Re: trying to do console testing of my models, "no module named X"
If you do: python shell you will get a python shell with all the necessary paths set up so that you can do your testing. You may also want to consider some sort of automated testing as it makes this sort of thing a lot easier and quicker. Euan On 24 June, 05:04, robinne wrote: > I have a django project running on local linux machine with apache. I > run this at localhost:8081 and I use import statements to import my > models in my views (e.g. "from DjangoSite.ManageProducts.models import > Member"). > > For testing, I want to be able to import my models into python console > and run test queries. I don't know how python knows where my models > are...when I run import statement in python console, it comes back > with error "no module named DjangoSite.ManageProducts.models". > > How do I references my own modules using console? Do I need to add my > project to python path? > > Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: noob syntax question
I'd add to Michael's comment that if you're unhappy with this syntax (I personally find it a bit odd in some cases), you can customize exactly what word is used there in your model definition. If you alter the choice model and add the "related_name" keyword to the foreign key definition, e.g.: class Choice(models.Model): ... poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll, related_name="choices") you can then do: >>> p.choices.create(...) On 23 June, 23:17, Michael Schade wrote: > (Sorry in advance for the brevity and any typos, I am typing this from > my aging Windows Mobile). > > It's quite Django-specific actually. If you take a look > at it says, > "Django also creates API accessors for the "other" side of the > relationship -- the link from the related model to the model that > defines the relationship. For example, a Blog object b has access to a > list of all related Entry objects via the entry_set attribute: > b.entry_set.all()." > > Hope that clears things up. > > Michael Schade > Spearhead Development LLC > > On 6/23/10, Sector7B wrote: > > > > > > > Hi, > > In the tutorial 1. > > > It has this: > > # Give the Poll a couple of Choices. The create call constructs a new > > # choice object, does the INSERT statement, adds the choice to the set > > # of available choices and returns the new Choice object. Django > > creates > > # a set to hold the "other side" of a ForeignKey relation > > # (e.g. a poll's choices) which can be accessed via the API. > > > and gives these examples: > > # Create three choices. > p.choice_set.create(choice='Not much', votes=0) > > > p.choice_set.create(choice='The sky', votes=0) > > > c = p.choice_set.create(choice='Just hacking again', votes=0) > > > I understand what its doing, but I don't understand where the "_set" > > comes from or where its resolved to. > > Its probably more of a python thing than a django thing, but if > > someone could provide insight, it would be much appreciate. > > > Thanks, > > -j > > > -- > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > > "Django users" group. > > To post to this group, send email to > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > > > For more options, visit this group at > > > > -- > Sincerely, > Michael 815.514.1410 -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Generate image and send to template
I can't understand the comments in your code, but it looks like some graph generating software. I think the problem you're having is that the first function returns a HttpResponse half way through (line 53), but then there is some further processing which will never be accessed. The second function expects some data by calling the first which never seems to return it in the correct form for further manipulation and so that's why it's not working. I'd be quite concerned about writing to a file from a web app on your disk. If you want to store the data somewhere temporarily, I'd consider either a temporary file or pickling the data in a database. On 23 June, 20:21, Waleria wrote: > Hi all, > > I need generate a image and send to template, but I'm not > getting ...see my code > > > > I'm not getting to understand the > > def generate_graph (request): -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Sorting objects according to a field from a foreign field
On Jun 22, 4:48 pm, Benedict Verheyen wrote: > On 22/06/2010 16:42, Daniel Roseman wrote: > > > > > As described in the documentation [1], you use the double-underscore > > syntax for sorting across relationships. > > Call.objects.all().order_by('-priority__weight') > > > [1]: > > by-fields > > -- > > DR. > > Thanks for the quick response. > Hhhm, i searched the docs and didn't see it. Quote: "To order by a field in a different model, use the same syntax as when you are querying across model relations. That is, the name of the field, followed by a double underscore (__), followed by the name of the field in the new model, and so on for as many models as you want to join." (5th para under the "order_by" section) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: M2M with Intermediary - Django Admin Support - Doesn't appear?
heya, Nuno: Thanks for the advice. I know how to add normal inlines to the home page for a model, via the "inlines" list in However, how exactly do I add an inline formset to the Add Article page? I can override the template for the Add Article page, however, I don't think that's what needs to be done here. Is there a clean way of using the existing "Add Article" page, but just swapping in an inline for the intermediary? Also, I'd like to leverage off the exisiting "filter_horizontal" widget, if possible. Basically, I just want it exactly as it was, without the intermediary, with a filter_horizontal for settings the m2m relationship, but then with just an additional widget for setting the intermediary "rating" field. (I found this write-up however, it seems geared towards replacing a single field on a single model, not sure how it'd handle the intermediary model here. Also is this method still valid/best practice?). Cheers, Victor On May 15, 2:29 am, Nuno Maltez wrote: > Hmmm ... you should have an inline formset at the bottom to add firms > to your Article, with an associated input box forthe rating. > > If I understand correctly, each relation Article-Firm now needs a > rating (mandatory), sou you can't just select Firms from a > filter_horizontal widget - you need a way to input the rating as well. > > Nuno > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "Django users" group. > To post to this group, send email to > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > For more options, visit this group > at -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deploying Django with mod_wsgi
i have ran into the same error i get using mod_wsgi, which is : ExtractionError at / Can't extract file(s) to egg cache The following error occurred while trying to extract file(s) to the Python egg cache: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/.python-eggs' The Python egg cache directory is currently set to: /.python-eggs Perhaps your account does not have write access to this directory? You can change the cache directory by setting the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable to point to an accessible directory. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Django Sphinx or haystack Xapian
Hi! zweb wrote: > 2) Sphinx has slow index update. Updating index takes as much time > as building a new one. I have a Sphinx indexed form with 2 million posts. Indexing takes mess than 2 minutes. Is that considered slow? I use full rebuild of the index even 10 minutes. Incremental reindexing is much faster but crashes from time to time. Still I do not consider 2 minutes to be slow. There are much slower insexing search engines around. I chose Sphinx exactly because of its indexing and search speed. Docs say that indexing is slow but I came from search engines that used hours to index my forums. 2 minutes of Sphinx indexing is just nothing compared to others. -- Dmitry Dulepov Twitter: Web: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deploying Django with mod_wsgi
On Thursday 24 June 2010 13:45:51 commonzenpython wrote: > change the cache directory by setting the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment > variable to point to an accessible directory. > set the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable in your django.wsgi script to some directory that is writeable by apache -- Regards Kenneth Gonsalves Senior Associate NRC-FOSS at AU-KBC -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deploying Django with mod_wsgi
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 9:15 AM, commonzenpython wrote: > i have ran into the same error i get using mod_wsgi, which is : > > ExtractionError at / > Can't extract file(s) to egg cache > > The following error occurred while trying to extract file(s) to the > Python egg > cache: > > [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/.python-eggs' > > The Python egg cache directory is currently set to: > > /.python-eggs > > Perhaps your account does not have write access to this directory? > You can > change the cache directory by setting the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment > variable to point to an accessible directory. > So what happens when you do what the informative error message suggests you do? Cheers Tom -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Deployment hesitation after James Bennett's post, WSGI or ...?
I'm about to enter my first deployment learning curve, but after reading James Bennett's post 'Let’s talk about WSGI' (http://www.b- and further procrastinating by reading through a whole pile of (horribly varying) tutorials and WSGI guides, I'd like to know: 1. what the Django deployment wisdom is for the near future? 2. whether it's really worth running lighttpd (or whatever) for static files on small-scale sites (say, where there's just a blog and a few rarely-altered pages)? (My very small partnership runs Apache2 on a Linux VPS server (Debian 5.0.4/Lenny with 512 MB). -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
How do i test django ratings in my project?
Hi, I have installed django ratings application in my project Am wondering how best can i test my app voting functionality, because django ratings is only allowing me to vote only once for the same user, object and Ip address. Is there a way i can disable this checks so that i can just insert votes, test my application and when am happy i can enable this checks back. e.g. you can only run this once in the same machine; myobject.rating.add(score=1, user='user_name', ip_address='') Again the user need to have been authenticated, unless you use None, but again only once. Paul -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deployment hesitation after James Bennett's post, WSGI or ...?
Hi, On 2010-06-24 11:54:32 +0200, Dave E said: I'm about to enter my first deployment learning curve, but after reading James Bennett's post 'Let’s talk about WSGI' (http://www.b- and further procrastinating by reading through a whole pile of (horribly varying) tutorials and WSGI guides, I'd like to know: 1. what the Django deployment wisdom is for the near future? No idea, but i started to use Gunicorn (via django-unicorn) recently. It's easy to deploy and fast. 2. whether it's really worth running lighttpd (or whatever) for static files on small-scale sites (say, where there's just a blog and a few rarely-altered pages)? Yes, of course. Why not? Kai -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deployment hesitation after James Bennett's post, WSGI or ...?
On Jun 24, 10:54 am, Dave E wrote: > I'm about to enter my first deployment learning curve, but after > reading James Bennett's post 'Let’s talk about WSGI' (http://www.b- > and further procrastinating by > reading through a whole pile of (horribly varying) tutorials and WSGI > guides, I'd like to know: > > 1. what the Django deployment wisdom is for the near future? WSGI. Absolutely no question about it. > 2. whether it's really worth running lighttpd (or whatever) for static > files on small-scale sites (say, where there's just a blog and a few > rarely-altered pages)? No, not really. For that setup, a single Apache instance is fine. > (My very small partnership runs Apache2 on a Linux VPS server (Debian > 5.0.4/Lenny with 512 MB). -- DR. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deployment hesitation after James Bennett's post, WSGI or ...?
On Thursday 24 June 2010 15:24:32 Dave E wrote: > I'm about to enter my first deployment learning curve, but after > reading James Bennett's post 'Let’s talk about WSGI' (http://www.b- > and further procrastinating by > reading through a whole pile of (horribly varying) tutorials and WSGI > guides, I'd like to know: > > 1. what the Django deployment wisdom is for the near future? wsgi > > 2. whether it's really worth running lighttpd (or whatever) for static > files on small-scale sites (say, where there's just a blog and a few > rarely-altered pages)? > > (My very small partnership runs Apache2 on a Linux VPS server (Debian > 5.0.4/Lenny with 512 MB). > for a small vps, nginx with fcgi is a very good option (or cherokee I'm told) -- Regards Kenneth Gonsalves Senior Associate NRC-FOSS at AU-KBC -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Django Sphinx or haystack Xapian
We are in the process of switching from a custom Xapain installation to Solr as we found Xapian quite limited in its ability to do faceting, spelling suggestions, or highlighting. If you don't need any of those things, I would recommend Xapian (although I've not used it through Haystack). I have used Haystack with Whoosh and agree that Whoosh needs a fair bit of work yet. That said I do like the haystack idea. Solr is really good for what we want and is really powerful, but we have had to allocate it 1.5GB of memory for reindexing! I have no experience of sphinx, but from what people have said above it seems like a good solution. Euan On Jun 24, 9:15 am, Dmitry Dulepov wrote: > Hi! > > zweb wrote: > > 2) Sphinx has slow index update. Updating index takes as much time > > as building a new one. > > I have a Sphinx indexed form with 2 million posts. Indexing takes mess than > 2 minutes. Is that considered slow? I use full rebuild of the index even 10 > minutes. Incremental reindexing is much faster but crashes from time to > time. Still I do not consider 2 minutes to be slow. There are much slower > insexing search engines around. > > I chose Sphinx exactly because of its indexing and search speed. Docs say > that indexing is slow but I came from search engines that used hours to > index my forums. 2 minutes of Sphinx indexing is just nothing compared to > others. > > -- > Dmitry Dulepov > Twitter: > Web: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deployment hesitation after James Bennett's post, WSGI or ...?
Thanks for all that. I'm going to: 1. go with a standard mod-wsgi setup in each Django site's VirtualHost container and check performance, 2. then look at Gunicorn, 3. then assess whether running another server for static files is (for my sites) worth it. (while testing, I'm delivering static files locally - in a designated directory - but directly from Apache.) - Dave -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
test database and unittesting
When i do "Animal.object.create(name="dog")" in a unittest setup no row is added to the database, but if i do this in the normal code it works. The temporary test database is created, but the adding of objects does not work. I'm totally lost as to where the error could be. side note: i also had a problem when importing more than one model, which would result in the test not being found by the system. I could evade this problem by just importing the whole and then accessing the objects with "models.Animal". But all this is now in vain, seeing that nothing is added to the database thanks for any tips -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deployment hesitation after James Bennett's post, WSGI or ...?
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 5:04 PM, Dave E wrote: > Thanks for all that. I'm going to: > > 1. go with a standard mod-wsgi setup in each Django site's VirtualHost > container and check performance, > > 2. then look at Gunicorn, > > 3. then assess whether running another server for static files is (for > my sites) worth it. > (while testing, I'm delivering static files locally - in a > designated directory - but directly from Apache.) > > Do share your observations after that ;) -V- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: test database and unittesting
This must be a django.test.Testcase bug, because the same thing happens when i load fixtures, but not if i use unittest.Testcase On Jun 24, 1:42 pm, Rufman wrote: > When i do "Animal.object.create(name="dog")" in a unittest setup no > row is added to the database, but if i do this in the normal code it > works. The temporary test database is created, but the adding of > objects does not work. > > I'm totally lost as to where the error could be. side note: i also had > a problem when importing more than one model, which would result in > the test not being found by the system. I could evade this problem by > just importing the whole and then accessing the objects with > "models.Animal". But all this is now in vain, seeing that nothing is > added to the database > > thanks for any tips -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: How to access the request inside a model manager's get_query_set?
On Jun 23, 8:28 pm, derek wrote: > I would like to define a default manager for MyModel that always > filters all records (when the model is accessed from anywhere in my > application) based on data from the request: > > e.g. on the lines of: > > class MyModelManager(models.Manager): > #override default > def get_query_set(self, request): > if == bar: > return super(MyModelManager, self).get_query_set() > return MyModel.objects.filter(spam = eggs) > > class MyModel(models.Model): > ... > objects = MyModelManager() > > However I get the error: > > Django Version: 1.2.1 > Exception Type: TypeError > Exception Value: > Error when calling the metaclass bases > get_query_set() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) > > So its clear that get_query_set() cannot take the request inserted > there... but how else can I access the request inside the above model > Manager class? > > (Note that I don't want to define an extra method that needs to be > appended onto the MyModels.objects.zzz type of chained calls - such > as the solution posted > at > - as I would then have to make these changes throughout the > application, and also remember to add such a method to all future > code.) Well, I had to get something up-and-running, so I have fallen back on the "don't try this in your app" method of threads. I implemented this based on this blog entry: to get the "threadlocals" created. and then in "", I have: from myapp.middleware import threadlocals def get_user(): return threadlocals.get_current_user() class MyModelManager(models.Manager): def get_query_set(self): user = get_user() if user == None or user.is_superuser: return super(MyModelManager, self).get_query_set() return super(MyModelManager, self).get_query_set().filter(created_by = user) I _know_ this is not the "technically correct" way to do this, and would be very happy if someone pointed out how to rewrite the get_user() function to something more acceptable. Thanks Derek -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
problem deserialization
Hi, I am working on implementing a REST web service example of booking a hotel. It was supposed to be simple to start with but I am already badly stuck:) I am stuck with deserialization and serialization. I want to create a new resource when PUT is requested on booking. My GET method works perfectly fine but I am stuck with PUT. My code on method PUT is: def do_PUT(self): try: deserialized = serializers.deserialize("json", self.request.raw_post_data) put_book = list(deserialized) except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): response = HttpResponse() response.status_code = 400 return response for obj in put_book: b1 = guest( fName = "hello", phone = 21, email = "t...@email") json = serializers.serialize("json", b1) response = HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json") response.status_code = 201 response["Location"] = "/bookings/%s" % ( return response Now when I send PUT request via curl, i.e.: curl -i -d "{'room_id': 21, 'payment_id': 21, 'guest_id': 21}" -X PUT It gives me 400 error, i.e. HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST This means it is raising and exception and not able to deserialize the data. I tried removing the statement: put_book = list(deserialized) in try block. ie, try: deserialized = serializers.deserialize("json", self.request.raw_post_data) # put_book = list(deserialized) except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): response = HttpResponse() response.status_code = 400 return response for obj in deserialized: b1 = guest( fName = "hello", phone = 21, email = "t...@email") json = serializers.serialize("json", b1) response = HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json") response.status_code = 201 response["Location"] = "/bookings/%s" % ( return response It then doesnt raises and exception but gives 500 error: HTTP/1.0 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR . Exception Type: ValueError at /bookings/ Exception Value: Expecting property name: line 1 column 1 (char 1) ... In line 1 of my, I am just importing : from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotAllowed, HttpResponseForbidden And there is no problem in this line, since my rest of the views perfectly fine if its not for this problem. Any help and input would be appreciated. I am stuck in this for last 2 days and trying to fix it. I have googled extensively but still no clue. Thanks, Irum -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
IntegrityError: (1062, “Duplicate entry ‘1830327 -1792993’ for key ‘some_instance_A_id’”) but no UNIQ UE constraint
Maybe someone here knows this problem: ? It happens rarely, randomly (although it might not be really random) and currently I don't have idea what to look for to fix it (it also doesn't have high priority for me, but if some of you knows this problem then I'll be happy to fix it sooner than later). -- Tomasz Zielinski -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
About raw sql query
I will need the largest id of table infantregistration.I used raw() method such as InfantRegistration.objects.raw('SELECT Max(id) FROM infantregistration'). It returns the error :'Manager' object has no attribute 'raw'. what can i do now??? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: About raw sql query
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Jakir71 wrote: > I will need the largest id of table infantregistration.I used raw() > method such as InfantRegistration.objects.raw('SELECT Max(id) FROM > infantregistration'). > > It returns the error :'Manager' object has no attribute 'raw'. > > what can i do now??? > Are you running django 1.2? Cheers Tom -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: About raw sql query
but it is only a simple query, why don't you use the query api (aggregate function...) On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Tom Evans wrote: > On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Jakir71 wrote: > > I will need the largest id of table infantregistration.I used raw() > > method such as InfantRegistration.objects.raw('SELECT Max(id) FROM > > infantregistration'). > > > > It returns the error :'Manager' object has no attribute 'raw'. > > > > what can i do now??? > > > > > > Are you running django 1.2? > > Cheers > > Tom > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "Django users" group. > To post to this group, send email to > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > . > For more options, visit this group at > > > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: About raw sql query
On Jun 24, 3:02 pm, Jakir71 wrote: > I will need the largest id of table infantregistration.I used raw() > method such as InfantRegistration.objects.raw('SELECT Max(id) FROM > infantregistration'). > > It returns the error :'Manager' object has no attribute 'raw'. > > what can i do now??? .raw() is new in 1.2. But if you just want the max ID, you don't want raw anyway. This is better: InfantRegistration.objects.order_by('-id').values('id')[0] -- DR. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: problem deserialization
On Jun 24, 2:47 pm, irum wrote: > Hi, > I am working on implementing a REST web service example of booking a > hotel. It was supposed to be simple to start with but I am already > badly stuck:) > I am stuck with deserialization and serialization. I want to create > a new resource when PUT is requested on booking. My GET method works > perfectly fine but I am stuck with PUT. My code on method PUT is: > > def do_PUT(self): > try: > deserialized = serializers.deserialize("json", > self.request.raw_post_data) > put_book = list(deserialized) > except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): > response = HttpResponse() > response.status_code = 400 > return response > for obj in put_book: > b1 = guest( fName = "hello", phone = 21, email = > "t...@email") > > > json = serializers.serialize("json", b1) > response = HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json") > response.status_code = 201 > response["Location"] = "/bookings/%s" % ( > return response > > Now when I send PUT request via curl, i.e.: > > curl -i -d "{'room_id': 21, 'payment_id': 21, 'guest_id': 21}" -X > PUThttp:// > > It gives me 400 error, i.e. HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST > This means it is raising and exception and not able to deserialize the > data. > > I tried removing the statement: put_book = list(deserialized) in > try block. ie, > > try: > deserialized = serializers.deserialize("json", > self.request.raw_post_data) > # put_book = list(deserialized) > except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): > response = HttpResponse() > response.status_code = 400 > return response > for obj in deserialized: > b1 = guest( fName = "hello", phone = 21, email = > "t...@email") > > > json = serializers.serialize("json", b1) > response = HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json") > response.status_code = 201 > response["Location"] = "/bookings/%s" % ( > return response > > It then doesnt raises and exception but gives 500 error: HTTP/1.0 500 > INTERNAL SERVER ERROR > . > > Exception Type: ValueError at /bookings/ > Exception Value: Expecting property name: line 1 column 1 (char 1) > > ... > In line 1 of my, I am just importing : from django.http > import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotAllowed, HttpResponseForbidden > And there is no problem in this line, since my rest of the views > perfectly fine if its not for this problem. > > Any help and input would be appreciated. I am stuck in this for last 2 > days and trying to fix it. I have googled extensively but still no > clue. > > Thanks, > Irum The line1, column 1 refers to the JSON file, not the code. Your JSON is not valid. Try putting it through a validator like to see what's wrong. That said, if you want to create a RESTful API in Django, the work has already been done for you: just use django-piston. -- DR. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Error :python runserver
./ runserver Error: No module named messages OR python syncdb Error: No module named messages where is problem ??? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Manager's get_query_set are cached ?
Hi, I'm banging my head against the wall with an issue in get_query_set. I'm using django 1.2.1 and I'd like to filter the queryset results through a date within get_query_set. However, I noticed that with the dev. server or gunicorn, the get_query_set is only called on the first request. This manager is called from a queryset passed to a generic function so unless those functions have builtin cache, I don't understand why the get_query_set is only called on the first request. Has anyone an idea why this happens ? Regards, Xavier. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Senior Django Developer - Remote Contract Work
We are a New York stealth mode start-up looking for a senior Django Developer for some critical backend work for an upcoming consumer web app. Preferably, you have experience with database architecture, understand performance, and work diligently and sensitively around the needs of our app. The work involves a critical backend piece interacting with several other pieces, including a scraper. Part-time is okay, but this requires concentration. If interested, please send an email with your experience Thanks. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: noob syntax question
Thanks for the feedback and the link, all good stuff! I looked at what i had written, and I think a better way to ask the question is: What are the mechanics behind providing "choice_set.all()"? For example i have a field "choice" so having "_set" (concatenated) is that generated when i run syncdb somewhere, or is that dynamically interpreted at runtime? My background leads me to think there would be a choice.set().all(), the "_set" seems weird (to me) unless its generated. Thanks again, -j On Jun 24, 3:09 am, "" wrote: > I'd add to Michael's comment that if you're unhappy with this syntax > (I personally find it a bit odd in some cases), you can customize > exactly what word is used there in your model definition. > > If you alter the choice model and add the "related_name" keyword to > the foreign key definition, e.g.: > > class Choice(models.Model): > ... > poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll, related_name="choices") > > you can then do: > > >>> p.choices.create(...) > > On 23 June, 23:17, Michael Schade wrote: > > > > > (Sorry in advance for the brevity and any typos, I am typing this from > > my aging Windows Mobile). > > > It's quite Django-specific actually. If you take a look > > at it says, > > "Django also creates API accessors for the "other" side of the > > relationship -- the link from the related model to the model that > > defines the relationship. For example, a Blog object b has access to a > > list of all related Entry objects via the entry_set attribute: > > b.entry_set.all()." > > > Hope that clears things up. > > > Michael Schade > > Spearhead Development LLC > > > On 6/23/10, Sector7B wrote: > > > > Hi, > > > In the tutorial 1. > > > > It has this: > > > # Give the Poll a couple of Choices. The create call constructs a new > > > # choice object, does the INSERT statement, adds the choice to the set > > > # of available choices and returns the new Choice object. Django > > > creates > > > # a set to hold the "other side" of a ForeignKey relation > > > # (e.g. a poll's choices) which can be accessed via the API. > > > > and gives these examples: > > > # Create three choices. > > p.choice_set.create(choice='Not much', votes=0) > > > > > p.choice_set.create(choice='The sky', votes=0) > > > > > c = p.choice_set.create(choice='Just hacking again', votes=0) > > > > I understand what its doing, but I don't understand where the "_set" > > > comes from or where its resolved to. > > > Its probably more of a python thing than a django thing, but if > > > someone could provide insight, it would be much appreciate. > > > > Thanks, > > > -j > > > > -- > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > > > "Django users" group. > > > To post to this group, send email to > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > > > > > For more options, visit this group at > > > > > > -- > > Sincerely, > > Michael -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: noob syntax question
On Jun 24, 7:01 pm, Sector7B wrote: > Thanks for the feedback and the link, all good stuff! > I looked at what i had written, and I think a better way to ask the > question is: > What are the mechanics behind providing "choice_set.all()"? > For example i have a field "choice" so having "_set" (concatenated) is > that generated when i run syncdb somewhere, or is that dynamically > interpreted at runtime? > My background leads me to think there would be a choice.set().all(), > the "_set" seems weird (to me) unless its generated. > > Thanks again, > -j > It's dynamically generated when the model class is defined. Fields can define a 'contribute_to_class' method, which is responsible for defining dynamic properties/methods on the model class. When the field is instantiated - which happens when the class is defined, ie when its module is first imported - the field's contribute_to_class method is executed and the related manager is created. You can see the code for this in django.db.models.fields.related.RelatedField. (Actually you'll see that contribute_to_class calls do_related_class, which calls contribute_to_related_class, which sets up the descriptor on the related model.) A very good guide to all this is Marty Alchin's book Pro Django, which goes into depth as to how the model metaclasses work. -- DR. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Content types and interaction with DeferredAttribute models
I have the same problem. It looks like the content types app will return the content type of the original model when asked for one since revision 10523 (see ticket #10738), but that an additional content type is still created. Is the creation of the additional content type necessary? On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Giovannetti, Mark <> wrote: > > FYI: > > Trying to run unittests. > > Using the .only() method on a queryset causes the content types > machinery to find and attempt to use a model with Deferred attributes. > > This function (with print and verbosity added): > > def update_contenttypes(app, created_models, verbosity=2, **kwargs): >""" >Creates content types for models in the given app, removing any > model >entries that no longer have a matching model class. >""" >verbosity=2 >ContentType.objects.clear_cache() >content_types = > list(ContentType.objects.filter(app_label=app.__name__.split('.')[-2])) >app_models = get_models(app) >#print "app, app_models", app, app_models >if not app_models: >return >for klass in app_models: >opts = klass._meta >#print "klass, opts", klass, opts, opts.__dict__ >try: >ct = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=opts.app_label, > model=opts.object_name.lower()) >content_types.remove(ct) >except ContentType.DoesNotExist: >ct = ContentType(name=smart_unicode(opts.verbose_name_raw), >app_label=opts.app_label, > model=opts.object_name.lower()) >print, len(, ct.app_label, ct.model > >if verbosity >= 2: >print "Adding content type '%s | %s'" % (ct.app_label, > ct.model) > > [...] > > while running unittests, gives this output and error. > > Adding content type 'contact | webaddress' > postal address 14 contact postaladdress > Adding content type 'contact | postaladdress' > postal address boundary 23 contact postaladdressboundary > Adding content type 'contact | postaladdressboundary' > contact mechanism link 22 contact contactmechanismlink > Adding content type 'contact | contactmechanismlink' > > === > Output of: >print, len(, ct.app_label, ct.model gives: > > contact mechanism type_ > deferred_creation_date_time_description_display_is_default_privilege_tok > en_record_deleted_record_enabled 128 contact > contactmechanismtype_deferred_creation_date_time_description_display_is_ > default_privilege_token_record_deleted_record_enabled > === > Traceback (most recent call last): > File > "C:\1mvgdocs\neodfos_workspace\neodfos\trunk\src\tools\tests\run_tests.p > y", line 245, in >test_name = > connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity=db_verbosity, > autoclobber=autoclobber) > File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\", > line 336, in create_test_db >call_command('syncdb', verbosity=verbosity, interactive=False) > File > "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\", line > 166, in call_command >return klass.execute(*args, **defaults) > File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\", > line 222, in execute >output = self.handle(*args, **options) > File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\", > line 351, in handle >return self.handle_noargs(**options) > File > "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\commands\ > ", line 99, in handle_noargs >emit_post_sync_signal(created_models, verbosity, interactive) > File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\", > line 205, in emit_post_sync_signal >interactive=interactive) > File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\dispatch\", > line 166, in send >response = receiver(signal=self, sender=sender, **named) > File > "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\contrib\contenttypes\ > ", line 28, in update_contenttypes > > File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line > 410, in save >self.save_base(force_insert=force_insert, force_update=force_update) > File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line > 495, in save_base >result = manager._insert(values, return_id=update_pk) > File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line > 177, in _insert >return insert_query(self.model, values, **kwargs) > File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line > 1087, in insert_query >return query.execute_sql(return_id) > File > "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\sql\", line > 320, in execute_sql >cursor = super(InsertQuery, self).execute_sql(None) > File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\sql\", > line 2369, in execute_sql >cursor.execute(s
Re: noob syntax question
very nice, thank you. I will look up the book. On Jun 24, 2:37 pm, Daniel Roseman wrote: > On Jun 24, 7:01 pm, Sector7B wrote: > > > Thanks for the feedback and the link, all good stuff! > > I looked at what i had written, and I think a better way to ask the > > question is: > > What are the mechanics behind providing "choice_set.all()"? > > For example i have a field "choice" so having "_set" (concatenated) is > > that generated when i run syncdb somewhere, or is that dynamically > > interpreted at runtime? > > My background leads me to think there would be a choice.set().all(), > > the "_set" seems weird (to me) unless its generated. > > > Thanks again, > > -j > > It's dynamically generated when the model class is defined. Fields can > define a 'contribute_to_class' method, which is responsible for > defining dynamic properties/methods on the model class. When the field > is instantiated - which happens when the class is defined, ie when its > module is first imported - the field's contribute_to_class method is > executed and the related manager is created. You can see the code for > this in django.db.models.fields.related.RelatedField. (Actually you'll > see that contribute_to_class calls do_related_class, which calls > contribute_to_related_class, which sets up the descriptor on the > related model.) > > A very good guide to all this is Marty Alchin's book Pro Django, which > goes into depth as to how the model metaclasses work. > -- > DR. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Admin Media output order?
Is there any way to change the order in which admin media are output (e.g. outputting a ModelAdmin-level javascript after a widget-level script)? Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Manager's get_query_set are cached ?
On Jun 24, 6:36 pm, Xavier Ordoquy wrote: > Hi, > > I'm banging my head against the wall with an issue in get_query_set. > > I'm using django 1.2.1 and I'd like to filter the queryset results through a > date within get_query_set. > However, I noticed that with the dev. server or gunicorn, the get_query_set > is only called on the first request. > > This manager is called from a queryset passed to a generic function so unless > those functions have builtin cache, I don't understand why the get_query_set > is only called on the first request. > Has anyone an idea why this happens ? >From your description, it sounds like you're doing something like this: def my_function(queryset=MyModel.objects.all()) return queryset.filter(whatever=whatever) This is a standard Python gotcha, nothing to do with Django: never use a mutable variable as a default parameter to a function. It is executed *when the function is first defined*, not when it's called. Use 'queryset=None' instead and set the default within the function. If this isn't what you're doing, you need to show some actual code. -- DR. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deploying Django with mod_wsgi
it would give me the same error, but with a different directory, thanks a lot guys, i have solved this by putting SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /tmp as follows SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE ash.settings SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /tmp PythonOption django.root /ash PythonDebug On PythonPath "['/home/ashtanga/public_html/', '/home/ashtanga/ public_html/ash'] + sys.path" i officially have django running now -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
How to do select from table where something in ('What','When','Where')
Hi, Can someone provide the syntax for doing the following in django queries: Select * from tableA where columnA in ('Value1','Value2','Value3') Cheers, nathan. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: How to do select from table where something in ('What','When','Where')
tableA.objects.filter(columnA__in=['Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3']) On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:18 PM, thusjanthan wrote: > Hi, > > Can someone provide the syntax for doing the following in django > queries: > > Select * from tableA where columnA in ('Value1','Value2','Value3') > > Cheers, > nathan. > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "Django users" group. > To post to this group, send email to > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > For more options, visit this group at > > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: How to do select from table where something in ('What','When','Where')
On Jun 24, 9:18 pm, thusjanthan wrote: > Hi, > > Can someone provide the syntax for doing the following in django > queries: > > Select * from tableA where columnA in ('Value1','Value2','Value3') > > Cheers, > nathan. in. -- DR. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: How to do select from table where something in ('What','When','Where')
Hi, How about not in? Select * from tableA where columnA not in ('Value1','Value2','Value3') On Jun 24, 1:23 pm, Peter Herndon wrote: > tableA.objects.filter(columnA__in=['Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3']) > > > > On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:18 PM, thusjanthan wrote: > > > > > Hi, > > > Can someone provide the syntax for doing the following in django > > queries: > > > Select * from tableA where columnA in ('Value1','Value2','Value3') > > > Cheers, > > nathan. > > > -- > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > > "Django users" group. > > To post to this group, send email to > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > > > For more options, visit this group > > at -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: How to do select from table where something in ('What','When','Where')
nvm found it :) just append it to the .exclude method right? On Jun 24, 1:40 pm, thusjanthan wrote: > Hi, > > How about not in? > > Select * from tableA where columnA not in > ('Value1','Value2','Value3') > > On Jun 24, 1:23 pm, Peter Herndon wrote: > > > > > tableA.objects.filter(columnA__in=['Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3']) > > > > > > On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:18 PM, thusjanthan wrote: > > > > Hi, > > > > Can someone provide the syntax for doing the following in django > > > queries: > > > > Select * from tableA where columnA in ('Value1','Value2','Value3') > > > > Cheers, > > > nathan. > > > > -- > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > > > "Django users" group. > > > To post to this group, send email to > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > > > > > For more options, visit this group > > > at -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: How to do select from table where something in ('What','When','Where')
Yup. Sounds like you're getting the hang of it. On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:44 PM, thusjanthan wrote: > nvm found it :) just append it to the .exclude method right? > > On Jun 24, 1:40 pm, thusjanthan wrote: >> Hi, >> >> How about not in? >> >> Select * from tableA where columnA not in >> ('Value1','Value2','Value3') >> >> On Jun 24, 1:23 pm, Peter Herndon wrote: >> >> >> >>> tableA.objects.filter(columnA__in=['Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3']) >> >>> >> >>> On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:18 PM, thusjanthan wrote: >> Hi, >> Can someone provide the syntax for doing the following in django queries: >> Select * from tableA where columnA in ('Value1','Value2','Value3') >> Cheers, nathan. >> -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "Django users" group. > To post to this group, send email to > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > For more options, visit this group at > > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
pointer 1to1, '_ptr', what are the rules?
I have: class Foo(models.Model): ... class Bar(Foo): class Meta: proxy=True class Baz(Foo): ... my baz instances have a `foo_ptr` attr on them and my bar instances do not. The only reason I can think of that this is is b/c Bar is a proxy. Is this correct? Is there some documentation or other readings that I can do to understand what is happening under the covers? I suppose that I could grep the source code... Right, so I'm right. I guess I'll just leave this for the next hapless googler who is not greping the source. django.db.models.base.ModelBase ... -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
null=False, blank=True and errors saving in admin?
Upgrading from Django 1.0 to 1.2, I'm suddenly getting errors when creating objects in the admin form a class that essentially looks like this: class MyObject(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) other_thing = models.ForeignKey(MyOtherModel, null=False, blank=True) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): logging.debug('saving here') if not self.other_thing: other_thing = MyOtherModel() self.other_thing = other_thing super(MyObject, self).save(*args, **kwargs) Creating a MyObject in the admin and leaving the other_thing field blank results in the following error: Cannot assign None: "MyObject.other_thing" does not allow null values. The logging statement is never being hit, so it looks like the over- aggressive validation is being performed in the ModelForm. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Serving django admin files using mod_python
i have been playing with django using mod_python, so i activated the admin for my application and instead of the pretty looking page, i get : Django administration Welcome, ashtanga. Change password / Log out Site administration Auth Groups Add Change Users Add Change Sites Sites Add Change Recent Actions My Actions None available i know this has something to do with the static files, and iv read several posts on it, but i cant find a solution for mod_python, this is my httpd.conf for mod_python: SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE ash.settings SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /tmp PythonOption django.root /ash PythonDebug On PythonPath "['/home/ashtanga/public_html/', '/home/ashtanga/ public_html/ash'] + sys.path" my project path is /home/ashtanga/public_html/ash -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Serving django admin files using mod_python
mod_python is dead. you can just serve your static files .. statically. usually you might point at a cdn or put nginx in front although you could set /media or / ash/media to serve statically with apache. On Jun 24, 5:47 pm, commonzenpython wrote: > i have been playing with django using mod_python, so i activated the > admin for my application and instead of the pretty looking page, i > get : > > Django administration > > Welcome, ashtanga. Change password / Log out > Site administration > > Auth > Groups Add Change > Users Add Change > Sites > Sites Add Change > Recent Actions > > My Actions > > None available > > i know this has something to do with the static files, and iv read > several posts on it, but i cant find a solution for mod_python, this > is my httpd.conf for mod_python: > > > SetHandler python-program > PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython > SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE ash.settings > SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /tmp > PythonOption django.root /ash > PythonDebug On > PythonPath "['/home/ashtanga/public_html/', '/home/ashtanga/ > public_html/ash'] + sys.path" > > > my project path is /home/ashtanga/public_html/ash -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: pointer 1to1, '_ptr', what are the rules?
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Skylar Saveland wrote: > I have: > > class Foo(models.Model): > >... > > > class Bar(Foo): > > class Meta: >proxy=True > > > class Baz(Foo): > > ... > > my baz instances have a `foo_ptr` attr on them and my bar instances do > not. The only reason I can think of that this is is b/c Bar is a > proxy. Is this correct? Is there some documentation or other > readings that I can do to understand what is happening under the > covers? I suppose that I could grep the source code... > > Right, so I'm right. I guess I'll just leave this for the next > hapless googler who is not greping the source. > Grepping the source seems like not the easiest way to find this answer. The first doc hit when you search on "Proxy" is: Karen -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: null=False, blank=True and errors saving in admin?
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 5:40 PM, ringemup wrote: > Upgrading from Django 1.0 to 1.2, I'm suddenly getting errors when > creating objects in the admin form a class that essentially looks like > this: > > class MyObject(models.Model): > name = models.CharField(max_length=50) > other_thing = models.ForeignKey(MyOtherModel, null=False, > blank=True) > > def save(self, *args, **kwargs): >logging.debug('saving here') >if not self.other_thing: > other_thing = MyOtherModel() > > self.other_thing = other_thing > super(MyObject, self).save(*args, **kwargs) > > Creating a MyObject in the admin and leaving the other_thing field > blank results in the following error: > > Cannot assign None: "MyObject.other_thing" does not allow null values. > There is a ticket open on this: Karen -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Serving django admin files using mod_python
im new to mod_python, so could you please tell me how to set ash/media to serve statically with apache -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Manager's get_query_set are cached ?
Thanks for your answer Daniel. I also though about mutable variable as default paramter but I doubt it is. Indeed, I should have pasted the code from the start, so here we go. Note that those are parts of the django-cms blog plugin called cmsplugin-blog ( In, I have: blog_info_dict = { 'queryset': Entry.published.all(), 'date_field': 'pub_date', } and in the url pattern: (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.date_based.archive_index', blog_info_dict, 'blog_archive_index'), Then, in the published manager: def get_query_set(self): now = print now return super(PublishedEntriesManager, self).get_query_set() \ .filter(is_published=True, pub_date__lte=now) My issue is, with the dev server or with gunicorn, I only have the "print now" for the first request. Whenever I reload the page, I can't get it again, I have to restart the server. I know django-cms uses cache. However, debug-toolbar tells me that the request is being processed so I assume it is not cached. Would it be possible that it only caches one part of the queryset ? Regards, Xavier. Le 24 juin 2010 à 21:39, Daniel Roseman a écrit : > On Jun 24, 6:36 pm, Xavier Ordoquy wrote: >> Hi, >> >> I'm banging my head against the wall with an issue in get_query_set. >> >> I'm using django 1.2.1 and I'd like to filter the queryset results through a >> date within get_query_set. >> However, I noticed that with the dev. server or gunicorn, the get_query_set >> is only called on the first request. >> >> This manager is called from a queryset passed to a generic function so >> unless those functions have builtin cache, I don't understand why the >> get_query_set is only called on the first request. >> Has anyone an idea why this happens ? > > From your description, it sounds like you're doing something like > this: > >def my_function(queryset=MyModel.objects.all()) > return queryset.filter(whatever=whatever) > > This is a standard Python gotcha, nothing to do with Django: never use > a mutable variable as a default parameter to a function. It is > executed *when the function is first defined*, not when it's called. > Use 'queryset=None' instead and set the default within the function. > > If this isn't what you're doing, you need to show some actual code. > -- > DR. > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "Django users" group. > To post to this group, send email to > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to > > For more options, visit this group at > > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Serving django admin files using mod_python
Le 25 juin 2010 à 00:23, commonzenpython a écrit : > im new to mod_python, so could you please tell me how to set ash/media > to serve statically with apache Hi, The documentation about Django seems pretty clear about static media to me. Have a look at You should also have a look at the django deployment page about wsgi. Not that short story about mod_python: Apache team that was supporting it annonced they drop the support. So you should really consider using something else (mod_wsgi for example). Regards, Xavier. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: null=False, blank=True and errors saving in admin?
Thanks, that didn't show up in my search, but it's exactly the same traceback. The ticket description seems to indicate the bug only applies to testing situations, but clearly it occurs in the default ModelForm (and thereby in the admin) any time a foreign key is set to null=False, blank=True. Leaving a field blank and filling it in in the model's save() method seems to be a pretty common case, and I would think should be allowed without creating a custom ModelForm. Should this be listed somewhere as a backwards-incompatible change, since it worked in 1.0? On Jun 24, 6:22 pm, Karen Tracey wrote: > On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 5:40 PM, ringemup wrote: > > Upgrading from Django 1.0 to 1.2, I'm suddenly getting errors when > > creating objects in the admin form a class that essentially looks like > > this: > > > class MyObject(models.Model): > > name = models.CharField(max_length=50) > > other_thing = models.ForeignKey(MyOtherModel, null=False, > > blank=True) > > > def save(self, *args, **kwargs): > > logging.debug('saving here') > > if not self.other_thing: > > other_thing = MyOtherModel() > > > > self.other_thing = other_thing > > super(MyObject, self).save(*args, **kwargs) > > > Creating a MyObject in the admin and leaving the other_thing field > > blank results in the following error: > > > Cannot assign None: "MyObject.other_thing" does not allow null values. > > There is a ticket open on this: > > Karen > -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deploying Django with mod_wsgi
On Jun 25, 6:00 am, commonzenpython wrote: > it would give me the same error, but with a different directory, Which as I already mentioned on mod_wsgi list, and referred you to the documentation about, this is because Apache runs as special user and needs to be able to write to the parent directory to create the egg cache directory if it doesn't exist. The directory you were choosing still didn't have write access to Apache user. > thanks a lot guys, i have solved this by putting SetEnv > PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /tmp as follows Which will work because Apache user has write access to /tmp, but using /tmp is dangerous on a system where anyone else who you don't trust has access to the machine as they could have got there before you in populating an egg cache in /tmp and put in hacked code that does other stuff in addition to what was intended. As a general rule use of /tmp should never be recommended. This is because even if recommended to someone who does control their own machine, you can be guaranteed that someone else will come along who is on a shared environment and see such a recommendation and think it is okay. Graham > > SetHandler python-program > PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython > SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE ash.settings > SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /tmp > PythonOption django.root /ash > PythonDebug On > PythonPath "['/home/ashtanga/public_html/', '/home/ashtanga/ > public_html/ash'] + sys.path" > > > i officially have django running now -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: null=False, blank=True and errors saving in admin?
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 6:45 PM, ringemup wrote: > > Thanks, that didn't show up in my search, but it's exactly the same > traceback. > > The ticket description seems to indicate the bug only applies to > testing situations, but clearly it occurs in the default ModelForm > (and thereby in the admin) any time a foreign key is set to > null=False, blank=True. Leaving a field blank and filling it in in > the model's save() method seems to be a pretty common case, and I > would think should be allowed without creating a custom ModelForm. > > Should this be listed somewhere as a backwards-incompatible change, > since it worked in 1.0? > > I don't believe it was an intentional change in behavior, thus I think it is a bug that should be fixed, not a change that should be documented. But I'm not all that familiar with the model validation changes, so I'm not 100% sure of that nor do I know the right way to fix it. Karen -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Serving django admin files using mod_python
On Jun 25, 8:32 am, Xavier Ordoquy wrote: > Le 25 juin 2010 à 00:23, commonzenpython a écrit : > > > im new to mod_python, so could you please tell me how to set ash/media > > to serve statically with apache > > Hi, > > The documentation about Django seems pretty clear about static media to me. > Have a look > at > You should also have a look at the django deployment page about wsgi. They have looked at mod_wsgi and have had just as much trouble getting it working. Same situation as mod_python, they don't appear to be reading or understanding the documentation. :-( Graham > Not that short story about mod_python: Apache team that was supporting it > annonced they drop the support. So you should really consider using something > else (mod_wsgi for example). > > Regards, > Xavier. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Using PostgreSQL Blob from Django
I have a PHP application using PostgreSQL backend. I'm storing files on the database. I have different tables with a file (OID), filename and mime to detect the row's associated file. I'm trying to port this application to django. How Can Use this blob with django? Exist some suggestions about it? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
m2m with intermediary - model design? Disappears from Django-Admin?
heya, NB: This is a followup to this: but I thought I'd also ask about the model design. To provide some background, we have a Django app that contains a list of journal articles. Each "Article" also has a m2m relationship to "Firm" as well as "Spokesperson" class Article(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=100) publication_date = models.DateField() abstract = models.TextField() # Can we restrict this to 450 characters? ...fields ommited for brevity... firm = models.ManyToManyField(Firm, null=True, blank=True, through='FirmRating') spokesperson = models.ManyToManyField(Spokeperson, null=True, blank=True, through='SpokespersonRating') The intermediary models, FirmRating and SpokespersonRating look like this: class FirmRating(models.Model): firm = models.ForeignKey(Firm) article = models.ForeignKey(Article) rating = models.IntegerField() Basically, we use it to store the m2m link, as well as a "rating" assigned to each relationship. The issue is, as soon as I change it from a normal m2m relationship to one with a "through" attribute, it seems to completely disappear in the Django Admin from the "Add Article" page. Before, I had a nice little filter_horizontal widget to create the relationships. No, zippo...that's not a bug, is it? Anyhow, Firstly, am I doing this the right way? Or is there another way to create an Article, have it m2m with Firms/Spokesperson, and assign an individual rating to each relationship? Secondly, is there some way of making a m2m with intermediary visibile in the admin - is it intended behaviour for it to disappear? In an ideal world, I'd like to have the filter_horizontal, as well as an inline widget to set the rating, all on the "Add Article" page. However, I'm prepared to have just the filter_horizontal for the m2m, and set the rating separately, on a separate page just for FirmRating/ SpokespersonRating (it obviously breaks the workflow a bit there). How do people normally deal with editing m2m intermediary models in Django? Cheers, Victor -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: m2m with intermediary - model design? Disappears from Django-Admin?
heya, Also, I should add I did try using the inlines as described in the docs In my, I've imported "FirmRating" at the top. I've then created an inline for it: class FirmRatingInline(admin.TabularInline): model = FirmRating extra = 1 then used this in ArticleAdmin: class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): #inlines = [ #CategoryInline, #] date_hierarchy = 'publication_date' filter_horizontal = ('firm', 'spokesperson') list_display = ('title', 'publication_date', 'entry_date', 'category', 'subject', 'source_publication', 'weekly_summary') list_editable = ('publication_date', 'category', 'subject', 'source_publication') list_filter = ('publication_date', 'entry_date', 'category', 'subject', 'source_publication') search_fields = ('title', 'publication_date', 'abstract', 'category__name', 'subject__name', 'source_publication__name', 'page_number', 'url') However, there's still no visible widget for "FirmRating" on the "Add Article" page. I can't tell just from the docs, but is this inline only for use on the main Article list page, but not on the Add Article page? Or is the above admin code meant to make the widget visible on the "Add Article" page as well? Cheers, Victor On Jun 25, 10:01 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > heya, > > NB: This is a followup to this: > > > > but I thought I'd also ask about the model design. > > To provide some background, we have a Django app that contains a list > of journal articles. > > Each "Article" also has a m2m relationship to "Firm" as well as > "Spokesperson" > > class Article(models.Model): > title = models.CharField(max_length=100) > publication_date = models.DateField() > abstract = models.TextField() # Can we restrict this to 450 > characters? > ...fields ommited for brevity... > firm = models.ManyToManyField(Firm, null=True, blank=True, > through='FirmRating') > spokesperson = models.ManyToManyField(Spokeperson, null=True, > blank=True, through='SpokespersonRating') > > The intermediary models, FirmRating and SpokespersonRating look like > this: > > class FirmRating(models.Model): > firm = models.ForeignKey(Firm) > article = models.ForeignKey(Article) > rating = models.IntegerField() > > Basically, we use it to store the m2m link, as well as a "rating" > assigned to each relationship. > > The issue is, as soon as I change it from a normal m2m relationship to > one with a "through" attribute, it seems to completely disappear in > the Django Admin from the "Add Article" page. Before, I had a nice > little filter_horizontal widget to create the relationships. No, > zippo...that's not a bug, is it? > > Anyhow, Firstly, am I doing this the right way? Or is there another > way to create an Article, have it m2m with Firms/Spokesperson, and > assign an individual rating to each relationship? > > Secondly, is there some way of making a m2m with intermediary visibile > in the admin - is it intended behaviour for it to disappear? In an > ideal world, I'd like to have the filter_horizontal, as well as an > inline widget to set the rating, all on the "Add Article" page. > However, I'm prepared to have just the filter_horizontal for the m2m, > and set the rating separately, on a separate page just for FirmRating/ > SpokespersonRating (it obviously breaks the workflow a bit there). > > How do people normally deal with editing m2m intermediary models in > Django? > > Cheers, > Victor -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: m2m with intermediary - model design? Disappears from Django-Admin?
heya, Ok, scratch all that, I'm an idiot. A simple restart of my Apache process, and the m2m intermediary inline works *grins*. Thanks anyhow to the awesome Django community for an awesome tool =). I do have a final question though. I can now edit "Firms" as inlines from the "Article" page, which is good. However, to be honest, the filter_horizontal widget was a much better interface. I suppose there's no way to somehow use the filter_horizontal widget within the inline, and then tack on a "Rating" field as part of the inline? Also, I notice that in my inline, it says "FirmRating object" right above the select box:' Any way to hide/tweak that text? Cheers, Victor On Jun 25, 10:09 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > heya, > > Also, I should add I did try using the inlines as described in the > docs > > > > In my, I've imported "FirmRating" at the top. > > I've then created an inline for it: > > class FirmRatingInline(admin.TabularInline): > model = FirmRating > extra = 1 > > then used this in ArticleAdmin: > > class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): > #inlines = [ > # CategoryInline, > #] > date_hierarchy = 'publication_date' > filter_horizontal = ('firm', 'spokesperson') > list_display = ('title', 'publication_date', 'entry_date', > 'category', 'subject', 'source_publication', 'weekly_summary') > list_editable = ('publication_date', 'category', 'subject', > 'source_publication') > list_filter = ('publication_date', 'entry_date', 'category', > 'subject', 'source_publication') > search_fields = ('title', 'publication_date', 'abstract', > 'category__name', 'subject__name', 'source_publication__name', > 'page_number', 'url') > > However, there's still no visible widget for "FirmRating" on the "Add > Article" page. > > I can't tell just from the docs, but is this inline only for use on > the main Article list page, but not on the Add Article page? Or is the > above admin code meant to make the widget visible on the "Add Article" > page as well? > > Cheers, > Victor > > On Jun 25, 10:01 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > > > > > heya, > > > NB: This is a followup to this: > > > > > > but I thought I'd also ask about the model design. > > > To provide some background, we have a Django app that contains a list > > of journal articles. > > > Each "Article" also has a m2m relationship to "Firm" as well as > > "Spokesperson" > > > class Article(models.Model): > > title = models.CharField(max_length=100) > > publication_date = models.DateField() > > abstract = models.TextField() # Can we restrict this to 450 > > characters? > > ...fields ommited for brevity... > > firm = models.ManyToManyField(Firm, null=True, blank=True, > > through='FirmRating') > > spokesperson = models.ManyToManyField(Spokeperson, null=True, > > blank=True, through='SpokespersonRating') > > > The intermediary models, FirmRating and SpokespersonRating look like > > this: > > > class FirmRating(models.Model): > > firm = models.ForeignKey(Firm) > > article = models.ForeignKey(Article) > > rating = models.IntegerField() > > > Basically, we use it to store the m2m link, as well as a "rating" > > assigned to each relationship. > > > The issue is, as soon as I change it from a normal m2m relationship to > > one with a "through" attribute, it seems to completely disappear in > > the Django Admin from the "Add Article" page. Before, I had a nice > > little filter_horizontal widget to create the relationships. No, > > zippo...that's not a bug, is it? > > > Anyhow, Firstly, am I doing this the right way? Or is there another > > way to create an Article, have it m2m with Firms/Spokesperson, and > > assign an individual rating to each relationship? > > > Secondly, is there some way of making a m2m with intermediary visibile > > in the admin - is it intended behaviour for it to disappear? In an > > ideal world, I'd like to have the filter_horizontal, as well as an > > inline widget to set the rating, all on the "Add Article" page. > > However, I'm prepared to have just the filter_horizontal for the m2m, > > and set the rating separately, on a separate page just for FirmRating/ > > SpokespersonRating (it obviously breaks the workflow a bit there). > > > How do people normally deal with editing m2m intermediary models in > > Django? > > > Cheers, > > Victor- Hide quoted text - > > - Show quoted text - -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: m2m with intermediary - model design? Disappears from Django-Admin?
Gday Victor, Glad you found the inline admin method for attaching your m2m's with throughs. It isn't possible to to use the filter_horizontal widget for through m2m, because, as you noted, there's no space for the extra fields to be input. You could always try to extend the widget, but this is more trouble than it's worth, and I haven't seen it done acceptably. If you don't like all the space taken up by the inline, try making them collapsible with js, maybe (you can define js in the ModelAdmin inner class Media: As for the name "FirmRating object", define a unicode method on your class, eg: def __unicode__(self): return "%s - %s: %s) % (self.article, self.firm, self.rating) Cheers, Brenton On Jun 25, 10:24 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > heya, > > Ok, scratch all that, I'm an idiot. > > A simple restart of my Apache process, and the m2m intermediary inline > works *grins*. > > Thanks anyhow to the awesome Django community for an awesome tool =). > > I do have a final question though. I can now edit "Firms" as inlines > from the "Article" page, which is good. > > However, to be honest, the filter_horizontal widget was a much better > interface. I suppose there's no way to somehow use the > filter_horizontal widget within the inline, and then tack on a > "Rating" field as part of the inline? > > Also, I notice that in my inline, it says "FirmRating object" right > above the select box:' > > > > Any way to hide/tweak that text? > > Cheers, > Victor > > On Jun 25, 10:09 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > > > > > heya, > > > Also, I should add I did try using the inlines as described in the > > docs > > > > > > In my, I've imported "FirmRating" at the top. > > > I've then created an inline for it: > > > class FirmRatingInline(admin.TabularInline): > > model = FirmRating > > extra = 1 > > > then used this in ArticleAdmin: > > > class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): > > #inlines = [ > > # CategoryInline, > > #] > > date_hierarchy = 'publication_date' > > filter_horizontal = ('firm', 'spokesperson') > > list_display = ('title', 'publication_date', 'entry_date', > > 'category', 'subject', 'source_publication', 'weekly_summary') > > list_editable = ('publication_date', 'category', 'subject', > > 'source_publication') > > list_filter = ('publication_date', 'entry_date', 'category', > > 'subject', 'source_publication') > > search_fields = ('title', 'publication_date', 'abstract', > > 'category__name', 'subject__name', 'source_publication__name', > > 'page_number', 'url') > > > However, there's still no visible widget for "FirmRating" on the "Add > > Article" page. > > > I can't tell just from the docs, but is this inline only for use on > > the main Article list page, but not on the Add Article page? Or is the > > above admin code meant to make the widget visible on the "Add Article" > > page as well? > > > Cheers, > > Victor > > > On Jun 25, 10:01 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > > > > heya, > > > > NB: This is a followup to this: > > > > > > > > but I thought I'd also ask about the model design. > > > > To provide some background, we have a Django app that contains a list > > > of journal articles. > > > > Each "Article" also has a m2m relationship to "Firm" as well as > > > "Spokesperson" > > > > class Article(models.Model): > > > title = models.CharField(max_length=100) > > > publication_date = models.DateField() > > > abstract = models.TextField() # Can we restrict this to 450 > > > characters? > > > ...fields ommited for brevity... > > > firm = models.ManyToManyField(Firm, null=True, blank=True, > > > through='FirmRating') > > > spokesperson = models.ManyToManyField(Spokeperson, null=True, > > > blank=True, through='SpokespersonRating') > > > > The intermediary models, FirmRating and SpokespersonRating look like > > > this: > > > > class FirmRating(models.Model): > > > firm = models.ForeignKey(Firm) > > > article = models.ForeignKey(Article) > > > rating = models.IntegerField() > > > > Basically, we use it to store the m2m link, as well as a "rating" > > > assigned to each relationship. > > > > The issue is, as soon as I change it from a normal m2m relationship to > > > one with a "through" attribute, it seems to completely disappear in > > > the Django Admin from the "Add Article" page. Before, I had a nice > > > little filter_horizontal widget to create the relationships. No, > > > zippo...that's not a bug, is it? > > > > Anyhow, Firstly, am I doing this the right way? Or is there another > > > way to create an Article, have it m2m with Firms/Spokesperson, and > > > assign an individual rating to each relationship? > > > > Secondly, is there some way of making a m2m with int
process_response not getting called in custom middleware.
Gday folks, I've written a middleware to add some session variables based on the request variable; this is done in process_request, which always returns None. I'd like to set some cookies as well, based on the same session variables, which should be done in process_response. I wrote the method, but found it was not dropping cookies, so I simplified it some, here is my current version: def process_response(self, request, response): """Drop cookies based on whether a user has selected an offer Always drop (refresh) the greencode cookie and RefCode cookie Drop offer cookies based on whether the user has clicked- through on an offer. """ print "BAH!" #if request.session.get('grc'): #response.set_cookie('_gc', request.session['grc'], 31536, #domain=domain) #response.set_cookie('RefCode', request.session['refcode'], 31536, #domain=domain) return response This, unfortunately, doesn't print anything to the server log (either when running the development server, or on an apache/mod_wsgi environment). Even when I change response to an empty HttpResponse(), I still get the response the view returned. So surely this all means that the process_response method is not being called. Does anyone have any suggestion as to why this might be happening, and how to rectify it? Thanks, Brenton -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Admin Media output order?
Gday, Overriding the admin templates is the only way to do this: You can either try listing the items how you want (this will mean a change to the templates everytime you register something new), or doing it using JS (you'll prolly have to change this whenever you register something new as well). I generally opt to set verbose_names on my models, so that they get listed into groups, eg: Offer Banners Offer Sidebar Banners Referers - Domain Referers Referers - Search Engine Referers Referers - URL Referers It's the cleanest way I've found to do such a thing. Cheers, Brenton On Jun 25, 5:18 am, ringemup wrote: > Is there any way to change the order in which admin media are output > (e.g. outputting a ModelAdmin-level javascript after a widget-level > script)? > > Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Deployment hesitation after James Bennett's post, WSGI or ...?
Hi, I just did my first django deploy with nginx+fcgi with ssl and I have to say it was much easier to set it up and configure it than nginx +apache2+wsgi It also uses way less ram and CPU then the other deploy. Also I am using supervisord to manage the django fcgi. So far very happy with it lzantal On Jun 24, 2010, at 2:54, Dave E wrote: I'm about to enter my first deployment learning curve, but after reading James Bennett's post 'Let’s talk about WSGI' (http://www.b- and further procrastinating by reading through a whole pile of (horribly varying) tutorials and WSGI guides, I'd like to know: 1. what the Django deployment wisdom is for the near future? 2. whether it's really worth running lighttpd (or whatever) for static files on small-scale sites (say, where there's just a blog and a few rarely-altered pages)? (My very small partnership runs Apache2 on a Linux VPS server (Debian 5.0.4/Lenny with 512 MB). -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to . For more options, visit this group at . -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: Using PostgreSQL Blob from Django
On Friday 25 June 2010 05:19:36 Daniel Espinosa Ortiz wrote: > I have a PHP application using PostgreSQL backend. I'm storing files > on the database. I have different tables with a file (OID), filename > and mime to detect the row's associated file. I'm trying to port this > application to django. > > How Can Use this blob with django? Exist some suggestions about it? > a. write a script to store the blobs on the file system and insert the filename into the db which is how django handles blobs b. write a custom field to handle this I suggest you do 'a' as then all the django and django addon file/image handling functions will be available to you. -- Regards Kenneth Gonsalves Senior Associate NRC-FOSS at AU-KBC -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: m2m with intermediary - model design? Disappears from Django-Admin?
heya, Brenton: Thanks for the reply =). Hmm, I was hoping to use the filter_horizontal widget to set the relationship, and just have a box below that for setting the rating. But you're right, we'd need a table for each rating for each relationship, and there's a room issue. I might look into extending the widget - is there any good documentation on extending Django admin widgets? I saw this article: but I'm not sure if that's still up-to-date, and I was hoping for more details/examples to learn how to do it well. Any good reading recommendations on this topic? Also, it's not so much an issue with the inlines taking up space, as that the filter_horizontal widget, with the in-built search box, the "choose all" and "clear all" links is just a good UI, and looks quite nice, to boot. I'd really like to integrate it in somehow to the inline if Anyhow, finally, thanks for the tip about __self__, completely didn't think about that. Will set that now. Cheers, Victor On Jun 25, 11:03 am, iliveinapark wrote: > Gday Victor, > > Glad you found the inline admin method for attaching your m2m's with > throughs. It isn't possible to to use the filter_horizontal widget for > through m2m, because, as you noted, there's no space for the extra > fields to be input. You could always try to extend the widget, but > this is more trouble than it's worth, and I haven't seen it done > acceptably. If you don't like all the space taken up by the inline, > try making them collapsible with js, maybe (you can define js in the > ModelAdmin inner class > Media: > > As for the name "FirmRating object", define a unicode method on your > class, eg: > > def __unicode__(self): > return "%s - %s: %s) % (self.article, self.firm, self.rating) > > Cheers, > Brenton > > On Jun 25, 10:24 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > > > > > heya, > > > Ok, scratch all that, I'm an idiot. > > > A simple restart of my Apache process, and the m2m intermediary inline > > works *grins*. > > > Thanks anyhow to the awesome Django community for an awesome tool =). > > > I do have a final question though. I can now edit "Firms" as inlines > > from the "Article" page, which is good. > > > However, to be honest, the filter_horizontal widget was a much better > > interface. I suppose there's no way to somehow use the > > filter_horizontal widget within the inline, and then tack on a > > "Rating" field as part of the inline? > > > Also, I notice that in my inline, it says "FirmRating object" right > > above the select box:' > > > > > > Any way to hide/tweak that text? > > > Cheers, > > Victor > > > On Jun 25, 10:09 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > > > > heya, > > > > Also, I should add I did try using the inlines as described in the > > > docs > > > > > > > > In my, I've imported "FirmRating" at the top. > > > > I've then created an inline for it: > > > > class FirmRatingInline(admin.TabularInline): > > > model = FirmRating > > > extra = 1 > > > > then used this in ArticleAdmin: > > > > class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): > > > #inlines = [ > > > # CategoryInline, > > > #] > > > date_hierarchy = 'publication_date' > > > filter_horizontal = ('firm', 'spokesperson') > > > list_display = ('title', 'publication_date', 'entry_date', > > > 'category', 'subject', 'source_publication', 'weekly_summary') > > > list_editable = ('publication_date', 'category', 'subject', > > > 'source_publication') > > > list_filter = ('publication_date', 'entry_date', 'category', > > > 'subject', 'source_publication') > > > search_fields = ('title', 'publication_date', 'abstract', > > > 'category__name', 'subject__name', 'source_publication__name', > > > 'page_number', 'url') > > > > However, there's still no visible widget for "FirmRating" on the "Add > > > Article" page. > > > > I can't tell just from the docs, but is this inline only for use on > > > the main Article list page, but not on the Add Article page? Or is the > > > above admin code meant to make the widget visible on the "Add Article" > > > page as well? > > > > Cheers, > > > Victor > > > > On Jun 25, 10:01 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > > > > > heya, > > > > > NB: This is a followup to this: > > > > > > > > > > but I thought I'd also ask about the model design. > > > > > To provide some background, we have a Django app that contains a list > > > > of journal articles. > > > > > Each "Article" also has a m2m relationship to "Firm" as well as > > > > "Spokesperson" > > > > > class Article(models.Model): > > > > title = models.CharField(max_length=100) > > > > publication_date = models.DateField() > > > > abstract = models.TextField() # Can we restrict this to 450 > > > >
reloading in shell
hi, when I run python shell, I find each time there is a change in code or an error I have to exit the shell and re enter it. Which means I lose the history - is there an easier way to do this? -- Regards Kenneth Gonsalves Senior Associate NRC-FOSS at AU-KBC -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: reloading in shell
Install ipython. It has a lot of great features, including retaining history. If it's installed, Django will use it by default if you run shell. Shawn Sent from my iPhone 4, for which I waited in line for six hours like a fool on release day. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: m2m with intermediary - model design? Disappears from Django-Admin?
Gday again Victor, If you think about it, the filter_horizontal widget really doesn't make sense in this context, because selecting multiple objects to link to will still require a list of them somewhere (as you mention) to set the rating. Since you like the searchability, perhaps adding an autocomplete to the inline admins would be helpful? I'm not a huge UI guy though, so maybe you're just more imaginative =D If you come up with anything, let me know. In terms of resources, all I can recommend is reading through the source. Sorry about that! Best of luck, Brenton. On Jun 25, 12:41 pm, Victor Hooi wrote: > heya, > > Brenton: Thanks for the reply =). > > Hmm, I was hoping to use the filter_horizontal widget to set the > relationship, and just have a box below that for setting the rating. > But you're right, we'd need a table for each rating for each > relationship, and there's a room issue. > > I might look into extending the widget - is there any good > documentation on extending Django admin widgets? I saw this article: > > > > but I'm not sure if that's still up-to-date, and I was hoping for more > details/examples to learn how to do it well. Any good reading > recommendations on this topic? > > Also, it's not so much an issue with the inlines taking up space, as > that the filter_horizontal widget, with the in-built search box, the > "choose all" and "clear all" links is just a good UI, and looks quite > nice, to boot. I'd really like to integrate it in somehow to the > inline if > > Anyhow, finally, thanks for the tip about __self__, completely didn't > think about that. Will set that now. > > Cheers, > Victor > > On Jun 25, 11:03 am, iliveinapark > wrote: > > > > > Gday Victor, > > > Glad you found the inline admin method for attaching your m2m's with > > throughs. It isn't possible to to use the filter_horizontal widget for > > through m2m, because, as you noted, there's no space for the extra > > fields to be input. You could always try to extend the widget, but > > this is more trouble than it's worth, and I haven't seen it done > > acceptably. If you don't like all the space taken up by the inline, > > try making them collapsible with js, maybe (you can define js in the > > ModelAdmin inner class > > Media: > > > As for the name "FirmRating object", define a unicode method on your > > class, eg: > > > def __unicode__(self): > > return "%s - %s: %s) % (self.article, self.firm, self.rating) > > > Cheers, > > Brenton > > > On Jun 25, 10:24 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > > > > heya, > > > > Ok, scratch all that, I'm an idiot. > > > > A simple restart of my Apache process, and the m2m intermediary inline > > > works *grins*. > > > > Thanks anyhow to the awesome Django community for an awesome tool =). > > > > I do have a final question though. I can now edit "Firms" as inlines > > > from the "Article" page, which is good. > > > > However, to be honest, the filter_horizontal widget was a much better > > > interface. I suppose there's no way to somehow use the > > > filter_horizontal widget within the inline, and then tack on a > > > "Rating" field as part of the inline? > > > > Also, I notice that in my inline, it says "FirmRating object" right > > > above the select box:' > > > > > > > > Any way to hide/tweak that text? > > > > Cheers, > > > Victor > > > > On Jun 25, 10:09 am, Victor Hooi wrote: > > > > > heya, > > > > > Also, I should add I did try using the inlines as described in the > > > > docs > > > > > > > > > > In my, I've imported "FirmRating" at the top. > > > > > I've then created an inline for it: > > > > > class FirmRatingInline(admin.TabularInline): > > > > model = FirmRating > > > > extra = 1 > > > > > then used this in ArticleAdmin: > > > > > class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): > > > > #inlines = [ > > > > # CategoryInline, > > > > #] > > > > date_hierarchy = 'publication_date' > > > > filter_horizontal = ('firm', 'spokesperson') > > > > list_display = ('title', 'publication_date', 'entry_date', > > > > 'category', 'subject', 'source_publication', 'weekly_summary') > > > > list_editable = ('publication_date', 'category', 'subject', > > > > 'source_publication') > > > > list_filter = ('publication_date', 'entry_date', 'category', > > > > 'subject', 'source_publication') > > > > search_fields = ('title', 'publication_date', 'abstract', > > > > 'category__name', 'subject__name', 'source_publication__name', > > > > 'page_number', 'url') > > > > > However, there's still no visible widget for "FirmRating" on the "Add > > > > Article" page. > > > > > I can't tell just from the docs, but is this inline only for use on > > > > the main Article list page, but not on the Add Article page? Or is the
Re: Serving django admin files using mod_python
im done using mod_python , i have switched to mod_wsgi completely, thanks guys for all your help -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: reloading in shell
On Friday 25 June 2010 08:43:08 Shawn Milochik wrote: > Install ipython. > > It has a lot of great features, including retaining history. > > If it's installed, Django will use it by default if you run > shell. thanks - that with django-extensions has just made my life much easier. -- Regards Kenneth Gonsalves Senior Associate NRC-FOSS at AU-KBC -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Hi all, is there any way to use the ModelChoiceField without any value in it? I tried to set query = None but it gave an error while rendering the html page -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Rendering the Admin app list?
Working with Django 1.2.1 The default index page for Django admin contains: {% if app_list %} {% for app in app_list %} ... {% endfor %} {% else %} {% trans "You don't have permission to edit anything." %} {% endif %} I'd like to move this snippet to a separate page; however, when I do so, nothing shows up (well, the page template "wrapper" is there, but no listing of models etc.) What do I need to do to enable this? Thanks Derek -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
Re: ModelChoiceField
On 6/25/10 8:25 AM, Tran Cao Thai wrote: is there any way to use the ModelChoiceField without any value in it? I tried to set query = None but it gave an error while rendering the html page Use EmptyQuerySet. field = ModelChoiceField(queryset=YouMode.objects.none()) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at