hdparm APM level when AC adapter is plugged/unplugged

2022-07-26 Thread Max Nikulin


It seems /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/95hdparm-apm script from the hdparm 
package may be called when AC power adapter is plugged or unplugged 
(true/false arguments). I see that this script is invoked by 
/lib/udev/rules.d/85-hdparm.rules through /lib/udev/hdparm on boot or 

What package should be installed to call the script in response of 
change or power supply? Is that part of the script survived from the 
times of HAL? I expect some udev rule that acts for SUBSYSTEM=power_supply.

Perhaps laptop-mode-tools may be installed as an alternative solution 
and I will have once more tool that does something with disks. My 
worries are that it may interact with hdparm and udisks2 in some strange 

The context of the question is the following. I added a hard disk drive 
and before I have created partitions I noticed regular sound of parking 
heads. It is udisks2 that decided to check SMART every 10 minutes for 
the disk with no mounted partition. The Toshiba disk reports 254 APM 
level (likely set by hdparm), active/idle state and parks heads with 
2minutes timeout. I have not managed to read value of this timeout using 
hdparm or sdparm. As to udisks2, it is not possible to change polling 
interval, but likely it can be instructed to ignore particular disk 
without disabling SMART completely. The price is that udisks will ignore 
the disk completely. If I explicitly set standby (spindown) timeout 
<10min (e.g. by creating /etc/udisks2/.conf file) then disk is not 
waken up from standby state by udisks2 any more. However hdparm may 
distinguish on battery and connected to mains states, so it is more 
flexible than udisks.

Since I have dug into this problem, I decided to check whether disk APM 
value is adjusted when power state is changed after resume (during 
resume 128/254 values are chosen depending on on_ac_power script).

So I am disappointed by default behavior of tools, but I hope that I 
forgot to install some package that calls scripts from hdparm on 
connect/disconnect of power adapter.

Re: Color of the active window title bar in ubuntu-mate?

2022-08-24 Thread Max Nikulin

On 22/08/2022 18:02, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 10:02:22AM +, Victor Sudakov wrote:

Any applications using standard decorations (Firefox, MATE Terminal,
Google Chrome etc).

It's worth pointing out, perhaps, that Google Chrome does *not* use
the standard window manager decorations by default.  There is, however,
an option you can toggle to make it do so.

(Unless this behavior changed in some recent version -- but I doubt it.)

Firefox, on the other hand, *does* use the regular widgets.

Behavior of Firefox depends on GTK_CSD and XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP 
environment variables. Some time ago there were more if's for Gnome, 
KDE, etc.:


The latter link is for current version without fixed revision.

"Customize toolbar" dialogue has "Titlebar" checkbox to change behavior. 
Recently I faced an issue with fluxbox and I blamed client side 
decoration at first, so I tried to disable it.

Re: failing HDD, ddrescue says remaning time is 7104d

2022-09-02 Thread Max Nikulin

On 01/09/2022 06:33, David Christensen wrote:

First sentence -- You don't want the OS to access the drive on the next 

I would say that while ddrescue is running any other disk operations, 
especially causing seeks, may be undesired. While smartd may be 
configured or stopped, udisksd is tightly integrated into desktop 
environments and 10 min SMART polling interval is hardcoded for SATA 
disks (however USB enclosures are ignored).


In some cases it still might be better to monitor disk temperature.

Unfortunately I can not suggest anything concerning too low read speed, 
I do not have such experience. It might be problem with particular area 
on disk surface, so speed should increase for other block ranges, or it 
might be firmware failure.

In the case of really precious data try to find a service with 
appropriate equipment. Otherwise attempt of reading may cause so severe 
damage that nobody will be able to recover any information.

Re: question re tar

2022-09-20 Thread Max Nikulin

On 19/09/2022 02:37, jr wrote:

when I saw the links and started investigating, I tried cat for the names, ie
   $ tar -cvWf $arcname $(cat $fnames)

adding one or two file names on the command line works as expected,
supplying names from list and or file produces those links.

It seems some files are present multiple times in your list.

echo text >file.txt
tar cvWf test.tar file.txt file.txt
tar tvf test.tar

-rw-rw-r-- user/user   5 2022-09-20 17:43 file.txt
hrw-rw-r-- user/user   0 2022-09-20 17:43 file.txt link to file.txt

Re: question re tar

2022-09-22 Thread Max Nikulin

On 22/09/2022 14:00, jr wrote:

On Wednesday, 21 September 2022 at 17:20:05 UTC+1, Markus Schönhaber wrote:

Could you please stop using a mail client that starts a new thread with
every message you send?
Please use something instead that really creates a reply when you are
replying to someone (i. e. something that sets the
In-Reply-To/References message headers accordingly).

ouch.  I read the digest, and in that it appears as a single thread.
and I've just checked 'linux.debian.user' on Google Groups, there too
I see a single thread only.  cannot see "a new thread [started] with
every message", sorry.

Debian mail list archive has a rare mhonarc configuration that adds 
reply to list action (usually only reply to sender is available) and 
these mailto: links contain proper In-Reply-To value


Even groups.google.com is unable to render proper discussion tree, its 
representation is a list.

Mail user agents may intentionally suppress threads based on heuristics 
to avoid combining unrelated discussions having subjects like "question" 
or "problem".

Re: mail headers not set (cf question re tar)

2022-09-27 Thread Max Nikulin

On 24/09/2022 02:37, jr wrote:

On Thursday, 22 September 2022 at 16:30:05 UTC+1, Max Nikulin wrote:

Debian mail list archive has a rare mhonarc configuration that adds
reply to list action (usually only reply to sender is available) and
these mailto: links contain proper In-Reply-To value

Even groups.google.com is unable to render proper discussion tree, its
representation is a list.

Mail user agents may intentionally suppress threads based on heuristics
to avoid combining unrelated discussions having subjects like "question"
or "problem".

thanking all for the observations + information.  I have had a look in
settings of Gmail, my "mua", and cannot find an obvious (any!) place
where headers could be set (and haven't the knowledge, anyhow).  so, I
won't try and start any more threads for now (for which sorry) and
hope that someone can/will supply Gmail specific instructions "how
to"; to that end please write an email with 'mail headers' in the
subject, thank you.

Sorry, I rarely use gmail web UI, in my case "mailto:"; links are handled 
by thunderbird. If the browser app is the only mail user agent available 
on your chromebook and it can not handle In-Reply-To link parameter then 
it is sour. Since you mentioned groups.google.com, does it set proper 
headers when reply to particular message is sent using this service? 
However it looks like a kind vendor lock to their own mail list archive 
due to unsatisfactory support of primary external archives.

Re: Some applications don't follow default browser settings

2022-10-03 Thread Max Nikulin

On 04/10/2022 11:07, Tianyu Chen wrote:

I'm using Google Chrome (/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome) as my default 
browser, which is set by `update-alternatives` command. However my 
firefox-esr is always launching when links are opened in Telegram and 
Mozilla Thunderbird.

Almost certainly Thunderbird ignores alternatives, mailcap and queries 
XDG settings from mimeapps.list, mimeinfo.cache files

     $ xdg-settings get default-web-browser

xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/http
xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/https

xdg-settings get default-url-scheme-handler http
that likely invokes xdg-mime

     $ cat ~/.config/mimeapps.list
     [Default Applications]
     x-scheme-handler/tg=userapp-Telegram Desktop-ZS5OS1.desktop

My guess is that when applications are going to open a link, MIME type 
is not known yet, so scheme handler is queried. Likely you miss the 
following associations in the [Default Applications] section:


Do not forget to run update-desktop-database with a proper directory as 
its argument.

Re: Can't open email attachments with Firefox 102.3.0 esr

2022-10-06 Thread Max Nikulin

On 05/10/2022 16:09, Mick Ab wrote:

Firefox was updated to Firefox 102.3.0 esr (64 bit).

It has subsequently been found that this version of Firefox does not 
allow email attachments to be opened.

Clicking on such an attachment used to always open a dialogue
box which had options "Open with..." and "Save" but now it just 
jumps straight to a Download box with a list of folders to download to.

Handling of downloads changed in Firefox since version 91

How file downloads are handled in Firefox version 98 and above

Where to find and manage downloaded files in Firefox

This change caused hot discussions in their bug tracker and issues like

Want an option to continue to use /tmp and autodelete downloads 
automatically opened in an application

As a temporary measure I set 
browser.download.improvements_to_download_panel to false, but was 
struggling with another problem. Some other recipe may be more suitable 
for you as a long term solution.

Re: Cannot read newsgroups with new Thunderbird

2022-10-06 Thread Max Nikulin

On 05/10/2022 20:08, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
After a recent Thunderbird upgrade in Buster (from version 91-something 
to 101-something, or like), it stopped handling newsgroups properly 
(where the source is News Server (NNTP) on the same machine, and there 
nothing was changed/upgraded).

If you can provide steps to reproduce then it may be reasonable to 
report the issues to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org Likely you will be 
asked to confirm the problem for the latest release or daily build.

A part of NNTP has been reimplemented since Thunderbird-91, I am unsure 
concerning Kamil's suggestion to switch back to the older one. There are 
enough bugs in the latter as well. On the other hand my issues was 
related to network latency or lost packets. In some aspects behavior of 
Thunderbird-102 should be better, but I am not surprised by new bugs.

Re: sigc++ library missing object.h file

2022-10-08 Thread Max Nikulin

On 08/10/2022 04:54, Gary L. Roach wrote:

I've been trying to compile an older program from source code and keep 
getting the error missing sigc++/object.h file.

I really need 
this program (gspeaker). Removing the # from the offending 
module only caused a slew of other errors. What would be in this 
object.h file?

Have you tried any general purpose search engine? I was curious if it is 
related somehow to SGI. The result of my attempt:


2.5.2 (unstable):

* Remove useless headers:
  Some of these still have equivalents in sigc++/adaptors/
  (Kjell Ahlstedt, Murray Cumming) Bug #752560

Perhaps it is possible to modernize source code of your precious 
program. Read that "other" errors, library docs and maybe git history.

Re: Cannot read newsgroups with new Thunderbird

2022-10-08 Thread Max Nikulin

On 07/10/2022 01:14, piorunz wrote:

On 06/10/2022 00:05, Ralph Katz wrote:

news://news.gmane.io/gmane.linux.debian.user   and replying directly to

Wow! Is this free service?

The story of gmane:


Re: sigc++ library missing object.h file

2022-10-10 Thread Max Nikulin

On 08/10/2022 23:17, Gary L. Roach wrote:
Thank you all for your replies, I mean gspeaker not gespeaker. The first 
is a speaker enclosure design program and the second is a front end for 
the sound system. Not the same -- damn, I had hopes. I also went back 
and looked at the older versions of sigc++ and found nothing.

I posted a link to version control system expecting that it is possible 
to check content of the header in old versions. Perhaps by comparing 
declarations and includes there with current headers and docs some 
person from the program community may fix compilation errors by 
specifying proper includes.

Re: Cheap NAS

2022-10-20 Thread Max Nikulin

On 18/10/2022 08:59, Stefan Monnier wrote:

- In my experience, whether `hdparm -S..` works on a USB drive depends
   on the USB<->SATA adapter in use.  If it doesn't, `hdparm` will tell
   you, tho.

I did go further but my impression was that in the case of USB disk 
enclosures sdparm may work with power saving parameters inaccessible to 

- On my WD drives, the `-S` seems to be completely ignored and instead
   the spin down time is chosen by the drive based on the APM setting
   (i.e. `hdparm -B...`).  I heard there's a `idle3-tools` thingy that
   may be able to provide finer control, but I never tried it.

I believed that idle3-tools is for Seagate. Have it got support for WD 
as well? I do not mind to have a proper tool for Toshiba. What prevents 
me from starting experiments is that I am afraid that a disk may be 
transformed into a brick.

Re: Cheap NAS

2022-10-20 Thread Max Nikulin

On 17/10/2022 22:50, Tixy wrote:

# Set spindown time for disk
if NAS1=`findmnt -n -o SOURCE /nas1/main`; then /sbin/hdparm -S120 $NAS1; fi

Rather than hard code the disk as /dev/sdc I use 'findmnt' to get the

disk name from the point it's mounted at (/nas1/main in this case).

Are there known problems with using e.g. WWN (/dev/disk/by-id/... in 
/etc/hdparm.conf) for per-disk configuration? I expect that should avoid 
issues with changing /dev/sdX devices.

Re: grep replacement using sed is behaving oddly

2022-10-21 Thread Max Nikulin

On 22/10/2022 02:09, The Wanderer wrote:

'info sed', section 'sed regular expressions', subsection 'regular
expression extensions':

While a reader may find more interesting stuff lying around while 
traveling by this path, there is a shorthand

info "(sed) regexp extensions"

and alternatives that might be more friendly:

- infobrowser "(sed) regexp extensions"
  (configurable through update-alternatives)
- tkinfo "(sed) regexp extensions"
- emacs -f info-standalone "(sed) regexp extensions"
  M-: (info "(sed) regexp extensions") RET
  within a running emacs instance


Re: grep replacement using sed is behaving oddly

2022-10-22 Thread Max Nikulin

On 22/10/2022 20:23, Gary Dale wrote:

     sed -i '//d' *.html

did the trick.

I would suggest you to use more specific pattern to avoid removing of 
meaningful text due to a lost newline character:

sed -i -e '/^\s*]*>\s*$/d'

"." in regexp may be a source of surprises (or catastrophic backtracking 
in more complex regexps)

printf 'A bc\n' | sed -e 's/<.*>/\n/'

printf 'A bc\n' | sed -e 's/<.[^>]>/\n/g'

Re: Remove Network Manager panel icon in Mate 1.24.1 Desktop

2022-10-25 Thread Max Nikulin

On 25/10/2022 15:50, jeremy ardley wrote:

My only problem now is the annoying NetworkManager icon in the Mate 
panel. I want to remove it and I have gone through various advice pages 
but nothing seems to work. The NetworkManager icon seems permanently 
wedged into the panel.

Something like /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop might be the reason. 
I am unsure though. Mate may use another GUI.

Re: How to can make a partition in my hard disk ?

2022-10-25 Thread Max Nikulin

On 26/10/2022 04:34, William Torrez Corea wrote:

Model Family: Toshiba L200 (SMR)

I would not consider a HDD with shingled magnetic recording as a storage 
to install OS. This series has a CMR product, but it has another problem:

  3 Spin_Up_TimePOS--K   100   100   001-1318
  4 Start_Stop_Count-O--CK   100   100   000-606
193 Load_Cycle_Count-O--CK   093   093   000-75472

It has quite aggressive policy to unload heads. It happens approximately 
than once per minute. Following read operations may have noticeable 
delay. At first I suspected delays due time required to spin up stopped 
disk, but in your case Power_Cycle_Count = Start_Stop_Count, so your 
system keeps the disk spinning.

191 G-Sense_Error_Rate  -O--CK   100   100   000-48930

Frequent shocks, vibration, unstable base may force heads unloading and 
following latency in UI.

P.S. I have not managed to change heads unload timeout for Toshiba L200 
using hdparm. In your case due to high G-Sense_Error_Rate increasing 
timeout might be dangerous.

Peculiarities of Toshiba L200 2.5in HDD

2022-10-25 Thread Max Nikulin

On 26/10/2022 10:42, David Christensen wrote:
P.S. I have not managed to change heads unload timeout for Toshiba 
L200 using hdparm. In your case due to high G-Sense_Error_Rate 
increasing timeout might be dangerous.

So, you own one of these drives?

I have a Toshiba L200 HDWK105 SATA 3 500G CMR disk as a secondary 
storage. I do not like that heads unload timeout is just a few seconds 
and such state is hidden, so udisks2 wakes it up every 10 minutes to 
poll for its SMART state. I see a lot of warnings in docs for HDD tools 
and I am unsure how to stay on the safe margin during experiments.

I do not expect anything directly related to the original subject in 
this thread, but to not hijack this thread, you may ask your questions 
e.g. in response to


Re: Peculiarities of Toshiba L200 2.5in HDD

2022-10-26 Thread Max Nikulin

On 26/10/2022 17:21, Dan Ritter wrote:

Max Nikulin wrote:

On 26/10/2022 10:42, David Christensen wrote:

So, you own one of these drives?

I do not expect anything directly related to the original subject in this
thread, but to not hijack this thread, you may ask your questions e.g. in
response to

No, no, you have found the most likely problem.

I expect that David may have some questions concerning this disk series.

Using a shingled drive with a short unload timeout is definitely
going to cause poor performance.

I do not think that the original problem is related to partitions. I 
would blame frequent shock events (and following timeout before allowing 
heads loading) rather than short unload timeout. Almost 15 years ago I 
had to spend enough time setting up laptop mode, configuring syslog, 
etc. when I noticed rapidly increasing heads load count quickly 
exhausting disk resource. I set some spin down timeout. I can not say 
that experience was terrible. Perhaps I just expected some freezes and 
sound of spinning up disk was an indicator that a few seconds later 
everything would work again. Heads loading is faster, unless blocked due 
to a recent shock.

Side note: It seems disk firmware works great since the disk is not dead 
after almost 5 hits. I am surprised that such count does not affect 
the disk wearing (as it is perceived by firmware) at all: notice 100
191 G-Sense_Error_Rate  -O--CK   100   100   000-48930I am not going to perform the following experiment with my shiny new 
disk even though its result may be interesting. Smoothly wave the laptop 
up and down actively enough to achieve more G-Sense errors (likely 
accompanied by clanking sound due to heads unloading) and measure read 
speed during this procedure.

An SSD should not have any problem with shocks of vibration having 
reasonable magnitude.

Real reason of poor performance may be particular applications:
- some memory hungry one (a browser with a lot of tabs and heavy pages) 
that causes kernel to drop disk cache,
- some program writing to the disk actively enough to overflow 128M 
buffer of the SMR disk.

Re: Some of the parameters used in my genisoimage command don't produce a bootable ISO image

2022-10-27 Thread Max Nikulin

On 28/10/2022 07:07, Mario Marietto wrote:

find . | cpio --create
I rarely use cpio, but recently there was a thread on tar and unwanted 
hard links in the created archive. "find" output mixes regular files and 
directories. If the archiver recursively walks through received 
directories then result may differ from expectations.

Re: How to can make a partition in my hard disk ?

2022-10-27 Thread Max Nikulin

On 28/10/2022 05:19, William Torrez Corea wrote:

Only use my laptop in my desktop and when i going to sleep in a night
table for watch a movie.

Compare G-Sense_Error_Rate attribute value in smartctl output in the 
beginning and at the end. In some buildings a train line nearby may 
cause strong enough vibration (I do not believe in such hypothesis).

On 20/10/2022 08:26, William Torrez Corea wrote:

when I start firefox the page stays loading too much time and when I try
to open LibreOffice or Gimp it loads the program very slow. In the
browser I have different tabs open.

Output of the "free" utility may give some clue on memory usage. Start 
"journalctl -f" before launching application to check for new errors. 
Watch top lines in "top" statistics (processor and memory "M") while 
application are starting to see what is the bottleneck: CPU, 
input/output, or RAM. Do the same for "iotop" to see disk read speed.

Re: tbird broken

2022-11-19 Thread Max Nikulin

On 18/11/2022 14:42, Kamil Jońca wrote:

user_pref("mailnews.nntp.jsmodule", false);
might help

Notice that Thunderbird developers are closing bugs related to the old 
NNTP implementation marking them WONTFIX.

Re: tbird broken

2022-11-19 Thread Max Nikulin

On 19/11/2022 18:59, Kamil Jońca wrote:

On 18/11/2022 14:42, Kamil Jońca wrote:

user_pref("mailnews.nntp.jsmodule", false);


But old implementation works, at least for me, while new not.

I would say that both implementations have issues and I faced more 
painful bugs in the older one.

For example:

Earlier you cited
"new JS NNTP implementation broken in TB 102: news articles are not 
shown in the preview pane nor message view tab."
that is related to NNTP servers requiring authentication and closed as 
fixed in Thunderbird-102.

Concerning the bug 1788102 "huge articles unreadable on first reading 
but show correctly later (once download fully completed?)", I am afraid, 
you are out of luck, unless you will manage to provide clear steps to 
reproduce. I will not be surprised if the developers decide to drop old 
implementation before some later extended support release.

Have you tried to sort messages by size in public newsgroups to find 
large messages? Would it "help" to limit network bandwidth using 
iptables/nftables? Even setting "mailnews.nntp.loglevel" to "All" and 
restarting Thunderbird might shed some light on the issue.

Re: TBird mail (was: user perms)

2022-12-06 Thread Max Nikulin

On 07/12/2022 06:58, gene heskett wrote:

what or where is this "profiledir:"? after sudo updatedb today, I find 

Querying search engine "thunderbird profile directory" gives

How to find your profile

- Click on the menu button or menu bar.
- From the Help menu, click Troubleshooting Information.
- In the Application Basics section, Profile Directory, click on Open 
- The Files window will show the name of the profile as well as the path 
to it.

user_pref("mail.quoteasblock", false);
user_pref("mail.quoted_graphical", false);

You may bypass looking up for the profile directory and change or create 
any options in Hamburger menu / Settings / Config Editor (at the bottom 
of the page).

Re: TBird mail (was: user perms)

2022-12-07 Thread Max Nikulin

On 07/12/2022 15:02, gene heskett wrote:
And when I find it. the prefs.js file does not contain any of the 
strings mentioned in the reply I quoted and everyone but you have clipped.

Am I to add these below? According to the top of the file, t-bird must 
be stopped before editing as it saves this anew when stopping.

That is why I suggested you to use built-in config editor. Doesn't your 
preferred search engine gives relevant result for "thunderbird config 


You may bypass looking up for the profile directory and change or 
create any options in Hamburger menu / Settings / Config Editor (at


the bottom of the page).

Re: hard disk and sub flash disk issues

2022-12-08 Thread Max Nikulin

On 08/12/2022 20:38, Semih Ozlem wrote:

(i) I accidentally turned one of the partitions on the hard disk of the 
machine I currently have to linux swap. That partition contained files 
that I may need to review or use later. Is there a way to recove those 
files and if so how

A chance is rather low.

1. swapoff for this partition (immediately)
2. change partition type to avoid automount it by e.g. live systems, 
edit /etc/fstab.
3. create an image for this partition. It will allow to restore current 
state after unsuccessful attempt to restore files.
4. install testdisk and run photorec as root. The tool is able to 
restore some types of files if they are not fragmented. File names would 
not be preserved, so high enough efforts may be required to sort 
recovered files.

Unsure if e.g. backup of file system superblock will help to recover at 
least a part of directory structures.

Check actual type of the partition (I am unsure concerning precise 
action for "turned one of the partitions ... to linux swap")

file -s /dev/sdX

bash read and field separator

2022-12-08 Thread Max Nikulin

On 07/12/2022 19:18, Greg Wooledge wrote:

rlart() {
   local day time path
   find "${1:-.}" -type f -printf '%T@ %TY-%Tm-%Td %TT %p\0' |
 sort -zn |
 while read -rd '' _ day time path; do
   printf '%s %s %s\n' "$day" "${time%.*}" "$path"

I was not aware of the "read -d ''" feature that allows to work with 
null-terminated records, so thank you for the hint. However the read 
command strips leading and trailing spaces and newlines from path. What 
is the best way to preserve them? I have tried slash (a character 
disallowed in file names) instead of space as field separator:

printf 'a///1/1\n\000b/ 2/\000c/3/\000d/4//\000' |
  while IFS='/' read -r -d '' num path ; do
printf '%s %q\n' "$num" "$path" ;
a $'//1/1\n'
b \ 2
c 3
d 4//

No problem with spaces, leading "//" are preserved, but single trailing 
slash is removed after "3".

Another question is if "$@" instead of "${1:-.}" may cause any problem.

Re: bash read and field separator

2022-12-09 Thread Max Nikulin

On 08/12/2022 23:52, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Thu, Dec 08, 2022 at 09:53:37PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:

I have tried slash (a character disallowed in file
names) instead of space as field separator:

The "problem" with that is we have slashes in our pathnames (%p) in
almost all cases.  But if we carefully build the read command, I
think it should keep them intact.

I am trying to figure out if it is possible to avoid stripping of single 
(and only single) trailing slash. It is not an issue while "-type f" 
selector is used, but I am trying to evaluate if it may be used as a 
more general approach.

find dir dir/ dir// | sed -n l

find dir dir/ dir// -printf '%T@/%TY-%Tm-%Td/%TT/%p\0' | sort -zn |
while IFS=/ read -rd '' _ day time path; do
printf '%s %s %s\n' "$day" "${time%.*}" "$path";
done | sed -n l
2022-12-09 22:13:14 dir$
2022-12-09 22:13:14 dir$
2022-12-09 22:13:14 dir//$

Single trailing / disappeared. Using any other character may cause 
incorrect path in the output.

Re: bash read and field separator

2022-12-10 Thread Max Nikulin

On 09/12/2022 23:20, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 10:23:29PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:

find dir dir/ dir// -printf '%T@/%TY-%Tm-%Td/%TT/%p\0' | sort -zn |
 while IFS=/ read -rd '' _ day time path; do
 printf '%s %s %s\n' "$day" "${time%.*}" "$path";
 done | sed -n l
2022-12-09 22:13:14 dir$
2022-12-09 22:13:14 dir$
2022-12-09 22:13:14 dir//$

Single trailing / disappeared. Using any other character may cause incorrect
path in the output.

I can't reproduce your result.

unicorn:~$ mkdir tmp/leaf
unicorn:~$ find tmp/leaf tmp/leaf/ tmp/leaf// -printf '%T@/%TY-%Tm-%Td/%TT/%p\0' | while 
IFS=/ read -rd '' _ day time path; do printf '%s\n' "$path"; done

It took some time for me to realize why you case is different. Please, try

cd tmp
find leaf leaf/ leaf// -printf '%T@/%TY-%Tm-%Td/%TT/%p\0' | while IFS=/ 
read -rd '' _ day time path; do printf '%s\n' "$path"; done

I have found some speculations that it is standard behavior
Unfortunately I can not make similar conclusion after reading the cited 
documents. From my point of view

set -- "$var"
is not the same as read. In the latter case remaining part of the line 
is assigned to the last variable. The argument that with preserved 
trailing separator it is impossible to express single field, does not 
work for read as well.

In dash I see the same behavior after dropping unsupported -d and using 
\n as record separator.

Re: installation partition recommendations

2022-12-11 Thread Max Nikulin

On 11/12/2022 22:01, Semih Ozlem wrote:

Basically the menu that offers choices for where to boot the machine 
appears. If Debian or USB drive is chosen the menu comes back with no 
progress at all.

Directory structure for UEFI boot (sdd4 in your case) depends on whether 
it is internal disk or removable storage: EFI/debian/shimx64.efi and 
EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi (the same file content). Particular implementation 
may have bugs. I am unsure which way firmware interprets a USB drive 
with multiple partitions in your case. If installer created just one 
directory then I would try to copy it to another name.

Do you have an option to choose boot from particular .efi file? If so 
try bootx64.efi or shimx64.efi directly

Within the bios secure boot is disabled.

... or grubx64.efi in this case.

Please, show the list of files on sdd4
find EFI | sort

If you can boot to some linux on that machine (e.g. a USB drive with 
live image) then show output of

efibootmgr -v

Re: Independent menu system

2022-12-14 Thread Max Nikulin

On 14/12/2022 06:22, pa...@quillandmouse.com wrote:

I prefer to run i3wm, but it has no native menu system. Like Openbox,
GNOME, Plasma, etc. Does anyone know of a menu system/program which
reads *.desktop files, and can supply categorized menus, but doesn't
insist on being run under a non-i3wm desktop environment?

See the "menu" package. It is debian menu and /etc/menu-methods/fluxbox 
is an example how window managers may use it.

Re: loss of screen resolution, part 2

2022-12-20 Thread Max Nikulin

On 20/12/2022 09:49, Timothy M Butterworth wrote:
Newer Intel graphics require closed source binary blobs. Try installing 

In the previous thread somebody spotted an issue with fetching modes 
supported by the monitor. Examples of commands to debug such problem:

get-edid | parse-edid
edid-decode /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid

Re: loss of screen resolution, part 2

2022-12-22 Thread Max Nikulin

On 21/12/2022 00:26, Kleene, Steven (kleenesj) wrote:

On Tuesday, December 20, 2022 10:36 AM, Max Nikulin wrote:

get-edid | parse-edid
edid-decode /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid

Thanks.  get-edid doesn't find any EDIDs, and there are no edid files under

Have you checked "journalctl -b" (current boot only) output for messages 
related to missing firmware? It may be noticeable in "apt upgrade" 
messages when initramfs is created during installing of new kernel.

As an experiment (it is better to remove new file or restore old 
version) latest firmware files may be taken from

Such changes usually requires "update-initramfs -u" (normally performed 
by scripts insides firmware .deb packages).

Re: colorscheme in vi

2022-12-23 Thread Max Nikulin

On 23/12/2022 18:36, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:

I wanted to open vi with a white background and a black fg
to do that,

Do you mean graphical gvim window or vim running in a terminal? In the 
latter case which one and should vim follow terminal background? Is tmux 
or screen involved?

Besides colorscheme there is another setting
:set background=dark
:set background=light
I do not remember if proper value is reliably chosen during startup e.g. 
for terminal applications setting TERM=xterm-256color

Finally, if
colorscheme white
works despite the warning, what happens if you commented out or removing 
this line?

Re: colorscheme in vi

2022-12-24 Thread Max Nikulin

On 24/12/2022 03:49, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
if I put in .vimrc "colorscheme white" or any unknown color (qwert for 

I get a message "cannot find colorscheme xxx", but I have  black on white
characters with vim.

I am curious what is the output of
(without argument) when you do not set colorscheme in init files. Is it 

to get rid of the message, I replaced the vi binary by a script where
stderr is redirected to /dev/null

I would say it is quite rude. You may miss a message notifying you that 
you have some typo in a configuration file or even some severe runtime 

Re: problem with loading installer (hard disk method)

2022-12-28 Thread Max Nikulin

On 29/12/2022 08:10, lou wrote:

set root='(hd0,msdos1)'

i boot installer from buster, installed at sda4,
i wonder if i shall change hd0 to hd3 in line 4 above

If you have multiple hard drives you may need to change hd0, but at 
first it is necessary to change partition from msdos1 to msdos4 or gpt4. 
It depends on partition types (label): DOS MBR or GPT.

Grub command line allows to try various variants interactively and to 
boot installer without modifying of the config file.

Re: What layout should I use to emulate a German keyboard but also be able to type other European characters?

2022-12-29 Thread Max Nikulin

On 29/12/2022 18:23, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:

I mapped the compose
key to CAPS LOCK (who needs that, right?)


- [CapsLock] to select first layout
- [Shift+CapsLock] to select second layout
- [RightAlt] for Compose

Gnome can not handle CapsLock as layout switch though.

So 2 or 3 keyboard layouts and Compose for other languages may be an option.

Re: problem with loading installer (hard disk method)

2022-12-29 Thread Max Nikulin

On 29/12/2022 10:55, lou wrote:

i have solved my 2nd problem on my own, thanks anyway!


i have 2 suggestions:


E.2. Contributing to This Document

If you have problems or suggestions regarding this document, you should
probably submit them as a bug report against the package
installation-guide. See the reportbug package or read the online
documentation of the Debian Bug Tracking System.

Suggestions sent to this list may be lost unnoticed by the developers.

I suppose, loading installer from hard drive is for advanced users. 
There is should be balance for amount of details in Debian manuals. It 
is grub manual that should cover the topic thoroughly.

Notice that you having an .iso file stored on a hard drive, it is 
possible to boot it directly. A couple of years ago I tried

menuentry "ISO Ubuntu-20.10 amd64" {
set isofile="/ubuntu/ubuntu-20.10-desktop-amd64.iso"
loopback loop (hd0,5)$isofile
linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper 
iso-scan/filename=$isofile noprompt noeject toram

initrd (loop)/casper/initrd

linux and initrd commands are taken from the grub configuration inside 
the iso file.

The grml-rescueboot package uses the same approach.

Re: problem with loading installer (hard disk method)

2022-12-30 Thread Max Nikulin

On 30/12/2022 00:42, Brian wrote:

I doubt GRUB would act on  (hd0,partition1).

Perhaps the idea was that "partition1" may be "msdos1" or "gpt1". I do 
not have some specific suggestion how to improve 

On Thu 29 Dec 2022 at 22:07:15 +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:

Notice that you having an .iso file stored on a hard drive, it is possible
to boot it directly.


GRUB's loopback facility will not work with installer images.
They do not contain iso-scan.


My bad, thank you for clarification. Is there a reason why these report 
are not merged?

I rarely need a "hardware" install media, for a VM  an .iso file can be 
used directly to emulate cdrom. I believed that Ubuntu uses features 
available everywhere.

Actually when I need a bootable USB, I use non-destructive method: 
remove old files and extract content of an .iso file using 7zip or 
bsdtar. It is enough for UEFI, for BIOS a couple of additional steps 
were required to install syslinux and to adjust its config.

Re: Why Debian packaging structure is so difficult

2023-01-13 Thread Max Nikulin

On 09/01/2023 13:20, Sadhu Santh wrote:

If not, why the upstream structure 
is not made simpler?

If I remember correctly, current repository layout minimizes traffic at 
the moment of new release. .deb packages are already synced as a part of 
testing suite. Almost certainly it is explained on some official page or 
in a manual, but I can not figure out where I saw it.

For tools aware of Debian repository structure see

Personally I use apt-cacher-ng, so I can not comment reliability of 
other tools.

Re: Setting up bindfs mount in LXC container

2023-01-17 Thread Max Nikulin

On 17/01/2023 04:06, Richard Hector wrote:

I'm using bindfs in my web LXC containers to allow particular users to 
write to their site docroot as the correct user.

I am not familiar with bindfs, so I may miss something important for 
your use case.

First of all I am unsure why you prefer bindfs instead of mapping some 
container users to host users using namespaces. With the following 
configuration 1000 inside a container and on the host is the same UID:

lxc.idmap = u 0 10 1000
lxc.idmap = u 1000 1000 1
lxc.idmap = u 1001 101001 64535
lxc.idmap = g 0 10 1000
lxc.idmap = g 1000 1000 1
lxc.idmap = g 1001 101001 64535

lxc.mount.entry = /home/richard/sitename/doc_root /srv/sitename/doc_root 
none bind,optional,create=dir

In /usr/local/bin/fuse.hook:

I would look into lxcfs hook for inspiration

In /usr/local/bin/fuse.hook.s2:

lxc-device -n ${LXC_NAME} add /dev/fuse

Is there any reason why it can not be done using lxc.mount.entry in the 
container config?

lxc-attach -n ${LXC_NAME} /usr/local/bin/bindfs_mount

I would consider adding a systemd unit inside container. Unsure if could 
be done using an udev rule.

If I don't use the at job, but run those commands manually after boot, 
it works fine with no error messages.

Unsure if it is relevant, but it is better to run lxc-start and 
lxc-attach as a systemd unit with Delegate=yes configuration, either a 
temporary one (systemd-run) or configured as a service. It ensures 
proper cgroup and scope. Otherwise some cryptic errors may happen.

Re: Setting up bindfs mount in LXC container

2023-01-17 Thread Max Nikulin

On 17/01/2023 17:52, Max Nikulin wrote:
lxc.mount.entry = /home/richard/sitename/doc_root /srv/sitename/doc_root 
none bind,optional,create=dir

Sorry, path inside the container should be without the leading slash.

lxc.mount.entry = /home/richard/sitename/doc_root srv/sitename/doc_root 
none bind,optional,create=dir

Re: Setting up bindfs mount in LXC container

2023-01-17 Thread Max Nikulin

On 18/01/2023 03:52, Richard Hector wrote:

On 17/01/23 23:52, Max Nikulin wrote:

lxc.idmap = u 0 10 1000
lxc.idmap = u 1000 1000 1

lxc.mount.entry = /home/richard/sitename/doc_root 
srv/sitename/doc_root none bind,optional,create=dir

My goal is not to map container users to host users, but to allow a 
container user (human user) to access a directory as another container 
user (non-human owner of files). This should also be doable for multiple 
human users for the same site.

Do you mean mapping several users (human and service ones) from a single 
container to the same host UID? The approach I suggested works for 1:1 
mapping. Another technique is group permissions and ACLs, but I would 
not call it straightforward. A user may create a file that belongs to 
wrong group or inaccessible by another user.

I would look into lxcfs hook for inspiration

Interesting; will do. Not sure exactly where to start, but will get there.

/usr/share/lxcfs/lxc.mount.hook (lxcfs package)

lxc-device -n ${LXC_NAME} add /dev/fuse

Is there any reason why it can not be done using lxc.mount.entry in 
the container config?

Is that usable for adding a device file? The only way I found to do that 
is using lxc-device from outside the container. mknod inside doesn't work.

I use it to pass /dev/dri and /dev/video0 to a container. The only issue 
is that the webcam is a USB device, so permissions become wrong after 
suspend to RAM and the following resume.

lxc-attach -n ${LXC_NAME} /usr/local/bin/bindfs_mount

I would consider adding a systemd unit inside container. Unsure if 
could be done using an udev rule.

That might be better, but it does need to rely on the device existing 

I see no difference since in your approach device presence is ensured by 
a hook. With a lxc.mount.entry it should be even more reliable.

So even for running stuff manually, run it from systemd? Interesting, 
will investigate further. I wasn't aware of systemd-run.

I use unprivileged containers to experiment with applications packaged 
for other linux distributions or just in relatively isolated 
environment. My experience that even after searching for particular 
errors it is not obvious what should be done to fix it.

Delegate=yes is mandatory for lxc-start. To attach:

systemd-run --user --scope --property=Delegate=yes -- \
lxc-attach --clear-env --keep-var TERM ...

At first I tried --pty instead of --scope for interactive sessions, but 
I noticed some issues as well.


  "Pam_cgfs How to setup with cgroup v2?"
- https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issues/3221#issuecomment-648829685
  "Unable to start an unprivileged container on fresh install of Fedora 
31 · Issue #3221 · lxc/lxc"

Re: Setting up bindfs mount in LXC container

2023-01-19 Thread Max Nikulin

On 18/01/2023 13:02, Richard Hector wrote:
I have a Wordpress site. The directory /srv/sitename/doc_root, and most 
of the directories under it, are owned by user 'sitename'.

PHP runs as 'sitename-run', which has access (via group 'sitename') to 
read all of that, but not write it. Some subdirectories, eg 
.../doc_root/wp-content/uploads, are group-writeable so that it can save 
things there.

An authorised site maintainer, eg me ('richard') (but there may be any 
number of others), needs to be able to write under /srv/sitename,

Just an idea (likely should be applied recursively)

setfacl -m user:richard:rwx /srv/sitename
setfacl -m default:user:richard:rwx /srv/sitename

the same for PHP read-only access. However likely it is impossible to 
set default: x for directories only. Another issue is that a directory 
moved from outside will not inherit default ACL. So despite it looks 
like standard problem that may be solved by ACLs I do not have a 
complete recipe.

Are there users that have access to container only using ssh? If you 
have access to host, you can run any command to access filesystem 
outside of container using lxc-usernsexec (perhaps with modified uidmap) 
or inside container using lxc-attach ... su --login ...

If have not read it yet, some general LXC ideas are described in

Re: Postfix fails after upgrade from bullseye to bookworm

2023-01-20 Thread Max Nikulin

On 21/01/2023 01:55, Charles Curley wrote:

root@white:~# ps aux | grep -i openssl
root  4586  5.8  0.9   8256  2064 pts/3S+   11:48   0:00 grep 
--colour=auto -i openssl
root  4587  150  2.1     4720 ?R11:48   0:00 
/usr/bin/openssl x509 -subject_hash_old -fingerprint -noout -in 

...> I have no idea what that's about. Maybe someone with SSL experience can

chime in here?

Delays related to cryptography may be caused by lack of entropy. You may 
try to check

cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail


ls -l /proc//fs

when such delay happens. Some network activity may increase entropy 
enough to unblock reading random bytes. If my guess is correct then the 
issue may be alleviated by installing the haveged package. VMs are 
affected more than hosts.

Re: Unexpected permission denied

2023-01-25 Thread Max Nikulin

On 25/01/2023 21:52, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 03:36:33PM +0100, Yassine Chaouche wrote:

runas_wwwdata ()
 echo su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c "$*";
 su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c "$*"


su(1) is pretty much the WORST possible choice for this, as it forces
you to launch a shell, instead of just executing a command directly.


unicorn:~# runas() { local who=$1; shift; su - "$who" -s /bin/bash -c "$*"; }
unicorn:~# runas www-data ls -ld /tmp/'file with spaces'
su: warning: cannot change directory to /var/www: No such file or directory

Greg, I agree with your warnings. Just out of curiosity, is there a 
reason why the following variant may still be unsafe?

runas() { local who=$1; shift; su --login "$who" --shell=/bin/bash 
--command='"$0" "$@"' -- "$@"; }

Re: Unexpected permission denied

2023-01-26 Thread Max Nikulin

On 26/01/2023 11:04, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 10:26:34AM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:

Greg, I agree with your warnings. Just out of curiosity, is there a reason
why the following variant may still be unsafe?

runas() { local who=$1; shift; su --login "$who" --shell=/bin/bash
--command='"$0" "$@"' -- "$@"; }

1) http://jdebp.info/FGA/dont-abuse-su-for-dropping-privileges.html

Greg, thank you for the link. Actually I use su namely to create PAM 
session, e.g. to get shell inside a container using "lxc-attach -n 
container ... -- su - user" (when where is no point to use ssh). setpriv 
is likely not an option in such case. Mostly I use sudo. Sometimes I use 
the trick with positional arguments passed to "sh -c", but I have never 
combined it with su before.

3) --command='"$0" "$@"' is ... very unintuitive, even for an experienced
shell user.


su "$who" -c '"$@"' -- x "$@"

To get meaningful command name in ps output, perhaps it is better to use 
something like

su "$who" -c '"$@"' -- su-bash "$@"

(or "su-$SHELL" that skill may not be precise). Repeating $1 is likely 
worse, since the process is shell, not the passed command.

su "$who" -c '"$@"' -- "$1" "$@"

Can't say
I've ever seen su contortions like this before.

I have an idea what should be referred to as a real abuse of su. Do not 
do it, it is just a joke. However it allows to avoid issues with spaces 
and other shell specials in arguments.

runas() { local who=$1; exe="$(type -P "$2")"; shift 2; su - "$who" -s 
"$exe" -- "$@"; }

Re: Syslog/Rsyslog/Systemctl issue

2023-02-01 Thread Max Nikulin

On 31/01/2023 16:57, deb...@sioban.net wrote:

I'm contacting you because I'm clueless on what's happening.
Basically my issue is I don't have logs anymore :/


 > systemctl start rsyslog.service
A dependency job for rsyslog.service failed. See 'journalctl -xe' for 

❯systemctl --failed


● systemd-journald.socket loaded failed failed Journal Socket

This line looks suspicious. I would ensure at first that journald is 
running correctly. Rsyslog likely receives logs from journald.

Are logs available through the following commands (last entries and for 
current boot)?

journalctl -e
journalctl -b


systemctl status systemd-journald.service

reports any errors?

Re: ASCII formatting for plain text email

2023-02-01 Thread Max Nikulin

On 01/02/2023 01:49, Pierre Willaime wrote:

I would like to format plain text emails to increase readability and
information separation.

The following message is result of ascii export from Emacs Org mode, the 
source file is attached. Export backend is customizable.

[ANN] EmacsConf 2022 Call for Participation. Sun, 17 Jul 2022 20:00:01 -0400

Re: Web page management. Was: Re: Debian release criteria.

2023-02-01 Thread Max Nikulin

On 30/01/2023 10:32, Celejar wrote:

For those who may not be aware, the developer of uBlock Origin and
uMatrix, Raymond Hill, has ceased work on uMatrix:


It is really sour. On a lot of sites, including github, high CPU usage 
in the case of disabled JavaScript caused by loading animations: CSS or 

Re: Syslog/Rsyslog/Systemctl issue

2023-02-02 Thread Max Nikulin

On 01/02/2023 21:48, Freyja wrote:

Instead of just creating the folders, I've reinstalled some packages:

I would consider complete reinstall (install from scratch). It may be 
faster even for a person having experience with systemd troubleshooting. 
Something low level is affected.

However I find the problem interesting: how to get logs if journald can 
not start.

Re: kernel errors

2023-02-03 Thread Max Nikulin

On 03/02/2023 01:47, Richmond wrote:

It might be a good way for someone to reproduce the error on some other
machine. I have no problems with the CD/DVD writer and have used it a
few times recently.

Do you see the same errors if kernel command line is edited from grub to 
pass non-existing UUID specified in the resume=UUID=... argument? It 
might be a quick way to reproduce the issue.

Is it realistic that usually optical drives are skipped during UUID 
searches, but specific driver exposes a wrong property, so the device is 
considered as a regular disk drive?

Re: OT: repair/replace cell in Li-ion battery?

2023-02-05 Thread Max Nikulin

On 05/02/2023 17:37, Yvan Masson wrote:

I don't know anything about battery, but I can do easy soldering.

1. Proper technology for rechargeable batteries is welding, not 
soldering (to prevent overheating).
2. If you just disconnect a cell then a chip monitoring health status of 
the assembly will detect failure and will prevent further charging (to 
avoid risk of fire).

Sorry, that is all I know. If you are still going to do it yourself, try 
to find repair guides.

Re: kernel errors

2023-02-05 Thread Max Nikulin

On 05/02/2023 03:12, Richmond wrote:

The errors about sr0 come before the stuff about resume.

Does the following command generate similar errors (taken from initrd 
scripts, UUID is intentionally not from the set of existing partitions)?

blkid -l -t UUID=---- -o device

I would try it at first in normally running system. Perhaps some caches 
may be involved preventing query to the optical drive. I have no bright 
idea how to cause drop to initrd shell to try the command there, perhaps 
root=... kernel command line parameter may be removed or changed to 
non-existing device from grub prompt.

I am unsure which particular command from initrd scans devices, my guess 
may be wrong.

Re: OT: repair/replace cell in Li-ion battery?

2023-02-06 Thread Max Nikulin

On 05/02/2023 23:32, gene heskett wrote:
Speaking as a CET with some knowledge of battery degradation, the 
thought of replacing an individual cell in a li-ion battery scares me. 
That new battery will have a bit more capacity, which in turn may force 
other older cells into reverse polarity, accelerating the rate of 
failure of the rest of the cells, with the possibility of starting a 
fire you can't put out.  IOW, don't even consider it. Battery rebuilders 
with any care for the result, may and should select the cells with a 1 % 
or so like capacity, meaning your rebuilt battery s/b safe, but may not 
have the labeled capacity. Does your charger know about the reduced 

I would not be surprised if nowadays a laptop battery (at least original 
one) has a balancing circuit that compensates difference of cells 
capacity e.g. due to non-uniform degradation.

By the way, Ottavio may be right. Some laptops have UEFI settings to 
maintain battery charge level of approximately 70%. It may mitigate 
degradation if laptop is mostly working from AC adapter.

Re: No USB with qemu+macOS+USB+iPads

2023-02-06 Thread Max Nikulin

On 02/02/2023 23:00, stand...@gmx.net wrote:

(qemu) info usbhost
   Bus 2, Addr 4, Port 9, Speed 480 Mb/s
 Class 00: USB device 058f:6387, Mass Storage
   Bus 2, Addr 3, Port 3, Speed 1.5 Mb/s
 Class 00: USB device 046d:c34b, USB Keyboard
   Bus 2, Addr 2, Port 2, Speed 12 Mb/s
 Class 00: USB device 046d:c52b, USB Receiver

Does the user running VM have read/write access to the usb device? The 
docs mention chown, I used

sudo -A setfacl -m u:`id -un`:rw /dev/bus/usb/002/007

and in qemu monitor

device_add usb-host,hostbus=2,hostport=7,id=usbcam

However it was with linux guest.

Re: kernel errors

2023-02-06 Thread Max Nikulin

On 06/02/2023 00:11, Richmond wrote:

Max Nikulin writes:

On 05/02/2023 03:12, Richmond wrote:

The errors about sr0 come before the stuff about resume.

Does the following command generate similar errors (taken from initrd
scripts, UUID is intentionally not from the set of existing

blkid -l -t UUID=---- -o device

It didn't produce any output.

Sorry, I have no motivation to dig into /usr/share/initramfs-tools 
deeper. Perhaps you may try debug kernel option in combination with bad 
UUID for resume from grub

  ... debug resume=UUID=----

with hope to get more verbose output around of optical drive access.

You may try to report a bug against initramfs-tools that errors messages 
are unhelpful and even confusing when resume configuration is 
inconsistent due to a mistake. Perhaps resume argument may be validated 
during generation of initrd, however in some cases it will give false 

Re: No USB with qemu+macOS+USB+iPads

2023-02-08 Thread Max Nikulin

On 08/02/2023 01:15, stand...@gmx.net wrote:

Max Nikulin schrieb am Montag, 6. Februar 2023 um 13:30:06 UTC+1:

sudo -A setfacl -m u:`id -un`:rw /dev/bus/usb/002/007

I think running as root doesn't requirte this change, or?

Then I have no idea. Does it work if you pass a USB device to a Linux 
guest (e.g. boot some live image)?

Re: No USB with qemu+macOS+USB+iPads

2023-02-09 Thread Max Nikulin

On 09/02/2023 01:23, Charles Curley wrote:

On Wed, 8 Feb 2023 22:07:37 +0700
Max Nikulin wrote:

Does it work if you pass a USB device to a Linux
guest (e.g. boot some live image)?

Yes. I can hand a USB memory stick to a Debian guest, Debian installer,
bullseye and bookworm. Host is bullseye. One must still mount it on the

My question was addressed to stand...@gmx.net with hope to determine if 
the problem is related to qemu configuration or to missing drivers in 
macOSX. Unsure if qemu allows to change the kind of USB bridges (similar 
to e.g. ethernet adapters).

Concerning USB configuration, devices are specified in different ways.

 -device usb-host,vendorid=0x8086,productid=0x0808

Charles Curley:

-device usb-host,hostdevice=/dev/bus/usb/002/006,id=hostdev0,bus=usb.0,port=4

Re: New Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3511 sound problem on Debian 11 Stable

2023-02-11 Thread Max Nikulin

On 12/02/2023 05:46, Default User wrote:
[14777.998904] Modules linked in: ctr ccm nls_ascii nls_cp437 vfat fat 
ext4 mbcache jbd2 ses enclosure scsi_transport_sas rfcomm cmac 
algif_hash algif_skcipher af_alg bnep x86_pkg_temp_thermal 
intel_powerclamp coretemp rtw88_8821ce btusb kvm_intel rtw88_8821c btrtl 
rtw88_pci btbcm rtw88_core btintel bluetooth kvm mac80211 
jitterentropy_rng dell_laptop intel_rapl_msr irqbypass mei_hdcp cfg80211 
drbg intel_cstate intel_uncore ansi_cprng dell_wmi dell_smbios 
ecdh_generic efi_pstore iTCO_wdt pcspkr serio_raw dcdbas rfkill 
intel_pmc_bxt ecc dell_wmi_descriptor sg libarc4 wmi_bmof joydev 
iTCO_vendor_support crc16 watchdog ee1004 hid_multitouch snd_sof_pci 
snd_sof_intel_byt snd_sof_intel_ipc snd_sof_intel_hda_common 
snd_sof_xtensa_dsp snd_sof snd_sof_intel_hda snd_hda_codec_hdmi 
snd_soc_hdac_hda snd_hda_ext_core snd_hda_codec_generic 
snd_soc_acpi_intel_match snd_soc_acpi ledtrig_audio snd_hda_intel 
snd_intel_dspcfg soundwire_intel soc_button_array int3403_thermal 

I may be wrong, but this line may be a sign of kernel crash causing 
arbitrary following failures. I would inspect output of journalctl 
around "Modules linked in" lines. Perhaps --boot=-1 (and -2, -3, etc.) 
may be added to filter logs for previous boots.

Upgrades of Debian and Ubuntu

2023-02-16 Thread Max Nikulin

On 16/02/2023 14:59, Nicolas George wrote:

Debian is not Ubuntu, major upgrade do not break the system.

Perhaps the issue is not Ubuntu per se, but e.g. number of 3rd-party 
repositories. Ubuntu users may be more frequently affected by 
suggestions to add a ppa repository. I have heard opinions about broken 
upgrades of ubuntu, but real reasons are unclear for me.

My experience is that without 3rd party repository upgrades works well 
enough. I faced some minor issues, but they were not a reason to reinstall.

Why users uninstall avahi

2023-02-16 Thread Max Nikulin

On 14/02/2023 22:48, David Wright wrote:

On Mon 13 Feb 2023 at 11:39:31 (+0100), Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:

Today I have deleted almost everything of avahi and xfce4. After a
reboot the 169.254.xxx.yyy is no more configured.

Yes, and that's a problem for anyone trying to replicate the
configuration of these addresses: we usually never see files
and logs from offending systems, but just reports of package
deletion or, even less helpful, so-called nuking of random files.

Are there design overview what avahi-autoipd is supposed to do and which 
way dhcp clients interact with it?

A dozen of years ago I purged avahi packages because they were adding 
more complexity to debugging of network issues. Avahi and 169.254.x.y 
addresses are noticed by users when network does not work. It may be 
caused by various reasons: provider's DHCP server is temporary 
unavailable, problems during negotiation for connection type and 
bandwidth, maybe ethernet card driver. Since other part is involved, it 
may be a problem to reproduce the issue when it is enough time to debug 
it. That times I did not find info when avahi may be useful for me. 
Quick search for zeroconf purpose did not result in useful links.

Recently I saw a 169.254.x.y address when I decided to take advantage of 
1Gb ethernet ports in laptops to copy some large files. RTL8723BE WiFi 
sometimes may work unreliably. NetworkManager allows to start a DHCP 
server from UI by creation of shared connection. Unfortunately due to 
dust on rarely used ethernet connector connection was downgrading from 
1Gb to 100Mb and NetworkManager considered it as failure. As a result on 
the other side avahi-autoipd assigned its address.

So to get 169.254.x.y address, ensure physical connection with no DHCP 
server. In real life it happens when you should complete some other 
tasks and you are upset due to broken network.

From my point of view, to improve reputation of Avahi, it is necessary 
to clearly explain the role of avahi-autoipd. Maybe better docs have 
appeared last years, I have not checked.

Re: Virtual machine affects client screen resolution

2023-02-17 Thread Max Nikulin

On 18/02/2023 08:57, Albert S. wrote:

If you think I issued the xrandr command on the wrong machine, that was 
not the case: history makes it clear.

Behavior depends on the DISPLAY environment value at the moment when 
xrandr was executed. Likely it was pointed not to vnc Xserver, but to 
the socket forwarded to your workstation by ssh. Try

echo "$DISPLAY"

In a local shell, in a ssh session, and from vncviewer.

Re: Partitioning an SSD?

2023-02-17 Thread Max Nikulin

On 16/02/2023 22:25, Joe wrote:

Stretch installed perfectly dual-boot with Win 10 on an EFI Acer
netbook, but upgrading to Buster broke booting to grub. It actually
broke EFI booting completely, but I've been able to restore booting at
least to Windows. And yes, I've tried everything the Net can suggest.

UEFI implementation by particular vendor may be buggy. E.g. an old HP 
laptop may be booted up either when it is configured to load a specific 
.efi file or when directory structures on EFI internal hard drive 
partition follows layout designed for a removable storage. It ignores 
most of EFI variables, so e.g. it is better to remove fbx.efi fallback 
intended to fix boot order.

When you have learned such stuff, it is easy to fix boot. Unfortunately 
pieces of the puzzle was spread over multiple resources.

I am not surprised that installer was unable to apply proper workarounds 
on particular machine. I have heard that vendors may add code intended 
to ensure booting Windows, but other OSes may be out of luck using the 
same file layout.

Re: snapd vs apt

2023-02-17 Thread Max Nikulin

On 17/02/2023 00:48, winnie hw wrote:

When both snapd and apt sources are available, which one should I choose 
for package installation? Though I found the package versions in snapd 
are a bit newer than apt.

With snapd you do not have full control when an application is updated. 
The daemon decides it for you. It may matter during debugging of some 
issue. Attempt to reproduce it in a clean environment may fail because 
on latest version is available in snap.

With apt it is possible to setup a custom mirror, e.g. apt-cacher-ng 
proxy. A proxy for snap must be registered in Canonical and requires 
network connection to their repository.

When some application is packaged for Linux distributions it is easier 
to rebuild it with a custom patch. I suspect that a developer 
distributing a snap package may use specific and not well documented 
build environment.

Re: hard disk installation method fails

2023-02-18 Thread Max Nikulin

On 18/02/2023 12:26, Charles Curley wrote:

menuentry "Install Debian 12 OS (preseeded)" {
 set root='hd0,msdos5'
 set isofile=/firmware-testing-i386-netinst.iso
 insmod part_msdos
 insmod loopback
 loopback loop (hd0,msdos5)$isofile
 linux (loop)/install.386/vmlinuz auto=true file=/media/preseed.cfg
 initrd (loop)/install.386/initrd.gz

Due to the following message I am confused if it should work for Debian:

Brian to debian-user. Re: problem with loading installer (hard disk 
method) Thu, 29 Dec 2022 17:42:59 +.


GRUB's loopback facility will not work with installer images.
They do not contain iso-scan.


Re: snapd vs apt

2023-02-18 Thread Max Nikulin

On 18/02/2023 13:33, tomas wrote:

On Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 12:50:12PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:

When some application is packaged for Linux distributions it is easier to
rebuild it with a custom patch. I suspect that a developer distributing a
snap package may use specific and not well documented build environment.

I think this one is a very important point which hasn't been addressed
yet in this thread: Debian packages provide not only their source, but
the whole build setup to rebuild that package (and most of them in a
reproducible [1] way, i.e. they yield bit-for-bit identical binaries
whenever the sources and the build dependencies stay constant).

In my opinion reproducible build is a next order problem. I have seen 
phrases like "it is too complicated to build". I am in doubts if such 
application can still be called free software despite its license. It is 
open source, but it is prohibitively difficult to build.

I do not consider maintaining build rules as a pleasant activity during 
software development. Keeping scripts portable may require enough 
efforts. Certainly it is great when users do not have to compile 
applications themselves. Unfortunately convenient channels to deliver 
ready to use software caused emergence on an opposite issue. Nobody 
besides its developer can build it. It is expected that for the 
developer build scripts have lowest priority since there is no 
backpressure from maintainers of Linux distributions. Alleviation of an 
issue creates new challenges.

More snap issues:

I am unsure if it is possible to get debug symbols for snap packages. 
Attaching debugger to a sandboxed process may be not so easy as well.

I have not investigated if I can tune level of isolation of snap 
packages for specific purposes. E.g. firefox snap does not allow opening 
PDF files from /usr/share/doc because system directories are isolated. 
On the other hand whole home directory is exposed for convenience. Can I 
start a browser instance with specific network namespace with firewall 
rules blocking access to local resources while another browser profile 
have access to the local network? Snap provides some knobs, however I an 
unsure that I will not face hard coded limitations.

Not to mention complains that due to compressed image start time may 
became an issue.

Re: CUPS - how to match autodetected printers to physical ones

2023-02-18 Thread Max Nikulin

On 16/02/2023 22:41, Greg Wooledge wrote:

2) Also suggested: avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp
This year, the output of that command no longer contains my printer's
IP address.  Last year, it did.  I have no idea why this has changed.

Avahi was mentioned in the ipv6 thread, so I decided to read links on 
the Debian wiki page


Avahi's performance resembles that of Bonjour, sometimes exceeding it;
however Avahi can lose services when managing large numbers of requests
3. Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Protocols Performance for Establishing a
Decentralized Desktop Grid Middleware

Unsure if it is relevant

4) Also mentioned: port 9100.
For grins, I did "telnet 9100" and after that connected
I typed "HELLO WORLD", then pressed Enter, then Ctrl-] q Enter to
close the telnet session.

I am curious if there is some tool convenient to get report concerning 
various service service discovery protocols provided at some ip 
(mDNS-SD, uPnP, etc.).

Queue \\SPS\S010NEURD14841M

Does anyone know what technology is used by windows nowadays (Simple 
Service Discovery Protocol, SSDP?) and which tools can be used in Linux 
to get list of services?

Re: Remove route ' dev ovs-system'

2023-02-19 Thread Max Nikulin

On 19/02/2023 23:35, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:

Am Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 05:21:47PM +0100 schrieb Geert Stappers:

Having installed package openvswitch-switch and doing `ip route` I do get dev ovs-system scope link src metric 1004

Please have a look at https://wiki.debian.org/Avahi.

I hope, somebody with more knowledge of related technology will correct me.

I find it confusing that the wiki page neither mentions avahi-autoipd 
nor has a link explaining interaction of avahi and avahi-autoipd.

My impression is that the purpose if Avahi is discovery of services in 
multicast network segment and publishing services available on the host 
where avahi daemon is running to make them available for other 
computers. Its scope is .local host names. IP address may be received 
from centralized DHCP server.

169.254.x.y addresses are link local (IPv4LL) and usually appears when 
IP address is not configured and an attempt to get it through DHCP 
fails. Such addresses may be configured by avahi-autoipd, unsure 
concerning systemd(-networkd?).

So to avoid 169.254.x.y addresses, it necessary to disable link local 
addressed (avahi-autoipd). My guess is that Avahi as service discovery 
tool may still work when usual (static or DHCP) IP address is configured.

Perhaps to get rid of 169.254.x.y addresses, it is enough to properly 
configure network interface, either to ensure that DHCP server is 
available or to assign a static address. After that you may forget about 
existence of avahi-autoipd.

Re: Remove route ' dev ovs-system'

2023-02-19 Thread Max Nikulin

On 20/02/2023 01:57, Geert Stappers wrote:

feb 19 18:46:18 trancilo systemd-networkd-wait-online[601]: ovs-system: Failed 
to update link state, ignoring: No such file or directory
feb 19 18:46:18 trancilo systemd-networkd-wait-online[601]: ovs-system: Failed 
to update link state, ignoring: No such file or directory
feb 19 18:46:18 trancilo systemd-networkd-wait-online[601]: ovsbr0: Failed to 
update link state, ignoring: No such file or directory
feb 19 18:46:18 trancilo systemd-networkd-wait-online[601]: ovsbr0: Failed to 
update link state, ignoring: No such file or directory
feb 19 18:46:18 trancilo systemd-networkd-wait-online[601]: ovsbr0: Failed to 
update link state, ignoring: No such file or directory
feb 19 18:48:17 trancilo systemd-networkd-wait-online[601]: Timeout occurred 
while waiting for network connectivity.

Which way IP address is supposed to be configured for the ovs-system 
network device? My guess is that there will be no 169.254.x.y address 
and route when this failure is fixed.

I am unsure if it is possible to configure avahi-autoipd (or another 
zeroconf daemon actually running) to ignore specific nework interface.

The following is unrelated to the original question. I am curious if 
Avahi (not autoipd) supports IPv4LL addresses on multiple network 
interfaces. Likely its primary use case is a laptop connected to WiFi 
(or with plugged in ethernet cable), not a router or a host having 
complex network configuration for the sake of VMs.

Re: Fw: python thinking at debian

2023-02-21 Thread Max Nikulin

On 20/02/2023 20:59, Vic Cekvenich wrote:
I think that is the goal for all 
of us.

I did/do apt install python3-pip and python3-venv and python ensurepip 
still does not work. But if I do pyenv to build, all of python works well.

There is large gap between too generic goal "can develop" and too 
specific issue that ensurepip does not work for you. Details related to 
intermediate level task is missed, so it is difficult to say if it is a 
real problem or just a bit different way for similar actions is assumed 
by developers. What you consider as restrictions may help to ensure that 
other packages can rely on sane enough environment.

Debian bug tracker or mailing list archive may contain discussion why 
some limitations were added and what approach (venv, etc.) allows to get 
work done.

May contain some hints.

Re: Remove route ' dev ovs-system'

2023-02-21 Thread Max Nikulin

On 20/02/2023 21:44, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:

Am Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 09:59:20AM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:

Perhaps to get rid of 169.254.x.y addresses, it is enough to properly
configure network interface, either to ensure that DHCP server is available
or to assign a static address. After that you may forget about existence of

On my system it did not help. One "issue" might be, that systemd
starts services in some sequence. But it does not wait for a service
to complete. At least in case of stuff I have observed on my system.

Out of curiosity, is link-local IP address assigned during boot or later 
when e.g. WiFi connection is temporary lost? How long does it take to 
get response from DHCP server? Which way network is configured 
(ifupdown, NetworkManager, systemd-networkd) in your case?

Re: Remove route ' dev ovs-system'

2023-02-22 Thread Max Nikulin

On 22/02/2023 01:26, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:

I have no idea if it is possible to estimate a DHCP response

Since static IP address is assigned, it does not matter. I expected DHCP 
configuration and that delay may be noticed in `journalctl -b 0` logs.

Description=A remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility
After=network-online.target opensmtpd.service unbound.service
Requires=opensmtpd.service unbound.service

But fetchmail starts before the dependencies have been finished.

I can not say that I fully understand interaction of After and 
Requires/Wants options. I would try additional Wants=network-online.target



There are options like RequiredForOnline, see systemd.network(5), but 
likely default value is yes. However avahi-autoipd should be started 
concurrently with network configuration to assign link-local address in 
the case of failure.

Re: Where to look into when system crashes

2023-02-22 Thread Max Nikulin

On 22/02/2023 11:34, Qiming Ye wrote:

I have a Debian box running for 280+ days without rebooting, recently it 
crashes pretty much everyday.  Where should I look for the reason of 

sudo journalctl

You may limit logs to specific boot by adding option like "--boot=-1". 
Scroll to end [G] or add "--end" flag to see last messages before crash, 
however it is better to pay some attention to all errors.

Re: Virtual machine affects client screen resolution

2023-02-22 Thread Max Nikulin

On 19/02/2023 01:01, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:

On Saturday 18 February 2023 12:17:20 am Max Nikulin wrote:

echo "$DISPLAY"

So this got me curious,  and I tried it out.  In the terminal that's
running inside of the virtualbox instance where I'm doing emails,  it
comes back with:


Have you tried to emulate multiple monitors in virtualbox?

But in a terminal which is running on the host Debian system,  it comes back 


I wonder why the difference?

My guess is that it may depend on graphics adapter and its driver. I 
have heard that a display may have several screens (it is not the same 
as multiple monitors that show different regions of the same display and 
screen). I have never tried such configuration. I am unsure which 
approach is used in nvidia's xinerama.

Re: Remove route ' dev ovs-system'

2023-02-24 Thread Max Nikulin

On 22/02/2023 23:45, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:

Am Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 10:24:59PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:

On 22/02/2023 01:26, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:

Description=A remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility
After=network-online.target opensmtpd.service unbound.service
Requires=opensmtpd.service unbound.service


In case of my fetchmail setup the culprit is unbound. At the startup
of unbound it takes some time to exchange keys and so on.

I have no experience with unbound and I am not sure at which moment it 
notifies systemd that the service is ready. However I have found a 
recent bug

"When used with systemd-networkd, unbound does not start until 
systemd-networkd-wait-online.service times out"

Perhaps the package in Debian has an older version of the 
unbound.service file and so is not affected.


However avahi-autoipd should be started concurrently
with network configuration to assign link-local address in the case of

In a different thread - it was about IPv6 which has mutated
slightly - several users claimed that the avahi-autoip is useful for
their business.

I mean IPv4 link local addresses 169.254.x.y. My impression is that 
avahi-autoipd was created for the cases when there is no point to setup 
centralized DHCP server. On the other hand I agree that a router (and so 
DHCP out of the box) is more wide spread configuration than connecting a 
couple of devices directly or through a switch.

Re: Remove route ' dev ovs-system'

2023-02-24 Thread Max Nikulin

On 25/02/2023 04:43, Geert Stappers wrote:

Having `apt purge avahi-autoipd` still gets me "auto IPv4 address"

Ideas how to avoid it are  welcome.

Have you checked "journalctl --boot" for logs which component assigns 
169.254.x.y address and for various errors related to network?

I am not familiar with openvswitch (or another package that really 
created ovs-system and ovsbr0), so I have no idea how they may be 
configured (systemd-networkd, NetworkManager, netplan, ifupdown) in your 
case and how to configure them properly. Perhaps it better to ask their 
community how to avoid failure of systemd-networkd-wait-online and 
assigning of IPv4LL address.

I have realized that your problem may be more general than just 
ovs-system, I do not like the following log line and which file is not 
found is not clear for me:

feb 19 18:46:18 trancilo systemd-networkd-wait-online[601]: wlan0: Failed to 
update link state, ignoring: No such file or directory

Re: Virtual machine affects client screen resolution

2023-02-24 Thread Max Nikulin

On 25/02/2023 00:55, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:

On Wednesday 22 February 2023 09:24:17 pm Max Nikulin wrote:

On 19/02/2023 01:01, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:

So this got me curious,  and I tried it out.  In the terminal that's
running inside of the virtualbox instance where I'm doing emails,  it
comes back with:


Have you tried to emulate multiple monitors in virtualbox?

I'm not sure what I need to do with the computer to make this happen.

VirtualBox can emulate multiple monitors, they may be represented as 
several windows on the same physical device. It is convenient to test 
behavior of applications in the configuration with multiple monitors. 
There is an option in VM configuration UI.

But in a terminal which is running on the host Debian system,  it comes back 


I wonder why the difference?

My guess is that it may depend on graphics adapter and its driver.

It's an older machine with a VGA output being used.  I assume that I'll
need to get some kind of a card with an HDMI output and a cable to make
that happen.  No idea what the driver is,  probably nothing special.

It does not matter if it is special or not. My guess (that may be wrong) 
that even noveau vs. nvidia may behave differently. I have never gone 
deeper, since I do not remember any problem with setting DISPLAY=:0 when 
it was necessary. Driver in use should appear in Xorg.0.log, e.g.

(II) modeset(0): [DRI2]   DRI driver: i965

I have heard that a display may have several screens (it is not the same as 
multiple monitors that show
different regions of the same display and screen). I have never tried such 

Are you referring to multiple desktops?  I have that going,  for sure.

My impression is that multiple screens of a display is not the same as 
virtual desktops (and not the same as multiple monitors). I am not 
familiar with X11 protocol so closely. Frankly speaking, I has a hope 
that somebody will post a proper link. My curiosity is not strong enough 
yet to filter search engine results myself.

Re: Remove route ' dev ovs-system'

2023-02-26 Thread Max Nikulin

On 26/02/2023 18:18, Geert Stappers wrote:

AIUI is systemd-networkd the main player, dhcpcd some helper
and NetworkManager for contact with user.

First of all, I would not touch dhcpcd.conf for a while.

Is it assumed that ovs-system should get its IP address from DHCP?

If I understand it correctly, systemd-networkd may send DHCP request 
itself, it does not need dhcpcd helper. NetworkManager is not only UI, 
it may manage interfaces. I would not be surprised if more than one tool 
tries to manage ovs-system.

Perhaps some of the following command may shed some light on what really 

systemctl --failed
networkctl list
networkctl status ovs-system

Last command should show Network File name if the interface is really 
managed by systemd-networkd. Please, post its content

   nmcli general status
   nmcli device
   nmcli -f CONNECTIONS device show ovs-system

   ifquery --list

and check if /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/network/interfaces.d for 
ovs-system entries

See also

unbound and fetchmail (was: Re: Remove route ' dev ovs-system')

2023-02-26 Thread Max Nikulin

On 25/02/2023 19:49, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:

Now there are no messages reported by journald as above.

I am curious if fixing unbound and so network-online.target helped to 
avoid 169.254.x.y address in your case. Can fetchmail work without a 
kludge you added to achieve some delay? My expectation is that 
unbound.service may be dropped from Requires= and After= in 
fetchmail.service, but both fields should have network-online.target.

I forgot that debugging of such issues should be started with "systemctl 

Re: unbound and fetchmail (was: Re: Remove route ' dev ovs-system')

2023-03-02 Thread Max Nikulin

On 28/02/2023 17:25, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:

I will just inform about the status. Everything is fine now. A word
about systemd-networkd-wait-online: With this service running there
has been even a delay of 1-2 seconds when switching from one console
to a different one (the consoles when X is not running). I have no
idea about that side effect.

Does it happen each time or it is getty startup time? In the latter case 
you may try (for various console numbers)

systemd-analyze critical-chain getty@tty1.service

Now I have disabled systemd-networkd-wait-online and I have add a
comment in the last line of /usr/lib/systemd/system//systemd-networkd.service
which is now
# 28.2.2023 Also=systemd-networkd-wait-online.service

Ideally the root cause of strange behavior should be debugged. Perhaps 
some dependency should be removed from e.g. multi-user.target or 
network-online.target. Probably "systemd-analyze critical-chain" may 
give some hints.

Any case I would not touch files in /usr/lib/systemd. It should confuse 
tools like systemd-delta. It is possible to override specific properties 
by creating of drop-in snippets in 
/etc/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service.d/. See systemd.unit(5), 
e.g. run

   systemctl edit systemd-networkd.service

# Clear
# Add other values from the original file

Check result

   systemd-analyze verify systemd-networkd.service

I hope, it is a better way to apply your workaround. I can not suggest a 
better solution for tty delay issue, but I think it exists. "Also=" 
should affect "systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service" and "disable" 
commands, so I puzzled why it helps at all.

Re: Forcing dhclient to not ignore tun0 interface when it's available

2023-03-02 Thread Max Nikulin

On 03/03/2023 10:08, Tim Woodall wrote:

New to this thread, so might be totally off-piste but openvpn has hooks
to run scripts like this:


This is server side but the route-up/pre-down work client side too.

Presumably you can do something here to renew dhcp leases or restore

Perhaps the opposite. dhclient running for enp2s0f0 should detect that 
VPN is active and to avoid overwriting DNS settings that direct requests 
to tun0.

Re: Forcing dhclient to not ignore tun0 interface when it's available

2023-03-03 Thread Max Nikulin

On 03/03/2023 13:29, Tim Woodall wrote:

On Fri, 3 Mar 2023, Max Nikulin wrote:

dhclient running for enp2s0f0 should detect that 
VPN is active and to avoid overwriting DNS settings that direct 
requests to tun0.

The hook can create and delete a file like rhis:
tim@dirac:/etc/dhcp (none)$ cat dhclient-enter-hooks.d/nodnsupdate
make_resolv_conf() {

I agree that VPN script may add and remove dhclient hook or may write 
some file in /run that is read by dhclient hook. They should cooperate 
in some way. In more versatile configuration domain resolution may be 
per-interface. E.g. hosts from the corporate domain are resolved through 
tun0, other sites through enp2s0f0.

Re: unbound and fetchmail (was: Re: Remove route ' dev ovs-system')

2023-03-03 Thread Max Nikulin

On 02/03/2023 22:27, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:

Am Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 09:26:33PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:

On 28/02/2023 17:25, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:

I will just inform about the status. Everything is fine now. A word
about systemd-networkd-wait-online: With this service running there
has been even a delay of 1-2 seconds when switching from one console
to a different one (the consoles when X is not running). I have no
idea about that side effect.

Does it happen each time or it is getty startup time? In the latter case you
may try (for various console numbers)

 systemd-analyze critical-chaingetty@tty1.service

It is happening each time when changing the console.

I have no idea which way it may be related to network configuration in 
general and to 169.254.x.y link local addresses in particular. It is 
better to start a new thread.

- Does journalctl -f show some messages during such delay?
- Do you mean that each of [Ctrl+Alt+F3], [Ctrl+Alt+F4], [Ctrl+Alt+F3] 
hit in sequence cause delay?
- Policy Kit may need to adjust permissions to some devices (video, 
audio, etc.), but 2 seconds is unreasonably long delay.

Re: besides ping/nslookup, any other tools to resolve a hostname?

2023-03-03 Thread Max Nikulin

On 04/03/2023 07:53, Ken Young wrote:
Do you know any other way to resolve a hostname by manual  on this 


However I am unsure concerning k8s containers. Some interpreters:

python3 -c 'import socket as s, sys; 
print(s.gethostbyname(sys.argv[1]))' debian.net

Re: what method do you prefer for data transfer between nodes?

2023-03-06 Thread Max Nikulin

On 05/03/2023 15:22, Ken Young wrote:

1. scp

Notice that in bookworm (next release) scp uses SFTP protocol. This 
ssh-based protocol can be used in the current stable release as well. Do 
not confuse it with ftps that is traditional FTP over TLS.

Re: Looking for "Package Verification with dpkg: Implementation" Document

2023-03-07 Thread Max Nikulin

On 07/03/2023 18:19, Cédric Van Rompay wrote:
 > This program implements the verification specs defined in the 
document, "Package Verification with dpkg: Implementation", which is a 
more complete reference for the verification procedure.


Any idea which document is this refering to?

From search engine results:


Package Verification with dpkg: Implementation

John Goerzen 

Version 5; January 4, 2001

Re: Forcing dhclient to not ignore tun0 interface when it's available

2023-03-07 Thread Max Nikulin

On 06/03/2023 19:17, davenull wrote:

On 2023-03-03 06:22, Max Nikulin wrote:

Perhaps the opposite. dhclient running for enp2s0f0 should detect that
VPN is active and to avoid overwriting DNS settings that direct
requests to tun0.

Yes, indeed. I want dhclient to NOT overwrite /etc/resolv.conf when VPN 
is active. OR to use tun05 when it tries to renew the lease

If anyone has a good documention on how to configure openresolv 
correctly to use it with openconnect.

People suggested openvpn scripts and dhclient hooks in this thread. It 
should be enough to write a couple of scripts that conditionally update 
resolv.conf. I am not sure that it is possible to provide configuration 
that would work out of the box. If you are seeking a ready to use 
recipe, perhaps you should ask openvpn community.

I used network-manager-openconnect-gnome for some time and it was enough 
to fill some fields in a GUI form for minimal working configuration.

Re: PDF on debian

2023-03-09 Thread Max Nikulin

On 09/03/2023 17:32, Corey Hickman wrote:

What's the suggested PDF generator in Debian (without desktop)?
And is there a VIM plugin for that?

If you use some markup language that can be converted to HTML then there 
is an alternative to LaTeX workflow:

chromium --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf=/tmp/test.pdf 

Re: PDF on debian

2023-03-09 Thread Max Nikulin

On 09/03/2023 22:11, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

   libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf file.txt

produces a PDF of better quality (fewer spacing issues).

I was assuming something like markdown/reStructuredText/asciidoc/etc. 
instead of plain text. As the last resort


vim command to get at least syntax highlighting. Certainly the approach 
with browser requires a proper CSS for text width, hyphenations, etc.

Re: PDF on debian

2023-03-10 Thread Max Nikulin

On 09/03/2023 21:29, tomas wrote:

TeX is perfectly fine as a PDF backend. Especially if you go for the
more "modern" variants, like LuaTeX, which grok UTF-8 natively.

I am curious if you can provide preamble with font configuration working 
for most of users for documents including non-latin scripts and emoji.


My experience is that while browsers or office applications implement 
fallbacks to take missing glyphs from other available fonts out of the 
box, for LuaLaTeX it is necessary to configure all font fallbacks 
explicitly. Ideally document should have explicit markup to specify 
languages (if script is unique then babel can be instructed to detect it 
and set language implicitly).

Re: Debian 12 - IPv4 blocked without fail2ban & co

2023-09-08 Thread Max Nikulin

On 08/09/2023 04:39, Romain wrote:
I can confirm that when this happens, it's the OVH server that fails to 
send the response to my network.

35 9.862648672 MY_PUBLIC_IP_AT_HOME → ICMP 78 Echo (ping) 
request  id=0x4b30, seq=33150/32385, ttl=1
36 9.862704895 → MY_PUBLIC_IP_AT_HOME  ICMP 106 Destination 
unreachable (Port unreachable)

Some intermediate firewall may have specific rules for ICMP.

It is better to try tcpdump (its capture file may be later loaded to 
wireshark) for HTTP and SSH packets at and 
rpi4.home, or if your router allows it, even better at 

Re: xclip - how to use without a graphics display for testing on Github workflows

2023-09-09 Thread Max Nikulin

On 10/09/2023 06:36, Tom Browder wrote:
We have a Raku module that uses "xclip" during use on a computer with a 
monitor.  We need to test it with Github workflows which does not have a 
graphics device.

Is there any "xclip" option to allow for testing without a graphics 
devivce without throwing an error? Or any suggestion for a work around?

You can create a mock-up and use it instead of real xclip binary.

Re: xclip - how to use without a graphics display for testing on Github workflows

2023-09-10 Thread Max Nikulin

On 10/09/2023 16:44, Tom Browder wrote:

On Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 21:06 Max Nikulin wrote:

You can create a mock-up and use it instead of real xclip binary.

Sounds interesting, Max, can you show the code?

Unless you need to test subtle issues like

  "Not closing stdout when setting clipboard from stdin"

faced by e.g. tmux users, something simple should be enough:

#!/bin/sh -eu
: "${XCLIP_MOCK_FILE:=$HOME/.xclip-mock}"

while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
-o|--out) exec cat -- "$XCLIP_MOCK_FILE"
-selection|-target) shift
*) # FIXME xclip treats all unknown options at any position as 
exec cat -- "$@" >"$XCLIP_MOCK_FILE"

Re: su

2023-09-14 Thread Max Nikulin

On 14/09/2023 17:30, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

Yes, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is problematic, but as "su -" doesn't work in
GNU Screen (it yields major display issues), I presume that some
environment variables (terminal related?) are still useful.

I just have tried it. "su -" preserves TERM=screen.xterm-256color. 
Behavior is different from pure xterm-256color, but I have no guess what 
you may consider as major display issues. E.g. vim is even able to 
determine if background is dark or light and to adjust color scheme 

Re: using ddrescue on the root partition - boot with / as read-only

2023-09-14 Thread Max Nikulin

On 14/09/2023 19:48, Michael Kjörling wrote:

On 14 Sep 2023 12:17 +0200, from vinc...@vinc17.net (Vincent Lefevre):

badblocks says that there are 25252 bad blocks.

I'm using ddrescue before doing anything else (mainly in case things
would go worse), but I would essentially be interested in knowing
which files are affected.

There's always the brute-force way; for each ordinary file, try to cat
it to /dev/null, and log the name of the file if that fails.

ddrescue should be a better way to recover data from failing disk. It 
tries to minimize seeks and may reiterate over fragments failed during 
earlier passes. It may write session/log file to track data recovered 
during previous runs.

Not only the root partition should be mounted read-only. No partitions 
from this disk should be mounted at all. Even reads may cause more 
severe damage. Boot from a live media and run ddrescue from it. Check 
that no partitions are automatically mounted or used as swap.

It is better to postpone badblocks till disk image will be created.

If data are really precious then seek for a specialized service.

Re: su

2023-09-14 Thread Max Nikulin

On 14/09/2023 22:26, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

I noticed the issue just before the upgrade to bookworm (I wanted
to do that for the upgrade). But I can't reproduce it in bookworm.
So this may have been an old bug that has been fixed.

I do not follow the topic, so I can not attribute changes to particular 
releases, but certainly I see progress: new features in terminal 
applications, changes in terminal definitions, adding new ones like tmux 

IIRC, this was text positioning issues, perhaps when recalling
commands from the history.

It may be related to a readline library. E.g. bash does not rely on

xterm*VT100.reverseWrap: true

BTW, I don't think that the preservation of $TERM is sufficient.
Preserving $TERMINFO (when set) is important too.

I do not use TERMINFO, however if you need to preserve it than you may use

su --whitelist-environment=TERMINFO -

My use case is lxc-attach and DISPLAY.

Re: Fresh install, Bookworm, XFCE keeps recreating directories

2023-09-15 Thread Max Nikulin

On 16/09/2023 10:09, Greg Wooledge wrote:

Altering the contents of an existing file in ~/.config/ upon login
sounds incredibly wrong to me, to the point where I have a hard time
believing it's a default behavior.


The $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs file is a text file that contains the
user-specific values for the XDG user dirs. It is created and updated by
the xdg-user-dirs-update command.


On the first run a user-dirs.locale file is created containing the
locale that was used for the translation. This is used later by GUI
tools like xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update to detect if the locale was changed,
letting you to migrate from the old names.

So the declared goal is keeping folder names consistent with the current 

When a random string is not random (was Re: PATH revisited: one PATH to "rule the [Debian] World")

2023-09-24 Thread Max Nikulin

On 25/09/2023 00:27, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Sun, Sep 24, 2023 at 01:05:32PM -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:

Tom Browder wrote:

Every time I set up a new host, I have to jump through the hoops trying to
get the same PATH for ordinary users as well as root, regardless of how
they log in. Reading the man pages doesn't help my old brain with all the

I see the message from Dan Ritter neither on lists.debian.org nor on 
news.gmane.io. It seems, the person sends messages with fixed 
Message-ID: <3a6b048e-84db-4a47-969c-b62c826e0...@randomstring.org>. At 
first I thought it is a mailer bug, but the host name is quite specific.

Look at


It is a real mess of unrelated subjects merged into single thread. I 
suspected that it is Gene who may start a discussion unrelated to 
original thread, but this case the cause is different.

The message from Greg:

Re: usrmerge on root NFS will not be run automatically
From: Dan Ritter

Due to the In-Reply-To header. Certainly Greg replied to another 
message, but it was dropped by archivers.

So if you see that somebody posted a message to a wrong thread, it is 
not necessary their fault.

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