On 09/12/2022 23:20, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 10:23:29PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
find dir dir/ dir// -printf '%T@/%TY-%Tm-%Td/%TT/%p\0' | sort -zn |
while IFS=/ read -rd '' _ day time path; do
printf '%s %s %s\n' "$day" "${time%.*}" "$path";
done | sed -n l
2022-12-09 22:13:14 dir$
2022-12-09 22:13:14 dir$
2022-12-09 22:13:14 dir//$
Single trailing / disappeared. Using any other character may cause incorrect
path in the output.
I can't reproduce your result.
unicorn:~$ mkdir tmp/leaf
unicorn:~$ find tmp/leaf tmp/leaf/ tmp/leaf// -printf '%T@/%TY-%Tm-%Td/%TT/%p\0' | while
IFS=/ read -rd '' _ day time path; do printf '%s\n' "$path"; done
It took some time for me to realize why you case is different. Please, try
cd tmp
find leaf leaf/ leaf// -printf '%T@/%TY-%Tm-%Td/%TT/%p\0' | while IFS=/
read -rd '' _ day time path; do printf '%s\n' "$path"; done
I have found some speculations that it is standard behavior
Unfortunately I can not make similar conclusion after reading the cited
documents. From my point of view
set -- "$var"
is not the same as read. In the latter case remaining part of the line
is assigned to the last variable. The argument that with preserved
trailing separator it is impossible to express single field, does not
work for read as well.
In dash I see the same behavior after dropping unsupported -d and using
\n as record separator.