Hi there,
currently I'm developing a email client using OpenJDK8 and openJFX8 (and
of course javamail) under FreeBSD 11 STABLE.
I'd like to use the HTMLEditor widget, which is part of the JavaFX
framework, but not running under the above mentioned configuration, as
openjfx does not compile against webkit (or parts of it). There are more
such artifacts, as for example MP3 player widget, which needs gstreamer.
Obviously, those dependencies are defined for the package, but not
included by the gradle build script for FreeBSD. This might be, because
of some maven repositories, as e.g. webview
(https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/sun/webkit/webview-deps/1.3/) having
no FreeBSD definition files.
Are there any plans to include full openjfx support in the next FreeBSD
release or any integration for the upcoming OpenJDK9? Maybe is there
already support in CURRENT? Is there any political reason not to include
those packages (license,..)?
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