Hi all,

I'm David Forsythe, and I'll be working on completing libpkg (started
during Summer of Code 2009) and putting together some production ready
package tools.  My mentor will be Tim Kientzle.

I started work on the library during last years SoC with Tim as my
mentor.  I've been doing work on the library as time permits, and I
feel that I should be able to complete most important features early
on in the summer.  I'll also be doing my best to keep in step with
Garrett Cooper and Julian Laffaye, and hopefully I'll be able to push
some of their work into the library by the end of the summer.

Please take a look at the project wiki page[1] if you want to keep
track of what needs to be completed in the library, and take a look at
the code[2] if you want to make comments.  Also, if you have interest
bdb and sqlite package database implementations, plist format changes,
package archive format changes, or any of that good stuff that can
start a flamewar almost instantly, take a look at the code and see if
you might be interested in writing something that plugs into the
library (the API isn't finalized, so let me know if you actually think
about doing something like this).

You can email me on or off list is you have any questions, comments,
or suggestions.  Or if you just want to say hi.

David Forsythe

[1] http://wiki.freebsd.org/SOC2010DavidForsythe
[2] http://www.github.com/dforsyth/libpkg
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