change database schema ``Public``

2010-07-14 Thread jai_python
HI friends,
 How can we change the database schema ``Public`` to ``MySchema``.
Default syncdb will create tables in public schema. How can i change

Thanks & Regards,
Jayapal D

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Re: django and handling form validation errors

2010-07-14 Thread Daniel Roseman

On Jul 14, 12:22 am, reduxdj  wrote:
> HI,
> (sorry for this re-post, my original post isn't here??, so I replaced
> it, and I have been checking up all day as I hope to find the
> solution)
> Forgive me, here's another n00b doozie. I've created a form, which
> extends form, however, my form is not validating and I can't get the
> form to print errors next to my form fields. What's curious, at the
> form.is_valid()
> in all the examples, I don't see an else: clause. Which leads me to
> believe that a validation error should be
> raised at this point, so an else is not neccessary??
> So, my form should hold clean_fieldname methods for each field name
> correct? and if an error is raised,
> automagically, django handles the error messages, as long as it's
> defined in my template, correct or not?
> So every property needs a clean method?
> Sorry, I've read the resources and I'm a little unclear on this?
> Thanks for your time,
> Django and the community rocks
> from my views:
> def listing(request):
>    if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted...
>        new_listing = Listing()
>        form = ListingForm(data=request.POST,instance=new_listing)
>        if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass
>            return HttpResponseRedirect('/listing/') # Redirect after
>        #else:
>            #return HttpResponseRedirect('/listing/') # Redirect after
>            #return HttpResponse('form is a failure, like you.')
>            #return HttpResponseRedirect('/create/') # Redirect after
>    else:
>        form = ListingForm() # An unbound form
>        return render_to_response('listing.html', {
>            'form': form,
>        })

What's happened is that you have indented the final line too much. It
should line up with the main function content - ie on the same level
as the 'else' above it, it shouldn't actually come under that else.

That means that if the form is a post, but doesn't validate, the flow
falls from if form.is_valid() straight down to that return - and so
the form that was instantiated by passing in request.POST is passed
back to the template, and rendered along with its errors. This is why
you don't need that commented-out else block.

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Re: Filtering a List

2010-07-14 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jul 14, 12:17 am, Micah  wrote:
> Example:
> Line 6 is what I have a question about.  Should I use javascript to
> deal with that?  If so, can the javascript access the django boolean?
> Is there a way for Django to make runtime changes like this (filter /
> unfilter checkbox or button)?  How would I go about this task by
> refreshing the page when the user presses the checkbox or button, post
> data I am assuming but how would I have Django access that?
> In case it isn't obvious, I am relatively new to Django so a point in
> the right direction may suffice.  I have Googled a bit for a solution
> but couldn't find anything, though it's possible I am just using the
> wrong terms.

No, you can't use javascript there. The template is evaluated when
first rendered, so the if statement no longer exists by the time the
javascript executes.

The way to do this is to output the content regardless, but use
javascript to hide it (set the 'display' style to 'none'), then more
javascript to unhide it when the box is ticked.

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return number instead of string in admin

2010-07-14 Thread alan-l

in the tutorial i see that to return a string or a combination of
strings, i can do:
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s %s' % (self.firstname, self.surname)

what do i need to do to return a number? or more importantly, what is
the def called to ensure it is read and returned when looking at the
class in admin?



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Re: return number instead of string in admin

2010-07-14 Thread Nuno Maltez

Why not

def __unicode__(self):
return u"%d" % self.mynumber



On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:15 AM, alan-l
> Hi,
> in the tutorial i see that to return a string or a combination of
> strings, i can do:
>    def __unicode__(self):
>        return u'%s %s' % (self.firstname, self.surname)
> what do i need to do to return a number? or more importantly, what is
> the def called to ensure it is read and returned when looking at the
> class in admin?
> Thanks,
> Alan
> --
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2010-07-14 Thread George Sakkis
On Jul 12, 3:59 pm, Andi  wrote:

> On Jul 12, 3:40 pm, Nick Raptis  wrote:
> > Yea, for some reason, my thoughts went to Weave too. Maybe it has
> > something to do with it, maybe it doesn't. Haven't got any more trouble
> > since I fixed it though.
> > Glad I could help :)
> I'm using Weave too, don't think that's a coincidence.

Another Weave user here, and I confirm both the problem and the

Thanks a lot for solving this, it was driving me crazy!


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Re: return number instead of string in admin

2010-07-14 Thread Subhranath Chunder
Try this instead:

def __unicode__(self):
   return u"%d" % (self.mynumber, )

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Nuno Maltez  wrote:

> Hi,
> Why not
> def __unicode__(self):
>return u"%d" % self.mynumber
> ?
> Nuno
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:15 AM, alan-l
>  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > in the tutorial i see that to return a string or a combination of
> > strings, i can do:
> >def __unicode__(self):
> >return u'%s %s' % (self.firstname, self.surname)
> >
> >
> > what do i need to do to return a number? or more importantly, what is
> > the def called to ensure it is read and returned when looking at the
> > class in admin?
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Alan
> >
> > --
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> >
> >
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Unknown command: graph_models

2010-07-14 Thread Pedram
Sorry if this thread already exists. I've searched but nothing could
I tried this code:
python graph_models graphdb -o
But I got this error:
Unknown command: 'graph_models'
Type ' help' for usage.

I installed python-graphviz, graphviz-deb, python-django-extensions
but still I have the error. Anything's missing?

Thanks in advance.

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2010-07-14 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:47 PM, George Sakkis  wrote:
> On Jul 12, 3:59 pm, Andi  wrote:
>> On Jul 12, 3:40 pm, Nick Raptis  wrote:
>> > Yea, for some reason, my thoughts went to Weave too. Maybe it has
>> > something to do with it, maybe it doesn't. Haven't got any more trouble
>> > since I fixed it though.
>> > Glad I could help :)
>> I'm using Weave too, don't think that's a coincidence.
> Another Weave user here, and I confirm both the problem and the
> solution.
> Thanks a lot for solving this, it was driving me crazy!

I'm glad we've worked out that Weave is the culprit, but nobody has
answered the question of whether this is an indicator of a problem
with Django itself. What is weave passing as a header (and under what
conditions) that is causing a problem? Is there a need to improve
Django's error handling to protect against this case?

Russ Magee %-)

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reset user password

2010-07-14 Thread Badio Nadae Ivar

Hi Guys,

I'm building a django application and i want to set up a class that wiil 
the user te reset his password each 2 weeks.


Nadae Ivar Badio


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Re: Form validation and template errors - need n00b help

2010-07-14 Thread Tom Evans
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:06 PM, reduxdj  wrote:
> HI,
> Forgive me, here's another n00b doozie. I've created a form, which
> extends form, however, my form is not validating and I can't get the
> form to print errors next to my form fields. What's curious, at the
> form.is_valid()
> in all the examples, I don't see an else: clause. Which leads me to
> believe that a validation error should be
> raised at this point, so an else is not neccessary??
> So, my form should hold clean_fieldname methods for each field name
> correct? and if an error is raised,
> automagically, django handles the error messages, as long as it's
> defined in my template, correct or not?
> So every property needs a clean method?
> Sorry, I've read the resources and I'm a little unclear on this?
> Thanks for your time,
> Django and the community rocks
> from my views:
> def listing(request):
>    if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted...
>        new_listing = Listing()
>        form = ListingForm(data=request.POST,instance=new_listing)
>        if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass
>            return HttpResponseRedirect('/listing/') # Redirect after
>        #else:
>            #return HttpResponseRedirect('/listing/') # Redirect after
>            #return HttpResponse('form is a failure, like you.')
>            #return HttpResponseRedirect('/create/') # Redirect after
>    else:
>        form = ListingForm() # An unbound form
>        return render_to_response('listing.html', {
>            'form': form,
>        })

Unindent the 'return render_to_response(...' lines, so that they are
executed when you have an invalid form. The form will be re-rendered,
except this time the form instance will be bound, and have appropriate
error messages in it.


if request.method == 'POST':
  form = ...
  if form.is_valid():
  form = ...
return render_to_response(...)



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Re: Multiple languages question about /jsi18n/

2010-07-14 Thread Stodge
Any ideas? This is driving me nuts. I've just hit a problem where I
have strings defined for two apps:


I added a new project app3 (project/app3/locale) and defined strings,
compiled them but they're not available in the catalog. I'm starting
to think there are major problems with language support in Django
1.1.2. I'm stuck on 1.1.2 as my app runs on a server I cannot control
or upgrade.


On Jun 7, 12:19 pm, Stodge  wrote:
> Ok I think I see what's happening. I have js strings defined in
> project/locale and project/app/locale. jsi18n isn't picking up the
> project level strings but it is seeing the app strings. This doesn't
> sound right to me.
> On Jun 7, 9:06 am,Stodge wrote:
> > I have the jsi18n view defined in my URLs. I've added a call to
> > gettext() in javascript and added the string definition in
> > djangojs.po. I then compiled the messages and re-started the server.
> > But the resulting string retrieved from gettext() is the tag, e.g.
> > 'my_title'.
> > Did I forget something? I'm sure I have everything setup, but my
> > catalog is always empty.
> > On Jun 4, 10:49 am,Stodge wrote:
> > > I think I have basic internationalisation working for english and
> > > french. I can switch languages and change the page's title
> > > accordingly. However, if I visit:
> > > /jsi18n/
> > > I see the catalog definition and a few gettext related functions etc.
> > > However, these are defaults and the translations in the catalog are
> > > not mine and are always french, regardless of the language.
> > > What are these translations in the catalog and why are they always
> > > french? Any ideas? Thanks

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Re: return number instead of string in admin

2010-07-14 Thread alan-l
brilliant, thank you.

is there a python or django page that layouts all the available
options that can be after the percentage and what they mean?



On Jul 14, 11:35 am, Subhranath Chunder  wrote:
> Try this instead:
> def __unicode__(self):
>    return u"%d" % (self.mynumber, )
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Nuno Maltez  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Why not
> > def __unicode__(self):
> >    return u"%d" % self.mynumber
> > ?
> > Nuno
> > On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:15 AM, alan-l
> >  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > in the tutorial i see that to return a string or a combination of
> > > strings, i can do:
> > >    def __unicode__(self):
> > >        return u'%s %s' % (self.firstname, self.surname)
> > > what do i need to do to return a number? or more importantly, what is
> > > the def called to ensure it is read and returned when looking at the
> > > class in admin?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Alan
> > > --
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> >
> > --
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> >

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Re: Admin Model Validation on ManyToMany Field

2010-07-14 Thread Nuno Maltez

Just a guess: have you actually selected a user and a folder when
submitting the form? I think only valid field are present on the
cleaned_data dict, and your users and folder fields are not optional
(blank=True, null=True).


On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Heleen  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following classes:
> class Application(models.Model):
>  users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='Permission')
>  folder = models.ForeignKey(Folder)
> class Folder(models.Model):
>  company = models.ManyToManyField(Compnay)
> class UserProfile(models.Model):
>  user = models.OneToOneField(User, related_name='profile')
>  company = models.ManyToManyField(Company)
> Now when I save application, I would like to check if the users do not
> belong to the application's folder's companies.
> I have posed this question before and someone came up with the
> following sollution:
> class ApplicationForm(ModelForm):
>    class Meta:
>        model = Application
>    def clean(self):
>        cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data
>        users = cleaned_data['users']
>        folder = cleaned_data['folder']
>        if
> users.filter( > 0:
>            raise forms.ValidationError('One of the users of this
> Application works in one of the Folder companies!')
>        return cleaned_data
> class ApplicationAdmin(ModelAdmin):
>    form = ApplicationForm
> This seems like right the way to go about this. The problem is that
> neither the users nor folder fields are in the cleaned_data and I get
> a keyerror when it hits the users = cleaned_data['users'] line.
> I was hoping that someone here could explain to me why these
> manytomany fields don't show up in cleaned_data and that someone could
> possibly give me a sollution to my problem.
> Thanks!
> Heleen
> --
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Re: Javascript string catalogs (jsi18n) - accessing strings in project/locale?

2010-07-14 Thread Stodge
Wow - I think you just fixed my problem! Awesome.


On Jul 12, 4:57 pm, Jari Pennanen  wrote:
> Hi, I know this comes late, but for the future reference:
> My problem was that I had "locale" directory in *project* directory,
> "myproject/locale" but I didn't have myproject in INSTALLED_APPS.
> So the thing that contains localization strings *must* be ALSO in the
> INSTALLED_APPS = [..., 'myproject']
> On 8 kesä, 16:13, Stodge  wrote:
> > I ran makemessages -d djangojs from my project level directory, and
> > Django automatically generated the .po file in project/locale/. I
> > followed the documentation (and the book The Definitive Guide to
> > Django) but I cannot access these translated strings. The catalog is
> > always empty. My urls contains:
> > js_info_dict = {
> >         'packages': ('django.conf',),
> > }
> > But this doesn't work. I tried:
> > js_info_dict = {
> >         'packages': ('project_name',),
> > }
> > As this is package name for the project directory, but no dice. So how
> > do I access the strings in my project directory?
> > Thanks

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Re: return number instead of string in admin

2010-07-14 Thread Subhranath Chunder

This is simple python string formatting. You may refer to the following for
more details:

Subhranath Chunder.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 5:31 PM, alan-l

> brilliant, thank you.
> is there a python or django page that layouts all the available
> options that can be after the percentage and what they mean?
> Thanks,
> Alan
> On Jul 14, 11:35 am, Subhranath Chunder  wrote:
> > Try this instead:
> >
> > def __unicode__(self):
> >return u"%d" % (self.mynumber, )
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Nuno Maltez 
> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> >
> > > Why not
> >
> > > def __unicode__(self):
> > >return u"%d" % self.mynumber
> >
> > > ?
> >
> > > Nuno
> >
> > > On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:15 AM, alan-l
> > >  wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> >
> > > > in the tutorial i see that to return a string or a combination of
> > > > strings, i can do:
> > > >def __unicode__(self):
> > > >return u'%s %s' % (self.firstname, self.surname)
> >
> > > > what do i need to do to return a number? or more importantly, what is
> > > > the def called to ensure it is read and returned when looking at the
> > > > class in admin?
> >
> > > > Thanks,
> >
> > > > Alan
> >
> > > > --
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> Groups
> > > "Django users" group.
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> > >
> >
> > > .
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> > >
> >
> > > --
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> Groups
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> > > .
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> > >
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What is djangojs.pot?

2010-07-14 Thread Stodge
I'm getting an error during makemessages:

 Making project level Javascript strings
processing language fr
Error: errors happened while running msgmerge
msgmerge: input file doesn't contain a header entry with a charset

If I look in project/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES I see a file djangojs.pot.
What is a .pot file and why is it created? It's not in the
documentation. it contains an interesting line:

#: static/js/test.js:408 static/js/

The file static/js/ does not exist. Any ideas? Thanks

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Redefine True and False for Boolean and/or NullBoolean Fields?

2010-07-14 Thread rmschne
As I understand, in Django/Python, True is 1 and False=0.  And when
connected to the database, we use a TinyInt for that variable and
assign it to a NullBooleanField.

Problem is that some people use their PC's with a Microsoft Access
based front end to the database (MySQL).  The forms use check-boxes,
and when checked, which is supposed be "true", Access puts -1 into the
data base.  Django doesn't recognize that value as True.

I can't change the Access forms or system and don't tell me to stop
using Access. We don't have unlimited resources to fix all the
problems in the world!

I'm wondering if there is some way to tell Django in the data model to
let a model variable return True when <>0 (instead of when=1) , and
False when 0?

This seems the cleanest easiest way; but I can't see how to make this
possible?  Is it?  Or is there another approach ?

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Django Install - Won't Import?

2010-07-14 Thread Hayezb
I'm trying to install Django on my laptop but it's not wanting to
import through the command line. I pointed to the " install"
but when I try this notepad comes up with some code and that's it. I
go and check my Python directory and there are no Django files in

Any ideas?


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Re: Form validation and template errors - need n00b help

2010-07-14 Thread reduxdj

Tom I looked a the django book carefully and did the following:

return render_to_response('listing.html', {'form':form,'error': True})

and works...

thanks for responding as well

On Jul 14, 7:37 am, Tom Evans  wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:06 PM, reduxdj  wrote:
> > HI,
> > Forgive me, here's another n00b doozie. I've created a form, which
> > extends form, however, my form is not validating and I can't get the
> > form to print errors next to my form fields. What's curious, at the
> > form.is_valid()
> > in all the examples, I don't see an else: clause. Which leads me to
> > believe that a validation error should be
> > raised at this point, so an else is not neccessary??
> > So, my form should hold clean_fieldname methods for each field name
> > correct? and if an error is raised,
> > automagically, django handles the error messages, as long as it's
> > defined in my template, correct or not?
> > So every property needs a clean method?
> > Sorry, I've read the resources and I'm a little unclear on this?
> > Thanks for your time,
> > Django and the community rocks
> > from my views:
> > def listing(request):
> >    if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted...
> >        new_listing = Listing()
> >        form = ListingForm(data=request.POST,instance=new_listing)
> >
> >        if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass
> >  
> >            return HttpResponseRedirect('/listing/') # Redirect after
> > POST
> >        #else:
> >            #return HttpResponseRedirect('/listing/') # Redirect after
> > POST
> >            #return HttpResponse('form is a failure, like you.')
> >            #return HttpResponseRedirect('/create/') # Redirect after
> > POST
> >    else:
> >        form = ListingForm() # An unbound form
> >        return render_to_response('listing.html', {
> >            'form': form,
> >        })
> Unindent the 'return render_to_response(...' lines, so that they are
> executed when you have an invalid form. The form will be re-rendered,
> except this time the form instance will be bound, and have appropriate
> error messages in it.
> eg:
> if request.method == 'POST':
>   form = ...
>   if form.is_valid():
>     ...
> else:
>   form = ...
> return render_to_response(...)
> Cheers
> Tom

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2010-07-14 Thread Chris Lawlor
Nick, thank you so much for figuring this out!!

On Jul 8, 11:12 am, Nick Raptis  wrote:

> In firefox, check your preffered language settings, in the content tab.
> If there is a non-standard value there (perhaps "/etc/locale/prefs.conf"
> or something) instead of a locale like en-US,
> some django pages won't ever display.
> Nick
> On 07/08/2010 04:11 PM, eon wrote:
> > Same for me. The problem is in the firefox profile (maybe due to the
> > switch from 3.5 to 3.6 ?)
> > Start-up with a new profile (backport plugins, bookmarks argh...)
> > resolves the issue
> > On 5 juil, 20:52, Andi  wrote:
> >> On Jul 2, 10:44 pm, Bill Freeman  wrote:
> >>> What might be of help is adding the IP address to /etc/hosts, if you are
> >>> on linux.
> >> I have the same problem regarding (Firefox 3.6.6 on
> >> Ubuntu).  Everything works but Firefox using my default profile: host
> >> and nslookup succeed in resolving the domain name.  Adding the IP to /
> >> etc/hosts or accessing the IP address directly in firefox doesn't
> >> help.  Opera, chromium, arora, w3m, elinks, lynx and konqueror are not
> >> affected.  Firefoxes on other hosts within the same LAN can connect to
> >> without a problem.  Disabling all add-ons living in
> >> my Firefox doesn't have an effect -- but starting with a fresh profile
> >> does: loads successfully.
> >> It's a very strange problem, because there is no problem with the
> >> other thousands of websites I've visited during the last days.  It's
> >> the combination + my main Firefox profile which
> >> produces the problem exclusively.
> >> --
> >> Andi

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Re: Admin Model Validation on ManyToMany Field

2010-07-14 Thread Heleen
Thank you for your reply.

Yes I have selected a user and folder.
I believe ManyToMany fields are always optional (hence many to many).
So my users and company fields are optional, but my folder field
When I add a new Application in the Admin I do specify a folder and
users (if I don't I would at least get a 'Required field' error for
the folder field).
I've tested the method above (clean function) with another model that
has a manytomany field, and it does exactly the same thing, even when
I really do fill in the data. In fact, if I delibirately throw an
error and look in the debug info I can see the ManyToMany field data
being present in the POST data, just like I can when I do the same
thing with the above models.

Btw, I just noticed a typo in my Folder model description above,
that's not the issue as it's correct in my original model.

On Jul 14, 2:02 pm, Nuno Maltez  wrote:
> Hi,
> Just a guess: have you actually selected a user and a folder when
> submitting the form? I think only valid field are present on the
> cleaned_data dict, and your users and folder fields are not optional
> (blank=True, null=True).
> hth,
> nuno
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Heleen  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have the following classes:
> > class Application(models.Model):
> >  users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='Permission')
> >  folder = models.ForeignKey(Folder)
> > class Folder(models.Model):
> >  company = models.ManyToManyField(Compnay)
> > class UserProfile(models.Model):
> >  user = models.OneToOneField(User, related_name='profile')
> >  company = models.ManyToManyField(Company)
> > Now when I save application, I would like to check if the users do not
> > belong to the application's folder's companies.
> > I have posed this question before and someone came up with the
> > following sollution:
> >
> > class ApplicationForm(ModelForm):
> >    class Meta:
> >        model = Application
> >    def clean(self):
> >        cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data
> >        users = cleaned_data['users']
> >        folder = cleaned_data['folder']
> >        if
> > users.filter( > 0:
> >            raise forms.ValidationError('One of the users of this
> > Application works in one of the Folder companies!')
> >        return cleaned_data
> >
> > class ApplicationAdmin(ModelAdmin):
> >    form = ApplicationForm
> > This seems like right the way to go about this. The problem is that
> > neither the users nor folder fields are in the cleaned_data and I get
> > a keyerror when it hits the users = cleaned_data['users'] line.
> > I was hoping that someone here could explain to me why these
> > manytomany fields don't show up in cleaned_data and that someone could
> > possibly give me a sollution to my problem.
> > Thanks!
> > Heleen
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> >
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google blogger & ooyala video integration (apps)

2010-07-14 Thread jaymzcd
Hi all,

I have been working on a number of projects here at, we're a
very heavy django shop and have been mindful to try and keep as much
of the code generic as possible. A few things which I have written
that might be useful to others are two fairly standalone apps - one
for syncing and using google blogger content via its RSS feeds for any
profile and another to integrate with the Ooyala video hosting

Both projects are available at github for anyone interested. The
ooyala project can be used without django itself. Both are continuing
works but they are at a point I feel I can share them.


More info on both:


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Managing static content / basically handling images best practices

2010-07-14 Thread reduxdj
I want to use ImageField for users to upload static content and I need
a little advice from a some django pros on how to do this in a dev
enviornment. I notice the disclaimer that django dev server should not
used to serve static content, or it shouldn't be.  So...

What's the best practice for this then?
Right now, I love the simplicity of the django dev webserver, should i
switch the devserver to nginx?
Does that have the ability to know when i make a change to a python
file without a server restart necessary?
Is there anything else I should know.

Thanks so much,

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Re: Admin Model Validation on ManyToMany Field

2010-07-14 Thread Nuno Maltez
Sorry, I can't reproduce your error with django 1.2.

I copied your models (just removed the intermediaty "Permission"
because I don't know your User model) into a new app and I have 2
scenarios Adding an Application in the admin:

a) if I select a User and Folder, the validation runs just fine
b) if I do not select an User, then the "clean" method is still
accessed, but since 'users' is not present in the cleaned_data dict it
throws an exception - which is the scenario you give, hence my
original guess :)


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Heleen  wrote:
> Thank you for your reply.
> Yes I have selected a user and folder.
> I believe ManyToMany fields are always optional (hence many to many).
> So my users and company fields are optional, but my folder field
> isn't.
> When I add a new Application in the Admin I do specify a folder and
> users (if I don't I would at least get a 'Required field' error for
> the folder field).

> I've tested the method above (clean function) with another model that
> has a manytomany field, and it does exactly the same thing, even when
> I really do fill in the data. In fact, if I delibirately throw an
> error and look in the debug info I can see the ManyToMany field data
> being present in the POST data, just like I can when I do the same
> thing with the above models.
> Btw, I just noticed a typo in my Folder model description above,
> that's not the issue as it's correct in my original model.
> On Jul 14, 2:02 pm, Nuno Maltez  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just a guess: have you actually selected a user and a folder when
>> submitting the form? I think only valid field are present on the
>> cleaned_data dict, and your users and folder fields are not optional
>> (blank=True, null=True).
>> hth,
>> nuno
>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Heleen  wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> > I have the following classes:
>> > class Application(models.Model):
>> >  users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='Permission')
>> >  folder = models.ForeignKey(Folder)
>> > class Folder(models.Model):
>> >  company = models.ManyToManyField(Compnay)
>> > class UserProfile(models.Model):
>> >  user = models.OneToOneField(User, related_name='profile')
>> >  company = models.ManyToManyField(Company)
>> > Now when I save application, I would like to check if the users do not
>> > belong to the application's folder's companies.
>> > I have posed this question before and someone came up with the
>> > following sollution:
>> >
>> > class ApplicationForm(ModelForm):
>> >    class Meta:
>> >        model = Application
>> >    def clean(self):
>> >        cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data
>> >        users = cleaned_data['users']
>> >        folder = cleaned_data['folder']
>> >        if
>> > users.filter( > 0:
>> >            raise forms.ValidationError('One of the users of this
>> > Application works in one of the Folder companies!')
>> >        return cleaned_data
>> >
>> > class ApplicationAdmin(ModelAdmin):
>> >    form = ApplicationForm
>> > This seems like right the way to go about this. The problem is that
>> > neither the users nor folder fields are in the cleaned_data and I get
>> > a keyerror when it hits the users = cleaned_data['users'] line.
>> > I was hoping that someone here could explain to me why these
>> > manytomany fields don't show up in cleaned_data and that someone could
>> > possibly give me a sollution to my problem.
>> > Thanks!
>> > Heleen
>> > --
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>> > "Django users" group.
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>> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> >
>> > For more options, visit this group 
>> > at
> --
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> "Django users" group.
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Re: Redefine True and False for Boolean and/or NullBoolean Fields?

2010-07-14 Thread Tom Evans
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 1:45 PM, rmschne  wrote:
> As I understand, in Django/Python, True is 1 and False=0.  And when
> connected to the database, we use a TinyInt for that variable and
> assign it to a NullBooleanField.

True and False are global objects of type bool, not 1 and 0. bool
constructor converts integers to True/False as appropriate.

> Problem is that some people use their PC's with a Microsoft Access
> based front end to the database (MySQL).  The forms use check-boxes,
> and when checked, which is supposed be "true", Access puts -1 into the
> data base.  Django doesn't recognize that value as True.

Yes, Access is dire. I think you can probably count the number of
people using Access as a front end to django on one hand (possibly one
hand with four fingers cut off).

> I can't change the Access forms or system and don't tell me to stop
> using Access. We don't have unlimited resources to fix all the
> problems in the world!
> I'm wondering if there is some way to tell Django in the data model to
> let a model variable return True when <>0 (instead of when=1) , and
> False when 0?
> This seems the cleanest easiest way; but I can't see how to make this
> possible?  Is it?  Or is there another approach ?

Define a MyBooleanField that extends models.BooleanField, override
to_python(). Use that instead of models.BooleanField.

Docs on that:



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Dynamic Form Widget [django admin]

2010-07-14 Thread Jon Walsh
Hi guys,

This might be best explained by example... for the following model:

class Setting(models.Model):
data_type = models.CharField()
value = models.TextField()

I want Django's admin to display a different form widget for the
"value" field depending on the input of "data_type". For example: if
"data_type" was "date", then the value field would use a date widget
instead of the TextField's default widget.

My predicament is that ModelAdmin is defined as a class, and not
instances. So I can't pass it a custom form since instances (i.e.
"data_type" value) are needed to decide what field the form should

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

thanks, Jon

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Re: Managing static content / basically handling images best practices

2010-07-14 Thread Jon Walsh
I solved this issue by making the FileField (or ImageField) save the
files into an Apache (or other web server) served directory. Though
obviously this has security implications so I only do this for the
password protected admin.

Hope that helps

cheers, Jon

On Jul 15, 12:33 am, reduxdj  wrote:
> I want to use ImageField for users to upload static content and I need
> a little advice from a some django pros on how to do this in a dev
> enviornment. I notice the disclaimer that django dev server should not
> used to serve static content, or it shouldn't be.  So...
> What's the best practice for this then?
> Right now, I love the simplicity of the django dev webserver, should i
> switch the devserver to nginx?
> Does that have the ability to know when i make a change to a python
> file without a server restart necessary?
> Is there anything else I should know.
> Thanks so much,
> Patrick

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Re: Admin Model Validation on ManyToMany Field

2010-07-14 Thread Nuno Maltez
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Nuno Maltez  wrote:
> Sorry, I can't reproduce your error with django 1.2.
> I copied your models (just removed the intermediaty "Permission"
> because I don't know your User model) into a new app and I have 2

Oops, forgot to add i made the ManyToMany  a relation to django's User model.


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Re: Managing static content / basically handling images best practices

2010-07-14 Thread jaymzcd
I typically add a config to apache to ignore my media folder and not
handle it with python so that requests to /media/.* all go straight to
the webserver and don't go via django. I typically have something like
this sitting in my conf's:

SetHandler None
Options -Indexes

I'd not bother doing that for the dev environment though unless you've
got your server setup already and its not much hassle.


On Jul 14, 3:33 pm, reduxdj  wrote:
> I want to use ImageField for users to upload static content and I need
> a little advice from a some django pros on how to do this in a dev
> enviornment. I notice the disclaimer that django dev server should not
> used to serve static content, or it shouldn't be.  So...
> What's the best practice for this then?
> Right now, I love the simplicity of the django dev webserver, should i
> switch the devserver to nginx?
> Does that have the ability to know when i make a change to a python
> file without a server restart necessary?
> Is there anything else I should know.
> Thanks so much,
> Patrick

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Re: Admin Model Validation on ManyToMany Field

2010-07-14 Thread jaymzcd
Hi Heleen,

I think this is because your running the users through an intermediate
model. That changes the way you need to work with the M2M data. You
should be working on the Permission model/objects instead. If you
check out the M2M docs for models via an intermediate:

You'll see the example is pretty much what you have only with Group
instead of Application.

"The only way to create this type of relationship is to create
instances of the intermediate model. Unlike normal many-to-many
fields, you can't use add, create, or assignment (i.e.,
beatles.members = [...]) to create relationships:"


On Jul 14, 2:32 pm, Heleen  wrote:
> Thank you for your reply.
> Yes I have selected a user and folder.
> I believe ManyToMany fields are always optional (hence many to many).
> So my users and company fields are optional, but my folder field
> isn't.
> When I add a new Application in the Admin I do specify a folder and
> users (if I don't I would at least get a 'Required field' error for
> the folder field).
> I've tested the method above (clean function) with another model that
> has a manytomany field, and it does exactly the same thing, even when
> I really do fill in the data. In fact, if I delibirately throw an
> error and look in the debug info I can see the ManyToMany field data
> being present in the POST data, just like I can when I do the same
> thing with the above models.
> Btw, I just noticed a typo in my Folder model description above,
> that's not the issue as it's correct in my original model.
> On Jul 14, 2:02 pm, Nuno Maltez  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Just a guess: have you actually selected a user and a folder when
> > submitting the form? I think only valid field are present on the
> > cleaned_data dict, and your users and folder fields are not optional
> > (blank=True, null=True).
> > hth,
> > nuno
> > On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Heleen  wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I have the following classes:
> > > class Application(models.Model):
> > >  users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='Permission')
> > >  folder = models.ForeignKey(Folder)
> > > class Folder(models.Model):
> > >  company = models.ManyToManyField(Compnay)
> > > class UserProfile(models.Model):
> > >  user = models.OneToOneField(User, related_name='profile')
> > >  company = models.ManyToManyField(Company)
> > > Now when I save application, I would like to check if the users do not
> > > belong to the application's folder's companies.
> > > I have posed this question before and someone came up with the
> > > following sollution:
> > >
> > > class ApplicationForm(ModelForm):
> > >    class Meta:
> > >        model = Application
> > >    def clean(self):
> > >        cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data
> > >        users = cleaned_data['users']
> > >        folder = cleaned_data['folder']
> > >        if
> > > users.filter( > 0:
> > >            raise forms.ValidationError('One of the users of this
> > > Application works in one of the Folder companies!')
> > >        return cleaned_data
> > >
> > > class ApplicationAdmin(ModelAdmin):
> > >    form = ApplicationForm
> > > This seems like right the way to go about this. The problem is that
> > > neither the users nor folder fields are in the cleaned_data and I get
> > > a keyerror when it hits the users = cleaned_data['users'] line.
> > > I was hoping that someone here could explain to me why these
> > > manytomany fields don't show up in cleaned_data and that someone could
> > > possibly give me a sollution to my problem.
> > > Thanks!
> > > Heleen
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > > "Django users" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > >
> > > For more options, visit this group 
> > > at

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Re: Redefine True and False for Boolean and/or NullBoolean Fields?

2010-07-14 Thread rmschne


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Comparing DateTimeField to

2010-07-14 Thread Chris McComas
This is my model, I'm trying to set it so that if the game is in the
future, based on the field date, then to return True, if not return

I am importing datetime in my but for some reason it's
giving me nothing. I tried displaying future and nothing shows up?
What have I done wrong?

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Re: Django Install - Won't Import?

2010-07-14 Thread jaymzcd
Sounds like you're quite new to all this. If I was you I'd install
setuptools for windows, it'll make adding packages a lot easier for

The " install" command, you should have "python" before that
so it actually executes.

You can of course always just extract the django source code and drop
it in your python packages also. If you execute "python" at the
command line and try "import django" it should work. I haven't tried
installing python etc on windows for a couple of years but my collegue
found this guide useful for setting up his django install on vista:


On Jul 14, 1:46 pm, Hayezb  wrote:
> I'm trying to install Django on my laptop but it's not wanting to
> import through the command line. I pointed to the " install"
> but when I try this notepad comes up with some code and that's it. I
> go and check my Python directory and there are no Django files in
> there.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!

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Re: Managing static content / basically handling images best practices

2010-07-14 Thread Anders Petersson
Not sure if I understood the question, but here goes:

Are you using the devserver on production? If you are, stop!

It's perfectly fine to serve the static media via the dev server in a
*DEV* environment.
Here's some information:

You will however encounter problems since your users won't upload
their content to your DEV env, they will upload it to the production
environment. You could either use something like rsync to sync the
folders to your harddrive from the server. Another approach is to use
something like this:

nginx is great for serving static media but might add some complexity
to your server setup, apache+mod_wsgi is the recommended choice by the
documentation, and works really well for sites that dsn't receive huge
amount of traffic. You would just specify a directory to use for
static content in your apache config and make mod_wsgi handle
everything else. The django and mod_wsgi docs have great articles on

Good luck with your server setup.

Anders Petersson

On Jul 14, 4:33 pm, reduxdj  wrote:
> I want to use ImageField for users to upload static content and I need
> a little advice from a some django pros on how to do this in a dev
> enviornment. I notice the disclaimer that django dev server should not
> used to serve static content, or it shouldn't be.  So...
> What's the best practice for this then?
> Right now, I love the simplicity of the django dev webserver, should i
> switch the devserver to nginx?
> Does that have the ability to know when i make a change to a python
> file without a server restart necessary?
> Is there anything else I should know.
> Thanks so much,
> Patrick

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Re: Comparing DateTimeField to

2010-07-14 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jul 14, 4:43 pm, Chris McComas  wrote:
> This is my model, I'm trying to set it so that if the game is in the
> future, based on the field date, then to return True, if not return
> False.
> I am importing datetime in my but for some reason it's
> giving me nothing. I tried displaying future and nothing shows up?
> What have I done wrong?

How/where are you calling this method?

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Re: Comparing DateTimeField to

2010-07-14 Thread jaymzcd
This code works fine for me:

In [1]: from gallery.models import Gallery
In [2]: g = Gallery.objects.all()[0]
In [3]: g.created_at
Out[3]: datetime.datetime(2010, 4, 1, 7, 11, 51)
In [4]: import datetime
In [5]: n =
In [6]: g.created_at > n
Out[6]: False
In [7]: [g.created_at, n]
[datetime.datetime(2010, 4, 1, 7, 11, 51),
 datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 14, 8, 53, 22, 960271)]

Are you sure your has been initialized and isn't None?

On Jul 14, 4:43 pm, Chris McComas  wrote:
> This is my model, I'm trying to set it so that if the game is in the
> future, based on the field date, then to return True, if not return
> False.
> I am importing datetime in my but for some reason it's
> giving me nothing. I tried displaying future and nothing shows up?
> What have I done wrong?

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Re: Comparing DateTimeField to

2010-07-14 Thread Chris McComas
I'm using it in my template...

Basically this

Mainly I want to use it for the {% if %} but I tried to just show it
was well and still nothing...

On Jul 14, 11:49 am, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Jul 14, 4:43 pm, Chris McComas  wrote:
> > This is my model, I'm trying to set it so that if the game is in the
> > future, based on the field date, then to return True, if not return
> > False.
> >
> > I am importing datetime in my but for some reason it's
> > giving me nothing. I tried displaying future and nothing shows up?
> > What have I done wrong?
> How/where are you calling this method?
> --
> DR.

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Re: allow users who are not logged in to submit data first and then log in or register

2010-07-14 Thread Laszlo Antal

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Continuation wrote:

> I have a data submission form that is visible to everyone, but a  user
> must be registered & logged in before the data can be submitted
> I want to allow users  who are not  logged in to submit data through
> the form first, and then ask him to either register or log in. After
> the registration/login process is finished, the data submitted by that
> user would then be saved to the DB.
> What's the best way to achieve that? It doesn't seem like the
> @login_required decorator would work because the initial data
> submitted by the user wouldn't be preserved by @login_required.
> Is there a decorator similar to @login_required but would do what I
> want?
> Thanks.
After submitting the form if its valid save it to session and redirect the
user to the view that saves it but it has the @login_required decorator.


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Re: Valid objects are returning an http 404 response

2010-07-14 Thread vjimw
Sorry to be so slow in responding. We were able to turn debugging
on... and no one saw a 404 error with debugging on. Of course,
debugging took a toll on the database server so we were not able to
just leave it on.

We have audited our code and we were able to clean up quite a bit but
we do see this problem still, but with less frequency.

If we get to the bottom of it, I can post what we did to fix it.

On Jul 1, 2:38 pm, Bill Freeman  wrote:
> I may be just living under a rock, but I don't know how to use
> pdb.set_trace() when not using the development server.  If you do this
> successfully, please let me know.
> What I have done is append "print"ings to a file, or configure extra
> logger outputs.  Under mod_wsgi I get some logging output in the
> apache logs without doing anything special, I don't know how it works
> with FCGI.
> Since you say this is an internal tool, you might try DEBUG=True in
> and getting users to come look at their404screens, since
> they will then carry extra info.
> On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 10:41 AM, vjimw  wrote:
> > It only happens in our production environment. We have a stage
> > environment, which is a mirror of production, that does not have this
> > behavior and it does not happen on our development or local
> > environments.  The trace is a good idea to try to see more
> > information.
> > On Jul 1, 9:28 am, Bill Freeman  wrote:
> >> Does it happen when running the development server?  If so, you get
> >> a lot more debugging info right up front (access to variables in each
> >> stack from, for instance).  If it's still not clear you can use the trace
> >> as a guide as to where to put a pdb.set_trace() (possibly in an if that
> >> makes it only trigger in the interesting circumstance) so that you can
> >> poke around.
> >> On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 10:06 AM, vjimw  wrote:
> >> > Actually, we are getting our Django404page. Sorry to be unclear on
> >> > that. The URLs appears as404in the access logs.
> >> > We are actually using fast_cgi per our system administrator and
> >> > wondered if switching to mod_wsgi might help solve the problem, but it
> >> > looks like you had the issue with mod_wsgi!
> >> > Did recompiling apache solve the problem for you with your Django app
> >> > running mod_wsgi?
> >> > Thanks for the fast response. Let me know any other information that
> >> > my be helpful.
> >> > On Jul 1, 9:00 am, ""
> >> >  wrote:
> >> >> When you say "an apache404error" do you mean a non-Django styled
> >> >> one? If so, I think there's something wrong with your apache
> >> >> configuration and not your Django app. What mechanism are you using to
> >> >> serve the application? I have seen issues like with this mod_wsgi when
> >> >> the reload mechanism isn't triggered correctly and you have to restart
> >> >> apache to get it work correctly. I think in that case it was because
> >> >> I'd compiled apache slightly incorrectly. I never got to the bottom of
> >> >> the problem.
> >> >> On Jul 1, 2:54 pm, vjimw  wrote:
> >> >> > We are having an issue where valid model objects are returning an
> >> >> > apache404error. Often times, if you hit refresh in the browser a few
> >> >> > times, the object is returned with the same URL.
> >> >> > We are using Django 1.2.1
> >> > --
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> >> > at
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Re: Dynamic Form Widget [django admin]

2010-07-14 Thread Laszlo Antal

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:51 AM, Jon Walsh  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> This might be best explained by example... for the following model:
> class Setting(models.Model):
>data_type = models.CharField()
>value = models.TextField()
> I want Django's admin to display a different form widget for the
> "value" field depending on the input of "data_type". For example: if
> "data_type" was "date", then the value field would use a date widget
> instead of the TextField's default widget.
> My predicament is that ModelAdmin is defined as a class, and not
> instances. So I can't pass it a custom form since instances (i.e.
> "data_type" value) are needed to decide what field the form should
> have...
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> thanks, Jon
If I understand you good how about using javascript to check what kind of
info you enter into the data_type field and it would update the value input
field. Using jquery it would be very easy to implement.


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Re: Comparing DateTimeField to

2010-07-14 Thread Subhranath Chunder
How did u import the datetime module?
If you did:

import datetime
Then, use '' instead of ''

from datetime import datetime
Then '' should work correctly.

Subhranath Chunder.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:13 PM, Chris McComas wrote:

> This is my model, I'm trying to set it so that if the game is in the
> future, based on the field date, then to return True, if not return
> False.
> I am importing datetime in my but for some reason it's
> giving me nothing. I tried displaying future and nothing shows up?
> What have I done wrong?
> --
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Adding object via m2m relationship in save() method -problem

2010-07-14 Thread fregment
I have a problem which i can't solve on my own. I have already
searched the web, but without success.
I have the following two models which are related with a many to many
relationship using Django 1.1 with Postgres on Unix:

FIELD_TYPES = ( (u'int',u'int'),

class MediaAttribute(models.Model):
attribute = models.CharField(max_length=100)
value = models.CharField(max_length=100)
type = models.CharField(max_length=30, choices=FIELD_TYPES,

def __str__(self):
return self.attribute + "=" + self.value

class MediaItem(models.Model): # inspired by the ImageModel of
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
file = models.FileField(upload_to='uploads/archive/')
view_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0,
created_at = models.DateField(auto_now=True)
updated_at = models.DateField(auto_now=True)
attributes = models.ManyToManyField(MediaAttribute,blank=True)

def __str__(self):

Updates or adds an attribute of a mediaItem.
related_attribute =

if related_attribute:

related_attribute =

if related_attribute.count() is not 0:
for attribute in related_attribute:

MediaAttribute_object, created =

return MediaAttribute_object

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):

   super(MediaItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
   current_photgrapher = 'photographer name'

I want to associate keywords with a mediaitem, but in a loose and
dynamic way since many photos share the same attributes as
photographer for example. i want to save the photographer's name at
the beginning after the mediaItem object has been created.
The strange thing is, that when i call the function
create_or_update_attribute from within save(). There is no error
message and also a new MediaAttribute is properly created, but it's
not connected with the MediaAttribute in the database.

The function "create_or_update_attribute" works correct when called
outside the save function (e.g. from a view). Then a connection
between the MediaItem and the MediaAttribute is made correctly. Like

m,c = MediaItem.objects.get_or_create(pk=1)

(this works correct. it creates a new MediaAttribue and makes also a
connection to the MediaAttribue in the Database.)

Can anybody help me? I would appreciate any advice!

Thank you very much,

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Re: Unknown command: graph_models

2010-07-14 Thread Rolando Espinoza La Fuente
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:55 AM, Pedram  wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry if this thread already exists. I've searched but nothing could
> find.
> I tried this code:
> python graph_models graphdb -o
> But I got this error:
> Unknown command: 'graph_models'
> Type ' help' for usage.
> I installed python-graphviz, graphviz-deb, python-django-extensions
> but still I have the error. Anything's missing?

Did you added django_extensions to your INSTALLED_APPS?

If you run " help" you should see graph_models in the command list.


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Re: Comparing DateTimeField to

2010-07-14 Thread Chris McComas
This worked:

import datetime
Then, use '' instead of ''

Thanks guys!

On Jul 14, 11:57 am, Subhranath Chunder  wrote:
> How did u import the datetime module?
> If you did:
> a>
> import datetime
> Then, use '' instead of ''
> b>
> from datetime import datetime
> Then '' should work correctly.
> Thanks,
> Subhranath Chunder.
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:13 PM, Chris McComas wrote:
> > This is my model, I'm trying to set it so that if the game is in the
> > future, based on the field date, then to return True, if not return
> > False.
> >
> > I am importing datetime in my but for some reason it's
> > giving me nothing. I tried displaying future and nothing shows up?
> > What have I done wrong?
> > --
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> >

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problem code

2010-07-14 Thread Jagdeep Singh Malhi
I try  this code to create database in using django.

class amount(models.Model):
 jono = models.PositiveIntegerField(unique=True)
 name = models.CharField(max_length=750)
 receipt = models.CharField(max_length=200)
 phno = models.CharField(max_length=25)
 type = models.CharField(max_length=50)
 rdate = models.DateField('date published')
 site = models.CharField(max_length=200)

after run
#python sql tcc
command i get
CREATE TABLE `tcc_amount` (
`name` varchar(750) NOT NULL,
`receipt` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
`phno` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
`type` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`rdate` date NOT NULL,
`site` varchar(200) NOT NULL

But i want 'jono'  is also AUTO_INCREMENT with 'id'  or  only jono
not include the 'id '.
Which code is used to make 'jono ' to auto increment.??
Pleases help ,if possible.


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Re: problem code

2010-07-14 Thread Subhranath Chunder
I'm not exactly sure what you want. So, I'm only assuming that you might be
trying to do something like:

jono = models.AutoField(unique=True)

instead of what you're currently using.

Subhranath Chunder.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:08 PM, Jagdeep Singh Malhi <> wrote:

> I try  this code to create database in using django.
> file
> class amount(models.Model):
> jono = models.PositiveIntegerField(unique=True)
> name = models.CharField(max_length=750)
> receipt = models.CharField(max_length=200)
> phno = models.CharField(max_length=25)
> type = models.CharField(max_length=50)
> rdate = models.DateField('date published')
> site = models.CharField(max_length=200)
> after run
> #python sql tcc
> command i get
> CREATE TABLE `tcc_amount` (
>`name` varchar(750) NOT NULL,
>`receipt` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
>`phno` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
>`type` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
>`rdate` date NOT NULL,
>`site` varchar(200) NOT NULL
> )
> ;
> But i want 'jono'  is also AUTO_INCREMENT with 'id'  or  only jono
> not include the 'id '.
> Which code is used to make 'jono ' to auto increment.??
> Pleases help ,if possible.
> thanks
> --
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Re: problem code

2010-07-14 Thread Alexandre González
Are you talking about this: ??

You must declar jono as:

jono = models.PositiveIntergerField(primary_key=True)

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 19:38, Jagdeep Singh Malhi

> I try  this code to create database in using django.
> file
> class amount(models.Model):
> jono = models.PositiveIntegerField(unique=True)
> name = models.CharField(max_length=750)
> receipt = models.CharField(max_length=200)
> phno = models.CharField(max_length=25)
> type = models.CharField(max_length=50)
> rdate = models.DateField('date published')
> site = models.CharField(max_length=200)
> after run
> #python sql tcc
> command i get
> CREATE TABLE `tcc_amount` (
>`name` varchar(750) NOT NULL,
>`receipt` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
>`phno` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
>`type` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
>`rdate` date NOT NULL,
>`site` varchar(200) NOT NULL
> )
> ;
> But i want 'jono'  is also AUTO_INCREMENT with 'id'  or  only jono
> not include the 'id '.
> Which code is used to make 'jono ' to auto increment.??
> Pleases help ,if possible.
> thanks
> --
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Re: problem code

2010-07-14 Thread Alexandre González
Are you talking about this: ??

You must declar jono as:

jono = models.PositiveIntergerField(primary_key=True)

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 19:38, Jagdeep Singh Malhi

> I try  this code to create database in using django.
> file
> class amount(models.Model):
> jono = models.PositiveIntegerField(unique=True)
> name = models.CharField(max_length=750)
> receipt = models.CharField(max_length=200)
> phno = models.CharField(max_length=25)
> type = models.CharField(max_length=50)
> rdate = models.DateField('date published')
> site = models.CharField(max_length=200)
> after run
> #python sql tcc
> command i get
> CREATE TABLE `tcc_amount` (
>`name` varchar(750) NOT NULL,
>`receipt` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
>`phno` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
>`type` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
>`rdate` date NOT NULL,
>`site` varchar(200) NOT NULL
> )
> ;
> But i want 'jono'  is also AUTO_INCREMENT with 'id'  or  only jono
> not include the 'id '.
> Which code is used to make 'jono ' to auto increment.??
> Pleases help ,if possible.
> thanks
> --
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Re: problem code

2010-07-14 Thread Nuno Maltez
Just set primary_key=True on your field:

jono = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True)

See the django documentation for details:


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:38 PM, Jagdeep Singh Malhi
> I try  this code to create database in using django.
> file
> class amount(models.Model):
>     jono = models.PositiveIntegerField(unique=True)
>     name = models.CharField(max_length=750)
>     receipt = models.CharField(max_length=200)
>     phno = models.CharField(max_length=25)
>     type = models.CharField(max_length=50)
>     rdate = models.DateField('date published')
>     site = models.CharField(max_length=200)
> after run
> #python sql tcc
> command i get
> CREATE TABLE `tcc_amount` (
>    `jono` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL UNIQUE,
>    `name` varchar(750) NOT NULL,
>    `receipt` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
>    `phno` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
>    `type` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
>    `rdate` date NOT NULL,
>    `site` varchar(200) NOT NULL
> )
> ;
> But i want 'jono'  is also AUTO_INCREMENT with 'id'  or  only jono
> not include the 'id '.
> Which code is used to make 'jono ' to auto increment.??
> Pleases help ,if possible.
> thanks
> --
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Overriding ModelForm field's value in the admin changeview

2010-07-14 Thread Chuck Harmston
Does anyone know where in the admin changeview the fields in a ModelForm is
populated with the information from the database? I was hoping to override
one of the fields in a subclassed ModelForm.__init__(), e.g.:

self.base_fields[field_name].initial = 'foo'

But the population appears to be happening farther down the chain, as 'foo'
is overwritten with the value from the database.


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Re: problem code

2010-07-14 Thread xota
Sorry, I reply to this mail two times.

On Jul 14, 7:47 pm, Alexandre González  wrote:
> Are you talking about 
> this:
> You must declar jono as:
> jono = models.PositiveIntergerField(primary_key=True)
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 19:38, Jagdeep Singh Malhi
> wrote:
> > I try  this code to create database in using django.
> > file
> > class amount(models.Model):
> >     jono = models.PositiveIntegerField(unique=True)
> >     name = models.CharField(max_length=750)
> >     receipt = models.CharField(max_length=200)
> >     phno = models.CharField(max_length=25)
> >     type = models.CharField(max_length=50)
> >     rdate = models.DateField('date published')
> >     site = models.CharField(max_length=200)
> > after run
> > #python sql tcc
> > command i get
> > BEGIN;
> > CREATE TABLE `tcc_amount` (
> >    `jono` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL UNIQUE,
> >    `name` varchar(750) NOT NULL,
> >    `receipt` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
> >    `phno` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
> >    `type` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
> >    `rdate` date NOT NULL,
> >    `site` varchar(200) NOT NULL
> > )
> > ;
> > But i want 'jono'  is also AUTO_INCREMENT with 'id'  or  only jono
> > not include the 'id '.
> > Which code is used to make 'jono ' to auto increment.??
> > Pleases help ,if possible.
> > thanks
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Django users" group.
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> > >>
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
> --
> Please, don't send me files with extensions: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt
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Re: Anyone want to take over maintaining Instant Django?

2010-07-14 Thread cjl
Thanks for the replies.

To be clear, I'm not looking for hosting, I'm looking for someone to
take it completely off my hands. This means doing whatever you want
with it, but I would hope it would at least mean keeping it up to
date. This only takes and hour or two whenever a new version of Django
is released, but I no longer have any interest in doing it.

@Andy - The "build" script is a windows '.bat' file. Basically, you
put all the components that comprise Instant Django into a folder, run
the '.bat' file, and in builds the Instant Django download. This got a
little harder to do after the Python dev's broke the MSI installer.
Prior to Python 2.6 you could install Python from the command line
into a self-contained temporary directory, without touching the
underlying host system. This is no longer possible, and I couldn't
convince anyone that mattered that it was a problem.

Anyway, I'll email the people who have expressed an interest directly
with further details.


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Re: Anyone want to take over maintaining Instant Django?

2010-07-14 Thread Thanos Vassilakis
I would be quite interested. I use instant django so might work out  
for me.


On Jul 14, 2010, at 2:48 PM, cjl  wrote:

Thanks for the replies.

To be clear, I'm not looking for hosting, I'm looking for someone to
take it completely off my hands. This means doing whatever you want
with it, but I would hope it would at least mean keeping it up to
date. This only takes and hour or two whenever a new version of Django
is released, but I no longer have any interest in doing it.

@Andy - The "build" script is a windows '.bat' file. Basically, you
put all the components that comprise Instant Django into a folder, run
the '.bat' file, and in builds the Instant Django download. This got a
little harder to do after the Python dev's broke the MSI installer.
Prior to Python 2.6 you could install Python from the command line
into a self-contained temporary directory, without touching the
underlying host system. This is no longer possible, and I couldn't
convince anyone that mattered that it was a problem.

Anyway, I'll email the people who have expressed an interest directly
with further details.


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Look up model instance by id

2010-07-14 Thread Jonathan Hayward
How do I look up a model instance by id (its primary key)? I have:

entity = directory.models.Entity.objects.filter(id__equals = id)[0]

and am getting:

FieldError at /profile/1

Join on field 'id' not permitted. Did you misspell 'equals' for the lookup type?

Is there another way I should be going about this given the id field

→ Jonathan Hayward,
→ An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
→ My award-winning collection is available for free reading online:
☩ I invite you to visit my main site at

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Re: Log errors to file

2010-07-14 Thread Jonathan Hayward
I'm interested and I doubt I'm the only one.

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 4:34 AM, <> wrote:

> I have created a decorator for Django views which handles AJAX
> tracebacks and sends the traceback back to the AJAX application as
> JSON, e.g.
> {'status':'error', 'message': }
> It uses the traceback module to output the full traceback. Obviously
> you need to have a handler that receives this data and displays in on
> the page (although you can inspect it in firebug).
> If you'd like the code for it, I can ask my company whether they'd be
> happy with me publishing it.
> Cheers, Euan
> On Jul 7, 10:35 pm, Jonathan Hayward
>  wrote:
> > I'm working on a view made to output JSON for Ajax use. My log has:
> >
> > [07/Jul/2010 17:47:13] "POST /ajax/login HTTP/1.1" 500 50678
> >
> > That looks like Django gave a helpful and detailed stacktrace page,
> albeit
> > to jQuery expecting JSON.
> >
> > How can I ask Django to log uncaught exceptions to a file or equivalent?
> The
> > test server has no MTA so I can't really ask it to email me exceptions.
> >
> > TIA,
> > --
> > → Jonathan Hayward,
> > → An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
> > → My award-winning collection is available for free reading online:
> > ☩ I invite you to visit my main site at
> --
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→ Jonathan Hayward,
→ An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
→ My award-winning collection is available for free reading online:
☩ I invite you to visit my main site at

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Re: Look up model instance by id

2010-07-14 Thread ringemup


Which does pretty much the same thing as:

directory.models.Entity.objects.filter(id__exact = id)[0]

(note id__exact rather than id__equals)

On Jul 14, 3:18 pm, Jonathan Hayward
> How do I look up a model instance by id (its primary key)? I have:
>     entity = directory.models.Entity.objects.filter(id__equals = id)[0]
> and am getting:
> FieldError at /profile/1
> Join on field 'id' not permitted. Did you misspell 'equals' for the lookup 
> type?
> Is there another way I should be going about this given the id field
> beforehand?
> --
> → Jonathan Hayward,
> → An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
> → My award-winning collection is available for free reading online:
> ☩ I invite you to visit my main site at

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Re: Look up model instance by id

2010-07-14 Thread Jonathan Hayward
Thank you; the first seemed to work nicely.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 2:36 PM, ringemup  wrote:

> Try:
> Which does pretty much the same thing as:
>directory.models.Entity.objects.filter(id__exact = id)[0]
> (note id__exact rather than id__equals)
> On Jul 14, 3:18 pm, Jonathan Hayward
>  wrote:
> > How do I look up a model instance by id (its primary key)? I have:
> >
> > entity = directory.models.Entity.objects.filter(id__equals = id)[0]
> >
> > and am getting:
> >
> > FieldError at /profile/1
> >
> > Join on field 'id' not permitted. Did you misspell 'equals' for the
> lookup type?
> >
> > Is there another way I should be going about this given the id field
> > beforehand?
> >
> > --
> > → Jonathan Hayward,
> > → An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
> > → My award-winning collection is available for free reading online:
> > ☩ I invite you to visit my main site at
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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> .
> For more options, visit this group at

→ Jonathan Hayward,
→ An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
→ My award-winning collection is available for free reading online:
☩ I invite you to visit my main site at

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Django 1.2.1, Postgres 8.3 - Cast (text to int) Issue

2010-07-14 Thread rd-london
Wonder if someone can help.
I have a piece of code (filtched from elsewhere) that retrieves the
comments for a particular Entry (blog post):


Problem is, that with Postgres 8.3 (and seemingly Django 1.2.1), this
command fails:

django.db.utils.DatabaseError: operator does not exist: text = integer
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You
might need to add explicit type casts.

Having searched around in various forms this appears to be a sort of
known problem (see

The issue is that object_py in Comments is a "text" field, whereas the
id field in Entry is an int - hence a cast is required. I can make the
actual SQL work in Postgres 8.3 by altering the start of the WHERE to

"WHERE (cast(django_comments.object_pk as int) IN (SELECT"  i.e.
adding the 'cast'.

So, my question is: what's the best way to go about this in Django
1.2.1 with Postgres 8.3? (8.3.8 to be exact). Any thoughts/
recommendations most welcome.

FYI - this is for use with Djapian.


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Plain Python traceback (not error page)

2010-07-14 Thread Jonathan Hayward
I am working on debugging a basic template, and after correcting some other
error, I got:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/servers/",
line 280, in run
self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/servers/",
line 674, in __call__
return self.application(environ, start_response)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/",
line 245, in __call__
response = middleware_method(request, response)

line 26, in process_response
patch_vary_headers(response, ('Cookie',))

  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/utils/",
line 127, in patch_vary_headers
if response.has_header('Vary'):

AttributeError: 'SafeUnicode' object has no attribute 'has_header'

This wasn't the usual format for a Django traceback, and the traceback is
only in Django code, no reference to my project.

Suggestions? Would it make sense to open a bug?

→ Jonathan Hayward,
→ An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
→ My award-winning collection is available for free reading online:
☩ I invite you to visit my main site at

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Re: Look up model instance by id

2010-07-14 Thread Ben Atkin
One slight difference: If you need to deal with the object not being found,
you get a different error using get as opposed to using filter and then
pulling the first element out of the collection. Here's an example, with
Location being the model class:

except IndexError:
print 'Not found!' # ...handle error here...

except Location.DoesNotExist:
print 'Not found!' # ...handle error here...


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Jonathan Hayward <> wrote:

> Thank you; the first seemed to work nicely.
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 2:36 PM, ringemup  wrote:
>> Try:
>> Which does pretty much the same thing as:
>>directory.models.Entity.objects.filter(id__exact = id)[0]
>> (note id__exact rather than id__equals)
>> On Jul 14, 3:18 pm, Jonathan Hayward
>>  wrote:
>> > How do I look up a model instance by id (its primary key)? I have:
>> >
>> > entity = directory.models.Entity.objects.filter(id__equals = id)[0]
>> >
>> > and am getting:
>> >
>> > FieldError at /profile/1
>> >
>> > Join on field 'id' not permitted. Did you misspell 'equals' for the
>> lookup type?
>> >
>> > Is there another way I should be going about this given the id field
>> > beforehand?
>> >
>> > --
>> > → Jonathan Hayward,
>> > → An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
>> > → My award-winning collection is available for free reading online:
>> > ☩ I invite you to visit my main site at
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Django users" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> .
>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
> → Jonathan Hayward,
> → An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
> → My award-winning collection is available for free reading online:
> ☩ I invite you to visit my main site at
>  --
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> "Django users" group.
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Re: Managing static content / basically handling images best practices

2010-07-14 Thread SmileyChris
This is kind of an aside to your question, but I think you'll find it

There are two types of static media that you'll want to have served
separately to your dynamic django application:

* project static media
* uploaded media

I like to keep these two separate. My preferred way to do this is to
use STATIC_ROOT/STATIC_URL for the project static media, retaining the
default MEDIA_* settings for uploaded media only.

When using the built-in development server, it is fine to use it to
serve your static media. When you shift to a full webservice stack,
for your static media you'll make your web service bypass the django
wsgi app or use a seperate web service altogether.

One final catch is when you need to develop a stand-alone apps which
needs to have its own media files.

A nice solution to serving all the your static media easily in the dev
server, and collating all your app's static media to a single location

On Jul 15, 2:33 am, reduxdj  wrote:
> I want to use ImageField for users to upload static content and I need
> a little advice from a some django pros on how to do this in a dev
> enviornment. I notice the disclaimer that django dev server should not
> used to serve static content, or it shouldn't be.  So...
> What's the best practice for this then?
> Right now, I love the simplicity of the django dev webserver, should i
> switch the devserver to nginx?
> Does that have the ability to know when i make a change to a python
> file without a server restart necessary?
> Is there anything else I should know.
> Thanks so much,
> Patrick

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Re: Look up model instance by id

2010-07-14 Thread SmileyChris
You've also got a shortcut method for the common case of raising 404
if the object doesn't exist:

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altering the sessions class

2010-07-14 Thread T.L
So, I am using request.sessions in one of my views functions but I
want to add a few more fields to the Session class so it will be
customized for my project.  When I tried to go to the Session class
(in django.contrib.sessions.models) and simply adding in an extra
field, and then adding it to my admin (I put the django_session table
to the admin), I got an error saying that attribute didnt exist.  My
question is, where do I need to make changes so I can add my own
fields to the Session class.  I also tried having another class
inherit the Session class and add fields to the inherited class but
the problem I had with that is I couldnt use request.inheritedClass
where inheritedClass is the class that inherited the Sessions class.
The error I received when I tried doing request.inheritedClass in one
of my views function was this:
'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'inheritedClass'.
To sum it up, can anyone tell me some way to customize the Session
class to my liking?


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Error with passing 'form_class' arg in for Django Profiles app

2010-07-14 Thread Ricko
Using ubernostroms Django Registration app coupled with his Profile
app, both highly recommended, got the default app up and running no
problems at all.
I'm unable to override any default behaviour the proper way, as I
can't seem to pass any extra parameters through the file. Here
is my urls:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from profiles import views
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from userinfo.forms import ProfileForm

urlpatterns = patterns('',
{'form_class' : ProfileForm},

I have my custom form class ProfileForm. When I try this I get a

Original Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/django/template/",
line 71, in render_node
result = node.render(context)
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/django/template/", line 155, in render
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/django/template/",
line 87, in render
output = force_unicode(self.filter_expression.resolve(context))
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/django/utils/",
line 71, in force_unicode
s = unicode(s)
TypeError: unbound method __unicode__() must be called with
ProfileForm instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

Now, the docs say to pass in the Class name, and the stack seems to be
saying I need an Instance? Whatever extra parameter I pass I get the
same error.

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: How to handle Jaywalking - parsing a comma-delimited value in field and do lookups (1,4,5,6...)

2010-07-14 Thread jaymzcd
One idea that springs to mind is to add a property method to your
model that returns that field as a list. With that list you
could add another property that returned all the actual group items.
Then write a custom admin view for add/change/view of that model which
works with the group instead. That way you can leave the data intact
but provide a management interface on top. Likewise you can in your
front end use your new propertys to work with the groups related to
that user. Whatever you do will probably involve a layer of work on

So in your model I'd add something like:

def group_list(self):

def real_groups(self):
return Group.objects.all().filter(pk__in=self.group_list)

For writing a custom admin view this is to do with something a little
different but it's pretty comprehensive in terms of writing a
completely custom admin view:


On Jul 13, 12:10 pm, Snaky Love  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an "interesting" problem here - in a given mysql database
> scheme some sql wizard used comma-separated values in a text-field and
> with that values lookups have to be done. The data itself is simple
> numbers like 1,34,25,66,78,134 and so on. So what I have is something
> like this:
> id | username | groups         | more...
> -
> 1 | name        | 1,23,4,55,6  | ...
> 2 | name2      | 3,2,4,5        | ...
> The groups string can be very long. there is also a table "groups"
> with "id, name", as expected.
> Yes, this is bad design. No, I can not immediately change the design,
> I will try to, but atm I have to handle the situation as it is.
> Of course normally this would be solved with an intersection table and
> a many-to-many relation. For anybody interested: there is a book by
> Bill Karwin called "SQL Antipatterns" - he names the described design
> Jaywalking and it is the first antipattern in the book. I was
> surprised to find it in real life
> So my question is: how to handle this with django? I really would
> like to use django to build a nice management interface on top of that
> tables, but currently I do not know how to go on with that jaywalking
> antipattern in my way.
> My first idea was to create my own intersection table - but the
> process of [re-]converting data does only work in a
> static environment - the data is heavily used and so
> transformations of tabledata would be neccassery on every request to
> mirror the live situation...too slow! So I am looking for a good way
> to
> implement some kind of layer that would translate this field for
> django into an intersaection table so that I can use models - will
> this work?
> What do you think? How to handle this?
> Thank you very much for your attention!
> Snaky

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ordering a model on multiple fields?

2010-07-14 Thread hjebbers
is there a way to have a model class sorted on multiple fields?
in the meta class of my models I set the ordering, but django uses
only the first field for ordering;
a second field is just ignored.

(I am aware that if a users starts to sort using table headers in the
admin interface only one field will be used. It would just be great to
have the initial ordering on 2 fields.)

kind regards, henk-jan ebbers

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2010-07-14 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/14/2010 02:28 PM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:

I'm glad we've worked out that Weave is the culprit, but nobody has
answered the question of whether this is an indicator of a problem
with Django itself. What is weave passing as a header (and under what
conditions) that is causing a problem? Is there a need to improve
Django's error handling to protect against this case?

Russ Magee %-)


Hi Russ.
I hate to admit that I didn't saved that offending value so someone can 
reproduce this.

My reasoning back then for not raising a bug on django was this:
1. It was an obvious invalid value. As I said, Weave probably introduced 
it at some point (I guess while still in beta) but other than that, it 
could also be a number of things. Fixing that locale value solves it for 
good. So I rinsed, wiped, forgot.
2. I tried to access some other django-powered sites with l10n, and they 
loaded just fine. Only and had the 
problem. So my guess was that it was caused by something else on that 
sites' stack and not django itself.

3. Improving the error-handling of django just didn't cross my mind.

I hope someone else with the same problem here could provide you with 
the offending value.


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PgWest 2010 Call for Papers!

2010-07-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
Following on the smashing success of PostgreSQL Conference East,
PostgreSQL Conference West, The PostgreSQL Conference for Decision
Makers, End Users and Developers, is being held at the St. Francis,
Westin Hotel in San Francisco from November 2nd through 4th 2010. Please
join us in making this the largest PostgreSQL Conference to date!

Main site:


Thank you to our sponsors:
Command Prompt:

Time line:
July 14th: Talk submission opens
Sept 5th: Talk submission closes
Sept 10th: Speaker notification

This year we will be continuing our trend of covering the entire
PostgreSQL ecosystem. We would like to see talks and tutorials on the
following topics:

  * General PostgreSQL: 
  * Administration 
  * Performance 
  * High Availability 
  * Migration 
  * GIS 
  * Integration 
  * Solutions and White Papers 
  * The Stack: 
  * Python/Django/Pylons/TurboGears/Custom 
  * Perl5/Catalyst/Bricolage 
  * Ruby/Rails 
  * Java (PLJava would be great)/Groovy/Grails 
  * Operating System optimization
  * Solutions and White Papers 
-- Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: - 509.416.6579
Consulting, Training, Support, Custom Development, Engineering

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Re: Unknown command: graph_models

2010-07-14 Thread Pedram

On Jul 14, 8:56 pm, Rolando Espinoza La Fuente 
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:55 AM, Pedram  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Sorry if this thread already exists. I've searched but nothing could
> > find.
> > I tried this code:
> > python graph_models graphdb -o
> > But I got this error:
> > Unknown command: 'graph_models'
> > Type ' help' for usage.
> > I installed python-graphviz, graphviz-deb, python-django-extensions
> > but still I have the error. Anything's missing?
> Did you added django_extensions to your INSTALLED_APPS?
> If you run " help" you should see graph_models in the command list.
> ~Rolando

I added django_extensions and everything's fine. Thank you very much :)

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2010-07-14 Thread Danny Adair

I had the exact same problem, and I had _not_ installed Weave.
The offending config entry in my case was:
and it was at the bottom of the accepted languages list. This is on
Firefox 3.6.6

I can reproduce the problem anytime by visiting about:config and
changing "intl.accept_languages" to

* will stop responding, (all?) other websites seem fine.


On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 11:52, Nick Raptis  wrote:
> On 07/14/2010 02:28 PM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
>> I'm glad we've worked out that Weave is the culprit, but nobody has
>> answered the question of whether this is an indicator of a problem
>> with Django itself. What is weave passing as a header (and under what
>> conditions) that is causing a problem? Is there a need to improve
>> Django's error handling to protect against this case?
>> Yours,
>> Russ Magee %-)
> Hi Russ.
> I hate to admit that I didn't saved that offending value so someone can
> reproduce this.
> My reasoning back then for not raising a bug on django was this:
> 1. It was an obvious invalid value. As I said, Weave probably introduced it
> at some point (I guess while still in beta) but other than that, it could
> also be a number of things. Fixing that locale value solves it for good. So
> I rinsed, wiped, forgot.
> 2. I tried to access some other django-powered sites with l10n, and they
> loaded just fine. Only and had the problem.
> So my guess was that it was caused by something else on that sites' stack
> and not django itself.
> 3. Improving the error-handling of django just didn't cross my mind.
> I hope someone else with the same problem here could provide you with the
> offending value.
> Nick
> --
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Kind regards,

Danny W. Adair
Unfold Limited
New Zealand

Talk:       +64 - 9 - 9555 101
Fax:        +64 - 9 - 9555 111
Visit/Post: 253 Paihia Road, RD 2, Kawakawa 0282, New Zealand

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How can view tweak response object to go to a specific *anchor* on the template?

2010-07-14 Thread Chris Seberino

How can a view tweak the response object so that client sees a
specific anchor  instead of the top of the page?


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Re: Redefine True and False for Boolean and/or NullBoolean Fields?

2010-07-14 Thread rmschne
Oh ... by the way, we aren't using Access as a front end to Django.
There is nothing (far as I know) in Django to front-end to!

This app has been successfully making us money for more than 20
years.  The data side moved to MySQL a long time ago (can't remember
when) to enhance performance and security, but the relatively
sophisticated Access side remained in place and continued to evolve.
Still see no viable replacement on the horizon for Access for the
front end for use by people.  There are a number of tools that have
suficient capability to replace it but all would cost a fortune to
make it happen.  Instead, we're using Python/Django as a basis now for
enhanced reporting/number-crunching and future automation (which sends
us in the direction of having so many people having to use the Access
app).   Had we had Python and Django in the late 1980's we'd probably
be there now.

On Jul 14, 3:57 pm, Tom Evans  wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 1:45 PM, rmschne  wrote:
> > As I understand, in Django/Python, True is 1 and False=0.  And when
> > connected to the database, we use a TinyInt for that variable and
> > assign it to a NullBooleanField.
> True and False are global objects of type bool, not 1 and 0. bool
> constructor converts integers to True/False as appropriate.
> > Problem is that some people use their PC's with a Microsoft Access
> > based front end to the database (MySQL).  The forms use check-boxes,
> > and when checked, which is supposed be "true", Access puts -1 into the
> > data base.  Django doesn't recognize that value as True.
> Yes, Access is dire. I think you can probably count the number of
> people using Access as a front end to django on one hand (possibly one
> hand with four fingers cut off).
> > I can't change the Access forms or system and don't tell me to stop
> > using Access. We don't have unlimited resources to fix all the
> > problems in the world!
> > I'm wondering if there is some way to tell Django in the data model to
> > let a model variable return True when <>0 (instead of when=1) , and
> > False when 0?
> > This seems the cleanest easiest way; but I can't see how to make this
> > possible?  Is it?  Or is there another approach ?
> Define a MyBooleanField that extends models.BooleanField, override
> to_python(). Use that instead of models.BooleanField.
> Docs on that:
> Cheers
> Tom

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