bootable 2.1 CD question

2000-12-06 Thread Ken Weingold
At what point of booting to the Debian 2.1 CD would I know if my SCSI
adapter is supported?  The cdrom drive is run off the adapter.  It is
an Adaptec 2930CU.  I can't figure out from the Hardware-HOWTOs
whether it is supported or not.  It boots and goes into the install
process, but at one of the steps it tells me that I have no hard
drives attached to the system so it throws me to the network setup.  I
have three SCSI drives.




how to load aic7xxx?

2000-12-07 Thread Ken Weingold
Sorry for sort of asking the same question again, but I am trying to
load the Debian 2.1 cdrom but it will not load aic7xxx.  I try from
the boot prompt and then also from a prompt from within the install,
but it says that it can't find aic7xxx, or aic7xxx=.no_.  Can anyone
help me on this?  It's for an Adaptec 2930CU.




Re: how to load aic7xxx?

2000-12-07 Thread Ken Weingold
On Thu, Dec  7, 2000, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 05:37:40PM -0500, Ken Weingold wrote:
> > Sorry for sort of asking the same question again, but I am trying to
> > load the Debian 2.1 cdrom but it will not load aic7xxx.  I try from
> > the boot prompt and then also from a prompt from within the install,
> > but it says that it can't find aic7xxx, or aic7xxx=.no_.  Can anyone
> > help me on this?  It's for an Adaptec 2930CU.
> From the bootprompt you must first specify the image name to load
> (typically linux) followed by any options.

This is at the bootable CD or floppy prompt.  From the boot how-to, I
tried 'aic7xxx=extended,no_reset'.   So it would be 
'linux aic7xxx=extended,no_reset'?  I'm not sure what image name it
would want when the OS is not installed.

> Generally the rescue floppy kernel (which is what you get with the
> CD-ROM as well AFAIK) already has the aic7xxx stuff built in.  Are you
> sure the 2930 is AIC7xxx based?  I thought it was Buslogic or
> something that Adaptec bought.

Yeah, I think it's AIC-7859 or something like that.



Re: how to load aic7xxx?

2000-12-07 Thread Ken Weingold
On Thu, Dec  7, 2000, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> > This is at the bootable CD or floppy prompt.  From the boot how-to, I
> > tried 'aic7xxx=extended,no_reset'.   So it would be 
> > 'linux aic7xxx=extended,no_reset'?  I'm not sure what image name it
> > would want when the OS is not installed.
> I believe that's the correct syntax.  I thought one of the f-keys will
> show you image names when you're using syslinux from the boot
> floppy/cd-rom ...

It showed me what I tried at first, something like 
'aic7xxx=extended,no_reset'. :-/

Thanks.  I will try it with 'linux' when I get home.



Re: erase my adress on your list!!!!

2000-12-08 Thread Ken Weingold
On Fri, Dec  8, 2000, Marie-Christine Josso wrote:
> Please, PLEASE, erase my adress on your list.
> I already ask twice!!

Is this the same person who said that ssh was evil? :)


ps: Apache is a complete rip-off!

Re: problems with netscape

2000-12-08 Thread Ken Weingold
On Fri, Dec  8, 2000, Lazar Fleysher wrote:
> I have 2 strange problems with netscape communicator 4.73
> 1. It renders some web pages 50 to 100 times slower than Internet exploer
> on win 98 on the same machine! (I have Pentium-75). I am not sure that
> it is configuration problem, I am afraid it is a feature of netscape. I
> use Linux 99.999% of the time and it is annoing to reboot to windows for
> internet browsing...

I am no fan of Microsoft, but I have come to hate Netscape.  Since 3.0
I think it is has gotten worse and worse and these days is a total
piece of shit.  IE has simply become a better browser.  I think it
sucks, too, that Netscape is the only browser you can use under Linux.
I hope I am wrong, but there really is no alternative, is there?



Re: problems with netscape

2000-12-08 Thread Ken Weingold
On Fri, Dec  8, 2000, Lazar Fleysher wrote:
> > Ken writes:
> > > I think it sucks, too, that Netscape is the only browser you can use
> > > under Linux.  I hope I am wrong, but there really is no alternative, is
> > > there?
> > 
> > I've got five installed...
> And?  "Installed" is not constructive info, sorry... does it work? how
> does it perform?

This is what I mean.  By modern web standards, IE and Netscape seem
to be the only ones.  And yes, I do use lynx sometimes.  But you know
what I mean.


Re: goldstar monitor

2000-12-08 Thread Ken Weingold
On Fri, Dec  8, 2000, Dale Kosan wrote:
> Anyone know a good site to find the refresh rates for a Goldstar Studioworks 
> 78i monitor?



2000-12-09 Thread Ken Weingold
Anyone here ever get pppoe working?  I have a base system installed
right now and need to get the packages.  I don't even have a compiler
or anything.  I installed the compact image so it would have support
for my 3Com NIC, which it does.  ifconfig shows eth0.  I have
Mindspring for DSL and they have pppoe for Linux at their site. It
says for Red Hat Linux, but the distribution shouldn't matter I would
think.  I downloaded it, but can't get it to work.  I got it to the
point that I type 'start-pppoe' and just get another prompt, but
nothing has happened.  I know this is not much to go on, but any
pointers would help.




Re: pppoe

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sun, Dec 10, 2000, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> you'll need to hack the config files some, though which ones depends
> on how Mindspring is handling authentication and how the package they
> provide is configure.
> look at pap-secrets, chap-secrets, options (and if it exists
> options,pppoe) under /etc/ppp/.  The -secrets files should contain
> username password stuff, in the format:
>  * ""
> the options file(s) you probably won't have to touch, but you can turn
> on verbose logging there for debuging purposes.

As far as I know I did all this.  The pppoe package from Mindspring
came with a readme, though not terribly helpful.  It is from Network
Telesystems, who makes the Windows and maybe Mac pppoe software.  It
came with six files:


First four go in /usr/local/bin and options.pppoe goes in /etc/ppp.  I
had already put what you said in pap-secrets.  It also says to put the
username in start-pppoe, but when I run it it always says 
"unrecognized option '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'".  Yes, for Mindspring
you have to have the email address in the username.  I commented that
out from start-pppoe and it went away.  As I said, I got it to the
point that I would run it and just get another prompt.  But no
connection would be made. 

> check /var/log/{ppp.log,syslog,messages} to see what pppd has to say.
> Yes pppd, it does the "real work" start-pppoe calls a bunch of stuff
> that does the right magic to encapsulate the ppp stuff then hands off
> to plain old pppd.  

pppd is there.  Does this tell you anything?

kernel: pppoe uses obsolete (PF_INET,SOCK_PACKET)
kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
kernel: PPP: version 2.3.7 (demand dialling)
kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
kernel: registered device ppp0
pppd[216]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
pppd[216]: Using interface ppp0
pppd[216]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyp0
pppd[216]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
pppd[216]: Modem hangup
pppd[216]: Connection terminated.
pppd[216]: Exit.

Thanks again.


Re: pppoe

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sat, Dec  9, 2000, John Hasler wrote:
> Ken Weingold writes:
> > I know this is not much to go on, but any pointers would help.
> Install the pppoe package.  Why did you think that Debian didn't have one?

I didn't think that.  I just thought that it might be easier if it
came from the ISP since it might have information specific for them.



Re: pppoe

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sat, Dec  9, 2000, Denzil Kelly wrote:
> I have mindspring dsl also. I was able to retrieve the
> pppoe package with apt-get, however, I wasn't able to
> configure it or get it to work. I downloaded the
> roaring penguin pppoe package, and I was able to
> successfully install and configure it. It is  avaiable
> here: 
> Here you will find the instructions to install and
> configure(it is a snap to setup)
> The file you want is here:

Thanks, Denzil.  That gives me hope.  Are all I need to get gcc and
make to build it?  I will just download the packages since I have no
compiler right now and install with dpkg.  And anything special you
needed to do for Mindspring or is it all there with penguin?

Thanks again!


Re: pppoe

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sat, Dec  9, 2000, Denzil Kelly wrote:
> This is probably one of the easiest linux task you can
> carryout. The people at roaring penquin have done an
> excellent job. I found out about it at
> you will also find some nice
> speed tweaks there as well.

Great.  I think the hardest thing I ever did in Linux was back when I
first started running it in I think 1996, kernel 1.2.13: ppp.PPP
must have been one of the most ridiculous things ever to set up.  It
has really come a long way in Linux.


Re: pppoe

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
Oh - my - god.  Could the Roaring Penguin software have been any
easier to set up?!?  They have my complete admiration.  I don't know
why those bozos over at Mindspring don't just point to these guys.

Thanks again, Denzil!  Now to set up the system



vanilla vs. compact

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
What are the differences between the vanilla and compact install
besides the obvious listed at the Debian site?  When I installed with
the vanilla method (hard drive floppy-less) the console looked fine.
With compact, I have this low-res penguin image on top that won't go
away unless I go to another console and then back.  And the cursor is
block instead of underlined.  And worst of all the screen is shifted
over to the right.  I know I can adjust that with the buttons, but
nothing else does this.




Re: problems with netscape

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sun, Dec 10, 2000, Randy Edwards wrote:
> > IE has simply become a better browser.
>Sad, but probably true.

Definitely.  I use NT more than anything, and IE is a pleasure next to
Netscape.  I have played with Mozilla, but as many say, it is slower
than Netscape, which is turn is slower than IE.  Too bad.  I want to
start playing with my DV camera through a firewire port, which isn't
supported under NT.  So I could use a POS like Win98 just for that, or
either install Win2k or Linux, which has a kernel patch from
 which I am hopeful to use.  If all
works out with Linux, one thing I will REALLY miss IE.  The search bar
was an awesome idea, though AltaVista has completely screwed theirs up
since they "upgraded" it.  I see that Netscape 6 has a side bar.  I
hope that I can use AltaVista in there.

>I'm hoping that Mozilla saves us.  The latest in unstable is milestone
> 18, but if you grab the daily builds directly from the site
> you can install them easily in your ~ directory.  The problem is that
> Mozilla is still in beta -- it's not as fast as Netscape and it also has
> its bugs.  Still, it's quite useable.

What I said above. :)

>Another browser out there is Opera, which is commercial.  They've just
> released a "free"[sic] version, which feeds ads instead of making you pay
> directly for it.

Nice.  The big two are free, and some smaller one you have to pay for
unless you want ads.  Great marketing, guys.


DOS long filename style - why?

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
Why are the filenames that I access on a mounted DOS partition
shortened like you would see from within DOS?  I thought it was only
something DOS would display since it was incapable of seeing more than




Re: DOS long filename style - why?

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sun, Dec 10, 2000, Adam Langley wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 02:21:12PM -0500, Ken Weingold wrote:
> > Why are the filenames that I access on a mounted DOS partition
> > shortened like you would see from within DOS?  I thought it was only
> > something DOS would display since it was incapable of seeing more than
> > 8.3.
> Mount the filesystem as vfat, not msdos.
> mount -t vfat /dev/hdxx /dos

sdxx :)  Thanks.  I will try that.  I did mount as msdos.


installing new kernel

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
Sorry for all the questions.  Is there any particular reason why I
should installed the kernel package rather than just doing it myself
from the source from  I want to rebuld the kernel so
it should hopefully fix some stupid problems I am having due to the
default kernel put in by the install.  I'm not terribly familiar with
the Debian packages over the plain source.





2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
I want to go into dselect now and install the system since I only have
a very base system.  Wasn't there some sort of categories that would
install a recommended set of packages so I don't have to manually go
through every package in the list?  I thought I remembered categories
like workstation, development system, server, etc.  I've looked
through the documentation but haven't see anything about it.





2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
On Mon, Dec 11, 2000, Estêvão Becker wrote:
>   Hi, I know that I am disturbing you but this is my last question: When I 
> connect with the minicom with my internet server, the program tells that I am 
> connected but I am not, when I try to open a web site on the netscape for 
> example it tells that I am not connected. I am sure it is because my server 
> needs the DNS number, but I didn't find where to put it. Can you help me? How 
> do I specify the DNS of my server in the minicom?

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't minicom just communications
software, i.e. not PPP?



Re: dselect

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sun, Dec 10, 2000, Nate Amsden wrote:
> Ken Weingold wrote:
> > 
> > I want to go into dselect now and install the system since I only have
> > a very base system.  Wasn't there some sort of categories that would
> > install a recommended set of packages so I don't have to manually go
> > through every package in the list?  I thought I remembered categories
> > like workstation, development system, server, etc.  I've looked
> > through the documentation but haven't see anything about it.
> apt-get install tasksel
> i believe thats what yer lookin for.

Kind of, thanks.  But I remember something even more general, like I
could select Workstation, and it would install a whole bunch of
packages that one might want, like editors, X, Internet stuff, etc.


Re: dselect

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sun, Dec 10, 2000, Nate Amsden wrote:
> > Kind of, thanks.  But I remember something even more general, like I
> > could select Workstation, and it would install a whole bunch of
> > packages that one might want, like editors, X, Internet stuff, etc.
> hmm, never heard of anything like that in debian's installation sure
> your not thinking of redhat or mandrake or something ?

Very well might be Red Hat.  It's been years since I have installed
Linux.  Woops.




thanks to all

2000-12-10 Thread Ken Weingold
Well, thanks so much to all who have helped me out.  I have a running
2.2r2 system now.  No X yet, but I don't feel like getting into it at
this hour.  Besides, need to get windowmaker.  apt-get is great how it
will also download dependencies.  dpkg doesn't do that, does it?
Really does save time, just being able to type 'apt-get install less'
and poof, it's there. :)



Re: dselect

2000-12-11 Thread Ken Weingold
On Mon, Dec 11, 2000, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> * "Ken" == Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ken> Kind of, thanks.  But I remember something even more general,
> Ken> like I could select Workstation, and it would install a whole
> Ken> bunch of packages that one might want, like editors, X, Internet
> Ken> stuff, etc.
> This was part of the Debian 2.1 installation. One reason why it was
> replaced was that you can't run it a second time. Therefore it is
> deleted after the installation.

Ok.  That would explain it then.  The first Debian release I ever
installed was 2.1.  Silly I guess that you can't go back.  Would be a
nice feature.  I cound't do it initially because I needed to set up
pppoe to I could have Net access.  Catch 22, huh? :)



Re: vanilla vs. compact

2000-12-11 Thread Ken Weingold
On Mon, Dec 11, 2000, C. Falconer wrote:
> Yes - the compact kernel image uses the frame buffer options for the 
> console and gives you the benefit of a 80x30 line console (with the 
> beer-drinking penguin)

Oh, is that what that was?  Couldn't tell much in 16 color. :)

> Look at the command fbset for some options on how to do stuff, or get the 
> kernel source and compile your own.

That's what I did.  I rebuilt the kernel and all was well.



Re: MP3 players

2000-12-11 Thread Ken Weingold
On Mon, Dec 11, 2000, Frodo Baggins wrote:
> Hi debianers,
>   This evening I saw the perfect self-gift for Christmas :) A mp3
> portable player equiped with a hard disk og 7Gb... Wonderful, isn't
> it? Only problem, they sell it with a interfacing software for M$ and
> Mac. Do anyone know if the "Creative Lab Jukebox" can be interfaced
> with a Debian potato box?

Not sure now much it is, but I have something great made by Genica.
It looks like a discman, but plays audio CDs as well as CDR/CDRW's
with MP3's, so your limit is 650 megs.  Great search features, too.
And here's the kicker: it's $100.  50 second anti-shock - and it



Window Maker

2000-12-11 Thread Ken Weingold
I noticed that the latest is 0.62.1, but the latest stable package is
0.61.1.  Anyone have any problems in the 'unstable' 0.62.1 package? 



Re: problems with netscape

2000-12-11 Thread Ken Weingold
Sorry for the sort of OT, but does Mozilla (or NS6 for that matter)
have the stupidly left out Open button from the later Netscape



Re: MP3 players

2000-12-11 Thread Ken Weingold
On Mon, Dec 11, 2000, Mike wrote:
> Ken Weingold wrote:
> > 
> > Not sure now much it is, but I have something great made by Genica.
> > It looks like a discman, but plays audio CDs as well as CDR/CDRW's
> > with MP3's, so your limit is 650 megs.  Great search features, too.
> > And here's the kicker: it's $100.  50 second anti-shock - and it
> > works.
> Any idea on what the availability of these things are?  As in, do you know
> what, if any, retail-type stores might carry these?  Or are they mail-order
> only?  I looked around on Genica's web site but found nothing on how to
> actually buy one.

Try .  That's where I got mine.



Re: MP3 players

2000-12-11 Thread Ken Weingold
On Mon, Dec 11, 2000, brian moore wrote:
> Radio Shit has one advertised in their current catalog (supposedly 'RCA"
> made, but who -really- makes it is another question -- even the old
> 'minimus11' speakers, the only decent thing R/S has ever made now are
> supposedly made by RCA).  Grab a CueCat while you're there for grins. 
> Availability is another question:  the Radio Shit drone insisted they
> had no such thing and MP3's wouldn't work on CD's because "they come
> on chips!" or something  when I pointed it out to him in the
> catalog, he insisted they not only didn't have one, they wouldn't
> carry it.  Perhaps you won't have such a fool at your local Radio
> Shit.

Drone is right.  what is wrong with these people?  Has Radio Shack no
respect for its company to hire bumbling idiots?  I live in NYC, but
for about 5 years lived up in Salem, MA.  Near where I was working at
the time at NEC in Boxboro, MA, we would sometimes go to this Radio
Shack there for this and that.  We tried not to, though, since this
one guy there was so disturbing.  He would greet you every time you
came in, introducing himself and seeing how he could help you.  We
always wondered what his deal was but could never figure anything out.
finally once nice warm summer say we are walking about in the parking
lot and see this him sitting in his car, door, open, blasting gospel
tunes and singing along.  Aha.  That day it was confirmed to me yet
again that there is no god.  No god with any respect for itself would
have this person as a representative.



X problems

2000-12-11 Thread Ken Weingold
Sorry if this is obvious or in a FAQ somewhere, and if it is, please
feel free to point me to it.  I am asking here because I have a sort
of working X system.  It is running Window Maker.  

First of all, the keyboard is messed up.  When I exit X, I see why I
guess.  It is looking for xkbcomp in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb, which is
a sym link to /etc/X11/xkb.  Either way, xkbcomp is in /usr/X11R6/bin.
Where is it looking for it in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb?  I could make a
sym link, but I would rather fix it right.

Also, Window Maker comes up okay at first, but no background.  After
opening a window, the icons on the right border get all grainy, as
well as the title bars.  Is this too low a resolution?  I forget what
order of resolutions X tries to start itself in.  It looks like it is
in 1200x1024, but I don't know how many colors.  I can't see that many
messages in the console.  As well as the messed up colors, the top and
bottom of the desktop/root window is okay, but the sides look like
letterbox movies' top and bottom.  Nothing gets chopped off, but it's
just pushed in.  Why is this?

TIA for any help.



Re: Window Maker

2000-12-12 Thread Ken Weingold
On Mon, Dec 11, 2000, Marc Wilson wrote:
> And it brings you the "sunken window session autosave sig11" bug that hasn't
> been caught yet.  See bug #78089.
> If you're going to do it, pull sources and build it under Potato.  The Woody
> package has dependencies on XF4 and libc6 that you can't satisfy without
> doing things to your system you probably don't want.

Wow, I uninstalled .62 and installed .61 and the color problem is
solved.  Still grainy, though.  And the sides chopped.  And the
keyboard messed up.  See other message. :)

Thanks, Marc.


Re: Genica (was: Re: MP3 players)

2000-12-12 Thread Ken Weingold
On Tue, Dec 12, 2000, Rogerio Brito wrote:
>   Wow, I'd love to get one of those toys, but I still have some
>   questions which I'd be very grateful if you could answer:
>   1 - How does it deal with directories? Does it have any
>   navigation mode? And how about files that have very long
>   names (I'm thinking of burning CDs with Linux, of course,
>   making the ISOs with mkisofs);

I don't think long file names are a problem.  Remember that most OS's
these days support that. ;-)  Most of the CDs I ever made were under
NT.  Long filenames galore.  The navigation is great.  You can skip
directories, files, anything.

>   2 - Does it play Variable Bit Rate MP3s?
>   3 - What happens if it is told to play a file that is not an
>   MP3 (say, a .txt file that ended being included on my
>   ISO)?

I believe that it ignores anything non-MP3.  Check out
.  It even has the manual
online.  You can see it all.  Read reviews, too.  They love it.  One
fault everyone has is that it feels cheap.  And no read-out of track
names, just numbers.  They say that the next generation should have
more of a display.  But you are getting a 650 meg MP3 player for less
than $100.  Worth it.  One reason I got it was that I could totally
see a big company buying the rights to it and then selling it for at
least three times what the Genica is sold for.



how can I get back to console?

2000-12-12 Thread Ken Weingold
It is really irritating the state the keyboard is right now in X and I
want to get back to the console.  The machine has the X login screen
on boot, and when I close Window Maker or hit CTRL-ALT-+, it goes
right back to the login screen.




Re: how can I get back to console?

2000-12-12 Thread Ken Weingold
On Wed, Dec 13, 2000, Carel Fellinger wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 06:23:37PM -0500, Ken Weingold wrote:
> > It is really irritating the state the keyboard is right now in X and I
> > want to get back to the console.  The machine has the X login screen
> > on boot, and when I close Window Maker or hit CTRL-ALT-+, it goes
> > right back to the login screen.
> To get back to a console try Ctrl-Alt-Fx, where x is the nr of the virtual
> console you need.  Normally X is started on console 7, so Ctrl-Alt-F7 will
> get you back. (Fx is function key x)
> Ctrl-alt-Kb+ will switch resolution in X, shouldn't end the current session
> though.

Woops, sorry, I meant ctrl-alt-.  That is what did what I
said.  But cool, thanks for the info.


X or Window Maker?

2000-12-13 Thread Ken Weingold
The mouse in X is REALLY slow.  The mouse properties in the Window
Maker preferences don't seem to do anything.  Is this a problem of X
in general or Window Maker?  Mouse focus changes do work.




Re: X or Window Maker?

2000-12-13 Thread Ken Weingold
On Wed, Dec 13, 2000, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On 13-Dec-2000 Ken Weingold wrote:
> > The mouse in X is REALLY slow.  The mouse properties in the Window
> > Maker preferences don't seem to do anything.  Is this a problem of X
> > in general or Window Maker?  Mouse focus changes do work.
> > 
> this is a setting you can change in X, do some web searches for the right
> command.

Thanks, I will.  I have looked on and but have found nothing.  I'll look around



Re: X or Window Maker?

2000-12-13 Thread Ken Weingold
On Wed, Dec 13, 2000, Chris Gray wrote:
> >>>>> Ken Weingold writes:
> kw> On Wed, Dec 13, 2000, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> On 13-Dec-2000 Ken Weingold wrote:
> >>>> The mouse in X is REALLY slow.  The mouse properties in the Window
> >>>> Maker preferences don't seem to do anything.  Is this a problem of X
> >>>> in general or Window Maker?  Mouse focus changes do work.
> >>>> 
> >>> 
> >>> this is a setting you can change in X, do some web searches
> >>> for the right command.
> kw> Thanks, I will.  I have looked on and
> kw> but have found nothing.  I'll look around
> kw> AltaVista.
> Try "man xset" first.  (Look particularly at the m option)

I will, thanks.  But if xset is needed to change the speed, how does
this relate to Window Maker's pref setting?  This is what I don't



Re: How to configure mutt

2000-12-13 Thread Ken Weingold
On Thu, Dec 14, 2000, Max Moritz Sievers wrote:
> Hello,
> I read the man-page but didn't find it. When I start KMail I can 
> configure a pop3-account and a smtp-server. How can I do this for mutt?

Go to  The manual is online and has all the information
you need.



uninstalling X

2000-12-13 Thread Ken Weingold
I have totally lost patience with the numerous problems running X,
though I have set it up numerous times in the past.  I installed X
through tasksel, so it installed EVERYTHING.  Can I reverse that?  I
want to totally start again.  Maybe from the source like I always did
in the past.

On a side note, anyone know how Solaris x86 runs compared to Linux?
The deal from Sun that it is free besides the $75 media fee is really



gtk-config and glib-config?

2000-12-14 Thread Ken Weingold
I am trying to install gaim, but configure can't seem to find
gtk-config and glib-config.  What packages do these come with?  I
am wondering if I don't have them.




Re: partitionmagic

2000-12-15 Thread Ken Weingold
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000, Andy Bastien wrote:
> Pending further investigation, we now allege that Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I am curious about how does Partition Magic work under Debian ext2
> > filesystem.
> > 
> It works very well, in my experience.  PM doesn't work _in_ linux, but
> there is a "linux install" option that creates a bootable DOS floppy.
> Sort of cheesy, but I suppose it was the only way for them to support
> linux-only users without spending a large amount of cash on porting
> the entire program.
> parted is a [GPLed|Open Source] program that accomplishes the same sort
> of tasks.
> Of course, you should backup all of your data before repartioning,
> etc., etc.

I have had a lot of experience with Partition Magic and have had
great experiences with it.  I have actually used the DOS version more
than the GUI.  I prefer it, actually.  Really no-bullshit.  But no
experience with ext2.


OT - web browsers

2000-12-15 Thread Ken Weingold
Sorry for the OT, but the only browser I have used in X is Netscape,
up to 4.7x.  I really pisses me off that they seem to have eliminated
the Open button.  Does Mozilla, Netscape 6, Konqueror, or any of the
other liked browsers have it?  Also, anyone know why it was taken away
in the first place?



Re: OT - web browsers

2000-12-15 Thread Ken Weingold
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000, Erik Steffl wrote:
> Ken Weingold wrote:
> > 
> > Sorry for the OT, but the only browser I have used in X is Netscape,
> > up to 4.7x.  I really pisses me off that they seem to have eliminated
> > the Open button.  Does Mozilla, Netscape 6, Konqueror, or any of the
> > other liked browsers have it?  Also, anyone know why it was taken away
> > in the first place?
>   which open button? there is still open file option in file menu. was
> there any other open button?

Yes, there was.  I know there is alt-o, but I think up to 3.x (or
maybe 2.x), there was an Open button.  I never understood why there
was one on the Windows version, but is was very useful in unix.
Double-click to copy the URL, hit the Open button, Clear,
middle-click, Open.  That's it.  Very quick.  It's actually like in NT
that I use at work.  The newest versions of IE have a "Go" button next
to the Address bar.  I thought it stupid at first, but I love it now.
I have NT set up much like X.  My SecureCRT copies when text is
selected, middle button pastes, Caps Lock remapped to Control, etc. :)
So I can basically do the whole URL thing never touching the keyboard.
Then again they also added an Open URL option to the right-click menu
of SecureCRT, so it's even easier.



Re: OT - web browsers

2000-12-16 Thread Ken Weingold
On Fri, Dec 15, 2000, Erik Steffl wrote:
>   - middle click on link opens link in new window (in netscape browser,
> email, newsgroups)
>   - clicking on wheel (leftmost) button on the status bar
> sort-of-toolbar opens new netscape window
>   the second one might be what you want. or am I misunderstanding?

Yeah, I think you are.  I am talking about copying a URL from a
terminal window or even the web browser itself.  Open a new browser
window and you still have text in the Location bar.


Netscape open button

2000-12-16 Thread Ken Weingold
FYI: here it is from 3.02 for the Mac.  The buttons were the same on
all versions.  



Re: The better ftp server for Debian...

2000-12-18 Thread Ken Weingold
On Mon, Dec 18, 2000, Rogelio E. Castillo Haro wrote:
> Could you recommend the best ftp server for my Linux-Debian box?

I like NcFTPd a lot.  Used it for a while now.



Re: The better ftp server for Debian...

2000-12-18 Thread Ken Weingold
On Mon, Dec 18, 2000, Björn Elwhagen wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 11:49:05AM -0500, Ken Weingold wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 18, 2000, Rogelio E. Castillo Haro wrote:
> > > Could you recommend the best ftp server for my Linux-Debian box?
> > 
> > I like NcFTPd a lot.  Used it for a while now.
> I'll second that any day. NcFTPd is fast, reliable and free to use for 3
> (or was it 4) concurrent users.

I think 3, and only in a non-commercial situation.  I have it on our
servers here at work and payed the $50 license for I think 50 users.
I use WAY less than that.  The config for NcFTPd makes it more than
worth it, especially when the company pays. ;-)


Re: crontab

2000-12-20 Thread Ken Weingold
On Wed, Dec 20, 2000, Ari Sigurðsson wrote:
> how do I get crontab -e to use my favorite editor?

>From man crontab:

The -e option is used to edit the current crontab using the editor
specified by the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variables.  After you
exit from the editor, the modified crontab(5) will be installed




2000-12-20 Thread Ken Weingold
I am going to be setting up Linux server at work for something and
want to do backups, weekly I guess.  Any suggestions on software to do
this?  I am not familiar with unix backups.




Re: how to reply to messages

2000-12-21 Thread Ken Weingold
On Thu, Dec 21, 2000, Xucaen wrote:
> Hi all...  just a curious question: whenever I
> reply to a message, I have to manually enter the
> address. (well, I
> cut and paste) I was just wondering why the
> list's "reply to" address isn't set 

I forget where, but there is a page explaining why list reply-to's are
bad.  Definitely a religious issue, as was said.  I personally find
group replies annoying.  Why do I need two of each email?


Re: how to reply to messages

2000-12-21 Thread Ken Weingold
On Thu, Dec 21, 2000, David Wright wrote:
> If you dislike two copies, then I don't understand why you have
> included Mail-Followup-To: Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> in your headers.

That is inserted automatically by mutt I thought specifically to avoid
this.  I just changed 'lists' to 'subscribe', so that may have been
the problem with both myself and the list in the Mail-Followup-To: .
I gues also my standards for this have been raised due to mutt's list
features.  I always use either 'm' for a personal reply or 'l' for
list reply.

> But you can always put something like
> # Eliminate duplicates
> :0 Wh: msgid.lock
> | formail -D 9 msgid.cache
> in your .procmailrc file.

Thanks.  I will definitely put that in.



Re: how to reply to messages

2000-12-21 Thread Ken Weingold
On Thu, Dec 21, 2000, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 12:59:45PM -0500, Ken Weingold wrote:
> > I forget where, but there is a page explaining why list reply-to's are
> > bad.
> The title of the document is "Reply-To Munging Considered Harmful".
>, or I'm sure your favorite
> search engine can find it in several other places as well.

Thanks.  I looked in my favorite search engine, but I couldn't get the
criteria for the search.  munging



what does menuconfig require?

2001-01-16 Thread Ken Weingold
Anything in general that 'make menuconfig' needs?  I just did a new
install, and when I type it at the console, I get an error when it is
in lxdialog.




Re: what does menuconfig require?

2001-01-16 Thread Ken Weingold
On Tue, Jan 16, 2001, David B. Harris wrote:
> To quote Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> # Anything in general that 'make menuconfig' needs?  I just did a new
> # install, and when I type it at the console, I get an error when it is
> # in lxdialog.
> I know I had to install libncurses5-dev to get 'make menuconfig' to
> work. Aside from that, everything was already there, but I don't know
> the exact requirements.

That was exactly it.  Thanks, David.



2001-01-16 Thread Ken Weingold
The site says that bin86 "a complete 8086 assembler and
loader which can make 32-bit code for the 386+ processors (under Linux
it's used only to create the 16-bit bootsector and setup binaries)."
It is not installed in the initial Debian install.  Both times I have
done new installs of 2.2r2 and gone to rebuild a new kernel (from the
source from the build has stopped with an error that it
can't find as86.  I install the bin86 package and run make again and
it goes fine.  Am I missing something else that should be there to
build the kernel or is bin86 really needed?  I am wondering which
since if the second, bin86 should be installed with the base system.




Re: Why choose Debian?

2001-01-18 Thread Ken Weingold
I have to second this.  I started using Linux in I think 1996 with
Slackware and kernel 1.2.13.  People always told me that if you want
to really learn UN*X, get Slackware because it's usually broken and
really forces you to do stuff manually.  I then started using Red Hat
since I heard great things about the rpms.  Bullshit.  Shortly gave up
on that and built everything manually from tarballs.  I saw
"unresolved depenencies" more often than not.  Debian I started
checking out a couple of years ago and have never turned back.
Package management is amazing.  And its sticking to standards and GNU
really appeals to me.  I do sysadmin at work on a Solaris, OpenBSD,
and now also a Linux server.   We got a server from Dell, who offers
Red Hat.  No thanks.  I ordered it with a blank hard drive and got
Debian CDs and set it up myself.  I love it.


On Wed, Jan 17, 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> When I first started with Linux it was with Slackware with kernel 2.0 which I 
> got of a CD accompanying the magazine(PCQuest in India). I was mainly 
> dependent on the CD's which I got of the magazine since it was not possible 
> to download distros of the web through my 28.8 kbps net connection. 
> Then the same magazine  started giving Redhat Linux. So I followed redhat 
> right from 5 till 6.2. I learnt most of the fundamentals about GNU/Linux on 
> that!!! 
> During this period I heard about Debian and I set on a CD hunt. Finaly I got 
> it of a friend in my institute who had downloaded it and burned it on a CD. I 
> actually got only the first CD but that was enough to get me going. I 
> replaced Redhat and installed it and have not regretted it ever since. 
> The package management system dpkg/apt is simply the best I have ever used 
> and maintaining the system once it is installed is the easiest among all the 
> other systems. The one problem I faced at the beginning was that the packages 
> were not up to date. But that went away when I started following unstable (I 
> like to stay on the bleeding edge). 
> One thing I should say about GNU/Linux in general is that it is really user 
> friendly. No I am not talking about user friendliness defined as working on 
> pointy clicky things but in the sense that I get to know what I need to know 
> and nothing is hidden from me and Debian is the distro which embraces this 
> idea to the fullest.
> Those are some of the reasons why I chose debian.
> Vijay Prabakaran.

Re: Why choose Debian?

2001-01-19 Thread Ken Weingold
On Fri, Jan 19, 2001, Jesse wrote:
> I got very frustrated  trying to make everything work, read to many
> reviews saying Linux wasn't ready for mainstream, and scraped it.  

I am really impressed with Debian, but still think that X has a LONG
way.  It actually pisses me off how it is still pretty half-assed and
a scavenger hunt to find some really useful info.  Until *X* can get
as far as Debian has brought Linux, it can never be a viable
alternative to Windows.  IMNSHO.  Unfortunately, what Jamie Zawinski
said a couple of years ago is still true:
.  Sad.


Re: php4 will not handle *.php3 files? (potato)

2001-01-19 Thread Ken Weingold
I think the problem is a simple MIME type problem.  Add 'php3' to the
application/x-httpd-php type.


On Fri, Jan 19, 2001, Jameson C. Burt wrote:
> Shouldn't the Debian package  php4_4.0.3pl1-0potato1.deb  
> handle  *.php3  files?
> Through netscape  http://localhost/test-jameson.php, 
> I can see php4 working, where test-jameson.php is
> This common test properly displays a few pages 
> of PHP configuration information.
> However, testing thru any of netscape/opera/mozilla 
> on the file  http://localhost/test4-jameson.php3,
> I only get a popup window, titled 
>Save As... (type application/x-httpd-php3)
> to download the test4-jameson.php3 file.
> I get this same download-response whether test4-jameson.php3 contains
> the single line
> or the single line (recommended test line in Horde Administrator's FAQ)
> Here are all lines in /etc/apache/* that contain "php", 
> where all entries have been put there by Debian package installations,
> 1. httpd.conf:
>LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
> 2. srm.conf:
>DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.php3
> 3. mime.types:
>application/x-httpd-php phtml pht php
>application/x-httpd-php3-source phps
>application/x-httpd-php3-preprocessed   php3p
> I have installed the following php and apache modules,
>Package   Version
>---   ---
>php4  4.0.3pl1-0potato1
>php4-cgi  4.0.3pl1-0potato1
>php4-gd   4.0.3pl1-0potato1
>php4-imap 4.0.3pl1-0potato1
>php4-ldap 4.0.3pl1-0potato1
>apache-common 1.3.9-13.1
>libapache-mod-ssl 2.4.10-1.3.9-1
> I presume that the php4 Debian package should handle php3 files.
> I deduce this because I am installing imp, 
> whose description (dpkg -s imp) includes
>Depends: php3 | php4 (>= 4.0.3pl1)
> But the imp package is accessed thru the php3 web page,
> So, while the imp package allows using the package php4 rather 
> than the package php3, web access must be able 
> to interpret *.php3 files---but does not.
> What have I done wrong?

term question

2001-01-20 Thread Ken Weingold
Sorry if this is not the most appropriate forum for this, but I have a
question about terminal setting on my Debian system.  Default term
setting was vt100.  Everything was fine, but in top, when I would hit
'u' to limit the user processes, the user prompt would look like this:

$<5>$<3>$<2>$<2>Which User (Blank for All): $<2>

I tried changing the term to linux and that top user prompt looked
like it should.  But, with the linux term, in tcsh, where it was fine
with term vt100, when I hit the up arrow and then ctrl-u to clear the
command line, nothing clears (and hitting backspace does nothing), yet
the shell thinks it did since hitting enter just gives another prompt,
not what was on the command line.

Any ideas what's going on?  I'm not exactly sure with this where to
look.  Thanks.



Re: Driver for DSL Modem

2001-01-21 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sun, Jan 21, 2001, Bob Hilliard wrote:
>  My local telephone company (BellSouth)is offering an attractive
> deal on DSL service.  They will supply a "3COM HOMECONNECT ADSL MODEM
> PCI" (I think it is model 3CP3617), but they only support Windoze
> ("support" means they supply a driver).
>  Is anyone successfully using BellSouth DSL service under Debian?
>  Does anyone know of a Linux driver for this modem?

AFAIK, all Linux would need to support is the NIC.  Does BellSouth use
pppoe?  If so, Roaring Penguin's pppoe for Linux is AWESOME.  Painless



Re: Driver for DSL Modem

2001-01-21 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sun, Jan 21, 2001, David B. Harris wrote:
> To quote Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> # AFAIK, all Linux would need to support is the NIC.  Does BellSouth use
> # pppoe?  If so, Roaring Penguin's pppoe for Linux is AWESOME.  Painless
> # install.
> If indeed it's just a NIC. Sounds like it's an internal(PCI) ADSL modem.
> Not a standalone box.

I don't know then.  I have Mindspring DSL.  It is an external
Efficient Networks DSL modem.  The cable goes from the wall to the DSL
modem to the NIC.  I personally have never seen an internal DSL modem.
I looked at the Bellsouth DSL page ( but it sucks.
Dead links and stuff.



Re: vi - wraplen found

2001-01-21 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sun, Jan 21, 2001, Colin Watson wrote:
> *shrug* Depends what you like. I have to use all sorts of random vi
> clones at work. The ones on the various commercial Unices are pretty
> much original vi, and while I can use them well enough for simple tasks
> like configuration file editing they'd drive me nuts for programming and
> message editing. Multi-level undo, for one, is a must; syntax
> highlighting is pleasant though not essential; I've got into the habit
> of using cursor keys from time to time; and reformatting with 'gq' is
> quite useful. However, I like the vi command set in general.

The 'gq' (I have remapped to the old 'Q') for me is INVALUABLE.  I
admit that I use a limited number of vim capabilities, but most of
what I use I think is vim-specific.  I use it as my mutt editor and
the formatting makes replies and such a pleasure.  I could never do
some of the stuff like that with any email editor.  Split is also
something I often use.  Not in vi at least.  Same for tab completion
and multiple undo.  I can't believe how much I now rely on it.  When I
have to use vi or nvi, I really feel almost stranded.



Re: /etc/alternatives/vi

2001-01-21 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sun, Jan 21, 2001, Benjamin Pharr wrote:
> Can anyone tell me which package owns the /etc/alternatives/vi file?  Thanks!

/etc/alternatives/vi -> /usr/bin/nvi

Looks like nvi.  Is this what you are asking?



mem management between Debian and Red Hat?

2001-01-22 Thread Ken Weingold
I am setting up the WebTrends Enterprise Reporting Server on my Debian 
box here.  It's for work and the only think this machine will be 
running.  They say that the Linux version is for Red Hat.  I don't 
buy that and am running Debian.  There is a problem that they haven't 
seen there before and I lied and said I am running Red Hat since they 
might not give me support if I say I am running Debian.  Now I think
that Linux is Linux is Linux, but the problem is that WebTrends runs
fine, but doesn't release the memory it uses even after you shut down
WebTrends.  Is there by any chance any difference between Debian and
Red Hat that might affect this?


-Ken, closet Debian user/admin :)


logrotate source?

2001-01-22 Thread Ken Weingold
This looks like an interesting tool and I would like to check it out
on our OpenBSD box.  Does anyone know about a source tarball for it?
This may sound stupid, but I am not sure what to do with the tarball
available from the Debian site. :-/  I looked at the Makefile and it
looked okay to me, so I types 'make' but got errors.




memory problem

2001-01-23 Thread Ken Weingold
I have played around and it seems to be more of an issue with the
system itself.  I am running 2.2r2 with kernel 2.2.18.  This is a
failrly newly installed system, and what happens is that applications
don't release memory when they are done.  I thought it was specific to
Webtrends Enterprise Reporting Server, which this server was built
for, but it seems to be anything.  I rebooted the machine and watched
top.  There was about 20 megs of RAM used.  I ran in another shell
'updatedb' since I knew it wasn't a small quick thing.  I watched
memory usage go up to almost 50 megs.  When it finished, the memory
usage stayed the same, give or take a couple of megs.  It is now
sitting steady at 48224K.

Why would this be?  Thanks for any insight.



more on memory problem

2001-01-23 Thread Ken Weingold
If it helps, here is the top readout.  There really is not much

  6:13pm  up 20 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
27 processes: 26 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  0.1% user,  0.1% system,  0.0% nice, 99.6% idle
Mem:  517500K av,  49412K used, 468088K free,  14644K shrd,  22516K buff
Swap: 498004K av,  0K used, 498004K free  6324K cached

  199 root  10   0  1024 1024   688 R   0  0.3  0.1   0:00 top
1 root   0   0   468  468   404 S   0  0.0  0.0   0:05 init
2 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0   0:00 kflushd
3 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0   0:00 kupdate
4 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0   0:00 kpiod
5 root   0   0 00 0 SW  0  0.0  0.0   0:00 kswapd
   71 daemon 0   0   404  404   328 S   0  0.0  0.0   0:00 portmap
  122 root   0   0   636  636   520 S   0  0.0  0.1   0:00 syslogd
  124 root   0   0   596  596   388 S   0  0.0  0.1   0:00 klogd
  133 root   0   0   548  548   476 S   0  0.0  0.1   0:00 inetd
  144 root   0   0   936  936   804 S   0  0.0  0.1   0:00 sshd
  147 daemon 0   0   548  548   468 S   0  0.0  0.1   0:00 atd
  150 root   0   0   620  620   516 S   0  0.0  0.1   0:00 cron
  153 root   0   0   444  444   380 S   0  0.0  0.0   0:00 getty
  154 root   0   0   444  444   380 S   0  0.0  0.0   0:00 getty
  155 root   0   0   444  444   380 S   0  0.0  0.0   0:00 getty
  156 root   0   0   444  444   380 S   0  0.0  0.0   0:00 get  
  157 root   0   0   444  444   380 S   0  0.0  0.0   0:00 getty
  158 root   0   0   444  444   380 S   0  0.0  0.0   0:00 getty
  164 root   0   0  1764 1764  1256 S   0  0.0  0.3   0:00 sshd
  165 ken0   0  1228 1228   880 S   0  0.0  0.2   0:00 tcsh
  166 root   0   0  1140 1140   888 S   0  0.0  0.2   0:00 sh
  168 root   3   0  1244 1244   884 S   0  0.0  0.2   0:00 tcsh
  173 root   0   0  1692 1692  1256 S   0  0.0  0.3   0:00 sshd
  174 ken0   0  1232 1232   884 S   0  0.0  0.2   0:00 tcsh
  176 root   0   0  1140 1140   888 S   0  0.0  0.2   0:00 sh
  178 root  12   0  1332 1332   896 S   0  0.0  0.2   0:00 tcsh

Re: more on memory problem

2001-01-24 Thread Ken Weingold
On Tue, Jan 23, 2001, brian moore wrote:
> >   6:13pm  up 20 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
> > 27 processes: 26 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
> > CPU states:  0.1% user,  0.1% system,  0.0% nice, 99.6% idle
> > Mem:  517500K av,  49412K used, 468088K free,  14644K shrd,  22516K buff
> > Swap: 498004K av,  0K used, 498004K free  6324K cached
> You're using 49M, roughly.  Of that 49M, a bunch is the below
> processes, but you're also using 22.5M for buffers and 6.3M for cache.
> That's just under 30M add in the shared memory (which is tricky,
> because it's also charged to each process using it), and the numbers are
> very much believable.   (Shared memory is [mostly] your dynamically
> loaded libraries -- since dozens or even hundreds of processes will want
> to have libc and other common libraries, the library itself is only
> mapped into memory once which saves a ton of memory and even speeds up
> program loading.)
> See

Thanks so much for the link and the explanation.  This make more sense
to me now.

> You still have far more memory in this machine than it needs.  (ie, it
> is presently wasting 468M by not using it as cache or buffers since your
> disk activity is not high enough to justify it.)

Not exactly.  There is a reason there are 512M of RAM.  The machine is
not doing much yet, but it will be.  Testing out the Webtrends ERS
last week I had it up to almost 500M used RAM.  And it didn't really
go down from there.  That was what started to worry me.  But when it
happens again I will keep in mind what you said about and look more
into it.

Thanks for all the replies.



my maxed out memory - still ok?

2001-01-24 Thread Ken Weingold
Here you go.  Does this still look okay?  This is with Webtrends
running a lot of profiles.

  6:56pm  up 1 day,  1:02,  2 users,  load average: 0.22, 0.30, 0.21
56 processes: 52 sleeping, 4 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  0.1% user,  8.7% system, 74.6% nice, 16.4% idle
Mem:  517500K av, 51K used,   3056K free,  36364K shrd, 312056K buff
Swap: 498004K av,720K used, 497284K free 36096K cached

Re: tripple booting dos/win/linux

2001-01-25 Thread Ken Weingold
On Thu, Jan 25, 2001, Saqib Shaikh wrote:
> hi, how is it possible to tripple boot dos/win/linux?  what i have done so
> far is:
> 1.  installed dos
> 2.  changed the fs type for fat16 to xenix, and windows then installs fine
> since it doesn't find dos.
> 3. installed linux.
> 4. now, i can boot either windows or linux fine.
> 5. if i now change xenix back to fat16 i cannot boot either dos or windows.
> what i require is a way, in lilo.conf for example, for hiding the dos
> partition when windows loads and hiding the windows partition when dos
> loads. how is this possible? could you send a sample lilo.conf?
> dos is on hda1, win on hda2, linux on hda3 and swap is hda5 (extended.
> saqib

I would highly recommend System Commander.  It is a boot manager that
will deal with all this seamlessly.  You can even have it hide
partitions, so you can install Windows with DOS already there.  Right
now I have running on my system: DOS 6.22, Win95 OSR2, Windows 2000,
and Linux.  All running just fine.



Re: tripple booting dos/win/linux

2001-01-25 Thread Ken Weingold
On Thu, Jan 25, 2001, Saqib Shaikh wrote:
> where can i get system commander? is it free? saqib

No, but it's worth it.  Check out .



reluctant farewell

2001-01-27 Thread Ken Weingold
Very reluctantly I am unsubscribing from the list.  I have sincerely
appreciated all the info and help from you guys, but the Debian server
I set up at work is now wiped.  The reason I had to set it up was for
the Webtrends Enterprise Reporting Server, which is technically for Red
Hat.  I was having little litte weird problems here and there and
since Webtrends won't support any system other than Red Hat 6.x or
above, I wiped the drive and installed Red Hat 6.1 since we had a CD
of it at work.  Now I remember why I hate Red Hat and have gained more
respect for Debian that I already had.  Dammit.  I think the only
think I like about Red Hat is that the default vi is vim.

Take care...



Re: reluctant farewell

2001-01-27 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sat, Jan 27, 2001, staf wagemakers wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 02:15:59PM -0800, Mark Koopman wrote:
> > better yet, why use a log file analyzer at all?  they can't truly measure 
> > web
> > surfer behaviour
> > anyways, only web server behaviour.
> customers ask for it :)

EXACTLY.  People love that stuff.  Plus the people are companies who
do the marketing and crap like that need to show the higher-ups that
they are doing something.  Something like Webtrends gives them pretty
graphs and charts and numbers and makes everyone happy.  I personally
think it's nifty seeing the browsers and OS's people are using.  Then
again I often look at the X-Mailer or User-Agent headers to see what
MUA's people are using.  And I have seen Webalizer, but people want
Webtrends.  Real-time on-the-fly reporting and all.  That's it.
Honestly, it IS a really cool thing, though really expensive.  But
they want it and I install it.  You can see an example at
.  And
if you look at the browser stats, the usage of IE is even higher and
Netscape much lower.

Incidentally, yesterday I got a call at work from a sales person at
Webtrends asking how my trial is going with the product.  I am sure
she regretted calling once she hung up.  I really let her have it
about how proprietary it was towards on distribution of Linux.  She
sounded really dejected by the end of the conversation.  I basically
said that because of that I wouldn't use the product if I weren't told
to install it.  And other stuff.



Re: reluctant farewell

2001-01-27 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sat, Jan 27, 2001, Mark Koopman wrote:
> excuse me, did you say WebTrends is 'real-time'
> that it most certainly isn't.  take a site like yahoo for example.  i've heard
> their estimates of nearly 500 million page views a day.  webtrends is not
> even close to real-time in this situation, they'd kill their machines, and 
> don't
> even consider NFS, that'd be dog-slow.

I would hardly call Yahoo an example for web traffic.  You set
Webtrends to update the log files every so amount-of-time.  With
enough memory and disk space I am sure that Yahoo could do it.  But
still, I don't really see this as a valid argument, you know?


Re: reluctant farewell

2001-01-27 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sat, Jan 27, 2001, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> So configuring apache to log to an sql database and writing scripts to
> build graphs on the fly would do the same thing, right?  I'm
> interested in working on something like this; my former employer
> wanted stats updated weekly so I wrote a little perl script to do just
> that with webalizer (we logged all the data to one logfile since I
> didn't want to deal with 1 or two logfiles for each virtual host).
> As it turned out this setup made generation of webstats as simple as
> adding the virtual host to the apache config; the rest happened
> "automagically".

Well, Webtrends is running on its own machine, not on the actual web
server.  Resources.  So it goes every so often through FTP to download
the log files from where it left off last time.  That is the
"real-time".  And people like the calendar to view stats for any day,
week, month, quarter, or year.  You just click on the span you want.
It's done through java.  I hate java, but that's what it is.  All
works rather well, too.  And besides, they want the name.  Webtrends.
You know how that is.  It's almost a non-issue with customers.

> Hmm.  Having experienced WebTrends on the NT platform I can understand
> your frustration.  However, I must point out that scolding a rep from
> a company that isn't too sure about its linux support is not the best
> thing you can do for linux advocacy.  It's far better to "encourage"
> the rep to support other linux platforms, perhaps by pointing out the
> reasons that you choose the other platform.  Sorry for sounding like a
> Dale Carnegie type; I did a lot of yelling at sales reps and customers
> in my day :)  I can honestly say that the reasoned approach would have
> worked better.

Well, I think I was nicer than I sounded in my last message.  I did
explain why I prefered Debian over Red Hat and why I personally did
not like Red Hat.  I really was quite nice about it, but she did I
guess end up sounding more confused than dejected.  I am sure most of
what I said to her was Greek.  


setting up mail server

2002-01-18 Thread Ken Weingold
I am trying to be able to allow mutt to send and receive mail from my 
2.2r2 system here with DSL.  I decided to install exim since it seems to 
be easier to configure than sendmail.  It seems to be working sending to (surprise), but when I tested to a address, it 
bounced with:

550 Dialups/open relays blocked. Contact <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone know how I can make it work with all addresses?



Re: setting up mail server

2002-01-18 Thread Ken Weingold
Thanks for the reply about setting up smarthost.  I reconfigured exim 
for that and It works.But now All mail sent out from the machine 
gets bounced, saying:

Remote host said: 550 relaying to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> prohibited by 

Any ideas?

Sorry if this is out of the scope of this list.


2002-01-18 Thread Ken Weingold
Is anyone here using fetchmail?  I ran it to get my mail from a POP 
server to use with mutt, and I did see them all come in when it was 
running, but I don't see them with mutt.  Anyone know where they could 



Re: fetchmail

2002-01-18 Thread Ken Weingold

On Friday, January 18, 2002, at 11:18 , ben wrote:

On Friday 18 January 2002 08:13 pm, Ken Weingold wrote:

Is anyone here using fetchmail?  I ran it to get my mail from a POP
server to use with mutt, and I did see them all come in when it was
running, but I don't see them with mutt.  Anyone know where they could



you should find something in /var/mail/

That's the thing.  Nothing showed up at all in my spool folder or any 
other.  And procmail works.


Re: fetchmail

2002-01-18 Thread Ken Weingold

On Saturday, January 19, 2002, at 12:12 , Adam Majer wrote:

How did you configure it? I just used linuxconf and it works
perfectly. You might want to set the options of forwarding to
postmaster if unknown recipient instead of rejecting. and specify
the postster. What does it say in the logs? [make it verbose if
nothing shows up]...

I installed it and just ran it from the command line.  I see nothing 
about fetchmail in any logs.  I looked in /var/log/mail.log (empty) and 
/var/log/syslog, and nothing else in /var/log, at least, is dated 
anything close to when I ran fetchmail.


Re: fetchmail

2002-01-19 Thread Ken Weingold

On Saturday, January 19, 2002, at 12:54 , ben wrote:

if you use x, you should try fetchmailconf. run it as a user, not as 
root. it
has a gui interface that is pretty easy to understand, and it also lets 
test the configuration, and returns decent enough feedback. before you 

it, you need to kill any running fetchmail process.

No, no X.  I set this up as a temporary mail server so I could have my 
mail and such until I could get a good reliable shell account, since I 
had my stuff at my job which I just lost.  I ssh into it from another 


Re: fetchmail

2002-01-19 Thread Ken Weingold

On Saturday, January 19, 2002, at 01:23 , Adam Majer wrote:

Did you configure fetchmail? What does it say when you run it? [Pasting
all output might help]

Honestly all I did was install and run it.

This is the output:

fetchmail: timeout after 300 seconds waiting to connect to server
fetchmail: client/server synchronization error while fetching from

188 messages for hazmat/ at (896055 octets).
reading message 1 of 188 (3155 octets) ... not flushed
reading message 2 of 188 (3114 octets) ... not flushed
reading message 3 of 188 (43642 
octets) .. not flushed

reading message 4 of 188 (3049 octets) .. not flushed
reading message 5 of 188 (7802 octets) ... not flushed
reading message 6 of 188 (2120 octets) .. not flushed
reading message 7 of 188 (3062 octets) .. not flushed
reading message 8 of 188 (2431 octets) .. not flushed
reading message 9 of 188 (2982 octets) .. not flushed
reading message 10 of 188 (7531 octets) ... not flushed
reading message 11 of 188 (4432 octets)  not flushed
reading message 12 of 188 (2678 octets) .. not flushed
reading message 13 of 188 (4952 octets)  not flushed

reading message 182 of 188 (5680 octets) . not flushed
reading message 183 of 188 (4154 octets)  not flushed
reading message 184 of 188 (1290 octets) . not flushed
reading message 185 of 188 (2397 octets) .. not flushed
reading message 186 of 188 (1047 octets) . not flushed
reading message 187 of 188 (3701 octets) ... not flushed
reading message 188 of 188 (3205 octets) ... not flushed

And then a prompt.


Re: fetchmail

2002-01-19 Thread Ken Weingold

On Saturday, January 19, 2002, at 01:38 , Bob Thibodeau wrote:

What is in your ~/.fetchmailrc?

I don't have one.  From what I understood, if I specify everything I 
need on the command line, I don't need one.


Re: fetchmail

2002-01-19 Thread Ken Weingold

On Saturday, January 19, 2002, at 05:53 , Bob Thibodeau wrote:

Well, then this may or may not be usefull to you. Here are my
samples (with obvious security holes patched).

Thanks, Bob.  What I really need to know right now is where the mail 
went, since it showed it getting every single one of them.


Re: fetchmail

2002-01-19 Thread Ken Weingold

On Saturday, January 19, 2002, at 06:13 , Dougie Nisbet wrote:

On Saturday 19 January 2002 10:21 am, Ken Weingold wrote:

I don't have one.  From what I understood, if I specify everything I
need on the command line, I don't need one.

Most people probably run it using a control file. How about if you post 

command line you're using here?

fetchmail -a -p POP3 -k -u username server

with of course the username and server replaced with the real ones.  It 
showed it logging in and retrieving all the mail.  What is really 
worrying me is that the first time I ran it, I stupidly left out the -k 
and I am fearing that I lost two days' of mail.  It was a result of 
losing my job and getting my mail off a work server and trying it on 
another, and getting the mail stuck on another server via POP so 
procmail would filter it for mutt.  That server is using sendmail, and I 
know that things are working, since I was getting mail directly there 
and procmail was properly filtering it as well.  fetchmail got over 400 
messages, and when it ended I have no idea what happened to them.  I 
tried the same thing again on this server, with exim, with the same 


Re: fetchmail

2002-01-19 Thread Ken Weingold

On Saturday, January 19, 2002, at 07:08 , Dougie Nisbet wrote:

I could be wrong, but I think fetchmail can have a config file that
over-rides parameters on the command line. Do you have an
/etc/default/fetchmail file? Is there anything in there that conflicts 

your command line?

I have no /etc/default/fetchmail


Re: fetchmail

2002-01-19 Thread Ken Weingold

On Saturday, January 19, 2002, at 12:20 , dman wrote:

fetchmail does not deliver mail.  It hands it off to some other
MTA/MDA for delivery.  If you specify an MDA, then it pipes the
message to it.  If not it tries to connect to port 25 on localhost and
give it to the MTA running on your local machine.  Where it goes after
that depends on how you configured your MTA.

We'll need much more information regarding your system's configuration
(are you using exim? did you configure it?  what about procmail?) and
all the parameters you gave to fetchmail if we are to do more than
wildy guess.

Yes, this machine is running exim.  I configured it.  Mail sent directly 
to this machine get filtered

and delivered properly with procmail.  The command line parameters were:

fetchmail -a -k -p POP3 -u username pop_server


another exim question

2002-01-19 Thread Ken Weingold
Please excuse this if it should be obvious, but I have been playing 
around so much that I can't find this.  Is there one simple setting in 
exim.conf that will allow me to receive mail for all my addresses from 
different domains?  I can only receive for one right now.  All the 
others get bounced back.  None of the settings that I have seen to have 
to do with this seem to do as I need.

Thanks.  And thanks again for all the other help.


Re: another exim question

2002-01-20 Thread Ken Weingold

On Sunday, January 20, 2002, at 12:17 , Alan Chandler wrote:

local_domains =

is mine - you could - if there are lots put them in a file one per line 
and do

local_domains = /path/to/file

Thanks, Alan.  When I change local_domains to that, messages to a domain 
name specified get bounced back saying:

When trying to deliver your message, the mail server at 

permanent problems with the following address:
For <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, the destination server said: Command DATA 
found possible MX loop (from

Re: another exim question

2002-01-20 Thread Ken Weingold
Oh, btw, I don't need fetchmail if I can get all mail to any domain 
(aliased/forwarded to my local address) to get to this machine.


Re: another exim question

2002-01-20 Thread Ken Weingold
On Sun, Jan 20, 2002, Alan Chandler wrote:
> Like it says I think you have DNS problems.  I did a quick lookup on your 
> domain name ( and it told me the mail server for your domain is 
> at  I assume this is a domain name hosting company and 
> they are holding your domain name and forwarding mail to somewhere (your ISP 
> or you?) - but the mail server you are trying to set up also appears to think 
> its the MX mail server for  

Well here's the deal.  Yes, is hosted where you say.  By
default mail for my domain name sits there to be retreived via POP.
Before last week, I had all mail to my domain name forwarded to my
address on an OpenBSD server I ran at my old job, and all worked as it
should.  Same for an account I have on someone's Linux server.  Any
mail to me at any of my addresses at different domain names all
arrived with no problem.  Problem there is that the guy is running
DMail, which seems to completely ignore procmail and .forwards.  But
anyway, this is why I think that it is a local problem. 

> I am not sure if your domain hosting company has the flexibility to do 
> something like
> a) Add some DNS entries for names like which is the IP 
> address your ISP has given you (problem is if its dhcp and changes all the 
> time - then you can't really do this)
> b) Change the DNS MX record for to point to

Probably not.  It is a very customized system for their stuff.

> The alternative is to leave forwarding mail to your ISPs 
> mail address and to pick up from there by fetchmail.  Then use exim just to 
> distribute mail locally.  In this case, behind the privacy of a firewall you 
> can set up your own DNS server to support your internal network with names 
> you like.  

True.  Probably would be easiest, but I think I would rather have my
stuff on a real external server.  I don't like keeping stuff like this
at home, in case of reboots or problems.  I just need to find a
reliable and inexpensive shell server if this guy cannot fix the DMail

Thanks again.
