Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v1] avcodec/vp9_superframe_split_bsf: Fix for possible null pointer dereference

2023-10-10 Thread Dawid Kozinski/Multimedia (PLT) /SRPOL/Staff Engineer/Samsung Electronics
Oops, you're absolutely right. I can't believe I missed ff_bsf_get_packet_ref. 
My apologies for the false alarm. 
It's a lesson for me to be more attentive.


> -Original Message-
> From: ffmpeg-devel  On Behalf Of
> Andreas Rheinhardt
> Sent: piątek, 6 października 2023 15:11
> To:
> Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v1] avcodec/vp9_superframe_split_bsf: Fix
> for possible null pointer dereference
> Dawid Kozinski/Multimedia (PLT) /SRPOL/Staff Engineer/Samsung Electronics:
> >
> > Pointer  ctx->priv_data->buffer_pkt->data, that can have only NULL value
> (checked at vp9_superframe_split_bsf.c:48), is dereferenced at
> vp9_superframe_split_bsf.c:57.
> >
> The rationale for a patch should be included in the commit message and not be
> sent as a reply to the actual patch.
> The warning is nonsense and you are breaking the whole BSF with this patch. 
> It is
> perfectly normal for buffer_pkt->data to be NULL at line 48 and to be != NULL 
> at
> line 57: There is a ff_bsf_get_packet_ref() in between which fills the packet.
> - Andreas
> >
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Dawid Kozinski 
> >> Sent: piątek, 6 października 2023 13:02
> >> To:;
> >> Cc: Dawid Kozinski 
> >> Subject: [PATCH v1] avcodec/vp9_superframe_split_bsf: Fix for
> >> possible null pointer dereference
> >>
> >> Signed-off-by: Dawid Kozinski 
> >> ---
> >>  libavcodec/vp9_superframe_split_bsf.c | 2 +-
> >>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> >>
> >> diff --git a/libavcodec/vp9_superframe_split_bsf.c
> >> b/libavcodec/vp9_superframe_split_bsf.c
> >> index cddd48119c..4f94afc6d9 100644
> >> --- a/libavcodec/vp9_superframe_split_bsf.c
> >> +++ b/libavcodec/vp9_superframe_split_bsf.c
> >> @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ static int vp9_superframe_split_filter(AVBSFContext
> >> *ctx, AVPacket *out)
> >>  int i, j, ret, marker;
> >>  int is_superframe = !!s->buffer_pkt->data;
> >>
> >> -if (!s->buffer_pkt->data) {
> >> +if (s->buffer_pkt->data) {
> >>  ret = ff_bsf_get_packet_ref(ctx, s->buffer_pkt);
> >>  if (ret < 0)
> >>  return ret;
> >> --
> >> 2.25.1
> >
> >
> ___
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ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2] lavc/libaribcaption.c: add MSZ characters related options

2023-10-10 Thread TADANO Tokumei


On 2023/09/29 19:31, TADANO Tokumei wrote:

On 2023/09/23 11:15, TADANO Tokumei wrote:

This is updated patch to "[PATCH] lavc/libaribcaption.c: add -replace_fullwidth_japanese 
option" (Message-Id: <>).

If specified fonts contain half-width glyphs, it make better rendering with
`-replace_msz_ascii false -replace_msz_japanese false` option for bitmap 

This patch also fix a bug in libaribcaption.c. I prefer to apply this ASAP.

On 2023/09/23 11:00, TADANO Tokumei wrote:

This patch add MSZ (Middle Size; half width) characters related

* add `-replace_msz_japanese` option introduced in version 1.0.1
   of libaribcaption.
* add `-replace_msz_glyph` option introduced in version 1.1.0
   of libaribcaption.
* rename `-replace_fullwidth_ascii` option to `-replace_msz_ascii`
   to clarify option meaning.
* FIX: change all the `bool` option variables in `ARIBCaptionContext`
   to `int`.
   On some environments, a `bool` variable is small space than `int`.
   If a `bool` option was specified by command line, following
   variables would be filled and destroyed.
  doc/decoders.texi   | 28 --
  libavcodec/libaribcaption.c | 40 -
  2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/decoders.texi b/doc/decoders.texi
index 09b8314dd2..27b981b267 100644
--- a/doc/decoders.texi
+++ b/doc/decoders.texi
@@ -427,12 +427,6 @@ If your player cannot handle AVSubtitles with multiple ASS 
rectangles properly,
  set this option to @var{true} or define @env{ASS_SINGLE_RECT=1} to change
  default behavior at compilation.
-@item -replace_fullwidth_ascii @var{boolean}
-Specify whether to replace MSZ (Middle Size, half width) fullwidth
-alphanumerics with halfwidth alphanumerics.
-The default is @var{true}.
  @item -force_outline_text @var{boolean}
  Specify whether always render outline text for all characters regardless of
  the indication by charactor style.
@@ -459,6 +453,28 @@ Specify whether to render replaced DRCS characters as 
Unicode characters.
  The default is @var{true}.
+@item -replace_msz_ascii @var{boolean}
+Specify whether to replace MSZ (Middle Size, half width) fullwidth
+alphanumerics with halfwidth alphanumerics.
+The default is @var{true}.
+@item -replace_msz_japanese @var{boolean}
+Specify whether to replace some MSZ (Middle Size, half width) fullwidth
+japanese special characters with halfwidth ones.
+The default is @var{true}.
+@item -replace_msz_glyph @var{boolean}
+Specify whether to replace MSZ (Middle Size, half width) characters
+with halfwidth glyphs if the fonts supports it.
+This option works under FreeType or DirectWrite renderer
+with Adobe-Japan1 compliant fonts.
+e.g., IBM Plex Sans JP, Morisawa BIZ UDGothic, Morisawa BIZ UDMincho,
+Yu Gothic, Yu Mincho, and Meiryo.
+The default is @var{true}.
  @item -canvas_size @var{image_size}
  Specify the resolution of the canvas to render subtitles to; usually, this
  should be frame size of input video.
diff --git a/libavcodec/libaribcaption.c b/libavcodec/libaribcaption.c
index 8a8c8f8cfd..ddff47633a 100644
--- a/libavcodec/libaribcaption.c
+++ b/libavcodec/libaribcaption.c
@@ -68,14 +68,20 @@ typedef struct ARIBCaptionContext {
  int subtitle_type;
  int encoding_scheme;
-    bool ass_single_rect;
+    int ass_single_rect;
  char *font;
-    bool replace_fullwidth_ascii;
-    bool force_stroke_text;
-    bool ignore_background;
-    bool ignore_ruby;
+    int force_stroke_text;
+    int ignore_background;
+    int ignore_ruby;
  float stroke_width;
-    bool replace_drcs;
+    int replace_drcs;
+    int replace_msz_ascii;
+#if defined(ARIBCC_VERSION)
+    int replace_msz_japanese;
+    int replace_msz_glyph;
+#  endif
  int64_t pts;
  AVRational time_base;
@@ -1004,7 +1010,11 @@ static int aribcaption_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
+   ctx->replace_msz_ascii);
+#if defined(ARIBCC_VERSION)
+    aribcc_decoder_set_replace_msz_fullwidth_japanese(ctx->decoder,
+   ctx->replace_msz_japanese);
  /* Similar behavior as ffmpeg tool to set canvas size */
  if (ctx->canvas_width > 0 && ctx->canvas_height > 0 &&
@@ -1057,6 +1067,10 @@ static int aribcaption_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
  aribcc_renderer_set_force_no_ruby(ctx->renderer, ctx->ignore_ruby);
  aribcc_renderer_set_stroke_width(ctx->renderer, ctx->stroke_width);
+#if defined(ARIBCC_VE

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [REFUND-REQUEST]] VDD23 Travel

2023-10-10 Thread Michael Niedermayer
On Sun, Oct 08, 2023 at 10:09:03AM +0800, Steven Liu wrote:
> Nice to see you all after so long.
> My request is for my flights, 9750,00 CNY Beijing from/to Abu Dhabi,
> Abu Dhabi from/to Dublin

this looks ok, ive quickly checked what prices are for this trip currently
and the prices are similar


Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and
there is nothing more to fear from them, then he is always stirring up
some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader. -- Plato

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] libavc/libx264: add support to propagate SSE values through encoder stats

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting Carotti, Elias via ffmpeg-devel (2023-10-02 19:35:09)
> diff --git a/libavcodec/libx264.c b/libavcodec/libx264.c
> index 77a9f173b4..4c643c9066 100644
> --- a/libavcodec/libx264.c
> +++ b/libavcodec/libx264.c
> @@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ typedef struct X264Context {
>  int roi_warned;
>  int mb_info;
> +
> +int64_t sse[3];

The values don't need to be preserved across frames, so might as well
put this on stack in the block calling ff_side_data_set_encoder_stats().

>  } X264Context;
>  static void X264_log(void *p, int level, const char *fmt, va_list args)
>  pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY*pic_out.b_keyframe;
>  if (ret) {
> -ff_side_data_set_encoder_stats(pkt, (pic_out.i_qpplus1 - 1) * 
> FF_QP2LAMBDA, NULL, 0, pict_type);
> +const AVPixFmtDescriptor *pix_desc = 
> av_pix_fmt_desc_get(csp_to_pixfmt(pic_out.img.i_csp));
> +int error_count = 0;
> +int64_t *errors = NULL;
> +
> +if (ctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_PSNR) {
> +double scale[3] = { 1,
> +(1 << pix_desc->log2_chroma_h) * (double)(1 << 
> pix_desc->log2_chroma_w),
> +(1 << pix_desc->log2_chroma_h) * (double)(1 << 
> pix_desc->log2_chroma_w),

Any particular reason the cast is on the second value? It looks strange.

> +};
> +double mse;
> +int i;
> +
> +error_count = pix_desc->nb_components;
> +
> +av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "PSNR values from libx264: %.3f %.3f 
> %.3f.\n",
> +   pic_out.prop.f_psnr[0], pic_out.prop.f_psnr[1], 
> pic_out.prop.f_psnr[2]);
> +
> +for (i = 0; i < pix_desc->nb_components; ++i) {

for (int i 

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 2/7] avformat/dump: print Frame Cropping side data info

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:24:58)
> Signed-off-by: James Almer 
> ---
>  libavformat/dump.c | 21 +
>  1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/libavformat/dump.c b/libavformat/dump.c
> index c0868a1bb3..8986e7c32a 100644
> --- a/libavformat/dump.c
> +++ b/libavformat/dump.c
> @@ -427,6 +427,23 @@ static void dump_s12m_timecode(void *ctx, const AVStream 
> *st, const AVPacketSide
>  }
>  }
> +static void dump_cropping(void *ctx, const AVPacketSideData *sd)
> +{
> +uint32_t top, bottom, left, right;
> +
> +if (sd->size != sizeof(uint32_t) * 4) {
> +av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "invalid data\n");
> +return;
> +}
> +
> +top= AV_RL32(sd->data +  0);
> +bottom = AV_RL32(sd->data +  4);
> +left   = AV_RL32(sd->data +  8);
> +right  = AV_RL32(sd->data + 12);
> +
> +av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "%d/%d/%d/%d", left, right, top, bottom);


Also, some user indication of which is which would be nice, like l:5/r:1/...

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 4/7] avformat/avformat: add a flag to signal muxers that support storing cropping values

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:25:00)
> Signed-off-by: James Almer 
> ---
>  libavformat/avformat.h | 1 +
>  libavformat/mux.c  | 8 
>  2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/libavformat/avformat.h b/libavformat/avformat.h
> index 9e7eca007e..c099ca8a01 100644
> --- a/libavformat/avformat.h
> +++ b/libavformat/avformat.h
> @@ -500,6 +500,7 @@ typedef struct AVProbeData {
>  The user or muxer can override this 
> through
>  AVFormatContext.avoid_negative_ts
>  */
> +#define AVFMT_CROPPING 0x8 /**< Format supports storing cropping 
> values */

I have mixed feeelings about this patch, for a bunch of reasons:
* It is quite ad-hoc - we don't do this for other side data types, and
  this approach would not scale if we did.
* If we do want to signal this, we probably want to distinguish between
  support for global and per-packet values.
* How do you expect this to be useful to the callers? I don't see this
  flag actually being used in the ffmpeg CLI patch.

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 6/7] fftools/ffmpeg: support applying container level cropping

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:25:02)
> Signed-off-by: James Almer 
> ---
>  fftools/ffmpeg.h|  3 +++
>  fftools/ffmpeg_demux.c  |  6 ++
>  fftools/ffmpeg_enc.c| 24 +---
>  fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c | 23 +++
>  fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c|  3 +++
>  5 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/fftools/ffmpeg.h b/fftools/ffmpeg.h
> index b059ecbb9f..94ada9d586 100644
> --- a/fftools/ffmpeg.h
> +++ b/fftools/ffmpeg.h
> @@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ typedef struct OptionsContext {
>  intnb_hwaccel_output_formats;
>  SpecifierOpt *autorotate;
>  intnb_autorotate;
> +SpecifierOpt *apply_cropping;
> +intnb_apply_cropping;

I would prefer to handle this similarly to the "display_rotation"
option - give the user the option to override container-stored values
(which includes setting them to zero, to ignore them).

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 4/7] avformat/avformat: add a flag to signal muxers that support storing cropping values

2023-10-10 Thread James Almer

On 10/10/2023 8:09 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:

Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:25:00)

Signed-off-by: James Almer 
  libavformat/avformat.h | 1 +
  libavformat/mux.c  | 8 
  2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)

diff --git a/libavformat/avformat.h b/libavformat/avformat.h
index 9e7eca007e..c099ca8a01 100644
--- a/libavformat/avformat.h
+++ b/libavformat/avformat.h
@@ -500,6 +500,7 @@ typedef struct AVProbeData {
  The user or muxer can override this 
+#define AVFMT_CROPPING 0x8 /**< Format supports storing cropping 
values */

I have mixed feeelings about this patch, for a bunch of reasons:
* It is quite ad-hoc - we don't do this for other side data types, and
   this approach would not scale if we did.
* If we do want to signal this, we probably want to distinguish between
   support for global and per-packet values.

This patch came to be after some discussion from the first iteration of 
the set, where concerns about the cropping information being silently 
lost if apply_cropping was disabled during a transcoding or codec copy 
scenario where the output format didn't support storing said values.

* How do you expect this to be useful to the callers? I don't see this
   flag actually being used in the ffmpeg CLI patch.

It's a format flag. Muxers use it, and the generic mux.c code will print 
a warning if needed.

ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 4/7] avformat/avformat: add a flag to signal muxers that support storing cropping values

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting James Almer (2023-10-10 13:13:46)
> On 10/10/2023 8:09 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> > Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:25:00)
> >> Signed-off-by: James Almer 
> >> ---
> >>   libavformat/avformat.h | 1 +
> >>   libavformat/mux.c  | 8 
> >>   2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)
> >>
> >> diff --git a/libavformat/avformat.h b/libavformat/avformat.h
> >> index 9e7eca007e..c099ca8a01 100644
> >> --- a/libavformat/avformat.h
> >> +++ b/libavformat/avformat.h
> >> @@ -500,6 +500,7 @@ typedef struct AVProbeData {
> >>   The user or muxer can override 
> >> this through
> >>   AVFormatContext.avoid_negative_ts
> >>   */
> >> +#define AVFMT_CROPPING 0x8 /**< Format supports storing cropping 
> >> values */
> > 
> > I have mixed feeelings about this patch, for a bunch of reasons:
> > * It is quite ad-hoc - we don't do this for other side data types, and
> >this approach would not scale if we did.
> > * If we do want to signal this, we probably want to distinguish between
> >support for global and per-packet values.
> This patch came to be after some discussion from the first iteration of 
> the set, where concerns about the cropping information being silently 
> lost if apply_cropping was disabled during a transcoding or codec copy 
> scenario where the output format didn't support storing said values.
> > * How do you expect this to be useful to the callers? I don't see this
> >flag actually being used in the ffmpeg CLI patch.
> It's a format flag. Muxers use it, and the generic mux.c code will print 
> a warning if needed.

Why is it public then?

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 0/7] Container level frame cropping parameters

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:24:56)
> This is a simple set to add support to stream wide, container level cropping
> parameters, as featured in formats like Matroska and ISOBMFF. It's needed for
> things like AV1 streams generated by certain hardware encoders that produce
> dimension aligned output, and unlike H26x, can't export cropping info within
> the bitstream.
> In this set i add the packet side data type, mux and demux support to 
> Matroska,
> and handling code to ffmpeg and ffplay. Missing is support for clap boxes in
> ISOBMFF, and exporting the relevant side data from encoders like AMF.
> It's a rebased and updated version to the set i sent a month ago.

Why is there no lavc-decoder handling? I would expect cropping side data
submitted to lavc to be somehow propagated to decoded frames.
Though there is a question of how to combine side data with the
codec-level cropping.

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 4/7] avformat/avformat: add a flag to signal muxers that support storing cropping values

2023-10-10 Thread James Almer

On 10/10/2023 8:16 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:

Quoting James Almer (2023-10-10 13:13:46)

On 10/10/2023 8:09 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:

Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:25:00)

Signed-off-by: James Almer 
   libavformat/avformat.h | 1 +
   libavformat/mux.c  | 8 
   2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)

diff --git a/libavformat/avformat.h b/libavformat/avformat.h
index 9e7eca007e..c099ca8a01 100644
--- a/libavformat/avformat.h
+++ b/libavformat/avformat.h
@@ -500,6 +500,7 @@ typedef struct AVProbeData {
   The user or muxer can override this 
+#define AVFMT_CROPPING 0x8 /**< Format supports storing cropping 
values */

I have mixed feeelings about this patch, for a bunch of reasons:
* It is quite ad-hoc - we don't do this for other side data types, and
this approach would not scale if we did.
* If we do want to signal this, we probably want to distinguish between
support for global and per-packet values.

This patch came to be after some discussion from the first iteration of
the set, where concerns about the cropping information being silently
lost if apply_cropping was disabled during a transcoding or codec copy
scenario where the output format didn't support storing said values.

* How do you expect this to be useful to the callers? I don't see this
flag actually being used in the ffmpeg CLI patch.

It's a format flag. Muxers use it, and the generic mux.c code will print
a warning if needed.

Why is it public then?

So the library user can know beforehand if the cropping information will 
be lost or not, and choose accordingly. The warning is there for the 
cases where it was ignored.

I can add a check to the CLI for it, but other than to abort or outright 
ignore the user request to not apply cropping i don't see what it could 
do, as mux.c already prints a warning.

ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 2/5] avformat/usmdec: do not return 0 when no packet was produced

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-05 21:44:37)
> Fixes: Assertion pkt->stream_index < (unsigned)s->nb_streams && "Invalid 
> stream index.\n" failed at libavformat/demux.c:617
> Fixes: 
> 62498/clusterfuzz-testcase-minimized-ffmpeg_dem_USM_fuzzer-4734740995112960
> Found-by: continuous fuzzing process 
> Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer 
> ---
>  libavformat/usmdec.c | 2 +-
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/libavformat/usmdec.c b/libavformat/usmdec.c
> index 1665eb8e551..b0079a1230c 100644
> --- a/libavformat/usmdec.c
> +++ b/libavformat/usmdec.c
> @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ static int64_t parse_chunk(AVFormatContext *s, 
> AVIOContext *pb,
>  ret = avio_skip(pb, FFMAX(0, chunk_size - (ret - chunk_start)));
>  if (ret < 0)
>  return ret;
> -return 0;
> +return AVERROR(EAGAIN);

I believe that should be FFERROR_REDO instead.

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 4/7] avformat/avformat: add a flag to signal muxers that support storing cropping values

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting James Almer (2023-10-10 13:21:42)
> On 10/10/2023 8:16 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> > Quoting James Almer (2023-10-10 13:13:46)
> >> On 10/10/2023 8:09 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> >>> Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:25:00)
>  Signed-off-by: James Almer 
>  ---
> libavformat/avformat.h | 1 +
> libavformat/mux.c  | 8 
> 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)
>  diff --git a/libavformat/avformat.h b/libavformat/avformat.h
>  index 9e7eca007e..c099ca8a01 100644
>  --- a/libavformat/avformat.h
>  +++ b/libavformat/avformat.h
>  @@ -500,6 +500,7 @@ typedef struct AVProbeData {
> The user or muxer can 
>  override this through
>  AVFormatContext.avoid_negative_ts
> */
>  +#define AVFMT_CROPPING 0x8 /**< Format supports storing 
>  cropping values */
> >>>
> >>> I have mixed feeelings about this patch, for a bunch of reasons:
> >>> * It is quite ad-hoc - we don't do this for other side data types, and
> >>> this approach would not scale if we did.
> >>> * If we do want to signal this, we probably want to distinguish between
> >>> support for global and per-packet values.
> >>
> >> This patch came to be after some discussion from the first iteration of
> >> the set, where concerns about the cropping information being silently
> >> lost if apply_cropping was disabled during a transcoding or codec copy
> >> scenario where the output format didn't support storing said values.
> >>
> >>> * How do you expect this to be useful to the callers? I don't see this
> >>> flag actually being used in the ffmpeg CLI patch.
> >>
> >> It's a format flag. Muxers use it, and the generic mux.c code will print
> >> a warning if needed.
> > 
> > Why is it public then?
> So the library user can know beforehand if the cropping information will 
> be lost or not, and choose accordingly. The warning is there for the 
> cases where it was ignored.
> I can add a check to the CLI for it, but other than to abort or outright 
> ignore the user request to not apply cropping i don't see what it could 
> do, as mux.c already prints a warning.

As I said above - there are MANY similar bits of information that the
muxer may or may not write. You cannot handle all of them with this
approach, and singling out cropping seems horribly ad-hoc to me.

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/7] avcodec/packet: add a decoded frame cropping side data type

2023-10-10 Thread Andreas Rheinhardt
James Almer:
> Signed-off-by: James Almer 
> ---
>  libavcodec/packet.h | 14 ++
>  1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/libavcodec/packet.h b/libavcodec/packet.h
> index b19409b719..6053d43c44 100644
> --- a/libavcodec/packet.h
> +++ b/libavcodec/packet.h
> @@ -299,6 +299,20 @@ enum AVPacketSideDataType {
>   */
> +/**
> + * The number of pixels to discard from the
> + * top/bottom/left/right border of the decoded frame to obtain the 
> sub-rectangle
> + * intended for presentation.
> + *
> + * @code
> + * u32le crop_top
> + * u32le crop_bottom
> + * u32le crop_left
> + * u32le crop_right
> + * @endcode
> + */
> +
>  /**
>   * The number of side data types.
>   * This is not part of the public API/ABI in the sense that it may

The data in ISOBMFF clap boxes is more general than that, therefore this
should be used so that this data can be preserved during remuxes.
See the earlier patchset by Neil Birkbeck for it: (there
is more of this discussion in subsequent months).

- Andreas

ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 0/7] Container level frame cropping parameters

2023-10-10 Thread James Almer

On 10/10/2023 8:17 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:

Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:24:56)

This is a simple set to add support to stream wide, container level cropping
parameters, as featured in formats like Matroska and ISOBMFF. It's needed for
things like AV1 streams generated by certain hardware encoders that produce
dimension aligned output, and unlike H26x, can't export cropping info within
the bitstream.
In this set i add the packet side data type, mux and demux support to Matroska,
and handling code to ffmpeg and ffplay. Missing is support for clap boxes in
ISOBMFF, and exporting the relevant side data from encoders like AMF.

It's a rebased and updated version to the set i sent a month ago.

Why is there no lavc-decoder handling? I would expect cropping side data
submitted to lavc to be somehow propagated to decoded frames.
Though there is a question of how to combine side data with the
codec-level cropping.

I thought about adding lavc support alongside the CLI handling, yeah. 
And it should be a matter of adding the values to the existing ones in 
frame->crop_* as exported by decoders, which av_frame_apply_cropping() 
will then handle.

And the reason i add support to the CLI by including a filter instead of 
leaving it up to lavc is that av_frame_apply_cropping() may not do exact 
cropping if AV_CODEC_FLAG_UNALIGNED is not set.

ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 5/7] fftools/ffmpeg_demux: Don't use fake object with av_opt_eval

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting Andreas Rheinhardt (2023-10-07 02:40:29)
> The av_opt_eval family of functions emits errors messages on error
> and can therefore not be used with fake objects when the AVClass
> has a custom item_name callback. The AVClass for AVCodecContext
> has such a custom callback (it searches whether an AVCodec is set
> to use its name). In practice it means that whatever is directly
> after the "cc" pointer to the AVClass for AVCodec in the stack frame
> of ist_add() will be treated as a pointer to an AVCodec with
> unpredictable consequences.
> Fix this by using an actual AVCodecContext instead of a fake object.
> Signed-off-by: Andreas Rheinhardt 
> ---
>  fftools/ffmpeg_demux.c | 15 +++
>  1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)


Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 6/7] fftools/ffmpeg_demux: Fix leak on error

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting Andreas Rheinhardt (2023-10-07 02:40:30)
> An AVFormatContext leaks on errors that happen before it is attached
> to its permanent place (an InputFile). Fix this by attaching
> it earlier.
> Given that it is not documented that avformat_close_input() is usable
> with an AVFormatContext that has only been allocated with
> avformat_alloc_context() and not opened with avformat_open_input(),
> one error path before avformat_open_input() had to be treated
> specially: It uses avformat_free_context().
> Signed-off-by: Andreas Rheinhardt 
> ---
>  fftools/ffmpeg_demux.c | 10 +-
>  1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)


Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 0/7] Container level frame cropping parameters

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting James Almer (2023-10-10 13:44:19)
> On 10/10/2023 8:17 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> > Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:24:56)
> >> This is a simple set to add support to stream wide, container level 
> >> cropping
> >> parameters, as featured in formats like Matroska and ISOBMFF. It's needed 
> >> for
> >> things like AV1 streams generated by certain hardware encoders that produce
> >> dimension aligned output, and unlike H26x, can't export cropping info 
> >> within
> >> the bitstream.
> >> In this set i add the packet side data type, mux and demux support to 
> >> Matroska,
> >> and handling code to ffmpeg and ffplay. Missing is support for clap boxes 
> >> in
> >> ISOBMFF, and exporting the relevant side data from encoders like AMF.
> >>
> >> It's a rebased and updated version to the set i sent a month ago.
> > 
> > Why is there no lavc-decoder handling? I would expect cropping side data
> > submitted to lavc to be somehow propagated to decoded frames.
> > Though there is a question of how to combine side data with the
> > codec-level cropping.
> I thought about adding lavc support alongside the CLI handling, yeah. 
> And it should be a matter of adding the values to the existing ones in 
> frame->crop_* as exported by decoders, which av_frame_apply_cropping() 
> will then handle.
> And the reason i add support to the CLI by including a filter instead of 
> leaving it up to lavc is that av_frame_apply_cropping() may not do exact 
> cropping if AV_CODEC_FLAG_UNALIGNED is not set.

I intend to have the CLI always set AVCodecContext.apply_cropping=0 and
have it handled by lavfi for this exact reason, just didn't get to
actually doing it yet. Feel free and welcome to do it yourself.

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Michael Niedermayer
Hi all

a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
"1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"

There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.
There are 2 choices which are similar
(update the list before each vote and update it twice a year)
And a 3rd option that is probably not what the "opposition" wants I think
(use the 2020 version, never update)

First its neccessary to give the community a chance to discuss the GA 
choices, collect suggestions and then do a vote

Now iam quite unprepared to really suggest something as i also didnt think 
about this
much or expect this vote now but at least something like
* keep everyone who had vote rights but add active developers each jan/july

Is a more honest choice for the "opposition" than "never update"

But hey why this matters, you might ask ?
just recently we discussed having the domain be controlled by the GA
now someone started a vote with no prior discussion on the ML (there was 
discussion in VDD only)
basically only one real option to choose and 6 days duration.
You might be happy with this specific change here in this case but
This is one reason why I was so scared in relation to the GA controlling
the domain. The GA composition is a dynamic thing with the way its setup
currently and with this, can easily become very different from what anyone
This year you spend all your time in FFmpeg and are part of the GA, next
someone else makes all decissions about FFmpeg and you have no vote in it.

ABout this vote, I think this vote should be paused and proper disscussion
should start, IF there is a need to do this vote now.
Debian uses 2 weeks minimum discussion and 2 weeks voting IIRC so thats a
start point for important votes like this one.
For unimporatnt things (like SDR) something like a 7 day vote if noone minds
should be fine but for things critical to FFmpegs decission making, i do not
think these should be rushed.


Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

What does censorship reveal? It reveals fear. -- Julian Assange

Description: PGP signature
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 0/7] Container level frame cropping parameters

2023-10-10 Thread James Almer

On 10/10/2023 8:54 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:

Quoting James Almer (2023-10-10 13:44:19)

On 10/10/2023 8:17 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:

Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:24:56)

This is a simple set to add support to stream wide, container level cropping
parameters, as featured in formats like Matroska and ISOBMFF. It's needed for
things like AV1 streams generated by certain hardware encoders that produce
dimension aligned output, and unlike H26x, can't export cropping info within
the bitstream.
In this set i add the packet side data type, mux and demux support to Matroska,
and handling code to ffmpeg and ffplay. Missing is support for clap boxes in
ISOBMFF, and exporting the relevant side data from encoders like AMF.

It's a rebased and updated version to the set i sent a month ago.

Why is there no lavc-decoder handling? I would expect cropping side data
submitted to lavc to be somehow propagated to decoded frames.
Though there is a question of how to combine side data with the
codec-level cropping.

I thought about adding lavc support alongside the CLI handling, yeah.
And it should be a matter of adding the values to the existing ones in
frame->crop_* as exported by decoders, which av_frame_apply_cropping()
will then handle.

And the reason i add support to the CLI by including a filter instead of
leaving it up to lavc is that av_frame_apply_cropping() may not do exact
cropping if AV_CODEC_FLAG_UNALIGNED is not set.

I intend to have the CLI always set AVCodecContext.apply_cropping=0 and
have it handled by lavfi for this exact reason, just didn't get to
actually doing it yet. Feel free and welcome to do it yourself.

The cropping filter doesn't look at the frame cropping fields, though. 
It in fact exports cropping into them if you pass it hw frames. It only 
looks at input arguments. So it doesn't seem like that can be done 
without changing the filter.

ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 0/7] Container level frame cropping parameters

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting James Almer (2023-10-10 13:58:00)
> On 10/10/2023 8:54 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> > Quoting James Almer (2023-10-10 13:44:19)
> >> On 10/10/2023 8:17 AM, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> >>> Quoting James Almer (2023-10-07 18:24:56)
>  This is a simple set to add support to stream wide, container level 
>  cropping
>  parameters, as featured in formats like Matroska and ISOBMFF. It's 
>  needed for
>  things like AV1 streams generated by certain hardware encoders that 
>  produce
>  dimension aligned output, and unlike H26x, can't export cropping info 
>  within
>  the bitstream.
>  In this set i add the packet side data type, mux and demux support to 
>  Matroska,
>  and handling code to ffmpeg and ffplay. Missing is support for clap 
>  boxes in
>  ISOBMFF, and exporting the relevant side data from encoders like AMF.
>  It's a rebased and updated version to the set i sent a month ago.
> >>>
> >>> Why is there no lavc-decoder handling? I would expect cropping side data
> >>> submitted to lavc to be somehow propagated to decoded frames.
> >>> Though there is a question of how to combine side data with the
> >>> codec-level cropping.
> >>
> >> I thought about adding lavc support alongside the CLI handling, yeah.
> >> And it should be a matter of adding the values to the existing ones in
> >> frame->crop_* as exported by decoders, which av_frame_apply_cropping()
> >> will then handle.
> >>
> >> And the reason i add support to the CLI by including a filter instead of
> >> leaving it up to lavc is that av_frame_apply_cropping() may not do exact
> >> cropping if AV_CODEC_FLAG_UNALIGNED is not set.
> > 
> > I intend to have the CLI always set AVCodecContext.apply_cropping=0 and
> > have it handled by lavfi for this exact reason, just didn't get to
> > actually doing it yet. Feel free and welcome to do it yourself.
> The cropping filter doesn't look at the frame cropping fields, though. 
> It in fact exports cropping into them if you pass it hw frames. It only 
> looks at input arguments. So it doesn't seem like that can be done 
> without changing the filter.

I mean ffmpeg CLI would look at the frame cropping fields and insert the
crop filter accordingly, as it does for other bits of metadata.

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 13:56:45)
> Hi all
> a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
> a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
> "1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"
> There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.
> There are 2 choices which are similar
> (update the list before each vote and update it twice a year)
> And a 3rd option that is probably not what the "opposition" wants I think
> (use the 2020 version, never update)

Who is this opposition, who are they opposed to, and why the scare quotes?

> First its neccessary to give the community a chance to discuss the GA 
> composition
> choices, collect suggestions and then do a vote

The community did have the chance to discuss this. The point was raised
at VDD over 2 weeks ago, at the developer meeting you participated in.
You even commented on this specific point.

Then a summary of the meeting (including the intent to have a vote on
this) was sent to this mailing list. If there was no discussion then
perhaps it was because nobody was interested in discussing it.

> Now iam quite unprepared to really suggest something as i also didnt think 
> about this
> much or expect this vote now but at least something like
> * keep everyone who had vote rights but add active developers each jan/july
> Is a more honest choice for the "opposition" than "never update"

Why did you not suggest this choice before? You had more than two weeks
to do so.

> But hey why this matters, you might ask ?
> just recently we discussed having the domain be controlled by the GA
> now someone started a vote with no prior discussion on the ML (there was 
> discussion in VDD only)
> basically only one real option to choose and 6 days duration.
> You might be happy with this specific change here in this case but
> This is one reason why I was so scared in relation to the GA controlling
> the domain. The GA composition is a dynamic thing with the way its setup
> currently and with this, can easily become very different from what anyone
> expects.
> This year you spend all your time in FFmpeg and are part of the GA, next
> someone else makes all decissions about FFmpeg and you have no vote in it.
> ABout this vote, I think this vote should be paused and proper disscussion
> should start, IF there is a need to do this vote now.
> Debian uses 2 weeks minimum discussion and 2 weeks voting IIRC so thats a
> start point for important votes like this one.
> For unimporatnt things (like SDR) something like a 7 day vote if noone minds
> should be fine but for things critical to FFmpegs decission making, i do not
> think these should be rushed.

I see no reason to pause anything. There were over two weeks to discuss
this point.

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Jean-Baptiste Kempf

On Tue, 10 Oct 2023, at 13:56, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
> a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
> "1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"
> There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.

> There are 2 choices which are similar
> (update the list before each vote and update it twice a year)
> And a 3rd option that is probably not what the "opposition" wants I think
> (use the 2020 version, never update)

Those 3 were mentioned at VDD in the FFmpeg meeting you were in.
It was also already discussed at FOSDEM this year and the previous, and people 
complained that I did not do that vote before.

> First its neccessary to give the community a chance to discuss the GA 
> composition
> choices, collect suggestions and then do a vote

I think this was done.

> Now iam quite unprepared to really suggest something as i also didnt 
> think about this
> much or expect this vote now but at least something like
> * keep everyone who had vote rights but add active developers each 
> jan/july
> Is a more honest choice for the "opposition" than "never update"

That's an extra choice, in my opinion, and we could also have it, but it's a 
bit annoying that you say it now.
But it's doable.


Jean-Baptiste Kempf -  President
+33 672 704 734
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Jean-Baptiste Kempf
On Tue, 10 Oct 2023, at 14:42, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:
>> There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf -  President
+33 672 704 734
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Michael Niedermayer
On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 02:32:57PM +0200, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 13:56:45)
> > Hi all
> > 
> > a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
> > a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
> > "1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"
> > 
> > There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.
> > There are 2 choices which are similar
> > (update the list before each vote and update it twice a year)
> > And a 3rd option that is probably not what the "opposition" wants I think
> > (use the 2020 version, never update)
> "opposition"?
> Who is this opposition, who are they opposed to, and why the scare quotes?
> > First its neccessary to give the community a chance to discuss the GA 
> > composition
> > choices, collect suggestions and then do a vote
> The community did have the chance to discuss this. The point was raised
> at VDD over 2 weeks ago, at the developer meeting you participated in.
> You even commented on this specific point.

My health was somewhat bad on that day, theres no way i could have
within a minute from learning about this during the meeting thought
about what choices would make sense and suggest them.

> Then a summary of the meeting (including the intent to have a vote on
> this) was sent to this mailing list. If there was no discussion then
> perhaps it was because nobody was interested in discussing it.
> > Now iam quite unprepared to really suggest something as i also didnt think 
> > about this
> > much or expect this vote now but at least something like
> > * keep everyone who had vote rights but add active developers each jan/july
> > 
> > Is a more honest choice for the "opposition" than "never update"
> Why did you not suggest this choice before? You had more than two weeks
> to do so.

Because it was said voting to happen after 6.1, So i thought there is
plenty of time as 6.1 is not even branched yet

I really did not expect to be surprised by a vote on the GA yesterday


Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

If you drop bombs on a foreign country and kill a hundred thousand
innocent people, expect your government to call the consequence
"unprovoked inhuman terrorist attacks" and use it to justify dropping
more bombs and killing more people. The technology changed, the idea is old.

Description: PGP signature
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Michael Niedermayer
On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 02:42:38PM +0200, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote:
> Hello,
> On Tue, 10 Oct 2023, at 13:56, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> > a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
> > a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
> > "1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"
> >
> > There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.
> > There are 2 choices which are similar
> > (update the list before each vote and update it twice a year)
> > And a 3rd option that is probably not what the "opposition" wants I think
> > (use the 2020 version, never update)
> Those 3 were mentioned at VDD in the FFmpeg meeting you were in.
> It was also already discussed at FOSDEM this year and the previous, and 
> people complained that I did not do that vote before.
> > First its neccessary to give the community a chance to discuss the GA 
> > composition
> > choices, collect suggestions and then do a vote
> I think this was done.

> > Now iam quite unprepared to really suggest something as i also didnt 
> > think about this
> > much or expect this vote now but at least something like
> > * keep everyone who had vote rights but add active developers each 
> > jan/july
> >
> > Is a more honest choice for the "opposition" than "never update"
> That's an extra choice, in my opinion, and we could also have it, but it's a 
> bit annoying that you say it now.
> But it's doable.

iam sorry, i would have brought this up sooner had i realized we are voting
I was of the impression the vote would be after 6.1 OR someone would first
suggest we should do a GA vote now before actually starting the vote.



Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

The real ebay dictionary, page 1
"Used only once"- "Some unspecified defect prevented a second use"
"In good condition" - "Can be repaird by experienced expert"
"As is" - "You wouldnt want it even if you were payed for it, if you knew ..."

Description: PGP signature
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Michael Niedermayer
On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 02:32:57PM +0200, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 13:56:45)
> > Hi all
> > 
> > a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
> > a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
> > "1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"
> > 
> > There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.
> > There are 2 choices which are similar
> > (update the list before each vote and update it twice a year)
> > And a 3rd option that is probably not what the "opposition" wants I think
> > (use the 2020 version, never update)
> "opposition"?
> Who is this opposition, who are they opposed to, and why the scare quotes?

Ive added the "" because i think there is no real opposition

But there are people who loose their vote rights with this vote.
So if they vote for the obvious options they kind of self castrate

for them this looks like

1. cut off my tail
2. cut off my balls
3. stop new developers after 2020 from having vote rights

This must just looks like a choice between tea, window and airplane for
some people, if you know what i mean

(and yes it seems my humour is modulated by lack of reasonable sleep)


Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Let us carefully observe those good qualities wherein our enemies excel us
and endeavor to excel them, by avoiding what is faulty, and imitating what
is excellent in them. -- Plutarch

Description: PGP signature
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".

Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 14:58:53)
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 02:32:57PM +0200, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> > Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 13:56:45)
> > > Hi all
> > > 
> > > a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
> > > a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
> > > "1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"
> > > 
> > > There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.
> > > There are 2 choices which are similar
> > > (update the list before each vote and update it twice a year)
> > > And a 3rd option that is probably not what the "opposition" wants I think
> > > (use the 2020 version, never update)
> > 
> > "opposition"?
> > Who is this opposition, who are they opposed to, and why the scare quotes?
> > 
> > > First its neccessary to give the community a chance to discuss the GA 
> > > composition
> > > choices, collect suggestions and then do a vote
> > 
> > The community did have the chance to discuss this. The point was raised
> > at VDD over 2 weeks ago, at the developer meeting you participated in.
> > You even commented on this specific point.
> My health was somewhat bad on that day, theres no way i could have
> within a minute from learning about this during the meeting thought
> about what choices would make sense and suggest them.

I am not saying you have to come up with options on the spot, I'm saying
you were aware of the intent to have a vote on this.

> > 
> > Then a summary of the meeting (including the intent to have a vote on
> > this) was sent to this mailing list. If there was no discussion then
> > perhaps it was because nobody was interested in discussing it.
> > 
> > > Now iam quite unprepared to really suggest something as i also didnt 
> > > think about this
> > > much or expect this vote now but at least something like
> > > * keep everyone who had vote rights but add active developers each 
> > > jan/july
> > > 
> > > Is a more honest choice for the "opposition" than "never update"
> > 
> > Why did you not suggest this choice before? You had more than two weeks
> > to do so.
> Because it was said voting to happen after 6.1, So i thought there is
> plenty of time as 6.1 is not even branched yet

I am not aware of anyone having said that. The main impetus for this
vote is to unblock other votes we need to have. The foremost of them is
electing new TC and CC, which is very long overdue at this point.
That should be done before voting on SDR, which presumably you want to
happen before 6.1

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Anton Khirnov
Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 15:21:42)
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 02:32:57PM +0200, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> > Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 13:56:45)
> > > Hi all
> > > 
> > > a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
> > > a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
> > > "1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"
> > > 
> > > There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.
> > > There are 2 choices which are similar
> > > (update the list before each vote and update it twice a year)
> > > And a 3rd option that is probably not what the "opposition" wants I think
> > > (use the 2020 version, never update)
> > 
> > "opposition"?
> > Who is this opposition, who are they opposed to, and why the scare quotes?
> Ive added the "" because i think there is no real opposition
> But there are people who loose their vote rights with this vote.
> So if they vote for the obvious options they kind of self castrate
> for them this looks like
> 1. cut off my tail
> 2. cut off my balls
> 3. stop new developers after 2020 from having vote rights
> This must just looks like a choice between tea, window and airplane for
> some people, if you know what i mean
> (and yes it seems my humour is modulated by lack of reasonable sleep)

You're supposing everyone wants voting rights. That is not so in my
experience - I talked to multiple semi/formerly-active developers who
believe they should not have voting rights on account of not being
active enough.

And for people who do want voting right - gathering and maintaining the
required commit count requires only a very modest effort. So if someone
loses voting rights then it can only be because they don't care enough
about having them.

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Derek Buitenhuis
On 10/10/2023 12:56 PM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
> a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
> "1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"

Without commenting on anything else, I thought it was important to
note that I do not think this/these emails even made it to everyone
who is allowed to vote, which is a problem.

- Derek
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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread James Almer

On 10/10/2023 11:05 AM, Derek Buitenhuis wrote:

On 10/10/2023 12:56 PM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:

a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
"1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"

Without commenting on anything else, I thought it was important to
note that I do not think this/these emails even made it to everyone
who is allowed to vote, which is a problem.

- Derek

The email was sent from, a domain that some email 
providers apparently dislike? Google at least is fine with it.

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Derek Buitenhuis
On 10/10/2023 3:09 PM, James Almer wrote:
> The email was sent from, a domain that some email 
> providers apparently dislike? Google at least is fine with it.

I did not get it, not even in my spam. Neither did Vittorio.

- Derek
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Nicolas George
James Almer (12023-10-10):
> The email was sent from, a domain that some email providers
> apparently dislike? Google at least is fine with it.

I do not know if I am on the voting list, but I can attest that no mail
with that origin address reached the MX for my address.


  Nicolas George
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread James Almer

On 10/10/2023 11:42 AM, Nicolas George wrote:

James Almer (12023-10-10):

The email was sent from, a domain that some email providers
apparently dislike? Google at least is fine with it.

I do not know if I am on the voting list, but I can attest that no mail
with that origin address reached the MX for my address.


If you were in the last General Assembly list, it should have been sent 
to you.

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Zhao Zhili
> From: ffmpeg-devel  On Behalf Of James Almer
> Sent: 2023年10月10日 22:55
> To:
> Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE
> On 10/10/2023 11:42 AM, Nicolas George wrote:
> > James Almer (12023-10-10):
> >> The email was sent from, a domain that some email providers
> >> apparently dislike? Google at least is fine with it.
> >
> > I do not know if I am on the voting list, but I can attest that no mail
> > with that origin address reached the MX for my address.
> >
> > Regards,
> If you were in the last General Assembly list, it should have been sent
> to you.

I searched my three email accounts listed in mailmap and failed to find the

> ___
> ffmpeg-devel mailing list
> To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email
> with subject "unsubscribe".

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Release 6.1

2023-10-10 Thread Neal Gompa
On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 1:42 PM Michael Niedermayer
> On Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 05:37:42AM +0200, Lynne wrote:
> > Jul 6, 2023, 18:04 by
> >
> > > It's been a while since we've had a release, and we've had
> > > a lot of new features in.
> > > We did say we would make releases more often, and I think
> > > it's about time we have a new release.
> > >
> > > Anything anyone wants to have merged or should we branch
> > > off 6.1 in a few days?
> > >
> >
> > Could we consider at least branching off 6.1?
> we can consider branching whenever theres a consensus to do so
> People are always quick in saying what they want in / done before
> releases/branching. But its rare that people later reply and say that an issue
> was resolved.
> This makes monitoring for what blockers remain painfull
> i think for the next release we should automate this
> because trac has a "Blocking" field and that could be set to 6.1
> for example and then one can just query trac for all open tickets
> that are blocking "6.1"
> Which would make it MUCH easier to know what is blocking it and would
> make it easier to know when all blockers are gone
> ATM one has to go over multiple threads and then figure out what people
> asked for to be done first and then find out if the things are still
> not done.

Sorry if I haven't chimed in about this. From my point of view, the
things I need in 6.1 have landed. So I'm fine with 6.1 being released

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Michael Niedermayer
On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 03:33:21PM +0200, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 14:58:53)
> > On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 02:32:57PM +0200, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> > > Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 13:56:45)
> > > > Hi all
> > > > 
> > > > a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
> > > > a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
> > > > "1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"
> > > > 
> > > > There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.
> > > > There are 2 choices which are similar
> > > > (update the list before each vote and update it twice a year)
> > > > And a 3rd option that is probably not what the "opposition" wants I 
> > > > think
> > > > (use the 2020 version, never update)
> > > 
> > > "opposition"?
> > > Who is this opposition, who are they opposed to, and why the scare quotes?
> > > 
> > > > First its neccessary to give the community a chance to discuss the GA 
> > > > composition
> > > > choices, collect suggestions and then do a vote
> > > 
> > > The community did have the chance to discuss this. The point was raised
> > > at VDD over 2 weeks ago, at the developer meeting you participated in.
> > > You even commented on this specific point.
> > 
> > My health was somewhat bad on that day, theres no way i could have
> > within a minute from learning about this during the meeting thought
> > about what choices would make sense and suggest them.
> I am not saying you have to come up with options on the spot, I'm saying
> you were aware of the intent to have a vote on this.
> > > 
> > > Then a summary of the meeting (including the intent to have a vote on
> > > this) was sent to this mailing list. If there was no discussion then
> > > perhaps it was because nobody was interested in discussing it.
> > > 
> > > > Now iam quite unprepared to really suggest something as i also didnt 
> > > > think about this
> > > > much or expect this vote now but at least something like
> > > > * keep everyone who had vote rights but add active developers each 
> > > > jan/july
> > > > 
> > > > Is a more honest choice for the "opposition" than "never update"
> > > 
> > > Why did you not suggest this choice before? You had more than two weeks
> > > to do so.
> > 
> > Because it was said voting to happen after 6.1, So i thought there is
> > plenty of time as 6.1 is not even branched yet
> I am not aware of anyone having said that. The main impetus for this

I had the impression the intent was to do the release first because the
discussions about the vote added (and the votes itself would more so)
cause delays to the release.
At least I ended up spending significant time in vote releated threads that
i did not spend on release & security related work.

I would have to reread tons on logs to find which exact statments gave me
that impression.

> vote is to unblock other votes we need to have. The foremost of them is
> electing new TC and CC, which is very long overdue at this point.
> That should be done before voting on SDR, which presumably you want to
> happen before 6.1

the SDR vote does not need to happen before 6.1
(its nice if it does but it does not have to)


Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Awnsering whenever a program halts or runs forever is
On a turing machine, in general impossible (turings halting problem).
On any real computer, always possible as a real computer has a finite number
of states N, and will either halt in less than N cycles or never halt.

Description: PGP signature
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] AG (GA?) VOTE

2023-10-10 Thread Michael Niedermayer
On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 03:38:22PM +0200, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 15:21:42)
> > On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 02:32:57PM +0200, Anton Khirnov wrote:
> > > Quoting Michael Niedermayer (2023-10-10 13:56:45)
> > > > Hi all
> > > > 
> > > > a vote on the General Assembly composition was apparently initiated with
> > > > a duration of 6 days, i saw this in my inbox:
> > > > "1009 23:49 Jean-Baptiste K (3,4K) Poll: FFmpeg AG members rules"
> > > > 
> > > > There was no real prior discussion on the mailing list about this.
> > > > There are 2 choices which are similar
> > > > (update the list before each vote and update it twice a year)
> > > > And a 3rd option that is probably not what the "opposition" wants I 
> > > > think
> > > > (use the 2020 version, never update)
> > > 
> > > "opposition"?
> > > Who is this opposition, who are they opposed to, and why the scare quotes?
> > 
> > Ive added the "" because i think there is no real opposition
> > 
> > But there are people who loose their vote rights with this vote.
> > So if they vote for the obvious options they kind of self castrate
> > 
> > for them this looks like
> > 
> > 1. cut off my tail
> > 2. cut off my balls
> > 3. stop new developers after 2020 from having vote rights
> > 
> > This must just looks like a choice between tea, window and airplane for
> > some people, if you know what i mean
> > 
> > (and yes it seems my humour is modulated by lack of reasonable sleep)
> You're supposing everyone wants voting rights. That is not so in my
> experience - I talked to multiple semi/formerly-active developers who
> believe they should not have voting rights on account of not being
> active enough.

Id like to talk to them ;)
And thats what id like to say:

I think its perfectly reasonable to choose not to vote if one is inactive.
But to choose to cut ones fingers off so one cannot vote even when a critical
need arrises is something different.

> And for people who do want voting right - gathering and maintaining the
> required commit count requires only a very modest effort. So if someone
> loses voting rights then it can only be because they don't care enough
> about having them.

Alot of things require only modest effort and we care about them still
we fail to do them
I think one reason is all these modest efforts add up to be not modest anymore
another is keeping track of everything one needs to do

If the world is empty and there is just FFmpeg and a developer in it then yes
i agree with your statement fully

bad example but
imagine one would have to pick up trash from teh street 20 times to get a right
to vote in the next gov. election. How many people would do that? How many 
would regret when they then cannot vote ?
I dont think people look ahead enough to say "i care about FFmpeg" i better make
sure i keep my vote rights and do 20 commits.
I would expect it to be rather "WTF we have a vote about putting a VPN add and 
installer on"
let me ohhh uhh i have no vote rights!?


Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

The misfortune of the wise is better than the prosperity of the fool.
-- Epicurus

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ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avfilter/libvmaf: remove deprecated options

2023-10-10 Thread Kyle Swanson

On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 10:17 AM Kyle Swanson  wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 1:19 PM Kyle Swanson  wrote:
> > Removal of deprecated libvmaf filter options. These options have been
> > deprecated since 3d29724c008d8f27fecf85757152789b074e8ef9 (Jan 23,
> > 2022). Patch attached.
> I'll push this tomorrow.


ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] avfilter/libvmaf: update pix_fmts

2023-10-10 Thread Kyle Swanson

This patch adds 12/16-bit support to the libvmaf filter. Unless there
are questions/reviews, I'll push tomorrow. Patch attached.


Description: Binary data
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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] libavformat/hlsenc: set HTTP options before writing WebVTT HLS playlists

2023-10-10 Thread Steven Liu
Léon Spaans  于2023年10月7日周六 05:41写道:
> Fixes: Erroneous HTTP POST instead of HTTP PUT for WebVTT HLS variant 
> playlists.
> Signed-off-by: Léon Spaans 
> ---
> libavformat/hlsenc.c | 9 +++--
> 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/libavformat/hlsenc.c b/libavformat/hlsenc.c
> index 08f3746ce7..8f7eee202e 100644
> --- a/libavformat/hlsenc.c
> +++ b/libavformat/hlsenc.c
> @@ -1580,7 +1580,9 @@ static int hls_window(AVFormatContext *s, int last, 
> VariantStream *vs)
> set_http_options(s, &options, hls);
> snprintf(temp_filename, sizeof(temp_filename), use_temp_file ? "%s.tmp" : 
> "%s", vs->m3u8_name);
> -if ((ret = hlsenc_io_open(s, byterange_mode ? &hls->m3u8_out : &vs->out, 
> temp_filename, &options)) < 0) {
> +ret = hlsenc_io_open(s, byterange_mode ? &hls->m3u8_out : &vs->out, 
> temp_filename, &options);
> +av_dict_free(&options);
> +if (ret < 0) {
> if (hls->ignore_io_errors)
> ret = 0;
> goto fail;
> @@ -1635,8 +1637,11 @@ static int hls_window(AVFormatContext *s, int last, 
> VariantStream *vs)
> ff_hls_write_end_list(byterange_mode ? hls->m3u8_out : vs->out);
> if (vs->vtt_m3u8_name) {
> +set_http_options(vs->vtt_avf, &options, hls);
> snprintf(temp_vtt_filename, sizeof(temp_vtt_filename), use_temp_file 
> ? "%s.tmp" : "%s", vs->vtt_m3u8_name);
> -if ((ret = hlsenc_io_open(s, &hls->sub_m3u8_out, temp_vtt_filename, 
> &options)) < 0) {
> +ret = hlsenc_io_open(s, &hls->sub_m3u8_out, temp_vtt_filename, 
> &options);
> +av_dict_free(&options);
> +if (ret < 0) {
> if (hls->ignore_io_errors)
> ret = 0;
> goto fail;
> --
> 2.40.1
> ___
> ffmpeg-devel mailing list
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Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 3/3] nlmeans_vulkan: parallelize workgroup invocations

2023-10-10 Thread Lynne
Oct 7, 2023, 17:08 by

> Removes the clever subgroup parallel prefix computation,
> and instead just computes the prefix inline.
> Cuts down the number of dispatches by a huge amount.
> Provides a ~12x speedup (2.5fps to 30fps on a 7900XTX,
> 2.1fps to 24fps on an Ada).
> Patch attached.

Going to push the patchset a bit later today.
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