SpatialRefSys as foreign key?

2013-04-03 Thread Alessandro Candini

Hi everybody.

Using the working stuff reported at, I've written the 
following model:

from django.contrib.gis.models import SpatialRefSys

class LandCover(models.Model):
shp_name  = models.CharField(max_length=100)
geom_srid = models.ForeignKey(SpatialRefSys)

But syncdb gives me the following error :

[user@host]$ ./ syncdb
CommandError: One or more models did not validate:
myapp.landcover: 'geom_srid' has a relation with model 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis.models.SpatialRefSys'>, which 
has either not been installed or is abstract.

Is there a way to solve this?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Webfaction vs DigitalOcean

2013-04-03 Thread frocco
Very happy with webfaction and their support.

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Re: General Apache Deploy Strategy

2013-04-03 Thread Michael Anckaert
The fact that you have to copy over the entire project directory (including 
docs) shouldn't be an issue. If your application deployment is correctly 
the user won't be able to access anything that isn't in your root 
If the issue is upload size you should be able to find benefit using rsync 
(or a similar tool) to copy over only changed files. 

Op dinsdag 2 april 2013 16:04:14 UTC+2 schreef fred het volgende:
>  We use django for intranet applications.  There is minimal coupling 
> between applications and we generally dedicate a virtual server for each 
> application.  Perhaps not the most efficient, but it works for our 
> environment.
> In django 1.3 I just copied the “site” directory to the deploy location 
> and since the app directory was below that, it was a simple deploy.
> With the revised directory structure of 1.4/1.5  I would need to copy the 
> project root directory to the production server when deploying.  That’s 
> acceptable, except that I prefer to create a “docs” directory under the 
> project to hold any specifications, critical instructions, etc and there is 
> no need to deploy this, nor would I want to make it accessible to our user 
> base.  Also I frequently work remotely on a wireless connection and copying 
> unnecessary files is a pain.
> It’s not that I can’t live with copying the project in its entirety, but 
> is there a better, more django-esque way?
> Thanks,
> Fred.

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Re: Webfaction vs DigitalOcean

2013-04-03 Thread Frankline
I love the simplicity of Webfaction and I'm happy with it.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 1:10 PM, frocco  wrote:

> Very happy with webfaction and their support.
> --
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e commerce django framwork

2013-04-03 Thread mdsn85
I have heard about Satchmo and would love to hear about anyone's experience 
using it. Are there any other Python/Django based e-commerce (a.k.a. 
shopping cart) solutions out there that you would recommend? 

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Re: How to create a form list for a Model Form dynamically?

2013-04-03 Thread Cody Scott
The function I was calling there was in the file and it only took 
one parameter. I tried it again and with passing request and it still says 
quiz_id is unknown...

On Monday, April 1, 2013 10:17:13 AM UTC-4, Cody Scott wrote:
> I am trying to make a simple quiz app.
> I am trying to go to the URL /quiz/ and using the quiz_id which 
> has a list of questions associated with the quiz id and create a list of 
> forms to use in the model form.
> In the file I know you can pass a list of forms to be used, but I 
> need to create the list of forms at runtime.
> I have tried passing the return value of a function as parameter but can't 
> figure out the syntax.
> (r'^(?P\d+)', QuizWizard.as_view(get_form_list)),
> the function get_form_list has no length
> (r'^(?P\d+)', QuizWizard.as_view(get_form_list(quiz_id))),
> Quiz_id is unknown.
> So I create a view and I create the form list inside the view and then call 
> QuizWizard.as_view
> #views.pyclass QuizWizard(SessionWizardView):
> def __init__(self, **kwargs):
> self.form_list = kwargs.pop('form_list')
> return super(QuizWizard, self).__init__(**kwargs)
> def done(self, **kwargs):
> return render_to_response('done.html', {
> 'form_data':[form.cleaned_data for form in self.form_list],
> })
> def get_form_list(request, quiz_id):
> quiz = Quiz.objects.get(id=quiz_id)
> question_forms = []
> for question in quiz.questions.all():
> choices = []
> for choice in question.choices.all():
> choices.append(choice)
> f = QuestionForm(instance=question)
> question_forms.append(f)
> #quiz_wizard = QuizWizard()
> return QuizWizard.as_view(form_list=question_forms)(request)
> But I am getting the error 
> issubclass() arg 1 must be a class
> My issue is syntax either way I can't figure out how to call the 
> QuizWizard.as_view(). Here are related files:
> class QuestionForm(forms.ModelForm):
> class Meta:
> model = Question
> urlpatterns = patterns ('',
> url(r'^(?P\d+)', 'quiz.views.get_form_list'),)
> class Choice(models.Model):
> choice = models.CharField(max_length=64)
> def __unicode__(self):
> return self.choice
> #create a multiple choice quiz to start
> class Question(models.Model):
> question = models.CharField(max_length=64)
> answer = models.CharField(max_length=64)
> choices = models.ManyToManyField(Choice)
> module = models.CharField(max_length=64)
> def __unicode__(self):
> return self.question
> class Quiz(models.Model):
> name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
> questions = models.ManyToManyField(Question)
> def __unicode__(self):
> return
> Full Traceback:

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Re: e commerce django framwork

2013-04-03 Thread mmrs151
Have a look at django-oscar( 
Its a domain driven e-commerce platform, so should be interesting.

On Wednesday, 3 April 2013 09:03:51 UTC+1, wrote:
> I have heard about Satchmo and would love to hear about anyone's 
> experience using it. Are there any other Python/Django based e-commerce 
> (a.k.a. shopping cart) solutions out there that you would recommend? 

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Re: How to create a form list for a Model Form dynamically?

2013-04-03 Thread Nick D
I see; I didn't understand the flow at first.
Is this line wrong "quiz = Quiz.objects.get(id=quiz_id)"?
I don't think Django names the pk "id" by default. Maybe it should be:
quiz = Quiz.objects.get(pk=quiz_id)

On Monday, April 1, 2013 7:17:13 AM UTC-7, Cody Scott wrote:

> I am trying to make a simple quiz app.
> I am trying to go to the URL /quiz/ and using the quiz_id which 
> has a list of questions associated with the quiz id and create a list of 
> forms to use in the model form.
> In the file I know you can pass a list of forms to be used, but I 
> need to create the list of forms at runtime.
> I have tried passing the return value of a function as parameter but can't 
> figure out the syntax.
> (r'^(?P\d+)', QuizWizard.as_view(get_form_list)),
> the function get_form_list has no length
> (r'^(?P\d+)', QuizWizard.as_view(get_form_list(quiz_id))),
> Quiz_id is unknown.
> So I create a view and I create the form list inside the view and then call 
> QuizWizard.as_view
> #views.pyclass QuizWizard(SessionWizardView):
> def __init__(self, **kwargs):
> self.form_list = kwargs.pop('form_list')
> return super(QuizWizard, self).__init__(**kwargs)
> def done(self, **kwargs):
> return render_to_response('done.html', {
> 'form_data':[form.cleaned_data for form in self.form_list],
> })
> def get_form_list(request, quiz_id):
> quiz = Quiz.objects.get(id=quiz_id)
> question_forms = []
> for question in quiz.questions.all():
> choices = []
> for choice in question.choices.all():
> choices.append(choice)
> f = QuestionForm(instance=question)
> question_forms.append(f)
> #quiz_wizard = QuizWizard()
> return QuizWizard.as_view(form_list=question_forms)(request)
> But I am getting the error 
> issubclass() arg 1 must be a class
> My issue is syntax either way I can't figure out how to call the 
> QuizWizard.as_view(). Here are related files:
> class QuestionForm(forms.ModelForm):
> class Meta:
> model = Question
> urlpatterns = patterns ('',
> url(r'^(?P\d+)', 'quiz.views.get_form_list'),)
> class Choice(models.Model):
> choice = models.CharField(max_length=64)
> def __unicode__(self):
> return self.choice
> #create a multiple choice quiz to start
> class Question(models.Model):
> question = models.CharField(max_length=64)
> answer = models.CharField(max_length=64)
> choices = models.ManyToManyField(Choice)
> module = models.CharField(max_length=64)
> def __unicode__(self):
> return self.question
> class Quiz(models.Model):
> name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
> questions = models.ManyToManyField(Question)
> def __unicode__(self):
> return
> Full Traceback:

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Re: ModelForm not creating datepicker

2013-04-03 Thread Nick D
Thanks for your reply.
The Django documenation for ModelForm states that a DateField should create 
a DateField form object.

On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 9:23:47 PM UTC-7, sacrac wrote:

> yes that is correct maybe you want to use a datepicker
> Cheers
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Nick D 
> > wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've created a ModelForm and am attempting to use it, but all of my date 
>> fields are coming up with type "text" instead of a datepicker. Can anybody 
>> tell me what's going on?
>> class GIS_WO(models.Model):
>> WON = models.CharField(max_length=7, blank=True, null=True)
>> status = models.CharField(max_length=20)
>> priority = models.IntegerField()
>> location = models.CharField(max_length=200)
>> deadline = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
>> type = models.CharField(max_length=50)
>> notes = models.CharField(max_length=512, blank=True, null=True)
>> creation_timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, 
>> null=True)
>> update_timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, null=True)
>> start_dt = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
>> end_dt = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
>> def __unicode__(self):
>> return unicode(
>> ModelForm:
>> class GIS_WO_Form(ModelForm):
>> class Meta:
>> model = GIS_WO
>> VIEW:
>> def detail(request, id):
>> wo = get_object_or_404(GIS_WO, pk=id)
>> form = GIS_WO_Form(instance=wo)
>> return render_to_response('GIS_WO_APP/detail.html', {'form': form}, 
>> context_instance=RequestContext(request))
>>  WON:> type="text" name="WON" value="C-13001" maxlength="7" />
>> Status:> id="id_status" type="text" name="status" value="OPEN" maxlength="20" 
>> />
>> Priority:> type="text" name="priority" value="1" id="id_priority" />
>> Location:> id="id_location" type="text" name="location" value="MY HOUSE" 
>> maxlength="200" />
>> Deadline:> type="text" name="deadline" value="2013-04-06" id="id_deadline" 
>> />
>> Type:> type="text" name="type" value="New Constructions" maxlength="50" 
>> />
>> Notes:> type="text" name="notes" value="Some Notes" maxlength="512" />
>> Start dt:> type="text" name="start_dt" id="id_start_dt" />
>> End dt:> name="end_dt" id="id_end_dt" />
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Django users" group.
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>> .
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Re: How to create a form list for a Model Form dynamically?

2013-04-03 Thread Cody Scott
I needed to pass an instance dictionary, but now I am having a problem with 
my models?

On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 11:06:57 AM UTC-4, Nick D wrote:
> I see; I didn't understand the flow at first.
> Is this line wrong "quiz = Quiz.objects.get(id=quiz_id)"?
> I don't think Django names the pk "id" by default. Maybe it should be:
> quiz = Quiz.objects.get(pk=quiz_id)
> On Monday, April 1, 2013 7:17:13 AM UTC-7, Cody Scott wrote:
>> I am trying to make a simple quiz app.
>> I am trying to go to the URL /quiz/ and using the quiz_id which 
>> has a list of questions associated with the quiz id and create a list of 
>> forms to use in the model form.
>> In the file I know you can pass a list of forms to be used, but I 
>> need to create the list of forms at runtime.
>> I have tried passing the return value of a function as parameter but 
>> can't figure out the syntax.
>> (r'^(?P\d+)', QuizWizard.as_view(get_form_list)),
>> the function get_form_list has no length
>> (r'^(?P\d+)', QuizWizard.as_view(get_form_list(quiz_id))),
>> Quiz_id is unknown.
>> So I create a view and I create the form list inside the view and then call 
>> QuizWizard.as_view
>> #views.pyclass QuizWizard(SessionWizardView):
>> def __init__(self, **kwargs):
>> self.form_list = kwargs.pop('form_list')
>> return super(QuizWizard, self).__init__(**kwargs)
>> def done(self, **kwargs):
>> return render_to_response('done.html', {
>> 'form_data':[form.cleaned_data for form in self.form_list],
>> })
>> def get_form_list(request, quiz_id):
>> quiz = Quiz.objects.get(id=quiz_id)
>> question_forms = []
>> for question in quiz.questions.all():
>> choices = []
>> for choice in question.choices.all():
>> choices.append(choice)
>> f = QuestionForm(instance=question)
>> question_forms.append(f)
>> #quiz_wizard = QuizWizard()
>> return QuizWizard.as_view(form_list=question_forms)(request)
>> But I am getting the error 
>> issubclass() arg 1 must be a class
>> My issue is syntax either way I can't figure out how to call the 
>> QuizWizard.as_view(). Here are related files:
>> class QuestionForm(forms.ModelForm):
>> class Meta:
>> model = Question
>> urlpatterns = patterns ('',
>> url(r'^(?P\d+)', 'quiz.views.get_form_list'),)
>> class Choice(models.Model):
>> choice = models.CharField(max_length=64)
>> def __unicode__(self):
>> return self.choice
>> #create a multiple choice quiz to start
>> class Question(models.Model):
>> question = models.CharField(max_length=64)
>> answer = models.CharField(max_length=64)
>> choices = models.ManyToManyField(Choice)
>> module = models.CharField(max_length=64)
>> def __unicode__(self):
>> return self.question
>> class Quiz(models.Model):
>> name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
>> questions = models.ManyToManyField(Question)
>> def __unicode__(self):
>> return
>> Full Traceback:

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Re: ModelForm not creating datepicker

2013-04-03 Thread Tom Evans
On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Nick D  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've created a ModelForm and am attempting to use it, but all of my date
> fields are coming up with type "text" instead of a datepicker. Can anybody
> tell me what's going on?

DateField forms are still represented by a simple 
widget. The fact it is a DateField form field means that in python it
will validate and coerce the data into a instance,
rather than a raw string.

If you want to use a different widget, you will need to specify a
different widget when creating the field, or in Meta options,
depending on how you are defining your form.



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Re: ModelForm not creating datepicker

2013-04-03 Thread Nick D
I see. The difference between the form item and a widget was confusing me.
Thanks Tom!

On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 8:54:40 AM UTC-7, Tom Evans wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Nick D > 
> wrote: 
> > Hi all, 
> > 
> > I've created a ModelForm and am attempting to use it, but all of my date 
> > fields are coming up with type "text" instead of a datepicker. Can 
> anybody 
> > tell me what's going on? 
> > 
> DateField forms are still represented by a simple  
> widget. The fact it is a DateField form field means that in python it 
> will validate and coerce the data into a instance, 
> rather than a raw string. 
> If you want to use a different widget, you will need to specify a 
> different widget when creating the field, or in Meta options, 
> depending on how you are defining your form. 
> Cheers 
> Tom 

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Problems receiving data from DB (sqlite3)

2013-04-03 Thread Johannes
Hi list,
I have a confusing behaviour when I try to access some data in the DB.
I created a model and build the database with syncdb.
I can create and save data via python shell and it's still
available after I a restart of the shell.
But this data is not visible from the testserver. Even more, If I create
and save data from the testserver, it's only available until I restart
the server.

my configuration is Django 1.4 with sqlite3 on Ubuntu.


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Can I access session in my middleware?

2013-04-03 Thread Паша Тявин
When I access my session in middleware, Django makes dublicate rows in db. 
I don't know why. Please, help me find out the mistake
I've made a simple github project for that question . It contains only 8 
simple files, so maybe it would be easy.

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Django Core mentorship list

2013-04-03 Thread Jeremy Dunck
Hey all,
  I've just created django-core-mentorship[1] with founding members
including Carl Meyer, Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Simon Charette, and Russell

  Modeled after, the intention is to help more
people make the leap from using django to contributing to it.  It is a
complement to django-developers, where most members are already quite
experienced with django and development in general.

  django-core-mentorship will consist just of people interested in
learning to contribute, or members of django-core who are interested
in helping those people succeed.  We'll have a Code along the lines of
pythonmentors as well, but for now, I hope this email will suffice.

  If you ever see conversation on this list where you feel a new
contributor is being turned away (or turned off) by the existing
django-developers discussion, please direct them to

  If you've considered contributing to Django but haven't felt
welcome, this list is for you.

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Re: General Apache Deploy Strategy

2013-04-03 Thread Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar
Fabric is helpful for scripting deployment process:


On 4/2/2013 4:51 PM, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
> On 3/04/2013 1:04am, Sells, Fred wrote:
>> We use django for intranet applications.  There is minimal coupling
>> between applications and we generally dedicate a virtual server for each
>> application.  Perhaps not the most efficient, but it works for our
>> environment.
>> In django 1.3 I just copied the “site” directory to the deploy location
>> and since the app directory was below that, it was a simple deploy.
>> With the revised directory structure of 1.4/1.5  I would need to copy
>> the project root directory to the production server when deploying.
>> That’s acceptable, except that I prefer to create a “docs” directory
>> under the project to hold any specifications, critical instructions, etc
>> and there is no need to deploy this, nor would I want to make it
>> accessible to our user base.  Also I frequently work remotely on a
>> wireless connection and copying unnecessary files is a pain.
> Can you script the deployment? Perhaps a single command can get all
> the necessary bits from the repo?
> Non-automated deployment used to go wrong for me more often than not.
> I use Buildbot now to get it right without fail every time.
> Mike
>> It’s not that I can’t live with copying the project in its entirety, but
>> is there a better, more django-esque way?
>> Thanks,
>> Fred.
>> -- 
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Re: e commerce django framwork

2013-04-03 Thread Andre Engelbrecht
I've not used Satchmo myself, so I can only say what I've heard others say. 
Some people like it, many don't. As far as I understand it's quite a 
monolith (someone correct me if I'm wrong pls).
There is another project called satchless, which is aimed at providing you 
with all the building blocks, and you can put them together the way you 
want it.

Although it does look like the project is somewhat stalled. I would love to 
see some momentum on that since I'll be doing some e-commerce sites soon, 
and was aiming to use it.
The github repo is here:

At the time of writing this, the website: seems to be offline.

On Wednesday, 3 April 2013 09:03:51 UTC+1, wrote:
> I have heard about Satchmo and would love to hear about anyone's 
> experience using it. Are there any other Python/Django based e-commerce 
> (a.k.a. shopping cart) solutions out there that you would recommend? 

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Re: Django Core mentorship list

2013-04-03 Thread Jeremy Dunck


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Jeremy Dunck  wrote:
> Hey all,
>   I've just created django-core-mentorship[1] with founding members
> including Carl Meyer, Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Simon Charette, and Russell
> Keith-Magee.
>   Modeled after, the intention is to help more
> people make the leap from using django to contributing to it.  It is a
> complement to django-developers, where most members are already quite
> experienced with django and development in general.
>   django-core-mentorship will consist just of people interested in
> learning to contribute, or members of django-core who are interested
> in helping those people succeed.  We'll have a Code along the lines of
> pythonmentors as well, but for now, I hope this email will suffice.
>   If you ever see conversation on this list where you feel a new
> contributor is being turned away (or turned off) by the existing
> django-developers discussion, please direct them to
> django-core-mentorship.
>   If you've considered contributing to Django but haven't felt
> welcome, this list is for you.

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Third-party data entry

2013-04-03 Thread forthfan
Hello all,

Is there a package available that would let the user request data from 
another party?  For example, you have all the data filled in for a shipment 
and you need the Bill of Lading number from the shipper.  When the shipper 
provides it, it goes into the dataset for the shipment without further 
action by you.  This would have to allow for more than one piece of data 
from the other party.

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question on howt to run phpadmin on my Django web app server.

2013-04-03 Thread 7equivalents
Hello, I'm just looking for a point in the right direction. I have a 
raspberry pi running an apache server that is serving a Django web app. If 
I want to also use myphpadmin, would it be some thing I configured Apache 
to help happen, or Django, I'm thinking apache, but I want to be sure.

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Re: question on howt to run phpadmin on my Django web app server.

2013-04-03 Thread Lachlan Musicman
It's an apache thing - it (vaguely, when distilled, my language may be
incorrect) looks like this:

browser - web server(apache/nginx) -  app server (django/phpmyadmin) -
database server

I presume you are using some sort of Debian as you are on the RPI, in
which case apt-get phpmyadmin should be auto conf'd for apache - just

apt-get install phpmyadmin

then browse to


and you should be set.

Note that since the app comes between the web and the DB, you can use
both Django *and* phpmyadmin/phppgadmin  to look at the same db.
Functionality will be totally different of course.

This isn't really a Django question, but I've answered since you
sought clarification.

Also, I could be wrong about the Debian - I haven't had the pleasure
of using a RPI yet.


On 4 April 2013 11:38,  <> wrote:
> Hello, I'm just looking for a point in the right direction. I have a
> raspberry pi running an apache server that is serving a Django web app. If I
> want to also use myphpadmin, would it be some thing I configured Apache to
> help happen, or Django, I'm thinking apache, but I want to be sure.
> --
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The new creativity is pointing, not making. Likewise, in the future,
the best writers will be the best information managers.

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django-filetransfers and HttpResponseRedirect

2013-04-03 Thread Venkatraman S
I use django-filetransfers in my app and had a quick Q on one of the
comments by the author in this post :

He mentions "Note that it's important that you send a redirect after an
upload. Otherwise, some file hosting services won't work correctly" - May i
know why this to be done?

Obviously i can email the author directly, but looks like he is not
maintaining it for quite sometime and also i presume it would be much
better if a wider audience knows about this and can guide me.


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foreign key with unique versus one-to-one

2013-04-03 Thread Mike Dewhirst
I have noticed that there appears to be no difference in Postgres 
between a OneToOneField and a ForeignKey with unique=True

Is there any/much difference in Django?



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Re: foreign key with unique versus one-to-one

2013-04-03 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Mike Dewhirst  wrote:

> I have noticed that there appears to be no difference in Postgres between
> a OneToOneField and a ForeignKey with unique=True
> Is there any/much difference in Django?

At a database level - no. The implementation is identical, to the extent
that OneToOneField is a subclass of ForeignKey that forces unique=True.

At an API level, there is one very small difference. The default reverse
accessor for a Foreign Key will be named '_set', and it will
return a QuerySet. The default reverse accessor for a OneToOne Key will be
named '', and it will return a single object.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: foreign key with unique versus one-to-one

2013-04-03 Thread Mike Dewhirst

On 4/04/2013 5:15pm, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Mike Dewhirst>> wrote:

I have noticed that there appears to be no difference in Postgres
between a OneToOneField and a ForeignKey with unique=True

Is there any/much difference in Django?

At a database level - no. The implementation is identical, to the extent
that OneToOneField is a subclass of ForeignKey that forces unique=True.

At an API level, there is one very small difference. The default reverse
accessor for a Foreign Key will be named '_set', and it
will return a QuerySet. The default reverse accessor for a OneToOne Key
will be named '', and it will return a single object.

Thank you. Makes good sense. It is nice to have that flexibility for my 
own API. And obviously I can change my mind and rework the code without 
touching the database.

Much appreciated.


Russ Magee %-)

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