On Jul 14, 12:22 am, reduxdj <patricklemi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> HI,
> (sorry for this re-post, my original post isn't here??, so I replaced
> it, and I have been checking up all day as I hope to find the
> solution)
> Forgive me, here's another n00b doozie. I've created a form, which
> extends form, however, my form is not validating and I can't get the
> form to print errors next to my form fields. What's curious, at the
> form.is_valid()
> in all the examples, I don't see an else: clause. Which leads me to
> believe that a validation error should be
> raised at this point, so an else is not neccessary??
> So, my form should hold clean_fieldname methods for each field name
> correct? and if an error is raised,
> automagically, django handles the error messages, as long as it's
> defined in my template, correct or not?
> So every property needs a clean method?
> Sorry, I've read the resources and I'm a little unclear on this?
> Thanks for your time,
> Django and the community rocks
> from my views:
> def listing(request):
>    if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted...
>        new_listing = Listing()
>        form = ListingForm(data=request.POST,instance=new_listing)
>        #form.save()
>        if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass
>            form.save()
>            return HttpResponseRedirect('/listing/') # Redirect after
>        #else:
>            #return HttpResponseRedirect('/listing/') # Redirect after
>            #return HttpResponse('form is a failure, like you.')
>            #return HttpResponseRedirect('/create/') # Redirect after
>    else:
>        form = ListingForm() # An unbound form
>        return render_to_response('listing.html', {
>            'form': form,
>        })

What's happened is that you have indented the final line too much. It
should line up with the main function content - ie on the same level
as the 'else' above it, it shouldn't actually come under that else.

That means that if the form is a post, but doesn't validate, the flow
falls from if form.is_valid() straight down to that return - and so
the form that was instantiated by passing in request.POST is passed
back to the template, and rendered along with its errors. This is why
you don't need that commented-out else block.

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