On 2010-May-01 05:12:13 -0700, Jakub Lach <jakub_l...@mailplus.pl> wrote:
>Since upgrade to 2.23 portmaster is complaining
>about ORGIN e.g.
>$ portmaster --check-port-dbdir
>===>>> No ORIGIN in /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db/+CONTENTS
>Is this expected behaviour?

Have you switched from portupgrade and not deleted the associated metadata
files?  You should not have a port named pkgdb.db so it is not surprising
that /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db/+CONTENTS would not have an ORIGIN.

Do you actually have a /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db/+CONTENTS?
Does the problem exist with any real ports?
Does the problem go away if you delete /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db?

I agree that portmaster shouldn't choke on files in /var/db/pkg, but
at least there is a fairly easy workaround.

Peter Jeremy

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