Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread Liz Dodd
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 12:44:10 -0600
laurel hargis  wrote:

>  The last step is to reinstall operating system which I
> won’t do. I may have to lose 10 months of entry if I can’t get a fix.
> Always exactly same message. Microsoft says it’s the program.
> Suggestions for what I should do?

You could leave windows without leaving windows
Gnucash (please note that this is the correct name, not "gnu") runs on
other operating systems. I'm not proposing that you buy a Mac, but
thinking of you installing a Linux version in a virtual machine,
putting Gnucash on that, copying your data over and using that.

It does sound like a lot of work, but you have already spent many hours
trying to get things usable.

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Re: [GNC] Import PayPal transactions into GC (Windows)

2020-11-26 Thread Frank H. Ellenberger
That is about to the ofx backend. I see no relation to the paypal backend.


Am 25.11.20 um 23:55 schrieb Jeff Albrecht:
> On 11/25/2020 3:27 PM, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:
>> Gnucash 4.2 on Windows shipped aqbanking-6.2.2, gwenhywfar-5.4.0
>> The recent nighlies
>> [;O=D] are build with
>> aqbanking-6.2.5 and gwenhywfar-5.4.1 I do not remember major changes
>> related to the paypal module between them.
>> Which version did you try at last?
> I believe I tried it again with Win 10, GNUCash 4.2 I had some trouble
> with the workaround so decided to just wait until I saw some release
> notes that it was fixed...
> I'm referring to this problem which John Ralls commented on awhile back;
>     > On Aug 7, 2020, at 10:34 AM, Jeff Albrecht  wrote:
>     >
>     > See attached image. Also; This image may be suitable for the
>    previously reported broken link in the
> instructions.
>     >
>     > I believe I started with GNUCash 2.7x converting from Quicken. At
>    that time I successfully setup OFX direct connect to my credit
>    union. I updated GC a time or two. I guess it broke in a version
>    between that but recently I upgraded to 4.1
>     >
>     > I went through the AqBanking setup wizard and got a list of my
>    expected bank accounts. I clicked OK out of there, once back to the
>    wizard the 'next' button is ghosted I can't click it to proceed to
>    accounts configuration.
>     >
>     > One thing in the attached account retrieval log image notice the
>    '((no bank name)'' on the three received account lines. Is that
>    a problem?
>    This is a bug, we think in AQBanking. I've documented the
>    work-around and what to do if it fails on
>    Regards,
>    John Ralls
> - Jeff
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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread laurel hargis
No I am not.

Thank you

On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 10:39 PM D. via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> Laurel,
> I'm sorry you're having these troubles. Many windows users (myself
> included) are successfully using gnucash on windows. A search online showed
> several very old email threads with this error; however, they were from
> users of a repackaged version of Gnucash from a group called portableapps.
> Is it at all possible that yoga are trying to use a portable version of
> Gnucash?
> David T.
>  Original Message 
> From: nvsoar 
> Sent: Wed Nov 25 22:47:47 EST 2020
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10
> update
> On 11/25/20 19:19, David Cousens wrote:
> > Laurel,
> >
> > Uninstalling and reinstalling the Windows 10 system should be a last
> resort.
> >
> > *Before you do that, at least make a copy of all the data files in your
> user
> > directory either on a USB stick or a copy to another computer*. *Don't
> let a
> > technician reinstall it without doing this first*. Your user files will
> be
> > stored in C:/Users// where you will need to substitute
> your
> > actual user name on the computer for the placeholder  in
> the
> > above path.  Copy all files in that location onto a USB stick or other
> > medium before attempting a reinstall of Windows. You will then be able to
> > restore your user data files from the USB stick if you do have to do a
> > Windows reinstall and reinstall all programs.  That should prevent any
> loss
> > of data stored in the GNuCash files.
> >
> > GnuCash 4.2 should not be looking for that file in that location which
> may
> > suggest that the initial install of GC 4.2 has perhaps not completely
> > removed all files from a previous version (which it should do during the
> > install procedure) and that an outdated dll file is being accessed and in
> > turn is looking for a routine in a dll which no longer exists.  AFAIK
> there
> > have been some rewrites of the GnuCash library files recently which could
> > lead to this.
> >
> > You could also try making sure any subsequent Windows updates are
> installed
> > and that Windows 10 itself is fully up to date.
> >
> > Try manually removing GnuCash using the Control Panel  programs tab
> before
> > reinstalling GnuCash from a fresh download of 4.2. If old files have not
> > been removed properly this may unload them.
> >
> > If that doesn't work I would then try reinstalling the version you had
> > previously and see if it works  Doing a manual uninstall of the previous
> > version  from the control panel after a reinstall of the old version
> should
> > then get rid of any previous program files which may have been left in
> > place.  Then follow that by reinstalling GC 4.2.
> >
> > David
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> > David Cousens
> > --
> > Sent from:
> snip - I support the above approach suggested by David Cousens. FWIW - I
> use the Revo Uninstaller because I found that the Windows uninstaller
> still leaves stuff hanging around.  As for file finding I use an
> application called Everything that indexes all windows files - much
> faster than Windows search.  (Links are
>  and _nvsoar
> ___
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> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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> -
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> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ___
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> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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> -
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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread Derek Atkins

Hi Lauren,
Sorry you are having these issues.
I presume you are installing the official gnucash package that you 
downloaded from the links off
Can you manually uninstall what you have installed, download the package 
again, and reinstall it?
As others have said, there are many happy windows users, so it sounds like 
something got corrupted on your system.

A full uninstall and reinstall should correct that.
Good luck!

Sent using my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.
On November 26, 2020 8:04:34 AM laurel hargis  wrote:

No I am not.

Thank you

On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 10:39 PM D. via gnucash-user <> wrote:


I'm sorry you're having these troubles. Many windows users (myself
included) are successfully using gnucash on windows. A search online showed
several very old email threads with this error; however, they were from
users of a repackaged version of Gnucash from a group called portableapps.

Is it at all possible that yoga are trying to use a portable version of

David T.

 Original Message 
From: nvsoar 
Sent: Wed Nov 25 22:47:47 EST 2020
Subject: Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10

On 11/25/20 19:19, David Cousens wrote:
> Laurel,
> Uninstalling and reinstalling the Windows 10 system should be a last
> *Before you do that, at least make a copy of all the data files in your
> directory either on a USB stick or a copy to another computer*. *Don't
let a
> technician reinstall it without doing this first*. Your user files will
> stored in C:/Users// where you will need to substitute
> actual user name on the computer for the placeholder  in
> above path.  Copy all files in that location onto a USB stick or other
> medium before attempting a reinstall of Windows. You will then be able to
> restore your user data files from the USB stick if you do have to do a
> Windows reinstall and reinstall all programs.  That should prevent any
> of data stored in the GNuCash files.
> GnuCash 4.2 should not be looking for that file in that location which
> suggest that the initial install of GC 4.2 has perhaps not completely
> removed all files from a previous version (which it should do during the
> install procedure) and that an outdated dll file is being accessed and in
> turn is looking for a routine in a dll which no longer exists.  AFAIK
> have been some rewrites of the GnuCash library files recently which could
> lead to this.
> You could also try making sure any subsequent Windows updates are
> and that Windows 10 itself is fully up to date.
> Try manually removing GnuCash using the Control Panel  programs tab
> reinstalling GnuCash from a fresh download of 4.2. If old files have not
> been removed properly this may unload them.
> If that doesn't work I would then try reinstalling the version you had
> previously and see if it works  Doing a manual uninstall of the previous
> version  from the control panel after a reinstall of the old version
> then get rid of any previous program files which may have been left in
> place.  Then follow that by reinstalling GC 4.2.
> David
> -
> David Cousens
> --
> Sent from:
snip - I support the above approach suggested by David Cousens. FWIW - I
use the Revo Uninstaller because I found that the Windows uninstaller
still leaves stuff hanging around.  As for file finding I use an
application called Everything that indexes all windows files - much
faster than Windows search.  (Links are  and _nvsoar
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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread laurel hargis
The “ no I am not” response was to David T’s  question of if I’m using

Sorry. I will try some of the other suggestions  I received yesterday and
this morning later today.


On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 7:03 AM laurel hargis  wrote:

> No I am not.
> Thank you
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 10:39 PM D. via gnucash-user <
>> wrote:
>> Laurel,
>> I'm sorry you're having these troubles. Many windows users (myself
>> included) are successfully using gnucash on windows. A search online showed
>> several very old email threads with this error; however, they were from
>> users of a repackaged version of Gnucash from a group called portableapps.
>> Is it at all possible that yoga are trying to use a portable version of
>> Gnucash?
>> David T.
>>  Original Message 
>> From: nvsoar 
>> Sent: Wed Nov 25 22:47:47 EST 2020
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10
>> update
>> On 11/25/20 19:19, David Cousens wrote:
>> > Laurel,
>> >
>> > Uninstalling and reinstalling the Windows 10 system should be a last
>> resort.
>> >
>> > *Before you do that, at least make a copy of all the data files in your
>> user
>> > directory either on a USB stick or a copy to another computer*. *Don't
>> let a
>> > technician reinstall it without doing this first*. Your user files will
>> be
>> > stored in C:/Users// where you will need to substitute
>> your
>> > actual user name on the computer for the placeholder 
>> in the
>> > above path.  Copy all files in that location onto a USB stick or other
>> > medium before attempting a reinstall of Windows. You will then be able
>> to
>> > restore your user data files from the USB stick if you do have to do a
>> > Windows reinstall and reinstall all programs.  That should prevent any
>> loss
>> > of data stored in the GNuCash files.
>> >
>> > GnuCash 4.2 should not be looking for that file in that location which
>> may
>> > suggest that the initial install of GC 4.2 has perhaps not completely
>> > removed all files from a previous version (which it should do during the
>> > install procedure) and that an outdated dll file is being accessed and
>> in
>> > turn is looking for a routine in a dll which no longer exists.  AFAIK
>> there
>> > have been some rewrites of the GnuCash library files recently which
>> could
>> > lead to this.
>> >
>> > You could also try making sure any subsequent Windows updates are
>> installed
>> > and that Windows 10 itself is fully up to date.
>> >
>> > Try manually removing GnuCash using the Control Panel  programs tab
>> before
>> > reinstalling GnuCash from a fresh download of 4.2. If old files have not
>> > been removed properly this may unload them.
>> >
>> > If that doesn't work I would then try reinstalling the version you had
>> > previously and see if it works  Doing a manual uninstall of the previous
>> > version  from the control panel after a reinstall of the old version
>> should
>> > then get rid of any previous program files which may have been left in
>> > place.  Then follow that by reinstalling GC 4.2.
>> >
>> > David
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > -
>> > David Cousens
>> > --
>> > Sent from:
>> snip - I support the above approach suggested by David Cousens. FWIW - I
>> use the Revo Uninstaller because I found that the Windows uninstaller
>> still leaves stuff hanging around.  As for file finding I use an
>> application called Everything that indexes all windows files - much
>> faster than Windows search.  (Links are
>>  and _nvsoar
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> for more information.
>> -
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> for more information.
>> -
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>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread Manfred Usselmann

Hi Laurel,

Am 26.11.2020 03:25, schrieb laurel hargis:
Perhaps the Windows 10 update didn’t cause the problem. Maybe 
But, all I did was try to open my OLD version of gnu on desktop to 

some entries.

By "old version of gnu" do you mean an old version of the GnuCash 
application? Have you got two different versions of GnuCash installed at 
the same time? Not sure if this is possible at all but if this could 
probably cause issues...

Or did you just mean opening an old version of your data file?

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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 11/25/2020 9:25 PM, laurel hargis wrote:

Perhaps the Windows 10 update didn’t cause the problem. Maybe coincidence.
 but still don’t know how to find my files or work on them.  That’s why 
I’m concerned about
losing 10 months of work although I’m told the files are in there

a) Not knowing how to find your gnucash data file(s) is a different 
problem. More related to being able to use Windows tools. If we told you 
extremely likely that the name of your gnucash file(s) ends with the 
file extension .gnucash do you know how to use Windows Explorer to find 
such files? In other words, if you don't know how to ask Windows "show 
me all files ending in .xyz" your problem is not specific to gnucash.

b) A desktop shortcut not working is not the same as program not 
working. Referring to "a" above, are you able to find the file 
"gnucash.exe" on your computer. What happens when you click to open that 
file? If that opens gnucash for you, do you know how to create a 
shortcut to that on your desktop. Again, those are "using Windows" 
matters, not gnucash matter.

Michael D Novack

PS -- I am NOT wanting to appear snide, just that your problem may be 
more "needing to have using Windows support". Do you have, for example, 
a "Windows 10 for Dummies" book?  (or one for whatever version of 
Windows you are using). Please note that my wife would be helpless in 
the same situation you are reporting. She. for example, could not use 
explorer to find a file or create a shortcut to something. Luckily she 
has a resident support person.

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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread laurel hargis
No offense taken. I will look into your suggestions.  Thank you for your


On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 9:22 AM Michael or Penny Novack <> wrote:

> On 11/25/2020 9:25 PM, laurel hargis wrote:
> > Perhaps the Windows 10 update didn’t cause the problem. Maybe
> coincidence.
> >  but still don’t know how to find my files or work on them.
> That’s why I’m concerned about
> > losing 10 months of work although I’m told the files are in there
> > somewhere.
> a) Not knowing how to find your gnucash data file(s) is a different
> problem. More related to being able to use Windows tools. If we told you
> extremely likely that the name of your gnucash file(s) ends with the
> file extension .gnucash do you know how to use Windows Explorer to find
> such files? In other words, if you don't know how to ask Windows "show
> me all files ending in .xyz" your problem is not specific to gnucash.
> b) A desktop shortcut not working is not the same as program not
> working. Referring to "a" above, are you able to find the file
> "gnucash.exe" on your computer. What happens when you click to open that
> file? If that opens gnucash for you, do you know how to create a
> shortcut to that on your desktop. Again, those are "using Windows"
> matters, not gnucash matter.
> Michael D Novack
> PS -- I am NOT wanting to appear snide, just that your problem may be
> more "needing to have using Windows support". Do you have, for example,
> a "Windows 10 for Dummies" book?  (or one for whatever version of
> Windows you are using). Please note that my wife would be helpless in
> the same situation you are reporting. She. for example, could not use
> explorer to find a file or create a shortcut to something. Luckily she
> has a resident support person.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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> -
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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread Fred Bone
On 25 November 2020 at 14:59, David Cousens said:

> Adrien, Laurel
> I have just downloaded GnuCash 4.2 and installed it on my wife's Windows
> 10 box and it appears to be working OK. I checked "C:/Program
> Files(X86)/gnucash/bin" and there is no "libgncmod-app-utils.dll" in that
> location. I can open registers  and create new transactions without any
> problems, so the problem appears not to be a general problem with GnuCash
> 4.2  on WIndows 10.

There's one in that location on v2.6.21 though, which suggests perhaps an 
issue with a report designed to run under an older version that needs 
reconfiguring for 4.2.

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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread Greg Feneis
Perhaps if GnuCash could be started by navigating to the actual
executable file and double clicking on it.  This would bypass concerns with
failed file associations, broken shortcuts, etc.  If successful, at the
very worst, it should start and complain that it can't find the working
file it used to know.

EG: My GnuCash 2.6.21 installation is found by opening windows explorer and
typing this into the address bar.
C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin (then press enter)
In the list of files that shows up, I can see gnucash.exe  If I double
click on this file's icon, GnuCash starts and runs.
My GnuCash version is several updates old, so Laurel's may be in a slightly
different place. If she could find it, she could start the program directly
from the executable and let us know what happens.
Failing that, Laurel may be able to navigate to the same location via
command prompt and start GnuCash with debug logging enabled in some verbose
fashion.  Someone else will have to chime in with details on whether and
how it's possible.

Kind regards,

Greg Feneis

On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 9:00 AM Fred Bone  wrote:

> On 25 November 2020 at 14:59, David Cousens said:
> > Adrien, Laurel
> >
> > I have just downloaded GnuCash 4.2 and installed it on my wife's Windows
> > 10 box and it appears to be working OK. I checked "C:/Program
> > Files(X86)/gnucash/bin" and there is no "libgncmod-app-utils.dll" in that
> > location. I can open registers  and create new transactions without any
> > problems, so the problem appears not to be a general problem with GnuCash
> > 4.2  on WIndows 10.
> There's one in that location on v2.6.21 though, which suggests perhaps an
> issue with a report designed to run under an older version that needs
> reconfiguring for 4.2.
> ___
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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread laurel hargis
Nvsoar:  I am using revo. Do I only uninstall the c program x86 exe files?
It shows me an entire tree with accounts, invoices , lLots of files

On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 11:22 AM Greg Feneis  wrote:

> Perhaps if GnuCash could be started by navigating to the actual
> executable file and double clicking on it.  This would bypass concerns with
> failed file associations, broken shortcuts, etc.  If successful, at the
> very worst, it should start and complain that it can't find the working
> file it used to know.
> EG: My GnuCash 2.6.21 installation is found by opening windows explorer and
> typing this into the address bar.
> C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin (then press enter)
> In the list of files that shows up, I can see gnucash.exe  If I double
> click on this file's icon, GnuCash starts and runs.
> My GnuCash version is several updates old, so Laurel's may be in a slightly
> different place. If she could find it, she could start the program directly
> from the executable and let us know what happens.
> Failing that, Laurel may be able to navigate to the same location via
> command prompt and start GnuCash with debug logging enabled in some verbose
> fashion.  Someone else will have to chime in with details on whether and
> how it's possible.
> Kind regards,
> Greg Feneis
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 9:00 AM Fred Bone 
> wrote:
> > On 25 November 2020 at 14:59, David Cousens said:
> >
> > > Adrien, Laurel
> > >
> > > I have just downloaded GnuCash 4.2 and installed it on my wife's
> Windows
> > > 10 box and it appears to be working OK. I checked "C:/Program
> > > Files(X86)/gnucash/bin" and there is no "libgncmod-app-utils.dll" in
> that
> > > location. I can open registers  and create new transactions without any
> > > problems, so the problem appears not to be a general problem with
> GnuCash
> > > 4.2  on WIndows 10.
> >
> > There's one in that location on v2.6.21 though, which suggests perhaps an
> > issue with a report designed to run under an older version that needs
> > reconfiguring for 4.2.
> >
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
> > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> > for more information.
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> >
> ___
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> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread laurel hargis
I am in “found leftover registry items” in revo. Should I skip the deletion
of some found, or only the exe items?

On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 3:57 PM laurel hargis  wrote:

> Nvsoar:  I am using revo. Do I only uninstall the c program x86 exe
> files?  It shows me an entire tree with accounts, invoices , lLots of files
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 11:22 AM Greg Feneis  wrote:
>> Perhaps if GnuCash could be started by navigating to the actual
>> executable file and double clicking on it.  This would bypass concerns
>> with
>> failed file associations, broken shortcuts, etc.  If successful, at the
>> very worst, it should start and complain that it can't find the working
>> file it used to know.
>> EG: My GnuCash 2.6.21 installation is found by opening windows explorer
>> and
>> typing this into the address bar.
>> C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin (then press enter)
>> In the list of files that shows up, I can see gnucash.exe  If I double
>> click on this file's icon, GnuCash starts and runs.
>> My GnuCash version is several updates old, so Laurel's may be in a
>> slightly
>> different place. If she could find it, she could start the program
>> directly
>> from the executable and let us know what happens.
>> Failing that, Laurel may be able to navigate to the same location via
>> command prompt and start GnuCash with debug logging enabled in some
>> verbose
>> fashion.  Someone else will have to chime in with details on whether and
>> how it's possible.
>> Kind regards,
>> Greg Feneis
>> On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 9:00 AM Fred Bone 
>> wrote:
>> > On 25 November 2020 at 14:59, David Cousens said:
>> >
>> > > Adrien, Laurel
>> > >
>> > > I have just downloaded GnuCash 4.2 and installed it on my wife's
>> Windows
>> > > 10 box and it appears to be working OK. I checked "C:/Program
>> > > Files(X86)/gnucash/bin" and there is no "libgncmod-app-utils.dll" in
>> that
>> > > location. I can open registers  and create new transactions without
>> any
>> > > problems, so the problem appears not to be a general problem with
>> GnuCash
>> > > 4.2  on WIndows 10.
>> >
>> > There's one in that location on v2.6.21 though, which suggests perhaps
>> an
>> > issue with a report designed to run under an older version that needs
>> > reconfiguring for 4.2.
>> >
>> > ___
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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update (registry)

2020-11-26 Thread Frank H. Ellenberger
The entries in
are your stored preferences from the menu Edit->Preferences, see

Am 26.11.20 um 23:04 schrieb laurel hargis:
> Nvsoar-
> I am in “found leftover registry items” in revo. Should I skip the deletion
> of some found, or only the exe items?

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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread nvsoar

On 11/26/20 13:57, laurel hargis wrote:

Nvsoar:  I am using revo. Do I only uninstall the c program x86 exe files?
It shows me an entire tree with accounts, invoices , lLots of files


Provided I have a pair of complete backups stored remotely; particularly 
of the data;  my procedure is to delete everything that the revo 
uninstaller finds using the 'medium' or 'maximum' procedure.   _nvsoar

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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread Tony Vanson
Have you tried Greg's suggestion? An easy way to check if GnuCash starts
from the command, copy and paste the following into the Windows 10 search
box (the magnifying glass icon on the bottom left of your screen)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnucash.exe" (without the quotes). This
will bring up the GnuCash executable. which if you double-click on it will
start GnuCash - or not.



On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 5:24 AM nvsoar  wrote:

> On 11/26/20 13:57, laurel hargis wrote:
> > Nvsoar:  I am using revo. Do I only uninstall the c program x86 exe
> files?
> > It shows me an entire tree with accounts, invoices , lLots of files
> snip
> Provided I have a pair of complete backups stored remotely; particularly
> of the data;  my procedure is to delete everything that the revo
> uninstaller finds using the 'medium' or 'maximum' procedure.   _nvsoar
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
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*Tony Vanson*

*The older I get,*
*the better I was*
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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread laurel hargis
I have tried that, and it doesn’t start up.  Disappointed...

Thanks for the info and checking.


On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 9:26 PM Tony Vanson  wrote:

> Have you tried Greg's suggestion? An easy way to check if GnuCash starts
> from the command, copy and paste the following into the Windows 10 search
> box (the magnifying glass icon on the bottom left of your screen)
> "C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnucash.exe" (without the quotes). This
> will bring up the GnuCash executable. which if you double-click on it will
> start GnuCash - or not.
> Cheers
> <
> >
> Virus-free.
> <
> >
> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 5:24 AM nvsoar  wrote:
> > On 11/26/20 13:57, laurel hargis wrote:
> > > Nvsoar:  I am using revo. Do I only uninstall the c program x86 exe
> > files?
> > > It shows me an entire tree with accounts, invoices , lLots of files
> >
> > snip
> >
> > Provided I have a pair of complete backups stored remotely; particularly
> > of the data;  my procedure is to delete everything that the revo
> > uninstaller finds using the 'medium' or 'maximum' procedure.   _nvsoar
> >
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
> > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> > for more information.
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> >
> --
> *Tony Vanson*
> *The older I get,*
> *the better I was*
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
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Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2020-11-26 Thread Tony Vanson
Sorry to hear that. Does GnuCash actually become available? If so, maybe
try to right-click on the file and then select "Open" instead of
double-clicking it . Also temporarily disable any anti-virus you may have
installed ( some will not allow unknown executables to run). If none of
this works, I would have to assume that the installation is corrupt and
would need a fresh download and installation. Do you get any error messages
at all?

On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 12:08 PM laurel hargis  wrote:

> I have tried that, and it doesn’t start up.  Disappointed...
> Thanks for the info and checking.
> Laurel
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 9:26 PM Tony Vanson  wrote:
>> Have you tried Greg's suggestion? An easy way to check if GnuCash starts
>> from the command, copy and paste the following into the Windows 10 search
>> box (the magnifying glass icon on the bottom left of your screen)
>> "C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnucash.exe" (without the quotes).
>> This
>> will bring up the GnuCash executable. which if you double-click on it will
>> start GnuCash - or not.
>> Cheers
>> <
>> >
>> Virus-free.
>> <
>> >
>> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>> On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 5:24 AM nvsoar  wrote:
>> > On 11/26/20 13:57, laurel hargis wrote:
>> > > Nvsoar:  I am using revo. Do I only uninstall the c program x86 exe
>> > files?
>> > > It shows me an entire tree with accounts, invoices , lLots of files
>> >
>> > snip
>> >
>> > Provided I have a pair of complete backups stored remotely; particularly
>> > of the data;  my procedure is to delete everything that the revo
>> > uninstaller finds using the 'medium' or 'maximum' procedure.   _nvsoar
>> >
>> > ___
>> > gnucash-user mailing list
>> >
>> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> >
>> > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> > for more information.
>> > -
>> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> >
>> --
>> *Tony Vanson*
>> *The older I get,*
>> *the better I was*
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> for more information.
>> -
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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*Tony Vanson*

*The older I get,*
*the better I was*
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