> On Jan 30, 2023, at 11:43 AM, R. Victor Klassen <rvklas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Twice now I’ve had a totally new failure mode.  For whatever reason Gnucash 
> crashes and then when I reopen it crashes faster than I can say jack 
> Robinson.  Looking in the crash report it is failing to satisfy itself with 
> the code signing and aborting.   I reinstall and the problem is resolved.  Or 
> is it?  It recurred about two weeks later. 
> I don’t know enough about Apple’s codes signing to see how this could even 
> happen.  The signature should not be something that can be changed.  
> Anyone else see anything like this?

The signature can't be changed, but the thing that's signed can. If you do then 
the signature becomes invalid and Gatekeeper will fail to validate it.

AFAICT codesign only signs mach-o binaries, that is the GnuCash and AQBanking 
executables in Contents/MacOSX/ and the shared libraries (*.dylib) and loadable 
modules (*.so) in Contents/Resources/lib.

You can get some information about what if anything is wrong with the signature 
  spctl --assess -vv /Applications/Gnucash.app/
If everything is OK it will print
  /Applications/Gnucash.app/: accepted
  source=Notarized Developer ID
  origin=Developer ID Application: John D Ralls (Y9EHT5WMK7)

I don't know if codesign is installed without the command-line tools or Xcode, 
but if you have it you can get a lot more information with
  codesign -dvvv /Applications/Gnucash.app/
including what component's signature is invalid.

John Ralls

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