On Sat, 7 Feb 2009, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:


I merged a change I had tested in my working but not a vanilla
stable/7 tree.  This broke make installkernel.

I am currently investigating if it's easily fixable w/o side effects
or I'll back it out in a bit.

If your sys/conf/kern.post.mk has r188288 (from 14:55:29 UTC) you are
affected by this.

I'll let you know once it is fixed.

With r188296 (21:07:58 UTC) things should be fine again.

In case you hit the problem you can use
        make installkernel KMODOWN=root KMODGRP=wheel
as a workaround.

In case you experience any problems/side efffects from the fix, let me
know immediately.

Sorry for the breakage.


Bjoern A. Zeeb                      The greatest risk is not taking one.
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