Re: Fwd: [releng_8 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386

2011-01-13 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Wed, 12 Jan 2011, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:


CC'ing responsible committers...

Yes, it had the same problem in HEAD back then.  kib fixed it that
time and I just merged his fix as well that would ideally have gone
in with the MFC or r215207.

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Re: FreeBSD 8.1 re0 shows half duplex

2011-01-17 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 16 Jan 2011, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 05:08:33AM +, Martin Wilke wrote:

Howdy Guys,

I have a strange problem, I'm on FreeBSD 8.1 and ifconfig re0 shows
half-duplex (see output) and the download speed
is damn slow, maximum 20 kbps. I'm not sure how to debug this so it would be
nice if someone can
help me to fix it.

When i change it manually via command line, the media line appeared to have
2 entries -- full-duplex and half-duplex


it all just means that you want to read the thread on net@ from last
week.  A workaround is in HEAD already.


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Re: KERN - mfi driver for Dell raid h200 on r210 servers

2011-01-29 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sat, 29 Jan 2011, Damien Fleuriot wrote:

Hello lists,

I'm trying to get FreeBSD 8.0 or 8.1 to run on a Dell poweredge r210 server.

It ships with a SATA/SAS h200 RAID controller.

Sadly, the MFI driver doesn't seem to register for this card...

Find below the pciconf -lcvb

none6@pci0:1:0:0:   class=0x010700 card=0x1f1d1028 chip=0x00721000
rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
   vendor = 'LSI Logic (Was: Symbios Logic, NCR)'
   class  = mass storage
   subclass   = SAS
   bar   [10] = type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xfc00, size 256, enabled
   bar   [14] = type Memory, range 64, base 0xdf2b, size 65536, enabled
   bar   [1c] = type Memory, range 64, base 0xdf2c, size 262144, enabled
   cap 01[50] = powerspec 3  supports D0 D1 D2 D3  current D0
   cap 10[68] = PCI-Express 2 endpoint max data 256(4096) link x8(x8)
   cap 03[d0] = VPD
   cap 05[a8] = MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit
   cap 11[c0] = MSI-X supports 15 messages in map 0x14

I have added the following to /usr/src/sys/dev/mfi/mfi_pci.c at line 119:
{0x1000, 0x0072, 0x1028, 0x1f1e, MFI_FLAGS_GEN2,  "Dell PERC H200 Integrated"},

It's 1f1d not 1f1e.  I hope it was only a paste problem into email?

Rebuilt the kernel, tried it on the server, still no luck recognizing
the RAID card.

As a last resort I'll be setting the drives to passthrough and using a
software RAID, but I'd much rather this worked out.

Note that mfi actually recognizes Dell's h700 and h800 cards.

Anyone managed to get the h200 card working yet ?

@hackers: please keep me cc'd, I'm not subscribed to this list.


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Re: KERN - mfi driver for Dell raid h200 on r210 servers

2011-01-30 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 30 Jan 2011, Damien Fleuriot wrote:

Ok I've loaded the newly patched mfi.ko and booted a MFS image.
Here's the relevant snip from :
mfi0:  port 0xfc00-0xfcff mem
0xdf2b-0xdf2b,0xdf2c-0xdf2f irq 16 at device 0.0 on
mfi0: Megaraid SAS driver Ver 3.00
mfi0: firmware stuck in state 0
mfi0: Firmware not in READY state, error 6

I'll have to try mps then, unless someone has an idea about this
"stuck in state 0" thing.

it means that you should ask Dell for the information as the mfi(4)
driver needs some special handling to support that exact chip.
Probably needs some special initialization and a couple of if ()s, as

LSI/Dell are the people to talk to.


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2011-01-31 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Mon, 31 Jan 2011, Mark Andrews wrote:

I was trying to upgrade a machine from RELEASE_6 (latest)
to RELEASE_8 (latest) via source.  I was unable to get
make buildworld to complete.

You need latest N to go to N+1, so a 6.4-RELEASE or RELENG_6 after
that should be able to go to 7.x but not straight to 8.
Multi-Release-Hop-Updates have been working once in a while in the past
with other releases but were never officially supported.

Not even a say 7.1 might be able to go to straight 8.x btw.

Unfortunately UPDATING wasn't really updated in that regard for a
while and might still say "To upgrade in-place from 5.x-stable to
current" in older branches;  I know it was fixed in 9 for 8 in [1]
as part of a large cleanup but I think a similar change never made
it back to other stable branches.



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NATM still scheduled for removal - please follow up to keep it in-tree

2011-02-14 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb


now that stable/8 (not part of the upcoming 8.2-R) once again has support for
NATM I'd like to remind people of

:: 1) the extra couple of months; this will not prevent the evitable removal
:: yet only defer it.
:: 2) If anyone of you is using (or want to be able to (continue to) use) NATM

:: or can test things, I re-enabled it with most of the code in HEAD and
:: the patch is available for 8,x as well but need to work with somoene
:: to make sure it'll really work.  I am willing to spend more time on it
:: if you send me an email.

So if anyone of you is still using NATM, please follow-up with me to
keep your functionality.  If there is no feedback NATM is still
scheduled for removal.

Thank you.


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-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 16:54:03 + (UTC)
From: Bjoern A. Zeeb 
Subject: svn commit: r218684 - in stable/8/sys: conf netinet

Author: bz
Date: Mon Feb 14 16:54:03 2011
New Revision: 218684

  MFC r216466:

Bring back (most of) NATM to avoid further bitrot after r186119.
Keep three lines disabled which I am unsure if they had been used at all.
This will allow us to seek testers and possibly bring it all back.

Discussed with:   rwatson

Directory Properties:
  stable/8/sys/   (props changed)
  stable/8/sys/amd64/include/xen/   (props changed)
  stable/8/sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/   (props changed)
  stable/8/sys/contrib/dev/acpica/   (props changed)
  stable/8/sys/contrib/pf/   (props changed)
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HEADS UP: will merge VNET socket push back changes to stable/8

2011-04-14 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb


this is a heads up in case anyone is relying on this in private VNET
modules or code.  I am planning on merging this code to stable/8
probably during the weekend.  It should be a NOP for almost everyone,
especially if not running a VIMAGE kernel.


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-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:29:14 + (UTC)
From: Bjoern A. Zeeb 
Subject: svn commit: r218757 - in head/sys: fs/nfsclient fs/portalfs kern net
netgraph/bluetooth/socket netinet nfsclient rpc

Author: bz
Date: Wed Feb 16 21:29:13 2011
New Revision: 218757

  Mfp4 CH=177274,177280,177284-177285,177297,177324-177325

VNET socket push back:
try to minimize the number of places where we have to switch vnets
and narrow down the time we stay switched.  Add assertions to the
socket code to catch possibly unset vnets as seen in r204147.

While this reduces the number of vnet recursion in some places like
NFS, POSIX local sockets and some netgraph, .. recursions are
impossible to fix.

The current expectations are documented at the beginning of
uipc_socket.c along with the other information there.

Sponsored by: The FreeBSD Foundation
Sponsored by: CK Software GmbH
Reviewed by:  jhb
Tested by:zec

  Tested by:Mikolaj Golub (
  MFC after:2 weeks
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RE: IPv6 / ndp taking a long time to resolve in this weeks STABLE

2011-04-17 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Wed, 13 Apr 2011, Pete French wrote:


Hi, thanks for the email - I canb recreate this very easily here
now. I have also shown that it the problem doesnt happen
on a kernel from Feb 25th, but does happen on a kernel from
this week.

I assume both are stable/8?   Are you sure on the Feb 25th kernel
doing ok or could it be that you are just more lucky?

cery easy to demonstarte - set up 2 machines. Ping one
from the other so that it is pinging nicely. Then delete the ndp
entry. The ping freezes - sometimes for 20 seconds! It
eventually starts again with all the inrtervening packets lost.
This only happens if the machone being oinged is running the
newer kernel. If you do it the other way round then all
is fine.

Yes, that would make sense from what I have just observed elsewhere.
So I guess my question about the Feb 25th kernel is irrelevant but
getting a confirmation on the branch would be good.

I would assume that if you have both machines running the newer kernel
and would start ping6 from both things would also start working


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RE: IPv6 / ndp taking a long time to resolve in this weeks STABLE

2011-04-17 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 17 Apr 2011, Pete French wrote:

I assume both are stable/8?   Are you sure on the Feb 25th kernel
doing ok or could it be that you are just more lucky?

I've rolled everything back now to a kernel from April 1st - that
works OK. The one from April 11th does not. If I get some time I will
barrow it down.

*wow*  Thanks a lot for that update.  That narrows it down a lot.  I
am looking.

I would assume that if you have both machines running the newer kernel
and would start ping6 from both things would also start working

Didnt think to try that... hang on...

[goes and tries]

No, that doesnt work - they both hang for a while and eventually start.

Ok, then it's even les obvious than what I thought.  I'll keep you


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Re: IPv6 / ndp taking a long time to resolve in this weeks STABLE

2011-04-17 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Apr 17, 2011, at 10:52 AM, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Apr 2011, Pete French wrote:
>>> I assume both are stable/8?   Are you sure on the Feb 25th kernel
>>> doing ok or could it be that you are just more lucky?
>> I've rolled everything back now to a kernel from April 1st - that
>> works OK. The one from April 11th does not. If I get some time I will
>> barrow it down.
> *wow*  Thanks a lot for that update.  That narrows it down a lot.  I
> am looking.

In addition to private email, if you are not on stable/8 but HEAD you can just 
update as I committed the patch I have emailed to HEAD already:


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2011-06-16 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On Jun 16, 2011, at 12:54 PM, wrote:

> I' like to know, if there plans to MFC journaled softupdates to 8-stable?
> If yes, when it would be done?

it cannot be done and will therefor not happen.  There used to be a branch
in user/jeff/  or somewhere in the /user or /project area in svn with an
older version of a backport but I am not sure if it was ever updated again.


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Re: commit PR 154469, ftp-proxy(8) bug ?

2011-06-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Jun 22, 2011, at 12:11 PM, Kurt Jaeger wrote:

> Hi!
> Can someone have a look at

I have a pf45 universe tree sitting here with the works from max and ermal
that needs to go in;  without checking specifically it should have the
fix and the fix could possibly be merges to 8 from there then

but knowing that just this fix applied to stable/8 works would be good for that.


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Re: ntpd couldn't resolve host name on system boot

2011-10-26 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Tue, 25 Oct 2011, Miroslav Lachman wrote:

Hi all,

I have a problem with ntpd on many of our servers running 8.2-RELEASE or 
newer. Some of them are newly installed, most of them are 7.x upgraded to 8.2 
or 8-STABLE amd64 with GENERIC.

hmm, could it be I didn't MFC all fixes I had done to help that, which
are partly (mostly, all these days) existent in newer upstream version
(esepcially the latest devels).

I'll go an look in my 70 oustanding MFCs.

Would be cool if you could test 9 temporary and see if things are
better there.


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Re: fbsd 8.2, L2TP over IPsec and pf ?

2011-11-03 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 3 Nov 2011, Kurt Jaeger wrote:


I'm building a setup for incoming L2TP over IPsec connections
using FreeBSD 8.2-REL.

I assume you are explicitly using tunnel mode?

IPsec based on ports/security/ipsec-tools, the l2tp part
works from net/mpd5/.

If I disable the PF rules, everything works.

If I enable the PF rules, the IPsec connection still comes up,
but the L2TP requests are lost somewhere in the PF rules 8-(

Interestingly, tcpdump enc0 does not see any encrypted packets (!)
as long as the PF rules are active.

tried playing with the sysctls of enc(4)?

Any hints on the PF rules required to allow those packets in ?

need more details (if you want also off-list).

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ATA/Cdrom(?) panic

2011-11-15 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb


we have seen this or a very similar panic for about 1 year now once in
a while and I think I reported it before; this is FreeBSD as guest on
vmware.   Seems it was a double panic this time.   Could someone please
see what's going on there?It was on 8.x-STABLE in the past and this
is 8.2-RELEASE-p4.


acd0: WARNING - READ_TOC taskqueue timeout - completing request directly

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 4; apic id = 04
fault virtual address   = 0x1f4
fault code  = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer = 0x20:0xc08a1e9f

stack pointer   = 0x28:0xe6ad5b9c
Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
frame pointer   = 0x28:0xe6ad5bb4
cpuid = 2;
code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1bapic id = 02
= DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
fault virtual address   = 0x1f4
processor eflags=
fault code  = supervisor read, page not presentinterrupt enabled,
instruction pointer = 0x20:0xc08a1e9fresume,
stack pointer   = 0x28:0xe8e9e808IOPL = 0
frame pointer   = 0x28:0xe8e9e820
current process =
code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b12 (swi6: task 
= DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
trap number = 12
processor eflags= interrupt enabled,
panic: page faultresume,
cpuid = 4IOPL = 0
current process =
KDB: stack backtrace:25162 (bsnmpd)

trap number = 12#0 0xc08e0d07 at kdb_backtrace+0x47

#1 0xc08b1dc7 at panic+0x117
#2 0xc0be4b53 at trap_fatal+0x323
#3 0xc0be4dd0 at trap_pfault+0x270
#4 0xc0be5315 at trap+0x465
#5 0xc0bcbecc at calltrap+0x6
#6 0xc08b0d86 at _sema_post+0x46
#7 0xc056fa47 at ata_completed+0x727
#8 0xc08eb97a at taskqueue_run_locked+0xca
#9 0xc08ebc8a at taskqueue_run+0xaa
#10 0xc08ebd53 at taskqueue_swi_run+0x13
#11 0xc088903b at intr_event_execute_handlers+0x13b
#12 0xc088a75b at ithread_loop+0x6b
#13 0xc0886d51 at fork_exit+0x91
#14 0xc0bcbf44 at fork_trampoline+0x8
Uptime: 5d20h1m56s

(gdb) l *ata_completed+0x727
489 (request->callback)(request);
490 else
491 sema_post(&request->done);
493 /* only call ata_start if channel is present */
494 if (ch)
495 ata_start(ch->dev);
496 }
498     void

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Re: ATA/Cdrom(?) panic

2011-11-16 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Wed, 16 Nov 2011, Alexander Motin wrote:


On 11/16/11 08:43, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

we have seen this or a very similar panic for about 1 year now once in
a while and I think I reported it before; this is FreeBSD as guest on
vmware.   Seems it was a double panic this time.   Could someone please
see what's going on there?It was on 8.x-STABLE in the past and this
is 8.2-RELEASE-p4.

The part of code reporting "completing request directly" is IMHO broken
by design. It returns request completion before request will actually be
completed by lower levels without any knowledge of what's going on
there. There is kind of protection against double request completion,
but it looks like not always working. May be because that part of code
is not locked and nothing prevents that semaphore timeout and normal
request timeout/completion to happen simultaneously. It is surprising to
see even two traps same time, not sure what synchronized them so precisely.

Simple removing that semaphore timeout is not an option, because it will
cause deadlock when this wait happen within taskqueue thread that is
used to handle requests completion and abort that wait. Avoid waiting
inside taskqueue is also impossible without major rewrite. That's why
ATA_CAM drops that code completely.

So the bottom line of what you are saying is:
1) it's hard to fix right in 8
2) it's not an issue in 9 anymore at all?

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Re: r228152: anyone got the None cipher working with base OpenSSH?

2011-12-02 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 2. Dec 2011, at 22:57 , Freddie Cash wrote:

> Looking through the commit messages for stable/8 and stable/9 I noticed
> that the HPN patches were applied to OpenSSH in the base install.  And
> reading through the commit messages I see that one has to manually enable
> the None cipher.  However, I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to
> do that.
> The commit message for r228152 says to put "NONE_CIPHER_ENABLED=yes" into
> /etc/make.conf.

No, that's not what the commit message says.  Read more carefully;-)

However Jeremy's suggestion might be working better for the moment.


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Re: 9.0-RC3

2011-12-06 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 6. Dec 2011, at 13:30 , Dimitry Andric wrote:

> On 2011-12-06 14:11, Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> On 06/12/2011 12:51, George Kontostanos wrote:
>>> I apologize for the noise, I am running 9.0-RC3 since last Sunday but
>>> I haven't seen anything related in svn9-stable. Is it just me perhaps
>> you mean ?  You're not alone -- the last
>> commit e-mail I've seen was on the 3rd.  However, I don't think that's
>> any cause for alarm.  Occasional gaps of two or three days between
>> commits seems to be quite normal.
> Direct commits for 9.0 release, such as this one, don't go into the
> stable/9 branch, only into releng/9.0:
> So you will not see messages about them in the svn9-stable mailing list.
> Apparently there is a svn-src-releng mailing list, though I was not able
> to view the archive;
> gives an error message.

You should email postmaster to get this fixed.

I assume you will not see (m)any more commits to releng/9.0 however as
it's RC3 and that basically means unless major things affecting a lot of
users come up soon it's pretty close to the release.

I would assume RC3 will be announced the next couple of days - the usual rule
is that it takes some days to get all arches build (esp. sparc64 usually
takes a bit) and do basic testing, upload and then give them time to propagate
to mirrors.

That also means that stable/9 will probably soon be opened again for normal
merge procedure.


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Re: Is the svn2cvs gateway down ?

2011-12-20 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 20. Dec 2011, at 10:01 , Claude Buisson wrote:

> It seems (from my own csup's and cvswe.cgi) that the src commits are lost,
> starting with r228697 Sun Dec 18 22:04:55 2011)
> What is going on (or off) ?

Re $subject -- yes.  It will be worked on.

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Re: Is the svn2cvs gateway down ?

2011-12-21 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 21. Dec 2011, at 02:23 , Doug Barton wrote:

> On 12/20/2011 02:01, Claude Buisson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It seems (from my own csup's and cvswe.cgi) that the src commits are lost,
>> starting with r228697 Sun Dec 18 22:04:55 2011)
> Yeah, my warning 2 days ago that this was going to happen seems to have
> gone un-heeded. :)  I'm sure you can take bz' word that it's being
> looked at now though.

It's been fixed and the changes should propagate to cvsup mirrors close
to everyone the next two hours.


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Re: Escaping from a jail with root privileges on the host

2011-12-28 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 28. Dec 2011, at 08:58 , Marin Atanasov Nikolov wrote:

> Hello,
> Today I've managed to escape from a jail by accident and ended up with
> root access to the host's filesystem.

This has been discussed to lengths within the last year (I think it was).

See the updated man page:


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Re: svn commit: r229497 - in stable/8/sys: conf modules modules/ipfw netinet/ipfw

2012-01-04 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 4. Jan 2012, at 18:01 , John Baldwin wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 04, 2012 12:50:38 pm Jason Hellenthal wrote:
>> After this change I am recieving the attached error log.
> My fault, looks like stable/8 doesn't have WITH_INET / WITHOUT_INET.
> I'm doing tests on a fix now.

Alternatively I can MFC the knobs;  they are part of the other 50 possible
MFCs in my mailbox to do;  I had just planned to wait on the entire stable/9/8/7
sweep to go by first.

There was also a follow-up fix from me on this...


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Re: svn commit: r229497 - in stable/8/sys: conf modules modules/ipfw netinet/ipfw

2012-01-04 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 4. Jan 2012, at 19:40 , John Baldwin wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 04, 2012 2:09:44 pm Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>> On 4. Jan 2012, at 18:01 , John Baldwin wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, January 04, 2012 12:50:38 pm Jason Hellenthal wrote:
>>>> After this change I am recieving the attached error log.
>>> My fault, looks like stable/8 doesn't have WITH_INET / WITHOUT_INET.
>>> I'm doing tests on a fix now.
>> Alternatively I can MFC the knobs;  they are part of the other 50 possible
>> MFCs in my mailbox to do;  I had just planned to wait on the entire 
> stable/9/8/7
>> sweep to go by first.
>> There was also a follow-up fix from me on this...
> I have all your follow-ups AFAIK (I merged 3 changes).  Oddly, 
> sys/modules/netgraph/ipfw/Makefile already references MK_INET_SUPPORT.  I 
> guess no one has tried to build that outside of a kernel build on 8.
> Bjoern has volunteered to MFC the knob to 8 to fix this.

That has happened.  Let me know if it wasn't enough.


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Re: HPN-SSH question

2012-01-14 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 14. Jan 2012, at 23:56 , Steven Hartland wrote:

> On a similar note I'm actually quite concerned by the inclusion of
> these patches by default in the OS version of ssh as we've seen
> several cases of it causing noticeable performance degradation
> instead of improvement.
> I've not tested on 9, but this was certainly the case on 8.2.

8.2 did not shipped them so you had installed them yourself?

What kind of performance degradations and in which kind of environment
an how "noticeable"?


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Re: HPN-SSH question

2012-01-15 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 15. Jan 2012, at 16:28 , Steven Hartland wrote:

> Yep we installed openssh-portable + HPN and experienced noticeably
> reduced transfer rates on high latency links, exactly the opposite
> as one would expect. I don't have the exact figures I'm afraid as
> we just went straight back to standard ssh.
> I'll try and get some time to retest and provide some proper
> results.

Thanks. If you do please try the bundled version in 8-STABLE or 9 and
also gather the usual meta data (latency, packet loss, IPv4/v6, any
socket buffer tuning, ...).


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Re: HPN-SSH question

2012-01-15 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 16. Jan 2012, at 04:56 , Kevin Oberman wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Bjoern A. Zeeb <
>> wrote:
>> On 15. Jan 2012, at 16:28 , Steven Hartland wrote:
>>> Yep we installed openssh-portable + HPN and experienced noticeably
>>> reduced transfer rates on high latency links, exactly the opposite
>>> as one would expect. I don't have the exact figures I'm afraid as
>>> we just went straight back to standard ssh.
>>> I'll try and get some time to retest and provide some proper
>>> results.
>> Thanks. If you do please try the bundled version in 8-STABLE or 9 and
>> also gather the usual meta data (latency, packet loss, IPv4/v6, any
>> socket buffer tuning, ...).
> And, if it happens with 9, any chance of a tcpdump capture of all of the
> headers for analysis? (No packet data needed.) We use the HPN version
> extensively on high latency links (often trans-oceanic) and have never seen
> that.  I'd find running tcptrace and generating time plots very useful for
> looking at this sort of performance issue.

Or using siftr.


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Re: Fighting with vnet / jails epair and so on

2012-01-18 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 18. Jan 2012, at 15:13 , Shawn Webb wrote:

> I've done a bit of research about vnet jails:

There's a simple shell script sample on the wiki as well but it would be really 
cool if you guys could help testing and review the framework jamie has posted 
on freebsd-jails@ in the past and give him feedback to get it into the tree.


> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 6:59 AM, Denny Schierz  wrote:
>> hi,
>> after most parts works with my bridge setups works, I want to get vnet for 
>> my jails working. In the morning I started a jail and got only the local 
>> interface back, but no epair0b. Now I did something so that I can see _all_ 
>> interfaces from outside (bridge0 / bge* / epair0* ... ) but without any IPs.
>> However, I'm not able to give epair0b inside the jail an ip address. I get 
>> "permission denied".
>> Also  it looks a bit strange:
>> ===
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Re: Fighting with vnet / jails epair and so on

2012-01-19 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 19. Jan 2012, at 22:33 , Philipp Huebner wrote:

> On 19/01/12 18:22, Denny Schierz wrote:
>> hi,
>> Am 18.01.2012 um 23:21 schrieb Philipp Huebner:
>>> I use 9.0.0 release for host and jail and a generic kernel with
>>> OPTIONS VIMAGE being the only change/addition. No problem.
>> so, how looks your rc.conf config ? Do you use vimage the tool? I
>> can't use vimage (as I know) on sparc64.
> ...
> I do not use (and never have) the vimage commandline tool.

Are you sure you (reading and posting here, plural, in general) sure, that
you don't want to read up on freebsd-jail and give the framework a try which
might make your life easier...

I am sure Jamie would like feedback and now that 9.0 is done get review
and get it in...


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Re: Reducing the need to compile a custom kernel

2012-02-10 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 10. Feb 2012, at 15:56 , Panagiotis Christias wrote:

> On 10/2/2012 15:56, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> during some big discussions in the last monts on various lists, one of
>> the problems was that some people would like to use freebsd-update but
>> can't as they are using a custom kernel. With all the kernel modules we
>> provide, the need for a custom kernel should be small, but on the other
>> hand, we do not provide a small kernel-skeleton where you can load just
>> the modules you need.
>> This should be easy to change. As a first step I took the generic kernel
>> and removed all devices which are available as modules, e.g. the USB
>> section consists now only of the USB_DEBUG option (so that the module is
>> build like with the current generic kernel). I also removed some storage
>> drivers which are not available as a module. The rationale is, that I
>> can not remove CAM from the kernel config if I let those drivers inside
>> (if those drivers are important enough, someone will probably fix the
>> problem and add the missing pieces to generate a module).
>> Such a kernel would cover situations where people compile their own
>> kernel because they want to get rid of some unused kernel code (and
>> maybe even need the memory this frees up).
>> The question is, is this enough? Or asked differently, why are you
>> compiling a custom kernel in a production environment (so I rule out
>> debug options which are not enabled in GENERIC)? Are there options which
>> you add which you can not add as a module (SW_WATCHDOG comes to my
>> mind)? If yes, which ones and how important are they for you?
> Hello,
> we are currently using on every server (in order to maintain a single custom 
> kernel) the following options:

loadable, tunable there for this



melifaro and I are working on this; he'll fix the netgraph netflow part and 
I'll fix the #ifdefs and the tunable will be enough.

> Soon, we will also add:

IPSEC_FILTERTUNNEL has long been obsolete.

> Finally, once we upgrade our jail setup VIMAGE will be also a must.

I have read that multiple times already and I'd love to but that's a looong way.
The plan might be to one day provide a 2nd kernel to install from and that 
freebsd-update can handle but we'll see.


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Re: Reducing the need to compile a custom kernel

2012-02-10 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 10. Feb 2012, at 13:56 , Alexander Leidinger wrote:

> Hi,
> during some big discussions in the last monts on various lists, one of the 
> problems was that some people would like to use freebsd-update but can't as 
> they are using a custom kernel. With all the kernel modules we provide, the 
> need for a custom kernel should be small, but on the other hand, we do not 
> provide a small kernel-skeleton where you can load just the modules you need.
> This should be easy to change. As a first step I took the generic kernel and 
> removed all devices which are available as modules, e.g. the USB section 
> consists now only of the USB_DEBUG option (so that the module is build like 
> with the current generic kernel). I also removed some storage drivers which 
> are not available as a module. The rationale is, that I can not remove CAM 
> from the kernel config if I let those drivers inside (if those drivers are 
> important enough, someone will probably fix the problem and add the missing 
> pieces to generate a module).

And you completely seem to have missed the discussion about a device ID DB and 
loader being able to probe and load them for you?

With that sound, firewire, but also NICs and storage drivers can mostly go 
away...  But it needs infrastructure... lots of ... feel free to resume that 
thread but stable@ is obviously the wrong place.

> Such a kernel would cover situations where people compile their own kernel 
> because they want to get rid of some unused kernel code (and maybe even need 
> the memory this frees up).
> The question is, is this enough? Or asked differently, why are you compiling 
> a custom kernel in a production environment (so I rule out debug options 
> zhich are not enabled in GENERIC)? Are there options which you add which you 
> can not add as a module (SW_WATCHDOG comes to my mind)? If yes, which ones 
> and how important are they for you?

As a lot of the results will show... various parts of the network stack being 
loadable, which is not as easy as it sounds, especially making them unloadable 
again currently ...


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Re: 9-stable from i386 to amd64

2012-02-10 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 11. Feb 2012, at 05:48 , Doug Barton wrote:

> On 02/10/2012 20:56, Randy Bush wrote:
>> is there a recipe for moving from i386 to amd64?
> Other than backup and reinstall, no. As you already discovered the old
> world won't run on the new kernel. Installing the new world before
> reboot isn't safe either, as at some point in the process it'll blow up.

heh?  An i386 world should run (almost) fine on an amd64 kernel.  I know
people who have done that update (but I know of no one done it headless).

One trick is to install to a swap partition boot that and then update the
normal installation but you need to know what you are doing in that case
as well.  If you are very careful, that can be done headless - did a
re-paritioning in a similar way lately.   But in general it's all a gamble
if not a streamlined process and no console.


PS: do you happen to know why the amd64 kernel did hang on boot?

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Re: CARP carpdev

2012-02-14 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 14. Feb 2012, at 22:04 , Hugo Silva wrote:

> On 02/14/12 17:33, Freddie Cash wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Hugo Silva  wrote:
>>> Looks like there's been conversations about porting this to FreeBSD since at
>>> least 2007.
>>> Are there any plans to have ifconfig carpdev available in 9.0-STABLE?
>> CARP support has been redone in 10-CURRENT, removing the whole "carp0"
>> pseudo-interface support, and just enabling the CARP protocol on the
>> existing network interfaces. This includes the equivalent of "carpdev"
>> support.
>> Search the -current archives for more information, CFT, and so on.
>> I don't recall seeing anything about specific plans to MFC to
>> stable/9, but could be mis-remembering things.
> The single IP limitation may be a problem in some locations..
> Did not find anything about a possible MFC either. glebius@ is cc'd, perhaps 
> he can add something, but based on 
>, I don't think it's been MFCd 
> (there's a primer for the new carp in current's UPDATING)\

There's no plans to MFC given it changes things significantly.

I however wonder if someone wants to provide a user branch in SVN to
provide regular patchsets for stable/9 and maybe even stable/8 (8.3R)
to help people not going to HEAD?

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Re: [CFT] modular kernel config

2012-02-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 21. Feb 2012, at 13:35 , Alexander Leidinger wrote:

> You can download from
> The files are
>  - i386_SMALL
>  - i386_SMALL_loader.conf
>  - amd64_SMALL
>  - amd64_SMALL_loader.conf

I only looked at the laoder.conf for amd64 and the only comment I have is that 
I do not have the time to wait minutes for all individual modules to be loaded. 
 This is going to be really bad for boot time.

> The new stuff in the kernel config compared to GENERIC is (in order of number 
> of requests from users):
> - IPSEC (+ device enc + IPSEC_NAT_T)

You cannot ship that on by default for non-tecnical reasons in a kernel.  
Please do not commit a kernel config that can be booted (no LINT cannot be 
booted) with these on without consulting appropriate hats upfront.

> - ALTQ
> - IPSTEALTH (disabled in loader.conf)
> - IPFIREWALL_FORWARD (touches every packet, power users which need
>   a bigger PPS but not this feature can recompile the kernel,
>   discussed with julian@)
> - FLOWTABLE (disabled in loader.conf)

Which is not the same as it's not 100% disabled and will still allocate memory.

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Re: Time Clock Stops in FreeBSD 9.0 guest running under ESXi 5.0

2012-03-10 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 10. Mar 2012, at 08:07 , Adam Strohl wrote:

> I've now seen this on two different VMs on two different ESXi servers (Xeon 
> based hosts but different hardware otherwise and at different facilities):
> Everything runs fine for weeks then (seemingly) suddenly/randomly the clock 

Apart from the ntp vs. openvm-tools thing, do you have an idea what "for weeks" 
 means in more detail?  Can you check based on last/daily mails/.. how many 
days it was since last reboot to a) see if it's close to a integer wrap-around 
or b) to give anyone who wants to reproduce this maybe a clue on how long 
they'll have to wait?  For that matter, is it a stock 9.0 or your own kernel?  
What other modules are loaded?


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Re: BURN_BRIDGES & /usr/src/sys/netinet6/ip6_output.c:582: undefined reference to `in6_selectroute_fib'

2012-04-12 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 12. Apr 2012, at 17:10 , Jason Hellenthal wrote:

> While attempting to burn bridges... yeah yeah I know, may include some
> civil infractions ;)
> On stable/8 i386 Last Changed Rev: 234180 fresh build
> linking kernel.debug
> ip6_output.o(.text+0x334f): In function `ip6_output':
> /usr/src/sys/netinet6/ip6_output.c:582: undefined reference to
> `in6_selectroute_fib'

It's basically a marker to not use this function anywhere new in the stable/ 
branches.  It will change in HEAD soon given the code has now been in for 
almost two months (in HEAD) without further needs to re-adjustment.  I am not 
sure we ever allowed compiling with BURN_BRIDGES set but I can change the 
#ifndef to THIS_IS_PART_OF_THE_PUBLIC_STABLE_KPI or something if needed.

See the comment above it:


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Re: Support for IPSec NAT-T in transoprt mode

2012-04-14 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 13. Apr 2012, at 04:28 , Zmiter wrote:

> Hello.
> Does FreeBSD 8.[0-4] support IPSec NAT-T in transport mode? Or it's still in 
> broken state?

It's not broken; it was never implemented.  No FreeBSD tree shipped does
support transport mode at this time.  There are patches but you also need
to fix ipsec-tools or your ike daemon.  If you do the latter I can commit
the former.


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Re: Support for releases

2012-04-19 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 27. Mar 2012, at 18:57 , Charles Sprickman wrote:

> On Mar 27, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Brett Glass wrote:
>> Everyone:
>> I've just noted that as of this month, there is no release of FreeBSD -- on 
>> any branch --  whose EOL is less than a year away. Should there not be at 
>> least one release with extended support?
> That will be 8.3:
>   • 20120205 - Ping SecurityOfficer about expected support for 8.3 
> (BjoernZeeb).
>   • 20120205 - ACK from SecurityOfficer on extended support 
> (ColinPercival).

Which was already mentioned in an earlier pre-release announcement.

> I assume once it's released, this will be updated:

Which it was yesterday along with the release.


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Re: RELENG_8 still identifies itself as 8.3-PRERELEASE

2012-04-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 22. Apr 2012, at 21:59 , Adrian Wontroba wrote:

> A RELENG_8 system built this morning still identifies itself as
> Any chance of this becoming 8.3-STABLE soon? While this is entirely
> cosmetic, it does cause me issues at $JOB.


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Re: Jails can't get routing info

2012-05-01 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 1. May 2012, at 19:41 , David Thiel wrote:

> Hello,
> So, I've been trying to debug an issue running nmap scans within jails, 
> partially documented here:
> On further debugging, it's seeming like jails can't read routing 
> information directly at all:
> # route get
> route: writing to routing socket: No such process
> Now, this is normally done via reading the routing table via something like 
> socket(PF_ROUTE, SOCK_RAW, AF_INET), so one would suspect that this is a 
> problem with raw sockets; but raw sockets are enabled within the jail. 
> netstat is able to read routing information just fine, but I don't think 
> it's doing it via the socket() call.

hmm, sure you don't have /dev/mem in the jail? netstat -rn I think is still
using libkvm *sigh* and not the sysctl API.

> Anyone know why this behavior might be happening?

Without thinking too much (as in if I got the right case) I think you are
hitting this one:


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Re: Jails can't get routing info

2012-05-02 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 2. May 2012, at 05:11 , Jason Hellenthal wrote:

> On Tue, May 01, 2012 at 09:01:33PM +0000, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>> On 1. May 2012, at 19:41 , David Thiel wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> So, I've been trying to debug an issue running nmap scans within jails, 
>>> partially documented here:
>>> On further debugging, it's seeming like jails can't read routing 
>>> information directly at all:
>>> # route get
>>> route: writing to routing socket: No such process
>>> Now, this is normally done via reading the routing table via something like 
>>> socket(PF_ROUTE, SOCK_RAW, AF_INET), so one would suspect that this is a 
>>> problem with raw sockets; but raw sockets are enabled within the jail. 
>>> netstat is able to read routing information just fine, but I don't think 
>>> it's doing it via the socket() call.
>> hmm, sure you don't have /dev/mem in the jail? netstat -rn I think is still
>> using libkvm *sigh* and not the sysctl API.
> Good lord I hope this makes it down to stable/8

Pardon, what do you mean?

>>> Anyone know why this behavior might be happening?
>> Without thinking too much (as in if I got the right case) I think you are
>> hitting this one:

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Re: Support for IPSec NAT-T in transoprt mode

2012-05-02 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 2. May 2012, at 18:50 , Zmiter wrote:

> 24.04.2012 23:10, Andreas Longwitz ?:
>> There is one limitation I would like to get over. From man 8 setkey:
>> System that do not perform the port check cannot support multiple
>> endpoints behind the same NAT. I think this is a FreeBSD kernel restriction:
>> For the first incoming L2TP packet the IPSEC part of the kernel does not
>> save the source port in the corresponding SA (maybe a field like
>> natt_l2tp_port). So the kernel does for outgoing L2TP packets not know
>> the correct SA, if two ore more SA's with the same IP exists.
>> I would like to know if the patch mentioned in this thread adresses this
>> problem.
> Thank you very much for your attention.
> I've been testing those patches (actually, without your part) and YES it's a 
> big problem with clients (Android, Windows Mobile) behind the same NAT. I 
> cannot find the solution yet, but I'm very interested in it.
> So, my Androids is some sort of stupid bricks, they do not send NAT-OA 
> payloads at phase 2, and ipsec-tools fills the SPD with IPs taken from IDs. 
> But this is not the correct way. IDs contain LAN (which is behind the NAT) 
> addresses, and FreeBSD cannot route packets to the IPSec crypto part.
> I've made some quick patching of IPSec tools to get my devices working, but I 
> don't know if they accomodate to the RFCs and ISAKMP. The main idea is to 
> take NAT-OAi and NAT-OAr addresses not from IDs when we are using NAT-T, but 
> from real source and destination addresses of the server and client NATs.
> Here is my ipsec-tools patch (i've call it patch-zz-local-2.diff and place at 
> /usr/ports/security/ipsec-tools/files with two other patches from kern 
> /146190)


> It differs from that in kern/146190 in one simple thing. I have problems with 
> the original patch from kern/146190. When there was no NAT-OAi or NAT-OAr 
> values in the kernel space, checksums was calculated at 0, but they were not 
> ignored despite of the sysctl net.inet.esp.esp_ignore_natt_cksum value. The 
> improvement allows to ignore every checksum in esp packets when 
> net.inet.esp.esp_ignore_natt_cksum=1.

Just replying to the last one -- you all need to make sure that this will work 
with a double-NAT (both i and r sitting behind a NAT) and not just i behind a 
NAT and r sitting there with a globally routable IP.

The changes suddenly become a lot more complex.  Just my 5cts.


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Re: ntpd couldn't resolve host name on system boot

2012-05-17 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 17. May 2012, at 15:03 , Matthew Doughty wrote:

> Dear Jerermy,
> Whilst searching for a solution to a problem, I found your post:
> Please could you explain how I can implement the netwait script to solve
> the problem?  I'm new to freenas/BSD but am willing to try working from the
> Cmd line.

ntpd in head 9.0 and later and 8.3 and later should not exhibit that problem
anymore as it was fixed.   Could you please tell me if that is not the case?


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Re: ntpd couldn't resolve host name on system boot

2012-05-18 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 18. May 2012, at 13:28 , Matthew Doughty wrote:

> Hello Bjoern,
> It's still a problem for me.  Here is a list of my system information:
> Hostname  freenas.local
> FreeNAS Build FreeNAS-8.0.4-RELEASE-p1-x64 (11059) 
> Platform  AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250 Processor
> Memory8144MB
> System Time   Fri May 18 09:07:22 2012
> Uptime 9:07AM up 6 mins, 0 users
> Load Average  0.00, 0.21, 0.16
> OS VersionFreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p6
> Are you refering to the OS version? 9.0 or 8.3?  Looks like I'm using 8.2.

Right, 8.2 didn't have the fix yet.  Sorry.  The newer onces might still
complain at boot time that DNS cannot be found but will retry themselves,
which the old versions (pre-fix) didn't do.  Thus after a couple of
minutes ntpdcs -c peers and ntpdc -c sysinfo should be good and the logging
should stop.   I would assume that a newer FreeNAS release will pick these
things up automatically once they go to 8.3 or 9.0.


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Re: Config ipv4 and ipv6 aliases

2012-06-01 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 1. Jun 2012, at 09:29 , Thomas Krause wrote:

> Hi,
> (I'm using FreeBSD 9.0-REL).
> ifconfig_em0_ipv6_alias0 doesn't work. I've to use
> ifconfig_em0_alias0 for both ipv4 and ipv6.
> This is not consequent.

It is actually a lot more consistent now that way than it was ever before.

The reason the "primary" entries are still different is that "DHCP" for IPv4 
etc is special magic as is some automatic handling depending on 
ifconfig_IF_ipv6 is there or not to make your life easier.

At least, as you can guess, I it this way a lot better.  The rc.conf man pages 
has a couple of rough edges still but...

> My working config
> looks like this:
> ifconfig_em0="inet"
> ifconfig_em0_ipv6="inet6 2a00:abcd:0:405::2/64"
> ifconfig_em0_alias0="inet"
> ifconfig_em0_alias1="inet6 2a00:abcd:0:405::3/64"
> defaultrouter=""
> ipv6_defaultrouter="2a00:abcd:0:405::1"
> Please correct me, if there is a better solution.

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Re: 8.2 EoL Schedule?

2012-06-08 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 8. Jun 2012, at 20:58 , Jason Helfman wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:00:53PM +0100, Gót András thus spake:
>> Hi,
>> 8.3 is on the way IMHO, but anyway RELENG_8 will be supported until
>> 2013 febr 24, by the current status.
>> Regards,
>> Andras
> But if RELENG_8_{1,2}, aren't updated then that would follow EOL, right?
> Meaning, they won't be updated past July 31, 2012, unless there is an
> extension.
> Any clarity would be great on this.

The current expected EOL dates are available at

8.1 and 8.2 will drop out of security support July 31 this year, given
8.3 has been available for at least 3 months then.  Also 8.3 is an
extended release supported until 2014.


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Disturbance in IPv6 force in stable/9

2012-07-08 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

after some back and forth and quite a few people asking me for it and having
asked re@ I have merged the IPv6 offload changes to stable/9 today rather than
after 9.1 as I had planned.
I did not merge driver changes and I am expecting that one or two might 
as will SCTP be following most likely.  I'd be very happy if people could
test this the next days (this week) if using IPv6 to make sure nothing breaks
for them.   The changes have been in HEAD for more than a month but who knows:)
In case you find something broke due to these MFCs please yell at me, loudly!


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Re: selective jail restriction controlling in rc.conf

2010-07-03 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sat, 3 Jul 2010, Harald Schmalzbauer wrote:

Hallo Harald,

Harald Schmalzbauer schrieb am 03.07.2010 10:05 (localtime):
One have to seperatly define ip4 and ip6 addresses. The can be with or 
without mask, single oder comma seperated list, doesn't matter, thanks to 
the jail_handle_ips_option() coder, it just works :)

I forgot to change that in defults/rc.conf.
Please find attached the corrected version.

there is currently an ongoing discussion about jail configuration on
the freebsd-jail@ mailing list:

I think your comments (and patches) are better sent there, rather than
to sta...@.


Bjoern A. ZeebFrom August on I will have a life.  It's now up to you
to do the maths and count to 64. -- Bondorf, Germany, 14th June 2010
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Re: if_rtdel: error 47

2010-09-01 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Tue, 31 Aug 2010, Mike Tancsa wrote:

Hey Mike,

On a RELENG_8 box from aug 25th, I started seeing a constant spew of

Aug 31 00:17:46 gate8 kernel: if_rtdel: error 47
Aug 31 00:18:29 gate8 kernel: ifa_del_loopback_route: deletion failed
Aug 31 00:18:29 gate8 kernel: if_rtdel: error 3
Aug 31 00:18:29 gate8 last message repeated 2 times
Aug 31 00:18:37 gate8 kernel: ifa_del_loopback_route: deletion failed
Aug 31 00:18:37 gate8 kernel: if_rtdel: error 3
Aug 31 00:18:37 gate8 last message repeated 2 times
Aug 31 00:18:38 gate8 kernel: ifa_del_loopback_route: deletion failed
Aug 31 00:18:38 gate8 kernel: if_rtdel: error 3
Aug 31 00:18:38 gate8 last message repeated 2 times

What do they mean and how can I find the cause of it ? The box acts as an LNS 
with about 700 ng interfaces with mpd5.5.  ipv6 is enabled on this server as 
well, so I am guessing it might be related to ipv6 as I havent seen it on the 
other LNS boxes that have the same setup, except no ipv6.  It was happily 
running for a few days until this error started showing up ?

I thought this was fixed already but maybe only in HEAD and not
merged.  I'll go and look.


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Re: kernel panic when accessing /dev/tap0

2010-09-01 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Wed, 1 Sep 2010, Frank Razenberg wrote:


Robert Watson described a problem in this discussion:
Currently I'm experiencing a similar problem, but on amd64 and FreeBSD 8.1 
Release. Accessing /dev/tap0 instantly results in a kernel panic, so it's 
most likely if_tap related. Is this a known problem? I've started 
encountering it ever since I rebuilt my kernel with "options vimage".

this is expected.  I have a work in progress fix in perforce for
most/all cloned interfaces.  It's only a matter of extracting patches
now but it'll be anohter few days till I'll get to that.


PS: freebsd-virtualization@ might be the better place to post VIMAGE

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Re: I4B: what happened, which options? [was: Policy for removing working code]

2010-09-09 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 9 Sep 2010, Kevin Oberman wrote:


I think I should try to summarize parts of the ISDN topic, which I
have been disconnected from for more than 2 years now, to make this
tail of a thread more helpful maybe.

I agree that later release notes could have mentioned it but neither
did they mention that it was back and I cannot remember anyone
complaining about netatm not coming back either until now, nor can I
remember many complaints after freebsd 7.0 which was more than 2 years

I am Cc:ing freebsd-isdn@ as that list exists and has been for years.
Check the archives for the overwhelming interest.
If ISDN is in any way interesting to you, respect the Reply-To:

The temporary disconnect was announced there (which is where the plan
to bring it back came from):

There was a call for help (also with GSoC):

There was a notice that the code will be removed:

And there was an UPDATING entry with the removal:

There was probably more but those were the once I found again within
five minutes.

So what are the options and what is out there now and there are a few,
depending on your needs:

1) the FreeBSD Foundation is sponsoring a project currently:
   "DAHDI FreeBSD driver port"

2) I am (was) still running C4B on amd64 on RELENG_8 with a privately
   hacked together capi call log, which is a hack without me even
   thinking about capi (specs) when doing it, but was doing the job
   for me for 7 and 8.  Getting the last C4B compiled for 8/HEAD or
   amd64 isn't a lot of patching and I can probably provide patches
   to you, if you want to make it a port.  The PRIV constants needed
   for this in the base system have been shiping for a while:

3) HPSI4B exists and he seems to maintain it.  If you need old drivers
   for cards he doesn't support, talk to him if you want to use or are
   using his stack with other cards.

4) The old I4B code is still here and could be brought back from
   Attic if someone was to invest the resources (time, coding or money,
   ...).  People tried back then but failed for ETIME.  It's not only
   locking.  The device drivers and layers are written in a RELENG_4ish
   way and my conclusion was that it'll end in a partial re-write.
   I still have cards and I still have a machine with ISA slots to
   test things.  If someone fixes the infrastructure and 1 driver I'll
   also happily ship them so (s)he can do the others as well and test
   and maintain things for the next couple of years.

Pick your poison;-)


Bjoern A. Zeeb  Welcome a new stage of life.
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Re: How to terminate a lot of jails correctly

2010-09-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, S.N.Grigoriev wrote:

thank you for your tip. The only drawback of that approche  is absence of
ability to calculate a timeout. Try and error only.

Well, you could do a try-run just shutiing down all your jails by
time sh /etc/rc.d/jail stop
measuring the time it takes and maybe add a bit for extra safety?


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Re: BIND9 built w/--disable-ipv6 on 8.1-STABLE

2010-09-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Tue, 21 Sep 2010, Diane Bruce wrote:

|> | why don't we want IPv6 enabled by default on new BIND installations?
|> It has to do with whether or not IPv6 support is compiled into the
|> FreeBSD base system which is compiling BIND. If the configure option


If I'm still alive when IPv6 is the norm and IPv4 is the exception, I
promise to give it another look. :)

IPv6 is more prevalent than you think. I can't understand the illogic
of turning it off.

Can't we just do what lib/bind/ already does?

Index: usr.sbin/named/Makefile
--- usr.sbin/named/Makefile (revision 211503)
+++ usr.sbin/named/Makefile (working copy)
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ SRCDIR=${BIND_DIR}/bin/named

 PROG=  named

-CONFIGARGS='--prefix=/usr' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' 
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--enable-threads' '--disable-ipv6' 
'--enable-getifaddrs' '--disable-linux-caps' '--with-openssl=/usr' 
+CONFIGARGS='--prefix=/usr' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' 
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--enable-threads' '--enable-getifaddrs' 
'--disable-linux-caps' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-randomdev=/dev/random'
+.if ${MK_INET6_SUPPORT} == "no"

 # Optional features
 .if ${MK_BIND_LARGE_FILE} == "yes"

and leave it to the user to build world without INET6 support if (s)he
build the kernel without it?


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Re: C4B for modern FreeBSD [was: I4B: what happened, which options? [was: Policy for removing working code]]

2010-10-16 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 9 Sep 2010, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:


2) I am (was) still running C4B on amd64 on RELENG_8 with a privately
  hacked together capi call log, which is a hack without me even
  thinking about capi (specs) when doing it, but was doing the job
  for me for 7 and 8.  Getting the last C4B compiled for 8/HEAD or
  amd64 isn't a lot of patching and I can probably provide patches
  to you, if you want to make it a port.  The PRIV constants needed
  for this in the base system have been shiping for a while:

having sent out the patch to the only person who requested it
privately, I thought for later reference I should post it here as

! Allow the latest Capi4BSD from
! to compile on amd64 as well as modern FreeBSD versions without suser()
! or I4B support.

I have done some late changed to get the __FreeBSD_version checks as
correct as possible and it compiles on my FreeBSD HEAD/amd64 but I
haven't tested it more.  I used to use it for a simple call log in the
past but not more either.  If you give it a try, send me feedback!


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Re: ifconfig, vnets and interface names

2010-10-17 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 17 Oct 2010, Nikolay Denev wrote:


While playing with vnet jails I've discovered the following oddity, which 
probably is not what's expected to happen :


And that's what ifconfig shows after this :

   [16:52]r...@nas:/home/ndenev# ifconfig
   <... snip lo0 and physical interface ...>
   epair0a: flags=8842 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 02:8c:53:00:03:0a
   epair1a: flags=8842 metric 0 mtu 1500
   ether 02:b6:49:00:05:0a
   eth0: flags=8842 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 02:8c:53:00:04:0b
ether 02:b6:49:00:06:0b

Instead of two interfaces, I'm seeing one with to lladdrs, because of the 
interface names being the same.

Then I'm trying to destroy them :

   [16:52]r...@nas:/home/ndenev# ifconfig eth0 destroy
   [16:53]r...@nas:/home/ndenev# ifconfig
   <... snip lo0 and physical interface ...>
   epair1a: flags=8842 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 02:b6:49:00:05:0a
   eth0: flags=8842 metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 02:b6:49:00:06:0b
   [16:53]r...@nas:/home/ndenev# ifconfig eth0 destroy

So in this case there may be not a clean way to address one of the interfaces 
specifically (i.e. destroy only the second one)?

I've not investigated further, but I'm thinking probably this is just a "bug" 
in ifconfig interpreting/parsing the information from the kernel.
Maybe a solution is to extend ifconfig to be able print the interface list 
along with the ifIndex values and also manage the interfaces by index?
Auto renaming also is also probably a possible solution (i.e. eth0_1 , eth0_2 ) 
as these are interfaces coming from destroyed vnet's and are not likely to be 
in use. (but still sounds scary :) )

It's actually a bug in sys/net/if.c:if_vmove* we know about and that's
on the todo list.

I am not sure when the behaviour of ifconfig changed as previousy it
would only show you one of the two interfaces with the single ether
address.  ifconfig -l however had shown eth0 twice.  Neither is really
what one would expect thus needs changing.


PS: freebsd-virtualization@ is the best list to report "VIMAGE" or
"vnet" related problems.

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Re: repeating crashes with 8.1

2010-10-23 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sat, 23 Oct 2010, Mike Tancsa wrote:

Hi all,

At 12:41 AM 10/23/2010, Jack Vogel wrote:

Odd, can you make any connection between this and the em complaints??

I dont think so.

neither do I think so.  The initial issue

This is on an igb nic and a different panic/behaviour. I 
have the box sitting at the debugger prompt in the FreeBSD netperf cluster, 
so hopefully someone can take a look and see what is the issue.

Ok, and I seem to have another email telling me the machine;-)

>>>>> Oct 22 02:06:02 i4 kernel: em1: discard frame w/o packet header
>>>>> Oct 22 02:06:10 i4 kernel: em2: discard frame w/o packet header

is if_em(4) receiving a packet and then passing it up in em_rxeof()
by calling ifp->if_input ending up in
sys/net/if_ethersubr.c:ether_input() and there's an early check on
1) that the interface is up, and 2)
 580 /*
 581  * Do consistency checks to verify assumptions
 582  * made by code past this point.
 583  */
 584 if ((m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) == 0) {
 585 if_printf(ifp, "discard frame w/o packet header\n");
 586 ifp->if_ierrors++;
 587 m_freem(m);
 588 return;
 589 }

So whatever mbuf if_em(4) is passing up here isn't setup correctly and
it sounds like the mbuf chaining logic or receive ring handling could
have a problem, though I doubt that em_refresh_mbufs() would be at
fault ... but I'll leave that to Jack.

For the following one, I hope to know the problem for it and am
working on fixing this already.  This is most likely more new-arp
fallout and the last we currrently know of (despite some nd6 locking
problems which will need to be addressed separately and are under

Fatal trap 9: general protection fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 0; apic id = 00
instruction pointer = 0x20:0x80740a50
stack pointer   = 0x28:0xff85a890
frame pointer   = 0x28:0xff85a930

code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
   = DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1
processor eflags= interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process = 12 (swi4: clock)
[thread pid 12 tid 17 ]
Stopped at  in6_cksum+0x410:movzwl  (%rsi),%r10d
db> bt
Tracing pid 12 tid 17 td 0xff00025083e0
in6_cksum() at in6_cksum+0x410
icmp6_reflect() at icmp6_reflect+0x312
icmp6_error() at icmp6_error+0x1ec
nd6_llinfo_timer() at nd6_llinfo_timer+0x208
softclock() at softclock+0x2a6
intr_event_execute_handlers() at intr_event_execute_handlers+0x66
ithread_loop() at ithread_loop+0xb2
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x12a
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0xff85ad30, rbp = 0 ---

Mike, as you found that in a lab setup and I was never able to
reproduce any of the reports before, I'll send you a patch over
the weekend and we'll see if you can still reproduce it after


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 Going to jail sucks --  All my daemons like it!
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Re: Name and JID support in /etc/rc.d/jail and jail(8) documentation

2010-10-24 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 24 Oct 2010, Spil Oss wrote:


Created a small patch for 8.1 to add name support to /etc/rc.d/jail.
This doesn't upgrade /etc/rc.d/jail to the overhauled invocation of
8.0 but merely adds the ability to set a jail's name on start which
was added in FreeBSD 7.2 (May 2009).

Could this patch be considered to be applied to stable?

# diff -ruN /etc/rc.d/jail-8.1 /etc/rc.d/jail


short answer: no

1) add -n  to the defaults of jail__flags in rc.conf and be done
   just now.  No need for a new variable.
2) you want to follow the new jail management on the freebsd-jail list.
   I would expect that there will just be no further changes to the rc
   script unless security related ones.

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Spil Oss  wrote:

Hi All,

When starting a jail you can, as of 8.0 if I'm not mistaken, set the
JID and name for a jail. This change doesn't seem to have been
incorporated into the /etc/rc.d/jail script? Looking at it wouldn't
be a huge change to add name support. The other additions in that
script look a lot more intrusive. Are there any plans to merge this
patch into the jail rc-script or is this "v2" style of jail invocation
still considered to be experimental? As of 8.1 is seems to no longer
be considered experimental looking at the release notes.

The new style version was never considered "experimental".  It wasn't
just not advertised that much due to the lack of 2) above.

The jail(8) documentation (mine lists FreeBSD 8.1 January 17, 2010)
seems to be missing documentation on the vnet command (due to the
experimental status)?

Right, vnets are still considered experimental.


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Re: repeating crashes with 8.1

2010-10-28 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Fri, 22 Oct 2010, Mike Tancsa wrote:

Hi Randy, Mike,

At 10:18 AM 10/22/2010, Randy Bush wrote:

> Do you know how this panic is triggered ? Are you able to
> create it on demand ?

no i do not.  bring server up and it'll happen in half an hour.

and the server was happy for two months.  so i am thinking hardware.

Perhaps. The reason I ask is that I had a box go down last night with the 
same set of errors.  The box has a number of ipv6 routes, but its next hop 
was down and the problems started soon after. So I wonder if it has something 
to do with that.  Do you have ipv6 on this box and are all the next hop 
addresses correct / reachable ?

Oct 22 02:06:02 i4 kernel: em1: discard frame w/o packet header
Oct 22 02:06:10 i4 kernel: em2: discard frame w/o packet header
Oct 22 02:06:21 i4 kernel: em1: discard frame w/o packet header

Just a shot in the dark, as I got another private report just now
on this one; is any of you by chance running VLANs on the systems
you see this happening?


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Re: option DDB broken between r214547 - r214596

2010-10-31 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 31 Oct 2010, David Wolfskill wrote:


On one of my machines, I've been having some issues such that I adjusted
the kernel config to include some debugging options:

options KDB
options KDB_TRACE
options DDB
options DDB_NUMSYM
options GDB

Now, I actually build for the system in question on my build machine
(which builds a GENERIC kernel for itself, as well as kernels for the
above-mentioned machine and another).

This morning, it was running FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE r214547, building
8.1-STABLE r214596.  The GENERIC build succeeded, and went on to the
kernel "ALBERT".

That failed, thus:


stage 3.2: building everything

cc -c -O -pipe  -std=c99 -g -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs 
-Wstrict-prototypes  -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual  
-Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -fformat-extensions -nostdinc  -I. -I/usr/src/sys 
-I/usr/src/sys/contrib/altq -D_KERNEL -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS -include 
opt_global.h -fno-common -finline-limit=8000 --param inline-unit-growth=100 
--param large-function-growth=1000  -mno-align-long-strings 
-mpreferred-stack-boundary=2  -mno-mmx -mno-3dnow -mno-sse -mno-sse2 -mno-sse3 
-ffreestanding -fstack-protector -Werror  /usr/src/sys/net/if_debug.c
/usr/src/sys/net/if_debug.c: In function 'if_show_ifnet':
/usr/src/sys/net/if_debug.c:65: error: 'struct ifnet' has no member named 
*** Error code 1

That would be mine though a universe had successfully completed with
the merge.

I'll go and look.


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Re: option DDB broken between r214547 - r214596

2010-10-31 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 31 Oct 2010, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

Hi David,

Now, I actually build for the system in question on my build machine
(which builds a GENERIC kernel for itself, as well as kernels for the
above-mentioned machine and another).

This morning, it was running FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE r214547, building
8.1-STABLE r214596.  The GENERIC build succeeded, and went on to the
kernel "ALBERT".

That failed, thus:


/usr/src/sys/net/if_debug.c: In function 'if_show_ifnet':
/usr/src/sys/net/if_debug.c:65: error: 'struct ifnet' has no member named 

*** Error code 1

That would be mine though a universe had successfully completed with
the merge.

I'll go and look.

I still had the stable/8 LINT + 4 more different LINT configs all
including DDB build logs form yesterday on ref8; none had an error
though it was obviously there.  I have no clue but that a KERNFAST
build might not have cought it if this wasn't my first change to build

It should be fixed with r214602.  Thanks a lot for the report.


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Re: repeating crashes with 8.1

2010-11-23 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sat, 23 Oct 2010, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:


just to get this out.  Jack you might want to review and if ok, include
in HEAD before we get feedback maybe.  To my understanding worst it
would be overhead but not really harm.

>>>>> Oct 22 02:06:02 i4 kernel: em1: discard frame w/o packet header
>>>>> Oct 22 02:06:10 i4 kernel: em2: discard frame w/o packet header

The following is a random-guess by code reading that hasn't been tested
yet but believed to be correct; also ran it by gnn.

--- sys/dev/e1000/if_em.c.orig  2010-11-01 20:57:53.0 -0400
+++ sys/dev/e1000/if_em.c   2010-11-16 01:28:00.0 -0500
@@ -3754,8 +3769,13 @@ em_refresh_mbufs(struct rx_ring *rxr, in
** they can only be due to an error
** and are to be reused.
-   if (rxbuf->m_head != NULL)
+   if (rxbuf->m_head != NULL) {
+   rxbuf->m_head->m_len = rxbuf->m_head->m_pkthdr.len = 
+   rxbuf->m_head->m_flags |= M_PKTHDR;
+   rxbuf->m_head->m_data = rxbuf->m_head->m_ext.ext_buf;
+   rxbuf->m_head->m_next = NULL;
goto reuse;
+   }
m = m_getjcl(M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA,
M_PKTHDR, adapter->rx_mbuf_sz);

I am not sure if igb and the others need a similar fix.  Haven't
looked in detail. gnn mentioned similarities though good ones imho
in there.

If you were able to reproduce the pkthdr issue it would be great to
test it.  If you always paniced it with IPv6 you may also want to test
the applicable patch (use the direct URLs mentioned) from the very end of
to make sure you are not running into that race.


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Re: tcp_do_segment....again

2008-10-27 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 26 Oct 2008, Jose Amengual wrote:


The problem persist even in stable 7.0, 7.1-PRERELEASE and 7.0-P5 , the 
postfix jail is living all the email in defer queue saying "Connection Time 

This server give service to 300 clients and the network load os high.

is there any clue how to resolve this ?

sorry if I am not reading back various links which include mails I had
sent which are entirely unrelated.

So you are seeing TCP problems. And you are running with a firewall

Have you tried tcpdumping and seeing what exactly goes wrong?

do you have any offload stuff enabled (as the subject suggests)? If so
what happens if you disable this?


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Re: 7.x and multiple IPs in jails

2008-10-28 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Tue, 28 Oct 2008, Charles Sprickman wrote:

Hello all,

I've been searching around and have come up with no current discussions on 
this issue.  I'll keep it brief:

In 7.0 or 7.1 is there any provision to have multiple IP addresses in a jail?

Subscribe to the freebsd-jail mailinglist and check the archives.
You'll find patches there.


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Re: 7.x and multiple IPs in jails

2008-10-28 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Tue, 28 Oct 2008, Michael Butler wrote:

Lorenzo Perone wrote:

Hi, there's a patch by Bjoern A.Zeeb, available at

which succeeds and works well with 7.1-PRERELEASE currently.
I had similar issues to solve and patched several hosts
with it, so far with success.

Bjoern has made an excellent work in patching all
relevant parts, so you'll be able to use the stock
rc.d/jail script as well as having an updated manpage
and a jls -v which shows all the IPs while preserving
compatibility with scripts making assumptions on
the usual jls output.

Please see the freebsd-jail mailing list archives of
the last weeks and months for more info.

I hope very much that these patches will be included
officially in RELENG_7 soon.

This seems to imply that, at last, IPv6 addresses can be used in jails -
is that true?


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Re: 7.x and multiple IPs in jails

2008-10-29 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Tue, 28 Oct 2008, Chris St Denis wrote:


[ jail patches ]

Serious question here (not trolling).

These patches have been around for years, why have they never been committed 
to trunk/stable?

Well, the multi-ipv4 patch has been for a while - what we are talking
about at the moment is more.

If you look at older status reports they said soemthing like "there is
the need for this at the moment but it's not considered to be the
right thing".

There are multiple reasons for that, that I can think of:

1) some larger parts (of the network stack|kernel) get plastered with
   all kinds of if (this) if (that) checks complicating code, making
   it unreadbale, having to be maintained, not ignored for security, ...
   It's important to really catch all the places, .. which it seems we
   had been doing well though not 100% well as I just found out
   currerntly preparing more if (this) if (that) checks for something
   not really important but still being a problem - since the first
   day it turns out.

2) there is questionable logic in them and while we had been living
   with it up to now, it came up during review process for the commit
   to HEAD (so it could be merged to stable) and it turns out that
   properly solving it isn't a easy or simple task and multiple people
   have been pondering over this for days now. Even after removing
   some optional code paths for simplicity things are still not always
   definite in what would happen.


Nonetheless they are very helpful and very usable (else I wouldn't
have worked on it).

The plan as the status report will say is to get this in, merge it to
stable/7 before 7.2  and keep it in 8.

8 will also have vimages and ideally I'd like to see this entire jail
IP hacks be gone for 9, when vimage will provide the infrastructure,
etc.  This means that 8 would be the transition period. But that's
just me and my ideas - we'll see how it'll go.


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Re: 7.x and multiple IPs in jails

2008-10-30 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 30 Oct 2008, Michael Butler wrote:


Hi, there's a patch by Bjoern A.Zeeb, available at

which succeeds and works well with 7.1-PRERELEASE currently.
I had similar issues to solve and patched several hosts
with it, so far with success.

Sadly,  SVN rev 184481 (of today) breaks these patches :-(

Is there an updated patch-set available or planned?

I wonder if that was one of my MFCs - I guess so.

One of the reasons I am doing those MFCs is to keep the diff between HEAD
and 7 down to a minimum so that I have to ship less patches integrated into
the jail patch for 7. So yes the plan is to finish the MFCs and generate a
new patch for 7 the next days (most likely beginning of next week).


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Re: FreeBSD 6.3 gre and traceroute

2008-11-15 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Fri, 14 Nov 2008, Robert Noland wrote:


Also just using gre's without the
underlying ipsec tunnels seems to
work properly.

The reason for this to my knowledge is:

or looking at recent freebsd code:

Now what happens in your case:

you receive an IPSec ESP packet, which gets decryped, that sets
M_DECRYPTED on the mbuf passes through various parts, gets up to gre,
gets decapsulated is an IP packet (again) gets to ip_input, TTL
expired, icmp_error and it's still the same mbuf that originally got
the M_DECRYPTED set. Thus the packets is just freed and you never see

So thinking about this has nothing to do with gre (or gif for example
as well) in first place. It's arguably that passing it on to another
decapsulation the flag should be cleared when entering gre() for

The other question of course is why we do not send the icmp error back
even on plain ipsec? Is it because we could possibly leak information
as it's not caught by the policy sending it back?


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Re: hangs for 7.1-PRE [was: problem possibly related to multi-ip jail patch?]

2008-11-16 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 16 Nov 2008, Lorenzo Perone wrote:


I've been experiencing problems with one of the machines running FreeBSD 
7.1-PRERELEASE #2: Thu Oct 16 20:23:09 CEST 2008 with the multi-ip patch 
bz_jail7-20080920-01-at150161.diff, and I'm wondering if it possibly related 
to the patch - in any case, any advice would be very welcome.

bottom line is that most of this looks less likely to be a jail

It happens that mysql (tried both 4.0 and 5.1, in 2 separate jails), at some 
time stop responding to connections, and mysql gets stuck in sbwait state. It 
is only killable with kill -9 

Yeah, I had been seeing mysql hang or go to 99% CPU for years once in
a while; it's been more rare the last months. I have seen it in- and
outside of jails, with or without patches.

You could try to see if you can get backtraces of those processes.

each of the two mysqlds is running in a jail on one private IP, serving 
connections to a webserver nearby - the latter having one public and one 
private IP, communicating with the other jail via the private network.

I also experienced two complete system hangs (which must not be necessarily 
related to the mysql problem) both during a shutdown -r now. one was a panic, 
in another case the machine was still pingable but did not shut down 
completely. I could only reset it over the DRAC. here's a screenshot I made 
over the Dell RAC:

Looking at your image I see more problems before the shutdown so this
as well is most likely not a jail problem.

Since I'm also using zfs there and the kernel has been built with the DTRACE 

any advice (also about which more details that I should/could provide) would 
be very welcome...

I am Cc:ing the answer to stable@ and setting reply-to: to move the discussion 


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Re: ifconfig(8) interface description field

2008-11-18 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008, cpghost wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:34:24AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh yeah, since we're in wishful thinking mode, I want interface
descriptions too...

Have you looked at the 'name' and 'group' keywords in ifconfig(8)?
If this isn't what you want, please expand on your wish.

It is not what I want.

On routers, switches and lots of other boxes from most vendors you can
associate a description string with each interface - where interface
can be a physical port, or for instance a VLAN based interface. This
description string is useful to document things like

- what is the box at the other end of the cable connected to this port
- what is the port at the other end of the cable connected to this port
- what is the circuit id for the circuit this port is connected to
- what is this port used for

etc. Typical example, from one of our switches (Cisco syntax):

interface GigabitEthernet0/12
 description TO:  ID: BTN-11510092  TXT: gi1/0/7 EoSDH 50 Mbps
 switchport trunk allowed vlan 123,770,1024,1500,1504,1528,1536

showing the first three points I mentioned above.

Such a description string is can normally be retrieved using SNMP.

Yes, that's a very useful addition. I'm administering a lot of Cisco
boxes, and this desc field has been extremely useful over the years.

Maybe an ifi_desc field could be added to:

 /usr/src/sys/net/if.h:struct if_data

and some glue so that ifconfig(8) can read and write to it?
How long should this field be at most?

This is nothing the really belongs in the kernel.

Add an "interface" to set/get the information per interface (index,
name, ...) and store the actual data in a file maybe.
Make the format extensible to store other meta data that
people may want to think along with it in the future.

After all you want the information to be peristent over a reboot so
you have to write it out somehow anyway.

Just my 0.02CAD


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Re: ifconfig(8) interface description field

2008-11-18 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008, cpghost wrote:


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 02:23:05PM +0100, cpghost wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 12:07:32PM +, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008, cpghost wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:34:24AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh yeah, since we're in wishful thinking mode, I want interface
descriptions too...

Have you looked at the 'name' and 'group' keywords in ifconfig(8)?
If this isn't what you want, please expand on your wish.

It is not what I want.

On routers, switches and lots of other boxes from most vendors you can
associate a description string with each interface - where interface
can be a physical port, or for instance a VLAN based interface. This
description string is useful to document things like

- what is the box at the other end of the cable connected to this port
- what is the port at the other end of the cable connected to this port
- what is the circuit id for the circuit this port is connected to
- what is this port used for

etc. Typical example, from one of our switches (Cisco syntax):

interface GigabitEthernet0/12
 description TO:  ID: BTN-11510092  TXT: gi1/0/7 EoSDH 50 Mbps
 switchport trunk allowed vlan 123,770,1024,1500,1504,1528,1536

showing the first three points I mentioned above.

Such a description string is can normally be retrieved using SNMP.

Yes, that's a very useful addition. I'm administering a lot of Cisco
boxes, and this desc field has been extremely useful over the years.

Maybe an ifi_desc field could be added to:

 /usr/src/sys/net/if.h:struct if_data

and some glue so that ifconfig(8) can read and write to it?
How long should this field be at most?

This is nothing the really belongs in the kernel.

Add an "interface" to set/get the information per interface (index,
name, ...) and store the actual data in a file maybe.
Make the format extensible to store other meta data that
people may want to think along with it in the future.

After all you want the information to be peristent over a reboot so
you have to write it out somehow anyway.

Yes, but some interfaces are created on-the-fly, and you never
know in advance which name they'll get (think of tunN, ngN etc...).

If those interfaces are meant to be queried frequently (every few
minutes or so) by an snmpd, wouldn't it be more inefficient to check
an external file than get the meta data from the kernel?

Some network management apps could also decide to use the description
field as a repository for more dynamic data; data that could be queried
by applications running on the hosts. Here too, would'nt it be more
efficient if descr. were in-kernel?

For persistence, an /etc/rc.d script could always set the static
interface descriptions via ifconfig calls any way it likes, including
reading those definitions from a config file. Everything else will
probably be set remotely via the network management software, which
itself has its own persistence store (usually a database).

Another reason you want to avoid using a file for this: what about
appliances that run as dedicated routers and boot from a flash-based
read-only filesystem? How would you change the interface description
(remotely or on the console) if you can't write to a file?

So how would you make it persistent across a reboot if you cannot write
it anywhere?


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Re: IPv6 routing on 7.1R

2009-01-17 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Mon, 12 Jan 2009, Hiroki Sato wrote:


I noticed an odd behavior regarding IPv6 after upgrading my 7.0R box
to 7.1R.  The situation and symptom are the following:

1. The box has two NICs.  One has an address 2001:0db8:1::1/64 (NIC
   A), and another has 2001:0db8:2::1/64 (NIC B).  These addresses
   are assigned manually ($ipv6_ifconfig in rc.conf).

2. RA is periodically sent to the network 2001:0db8:1::1/64 (NIC A)
   by a router on the subnet.  The RA includes a source link-layer
   address option only.

When setting net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1 in this configuration, I
expected the box assigns an autoconf IPv6 address (prefix
2001:0db8:1::/64 + EUI64) to NIC A and an default route based on
source link-layer address in the RA packet.  Actually, these two were
done as expected.  However, after addresses are assigned, routes for
NIC B disappeared from the routing table.  More specifically, a
cloning route "2001:0db8:2::1/64 -> link#2" was removed for some

Is this an expected behavior?

I don't think so. Can you file a PR and get it assigned to bz@ and
I'll look in two weeks or so once I am fully back.


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HEADS UP: multi-IPv4/v6/no-IP jails merge to 7-STABLE ahead

2009-01-28 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb


I have a possible MFC candidate patch at:

to merge the multi-IPv4/v6/no-IP jails to 7-STABLE.  My plan would be
to do so during the weekend of 6-8th February 2009.

In addition to what the patch says at the beginning (__FreeBSD_version
bump), the patch also has the regenerated compat/freebsd32 sysctl
stuff in it so that people can apply, compile and run it directly.
For the merge this would be a second commit.

For committers who want to review that I have done the merge right, it
is an svn diff with mergeinfo included.

For details about the patch, features, .. see the original commit
message and follow-up a few days later (both in one post):

Since then a few bug fixes went in, some older PRs were handled, ...

Now is the time for you to try and review it for 7-STABLE, etc.


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Re: HEADS UP: multi-IPv4/v6/no-IP jails merge to 7-STABLE ahead

2009-01-28 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Wed, 28 Jan 2009, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:


I have a possible MFC candidate patch at:

to merge the multi-IPv4/v6/no-IP jails to 7-STABLE.  My plan would be
to do so during the weekend of 6-8th February 2009.

In addition to what the patch says at the beginning (__FreeBSD_version
bump), the patch also has the regenerated compat/freebsd32 sysctl
stuff in it so that people can apply, compile and run it directly.
For the merge this would be a second commit.

For committers who want to review that I have done the merge right, it
is an svn diff with mergeinfo included.

For details about the patch, features, .. see the original commit
message and follow-up a few days later (both in one post):

Since then a few bug fixes went in, some older PRs were handled, ...

Now is the time for you to try and review it for 7-STABLE, etc.

One more thing that I had forgotten and was pointed at:
sys/kern/kern_jail.c includes the __FBSDID() line.
I just manually edited the patch to contain the proper CVS (not SVN) value.

You may a) want to check that things apply cleanly and/or b) to sure
to manually apply the hunk from the .rej.


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Re: HEADS UP: multi-IPv4/v6/no-IP jails merge to 7-STABLE ahead

2009-02-02 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Mon, 2 Feb 2009, Mike Tancsa wrote:

At 10:22 AM 1/28/2009, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:


I have a possible MFC candidate patch at:

Hi Bjoern,
   Will this patch allow for the creation of tun interfaces inside of a 
jail ?  Ideally I was hoping to run OpenVPN inside various jails which uses 
the tun device.

Nope, you'll have to wait for vimages for that.


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HEADS UP: multi-IPv4/v6/no-IP jails now in 7-STABLE

2009-02-07 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb


what has started a long time ago with patches from various people, was
started, abandoned, resumed finally found an end.

I am happy to hereby announce that the multi-IPv4/v6/no-IP jails work
has been merged to 7-STABLE and thus can be used in FreeBSD 7 without
the need to maintain or apply patches from now on.

This also means that the updated jails will be included in 7.2 release.

This update gives you (short selection):
- zero, one or multi-IP jails.
- IPv4 and IPv6 support.
- cpuset support for jails.
- jail names and states to ease administration. 
- 32bit compat on 64bit, jail v1 compat, ..

You'll find a longer summary about all the new features and how to use
them in a posting from December (you should really read it):

Since the above posting, multiple PRs had been addressed and fixes include
- SIOCGIFADDR ioctl handling which fixes the "samba inside jails problem"
- no more arp and ndp information disclosure
- updated rc.conf framework (fully backward compatible in 7), see
  man 5 rc.conf and /etc/defaults/rc.conf.
- various documentation/man page updates
- ...

I'd like to thank everyone who had helped to make this possible!

If you like the work, mayhap even use it for your business, or just want
to support FreeBSD, you may want to visit
and help donating some money.

Enjoy your new jails!
(and don't try to escape - you sure won't succeed;)


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make installkernel broken

2009-02-07 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb


I merged a change I had tested in my working but not a vanilla
stable/7 tree.  This broke make installkernel.

I am currently investigating if it's easily fixable w/o side effects
or I'll back it out in a bit.

If your sys/conf/ has r188288 (from 14:55:29 UTC) you are
affected by this.

I'll let you know once it is fixed.


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Re: make installkernel broken

2009-02-07 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sat, 7 Feb 2009, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:


I merged a change I had tested in my working but not a vanilla
stable/7 tree.  This broke make installkernel.

I am currently investigating if it's easily fixable w/o side effects
or I'll back it out in a bit.

If your sys/conf/ has r188288 (from 14:55:29 UTC) you are
affected by this.

I'll let you know once it is fixed.

With r188296 (21:07:58 UTC) things should be fine again.

In case you hit the problem you can use
make installkernel KMODOWN=root KMODGRP=wheel
as a workaround.

In case you experience any problems/side efffects from the fix, let me
know immediately.

Sorry for the breakage.


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"The LOR page" is back

2009-02-13 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb


in case you find a LOR, want to report it or want to see if it's known
or find out more about it... you can go and check "The LOR page"
again.  It's up on a temporary setup (so in case it's not avail come
back a bit later) until I can finally move the web elsewhere. The URL
has stayed the same:

The page has a few instructions and links to further information. You
may want to read them before doing anything else to help everybody.


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HEADS UP: removal of PECOFF support in RELENG_[67]

2009-11-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb


I'd like to give you a heads up that I intend to also remove PECOFF
support from the stable/7 and stable/6 branches.  PECOFF support is
non-working and unmaintained in those FreeBSD releases and has lately
still seen public security problems.

PECOFF support is already gone in the upcoming 8.0 RELEASE or the
9-CURRENT development branch.

Should no valid complaints come up saying that someone needs (and
actively uses *cough* PECOFF support on FreeBSD it'll be removed
earliest Novemeber 29th 2009 00:00 UTC (in about one week).


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Re: Jails working differently in FreeBSD-8

2009-12-13 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Nathan Butcher wrote:

Jails appear to be working differently in 8.0 compared with 7.x (due to
the networking changes in 8 most likely).

Anyway, I've created a jail in 8.0 and given it it's own IPv4 IP
address. Problem is, when I attempt to SSH to this jail IP address, I'm
arriving in the host environment, and not the jailed environment.

In 7.x I would have landed inside the jail so what's going on in 8?
Hopefully someone who has already solved this issue can help me out a bit.

It may sound silly but can you confirm that sshd is running inside the jail?

Also, how did you start the jail?  jls -av  output might be


PS: there is a freebsd-jail list as well.

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Re: pkg_add thinks that -STABLE is -RELEASE (wrong __FreeBSD_version?)

2010-01-07 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 3 Jan 2010, pluknet wrote:


2010/1/2 Paride Legovini :


I'm running 8.0-STABLE and I noticed that by default pkg_add -r uses
packages-8.0-release/Latest/ as PACKAGESITE. I read in the handbook[1]
that pkg_add should use packages-5-stable/Latest/ as PACKAGESITE when
one is running -STABLE.

I took a look at the source code, and noticed that pkg_add considers
the system -STABLE if getosreldate() (i.e. __FreeBSD_version) is between
800500 and 899000 (see src/usr.sbin/pkg_install/add/main.c:92).
However, in RELENG_8, __FreeBSD_version is set to 800108. You can check
it via cvsweb[2].

Sounds like something is wrong. Am I missing something?
Do I just have to wait for the __FreeBSD_version to be bumped?


I'm afraid that's because __FreeBSD_version wasn't bumped
800107->800500 in RELENG_8 just after RELENG_8_0 created
(wrt changes in scheme for RELENG_8 timeframe where
current/stable border moved to 800500:

It continued then as is (still ok), and eventually was incremented
to 800108 (wrong here, though I hope it still can be safely corrected).

I have just bumped the version on stable/8 so it should be fine now.


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Re: IPSec NAT-T in transport mode

2010-01-23 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Fri, 22 Jan 2010, Nat Howard wrote:

I'm very interested in this problem -- I want to run an L2TP server myself.   
Is anyone actually working on this?  I might be able to chip in a few bucks...

But I'm not seeing bad checksums.   Here's my setup:

L2tp server  A<>B  Freebsd NAT box C <---internal 
network--->D my mac

Where should I be seeing the bad checksums?  A, B, C, or D?

Looking only at B, I don't see any bad udp checksums, but I'm seeing a bunch of 
these (IP numbers changed to bracketed names):

This doesn't say if you are using IPsec but I will asume so, that
would mean that you D "my mac" would initiate the connection and
the A node "L2tp server" would then be the other end.  If that's a
FreeBSD box as well, you should check statistics there.  The NAT
gateway in between has nothing to do with this, only the IPsec ends.


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Re: 8.0-RELEASE -> -STABLE and size of /

2010-01-24 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Fri, 22 Jan 2010, Oliver Brandmueller wrote:


I just noticed somthing: I setup an 8.0-RELEASE amd64 box, / is default
512M. First step after setup was to csup to RELENG_8 and buildkernel and
buildworld (no custom kernel, no make.conf).

Instaling the new kernel failed, since /boot/kernel/ is already well
over 230 MBytes in size. moving that to kernel.old and writing a new one
with about the same size fails due to no space left on device.

Replying to the first post in the thread.

One first thing to help people to avoid problems with future upgrades
could be to just make / 1G:

Another entirely untested patch would compress the symbol files:

It would be interesting to see if (a) they work and (b) how much the
latter would safe.


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Re: Panic on 8-STABLE in pfctl with options VIMAGE on a DELL PowerEdge R300 (bge)

2010-02-26 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Fri, 26 Feb 2010, Lorenzo Perone wrote:


While I was just planning to experiment with VIMAGE, and it is not required 
for production (I'm aware of the message of it being experimental...), I 
thought it might be useful to report it. Please send me a note if I should 
file a pr.

The panic does not occur with the same kernel compiled without options 

FAQ from virtualization@ ; pf support for VIMAGE only basically exists
but is not fully ready either.


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Re: panic during work with jailed postgresql8.4

2010-04-02 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 1 Apr 2010, Oleg Lomaka wrote:


I have a kernel panic when connect to postgresql8.4 server installed in one of 
jails from another jail. It's 100% reproducible.
Also I have tried to connect from host machine to jailed pg server. That way it 
works fine without crash.

Server configuration uses geli and zfs. Four disks encrypted using geli. And 
raidz2 is using ad8.eli, ad10.eli, ad12.eli, ad14.eli providers. All jails 
located at this raidz2 pool.

Also I use ezjail for jails management. And it uses NFS to mount directories 
with base system.

atal double fault
rip = 0x8063510a
rsp = 0xff80eaec5f50
rbp = 0xff80eaec6040
cpuid = 1; apic id = 02
panic: double fault
cpuid = 1
Uptime: 7m11s
Physical memory: 8169 MB

uname -a
FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE #7 r206031: Thu Apr  
1 13:43:57 EEST 2010 

Link to dmesg.boot:

Link to kernel core backtrace:

Can I help to spot this trouble by providing additional info?

Looking at the info I doubt it's related to jails or Pg in first
place.  Have you been running that same setup already before your Apr
1st, r206031, kernel?  If so, from when was your last kernel?


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Re: panic during work with jailed postgresql8.4

2010-04-02 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Fri, 2 Apr 2010, Oleg Lomaka wrote:


uname -a
FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE #7 r206031: Thu Apr  
1 13:43:57 EEST 2010 

Link to dmesg.boot:

Link to kernel core backtrace:

Can I help to spot this trouble by providing additional info?

Looking at the info I doubt it's related to jails or Pg in first
place.  Have you been running that same setup already before your Apr
1st, r206031, kernel?  If so, from when was your last kernel?

Yes, this configuration works on another server fine (8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 
8.0-STABLE #3 r205202)

Made few more tests. All tests I make using psql command (as it is 100% 
reproducible, may be now try spot it using telnet/netcat, without involving 
pg). psql accomplish login operation fine, panic appears after i run any 
command like \d, so I think it depends on packet size.

Current picture is:
1. When connect from host machine - works fine.
2. When I connect from other server - works fine.
3. When connect from another jail on the same box as db's jail (tried from few 
jails) - kernel fault.

Also tried security.jail.allow_raw_sockets on/off - nothing changes.

In addition to the private mail I have just sent you, the first thing
you might try it to updat again; I hadn't realized before that your
r206031 seems to be in the middle of a multi-commit merge from two

It would be worth to update to the latest stable/8 and try again


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Re: FreeBSD 7.3, reboot after panic: double fault

2010-04-21 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
 at tcp_offload.h:269
#54 0xc08f4105 in tcp_output (tp=0xc25b2570) at
#55 0xc08fdcf8 in tcp_usr_send (so=0xc2ac1820, flags=0, m=0xc270ed00,
nam=0x0, control=0x0, td=0xc28e2d80) at tcp_offload.h:269
#56 0xc0850405 in sosend_generic (so=0xc2ac1820, addr=0x0, uio=0xc28766c0,
top=0xc270ed00, control=0x0, flags=0, td=0xc28e2d80) at
#57 0xc084bf7f in sosend (so=0xc2ac1820, addr=0x0, uio=0xc28766c0, top=0x0,
control=0x0, flags=0, td=0xc28e2d80) at /usr/src/sys/kern/uipc_socket.c:1285
#58 0xc0833c5b in soo_write (fp=0xc28e84c0, uio=0xc28766c0,
active_cred=0xc28e5900, flags=0, td=0xc28e2d80) at
#59 0xc082d2e7 in dofilewrite (td=0xc28e2d80, fd=24, fp=0xc28e84c0,
auio=0xc28766c0, offset=-1, flags=0) at file.h:257
#60 0xc082d5c8 in kern_writev (td=0xc28e2d80, fd=24, auio=0xc28766c0) at
#61 0xc082d816 in writev (td=0xc28e2d80, uap=0xccf6fcfc) at
#62 0xc0a7f2d5 in syscall (frame=0xccf6fd38) at
#63 0xc0a636a0 in Xint0x80_syscall () at
#64 0x0033 in ?? ()
Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
(kgdb) quit

tcp_output() calls tcp_mtudisc() if ip_output() returns EMSGSIZE:

               case EMSGSIZE:
                        * For some reason the interface we used initially
                        * to send segments changed to another or lowered
                        * its MTU.
                        * tcp_mtudisc() will find out the new MTU and as
                        * its last action, initiate retransmission, so it
                        * is important to not do so here.
                        * If TSO was active we either got an interface
                        * without TSO capabilits or TSO was turned off.
                        * Disable it for this connection as too and
                        * immediatly retry with MSS sized segments generated
                        * by this function.
                       if (tso)
                               tp->t_flags &= ~TF_TSO;
                       tcp_mtudisc(tp->t_inpcb, 0);
                       return (0);

But tcp_mtudisc() calls tcp_output():

       tp->t_rtttime = 0;
       tp->snd_nxt = tp->snd_una;
       tp->snd_recover = tp->snd_max;
       if (tp->t_flags & TF_SACK_PERMIT)
       return (inp);

I'm not sure why it's not able to figure out the MTU, perhaps folks on net@
can help.  However, it would seem that for the tcp_output() case,
tcp_mtudisc() should probably not call tcp_output_send(), but instead
tcp_output() should just loop back up to the top after calling tcp_mtudisc()
and retry.

I'm afraid to be wrong but it looks similar to another report for 8.0-STABLE
(may it be a cross-major version regression somewhere around tcp_mtudisc()?):

The backtrace indeed looks very similar.  The reporter at that point
had been cvs updated in the middle between two commits.  Updating
again seemed to have fixed it for him.

None of those changes are in 7.3-RELEASE though and the endless loop
indeed should no happen.

Is the kernel and the core file still avail for further analyses?


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Re: kernel: arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo

2010-04-21 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Denis Lamanov wrote:


vmstat -m | grep lltable
every 3 minutes increases :(
lltable 16938  2149K   -17779  128,256

I'll MFC the patches to fix that the next couple of days, maybe
tommorow morning.  In case you want to try them, you'd need
SVN r206469,206470,206481 applied to 8-STABLE.


Bjoern A. Zeeb It will not break if you know what you are doing.
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Re: kernel: arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo

2010-04-21 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Denis Lamanov wrote:


vmstat -m | grep lltable
every 3 minutes increases :(
lltable 16938  2149K   -17779  128,256

I'll MFC the patches to fix that the next couple of days, maybe
tommorow morning.  In case you want to try them, you'd need
SVN r206469,206470,206481 applied to 8-STABLE.

Actually I just merged them.  If you wait an hour or two for the
changes to show up on your local mirror 8-STABLE should be fine.

Please note that if you are using option FLOWTABLE you will still see
the leak.  I haven't gotten around to update my patches for that.
I'll try to remember to post them once done.


Bjoern A. Zeeb It will not break if you know what you are doing.
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Re: Can't delete IPV6 addresses with ifconfig

2008-02-14 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 14 Feb 2008, Daniel O'Connor wrote:


I am experimenting with IPv6 and I can't seem to remove an IPv6 address
from an interface, eg I have..

But I can't remove it, viz..
[midget 22:11] ~ >sudo ifconfig fxp0 -alias 2002:792d:8527::1:1/64
ifconfig: 2002:792d:8527::1:1/64: bad value
[midget 22:27] ~ >sudo ifconfig fxp0 delete 2002:792d:8527::1:1/64
ifconfig: 2002:792d:8527::1:1/64: bad value
[midget 22:27] ~ >sudo ifconfig fxp0 delete 2002:792d:8527::1:1
ifconfig: 2002:792d:8527::1:1: bad value
[midget 22:27] ~ >sudo ifconfig fxp0 delete 2002:792d:8527::1:1
prefixlen 64
ifconfig: 2002:792d:8527::1:1: bad value
[midget 22:27] ~ >sudo ifconfig fxp0 delete 2002:792d:8527::/64
ifconfig: 2002:792d:8527::/64: bad value

Anyone know the right way to do this? :)

yes, man ifocnfig says

  ifconfig [-L] [-k] [-m] interface [create] [address_family] [address
   [dest_address]] [parameters]

The following parameters may be set with ifconfig:

  -alias  Remove the network address specified.  This would be used if you

Conclusion: -alias is a "parameter" and belongs to the end after
the address.

The it works for IPv4 is "pure luck".


Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT
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Re: RELENG_7_0 buildworld failure on read only source tree

2008-03-09 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Sun, 9 Mar 2008, Tom Judge wrote:

Xin LI wrote:

Tom Judge wrote:


We have been building RELENG_6_x source trees from read only NFS file 
systems for well over a year now with out any problems.  However I have 
just tried to do "make buildworld" on a RELENG_7_0 source tree from 
yesterday and it failed to build with the following error:

[error snipped]

Should it be possible to build RELENG_7_0 with a read only source tree?

This can be worked around, I think touching the Makefile would do the 
trick.  IIRC David (cc'ed) has fixed the Makefile at some point this 
January while he is updating the base cvs(1) for this exact issue, maybe we 
should MFC the changeset to RELENG_7?


Thanks for the response,  it was indeed just a case of touching 
/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cvs/contrib/Makefile.  Do you have the information about 
the relevent change sets that fix this?  Then I can merge this fix to my 
local tree.

I think it was this change:

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT
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Re: Access Problems with 7.0

2008-04-03 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Doug Hardie wrote:


I recently upgraded 3 of my 5 servers to 7.0.  Two of them are on new 
hardware and one is on hardware that used to run 6.2.  Since then, 2 of my 
thousands of users are unable to access the servers running 7.0.  They can 
access the server running 6.2 just fine.  What happens is the server 
receives the SYN packet from the client properly and then responds with the 
SYN packet.  Nothing more is heard from the client.  The server sends a few 
duplicates of the SYN and then drops the connection.

At this point I am not able to verify that the client receives the SYN. 
Neither of them has a clue about tcpdump.  The packets look fine on this 
end (included later).  Both are using Windows, including XP and Vista.  I 
suspect they are receiving it and not accepting it for some reason. 
However, I don't really see anything that would cause that behavior in the 
packets.  I can't reproduce the problem here.  Every computer I can try 
works just fine.

Here is one of the packet traces:

11:59:00.630414 00:00:0c:38:6f:e1 (oui Cisco) > 00:a0:cc:3e:87:9e (oui 
Unknown), ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 66: > S 
2779920420:2779920420(0) win 8192 

11:59:00.630634 00:a0:cc:3e:87:9e (oui Unknown) > 00:00:0c:38:6f:e1 (oui 
Cisco), ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 66: > S
2480373222:2480373222(0) ack 2779920421 win 65535 3,sackOK,eol>

11:59:03.613011 00:00:0c:38:6f:e1 (oui Cisco) > 00:a0:cc:3e:87:9e (oui 
Unknown), ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 66: > S 
2779920420:2779920420(0) win 8192 

11:59:03.613194 00:a0:cc:3e:87:9e (oui Unknown) > 00:00:0c:38:6f:e1 (oui 
Cisco), ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 66: > S 2480373222:2480373222(0) ack 
2779920421 win 65535 

Checking with the 6.2 server I see there are some differences in the TCP 
options.  7.0 includes wscale 3 where 6.2 does not.  Is there a way to 
disable that feature using sysctl to see if thats the issue?

You want to update to 7-STABLE which has the TCP fixes or you want to
apply the following changes:  +10 -2 src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c  +5 -2 src/sys/netinet/tcp_var.h

In case you are not using MD5 that should be enough. Else see
freebsd-net from the last 3 days for another patch.


Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT
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Re: FreeBSD 7 and multiple IP (mijail-patch in 6.x)

2008-04-03 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Johan Ström wrote:


I got a machine running 6.2 right now, which is being replaced. And since SMP 
performance is much better on 7.x I'd like to go with 7.0 (and many ppl have 
indeed verified that it works good on this box, HP DL360 G5)...
But, now when I start to setup the machine, I recalled that i've patched the 
6.2 box with the freebsd mijail patch 
However, I cannot find anywhere about FreeBSD 7 and a similar patch. A quick 
look at the patch vs the 7.x source tells me it won't apply cleanly, but from 
what I've seen quickly, it could maybe be done. The differences I've seen 
doesn't look too advanced, but then again, I'm  not a kernel developer...

So, I'd like to know if anyone considered this on 7.x, or if anyone can tell 
me immediately that this wont work or will be LOTS of work, or just some 
patch line adjusting? Ie, how big are the changes from 6.x to 7.x in these 

I had planned to have a patch for multiv4/v6 jails last month but it's not
yet publicly available. I have sent it off to some people for review.

In case the above is a successor of pjd's multi-ip v4 jail patch I can
give you a plain forward port to a FreeBSD 7 system (which might have
possible locking issues I have never experienced).

All depends on how quickly you need it.


Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT
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Re: reboot after panic: privileged instruction fault

2008-04-11 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, Spil Oss wrote:

Yesterday my to-be server running FreeBSD 7.0 #0 has rebooted after a
kernel panic.

FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0: Fri
Apr  4 07:22:22 CEST 2008
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/BEASTIE70  i386

Please find messages and kernel-configuration attached.

Could you get a backtrace?

might help you with further debugging.

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT
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Re: Jail resource limits

2008-05-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 22 May 2008, Peter Ankerstål wrote:


If the are somebody with skills and time to resurrect some mentioned 
projects, I am willing to help with testing.

I will also be happy to help in whatever way I can. I have no 
coding-experience to talk about. But testing in various env

and so on. (and help with docs/wiki)

I will have to go through all this again but it seems that there is
more interest from multiple people on this work.

As I am currently working on FreeBSD jails (see latetst status report
and follow to my homepage to also find the slide from the BSDCan WIP
session) I should look into this for everyone running FreeBSD 7.

I'll try to get an overview on all the work out there based on the
pointers already posted and will see how I can integrate that with
whatever is going on in FreeBSD atm or come up with new patches..


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Re: Regression with jails/IPv6/pf

2012-07-28 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 26 Jul 2012, Matthew Seaman wrote:

Just for the public;  I am talking to him privately currently; I'll
summarize findings either here or in a commit message.


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Re: Regression with jails/IPv6/pf

2012-08-01 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 26 Jul 2012, Matthew Seaman wrote:


as there have been more people having problems with pf and IPv6 after
the changes I am replying to stable@ cc: pf@.



nat on $ext_if_plus from $xenophobe_int to any -> $xenophobe_ext
rdr inet6 proto tcp from  to $xenophobe_ext \
port { 22, 80, 443, 548, 4700 } -> $xenophobe_int

When trying to ssh into the jail with a kernel exhibiting this problem,
tcpdump showed that traffic was reaching the sshd in the jail and
responses were being generated, but they didn't make it out onto the net.

Any of you who are expereincing problems with packets dropped due to
invalid checksums with IPv6 and pf after the recent merges, can you
report back if you also see this without "modulate state" in your
pf.conf (if you have 'modulate' in there, can you try changing it to
'keep' and see if that fixes the problem)?


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Re: Regression with jails/IPv6/pf

2012-08-01 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Wed, 1 Aug 2012, Matthew Seaman wrote:

On 01/08/2012 18:13, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

Any of you who are expereincing problems with packets dropped due to
invalid checksums with IPv6 and pf after the recent merges, can you
report back if you also see this without "modulate state" in your
pf.conf (if you have 'modulate' in there, can you try changing it to
'keep' and see if that fixes the problem)?

Alas, I was already using 'keep state'.  I did just try 'modulate
state,' just on the off-chance but it makes no difference.

Modulate would only make it worse.

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Re: IPv4 vs. IPv6 Ethernet Performance

2012-09-09 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 30 Aug 2012, Norbert Aschendorff wrote:


I tested it using tcpdump:
The length field says for each packet 1408 bytes, so that should be OK.

The Wireshark instance on the iperf server says something like "16732
bytes on wire" for the most packets (not always with 16732 bytes, but
most packets over 10,000) - could that be reassembled somehow?

only slowly catching up on email so... chiming in now.

I'd assume in this case the iperf "server" is linux or did Jack add
IPv6 LRO support to e1000?  Sorry, I am not up-to-date.

However, any modern peice of hardware should be able to fill the 1G
link even with software doing csums or offloading really and all our
routing table lookups.

What's the well known FreeBSD machine of a machine?

I can only imaging what's going on for you and some of the latest work
was not yet merged to head or 9;  I have 1 or 2 patches posted to net@
for review and testing though.  Sorry not immediately helpful.


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Re: FreeBSD 9.1-RC1 Available...

2012-09-18 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On Thu, 23 Aug 2012, Ken Smith wrote:


let me reply to the very initial email in this monster of public thread.

With both the doc and ports repositories now moved to SVN it has been
decided to not export the 9.1 release branch activity to CVS.  So
csup/cvsup update mechanisms are not available for updating to 9.1-RC1.
If you would like to use SVN the branch to use is releng/9.1.

RELENG_9_1 is now exported the CVS as well and will be for as long as
things will be exported to CVS.   It will take another few hours to
get near your local mirror as they'll all be chewing on each other the
next 12 hours.  Enjoy!

Any further discussions on src export I'll leave to other people
wearing hats.


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Re: epair on 9-stable

2015-04-01 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

> On 31 Mar 2015, at 21:31 , Johannes Totz  wrote:
> Hi,
> Is epair (virtual ethernet) supposed to work on 9-stable?
> I'm having trouble with it.
> I want to connect one end to a bridge, e.g.:
> bge0 <===> bridge0 <===> epair0a <---> epair0b
> and run dhclient on epair0b.
> But nothing comes through, not even on epair0a.
> bridge0 itself receives packets.
> No firewall involved.
> Any ideas?

Just checking, are all interfaces UP?

Bjoern A. Zeeb  Charles Haddon Spurgeon:
"Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life.  Many might have failed
 beneath the bitterness of their trial  had they not found a friend."

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