Re: qca-ossl and bacula-client fail during compile

2010-05-01 Thread Ralf Folkerts

Am 01.05.2010 06:19, schrieb Dirk Meyer:

Ralf Folkerts schrieb:,


Well, a few Ports failed (due to the OpenSSL-Update to 1.0.0?). I
watched and searched this "ports" ML but didn't find these, so probably
I did something wrong during the Update? Also, I didn't notice any
Head-Up -- did I miss something?

Not much ... a few apps have not yet patched for openssl 1.0.0

You may skip all errors with MD2, this is no longer in the default builds.
If you rebuild openssl and set the option WITH_MD2,
a good number of problems with older software will be gone.

Hi Dirk,

thanks a lot for the Info! The qca-ossl justz did what you recommend; 
disable MD2. Unfortunately bacula is worse. However as my Backups still 
work fine (however, it crashes during Catalog-Backup) it's not to much 
of a Problem, too.


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Re: ports/146214: fix bug; fix needed php version

2010-05-01 Thread Vasiliy P. Melnik
please do not apply this send-pr - I have doubt

On Sat, May 01, 2010 at 09:30:20AM +, 
> Thank you very much for your problem report.
> It has the internal identification `ports/146214'.
> The individual assigned to look at your
> report is: freebsd-ports-bugs. 
> You can access the state of your problem report at any time
> via this link:
> >Category:   ports
> >Responsible:freebsd-ports-bugs
> >Synopsis:   fix bug; fix needed php version
> >Arrival-Date:   Sat May 01 09:30:14 UTC 2010

Vasiliy P. Melnik  VPM-RIPE, VPM-UANIC
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GSoC: Making ports work with clang

2010-05-01 Thread Andrius Morkūnas


I'm Andrius Morkūnas from Lithuania. My Summer of Code proposal was accepted
this year and be working on my project, which is to make clang and ports to
be friendly with each other.
My main goals are:
* Create an easy way to set ports compiler to either clang or gcc (and no,
  CC=clang is not a good way to do that).
* Write a tool to detect common problems with individual ports not respecting
  environment variables like CC/CXX or doing other horrible things that break
  compilation with clang.
* Make Gnome, KDE, Xorg and other widely used things to work with clang.

I've been patching ports to work with clang since last October, so I know my
way around the ports tree by now. What's different in GSoC project, compared
to what I usually do is that I have specific goals to achieve now, rather
than fixing random things when I feel like it.

More information will be available on FreeBSD wiki[1] later (some is already

I've seen a lot of people interested in building ports with clang, especially
now, that rdivacky@ has finally announced ClangBSD testing[2]. However,
ClangBSD and ports compiled with clang are two completely different things,
so I don't recommend trying to use clang for ports just yet. I've even posted
a mail to freebsd-current@ recently, asking people not to do it[3].

However I intend to write a howto in FreeBSD wiki sometime soon explaining
how to build ports with clang more safely, what to expect and what not to
expect. It will also include some information for those who want to help us
with clang and/or ports, explaining what help we do or don't want. At some
point during summer I'll probably ask people to start testing stuff, and
report problems, so stay tuned.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or some other feedback, feel free to
mail me on or off list.


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2010-05-01 Thread newsletter2-bounces

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portmaster 2.23, missing ORGIN

2010-05-01 Thread Jakub Lach


Since upgrade to 2.23 portmaster is complaining
about ORGIN e.g.

$ portmaster --check-port-dbdir

===>>> No ORIGIN in /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db/+CONTENTS

Is this expected behaviour?

-Jakub Lach
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new port config in /etc?

2010-05-01 Thread Brad Waite
I'm attempting to port FreePBX (asterisk GUI) which is built for CentOS.  The 
config file is hard coded in a number to
be "/etc/amportal.conf".  I changed all occurrences to 
"${LOCALBASE}/etc/amportal.conf" and made patch files for the port.

That worked for the original build, but FreePBX has a built-in upgrade feature 
which can replace any of those patches
files with upgraded versions.  Of course, the new files are using the old 

What's the best way to handle this?  Should I have the port create a symlink 
from /etc/amportal.conf to
/usr/local/etc/amportal.conf?  That seems to be the simplest solution, but also 
vaguely feels like The Wrong Thing(tm).

Trying to patch the newly upgraded files would be a nightmare.  I could try to 
do a search/replace on the known
directories, but there's no way to be sure there aren't new dirs created and 
used in the upgrade.  Obviously a recursive
search from / is impractical.  And what would trigger this replacement anyway?  
I could build it in to the initial
version via patch file, but that file could be updated in the upgrade.

In a similar situation, there's a handful of files that have a /bin/bash or 
/bin/perl shebang that were upgraded as well.

I was initially surprised there wasn't an existing port for FreePBX, but I'm 
not so surprised anymore.  This is my first
porting attempt, and it's nearly enough to make me want to ditch FreeBSD for my 
asterisk and install the all-in-one
CentOS/Asterisk/FreePBX.  That said, I'm extremely loyal to FBSD and loathe the 
thought of that.

Thanks in advance for any help, guys!

Brad Waite
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GSoC: Libpkg, package tools

2010-05-01 Thread David Forsythe
Hi all,

I'm David Forsythe, and I'll be working on completing libpkg (started
during Summer of Code 2009) and putting together some production ready
package tools.  My mentor will be Tim Kientzle.

I started work on the library during last years SoC with Tim as my
mentor.  I've been doing work on the library as time permits, and I
feel that I should be able to complete most important features early
on in the summer.  I'll also be doing my best to keep in step with
Garrett Cooper and Julian Laffaye, and hopefully I'll be able to push
some of their work into the library by the end of the summer.

Please take a look at the project wiki page[1] if you want to keep
track of what needs to be completed in the library, and take a look at
the code[2] if you want to make comments.  Also, if you have interest
bdb and sqlite package database implementations, plist format changes,
package archive format changes, or any of that good stuff that can
start a flamewar almost instantly, take a look at the code and see if
you might be interested in writing something that plugs into the
library (the API isn't finalized, so let me know if you actually think
about doing something like this).

You can email me on or off list is you have any questions, comments,
or suggestions.  Or if you just want to say hi.

David Forsythe

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Re: portmaster 2.23, missing ORGIN

2010-05-01 Thread Peter Jeremy
On 2010-May-01 05:12:13 -0700, Jakub Lach  wrote:
>Since upgrade to 2.23 portmaster is complaining
>about ORGIN e.g.
>$ portmaster --check-port-dbdir
>===>>> No ORIGIN in /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db/+CONTENTS
>Is this expected behaviour?

Have you switched from portupgrade and not deleted the associated metadata
files?  You should not have a port named pkgdb.db so it is not surprising
that /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db/+CONTENTS would not have an ORIGIN.

Do you actually have a /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db/+CONTENTS?
Does the problem exist with any real ports?
Does the problem go away if you delete /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db?

I agree that portmaster shouldn't choke on files in /var/db/pkg, but
at least there is a fairly easy workaround.

Peter Jeremy

Description: PGP signature

Re: portmaster 2.23, missing ORGIN

2010-05-01 Thread Doug Barton
On 05/01/10 05:12, Jakub Lach wrote:
> Hello.
> Since upgrade to 2.23 portmaster is complaining
> about ORGIN e.g.
> $ portmaster --check-port-dbdir
> ===>>> No ORIGIN in /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db/+CONTENTS
> Is this expected behaviour?

Nope, but the good news is that it's harmless.

Previously the origin_from_pdb() function didn't return an error, so the
--check-port-dbdir feature didn't need to check if what it was working
on is a directory. Now it does, so you can apply the attached patch if
that message bothers you.

I checked the other places that origin_from_pdb() is called and this
seems to be the only place that this would be an issue.




... and that's just a little bit of history repeating.
-- Propellerheads

Improve the effectiveness of your Internet presence with
a domain name makeover!

Index: portmaster
--- portmaster  (revision 207459)
+++ portmaster  (working copy)
@@ -997,6 +1000,8 @@
echo "===>>> Building list of installed port names"; echo ''
for pkg in $pdb/*; do
+   [ -d $pkg ] || continue
unset unique_name
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Re: portmaster 2.23, missing ORGIN

2010-05-01 Thread Jakub Lach

Peter Jeremy-6 wrote:
> Have you switched from portupgrade and not deleted the associated metadata
> files?  You should not have a port named pkgdb.db so it is not surprising
> that /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db/+CONTENTS would not have an ORIGIN.

Thanks for help. 

Indeed file is from portupgrade and quite stale too. I should check it's
content before assuming it's used by portmaster. 

What  fooled me is that earlier portmaster versions didn't complain
about this file and I thought portupgrade would delete it's database 
upon deinstall (which can be preferred behaviour as we see).

I should add that this warning didn't stop portmaster from working.

best regards, 
-Jakub Lach

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Apache 22 - FreeBSD 8.0 - (httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 11

2010-05-01 Thread Hans F. Nordhaug

I recently upgrade to FreeBSD 8.0 (from 7.2) and suddenly I get a lot 
of "(httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 11" in my logs. I have similar
problems with amavisd - see
I'm have updated and recompiled all ports. The logs /var/log/messages
and the httpd error log both just report
"exited on signal 11" or "Segmentation fault (11)"

Any hints?


PS! I have run fsck and ut fixed som problems, but I still get "exited
on signal 11".
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Re: portmaster 2.23, missing ORGIN

2010-05-01 Thread Doug Barton
On 05/01/10 13:42, Jakub Lach wrote:
> Peter Jeremy-6 wrote:
>> Have you switched from portupgrade and not deleted the associated metadata
>> files?  You should not have a port named pkgdb.db so it is not surprising
>> that /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db/+CONTENTS would not have an ORIGIN.
> Thanks for help. 
> Indeed file is from portupgrade and quite stale too. I should check it's
> content before assuming it's used by portmaster. 

It is not used by portmaster, it can be safely deleted. Even if you
start using portupgrade again, it will have to be rebuilt anyway. There
is no reason you cannot have portmaster + some other ports management
tool (like portupgrade) installed. The only thing you can't do is run
them simultaneously (i.e., at the exact same time). You can easily
upgrade one thing with portmaster, then when portmaster exits update
something else with another tool.

> What  fooled me is that earlier portmaster versions didn't complain
> about this file

I explained that in my previous post, if the explanation isn't clear,
let me know. Meanwhile, thanks for bringing this to my attention.



... and that's just a little bit of history repeating.
-- Propellerheads

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Re: portmaster 2.23, missing ORGIN

2010-05-01 Thread Jakub Lach

Doug Barton wrote:
> There is no reason you cannot have portmaster + some other ports
> management
> tool (like portupgrade) installed. The only thing you can't do is run
> them simultaneously (i.e., at the exact same time). You can easily
> upgrade one thing with portmaster, then when portmaster exits update
> something else with another tool.
>> What  fooled me is that earlier portmaster versions didn't complain
>> about this file
> I explained that in my previous post, if the explanation isn't clear,
> let me know. Meanwhile, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

When I replied I haven't yet seen your previous message, thanks
for your kind responses (both).

As far as using more than one port manager, I used to have both
portupgrade and portmaster installed as a mid-step to fully relying
on portmaster. 

Now, since I found my way around portmaster I don't need another
tools (and their dependencies).

Thanks for providing such a fine port!

best regards, 
-Jakub Lach
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Re: new port config in /etc?

2010-05-01 Thread Ion-Mihai Tetcu
On Sat, 01 May 2010 11:19:32 -0600
Brad Waite  wrote:

> I'm attempting to port FreePBX (asterisk GUI) which is built for
> CentOS.  The config file is hard coded in a number to be
> "/etc/amportal.conf".  I changed all occurrences to
> "${LOCALBASE}/etc/amportal.conf" and made patch files for the port.


> That worked for the original build, but FreePBX has a built-in
> upgrade feature which can replace any of those patches files with
> upgraded versions.  Of course, the new files are using the old
> "/etc/amportal.conf".
> What's the best way to handle this?  Should I have the port create a
> symlink from /etc/amportal.conf to /usr/local/etc/amportal.conf?
> That seems to be the simplest solution, but also vaguely feels like
> The Wrong Thing(tm).
> Trying to patch the newly upgraded files would be a nightmare.  I
> could try to do a search/replace on the known directories, but
> there's no way to be sure there aren't new dirs created and used in
> the upgrade.  Obviously a recursive search from / is impractical.
> And what would trigger this replacement anyway?  I could build it in
> to the initial version via patch file, but that file could be updated
> in the upgrade.
> In a similar situation, there's a handful of files that have
> a /bin/bash or /bin/perl shebang that were upgraded as well.

Maybe you can disable auto-update? Or maybe you can wrap it into a
script, make it run inside a chroot and patch and then move the files
in the right place?

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
  "Intellectual Property" is   nowhere near as valuable   as "Intellect"
FreeBSD committer ->, PGP Key ID 057E9F8B493A297B

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xfce4 and xorg-7.5

2010-05-01 Thread Warren Block
I've upgraded three computers to xorg 7.5 so far, all three with xfce4 
and 8-stable.  Only one has an unexpected weirdness with dbus and xfce.

This error happens every time on the first startx after boot, and about
half the time startx is tried after that:

  process 1256: arguments to dbus_message_new_signal() were incorrect, assertion 
"_dbus_check_is_valid_path (path)" failed in file dbus-message.c line 1165.
  This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
D-Bus not compiled with backtrace support so unable to print a backtrace

X starts, the xfce4 screen is visible with the mouse pointer, then it 
immediately exits.  Happens with startx, startxfce4 in .xinitrc or just 
from the command line.

twm runs every time without problems.

Log and config files here:

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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Xorg does not start after upgrade from 7.4 to 7.5 (Undefined symbol "xf86LoaderReqSymLists" in

2010-05-01 Thread Joey Mingrone

When starting Xorg

/usr/local/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ Undefined symbol

appears.  I tried a newly generated config file, but there was no
change.   The is on a box running 8.0-RELEASE-p2.  If there is any
other information I can provide, please let me know.


Joey Mingrone
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FreeBSD Port: firefox-3.6.3, 1 (trying to load certain pages causes the browser to hang then crash)

2010-05-01 Thread Joey Mingrone

This behaviour is consistent for the same pages.  For example, will never load.  I can load pages with https:// so
I'm not sure if this is related to the problem I've seen in gnats.
This is on a box running 8.0-RELEASE-p2.  Here is what /etc/make.conf
looks like:



Joey Mingrone
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Grandfather dependencies completely out of control

2010-05-01 Thread Doug Barton

I'm looking at the use of portmaster to upgrade perl versions, and
noticed that there are a ton of ports listed as dependent on perl that
don't have any use for it, including one of mine:

qbittorrent-2.2.6 >> libnotify-0.4.5_3 >> atk-1.28.0 >>
gio-fam-backend-2.22.4 >> gamin-0.1.10_3 >> glib-2.22.4 >>

Taking a look at devel/glib20, I see this:
USE_PERL5=  yes

although from the docs in the glib tarball it's not at all clear (to me
anyway) what it's used for. Given that it doesn't seem to be a rundep
for glib20 it's also not at all clear to me why qbittorrent should have
a pkgdep for it.

Can someone please explain what the heck is going on here? (And please
note, I'm picking on glib20 because this seems to be a particularly
egregious example, but I'm really more interested in the problem generally.)



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Re: Xorg does not start after upgrade from 7.4 to 7.5 (Undefined symbol "xf86LoaderReqSymLists" in

2010-05-01 Thread Martin Wilke
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, May 01, 2010 at 10:01:51PM -0300, Joey Mingrone wrote:
> Hi,
> When starting Xorg
> /libexec/
> /usr/local/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ Undefined symbol
> "xf86LoaderReqSymLists"
> appears.  I tried a newly generated config file, but there was no
> change.   The is on a box running 8.0-RELEASE-p2.  If there is any
> other information I can provide, please let me know.

looks like your upgrade isn't complete.

> Cheers,
> Joey Mingrone
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