On Sun, Jan 21, 2001, Bob Hilliard wrote:
>      My local telephone company (BellSouth)is offering an attractive
> deal on DSL service.  They will supply a "3COM HOMECONNECT ADSL MODEM
> PCI" (I think it is model 3CP3617), but they only support Windoze
> ("support" means they supply a driver).
>      Is anyone successfully using BellSouth DSL service under Debian?
>      Does anyone know of a Linux driver for this modem?

AFAIK, all Linux would need to support is the NIC.  Does BellSouth use
pppoe?  If so, Roaring Penguin's pppoe for Linux is AWESOME.  Painless


[EMAIL PROTECTED]            AIM: ScopusFest

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