On Thu, 9 Sep 2010, Kevin Oberman wrote:


I think I should try to summarize parts of the ISDN topic, which I
have been disconnected from for more than 2 years now, to make this
tail of a thread more helpful maybe.

I agree that later release notes could have mentioned it but neither
did they mention that it was back and I cannot remember anyone
complaining about netatm not coming back either until now, nor can I
remember many complaints after freebsd 7.0 which was more than 2 years

I am Cc:ing freebsd-isdn@ as that list exists and has been for years.
Check the archives for the overwhelming interest.
If ISDN is in any way interesting to you, respect the Reply-To:

The temporary disconnect was announced there (which is where the plan
to bring it back came from):

There was a call for help (also with GSoC):

There was a notice that the code will be removed:

And there was an UPDATING entry with the removal:

There was probably more but those were the once I found again within
five minutes.

So what are the options and what is out there now and there are a few,
depending on your needs:

1) the FreeBSD Foundation is sponsoring a project currently:
   "DAHDI FreeBSD driver port"

2) I am (was) still running C4B on amd64 on RELENG_8 with a privately
   hacked together capi call log, which is a hack without me even
   thinking about capi (specs) when doing it, but was doing the job
   for me for 7 and 8.  Getting the last C4B compiled for 8/HEAD or
   amd64 isn't a lot of patching and I can probably provide patches
   to you, if you want to make it a port.  The PRIV constants needed
   for this in the base system have been shiping for a while:

3) HPSI4B exists and he seems to maintain it.  If you need old drivers
   for cards he doesn't support, talk to him if you want to use or are
   using his stack with other cards.

4) The old I4B code is still here and could be brought back from
   Attic if someone was to invest the resources (time, coding or money,
   ...).  People tried back then but failed for ETIME.  It's not only
   locking.  The device drivers and layers are written in a RELENG_4ish
   way and my conclusion was that it'll end in a partial re-write.
   I still have cards and I still have a machine with ISA slots to
   test things.  If someone fixes the infrastructure and 1 driver I'll
   also happily ship them so (s)he can do the others as well and test
   and maintain things for the next couple of years.

Pick your poison;-)


Bjoern A. Zeeb                              Welcome a new stage of life.
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