Fwd: Re: TransactionMiddleware and SessionMiddleware

2008-12-10 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Wednesday 10 December 2008 16:46:36 Thomas Guettler wrote:
> Hi,
> I follow: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/transactions/
> {{{
> The order is quite important. The transaction middleware applies not
> only to view functions, but also for all middleware modules that come
> after it. So if you use the session middleware after the transaction
> middleware, session creation will be part of the transaction.
> }}}
> # settings.py
> 'djangotools.middleware.HandleExceptionMiddleware.HandleExceptionMiddleware
>', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
> 'django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware',
> 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
> 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
> 'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware',
> ]

I found the documentation quite confusing on this point too, and I ended up 
googling for the middleware name to find other examples.  

I think the cache middleware should be around the whole set of middleware 
classes.  Here's what I've gone with:


If I'm wrong, someone please correct me!


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Re: Setting the time on a datetimefield

2008-07-15 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Monday 14 Jul 2008, Rajesh Dhawan wrote:
> On Jul 14, 5:40 pm, Tim Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Monday 14 Jul 2008, Rajesh Dhawan wrote:
> > > The replace method here returns a new instance of a datetime object --
> > > it's not an in-place replace. This should work:
> > >
> > > self.datetime = self.datetime.replace(hour=23, minute=59)
> >
> > Hmm, that seemed to make sense to me too, though with my Java background
> > I wasn't sure.  I get:
> >
> > Exception Value:        'hour' is an invalid keyword argument for this
> > function
> >
> > on
> >
> > self.datetime = self.datetime.replace(hour=23, minute=59)
> >
> > self.datetime is defined as:
> >
> > datetime = models.DateTimeField()
> Strange...I just ran a few tests on a model field like that and it all
> worked perfectly.
> Can you dpaste your relevant code?
> Also, if you print type(self.datetime), do you get the type as
> datetime.datetime or something else?

Sussed it.

In my code, I did this:

self.datetime = pForm.cleaned_data['datetime']

the datetime parameter passed from the form only contained the date, with no 
time, so I assume the value in datetime then was only a date.

I've sorted my problem using the following code:

self.datetime = datetime(self.datetime.year, self.datetime.month, 
self.datetime.day, 23, 59)

Thanks for your help,


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Re: Setting the time on a datetimefield

2008-07-15 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Tuesday 15 Jul 2008, Arien wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 4:57 AM, Tim Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > In my code, I did this:
> >
> > self.datetime = pForm.cleaned_data['datetime']
> >
> > the datetime parameter passed from the form only contained the date, with
> > no time, so I assume the value in datetime then was only a date.
> This shouldn't happen: a DateTimeField normalizes to a
> datetime.datetime object.  Are you sure you're not using a DateField
> in your form?

Well spotted.

In my form I have:

datetime = 
forms.DateField(widget=forms.TextInput({'class' : 

yet it's a DateTimeField in the model.

This means that the reason that the value fetched from the form is only a date 
is because of the type in the form.  Assigning this date only value from the 
form to the model attribute means I can't use replace(hour=23) on it any 
more.  I don't really understand why, but I'm sure there's a logical 


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Defaulting Site in NewFormsAdmin

2008-07-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to build a web app that has many sites, all of which share the same 
code and database.  I'm therefore using the Sites framework, but I need to 
hide the site that is being edited in the admin.

I have done this where my model has a Foreign Key of site, mainly by defining 
the link as follows:

site = 

this is a foreign key to site, where the default is the current site, and the 
user can't edit it in the admin.

This is fine, but I've just started using Flatpages (and 
http://code.google.com/p/django-databasetemplateloader/) to manage the HTML 
in my site.  Both of these have many to many links, and as they're in 
contrib, I can't easily change the model without copying it.

Is there a way to default the Site in Flatpages (to a single site even though 
it's a many to many) and not have it editable in new forms admin?



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Changing Login Page for Admin

2008-08-24 Thread Tim Sawyer


I'm using the newforms admin stuff, and I'd like to use my own URL for the 
login page for the admin site.

So, if someone goes to /admin on my site (which is where the admin site is 
located), I'd like to redirect to /private/login/?next=/admin.

(The reason I want to do that is that I have some custom code on the login 
that looks for and removes a suffix before passing through to the user 
authentication code.)

Is this straightforward?



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Re: Changing Login Page for Admin

2008-08-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Sunday 24 Aug 2008, Tim Sawyer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using the newforms admin stuff, and I'd like to use my own URL for the
> login page for the admin site.
> So, if someone goes to /admin on my site (which is where the admin site is
> located), I'd like to redirect to /private/login/?next=/admin.
> (The reason I want to do that is that I have some custom code on the login
> that looks for and removes a suffix before passing through to the user
> authentication code.)
> Is this straightforward?

Probably not the neatest solution, but it works.

1) in urls.py, set the login template after autodiscover:

admin.site.login_template = 'registration/login_redirect.html'

In the registration/login_redirect.html template, redirect to the login page 
you want:


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sorl thumbnail

2008-09-05 Thread Tim Sawyer

Has anyone got sorl thumbnail working with the latest svn code?

I'm just getting src="" using src="{% thumbnail image.image 200x100 %}"



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Re: sorl thumbnail

2008-09-05 Thread Tim Sawyer

My bad.  I didn't update the sorl-thumbnail code from svn.

Didn't realise this until I'd fixed it by using a different thumbnail 
implementation!  It's been a long week.

Thanks all.


On Friday 05 Sep 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> set TEMPLATE_DEBUG=True in settings.py
> On Sep 5, 4:30 pm, Tim Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has anyone got sorl thumbnail working with the latest svn code?
> >
> > I'm just getting src="" using src="{% thumbnail image.image 200x100 %}"
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Tim.

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INSTALLED_APPS from a template

2008-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

I'd like to conditionally add a link based on whether a specific app is 
included in INSTALLED_APPS or not.  Is there an easy way to do this from a 



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Re: INSTALLED_APPS from a template

2008-09-26 Thread Tim Sawyer

That's just what I needed, thanks very much.


On Thursday 25 Sep 2008, Rock wrote:
> from django import template
> from django.conf import settings
> from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
> register = template.Library()
> @register.filter
> @stringfilter
> def installed(value):
>     apps = settings.INSTALLED_APPS
>     if "." in value:
>         for app in apps:
>             if app == value:
>                 return True
>     else:
>         for app in apps:
>             fields = app.split(".")
>             if fields[-1] == value:
>                 return True
>     return False

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Set referer header in test client?

2008-09-29 Thread Tim Sawyer


I'm having a problem testing with:

   c = Client()
response = c.post('/guestbook/', {
'name' : 'name',
'email' : 'email',
'realurl' : 'url',

in that my view checks the referer header available from 
request.META['HTTP_REFERER'] to make sure the form was submitted from the 
correct url.

Can I simulate this header with the test client?



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Re: Set referer header in test client?

2008-09-30 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Tuesday 30 Sep 2008, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> > Can I simulate this header with the test client?
> Yes.
> The full method signature for client.post() is:
> def post(self, path, data={}, content_type=MULTIPART_CONTENT, **extra):
> 'extra' is an argument that allows you to specify any additional
> header data that you want to send with the request. So, if you want to
> set the HTTP REFERRER in your request, make a call like:
> >>>  response = c.post('/guestbook/', {...your data...},
> >>> HTTP_REFERRER='foo')
> Yours
> Russ Magee %-)

Excellent, thanks!


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Template Tags in Text

2008-10-14 Thread Tim Sawyer


I'm trying to puzzle out the best way of achieving something, and I'd 
appreciate some help.

My website contains text writeups of events, and a gallery.  I'd like to embed 
some images from the gallery into the text writeups.  The text is not in a 
template, it's in the database and displayed using the textile filter:

{% block body %}

{{ Contest.date|date:"jS F Y" }} - {{ Contest.title }}
{{ Contest.report|textile }}

{% endblock %}

What's the best way to embed an image from my gallery into the Contest.report 

I'm looking to do something like:

{% ShowImage 1 200 400 left %}

- ShowImage is a template tag,
- 1 is the serial of the image to show,
- 200 is the height
- 400 is the width
- left is the align value so text wraps around it

I can generate a thumbnail of the right size, and I can find the image 
location from the database, but what's the best way of replacing this 
template tag with the appropriate html?  Can I write a filter which "runs" 
template tags?  Or should I be scanning the text for "{% ShowImage" and then 
reading values until the next "%}" in a custom filter?




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DateField comparison with date.today()

2009-01-27 Thread Tim Sawyer


I have a model that includes:

from datetime import date as pydate, datetime

date = models.DateField()

I've overridden delete to do:

def delete(self):
if self.date < pydate.today():
Notification.process(None, self, 'Event deleted')

and that works fine

If I override save to do something similar:

def save(self):
if self.date < pydate.today():
Notification.process(lOldEvent, self, 'Event changed')

I get an error running my tests:

  File "/home/mysite/src/MySite/events/models.py", line 79, in save
if self.date < pydate.today():  
TypeError: can't compare datetime.datetime to datetime.date   

I'm confused why it works in delete(), but not in save().  Am I going about 
this the wrong way, or should my approach work?



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Re: DateField comparison with date.today()

2009-01-30 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Wednesday 28 January 2009 04:34:50 Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-01-27 at 22:03 +0000, Tim Sawyer wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a model that includes:
> >
> > from datetime import date as pydate, datetime
> >
> > date = models.DateField()
> >
> > I've overridden delete to do:
> >
> > def delete(self):
> > ...
> > if self.date < pydate.today():
> > Notification.process(None, self, 'Event deleted')
> >
> > and that works fine
> >
> > If I override save to do something similar:
> >
> > def save(self):
> > ...
> > if self.date < pydate.today():
> > Notification.process(lOldEvent, self, 'Event changed')
> >
> > I get an error running my tests:
> >
> >   File "/home/mysite/src/MySite/events/models.py", line 79, in save
> > if self.date < pydate.today():
> > TypeError: can't compare datetime.datetime to datetime.date
> >
> > I'm confused why it works in delete(), but not in save().  Am I going
> > about this the wrong way, or should my approach work?
> The answer is almost certainly because delete() operates on something
> that is loaded from the database, so the attribute contains a
> datetime.date instance. However, save() operates on something provided
> from userspace, which could be a string, or, in this case, a
> datetime.datetime object.
> You haven't mentioned how you're creating these objects. Through the
> admin? Through forms of your own? Through Python code assigning to the
> attributes? In any case, it's not inconceivable that the types could be
> different (unfortunately).
> Regards,
> Malcolm

Thanks for that.

The data is all created through the admin, so Save() will be being called on 
either a new instance created in the admin, or an existing row from the 
database edited in the admin.

Presuming that the same technique for Delete() will work for existing data, 
What does the admin put in a DateField for a new instance?  Or is there a 
common way of getting hold of the date that will work in all circumstances?



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Fwd: Re: Class coverage report for automated tests in django apps

2009-02-06 Thread Tim Sawyer

I'm doing that using coverage.py, I based my solution on these blog posts:





--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: Class coverage report for automated tests in django apps
Date: Friday 06 February 2009
From: Alex Gaynor 
To: django-users@googlegroups.com

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 2:11 AM, ranjan.Kumar wrote:

> hi all..
> I am trying to automate tests for my website and i need to know the
> way in which i can get the code coverage report of the tests. I found
> 'coverage.py' which gives the coverage report of 'statements' but
> couldn't find any way that gives 'method/class coverage' report. Can
> anyone help?
> Thanks in advance.
> >
Perhaps try figleaf, I've never used it but I've heard nice things about it:


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to_field in model not working

2009-02-11 Thread Tim Sawyer


We're building an application with django on top of a legacy database and
we've hit a problem with a to_field option being ignored.  We've
reproduced it with the latest svn version of django and a different
database (oracle -> sqllite)

Our model includes:

uas_use_oracle_user = models.ForeignKey(Users, to_field='use_oracle_user',

but when we're selecting (from the admin site) we're seeing:


when we should be getting


Admin options are:

class UserAtSitesInline(admin.StackedInline):
  model = UserAtSites

class UsersAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  list_display = ('use_oracle_user','use_person')
  fields = ['use_oracle_user','use_person', 'use_current']
  inlines = [UserAtSitesInline]

Full model is at http://dpaste.com/119269/  We can also provide a small
working sqllite based example if anyone wants to play with it.

Is this a bug?  Have we done something wrong?



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Re: to_field in model not working

2009-02-12 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Thursday 12 February 2009 01:47:31 Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 10:45 +0000, Tim Sawyer wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We're building an application with django on top of a legacy database and
> > we've hit a problem with a to_field option being ignored.  We've
> > reproduced it with the latest svn version of django and a different
> > database (oracle -> sqllite)
> It looks like a bug to me. Please open a ticket for this, we need to
> look at it. Presumably nothing more than just a model with a to_field
> and a related model with a pk and non-integer field (for the to_field
> target) are all that's needed to demonstrate things, right? If not,
> that's worth noting in the ticket description, too.
> (And a helpful advance tip aimed at everybody in general: you're no
> doubt going to be including code in your ticket description. For the
> love of all that's good, use the "preview" button before submitting the
> ticket! :-) )

Done, thanks.  

After further investigation it looks related to the inline admin stuff.



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Re: Anyway to render a template without inheritance?

2009-06-22 Thread Tim Sawyer

Yes, just don't do the extends and include all the HTML you need in the


> Hello.
> Is there any way to render a template, omitting the "extends" tag?
> >

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onkeyup event on form field

2009-07-09 Thread Tim Sawyer


I'd like to add an onkeyup event on a form field.  I've defined the following 
my form:

contest = forms.CharField(max_length=100,
  widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"onkeyup" : 
"lookup(this.value,'id_contest');",} )

This comes out as 

in the html.  How do I stop django auto-escaping my javascript and replacing a 
single quote with #39; ?



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save_formset in admin

2009-05-08 Thread Tim Sawyer

I'm overriding save_formset in a subclass of ModelAdmin.  This worked fine 
using svn 9382, but I've just updated to svn 10674 and it's not working.

def save_formset(self, request, form, formset, change):
Stamp the model as last changed by the current user
Set the owner to the current user if it is a blank field
instances = formset.save(commit=False)
for instance in instances:
instance.lastChangedBy = request.user
instance = obj.owner
instance.owner = request.user

In the above code, instances = formset.save(commit=False) appears to be saving 
my instance to the database, and I'm getting 

IntegrityError: null value in column "lastChangedBy_id" violates not-null 

because I haven't had chance to set it yet.

Can anyone give me any clues?



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Re: save_formset in admin

2009-05-08 Thread Tim Sawyer
On Friday 08 May 2009 12:39:59 Alex Gaynor wrote:
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Tim Sawyer 
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> > I'm overriding save_formset in a subclass of ModelAdmin. This worked fine
> > using svn 9382, but I've just updated to svn 10674 and it's not working.
> >
> This was fixed earlier today.  Please SVN up :)
> Alex

Excellent, thanks Alex.


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Re: ForeignKey Select List Filter

2009-05-08 Thread Tim Sawyer
Will this do?


You could always fallback on doing the droplist manually.


On Friday 08 May 2009 14:23:36 cfiles wrote:
> Still stuck on this one. Does anybody have any ideas?
> On Apr 29, 8:36 am, cfiles  wrote:
> > Let me try to explain this a little more. Here are some example models
> >
> > class Account(models.Model):
> > user = models.ForeignKey(User)
> > name= models.CharField('Name on Account', max_length=100)
> > description = models.CharField(max_length=100)
> > date_added  = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)
> >
> > class Payment(models.Model):
> > account = models.ForeignKey(Account)
> > date_paid   = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)
> > amount  = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
> >
> > When I display the form for a Payment I get all of the Account
> > objects. I want to limit the list to accounts that the user owns. How
> > is this done? I have looked an I am unable to find the documentation
> > for it.
> 1

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I/O operation on closed file

2009-05-12 Thread Tim Sawyer


I'm getting the following error uploading images to my gallery using the admin 
site, written in django (full stack at bottom of mail)

ValueError: I/O operation on closed file

It doesn't always happen, and it;s more likely to occur using "Save but keep 
editing" in the admin.

I'm using svn 10712.

Any clues?



  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 92, 
in get_response
response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/contrib/admin/sites.py", line 
480, in root
return self.model_page(request, *url.split('/', 2))

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/views/decorators/cache.py", line 
44, in _wrapped_view_func
response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/contrib/admin/sites.py", line 
499, in model_page
return admin_obj(request, rest_of_url)

  File "/home/mybandsite/src/MyBandSite/admin.py", line 113, in __call__
return super(SiteOnlyAdmin, self).__call__(request, url)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/contrib/admin/options.py", line 
1094, in __call__
return self.change_view(request, unquote(url))

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/db/transaction.py", line 240, in 
res = func(*args, **kw)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/contrib/admin/options.py", line 
832, in change_view
self.save_formset(request, form, formset, change=True)

  File "/home/mybandsite/src/MyBandSite/admin.py", line 82, in save_formset

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/forms/models.py", line 509, in 
return self.save_existing_objects(commit) + self.save_new_objects(commit)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/forms/models.py", line 643, in 
self.new_objects.append(self.save_new(form, commit=commit))

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/forms/models.py", line 738, in 

  File "/home/mybandsite/src/MyBandSite/gallery/models.py", line 61, in save
super(GalleryImage, self).save()

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/db/models/base.py", line 407, in 
self.save_base(force_insert=force_insert, force_update=force_update)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/db/models/base.py", line 461, in 
values = [(f, None, (raw and getattr(self, f.attname) or f.pre_save(self, 
False))) for f in non_pks]

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/db/models/fields/files.py", line 
191, in pre_save
file.save(file.name, file, save=False)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/db/models/fields/files.py", line 
239, in save
self._dimensions_cache = get_image_dimensions(content)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/files/images.py", line 39, in 
data = file.read(1024)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", line 
87, in read
def read(self, *args):  return self._file.read(*args)

ValueError: I/O operation on closed file

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Re: I/O operation on closed file

2009-05-14 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Tuesday 12 May 2009 21:28:35 Alex Gaynor wrote:
> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Tim Sawyer wrote:
> > ValueError: I/O operation on closed file
> This is probably a symptom of http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11084 .

Thanks Alex.

I've just updated to 10784 (without a fix for that bug) and it seems fine now!



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Oracle and Primary Keys

2009-05-19 Thread Tim Sawyer


I have a django model that looks like this:

class Lender(models.Model):
id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, db_column='lse_serial')
version = models.IntegerField(db_column='lse_version')
name = models.CharField(max_length=50, db_column='lse_lender')
uri = models.TextField(db_column='lse_lender_uri')

def __unicode__(self):
return self.name

class Meta:
ordering = ['name']
db_table = 'lender_service_endpoints'

I'm connecting to an Oracle database.  If I do a 

python manage.py sqlall home

I get the following SQL:


It hasn't created a sequence/trigger for the primary key.  Why is this?  It 
does work for tables that have an implicit primary key (ie not specified in the 

I'm using django 1.0.2.



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Re: Oracle and Primary Keys

2009-05-19 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Tuesday 19 May 2009 16:20:58 Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Tim Sawyer wrote:
> > It hasn't created a sequence/trigger for the primary key.  Why is this? 
> > It does work for tables that have an implicit primary key (ie not
> > specified in the
> > model.)
> I'd guess because you made it a simple IntegerField rather than an
> AutoField.  If you want it to be automatically assigned and incremented you
> need to make it an AutoField:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#autofield

Excellent, thanks


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Re: Newbie Django 1.0 help with create object, uopdate object

2009-06-01 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Monday 01 June 2009 01:38:30 adelaide_mike wrote:
> I found a really clear explanation of creating and updating database
> objects in SAMS TeachYourself Django, but it appears to be for v
> 0.96.
> I have looked at "Creating forms from models" in the documentation,
> and about one-third the way down it shows the following:
> # Create a form instance from POST data.
> >>> f = ArticleForm(request.POST)
> # Save a new Article object from the form's data.
> >>> new_article = f.save()
> # Create a form to edit an existing Article.
> >>> a = Article.objects.get(pk=1)
> >>> f = ArticleForm(instance=a)
> >>> f.save()
> # Create a form to edit an existing Article, but use
> # POST data to populate the form.
> >>> a = Article.objects.get(pk=1)
> >>> f = ArticleForm(request.POST, instance=a)
> >>> f.save()
> I understand what these code fragments are intended to do (I think)
> but I am not clear as to how to use them.  Can someone point me to a
> more fully displayed example?  TIA
> Mike

Here's an example from my code, does this help?


def edit_result(request, pResultSerial):
Edit a single result row
lContestResult = get_object_or_404(ContestResult, pk=pResultSerial)
if request.user != lContestResult.owner:
raise Http404()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = ContestResultForm(request.POST, instance=lContestResult)
if form.is_valid():
form = ContestResultForm(instance=lContestResult)

return render_auth(request, 'contests/edit_result.html', {'form': form, 
'ContestResult' : lContestResult})

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Re: Newbie Django 1.0 help with create object, uopdate object

2009-06-01 Thread Tim Sawyer


I think the recommended approach in django is for forms to submit to the 
current URL and for the view to decide whether the request is to display the 
form (a HTTP GET) or submit the form (HTTP POST).  I'd suggest that you 
attempt to re-write this way.  

Your error could be caused by nothing in the POST, if your form is wrong - can 
you post your HTML?  You could also put an intentional error into your view 
which will cause the Django error window to pop up - this contains details of 
the POST variables in the request.

Here's a well commented and cleaner version of the code I posted earlier:

def edit_result(request, pResultSerial):
This method in views.py takes a single parameter from the url - the serial of 
an object.  It will either display the HTML form to edit that object, or it 
will accept the submit of a form containing the edited data and save it to the 
  # Get an object from the database, using the passed in serial.  Raise a 404
  # page not found if the object isn't found
  lContestResult = get_object_or_404(ContestResult, pk=pResultSerial)

  # if we are doing a post, the we have data to save.  Process it.
  if request.method == 'POST':

# create a form instance, populating it with the data in the object
# selected from the database earlier, then overwriting it with the 
# stuff submitted in the HTML form
form = ContestResultForm(request.POST, instance=lContestResult)

# run the form validation
if form.is_valid():
  # save the object inside the form instance to the database

  # our save completed, so redirect to the next url you want to go to
  return HttpResponseRedirect('/url/after/successful/save')

# we aren't doing a POST, so we need to create a form
# instance ready for it to be edited in the HTML.
# we create this and populate it from the object we selected above
form = ContestResultForm(instance=lContestResult)

  # show the HTML form to allow the user to edit the object
  # note that this is indented to the same level as the 
  # "if request is a POST" check, so that if the form.is_valid() check fails,
  # we go back and show the HTML again with the form containing errors.
  return render__to_response('contests/edit_result.html', 
{'form': form})

Hope that helps!


On Monday 01 June 2009 15:56:24 adelaide_mike wrote:
> Thanks for your response Tim.  However, you lost me a bit there, I am
> a real newbie.  I have narrowed my question down to this:
> # in views.py:
> class PropertyForm(ModelForm):
>   class Meta:
>   model = Property
> def property_update(request, property_id='0', street_id='0'):
>   print "data/property_save, request.method= ", request.method
>   message = ''
>   # we attempt to update an edit
>   print "attempt to update"
>   form = PropertyForm(request.POST)
>   if form.is_valid():
>   form.save()
>   return render_to_response('wha/property_form.html', {'form': form,
> 'message': message})
> My property_update function is called when the form Save button is
> clicked.  The various "print" commands operate as expected.  However,
> the validation fails and a form with no data is returned with
> "required data" labels.  I conclude the line:
> form = PropertyForm(request.POST)
> does not populate the validation form.  What have I got wrong here?
> Mike
> On Jun 1, 8:14 pm, Tim Sawyer  wrote:
> > On Monday 01 June 2009 01:38:30 adelaide_mike wrote:
> > > I found a really clear explanation of creating and updating database
> > > objects in SAMS TeachYourself Django, but it appears to be for v
> > > 0.96.
> > >
> > > I have looked at "Creating forms from models" in the documentation,
> > > and about one-third the way down it shows the following:
> > >
> > > # Create a form instance from POST data.
> > >
> > > >>> f = ArticleForm(request.POST)
> > >
> > > # Save a new Article object from the form's data.
> > >
> > > >>> new_article = f.save()
> > >
> > > # Create a form to edit an existing Article.
> > >
> > > >>> a = Article.objects.get(pk=1)
> > > >>> f = ArticleForm(instance=a)
> > > >>> f.save()
> > >
> > > # Create a form to edit an existing Article, but use
> > > # POST data to populate the form.
> > >
> > > >>> a = Article.objects.get(pk=1)
> > >

Re: user.is_authenticated

2009-06-01 Thread Tim Sawyer

You need a RequestContext for the user object to be available in templates


I use a render_auth method instead of render_to_response, which automatically 
adds the RequestContext to all of my templates.


On Monday 01 June 2009 17:40:53 K.Berkhout wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way I can access the "user.is_authenticated" method in
> every view, without having to manually pass the User model to every
> template? Basicly I want to show a login or logout link on every page,
> depending on wether the visitor is logged in or not. I've included the
> following if statement in my base template:
> {% if user.is_authenticated %}
>Welcome {{ user }} , showing logout link...
> {% else %}
>Showing login link...
> {% endif %}
> However, it only works with the standard "accounts/login" view, as
> that view has acces to the user.is_authenticated method.
> Thanks,
> Kevin

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django-reversion with recent svn django

2009-06-02 Thread Tim Sawyer


I'm using django svn 10784, and I've just added django-reversion, latest svn 
version from trunk (198).  I'm using the middleware option for django-

It's not working, and I'm getting the following error.  I've tried with the 
same django version and the tagged 1.1.1 release of django-reversion, but I 
get the same problem.

The error occurs on a save and is:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/servers/basehttp.py", line 
278, in run
self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/servers/basehttp.py", line 
636, in __call__
return self.application(environ, start_response)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", line 245, 
in __call__
response = middleware_method(request, response)

  File "/home/mybandsite/src/reversion/middleware.py", line 23, in 

  File "/home/mybandsite/src/reversion/revisions.py", line 263, in end
serialized_data = serializers.serialize(registration_info.format, [obj], 

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/serializers/__init__.py", 
line 87, in serialize
s.serialize(queryset, **options)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/serializers/base.py", line 
44, in serialize
self.handle_field(obj, field)

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-
trunk/django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", line 70, in handle_field

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", 
line 518, in value_to_string
data = datetime_safe.new_date(val).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

  File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/utils/datetime_safe.py", line 30, 
in new_date
return date(d.year, d.month, d.day)

AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'year'

I think this might be something to do with my MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES which is set 


which doesn't match the recommendation from the django-reversion site.  I had 
to put the AuthenticationMiddleware first so that request.user was available 
for the RevisionMiddleware to use, and that dragged the SessionMiddleware in 

Any clues anyone?



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Re: django-reversion with recent svn django

2009-06-02 Thread Tim Sawyer

Fixed it.

I was assigning a string to a date field.  Django is ok with this, django-
reversion isn't.


lDate = '%s-%s-%s' % (lYear, lMonth, lDay)
lContestEvent.date_of_event = lDate


lContestEvent.date_of_event = date(int(lYear), int(lMonth), int(lDay))

and all appears fine.


On Tuesday 02 June 2009 22:01:26 Tim Sawyer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using django svn 10784, and I've just added django-reversion, latest
> svn version from trunk (198).  I'm using the middleware option for django-
> reversion.
> It's not working, and I'm getting the following error.  I've tried with the
> same django version and the tagged 1.1.1 release of django-reversion, but I
> get the same problem.
> The error occurs on a save and is:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/servers/basehttp.py",
> line 278, in run
> self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)
>   File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/servers/basehttp.py",
> line 636, in __call__
> return self.application(environ, start_response)
>   File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", line
> 245, in __call__
> response = middleware_method(request, response)
>   File "/home/mybandsite/src/reversion/middleware.py", line 23, in
> process_response
> reversion.revision.end()
>   File "/home/mybandsite/src/reversion/revisions.py", line 263, in end
> serialized_data = serializers.serialize(registration_info.format,
> [obj], fields=registration_info.fields)
>   File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/serializers/__init__.py",
> line 87, in serialize
> s.serialize(queryset, **options)
>   File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/core/serializers/base.py",
> line 44, in serialize
> self.handle_field(obj, field)
>   File "/home/mybandsite/django-
> trunk/django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", line 70, in handle_field
> self.xml.characters(field.value_to_string(obj))
>   File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py",
> line 518, in value_to_string
> data = datetime_safe.new_date(val).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
>   File "/home/mybandsite/django-trunk/django/utils/datetime_safe.py", line
> 30, in new_date
> return date(d.year, d.month, d.day)
> AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'year'
> I think this might be something to do with my MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES which is
> set to:
> 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
> 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
> 'django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware',
> 'reversion.middleware.RevisionMiddleware',
> 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
> 'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware',
> )
> which doesn't match the recommendation from the django-reversion site.  I
> had to put the AuthenticationMiddleware first so that request.user was
> available for the RevisionMiddleware to use, and that dragged the
> SessionMiddleware in too.
> Any clues anyone?
> Thanks,
> Tim.

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Redirects on HTTPS

2009-10-22 Thread Tim Sawyer


I have a django app that works fine using http.  We have a requirement to
serve the entire site using https, which is being done at the proxy level
- so the Apache that my django is running inside (mod_wsgi) doesn't know
about the https.

I have a problem with using HttpResponseRedirect - the redirect is
changing the URL to be http.  Everything else about the URL is right.

How do I fix this, and have the redirect go to https?



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Redirects on HTTPS

2009-10-26 Thread Tim Sawyer

I still can't get this to work (original thread at
 I'm looking to get a HttpResponseRedirect in my django app to redirect to

I've tried:

* proxy server Apache (the one doing the SSL) does:
SetEnv X-Forwarded-Proto=https
* Apache running django/mod_wsgi does this:
SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto https HTTPS=on

I've also tried:
* Hard coding HttpRequest.is_secure() in django to True

I've tried changing my wsgi file to do this:
_application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

def application(environ, start_response):
environ['HTTPS'] = 'on'
return _application(environ, start_response)

but no luck.

With everything I've tried, it still redirects back to HTTP on a

Any clues anyone?



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Re: Django with GXmlHttp

2009-11-25 Thread Tim Sawyer
Not quite sure what you're looking for, but I've used google maps with 
django, without using GeoDjango.


The script used in this page is here:


which is generated using this template:

  function initialize() {
   if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
 var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
{% if Band %}
 map.setCenter(new GLatLng({{Band.latitude}}, 
{{Band.longitude}}), 12);
{% else %}
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(53.800651, -1.454), 8);
{% endif %}
var mgr = new MarkerManager(map);
var lBandMarkers = [];
{% for band in Bands %}
{% if band.latitude %}
{% if band.longitude %}
lPoint{{band.id}} = new GLatLng({{band.latitude}}, 
lMarker{{band.id}} = new GMarker(lPoint{{band.id}}, {title: 
GEvent.addListener(lMarker{{band.id}}, "click", function() {
var myHtml = "{{band.name}}{% if 
%}Rehearsals {{band.rehearsal_nights}}{%endif%}[Contest Results] [Band Website]";
map.openInfoWindowHtml(lPoint{{band.id}}, myHtml);
{% endif %} 
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
mgr.addMarkers(lBandMarkers, 0);

Hope that helps,


504Django wrote:
> Hmm ... the lack of a suggested solution to my question is
> discouraging. The lack of common knowledge in the developer community
> leads me to think that, aside from using the GeoDjango module, Django
> may not be able to elegantly integrate with Google Maps AJAX API. It
> that's truly the case, perhaps I should consider looking at a
> different framework before I invest too much more effort.
> On Nov 23, 10:01 pm, 504Django <504cr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There seems to be a dearth of examples illustrating best practices in
>> deploying Google Maps with Django.
>> Common recommendations are to use GeoDjango.
>> Of course, it doesn't have to be Google Maps. It could be
>> OpenSteetMap, Yahoo Maps, or some other mapping API.
>> Not necessarily related, there are also suggestions to use JQuery to
>> handle AJAX requests.
>> I'm trying to understand how to take the next step -- to make the
>> required GXmlHttp GET requests calling a Django view that returns
>> marker points, while not violating the RESTful nature of Django URLs.
>> What would be the recommendation?
>> To help the discussion along with an example, this might be the
>> implementation of a pure AJAX solution returning XML with a Get
>> request to a PHP page:
>> var request = GXmlHttp.create();
>> request.open('GET','query.php?var1=' + val1 + '&var2=' + val1, true);
>> request.onreadystatechange = function() {
>> if (request.readyState == 4) {
>> if (request.status == 200) {
>> var xmlsource = request.responseXML;
>> var markers = 
>> xmlsource.documentElement.getElementsByTagName
>> ("marker");
>> for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
>> var lat = 
>> parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lat"));
>> var lng = 
>> parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lng"));
>> var latlng = new GLatLng(lat,lng);
> --
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Re: how to import a library in only in django project

2009-11-25 Thread Tim Sawyer
Hi Amit,

It depends how you're running.

If you're using ./manage.py testserver, then change manage.py to add in 
your new path.

If you're using mod-wsgi, then change the site-wsgi.py file:

import os, sys
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'MySite.settings'

import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

Hope that helps,


Amit Sethi wrote:
> Hi ,
> I want to use a library in a django project but I don't want to put it 
> in python path. Where am I supposed to put the sys.append so that it 
> will available to the whole django project.
> -- 
> A-M-I-T S|S
> --
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Feeds from the Tag Framework

2009-12-19 Thread Tim Sawyer
Hi Folks,

The complex example of an Atom feed

is based on a model where it's possible to work out from a single 
element in the feed (in this case a Crime), what the driving object is 
(a Beat).  So there's a many (Crime) to one (Beat) relationship going on.

I'm using the django tags framework on a blog. Each entry has multiple 
tags.  I'd like to create a feed for each tag.

Following this example, I can't figure out what to put in the title 
method - I can get *all* the tags for a given Blog Entry, but not the 
one that the feed is for.

Am I missing something?  Does anyone have an example of this?




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Oracle cursor.execute problem

2010-04-23 Thread Tim Sawyer


This code works fine:

>>> import cx_Oracle
>>> lDsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(lDatabaseHost, int(lDatabasePort), 
>>> lConnectString = "%s/%...@%s" % (lDatabaseUsername, 
lDatabasePassword, lDsn)

>>> lConnection = cx_Oracle.connect(lConnectString)
>>> cursor = lConnection.cursor()
>>> lOutput = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING)
>>> cursor.execute("BEGIN :out := 'N'; END;", {'out' : lOutput})
>>> print lOutput

>>> print lOutput.getvalue()

However, if I change this to get the connection from Django, it all 
falls in a big heap:

>>> from django.db import connection
>>> cursor = connection.cursor()
>>> import cx_Oracle
>>> lOutput = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING)
>>> cursor.execute("BEGIN :out := 'N'; END;", {'out' : lOutput})
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/dev/HEAD/INTERNAL/websites/Wam3\django\db\backends\util.py", 
line 19, in execute

return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
  File "/web/djangocourse\django\db\backends\oracle\base.py", line 435, 
in execute

query = convert_unicode(query % tuple(args), self.charset)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Can anyone point me in the direction of how I can fix this?



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Re: Oracle cursor.execute problem

2010-04-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

Ian wrote:

On Apr 23, 1:59 pm, Tim Sawyer  wrote:


This code works fine:

 >>> import cx_Oracle
 >>> lDsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(lDatabaseHost, int(lDatabasePort),
 >>> lConnectString = "%s/%...@%s" % (lDatabaseUsername,
lDatabasePassword, lDsn)
 >>> lConnection = cx_Oracle.connect(lConnectString)
 >>> cursor = lConnection.cursor()
 >>> lOutput = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING)
 >>> cursor.execute("BEGIN :out := 'N'; END;", {'out' : lOutput})
 >>> print lOutput

 >>> print lOutput.getvalue()

However, if I change this to get the connection from Django, it all
falls in a big heap:

 >>> from django.db import connection
 >>> cursor = connection.cursor()
 >>> import cx_Oracle
 >>> lOutput = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING)
 >>> cursor.execute("BEGIN :out := 'N'; END;", {'out' : lOutput})
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in 
   File "/dev/HEAD/INTERNAL/websites/Wam3\django\db\backends\util.py",
line 19, in execute
 return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
   File "/web/djangocourse\django\db\backends\oracle\base.py", line 435,
in execute
 query = convert_unicode(query % tuple(args), self.charset)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Can anyone point me in the direction of how I can fix this?



Hi Tim,

Django cursors universally use the 'format' dbapi paramstyle rather
than the 'named' style natively used by cx_Oracle [1].  To convert
your query, replace the parameter markers with %s and pass the
parameters as a list rather than a dictionary.

If you instead want to work with the underlying cx_Oracle cursor
directly, you can access that as cursor.cursor.  However, this is not
documented API, so don't expect it to be stable.  I'm also not sure
whether it works at all with the sqlite3 backend.


[1] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/topics/db/sql/#connections-and-cursors

Thanks all, but I'm getting an ORA error now:

>>> import cx_Oracle
>>> from django.db import connection
>>> cursor = connection.cursor()
>>> lOutput = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING)
>>> cursor.execute("BEGIN %s := 'N'; END;", [lOutput])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/home/...snip.../django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", line 349, 
in execute

raise e
DatabaseError: ORA-06550: line 1, column 23:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of 
the following:

The symbol ";" was substituted for "end-of-file" to continue.

Clues anyone?



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Re: Oracle cursor.execute problem

2010-04-27 Thread Tim Sawyer

Ian wrote:

On Apr 25, 11:13 am, Tim Sawyer  wrote:

 >>> import cx_Oracle
 >>> from django.db import connection
 >>> cursor = connection.cursor()
 >>> lOutput = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING)
 >>> cursor.execute("BEGIN %s := 'N'; END;", [lOutput])
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in 
   File "/home/...snip.../django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", line 349,
in execute
 raise e
DatabaseError: ORA-06550: line 1, column 23:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of
the following:
The symbol ";" was substituted for "end-of-file" to continue.

The trailing semicolon is automatically stripped by the backend, which
is necessary for most of the queries it runs but incorrect for PL/
SQL.  The easiest fix is to add a space or a second semicolon at the
end.  Or you can do what Django does internally, which is to terminate
the PL/SQL block with a forward-slash on its own line after the
semicolon, as if the block were to be entered into sqlplus.  In that
case the forward-slash will be stripped, but the semicolon will be
left alone.


Hmm, nearly.  That gets around the error, but the return value isn't 

>>> import cx_Oracle
>>> from django.db import connection
>>> cursor = connection.cursor()
>>> lOutput = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING)
>>> cursor.execute("BEGIN %s := 'N'; END; ", [lOutput])
>>> print lOutput

>>> print lOutput.getvalue()

Any more clues, or am I just going to have to stick with creating a 
specific Oracle connection to do this?



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Re: Oracle cursor.execute problem

2010-04-29 Thread Tim Sawyer

Excellent, I'll give trunk a go.  Thanks Ian.


Ian wrote:

On Apr 27, 2:36 pm, Tim Sawyer  wrote:

Hmm, nearly.  That gets around the error, but the return value isn't

 >>> import cx_Oracle
 >>> from django.db import connection
 >>> cursor = connection.cursor()
 >>> lOutput = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING)
 >>> cursor.execute("BEGIN %s := 'N'; END; ", [lOutput])
 >>> print lOutput

 >>> print lOutput.getvalue()

Any more clues, or am I just going to have to stick with creating a
specific Oracle connection to do this?

That would be a bug.  I've just checked in a fix, which will be
included in Django 1.2 and the next 1.1.X release.  If you're not
willing to use trunk or wait for the release, my recommendation would
be to use cursor.callfunc if possible.  Otherwise, you can get the
cx_Oracle cursor from cursor.cursor and use that directly.


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subprocess.Popen breaks dev server

2010-06-18 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

I have code that does this:

lCommand = ["hg","history", "-r", "%s:%s" % (pFrom, pTo)]
lProcess = subprocess.Popen(lCommand, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, 

in a view.  When using the dev server, I'm quite often getting a blank 
page instead of my HTML, and for each page request the server outputs:

Django version 1.2.1, using settings 'dewsbury.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

This is happening on every request.  If I comment out the code that does 
the Popen, it works fine.

The Popen command is completing fine, I can print out the output on each 
request, it's just that the dev server is returning a blank page back to 
the browser.  This is on the 1.2.1 release.

I've had a wander around the bugs related to this and the ones I could 
find seems to be closed as duplicate, or closed worksforme.


Clues/pointers appreciated!



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Re: No module named site - error deploying a django-jython war in tomcat

2010-07-16 Thread Tim Sawyer
I got around this problem by downgrading from jython 2.5.2beta1 to 
jython 2.5.1.

Hope that helps!


On 15/07/10 22:47, Jose Flores wrote:

Hi guys,
Any workaround on this issue?


On Jul 8, 2:43 pm, Rafael Nunes  wrote:

Same problem here.

Any thoughts?

On Jun 29, 10:50 am, tobycatlin  wrote:

Hello everybody,

I have followed the install instructions for the latest versions of
the following: jython (version: jython-2.5.2b1), django (1.2.1) and
jython-django (version 1.1.1) and have built a war of my very simple
test application.

Oh i built the war on my linux box and have tested in tomcat on both
windows and linux machines. When i went to the url i got a 500

javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception creating modjy servlet:
ImportError: No module named site




org.apache.tomcat.util.net.PoolTcpEndpoint.processSocket(PoolTcpEndpoint.ja va:


I have managed to find a fair amount of documentation on building the
war but all the docs say "just deploy the war normally" so i guess i
have missed something in building the war itself. I set a JYTHONPATH
env var, is there anything else i should have done?

I can supply the war file, but it is 30mb so if it helps i'll post a
link to it for folk to download

Thanks for any and all help


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Re: URL problem

2010-07-19 Thread Tim Sawyer
I think the problem is your regular expression:


This says
- four digits for a year (2010 - ok)
- slash
- three letters from a-z for month (jul - ok)
- slash
- one or two letters for day (11 - not ok, this should be \d{1,2})
- slash
- slug, made up of one or more letters (1ste-blog-post - not ok, there are
hypens and numbers.  this should be [-\d\w]+
- slash

So, try this:


Hope that helps,


> Hi,
> i have a strange problem with urls.
> Project name:  erp
> Application name: blog (and some more)
> problem occurs with certain view of blog-application
> This URL works fine:
> http://erp/blog/
> When I use the URL below, I get an 404-error.
> http://erp/blog/2010/jul/11/1ste-blog-post/
> -8<
> Page not found (404)
> Request Method: GET
> Request URL:http://erp/blog/2010/jul/11/1ste-blog-post/
> Using the URLconf defined in erp.urls, Django tried these URL patterns,
> in this order:
> 1. ^admin/
> 2. ^blog/ ^$
> 3. ^blog/
> ^(?P\d{4})/(?P[a-z]{3})/(?P\w{1,2})/(?P\w+)/$
> 4. ^blog/ ^(?P\d{4})/(?P[a-z]{3})/(?P\w{1,2})/$
> 5. ^blog/ ^(?P\d{4})/(?P[a-z]{3})/$
> 6. ^blog/ ^(?P\d{4})/$
> 7. ^card/
> 8. ^dashboard/
> 9. ^todo/
>10. ^comments/
>11. ^accounts/login/$
>12. ^accounts/logout/$
>13. ^accounts/password_change/$
>14. ^accounts/password_change_done/$
> The current URL, blog/2010/jul/11/1ste-blog-post/, didn't match any of
> these.
> -8<
> Project urls.py:
> -8<
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import include, patterns, url
> from django.contrib import admin
> admin.autodiscover()
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>  (r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
>  (r'^blog/', include('erp.blog.urls')),
>  (r'^card/', include('erp.card.urls')),
>  (r'^dashboard/', include('erp.dashboard.urls')),
>  (r'^todo/', include('erp.todo.urls')),
>  (r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')),
>  (r'^accounts/login/$',
>  'django.contrib.auth.views.login',
>  {'template_name': 'login.html'}
>  ),
>  (r'^accounts/logout/$',
>  'django.contrib.auth.views.logout',
>  {'template_name': 'logout.html'}
>  ),
>  (r'^accounts/password_change/$',
>  'django.contrib.auth.views.password_change',
>  {'template_name': 'password_change_form.html'}
>  ),
>  (r'^accounts/password_change_done/$',
>  'django.contrib.auth.views.password_change_done',
>  {'template_name': 'password_change_done.html'}
>  ),
> )
> -8<
> blog/urls.py:
> -8<
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns
> from models import Post
> info_dict = {
>  'date_field':   'pub_date',
>  'queryset': Post.objects.all(),
>  'template_name':   'blog_index.html',
>  'template_object_name':   'posts',
> }
> urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic.date_based',
>  (r'^$',
>  'archive_index',
>  info_dict
>  ),
> (r'^(?P\d{4})/(?P[a-z]{3})/(?P\w{1,2})/(?P\w+)/$',
>  'object_detail',
>  dict(info_dict, slug_field='slug',
> template_name='blog_post.html')
>  ),
>  (r'^(?P\d{4})/(?P[a-z]{3})/(?P\w{1,2})/$',
>  'archive_day',
>  info_dict
>  ),
>  (r'^(?P\d{4})/(?P[a-z]{3})/$',
>  'archive_month',
>  info_dict
>  ),
>  (r'^(?P\d{4})/$',
>  'archive_year',
>  dict(info_dict, template_name='blog_year.html')
>  ),
> )
> -8<
> What can be wrong?
> Regards,
> Stephan
> --
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> "Django users" group.
> To post to this group, send email to django-us...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: Search Field on All Pages

2010-08-08 Thread Tim Sawyer
What I do is to setup a search that works at /search/q=search_term, and 
then create a form on each page that submits to /search.


This form is in my top level site template.  The /search/ url is part of 
a search application.

There's an example of this working at http://www.brassbandresults.co.uk/

Hope that helps,


On 08/08/10 10:41, wchildsuk wrote:


I want a search field on all my pages and was wondering the best way
to do this. I could create a function and import it to every view but
this doesn't seem to follow the django DRY principles.

I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to best do this with

Thank in advance


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Re: Search Field on All Pages

2010-08-08 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 08/08/10 14:48, kostia wrote:

To continue, Tim, do you use haystack? I passed its beginning tutorial
and configured with xapian through haystack-xapian module. Now I'm
discovering the other haystack docs and api. Not everything is clear.
For example I have a user with name Bob. When I type in the search
"ob", it does not return the result, only if I type "Bob", or "bob".

Not on http://www.brassbandresults.co.uk/.  The search field there 
searches just the name field of various model objects so it's easier to 
just do model selects.

Here's an article I wrote after using Haystack and Whoosh to improve the 
search on http://www.drumcoder.co.uk/, if that helps.



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Re: accessing a dictionary in template

2010-08-09 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 09/08/10 19:56, owidjaya wrote:

in php i can do this

$some_mapping = array( "var1" : content_var1,
  "var2" : content_var2,
for($i =1; $i<  3; $i++){
echo $some_mapping["var"+$i];

can i do this in django template?

You can do this, where Venue.contests.items is a dictionary. 
contestname contains the keys, eventcount contains the values.

{% for contestname, eventcount in Venue.contests.items %}


{% endfor %}

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Re: javascript

2010-08-13 Thread Tim Sawyer

myJavaScriptFunction( {{DjangoTemplateVariable}} );

function myJavaScriptFunction( pValue ) {


> Hi
> Is it possible to give a javascript function a django variable as a
> parameter?
> thank you
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Re: Bind variables in Oracle backend - how to use them?

2010-08-18 Thread Tim Sawyer


I'm in need of an implementation which calls for using bind variables (in
Oracle sense, not generic) in my SQL in a Django application.

Any experience with that, anyone?

Here's an example using bind variables to return output values from a 
PL/SQL block.

 >>> import cx_Oracle
 >>> from django.db import connection
 >>> cursor = connection.cursor()
 >>> lOutput = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING)
 >>> cursor.execute("BEGIN %s := 'N'; END; ", [lOutput])
 >>> print lOutput
 >>> print lOutput.getvalue()

There was a bug in Django that prevented this working (hence the None in 
the code above) - it's fixed in Django 1.2. The full thread for this is 
at http://www.mail-archive.com/django-users@googlegroups.com/msg100490.html

Hope that will help send you in the right direction.


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Re: Bind variables in Oracle backend - how to use them?

2010-08-19 Thread Tim Sawyer

No, I don't think you're mistaken, especially if you want to use hints.

I tried this code again today with the django database connection (using 
1.2 final), and it didn't work.  This only works with cx_Oracle connections.


Ian said in the other thread: "Otherwise, you can get the
cx_Oracle cursor from cursor.cursor and use that directly."  This sounds 
like a way of being able to use the django connection but use the direct 
cx_Oracle functionality.

Random thought - have you tried sqlalchemy?  Does that have hint 
support?  I've never used it.


On 18/08/10 21:58, buddhasystem wrote:

Thanks, I'll look into that. In the meantime, I managed to just use the
cursor from cx_Oracle (as in the example on Oracle site) and the code looks
slightly more elegant.

However, both "my" and yours solution suffer from the same defect imho --
that the ORM machinery of Django is unusable. We are back to manual mapping
of rows onto objects... Or -- am I mistaken?

Tim Sawyer-6 wrote:


I'm in need of an implementation which calls for using bind variables (in
Oracle sense, not generic) in my SQL in a Django application.

Any experience with that, anyone?

Here's an example using bind variables to return output values from a
PL/SQL block.

   >>>  import cx_Oracle
   >>>  from django.db import connection
   >>>  cursor = connection.cursor()
   >>>  lOutput = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING)
   >>>  cursor.execute("BEGIN %s := 'N'; END; ", [lOutput])
   >>>  print lOutput
   >>>  print lOutput.getvalue()

There was a bug in Django that prevented this working (hence the None in
the code above) - it's fixed in Django 1.2. The full thread for this is

Hope that will help send you in the right direction.


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Re: Bind variables in Oracle backend - how to use them?

2010-08-20 Thread Tim Sawyer
Excellent, thanks Ian.  It works a treat, post updated.


> On Aug 19, 11:58 am, Tim Sawyer  wrote:
>> No, I don't think you're mistaken, especially if you want to use hints.
>> I tried this code again today with the django database connection (using
>> 1.2 final), and it didn't work.  This only works with cx_Oracle
>> connections.
>> Seehttp://drumcoder.co.uk/blog/2010/apr/23/output-parameters-cx_oracle-a...
> There are several reasons why that snippet doesn't work:
> 1) Django cursors don't support passing in the bind parameters in a
> dictionary.  A sequence type is expected.
> 2) Django cursors use the '%s' syntax for placeholders, not the ':out'
> syntax.
> 3) The oracle backend automatically trims a trailing semi-colon from
> all queries, because its presence causes ordinary queries to fail.  To
> prevent it from being trimmed, add some whitespace after the semi-
> colon, or add a trailing '/' as in sqlplus if you prefer.
> Correcting these three issues, the snippet works as expected in 1.2.
> On Aug 19, 12:14 pm, buddhasystem  wrote:
>> I'm 90% sure that you can't get the cx cursor out of Django connection.
>> These are similar but different classes. I tried something like that.
> It works like this:
> from django.db import connection
> django_cursor = connection.cursor()
> cx_cursor = django_cursor.cursor
> This is internal API, so it could change in the future.
> On Aug 18, 2:58 pm, buddhasystem  wrote:
>> However, both "my" and yours solution suffer from the same defect imho
>> --
>> that the ORM machinery of Django is unusable. We are back to manual
>> mapping
>> of rows onto objects... Or -- am I mistaken?
> The raw query mechanism will do the ORM mapping as long as you match
> up the column names correctly when writing the query.  The problem
> with that is that you can't use cursor.var() directly, because you
> don't have direct access to the particular cursor used to run the
> query.
> There is some more internal API that may help with this.  You can pass
> in as a bind parameter an object that has a "bind_parameter" method
> with the signature "def bind_parameter(self, cursor)".  When the
> statement is executed, the cursor will call that method, which is
> expected to return the actual bind variable, and substitute the bind
> variable for the object.
> For an example, have a look at the "InsertIdVar" class in django/db/
> backends/oracle/base.py, which is used within the "RETURNING INTO"
> clause of an insert statement to receive the primary key of the
> inserted object.
> Hope this helps,
> Ian
> --
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Re: command python not recognized with syncdb

2010-08-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

Add your python directory to your PATH

Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables

You'll need to restart your DOS box to pick up the new PATH.  Type SET 
in the DOS box to see the values.


On 25/08/10 09:21, yotta wrote:

i am new on Djagon and i was fellowing the tutorial (part1); but i had
some trouble to execute this command "python manage.py syncdb" and i
got error message like what the command python is not recognized as an
internal command.
the 'mysite' directory is inside the django-121 directory and my
python directory is in C:\.
i am using windows XP.

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Re: writing HTML Code into Template with render_to_response: How?

2010-08-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/08/10 13:36, mdolphin wrote:

OK, that's probably a Newbee Question:

My Code generates an HTML-Table, that I want to show up inside a {%
block %} in my Template. All I get is an encoded output of my
generated HTML-Sourcecode inside the Template. so i.e  becomes
 and so on. How could I achieve it to get my generated HTML-
Code inserted "as is" into my Template?

Instead of {{output}} use {{output|safe}}



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2010-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/09/10 15:57, craphunter wrote:

Yes, I have read it, but I don't really get it. What is the meaning of

Consider a website that has multiple blogs, all of which are deployed to 
the same database.

Consider that you want each blog to be a separate URL: www.blog1.com, 
www.blog2.com, but you only want one database for ease of backing up etc.

So, you have one codebase, one database, but multiple sites.

You can achieve this using SITE_ID.  www.blog1.com has a settings.py 
with SITE_ID = 1.  www.blog2.com has a settings.py file with SITE_ID = 
2.  In your database, there are two rows in the django_site database 
table, with serials 1 and 2.  The table that holds the blog entries has 
a foreign key to Site, and so identifies which site the blog post 
appears on.

At least that's how I used it...hope that helps clarify it a bit!


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Re: Django on Apache

2010-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/09/10 16:07, Derek wrote:

I am about a week into learning Django, having developed with PHP and
the CodeIgniter framework for the past 3 years.  That said, I'm used
to making a change to a file, refreshing my browser and seeing the

Django's "syncdb" aside, it's been pretty weird having to restart the
Django webserver manually on certain occasions.  Is this also the case
when running Django on Apache?  If not, can I set up Django to run
with MAMP locally?

If you're developing, you can use the built in test server and that will 
pick up changes without refreshing.

If you're deploying on apache using mod_wsgi, you can set that up to 
automatically pick up your changes when the code updates.

Details at:

Hope that helps,


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Re: Django on Apache

2010-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/09/10 19:36, Derek wrote:

on several occasions I've made changes to a view, and got a "cannot load
page/no response" (from the browser, not a Django error).  Once I quit
the server (Control-C), start it up again and refresh the page, it
works fine.

I get that sometimes too - I think it's just reloading the server as it 
has noticed a code change.  Refresh again in the browser and it's 
usually working again.

I find that if you're developing a template tag it's sometimes required 
to restart the server to pick up the new code.

What I tend to do is try not to restart, and if something isn't working 
I'll restart the test server as my first test.  If it still doesn't work 
then it's more than likely my fault rather than the server's...


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Re: error in urlconf

2010-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/09/10 20:39, CarloRatm wrote:


What's wrong with that code ?

Thank you,

^blog/ ^(?Pd+)$

should be

^blog/ ^(?P\d+)/$



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Re: error in urlconf

2010-09-25 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 25/09/10 21:14, bagheera wrote:

Dnia 25-09-2010 o 22:04:16 Tim Sawyer 

On 25/09/10 20:39, CarloRatm wrote:


What's wrong with that code ?

Thank you,

^blog/ ^(?Pd+)$

should be

^blog/ ^(?P\d+)/$



use raw definitions like django docs says.
And why do u put ^ witch means beginning of the string in the middle?
That i think would be correct:


I wasn't clear.  I was correcting the error message, given that the 
provided pastebin link didn't include any of the source, but only the 
404 text.

The error appears to be from two levels of urls.py.

The first something like:

(r'^blog/', include('application.urls')),

And the second, inside the application/urls.py file, is something like:

(r'^(?Pd+)', 'applications.views.view_function'),

This second one is wrong, I believe it should be:

(r'^(?P\d+)/', 'applications.views.view_function'),

I hope that is clearer,


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2010-09-27 Thread Tim Sawyer
> On 25/09/2010 18:32, Tim Sawyer wrote:
>> On 25/09/10 15:57, craphunter wrote:
>>> Yes, I have read it, but I don't really get it. What is the meaning of
>>> it?
>> Consider a website that has multiple blogs, all of which are deployed to
>> the same database.
>> Consider that you want each blog to be a separate URL: www.blog1.com,
>> www.blog2.com, but you only want one database for ease of backing up
>> etc.
>> So, you have one codebase, one database, but multiple sites.
>> You can achieve this using SITE_ID.  www.blog1.com has a settings.py
>> with SITE_ID = 1.  www.blog2.com has a settings.py file with SITE_ID =
>> 2.  In your database, there are two rows in the django_site database
>> table, with serials 1 and 2.  The table that holds the blog entries has
>> a foreign key to Site, and so identifies which site the blog post
>> appears on.
>> At least that's how I used it...hope that helps clarify it a bit!
>> Tim.
> Hey Tim,
> the way you used it would mean that you had different settings.py per
> site/url and thus
> a project per url as 1 project can only have 1 settings file? Is this
> correct?
> Have do you config the admin then so you see both sites in the same admin?

Hi Benedict,

Yes that's correct.  Each settings.py is a separate virtual host in
Apache.  The rest of the source was common (on the pythonpath).  So the
pythonpath was the same for each virtual host but there was a uniquely
named settings.py refered to from the mod-wsgi config.

These were distinct sites for distinct customers, so each site had its own
admin, limited to that site's data.

Here's the mechansim I used to limit the admin to that site's objects.  I
think if you don't do any of this, each admin will have all the data
available in it, if that's what you want.

Each model had an additional manager:

from django.contrib.sites.managers import CurrentSiteManager

class Contest(models.Model):
objects = models.Manager()
on_site = CurrentSiteManager()

and in the admin.py I redefined the queryset:

class ContestAdmin(SiteOnlyAdmin):
def queryset(self, request):
return self.limitQueryset(request, Contest)

admin.site.register(Contest, ContestAdmin)

where limitQueryset is defined on the superclass as:

def limitQueryset(self, request, pObject):
return pObject.on_site.all()

Hope that helps,


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Re: Removing the 'site' (not the website/url) field from django-comments

2010-09-28 Thread Tim Sawyer
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to have comments on my sites shown on all other sites, as I
> have a 'mobile' skin for my site on a separate domain and site_id.
> So for example:
> Joe posts a comment on http://www.site1.mydomain.com
> Mary goes to http://www.mobilesite.mydomain.com and can see and
> respond to Joe's comment.
> I'm not highly experienced in Django or programming in general, it
> looks like I will need to override some functions and classes such as
> BaseCommentNode and some template tags, and remove 'site__pk =  but
> I'm not sure which ones or how to do it.

When I did something similar, I had the same SITE_ID for the two projects.
 The two sites still had their own settings.py and application source. 
The key things that were different in settings.py were that ROOT_URLCONF
pointed to different URLs, and TEMPLATE_DIRS pointed to different top
level templates.  In that way I have different sites, but still referring
to the same database tables, and crucially the same SITE_ID, so you
wouldn't have the problem with django-comments.

Would that work for you?


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Re: Adding help text to Django admin

2010-10-04 Thread Tim Sawyer

Set help_text on the appropriate model field

name = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text='Current name of band')


On 04/10/10 09:46, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:

Greetings folks,

I need to add "help text" to a Django admin. Sort of like the text below
fields in the Django Redirects app. to provide a snippet of information
about each field.

How can I achieve this?

Sithembewena Lloyd Dube

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Re: apache reload

2010-10-04 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Oct 3, 5:39 pm, Олег Корсак

Hello. I'm using mod_wsgi 3.3 + apache 2.2.16 on Gentoo Linux box.
Is it possible to make apache kinda "reload"/"re-read"/"re-compile"
python files from my django code every time they are changed?


You get get mod_wsgi to watch your source files and reload if they change.

See http://drumcoder.co.uk/blog/2009/nov/21/apache-mod_wsgi-config/


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Re: django graphs

2010-10-06 Thread Tim Sawyer
I've used




To do charts in a Django app.


> ashy wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I want to create line graph in django. I have installed django graphs,
>> but there aren't sufficient examples for line graphs in the examples
>> folder.  Any ideas how should I go ahead for graphs in django?
>> thanks
>> ashwin
> --
> Thomas Guettler, http://www.thomas-guettler.de/
> E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de
> --
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Re: Django and Flux

2010-10-18 Thread Tim Sawyer
> You cant combine Django and Flex Builder - but you can write apps using
> Django and Flex.

With Flex 3 (and maybe 4, I don't know) you could install it as an Eclipse
Plugin, instead of standalone.  You could then install pydev into Eclipse
as well, and edit both sides of the app in the same Eclipse instance.

Having said that, we use Flex standard install for Flex development, and a
seperate Eclipse isntance for the back ends (Java/Python/Whatever).  It's
more stable that way.


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Postgres LATIN1 to UTF-8

2010-11-07 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

Does anyone have a recommended method for converting a Postgres database 
from LATIN1 to UTF-8?  Am I best sticking to postgres tools or will 
dumpdata help?

I already have accents in my LATIN1 data, and postgres doesn't like 
importing these back into a database with encoding utf8.  For this I 
used pg_dump to create a sql file, then just ran it from an empty utf8 



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Re: Postgres LATIN1 to UTF-8

2010-11-12 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 08/11/10 07:03, Christophe Pettus wrote:

On Nov 7, 2010, at 2:17 PM, Tim Sawyer wrote:

Does anyone have a recommended method for converting a Postgres database from 
LATIN1 to UTF-8?

Probably the most efficient way is to use pg_dump with the --encoding option: 
Dump the database in UTF8, and then import it back into a new database created 
as UTF8.

Thanks, that appears to do what I need!


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Re: Mobile website using Django

2010-11-18 Thread Tim Sawyer

If it helps, I've used iui and now jquery mobile with Django.


Some random scribblings of mine on jQueryMobile here:



On 18/11/10 20:51, Helge wrote:


I wish to develop a website that is optimized for mobile using Django.
Is there any "standard" mobile framework for Django?

I've found a couple of Django projects [1] [2] [3] [4] that provide
functionality needed for mobile development (like device detection,
browser detection, WURFL). Does anyone have experiences with these
projects. Which would you recommend?

[1] code.google.com/p/django-bloom/
[2] code.google.com/p/djangobile
[3] http://sourceforge.net/projects/mobiledjango/
[4] https://github.com/gregmuellegger/django-mobile

Best regards,

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2010-12-02 Thread Tim Sawyer


I'm using Django against an Oracle 10 database.  It used to work.  Then 
they upgraded it to (not sure what from, I can probably find out).

This query now gives: ORA-01425: escape character must be character 
string of length 1.



I guess the problem is:


where it thinks that \'\\\' is more than one character?

Cheers for any clues,


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Re: ORA-01425

2010-12-02 Thread Tim Sawyer

Interesting.  I'm using Django 1.2.3.

I just manually applied the diff from


which is to change from LIKE to LIKEC and it works now.  Has this 
regressed for some reason?

Looks like it was 
that regressed back to LIKE.  http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11017 
the reason.


On 02/12/10 15:13, Tim Sawyer wrote:


I'm using Django against an Oracle 10 database. It used to work. Then
they upgraded it to (not sure what from, I can probably find out).

This query now gives: ORA-01425: escape character must be character
string of length 1.


I guess the problem is:


where it thinks that \'\\\' is more than one character?

Cheers for any clues,


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Re: ORA-01425

2010-12-02 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 02/12/10 15:40, Jirka Vejrazka wrote:

I'm using Django against an Oracle 10 database.  It used to work.  Then they
upgraded it to (not sure what from, I can probably find out).

Hi Tim,

   sorry, I don't have a solution for you, but you might want to check
out http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/14149 and add description of
your environment there so there is more "use cases" listed there.

   Actually, I do have a solution - I do monkeypatch the Oracle backend
so it matches my version of Oracle (i.e. 2 or 4 backslashes).



P.S. This got me thinking - maybe the Oracle backend could do some
"autodetection" of which version works fine in the current
environment? Yes, it'd be extra query at startup I guess, but don't
really see any other way...

Thanks for that.

Interesting that I'm seeing this in an upgrade from to

Instead of changing from LIKE to LIKEC - if I add more backslashes will 
that work?



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Re: ORA-01425

2010-12-02 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 02/12/10 19:14, Jirka Vejrazka wrote:

It looks as though something like that may be necessary.  For those of
you running into this problem, do you get the error with the following


No error for me, but that's on a monkeypatched system. I can try
without the patch, but only after weekend :(

In [7]: res = c.execute(r"SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE TRANSLATE('A' USING

In [8]: list(res)
Out[8]: [(u'1',)]


I unpatched mine (changed LIKEC to LIKE) and then ran:

>>> from django.db import connection
>>> cursor = connection.cursor()
>>> result = cursor.execute(r"SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE TRANSLATE('A' 

>>> rows = cursor.fetchall()
>>> for row in rows:
> ...   print row[0]
> ...
> 1
>>> print rows
> ((1,),)


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Initial Create Table Script

2010-12-03 Thread Tim Sawyer
Is there a way to generate a sql script that gets the entire table 
structure required for a django project?  Including contrib.auth etc.

./manage.py sql django.contrib.auth is giving me:

Error: App with label django.contrib.auth could not be found. Are you 
sure your INSTALLED_APPS setting is correct?


I don't have direct access to the database that I'm running against on a 
customer site - therefore I need a script to create the database.



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Re: Initial Create Table Script

2010-12-03 Thread Tim Sawyer

Excellent, thanks.

I needed to run

./manage.py sql auth
./manage.py sql sites
./manage.py sql sessions
./manage.py sql admin
./manage.py sql contenttypes

to get what I needed.



On 03/12/10 12:45, Anurag Chourasia wrote:

Yes there is.

You need to use

*./manage.py sql auth*

instead of

*./manage.py sql django.contrib.auth*


On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Tim Sawyer mailto:list.dja...@calidris.co.uk>> wrote:

Is there a way to generate a sql script that gets the entire table
structure required for a django project?  Including contrib.auth etc.

./manage.py sql django.contrib.auth is giving me:

Error: App with label django.contrib.auth could not be found. Are
you sure your INSTALLED_APPS setting is correct?


I don't have direct access to the database that I'm running against
on a customer site - therefore I need a script to create the database.



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Re: ORA-01425

2010-12-03 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 03/12/10 12:52, Jani Tiainen wrote:

On Thursday 02 December 2010 17:13:48 Tim Sawyer wrote:


I'm using Django against an Oracle 10 database.  It used to work.  Then
they upgraded it to (not sure what from, I can probably find out).

This query now gives: ORA-01425: escape character must be character
string of length 1.


I guess the problem is:


where it thinks that \'\\\' is more than one character?

Cheers for any clues,

I'm running against (64 bit) and I don't see that problem appear.
Same appliest to other 10.2.0.x series, all of them work with that LIKE part.

Reason just was that LIKEC queries took ages in my modest 21M rows containing
address table.

Could that be some artifacts from upgrade migration progress - I know it has
happened sometimes.

Can you also post you charsets you're using, maybe they're causing some
oddities here - with Oracle you never know .


We're on Solaris Sparc, 64-bit.  Charset is WE8MSWIN1252


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Re: ORA-01425

2010-12-04 Thread Tim Sawyer

On 03/12/10 17:29, Ian wrote:

On Dec 2, 3:17 pm, Tim Sawyer  wrote:

I unpatched mine (changed LIKEC to LIKE) and then ran:

  >>>  from django.db import connection
  >>>  cursor = connection.cursor()
  >>>  result = cursor.execute(r"SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE TRANSLATE('A'
  >>>  rows = cursor.fetchall()
  >>>  for row in rows:
  >  ...   print row[0]
  >  ...
  >  1
  >>>  print rows
  >  ((1,),)

Nuts.  What if you remove the first TRANSLATE call, i.e.


If that also doesn't trigger the error, then maybe we need an actual
column in the mix.  Please try this also:



Oracle is very weird sometimes.

>>> from django.db import connection
>>>  cursor = connection.cursor()
>>>  result = cursor.execute(r"SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE 'A'
>>>  rows = cursor.fetchall()
>>>  for row in rows:
...print row[0]
>>>  print rows

>>>  result = cursor.execute(r"SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE DUMMY
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 1, in
"/dev/HEAD/BESPOKE/app/websites/app\django\db\backends\util.py", line 
15, in execute

 return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
line 507, in execute

 return self.cursor.execute(query, self._param_generator(params))
DatabaseError: ORA-01425: escape character must be character string of 
length 1


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Re: Apache & mod_wsgi are configured correctly. Need Django to recognize my django.wsgi file.

2010-12-11 Thread Tim Sawyer

Here's the config I'm using for mod_wsgi:


Hope that helps,


On 11/12/10 23:35, jc wrote:

You definitely lost me in some places but you've also cleared some
things up in the process. I also noticed that I had "", which is lacking a directory for the
WSGIScriptAlias. I've fixed that now. *Now*, I no longer get my
listing of my files in my project when I go to my address *but* I now
get 500 Internal Server Error. I'm not sure if I should trust the logs
or maybe I've misconfigured something else (either in Apache or in my
django.wsgi file)...I had this same issue yesterday 500 error...

Also, when you said "Somewhere in your Apache config you have denied
access to the entire filesystem", do  you mean *Apache* has done this
so that it will keep others out of my project (not that I've actually
done this somewhere, right?)

After these changes, the project is still not running and I'm still
not sure if it's my django app that's the issue or wsgi and my Apache
configs. :/

thanks for the reply back, I do appreciate it...


On Dec 11, 5:29 pm, Mike Dewhirst  wrote:

On 12/12/2010 7:14am, jc wrote:

Apache&mod_wsgi are configured correctly (I've created a hello
world .html apache file and a hello world mod_wsgi application with
problems). I know need my Django app to recognize my django.wsgi
What makes me think that it's not recognizing my wsgi file is that I
went into my django.wsgi file I created and completely deleted all of
the code in the file and restarted Apache and it still gives me the
same page (a listing of the files from Django app, not my actual
Django application. Configuring Apache and mod_wsgi went really well
but I'm at a loss of how to fix this. Here are some details instead of
not working":

You are correct. Apache is not looking at the wsgi script. Have a look
at the suggestions below ... before playing with django.wsgi.

Here is my current django.wsgi file:

import os
import sys
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/srv/www/duckling.org/
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings'
import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

I've tried a few different versions of the django.wsgi file
a version like the one over athttp://www.djangoproject.com/).
This version of my wsgi is from here:

Also, here is my vhost apache configuration file below. I think these
the main files that are suppose to do the job for me. Let me know if
you see any errors in what I'm doing and what else I might do to fix
this. The django app runs fine on the django's built-in development
server so I'm thinking it *might have* something with my paths.
No errors in my apache error.log file as well. It's acting as there's
no problem at all, which is not the case...the project isn't loading,
like I said just a listing of my files and directories of my Django
project. Here is my apache config file:

  ServerAdmin h...@duckling.org
  ServerName duckling.org

  DocumentRoot /srv/www/duckling.org/store/

# DocumentRoot is where you keep non-django stuff eg., static files
# which is served by Apache without needing your Django code
DocumentRoot /srv/www/duckling.org/htdocs/

  Order Allow,Deny
  Allow from all

# now let the public access anything here
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

  WSGIScriptAlias /django /srv/www/duckling.org/store/wsgi-scripts/
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

Somewhere in your Apache config you have denied access to the entire
filesystem to prevent outsiders from hacking in. Your Django code must
also be hidden from outsiders so it will live safely in
/srv/www/duckling.org/store because you haven't allowed anyone except
Apache to see it.

Now you need to provide an allowed conduit to your Django code. So make
an Apache script alias to map the website root (ie '/') to your Django
code. Because you are using mod_wsgi the entry point is your django.wsgi
script. So map / to the script:
   WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/www/duckling.org/store/wsgi-scripts/django.wsgi

# and give the public full access - but only to the entry point
Order deny,allow
Allow from all


And here are versions of the stack that I'm using, I saw over at the
mod_wsgi site that you all would like the versions of what I'm using
on the server:
Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.3.2-1ubuntu4.5 with Suhosin-Patch
mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.6.5 mod_wsgi/2.8

I would remove mod_python if possible


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Optimistic Locking

2008-01-24 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

I'm just evaluating django for use on a project.  I have a multiuser 
application where many users can be changing data at once.

What's the status of hibernate style optimistic locking, where each object has 
a version and update/deletes are prevented if the last saved version of that 
object is newer than the one being saved?



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Newbie Question

2008-01-29 Thread Tim Sawyer

My model includes:

surname = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
forenames = models.CharField(maxlength=50)  

def __str__(self):
return self.name

def name(self):
return self.forenames + ' ' + self.surname

Referencing name in a template works fine, but in the admin site I get 

   __str__ returned non-string (type instancemethod)

when displaying a list of my object.

why is this?



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Re: Newbie Question

2008-01-29 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Tuesday 29 Jan 2008, Tim Chase wrote:
> your __str__ returns a function...you omitted the call to that
> function:
>   def __str__(self):
> return self.name()

Ah - knew it would be obvious.  Thanks.  Simple typo on my part, I've just 
split the name field in two, so it used to be a property.

On Tuesday 29 Jan 2008, Krzysztof Ciesielski wrote:
> No problem, but better read Dive into python first :D

I read the O'Reilly python book ages ago...am rusty!  

I'm a java developer really, experimenting with something better.  Er, I'll 
get my coat...


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Re: Newbie Question

2008-01-30 Thread Tim Sawyer

Thanks everyone, I've been reading my Python In a Nutshell ("covers python 
2.2!") and it's reminded me of what I've forgotten!

Any suggestions for good books?  Was going to get the django book and the 
O'Reilly Python Cookbook.

On Tuesday 29 Jan 2008, Ivan Illarionov wrote:
> or, better:
>def name(self):
> return '%s %s' % (self.forenames, self.surname)

why is this "better"?  Performance or just clearer code?



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Re: Optimistic Locking

2008-02-04 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Sunday 03 Feb 2008, code_berzerker wrote:
> How about rewriting save method complately and make additional
> condition in WHERE clausule like this:
> UPDATE ... WHERE id=666 AND mtime=object_mtime
> Checking number of updated rows would give you information about
> success and would guarantee that there is no data manipulation between
> mtime check and save.

If you're going to do that, then couldn't we change the framework to add a new 
VersionField.  If there is a VersionField defined on the object, then the 
code on save could automatically be added.  This VersionField would simply 
hold a version number for the record, that is incremented at save.  This is a 
similar idea to the date thing, but slightly more robust - in a high traffic 
environment there is a theoretical (albeit small) possibility of two objects 
picking up the same time.

This is how hibernate recommends that you do it.  I saw someone suggesting 
this method on this mailing list (found it with a web search I did when I 
first started looking at django), this sounds like the optimum solution for 
optimistic locking to me, and it would open up more use cases for django, at 
least for me.

Would this be straightforward to add?


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Re: Optimistic Locking

2008-02-05 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Monday 04 Feb 2008, Michael Hipp wrote:
> Tim Sawyer wrote:
> > If you're going to do that, then couldn't we change the framework to add
> > a new VersionField.  If there is a VersionField defined on the object,
> > then the code on save could automatically be added.  This VersionField
> > would simply hold a version number for the record, that is incremented at
> > save.  This is a similar idea to the date thing, but slightly more robust
> > - in a high traffic environment there is a theoretical (albeit small)
> > possibility of two objects picking up the same time.
> >
> > This is how hibernate recommends that you do it.  I saw someone
> > suggesting this method on this mailing list (found it with a web search I
> > did when I first started looking at django), this sounds like the optimum
> > solution for optimistic locking to me, and it would open up more use
> > cases for django, at least for me.
> >
> > Would this be straightforward to add?
> I'd love to see something like this added.
> Can it be done entirely in SQL or does it require some stored triggers
> or rules in the database?

I believe it can be done entirely in SQL.

* Select Object (for example ID, Version, Surname, Forename) - version column 
defaults to 0 for new inserts

* When object is updated, do an UPDATE blah WHERE id = :id and version 
= :version.  If your update updated no rows, raise a locking error

There would also have to be code added into the admin front end to deal with 
locking errors.


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Deploying django framework with site

2008-02-08 Thread Tim Sawyer


Has anyone got any documentation on deploying the django framework as part of 
the site?  I'm considering using django for an app at work (on Oracle - so 
need SVN version?) and our release team will want a self contained site to 
deploy.  They're used to WAR files and like them.  It'll be a struggle to get 
them to install mod_python never mind getting a framework out of SVN!



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Problems selecting correct object in view

2008-02-16 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

I'm sure I'm missing something here, can anyone enlighten me?

In my urls.py I have:

(r'^(\d+)/$', 'rtb2.contests.views.single_contest'),

and in my views.py I have

def single_contest(request, pSerial):
lContest = Contest.objects.filter(pk=pSerial)
return render_to_response('single_contest.html', {"Contest" : lContest})

lContest seems to be null, so the html doesn't render with any content.  If I 
change the filter line to be

lContest = Contest.objects.all()[0]

Then it works and displays the html correctly with data in.

This code in a shell works fine:

>>> pSerial = 1
>>> lContest = Contest.objects.filter(pk=pSerial)
>>> print lContest

I am new at python.  Can someone point me in the right direction please?



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Re: Problems selecting correct object in view

2008-02-16 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Saturday 16 Feb 2008, Nils L wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Contest.objects.filter(pk=pSerial) yields a list (in this case of
> length 1), not a Contest object. If you want to fetch a single object
> based on it's primary key you can use: Contest.objects.get(pk=pSerial)
> See http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/tutorial01/

Of course!  Knew it would be straightforward.  Many thanks.


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Authentication Question

2008-02-18 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

I've read the docs for authentication but I can't see how I can replicate 
existing functionality I have using php.

I have a directory /private on the web server, marked using .htaccess 
and .htpasswd to only allow access if a username is passed.  Anything I put 
inside this directory (images, html etc) all require the password before the 
asset can be returned to the browser.

Is there any way to do this with django auth?  I need to have confidence that 
nothing can be returned (including direct image urls) from the /private 
directory without login.  Can I use http .htaccess style authentication with 



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Re: Authentication Question

2008-02-18 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Monday 18 Feb 2008, Rajesh Dhawan wrote:
> If you want to make Apache use a Django auth backend, 
> take a look at: 
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/apache_auth/

Thanks Rajesh, I think this is exactly what I was fumbling towards!  
(Excellent analysis of my non-MVC ramblings as well, bravo)



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Assigning Dates to DateField instances

2008-02-21 Thread Tim Sawyer

I'm not sure I understand what I'm doing here.  I'm trying to create an Event 
object from the data in a form (a simple html form, not a django form).

I want to do this:

lDay = int(request.POST['DayNo'])
lMonth = int(request.POST['MonthNo'])
lYear = int(request.POST['YearNo'])
lEvent = Event(request.POST)
if lEvent.id == 0:
lEvent.id = None
lEvent.date = datetime(lYear,lMonth,lDay)

and I'm getting the error

Exception Type: ProgrammingError
Exception Value:can't adapt
Location:   /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/backends/util.py in 
execute, line 12

where the last bit of my code it hit was the save method.

Have I obviously done something wrong or is the problem data related?  I 
suspect it's caused by the date assignment?  Any thoughts/pointers 



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Using mod in if in template

2008-03-24 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

I want to do this:

{% for image in Images %}
{{ image.name }}
{{ image.comment }}
  {% if forloop.counter % 4 %}

  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

which should hopefully give me a gallery of images where each line has four 
thumbnails on it.

Unfortunately, I can't do the mod (%) in the if statement, as it's not valid 
syntax.  Is there a way around this, or a simpler solution?



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Re: Using mod in if in template

2008-03-24 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Monday 24 Mar 2008, James Bennett wrote:
> The first thing to do is to step back and remember that the Django
> template language is not Python

I know that - writing it as python code was the quickest way to get across 
what I wanted! :-)

> The second thing to do is to read the template documentation to see
> what is available, because doing so will turn up things like this:
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/templates/#divisibleby

I saw that, but I couldn't work out how to conditionally output html based on 
its value.  {% if forloop.counter|divisibleby: "4" %} doesn't work.

On Monday 24 Mar 2008, Michael Wieher wrote:
> Can you simulate it with an incremental variable?

Sorry, I don't know what you mean.  Can you explain more or give me a quick 



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Re: Using mod in if in template

2008-03-24 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Monday 24 Mar 2008, Evert Rol wrote:
> On 24 Mar 2008, at 19:29 , Tim Sawyer wrote:
> >> The second thing to do is to read the template documentation to see
> >> what is available, because doing so will turn up things like this:
> >>
> >> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/templates/#divisibleby
> >
> > I saw that, but I couldn't work out how to conditionally output html
> > based on
> > its value.  {% if forloop.counter|divisibleby: "4" %} doesn't work.
> If that's your literal code, you should probably remove the space
> between the colon and quote: divisibleby:"4"

A-ha, sorted thanks.  It wasn't obvious from the documentation that I read 
that you could actually use the filters inside {% %} blocks.  I know better 

Thanks again everyone,


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Re: tutorial __str__() method not working

2008-03-26 Thread Tim Sawyer

Looks like your indentation is wrong (assuming it's not just a copy/paste 

Remember python code needs to be indented correctly in order to work.  Your 
def __str__(self): line needs to start at the same indentation as the 
attributes (question/pub_date) inside your class.


On Wednesday 26 Mar 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm just going through the mysite tutorial and can't seem to get the
> __str__() method to work when adding it to the two classes, I still
> get [].
> polls/models.py:
> from django.db import models
> import datetime
> class Poll(models.Model):
> question = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
> pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')
> def __str__(self):
>   return self.question
> def was_published_today(self):
>   return self.pubdate.date() == datetime.date.today()
> class Choice(models.Model):
> poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll)
> choice = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
> votes = models.IntegerField()
> def __str__(self):
>   return self.choice
> Thanks for any help,
> Jason

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mod_python authentication problem

2008-03-28 Thread Tim Sawyer


I'm trying to secure /site_media/private and /site_media/pictures so that only 
logged in users can see the files in those directories and below.

The error I'm getting (sometimes - seems to be a bit inconsistent) is

[Fri Mar 28 09:39:06 2008] [error] [client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] 
PythonAuthenHandler django.contrib.auth.handlers.modpython: ImportError: 
Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable 
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined., referer: http://site/private/pictures/

Here's my apache virtual host configuration (site name changed to site).  Have 
I done anything obviously wrong?  The PythonPath entries are indented 
correctly in the original.



ServerName www.site
ServerAlias site

DocumentRoot /home/tjs/web/site

Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all

allow from all

CustomLog /home/tjs/log/site pink

AuthType Basic
AuthName "site"
Require valid-user
AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
AuthzDefaultAuthoritative Off
AuthzGroupFileAuthoritative Off
AuthzUserAuthoritative Off


+ sys.path"
PythonAuthenHandler django.contrib.auth.handlers.modpython
PythonOption DjangoRequireStaffStatus Off
PythonOption DjangoPermissionName 

AuthType Basic
AuthName "site"
Require valid-user
AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
AuthzDefaultAuthoritative Off
AuthzGroupFileAuthoritative Off
AuthzUserAuthoritative Off


+ sys.path"
PythonAuthenHandler django.contrib.auth.handlers.modpython
PythonOption DjangoRequireStaffStatus Off
PythonOption DjangoPermissionName 

  SetHandler python-program
  PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
  SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE site.settings
  PythonDebug Off
+ sys.path"

  SetHandler None

  SetHandler None

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Re: mod_python authentication problem

2008-03-28 Thread Tim Sawyer


I'm following the instructions at


I've just noticed a bit at the bottom of that page which says
Note that sometimes SetEnv doesn't play well in this mod_python configuration, 
for reasons unknown. If you're having problems getting mod_python to 
recognize your DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, you can set it using PythonOption 
instead of SetEnv. Therefore, these two Apache directives are equivalent:

SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings
PythonOption DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings

I've done that and now it's prompting me to login a normal browser dialog box. 
If I use my django login it works - is this expected behaviour or can I stop 
the login box appearing for users that have logged into django auth?



On Friday 28 Mar 2008, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> Variables set with SetEnv aren't available to authentication handlers,
> only to the content handler. Thus, even if the Django authentication
> handler is looking for it, it will not find it and thus would not be
> able to update os.environ variable of same name from it. The only way
> it could work is if the first page hit was a Django application page
> which had the side effect of setting os.environ. You probably wouldn't
> want to rely on that being the case.
> For alternate mechanism for doing all this see mod_wsgi.
>   http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/AccessControlMechanisms
> Graham
> Tim Sawyer wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to secure /site_media/private and /site_media/pictures so that
> > only logged in users can see the files in those directories and below.
> >
> > The error I'm getting (sometimes - seems to be a bit inconsistent) is
> >
> > [Fri Mar 28 09:39:06 2008] [error] [client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]
> > PythonAuthenHandler django.contrib.auth.handlers.modpython: ImportError:
> > Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable
> > DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined., referer:
> > http://site/private/pictures/
> >
> > Here's my apache virtual host configuration (site name changed to site). 
> > Have I done anything obviously wrong?  The PythonPath entries are
> > indented correctly in the original.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Tim
> >
> > 
> > ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ServerName www.site
> > ServerAlias site
> >
> > DocumentRoot /home/tjs/web/site
> >
> > 
> > Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
> > AllowOverride All
> > Order allow,deny
> > allow from all
> > 
> >
> > 
> > allow from all
> > 
> >
> > CustomLog /home/tjs/log/site pink
> >
> > 
> > AuthType Basic
> > AuthName "site"
> > Require valid-user
> > AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
> > AuthzDefaultAuthoritative Off
> > AuthzGroupFileAuthoritative Off
> > AuthzUserAuthoritative Off
> >
> > SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE site.settings
> >
> > PythonPath
> > "['/home/tjs/web','/home/tjs/django/sorl-thumbnail-read-only','/home/tjs/
> >django/django-trunk'] + sys.path"
> > PythonAuthenHandler
> > django.contrib.auth.handlers.modpython PythonOption
> > DjangoRequireStaffStatus Off
> > PythonOption DjangoPermissionName
> > members.can_access_private_area
> > 
> >
> > 
> > AuthType Basic
> > AuthName "site"
> > Require valid-user
> > AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
> > AuthzDefaultAuthoritative Off
> > AuthzGroupFileAuthoritative Off
> > AuthzUserAuthoritative Off
> >
> > SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE site.settings
> >
> > PythonPath
> > "['/home/tjs/web','/home/tjs/django/sorl-thumbnail-read-only','/home/tjs/
> >django/django-trunk'] + sys.path"
> > PythonAuthenHandler
> > django.contrib.auth.handlers.modpython PythonOption
> > DjangoRequireStaffStatus Off
> > PythonOption DjangoPermissionName
> > members.can_access_private_area
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   SetHandler pytho

Re: mod_python authentication problem

2008-03-28 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Friday 28 Mar 2008, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> On Mar 28, 9:21 pm, Tim Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've done that and now it's prompting me to login a normal browser dialog
> > box. If I use my django login it works - is this expected behaviour or
> > can I stop the login box appearing for users that have logged into django
> > auth?
> Yes it is expected behaviour. The recipe you are using is for HTTP
> Basic Authentication, which makes use of a browser implemented popup
> login window. In general you cannot make this disappear.

Thanks Graham.

My site looks a bit rubbish like that - users have to login twice, to 
different types of login box, to get site_media files that only logged in 
users are allowed to see.  Does the WSGI stuff let me get around this?



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Finding out the index of a model instance in a list

2008-03-29 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

If I have an image, and a list of images, how can I work out what position in 
the list my image is so I can do a Image 4 of 24 type annotation?

lImage = GalleryImage.objects.filter(pk=pImageSerial).select_related()[0]
lAlbumImages = GalleryImage.objects.filter(album__id = lImage.album.id)
lImagesInAlbum = lAlbumImages.count()
lImagePosition = ???

My view is passed pImageSerial which is the id of the image to display.  I can 
work out the Image object from this.  I can also get the full list of images 
for this particular album, and work out how many images there are in total.  
The images are ordered by filename, so I know the order will be consistent.

How do I work out lImagePosition?  Can anyone give me any pointers?



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Re: Finding out the index of a model instance in a list

2008-03-29 Thread Tim Sawyer

Is there a better way that this?

lImage = GalleryImage.objects.filter(pk=pImageSerial).select_related()[0]
lAlbumImages = GalleryImage.objects.filter(album__id = lImage.album.id)
lImagesInAlbum = lAlbumImages.count()
lImagePosition = None
lPreviousImage = None
lNextImage = None
for lPosition in range(lImagesInAlbum):
lEachImage = lAlbumImages[lPosition]
if lEachImage.id == lImage.id:
lImagePosition = lPosition + 1
if lPosition > 0:
lPreviousImage = lAlbumImages[lPosition-1]
if lPosition < lImagesInAlbum-1:
lNextImage = lAlbumImages[lPosition+1]

On Saturday 29 Mar 2008, Tim Sawyer wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> If I have an image, and a list of images, how can I work out what position
> in the list my image is so I can do a Image 4 of 24 type annotation?
> lImage = GalleryImage.objects.filter(pk=pImageSerial).select_related()[0]
> lAlbumImages = GalleryImage.objects.filter(album__id = lImage.album.id)
> lImagesInAlbum = lAlbumImages.count()
> lImagePosition = ???
> My view is passed pImageSerial which is the id of the image to display.  I
> can work out the Image object from this.  I can also get the full list of
> images for this particular album, and work out how many images there are in
> total. The images are ordered by filename, so I know the order will be
> consistent.
> How do I work out lImagePosition?  Can anyone give me any pointers?
> Thanks,
> Tim.

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Serving binary files "through" django

2008-04-05 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

I'd like to have a site that gives away and sells PDFs, and tracks downloads  
of those PDFs.  For example, I'd like to know the IP address/useragent of who 
downloaded the free files, and I'd like to record the same plus the logged in 
user for the pay ones (after authenticating the user is allowed to download 
that file).

I've done this in Java by returning binary content (the PDF) from a servlet, 
and having the servlet write to the database to say what was downloaded and 
who downloaded it.  I'd like to migrate this app to django (less 
heavyweight!) can anyone point me towards a mechanism for doing this?  I'm 
fairly new at python but loving it...



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EmailMessage and BCC fields

2008-04-05 Thread Tim Sawyer

Hi Folks,

I've just sent an email using EmailMessage setting the bcc field to be a list 
of recipients.  It sent the email, to the correct recipients, but all my 
addresses are visible in the mail header, in an email header called bcc.  
It's not supposed to do that is it, hence the B bit of the BCC?

def send_email(pSubject, pMessage, pRecipients):
lMessage = EmailMessage(subject=pSubject,
from_email='info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>',
to=['webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'],

I'm using 0.97-pre-SVN-7176 according to the runserver output, and talking to 
an exim4 mailserver on a debian linux box.

Any suggestions of how to fix this gratefully received!


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Re: EmailMessage and BCC fields

2008-04-06 Thread Tim Sawyer

On Sunday 06 Apr 2008, Karen Tracey wrote:
> Update to a revision with the fix for
> http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/6841, that is r7347 or higher.

Fixed, thanks!


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  1   2   >