I'd add to Michael's comment that if you're unhappy with this syntax
(I personally find it a bit odd in some cases), you can customize
exactly what word is used there in your model definition.

If you alter the choice model and add the "related_name" keyword to
the foreign key definition, e.g.:

class Choice(models.Model):
    poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll, related_name="choices")

you can then do:

>>> p.choices.create(...)

On 23 June, 23:17, Michael Schade <mich...@mschade.me> wrote:
> (Sorry in advance for the brevity and any typos, I am typing this from
> my aging Windows Mobile).
> It's quite Django-specific actually. If you take a look 
> athttp://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/ it says,
> "Django also creates API accessors for the "other" side of the
> relationship -- the link from the related model to the model that
> defines the relationship. For example, a Blog object b has access to a
> list of all related Entry objects via the entry_set attribute:
> b.entry_set.all()."
> Hope that clears things up.
> Michael Schade
> Spearhead Development LLC
> On 6/23/10, Sector7B <joe.greenaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > In the tutorial 1.
> > It has this:
> > # Give the Poll a couple of Choices. The create call constructs a new
> > # choice object, does the INSERT statement, adds the choice to the set
> > # of available choices and returns the new Choice object. Django
> > creates
> > # a set to hold the "other side" of a ForeignKey relation
> > # (e.g. a poll's choices) which can be accessed via the API.
> > and gives these examples:
> > # Create three choices.
> >>>> p.choice_set.create(choice='Not much', votes=0)
> > <Choice: Not much>
> >>>> p.choice_set.create(choice='The sky', votes=0)
> > <Choice: The sky>
> >>>> c = p.choice_set.create(choice='Just hacking again', votes=0)
> > I understand what its doing, but I don't understand where the "_set"
> > comes from or where its resolved to.
> > Its probably more of a python thing than a django thing, but if
> > someone could provide insight, it would be much appreciate.
> > Thanks,
> > -j
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> --
> Sincerely,
> Michael Schadewww.mschade.me- 815.514.1410

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