Caveat: Check the dependency requirements in README.dependencies for the 
GnuCash version you're trying to build against what a particular OS release 
provides. Pay particular attention to the C++ standard level supported by the 
compiler, Boost, Cmake, and GLib. You can't build GnuCash 4.x on Ubuntu 14.04 
or 16.04 because the compilers in those releases don't support C++17 and that's 
required for GnuCash 4.x and later.

John Ralls

> On Aug 9, 2022, at 11:37 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
> <> wrote:
> Seems reasonable to me.
> I'd think the only versions with instructions that are useful are those still 
> supported by Canonical, namely, these LTS releases:
> 14.04 - EOL 4/24 (ESS 4/19)
> 16.04 - EOL 4/26 (ESS 4/21)
> 18.04 - EOL 4/28 (ESS 4/23)
> 20.04 - EOL 4/30 (ESS 4/25)
> 22.04 - EOL 4/32 (ESS 4/27)
> Plus:
> 22.10, 23.04 & 23.10 (and other future non-LTS versions) when they are 
> released and nuances are determined to need special instructions. (with those 
> to be deprecated as they reach EOL)
> Or maybe just only provide instructions for LTS and make a note that non-LTS 
> versions aren't supported for long enough by Canonical to warrant their own 
> documentation.
> Note, the above EOL dates are based on Canonical's ESM (Extended Security 
> Maintenance) available for both Enterprise and Personal Use. (free for the 
> latter) See:
> That is 5 years beyond 'standard support'. (indicated as ESS above)
> If the dev team wants to stick with the standard support window, then of 
> course 14.04 & 16.04 can also be dropped.
> Though, 16.04 was a breakpoint with respect to support for physical 32-bit 
> systems. At least some derivatives are still based on 16.04 for that reason. 
> (a recent thread from a user described some difficulty getting a 4.x version 
> to work on an older Linux Lite release.)
> If someone can report their various results & mileage, maybe those older LTS 
> releases can be sent to a sort of 'archive' page along with a note on the 
> last version of GnuCash that could successfully build on them.
> Of course, the recommendation can also be to advise the user to switch to a 
> current distribution still actively supporting 32-bit hardware. 
> (Debian/Devuan & Q4OS at least come to mind, I'm sure Distrowatch can inform 
> concerning others.)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 8/9/22 12:49 PM, david whiting wrote:
>> I think we should remove the instructions from
>> for 21.10. Anyone
>> have any objections to that?
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