On Jun 24, 10:54 am, Dave E <dever...@innotts.co.uk> wrote:
> I'm about to enter my first deployment learning curve, but after
> reading James Bennett's post 'Let’s talk about WSGI' (http://www.b-
> list.org/weblog/2009/aug/10/wsgi/) and further procrastinating by
> reading through a whole pile of (horribly varying) tutorials and WSGI
> guides, I'd like to know:
> 1. what the Django deployment wisdom is for the near future?
WSGI. Absolutely no question about it.

> 2. whether it's really worth running lighttpd (or whatever) for static
> files on small-scale sites (say, where there's just a blog and a few
> rarely-altered pages)?

No, not really. For that setup, a single Apache instance is fine.

> (My very small partnership runs Apache2 on a Linux VPS server (Debian
> 5.0.4/Lenny with 512 MB).


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