The fact that you have to copy over the entire project directory (including 
docs) shouldn't be an issue. If your application deployment is correctly 
the user won't be able to access anything that isn't in your root 
If the issue is upload size you should be able to find benefit using rsync 
(or a similar tool) to copy over only changed files. 

Op dinsdag 2 april 2013 16:04:14 UTC+2 schreef fred het volgende:
>  We use django for intranet applications.  There is minimal coupling 
> between applications and we generally dedicate a virtual server for each 
> application.  Perhaps not the most efficient, but it works for our 
> environment.
> In django 1.3 I just copied the “site” directory to the deploy location 
> and since the app directory was below that, it was a simple deploy.
> With the revised directory structure of 1.4/1.5  I would need to copy the 
> project root directory to the production server when deploying.  That’s 
> acceptable, except that I prefer to create a “docs” directory under the 
> project to hold any specifications, critical instructions, etc and there is 
> no need to deploy this, nor would I want to make it accessible to our user 
> base.  Also I frequently work remotely on a wireless connection and copying 
> unnecessary files is a pain.
> It’s not that I can’t live with copying the project in its entirety, but 
> is there a better, more django-esque way?
> Thanks,
> Fred.

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