Re: How many versions of clang/llvm are currently required to maintain a system

2017-03-06 Thread Bob Bishop

A big chunk of this is down to lang/pure. The upstream links for pure at have mysteriously disappeared; those who care may get an uneasy 

> On 6 Mar 2017, at 07:16, Mark Linimon  wrote:
> Please see .
> mcl
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Bob Bishop

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Re: latest rust fails to install

2017-03-06 Thread Jean-Sébastien Pédron
On 06.03.2017 06:19, Koichiro IWAO wrote:
> I have another question. Did the breakage commit pass review?
> I can't believe such easy mistakes were overlooked.

It passed review because Poudriere was happy and the official packages
builders are fine. The plist issue was known but I believed it was
because of the influence of another port on my laptop, thus minor
because ports should be built in a clean environment, especially Rust
which conflicted with itself so far.

Also, the latest version of Rust was needed to move forward with
Firefox. It took some time already to get approval and I didn't consider
the issue a showstopper.

Jean-Sébastien Pédron

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

compiling ports w/ poudiere && gcc versions

2017-03-06 Thread Matthias Apitz


Compiling my ~1760 ports with poudiere, pulls in makes four different
gcc version:

$ ls -C1 /usr/local/poudriere/PKGDIR.20160922/gcc*

which ofc is very time consuming. Is there an easy way to let it compile
and use only one (the best?) gcc version?


Matthias Apitz, ✉, ⌂  ☎ 
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Re: compiling ports w/ poudiere && gcc versions

2017-03-06 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> Compiling my ~1760 ports with poudiere, pulls in makes four different
> gcc version:
> $ ls -C1 /usr/local/poudriere/PKGDIR.20160922/gcc*
> /usr/local/poudriere/PKGDIR.20160922/gcc-4.8.5_2.txz
> /usr/local/poudriere/PKGDIR.20160922/gcc-ecj-4.5.txz
> /usr/local/poudriere/PKGDIR.20160922/gcc46-4.6.4_5,1.txz
> /usr/local/poudriere/PKGDIR.20160922/gcc49-4.9.4.txz
> which ofc is very time consuming. Is there an easy way to let it compile
> and use only one (the best?) gcc version?

I name my jails after the OS versions, so I have

$ poudriere jail -l
103  10.3-RELEASE amd64
10i  10.3-RELEASE-p17 i386
11a  11.0-RELEASE-p1  amd64
11i  11.0-RELEASE-p1  i386
arm6 12.0-CURRENT r306902 arm.armv6
p64  12.0-CURRENT r306902 powerpc.powerpc64
cur  12.0-CURRENT r311531 amd64
93a  9.3-RELEASE-p48  amd64
93i  9.3-RELEASE-p48  i386

To build, I only have one ports tree, the default tree:

$ poudriere ports -l
default   portsnap 2017-03-04 21:26:08 /pou/ports/default

To use custom versions, I use


which contains this line:

DEFAULT_VERSIONS= perl5=5.24 python=2.7 python3=3.6 ruby=2.3 pgsql=9.6 php=7.1 
mysql=10.1m gcc=6

I'm not sure that this would limit the GCCs built to gcc6 (as some
ports might request a specific version), but it's worth a try.

-- 171 3101372 3 years to go !
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Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

2017-03-06 Thread Andrea Venturoli


I'm trying to create a small ports for internal use.
The simplest of these should just place a bunch of files into 
${LOCALBASE}, so I thought I could create a tar archive containing those 
files, with the correct permissions, let "extract" do its work, then 
have the following:

(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} -pR . ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX})

Alas the "extract-fixup-modes" target will ruins all this.

Is there a way to achieve what I'm trying to achieve?

Better yet, could I just somehow place my content under "files" and do 
without a distfile?

 bye & Thanks
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Re: Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

2017-03-06 Thread Michael Gmelin

> On 6 Mar 2017, at 12:25, Andrea Venturoli  wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm trying to create a small ports for internal use.
> The simplest of these should just place a bunch of files into ${LOCALBASE}, 
> so I thought I could create a tar archive containing those files, with the 
> correct permissions, let "extract" do its work, then have the following:
>> do-install:
>>(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} -pR . ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX})
> Alas the "extract-fixup-modes" target will ruins all this.
> Is there a way to achieve what I'm trying to achieve?
> Better yet, could I just somehow place my content under "files" and do 
> without a distfile?

Yes, that's possible, see sysutils/bhyve-rc[0] for an example how to do it.


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Re: How many versions of clang/llvm are currently required to maintain a system

2017-03-06 Thread Chris H
On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 01:16:00 -0600 Mark Linimon  wrote

> Please see .
The perfect answer. Thank you, Mark!

> mcl

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Re: How many versions of clang/llvm are currently required to maintain a system

2017-03-06 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> A big chunk of this is down to lang/pure. The upstream links for
> pure at have mysteriously disappeared; those who care
> may get an uneasy feeling.

has 0.66 ?

-- 171 3101372 3 years to go !
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Re: How many versions of clang/llvm are currently required to maintain a system

2017-03-06 Thread rb

> On 6 Mar 2017, at 14:16, Kurt Jaeger  wrote:
> Hi!
>> A big chunk of this is down to lang/pure. The upstream links for
>> pure at have mysteriously disappeared; those who care
>> may get an uneasy feeling.
> has 0.66 ?

Let me rephrase that: the link quoted on doesn’t work, should be

> -- 
> 171 3101372 3 years to 
> go !

Bob Bishop

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Re: Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

2017-03-06 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 03/06/17 12:50, Michael Gmelin wrote:

Yes, that's possible, see sysutils/bhyve-rc[0] for an example how to do it.

Thanks for your answer: an example is really welcome.

However, I might be dumb, but that does not fully cover what I was 
looking for.

I see sysutils/bhyve-rc uses USE_RC_SUBR in order to install its only 
file, but that's specific to rc.d scripts.

Suppose I want a mean to install generic files, should I use SUB_FILES?

The first problem I encounter, then, is with subdirectories.
Suppose I want to install /usr/local/a/b/c.txt, I would use 
"SUB_FILES=a/b/c.txt" and provide files/a/b/

However, I'll get:

cannot create /usr/ports/misc/xxx/work/a/b/c.txt: No such file or directory

I've also tried "SUB_FILES=${WRKSRC}/a/b/c.txt", but then make will say:

** Missing 
/usr/ports/misc/xxx/files//usr/ports/misc/xxx/work/xxx-y/a/b/ for xxx-y.

Am I missing something obvious?

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Re: Recording TIMESTAMPs in distinfo for reproducible builds work

2017-03-06 Thread Derek (freebsd lists)

On 16-05-12 02:08 PM, Ed Maste wrote:

Baptiste and I have been looking at reproducible builds in the FreeBSD
ports tree, and one thing we'll need is a consistent timestamp that
doesn't change when a port is rebuilt without changes.

Just wondering if any work has gone into consuming these 
timestamps in the tools?

Specifically, looking at tar(1) from -head, I see that it doesn't 
current support the -mtime flag that GNU tar does, to be able to 
set the timestamp on all of the files being archived.

Any thoughts on what the canonical way will be: e.g. a pass in 
advance with find/touch or if BSD tar is planned to support this 


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Re: Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

2017-03-06 Thread Thomas Zander
On 6 March 2017 at 16:02, Andrea Venturoli  wrote:

> The first problem I encounter, then, is with subdirectories.
> [...]

Is it possible that you are looking for this:

Or did I miss something from the question?

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Re: Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

2017-03-06 Thread Michael Gmelin
On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 16:02:05 +0100
Andrea Venturoli  wrote:

> On 03/06/17 12:50, Michael Gmelin wrote:
> > Yes, that's possible, see sysutils/bhyve-rc[0] for an example how
> > to do it.  
> Thanks for your answer: an example is really welcome.
> However, I might be dumb, but that does not fully cover what I was 
> looking for.
> I see sysutils/bhyve-rc uses USE_RC_SUBR in order to install its only 
> file, but that's specific to rc.d scripts.
> Suppose I want a mean to install generic files, should I use
> The first problem I encounter, then, is with subdirectories.
> Suppose I want to install /usr/local/a/b/c.txt, I would use 
> "SUB_FILES=a/b/c.txt" and provide files/a/b/
> However, I'll get:
> > cannot create /usr/ports/misc/xxx/work/a/b/c.txt: No such file or
> > directory  
> I've also tried "SUB_FILES=${WRKSRC}/a/b/c.txt", but then make will
> say:
> > **
> > Missing 
> > /usr/ports/misc/xxx/files//usr/ports/misc/xxx/work/xxx-y/a/b/
> > for xxx-y.  
> Am I missing something obvious?

What about something like this (your files are in files/input.tgz)?

# $FreeBSD: #

PORTNAME=   testport
CATEGORIES= sysutils
MASTER_SITES=   # none
DISTFILES=  # none
EXTRACT_ONLY=   # none


NO_BUILD=   yes

@${TAR} -xf ${FILESDIR}/input.tgz -C ${STAGEDIR}
@${FIND} ${STAGEDIR} -type f | ${SED} "s|${STAGEDIR}||" >>


Michael Gmelin
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Re: Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

2017-03-06 Thread Michael Gmelin
On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 16:51:04 +0100
Michael Gmelin  wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 16:02:05 +0100
> Andrea Venturoli  wrote:
> > On 03/06/17 12:50, Michael Gmelin wrote:
> >   
> > > Yes, that's possible, see sysutils/bhyve-rc[0] for an example how
> > > to do it.
> > 
> > Thanks for your answer: an example is really welcome.
> > 
> > However, I might be dumb, but that does not fully cover what I was 
> > looking for.
> > 
> > I see sysutils/bhyve-rc uses USE_RC_SUBR in order to install its
> > only file, but that's specific to rc.d scripts.
> > Suppose I want a mean to install generic files, should I use
> > 
> > The first problem I encounter, then, is with subdirectories.
> > Suppose I want to install /usr/local/a/b/c.txt, I would use 
> > "SUB_FILES=a/b/c.txt" and provide files/a/b/
> > However, I'll get:  
> > > cannot create /usr/ports/misc/xxx/work/a/b/c.txt: No such file or
> > > directory
> > 
> > I've also tried "SUB_FILES=${WRKSRC}/a/b/c.txt", but then make will
> > say:  
> > > **
> > > Missing 
> > > /usr/ports/misc/xxx/files//usr/ports/misc/xxx/work/xxx-y/a/b/
> > > for xxx-y.
> > 
> > 
> > Am I missing something obvious?
> >   
> What about something like this (your files are in files/input.tgz)?
> # $FreeBSD: #
> PORTNAME=   testport
> CATEGORIES= sysutils
> MASTER_SITES=   # none
> DISTFILES=  # none
> EXTRACT_ONLY=   # none
> COMMENT=Blablabla
> NO_BUILD=   yes
> post-install:
> @${TAR} -xf ${FILESDIR}/input.tgz -C ${STAGEDIR}
> @${FIND} ${STAGEDIR} -type f | ${SED} "s|${STAGEDIR}||" >>
> .include 

Slightly cleaner version below, obviously you could use different
tools to get the files into ${STAGEDIR}.

# $FreeBSD: #

PORTNAME=   testport
CATEGORIES= sysutils
MASTER_SITES=   # none
DISTFILES=  # none
EXTRACT_ONLY=   # none


NO_BUILD=   yes

@${TAR} -xf ${FILESDIR}/input.tgz -C ${STAGEDIR}
@${FIND} ${STAGEDIR} -type f | \
${SED} "s|^${STAGEDIR}||" >> ${TMPPLIST}


Michael Gmelin
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Re: Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

2017-03-06 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 03/06/17 17:05, Michael Gmelin wrote:

What about something like this (your files are in files/input.tgz)?

NO_BUILD=   yes

@${TAR} -xf ${FILESDIR}/input.tgz -C ${STAGEDIR}
@${FIND} ${STAGEDIR} -type f | \
${SED} "s|^${STAGEDIR}||" >> ${TMPPLIST}


Guess this is what I was looking for (just the ${TAR} part)... basically 
overriding the "extract" phase.

I modified ${STAGEDIR} to ${STAGEDIR}/${PREFIX}.

Just why post-install and not do-install?

 bye & Thanks
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Re: Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

2017-03-06 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 03/06/17 16:22, Thomas Zander wrote:

On 6 March 2017 at 16:02, Andrea Venturoli  wrote:

The first problem I encounter, then, is with subdirectories.

Is it possible that you are looking for this:

Yes and no.

AFAICT this only gets half of what I'd like to achieve:
_ it can in fact allow me to specify files permissions;
_ however, I'll need to specify them manually in pkg-plist; since the 
permissions are already right in the tarball, I'd happily avoid this 

 bye & Thanks
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Re: Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

2017-03-06 Thread Michael Gmelin
On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 17:45:42 +0100
Andrea Venturoli  wrote:

> On 03/06/17 17:05, Michael Gmelin wrote:
> >> What about something like this (your files are in files/input.tgz)?
> >> ...  
> > NO_WRKSUBDIR=   yes
> > NO_BUILD=   yes
> > NO_INSTALL= yes
> >
> > post-install:
> > @${TAR} -xf ${FILESDIR}/input.tgz -C ${STAGEDIR}
> > @${FIND} ${STAGEDIR} -type f | \
> > ${SED} "s|^${STAGEDIR}||" >> ${TMPPLIST}
> >
> > .include   
> Guess this is what I was looking for (just the ${TAR} part)...
> basically overriding the "extract" phase.
> I modified ${STAGEDIR} to ${STAGEDIR}/${PREFIX}.
> Just why post-install and not do-install?

do-install will work as well, assuming you remove 'NO_INSTALL=1' from
the Makefile.


Michael Gmelin
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Re: Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

2017-03-06 Thread Mathieu Arnold
Le 06/03/2017 à 17:53, Michael Gmelin a écrit :
> On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 17:45:42 +0100
> Andrea Venturoli  wrote:
>> On 03/06/17 17:05, Michael Gmelin wrote:
 What about something like this (your files are in files/input.tgz)?
>>> NO_WRKSUBDIR=   yes
>>> NO_BUILD=   yes
>>> NO_INSTALL= yes
>>> post-install:
>>> @${TAR} -xf ${FILESDIR}/input.tgz -C ${STAGEDIR}
>>> @${FIND} ${STAGEDIR} -type f | \
>>> ${SED} "s|^${STAGEDIR}||" >> ${TMPPLIST}
>>> .include   
>> Guess this is what I was looking for (just the ${TAR} part)...
>> basically overriding the "extract" phase.
>> I modified ${STAGEDIR} to ${STAGEDIR}/${PREFIX}.
>> Just why post-install and not do-install?
> do-install will work as well, assuming you remove 'NO_INSTALL=1' from
> the Makefile.

Adding do-install to the Makefile will work regadless of NO_INSTALL status.
What NO_INSTALL does (like NO_BUILD does for the build phase) is to not
generate a do-install target, but adding one in the Makefile will work
just fine. (Of course, if you add a do-install target to the Makefile,
NO_INSTALL becomes useless.)

Mathieu Arnold

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

openjfx8-devel future question

2017-03-06 Thread Dr. Jochen Raßler

Hi there,

currently I'm developing a email client using OpenJDK8 and openJFX8 (and 
of course javamail) under FreeBSD 11 STABLE.
I'd like to use the HTMLEditor widget, which is part of the JavaFX 
framework, but not running under the above mentioned configuration, as 
openjfx does not compile against webkit (or parts of it). There are more 
such artifacts, as for example MP3 player widget, which needs gstreamer.
Obviously, those dependencies are defined for the package, but not 
included by the gradle build script for FreeBSD. This might be, because 
of some maven repositories, as e.g. webview 
( having 
no FreeBSD definition files.

Are there any plans to include full openjfx support in the next FreeBSD 
release or any integration for the upcoming OpenJDK9? Maybe is there 
already support in CURRENT? Is there any political reason not to include 
those packages (license,..)?


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Re: openjfx8-devel future question

2017-03-06 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> currently I'm developing a email client using OpenJDK8 and openJFX8 (and 
> of course javamail) under FreeBSD 11 STABLE.


> I'd like to use the HTMLEditor widget, which is part of the JavaFX 
> framework, but not running under the above mentioned configuration, as 
> openjfx does not compile against webkit (or parts of it). There are more 
> such artifacts, as for example MP3 player widget, which needs gstreamer.
> Obviously, those dependencies are defined for the package, but not 
> included by the gradle build script for FreeBSD. This might be, because 
> of some maven repositories, as e.g. webview 
> ( having 
> no FreeBSD definition files.

>From what I understand: If you have java code that needs to be compiled
using maven, maven automagically fetches dependencies from
the maven repos out there.

The problem for a freebsd port is: during the build phase not
'fetch from extern' is allowed, so we need to explicitly name
the distfiles to be fetched before, which breaks a lot of the
maven assumptions and is a mess to maintain.

> Are there any plans to include full openjfx support in the next FreeBSD 
> release or any integration for the upcoming OpenJDK9?
> Maybe is there 
> already support in CURRENT? Is there any political reason not to include 
> those packages (license,..)?

The problem is the build process in the ports framework.

If someone would integrate the fetch-distfile process of maven
in the ports framework, all those java codes build using maven
would be become much more simpler to maintain.

See the discussion in

and followups.

-- 171 3101372 3 years to go !
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Re: openjfx8-devel future question

2017-03-06 Thread Dr. Jochen Raßler

Thank you Kurt for your reply. I have to look more detailed into this.

I'm quite new to FreeBSD on the one hand an the gradle build tool on the 
other hand. (And gradle is what is used by openjfx)

What I understood currently is that gradle downloads the dependencies 
only for building the package. To run a application, the dependencies 
have to be installed, otherwise the application will crash with some 
exceptions (in case of Java). So there seems to be a difference between 
FreeBSD ports and dependencies to the build process.
Why does the ports system not build and install the dependencies firstly 
and use those installed packages for the further build process? They 
will be needed anyway for the completely build package...

Or maybe I am missing a important point...


Am 06.03.2017 um 18:55 schrieb Kurt Jaeger:


currently I'm developing a email client using OpenJDK8 and openJFX8 (and
of course javamail) under FreeBSD 11 STABLE.


I'd like to use the HTMLEditor widget, which is part of the JavaFX
framework, but not running under the above mentioned configuration, as
openjfx does not compile against webkit (or parts of it). There are more
such artifacts, as for example MP3 player widget, which needs gstreamer.
Obviously, those dependencies are defined for the package, but not
included by the gradle build script for FreeBSD. This might be, because
of some maven repositories, as e.g. webview
( having
no FreeBSD definition files.

From what I understand: If you have java code that needs to be compiled
using maven, maven automagically fetches dependencies from
the maven repos out there.

The problem for a freebsd port is: during the build phase not
'fetch from extern' is allowed, so we need to explicitly name
the distfiles to be fetched before, which breaks a lot of the
maven assumptions and is a mess to maintain.

Are there any plans to include full openjfx support in the next FreeBSD
release or any integration for the upcoming OpenJDK9?
Maybe is there
already support in CURRENT? Is there any political reason not to include
those packages (license,..)?

The problem is the build process in the ports framework.

If someone would integrate the fetch-distfile process of maven
in the ports framework, all those java codes build using maven
would be become much more simpler to maintain.

See the discussion in

and followups.

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Re: openjfx8-devel future question

2017-03-06 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> I'm quite new to FreeBSD on the one hand an the gradle build tool on the
> other hand. (And gradle is what is used by openjfx)
> What I understood currently is that gradle downloads the dependencies
> only for building the package. To run a application, the dependencies
> have to be installed,

So the dependencies have to be defined as RUN_DEPENDS in the port Makefile.

> otherwise the application will crash with some
> exceptions (in case of Java). So there seems to be a difference between
> FreeBSD ports and dependencies to the build process.

The ports system knows different types of dependencies (LIB_, RUN_, BUILD_

> Why does the ports system not build and install the dependencies firstly
> and use those installed packages for the further build process?

Depends on the port -- sometimes the port maintainer did not specify
all the dependencies in a proper manner. Sometimes, some dependencies
are not needed in every use case, so they are marked optional.

There are many different reasons how this can be resolved.

-- 171 3101372 3 years to go !
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Re: Tendra compiler

2017-03-06 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> Sorry for the late reply. They've answered it in the FreeBSD
> mailing list, and I'm guessing you have already read it. There's
> not much information on the newer website.

There's a snippet on how to download the latest version.

svn co svn:// tendra

Then one has to build the source. I've gave it a quick test, it
has issues. Have you tried to build it ?

-- 171 3101372 3 years to go !
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FreeBSD Port: xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.20170228

2017-03-06 Thread Microsoft Roaming

Please U R G E N T L Y mark this port as broken or roll back to the revision 

Invoking ‘X’ now causes crashes. Even when I force deactivation of any 
acceleration in the xorg.conf, it crashes. The sole solution is to use the sfcb 
or vesa driver, it crashes also with driver modesetting

So I suspect it could be an issue related to KMS

I rolled back to r433863 and it works back

NOTE : tested on an old HP laptop 2530p

Best Regards,


Provenance : Courrier pour 
Windows 10

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Re: linker errors for OpenGL functions

2017-03-06 Thread Graham Menhennitt

On 6/03/2017 11:29 AM, Kevin Oberman wrote:

On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 12:14 PM, Graham Menhennitt 
I've screwed up something on my system. When I try to build the
x11/kde4-workspace port, I get a pile of linker errors. I'm guessing that I
just need to reinstall some other OpenGL port, but I can't find out which
one. Any clues, please?



/usr/local/lib/qt4/ undefined reference to `glBegin'
c++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see
gmake[4]: *** 
ksmserver/screenlocker/greeter/kscreenlocker_greet] Error 1
gmake[4]: Leaving directory '/usr/ports_build/usr/data/Fre
gmake[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:8345: ksmserver/screenlocker/greeter
/CMakeFiles/kscreenlocker_greet.dir/all] Error 2
gmake[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs

Do you have any older versions of llvm installed? OpenGL has issues if
anything older that llvm38 (maybe llvm39) is installed. "pkg delete -f
llvm3?" for each version prior to 3.9 installed. It is quite unlikely that
you will find any dependencies on the old versions. You can use "pkg info
-d llvm3?" to confirm. It is possible that some port or another might need
a re-install, but I have yet to see a report of this.

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for replying. Unfortunately, no, I only have llvm39 installed. 
That's not to say I haven't had other versions installed in the past. In 
fact, I suspect that cleaning up my system is exactly what broke this.

I'll try reinstalling some more ports.

Thanks again,
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Re: Thunderbird and UPDATING 20170302

2017-03-06 Thread Andriy Gapon

FWIW, the following "hack" allowed me to keep my current profile and re-enabled
lightning in it.

First, I removed the addon before upgrading thunderbird.  Not sure if this was a

After upgrading thunderbird and mucking with it for some time I did the 
Shut down thunderbird.
Backed up ~/.thunderbird//prefs.js file.
Opened the file in editor.
Found lines with extensions.lastAppVersion and extensions.lastPlatformVersion,
and "downgraded" thunderbird version in them (changed 45.7.1 to 45.7.0).
Removed line with
extensions.installedDistroAddon.{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103} in it.
Restarted thunderbird.  And lightning was back.

Not sure if the above steps are sufficient.  Perhaps something in what I
described as 'mucking' was required too.

Andriy Gapon
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manpath change for ports ?

2017-03-06 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
Hi all,

I would like to propose a change in the localbase hier for ports

I think we should add /usr/local/share/man in the manpath along with at first
and maybe instead of in long term.

The reason is:
- /usr/local/share/man seems more consistent to me with base which have:
- It will remove lots of patches from the ports tree where were we need to patch
  upstream build system to install in a non usual path.

My proposal is to add to the manpath /usr/local/share/man in default man(1)
command in FreeBSD 12 (MFCed to 11-STABLE)

and either provide an errata for 11.0/10.3 or a
/usr/local/etc/man.d/something.conf via a port or something like that for those
two, what do you think?

For the same reason I would like to allow porters to stop patching (with pathfix
or anything else) the path for pkgconfig files and allow
/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig along with the current

Which will also remove tons of hacks from the ports tree.

What do you think?

Best regards,

Description: PGP signature

re: FreeBSD Port: xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.20170228

2017-03-06 Thread Martin MATO


Just updated the port on my latitude D830

 no crashes , no problems. running compiz-manager flawlessly also.


 what is the errors shown in Xorg.0.log or the console output?




> Message du 06/03/17 21:10
> De : "Microsoft Roaming" 
> A : "" 
> Copie à : "" 

> Objet : FreeBSD Port: xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.20170228
> Hello,
> Please U R G E N T L Y mark this port as broken or roll back to the revision 
> r433863
> Invoking ‘X’ now causes crashes. Even when I force deactivation of any 
> acceleration in the xorg.conf, it crashes. The sole solution is to use the 
> sfcb or vesa driver, it crashes also with driver modesetting
> So I suspect it could be an issue related to KMS
> I rolled back to r433863 and it works back
> NOTE : tested on an old HP laptop 2530p
> Best Regards,
> David
> Provenance : Courrier pour Windows 10
> ___
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Re: manpath change for ports ?

2017-03-06 Thread Alfred Perlstein

On 3/6/17 3:56 PM, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:

Hi all,

I would like to propose a change in the localbase hier for ports

I think we should add /usr/local/share/man in the manpath along with at first
and maybe instead of in long term.

The reason is:
- /usr/local/share/man seems more consistent to me with base which have:
- It will remove lots of patches from the ports tree where were we need to patch
   upstream build system to install in a non usual path.

My proposal is to add to the manpath /usr/local/share/man in default man(1)
command in FreeBSD 12 (MFCed to 11-STABLE)

and either provide an errata for 11.0/10.3 or a
/usr/local/etc/man.d/something.conf via a port or something like that for those
two, what do you think?

For the same reason I would like to allow porters to stop patching (with pathfix
or anything else) the path for pkgconfig files and allow
/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig along with the current

Which will also remove tons of hacks from the ports tree.

What do you think?

Best regards,
Yes please.  Reducing the required changes to port software to FreeBSD 
is a good thing.

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Re: FreeBSD Port: xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.20170228

2017-03-06 Thread Masachika ISHIZUKA
  My Dell XPS12 (9Q33, Corei7-4500U, haswell) is working well with
xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.20170228 (sna) without kld_list="i915kms".

  Issue for both r435512(2.99.917.20170228) and r433863(2.99.917.20170103)
is not showing any windows after resuming blanking screen.
Workaround is that the switching console (ctl-alt-F1) and
reswitching x11 (clt-alt-F9). It's shown windows again.
Masachika ISHIZUKA
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Re: manpath change for ports ?

2017-03-06 Thread Jan Beich
Baptiste Daroussin  writes:

> Hi all,
> I would like to propose a change in the localbase hier for ports
> I think we should add /usr/local/share/man in the manpath along with at first
> and maybe instead of in long term.
> The reason is:
> - /usr/local/share/man seems more consistent to me with base which have:
>   /usr/share/man
> - It will remove lots of patches from the ports tree where were we need to 
> patch
>   upstream build system to install in a non usual path.

Can you also move /usr/local/info to /usr/local/share/info? texinfo is
gone since 11.0-RELEASE (or r276551) but hier(7) and BSD.usr.dist still
try to encroach on GNU defaults.
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Re: manpath change for ports ?

2017-03-06 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 06:29:19AM +, Jan Beich wrote:
> Baptiste Daroussin  writes:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I would like to propose a change in the localbase hier for ports
> >
> > I think we should add /usr/local/share/man in the manpath along with at 
> > first
> > and maybe instead of in long term.
> >
> > The reason is:
> > - /usr/local/share/man seems more consistent to me with base which have:
> >   /usr/share/man
> > - It will remove lots of patches from the ports tree where were we need to 
> > patch
> >   upstream build system to install in a non usual path.
> Can you also move /usr/local/info to /usr/local/share/info? texinfo is
> gone since 11.0-RELEASE (or r276551) but hier(7) and BSD.usr.dist still
> try to encroach on GNU defaults.

Yes would be a good one

Best regards,

Description: PGP signature