Re: [GNC] Issues with Payables

2022-05-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone
How are you entering these payments? That should be done with the 
'Process Payments' feature where you select the document (bill/invoice) 
to be paid, enter a payment amount, and select the source/destination 

For existing transactions you can right-click them and choose Edit 
Payment to assign it properly.

If you are importing the payment transactions you'll have to 'Edit 
Payment' for each one after import.


On 5/2/22 3:18 AM, Grant Alexander wrote:

I am having problems figuring out how to solve the following
How to I correct the error messages "Payment has no owner and Invalid
Txn Type?

Likewise with the Receivable Aging

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Re: [GNC] Is there a report with transactions by date and accounts in columns?

2022-05-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone
The Transaction Report can get you the info broken down that way, but 
not quite arranged in 'landscape'/'spreadsheet' fashion.

You can set the primary sort order by Account, and then secondary sort 
by Date. This will group transactions by account and then list them in 
date order and you can get a subtotal by account if you want. (I think 
you an also get a subtotal by date for each month/year accordingly)

You can swap that sorting to date-first, but that will likely be messier 
to read.

Your only other option I can think of would be to export such a report 
by date only (accounts are still visible) and then manually manipulate 
after importing in a spreadsheet.


On 5/3/22 10:53 AM, Chris Green wrote:

My auditor wants a transaction report showing transactions in date
order one per line with the transaction amounts in columns according
to account name.

Is there anything in GnuCash that can do this?

The closest I can find is the Income Statment (Multicolumn) in the
Experimental Reports section.  However it's the wrong way round, I
want dates down the page and accounts across the page.

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Re: [GNC] Change account in Transfer column - how?

2022-05-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone


You can install the latest version via following these instructions from 
David Cousens:


On 5/3/22 10:45 AM, Chris Green wrote:

On Tue, May 03, 2022 at 04:05:26PM +0100, david whiting wrote:

Yes, I seem to recall having an issue like that a while ago with an
older version, and it might have been version 4.4, but it has been
fixed for quite some time now. Chris, could you upgrade to a more
recent version? At the very least you should be able to test this by
installing the flatpak version. See this page and go down to the section
called "Regular releases at".

I'm not keen on flatpak, a bit like snap it introduces a whole can of
worms of its own.  I have explicitly *removed* snap from my xubuntu
systems even though its part of the default distribution now.

However, I could (well I will soon) upgrade to xubuntu 22.04 and that
will take me to GnuCash 4.8 so that should show whether I'm seeing a
bug in GnuCash (or at least one that has been fixed since 4.4).

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Re: [GNC] Is there a way to handle same-named GnuCash files sensibly?

2022-05-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone
So you've chosen an organization method that creates the problem but 
then ask for how to avoid it? The answer seems pretty obvious to me:

Don't start a new file each year.

But before that, to your original question, what files exactly in 
~/.local/... are you concerned about? One rarely needs to mess with them.

Concerning the configuration settings, particularly reporting period, 
that problem too goes away with a single file rather than one for each year.

What is an example of what you'd expect/like to see instead?

And is something like 'building20.gnucash' really that clumsy?

How about 'building_20.gnucash' or 'building-20.gnucash'?

Are 2 or 3 characters really that much longer? (4 or 5 if whole year is 

How is adding the year to the name 'redundant'—because it is already in 
a directory name? How often do you look at directory/file lists anyway?

You've chosen to 'artificially' break up your GnuCash file, then 
stripped out most unique identifying information, and now you see the 
problem but don't want to revisit those decisions.

One way or another you'll need to decide which is more important to you: 
 Your chosen method of organization, or the filename readability and 

This isn't a 'GnuCash' problem. You could encounter this with *any* file 
type and app.


-p.s. I've done this very thing myself a few times trying to settle on 
the best method of organization. I ended up accepting dates in my file 
names, though of course I could edit the file meta to fix this if 
desired and then clean up the names. I felt it better to keep the 
original crtime, which isn't readily viewable in a detailed listing anyway.

On 5/3/22 11:37 AM, Chris Green wrote:

GnuCash names files in ~/.local/share/gnucash/books according to the
filename of the GnuCash data file.  This is a bit of a problem for me
because I expect to be able to have multiple GnuCash data files with
the same name in different places.

For example I keep church building accounts in a file called
'building.gnucash' with the accounts for each year in a different
sub-directory of my church accounts system.

I.e. there are:-


Is there any way around this problem?  As it is various configuration
settings get changed as I move round my accounts, in particular the
reporting period.

Keeping all the church's accounts, and correspondence and other files
for one particular year makes sense for me (and the auditor!).

I *could* add the year to the GnuCash data file name but that does
make it rather long and clumsy, and it makes for redundant information
which Mr Codd doesn't like! :-)

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Re: [GNC] Can one save report option defaults?

2022-05-04 Thread Adrien Monteleone

No there is not unfortunately.

I've seen it discussed and there is probably an RFE filed on it.


On 5/4/22 9:31 AM, Chris Green wrote:

I find I nearly always change the same five or six report options
every time I want a new report.  For example I nearly always want to
select all accounts (at least initially) and I want the secondary sort
key to be Date.

Is there any way I can set up GnuCash so the report options always
start with the values I want?

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Re: [GNC] Change layout and font sizes in Transaction Report - how?

2022-05-04 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Export the report. The format is HTML, then you can examine it with a 
text editor and/or open it in a browser and use its inspector.

Alternatively, just open it in a spreadsheet app and manipulate it from 


On 5/4/22 5:40 AM, Chris Green wrote:

The Transaction Report probably provides the information that my
auditor wants by listing each account's transactions in order and
giving the total amount below each account.

However the formatting and font sizes seem a little odd and I'd like
to change them if I can.

I have two fairly simple requirements:-

 Increase the space below "Total for " before the
 name of the next account appears.

 Increase the font size for the account name that appears at the
 top of each account's transactions.  As it is at present it's just
 in the default small size used for all the 'body' text and so the
 name doesn't stand out to indicate the start of the next account.

I can 'do' CSS but there don't seem to be any obvious selectors for
the items I want to change.  Is there any detailed description of what
selectors are available in the CSS stylesheet?

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Re: [GNC] Issues with Payables

2022-05-04 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Yeah, can't do that.

Right click the transaction and use 'Edit Payment' to change the date. 
That way the 'Business Features' will be cognizant of the change.

To fix the existing transactions' "no owner" problem, you'll also likely 
need to re-select the proper document they apply to.


On 5/3/22 1:36 AM, wrote:

I knew there was something I was omitting from my question...

What I have done is create the invoice and then subsequently process
the payment or receipt against the invoice.   I have then noticed that
I have entered the receipt or payment date incorrectly and then changed
the date in the Bank Account Register.

On Mon, 2022-05-02 at 21:24 -0500, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

How are you entering these payments? That should be done with the
'Process Payments' feature where you select the document
to be paid, enter a payment amount, and select the source/destination

For existing transactions you can right-click them and choose Edit
Payment to assign it properly.

If you are importing the payment transactions you'll have to 'Edit
Payment' for each one after import.


On 5/2/22 3:18 AM, Grant Alexander wrote:

I am having problems figuring out how to solve the following
How to I correct the error messages "Payment has no owner and
Txn Type?

Likewise with the Receivable Aging

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Re: [GNC] Is there a way to handle same-named GnuCash files sensibly?

2022-05-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone

XCIF is your friend!

You can back-date the meta for those images and scans with something 
like `exiftool`. No definitive word of if it runs on Linux, but it does 
on MacOS and other Unix systems.

Otherwise there is a web implementation:


On 5/5/22 11:39 AM, Chris Green wrote:

On Thu, May 05, 2022 at 10:25:08AM -0400, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:

So yes, I look at dates in file names as a very good thing. If like me you
had lived through that "hell week" trying to get caught back up you would

I agree to an extent, it's just that the 'date as part of filename' in
my case is in the directory structure rather than the file name.  It's
not just for GnuCash and other similar sorts of things.  I have my
photo collcetion in a decade/year/month/day directory hierarchy.

So photos I took on 24th March this year are in:-


... and I can very easily find pictures I took on my school summer
holidays in the 1960s, and everywhere in between.

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Re: [GNC] Can one save report option defaults?

2022-05-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I use this method for a monthly P&L for a running 'at a glance' when I 
want it. Since the report is set to reference dates (start/end of this 
month) rather than specific dates, I don't have to change any options. 
It just rolls over to the new month when the date changes.


On 5/5/22 9:32 AM, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:

I find I nearly always change the same five or six report options
every time I want a new report.  For example I nearly always want to
select all accounts (at least initially) and I want the secondary sort
key to be Date.

Is there any way I can set up GnuCash so the report options always
start with the values I want?

No there is not unfortunately.

If the report is still open (tab) it will be the last way you ran it.

Thus if I am running an "Income Statement" or "Balance Sheet" there a 
while bunch of options I want to remain the same and a few, maybe just 
the dates or date (for those two reports respectively) that I will 
always want to change. So I go to the tab for that report and use edit 
=> report options and just change the date. The rest of my non default 
selections are still there.

What report specifically are you have the problem of options not 
"sticking" if the report was left open << of course if you closed it and 
are opening a fresh report, will all be default >>

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Re: [GNC] Change layout and font sizes in Transaction Report - how?

2022-05-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone
The old built-in 'stylesheets' probably do not. But there is a CSS-based 
(experimental) sheet that is just open text. You spec any id or class or 
element you want with your chosen rules.

Mind you, GnuCash uses Webkit for rendering, so you need to check if you are unsure about a rule working as expected.


On 5/5/22 3:12 AM, Chris Green wrote:

Is there any guarantee that the CSS Stylesheet wll allow me to access
every selector I can see in the HTML output?  I guess I can simply
take a look and try it out.

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Re: [GNC] Change layout and font sizes in Transaction Report - how?

2022-05-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I just played around with it on the Transaction Report and came up with 

td:first-child {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: large;

The Account Name doesn't have a class or id to target, but it just so 
happens to be always the first td child of a new tr element in the 
entire report. (best I can tell, I didn't play with all options)

Give that a go.

I do see prominent Account Totals but I agree, the initial Account Name 
starting each section should be more noticeable.


On 5/5/22 12:59 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
The old built-in 'stylesheets' probably do not. But there is a CSS-based 
(experimental) sheet that is just open text. You spec any id or class or 
element you want with your chosen rules.

Mind you, GnuCash uses Webkit for rendering, so you need to check if you are unsure about a rule working as expected.


On 5/5/22 3:12 AM, Chris Green wrote:

Is there any guarantee that the CSS Stylesheet wll allow me to access
every selector I can see in the HTML output?  I guess I can simply
take a look and try it out.

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Re: [GNC] QIF import error

2022-05-06 Thread Adrien Monteleone

GnuCash for Android is a separate project.

Last I heard, it isn't even an active one. (no commits since mid-2018)

You can try their GitHub page:


On 5/6/22 11:15 AM, Shaun Parsons wrote:

I have recently come across GnuCash which I have installed on my Samsung J6 
android phone.

I am trying to sync transactions between my Quicken 2016 install on my Windows 
11 desktop with GnuCash on my android device using an exported QIF file. Each 
time I attempt to import the file I get the following error

“An error occurred while importing the GnuCash accounts at line 1, column 0: 
not well-formatted (invalid token)”

I am unable to find an example of a valid example of a file that works?

The first few lines are

NLloyds Linda ISA (Cash)

I have tried removing the !option:AutoSwitch which makes no difference.

Long term I am trying to write a vbnet app to massarge the qif files to the 
correct format, any clues what I am missing?

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Re: [GNC] QIF import error

2022-05-07 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Good to know. I'm sure many here will be happy if it picks back up.


On 5/6/22 10:37 PM, wrote:

There is a bit of recent correspondence on the github site with a possible new
project manager interested. I gather the main problem is in getting Ngewi Fet
the original developer to communicate/cooperate/hand over the reins on the
project to allow that to happen.

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Re: [GNC] Get Quotes hangs

2022-05-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I had similar problems on MacoS BigSur just before and after the release 
of 4.10, and it would hang either via GnuCash or via CLI.

I figured it was just a F::Q or Alphavantage problem. And indeed, it 
cleared up, but I haven't tried it lately.


On 5/8/22 9:17 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

Linux: Fedora 35 64-bit
GnuCash 4.10
Finance::Quote 1.51
Online Quote: Alpha Vantage API key: has a value

gnc-fq-check: installed
gnc-fq-dump: installed
gnc-fq-helper: installed
gnc-fq-update: missing

   Price database
 Get Quotes
gets me a spinning circle.

System Monitor shows
  CPU: 5%
  Memory: 7% used
  Swap: 0 bytes uses
  Network:  minimal

Clicking on the "X" in the top right corner of the Price database
window is ignored.  After a few seconds, get a popup about not
responding and do I want to Cancel or End process.

If I End process, both the Price database window and GnuCash window

If I restart GnuCash, I get a message about the lock cannot be
obtained.  I can force that with Open Anyway.

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Re: [GNC] Large GnuCash file very slow to write to

2022-05-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
'Saves' with SQLite are supposed to be instant. That is, all commits on 
changes happen right away, not on a schedule or only on exit. (same with 
the other two db backends, and those are more difficult to 

If you've removed Piecash temporarily from the workflow, and it still 
takes that long to exit, something else is amiss.

Do you have a very large number of tabs open when you exit? (such as 25+ 
reports? This has known to cause slow or hanging re-starts for some 
reports, but perhaps shutdown can be affected as well.)

Note, I'm on an older '13 Mini with BigSur, but my file is only 16.5MB, 
so I can't speak file size alone.

Another variable is the M1. While allegedly non-optimized apps should at 
least run as well as on Intel, perhaps some things don't translate 
well—but I'm way out of my depth there—just hazarding a guess.


On 5/9/22 2:18 AM, Tim Hume via gnucash-user wrote:

Hi people,

I guess the underlying issue is probably Piecash - or possibly the way it 
interacts with SQLite. Though GnuCash itself is pretty slow at exit time too 
(maybe 30 seconds to a minute) - but not in the same league of slowness as my 
Python program using Piecash.

I was simply hoping that maybe someone else had experienced this and might have 
some tips - I realise this mailing list is for GnuCash, but given Piecash is 
used for manipulating GnuCash files, the thought occurred that others on the 
list may have some tips. The MySQL/PostgreSQL suggestion may be a good one. But 
before I go down this track I'll a browse though the Piecash code.

I'll report back if I find anything or have success in speeding things up.

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Re: [GNC] gnucash v 2.6.19 or newer on 32bit linux

2022-05-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
If I recall correctly, the original plan was to stop 32-binaries & 
installers for 18.04, but the outcry resulted in a back-track. 
(thankfully, too many good machines in perfect working order out there, 
I manage several.)

The big push was Steam, but there were some other libraries that needed 
to continue 32-bit support. Canonical then realized they could continue 
to provide builds, sans stand-alone installers, but with the caveat that 
they won't take bug reports because they got rid of (or have a lack of) 
the physical hardware for testing. I think there are some core packages 
and libraries they try to continue to patch and support however.

I could almost bet that I installed 18.04 with fresh 32-bit installers, 
but I could be misremembering.


On 5/9/22 7:48 AM, Robert Heller wrote:

*I* know for sure that Ubuntu 18.04 will run on a 32-bit machine (I have it on
a VM).

The deal is this:  Ubuntu no longer provides *installers* for 32-bit machines
-- I believe 16.04 is the last version of Ubuntu that includes installer /
live CD ISOs for 32-bit machines.  Once you have a 32-bit version installed,
you can always do a 'do-release-upgrade' on that 32-bit machine and it will
upgrade to the next release -- on a 32-bit Ubuntu 16.04, do-release-upgrade
will get you Ubuntu 18.04, then doing it again (after rebooting), you will
have a 32-bit version of 20.04, and then doing it yet again, you will have
22.04, still 32-bit.  I don't know if (when?) Ubuntu will stop building 32-bit
binaries -- I suspect that as long as there remain support for 32-bit in the
kernel and as long as gcc supports compiling for a 32-bit target, you will be
able to upgrade a 32-bit machine.  The only really issue is what happens when
certain critical parts for that 32-bit machine stop being available.  OTOH,
the only really 32-bit parts (CPU, motherboard, and memory) could last
indefinately -- the only parts that will wear out would be some of the
capacitors on the motherboard, which could be replaced.  It should even be
possible to replace the CPU fan.  I don't know if there are BIOS issues with
very large disks or if there will be some sort of "brick wall" issue with a
32-bit kernel dealing with ginormous disks -- I suspect that even a 32-bit
kernel will have no trouble a 1KT drives, but by then the issue will be
whether or not a it makes sense to get a hover mod for your Ford model A...

At Mon, 09 May 2022 08:02:00 -0400 "David T."  wrote:


I'm not a Linux person, but a search online turned up

Which suggested that 18.04 was available for 32-bit:

I also found:

Which links to:

But I don't profess to understand the contents at that second link. I leave it 
to you to sort it out.

According to the Gnucash wiki, 18.04 has  2.6.19. Such an upgrade might be a 
major undertaking...


On May 9, 2022 12:19:28 AM EDT, Jonathan Francoeur  wrote:

Hi David.  Thank you for asking.  I am using Linux Lite, Ubuntu 16.04 and 
GNU Cash 2.6.12 on the older machine.  As far as I know, I can not install 
any newer version of Ubuntu on this 32bit machine.

Hi Adrien.  I'm kinda scared of attempting to build a newer version of GNU 
Cash without knowing that someone else has done so successfully.  I'm not 
that good with computers and the list of dependencies looks daunting to me.  
Thank you for your suggestions none the less.

On 3/25/22 4:25 AM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:

I think it would be helpful to know a bit more about the versions of Gnucash on 
the two machines. The message he got was that he needed *at least* 2.6.19, not 
that he needed to use it.

Jonathan, does this imply that your older machine is running Ubuntu 16.04? The 
Gnucash wiki says that 16.04 had 2.6.12, while 18.04 had 2.6.19. The vintage of 
Ubuntu might affect your options here.

And if your older system has a version greater than 2.6.19 on it, something 
else has gone wrong, and more info would be needed.

On March 24, 2022 9:20:25 PM EDT, Adrien Monteleone 


You can have some dependency issues on that old machine that might
prevent building the current version or using Flatpak.

I'd think you *should* be able to build 2.6.19 or 2.6.21 though. (2.6.21
was the last 2.6 version)

Please do report back what you are able to accomplish.

If nothing works, consider possibly using RDP or VNC to your 64bit
machine rather than a local install.


On 3/24/22 8:00 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:


You should be able to build a current ve

Re: [GNC] gnucash v 2.6.19 or newer on 32bit linux

2022-05-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Check out the GnuCash Wiki concerning using the Debian Archive:

It is linked there, but you can look at the list of available .deb 
packages here:

Theoretically, you could download and then use Gdebi or dpkg to install 
from there, but as noted, you might run into dependency problems on 
16.04. But as you can see looking at that list, several newer versions 
that 2.6.12 though sadly 2.6.19/21 are not among them. (this is an 
archive of the versions built for each Ubuntu release, 4.10 didn't make 
it in time for 22.04, so this is the only way one can get it short of 
building or flatpak)

You should only need the gnucash-common and gnucash packages. For 
gnucash-common use the 'all' deb for the version you want, and for 
gnucash, use the matching version i386 with the most recent date. (thus 
if you want version 3.10, you need v3.10 for both files)

As for choosing a version, here's the tough part:

The wiki notes that 2.6.15 (available in the archive) will work on 16.04 
& 16.10, but as you note from the error, that isn't recent enough.

The wiki also notes that 3.0 will work on 18.04, and 3.2 (allegedly the 
last update on that wiki page) is untested on older versions of Ubuntu.

Unfortunately, the archive jumps from 2.6.15 to 3.4, then 3.10, 4.4, & 
4.10, so you're in uncharted territory unless someone else has done this 
already and can chime in.

If you can do-release-upgrade to 18.04, that will help you considerably. 
(likely at least get into the 3.x series) and if you can then get to 
20.04 or better, you should be gravy for 4.x.


On 5/8/22 11:19 PM, Jonathan Francoeur wrote:
Hi David.  Thank you for asking.  I am using Linux Lite, Ubuntu 16.04 
and GNU Cash 2.6.12 on the older machine.  As far as I know, I can not 
install any newer version of Ubuntu on this 32bit machine.

Hi Adrien.  I'm kinda scared of attempting to build a newer version of 
GNU Cash without knowing that someone else has done so successfully. I'm 
not that good with computers and the list of dependencies looks daunting 
to me.  Thank you for your suggestions none the less.

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Re: [GNC] List of securities with Get Online Quotes

2022-05-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone


See my reply in your 'Hang' thread.

As soon as I got my second hang in GnuCash, I resorted to CLI, keeping 
GnuCash Price DB open to check each of the symbols one-by-one.

F::Q/Alphavantage would hang on the CLI too for random symbols. 
Sometimes it would instantly retrieve say USD->EUR, then hang on 
USD->CAD, then on a subsequent try of CAD first, would retrieve it, then 
several others, then hang on EUR. And I wasn't rapid firing the commands 
either. I would intentionally wait a full minute before each request.

I never did resolve it as eventually all symbols caused a hang 
(including those that should not: EUR, CAD, GBP) and eventually all 
(even some old 'obsolete' currencies) gave me a quote via CLI, so I 
couldn't determine which if any I should remove from the GnuCash Price list.

If these random hangs happen via CLI, then I doubt GnuCash is involved. 
This is likely either an issue with F::Q or Alphavantage. (I didn't try 
other sources after the above tries)


On 5/9/22 9:17 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

Is there a way to get a report of all the securities that have Get Online
Quotes checked?

Perhaps I have a bad Symbol/abbreviation and that is what is causing the
Get Quotes to hang.

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Re: [GNC] Budget Reporting

2022-05-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone

On 5/7/22 8:39 AM, iwaddo via gnucash-user wrote:

I’m new to gnucash so please let me know if this is not the correct way to get 

This is *one* of the right places. IRC is another option.

I have successfully entered all my transactions back to Oct 21, everything 
balances as I expect.

I created a budget to cover the period Oct 21 through to Sept 22.

I am however struggling to get a report to show me my likely closing balance 
based on the differences between my forecast and actual income and outgoings.

Hopefully this question make sense.

Almost. What exactly do you mean by 'likely closing balance'? Closing 
Balance of 'what', the entire book? or just say, your Checking Account?

There is no overall 'closing balance' save perhaps a Net Worth 
calculation. (the result of the full Accounting Equation)

Budget reports can show you the budgeted amount, actual amount, 
difference, and do this by period with a yearly or even year-to-date 
'grand total' if you like. (or even running totals rather then 
individual periods) But this report is 'by-account', and does not show 
an 'overall closing balance'. (whatever that means)


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Re: [GNC] GnuCash 4.10

2022-05-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone

So you originally jumped from 3.11 to 4.10?

If 4.0 works, did you run Actions > Check & Repair > Check & Repair all 
after the upgrade to 4.0? (you should do that after each major version jump)


On 5/9/22 1:16 PM, Richard Clarkson via gnucash-user wrote:

Reverting to GnuCash 3.11 works perfectly. Upgrading from that to GnuCash 4.0 
works but only after clicking through lots of error messages. Upgrading to 
GnuCash 4.10-1 doesn’t work at all. Bizarre!


Ran DISM Restore Health and sfc /scannow but no change.


Will wait for next update to see if there’s any change.

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Re: [GNC] List of securities with Get Online Quotes

2022-05-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Except it didn't matter if I waited a minute or so in between each call. 
It even failed some days on the first call. That's what had me stumped. 
But yeah, if another sources works reliably, it is probably the source 
and not F::Q.


On 5/9/22 9:49 PM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:

Your reply strongly suggests that you were getting throttled by Alphavantage 
retrieval limits. The fact that one Alphavantage quote was quick, but 10 took 
much longer supports my hypothesis. The fact that yahoo_json appears to have 
fixed the time lag also supports it.

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Re: [GNC] default local currency

2022-05-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Preferences > Accounts > Default Currency.

Your choices are:

1. Locale (set by your OS preferences)
2. Specify one from the drop down.


On 5/9/22 10:20 PM, David Long wrote:

I have been using GnuCash on a Desktop, and installed it on my laptop too. It 
was a messy installation , probably due to a hardware issue, so I did not go 
through a normal GnuCash routine for setting up a new set of accounts.  
However, I managed to open GnuCash and upload the GnuCash data file I last used 
on the desktop and everything looked fine, except the reporting. It turned out 
that the default local currency  on my laptop (new installation) is USD, 
whereas I am working in Malaysian Ringgit and that is the default currency on 
my Desktop.

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Re: [GNC] default local currency (Liz)

2022-05-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
If it is greyed out, something is definitely wrong. I'm going with a 
read-only preference file as mentioned by David H. But that should imply 
other preferences also being greyed out. If not, more digging is required...

Permissions issue on Win10 perhaps? (Not sure why that would affect only 
one preference though)


On 5/10/22 6:41 PM, David Long wrote:

Thanks for replies below about changing default currency, and my follow up.
Any further advice?

I tried before: Preferences >> Accounts >> Default Currency in Gnucash 4.10

But its greyed out so cannot change.


My version is 4.10


Adrien noted:

1. Locale (set by your OS preferences)

2. Specify one from the drop down.


OK, if that's case am thinking if 1. Then need to change in OS preferences.
Having done that do I need to reinstall?

Liz, I have Windows 10.

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-05-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
The issue with not being able to close the tip of the day window is the 
Scheduled Transactions window has stolen focus.

First click on the Tip of the Day window to raise it to the 'top of the 
window stack' and then close it.

Then use whatever means of your OS to reveal windows hidden beneath 
other windows. There you'll see the Scheduled Transaction window, where 
you can interact/dismiss it.

Alternatively, do that part first, then dismiss the Tip of the Day window.

What OS? Are you running GnuCash full screen at startup?


On 5/10/22 9:48 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

I have Tip of the Day enabled.
I have Scheduled transactions enabled.
Sometimes, when I start gnucash,
the Tip of the day popup window shows,
then after the file is fully loaded,
something about Scheduled transactions window shows
(but is hidden by the Tip of the day).
Clicking on the Close button of the Tip of the day does NOT close it.
I do not know what the Scheduled transactions window wants
as I cannot see it.
Pressing Enter, clears the Scheduled transactions window.
Then I can Close the Tip of the day window.

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Re: [GNC] Reconcile Finish button

2022-05-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
You can file an RFE (Request for Enhancement) on Bugzilla. See the Wiki 
for more on bug reporting.


On 5/10/22 9:41 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

It would be nice if in the Reconcile window, when the Difference is zero,
the Finish button would turn green.

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Re: [GNC] Reconcile Finish button

2022-05-11 Thread Adrien Monteleone
That's Google being 'helpful' by 'suggesting' substitutions so as not to 
be allegedly offensive. I guess it reads okay, but that doesn't mean it 
conveys what you intended. (I wonder, does it edit *incoming* mail too?)

Since you brought up visual impairment, the choice of Green is a really 
bad one. Some percentage of the population can't perceive Green, nor 
differentiate it from Red. To them, both colors looks like shades of 
Gray. This would still be a visual indicator, but which one, Red or 
Green? Good to Go, or Stop-Error?

I personally think the simple inactive-to-active change is fine.


On 5/11/22 8:14 AM, David Carlson wrote:

The Reconcile Finish button is not the only button which is inactive when
it's named function cannot be performed.
I think it would be confusing if one button's appearance took a different
style than others.

Already, in some cases,  the icon or button is invisible when it is
non-functional,  and in other cases it is grayed out.

GnuCash has the further confusion that some buttons change their function
depending on where in the transaction view the cursor happens to be
sitting,  which could be very confusing to persons with visual impairment.
  The previous sentence was changed by the spell checker and now it confused
me so much that I will just leave it a mess.

One of the buttons that change is the delete line/transaction button.

I would ask for a developer to make the program behavior generally more
consistent,  naming as many examples of inconsistency as possible.

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Re: [GNC] Reconcile Finish button

2022-05-11 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Right on the confirmation dialog, because there are plenty enough 
threads here from those who dismissed them permanently as a nuisance and 
months/years later report they weren't warned when making an edit.


On 5/11/22 9:51 AM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:

Yeah. I've never liked the "Contextually-sensitive" delete button. I still 
hesitate before clicking it, even after 17 years!

(And, no, having a confirmation dialog pop up to inform me what is happening is 
NOT a valid solution! Just ask anyone if they've ever accidentally deleted an 
important file from their computer. You know we've ALL done this, despite the 
long standing practice of posting a confirmation dialog...)

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Re: [GNC] Changing the default Font

2022-05-11 Thread Adrien Monteleone

I'm pretty sure the file is supposed to be:

gtk-3.0.css, not

Also, it doesn't go in your 'My Documents' folder.

The wiki explains how to make these adjustments, the proper file name, 
and the proper file location for each operating system.


On 5/11/22 10:43 PM, Ken Pyzik wrote:

Got a new computer and realized that the default font setting I fixed years ago 
and now it does not want to apply.  When I upgrade, it always came along, so I 
did not have to worry.

Windows 11 user.  Version 4.10

Using the file gtk-30.css  (it is in my documents folder).

* {font: 12px arial, sans-serif;} ---  is the contents of the folder

Always seem to work in the past - but now it is not.

I might be missing a step or setting - any help would be appreciated.   Thanks!

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-05-13 Thread Adrien Monteleone

What distro and version?

What version of GnuCash?

Does exiting full screen help?

Does not starting in full screen help?

Are you using a second display, or have you used a second display, in 
between the time it worked fine and this problem appeared? (a window 
might be appearing on a 'ghost' display that is taking priority.)

If you can get to the GnuCash main window and it is responsive, go to 
Preferences > Scheduled Transactions > Since Last Run and uncheck the 
option to 'Run when data file opened' and restart GnuCash to see if that 
helps. (this shouldn't be a problem, but doing this will help narrow 
down the issue - hopefully)


On 5/13/22 12:38 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

The laptop display is 1920x1080

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Re: [GNC] Integration between Freshbooks and Gnucash?

2022-05-16 Thread Adrien Monteleone

On 5/16/22 3:48 PM, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
One tedious aspect of this combination is that I need to re-author my 
invoices in GnuCash after I author them in Freshbooks and send them to 
the customer. 

Can Freshbooks export your invoices to CSV? (or other spreadsheet format)

If so, you can then import that to GnuCash. Check the Help & the Guide. 
One of them has the input format for invoices. You may need to modify 
the export a bit before importing to GnuCash. And it might work out that 
this modification is scriptable so you don't have to do it manually 
every time.

Also, if I buy something for a customer, I enter the
bookkeeping transaction in GnuCash and then re-author it in Freshbooks 
so that I can bill the expense to my client. It would be nice to avoid 
this duplication.

You can export transactions from GnuCash, sure. Exactly how you go about 
that would depend on your account setup. (or you may need to alter it to 
make this easier)

I believe the export is CSV.

Freshbooks has an API [2], which should let apps send data to and 
receive data from Freshbooks via HTTP calls and JSON data structures. 
They just launched an App Store [3] where vendors can advertise apps 
which integrate with Freshbooks. I do not see any apps there at the 
moment which mention GnuCash. But it should be possible to author such 
an app.

It probably won't ever. But your own script that pulls GnuCash data and 
then sends it to Freshbooks via the API might be worth exploring.

Note, GnuCash has its own CLI features (and a Python interface) so you 
might be able to use them for reading the data, then formatting it as 
needed to JSON.


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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-05-18 Thread Adrien Monteleone
In my original reply of suggestions to try, I was working on the 
assumption that the user had inadvertently raised focus while the 
controlling window was generated. The only way around that is to not 
touch anything till all windows load.

But if a window that demands control is not also 'sticky' to the top of 
the window stack, I'd think that is a bug. It might be a GTK bug, but 
this might be a GnuCash bug if GC is using the wrong window type for 
that 'controlling' window which is demanding user action before giving 
up focus to other windows for the app.

Personally, I don't use full screen and *none* of the non-main windows 
*ever* steal focus/control or demand user interaction before I can click 
anywhere else. So perhaps there is something else at play.


On 5/18/22 8:40 AM, Tommy Trussell wrote:

Yes, it's probably true I could use the keyboard to navigate to whichever 
GnuCash window is blocking the startup. However it is impossible to tell by 
sight which window is the culprit. So I find myself clicking around until I 
find the one that responds. And as previously mentioned, for some reason it's 
not always the one on top, as it should be.

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Re: [GNC] How to convert between currency and assets and record change of value

2022-05-20 Thread Adrien Monteleone

If you're doing this regularly, this sounds like a retail operation.


Dr. Assets::Inventory
Cr. Assets::Checking


Dr. Assets::Undeposited Funds (for amount of sale)
Cr. Income::Sales (for amount of sale)
Dr. Expenses::Cost of Goods Sold (for value of inventory)
Cr. Inventory (for value of inventory)

Deposit in Checking:
Dr. Assets::Checking
Cr. Assets::Undeposited Funds


On 5/19/22 5:11 PM, Nathan Falco wrote:

I need to set up an account structure to show the flow of transactions for the 
following scenario.

I use money in a checking account to purchase a physical item. I sell the item 
for more than I paid for it. I put the money back into the checking account.

I imagine I could record the purchase merely as an expense and record the sale 
merely as income?
But I would like to show the cost and the income related to each specific item 
I sell. So I imagine another way I could do it would be to convert the money 
used to pay for the purchase into an asset, and then convert it back into money 
when I complete a sale. I hope to be able to show that as the value of the 
checking account decreases the value of the asset account increases and vice 
versa. What kind of transaction would show the increase of value? Should I just 
add a split to the record of the sale and label it income? Because I think that 
would only capture the net. I would want the record to show that money received 
from the sale would be counted as income. I also would want to show that any 
cost related to selling the item was an expense.

Please reply with which method is the best suggested method. Also please 
include a dummy account structure that shows the basic classifications that I 
should use. Thank you.
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Re: [GNC] Deleting an account

2022-05-20 Thread Adrien Monteleone


File it as an RFE (Request for Enhancement) on Bugzilla. (see the 
Gnucash wiki for more info)

That way, the suggestion is documented and progress can be tracked 
when/if it is taken up.


On 5/20/22 8:09 PM, Gyle McCollam wrote:

The change I suggested still is a better way to handle scheduled transactions 
as it applies to all account deletions, especially if you are deleting the 
referred to account.

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Re: [GNC] Running Reports - Failure

2022-05-21 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Did you have any Webkit updates? That is what GC uses for rendering the 

If so, maybe roll-back and pin that package for now, then file a bug 
report with the details.


On 5/21/22 10:53 AM, Martin Booth via gnucash-user wrote:

Running reports has suddenly stopped working for me on my PC.
I am using GNUCash 4.10 on a Ubuntu PC with 22.04 OS latest updates as
When I run any preconfigured report or any saved reports the output is
a blank page on screen.
If I run export on the blank output page and save the file (html) and
open the file with my browser the output is fine.
If I run print to file as pdf GNUcash crashes.
This week I ran reports and I had no issue, then later in the week
Ubuntu received a number of updates and one of the updates was nVidia
driver. I know nVidia drivers can be an issue on Linux OS, but I am not
sure if this is causing the issue. If I run the same GNUCash file on my
latop (Intel GPU) also configured with Ubuntu OS (same version and
latest updates) the reports run fine even print to file (PDF) is OK.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
Many thanks,

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Re: [GNC] Create multiple taxes

2022-05-21 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Is it a real tax, or just a 'service fee' that *you* are charging? 
(something you don't have to remit to some other entity)

If that's not the case, I'm not understanding why you want to call it a 
'tax' and why you are wanting to book it to an asset. (as opposed to a 
pass-through liability or revenue)


On 5/21/22 10:27 AM, Peter Huang wrote:


Is it possible to create multiple taxes/group of taxes in gnucash?
So we have a case here :
We sell a service for $1000, the tax will be :

  *   VAT 10% = $100
  *   Service Tax 2% = $2
But this service tax will be deducted from our payment by our customer
So instead of being paid 1100, we will be paid 1000 + 100 – 2 = 1098

And this 2% service tax will be placed as asset in our balance sheet (if we 
sell) and will be placed as liabilities (if we buy)

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Re: [GNC] Mass Reconcile

2022-05-21 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Interesting approach.

Some reports let you search on several fields for specific matches, so 
for those, you could simply include your 'tags' in the Description, 
Notes, or Memo fields.

That would save lots of effort maintaining and including in each 
transaction 'dummy' splits as 'tags'.

Unfortunately at the moment, the P&L/Income Statement is not one of 
these reports. (though that would be extremely useful)


On 5/22/22 12:16 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

I added over 300 dummy #yymmdd accounts and am using them as tags in splits
in transactions (to simulate Quicken classes).  I now realized that those
splits are not reconciled.  It is a slow process to  reconcile them one by
one.  Is there an easy way to pick many of those #yymmdd accounts and have
them all be reconciled at once?

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Re: [GNC] Reports blank - after some account changes?

2022-05-26 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Try the 4.10 flatpak, or build from source. This should be fixed.


On 5/26/22 9:42 AM, Nick Meyne wrote:

Hi There.

I'm on Ubuntu, Gnucash Version: 4.4, Build ID: 4.4+(2020-12-28) -  a newbie
to Gnucash, and was getting on just fine until...

All the reports in my gnucash accounts have become blank.  A tab or a
window is created, but nothing is visible, not even a 'no data'
message, even though the transaction and balance data is there, and
seems OK.   I have tried the account period selection values and they seem
OK - i did nothing to change them, and they still look OK to include
the data.  Is there something else that may be causing this problem?
I made some account hierarchy edits (removing unused accounts) but nothing
to suggest an error or corruption or incompatibility with the reports.

Is there a bug?  I saw there was a very old one.

Any suggestions?

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Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote on Mac Air

2022-05-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone
The fq-update & manual quote commands should work if it is installed 
properly. It may not be.

How did you install it?

What API are you using? Alphavantage?

You need to put your API key in GnuCash preferences for GnuCash to be 
able to use it.


On 5/30/22 4:09 PM, Dieter Kip via gnucash-user wrote:

Hi there!

I installed Finance::Quite on my MacBook Air and GnuCash recognizes that it is 
installed on the computer. However, GnuCash is not obtaining any quotes….

When I test the “generic” commands to test the program like ECHO I got a 
response… All other commands like gnc-fa-update are not executed….

Could that be because the GnuCash path is not recognized/properly set up to get 
the quotes into GnuCash?

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Re: [GNC] Strange incorrect due date calculated on a duplicated bill

2022-05-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone

I'm using SQLite, but the time stamp for posting is:

2021-11-07 10:59:00

Which seems to be a regularly used stamp, for this vendor at least.

A subsequent duplicated bill (off of this one) for December correctly 
calculated Net20 from 12/7 as 12/27. (also using the 10:59:00 stamp)


On 5/30/22 5:54 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

First, yes, the attachment came through.
Second, you posted on the 7th and the due date is the 26th.
My initial guess, as it's a Net20, is that there is a TimeOfDay issue at
hand here, where the addition of 20 days is such that it thinks it's
before the 27th.
Did you actually post it?  If so, can you take a look at the XML for the
invoice and see what date/time is actually presented?

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[GNC] Duplicating a bill with a linked document duplicates the link as well

2022-05-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Not sure if this is intended behavior.

I use the 'Duplicate' bill/invoice feature to repeat something that 
requires little or no change, save for the relevant dates.

But I just realized, I've got a chain of duplicated vendor bills off one 
bill that already had a linked PDF copy of the bill.

I was later going to link the proper PDF files to each GnuCash bill, but 
I noticed that they all already have the exact same link as the 
original, thus all pointing to the same file.

There might be a use case I'm not thinking of, but this seems a bit odd 
to me. It also means I can't use a workflow to process all bills that 
don't have attachments as a way of keeping track of which ones need to 
be updated. I now need to check the links for each and every one till I 
find out which happened to be the original.


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Re: [GNC] Duplicating a bill with a linked document duplicates the link as well

2022-05-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Trying to edit one of these document links produced a crash. It is filed 
here for anyone interested:


On 5/30/22 8:25 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

Not sure if this is intended behavior.

I use the 'Duplicate' bill/invoice feature to repeat something that 
requires little or no change, save for the relevant dates.

But I just realized, I've got a chain of duplicated vendor bills off one 
bill that already had a linked PDF copy of the bill.

I was later going to link the proper PDF files to each GnuCash bill, but 
I noticed that they all already have the exact same link as the 
original, thus all pointing to the same file.

There might be a use case I'm not thinking of, but this seems a bit odd 
to me. It also means I can't use a workflow to process all bills that 
don't have attachments as a way of keeping track of which ones need to 
be updated. I now need to check the links for each and every one till I 
find out which happened to be the original.

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Re: [GNC] Strange incorrect due date calculated on a duplicated bill

2022-05-31 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Interesting idea. I'll check to see if any others fall on a weekend and 
got changed, but strange I haven't seen it before after several years of 


On 5/31/22 4:18 AM, Fred Bone wrote:

An override for days falling at the weekend? (2021-11-27 was a Saturday).

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Re: [GNC] Strange incorrect due date calculated on a duplicated bill

2022-05-31 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I'll check that too, but really, it shouldn't matter should it? Net20 is 
Net20. If a company independently wants to give leeway for weekends or 
holidays, I don't see why GnuCash should assume it.


On 5/31/22 9:42 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Maybe you usually don't post on Sunday or Monday?

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Re: [GNC] Strange incorrect due date calculated on a duplicated bill

2022-05-31 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I checked. I've posted every day of the week, and Net20 can thus be on 
any day of the week, and indeed, it is, for every invoice except this one.


On 5/31/22 12:23 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
I'll check that too, but really, it shouldn't matter should it? Net20 is 
Net20. If a company independently wants to give leeway for weekends or 
holidays, I don't see why GnuCash should assume it.


On 5/31/22 9:42 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Maybe you usually don't post on Sunday or Monday?

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Re: [GNC] Strange incorrect due date calculated on a duplicated bill

2022-05-31 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Interestingly, I tried unposting and reposting several times yesterday 
to no avail.

I normally do not shut down GC when done, but I had a few crashes 
yesterday, so I started fresh this morning.

I just tried unposting and reposting, and now it works fine.

I'll leave it up to the gremlins and the moon.

(I know another alternative was to remove the terms for this one invoice 
and manually set the date, but I didn't need to in this case)


On 5/31/22 12:58 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
I checked. I've posted every day of the week, and Net20 can thus be on 
any day of the week, and indeed, it is, for every invoice except this one.


On 5/31/22 12:23 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
I'll check that too, but really, it shouldn't matter should it? Net20 
is Net20. If a company independently wants to give leeway for weekends 
or holidays, I don't see why GnuCash should assume it.


On 5/31/22 9:42 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Maybe you usually don't post on Sunday or Monday?

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Re: [GNC] Strange incorrect due date calculated on a duplicated bill

2022-05-31 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Scratch that.

I inadvertently put 11/7/22 as the posting date, so it correctly 
calculated the due date as 11/27/22.

But this was a 2021 bill. When I caught the mistake, unposted and 
reposted for 11/7/21, it still calculates the due date as 19days instead 
of 20.

Gremlins abound.

Maybe there was one day between 11/7/21 and 11/26/21 that existed in 
reality but not on the calendar? (I've always wanted an extra day no one 
else knows about just so I can get stuff done without interruptions...)

I resorted to editing the bill, setting terms to 'none' and then 
manually specifying a due date. (not that it really matters, since it 
was long ago paid, but just for consistency)


On 5/31/22 1:03 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Interestingly, I tried unposting and reposting several times yesterday 
to no avail.

I normally do not shut down GC when done, but I had a few crashes 
yesterday, so I started fresh this morning.

I just tried unposting and reposting, and now it works fine.

I'll leave it up to the gremlins and the moon.

(I know another alternative was to remove the terms for this one invoice 
and manually set the date, but I didn't need to in this case)


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[GNC] Nifty Feature for Examining Report HTML for Customization

2022-05-31 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Until now, if I wanted to examine the HTML behind a report, I exported, 
opened it in a browser and used the built-in inspector, or just opened 
it with an editor. (using an inspector lets you play with changes and 
get instant feedback)

I happened to be right-clicking around a report just now, and noticed 
the familiar 'Inspect Element' context-menu entry.

As GnuCash uses WebKit to render reports, it seems the WebKit inspector 
comes along for free. (I thought that was built-in to the browser, not 
realizing it is part of the rendering engine)

So you can inspect any report element to see what HTML tag it lives 
under, as well as any applied CSS. You can then play to your heart's 
content to modify the appearance to your liking. (within bounds of the 
report, you can't change the underlying HTML or add classes or IDs for 
targeting) And you can do it all right there without exporting the 
report or leaving GnuCash!

If someone has time and wants to document this in the Wiki, please do. 
If I get some free time and I don't see it yet, I'll add it later.


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Re: [GNC] Strange incorrect due date calculated on a duplicated bill

2022-06-01 Thread Adrien Monteleone
It changed on the posting day, 11/7/21, but that occurred in the wee 
morning and the posting time is 10:59. And I didn't enter the bill in GC 
until just before posting the thread.


On 6/1/22 2:21 PM, Geert Janssens wrote:

Was there a switch from summertime to standard time between those two dates? We 
had calculation errors related to such hour changes in the past.

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Re: [GNC] Strange incorrect due date calculated on a duplicated bill

2022-06-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Indeed, testing both 2020 and 2022 November dates result in a 19day due 
date rather than 20.

I also tested the March dates for moving from standard to daylight time 
and those worked correctly. (they didn't add a day)

Should I go ahead and file a bug?


On 6/2/22 1:14 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:

A quick test would be to post an invoice on such a date in other years, for 
example on the day summer time switched to standard time in 2020 or will change 
in 2022.

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Re: [GNC] Invoice showing balance due

2022-06-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Yes, it is Preferences > Business > Invoices/Bills > 'Process payments 
on posting'.

I use it and it auto-applies outstanding pre-payment/over-payment credit 

Of course, one has to have already 'processed payment' for that 
vendor/customer for the feature to 'see' the amount to apply towards the 
current invoice/bill.


On 6/2/22 11:50 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:

Op donderdag 2 juni 2022 18:05:13 CEST schreef Derek Atkins:

On Thu, June 2, 2022 11:49 am, David Burleigh wrote:

On Thu, 2022-06-02 at 11:44 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:


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Re: [GNC] Strange incorrect due date calculated on a duplicated bill

2022-06-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Thanks, done:


On 6/2/22 11:48 AM, Geert Janssens via gnucash-user wrote:

Op donderdag 2 juni 2022 18:22:40 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:

Indeed, testing both 2020 and 2022 November dates result in a 19day due
date rather than 20.

I also tested the March dates for moving from standard to daylight time
and those worked correctly. (they didn't add a day)

Should I go ahead and file a bug?

Please do. It looks like the due date calculation is doing something wrong when
daylight saving time gets reverted.

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Re: [GNC] Balance Sheet mismatch

2022-06-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone
If I recall correctly, there is a known limitation of the current 
Balance Sheet with respect to multiple currencies.

I also recall there is only one price option that 'works', mostly, but I 
don't recall which one it is. (I thought it was 'nearest' but not certain)

There are older threads on this topic.

Also check


On 6/2/22 11:50 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

I have made a test file with just two transactions:
   Opening Balance in GBP on 3/13/2011
   xfer and convert to USD 1/1/2016
So, those two transactions put two entries in the Price database for GBP.
I then added a third price between those two dates on 1/11/2013
The Balance Sheet shows a mismatch if run on 1/11/2013 or any date after
that date
but is OK if run on 1/10/2013 or any date earlier
The value of the GBP (reported in USD) is changing in the Assets section of
the report,
but the Equity section is remaining constant.
Should the Equity section show an Unrealized gain/loss?
This looks like a bug to me.  I am not sure how to report, or what is
The test2.gnucash file is around 5000 bytes small
Now sure where the Price history is kept, nor the Report options.

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Re: [GNC] Odd Invoice Total (Rounding Issue Maybe)

2022-06-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Looks like a rounding issue when using inclusive tax.

The latest GnuCash is 4.10. You can get a .deb for it in the Debian 
Archives (see the wiki) or try the Flatpak to see if the issue still exists.


On 6/3/22 2:07 AM, Jeff wrote:

Hi Group.
I am just doing some testing testing with updated versions (to me) of 

I have been using GnuCash for a while on an older machine, it is running 
2.6.17 and it is working perfectly, unfortunately the machine it is on 
is starting to have issues, so am in the process of migrating to a newer 
machine, and therefore a newer version of GnuCash (finally).

The issue I'm having is on a specific Invoice the TOTAL shown down the 
bottom is 1 cent out.  I could understand it if I was doing % discounts 
etc, but the invoice is very basic, and the total seems to be correct, 
until the last entry.

Invoice Details:
Date  Description  Action Quantity Unit Price Discount 
Type  Discount How  Discount   Tax Subtotal   Tax
Today    Item 1   Material   1 $1049.00   % 
<    X $953.64    $95.36
Today    Item 2   Material   1 $222.00   % 
<    X $201.82    $20.18
Today    Item 3   Material   1 $15.00   % 
<    X       $13.64 $1.36
Today    Item 4   Material   1 $30.00   % 
<    X       $27.27 $2.73
Today    Item 5   Material   1 $59.15   % 
<    X   $53.77 $5.38
Today    Item 6   Project     1 $200.00   % 
<    X $181.82 $18.18

The Discount Type and Discount How, are just the prepopulated values and 
are not used as there is no Discount amount.

The TOTAL at the bottom left of the Invoice entry screen is correct 
until adding the last entry, where it then shows:  $1,575.16 instead of 
the expected $1,575.15.

I have tried adding in the Invoice details to a new Invoice, and using 
two different versions of GnuCash, both seem to show the same 
behaviour.  Are there any suggestions as to why this may be happening, 
and how to fix it?  It is not very comforting that what appears to be a 
simple Invoice, with not discounts etc, is added up wrong.  If I change 
the Item 5 entry to $59.14 I correctly get $1,575.14.  But once again 
changing the Item 5 to $59.15 gives a Total of $1,575.16.

Tested on
OS          GnuCash
Kubuntu 21.10    3.8, Build ID: 3.8b+(2019-12-29)   Finance::Quote: 
1.49        Installed via Package Manager
Kubuntu 22.04    4.8, Build ID: 4.8a+(2021-09-28)   Finance::Quote: 
1.51    Installed via Package Manager

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-06-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Sorry, last spec:

What resolution?


On 6/3/22 8:09 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 11:05 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

What distro and version?

Linux: Fedora 35

What version of GnuCash?


Does exiting full screen help?


Does not starting in full screen help?


Are you using a second display, or have you used a second display, in
between the time it worked fine and this problem appeared? (a window
might be appearing on a 'ghost' display that is taking priority.)

No. This is on a laptop.

If you can get to the GnuCash main window and it is responsive, go to
Preferences > Scheduled Transactions > Since Last Run and uncheck the
option to 'Run when data file opened' and restart GnuCash to see if that
helps. (this shouldn't be a problem, but doing this will help narrow
down the issue - hopefully)

Having that unchecked => no problems

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-06-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Per my other reply, send over the current screen resolution.

I can play with this later today to see if I can duplicate the effects.


On 6/3/22 8:10 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

I was wrong.  The reason I had no problems recently was:
   In Preferences, I had unchecked: Run when data file opened for Scheduled
When I checked that box, the next time I started GnuCash,
my problem happened again.
The small colorful splash window at GnuCash startup is the top window.
Hidden behind it are the Tip of the Day (I can click on Close of
Previous/Next/Close and it does not Close).
There also is some other window (related to Schedule Transactions), but I
cannot tell what it is.
If I press Esc, then a window will close. Pressing Esc closes another window

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Re: [GNC] Invoice showing balance due

2022-06-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone

There is another option:

If you already have processed a pre-payment/over-payment, the result 
will be a credit on the customer's account.

If you check the box for Preferences > Business > Invoices > 'Process 
payments on posting', then when you post the next invoice for that 
customer, GnuCash will automatically apply that credit.

If you then choose the option for the Invoice Report to 'show payments' 
you'll see the credit applied.

This saves you a few steps, but both methods work.


On 6/3/22 8:40 AM, Ryan Carver wrote:

I just stumbled through this issue as well.  I was able to get a $2,000
customer credit to show as a payment on a new invoice by doing the
following steps:

1) create new invoice and post to A/R.
2) select new invoice and make payment.
3) when the payment window opens select the outstanding credit plus the
new invoice amount.
4) in the payment amount section enter $0.00.  This should apply the
credit to the new invoice.
5) print new invoice.  When printing new invoice select the Options tab
then Diplay tab and make sure "payments" are selected to print.
6) print new invoice as PDF and verify the customer credit was applied

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Re: [GNC] Odd Invoice Total (Rounding Issue Maybe)

2022-06-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I'd file a bug, label it as 'Regression' since a change broke something 
that worked.

Be sure to indicate the version that worked and the tested versions that 
do not.

I vaguely recall some work done to 'improve' rounding due to other bugs 
around the 3.x series. I guess this slipped through or wasn't 
exposed/tested to catch it.


On 6/3/22 8:49 AM, Jeff wrote:

Thanks Adrien,
Yes, since posting I have done some more testing, and it does appear to 
be a rounding issue when using Inclusive Tax.
I have also tried the same example in 4.10 Flatpak, and the issue 
remains the same.

I assume that in version 2.6.17 the calculation was made in a different 
way.  I can't see any preferences that may be set differently, that may 
be able to change the behaviour.
It appears that when entering Inclusive Tax amounts, behind the scene it 
actually calculates the Exclusive amount, then adds those figures 
together to work out the Invoice Total.

Is there any way to get the calculation behaviour back to how it worked 
in 2.6.17?

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-06-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Thanks. That's weird. I use the same resolution with no issues. (though 
on a Mac) I'll do some Linux testing later to see what I can find.


On 6/3/22 9:43 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 7:12 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

Sorry, last spec:

What resolution?

1920 x 1080

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Re: [GNC] Mass Reconcile

2022-06-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I suppose they could be added, but those are standard for just about any 
OS. They aren't specific to GnuCash.


On 6/3/22 10:43 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

I got a private email to me (would have been better if it went to the list),
telling me that in Reconcile, one can do Ctrl-a to select all items.

That keyboard shortcut is not mentioned in:
   Tutorial and Concepts Guide (search for "keyboard shortcut")

Nor, is there a mention of Shift-Up-Arrow or Shift-Down-Arrow

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Re: [GNC] need help getting started

2022-06-03 Thread Adrien Monteleone


Check the Help and the Tutorial (linked from the website, but should be 
available from within GnuCash). I don't recall which, but one describes 
the CSV format for importing bills/invoices.

I don't *think* you can import them as paid, because it isn't just a 
flag on the transaction. There is a link to the payment transaction as 
well that is needed. The only way I know of setting that properly, is to 
either 'Process Payment' or if the payment transaction is already 
entered (most likely in your case) then right-click and 'assign as 
payment'. (which brings up the Process Payment window with some details 
already filled out and which will link that transaction as a payment to 
that 'document')

You could maybe ask on IRC, but I don't think there is a programmatic 
way to do this at this time. (there are python bindings, however, I 
don't think they expose everything)

As for contributions, I think that info is on the website, wiki, or both.

The devs follow this list too, so one of them may see this and offer 
more definitive guidance.


On 6/3/22 2:02 PM, Eric Hammond wrote:

To the group,

A short intro: I have been a user of Quicken for the last 1000 years or so, 
they have gone from a business that cares about customers to  not so much.
Late last year one of their updates lost or scrambled years of my business accounting 
data, and my backups. Their help line help was "we are so sorry..."

I discovered GnuCash in February this year and with a lot of very hard work and 
digging got almost all entries into it: the major journals balance.
Six months of digging, creating and importing .csv files and seeing what broke. 
And repeat.

I would like to convert my brute force AR and AP entries into the GnuCash 
format and have encountered some issues:
Importing from CSV to regular journals was tricky, but I got it done and 
Is there any way to import the invoice data from CSV to the 
invoices-A/Receivables, and bills-A/Payables system and have the Posted and 
Paid flags set right?

In the distant past I programmed accounting systems in RPG. Some help there.

I have much programming experience (PC computers unfortunately) in C, C++, and 
Python: I would like to help with the project.
I need help finding out how to do this, I have not yet found such in the 
website maze.

And, how do I contribute the money I would have paid for Quicken to this worthy 

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-06-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone


Your screenshot came through, thanks.

First, that looks like the Splash Screen is either hung, or you just 
took the screen shot before it finished. But your earlier reply seem to 
indicate it is hanging. (or just really slow at finishing loading and 
then exiting)

Second, the transient windows remember their place. So before you close 
them, move them to a corner of the screen away from the center. When you 
re-start GnuCash, they should re-open where you left them. This will 
help with the stacking problem.

Third, Although the tip pops up right after the splash for me, it stays 
in focus until the SX window comes up, which steals it. But I can still 
click in the tip window to gain focus and close it. (the Splash screen 
closes itself)

Can you not click on the tip window indicator in the dock to gain focus?

Finally, you can turn off both the splash screen and/or the Tip of the 
Day if they are causing problems. (Preferences > General)


On 6/3/22 11:42 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Thanks. That's weird. I use the same resolution with no issues. (though 
on a Mac) I'll do some Linux testing later to see what I can find.


On 6/3/22 9:43 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 7:12 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

Sorry, last spec:

What resolution?

1920 x 1080

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-06-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone
This looks like a problem with the Scheduled Transaction (SX) window 
rather than a general focus problem.

Try this in order:

1. Uncheck: Preferences > Scheduled Transactions > Since Last Run > 'Run 
when data file opened'.

Does the Splash still appear to hang?

Can you close the Tip window?

2. Re-check the above, then uncheck: 'Show notification window'

same questions

3. Re-check both of the above, and also make sure 'Review created 
transactions' is checked.

again - same questions

The idea here is that either the SX window or a specific SX is producing 
a hang condition with the splash screen. (It is as if Splash is waiting 
for the SX window to be dismissed before closing itself)

I can't duplicate that situation. I have several SXs and the Splash 
closes itself just fine and the SX window doesn't control focus or 
prevent me from closing other windows. (I also have the Bills/Invoices 
Due Reminder windows opening at start)

I haven't yet tested on Fedora, but can do that next. If still can't get 
it to repeat, then my money is on a specific SX being the issue.

Did you create or edit an SX before this problem started? (there might 
be a specific SX causing the problem)


On 6/5/22 11:22 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 8:03 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

Your screenshot came through, thanks.

Here is another one after moving some of the windows around, shutdown,
Also, when hung like this, I can move all windows except for the Splash one.

First, that looks like the Splash Screen is either hung, or you just
took the screen shot before it finished. But your earlier reply seem to
indicate it is hanging. (or just really slow at finishing loading and
then exiting)

The system is hung like this for several minutes.
Normally, Gnucash starts up in one second.

Second, the transient windows remember their place. So before you close
them, move them to a corner of the screen away from the center. When you
re-start GnuCash, they should re-open where you left them. This will
help with the stacking problem.

Did that, which can be seen in the screenshot here.

Third, Although the tip pops up right after the splash for me, it stays
in focus until the SX window comes up, which steals it. But I can still
click in the tip window to gain focus and close it. (the Splash screen
closes itself)

I can click on the Tip window.  It gets focus.  But, when I click on Close
nothing happens.

Can you not click on the tip window indicator in the dock to gain focus?

When I click on Tip window in dock at bottom of screen,
several windows disappear.  Click again, and they re-appear.
Those windows are:
   None scheduled
Leaving just the splash window.

Just found out that if I click Close on the None scheduled window,
it closes and the Splash window closes.  Then I can click on Close
in the Tip window and it closes.

Finally, you can turn off both the splash screen and/or the Tip of the
Day if they are causing problems. (Preferences > General)

I have discovered that if I press Esc, then windows close and
everything is OK.

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Re: [GNC] Transfer Dates

2022-06-07 Thread Adrien Monteleone

That's what the Description line is for.

I suppose you can use it for all sorts of things, but personally I only 
use it as a 'payee' line, that is, whomever is receiving my funds.

If I'm the one receiving, then it is a 'payor' line, the one giving me 

Sticking to that, you should easily be able to see where in-transit 
funds are coming from and going to.

If that still isn't good enough, create sub-accounts for either sources 
or destinations.


On Mon, 6 Jun 2022 at 07:55,  wrote:

A disadvantage of using a “Funds in Transit account” is that I wouldn’t
easily see where the money was going (I am transferring between more than
two banks).

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Re: [GNC] Transfer Dates

2022-06-07 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Then edit the CSV for the proper Descriptions & Accounts before 
importing. More than likely, that can be scripted or at least 
accomplished with some creative copy/paste (or spreadsheet 
formulas/macros) to speed things up if the file is really large.

*Note! - it is always advised to import smaller batches repeatedly to 
train the importer. Trying to import say, 10 years worth of data, is 
going to be a pain. The time savings of the importer learning your 
transactions comes from repeated importing. (teaching it what it guesses 
wrong as you go)

The usual advice is one month at a time, but I'd say that depends on 
account activity. Be your own judge of how many transactions you want to 
train the importer with at a time. Probably something like 100 
transactions would be a reasonable 'top-limit' though that may be a bit 
high depending on your stamina and pain threshold for repetitive work.


On 6/5/22 7:40 PM, wrote:

The suggested approach may work well when entering the transactions manually
and then reconciling.

However, I am not entering the transactions manually. I am importing all the
bank transactions, including the transfers, from several CSV files to an
empty GnuCash file.

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Re: [GNC] Export as text or CSV

2022-06-07 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Reports are HTML.

They open quite easily in spreadsheet apps.

You can then massage as needed to remove extraneous spacing columns and 
then convert to CSV.

(you can also select-all and then paste non-formatted text into a 
spreadsheet if you don't want to save first)

If you do the copy/paste method, most spreadsheets should offer you 
options for importing the text so you can clean up a few formatting 
issues. (though not all)

You could also export a report and script the stripping of formatting 
spaces, converting it to CSV. (I'm pretty sure there is already an app 
that can convert HTML tables to CSV, thus saving having to 're-make the 

There are also ways to get your data outside of the GnuCash GUI.

There is a CLI interface and Python bindings. I haven't used either, but 
some here on the list have.

There is also a separate app called Piecash, which can extract data from GC.

Hope one of those will get you what you need.


On 6/5/22 5:19 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

Is there a way to export either the Accounts main screen or an Accounts
Summary report as either a plain text file or a CSV file?

The best I have found so far is Select via mouse the text on the multiple
then Ctrl-C to copy to clipboard, then Ctrl-V to paste into a file in an
Unfortunately, that process ends up wrapping lines (to perhaps 80

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Re: [GNC] Problems accessing anything on gnucash website

2022-06-07 Thread Adrien Monteleone


Please always 'reply-to-list' or 'reply-all' and always send new 
messages to the list address rather than to individual users.

This keeps the discussion on the list for all to see so anyone can help 
out, and others might benefit from the suggestions.

As to your question, I'm not sure what you're trying to do as you don't 
need to 'login' to the site for anything.

Some of those links, if you hover, you'll see point to, 
which appears to be down at the moment.

Unfortunately, this also takes down the mailing list, so I'm copying you 
this one time. (normally, I only reply to the list)

Note, an IRC channel is also available which doesn't rely on that same 
server. You can get help there.


On 6/6/22 8:32 PM, Eric Hammond wrote:

Sorry to pick on you, your email was handy, thank you.
I have tried to get into the links:

  With Firefox
  Only “Information” section:   “home” and “news” work
  With Opera

  “Information” section:   “home”, “news”, “screenshots & features” 
& “donations”
  “Downloads” section: both options work
  “Support” section: only “Documentation” works
  “Development” section: only “Browse Source Code” works

   With Tor Browser site wont load.

  With Brave: same as Opera
I have a few more browsers, I decided to ask for help instead.
I don’t find a way to login.
Thanks for your help,
Eric Hammond

670 Rainier Lane
Port Ludlow, WA 98365
(949) 244-3595
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

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Re: [GNC] edit --> find --> description contains fails to show accounts receivable items

2022-06-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone
You don't need to 'select' an account before doing a search. (it has no 
bearing on the search at all)

Always conduct searches when viewing the main accounts tab, and if you 
want to specify accounts, do that in your search criteria.


On 6/6/22 10:30 AM, John Griessen wrote:

Is this a feature, or a bug?

When I select assets then do a find search, I can find an item, "cart, 
poly strapping", being bought, and the cost of goods sold entry when it 
leaves inventory, but the AR account is also a sub account of assets and 
has the description on the invoice line item and the payment line item 
and they do not show.

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Re: [GNC] edit --> find --> description contains fails to show accounts receivable items

2022-06-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Interesting, I've never noticed it work that way.


On 6/8/22 10:12 PM, Liz Dodd wrote:

On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 21:25:54 -0500
Adrien Monteleone  wrote:

You don't need to 'select' an account before doing a search. (it has
no bearing on the search at all)

Always conduct searches when viewing the main accounts tab, and if
you want to specify accounts, do that in your search criteria.


Having an account "in focus" when starting a search restricts the
search to that tab/account.

Either a neat trick or a trap for the unwary.

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Re: [GNC] Missing 2nd entry

2022-06-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone


At the least the 'other' split should be set to either the Orphan or 
Unbalanced accounts.

You might need to turn on View > Transaction Journal to see it.


On 6/8/22 11:58 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

I just found a transaction that is not a double entry.
It is just a single entry.  Not sure how that happened.
When I click on Split to see the other side of the entry,
there is nothing.  Clicking on Jump does nothing.

With that strange transaction as the current entry:
Clicking on Actions->Check&Repair->This transaction
appears to do nothing.  Same for All transactions.

With all account tabs closed (so only the top level Accounts shows):
Clicking on Actions->Check&Repair->Check&repair all
runs for a minute or two and does not fix that entry, nor
make a new account for Unbalanced or similar.

I wonder if this unusual transaction is the cause of the
Trial Balance report crashing and giving me a traceback.
Equity Statement report also crashes with a similar traceback.

I am running GnuCash 4.10+(2022-03-26) on Linux.

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Re: [GNC] edit --> find --> description contains fails to show accounts receivable items

2022-06-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Hmmm... I just happened to need to do a Find and tried this out.

I intentionally chose an account that I knew was definitely *not* 
involved in the transaction I was looking for. (or any other 
transactions that would match my criteria)

Yet, the results were the same if I had this account 'selected' or not. 
(which returned results when it shouldn't have, and as expected, none 
involved that selected account.)

Maybe this is a terminology problem concerning 'selected' and 'focus'?

I'm doing the search from the Accounts Tab being in 'focus'. (that is, 
it is the active tab which I am viewing)

If I 'select' (highlight, but do not open) an account, and do a Find, 
this has no effect. (I thought this is what the OP said they did, and 
what I thought Liz was referring to)

If I *open* a particular account (thus now viewing its register which is 
now 'in focus' and the Accounts Tab is no longer the active tab) *now* 
the search is filtered to that account.

Which is exactly what I was warning about in my original comment.

If the OP is not getting results they expect from *other* affected 
accounts, either something is off with their criteria, or they are 
getting filtered results by doing the search from a particular register 
rather than the Accounts Tab.


On 6/9/22 3:46 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

Interesting, I've never noticed it work that way.


On 6/8/22 10:12 PM, Liz Dodd wrote:

On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 21:25:54 -0500
Adrien Monteleone  wrote:

You don't need to 'select' an account before doing a search. (it has
no bearing on the search at all)

Always conduct searches when viewing the main accounts tab, and if
you want to specify accounts, do that in your search criteria.


Having an account "in focus" when starting a search restricts the
search to that tab/account.

Either a neat trick or a trap for the unwary.

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Re: [GNC] Missing 2nd entry

2022-06-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Yeah, I wasn't thinking of this and I use it frequently.

But if you have one split *with a value*, then you'll get an 
Orphan/Unbalanced split by default if you don't specify the second account.


On 6/9/22 8:53 AM, Stan Brown wrote:

On 2022-06-09 04:59, David Carlson wrote:

The capability for zero value transactions with a single account line was
permitted starting in release 3 point something iirc as hinted by

I  complained at the time, but it technically is not unbalanced.  The
reason it is allowed is that it can function as a vehicle for a comment

I create single-line transactions with zero value in 2.6.19, exactly for
the purpose of recording a comment.

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Re: [GNC] edit --> find --> description contains fails to show accounts receivable items

2022-06-09 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Thanks Derek, I forgot about that part as well. Indeed, it tripped me up 
early on.

Though in this case, if you are searching based on Memo, you should get 
all results, from multiple accounts, no?


On 6/9/22 12:10 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

Another thing to consider is that the search is really searching on a
SPLIT and not a TRANSACTION.  If you're trying to search for something and
using different accounts in your query, you could end up in an empty-set
result because you cannot have a split where split->account == A **AND**
split->account == B.

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-06-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I find it odd though that the SX window is hogging focus. Perhaps this 
is a Desktop/OS thing.

Mine is not. (on MacOS BigSur)

Though of course, I understand, all of us, regardless of OS are dealing 
with GTK when using GnuCash, so I'm not *really* using Mac's desktop for 
this app. (though maybe some code-translation rules apply?)

I've played around with this issue and can't seem to duplicate the 
condition where I get an SX window that tells me transactions were 
auto-created and requiring me to dismiss it before anything else frees 
up. (modal)

I'll play some more, but perhaps this is an SX setting issue? (I tell it 
to remind me, and auto-create, and I opt to review, but I've turned 
various of those off and on to no avail)


On 6/10/22 11:41 AM, john wrote:

The "no scheduled transactions" dialog is modal (see so it blocks the rest of GnuCash until it's 
dismissed. Unfortunately that includes dismissing the splash screen so that you can see 
it. I think the splash screen is getting pushed to the front by the loading status bar.

Adrien has already suggested that you turn off the status bar and the tip-of-the-day 
dialog in preferences; you could also disable  Show notification window in the Scheduled 
Transactions tab in Preferences. That will suppress the "no scheduled 
transactions" dialog from displaying.

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Re: [GNC] CC card balances

2022-06-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
The other folks answered the topic, but as to your screenshot, the one 
from your original post came through, which means you 'attached' it. But 
this one did not, which tells me you pasted it inline.

As noted elsewhere, only 'attached' images come through.


On 6/10/22 10:35 AM, Kevin T via gnucash-user wrote:

I attached a snip jpg.  I don't know if they make it through.  The transfer is 
from an 'Asset' account.  I did check the preferences and the 'reverse' was set 
on the cc accounts.   I changed that and the balance is now positive.

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-06-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Would that Peppermint instance happen to be using LXDE as a DE by 
chance? It appears the OP is using the same and I seem to recall 
Peppermint once had it as a default.

I'm wondering if this has to do with certain package versions of parts 
of GTK.


On 6/10/22 9:19 PM, Bruce Irving wrote:

When I start a new installation of GNC, I go through this same snafu.
After I get past that, I immediately turn off running the auto create
feature and the start up notes.  It was good to have the latter when I was
still learning GNC,  After that, I had no problems with startup other than
occasional lock files because the PC had crashed.  This is an old PC that
originally ran Vista but is now running Peppermint 10 which is based on
Ubuntu 10.04.  I've kept it until I get comfortable with the new version.
My other PCs are now on  PeppermintOS based on Debian.

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-06-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Roger that. I guess it is my settings then. Thanks.


On 6/10/22 9:53 PM, john wrote:


There are two dialogs. The regular SLR one that shows you the transactions that were 
created and gets you to input values for any variables in your SX isn't modal. The 
message box that comes up if you have nothing to review, shown in Fred's screenshot, 
is modal. Which one you get depends on how you've set up your SXes and which ones 
have fired since you last ran GnuCash or Actions>Scheduled Trasnsactions>Since 
Last Run.

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Re: [GNC] How to reorganize the account tree

2022-06-11 Thread Adrien Monteleone
On the accounts tab there is a header with one of the headings having a 
down or up arrow in it. Use these to sort the tree.

You might be sorted by something other than Account Name.

Otherwise, they should default to an alpha sort unless you've prepended 
names with account numbers. (rather than putting the numbers in their 
own field)


On 6/11/22 6:29 AM, wrote:

I have been using gnucash for nearly 20 years. My account lists were a mess
until this spring when somehow I spent a day or two reorganizing everything
into a new and very well organized account tree.  For the life of me, I
don't remember how I was able to do that without losing the 20 years of data
stored in my accounts.  I would like to reorganize the order in which my
bank accounts are listed to make them in alphabetical order but I cannot
find a way to move the accounts in the account tree. I can go to the parent
account but that does not give me control to move the accounts around.

 Can someone tell me how to move accounts around in the
account list.  Thank you.  Chin00kie

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Re: [GNC] How to reorganize the account tree

2022-06-12 Thread Adrien Monteleone


All of my accounts *at each level* are sorted properly *amongst 
themselves* in all parts of the tree.

Maybe double check that you don't have an errant space before some names?


On 6/12/22 2:12 AM, Alan A Holmes wrote:

As Adrien said in his reply if you sort on the Account Name column it should
be okay.

Personally, I sort on the Hidden column which I have displayed, mainly
because it puts the Imbalance and Orphan accounts together at the bottom of
the list and enables me to find errors in transactions quickly.
What I do notice sorting this way is that within the top level accounts
(Assets, Expenses, Income, etc.) that the 2nd and subsequent level Accounts
under Assets AREN'T sorted alphabetically, while those under Expenses and
Income ARE. I have insufficient sub-accounts under Equity and Liabilities to
be able to say.

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Re: [GNC] How to reorganize the account tree

2022-06-12 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Please remember to use 'reply-to-list' or 'reply-all' so the discussion 
stays on the list. Others may benefit, and others may be able to help 
out too.

As to your question, I'm guessing you want to move some accounts within 
the tree. Simply select the desired account (don't open its register) 
click the Edit button on the toolbar. (or right-click, then choose 
'edit') Finally, simply select the new parent account in the 
bottom-right pane of the edit window and click 'OK'.

The account has now moved to be a child of the new parent account.

Note that while you can move accounts to different main parts of the 
tree (such as moving an asset to a liability) you should also edit the 
account type (bottom-left pane of the account window) and if you have 
transactions in it, you'll possibly need to swap the columns containing 
amounts for *all* transactions.

In this case, I'd advise using View > Transaction Journal so you can 
always see all splits. Then work your way through each transaction 
moving the amounts from the left to the right and vice versa. That is 
easy to do by simply adding a minus sign in front of an amount. GnuCash 
will swap it for you.


On 6/11/22 1:58 PM, wrote:

 Thank you Adrian,  That has helped me get the accounts in order.  Is
there a way to move accounts. Like a copy/paste process or is that not
allowed?  You are a lifesaver!

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Re: [GNC] questions on 4.1

2022-06-12 Thread Adrien Monteleone
What version were you previously using? I've never seen this behavior 
and I've been using GnuCash since the early 2.6 days.


On 6/12/22 10:17 AM, Top Cat wrote:

I understand your thoughts, and don't disagree; the question was more that
it DID do this until I upgraded to 4.x

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Re: [GNC] How to reorganize the account tree

2022-06-12 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Note, I seem to vaguely recall a case where GnuCash is smart enough and 
helpful enough to swap the columns for you when changing account types, 
but I don't recall if this is when you simply edit, or if you delete the 
account and choose to move the transactions to an account of a different 


On 6/12/22 10:30 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Note that while you can move accounts to different main parts of the 
tree (such as moving an asset to a liability) you should also edit the 
account type (bottom-left pane of the account window) and if you have 
transactions in it, you'll possibly need to swap the columns containing 
amounts for *all* transactions.

In this case, I'd advise using View > Transaction Journal so you can 
always see all splits. Then work your way through each transaction 
moving the amounts from the left to the right and vice versa. That is 
easy to do by simply adding a minus sign in front of an amount. GnuCash 
will swap it for you.

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Re: [GNC] Entry Point Not Found error

2022-06-12 Thread Adrien Monteleone

The wiki page on upgrading would be a good read here.

A few caveats:

1. version numbering scheme changed with 3.x, so if you were on say 2.4, 
you first need to upgrade to the last 2.6.x (which was 2.6.21, I think) 
then you can move to the last 3.x, then the current 4.x.

2. You don't have to go through every version, just the last of each 
major release. (you don't even have to install the x.0 versions either)


On 6/11/22 8:50 PM, Gyle McCollam wrote:

You say you upgraded from an "ancient" version.  I have seen recommendations that users upgrade 
in steps , not a wholesale upgrade.  I would try uninstalling, then install the next major level, say 3.0.  
Try that and if it lets you in, run "Actions/Check & Repair/Check & Repair All".  Then 
upgrade to  v4.0 and repeat.  Once this is working, then upgrade to 4.1.  Good Luck!

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Re: [GNC] Startup issue - two windows

2022-06-12 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Thanks. I was chasing a ghost on that one.

John advised this has to do with the type of SLR window being used for 
SX. One is modal, the other not. Which one you see depends on if 
transactions were created and depends on your SX settings.

I guess my settings are such that I never get the modal window so I 
never see this problem. (I also turned off the splash screen and the Tip 
of the Day)


On 6/11/22 9:40 AM, Bruce Irving wrote:

Peppermint 10 does use LXDE as a DE.
PepermintOS has gone to XFCE and the same pattern exhibits itself there.

On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 8:31 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

Would that Peppermint instance happen to be using LXDE as a DE by
chance? It appears the OP is using the same and I seem to recall
Peppermint once had it as a default.

I'm wondering if this has to do with certain package versions of parts
of GTK.

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Re: [GNC] How to reorganize the account tree

2022-06-15 Thread Adrien Monteleone
There are some standard numbering schemes out there online, but of 
course, the user can employ whatever scheme they want.


On 6/13/22 9:43 AM, Stan Brown wrote:

On 2022-06-13 07:31, Gyle McCollam wrote:

As someone suggested, you could assign account codes and sort on them.  I would 
use at least a four digit number, so you have room to add accounts in between 
in the future.  I would suggest 1000s for assets, 2000s for liabilities, 3000s 
for income, and 4000s for expense.

I'm curious: why not 1000s for assets, 2000s for liabilities, 3000s for
net worth (equities), 4000s for income, and 5000s for expense?

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Re: [GNC] Itemize multiple tax entries in invoice

2022-06-16 Thread Adrien Monteleone
If you are viewing a report, the menu entry is found in the Edit menu, 
but in this case, it is always a toolbar icon as well.


On 6/15/22 10:02 PM, Jay Thompson wrote:

Where can I find the "report options" in the menu? Thanks

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Re: [GNC] Online crypto value quote

2022-06-17 Thread Adrien Monteleone
The error message reports "500" as the status code. That's an Internal 
Server Error, so it isn't you. Unfortunately, "500" is a generic 
catch-all for server errors, so there isn't any further information as 
to what type of error. There's nothing you can do but wait. (at least 
for Yahoo)

Try getting individual quotes in the Terminal using AlphaVantage.


On 6/17/22 2:34 AM, Trang Julie via gnucash-user wrote:

Thank you, Geoff,

I tried and it says as in attached screenshot.

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Re: [GNC] Online crypto value quote

2022-06-17 Thread Adrien Monteleone
That's the thing with server errors. Sometimes they are quite transient. 
I've done a simple reload of a page, or re-run a command and received 
expected results right after a 500-class error.


On 6/17/22 11:31 AM, Richard Ullger via gnucash-user wrote:
That's strange, I don't have any issues getting crypto quotes using 
yahoo json as the source.

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[GNC] Possible Bug - Due Reminder WIndow Not Updating on Posting

2022-06-18 Thread Adrien Monteleone
It might be intended behavior, but I noticed on posting a Bill while 
having the Bills Due Reminder window open, the list of bills does not 
update to reflect the newly posted bill.

It does however remove bills upon processing a payment (though per, does not update the 
document count) and it will update existing bill info on editing. (such 
as due date and amount)

This is using v4.10 on BigSur.

If it is supposed to be updating, I'll go ahead and file a bug.

*This particular bill was created by duplicating a previous bill. 
(already paid) I'm not sure if this is relevant info or not. I'll see 
about testing with a bill created from scratch.


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Re: [GNC] Bitcoin Lightning payments

2022-06-18 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I'm pretty sure the issue isn't GnuCash development. (based on previous 
threads) The issue is that BTC and other 'coins' don't have ISO currency 
codes. When/if they get one, GC will include them.


On 6/17/22 11:05 PM, HSC wrote:

Thank you, Michael D Novack!
That's a great solution until GNC development catches up to the crypto world: 
we will keep separate GNC file for each cryptoasset.

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Re: [GNC] Bitcoin Lightning payments

2022-06-18 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I'm not arguing anything. I'm simply passing along what I've seen the 
devs talk about in prior threads.

Of course, if they have time out of their day coding GnuCash to chime 
in, I'm sure they can enlighten you more on the issues they have to 
consider in the code, and why that decision was made. As far as I'm 
aware, they aren't specifically 'anti-crypto'.

Perhaps if one of them (or an experienced user) has the time, they can 
put something in the FAQ on the subject. (it is a fairly frequent topic 
here on the list.)

Of course, if you took the time to search the list archives, you'll find 
those discussions and explanations.


On 6/18/22 10:38 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

On Sat, 18 Jun 2022 at 16:12, Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

I'm pretty sure the issue isn't GnuCash development. (based on previous
threads) The issue is that BTC and other 'coins' don't have ISO currency
codes. When/if they get one, GC will include them.


That seems a *very* lame argument to me.


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Re: [GNC] Questions on invoicing and invoice format

2022-06-22 Thread Adrien Monteleone

On 6/22/22 4:40 AM, Charles Vincent wrote:

1. Is it possible to delete invoices?  As I was setting up invoices, I made
some mistakes so I now have invoice 1, invoice 2 and invoice 3 with
different print options for the same student but I cannot seem to find a
way to delete unnecessary invoices. Any option for that?

No, you can't delete them.

But you can re-assign them to someone else.

When this happens, I usually edit the invoice# to be something like 'Use 
Next' and before starting an invoice, I'll do a Find for the 'Use Next' 
invoice#, then edit from there.

2. How do I save a Fancy invoice configuration which will apply to all
clients?  Right now, the only way I have been able to do it is to save the
fancy configuration for client 1 but when I use the same configuration for
client 2, it comes out with the name of client 1 instead of client 2.
What I am asking is the process to save a Print Invoice configuration (or a
Report /Saved Report configurations) which can be used for many clients
without having to format each individual client.

As far as I know, there is no way to specify a different default 
configuration. It would be a very useful enhancement. Unless you really 
need to, I'd avoid putting client info in the configuration. Keep it as 
general as possible.

3.  What is the process to ensure that When I open and insert amounts in a
new invoice, what is the process to ensure that it automatically goes to
the right print invoice fancy format?  I cannot figure it out.

It doesn't work automatically. You have to choose the stylesheet each 
time if you want to use one other than the default. (note, you *can* 
edit and save changes to the default) There is no way to change *which* 
stylesheet is the default. This too would be quite useful.


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Re: [GNC] Credit note posting to an expense account

2022-06-25 Thread Adrien Monteleone
The credit note should be posted to A/R, but the line item(s) in the 
note can be posted to expense accounts.

Except for the reverse posting (credit vs. debit) they are the same as 
invoices & bills.


On 6/25/22 11:18 AM, wrote:

I wish to create a credit note in A/R and post it to an expense account.
The only options I see are to post to an income, liability, or asset
account, and I can well understand why, as in most business processes a
credit note represents a negative income.  The only work around I can find
is to post to an intermediary account, for example a suspense account in
liabilities, and then post out of that account in a second transaction to
the expense account.  Is there any other way?

For background, it's for a member's club where all members are invoiced for
membership and services in A/R, and sometimes members incur expenses on
behalf of the club, which I wish to credit to their account and debit to the
appropriate expense account. A credit note provides a nice document to
provide them with.

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Re: [GNC] Credit note posting to an expense account (Adrien Monteleone)

2022-06-26 Thread Adrien Monteleone

David, sorry, you are correct. I'm not sure what I was thinking.

Create a Liability account for this purpose. The member is spending on 
the Club's behalf and thus the Club 'owes' the member. I have one called 
'Reimbursable Expenditures'

Make a transaction to record the expense:

Dr. Expense
Cr. Reimbursable Expenditures

Raise a credit note to reduce the Liability and reduce AR. (what the 
member owes)

That should result in:

Dr. Reimbursable Expenditures
Cr. AR

A 'customer' report should then reflect the net owed by the member. (or 
by the club if the expense was in excess of dues)


On 6/26/22 11:17 AM, wrote:

Hi Adrien,
In my version of GnuCash I am not able to select an expense account at an
item level when creating the credit note. Only Income, asset or liability
accounts. It's the 5th column entitled "income" where I select the account.
Please check and tell me if I have misunderstood.
David Long

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Re: [GNC] Split ownership

2022-06-28 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Sounds reasonable.

You'd need a liability (or contra-asset) account to handle the parts of 
the transaction to facilitate owing and paying your friend.

This is similar to the example in the Guide (or is it the Wiki) 
concerning shared household expenses or trip expenses between 


On 6/28/22 9:12 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:

I see I was not clear in my description of the transactions.

I wrote a check for the full price of a golf cart to a dealer.
The next day, a friend gave me their half of the cost.
Some years later, I sold the golf cart and I got the full selling price
from the buyer.
A few days later, I gave half of the selling price to my friend.

I guess I could record the purchase as 1/2 to golf cart asset
and 1/2 to short term loan to friend.  And that loan is paid
back the next day.

And the same idea would be used for the sale.

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Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 231, Issue 70

2022-06-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I'm pretty certain the Help or the Guide has instructions on starting a 
fresh book with the same set of accounts.

Customers/Vendors/Employees however, I'm not sure about. I don't think 
there is a way to export/import them in any case.


On 6/29/22 7:00 PM, Eric Hammond wrote:

Resending to proper group

I set up GnuCash as best possible by extracting what I could from my crashed 
Quicken, and many Excel spreadsheets. And 6 months of work.
I got all the info in, but not working properly.
I want to start fresh, almost.
I have created clean CSV files for the AR and AP; and transaction files to fill 
in the bank ledgers.
What I need is to clean GnuCash of everything Except the account tree, vendor 
and customer database.
(Maybe I missed something, but the exported version of vendor and customer data 
has only name and ID number.)

Any ideas on how to do this, or how to not need to do this are appreciated.


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Re: [GNC] Description list

2022-06-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Another approach idea:

1. Find a previous transaction for which you want to repeat a 
description. (this can be done from the CoA, or from a particular 
account, such as an expense account)

2. Right-click & Duplicate Transaction

3. Edit the new transaction as desired.

Yet another approach:

1. I use 'Description' for people/companies I pay money to, or recieve 
money from *only*.

2. I put 'description' information in the Notes field. (you need View> 
Double-Line turned on to see it)

3. I put line-item descriptions in the Memo fields for each split. (use 
View > Auto-Split or View > Transaction Journal, or the Split button to 
see them)

4. Now you're 'Descriptions' are much more limited to just 
Payors/Payees. Your detailed info, still can use auto-complete, but will 
come up as you type. Additionally, repeating a Payor/Payee, can 
auto-complete the entire last transaction with them, so some 
descriptions may carry through automatically. This is particularly 
helpful for regular transactions that don't change often save maybe for 


p.s. I agree, it would be nice to see a pull-down to choose from, 
similar to the account list. Feel free to file an RFE (Request for 
Enhancement) on Bugzilla. Someone who can code it may agree and 
implement it.

On 6/29/22 6:21 PM, Steve Elstad wrote:

Hi, is there a way to create a list of all the items I have used in the
Description field?  The autocompletion works if I remember the description
correctly.  Would like to see a list for those rarely used ones.

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Re: [GNC] Printing Chart of Accounts WITHOUT balances

2022-06-30 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Either export/save the report and then open with a spreadsheet and 
remove the balances, then print, (to PDF using a virtual printer if desired)


Select-All while viewing the report, then copy/paste into a spreadsheet, 

Neither of those options require hand-editing the HTML.

And in the spreadsheet, might be accomplished by simply deleting one or 
more columns. (depending on how many are occupied by balance figures)


On 6/30/22 3:57 PM, Stan Brown wrote:

I have GC 2.6.19 in Widows 10. I'm attempting to print a chart of
accounts, showing account code and account title. I'm using the Account
Summary report, because there does not seem to be a Cart of Accounts
report. But I don't want account balances to show on this report.

In report options, there's a tick box for Account Balance, and I have
unticked it. I click on Apply to rewrite the report, but the account
balances still appear.

I'm attaching my selected report options. (I have not changed anything
on the Commodities tab, because I don't have any commodity accounts.)

I know I'm using an old version, so maybe GC 2.6.19 just has a bug that
causes it to display account balances even though they're un-requested.
But also I wonder if some option I selected has the side effect of
showing balances. (On the Display tab, I did try changing Parent Account
Balances to "Do not show". That suppressed the parent account balances,
but all the other accounts showed balances.)

Is there something I can do to get a chart of accounts without balances,
apart from exporting HTML and hand editing? Thanks!

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Re: [GNC] Printing Chart of Accounts WITHOUT balances

2022-07-01 Thread Adrien Monteleone

On 7/1/22 11:33 AM, Stan Brown wrote:

Re-sending to the list this time.

Somebody remind me why the list manager program doesn't set reply-to to
the list? :-)

That's a function of your e-mail/newslist reader. Some do not 
auto-detect lists, so don't present the option. (or hide it under a 
drop-down or menu) Others only offer a 'reply-all' option.

For some, like Thunderbird, they name that button 'Followup'.

So, it's on you to make sure you're addressing to the right party.

Thank you, David.

Could you (or someone) enter a bug, please? (Accounts Summary report
displays account balances though that option is deselected in Report

I don't ever recall this being a thing. Thus that would be a Request for 
Enhancement. But unless it would be really easy to implement, I don't 
see it appearing any time soon. And you have options to get what you are 
looking for as you noted.

I tried to enter it, but GnuCash Bugzilla rejected my login credentials
for some reason. And in any case, I wouldn't be able to attest from my
own knowledge that the bug still exists in the current version.

I just logged in fine, so again, seems to be a user thing.

As for the bug report, it already exists from 11 years ago:

But determined 'Not A Bug'.

It works, but maybe not as you expected.

It is arguable that the wording of the option should be improved, or the 
option should be modified in behavior, or additional options added to 
decide what level of account balances to exclude. (it presently only 
operates on top-level accounts)


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Re: [GNC] Multiple currencies in split tx

2022-07-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Starting from the source account is good practice no matter the type of 

Since funds in double-entry have to 'come from somewhere' and 'go to 
somewhere', by always entering the transaction in the source account, 
you are always choosing the destination(s).

Life is much less confusing that way. (yes, yes, before anyone else 
chimes in, I know there are sometimes complicated transactions with 
multiple sources...)


On 7/1/22 3:45 PM, HSC wrote:

Previously tried unsuccessfully to figure it out with trading accounts, but if 
I understand correctly, the key is to start in the source account.

So, we'll try that next.

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Re: [GNC] Multiple currencies in split tx

2022-07-02 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Michael, I gave a quite generic caveat if you didn't notice, but thanks 
for the specific exception for posterity! (for that 1%, or so, as I 
guess various of us from time to time, might judge or measure that 
statistic, or make it up, as the case my be, or warrant.)


On 7/2/22 12:56 PM, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:

On 7/2/2022 3:38 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Starting from the source account is good practice no matter the type 
of transaction.

Since funds in double-entry have to 'come from somewhere' and 'go to 
somewhere', by always entering the transaction in the source account, 
you are always choosing the destination(s).

Life is much less confusing that way. (yes, yes, before anyone else 
chimes in, I know there are sometimes complicated transactions with 
multiple sources...)


"Since funds in double-entry have to come from somewhere " might be 
a trifle naive. There probably will be "funds" involved 99% of the time. 
But there will be exceptions. Like:

a) You receive a statement from you employer that you have an "imputed 
income" amount of $X.00  << the employer has paid the premium for your 
group term insurance (a common employee benefit) but the portion of the 
premium for the amount over $50,000 face value is considered income by 
Uncle Sam >> That would be a debit "life insurance premiums" and a 
credit "income"  This MAY be bit by bit on your payroll statements 
where the total income (including imputed) is greater then gross income.

b) Typical :journal transactions" like recording annual depreciation.

Michael D Novack

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