Re: django-facebook

2010-10-10 Thread Sævar Öfjörð
I'm using Django Socialregistration for this purpose.

If the user is already logged in and clicks the facebook button, the
existing account is simply linked to the FB account.
New users have the option to set up a username.

- Sævar

On Oct 8, 5:19 pm, shacker  wrote:
> I chose django-facebook to allow site authentication via Facebook
> Connect because it seems to be alone amongst the various solutions in
> knowing how to smartly connect existing site accounts to FB logins
> rather than blindly creating new accounts (if you have users who
> sometimes log in the traditional way and other times via FB, they end
> up with two accounts in the system).
> All went well with implementation until I hit this issue, and it's a
> show-stopper:
> No response from the developer there, so asking here - has anyone hit
> this? How did you overcome? Is there another Facebook Connect app you
> prefer? Or a more recent fork of django-facebook that works better?
> Thanks,
> Scot

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Re: "strange" permission requirements

2010-10-10 Thread stargazer
Thanks, will look at this!

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Re: trying to get a cache per request

2010-10-10 Thread Miguel Araujo
Thanks again Doug,

I understand your method. I think the problem is that it might be too much
overhead for what I can gain using a cache, so I might drop the idea of
adding one. In any case, your explanation will be probably worth in future
projects :)


2010/10/10 Doug 

> Look around for python docs on threading.local, which lets you set a
> 'global' variable for just that thread.  Since a request is only going
> to happen in a single thread, that lets you have a per-request global
> that can be used for cache storage.  With middleware to set the
> threading local instance up, and remove it at the end of the request.
> I think it will do what you want.  One bit of weirdness I noticed was
> that you always need to import the global in exactly the same way
> everywhere you want it, otherwise you may not be referring to the same
> variable.
> --
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Re: get_absolute_url error with sitemaps

2010-10-10 Thread het.oosten
Ok I use a slug field to retrieve an url from the database and
apperently get_absolute_url() doesn't work with slugs. I added a
location to my which gives the following result;

-{'slug': u'assortiment'}

Here is my

from django.contrib.sitemaps import Sitemap
from jouwsta.verkoop.models import *

class PaginaSitemap(Sitemap):
def items(self):
return Pagina.objects.values('slug')
def location(self, obj):
return obj

Seems that i am almost there :-) Who can give me a hint for the last
step to get a correct url?

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cannot open Django official website

2010-10-10 Thread retzzz
Anybody know what's wrong with django official website
I can't open it by several days. Is it down or just my access request
was blocked?

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TypeError / get_response: Can't figure it out?

2010-10-10 Thread Sleek

I'm a newbie to Django/Python world (PHP guy). I'm just going through
some tutorials to get things figured out. Everything was working fine
until when I was working through the last section of on Dynamic URLs. It seems be
an error in the When I enter the follow:
def hours_ahead(request, offset):
# try:
# offset = int(offset)
# except ValueError:
# raise Http404()
dt = + datetime.timedelta(hours=offset)
html = "In %s hour(s), it will be %s." %
(offset, dt)
return HttpResponse(html)

I got to this error: TypeErrorhours_ahead() takes exactly 2
arguments (1 given)
It mentions: Exception Location: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/
core/handlers/ in get_response, line 92

It would seem to be some error with the get_response. Have I set
something up wrong that it isn't pulling the information back

I'm rather stumped. I'd really appreciate a bit of help on this one.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: cannot open Django official website

2010-10-10 Thread Roberto Benitez
Form me is working right now.
I don't know if it wasn't available before.


On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 12:53 PM, retzzz  wrote:

> Anybody know what's wrong with django official website
> I can't open it by several days. Is it down or just my access request
> was blocked?
> --
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Re: TypeError / get_response: Can't figure it out?

2010-10-10 Thread Karen Tracey
On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Sleek  wrote:

> I'm a newbie to Django/Python world (PHP guy). I'm just going through
> some tutorials to get things figured out. Everything was working fine
> until when I was working through the last section of
> on Dynamic URLs. It seems be
> an error in the When I enter the follow:
> def hours_ahead(request, offset):
> # try:
> # offset = int(offset)
> # except ValueError:
> # raise Http404()
> dt = + datetime.timedelta(hours=offset)
> html = "In %s hour(s), it will be %s." %
> (offset, dt)
> return HttpResponse(html)
> I got to this error: TypeErrorhours_ahead() takes exactly 2
> arguments (1 given)
> It mentions: Exception Location: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/
> core/handlers/ in get_response, line 92
> It would seem to be some error with the get_response. Have I set
> something up wrong that it isn't pulling the information back
> correctly?

It sounds like you have not followed the instructions to put parentheses
around the data in the url pattern that you want to have passed into the
view (the paragraph that starts "Now that we’ve designated a wildcard for
the URL, we need a way of passing that wildcard data to the view function,
so that we can use a single view function for any arbitrary hour offset."


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Re: cannot open Django official website

2010-10-10 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 5:53 PM, retzzz  wrote:
> Anybody know what's wrong with django official website
> I can't open it by several days. Is it down or just my access request
> was blocked?

By any chance, have you installed (or just recently uninstalled) the
Weave extension in Firefox? We've had a number of reports that this
extension can put a non-RFC2616 compliant Accept-Language header in
requests, which causes some problems with Django's website.

Even if you haven't installed Weave, if your Accept-Language header
looks something like
"pt-br,chrome://global/locale/;q=0.5" (i.e., contains a
URL that clearly isn't a language code), then that is probably the

Russ Magee %-)

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django, celery and mysql: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2010-10-10 Thread Massimiliano della Rovere
Using django 1.2.3 with celery 2.0.3 and django-celery 2.0.3 and mysql
5.1.41 on kubuntu 10.04, I receive the following error:
OperationalError(2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query').

The error occurs every time the task is executed and seems to be
related to the execution time, in fact when I process smaller files
(let's say 8000 lines) everything is fine and task ends with success.
The current files count about 242000 lines and execution started at
13:17:01 and failed at 16:08:47.
I noticed using htop that cpu load is about 100% on both cores;
(Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 3040 @ 1.86GHz). Could this cause the mysql
error 2013?

The python code is quite long, and I am not copying it here because
the error is mysql related...
Does anybody have any ideas?

[2010-10-09 15:50:15,265: ERROR/MainProcess] Task
raised exception: OperationalError(2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL
server during query')
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 86, in execute_safe
return self.execute(*args, **kwargs)
line 101, in execute
return super(WorkerTaskTrace, self).execute()
line 62, in execute
retval = self._trace()
line 76, in _trace
return handler(trace.retval, trace.exc_type, trace.tb, trace.strtb)
line 122, in handle_failure
exc = self.task.backend.mark_as_failure(self.task_id, exc, strtb)
line 46, in mark_as_failure
line 152, in store_result
return self._store_result(task_id, result, status, traceback)
line 12, in _store_result
line 42, in _inner
line 188, in rollback_unless_managed
line 306, in _rollback
line 36, in _rollback
return self.connection.rollback()
OperationalError: (2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query')

skype: masdero, icq: 473891447, yim: mas_dero, msn:

Mi scriva in italiano; Write me in English; Skribu al mi Esperante!

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Re: Admin Many-to-Many on a regular Form?

2010-10-10 Thread Marc Aymerich
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 7:58 PM, AK  wrote:

> I really like the 'filter-horizontal' style widget used by Django
> Admin for things like specifying permissions for users/groups.  I
> would like to create a form that uses this same widget to allow
> someone to select a group and then edit which users are in the group
> based on this widget.  The catch for me is I need to do it through the
> standard part of my site, not the admin interface.

I'm also interested on this!

> --

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Re: django, celery and mysql: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2010-10-10 Thread Erik Cederstrand

Den 10/10/2010 kl. 16.34 skrev Massimiliano della Rovere:

> Using django 1.2.3 with celery 2.0.3 and django-celery 2.0.3 and mysql
> 5.1.41 on kubuntu 10.04, I receive the following error:
> OperationalError(2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query').
> The error occurs every time the task is executed and seems to be
> related to the execution time, in fact when I process smaller files
> (let's say 8000 lines) everything is fine and task ends with success.
> The current files count about 242000 lines and execution started at
> 13:17:01 and failed at 16:08:47.
> I noticed using htop that cpu load is about 100% on both cores;
> (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 3040 @ 1.86GHz). Could this cause the mysql
> error 2013?
> The python code is quite long, and I am not copying it here because
> the error is mysql related..

* Are you keeping a connection open to MySQL the whole time?
* What are the values of your timeout settings in the MySQL server 
* Anything in the MySQL server error log?
* Anything in the MySQL slow query log, if you have that set up?
* Which process(es) on the server is using 100% CPU time?

I suspect that you're opening a connection to the server, doing something in 
Django for a long time, and then trying to use the connection. At this point 
MySQL has lost patience and closed the connection.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Django logging database changes

2010-10-10 Thread David

I have a very simple app that I am writing that simply stores form
data to a database. I can then scroll through and edit data stored in
the database.

I was wondering if there is a built in function that would enable me
to log all data update/changes like the django admin history log does.
I didn't want to start work on it, and then find something already

Thank you

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Re: cannot open Django official website

2010-10-10 Thread retzzz
Hi Russell. You are right, it must be because the extension of Firefox
though I didn't install Weae extension.

I can access django site  through Firefox 4.0 beta 8 pre. Most plugin
can't work in this version of Firefox. Then when I uninstalled some of
my extensions under Firefox 3.8, I can open the site.

But it's weird that the problem didn't happen again when I reinstall
all my extensions that I just uninstalled. So I didn't find which one
result in the problem.

Anyway, than you very much.

On Oct 10, 9:41 pm, Russell Keith-Magee 
> On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 5:53 PM, retzzz  wrote:
> > Anybody know what's wrong with django official
> > I can't open it by several days. Is it down or just my access request
> > was blocked?
> By any chance, have you installed (or just recently uninstalled) the
> Weave extension in Firefox? We've had a number of reports that this
> extension can put a non-RFC2616 compliant Accept-Language header in
> requests, which causes some problems with Django's website.
> Even if you haven't installed Weave, if your Accept-Language header
> looks something like
> "pt-br,chrome://global/locale/;q=0.5" (i.e., contains a
> URL that clearly isn't a language code), then that is probably the
> issue.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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Re: django, celery and mysql: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2010-10-10 Thread Massimiliano della Rovere
On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 17:12, Erik Cederstrand  wrote:
> * Are you keeping a connection open to MySQL the whole time?
I do not know what is the default behaviour of django, but I did not specify
any custom option.

> * What are the values of your timeout settings in the MySQL server
Here is the my.cnf without comments for brevity's sake:
port= 3306
socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
nice= 0

user= mysql
socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port= 3306
basedir = /usr
datadir = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir  = /tmp

key_buffer  = 16M
max_allowed_packet  = 16M
thread_stack= 192K
thread_cache_size   = 8
myisam-recover = BACKUP
query_cache_limit   = 1M
query_cache_size= 16M
general_log_file= /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
general_log = 1
log_error= /var/log/mysql/error.log
log_slow_queries= /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
long_query_time = 2
expire_logs_days= 10
max_binlog_size = 100M
binlog_do_db= include_database_name
binlog_ignore_db= include_database_name

max_allowed_packet  = 16M

key_buffer  = 16M
!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/

> * Anything in the MySQL server error log?
nothing unusual in the error log, just the log coming from the two
/etc/init.d/mysql.d restart I issued today.

> * Anything in the MySQL slow query log, if you have that set up?
Yes I set it up.
Lots of query issued by my program are in the query log, with no errors
the last one is at 16:08:34 and the error was returned at 16:08:47.

> * Which process(es) on the server is using 100% CPU time?
directly from htop:
544 mader 20   0  969M  953M  1444 R 96.0 47.4 50:09.85 python
./ celeryd -l warning

> I suspect that you're opening a connection to the server,
> doing something in Django for a long time, and then
> trying to use the connection. At this point MySQL has
> lost patience and closed the connection.
The db is queried by my code often: the maximum time between two successive
queries is no more than 10 seconds, the source of this info is
Again, I do not know how django handles connections...

The python function / task raising this error is part of a billing program.

The task elaborates a csv file with the calls made by the customers: each
call "searches" the db for info about the calling number owner and the cost
of the called number and other things.
Through empirical tests, I noticed that the error raises after about 165000
lines(=calls) are elaborated (the file usually contains about 245000), but
everything is fine with fewer.
One solution could be splitting the file in pieces and then unifying the
results but it's not understanding and solving the problem, but just
circumventing it...

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Re: How to specify NULL as the default of a model field.

2010-10-10 Thread Łukasz Rekucki
Are you adding the field to the model or is the field is already there
and you're just adding null=True to it's definition. In the second
case, the *backwards* migration will require a default value for
instances that have NULL value.

On 10 October 2010 00:49, Tim Diggins  wrote:
> Yes I'm setting blank=True and null=True. But, when I migrate using
> South (I've added this field to an existing model), South complains
> that the field has no default value... In this instance, it isn't that
> important, but just wondering how I specify "NULL" in python in future
> (I would normally guess None, but that won't help in this instance)..
> Although it's not important I wondered how  I can indicate to South
> that the default value IS actually NULL - but maybe this is a South
> question not a Django (core) question.
> --
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Łukasz Rekucki

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Re: get_absolute_url error with sitemaps

2010-10-10 Thread het.oosten
It was as easy as:
def location(self, obj):
return obj['slug']

Finally :-) :-) this the right way to make a good sitemap.xml file?

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Re: django-facebook

2010-10-10 Thread shacker
On Oct 10, 1:34 am, Sævar Öfjörð  wrote:
> I'm using Django Socialregistration for this 
> purpose.
> If the user is already logged in and clicks the facebook button, the
> existing account is simply linked to the FB account.
> New users have the option to set up a username.

Ah - good to know django-facebookconnect isn't the only app doing that
correctly, thanks for that. I did eventually get things worked out
with django-facebookconnect - you can get into some weird situations
with multiple cookies/sessions, multiple logins, multiple linkages,
trying to log into one account when a previous cookie hasn't been
deleted, etc. ... the kind of stuff you're likely to hit during
development but that users aren't. I think I've got it solid now, but
will consider switching to django-socialauth if I hit further
problems, thanks.


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Re: django, celery and mysql: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2010-10-10 Thread Erik Cederstrand

Den 10/10/2010 kl. 17.55 skrev Massimiliano della Rovere:
> > * Which process(es) on the server is using 100% CPU time?
> directly from htop:
> 544 mader 20   0  969M  953M  1444 R 96.0 47.4 50:09.85 python 
> ./ celeryd -l warning

This, and the fact that you have no errors or seriously long queries in your 
slow query log, indicates that the MySQL server is operating fine.

Something seems to be timing out on the MySQL side. I'm not sure if you 
mentioned it, but are these InnoDB tables? The stack trace you posted is in the 
rollback of a transaction. It's possible that everything is running within the 
same transaction which MySQL is shutting down at some point. Try this:

SQL> show variables where variable_name LIKE '%timeout%';

to see the values in your current server instance.

If nothing suspicious turns up, I guess it's time to follow the stack trace 
into the celery source code or where your own code calls celery and add some 
debugging. Maybe it's a specific query that trips the code. Maybe it's a 
specific number of queries. Maybe it's at a specific timespan after connecting 
to MySQL.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Django.contrib.gis.gdal Questions

2010-10-10 Thread Greg Corradini
I also don't see setter properties (only getters) in or So I'm pretty sure it's only a read only implementation.

I guess if I wanted I could write my own wrappers for this write
functionality using Python ctypes, but I'm currently not smart enough.
The reason I care about this is b/c OGR official bindings are
currently giving me trouble and I was wondering if
django.contrib.gis.gdal could be used as a workaround.

So I'm wondering what the use of these bindings are in the larger
django project? Are they used at different points in django behind the
scenes to do interop to other data formats? Or is the point of these
wrappers more as a utility for users to inspect data (mainly

Just wondering :)

On Oct 9, 7:50 am, Greg Corradini  wrote:
> I'm wondering if django.contrib.gis.gdal Python wrappers were only
> meant to implement read functionality of OGR? It seems that way. I
> don't see any implementation of CreateDatasource in the
> class. Is this correct or is there a way to write to shapefiles with
> these bindings that I'm missing? Just wondering :)

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trouble creating first project

2010-10-10 Thread Phil

I am having trouble creating my first project. I am running the latest
version of Ubuntu and I installed Django from svn, when I run 'import
django' i get no errors back so I assume its installed OK.

When I run ' startproject myproject' I get back an
error saying ' command not found'.

How can I solve/get around this error? Appreciate any help/ advice

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Re: trouble creating first project

2010-10-10 Thread Shawn Milochik
It seems that the command you're running is not on your PYTHONPATH. You may 
have to enter the full path to django-admin.


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Re: trouble creating first project

2010-10-10 Thread Jonathan Barratt
Hi Phil,

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Phil  wrote:

> When I run ' startproject myproject' I get back an
> error saying ' command not found'.

Run the following from a shell prompt:

ls -l `which`

and let us know the result.


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how to avoid error opening a url

2010-10-10 Thread jimgardener
In my application I am taking user given url strings.The user is
likely to enter '' instead of 'http://' .When I try to open the url

import urllib2

can give a ValueError if the user fails to enter 'http'.How can this
problem be addressed?do I have to prepend 'http' to every urlstring
before trying to open it using urlopen?

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Re: how to avoid error opening a url

2010-10-10 Thread Jonathan Barratt
On 11 ?.?. 2010, at 11:00, jimgardener wrote:

> hi
> In my application I am taking user given url strings.The user is
> likely to enter '' instead of 'http://
>' .When I try to open the url
> import urllib2
> page=urllib2.urlopen(url)
> can give a ValueError if the user fails to enter 'http'.How can this
> problem be addressed?

I think the most 'correct' way to do this would be to use a URLField in your 
form so that form.is_valid() will force the user to enter the http:// 
themselves. (Of course a message to the user on the form explaining this would 
be helpful.) 

This will also have nice side-effects like checking that it ends in a valid 
TLD, and if you set URLField.verify_exists=True it will even ensure that the 
URL leads somewhere other than a 404.

> do I have to prepend 'http' to every urlstring
> before trying to open it using urlopen?

Otherwise yes, I'd use something like:

if not url.startswith('http://'):
url = 'http://' + url

I'm a Django newbie myself, however, so someone else may chime in with a better 
option for you.

Good luck!

> thanks
> jim
> -- 
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