the tree of accounts, shows that account as having the wrong value $621k.
> I’m considering whether to offer to share my data file with the developers 
> for debugging purposes. There is certainly no banking identifiers such as 
> account numbers in this file, but I need to consider whether a list of 
> transactions in an account called “Checking” would itself pose any security 
> risk.
> I’m a software developer myself and I really wish I had a bit of extra time 
> right now so that I could dig into the code and try to debug it myself. I did 
> take a Lisp course in university.
> cheers
> Michael
>> On Nov 4, 2022, at 7:56 PM, David H  wrote:
>> No. What OS, What Gnucash, any updates to OS or Gnucash lately.  I assume 
>> you're seeing this in a register window ??
>> Cheers David H.
>> On Sat, 5 Nov 2022 at 09:10, Michael Davis  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just joined this group to report this problem. I’ve been using GnuCash for 
>> more than 15 years and I’ve never before had a problem with it.
>> It does have more than 15 years of data in it, the file size is 2.4MB.
>> When I opened it a couple of days ago, some of the accounts were messed up. 
>> For example, I’ve got a liability account for my credit card, the balance 
>> should be a credit of a couple of thousand. But now it’s a debit of over 
>> 600,000. Looking at the transactions, it starts at zero and adds every 
>> transaction as a debit, sort of like this:
>> debit | credit  | balance
>>  | | 0.00
>> 10.00 | | 10.00
>>  | 20.00   | 30.00
>> …
>>  | | 621,245.35
>> Has anyone else seen this?
>> thanks
>> Michael Davis
>> Ottawa, Canada
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Re: [GNC] Stock quotations

2022-11-17 Thread John Ralls

> On Nov 17, 2022, at 2:51 PM, Ira Fuchs  wrote:
> I am trying to get quotes to work on Gnucash 4.2.1 on a Mac running Mojave. 
> Gnucash says that Finance::Quote is not installed properly. However, this is 
> what I get in terminal:
> cpan[1]> install Finance::Quote
> Reading '/var/root/.cpan/Metadata'
>  Database was generated on Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:29:01 GMT
> Finance::Quote is up to date (1.5301).
> Is there another step I am needing?

Yeah, GnuCash's interface script also requires Date::Manip. The easiest way to 
make sure your installation is correct is to use 

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Stock quotations

2022-11-17 Thread John Ralls
Please remember to copy the list on all replies.

What happens if you run gnc-fq-update like the message suggests?

John Ralls

> On Nov 17, 2022, at 4:22 PM, Ira Fuchs  wrote:
> Thanks but:
> cpan[1]> install Date::Manip
> Reading '/var/root/.cpan/Metadata'
>  Database was generated on Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:29:01 GMT
> Date::Manip is up to date (6.89).
> and
> root# ./gnc-fq-check
> You need to install the following Perl modules:
>  Finance::Quote
> Use your system's package manager to install them,
> or run 'gnc-fq-update' as root.
> missing-lib
> I’m in a loop :-)
>> On Nov 17, 2022, at 6:37 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>>> On Nov 17, 2022, at 2:51 PM, Ira Fuchs  wrote:
>>> I am trying to get quotes to work on Gnucash 4.2.1 on a Mac running Mojave. 
>>> Gnucash says that Finance::Quote is not installed properly. However, this 
>>> is what I get in terminal:
>>> cpan[1]> install Finance::Quote
>>> Reading '/var/root/.cpan/Metadata'
>>> Database was generated on Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:29:01 GMT
>>> Finance::Quote is up to date (1.5301).
>>> Is there another step I am needing?
>> Yeah, GnuCash's interface script also requires Date::Manip. The easiest way 
>> to make sure your installation is correct is to use 
>> /Applications/
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Automatic Price Updates

2022-11-27 Thread John Ralls
Did you restart GnuCash?

John Ralls

> On Nov 27, 2022, at 11:07 AM, rsbrux  wrote:
> P.S. I created the file 
> $HOME/.var/app/org.gnucash.GnuCash/data/gnucash/config-user.scm
> with the contents:
>   (gnc-hook-add-scm-dangler HOOK-UI-POST-STARTUP
> (lambda () (gnc:book-add-quotes #f (gnc-get-current-book)))
> under my own Ubuntu login, but the price database does not show any new 
> prices when I open GC and let it sit for half an hour.
> Thanks for your help.
> On 27.11.22 18:35, rsbrux wrote:
>> Thanks, that sounds very promising! My only problem is that I have a Flatpak 
>> installation under Ubuntu.
>> According to 
>> GNC_DATA_HOME is under $HOME.
>> However, I have installed GC for all users on the system and want the 
>> startup task to run regardless of who is running GC.
>> If I put config-user.scm in $HOME/.var/app/org.gnucash.GnuCash/data/gnucash, 
>> won't it be user-specific?
>> On 25.11.22 21:07, john wrote:
>>>> On Nov 25, 2022, at 12:56 AM, rsbrux via gnucash-user 
>>>>  wrote:
>>>> I used to have a chron job set up to automatically fetch security prices 
>>>> on first login each day, but found this inconvenient because it locks the 
>>>> data file, and opening GnuCash is often the first thing I do upon logging 
>>>> in.
>>>> I have noticed that when I have GC open interactively, I can start an 
>>>> update in the price database window and let it run in the background while 
>>>> I continue to work in the registers.
>>>> Would there be some way to get GC to perform the Price Database 
>>>> automatically when GC is started (interactively), instead of performing 
>>>> the automatic price update in a separate session?
>>> Yes, but only through 4.x because the quotes system won't be accessible 
>>> from Scheme in GnuCash 5, it having been rewritten in C++.
>>> Create if necessary $GNC_DATA_HOME/config-user.scm and edit it to add
>>>   (gnc-hook-add-scm-dangler HOOK-UI-POST-STARTUP
>>> (lambda () (gnc:book-add-quotes #f (gnc-get-current-book)))
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls

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[GNC] IRC: Alias Changed

2022-11-29 Thread John Ralls
The Gnome infrastructure team has changed the alias for from to That means that the #gnucash IRC channel on is no longer the one monitored by the GnuCash team. If you have 
configured an IRC client to connect to #gnucash on you need to 
reconfigure it to connect on

John Ralls
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Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] URGENT: Fake gnucash website with fake download, most likely compromised file

2022-12-09 Thread John Ralls
I don't see that ad when I search Google for gnucash; when I type into my browser's address bar I'm taken to a page 
titled "Dot Com Inovations"[sic] with a heading "October 20, 2022" and nothing 
at all about GnuCash.

Not that there would be anything we could do about it if it did exist.

John Ralls

> On Dec 9, 2022, at 3:39 PM, Vincent Dawans  wrote:
> Added screenshot showing fake gnucash site ad at top of google results.
> On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 3:31 PM Vincent Dawans  wrote:
>> Precision: the link to the fake site reported below is actually
>> -- you need the full page link to see the
>> fake site that shows in the google ad.
>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 3:24 PM Vincent Dawans  wrote:
>>> I just typed gnucash in google and the first hit was an ad pointing to
>>> (with a dash). It is a fake site that is a carbon copy of
>>> the official site but the download link goes to a setup.exe that is most
>>> likely a corrupted virus file.
>>> We need this removed ASAP. There is an option in google to report the
>>> site and mark it as spam/phishing. I imagine if more people do this it will
>>> get removed faster hopefully.
> ___
> gnucash-devel mailing list

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Re: [GNC] URGENT: Fake gnucash website with fake download, most likely compromised file

2022-12-09 Thread John Ralls
And for that page I get a completely blank page. I tried Safari, Firefox, and 
Chrome on macOS, Linux, and Windows.

I tried searching Google for gnu-cash, with the hyphen, and did see the ad, but 
clicking its link just took me to that Dot Com Inovations page.

John Ralls

> On Dec 9, 2022, at 3:31 PM, Vincent Dawans  wrote:
> Precision: the link to the fake site reported below is actually
> -- you need the full page link to see the
> fake site that shows in the google ad.
> On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 3:24 PM Vincent Dawans  wrote:
>> I just typed gnucash in google and the first hit was an ad pointing to
>> (with a dash). It is a fake site that is a carbon copy of
>> the official site but the download link goes to a setup.exe that is most
>> likely a corrupted virus file.
>> We need this removed ASAP. There is an option in google to report the site
>> and mark it as spam/phishing. I imagine if more people do this it will get
>> removed faster hopefully.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Debug information to sort out Finance::Quote issue on macOS Ventura

2022-12-16 Thread John Ralls

Dtruss probably tells you a lot of stuff you don't need and not much that you 
do. Did you try `gnucash --log gnc.scm=debug --logto=stderr`?

Yes, GnuCash 5 will continue to use F::Q. Geert and I rewrote the original 
Scheme bridge in C++ and greatly improved the error capture and reporting in 
the process. We're still using the legacy methods so I guess some more work is 
in order.

In order for GnuCash to support passing api keys as source module parameters we 
need a function to enumerate the source modules that need an API key. 
The alternative of hard-coding the modules in GnuCash is too brittle because 
the module names sometimes change. That brittleness is evident in the Security 
Editor where we still list a bunch of modules that no longer exist and there 
are a bunch of new modules at the bottom.

John Ralls

> On 16. Dec 2022, at 11:52, Vincent Lucarelli  
> wrote:
> Thanks John, I did in fact forget to replace the environment.local file after 
> a fresh GnuCash install, but still no luck.
> I’m trying to sort through dtruss output, but it is a bit difficult to sort 
> out what is going wrong. Happy to receive additional suggestions.
> For the API keys, I wrote several of the new F::Q modules and choose not to 
> support environment variables because it seemed like more services were going 
> to require API keys and the number of environment variables would grow.  So 
> the only mechanism right now is to set the API key when instantiating an F::Q 
> object.
> I saw that you commented one F::Q/issue/200 and indicated a new major release 
> of GnuCash is in the works.  Is F::Q going to continue to be the source for 
> quotes in that version?  Is so, I think there are at least two options for 
> dealing with API keys - F::Q adds environment variables for every module that 
> needs one and then GnuCash either continues to use something like the 
> environment file or adds a preference where users can register environment 
> variables, or, GnuCash adds a preference for registering API keys and those 
> get routed to wherever the F::Q instance is created.
> The environment variables seem to cause users headaches to make sure they are 
> set properly and survive GnuCash upgrades, but a separate GnuCash preference 
> set of key/values for F::Q API keys is a lot more work for the GnuCash 
> developers.  I haven’t been active on F::Q development, but if there are 
> changes that will help with the next GnuCash release, I’ll find time to help.
> Best,
> Vince
>> On Dec 16, 2022, at 12:31 PM, john  wrote:
>>> On Dec 15, 2022, at 4:37 PM, Vincent Lucarelli 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I upgraded to macOS Ventura and am having trouble getting Finance::Quote to 
>>> work.
>>> gnc-fq-dump is working in the terminal (see shell output below), but in 
>>> GnuCash I get the error “There was a system error while retrieving the 
>>> price quotes.”
>>> Is there some way to get debugging output from the GnuCash app so I can see 
>>> what call is being made and what error is occurring?
>> If you're trying to use iexcloud in GnuCash and you have an Intel mac then 
>> the problem is most likely that iexcloud key. GnuCash doesn't read the 
>> environment set in the shell's .*profile so you'll have to add it as an 
>> environment variable to the environment file, see 
>> There's another problem with newer F::Q modules requiring an api key: Many 
>> of them don't have an associated environment variable and expect the api_key 
>> to be passed as a parameter and Finance::Quote doesn't expose any way to 
>> discover whether a module requires a key making it rather difficult for 
>> GnuCash to support them.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls

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[GNC] GnuCash 4.13 Released

2022-12-18 Thread John Ralls
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.13, the fourteenth release in 
the stable 4.x series

Between 4.12 and 4.13, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

• Bug 760274 - The Statusbar "forgets" when register doesn't have focus
• Bug 798545 - Crash when updating document link on vendor bill
• Bug 798614 - Croatia to join the Euro
• Bug 798629 - gnucash crashes attempting to import OFX file
• Bug 798633 - 4.12 build failure on 32-bit Linux: "No code for module"
• Bug 798640 - Segfault when running saved report
• Bug 798649 - Crash when closing Edit Style Sheets dialog while Style 
Sheet Properties dialog is still open.
• Bug 798653 - Schedule Calendar event description pop up window does 
not track mouse position
• Bug 798657 - Import Summary language is wrong
• Bug 798664 - Result of 'gnucash --nofile' is marked dirty
• Bug 798669 - Multicolumn Balance Sheet not printing exchange rates
include equity accounts in the exchange rate commodities list. 

• Bug 798672 - Preferences are not saved nor loaded, ERROR  
g_settings_new_full: assertion 'schema != NULL' failed
• Bug 798680 - Not able to match a reverse transaction of a previously 
matched transaction.
• Bug 798681 - Previously imported investment income transactions may 
not be filtered.
• Bug 798694 - Cursor in the wrong place after pasting with 
The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

• Don't normalize text when pasting from the clipboard or appending 
descriptions or notes during imports.
• [register] Delay post-ime reset of the selection to works around bug 
• [ofx import] Clean up importing investment transactions for smoother 
workflow and better UI behavior.
• [account-piecharts] drill-down piechart: tree-depth is at most 6
• Fix numerous memory leaks.
• [ifrs-report] From Bug 798004 allow Cr cash to offset Dr fee and 
remove invalid "dividend reinvestment" during short. 
• [gtest-qofevent.cpp] Add comprehensive tests for qofevent
• [test-qofbook] Test that gnc_features_test_unknown returns a suitable 
error message 
• [test-qofbook.c] add test for gnc_features_set_unused
• [gnc-features.cpp] backport gnc_features_set_unused from master
• [qofbook.cpp] backport qof_book_unset_feature from master
• Move gnc-euro.[ch] to engine and unit test it.
• [test-qofbook] basic features test: Sets a feature and tests it's 
set. it's impossible to design a book with unknown features using the API. 
• po/README: Remove relics from ancient context forms
• [test-ifrs-cost-basis] amend tests to accommodate extra column.
• [ifrs-cost-basis] compare register vs calculated capgain per 
• Accomodate WebKit package version update to webkit2gtk-4.1.
• [assistant-stock-transaction] input positive capgains for Credit 
income account.
New API: None.


• qof_book_get_features
New and Updated Translations: Chinese (Simplified), Croatian, English 
(Australia), English (New Zealand), English (United Kingdom), French, 
Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Macedonian, Polish, Spanish, Urdu

Help translate GnuCash on Weblate

Known Problems

Complete list of all open bugs.


Concurrent with the release of GnuCash 4.13 we're pleased to also release a new 
version of the companion Help and Tutorial and Concepts Guide

Between 4.12 and 4.13, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

• Bug 798620 - Unable to build docs on Mageia Cauldron
• Bug 798623 - ENG. Typo "documenation"
• Bug 798624 - Document how to check if GnuCash is running when 
updating quotes
• Bug 798645 - screens instead of WINDOWS
• Bug 798665 - New: ENG. Typo: Unnecessary determiner "a" [2.6.1. 
Migrating financial data]
• Bug 798674 - Broken link on Chapter 17. Python Bindings
The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

• Manual🇩🇪 Account_Actions: Tippfehler-Korrektur
• Review URLs and replace them by entities in all parts and languages 
excepting in comments or FDL appendix
• manual, ch_Finance-Quote: fix broken entities
• gnc-gui-struct.dtd: fix some mistakes and add entities for menuitems 
and menuchoice.
• Update url-irc to "irc://" see the email 
• Partial Modernization of Manual:C:Business: Differentiation of 
admonitions and improvement of lists
• Manual:C: Convert CSV assistant into 
• Multi-split csv elaboration
• Update app-fq-vers to "1.53"
• Replace "Online Quote Setup" instructions in Guide by links to the 
manual chapter.
• Enhance bookinfos by subtitle and titleabbrev;drop "Help" from 
manual. Adding titleabbrev allow

Re: [GNC] Importing GIF: Unable to complete

2022-12-22 Thread John Ralls

> On Dec 22, 2022, at 8:41 AM, Amar Khalifeh  wrote:
> I just downloaded version 4.13 and am trying to import my QIF history. I go
> through the import process and it seems to be working fine, but when I get
> to the step where it asks if I want to load another file or continue (with
> "Next"), I find "Next" grayed out and none of the clickable buttons work.
> Any ideas why this is happening?
> I was able to load QIF files in the past from the same source in earlier
> attempts to use Gnu Cash.
> Thank you for your help.
> [image: image.png]

The screenshot shows that you haven't selected any files to import. Use the 
"load another file" button to select one. You can keep using that button to 
build up a list of QIF files to import into the same GnuCash account that you 
selected in the previous step.

The Next button will enable once you've selected at least one file.

John Ralls

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Importing GIF: Unable to complete

2022-12-22 Thread John Ralls
Please remember to copy the list on all replies.

Looks like you had a ton of errors so it didn't load the file.

John Ralls

> On Dec 22, 2022, at 1:48 PM, Amar Khalifeh  wrote:
> The file selection was done in the previous step, and I got the impression 
> that it was actually loaded
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 3:06 PM John Ralls  wrote:
> > On Dec 22, 2022, at 8:41 AM, Amar Khalifeh  wrote:
> > 
> > I just downloaded version 4.13 and am trying to import my QIF history. I go
> > through the import process and it seems to be working fine, but when I get
> > to the step where it asks if I want to load another file or continue (with
> > "Next"), I find "Next" grayed out and none of the clickable buttons work.
> > Any ideas why this is happening?
> > I was able to load QIF files in the past from the same source in earlier
> > attempts to use Gnu Cash.
> > Thank you for your help.
> > 
> > [image: image.png]
> The screenshot shows that you haven't selected any files to import. Use the 
> "load another file" button to select one. You can keep using that button to 
> build up a list of QIF files to import into the same GnuCash account that you 
> selected in the previous step.
> The Next button will enable once you've selected at least one file.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Weird MacOS UI issue with windows cutoff on bottom and right

2023-01-09 Thread John Ralls
Try the Edit bill dialog, it's really obvious there. It's really subtle on a 
lot of others, but if you look at the top right corner you can see a little bit 
of a discontinuity on the edge of the window at the bottom of the title bar. 

John Ralls

> On Jan 9, 2023, at 2:56 PM, R Losey  wrote:
> I haven't noticed this problem... I'm running Monterey (12.6.2) and GnuCash
> 4.13. I haven't used the Edit Bill window, but I cannot say that I've seen
> it on other windows (at least, not so far).
> On Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 1:24 AM Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
>> Monterey, GnuCash 4.13
>> I noticed right away when 4.13 was released that there were some weird
>> issues with all GnuCash windows. I haven't managed to narrow down the
>> main window as it seems to be transient as the window is resized.
>> Some child windows though seem to be pretty consistent, at least on
>> first creation.
>> Attached is a screenshot of the Edit Bill dialog.
>> Notice the right side & bottom are cutoff.
>> In addition, the resize mouse pointer icon seems to become available as
>> if the window manager thinks the edges of the dialog are where they
>> should be, rather than where they are visible. (so 'out in space' on the
>> desktop)
>> Enlarging the window in either the right, bottom, or both directions can
>> be finessed to make the window appear not-cutoff, but this 'jumps' back
>> to cutoff if not exact. (If needed I can try to do a screen recording
>> showing this effect)
>> This is likely a GTK issue rather than GnuCash, but I'm curious if
>> anyone else has noticed this and if a dev can chime in on where I should
>> file this bug.
>> (there are other issues in this version with resizing windows and
>> placing them adjacent to each other, but I'll post about that separately
>> when I can reliably describe and screenshot/screencast the problem)
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Adrien___
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>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -- 
> _
> Richard Losey
> Micah 6:8
> ___
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[GNC] GnuCash 4.900 Released

2023-01-09 Thread John Ralls
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.900, the first unstable 
release leading to GnuCash 5.0.

This is an unstable release for testing purposes. Do not use it with production 
data! Make a copy of your book to test this release.

New Features

A new Stock Transaction Assistant to guide you through entering most 
investment transactions for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can access it 
from Actions>Stock Assistant when you have the Accounts page ora Stock or Fund 
account register open.
A new Investment Lots report showing a graph of capital gains and losses in 
a period by investment lot. Note that if you don't use the View Lots dialog to 
manage capital gains and losses this report won't have anything to show you. 
Use Reports>Assets & Liabilities>Investment Lots to see the report.
A new tab on the New/Edit Account dialog called More Properties includes 
entries to set a high and low limit on an account. That's coupled to a new 
column that's available on the Accounts Page, Balance Limit. If you set a high 
or low limit and the account balance falls above or below the respective limit 
an indicator will be shown in the Balance Limit column.
The description field quickfill in the register now displays a drop-down 
list of possible completions instead of just one inline completion.
File import menu items for the MT940, MT942, and DTAUS formats is replaced 
with a single Import from AQBanking that supports importing any file format 
supported by AQBanking, including the frequently requested CAMT.

Between 4.13 and 4.900, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
The following fixes will also appear in GnuCash 4.14:

Bug 798588 - sx scrubbing was using incorrect free function
Bug 798625 - "Last up through report date" changed in 4.12
Bug 798679 - Unicode normalization should be used for comparison but not 
Bug 798702 - Crash in gnc_plugin_page_focus_idle_destroy() closing a report 
before it completes.
Bug 798705 - New: UI string mismatch: OK vs. Next
Bug 798717 - Reports > Business > Fancy Invoice duplicates company details

The following additional bug fixes are in unstable only:

Bug 403979 - Balance column shows only low order digits when too narrow

If the column is too narrow to display the whole number it will display the 
leading digits with an ellipsis (…).
Bug 769256 - Change New Account Dialog

Rearrange the New and Edit Account dialog to move the parent selector under 
the description field followed by the account type as a combo (i.e. drop down) 

The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

Unicode normalization for string matches is changed from NFKC to NFC. This 
means that font and positional variants will no longer match and is unlikely to 
affect most users. See Unicode Normalization Forms:Canonical and Compatibility 
Equivalence for the technical details.
The Gtk menu structure has been rewritten to use the newer GMenu/GMenuModel 
system. This change is mostly invisible to users, except that to keep menu 
accelerators (like Q to quit) working on macOS we had to let macOS handle 
the events. That will affect using cut, copy, and paste in dialog boxes because 
the menu will intercept them. That's temporary, we hope to have it fixed for 
GnuCash 4.901.
The Finance::Quote interface is rewritten in C++. This new design will 
allow much better capture of diagnostics from Finance::Quote making 
troubleshooting problems much easier.
The perl Finance::Quote utilities gnc-fq-check, gnc-fq-dump, and 
gnc-fq-helper are removed and new commands added to gnucash-cli: --quotes info 
replaces gnc-fq-check and --quotes dump replaces gnc-fq-dump.

New API: The options system has been rewritten in C++ with Scheme wrappers for 
report options. While this is invisible to most users, those who have written 
custom reports should look for deprecation warnings when the custom reports are 
reconciled. The main difference is that option creation and registration is now 
done in a single function call. Nearly all standard code defined a local 
convenience function that wrapped the two steps, for example

(let* ((options (gnc:new-options))
 (lambda (new-option)
  (gnc:register-option options new-option)

called as

(gnc:make-string-optionpagename title key docstring default-value))

The convenience function is no longer needed, call

(let* ((options (gnc-new-optiondb)))
(gnc-register-string-option options pagename title key docstring 

intead. Note that gnc:new-options is now gnc-new-options. There are several 
similar changes. All of these are wrapped in bindings/guile/options.scm with 
the old names, but are marked to raise deprecation warnings to encourage you to 
change. The wrappers will be removed in GnuCash 6.0.


Re: [GNC] Website from WIki

2023-01-15 Thread John Ralls

> On Jan 15, 2023, at 7:40 AM, Chris Green  wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 02:19:13PM +0300, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
>> Hmm. That is odd. The page identifies itself as the default page when Apache 
>> is installed under Ubuntu, suggesting an error in the GnuCash web server 
>> setup. "" works properly; "" does not. 
> That suggests that someone has got their DNS configuration wrong, or,
> looking more closely, the virtual hosts configuration on their web
> server.
> Both and give the same IP:-
>chris@isbd$ client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe
>chris$ host
> has address
> mail is handled by 10
>chris$ host
> has address
> So that's as it should be, so it's probably something in the web
> server setup that's wrong.

VHosts. The http->https redirect seems to be broken. I've changed the link on 
the wiki to use https and told the person who maintains that server about the 
config problem.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Report charts are empty on fresh 4.8 install

2023-01-16 Thread John Ralls

> On Jan 16, 2023, at 2:41 PM, Jason Spencer  wrote:
> I have just upgraded to Linux Mint 21.1, and installed GnuCash 4.8
> (1:4.8-1build2) from the distro sources. I opened up a file I had in my
> prior install (2.6), and the file opened fine--all accounts and
> transactions seem to be there. But when I run a report with a chart (say,
> networth linechart or bar graph), the report is a blank screen. If I
> inspect the chart source, the body is a table with 4 empty cells.
> If I run a text-based report (e.g. Balance Sheet), I see the report text
> and links fine, though it is scaled down to 6 or 8 pt font (though the
> style section says 10 and 15 pt fonts.)
> Is there some diagnostic I can run to troubleshoot the source of the
> problem?

This is probably a distro problem with Webkit. Try setting 
WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 in the environment before running GnuCash.

John Ralls

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] 4.13 Version not in downloads

2023-01-19 Thread John Ralls
It seems to have been a SourceForge glitch. I was able to reproduce it earlier 
this morning but in preparing to fix the URI on the website I tried again just 
now and it worked correctly.

John Ralls

> On Jan 19, 2023, at 6:17 AM, Glenn Fowler  wrote:
> Until that's fixed you can d/l from GitHub:
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 9:03 AM Jan via gnucash-user <
>> wrote:
>> Resending with .googlemail instead of .gmail.
>> From: 
>> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2023 8:55 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: 4.13 Version not in downloads
>> Hi guys - After decades of using Quicken 2002, it's no longer running on my
>> newer laptops and I need to find a good long-term alternative. GnuCash
>> seems
>> like the right thing, but I'm already struggling with the setup download:
>> It
>> says on Download | GnuCash <>  that
>> 4.13 is the latest stable version, but once I click on the Windows version,
>> GnuCash - Browse Files at
>> <>  tells me that ".
>> 4.13.setup.exe file could not be found". The latest stable downloadable
>> version I can see is 4.6. Was 4.13 removed for a good reason or just a
>> mistake? Which version should I download (and do I need only the setup file
>> or also the others in the same folder)? Thanks for your help, Jan
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
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>> -
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> -
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gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Weird MacOS UI issue with windows cutoff on bottom and right

2023-01-19 Thread John Ralls
This problem was subsequently documented in and I've fixed the problem and 
uploaded a new dmg to SourceForge and Github:

The website's update scripts are broken so I can't update the download links or 
sha: The new one is 
5aad49b682d38de25a192d8e77245654e044102adc3c228de0431b75f87a4a05. I've made a 
symlink on Sourceforge so that the old download link on the website will 
download the new dmg.

John Ralls

> On Jan 9, 2023, at 4:06 PM, prl  wrote:
> Intel MacBook Pro, MacOS Ventura 13.1, GnuCash 4.13
> I don't use the business features of GnuCash, but I have noticed that the 
> Since Last Run popup window is slightly shorter that it should be, with a 
> little bit of the buttons at the bottom cut off, but less than what Adrian is 
> showing for the Edit Bill popup. The Interest Payment popup in Reconcile is 
> cut off in a similar way.
> I haven't noticed any other popups that are too short in my use of GnuCash 
> 4.13.
> Peter
> On 9/1/2023 18:23, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> Monterey, GnuCash 4.13
>> I noticed right away when 4.13 was released that there were some weird 
>> issues with all GnuCash windows. I haven't managed to narrow down the main 
>> window as it seems to be transient as the window is resized.
>> Some child windows though seem to be pretty consistent, at least on first 
>> creation.
>> Attached is a screenshot of the Edit Bill dialog.
>> Notice the right side & bottom are cutoff.
>> In addition, the resize mouse pointer icon seems to become available as if 
>> the window manager thinks the edges of the dialog are where they should be, 
>> rather than where they are visible. (so 'out in space' on the desktop)
>> Enlarging the window in either the right, bottom, or both directions can be 
>> finessed to make the window appear not-cutoff, but this 'jumps' back to 
>> cutoff if not exact. (If needed I can try to do a screen recording showing 
>> this effect)
>> This is likely a GTK issue rather than GnuCash, but I'm curious if anyone 
>> else has noticed this and if a dev can chime in on where I should file this 
>> bug.
>> (there are other issues in this version with resizing windows and placing 
>> them adjacent to each other, but I'll post about that separately when I can 
>> reliably describe and screenshot/screencast the problem)
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> -
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] 4.13 Version not in downloads

2023-01-20 Thread John Ralls

> On Jan 19, 2023, at 5:55 AM, Jan via gnucash-user  
> wrote:
> Hi guys - After decades of using Quicken 2002, it's no longer running on my
> newer laptops and I need to find a good long-term alternative. GnuCash seems
> like the right thing, but I'm already struggling with the setup download: It
> says on Download | GnuCash <>  that
> 4.13 is the latest stable version, but once I click on the Windows version,
> GnuCash - Browse Files at
> <>  tells me that ".
> 4.13.setup.exe file could not be found". The latest stable downloadable
> version I can see is 4.6. Was 4.13 removed for a good reason or just a
> mistake? Which version should I download (and do I need only the setup file
> or also the others in the same folder)? Thanks for your help, Jan

You asked that yesterday and I responded that I'd originally had a problem but 
that it seemed to have resolved itself. I tried again just now and the download 
link on the website worked as expected.

In case it's still not working for you, the direct download link is

gnucash-4.13.setup.exe is an MSWindows installer. The other files in the 
directory are Gnucash-Intel-4.13-2.dmg, which is for macOS, and source tarballs 
for people who want to build GnuCash themselves. You only need 
gnucash-4.13-setup.exe to install GnuCash on MSWindows.

John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
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You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Re: [GNC] Strange crash (macOS specific)

2023-01-30 Thread John Ralls

> On Jan 30, 2023, at 11:43 AM, R. Victor Klassen  wrote:
> Twice now I’ve had a totally new failure mode.  For whatever reason Gnucash 
> crashes and then when I reopen it crashes faster than I can say jack 
> Robinson.  Looking in the crash report it is failing to satisfy itself with 
> the code signing and aborting.   I reinstall and the problem is resolved.  Or 
> is it?  It recurred about two weeks later. 
> I don’t know enough about Apple’s codes signing to see how this could even 
> happen.  The signature should not be something that can be changed.  
> Anyone else see anything like this?

The signature can't be changed, but the thing that's signed can. If you do then 
the signature becomes invalid and Gatekeeper will fail to validate it.

AFAICT codesign only signs mach-o binaries, that is the GnuCash and AQBanking 
executables in Contents/MacOSX/ and the shared libraries (*.dylib) and loadable 
modules (*.so) in Contents/Resources/lib.

You can get some information about what if anything is wrong with the signature 
  spctl --assess -vv /Applications/
If everything is OK it will print
  /Applications/ accepted
  source=Notarized Developer ID
  origin=Developer ID Application: John D Ralls (Y9EHT5WMK7)

I don't know if codesign is installed without the command-line tools or Xcode, 
but if you have it you can get a lot more information with
  codesign -dvvv /Applications/
including what component's signature is invalid.

John Ralls

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Is this a wacky idea

2023-01-30 Thread John Ralls

> On Jan 30, 2023, at 1:21 PM, wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jan 2023 10:35:44 -0600
> Stephen  wrote:
>> Sorry, I do not know how to reply directly to the gnucash-user mail
>> list when I don't have your posting in my mail to reply list or reply
>> all. A suggestion about how to do that is very welcomed!!
>> Regards,
>>  Stephen
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
> The email address for the list is there ^^
> It comes on every email from the list.

He posted to the list so that wasn't the problem. I think he means that he gets 
a digest and doesn't know how to reply to a single message so that it will 
thread correctly by msgid.

John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
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[GNC] GnuCash 4.901 Released

2023-02-05 Thread John Ralls
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.901, the second unstable 
release leading to GnuCash 5.0.

This is an unstable release for testing purposes. Do not use it with production 
data! Make a copy of your book to test this release. 

New Features

• A new Stock Transaction Assistant to guide you through entering most 
investment transactions for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can access it 
from Actions>Stock Assistant when you have the Accounts page ora Stock or Fund 
account register open.
• A new Investment Lots report showing a graph of capital gains and 
losses in a period by investment lot. Note that if you don't use the View Lots 
dialog to manage capital gains and losses this report won't have anything to 
show you. Use Reports>Assets & Liabilities>Investment Lots to see the report.
• A new tab on the New/Edit Account dialog called More Properties 
includes entries to set a high and low limit on an account. That's coupled to a 
new column that's available on the Accounts Page, Balance Limit. If you set a 
high or low limit and the account balance falls above or below the respective 
limit an indicator will be shown in the Balance Limit column.
• The description field quickfill in the register now displays a 
drop-down list of possible completions instead of just one inline completion.
• File import menu items for the MT940, MT942, and DTAUS formats is 
replaced with a single Import from AQBanking that supports importing any file 
format supported by AQBanking, including the frequently requested CAMT.
• The report generated by the Print Invoice button on the Edit Invoice 
tab can now be configured as a book option at teh bottom of the Business tab; 
this permits selecting a saved configuration of one of the standard invoice 
reports. Another option enables a delay, during which a dialog box will appear 
enabling the user to select a different report.

Note: When saving a configuration make sure that the invoice number is not set 
or you'll get that particular invoice instead of the one that you pressed the 
button for.

Between 4.900 and 4.901, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

The following fixes will also appear in GnuCash 4.14:
• Bug 797477 - Manual foreign transaction from APAR to another doesn't 
trigger price input
• Bug 797725 - Untranslatable string "For Period Covering ~a to ~a"
• Bug 798734 - Aging Reports don't handle mixed currency payments and 
invoices without Trading Accounts
• Bug 798737 - Minor grammatical error - 'for' missing in 'You will be 
asked a conversion rate for each.'
• Bug 798740 - Build fails with gcc 13
• Bug 798747 - Crash in Investment Portfolio report

The following additional bug fixes are in unstable only:

• Bug 753307 - Custom Report be selectable as default Report for 
Change the preference in Business->'Report for Printing' to be saved as a book 
property and allow the selection of any Invoice Report to be used as the 

• Bug 794028 - CSV import, default to matching full account name
If the account map doesn't yield a result, try to map the import string against 
existing accounts' full names 

• Bug 796955 - Import CSV - Single-line two-currency transactions can't 
be imported
• Use a provided price if the transfer account uses a different 
commodity from the base account's; apply it as transfer amount = base amount * 
• Add a transfer amount column option to avoid the rounding 
that might arise from having an inexact price.
• Bug 797756 - Currency format setting is ignored
• Bug 798292 - csv Import Transactions Ignores Multi-Splits
• Bug 798475 - GNCAccountSel could have shortcuts
• Bug 798730 - Open report doesn't remember selected accounts over 
• Bug 798739 - Advanced Portfolio report fails
The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

• Move the Balance Sheet P&L Report out of experimental into regular 
• Rename the Deposit and Withdrawal column labels in the CSV import 
assistant to Amount and Amount(Negated) for clarity when importing into 
something other than a bank account.
• Improve muti-currency invoice payment:
• Show proper amount in dialog when applying or editing an 
existing transaction as payment.
• Be more careful not to waste the existing payment split
• If the user changed the payment amount while starting from an 
existing transaction unreconcile the changed payment split
• Avoid needlessly changing transaction currency (only do so if 
the user chose a new transfer account and the old currency is neither the new 
transfer account's currency nor the post account's currency) Payment dialog - 
always list all possible post accounts instead of only those in the currency of 

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] GnuCash 4.901 Released

2023-02-05 Thread John Ralls
BTW, isn't accepting changes so the announcement isn't visible 
there and the unstable download link remains at 4.900.

Corrected Github Links:

John Ralls

> On Feb 5, 2023, at 11:51 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
> The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.901, the second unstable 
> release leading to GnuCash 5.0.
> This is an unstable release for testing purposes. Do not use it with 
> production data! Make a copy of your book to test this release. 
> New Features
>   • A new Stock Transaction Assistant to guide you through entering most 
> investment transactions for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can access 
> it from Actions>Stock Assistant when you have the Accounts page ora Stock or 
> Fund account register open.
>   • A new Investment Lots report showing a graph of capital gains and 
> losses in a period by investment lot. Note that if you don't use the View 
> Lots dialog to manage capital gains and losses this report won't have 
> anything to show you. Use Reports>Assets & Liabilities>Investment Lots to see 
> the report.
>   • A new tab on the New/Edit Account dialog called More Properties 
> includes entries to set a high and low limit on an account. That's coupled to 
> a new column that's available on the Accounts Page, Balance Limit. If you set 
> a high or low limit and the account balance falls above or below the 
> respective limit an indicator will be shown in the Balance Limit column.
>   • The description field quickfill in the register now displays a 
> drop-down list of possible completions instead of just one inline completion.
>   • File import menu items for the MT940, MT942, and DTAUS formats is 
> replaced with a single Import from AQBanking that supports importing any file 
> format supported by AQBanking, including the frequently requested CAMT.
>   • The report generated by the Print Invoice button on the Edit Invoice 
> tab can now be configured as a book option at teh bottom of the Business tab; 
> this permits selecting a saved configuration of one of the standard invoice 
> reports. Another option enables a delay, during which a dialog box will 
> appear enabling the user to select a different report.
> Note: When saving a configuration make sure that the invoice number is not 
> set or you'll get that particular invoice instead of the one that you pressed 
> the button for.
> Between 4.900 and 4.901, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
> The following fixes will also appear in GnuCash 4.14:
>   • Bug 797477 - Manual foreign transaction from APAR to another doesn't 
> trigger price input
>   • Bug 797725 - Untranslatable string "For Period Covering ~a to ~a"
>   • Bug 798734 - Aging Reports don't handle mixed currency payments and 
> invoices without Trading Accounts
>   • Bug 798737 - Minor grammatical error - 'for' missing in 'You will be 
> asked a conversion rate for each.'
>   • Bug 798740 - Build fails with gcc 13
>   • Bug 798747 - Crash in Investment Portfolio report
> The following additional bug fixes are in unstable only:
>   • Bug 753307 - Custom Report be selectable as default Report for 
> Printing
> Change the preference in Business->'Report for Printing' to be saved as a 
> book property and allow the selection of any Invoice Report to be used as the 
> default. 
>   • Bug 794028 - CSV import, default to matching full account name
> If the account map doesn't yield a result, try to map the import string 
> against existing accounts' full names 
>   • Bug 796955 - Import CSV - Single-line two-currency transactions can't 
> be imported
>   • Use a provided price if the transfer account uses a different 
> commodity from the base account's; apply it as transfer amount = base amount 
> * price.
>   • Add a transfer amount column option to avoid the rounding 
> that might arise from having an inexact price.
>   • Bug 797756 - Currency format setting is ignored
>   • Bug 798292 - csv Import Transactions Ignores Multi-Splits
>   • Bug 798475 - GNCAccountSel could have shortcuts
>   • Bug 798730 - Open report doesn't remember selected accounts over 
> restart
>   • Bug 798739 - Advanced Portfolio report fails
> The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:
>   • Move the Balance Sheet P&L Report out of experimental i

Re: [GNC] Is anyone else having difficulty accessing the homepage?

2023-02-19 Thread John Ralls

> On Feb 19, 2023, at 9:08 AM, Brad Morrison  wrote:
> Hello,
> Is anyone else having difficulty accessing the homepage?
> I am still able to access the Wiki ( 
> and the Mailman lists (, but not 
> the GnuCash homepage.
> It was somewhat embarrassing when I texted the GnuCash homepage web address 
> yesterday morning to a bookkeeper that currently uses QuickBooks as a 
> possible alternative for him to use. He writes me back that he can't load the 
> website from the link I sent him, nor from the URL he found when he did a 
> Google search on his own - not exactly an impressive introduction...

Yes, everyone. It turns out that the recent ice storm in Austin took out 
Linas's fiber head-end and the ISP isn't being very cooperative about restoring 

Derek is planning to set up a work-around today.

John Ralls

gnucash-user mailing list
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Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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[GNC] Temporary Website URL

2023-02-19 Thread John Ralls
As most everyone already knows has been offline since 11 
February because Linas Vepstas lost internet access and his ISP, Grande 
Networks in Austin, TX, has not fixed it.

To provide replacement service until Linas gets back online we've set up an 
alternate site,

John Ralls

gnucash-user mailing list
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Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

[GNC] GnuCash 4.901 Released

2023-03-05 Thread John Ralls
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.902, the second unstable 
release leading to GnuCash 5.0.

This is an unstable release for testing purposes. Do not use it with production 
data! Make a copy of your book to test this release. 

New Features

• A new Stock Transaction Assistant to guide you through entering most 
investment transactions for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can access it 
from Actions>Stock Assistant when you have the Accounts page ora Stock or Fund 
account register open.
• A new Investment Lots report showing a graph of capital gains and 
losses in a period by investment lot. Note that if you don't use the View Lots 
dialog to manage capital gains and losses this report won't have anything to 
show you. Use Reports>Assets & Liabilities>Investment Lots to see the report.
• A new tab on the New/Edit Account dialog called More Properties 
includes entries to set a high and low limit on an account. That's coupled to a 
new column that's available on the Accounts Page, Balance Limit. If you set a 
high or low limit and the account balance falls above or below the respective 
limit an indicator will be shown in the Balance Limit column.
• The description field quickfill in the register now displays a 
drop-down list of possible completions instead of just one inline completion.
• File import menu items for the MT940, MT942, and DTAUS formats is 
replaced with a single Import from AQBanking that supports importing any file 
format supported by AQBanking, including the frequently requested CAMT.
• The report generated by the Print Invoice button on the Edit Invoice 
tab can now be configured as a book option at teh bottom of the Business tab; 
this permits selecting a saved configuration of one of the standard invoice 
reports. Another option enables a delay, during which a dialog box will appear 
enabling the user to select a different report.

Note: When saving a configuration make sure that the invoice number is not set 
or you'll get that particular invoice instead of the one that you pressed the 
button for.

Between 4.901 and 4.902, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

The following fixes will also appear in GnuCash 4.14:

• Bug 798748 - Transaction Notes field's value does not appear in 
reverse transaction.
• Bug 798754 - Build fails with gcc 13 and glib > 2.76
• Bug 798759 - Register widths for 'with sub-account' not saved
• Bug 798600 - CSV import of multi-split security transactions fails to 
load capital gain
Transactions with capital gains processing can have splits in transaction 
currency with a zero amount and a non-zero value. To properly import those, 
prefer the value column even if transaction currency equals account commodity. 
Previous (wrong) assumption was that in case of a same-currency split, the 
amount would always be the value. 

Update csv transaction export format to include split values. In the csv 
importer the 'GnuCash Export Format' option will now include values. For 
compatibility with filex exported from older gnucash versions the previous 
preset is still available under the name 'GnuCash Export Format (4.x and 

The following additional bug fixes are in unstable only:

• Bug 782141 - Import CSV - Multi-currency support can cause rounding 
Replace the column types 'Deposit' and 'Withdrawal' with 'Amount' and 'Amount 
(Negated)' that are conceptually applicable more widely. Also introduce column 
types 'Value' and 'Value (Negated)' to allow construction of splits in 
commodities different from the transaction currency. While Value is the number 
in the transaction currency, always use 'Amount' in single-currency 

• Bug 793306 - Price is not imported from CSV
• Bug 796955 - Import CSV - Single-line two-currency transactions can't 
be imported
• Bug 797033 - The CSV Importer should not obey with the "automatic 
digital point" setting
• Bug 797383 - Import transaction via CSV selects the commodity as a 
currency, results in an invalid transaction that is uneditable, and a corrupted 
price database.
Change the transaction currency to the from or base account's parent account 
currency if the from or base account is not denominated in a currency. This 
allows to import stock transactions directly into the stock account. 

• Bug 797903 - Transaction window: The 'blue line' is always 
(erroneously) topmost when t. sorting order is inverted.
• Bug 798334 - Importing transactions from CSV with space as thousand 
• Bug 798572 - Parse numbers with two minus signs as a positive numbers
• Bug 798691 - Memo field not updated on CSV import using U+C
• Bug 798732 - : Type of balance carry forward accounts for german 
skr49 account template fixed
The accounts listed are of the EQUITY type and not ASSET. 

• Bug 798749 - Fails to read gsettings o

[GNC] GnuCash 4.902 Released

2023-03-05 Thread John Ralls
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.902, the second unstable 
release leading to GnuCash 5.0.

This is an unstable release for testing purposes. Do not use it with production 
data! Make a copy of your book to test this release. 

New Features

• A new Stock Transaction Assistant to guide you through entering most 
investment transactions for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can access it 
from Actions>Stock Assistant when you have the Accounts page ora Stock or Fund 
account register open.
• A new Investment Lots report showing a graph of capital gains and 
losses in a period by investment lot. Note that if you don't use the View Lots 
dialog to manage capital gains and losses this report won't have anything to 
show you. Use Reports>Assets & Liabilities>Investment Lots to see the report.
• A new tab on the New/Edit Account dialog called More Properties 
includes entries to set a high and low limit on an account. That's coupled to a 
new column that's available on the Accounts Page, Balance Limit. If you set a 
high or low limit and the account balance falls above or below the respective 
limit an indicator will be shown in the Balance Limit column.
• The description field quickfill in the register now displays a 
drop-down list of possible completions instead of just one inline completion.
• File import menu items for the MT940, MT942, and DTAUS formats is 
replaced with a single Import from AQBanking that supports importing any file 
format supported by AQBanking, including the frequently requested CAMT.
• The report generated by the Print Invoice button on the Edit Invoice 
tab can now be configured as a book option at teh bottom of the Business tab; 
this permits selecting a saved configuration of one of the standard invoice 
reports. Another option enables a delay, during which a dialog box will appear 
enabling the user to select a different report.

Note: When saving a configuration make sure that the invoice number is not set 
or you'll get that particular invoice instead of the one that you pressed the 
button for.

Between 4.901 and 4.902, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

The following fixes will also appear in GnuCash 4.14:

• Bug 798748 - Transaction Notes field's value does not appear in 
reverse transaction.
• Bug 798754 - Build fails with gcc 13 and glib > 2.76
• Bug 798759 - Register widths for 'with sub-account' not saved
• Bug 798600 - CSV import of multi-split security transactions fails to 
load capital gain
Transactions with capital gains processing can have splits in transaction 
currency with a zero amount and a non-zero value. To properly import those, 
prefer the value column even if transaction currency equals account commodity. 
Previous (wrong) assumption was that in case of a same-currency split, the 
amount would always be the value. 

Update csv transaction export format to include split values. In the csv 
importer the 'GnuCash Export Format' option will now include values. For 
compatibility with filex exported from older gnucash versions the previous 
preset is still available under the name 'GnuCash Export Format (4.x and 

The following additional bug fixes are in unstable only:

• Bug 782141 - Import CSV - Multi-currency support can cause rounding 
Replace the column types 'Deposit' and 'Withdrawal' with 'Amount' and 'Amount 
(Negated)' that are conceptually applicable more widely. Also introduce column 
types 'Value' and 'Value (Negated)' to allow construction of splits in 
commodities different from the transaction currency. While Value is the number 
in the transaction currency, always use 'Amount' in single-currency 

• Bug 793306 - Price is not imported from CSV
• Bug 796955 - Import CSV - Single-line two-currency transactions can't 
be imported
• Bug 797033 - The CSV Importer should not obey with the "automatic 
digital point" setting
• Bug 797383 - Import transaction via CSV selects the commodity as a 
currency, results in an invalid transaction that is uneditable, and a corrupted 
price database.
Change the transaction currency to the from or base account's parent account 
currency if the from or base account is not denominated in a currency. This 
allows to import stock transactions directly into the stock account. 

• Bug 797903 - Transaction window: The 'blue line' is always 
(erroneously) topmost when t. sorting order is inverted.
• Bug 798334 - Importing transactions from CSV with space as thousand 
• Bug 798572 - Parse numbers with two minus signs as a positive numbers
• Bug 798691 - Memo field not updated on CSV import using U+C
• Bug 798732 - : Type of balance carry forward accounts for german 
skr49 account template fixed
The accounts listed are of the EQUITY type and not ASSET. 

• Bug 798749 - Fails to read gsettings o

[GNC] GnuCash 4.902 corrected download links

2023-03-06 Thread John Ralls
I thoroughly screwed up the links on the announcement email. Here are the 
correct ones:

Microsoft Windows:

Apple macOS:

Getting GnuCash as source code
If you want to compile GnuCash 4.902 for yourself, the source code can be 
downloaded from:

John Ralls

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] GnuCash 4.902 Released

2023-03-06 Thread John Ralls
Wow, I made an impressive hash of that. I've sent a corrected set of links. 

John Ralls

> On Mar 6, 2023, at 11:35 AM, David H  wrote:
> Er no I meant the ones in your email of about 15 hours ago as follows. First 
> Windows one gave me a 404 error but I managed to workaround it by replacing 
> the 4.900 and 4.901 by 4.902.
> Cheers David H.
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 03:23, john  wrote:
> If you mean the download links on, that's because 
> it's still not accepting updates. Use
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Mar 6, 2023, at 3:17 AM, David H  wrote:
>> John,
>> Ta for that. 1 question - download links seem to be pointing to 4.900 /
>> 4.901 not 4.902 ?
>> Thanks David H.
>> On Mon, 6 Mar 2023 at 14:20, John Ralls  wrote:
>>> The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.902, the second unstable
>>> release leading to GnuCash 5.0.
>>> This is an unstable release for testing purposes. Do not use it with
>>> production data! Make a copy of your book to test this release.
>>> New Features
>>>• A new Stock Transaction Assistant to guide you through entering
>>> most investment transactions for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can
>>> access it from Actions>Stock Assistant when you have the Accounts page ora
>>> Stock or Fund account register open.
>>>• A new Investment Lots report showing a graph of capital gains
>>> and losses in a period by investment lot. Note that if you don't use the
>>> View Lots dialog to manage capital gains and losses this report won't have
>>> anything to show you. Use Reports>Assets & Liabilities>Investment Lots to
>>> see the report.
>>>• A new tab on the New/Edit Account dialog called More Properties
>>> includes entries to set a high and low limit on an account. That's coupled
>>> to a new column that's available on the Accounts Page, Balance Limit. If
>>> you set a high or low limit and the account balance falls above or below
>>> the respective limit an indicator will be shown in the Balance Limit column.
>>>• The description field quickfill in the register now displays a
>>> drop-down list of possible completions instead of just one inline
>>> completion.
>>>• File import menu items for the MT940, MT942, and DTAUS formats
>>> is replaced with a single Import from AQBanking that supports importing any
>>> file format supported by AQBanking, including the frequently requested CAMT.
>>>• The report generated by the Print Invoice button on the Edit
>>> Invoice tab can now be configured as a book option at teh bottom of the
>>> Business tab; this permits selecting a saved configuration of one of the
>>> standard invoice reports. Another option enables a delay, during which a
>>> dialog box will appear enabling the user to select a different report.
>>> Note: When saving a configuration make sure that the invoice number is not
>>> set or you'll get that particular invoice instead of the one that you
>>> pressed the button for.
>>> Between 4.901 and 4.902, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
>>> The following fixes will also appear in GnuCash 4.14:
>>>• Bug 798748 - Transaction Notes field's value does not appear in
>>> reverse transaction.
>>>• Bug 798754 - Build fails with gcc 13 and glib > 2.76
>>>• Bug 798759 - Register widths for 'with sub-account' not saved
>>>• Bug 798600 - CSV import of multi-split security transactions
>>> fails to load capital gain
>>> Transactions with capital gains processing can have splits in transaction
>>> currency with a zero amount and a non-zero value. To properly import those,
>>> prefer the value column even if transaction currency equals account
>>> commodity. Previous (wrong) assumption was that in case of a same-currency
>>> split, the amount would always be the value.
>>> Update csv transaction export format to include split values. In the csv
>>> importer the 'GnuCash Export Format' option will now include values. For
>>> compatibility with filex exported from older gnucash versions the previous
>>> preset is still available under the name 'GnuCash Export Format

Re: [GNC] Where to submit suggestion/feature request?

2023-03-07 Thread John Ralls

TBH I've never thought much of UserVoice, plus it's a for-profit company 
offering a free service so you're the product, not the customer. Other devs may 
think otherwise.

John Ralls

> On Mar 7, 2023, at 9:14 AM, Glenn Fowler  wrote:
> Hi John,
> Is no longer 
> recommended?
> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 11:46 AM john  wrote:
>, see 
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> > On Mar 7, 2023, at 8:03 AM, Eric Chapman  wrote:
> > 
> > Where should a feature request be submitted?
> > 
> > -- 
> > Eric Chapman
> > GnuCash 4.13 on MacOS 13.1 Ventura running on 2018 Mac Mini (3.2 GHz 6-Core 
> > Intel Core i7)
> > 
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
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Re: [GNC] GnuCash flatpak "invisible" update?

2023-03-11 Thread John Ralls

> On Mar 11, 2023, at 11:14 AM, Tommy Trussell  wrote:
> I like to watch for updates and be aware when they happen.
> This system is running Ubuntu 22.04.02, so today I kicked off the update
> manager (looking for updated .deb packages and their associated changelog
> descriptions, if any) then from a terminal I checked for updated snaps, and
> then flatpaks.
> I was surprised the flatpak "stable" repository was showing an update to
> GnuCash 4.13. I was even more surprised it was showing the update would be
> to a commit from December. As you can imagine, I've run flatpak update
> numerous times since December. Both commits SAY they're GnuCash "4.13+" and
> from the same date and time in December.
> What happened? Is it something weird with flatpak? From my (naive)
> perspective, GnuCash looks exactly the same. The diffs are
> tiny, it seems, though I didn't see any way to know that before allowing
> the update.


>  Commit:
> eb1be08966b94073a6f219dcf8f61f42c88228d1d1f2aba15da990591bccf3c7
>  Parent:
> 7e2d8364088a32d0f6849893a43b41a5623886c2d5c7da3505c023ba0c86fa5f
> Subject: Fix GnuCash tarball sha256 (bd9f8e1e)
>Date: 2022-12-18 22:30:44 +

The commits are weird. The one in parentheses is the current HEAD on and as will be 
apparent if you visit that page the commit was needed because the first build 

Does the subject for the parent commit say "Package GnuCash 4.13 (c825100b)"? 
That's the build that failed so it's seems odd to me that it would have made an 
installable flatpak.

John Ralls

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[GNC] GnuCash 4.903 Released

2023-03-12 Thread John Ralls
Document the new Stock Transaction Assistant.
• Add JSON::Parse module to finance-quote requirements.
  finance-quote-wrapper uses it to parse Finance-Quote's output. 
• Update sample & custom reports
• Update for sample-report
• Only use localized &url-docs-*; entities
• Simplify screenshot declarations
• Add documentation for new Investment Lots report
  Add screenshots, links, etc more cleanup, add missing images 
cleanup documentation 
• Guide:C: Replace several wrong usages off "Help"
  Protocol "help:" Link type "Help"—both are only under Linux 
available Document reference should be "Manual" 

Getting GnuCash for Windows and MacOS

GnuCash is provided for both Microsoft Windows 8.1® and later and MacOS 10.13 
(High Sierra)® and later in pre-built, all-in-one packages. An installer is 
provided for Microsoft Windows® while the MacOS® package is a disk image 
containing a drag-and-drop application bundle.

GnuCash is also available as a flatpak from Instructions for 
installing and running:

The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:

• 89986a98afd1885b126529ed98bc614a65efa0cf58dc37f616ab178d9aa95157  
• c4060a1d6412586ea7bbad50a7e06bb81e4718f71d528bfa9f643e82977aa109  
• 9832069131c01e694f579f5f4459f6adb888567e8b33fd95c8911991f9960cb0  
• 82120b26c79a4c0c7a73aeab3115d2d70688fbc41c7cc0a3214d7ef700a1bf62  
• 3d45084b6f191cd093a64c2186ac05083f95d718d2adb1c6690abf0e5a59736b  

Microsoft Windows:

Apple macOS:

Getting GnuCash as source code
If you want to compile GnuCash 4.903 for yourself, the source code can be 
downloaded from:

To compile GnuCash from the source code by yourself, you will need at least 
Gtk+ 3.22.29, Guile 2.0, Boost 1.67, WebKitGtk 2.4, GoogleTest 1.8.0, cmake 
3.10 and SWIG 2.0.12. Please consult the README.dependencies file in the 
sources for the exact list of dependencies and versions.
Getting the documentation

Note that the documentation for unstable releases is not on the GnuCash 
website. It is built daily and may be found on the development server under the 
locale directory; "C" is English, "de" is German, and so on.

The documentation is included in the MacOS and Windows application bundles.

If you want to compile the GnuCash Documentation 4.903 for yourself, the source 
code can be downloaded from:


You can also checkout the sources directly from the git repository as 
described at

About the Program

GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU 
General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, MacOS, 
and Microsoft Windows. Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first 
stable release was in 1998.

John Ralls

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] gnu-fq-check missing

2023-03-13 Thread John Ralls
Urk, looks like a problem with converting a string to wchar_t for Windows, we 
didn't set up codecvt in gnc-quotes.cpp. I can reproduce it here, trying a 
quick fix.

John Ralls

> On Mar 13, 2023, at 2:12 PM, wrote:
> wow.. never expected such a quick and personalized answer.. Thx!
>   I'm using now the unstable release 4.902. 
> I followed your instructions, but after trying gnucash-cli -Q info, I get the 
> following error:
> "Failed to initialize Finance::Quote: boost::process codecvt to wchar_t: 
> error"
> Within Gnucash app, still not able to use it..
> Thanks again, John!
> BR,
>  Rolf
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 12:15 PM john  wrote:
> > On Mar 12, 2023, at 5:37 PM, wrote:
> > 
> > Hi, I've been trying hard to be able to run "Install Online Price
> > Retrieval", and I almost made it.. but I got this.. and it's right..
> > there's no gnu-fq-check program in bin.. how can I get it? I think I'm
> > almost there..
> That depends on the version of GnuCash. If it's a 4.90x beta gnc-fq-check, 
> gnc-fq-helper, and gnc-fq-dump have been replaced with finance-quote-wrapper 
> and their function is now in gnucash-cli. We neglected to modify the Install 
> Online Price Retrieval tool to reflect that. The two calls to gnc-fq-check 
> and gnc-fq-helper in install-fq-mods.cmd are final checks to make sure 
> everything succeeded, so you probably are done. You can run c:\Program Files 
> (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnucash-cli -Q info and …\gnucash-cli -Q dump alphavantage 
> AMZN to test it.
> OTOH if you're using a production release of GnuCash then gnc-fq-check should 
> be in C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin and since install-fq-mods.cmd is in 
> that directory too it should have found it.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] gnu-fq-check missing

2023-03-19 Thread John Ralls
I figured out the problem with boost::process's codecvt: It doesn't like empty 
strings and if there's no alphavantage key set we were trying to set the 
ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY environment variable with an empty string. I've fixed 
that, it will be in 4.904 which I'll proceed to release; if nothing goes wrong 
that will be later today (well, today if you're in America. I might not make it 
for Eurpeans and it's already tomorrow in the far east.)

John Ralls

> On Mar 14, 2023, at 9:02 AM, john  wrote:
> Neither the quick fix nor a more involved attempt worked. Boost::process is a 
> bit opaque but what it's telling us is that somewhere it wants codecvt to 
> convert some string from char to wchar_t. I'm having difficulty figuring out 
> where.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Mar 13, 2023, at 2:58 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> Urk, looks like a problem with converting a string to wchar_t for Windows, 
>> we didn't set up codecvt in gnc-quotes.cpp. I can reproduce it here, trying 
>> a quick fix.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On Mar 13, 2023, at 2:12 PM, wrote:
>>> wow.. never expected such a quick and personalized answer.. Thx!
>>> I'm using now the unstable release 4.902. 
>>> I followed your instructions, but after trying gnucash-cli -Q info, I get 
>>> the following error:
>>> "Failed to initialize Finance::Quote: boost::process codecvt to wchar_t: 
>>> error"
>>> Within Gnucash app, still not able to use it..
>>> Thanks again, John!
>>> BR,
>>> Rolf
>>> On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 12:15 PM john  wrote:
>>>> On Mar 12, 2023, at 5:37 PM, wrote:
>>>> Hi, I've been trying hard to be able to run "Install Online Price
>>>> Retrieval", and I almost made it.. but I got this.. and it's right..
>>>> there's no gnu-fq-check program in bin.. how can I get it? I think I'm
>>>> almost there..
>>> That depends on the version of GnuCash. If it's a 4.90x beta gnc-fq-check, 
>>> gnc-fq-helper, and gnc-fq-dump have been replaced with 
>>> finance-quote-wrapper and their function is now in gnucash-cli. We 
>>> neglected to modify the Install Online Price Retrieval tool to reflect 
>>> that. The two calls to gnc-fq-check and gnc-fq-helper in 
>>> install-fq-mods.cmd are final checks to make sure everything succeeded, so 
>>> you probably are done. You can run c:\Program Files 
>>> (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnucash-cli -Q info and …\gnucash-cli -Q dump 
>>> alphavantage AMZN to test it.
>>> OTOH if you're using a production release of GnuCash then gnc-fq-check 
>>> should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin and since 
>>> install-fq-mods.cmd is in that directory too it should have found it.
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
>> ___
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[GNC] GnuCash 4.904 Released

2023-03-19 Thread John Ralls
st of all open bugs:


There were no documentation changes. Continue to use the 4.903 manual and guide.

Getting GnuCash for Windows and MacOS

GnuCash is provided for both Microsoft Windows 8.1® and later and MacOS 10.13 
(High Sierra)® and later in pre-built, all-in-one packages. An installer is 
provided for Microsoft Windows® while the MacOS® package is a disk image 
containing a drag-and-drop application bundle.

GnuCash is also available as a flatpak from Instructions for 
installing and running:

The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:

* 72f9c2141bfe1d313f799ccb2390744c68385a1c28e1a52ba64afab3421823b0 
* 4adf7e3673fe41202a61d91d6e52e9ab94badc88ff05406e55f91d21c366fd31 
* 008b934eeb357f49cfb062974b869a16c46ca02f41d6e553f5844e2ea4711ad7 
* cb66c9db5a47197a54813d438402d94df070b055edf63bb1ac9eae125295eb5b 
* 3d45084b6f191cd093a64c2186ac05083f95d718d2adb1c6690abf0e5a59736b 

Microsoft Windows:

Apple macOS:

Getting GnuCash as source code
If you want to compile GnuCash 4.904 for yourself, the source code can be 
downloaded from:

To compile GnuCash from the source code by yourself, you will need at least 
Gtk+ 3.22.29, Guile 2.0, Boost 1.67, WebKitGtk 2.4, GoogleTest 1.8.0, cmake 
3.10 and SWIG 2.0.12. Please consult the README.dependencies file in the 
sources for the exact list of dependencies and versions.
Getting the documentation

Note that the documentation for unstable releases is not on the GnuCash 
website. It is built daily and may be found on the development server under the 
locale directory; "C" is English, "de" is German, and so on.

The documentation is included in the MacOS and Windows application bundles.

If you want to compile the GnuCash Documentation 4.903 for yourself, the source 
code can be downloaded from:


   You can also checkout the sources directly from the git repository as 
described at

About the Program

GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU 
General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, MacOS, 
and Microsoft Windows. Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first 
stable release was in 1998.

John Ralls

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Finance Quote problem MacOS High Sierra.

2023-03-19 Thread John Ralls
Do you have an alphavantage api key?

John Ralls

> On Mar 19, 2023, at 2:50 PM, G R Hewitt  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Gnucash 4.13
> Finance Quote 1.54
> MacPro 2010 High Sierra
> iMac 2017 Ventura
> After hours of much aggravation - don't ask ' I eventually got Finance
> Quote 1.54 to install, the 'Get Quotes' button was active and I was well
> pleased with myself.
> Anyway, on pressing it I got the dismaying message:
> 'Unable to retrieve quotes for these items: CURRENCY:EUR'
> I have searched for answers and found none.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction, please to solving this.
> Thanks in advance.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Finance Quote problem MacOS High Sierra.

2023-03-19 Thread John Ralls
What results when you try from the command line, e.g.
/Applications/ -v currency EUR USD

John Ralls

> On Mar 19, 2023, at 3:17 PM, G R Hewitt  wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks for getting back.
> Yes I do, and I just checked, it is still there.
> On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 at 22:15, John Ralls  wrote:
> Do you have an alphavantage api key?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> > On Mar 19, 2023, at 2:50 PM, G R Hewitt  wrote:
> > 
> > Hello everyone,
> > Gnucash 4.13
> > Finance Quote 1.54
> > MacPro 2010 High Sierra
> > iMac 2017 Ventura
> > 
> > After hours of much aggravation - don't ask ' I eventually got Finance
> > Quote 1.54 to install, the 'Get Quotes' button was active and I was well
> > pleased with myself.
> > 
> > Anyway, on pressing it I got the dismaying message:
> > 'Unable to retrieve quotes for these items: CURRENCY:EUR'
> > 
> > I have searched for answers and found none.
> > 
> > Can anyone point me in the right direction, please to solving this.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Finance Quote problem MacOS High Sierra.

2023-03-20 Thread John Ralls
Please remember to copy the list on all replies.

No, what's expected is what I just got, 
1 EUR = 1.072271 USD
so something is still not right with your F::Q installation.

You should have a .cpan folder (the . hides it from Finder but you can say `ls 
~/.cpan` on the command line to see if it's there), and so you should be able 
to run 

.cpan/build/Finance-Quote-1.54-0/Examples/ EUR USD

which should print EUR->USD = 1.072386

but may say "Urgh!  Nothing back\n" instead. Unfortunately I don't think it 
will do much for diagnostics beyond that.

John Ralls

> On Mar 20, 2023, at 10:15 AM, G R Hewitt  wrote:
> Hi John,
> Ha ha, you got me there, no I didn't, and should have.
> I now get:
> 1 EUR =  USD
> Is that what is expected?
> Oddly enough, I was being lazy and tried to paste the code over the 
> highlighted '' and terminal wasn't having it and put it at the end of the 
> line,
> which, went sent, returned the same as the above but with my API code 
> appended to USA.
> Just for fun, I sent your original code with the 'x' intact, and still 
> got:
> 1 EUR =  USD.
> Puzzling.
> On Mon, 20 Mar 2023 at 16:12, john  wrote:
> Did you do the obvious (to me anyway) replacement of  in the example with 
> your key?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Mar 20, 2023, at 12:58 AM, G R Hewitt  wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> I get this:
>> ERROR: ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY *must* be set for currency quotes and
>> stock quotes with source 'alphavantage' or 'vanguard'; see
>> Thanks
>> On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 at 22:22, John Ralls  wrote:
>> What results when you try from the command line, e.g.
>> /Applications/ -v currency EUR 
>> USD
>> ?
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>> > On Mar 19, 2023, at 3:17 PM, G R Hewitt  wrote:
>> > 
>> > Hi John,
>> > Thanks for getting back.
>> > Yes I do, and I just checked, it is still there.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 at 22:15, John Ralls  wrote:
>> > Do you have an alphavantage api key?
>> > 
>> > Regards,
>> > John Ralls
>> > 
>> > 
>> > > On Mar 19, 2023, at 2:50 PM, G R Hewitt  wrote:
>> > > 
>> > > Hello everyone,
>> > > Gnucash 4.13
>> > > Finance Quote 1.54
>> > > MacPro 2010 High Sierra
>> > > iMac 2017 Ventura
>> > > 
>> > > After hours of much aggravation - don't ask ' I eventually got Finance
>> > > Quote 1.54 to install, the 'Get Quotes' button was active and I was well
>> > > pleased with myself.
>> > > 
>> > > Anyway, on pressing it I got the dismaying message:
>> > > 'Unable to retrieve quotes for these items: CURRENCY:EUR'
>> > > 
>> > > I have searched for answers and found none.
>> > > 
>> > > Can anyone point me in the right direction, please to solving this.
>> > > 
>> > > Thanks in advance.
>> > > ___
>> > > gnucash-user mailing list
>> > >
>> > > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> > >
>> > > -
>> > > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> > > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> > 

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Re: [GNC] Finance Quote problem MacOS High Sierra.

2023-03-21 Thread John Ralls
It works for me on macOS 11 and later and fails on 10.14 and earlier; Murugan 
reported on that they're using 
10.15, so I guess that's the cutoff. I don't have a 10.15 machine or VM to test 

It demonstrates with the Examples/ I pointed GR at earlier so 
it's something in Finance::Quote. I've been salting that with print statements 
to try to figure out what's going on and it seems to be failing to load the 
AlphaVantage currency module at line 421: A print before that line 
prints and one immediately after doesn't. At line 805 
`$this->{currency_rate_method}` is empty so no attempt to get quotes is made.

It seems strange that this would have come up now. Could it be that nobody has 
tried this on an older Mac in a long time?

John Ralls

> On Mar 21, 2023, at 3:27 PM, David H  wrote:
> Murugan,
> Same popsitive results on macOS Ventura 13.2.1 with F/Q 1.54-0
> Cheers David H.
> On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 at 05:49, David H  wrote:
> Murugan,
> I'm not seeing any issues on macOS Big Sur version 11.7.4 and I think my 
> Intel MacBook Pro was OK - will double check later and confirm whether that 
> is the case.  Also the same command works on Win 11 when formatted correctly 
> :-)  None of the tests I ran required a valid AlphaVantage api key, a single 
> x was all that was required.
> .cpan/build/Finance-Quote-1.54-0/Examples/ EUR USD
> EUR->USD = 1.0766
> /Applications/Gnucash/ -v 
> currency EUR USD 
> 1 EUR = 1.07678 USD
> Cheers David H.
> On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 at 01:18, Murugan Muruganandam 
>  wrote:
> I fired up my old macbook pro and installed the Finance quote 1.54
>   1.  i go the same issue of 1 EUR =  USD gnc-fq-dump currency EUR 
>   2.  Since i run on windows i tried the same command in Windows and it 
> brought back 1 EUR = 1.0779347 USD. (by the way i saw a comment on windows, i 
> have been using it for years and it works for me)
>   3.   I checked using gnc-fq-dump  yahoo_json USDEUR=X and got the exact 
> result
>   4.  gnc-fq-dump  yahoo_json EURUSD=X
> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
> symbol: EURUSD=X <=== required
>   date: 03/21/2023   <=== recommended
>   currency: USD  <=== required
>   last: 1.0779347<=\
> i checked if alphavantage was able to get me stock quote in Macbook and voila 
> it worked perfectly
> gnc-fq-dump alphavantage IBM
> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
> symbol: IBM  <=== required
>   date: 03/20/2023   <=== recommended
>   currency: USD  <=== required
>   last: 125.9400 <=\
>nav:  <=== one of these
> so looks like the issue is particular to currency rates in mac.  I will raise 
> a bug report
> Saludos Cordiales
> Murugan
> From: gnucash-user 
>  on behalf of 
> John Ralls 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 12:52 AM
> To: G R Hewitt 
> Cc: GNU Cash User 
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Finance Quote problem MacOS High Sierra.
> Please remember to copy the list on all replies.
> No, what's expected is what I just got,
> 1 EUR = 1.072271 USD
> so something is still not right with your F::Q installation.
> You should have a .cpan folder (the . hides it from Finder but you can say 
> `ls ~/.cpan` on the command line to see if it's there), and so you should be 
> able to run
> .cpan/build/Finance-Quote-1.54-0/Examples/ EUR USD
> which should print EUR->USD = 1.072386
> but may say "Urgh!  Nothing back\n" instead. Unfortunately I don't think it 
> will do much for diagnostics beyond that.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> > On Mar 20, 2023, at 10:15 AM, G R Hewitt  wrote:
> >
> > Hi John,
> > Ha ha, you got me there, no I didn't, and should have.
> > I now get:
> > 1 EUR =  USD
> > Is that what is expected?
> >
> > Oddly enough, I was being lazy and tried to paste the code over the 
> > highlighted '' and terminal wasn't having it and put it at the end of 
> > the line,
> > which, went sent, returned the same as the above but with my API code 
> > appended to USA.
> >
> > Just for fun, I sent your original code with the 'x' in

Re: [GNC] Cut/paste between databases

2021-05-06 Thread John Ralls
It can't work, the account GUIDs from the one book won't be valid in the other 

John Ralls

> On May 6, 2021, at 3:31 AM, Liz  wrote:
> On Wed, 5 May 2021 13:40:13 -0600
> Paul Kinzelman  wrote:
>> I'm running gnucash 4.5
>> I've got two gnucash databases (personal and business) and I
>> accidentally entered a charge into one instead of the other. So I
>> tried cut from one and paste into the other and it didn't work.
>> When I pasted, I got only the Description got pasted, and I filled in 
>> the rest
>> of the transaction manually, but I couldn't get it to enter. The
>> 'Enter' key did nothing and the transaction still stayed open.
>> I had to cancel the transaction and enter the whole thing by hand and
>> it worked.
>> It'd not a big deal to get it fixed, or maybe copy/paste isn't
>> supposed to work between
>> databases?
> I agree, it doesn't work, and I haven't tried to do it for a long time.
> Liz
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Re: [GNC] More USAA online setup problems

2021-05-08 Thread John Ralls

> On May 8, 2021, at 12:16 PM, wrote:
> Finally decided to set up USAA direct connect with the new procedures.  
> Followed John’s WIKI procedures exactly and double checked my entries.  
> Clicked on the Retrieve Account List button and got the following results: 
> "12:02:46 Sending request...
> 12:02:49 Using GnuTLS default ciphers.
> 12:02:49 TLS: SSL-Ciphers negotiated: TLS1.3:ECDHE-RSA-AES-128-GCM:AEAD
> 12:02:49 Certificate is not trusted
> 12:02:49 Waiting for response...
> 12:02:51 Parsing response...
> 12:02:51 Status for signon request: Success (Code 0, severity "INFO")
> The server successfully processed the request.
> 12:02:51 Status for account info request: Success (Code 0, severity "INFO")
> The server successfully processed the request.
> My five correct accounts were listed here
> 12:02:51 Operation finished, you can now close this window."
> Since it listed my five accounts, it looked like it was successful.  I then 
> closed the window by hitting the close button and then hit the Bank Setting 
> OK button which returned me to AQBanking Setup dialog where I selected the 
> Accounts tab, but no accounts were listed.
> I found a similar problem in a Feb 15 exchange between John R and Richard  
> where John suggested "creating a dummy account on the AQBanking Setup 
> Dialog's Accounts tab then go back to Users and retrieve your USAA accounts 
> again.” 
> I am in no way a computer guy and do not understand how to create a dummy 
> account.  Would I set it up just like the original and then go back to the 
> first setup and try to download?  Also, is there something else I can look 
> at.  Thanks

That's a bug in AQBanking. Start the AQBanking Setup Assistant, open Banks, and 
create a fake account, then go back to Users, edit your USAA setup, and 
retrieve the accounts again. They'll populate on the Banks tab and you can 
delete the fake account.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Cut/paste between databases

2021-05-10 Thread John Ralls

> On May 10, 2021, at 7:35 AM, Tommy Trussell  wrote:
> On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 11:06 AM Paul Kinzelman  wrote:
>> In that case, it'd be good to clear the transaction paste buffer
>> when reading in a new file so that people won't make the
>> mistake of thinking they can cut/paste between databases.
> It's a little more complicated than that -- even though GnuCash doesn't
> EXPLICITLY support having more than one book open at the same time, many of
> us have done it for years, so I think the protocol ought to be to check the
> paste buffer to make sure the transaction to be pasted is from the same
> book, and if not, disallow the paste. Ideally there'd also be some
> indication about why the paste failed, but that's probably optional as long
> as the behavior is explained somewhere.

It's not that complicated, because GnuCash doesn't put the cut/copied 
transaction and splits on a clipboard notwithstanding the function names 
xaccTransCopyToClipBoard and xaccTransCopyFromClipboard. The clipboard in this 
case is a variable in gnc-tree-control-split-register.c, completely 
inaccessible to anywhere else in the running GnuCash instance never mind 
another process. It also shouldn't survive changing books, though I haven't 
tested to see what happens: A crash is entirely possible.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] gnucash-cli --quotes get

2021-05-16 Thread John Ralls
No, --quotes-get runs finance quote. Importing via the command line is not yet 
implemented and AFAIK isn't on any core developer's todo list, so you're 
welcome to jump in and provide a pull request.

John Ralls

> On May 16, 2021, at 4:10 PM, mike823  wrote:
> Can "gnucash-cli --quotes get" load quotes from a file, like the import
> prices from CSV does? Thanks.
> --
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Re: [GNC] gnucash-cli --quotes get

2021-05-17 Thread John Ralls

> On May 17, 2021, at 4:58 AM, mike823  wrote:
> I might do it. I am looking in gnucash/gnucash-cli.cpp and I see the code
> bellow in Gnucash::GnucashCli::start . Is another developer already working
> on the same functionality?
>if (m_quotes_cmd)
>if (*m_quotes_cmd != "get")
>std::cerr << bl::format (bl::translate("Unknown quotes command
> '{1}'")) % *m_quotes_cmd << "\n\n"
><< *m_opt_desc_display.get();
>return 1;
>if (!m_file_to_load || m_file_to_load->empty())
>std::cerr << bl::translate("Missing data file parameter") <<
> "\n\n"
>  << *m_opt_desc_display.get();
>return 1;
>return Gnucash::add_quotes (m_file_to_load);

Not that I know of, but don't overload --get-quotes, write a new command named 
something like --import-quotes and have it call the same function that 
File>Import>Import Prices from a CSV File does.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Building GnuCash from src distributions

2021-05-19 Thread John Ralls

> On May 19, 2021, at 10:34 AM, mike823  wrote:
> Since no GnuCash build with python bindings was ever provided, I have
> attempted to build one myself. I would be interested to hear why the dev
> team chose not to distribute binaries for GnuCash with python bindings.
> I spent couple of days working on this:
> - 3 different linux distributions 
> - sources from git and tar files
> - last release and 2 pervious
> I am an IT professional with many years of UNIX / LINUX experience and I am
> embarrassed to say that all my attempts failed.
> Is there anyway you guys can help? TIA.


We don't create the binaries on Linux, that's up to the distribution packagers. 
Debian has and Fedora's 
regular GnuCash RPM is built with the python bindings enabled. Most other 
distributions (notable exceptions include Slackware, OpenSuSE, and Gentoo) are 
derived from one or the other and very few of the derivatives build their own 
GnuCash package so you're most likely relying on one or the other.

We don't include the python bindings in the Mac and Windows bundles because 
they have to link against libpython and it has to be the same libpython that 
the interpreter uses. There's no way to ensure a particular version is 
installed on a user's computer so we'd have to include an entire python setup 
inside the bundle. That would add a lot of bulk that would benefit only a few 

Have you looked at the extensive resources on the wiki, starting with,, for instructions on building it 

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Building GnuCash from src distributions

2021-05-19 Thread John Ralls

> On May 19, 2021, at 1:52 PM, mike823  wrote:
> Thank you John,
> How do I get support for build? I've sent two days ago a message to "GnuCash
> - Dev" but no answer.
> Here is the error I am getting:
> [**@CentOS-8dot1 gnucash-build]$ cat
> /home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log
> Determining if the pthread_create exist failed with the following output:
> Change Dir: /home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
> Run Build Command:"/usr/bin/gmake" "cmTC_8837a/fast"
> /usr/bin/gmake -f CMakeFiles/cmTC_8837a.dir/build.make
> CMakeFiles/cmTC_8837a.dir/build
> gmake[1]: Entering directory
> '/home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
> Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_8837a.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o
> /usr/bin/cc-o CMakeFiles/cmTC_8837a.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o   -c
> /home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.c
> Linking C executable cmTC_8837a
> /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/cmTC_8837a.dir/link.txt
> --verbose=1
> /usr/bin/cc  CMakeFiles/cmTC_8837a.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o  -o
> cmTC_8837a
> CMakeFiles/cmTC_8837a.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o: In function `main':
> CheckSymbolExists.c:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `pthread_create'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/cmTC_8837a.dir/build.make:87: cmTC_8837a] Error 1
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
> gmake: *** [Makefile:126: cmTC_8837a/fast] Error 2
> File /home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.c:
> /* */
> #include 
> int main(int argc, char** argv)
> {
>  (void)argv;
> #ifndef pthread_create
>  return ((int*)(&pthread_create))[argc];
> #else
>  (void)argc;
>  return 0;
> #endif
> }
> Determining if the function pthread_create exists in the pthreads failed
> with the following output:
> Change Dir: /home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
> Run Build Command:"/usr/bin/gmake" "cmTC_fead3/fast"
> /usr/bin/gmake -f CMakeFiles/cmTC_fead3.dir/build.make
> CMakeFiles/cmTC_fead3.dir/build
> gmake[1]: Entering directory
> '/home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
> Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_fead3.dir/CheckFunctionExists.c.o
> /usr/bin/cc   -DCHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS=pthread_create   -o
> CMakeFiles/cmTC_fead3.dir/CheckFunctionExists.c.o   -c
> /usr/share/cmake/Modules/CheckFunctionExists.c
> Linking C executable cmTC_fead3
> /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/cmTC_fead3.dir/link.txt
> --verbose=1
> /usr/bin/cc  -DCHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS=pthread_create   
> CMakeFiles/cmTC_fead3.dir/CheckFunctionExists.c.o  -o cmTC_fead3 -lpthreads
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpthreads
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/cmTC_fead3.dir/build.make:87: cmTC_fead3] Error 1
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
> gmake: *** [Makefile:126: cmTC_fead3/fast] Error 2
> Determining if the AB_Banking_RuntimeConfig_SetCharValue exist failed with
> the following output:
> Change Dir: /home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
> Run Build Command:"/usr/bin/gmake" "cmTC_0b53b/fast"
> /usr/bin/gmake -f CMakeFiles/cmTC_0b53b.dir/build.make
> CMakeFiles/cmTC_0b53b.dir/build
> gmake[1]: Entering directory
> '/home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
> Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_0b53b.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o
> /usr/bin/cc  -I/usr/include/aqbanking6 -I/usr/include/gwenhywfar5   -o
> CMakeFiles/cmTC_0b53b.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o   -c
> /home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.c
> Linking C executable cmTC_0b53b
> /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/cmTC_0b53b.dir/link.txt
> --verbose=1
> /usr/bin/cc  CMakeFiles/cmTC_0b53b.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o  -o
> cmTC_0b53b
> CMakeFiles/cmTC_0b53b.dir/CheckSymbolExists.c.o: In function `main':
> CheckSymbolExists.c:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to
> `AB_Banking_RuntimeConfig_SetCharValue'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/cmTC_0b53b.dir/build.make:87: cmTC_0b53b] Error 1
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
> gmake: *** [Makefile:126: cmTC_0b53b/fast] Error 2
> File /home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckSymbolExists.c:
> /* */
> #include 
> int main(int argc, char** argv)
> {
>  (void)argv;
> #ifndef AB_Banking_RuntimeConfig_SetCharValue
>  return ((int*)(&AB_Banking_RuntimeConfig_SetCharValue))[argc];
> #else
>  (void)argc;
>  return 0;
> #endif
> }
> Determining if compiler accepts -pthread failed with the following output:
> Change Dir: /home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
> Run Build Command:"/usr/bin/gmake" "cmTC_45026/fast"
> /usr/bin/gmake -f CMakeFiles/cmTC_45026.dir/build.make
> CMakeFiles/cmTC_45026.dir/build
> gmake[1]: Entering directory
> '/home/**/gnucash-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
> Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_45026.dir/CheckForPth

Re: [GNC] Building GnuCash from src distributions

2021-05-19 Thread John Ralls

> On May 19, 2021, at 3:30 PM, mike823  wrote:
> Hi John,
> As recommended, I have tried Fedora's regular GnuCash RPM. Just by launching
> it, I don't have a way to validate that includes or not python bindings.
> The issue is that the gnucash python module cannot be installed.
> [@fedora ~]$ pip install gnucash
> Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not
> writeable
> ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement gnucash
> ERROR: No matching distribution found for gnucash
> [@fedora ~]$ 

That's because there's no such thing as a GnuCash PyPi package. The Fedora 
GnuCash RPM installs the Gnucash bindings into 
/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/gnucash, as anyone who understands Python 
well enough to use the bindings would expect.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] A Linux utility/program to print ABA and account numbers on stock/blank checks

2021-05-19 Thread John Ralls

> On May 19, 2021, at 6:34 PM, local10 via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a Linux utility/program to print ABA and account numbers on 
> stock/blank checks? Or perhaps it's somehow possible to do from Gnucash?

It doesn't require special software, it requires a special MICR font and 
technically special magnetic ink, though 15 years ago when I was using those 
checks I mostly got away with plain laser printer toner. I don't think 
GnuCash's check-printing code knows how to switch fonts and I'm not sure that 
it's able to place the RID/Account line precisely enough. I always used a 
Microsoft Windows program (sorry, I don't remember the name) from a company 
that also sold the blank checks.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] A Linux utility/program to print ABA and account

2021-05-20 Thread John Ralls

> On May 20, 2021, at 7:32 AM, David G. Pickett via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Check numbers are in magnetic ink for reading by MICR scanners, but . . .
> I deposit many checks by photo, so any print would probably work for the 
> digits, but . . .
> You need the symbols that divide the fields: transit mark, slash, dash, 
> paragraph or on-us marks.  I would be amazed if Unicode did not have all 
> this.  Having the ABA style numbers would not hurt, and they are probably in 
> there, too.  Let me ask my friend Google.

Notice that the code points for the numbers are the plain ASCII ones. You need 
a typeface with the MICR glyphs.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Font size in reports

2021-05-21 Thread John Ralls

> On May 21, 2021, at 12:14 AM, Jill Terry  wrote:
> I have a problem in that the font size in reports is tiny!
> Searching for the answer, I created a gtk-3.0.css file with the following, 
> and placed it in appdata > roaming > gnucash
> * {
>   font-size: 22px;
> }
> I tried various sizes and fonts and it worked - except on the reports, which 
> remained small!
> Can somebody please advise me how I increase the font-size in reports

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Trial Balance with more "Display" option

2021-05-21 Thread John Ralls

> On May 21, 2021, at 2:48 AM, Andreas Vyrides  wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I would like to know if there is a way to include "Account codes" into the 
> Trial Balance Report. Currently only account name is visible, and there are 
> no other options available.
> Thank you for your time

Unfortunately the only way is for you to copy that report and base a new custom 
report on it. That's not easy unless you're a fairly proficient programmer. 
There are some instructions at to 
get you started.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Preferences reset

2021-05-22 Thread John Ralls

> On May 22, 2021, at 4:00 AM, Geert Janssens  
> wrote:
> I have looked into this some more and filed bug 
> with more details.
> The proper fix would require changes affecting all users, not only flatpak 
> users (changes to how we store our preferences in GSettings). That's probably 
> out of proportion with the benefit we'd have from this.

Well, all Linux users. The domain is already correct on macOS, 
org.gnucash.Gnucash.plist. Would it change the HKLM\Software registry keys on 

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Preferences reset

2021-05-22 Thread John Ralls

> On May 22, 2021, at 11:44 AM, Geert Janssens  
> wrote:
> Op zaterdag 22 mei 2021 19:34:44 CEST schreef John Ralls:
> > > On May 22, 2021, at 4:00 AM, Geert Janssens 
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > I have looked into this some more and filed bug
> > > with more details.
> > > 
> > > The proper fix would require changes affecting all users, not only flatpak
> > > users (changes to how we store our preferences in GSettings). That's
> > > probably out of proportion with the benefit we'd have from this.
> > Well, all Linux users. The domain is already correct on macOS,
> > org.gnucash.Gnucash.plist. Would it change the HKLM\Software registry keys
> > on Windows?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > John Ralls
> Interesting. What makes this different on MacOS vs Linux ? Where is this 
> defined ?

> And more interestingly perhaps what are the key paths used inside of that 
> plist file ?

Looks like the paths inside the file *would* be affected, e.g. 

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Font size in reports

2021-05-23 Thread John Ralls
Please remember to copy the list on all replies.

Did you change the style sheet in report options to point to your new style 
sheet? There's no need to restart GnuCash. If you change the report option it 
will reload the report for you, but if you only edit the selected stylesheet 
you'll need to reload the report manually using the reload button on the 

Are you using GnuCash 4.2 or earlier on a Mac? If so, there's a bug that was 
fixed in GnuCash 4.3, please upgrade to the current release.

John Ralls

> On May 22, 2021, at 11:43 PM, Jill Terry  wrote:
> Thanks John.  Sorry, I missed this reply somehow!
> I have tried using the style sheets and nothing happens, simply no changes at 
> all are made.
> I tried again and created a new style sheet as per your link. Nothing 
> changed.  I closed Gnu and reopened; going back into stylesheets it had 
> reverted to the CSS-based stylesheet.   On a previous time I had edited that 
> css, but again, nothing changed.
> It simply doesn't work.
> As per my original post, changes work if I add a new css file to the folder, 
> except for the reports, which remain very small font size.
> Cheers
> Jill
> On 21/05/2021 17:45, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On May 21, 2021, at 12:14 AM, Jill Terry  wrote:
>>> I have a problem in that the font size in reports is tiny!
>>> Searching for the answer, I created a gtk-3.0.css file with the following, 
>>> and placed it in appdata > roaming > gnucash
>>> * {
>>>   font-size: 22px;
>>> }
>>> I tried various sizes and fonts and it worked - except on the reports, 
>>> which remained small!
>>> Can somebody please advise me how I increase the font-size in reports
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Font size in reports

2021-05-24 Thread John Ralls

Stylesheets *are* global in that any one of them can be applied to any report. 
There's one stylesheet named Default that all standard reports use unless told 
otherwise in report options, so if you want a change to apply to all 
reports--and you probably do in this case--then you edit the Default style 

Report options aren't sticky, meaning that the next time you run that report 
you'll have to open report options and set the stylesheet again. Once you've 
configured a report to your liking you can save those option settings with the 
Save Config button in the tool bar. To run a saved configuration use 
Reports>Saved Configurations to get a dialog box listing your saved reports 
from which you can select and run one of them.

John Ralls

> On May 23, 2021, at 11:35 PM, Jill Terry  wrote:
> >> Did you change the style sheet in report options to point to your new 
> >> style sheet? <<
> argh!  gotcha!  Sorry, only just started using latest version of Gnu after 
> installing a new hard-drive.  Thought style sheets would simply be global!
> Working now - thanks so much John
> Cheers
> Jill
> On 23/05/2021 16:20, John Ralls wrote:
>> Please remember to copy the list on all replies.
>> Did you change the style sheet in report options to point to your new style 
>> sheet? There's no need to restart GnuCash. If you change the report option 
>> it will reload the report for you, but if you only edit the selected 
>> stylesheet you'll need to reload the report manually using the reload button 
>> on the toolbar.
>> Are you using GnuCash 4.2 or earlier on a Mac? If so, there's a bug that was 
>> fixed in GnuCash 4.3, please upgrade to the current release.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On May 22, 2021, at 11:43 PM, Jill Terry  wrote:
>>> Thanks John.  Sorry, I missed this reply somehow!
>>> I have tried using the style sheets and nothing happens, simply no changes 
>>> at all are made.
>>> I tried again and created a new style sheet as per your link. Nothing 
>>> changed.  I closed Gnu and reopened; going back into stylesheets it had 
>>> reverted to the CSS-based stylesheet.   On a previous time I had edited 
>>> that css, but again, nothing changed.
>>> It simply doesn't work.
>>> As per my original post, changes work if I add a new css file to the 
>>> folder, except for the reports, which remain very small font size.
>>> Cheers
>>> Jill
>>> On 21/05/2021 17:45, John Ralls wrote:
>>>>> On May 21, 2021, at 12:14 AM, Jill Terry  wrote:
>>>>> I have a problem in that the font size in reports is tiny!
>>>>> Searching for the answer, I created a gtk-3.0.css file with the 
>>>>> following, and placed it in appdata > roaming > gnucash
>>>>> * {
>>>>>   font-size: 22px;
>>>>> }
>>>>> I tried various sizes and fonts and it worked - except on the reports, 
>>>>> which remained small!
>>>>> Can somebody please advise me how I increase the font-size in reports
>>>> Regards,
>>>> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] gnucash-cli --quotes get

2021-05-27 Thread John Ralls

> On May 27, 2021, at 10:35 AM, Cam Ellison  wrote:
> On 2021-05-27 10:08 a.m., mike823 wrote:
>> Hi Robin,
>> I used your code to load quotes and I've noticed that when runs multiple
>> times, it will create multiple quote records for the same day. Any way to
>> avoid this behavior? I mean, if you re-run it, it should just update the
>> quote for the day, not create a new one.
>> Thanks.
> And for those who do day trading, for example, and want to track prices at 
> different times of day?
> It does what it should, which is to create a record each time it is run.

But that's not what GnuCash is designed for and if you try to use it that way 
you'll pretty quickly run into performance problems. You're much better off 
getting a portfolio management tool for that kind of thing.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Getting Gnucash to recognize Finance::Quote is installed correctly on Mac OS 11.4

2021-05-28 Thread John Ralls

> On May 27, 2021, at 11:18 AM, James Mauro  wrote:
> How does Gnucash verify that Finance::Quote is installed correctly on MacOS
> 11?  I followed the instructions in the list archives archives to fix Test2
> in CPAN, rebuild Quote::Finance via gnc-fq-update and now both gnc-fq-check
> and gnc-fq-dump work as expected, but Gnucash still grays out the "Get
> Quotes" on the Price Database screen and editing a security indicates that
> Finance::Quote isn't properly installed.  I've been using Gnucash for a
> while and normally once gnc-fq-check and gnc-fq-dump start working there it
> magically works, but this time no such luck.
> Any thoughts?

Might you have installed another instance of perl, perhaps with Homebrew or 

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Getting Gnucash to recognize Finance::Quote is installed correctly on Mac OS 11.4

2021-05-28 Thread John Ralls
Hmm. Your original question was about how GnuCash determines whether F::Q is 
installed. The answer is that it calls gnc-fq-check. So if works from the 
command line and fails when GnuCash calls it then something is different 
between the two perl environments. Running GnuCash from Finder won't read your 
shell environment, but running it from Terminal does. The gnc-fq-foo programs 
are all perl so you can edit them. It's helpful that running GnuCash from 
Terminal doesn't work because there's a place for the output to go. Try adding
  print STDERR join "\n", @INC;
to gnc-fq-check right after the line 
  # Runtime.
Run `gnc-fq-check` and `gnucash-cli --logto=stderr --log gnc.scm=debug --quotes 
get ` from Terminal and compare the output.

John Ralls

> On May 28, 2021, at 10:57 AM, James Mauro  wrote:
> Not that I remember. It's a clean MacOS install when I got this computer in 
> November and it worked fine until the MacOS update last month which is why 
> the behavior is confounding. 
> The system perl in /usr/bin/perl is the only one on the system that I could 
> see with a quick sweep with the terminal find for any others and nothing 
> popped out as a different one I can see. 
> Also the  "/Applications/ --quotes get" 
>  throws "No quotes retrieved. Finance::Quote isn't installed properly." even 
> though I confirmed with the 'which' command that it's pointing to the 
> /usr/bin/perl like the gnc-fq commands do.  
> James
> -- 
> James Mauro  Phone: 785-979-1041
> "Had I foreseen this, I would have gone into botany" -- Wolfgang Pauli
>> On May 28, 2021, at 5:51 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
>>> On May 27, 2021, at 11:18 AM, James Mauro  wrote:
>>> How does Gnucash verify that Finance::Quote is installed correctly on MacOS
>>> 11?  I followed the instructions in the list archives archives to fix Test2
>>> in CPAN, rebuild Quote::Finance via gnc-fq-update and now both gnc-fq-check
>>> and gnc-fq-dump work as expected, but Gnucash still grays out the "Get
>>> Quotes" on the Price Database screen and editing a security indicates that
>>> Finance::Quote isn't properly installed.  I've been using Gnucash for a
>>> while and normally once gnc-fq-check and gnc-fq-dump start working there it
>>> magically works, but this time no such luck.
>>> Any thoughts?
>> Might you have installed another instance of perl, perhaps with Homebrew or 
>> MacPorts?
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Trial Balance with more "Display" option

2021-06-02 Thread John Ralls
Thanks for the hint but nobody but me will see it if you don't copy the list. 
You should make sure to do that for all replies to list emails.

John Ralls

> On Jun 1, 2021, at 10:43 PM, Andreas Vyrides  wrote:
> Dear Mr Ralls,
> Thank you for your email.
> This is just for future reference to anyone with a similar question to mine.
> The best way to get a Trial balance like look would be to create a 
> Transaction report, and at the "Display" tab, select the subtotal table 
> option. Then at sorting, you can select "Show Subtotals only (Hide 
> transactional data), resulting in only table being show.
> I am sure you can then play around with different options to make the report 
> the way you want it.
> I hope this helps
> Thank you for your time
> On 21/05/2021 17:49, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On May 21, 2021, at 2:48 AM, Andreas Vyrides  wrote:
>>> Dear Sir,
>>> I would like to know if there is a way to include "Account codes" into the 
>>> Trial Balance Report. Currently only account name is visible, and there are 
>>> no other options available.
>>> Thank you for your time
>> Unfortunately the only way is for you to copy that report and base a new 
>> custom report on it. That's not easy unless you're a fairly proficient 
>> programmer. There are some instructions at 
>> to get you started.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Frustration

2021-06-07 Thread John Ralls

> On Jun 6, 2021, at 11:22 PM, Michael Hendry  wrote:
>> On 7 Jun 2021, at 06:57, flywire  wrote:
>> What you want is very simple, just not in GnuCash which is possibly the only
>> package without it. The workaround changing accounts is just not worth the
>> grief.
>> Other software allows a category or class[ification] field on each
>> transaction. Normally the field is even auto-populated based on say a
>> payment by a tenant. One field is still not ideal because you might want
>> multiple classifications on one transaction like bigger accounting packages
>> offer (location, manager, supplier, owner, enterprise etc). The feature's
>> been requested fairly frequently for ages:
>> Best thing you can do is change to different software. I use an old
>> quickbooks version for my business to get that feature but you miss out on
>> the open access to the database and potential reporting that brings. Say
>> rental statements, performance per unit or property manager.
>> Maybe look at
> I’m using GnuCash 4.4 on iMac with Catalina, and have 6 files in my 
> Most-Recently-Used (MRU) list.
> Some time ago I reported a bug in the updating of the MRU which was fixed in 
> the next release, and it was about this time that the 6-item MRU became 
> available on my system.
> I can’t find a Preferences setting for the number of files in the MRU, but 
> I’m sure John Ralls could point a finger in the right direction.

Not sure what MRU has to do with categories.

The MRU list size preference isn't exposed in the GnuCash UI. Linux users can 
get to it with dconf-editor and macOS users via defaults, e.g.
  defaults write -app Gnucash /org/gnucash/history/maxfiles '6'
Microsoft Windows users can get to it via regedit, it will be somewhere under 
IIRC HKCU\Software\Gnucash.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] MRU in Windows (was Re: Frustration)

2021-06-07 Thread John Ralls

> On Jun 7, 2021, at 9:47 AM, Stan Brown  wrote:
> On 2021-06-07 09:30, John Ralls wrote:
>> The MRU list size preference isn't exposed in the GnuCash UI.
>> ...> Microsoft Windows users can get to it via regedit, it will be
>> somewhere under IIRC HKCU\Software\GnuCash
> This may have changed in later versions, but in Windows 2.6.19 GnuCash
> stores my preferences under
> HKCU\Software\GSettings\org\gnucash
> I couldn't find any explicit setting for the size of the MRU list. Under
> HKCU\Software\GSettings\org\gnucash\history are keys file0, file1, ...,
> file9, and the first two of them are populated with the paths to my two
> data files. Presumably that means the MRU list can have as many as ten
> entries.

Sorry, you're right about the key. I was going from memory.

The maxfiles key isn't created by default, you have to add it.

John Ralls

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[GNC] Transaction ordering on num field

2021-06-08 Thread John Ralls
Really the effective num field because of the split-action option, but anyway...

The submitter of PR#963 complained that sorting on the num field doesn't work 
right if the value is bigger than an int can hold; that's 9 digits. His 
knowledge of C wasn't quite up to the task of fixing it, but I've fixed his 
implementation and have it ready to push for GnuCash 4.6.

So far so good, but it changes the order of transactions when the num field 
isn't all numeric and I want to know if the change will cause trouble for 

The current behavior is that a string beginning with a letter will have a sort 
value of 0 and one starting with a number will have a value equal to the 
numbers up to the first non-number character, so for example 12ab34 will have a 
sort value of 12, up to ±(10^10 - 1). "abc" and "def" will sort equally so the 
compare would fall through to the next criterion; "abc" would sort between 
"-12ab34" and "12ab34".

The new way is that if both strings are all numbers and there are fewer than 19 
characters in each then the sort values will be their numeric values and the 
comparison will be numeric, so e.g. 2 sorts before 10. If those conditions 
aren't true then the two values will be string-compared, meaning a lexical 
sort: A very large number beginning with 2 will sort before a shorter number 
beginning with 3; "abc" will sort before "def" but after both "123" and "-123" 
because 1 and - sort before a. That's for an English locale; in order to 
accommodate UTF-8 strings the collation of the current locale.

Will that break anyone's carefully-crafted transaction ordering?

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Transaction ordering on num field

2021-06-10 Thread John Ralls

> On Jun 10, 2021, at 8:14 AM,  
>  wrote:
> . put a 100 as prefix  last you a few years ... looking at an old CQ 
> book and that is how mine are numbered.
> Haven't used one for quite a while now though 😊 

All very well if one is starting a new book, but it's unreasonable to require a 
user with many years of data to renumber hundreds of checks.

The proposed change doesn't affect users who have fully-numeric entries, those 
will continue to sort numerically.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Transaction ordering on num field

2021-06-10 Thread John Ralls

> On Jun 9, 2021, at 11:40 PM, flywire  wrote:
> How can special customisation to sort a GnuCash field be justified when it
> makes future transitions even more difficult? This field should be sorted in
> a standard way. It's clearly the old *numeric* field for sorting cheques,
> and the banks tell us cheques are as good as dead. When it was changed to
> alphanumeric the sort order should have changed too, ie 10 before 2.
> I note David's comment on current functionality. Significant changes should
> occur at major versions.

None of my banks have told me that checks are dead, though I certainly try to 
write as few as possible these days. Regardless, my books go back 25 years and 
have lots of check numbers in them. The num filed has always been a free 
string, you can put whatever you want in it, but the sort is a very simple 
comparison of calls to a C standard library function (atoi) that converts 
leading digits to numbers.

The whole point of this thread is to find out if anyone thinks this is a 
significant change. I guess you do, so please explain in detail, including 
whether it actually affects your use of GnuCash and if so how.

John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Transaction ordering on num field

2021-06-10 Thread John Ralls
What about 999a and 999b? Those currently evaluate equal so that the sort 
routine will proceed to the next criterion, date_entered.

ISTM this would be something of a special case where preserving numerical 
ordering makes sense only in the case of leading numbers followed by a very few 
alpha characters. The example of 999a vs. 1000a is simple, but what to do with 
10xr79b2 vs 9z54rq8e? I think most people would agree that that should be 
sorted lexically so that 10xr79b2 comes before 9z54rq8e. Such a scheme would 
allow the possibility of abcd and 10xyz and it's not possible to tell 
which rule should govern when looking at that pair in isolation. Collating 
algorithms work pairwise. Worse, your comment about auto numbering suggests 
that you might want to mix the styles so even running through all of the 
transactions to determine a pattern would produce a result the user might not 

Good point about case sensitivity. I can't think of any good argument for 
sorting to be case sensitive. Can anyone else?

The proposed change wouldn't affect auto-numbering, only sort.

John Ralls

> On Jun 8, 2021, at 2:20 PM, David Carlson  wrote:
> I would prefer 999a to sort before 1000a and character sorts to be case 
> insensitive, but I do not depend on that for any purpose.
> I do, however, depend on the auto numbering function ignoring strings 
> containing non-numeric characters as it currently does, so it currently only 
> increments numbers and still numbers the next check correctly if I use 
> non-numeric characters in transactions that do not represent checks.
> Those are my preferences!
> On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 1:37 PM John Ralls  wrote:
> Really the effective num field because of the split-action option, but 
> anyway...
> The submitter of PR#963 complained that sorting on the num field doesn't work 
> right if the value is bigger than an int can hold; that's 9 digits. His 
> knowledge of C wasn't quite up to the task of fixing it, but I've fixed his 
> implementation and have it ready to push for GnuCash 4.6.
> So far so good, but it changes the order of transactions when the num field 
> isn't all numeric and I want to know if the change will cause trouble for 
> anyone.
> The current behavior is that a string beginning with a letter will have a 
> sort value of 0 and one starting with a number will have a value equal to the 
> numbers up to the first non-number character, so for example 12ab34 will have 
> a sort value of 12, up to ±(10^10 - 1). "abc" and "def" will sort equally so 
> the compare would fall through to the next criterion; "abc" would sort 
> between "-12ab34" and "12ab34".
> The new way is that if both strings are all numbers and there are fewer than 
> 19 characters in each then the sort values will be their numeric values and 
> the comparison will be numeric, so e.g. 2 sorts before 10. If those 
> conditions aren't true then the two values will be string-compared, meaning a 
> lexical sort: A very large number beginning with 2 will sort before a shorter 
> number beginning with 3; "abc" will sort before "def" but after both "123" 
> and "-123" because 1 and - sort before a. That's for an English locale; in 
> order to accommodate UTF-8 strings the collation of the current locale.
> Will that break anyone's carefully-crafted transaction ordering?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> ___
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> -- 
> David Carlson

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