> On 25/09/2010 18:32, Tim Sawyer wrote:
>> On 25/09/10 15:57, craphunter wrote:
>>> Yes, I have read it, but I don't really get it. What is the meaning of
>>> it?
>> Consider a website that has multiple blogs, all of which are deployed to
>> the same database.
>> Consider that you want each blog to be a separate URL: www.blog1.com,
>> www.blog2.com, but you only want one database for ease of backing up
>> etc.
>> So, you have one codebase, one database, but multiple sites.
>> You can achieve this using SITE_ID.  www.blog1.com has a settings.py
>> with SITE_ID = 1.  www.blog2.com has a settings.py file with SITE_ID =
>> 2.  In your database, there are two rows in the django_site database
>> table, with serials 1 and 2.  The table that holds the blog entries has
>> a foreign key to Site, and so identifies which site the blog post
>> appears on.
>> At least that's how I used it...hope that helps clarify it a bit!
>> Tim.
> Hey Tim,
> the way you used it would mean that you had different settings.py per
> site/url and thus
> a project per url as 1 project can only have 1 settings file? Is this
> correct?
> Have do you config the admin then so you see both sites in the same admin?

Hi Benedict,

Yes that's correct.  Each settings.py is a separate virtual host in
Apache.  The rest of the source was common (on the pythonpath).  So the
pythonpath was the same for each virtual host but there was a uniquely
named settings.py refered to from the mod-wsgi config.

These were distinct sites for distinct customers, so each site had its own
admin, limited to that site's data.

Here's the mechansim I used to limit the admin to that site's objects.  I
think if you don't do any of this, each admin will have all the data
available in it, if that's what you want.

Each model had an additional manager:

from django.contrib.sites.managers import CurrentSiteManager

class Contest(models.Model):
    objects = models.Manager()
    on_site = CurrentSiteManager()

and in the admin.py I redefined the queryset:

class ContestAdmin(SiteOnlyAdmin):
    def queryset(self, request):
        return self.limitQueryset(request, Contest)

admin.site.register(Contest, ContestAdmin)

where limitQueryset is defined on the superclass as:

    def limitQueryset(self, request, pObject):
        return pObject.on_site.all()

Hope that helps,


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