
> currently I'm developing a email client using OpenJDK8 and openJFX8 (and 
> of course javamail) under FreeBSD 11 STABLE.


> I'd like to use the HTMLEditor widget, which is part of the JavaFX 
> framework, but not running under the above mentioned configuration, as 
> openjfx does not compile against webkit (or parts of it). There are more 
> such artifacts, as for example MP3 player widget, which needs gstreamer.
> Obviously, those dependencies are defined for the package, but not 
> included by the gradle build script for FreeBSD. This might be, because 
> of some maven repositories, as e.g. webview 
> (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/sun/webkit/webview-deps/1.3/) having 
> no FreeBSD definition files.

>From what I understand: If you have java code that needs to be compiled
using maven, maven automagically fetches dependencies from
the maven repos out there.

The problem for a freebsd port is: during the build phase not
'fetch from extern' is allowed, so we need to explicitly name
the distfiles to be fetched before, which breaks a lot of the
maven assumptions and is a mess to maintain.

> Are there any plans to include full openjfx support in the next FreeBSD 
> release or any integration for the upcoming OpenJDK9?
> Maybe is there 
> already support in CURRENT? Is there any political reason not to include 
> those packages (license,..)?

The problem is the build process in the ports framework.

If someone would integrate the fetch-distfile process of maven
in the ports framework, all those java codes build using maven
would be become much more simpler to maintain.

See the discussion in


and followups.

p...@opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                         3 years to go !
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