Re: [gentoo-dev] Email subdomain

2005-11-19 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 19 November 2005 12:00, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> The intermediary decision (during the October meeting, one month ago)
> was that the GLEP would be approved, pending a list of changes. During
> last month, nobody raised his voice to say this list of changes was
> fundamentally flawed. Which in the gentoo-dev world, is quite outstanding.

Probably because never a revised GLEP was presented?! I think the way to 
approve a GLEP that still "needs" changes isn't acceptable. There's a lot of 
information in these lists and I suppose very few ones have the time to read 
everything, so I did not read the council meeting stuff. Nevertheless, the 
very least to expect is that a possible final GLEP gets posted and discussed 
a while before it possibly will be approved. 

Personally I really don't care about the email address, even though I don't 
understand why we should unnecessarily overcomplicate things. But the way the 
base (a GLEP in this case) of decisions get changed by the council behind all 
of us is misuse of power. Obviously this was noticed by the members of the 
council as well, but the question why you didn't postpone the decision 
stands. The GLEP process needs to be a bit more formalized as it seems.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Modular X porting: dependency changes

2005-11-21 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 21 November 2005 21:50, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> Here's the change:
>   "virtual/x11" -> "<=x11-base/xorg-x11-6.99"

virtual/x11 isn't xorg for all profiles. 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] status of

2005-11-21 Thread Carsten Lohrke
I have to say I'm somewhat disappointed by what I see compared to Aarons 
proposed look¹. 

a) Regarding the space below the two horizontal menus: A continuous image 
looks much better than these "cells" with a lot of useless and redundant 
links above them. If you think the space is wasted - well then drop it at all 
or make the image a small bar so there's more place for imformation.

b) Adverts: Title them as what they are and draw a line between contents and 
adverts. The way it is now is very unfriendly to the reader.

c) The cow pictogram and the text beside it is completely superfluous.

d) I really don't think viewing the cvs is so important for first time users, 
that it needs to be linked that prominent.

e) I like the thre vertical menus with the pictres above them. But from a 
usability point of view it's really questionable to expect a first time user 
finds them instantly when there's so much information on the front page that 
he has to scroll down. Either limit the information and make an extra news 
page (including searchable archive, that's missing atm.) or drop these menus 
at all.

f) Handbook and other links: Usually you want to read the page and not 
metadata about it. The summary/date/author part takes too much place and the 
title is redundant. Make that a box next to the title or what else, but don't 
let the first action a user has to do instead to read to press scroll down.



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Re: [gentoo-dev] status of

2005-11-21 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 21 November 2005 13:36, Jakub Moc wrote:
> Well, I would like to see them on the left (and really could live without
> those illustrative pics accompanying them, but that's just me. ;)

I don't think they're very useful at the bottom either, but one (imho) 
important improvement of the design compared to what we have now is not 
having a left menu and adverts on the right. The two horizontal menus should 
suffice when you keep one static and one dynamic.


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[gentoo-dev] last rites for net-im/sim

2005-12-17 Thread Carsten Lohrke
When you are interested in sim and willing to fix all bugs¹ and takeover 
maintainership) speak now. Christmas morning I'll crucify it.



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[gentoo-dev] another global use flag...

2005-12-22 Thread Carsten Lohrke
use.local.desc:app-text/ghostscript-afpl:jasper - Enable support for jpeg2k 
use.local.desc:kde-base/kdegraphics:jpeg2k - Enable support for jpeg2k 
use.local.desc:kde-base/kdelibs:jpeg2k - Enable support for jpeg2k (jasper)
use.local.desc:net-proxy/ziproxy:jpeg2k - Enable support for jpeg2k (jasper)
use.local.desc:sci-libs/gdal:jasper - Adds support for JPEG 2000

I was just about adding another one and thought it would be better to merge 
them to a global jpeg2k use flag. Complains?


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Re: [gentoo-dev] another global use flag...

2005-12-22 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Thursday 22 December 2005 20:14, Drake Wyrm wrote:
> Query: Which would be more appropriate in this case? "jasper" for the
> library it pulls in as a depend, or "jpeg2k" for the functionality that
> library provides? There's nothing else in the tree (as far as I can
> tell) which provides JPEG-2000, but there could be.

It is imho a _problem_ when use flags are _unnecessarily_ named after the 
library instead the provided functionality. When there are two libs doing the 
same thing, a single use flag should suffice: Less use flags mean reduced 
complexity for the user, who likely will understand what "jpeg2k" means, but 
not "jasper". Which leads me to the next issue; Often you can read:

foo - enables support for $category/foo

Such a description is as good as none. To give a sample how it should be:

jpeg2k - Support for JPEG 2000, a wavelet-based image compression format.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-23 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 23 December 2005 21:45, Spider (DmD Lj) wrote:
> Erm..  No, I don't think he is. We've been asking / waiting for the
> [use] syntax to appear since before you joined the project. It's been on
> "the list" for so long that many of us have given up... ; )

He - and I thought I just missed the thread between all those emails in my 
inbox. I'm interested as well to hear a bit about the proposed enhanced 
dependency syntax.

> (finally we can kill use_with !! )

Why? There're not only autotooled configure scripts, so I don't see how to 
replace it in a generic way. I don't see what this would have to do with 
depending on ( ebuild foo without use flag bar ), either.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: Unified nVidia Driver Ebuild ready for testing

2005-12-24 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 24 December 2005 12:34, Peter wrote:
> THAT is a very reasonable comment!

Not at all. "Meta ebuilds" are a provisional and fugly workaround as long as 
we have to wait for proper sets and only to be used for a larger set of 
packages. Wrapping three or four ebuilds with another one, just for the sake 
of lazy people having only to emerge a single ebuild is ridiculous. The only 
valid point in the original idea to merge the nvidia-* packages is to reduce 
the overall number of packages in the repository. As you heard the voices 
against it, ranging from none to valid reasons, everything left is to bury 
the idea and to close the bug.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: Re: Unified nVidia Driver Ebuild ready for testing

2005-12-24 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 24 December 2005 13:50, Peter wrote:
> Would you please add the comments to the bug report? Or, may I copy them?
> Please advise.

Feel free to do so.

> Also, I find it absolutely fascinating that the only people against this
> concept are devs, and the only people for it are users. Remember that
> users are your customers. Every effort should be made to keep them happy.

The only valid issue I read about against a single nvidia-driver package was 
Diego's regarding FreeBSD. On the other hand having packages split or merged 
only because it can be done, doesn't make much sense. Regarding happiness, 
merry x-mas and best wishes to everyone, but I care about maintainability in 
the first place. You may be interested in GLEP 21¹, a very user friendly 
approach to easily group user defined packages.

> If you are against meta ebuilds, what is your opinion on KDE? Instead on 9
> (or so) packages, there are now over 250! Are 250 separate ebuilds better?
> I cannot think of another distro that slices up KDE that way. Meta
> ebuilds at least allow the user the ability to opt out of trying to
> decide which ebuilds to emerge!

The split was due and having meta packages of some sort was necessary due to 
the amount of packages. The problems are present though: re-emerging and 
un-emerging meta packages doesn't affect their child packages. For reasons 
why the split ebuilds are an advantage please refer to The KDE Split Ebuilds 
HOWTO². The big downside of (the large number of) split packages is the 
affect on the code base of the stable Portage versions (and the current 
layout of the repository), which apparently is not created having scalability 
issues in mind.

> I always used to use CVS to update my KDE source tree, then compile only
> the changed modules. I could have a whole updated KDE inside an hour. Now
> that is performance!

But this has nothing to do with providing a large user base with a reasonable 
stable set of packages.

> Here, with the unified nvidia, the intent was to REDUCE ebuilds and
> simplify installation process. I thought the recommendation of a meta
> nvidia ebuild is a worthy one worth consideration.

As explained above, it isn't.

> IMHO sometimes the desire to fine tune things and optimize things goes a
> little over the edge. nVidia upstream combines all the products together
> in their .run files. There is minimal time difference between having the
> entire suite installed versus each one individually. And, from a user's
> point of view, what could be simpler?
> Anyway, I appreciate your feedback.

If Diego could explain what the FreeBSD problem is and if he can resolve it, 
personally I don't see a valid reason against having a unified nvidia-driver 
package. I assume all the steps Portage is doing to install those packages 
(and uninstall previous versions) will take more time than having it bundled 
in a single ebuild, anyways. But raising the number of packages by a crappy 
meta ebuild (sorry, lazy users don't count) - no.



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Re: [gentoo-dev] mac/xmms-mac licence issue

2005-12-24 Thread Carsten Lohrke
This isn't politics, but copyright infringement on top of a ridiculous license 
(when you want to see it as one) we had a short discussion¹ about several 
months ago.



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Re: [gentoo-dev] Installing COPYING or LICENSE files

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 26 December 2005 14:57, Drake Wyrm wrote:
> You're going to be hard-pressed to get any kind of consensus on this
> issue. Many dev seems to feel that the license belongs there. In some
> cases the COPYING, LICENSE, and/or INSTALL files contain, not boilerplate
> drivel, but actually unique, useful information.

Removing these files and relying on LICENSE=foo in the ebuild could be seen as 
a copyright violation. There are lots of samples in /usr/src/licenses that 
aren't generic, but include a copyright notice naming the authors of a 
particular piece of software, but it doesn't match with all packages under 
this license of course. Take ZLIB as example. Since I'm not a lawyer I might 
be wrong, but me thinks it would make sense to ask one.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Stupid USE defaults that need cleaning

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 26 December 2005 19:36, Joe McCann wrote:

> This whole thread seems to have come from a
> misunderstanding of how use.defaults work and 20 min of boredom.

use.defaults are based on the idea that having an ebuild installed should 
activate the relevant use flag(s) behind the users back. This idea is plain 
wrong, but has nothing to do with Doug's Christmas day rant.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Stupid USE defaults that need cleaning

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 26 December 2005 18:07, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Because it makes sense. For any application which has IUSE="emboss",
> chances are emboss should be enabled. There was a long discussion about
> this on the -user list a while back where I ended up posting a
> newbie-friendly explanation of the whole thing. Perhaps you could hunt
> it down on marc or gmane and post a link here...

Probably you should have provided the link, because the question that comes to 
mind is, why this dependency is optional at all, when it should be enabled 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 24 December 2005 02:04, Brian Harring wrote:
> dev-lang/python[tcltk]
> ^^^ need that atom resolved with use flag tcltk enabled

I think that's exactly what someone told me months ago. :)

> >=sys-apps/portage-2.0[sandbox,!build]
> ^^^ need >=portage-2.0 merged with sandbox on, build off.

I wonder if portage deals fine with subtle dependency incompatibilities, when 
one package has foo[!bar] and another one foo[bar] as dependency and spits 
out a reasonable error message to apply mutual blockers.

> kde-libs/kde:3
> ^^^ need any kde, with slotting enabled.
> kde-libs/kde:3,4
> ^^^ need any kde, slotting 3 or 4.
> Combination?  Not set in stone afaik, the implementation I have
> sitting in saviour doesn't care about the ordering however.

This is the one I'm entirely not sure what it is good for. To me it looks more 
like a workaround for missing dependency ranges, but it won't solve any issue 
for KDE related packages. 

- The dependencies we have are always >=kde-libs/kde-x.y and when KDE 4 is 
due, we can change to =kde-libs/kde-3.5* because everything else won't be 
supported anymore. So unless I miss something, kde-libs/kde:X is superfluous.

- What we need is that ebuilds build against KDE slot X force a rebuild of 
those dependencies, which were against KDE slot Y as well as every other 
installed ebuild depending on them. Right now my fugly slot_rebuild() 
workaround lets the user do the job by hand.

As a general remark I'd like to know if and how this enhanced dependency 
syntax is ordered. :[], []: or is both allowed!? What if we find out, that we 
need to consider another factor, later? :[]<>? Wouldn't it be better to have 
a extensible scheme, like e.g. $category/$ebuild[use:foo,!bar;slot:x,y] ?


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 26 December 2005 21:28, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> If they're purely in DEPEND, that one isn't even an incompatability.

Right. But it's not that unlikely to see such a corner case sooner or later 
and it would be good if Portage catches it, instead spitting out a weird 
message, leaving the root of the issue in the dark. Should be also simple to 
write a test case.

> Well, any library that changes ABI should use a different SLOT for each
> revision. So SLOT depends should be able to replace the need for = and
> ~ and < and <= dependencies entirely. Which is a good thing, since
> those atoms make dependency resolution a general-case unsolvable
> problem.

The problem is not the SLOT change, but to build "foo" depending on "bar" 
against KDE X, while bar is built against KDE Y. "foo" and "bar" support all 
slotted KDE versions, but they need to be build against the same one. You 
simply cannot express this via slot dependencies, so this feature is useless 
for KDE packages. 

> The existing syntax is just as extensible. Up the EABI revision, and
> start adding new syntax as needed.

EAPI has nothing to do with the consistency of the syntax. Getting it once 
right, is what you usually call for. I prefer clean data structures.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 01:46, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> You solve this either by SLOTting bar and making each bar SLOT use a
> SLOT dep upon KDE, or by using USE flags and [use]:slot deps.

It's not a that uncommon case and would lead to dozens, very likely (depending 
on the future development of KDE and libs around it) hundreds of duplicated 
ebuilds. In short: Your approach would result in a unmaintainable mess and is 
not going to become reality.

> The proposed syntax is cleaner than shoving arbitrary stuff inside
> [bleh].

You know the disagree thingie. But it's not that I have to ride on it any 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 02:29, Brian Harring wrote:
> So... basically, your concern is with the resolver, not use/slot deps
> syntax.

I did not say that this  would have anything to do with the syntax. Am I right 
to extract from your words that we get rid of ~arch users complains about 
up/downgrade cycles with Portage 2.1 as well, but have them confronted with a 
proper error message!? :)

> > - The dependencies we have are always >=kde-libs/kde-x.y and when KDE 4
> > is due, we can change to =kde-libs/kde-3.5* because everything else won't
> > be supported anymore. So unless I miss something, kde-libs/kde:X is
> > superfluous.
> Missing something /me thinks.
> shouldn't really be specifying >=kde-x.y; should be specifying the
> slotting.  Do that, and you wouldn't have to go back and change it
> over to =kde-libs/kde-3.5* ; you just mark the new kde-4 as a
> different slot.

Of course slot dependencies are cleaner. Just that they don't address a 
practical problem with ebuilds buildable against multiple slotted ebuilds of 
one packages, but the need to have them, their dependencies and all other 
ebuilds depending on the latter (ones [sp?]) built against one and the same 
ebuild ( In reality a set of ebuilds, named KDE X.Y).


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 02:23, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Nooo! That's exactly the point I was making. Carsten is assuming that
> by using [slot:bar] syntax, no backwards incompatibility will be
> introduced by adding a new [fish:] key.

Nooo! ;) I said it would look more consistent, than always adding a new way 
(§$%&€<> or so) to describe or latest enhanced dependency atom.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 02:42, Brian Harring wrote:
> Well, we all seem to be missing the issue, so please spell it out
> clearly (rather then "it's going to get bad").  Didn't grok it from
> the previous email, so spell it out please :)

Just did so in the answer on your other email.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 03:11, Brian Harring wrote:
> Either way, still not totally following your complaint, thus an actual
> example would help (easiest to assume I'm a moron, and start at that
> level of explanation).


1. You have KDE 3.4 and Digikam (version doesn't matter) installed
2. You update to KDE 3.5 

What you now have is the following: KDE 3.5 works fine and Digikam as well, 
just that it uses KDE 3.4 libs. But what happens: A Digikam update (or you 
rebuild for whatever reason). You emerge it (against KDE 3.5), but its 
dependencies (libkipi, libkexif ) are still built against kdelibs 3.4. The 
result is that compiling Digikam fails. You need to rebuild these 
dependencies and every other ebuild depending n those against KDE 3.5. And 
Portage should do that transparently.

For now I have written slot_rebuild() which detects the problem at least and 
provides the user with the information what to do, but it's dead ugly.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 03:11, Brian Harring wrote:
> Never said anything about 2.1 + resolver enhancements (no clue where
> that one came from).  Merely commenting on your raised issues about
> use/slot deps.

From your words. Thanks for destroying my hope in two sentences. ;p
So we add this dependency enhancement without having a Portage version in 
place that can resolve issues as they appeare!?! Scary.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-26 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 03:40, Brian Harring wrote:
> The version of digikam being merged requires slot=3.5- it should be
> depending on libk* slot=3.5, also, no?

No! It (and also its dependencies) can be built against each 3.x slot.

> As long as the information is represented dependency wise, portage
> should be able to handle it fine.  Just need to have that info there.

It can't be handled dependency wise, because what is interesting is against 
which KDE version the relevant ebuilds are actually installed.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-27 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 04:08, Brian Harring wrote:
> So note the comment in the email you are responding to about locking
> down the used dep/rdeps for an install.

That would be a maintenance nightmare. Every time a new KDE versions comes out 
a new ebuild revision for every package depending on KDE would be needed to 
work with this particular KDE version. Just for the sake of having to match 
with insufficient slot dependencies.

I'll give another example:

Application X works with KDE 4.0 (which implies that it will work with all KDE 
4.x versions). Locking the dependency down to e.g. kde-base/kdelibs:4.0 
implies adding another ebuild revision depending on kde-base/kdelibs:4.1, 
another one on kde-base/kdelibs:4.2. In short: Even having slot dependencies 
they won't be used, because =kde-base/kdelibs-4* is the dependency, which 
matches and no one will add hundreds of ebuilds just to follow the limiting 
scope Portage is providing via slot dependencies.

Based on the packages we have now in Portage, that would mean ~300 additional 
new ebuild revisions as a side effect of every KDE version bump. Simply 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-27 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 04:07, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> But it's not binary compatible between KDE slots. So, once we
> have :slot dependencies, you should link to a specific :slot (possibly
> controlled via USE). It's like packages that can use either gtk or gtk2
> -- this has to be handled via a USE flag rather than linking against
> whichever happens to be there.

Forget it. Not maintainable, doesn't make any sense at all and won't happen. 
And it's not like gtk1/gtk2. An application working with KDE 3.0 works as 
fine with KDE 3.5. gtk1/gtk2 is comparable to KDE 3.x/KDE 4.x.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Installing COPYING or LICENSE files

2005-12-27 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 08:08, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> anyone who installs a program in portage already has a copy of the license
> on their system ... $PORTDIR/licenses/

My point was that it is often not the license of the copyright holder, because 
the copyright notice included in many licenses names the author of a specific 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-27 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 14:00, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> If all three of those packages were first built against kdelibs:3.4 and
> then kdelibs:3.5 became available then rebuilding any one of them without
> rebuilding the others will break digikam. I can't see how it's directly
> represented in the metadata unless you want to overload the meaning of

It's not possible to represent that via dependencies. What is needed is some 
sort of introspection which relevant ebuild is built against which KDE 
version and if those _installed_ ebuild:kdever combinations match the one the 
_actual_ ebuild to emerge.

But you're right about the overloading of the meaning of slots, because that's 
happening right now. Slots are used to install several versions of a package 
side by side. The idea Ciaranm and Brian are proposing to lock ebuilds 
depending on slotted packages down to a single slot is the redefinition. And 
once again: This doesn't match reality.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-27 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 14:59, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> Do you mind reading and replying to the second paragraph (which happens to
> be the only new information I brought to this thread). Underlining words to
> emphasize a point to me that I've opened by agreeing is really not
> necessary.

I did not want to hurt your feelings by underlining, Jason. :) You missed a 
point in your wording of the digikam example in your first paragraph (while 
implied in the second), though. It's not only that libkexif and libkipi need 
to be rebuilt, but any other application (e.g. showimg) depending on them as 

> You've misunderstand what is meant by "locking ebuild dependencies". I gave
> you a definition in my second paragraph. Please have a re-read.

I did not comment on what you wrote, but on Ciaranm's and Brian's ideas about 
using slot dependencies regarding KDE packages.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-27 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 18:07, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> It's worse than O(n^n) if you try to do USE dep conflict resolution
> too...

Theoretically yes, practically the worst number of dependency levels we speak 
of to walk up/down is not infinite ;). Of course there's no chance to get 
this linear (speak: walking down the dependencies once), unless you store the 
information which ebuild depends (or more exactly DEPENDs && RDEPENDs) on foo 
in a list in foo's pkg db entry. The dependency resolution of the packages 
needed to rebuild on top of it is not different as usual.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-27 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 18:10, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> eclass, and no -r bump.

Then it would not be possible to build the Application against different KDE 
versions and those who want to stay with a previous KDE version wouldn't be 
able to install any application. And conditional dependencies would break 


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-27 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 18:44, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Can you prove it, for the "allow USE and version cycling" case? (Hint:

O.k, let m treat you as a the hot potato that you're Ciaran:

- We speak about ebuilds, which are installed and need to be reinstalled. 
There is no version cycling (or I do not get what you're after, please 
explain in that case).

- Changed use flags will be processed by the normal dependency calculation of 
the ebuilds to be rebuilt which may lead to additional dependencies or 
blockers. It could also be that some ebuilds are installed, which do not 
exist in the repository anymore.

> you may find the PCP somewhat useful...)

PCP - pretty colored potato? I don't know the abbreviation. Please explain it 
and whatelse I miss in your eyes.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Multiple Repo Support

2005-12-27 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 18:59, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Nnnope. If you modify an eclass it forces a cache regen for packages
> using said eclass (except possibly if you're using an overlay, but
> that's a separate issue...).

You're trying to solve something which is already solved, but this has nothing 
to do with our problem. The question is not listen the possible valid KDE 
versions or a change of the eclass, but the need to know actual used KDE 
version. You'd need to call e.g. kde-config to get it. And this breaks 


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[gentoo-dev] shoving utils from xpdf to poppler...

2005-12-28 Thread Carsten Lohrke
Hi Daniel, 

what you've done breaks runtime dependencies, if not for other packages so at 
least for KDE. Such a change should be announced on the gentoo-dev mailing 
list before you do it. Also a tracking bug to coordinate stabilization of new 
ebuild revisions will be needed, once the changed ebuilds go stable. Moreover 
you're not free to put a 200k patch into cvs, 20k is the accepted maximum.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: shoving utils from xpdf to poppler...

2005-12-28 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Wednesday 28 December 2005 17:32, you wrote:
> It's not supposed to break runtime dependencies.  Everything that was
> installed before is installed now, in the same location.

But installed by another package. Of course it breaks dependencies when you 
depend on xpdf, because you expect it installs pdfinfo, but not that poppler 
does. It's not that both xpdf and pooppler are installed on every system.


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[gentoo-dev] last rites for dev-libs/btparse

2005-12-31 Thread Carsten Lohrke
- broken
- dead upstream
- unmaintained
- and no other ebuild relies on it


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: shoving utils from xpdf to poppler...

2006-01-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 02 January 2006 10:35, Alexandre Buisse wrote:
> Isn't there any way to make xpdf and poppler live together on the same
> system?

This is not about not being able to run both xpdf and poppler on one system. 
The blocker exists, because one ebuild of one package installs now files 
previously installed by ebuilds of another package, which causes collisions, 
if you don't unmerge the affected ebuild. You can install a newer xpdf ebuild 
revision later. See also bug #79606.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: shoving utils from xpdf to poppler...

2006-01-03 Thread Carsten Lohrke

On Tuesday 03 January 2006 20:25, Luis F. Araujo wrote:
> >Portage does not resolve block correctly, look at bugzilla there are tons
> > of bugs open.
> So i suppose we should avoid using this kind of notation whenever possible.

See, it's not possible to avoid that with the current Portage version. Installing an ebuild, which installs files previously provided by ebuilds of another package results in an error, when you have FEATURES=collision-protect set. In such a case, it's a bug not to add this blocking dependency (and of course you have to add it mutually to the affected ebuilds) - as ugly as it is. And before you say, "Fine, lets add RESTRICT=collision-protect to this particular ebuild."; This doesn't work either, because you never know, when - or to which future version - a user will actually perform the update.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-05 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Thursday 05 January 2006 11:26, Duncan wrote:
> This man speaks my mind.  That's one of the things I'm worried about with
> the Enterprise Gentoo thing, and why I think it will make a better
> separate project than part of Gentoo itself.

I agree mostly, too. Just that QA has more aspects than "cool nifty package x 
that has bleeding edge dep y, with dep y sitting due to QA concerns", to 
quote Brian. A QA team can work concurrently to other subprojects of Gentoo, 
spot testing ebuild quality, checking e.g. for correct dependencies and 
licenses (I stumpled about four false ones the last few months) and a lot of 
other things without slowing development down. It's a pity, that we don't 
have an proactive QA team.

The complaints about Gentoo having no direction, sound (at least in my ears) 
more like "Gentoo is not heading in the direction I want to have it." - so, 
attract developers who work with you on your goals (We don't have enough devs 
anyways, ~10% unmaintained packages in the tree speak for themselves) within 
Gentoo. I for one can't say we haven't seen a lot of improvements in 
different subprojects, just that it takes time.

> see the  history of the Panama canal for instance, but it takes a *LOT* of 

Odd comparison, having in mind how much lives it did cost.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-05 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Thursday 05 January 2006 16:46, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> Yeah ok, let me end up these holidays, and I'll prepare a written request
> to change the Linux part in something else

You should also contact the folks working on the redesign. While 
there was a bit of fuss about the infinity symbol, I always wondered why no 
one lost a word against the "Linux" below, given that we claim to provide a 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-05 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Thursday 05 January 2006 23:04, Curtis Napier wrote:
> > No, that's censored to only display what certain people want it to say
> > rather than the truth of what's going on.
> Censored? Please expand on this, how is it censored? I thought we were
> allowed to put anything Gentoo related we want to in our Gentoo blog?

It's censored in the sense, that you limit the audience. Blog's are not suited 
for general information/discussion, because no one wants to monitor dozens of 
them and follow multiple threads on different web pages on one and the same 
topic. Weblogs are useful for people who feel it's necessary to have their 
own prominent place to raise their voice - a self-projection thingie, that's 
all. And therefore 99,5% of all the blogs are superfluous. Also a blog owner 
controls the comments and can delete them as he likes (less important, since 
it lets him not look good, but he can).

To make it short: When you really have something important to say, post it to 
the appropriate mailing list - and post the whole text, not a ridiculous link 
to your blog, most people are not interested in and won't read! The same goes 
for our userbase: They're right to expect a single source of general 
information and one for security information, but not being forced to follow 
lots of blogs.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: GLEP 19: Gentoo Stable Portage Tree -- ideas

2006-01-06 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 06 January 2006 16:27, Lance Albertson wrote:
> As seen from the discussion earlier this week, I don't think Gentoo has
> the proper open-mindness to create a proper enterprise distro.

This has nothing to with open-mindness, but having enough people doing the 
general maintenance of a clearly defined frozen (sub-)tree as well as 
backports to fix vulnerabilities and other critical issues, without negative 
effects on other Gentoo subprojects (like "I work now on GLEP 19 stuff and 
don't care what I leave unmaintained instead."). Don't expect that 
maintainers of packages of the current tree do backports for a GLEP 19 tree. 
This is something the proponents would need to do themselves. You can't 
expect a commitment of the whole developer crowd in something only a minority 
is interested in. This doesn't mean there can't be a frozen tree within the 
context of Gentoo or as a separate project, of course.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-07 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 01 January 2006 06:30, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> Keep in mind that every resubmission to the council for review must
> first be sent to the gentoo-dev mailing list 7 days (minimum) before
> being submitted as an agenda item which itself occurs 7 days before the
> meeting.  Simply put, the gentoo-dev mailing list must be notified at
> least 14 days before the meeting itself.

I think I'm too late for this month, but want to put it on the table before I 
forget about it. I'd appreciate a three months moratorium, disallowing 
everyone to add new packages to the tree (despite new dependencies of 
existing packages), so everyone is forced/asked to put his energy in existing 
ebuilds, especially unmaintained ones. Sort of spring-cleaning, because parts 
of the tree look like a dump.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] net-proxy/squid should be demoted to ~mips

2006-01-08 Thread Carsten Lohrke
You don't have to care, Alin. Mips is not among the security-wise supported¹ 

Then only problem I see in general is, that every single subproject defines 
what is supported and the information is scattered on the different documentation pages (release, security, kernel,...). This is 
anything else but user friendly and can e.g. result in official releases for 
not security-wise supported architectures.



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Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-08 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 08 January 2006 01:38, Brian Harring wrote:
> Asking people to focus on cleaning the tree?  Sure.  Generate a list
> of candidates would help.  Blocking new packages?  No...

I can't say I did not expect negative replies and "generating a list of 
candidates" is at least a suggestion. But a very weak one if you think about 
it; It would presume that most devs are too dumb to use bugzilla or to grep 
the tree.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-08 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 08 January 2006 01:35, Stuart Herbert wrote:
> I agree that some cleaning is needed (and some of my packages are
> desperate for it!), but I'm totally opposed to this idea.  I think the
> idea of shutting up shop for three months (presumably with a "closed
> for refurbishment" sign on the door) would let down our users who rely
> on us for regular package updates, and would be a massive PR disaster.
>  Cleaning is something that has to happen all the time; it needs to be
> a natural and sustainable part of what we do every day.

As Donnie already pointed out, I did not mean version bumps, but only new 
packages. How about this idea: Everyone who adds a new package, has to check 
and fix an unmaintained package before. This should be a non-issue for 
seasoned developers, but would slowdown those, who continually add new 
packages without caring for what they should maintain as well as those who 
become new devs, add a bunch of packages and hide again, leaving the 
maintenance to others. This would also have the benefit of continuous QA of 
unmaintained stuff.

Regarding PR: The quality of parts of the tree is more than enough bad PR.

> If you feel so strongly about this, why not setup a "cleaning crew"
> project that goes around doing exactly this?

Don't you think that it is pretty much barefaced to let a small group do the 
dirty, boring and annoying work, while those who don't care a bit can 
continue to do so?!


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for January

2006-01-08 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 08 January 2006 15:01, Brian Harring wrote:
> Guessing you missed the previous flame war about how trying to force
> people to do something doesn't actually work?

When it's not common sense, that every dev is supposed to do a minimal on 
general QA, Gentoo has a problem.

> You're assuming seasoned devs don't occasionally go MIA on
> QA/maintenance?  It's not the case...

I did not assume anything, I propose better QA.

> > but would slowdown those who continually add new
> > packages [ snip vitriolic opinions ]

Thanks for calling something a vitriolic opinion, I did notice a few times, so 
it's a description of what's happening, but does not imply the majority of 
devs do so.

> If you've got an issue with certain devs (seems to be the case from
> your statement), take it up with QA/ombudsman, not the loop
> around attempt you're doing here.
> If you're after trying to decrease the unmaintained packages, like I
> said, generate a list _from the tree_, compare it to bugs, etc.  Do
> the legwork, kick off the effort to cover the gap.
> Basically, you want to decrease bugs for unmaintained, decrease the
> gap of maintained vs unmaintained, work on _that_ rather then trying
> to force everyone to drop what they're doing and fix an issue they're
> already working on at their own pace.
> Folks *are* handling retirement of unmaintained packages, and taking
> on maintainance of packages already- just watch -dev for the
> occasional announcements if you think otherwise.

To answer this paragraph in a short sentence: No, it doesn't work at the 
moment, and yes I'd like everyone would be urged to care a bit more, not 
leaving the legwork to a single person or small group, accepting that devs 
can feel as irresponsible as they like.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Duplicate licences

2006-01-21 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 21 January 2006 09:08, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Were that the case, we'd do as Debian do and distribute a licence with
> every single package.

I bet there're more than a few ebuilds where this isn't the case. You can't 
even blame anyone, since there's no proper licence section in the ebuild 
howto or anywhere else in our documentation. And it is even worse: E.g. the 
original ZLIB license file we've stored in the license directory names the 
copyright holders of zlib, so basically we attribute every software with 
LICENSE="ZLIB" in its ebuild to the authors of zlib.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Bugzilla etiquette suggestions

2006-02-13 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 13 February 2006 20:29, Grobian wrote:
> Maybe that has to change then?  Like getting more bug wranglers that
> also handle canned responses as a first-line helpdesk?

Wrangle bugs a few months and you'll see how hard it can be to stay friendly 
sometimes... And no, bugzilla is not a helpdesk. We have mailing lists and 
forums.g.o for this.

btw.: I think the idea to give someone credit for requesting a version bump is 
pretty much ridiculous. There're helpful requests/bug reports, where credit 
is due, but the usual case of a request for a new version isn't.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Berlios-hosted SRC_URI components

2006-02-19 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 19 February 2006 10:20, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> It gets worse still. It looks like many our mirrors have broken copies
> of certain Berlios-hosted tarballs.

Shouldn't that be a general problem with our mirrors - unless Berlios got 
hacked and modified tarballs injected, of course?!

> Does anyone happen to know any of the Berlios staff?

I don't, but sent an email (in german, therefore not cc'ed the list ) with 
yours attached to their contact address.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Berlios-hosted SRC_URI components

2006-02-19 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 19 February 2006 11:32, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> As I understand it, our mirror scripts rely upon wget being able to
> fetch the correct tarball from the original location.

Well, I'd expect them to fail gracefully when the tarball is clearly invalid 
and not to inject the junk. But I don't know much about our mirror scripts.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Berlios-hosted SRC_URI components

2006-02-20 Thread Carsten Lohrke
Got a positive answer. Any remaining issues?


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Berlios-hosted SRC_URI components

2006-02-20 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 20 February 2006 19:51, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Positive as in "yes, we'll fix it", or positive as in "yes, we're
> mangling the tarballs and we hate you"?

Positive as in already fixed.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Gratuitous useflaggery (doc and examples)

2006-03-04 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 04 March 2006 16:43, Dan Armak wrote:
> If you're concerned about diskspace you can filter out /usr/share/doc
> entirely, so users do have the choice. The problem here is that the docs
> USE flag is off by default. Making more packages use the flag would install
> less docs. Has anyone actually complained that too many docs are installed
> by default? It's true that some users/situations don't need them, but most
> do, especially as long as we don't have separate server profiles.

I have seen quite a few bugs about that and actually have filed one¹, rotting  
in bugzilla, myself. I definitely do not care about a few hundred KB 
documentation per ebuild, but some install a lot of documentation and 
accumulated it's a lot of wasted space. Filtering out /usr/share/doc as a 
whole is no choice, when you usually want it, but a fair share not.



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Re: [gentoo-dev] Gratuitous useflaggery (doc and examples)

2006-03-04 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 04 March 2006 02:04, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> This is undocumented and unofficial, so feel free to utterly ignore it
> and commit whatever the heck you want.
> The 'doc' and 'examples' (yay for consistency!)

Don't now, if I guess right what you want to say, but there's no plural of 
documentation afaik. ;p


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Gratuitous useflaggery (doc and examples)

2006-03-06 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 06 March 2006 17:39, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> I guess some advanced /etc/portage/bashrc magic isn't enough for you?
> There are some neat tricks you can play with that.

I consider this sort of ugly hack. And I don't see the point why everyone 
should do this, while a maintainer, even when the install script doesn't 
allow to omit doc processing, can - as the very least - add

use doc || rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/

at the end of src_install, when megabytes of api docs etc. get installed. The 
maintenance cost is zero.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Gratuitous useflaggery (doc and examples)

2006-03-06 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 06 March 2006 17:49, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> Documentation is uncountable. So no singular or plural ;-)

Uh, that was meant ironic, considering Ciaran's remarks to others, that they 
should know about this or that, leading to the one or the other inflaming 
thread. But thanks for the explanation. ;)


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[gentoo-dev] last rites: multiple packages

2006-03-07 Thread Carsten Lohrke

a short list of packages, which can be buried imho:

x11-misc/kpasman - unmaintained upstream for years, alternatives e.g. 

media-libs/libdbmusic - exclusive dependency of media-sound/kmusicdb, which 
has been removed a while ago

net-misc/knetmonapplet - unmaintained upstream for years, alternatives are
net-misc/{kbandwidth,knemo,knetload,ktraynetworker} or the ksysguard kicker 

I'll bury these packages in a week, if no one yells that he can't live without 
them and takes over maintainership.

As soon as KDE 3.5 goes stable - no date yet -  I'd like to bury

x11-misc/karamba  (if desktop-misc herd agrees)

as well as

x11-plugins/karamba-*  - unmaintained for years

Reasoning is that the Superkaramba that comes with KDE 3.5 is a rewrite, 
enabling the user to directly download the karamba plugins he wants, while 
the packages are not maintained within Gentoo and the other Karamba versions 
are not maintained upstream anymore.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] overlay support current proposal?

2006-03-25 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 25 March 2006 12:49, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> NetBSD, OpenBSD, GNU/kFreeBSD, GNU/Hurd, Solaris?

It's great that you and others are working on alternative platforms, but 
regarding decisions which tools we use, our main platforms are of interest. 
Everyone else should/has to make it work, imho. I don't think it's acceptable 
to base our decisions on platforms nearly no one is using. This is meant as a 
general remark, not especially regarding a distributed vcs.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] overlay support current proposal?

2006-03-25 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 25 March 2006 19:50, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> This is the same line of thinking that makes people use flash or wmv
> "because it's the silly Linux users that has to adapt, Windows works fine"
> and similar.

It's not. Darcs is not proprietary, so you can make it work if you want/need 
it. And it's up to those who use a specific platform to make it flourish, but 
holding us back to use something because of some specific platform having not 
enough developers/users/steam to follow would be entirely stupid.

> > Thisis meant as a general remark, not especially regarding a distributed
> > vcs.
> In this particular case I'm asking for a solution that can accomodate more
> than just us. I'm positive that there are solutions as good as darcs that
> does not require Haskell, but of course if there's a killer requirement
> that makes darcs the only solution we'll work on make it available.

Once again, I did not say anything in favor of any vcs.

> Of course doing like people using Flash to write a website that could have
> been built using plain HTML and animated GIF images, and using darcs only
> because it was the first idea while there are good alternatives that works
> for more people would be something that will a) piss me off quite a bit
> because of the paradox said above b) make the whole project laughtable by
> other Free Software projects finding the above analogy...

The comparison to proprietary software is completely out of line.


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[gentoo-dev] questionable usefulness of virtual/pdfviewer,psviewer

2006-03-27 Thread Carsten Lohrke
Got a request¹ providing them, but I don't see any sense in it at all. The 
only package using it is app-office/lyx. Imho the dependency should be 
removed, since it is a optional runtime dependency the user has to configure 
anyways, so it'll never work out of the box. This sort of virtual is only 
useless bloat imho. I guess the same goes for virtual/textbrowser which is - 
for whatever reason - the run- _and_ compile-time dependency of 



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Re: [gentoo-dev] Not offering help to certain parts of society

2006-04-01 Thread Carsten Lohrke
Given that most of the world not necessarily knows who the Amish are, it 
should be added, that they form the heart and soul of the north american 
technology elite¹.



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Re: [gentoo-dev] [last rites] media-gfx/sodipodi

2006-04-01 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Thursday 30 March 2006 01:55, Mark Loeser wrote:
> Not directed specifically at you, but it seems a lot of people are
> masking stuff and removing it very quickly, and I'd really like to see
> everyone wait the 30 days to remove something from the tree.  That way
> anyone using this package in some way will get the message from p.mask,
> and know what they should upgrade to.
> With that being said, is there any reason that the package should be
> removed so quickly?

Yes, there is. It's slowing down the process, getting into the flow. Waiting 
30 days is a lot of time. A regular user does not necessarily follow the 
dev-gentoo mailing list and it doesn't matter for him, if the package is 
masked or removed. He can always get it from (web-)cvs. The time to wait is 
to give others the time to step up to maintain the package. And if some dev 
missed the announcement, nothing is stopping him to reintroduce the it. 
Honestly, I don't see the point.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk2 use flag must die

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 02 April 2006 20:41, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> nothing personal, but who are you to say whether it's legit ?

It's really not a question what's legit (heck, you started using this term, so 
blaming Olivier for using it is a bit odd), but what we (can and want to) 
support. Wouldn't it have been time for you to speak up, when the Gnome herd 
announced to deprecate Gtk1 support for applications that build again Gtk2!? 
Instead playing the road block for the very few people who may still favor 
Gtk1, it should be more the question, if there's anyone supporting Gtk1 
upstream with regards to security issues etc.. I for one favor it to 
eliminate toolkits that are superseeded by their successor as fast as 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] [last rites] media-gfx/sodipodi

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 02 April 2006 04:48, Daniel Goller wrote:
> exactly, what's the point of removing it so fast? give people a chance
> to miss it, it does not matter if it's removed or masked only as far as
> going "woah, what?" and if masked it is a matter of unmasking rather
> than recommitting

We haven't had a single issue with the usual seven day period as far as I can 
remember, so please come up with a valid argument against it, instead 
assuming turning my argument would be one.

> in short, if it's slowing down the process, why do you need it to be
> quick in the first place?

Getting the junk out of tree and mind as fast as possible is a value in 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk2 use flag must die

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 02 April 2006 21:51, Harald van Dijk wrote:
> Others did speak up at that time. The result:

Yeah, that was the one and only single voice.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk2 use flag must die

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 02 April 2006 21:28, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> last time i recall following the gtk/gtk2 stuff, the idea was that in the
> future to move to a gtk/gtk1 situation ... but this was back when Spider
> was The Man, so i guess people forgot about that

No, see the whole thread Harald references in his email.

> > it should be more the question, if there's anyone supporting
> > Gtk1 upstream with regards to security issues etc..
> and when such a situation arises, the solution may to simply drop the
> optional support.  such a situation has not arose, so using such
> hypothetical examples is meaningless.

The problem is that no one is working on the code, so the chances for black 
hats to find something they can abuse for a long time are to consider. The 
situation is always given. It's just the question, when and if the good guys 
get to know about it.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] [last rites] media-gfx/sodipodi

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 02 April 2006 21:31, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> The usual period is thirty days.

Grep this mailing list, most often a one week period was used.

> Once it's in p.mask it's effectively gone, to the extent that ignoring
> it for a month is fine.

Who said a package gets masked before it gets removed? There is no such 
requirement in the ebuild policy.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] [last rites] media-gfx/sodipodi

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 02 April 2006 22:33, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> This is a recent change, and usually someone replies with "why not a
> month?".

This is simply not true or we have very different ideas of the meaning of 
recent. The vast majority of "last rites" emails from 2005 had slated 
removals of one week or less.

> It's not a requirement. It's a courtesy to your users and fellow
> developers, at least some of whom would very much appreciate it if you
> left things for ~four weeks rather than ~one.

I don't see the necessity for devs and users would have to look at the 
package.mask file regularly to get the information that a package is masked. 
If Portage would be that smart to spit out the relevant information on 
emerge --sync, a longer period would probably make sense.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] [last rites] media-gfx/sodipodi

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 02 April 2006 22:29, Simon Stelling wrote:
> Come on. Is this a 'policy doesn't say I have to be sane' war? It's 
> absolutely reasonable to p.mask a package that is pending for removal. That
> way you give the users a timeframe which they can search for alternative
> tools in.

This is not the case. At least unless the user actively looks at package.mask. 
Since Portage doesn't provide the information, this point is void. And even 
if - four weeks are a too long, imho.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk2 use flag must die

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 02 April 2006 22:40, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> lets apply the same logic to all things unmaintained !

Yes, that's one reason I am so annoyed of the unmaintained parts of the tree.

> besides, you're talking about removing GTK1 completely ... this thread is
> talking about deprecating the gtk2 USE flag

Well, from my POV - . You could at least change your packages to use 
gtk2 by default to be consistent with the other packages and add a (local) 
gtk1 use flag, so we can get rid of the gtk2 flag.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] [last rites] media-gfx/sodipodi

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Sunday 02 April 2006 23:26, Jakub Moc wrote:
> Not that I'd care so much whether it's a week or a month (IMO individual
> depending on ebuild in question) - so just a technical note. Portage 2.1
> *does* spit out the relevant info.

I'm aware of this, but that doesn't help anyone running running arch. Not that 
I like the implementation...

> Calculating world dependencies /
> !!! Packages for the following atoms are either all
> !!! masked or don't exist:
> net-ftp/glftpd

...since the user has still manually to look up what's going on. Can't call 
that user friendly.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk2 use flag must die

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 03 April 2006 00:29, foser wrote:
> Already security related issues have been dropped by upstream for the
> simple reason that it hasn't been maintained since the day gtk went
> 2.0 .

Why didn't you file (Gentoo) security bugs? Perfect reason to drop Gtk1 
support, if no one steps up to fix them.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] gtk2 use flag must die

2006-04-02 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Monday 03 April 2006 01:54, Daniel Goller wrote:
> you are really trying hard to get gtk(1)

Everyone as s/he likes. I favor the deprecation of the gtk2 flag and start 
dancing on my chair, once we have a Portage version with slot/use depends in 
arch. But this is a completely different topic: Knowingly providing our 
userbase with software that is vulnerable is a very bad. I'd argue the same 
for any software.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] When will KDE 3.5 be marked as stable?

2006-04-04 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 04 April 2006 11:12, Chris Bainbridge wrote:
> Surely the question isn't whether the upgrade is perfect, but whether
> it's better than the current stable release?


> (I realise that isn't a perfect patch count...)


> I think at this point it does more harm than good to be lagging behind
> the current upstream kde - last time I checked the kde bugzilla
> wouldn't even accept bug reports for the kde currently marked stable
> as it was too old, and if bugs can't be filed then it's clearly
> "unsupported upstream" and time to upgrade.

KDE 3.5.0/1 had grave bugs, leaving users with lost addressbooks and such. KDE 
3.5.2 is not even out of our 30 days testing period and I have still a few 
patches enqueued to be applied. I can live with users complaining, but that 
doesn't mean it's not going on ones nerve. Especially when developers fall 
into the chorus, it's getting uneasy.

It's ready, when it's ready. Really.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] When will KDE 3.5 be marked as stable?

2006-04-04 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 04 April 2006 04:37, Grant Goodyear wrote:
> Although I agree with the overall spirit of the comment, I disagree that
> RTFM is never the right answer.  It helps if somebody points out _which_
> fine manual to read, but ":help hardcopy" is a much better answer to
> "How do I print from within vim?" than actual detailed instructions
> would be.

I wholeheartly agree, just that the help to help yourself is not what I 
consider as RTFM. Of course you have to learn the relevant bits yourself, so 
being kindly pointed to exactly those bits is perfectly fine.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] adding a code of conduct

2006-04-04 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 04 April 2006 06:52, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> sorry, those last two paragraphs are covered elsewhere between infra and
> evrel ... so the document should be considered without those last two
> paragraphs
> -mike

This is what I'd like to see clarified. To me, only a decision of the Council 
may lead to such a "suspension", as it is the relevant _elected_ entity. And 
I hereby request to add a paragraph at least, stating exactly this.

Also I do agree with foser and many others about the dubious wording. It can 
be stretched to any extent, if "needed". And I'm not that suspicious, given 
that Infra already acted once, without having any right to do so.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] adding a code of conduct

2006-04-04 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 04 April 2006 01:44, Jon Portnoy wrote:
> Well, quite frankly devrel has never fallen down on the job quite so
> often & so hard before handling this particular incident. I don't think
> it's so unreasonable to have backup plans for preserving Gentoo when
> devrel cannot respond in a timely manner

If you exclude that devrel for a long long while was unable to retire 
developers properly and if you exclude that people bitched about devrel not 
updating docs - then maybe. I'm stating this, please don't take it as 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] adding a code of conduct

2006-04-04 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 04 April 2006 21:53, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> This is absurd. The council shouldn't need to make every decision in
> Gentoo itself. It should be able to delegate power to any group it chooses.

Such a decision is not like /every/ decision and should happen only very 
seldom, so I don't see any reason or need to delegate it.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo theming during bootup

2006-04-07 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 07 April 2006 04:26, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> I also share the opinion that we shouldn't go against upstream wishes
> IRT branding, but if upstream encourages some fairly subtle branding
> along with keeping their name visible, I'm for it.

There's a thread in gentoo-core from 2004 with regards to branding and the 
outcome was to refrain from it. I don't have a problem, when we do this for 
live iso's, but generally I strongly dislike it. Users don't choose their 
distro because of it, so it's just unnecessary bloat. And given that we tout 
Gentoo a meta distribution, encouraging others to build on it, there's no 
point forcing them to have to clean out the Gentoo brand, before they 
actually can use it.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo theming during bootup

2006-04-07 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 07 April 2006 15:28, Simon Stelling wrote:
> He said he wanted to make it easy, not forcing it. Or am I mistaken?

How do you want not to enforce it? The last time¹ someone came up with 
a "branding" use flag, some were in favor of, some against it.

Still, the basic question is: Why!? There's no benefit for the user, who will 
choose whatever theming he wants anyways. Imho it's superfluous and therefore 
wasted time. I for one favor to stick with that, what upstream provides.



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Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo theming during bootup

2006-04-08 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 08 April 2006 00:52, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> highly suspect statements
> these states are all quite common ... trying to make some kind of
> supposition as to which is the most common is a waste of time

No. It's my opinion. Respect it, please. You don't have to agree.

> in my experience, from the many forms of Gentoo communication (real life,
> mailing lists, irc, forums, etc...):
>  - quite common for people to be lazy and just use the default
>  - quite common for people to change the default to their own thing
>  - quite common for people to use just Gentoo themes where they can
> as long as people include Gentoo themes in packages for people to select,
> we should have pretty good coverage of everyone's needs

Well, if we end with some stuff not themed, some stuff themed, having it 
applied by default as well as non-default, maybe even different looking 
theming depending on the package, the result will suck.

Is it that hard to define a few goals, instead coming up with "ha, let's do 
Gentoo themes" without having a clue about the conditions, what it should 
look like and what the side-effects are!? 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Let portage symlink latest version of installed docs

2006-04-08 Thread Carsten Lohrke
I dislike the idea to create lots of symlinks for that reason. But I'm having 
a bug¹ open at with the goal to create rss feeds from the 



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Re: [gentoo-dev] default RDEPEND?

2006-04-28 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 28 April 2006 21:57, A. Khattri wrote:
> Does it make sense to make the value of RDEPEND in an ebuild depend on USE
> flags? Example: Im writing an ebuild that use either cvs or svn at
> runtime. I want to allow users to choose which one they want but make cvs
> the default. What's the best practice for scripting this in an ebuild?

RDEPEND="cvs? ( dev-util/cvs )
svn? ( dev-util/subversion )
!cvs? ( ! svn? ( dev-util/cvs ) )"

pkg_setup() {
if ! use cvs && ! use svn ; then
ewarn "Neither CVS nor Subversion use flags enabled, defaulting 
to CVS."


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Re: [gentoo-dev] default RDEPEND?

2006-04-28 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 29 April 2006 00:02, Tuan Van wrote:
> and I also saw something like below without cvs USE flag:
> RDEPEND="svn? ( dev-util/subversion ) !svn? ( dev-util/cvs )"

Does obviously not work, if you want to have both available. Also enabling cvs 
support by disabling svn is not transparent to the user.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] default RDEPEND?

2006-04-29 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Saturday 29 April 2006 09:08, Alin Nastac wrote:
> Huh? How about:
> RDEPEND="|| ( dev-util/cvs dev-util/subversion )"

Similar problem as with Tuan's version: It's intransparent to the user and he 
has no choice, unless he looks into the ebuild.  || ( foo bar ) is only an 
option, if you have two packages providing the same functionality, but a 
virtual is not in order. On the other hand, if the scm support is not a core 
functionality of the application, I'd refrain from adding these optional 
runtime dependencies and simply add a post install message instead.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] DEPEND/RDEPEND question

2006-04-30 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Tuesday 25 April 2006 08:53, Alin Nastac wrote:
> Lets say a package foo depends on bar, both at compile time and run time.
> Shouldn't DEPEND _and_ RDEPEND of the foo package reflect that
> dependency? I usually set DEPEND="$RDEPEND ..." or vice-versa (depending
> on which is the most demanding). Am I utterly wrong here?

This is right, when there're more dependencies in DEPEND than in RDEPEND. If 
DEPEND == RDEPEND you should leave either one unset, as Portage assumes that 
DEPEND == RDEPEND in that case.

To quote the ebuild policy: 

"The DEPEND variable inside your foo-x.y.z.ebuild tells Portage about which 
packages are needed to build foo. The RDEPEND variable specifies which 
packages are needed for foo to run. You only need to explicitly specify 
RDEPEND if the ebuild's runtime dependencies are different than what you 
specified in DEPEND; if not specified, RDEPEND will default to your DEPEND 
settings. Never set RDEPEND to DEPEND yourself in an ebuild."


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: Re: When will KDE 3.5 be marked as stable?

2006-05-05 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 05 May 2006 09:20, Bart Braem wrote:
> Firefox 1.5: 5 months (the entire world uses it now, in stable)

Still has open at least one open vulnerability I know of, still has memory 
management problems afaik. Despite that it's stable on some architectures. We 
have exactly one active dev working on the whole Mozilla stuff at the moment. 
Did you say you want to help?

> KDE 3.5.2: 1.5 months (I know our devs get prereleases, so we had this
> time) 

Still open issues, some upstream, some Gentoo related. Also the KDE team lost 
members the last months and is unfortunately not that active since a while. 
All the whining leaves me with the feeling that I'm less interested to work 
for you. The question "What can I do?" I do never hear. Stop whining, but 
decide to help or give another distro a try. These are your choices.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: When will KDE 3.5 be marked as stable?

2006-05-05 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 05 May 2006 08:32, Kevin F. Quinn (Gentoo) wrote:
> If you use specific versions in the package.keywords file (i.e. do
> "=category/package-version-revision ~arch" instead of
> "category/package ~arch", this doesn't happen.

Hardcoding specific ~arch versions or revisions unless absolutely needed is a 
bad idea. Remember that we don't do GLSA's for testing stuff. If bleeding 
edge, then bleeding edge.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: When will KDE 3.5 be marked as stable?

2006-05-05 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 05 May 2006 15:23, Kevin F. Quinn (Gentoo) wrote:
> I disagree.  Your argument is for not using ~arch at all, rather
> than an argument against keeping control of what you have from ~arch.

No. My argument is that category/ebuild is much better than 
=category/ebuild-x*. If and only if there's a problem with the former, you 
should take the latter into account and monitor the ebuild changes closely.

> In practice, I tend to do:
> =category/package-version* ~arch
> so that I pick up -rN bumps on unstable versions as this should mean
> that the maintainer considers the change necessary for users of that
> version.

So you won't get security updates, when this means it is a version bump. And 
this is most often the case. Unless you _always_ read the ChangeLogs and 
referenced bugs of all ebuilds you run testing, this is not safe.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: When will KDE 3.5 be marked as stable?

2006-05-05 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 05 May 2006 20:37, Kevin F. Quinn (Gentoo) wrote:
> First, I'll get the security updates when (1) the relevant updated
> package goes stable, which is usually pretty quickly, or (2)
> notification is made in gentoo-announce (which must be the correct
> place to get such notifications).

That they go stable quickly is a bet and not always true. When there never was 
an stable ebuild, there won't be an announcement.

> Secondly, "Up-to-date on GLSAs" != "safe".  Not by a long shot.
> Further, missing GLSAs does not necessarily mean I'm vulnerable.
> That's what the detail is for in the GLSAs; so I can make a judgement
> call on whether I need to worry about a vulnerability or not.

It's a difference, if you can trust on a security team taking care or if you 
have to do it all yourself. That there will never be 100% perfect security is 
a different topic.

> Lastly, if there are versions of a package in ~arch that have known
> security flaws, my understanding is that they either get patched with a
> -rN bump, or they get removed from the tree in favour of a later
> version that is not vulnerable.  Either way, I get notification when I
> next do an update.

That previous ebuilds get removed is another bet, I wouldn't make. You 
claim "Up-to-date on GLSAs" != "safe" (which isn't wrong of course), but base 
your dealing with possible vulnerabilities on assumptions. That doesn't 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-16 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Wednesday 17 May 2006 00:22, Stephen Bennett wrote:
> > Does the Gentoo Project not support the
> > entire tree all of a sudden?
> There are plenty of ebuilds in the tree marked as unsupported by
> gentoo. Probably some profiles too, though I can't name them for
> certain off the top of my head.

That's not an argument, the share of both unsupported and unmaintaned packages 
is problematic enough. Unfortunately trying to find a way to change this 
every time resulted in some devs starting a flame war.

> 1) Is bugsy ready for this, with appropriate categories in place?
> Paludis-related bugs can be marked as invalid and the user directed to
> Paludis' bug tracker on Alternatively, if our friendly
> Bugzilla admins want to create categories I won't complain. I don't see
> a need for it though.

This costs someones time as well.

I haven't had a look at Paludis (the name sucks as much as the name eselect 
had, before it was named eselect, btw.) yet, so I don't have an opinion on 
it, but if we (or some of us) start supporting arbitrary package managers, 
where do we end? Doesn't it cost time, that could be spent better!? If we do 
it, wouldn't it be better to modularize a bit first? E.g. defining interfaces 

- tarball management (fetching via users tool of choice be it from the web or 
according to a file list from a named media (e.g. DVD or a tape), mirror 
handling etc.)
- profile management (keeping the on disk representation apart from the way 
the dependency resolver gets the information)
- package management (dependency resolver, ect.)
- package installer (install files or create binary packages, may the target 
be .tbz2, .deb or .rpm)

and implement them as independent tools, so we can easly exchange one for the 
other, if there is a superior one, instead having to throw everything away?!

I don't think it would be beneficial in the long run, if the outcome would be 
that Gentoo divides into groups using different package managers.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-17 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Wednesday 17 May 2006 15:50, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Wed, 17 May 2006 01:58:02 +0200 Carsten Lohrke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | I haven't had a look at Paludis (the name sucks as much as the name
> | eselect had, before it was named eselect, btw.) yet, so I don't have
> | an opinion on it
> Aah, and this sums up this entire thread. "The name sucks. I haven't
> used it. It isn't pink enough."

Please do not mix up the flaming between you and Diego with my email. Yes, it 
isn't pink enough and I don't like your ponytail either. :p

> Nice idea in theory. In reality, Portage is a big incestuous mess and
> can't have that kind of change made to it

The former yes, the latter statement is questionable.

> , and defining such an 
> interface between package manager parts would take considerably more
> time and code than just rewriting the whole thing.

That won't mean you face the same situation at one point again, so you likely 
have to spent the same or even more amount of time, just over a longer time 

> Having said that, 
> you can swap around pretty much any component of Paludis, since it's
> proper modular code -- Kugelfang has a mostly working implementation of
> a CRAN repository, for example.

Doesn't sound like independent runtime components, as I am proposing.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-18 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Thursday 18 May 2006 20:02, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>It's kinda like this:

Stop making such odd and wrong comparisons. The package manager is part of 
what defines a distribution, choosing a shell is the users choice. If you 
want to make the package manager matter of choice, start your own 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-18 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Thursday 18 May 2006 20:43, Roy Marples wrote:
> Yes, part of it. baselayout is another part - and yet it's possible to run
> Gentoo on other variants like initng, daemontools and no doubt others.

Sure baselayout is. An there're others in the tree, But that doesn't mean 
these variants are supported (special cases like embedded aside).

> Or are you saying that SUSE is RedHat as they use RPM?

Can you install SUSE and RedHat packages arbitrary mixed!? No, you can't 
(well, you can, but...).


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-19 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Thursday 18 May 2006 22:15, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> | Sure baselayout is. An there're others in the tree, But that doesn't
> | mean these variants are supported (special cases like embedded aside).
> Sure, some of them are supported.

By supported I mean all relevant packages in the tree install matching init 
scripts. That means officially supported, compared to such a package being 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-19 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 19 May 2006 09:33, Roy Marples wrote:
> Maybe you haven't noticed, but baselayout is a virtual - which does make
> things harder as the main "forks" (vserver and fbsd) sometimes break when
> we add new things and they haven't synced up yet.

I have nothing against a virtual. I just don't think polluting the profile 
subtree with alternative package mananger stuff is good idea.

> But that's OK as they're supported I guess.
> Or are you saying that spb, other devs and people outside of Gentoo who has
> submitted SoC applications about Paludis (or what that qaludis?) are just
> going to wack it into the tree and then say "we're not going to support
> it"?
> Of course not!

No, I'm saying it's not the Gentoo package manager. Work on it, make it a 
viable contender for replacing Portage, but as long it isn't, keep it in an 


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Re: [gentoo-dev] et_EE locale and language of error messages

2006-05-19 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 19 May 2006 15:24, Harald van Dijk wrote:
> grep through gcc/po/*, which doesn't require installation of the
> locales

Providing the error messages in english is part of what I consider the users 
job when filing a bug report. Having to grep for the strings is wasted time. 
I'm not so sure, if hiding compilation problems with other locales is a good 
idea, though.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-19 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Friday 19 May 2006 16:17, Roy Marples wrote:
> I can show you bugs where existing packages have invalid init scripts that
> just don't work with any baselayout version in portage. You could argue 
> that they shouldn't be in the tree - if so then our imap server is
> foo-bared as it uses courier-imap. I suggest you check out bug #98745 for a
> clear definition of "support".

Bugs exist and should be fixed, but this is by no means an argument.

> I can also show you Gentoo scripts used by ifplugd and netplug with init-ng
> support in the tree right now. I guess that means that init-ng has some
> level of support right?

There will be always someone who goes ahead. Fact is that every dev who 
maintains a package installing an init script is expecteted to do so for 
baselayout, but is free to say no, when someone requests an initng one, as 
long as it isn't the Gentoo default.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] cmake.eclass

2006-05-25 Thread Carsten Lohrke
Don't repeat a failure of the past. Do


inherit foo


instead this ugly toplevel function call.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] cmake.eclass

2006-05-25 Thread Carsten Lohrke
On Thursday 25 May 2006 16:37, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> Probably he meant
> NEED_CMAKE="x.y"

Exactly. Sorry for the typo.


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