Hi Russell. You are right, it must be because the extension of Firefox
though I didn't install Weae extension.

I can access django site  through Firefox 4.0 beta 8 pre. Most plugin
can't work in this version of Firefox. Then when I uninstalled some of
my extensions under Firefox 3.8, I can open the site.

But it's weird that the problem didn't happen again when I reinstall
all my extensions that I just uninstalled. So I didn't find which one
result in the problem.

Anyway, than you very much.

On Oct 10, 9:41 pm, Russell Keith-Magee <russ...@keith-magee.com>
> On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 5:53 PM, retzzz <ret...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Anybody know what's wrong with django official websitewww.djangoproject.com?
> > I can't open it by several days. Is it down or just my access request
> > was blocked?
> By any chance, have you installed (or just recently uninstalled) the
> Weave extension in Firefox? We've had a number of reports that this
> extension can put a non-RFC2616 compliant Accept-Language header in
> requests, which causes some problems with Django's website.
> Even if you haven't installed Weave, if your Accept-Language header
> looks something like
> "pt-br,chrome://global/locale/intl.properties;q=0.5" (i.e., contains a
> URL that clearly isn't a language code), then that is probably the
> issue.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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